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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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A thread focused on discussing the parasocial relationships cultivated by the Almighty Algorithm to generate profit off of our atomization and society's commodification of petty internet drama.
Brace through the hyper-real lacanian void together with the Leftypol Twitter account:

Reminder That None of This Is Real!
ɢʀᴀʙ ᴀ ᴘᴀɪʀ ᴏꜰ sᴘᴇᴄᴛᴀᴄʟᴇs


>The Society of the Spectacle (1967) by Guy Debord
📖 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/debord/society.htm
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0blWjssVoUQ

<The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (1936) by Walter Benjamin

📖 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/philosophy/works/ge/benjamin.htm
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blq9sCIyXgA

>The Culture Industry from Dialectic of Enlightenment (1944) by Theodore Adorno & Max Horkheimer

📓 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/adorno/1944/culture-industry.htm
📖 • https://libcom.org/article/dialectic-enlightenment-philosophical-fragments-theodor-adorno-and-marx-horkheimer
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hSLdd8R8mY

<Understanding Media (1964) by Marshall McLuhan

📖 • https://designopendata.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/understanding-media-mcluhan.pdf
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09ML9n5f1fE

>One-Dimensional Man (1964) by Herbert Marcuse

📖 • https://libcom.org/article/one-dimensional-man-studies-ideology-advanced-industrial-society-herbert-marcuse
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZCoLbEkAqs

<Discipline and Punish (1975) by Michel Foucault

📖 • https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/michel-foucault-discipline-and-punishment
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s82uU4iRuko

>Simulacra and Simulation (1981) by Jean Baudrillard

📖 • https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=DBF3E860993373223D72E98FADF0F2DC
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Yxg2_6_YLs

<Manufacturing Consent (1988) by Edward S. Herman & Noam Chomsky

📖 • https://libcom.org/article/manufacturing-consent-political-economy-mass-media-noam-chomsky-and-edward-s-herman
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34LGPIXvU5M

>The Sublime Object of Ideology (1989) by Slavoj Zizek

📖 • https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=054E022C8BD24EE2C5595B575BCED7DC
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtIckkHsUQ4

<Postscript on the Societies of Control (1990) by Gilles Deleuze

📖 • https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/gilles-deleuze-postscript-on-the-societies-of-control
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hu4Cq_-bLlY

>Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism (1991) by Fredric Jameson

📖 • https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=5BD20E0E22FC8BC2CB4F8A7760D57027
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RtV0oO8Pmg

<Spectres of Marx (1993) by Jacques Derrida

📖 • https://libcom.org/library/specters-marx-jacques-derrida
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJr0NwXWb6Q

>Capitalist Realism (2009) by Mark Fisher

📖 • https://libcom.org/article/capitalist-realism-mark-fisher
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Cb5XJH4NMI



>Precursor Material to Post-modernity and Critical Theory

📖 • Karl Marx - Book 1, Chapter 4 of Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts (1844)
📺 • Why Marx Was Right: Alienation - PlasticPills

📖 • Georg Lukács - Chapter 4 of History and Class Consciousness (1923)
📺 • Marxism After Marx: Reification - The Marxist Project

📖 • Antonio Gramsci - Book 1, Chapter 1 of Selections from the Prison Notebooks (1929)
📺 • Hegemony: WTF? An introduction to Gramsci and cultural hegemony - Tom Nicholas

📖 • Louis Althusser - Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses (1970)
📺 • Althusser's Concept of Ideology: A Discussion with Anthony Gavin - Acid Horizon


The Society of the Spectacle (1974) by Guy Debord

Manufacturing Consent (1992) by Mark Achbar & Peter Wintonick, with Noam Chomsky

The Pervert's Guide to Cinema (2006) and The Pervert's Guide to Ideology (2012) by Sophie Fiennes, with Slavoj Zizek

HyperNormalisation (2016) by Adam Curtis

>Easy-Bake Breadtube (for absolute beginners)

We're All Fake Now - Wisecrack

Are Cell Phones Replacing Reality? - PBS Idea Channel

The Cultural Significance of Cyberpunk - Cuck Philosophy

Introduction to Critical Theory for the 21st Century - NATHANOLOGY

The Work of Art in the Age of Surveillance Capitalism - Brendan Morris

<Situationist Archives



I Don’t Want to Be an Internet Person by Ginevra Davis

Pluralistic: Tiktok's enshittification by Cory Doctorow

Facebook's Threads is so depressing by Jason O. Gilbert

I didn't talk about income. If that's what you got out of what I say then you don't understand the words I used and you likely need to read a book called "how to read a book". I'm not saying it as an attack btw, I mean it genuinely, sorry if I sound blunt.

