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"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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A thread for Brits to discuss green energy, the psychology of homosexuality, JK Rowling, and prisoners having sex with wardens

Also there's an election going on but everyone got bored of it a week ago because they go on for too long, maybe someone will do a cytube for it if anyone even remembers it's happening
52 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


The poster and the link don't mention Farage, they're about challenging Corbyn.


look at the dates


Hey, not the first time, nor the last time.
>Chekd and kekd


based de lads


did i make it up or was there a period where a glitch made every post ITT (or every second post?) say this. probably around the time of the split.


It was a socdem post that constantly appeared at the bottom of the thread for some reason


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If he can be happy living the life of a human parasite that stinks of piss and shit maybe there's hope for me yet


kek of course it was socdem


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Nigel Farage DESTROYS Westminster in Minecraft


Physiognomy has spoken


>nothing wrong with vegan diet bro!
Meat eaters won.


>The main understanding afaiu is that prison-sex allows complete control and compartmentalization over the sexual-encounters.
<Why not just do dating app one-night stands
Because Dating apps through One night stands don't meet that description at all anon….


You can fuck someone off a dating app in a hotel or on the back seat of your car, block their number afterwards and give them a fake name. That way it's completely compartmentalised. Gay men in heterosexual marriages do this all of the time.


Yeah but that wouldn't be a fucking prison guard at the time, YOU FOOL


The anon I was originally responding to was claiming that prison sex is more about compartmentalisation rather than about having prison-themed sex.



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The NPR profile on Keir Starmer this morning was pretty funny. Just laying Keir out. Fake radical turned sell out prosecutor who back stabbed his mentor so he could sell out the party just so he can be PM all because he has a chip on his shoulder about the posh kids teasing him in school.


>This Thursday, on America's Independence Day, Britain will elect a prime minister. The leading candidate is a human rights lawyer, a knight and possibly the inspiration for a brooding heartthrob in the Bridget Jones movies. NPR's Lauren Frayer has this profile, the man who is expected to win in a landslide.

>LAUREN FRAYER, BYLINE: As a youngster, Keir Starmer got teased for his uncommon first name.

>UNIDENTIFIED NARRATOR: The father of the Labour Party, Keir Hardie.

>UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR: (As Keir) The equal rights of all men and women…

>FRAYER: Which was also the name of the 19th-century founder of the political party Starmer would grow up to run. Another early hurdle for Starmer was class. He grew up in an affluent, conservative suburb of London. But his family was blue-collar, says his biographer, Tom Baldwin.

>TOM BALDWIN: His dad was a toolmaker who, probably, people didn't understand as being skilled and clever because they just saw him as working in a factory. And he always resented that. He felt them being snobbish towards him.

>FRAYER: Baldwin says Starmer's dad withdrew and was sometimes surly. His mom, a nurse in the National Health Service - or NHS - was also chronically ill herself, in and out of the hospital, something Starmer often now says in speeches instilled in him the importance of free public health care.

>KEIR STARMER: The NHS that had been her livelihood became her lifeline.

>FRAYER: Like his namesake, Starmer joined the young socialists. He became a human rights lawyer, fighting cases against big oil and against McDonald's. He was even rumored to have inspired the character of a fictional lawyer in the popular Bridget Jones books and movies…


>RENEE ZELLWEGER: (As Bridget) Maybe this was the mysterious Mr. Right I'd been waiting my whole life to meet.

>FRAYER: …Played by a taciturn Colin Firth. Starmer later switched sides, though, and became a prosecutor, something his biographer says annoyed some of Starmer's left-wing human rights colleagues. And when riots broke out in London in 2011…


>UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: The first flames in a night of many fires.

>UNIDENTIFIED PERSON: Some people went to jail for first offenses, for stealing, like, you know, some doughnuts. He didn't sentence them, but he was very keen that they got processed through the courts quickly.

>FRAYER: In 2014, Starmer got a knighthood for his criminal justice work, becoming Sir Keir. And a year later, he won a seat in Parliament.

>CAROLYN HARRIS: I was expecting someone slightly standoffish or very formal.

>FRAYER: Carolyn Harris, a Labour MP from Wales, recalls meeting him that first day.

>HARRIS: I actually poked him in the back and said, you are that Keir Starmer. And he said, yes, I am. And I said, I'm going to make you the leader of the Labour Party.

>FRAYER: And what was his response? Was he like, yes, please? Or - (laughter).

>HARRIS: He smiled and laughed. And he said, well, we need to have a cup of tea and talk about that then.

>FRAYER: (Laughter).

>Harris says she spotted in Starmer a pragmatist willing to do what it takes to get elected. He kicked his left-wing mentor out of the party and moved Labour to the center. When climate activists heckled Starmer this spring, here's how he responded.


>STARMER: We gave up on being a party of protests five years ago. We want to be a party of power.

>FRAYER: Starmer's lead in the polls, though, may be less about him, says Guardian columnist Polly Toynbee, and more about voters' rejection of incumbent Conservatives - who've been in power for 14 years, through Brexit and Boris Johnson and a whole lot of tumult.

>POLLY TOYNBEE: People are very, very angry about almost everything. I don't think I've been through an election that has quite that revenge feeling to it.

FRAYER: And so despite the fact that only four Labour leaders have ever won an election in more than a century, this election is Labour's to lose.

>GABRIEL POGRUND: Labour, it needs to act as though it's holding this priceless piece of ceramic, an immaculate Ming vase, across a thin sheet of ice.

