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How strong is the far-left in France? Is being a communist socially acceptable there?
553 posts and 90 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Btw, dissident candidates aren't members of parties that didn't join the NFP agreement, that's 'misc. left'. Dissident candidates are formal members of parties that joined the NFP that run in violation of the agreement and stay in the race competing against the official NFP candidate or whatever alliance. Usually those get expelled from their respective party for being disloyal and join some other faction but sometimes they worm their way back, whatever is more politically expedient.


Talking about Denmark specifically, the socdems nuked the far right pre-emptively by restricting immigration ages ago.
Pretty much everyone including their own voters across Europe hates the far right platform except for immigration, which is the only reason they're relevant.


Clearly it didn’t work since the far right parties are still around and has barely receded (especially when compared to Sweden and Finland)


FUCK. jannies deleted the reply to this before i could read it :(


[spoiler]écrit-le en français[/spoiler](Je peux lire un peu de français )


>Not a single local Corsican made it into the second round. All MPs representing Corsica will be metropolitan transplants



this is actually a tragedy


New NLFC guerilla campaign when?


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First image all the second round duels.
Second image all the second round threeway/fourway splits.

ENS - Macron's libs
RN - Le Pen/Bardella extreme right
NFP - Leftist popular front
LR - conservatives


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They're literally getting wiped the longer it goes on. In 2015 they were about the same vote but third with the socdems and liberals, and now they're languishing at around 10% of the vote and the top three are now socdems, demsocs and liberals. In Sweden the SDs are in government and have been since 2022.
No pretty graph for pre-2015 election unfortunately. It's Danish political polling from pre-2015 election to now for anyone not following along.


O is replaced by another right wing party called Æ. Both of them add up to about 15%.


Forgot about D else well.


Yeah but now the demsocs and socdems have around 38%, in less than a decade they've almost doubled the left-ish vote and sent the right into endless splits and decline. Because only complete weirdos actually like the right wing platform outside of immigration.
D is under the funni line and will be gone soon


Lutte Ouvriere (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lutte_Ouvri%C3%A8re), Trot party of pencil pusher with a cool program but people think they're an actual sect.


Can we please keep all that "scandi" shit out of this thread about France? Comparisons to that are as relevant as with Paraguay and Uzbekistan.


Why are the neoliberals allying with the socialists instead of the far-right? It doesn't make sense.


Neoliberal policies in France were started by Mitterand during the second half of it's first mandate. They are more linked with the left than in other countries like Britain.


Wacky post-Soviet planet turned everyone into an ideological mess
>what are the four freedoms


They are only allying with selected socdem candidates while explicitly excluding far-left candidates of the popular front.

However, you have to understand that RN was literally founded by Vichy-collaborators, so there is a direct continuity from this political force to when the last time the far right was in power, the Nazis. So at least some liberals in France have hesitations.


neolibs actually rip eah other's throats over it tho.


Also Mélenchon immediately announced they'd do it for candidates for Macron's party so there's only so much they could do to avoid returning the favor. Especially since their rhetoric has been "the PS and Greens are honorable Republican parties that have disgraced themselves allying with the baby-eating Venezuela antisemites of LFI".


That's not entirely correct. Mitterand and the dominant factions of the "socialist" party undoubtedly scrapped the "common program" after just a couple of years in his presidency in the early 80s and moved toward neoliberalism, but neoliberal tendencies have always been present in the "republican" rightwing parties - Gaullists and Giscardians, especially Giscardians I would say - to the extent France was one of the first countries to pass a law about "central bank independence" already in the 1970s. There were two years at the end of FM's first term when he had to accept a centre-right government with Chirac as prime minister. They undid all the nationalisations of the first couple of years of PS-PCF government and even pushed to privatise more stuff, such as public water, among the first westoid countries to do that.
Long story short is that all mainstream political parties in the last decades have been responsible of that shit, and that includes the "centrist" IVPITERIANS which are really just people leaving the sinking ships of both the PS and LR plus a bunch of last-minute opportunists jumping into politics from the professional-managerial class. The only ones having never been in government are those on the far right, but obviously they will follow the same script Salvini, Meloni and other such subhumans had to when they were given the keys to the government.


Nah I seen some Ensemble candidates stepping down to give LFI candidates the best chance.


The youth here jncludes like a gorillion algerians and bantus how could the far right take over them


Because gibs neoliberalism is still neoliberalism


Do they have voting rights tho?