Tell me where is the stay at home husband daring website because I am tired of working. I can do chores.

You said money. Income = money. You are retarded. I did mean that as an attack.

Madone what's wrong with you getting all that rabid. Still, you didn't understand what I meant. I didnt say that women look for dudes that make more money because they themselves are poor. If I had said or implied that then your response would make sense.

What I say is that women look for dudes with money because of the way relationships work in capitalism and because of our current superstructure. Out of that you made up a very personal interpretation that was easy for you to attack and that you likely feel very strongly about, something like a strawman but I wouldn't say it's quite precisely that.

And while you are not retarded you are very angry right now and need to relax.

What I say is that women look for dudes with money because of the way relationships work in capitalism and because of our current superstructure.
actually men look for women who are men because of the submarinism of our ecological underpinnings of our economy. Think again retard.

Why are you so angry? btw I will completely ignore everything else because it's clear that you are making no attempt to understand what I'm attempting to communicate. It'd be pointless to try to explain myself (again). But now I'm curious. Are you a legitimate incel or something like that? you take it too personal to not be something like that.

I am not angry. You didn't try to explain yourself at all. You said one sentence of buzzwords surrounded by bitchy backhanded insults.

If you understand what the words mean then it's not difficult to figure out.

Right now, everything is a status symbol, and all relationships are transactional. The same way having a hot girlfriend is a status symbol for dudes, having a rich bf is a status symbol for a girl. And the more status symbols you have, the higher you can feel on any given hierarchy (and people are hierarchy-minded for reasons that I don't really think I have to explain). Women look for dudes with money because having a poor bf would make them feel more shame and inferiority the more poisoned by the zeitgeist they are, the same way it's shameful for dudes to be with a fat girl.

And people that see this bullshit for what it is are usually capable of being less influenced by it all, so this isn't a "woman thing" but a "we live in a society honka honka honka" thing.

I mean there doesn’t really seem to be much “safe” means of approaching women these days or seeking romance as a guy, so I think things like what you’re saying are based more on social media than actual lived experience.

I concur which is why I said i wouldn't pair up with a woman from this society because it means marrying this society as a whole.

there are women and people in general that are critical of this society and that actually look for ways to think outside its rules and look for (and challenge) unconsciously internalized structures within themselves, I think looking for such people is worth it. And I understand what you're trying to say. I find it very valid and I apologize for both coming off as harsh and for failing to pay sufficient attention to what turned out to be the most important thing in your post, thus making me fail to understand your point

I have a bit of lived experience. Women have been infatuted with me and been lamenting they couldn't live with me. If you can give room and board, your options are endless. If you need the room and boatd, your giggolo game needs to be on point. My hombres have been a number of giggolos and pimps, but it is always an uphill battle even for the best of them.

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The woke has returned

>>2152534 (You) (You)
My pimp game is so amazing every pimp and giggolo wants to use me as bait. But I don't like manipulating people. This one 6 ft something player spontaneously swore fealty to me even. I know I can get an endless pack of wolves as long as I throw them bitches.

>This one 6 ft something player spontaneously swore fealty to me even.
Not even the only guy that literally swore fealty spontaneously. And others without the humility to so directly express it of course.

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Not only have there been enough cases of homosexual behavior throughout history that I doubt that, but men kissing other men is not an inherently sexual act and in fact exists in many cultures that are/were rabidly opposed to homosexuality, so your takeaway from the study makes no sense.

I got to google all popular conceptions I have because they're all lies. I should only speak from my own experience from now on.

Replying just to shame you. What an obnoxiously bad-faith post.

Nice argument faggotron

>thus you are projecting
Aren't you the guy who openly said he was gonna put >>2152392's dick in your mouth? I can't think of many things gayer than that

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>I promise I will not breed or cohabitate with a woman for as long as I live.
Why? You seem like a totally normal level headed human being that most women would love to be around.

Who cares lol. I wish you luck in your future marriage. Do you have a girlfriend?

