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What is the marxist explanation, that western countries are mass importing immigrants, but not countries like China and Russia? Shouldn't a socialist state like China actually import the world proletariat into their country?
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I wonder why they are unemployed… It must be their own choice.



>they move on their own accord and sometimes at great cost
Keep lying, everybody knows about the slave workers that get duped into moving to Western Europe or NA and then get sold into slavery or sexual slavery under threat of violence.

Then theres the wageslaves that work seasonally. Schengen Raum, NAFTA, they all work without paying taxes because porky tells retards like you to defend le borders so they literally cannot into the tax registry, as they are the hecking foreigner migrants!!!


This place is mostly Americans (of course) who clearly know nothing about conditions across the world other than a weird retarded crypto-Orientalism that revolves around whining about how especially evil and depraved Westerners are.


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Because they spend their entire life doing picrel instead of sitting their asses to watch khan academy videos



Actually it's way more perverted. They travel on their own volition in hope they'll escape misery, pay lots of money (borrowed from their extended family) to smugglers to have a relatively safe travel, actually get stuffed like animals in trucks or left on their own on unsafe boats in the middle of the sea then thoses who survive get enslaved by the local human predators under constant threat of racists cops.


They aren't really unemployed. They just do work like uber eats and selling drugs which they can get away with not registering to the government. That way they get to keep their state benefits and have an income on top that.


They get gibs and work in shitty jobs for american apps (Uber, etc) or plug drugs, they are a net burden for the public finances, they drain money from the state and taxes paid by the working class and circulate it into the private sector for multinational companies on low taxation as they spend their welfare.

Migration is essentialy a de-estatization weapon that is only -seemingly- making the state bigger, wheb in fact is only widening the american private investor influence
Migrants are particullary not trustworthy of national industries and consume clothing and brands commonly associated with american conglomerates (adidas, gucci, mc donalds, whatever)


Holy shit they are smoking weed in their free time instead of working in sulphur mines 24/7, the vvest has fvllen



Of course is not on them, the blame is always on the ruling class making the decisions.
Anyway i doubt is even possible to get rid of american interventionism as it is.
It would require to cull off private media outlets (financed by america). Possibly manage american social media from inside or block it like russia did and put insane taxes/expropiations on foreign companies so they fuck off.
However this would be impossible (bot commies nor сhuds would ever be able to) because as long as they own the media they will mobilize the other sector of the population to go full retard "omgggg the nazis/communists are trying to turn the country in a dictatorship by cockblocking these foreign megacorporations" with some delirious propaganda campaign


You're a fucking nazi piece of shit and I unironically hope blacks and arabs become the nominal majority in the peninsula called euroachistan


Yes and no, both the migrants and the workers (whom in europe case are increasingly worsening their livelihood same as in america) are in a state of general dissatisfaction, yet, their disatisfaction tends to be opposed, migrants identify their opressors in a wide sense with the european nations and moreso with 18-20th century colonialism rather than modern economic activities coming from america, and as result take it out against the european proles and adopt this whole "ghetto" lifestyle, conversely europeans identify their issue with the migrants, whom they see as settlers that are also hostile and live on gibs, there is also a generalized anti-establishment feeling in both but they see the establishment in different places
In germany for example the AFD and the leftist party of more "conservative" affiliation are the most popular parties among the working class locals, similar with france where the lower class french tend to vote RN and other сhud parties

And bith of them are constantly fearmongered about fascism/communism to prevent the seemingly libera" american agents to be removed, as even suggesting it would stain their party and political credibility


What is the marxist explanation for racialized sexual fantasies already?


adopting vulgar anti-immigrant sentiment is a result of being too invested in the nation-state form. the idea that the only choices are repeating liberal rhetoric about open borders and free societies or reactionary populism comes from the double desperation the left of being over-invested in populist quasi-electoralism (e.g. "fuck all the existing parties but we need to find the right way to be popular in the same way they are") and/or mixing up the commitments of basic anti-imperialism with fidelity to the nation-state as the historical form subject to imperialism (e.g. "we wouldnt expect china to bring in so many immigrants so why should we!")