Most nafris are second gen so i guess. Not sure about black africans though


If they are born in France they do but they're not using it much. Though the RN actually being close to seizing power might have changed that a bit.


muh Bantus
shut the fuck up ignorant rightoid subhuman


>Niger-congo speakers are a fascist troupe!


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I like this logo it makes me think I'm going to a disco hall or something when I vote for them


i wish the LFI was actually anti___ as the media claims then maybe muz would come out in droves to vote for them


most blacks in France are from west Africa and the Caribbean including from its own goddamn colonies. Do you even know where Bantus live?


muh Blacks
shut the fuck up ignorant rightoid subhuman


Seems people PCF are blaming LFI's hyper focus on urban areas and Melenchon's presence for the losses that the NFP incurred. Personally, I think the later is pure cope since the media keeps trying to involve him anyway and he is notably stepping away from debates.


>Seems people PCF are blaming LFI's hyper focus on urban areas
Holy shit it happened
>>the Left forsakes the rural areas since they are dominating in the cities
>Will we get maximum keks and see the PCF whine about this?


PCF should just join the rural party with that one ugly fatass


I mean they are not wrong, but bitching and whining LFI doesn't help them win votes, let alone uphold the NPF.

Idk why the LFI has to bend over for the PCF's rural agenda. Just do it without crying about Melenchon and LFI during the campaign.


>coté chaotique décivilizé
pardon ? de quoi tu parles ?

>Ca m'embête pour Roussel

moi non, quand t'es du parti communiste et que t'es sur plein de points à droite de LFI qui sont juste des socdems, tu mérites de disparaitre

>Il faut que la gauche française se débarasse
lol, oui bien sur, réduisons encore plus le nombre de groupes sociaux à qui la gauche parle

>problème d'image

on l'aura toujours, c'est ca quand tu fais chier les bourgeois

>Il nous faut plus de bureaucrate technocrate en costume

lol, ridicule, tu gagnes pas voix avec ca, à moins que le monde bourgeois qui possède les médias à confiance dans le fait que tu vas trahir

>La gauche antiwoke
j'ai aucun problème avec cet aspect (ils proposent pas de les pourrir non plus faut pas déconner), par contre si c'est pas pour etre bien radical sur d'autres points (anti impérialisme, anti europe) jvois pas l'intéret

>he made abortion a constitutional right
which is purely performative communication, it doesnt change shit, its always about the actual access and limitations which arent in the constitution

>what leftists parties did not join the NFP?
Lutte Ouvrière. I voted for them because NFP put a PS fucker in my constituency, and the RN/LREM had 0 chances of winning (NFP got like more than 40%).


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I've had a think about how all this squares away with pics related and I assume that LFI are getting their votes from young workers and middle aged managers/professionals, most commonly in urban areas? This also checks out with the complaints of LFI being too urban-centric.
Social background is a trick of the data representation though, as a party they do better with working class but RN in general do well across the board so LFI has the amusing distinction of doing best among the upper class, this can also be seen in pic2 where LFI does best among itself with the poor, but how it's displayed doesn't make it immediately apparent as it is which party does best where, not which party has its best performance where. This is probably because it's not normally meant for three way elections and works better with just two parties.
I suspect RN is getting ahead in so many different fields because of their domination in the working class retiree section and LFI underperforming with the over-35s in general. I didn't bother talking about Macron's faction as I would just end up writing a wall of text laughing at his constituency of retarded old people.


LFI obviously being the NFP, I got used to writing LFI at the start




Why is everyone in the RN gay what the fuck is going on


>call for snap election
>place third
B R A V O, J V P I T E R!
>Jean-Luc Melenchon, who leads the left-wing New Popular Front, said he would withdraw candidates who placed third in the first round of parliamentary elections to ensure two-horse races to defeat the highest number of far-right RN candidates in the coming vote.
Watch centrists not reciprocate. I am almost tempted to make a stupid prediction, because centrists are, and always have been, scum.


>the French Revolution was a mistake

Are you actually mentally challenged?


Well Macron's party is haphazardly, It can't even stick to a coherent line. So sometimes you have Renaissances candidate dropping out and sometimes don't.
So far 60 centrists withdrawed when the NFP got second. Worth noticing that twice as much NFP candidates withdrawed when the opposite happened.


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rightoid politics are fuelled by projection



france anons, what are the chances the affluent liberals will give into the popular front as a sort of strategical vote to deprive the RN?


Clearly not enough to win a majority for NFP

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