Lotta my friends got baby mamas or wives, wouldn't want to be them.

Maybe I would feel more susceptible to your normie mind games if my mind was married to a normie.

I mean, if you find your soul mate, good on you, I find that only works for religious simpletons which I cannot become.

Pee pee vag hole.

I will be happy as these worthless socities unravel into nothing. A long time coming.

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Hello comrades, in case you aren't aware. Jackson Hinkle is a white nationalist who believes that women should not be able to vote and that being gay should be illegal. He works for the head of US intelligence services Tulsi Gabbard and supports Trump.

why is the eff inviting him?

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Why the fuck does he look like he's pushing 40?

I don't get these people. They upload like 500 videos a day to an audience of basically nobody. Is it really that profitable?

Also loling at them describing "Woke" as a "movement"

No that was me

Alright, peace hombres, nobody is getting any penis in anyone's mouth. All the women are safe. No reason for anyone to be upset.

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Rare EFF L

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>nobody is getting any penis in anyone's mouth
Speak for yourself, finna suck some cock so hard they start popping off peoples bodies like Lego pieces

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Because they're crooks. Gucci / L.V. revolutionaries who use sensationalist populism, flashy events, emotive topics and mob psychology to make a name for themselves. I've tried to warn you all.

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I love when people are impassioned about their hobbies.

There is at least a million no-lifing chud types that just watch that shit daily. Sometimes at work, sometimes just by themselves.

Siri, play "Real Recognize Real" by Project Pat

But most of those channels don't get any views. The biggest one I can think of is The Quartering, but he a) pivoted away from it into general politics, and b) really isn't even that big in the grand scale of things, having >2m subs, which sounds like a lot until you realize it isn't.

If you ever go on /v/, you know who watches what sort of content instead of actually playing games themselves.

Turning 30 next month and depressed. Anyone got any advice?
>inb4 “kill yourself”


they most likely have someone from the sate department on the inside who facilitated this

>The Economic Freedom Fighters is a South African communist and black nationalist political party. - Wikipedia
Found the problem

black nationalism in south africa isnt the same as white nationalism
they are also trots so internationalists

Age is just a number.

But for real tho I hope you've been saving up money and also you should get a better job. I've heard a lot of people that said they moved out of America in their 30s say it turned their life around.

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Will you be receiving your magic powers soon?

Video games and politics

A powerful combination

everything's just a shitty social media hustlegrind grift these days, huh? dictatorship of the INFLOOENCERS

Those shoes look really fashionable. Are they Gucci? Actually his whole fit is pretty fire. I know nothing about fashion but it does look neat

Shenbins which is a Turkish brand, half the price of Gucci, but he likes expensive kicks.

I fucking hate the EFF now. Fuck South Africa. What's next?
If Xi Jinping comes out in support of the ACP, that's it, I'm renouncing communism and becoming a fascist.

Dunno about moving out of the country—I’ve got no talent for languages and no skills that’d make me particularly valuable. At this point I feel like saying fuck it, might just sell whatever’s left of my soul to the cops or feds (once the hiring freeze is done) and see if they’ll take my husk.

I've been reading Haz's substack and it's a lot more stupid than I was expecting. Is Hinkle the same?

I don't really know much about them because I don't think Twitter/Twitch personalities are that important, but the ACP has a branch in my state and I recently joined another commie org, so I thought it might be a good idea to understand the "competition."

Haz is way smarter he actually attempts to read books. Jackson knows nothing at all about Marxism he just says sensational stuff and tries to be edgy

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>If Xi Jinping comes out in support of the ACP, that's it, I'm renouncing communism and becoming a fascist.
I don't think that's likely. Just look at South Africa, it's not Malema who the CPC does stuff with. Maybe there is something but the CPC has relations with the SACP (which btw does not like Malema or the EFF).

>Dunno about moving out of the country—I’ve got no talent for languages and no skills that’d make me particularly valuable.
Yeah same. If I had a way to make money online I would already be gone. The only affordable places in this country are shit. I could be living in a tropical paradise somewhere for much cheaper.

Problem with the SACP is that every time the ANC fucks up or there’s a corruption scandal it rubs off on SACP because of the tripartite, COSATU ended up fraying apart and NUMSA started its own political party because of it, shame they couldn’t get a foothold in parliament

I'm reading his post on Luna Oi and it seems like he's definitely picked up a certain vocabulary, but the substance of his attacks seems pretty shallow. I've been told his explanation of maga communism is great, but I haven't read that yet. So far I don't find his defense of "patriotic socialism" very convincing.