both are deviations from marxism. you dont need to "choose" between being "pro" and "anti" immigrant, you need to recognize that the proletariat has no country and you only intervene by actively organizing to give the proletariat leverage in the way you can. i'd be more sympathetic to these nominally socialist critiques of immigration if they were ever accompanied by strong and tangible demands to stop the imperialism and neocolonialism that is the major push factor for migration, and if they included strong demands and active efforts to organize and defend migrant proletariat currently in the country. as it is its almost without exception tailing the momentum of reactionary anti-immigrant populism, which is pathetic and weak, its a politics based on resentment and competition. communists are globally weak and its a sign of insecurity to attach yourself to this reactionary populism. and totally inconsistent. on one hand youre talking about how the poor domestic workers understandably oppose immigration because it hurts their jobs prospects and liberal propaganda shoved down their throats patronizes them, and on the other hand youre talking about how these migrant workers are opportunists who want to get by on benefits and the black market. it just gets reduced to the good but naive domestic workers vs the tricky opportunist foreign lumpens.


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I think both issues are visual, there is clearly a proletarization of the european proles that were upheld by a slight period above the average income ito prevent cold war guerrillas inside it, this proletarization and discomfort comes together with a lot of inmigration (mostly as byproduct of neocolonial and imperialist activities, spearheaded by the current master of europe, America.) with migrants and a dialectic that instead of pointing out said imperialist activities in real time shitting their countries, tries to reframe their presence there as a punishment for, not the neocolonial bitching, but 18th century colonialism endorsed by monarchs and dictators, and not against the bourgeois, but against the nation as a whole, down to the ethnic and racial aspects of it

The popular idpol dialectic is deeply allienating for the european proles, moving them towards the right, and creates hostility and grievance among the migratory ones. That no longer show interest in class struggle but rather on reactionary notions of cultural/ethnic/racial revanchism, hardly if ever pointing and singling out the notion of a bourgeois class if not plainly aspiring to ascend into one as a payback for ethnic grievances.
There is indubitably a sector of the migrant population that does live by a generalized macho thug wannabe culture, rooting and grouping with their own actively, which does not mean that all of them do and that there is not a large proletarized sector of their population which ultimately is in that position because of neo-colonialism and imperialism

But as you mention, these issues steem from a major issue: nativism, ethnic nationalism and so forth.
Which are reactionary notions inherently opposed to marxism as they are transversal to class and do not hold meaning when it comes to the analysis of what relation this people holds with the means of production.
But rather archaic notions of land and identity inheritance through filial relations much more alligned with capitalist thought
The wheel is, nontheless, spoiled as it is, and there should be already someone pointing out this dialectial shift transfering blame from the bourgs towards entire races is insanity
Like, who is the "white bodied people" this retard lecturing kids is? The irish that were starved to death and treated as lower than animals by the english bourgeois for centuries, the very english whose great body were working class peasantry and factory workers doing 15 hours shifts in coal mines and factories sending their 7 years old kids to work as well to meet monthly ends?
Or "Sir Oliver Cromwell" maybe?

Shattering class consciousness by creating genuine ethnic tensions is a old and effective trick that even marx noted, precisely as it is in the case of england for example, how the english and irish proles were put against each other by presenting ones as opressors, the others as victims, and both as unworthy animals
They took pride in antagonizing each other identifying themselves with the classblind tnotion of nation, nativity and ethnicity.
These grievances wore off but the irish and the english are near identical, once the cultural background is forgotten there is no evidence of it whatsoever, how long would it take for similar grievances to wear off if people looks visually distinct and are aware of it?


i don't support UBI, I support PPW


>How can we leftoids acknowledge the war of the cosmopolitan international financier possibly semitic elite to flood the nation and assault the volk with a heterogenous horde of foreign races!?
God do I get sick of this white “leftist” shithole


Remember leftypol is about 70% pasty surburban honkies that used to post on 8chan’s /pol/ if they’re an oldfag and regular /pol/ if they’re a newfag


>>>How can we leftoids acknowledge the war of the cosmopolitan international financier possibly semitic elite to flood the nation and assault the volk with a heterogenous horde of foreign races!?
By noticing that most of them are titled aristocrats or of that blood, there are a few jewish aristocratic families on europe, but nothing interesting unless you want to write a few aristocrat jokes

Why are you all so fucking stupid?