>FRAYER: Gabriel Pogrund, a political journalist with the Sunday Times, says Starmer basically has to avoid giving anyone a reason not to vote for him.

>POGRUND: He has adopted a cautious, risk-averse approach. He's decided to sandpaper down all of his fiscal commitments. He's said he will preserve the government's position on Ukraine and other foreign policy positions. The biggest change won't be in terms of the political economy of the country, the ideology of government, it will be in reestablishing competence.

>FRAYER: Now, the first Keir, the one who founded the Labour Party back in 1900, he never actually won an election himself. But this Keir looks likely to do that with a pragmatic, centrist approach, and even his supporters say, maybe by just keeping his mouth shut.


>and prisoner(s) having sex with warden(s)
<1 warden, 2 prisoners
Wheres the rest? Is there more?


I didn't know he used to be on the side of justice, I wonder what made him flip? Did he just decide he didn't give a fuck anymore about doing good or did someone make him an offer he couldn't refuse?


I'm an anglophile, I think britons are the best of the best of humanity and did more for the world than any other race or culture

I am brown and latino tho


It's ok we love you too taco bro <3


>Now, the first Keir, the one who founded the Labour Party back in 1900, he never actually won an election himself. But this Keir looks likely to do that with a pragmatic, centrist approach, and even his supporters say, maybe by just keeping his mouth shut.
Nope, he's just winning because the adversaries have committed suicide in the most grotesque ways possible everyday for years. Even Jimmy Saville resurrected would win next Thursday if he was leader of the opposition after all of the conservatives' debacles.


does sir kid starver still have a mossad agent working for him?


his wife is jewish.


People don't mention this enough tbh.


that doesn't mean shit.

he used to have a mossad agent working for him, though. one of those unit 8200 guys, so a real super spook.


>that doesn't mean shit
I would expect you to know better krautanon


Yeah and a bunch of Israel lobbyists
Purely coincidental


lol. lmao.

8200 is really scary too, they are basically the NSA with even less morals.


Israel is up to their neck in this shit and have a strong position in the privatised intelligence service sector; Black Cube, NSO Group, White Knight, and Psy-Group
Also Kroll is an American one dominated by New York Jews who worked with Weinstein, who also employed Black Cube. They were involved in the privatisation of the USSR to some extent and Yeltsin employed them for a while (it appears GKChP stole a bunch of money before the coup lmao, will have to look into it deeper at some point).


what's haha about this


Big Green presumably



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it honestly feels like a caricature sometimes


He's got the highly coveted AR47


it's actually an Israeli made Galil ACE.



Oh neat, didn't recognise it without its ugly wooden handguard lol


Kier in an exclusive interview with The Times yesterday saying he doesn't believe trans people have the right to use public toilets.
As a spineless Tory planted in his role by the elites, of course he couldn't give a fuck about rivers with so much shit in they'll kill you if you go for a swim, about the highest ever levels of child poverty, about billionaires (his mates) bleeding the country dry, and he actively endorses the Israeli genocide.
So the solution is to shift focus onto when and where trans people have the right to take a shit.

My instant reaction is to want to smash his skull open with a brick.
But, realistically, how do the left get ourselves heard in this country after his victory? Without getting ourselves locked up?
No amount of protesting or spreading awareness online seems to work.
And I'm starting to feel like there is never anything that could ever change the system here, and if I want socialism then the only option is to try to move to a different country where there is still hope of building socialism.
I don't see how any positive changes is possible in Britain in the short to medium term future at all, no matter what actions the left takes.


Learn Chinese, socialism became an orientalized movement and philosophy over 100 years ago, that process closed all possibility of it happening in the west. The only way socialism comes to any English speaking country is by an invading army.


>woman in politics
>just talks about their vagina constantly
Many such cases


Not surprising, South Sudan (SS) was carved out of original Sudan to stick it to an Arab state with fundamental assistance from the usual suspects. Then, when they were allowed to secede, they were left to rot in a constant state of civil war and extreme poverty. And in the end even original Sudan cucked and gave diplomatic recognition to you know who.

Mate, really, I feel you. I feel that feel. I've experienced two deeply cucked CUNTries in my life - Bongland and Wopistan - and I still have relatives on your side of the Anglo Channel and at this point I think I can tell when there's no realistic hope for a place. As far as trans issues go, some time back I really didn't care but all the nasty and clear manipulation of the thing convinced me that we are in the middle of another witch hunt deliberately unleashed on a very marginal, small and for the most part defenceless group of people. Unfortunately there are a lot of feeble minds around and this kind of propaganda sticks very easily. It's easy to punch down and you are even rewarded as far as you never punch up.


>we are in the middle of another witch hunt deliberately unleashed on a very marginal, small and for the most part defenceless group of people
This is just how the UK operates at this point, the average bong is too spineless and stupid to go after the bankers and it all extends from that


Hey Brits name one(1) challenge, I bet you can't, go.


ice bucket challenge

yes i'm bringing it back


Lucky bastards, keep them coming. Besides, who in their right mind wants to guard prisons with low pay? Of course, they'll copulate with inmates. But was she really an officer or just a swinger and onlyfans model?


is the british green party racist?


Name one(1) challenge challenge


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my life.


Being an England fan


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lol two Telegraph/Compact and Spectator journos got bankrupted and revealed to be Nazis, and some TERFs are shrieking about it. Nina was also editor of Compact
Found it posted in /isg/ for some reason when it is clearly of bongoloid interest

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