I read something about the SACP running its own candidates next time but I dunno what will come of that.

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no ACP is straight up far right

the worlds tropical paradises will be unliveable in 10 years

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Wow look it's Molotov meeting with fascist Ribbentrop, guess this means Molotov is a fascist too
Fuck the red fascist Soviet Union

Down with the CPSU!!!! They were probably controlled opposition created by the CIA

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EFF has no idea what jackson is or a cia op has been planted there
EFF is trotskyists and support LGBT which is the opposite of jackson

Not that I'm doubting you but is there a place I can find a more substantial analysis

EFF is in the right place but this grants legitimacy to hinkle who is a nazi

the EFF has no idea who jackson is

>interviewing someone grants them legitimacy

lib take

Man I don’t even need a tropical paradise, my expectations are even more unrealistic: a nice town with friendly people I can afford to live in. Nice, not rich.

Start writing socialist fiction. It doesn't have to be good quality, it will help you regardless and we need more of it. Just start writing, join a writing group maybe (but don't join a critique group or you will want to kill yourself)

Just make something. It will be hard but it will make you feel better.

Make new friends. I think often standard male friendships aren't very intimate and this is a massive problem for men, much bigger than evil misandrist feminazis or whatever.

IDK if this is something you already do, but start going on protests. Put yourself out there. Even if the protests don't do anything it will be valuable experience in lots of ways and will make you feel like you're doing something.

Play a cool game like rain world or just any game that's really cathartic.

Come to Britain, we need more people willing to actually organize who aren't trots

Maybe change your ideology. I'm not saying this is necessarily the right thing to do and obviously I have an ulterior motive here, so you can decide if this is really the best thing for you and if its not then don't bother.
But if you are dissatisfied with CPUSA maybe look into reading the collected works of the PCP, works of the CPI(Maoist), Ajith, J. Moufawad Paul.
(Sorry for sounding like a missionary)

Maybe a white saviour like you can go colonize those ignorant savages like once before and teach them TRUE Communism and leftism instead

Just a reminder of what this ghoul is like

>Man I don’t even need a tropical paradise, my expectations are even more unrealistic: a nice town with friendly people I can afford to live in. Nice, not rich.
I know what you mean. Well really any smalltown in America will do. I travel through a lot of them and I always notice they all know each other. They hold me up as I just want the receipt for my boss and I have to wait behind them in line as they have long conversations.

Kill twitter e-celebs
Take this shit to the containment thread

There is also good oil, industrial, etc. jobs out there.

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found the nazi

That's disgusting

Keep soying out over personal opinions
Did you also soy out when Galloway interviewed Andrew Tate?

Tate might be giving these guys money. Galloway works for pay.

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>the EFF has no idea who jackson is
Debunked. Your white fragility will not tone police EFF. Idiot

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https://x.com/EFFSouthAfrica/status/1890112072572100611https://x.com/EFFSouthAfrica/status/1890112072572100611 this is the twitter announcement please leave a comment and tag @TshunguTitus @EFFSouthAfrica @Julius_S_Malema

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its been verified

No one cares about your fucking discord.
Kill yourself.

As if they're remotely comparable

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fuck off nazbol EFF supports ALL south africans

No one can help you now. Real recognizes real. You're probably not even in an org
Super based if true.

its your fed server


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>Your white fragility will not tone police EFF.
It's funny to me how they flip into this on a dime when criticized. Makes me think that's a reason why a lot of leftists online are attracted to Malema's image too because he leans into that as a trolling-the-white-people thing and he's got so much rizz, and then they have Hinkle onto their podcast. It's just making fools out of them.

If anyone wants criticism of the EFF from the left, I'd just read articles from the SACP which has long described them as a demagogic and shallow populist formation. Initially a right-wing populist faction of the ANC's youth wing that has origins in an aspiring and parasitic bourgeois strata who had been frozen out of the loot during the neoliberal turn of Thabo Mbeki. This is called tenderpreneurism. The left (which they consider to be themselves and COSATU) were marginalized, but joined with Zuma who suggested an anti-neoliberal agenda (state-led industrialization and infrastructure projects) but it was a contradictory coalition. The right-populists and Malema specifically were brought to heel, so he bolted and formed this left-wing populist thing, or what appears to look like left-wing populism.