You fucking morons, you utter imbeciles.

Financial capitalism is imperialism.

Imperialism is financial capitalism.

Fuck america, fuck the aristocrats, and fuck every single one of you for being a bunch of stupid anarchists.

Death to America


The problem starts with the retarded proposition that immigrants are being “imported” when in fact that imperial core has some of the strictest border policies in the entire world and has engaged in a campaign of violent aggression particularly against global South migrants for my entire life

The leftists helping the modern neo-Fascist movement spread this absurd and reactionary propaganda and essentially siding with the sort of state violence that makes migrants easily exploitable in the first place honestly ought to have their knees blown out by shotgun blast


>The problem starts with the retarded proposition that immigrants are being “imported” when in fact that imperial core has some of the strictest border policies in the entire world
It's almost like winning the lottery for the person getting in.

Play shitty games get shitty prizes, what fucking idiot would want to live in shitholes like America or Europe?

You think I'm joking, the USA have a literal immigration lottery.

Sick game. We kill all the sociologists after we kill all the lawyers who aren't members of the party.


> the population does not save because they have no hopes of ever achieving autonomy, thus will never attain control of the means of production.
when you ask a protestant to improv as a socialist


Imperialism does not have to be financial capitalism thoughever
Industrial capitalism is equally as capable of creating horrors and wars. I worry in that amidst all this focus on financialization that people have forgotten the biggest wars of the previous century were set in motion by industrialist concerns.


The imperial core has the most exploitative policies, but not the "strictest." Communist China has stricter border policies, such as how people are not allowed in period without visas.

A visaless, unaccompanied minor at Communist China's border will be turned to a relevant international or national organization; however, they will be inducted by capital in america. Various case studies have shown that the american immigration system has put visaless, unaccompanied minors into heavy industry on the very same day they're in custody.
Neoliberal border policies are exactly what enables the exploitation, makes it legal and all.


Mate, the reason China does that is because they decide to let capital reign in their country anyway, however, the CPC isn’t open to labor exploitation of desperate migrants in the same way, if capital did not reign in that country the CPC would not uphold the international labor arbitrage
>Inb4 socialism = scarcity so a socialist society obviously cannot care for a single migrant outside of the auspices of waged labor :)


I can't imagine why the most populous country on earth might have more restrictive policies than the US.
It must be because Communism is closed borders plus the deportation of all undocumented people.


All undocumented must be deported because a slave-class of migrants is created if not. That's what Communist nations do


>they do it because high population
Vietnam does it as well. Cuba as well. The strongest borders are always Communist 💪


Is this a joke post? Both countries are open for migrants.


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>>civilize people


This thread is literally euroaches arguing how kicking brown and black refugees to bombed to stone age countries or nations literally starving to death due to sanctions and interest exploitation is communist

You're all fucking nazi scum


You misunderstanding what I mean by "strong border." The border is open to migrants, but not undocumented. I outline the way imperialist nations treat unaccompanied, visaless minors in comparison to Communist nations to explain what I mean.


Why do Communist nations not induct migrant-slave labor?


your third worldism reeks


The jannies make these threads to push-post and steer. You can only engage with them so much, when it amuses you. They do not really believe in the projects they advance because they know the immigrant issue are a way to bring people to their true causes. If anyone really wanted to stop the immigrants, the border would be closed, existing alien residents would be either repatriated. They don't want that though. They just want to screech like retards for ideology.


