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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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To all the anarchists here, put 1k hours in pic related and youll see why you need collectivism just to even continue living in 99% of circumstances.
>inb4 what game even is that
Get good noob
>inb4 you get all your ideology from vidya probably like fallout 3
No way Jose


is this fucking rust


anarchists do believe in collectivism tho…


Not in my headcannon they don't


>hurr durr it's either creepy Chinese communism or the Robinsonade, there are rules about that


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If youre not on one extreme or the other then youre just a poser basically. I don't make the rules dude. You already know this.


I'm no anarchist, but what is this? Who are you calling noob, noob? Everyone is a noob under capitalism.


You want me to 'put 1k hours in' a poor representation of a house?
I have no idea what you're trying to tell me but you sound like a whiny fag.
Reported for faggotry.


boomers need not apply, keep it moving


It's a survival video game called rust wherein you have to join a gang unless you want to be constantly murdered by 15 year olds for your resources.


Rust made me yearn for the killing fields.


>>>/siberia/ or >>>/dead/
Please read theory instead of getting a vibe for what words mean and heading straight into a debate gooning session. You somehow mistook anarchism for individualism, the literal opposite of anarchism.



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