Anyways, the party has been declining over the past year. They underperformed in the elections and saw members bolting to Zuma's MK party.

galloway is a freak who abandoned the cause of arab liberation

you replied from langley virginia

The EFF have invited the great Jackson Hinkle onto the podcast tomorrow. Turns out, real recognizes real. Curious how a lot of the big name ACP hater accounts on X dissappeared when USAID got shut down. Anyway, be sure to tune in!

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Unsurprising, social democrats have a tendency of collaborating with fascists.

Land reform is such a socdem policy, you're right

Seems true

Yes, the British supported Native American tribes in their conflicts against the United States at various times, particularly during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. This was part of Britain's broader strategy to weaken the U.S. and maintain influence in North America.

Key Instances:

1. American Revolutionary War (1775–1783): The British supplied weapons, ammunition, and support to several Native American tribes, including the Iroquois Confederacy, Shawnee, and Cherokee, to resist American expansion.

2. Northwest Indian War (1785–1795): After the U.S. gained independence, Britain continued to support Native resistance in the Ohio Valley by supplying arms to the Western Confederacy, a coalition of tribes. This culminated in the Battle of Fallen Timbers (1794), where Native forces, backed by the British, were defeated by the U.S.

3. War of 1812 (1812–1815): Britain actively allied with Native American forces, particularly under Tecumseh's Confederacy. The British supplied Tecumseh’s forces with weapons and coordinated attacks against American settlements. However, after Tecumseh's death in 1813 and the British defeat, Native resistance weakened significantly.

The British used Native American alliances as a strategic tool to counter U.S. expansion but abandoned their Native allies after losing key conflicts.

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Hello comrades, in case you aren't aware. Jackson Hinkle is a white nationalist who believes that women should not be able to vote and that being gay should be illegal. He works for the head of US intelligence services Tulsi Gabbard and supports Trump.
The EFF of South Africa is set to Interview Jackson

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here is jackson advocating against women having the right to vote

Boer spotted

>liberal party invites liberal for interview
awesome thread man i thought the site was named leftypol

>Nooo jackson can't be a communist because he said mean words!!!
Dear Jackson haters, now talk about what Engels said here. Was Engels a white supremacist who was disqualified from Communism for saying this? Answer the question, jewish niggers.(Hazcel brain damage)

Most of Malema's supporters have never done a day's work of farm labor in their lives.

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Kanye West and Bianca Censori split after 2 years of marriage: ‘She’s had enough’
This what I mean. Every marriage is just a divorce waiting to happen.

>Boer spotted
And they invited pic rel on the thier little talk show, curious.

the commodification of romance

Listen up libtards, both my wives left me!

Is this some hotwife thing? Why would he want her to do this?

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Does this mean she'll actually start wearing clothes again?

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does this mean /leftypol/ will stop acting like hinkle is satans greatest soldier and a federal agent or is the EFF cancelled?

the anti-woke people I've seen seem to have gotten quite a bit more violent in their rhetoric. Is it because wokeness isn't entirely dead yet in spite of drumpf getting into office?

>bourgeoisie nationalist party hosting a bourgeoisie nationalist

It's mysoginy, he doesn't see her as a partner but as s piece of meat he uses as a cum dumpster, he was literally parading her as a trophy

I don't know why she even subjected herself to that…

Not everything weird or toxic in socio-sexuality is all about misogyny. If the gender roles were reversed in situations like this, would you refer to it as misandry?

redditors fuck quirk chungus types, not stacies.

>I don't know why she even subjected herself to that
She's probably an exhibitionist and was getting off to it. That wasn't the only time she went out naked, she has been accused of sending employees porn and even got investigated by Venice police for public indecency at one point lol

Yeah, she would be at least 3X as fat and black dude wouldn't be ripped gangster he would be a skinnyfat geek with glasses.

I miss my gay best friend

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no one should vote

It’s because it was always an excuse for a mass culling and they think they might get their chance to shoot their shot.