The average Eurocommunist unironically thinks socialism is when you force out all the black and brown skins, they will unironically use racist historical quotes from socialists to justify it
You have to understand, socialism is not a real possibility in the minds and imaginations of Europeans, usually they actually just mean national socialism, hence why Europe honestly needs to be fenced in, every single euroid country must be occupied, every euroid home must have soldiers placed in every room, machine guns must face the entrance so no one can leave, no food goes in or out, no human goes out, and Europeans finally have their “racially pure” utopia, if they ever dare want out, every last centimeter of that peninsula gets hit, merry Christmas, pasties


What about America? How does it differ from Europe?


In America we voted Trump out over him caging Mexican children in concentration camps, in the Euroid peninsula politicians who promise to use live bullets against refugees and applaud Israel using white phosphorous at children become prime ministers.

That's the difference between an empathetic and anti-social society


American socialists don’t think socialism is synonymous with ethnic cleansing and racial genocide? American socialists don’t happily quote Marx saying “Jewish nigger” to justify racism? American socialists don’t promote nationalism and social conservatism?
Americans don’t become possessed by Hitler particles because we saw a fucking Arab working at the bakery?



>In America we voted Trump out over him caging Mexican children in concentration camps,

You are about to reelect him from the looks of most polls.

>in the Euroid peninsula politicians who promise to use live bullets against refugees and applaud Israel using white phosphorous at children become prime ministers.

I do not believe you that they said they will shoot refugees. But American establishment pro Israel much more so. It’s America that primarily funds Israel, not Europe. And those refugees are the result of American led wars. Donald trump even in recent debate uses Palestinian as an insult against Biden.

>That's the difference between an empathetic and anti-social society

Do you really believe this? Does that include American whites? Are they really any different from British white for example?


KEK! At this point I don't even know if it's some low-paid fed doing this shit - and the shitty pay is reflected in the shitty quality of their job - or it's just edgy trolling or the wrong drugs or it's even some early and not-too-sophisticated version of some AI bot. Bait used to be believable, /leftypol/. It's never been so bad in eight years I've been here. Fuckin' hell, it's so sad to think this place used be so lively and fun…


>American socialists don’t promote nationalism and social conservatism?
CPUSA anon does, but he doesn't speak for us all.


>American socialists don’t promote nationalism and social conservatism?
CPUSA anon does, but he doesn't speak for us all.


Yes we all know America has the most evil government in the world, the thing is, saying “US politicians support Israel” doesn’t mean, “the American people support Israel”, only the oldest generations do, young Americans despise Israel, and they also do not support the wars, not the same as ethnic violence being popular in Europe right now


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>American socialists don’t happily quote Marx saying “Jewish nigger” to justify racism?
That's a leftypol thing. I don't have insider info on the nationalities of the 4chan vets most in favor of jewish nigger.

America is the true Roman and Byzantine succesor by by being a true multiracial globohomo empire. Racist crackers haven't been cool in a century or so. Globohomo is what made America the empire it is today.


<China's position on the issue of illegal immigration is consistent and clear. The Chinese government firmly opposes all forms of illegal immigration. In recent years, Chinese law enforcement departments have cracked down hard on crimes that harm the tranquility of national border, and maintained a high pressure against all kinds of smuggling organizations and offenders. Our work has produced good results. At the same time, Chinese law enforcement agencies have regular cooperation with relevant countries to jointly tackle cross-border smuggling activities, repatriate illegal immigrants and maintain the order of international flow of people.

How is it that Communist China can raise real wages for everyone, especially migrant workers? Why do wages decline in the whole west?


>How is it that Communist China can raise real wages for everyone, especially migrant workers? Why do wages decline in the whole west?
Starting from a low base retard. Things have a tendency to reach equilibrium. Western workers are insanely overpaid on the global average.


In poor countries, gas is subsidized, not taxed. Think about it dummy.


>American socialists don’t happily quote Marx saying “Jewish nigger” to justify racism?

People only quote that because it's funny lol


The White MLs that quote it find it funny largely because of the contempt they frequently hold for the marginalized communities in their own countries
>Inb4 I have to say not all white MLs

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