Well she recently broken with him so clearly that upset her to some degree


>Is this some hotwife wife

Very likely. Kanye's cuckhold fetish is well-known because he makes all his fetish's very public. He likes to be the cuck, he likes to cuck others, he comes at it from all directions. He hires pornstars with huge dicks to fuck his wife (he "got" a pornstar, Dredd, who actually has a dick so huge it is literally an elphantisis-like birth defect, to fuck his girlfriend, I forgot which one it might have been Bianica, for Valentines day.) He likes to imagine he's cucking his wife with some other guy using his BBC.

He's a notorious sex and porn addict and showing porn to others and making fetishisitc demands on his female associates, such as wearing specific lingere, jacking off on the phone with them, sending them pictures of his dick, and him and other people fucking. He forces collaborators to watch porn with him and opening talks about his porn addiction on Jimmy Kimmel (or maybe it was Fallon).

And to reiterate yes he's really really into cuck stuff.

Do you have pics of his BBC?

I don't but he literally call it his Big Black Cock.

>“See my problem is I be wanting to fuck but then after I fuck I want a girl to tell me how hard they been fucked while I’m fucking them. Then I want her to cheat on me …” Other text messages allegedly read: “Is my dick racist? It is. This fucking racist dick of mine. I going to beat this fucking racist dick for being fucking racist. I’m going to stare at pictures of white woman with black asses and beat the shit out of my racist dick … Beating the shit out of his big black cock.”

But, also, and I realize that it's weird that I know this but I do, he super size conscious and hates pictures of it where it looks small, which is probably most of them because he has like something like anorexia-vision for his cock I'm sure.

based 'ye

Thank you for your wisdom, it's crazy how someone so openly crazy as Kanye is still a celebrity and was allowed to do a superbowl ad

I just looked him up its not that big
Like big for porn movies and stuff but hes got a shit load of fish eye angles and stuff.

Average petit-booj simulator.

The Closure of Foodstar Sunshine

Did he actually post anywhere? I always wanted to see and salivate for his penis

Hes on a variety of sites, just look up 'dredd porn' or something to that effect.

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>mods are asleep, post child murder advocacy
little annie had it coming

>Did you just endorse shooting a child to achieve your goals?
This is a 1307th form of liberalism.

>Next you're going to tell me about evolutionary biology and how women instinctively want a "provider" or whatever the fuck
If I had to guess, they want healthy, big, strong, in group agreeable out group aggressive, loyal. Like a guard dog you can also fuck.

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>noooo you can't shoot hecking children!
but also the kid is not very big. he doesn't reach up to Elon's kill zone (heart, lungs). Elon should strap him to his chest instead, Operation Human Shield style

Lil' X is a military aged male so it's ok to shoot him

Oh I meant Kanye West's cock no Ddred's

I always wanted to see Ye's cock

He's handsome but why doxx him?

>guess this means Molotov is a fascist too
>Fuck the red fascist Soviet Union
Right after that they tag teamed Poland (I know they're "genetically evil" or whatever you guys say) and Stalin was fully expecting to ride with Nazi Germany all the way until they take over the European powers. That Hakim/Maupin fantasy that it was just a necessary action to stall while Stalin built the Marvel Avengers is so historically inaccurate it drives me crazy.

There's a reason these Stalin-stan MLs like the ACP (fuck your stupid ordinance you don't enforce) act the way they do.

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>>Nooo jackson can't be a communist because he said mean words!!!
>Dear Jackson haters, now talk about what Engels said here. Was Engels a white supremacist who was disqualified from Communism for saying this? Answer the question, jewish niggers.
You got a point there.

There was no "joint invasion" of Poland, you are repeating fascist propaganda

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They invaded at the same exact time you falsfier. It started literally one week after the pact was official. They divided the territory up between the Nazis and USSR. Look at the spheres of influence in the pact, you retard. Hakim is propagandist, he doesn't care about historical facts.

>ukraine is losing

The land they “invaded” was Russian land the Germans stole and tried to ethnically cleanse you fascist retard. Saving your people from genocide is apparently Nazism according to nu-Leftypol

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Emotional nonsense. Nazis invaded Poland and that was on Sept. 1-3rd 1939. Soviets offered Poland aid, which was refused.

USSR actually moved in after September 17th to protect fraternal ethnic populations, weeks later. At this point, the fascist Polish government ministers abdicated, and had not set up a government-in-exile by about September 14th to 15th in 1939. How can you "invade" no man's land and stateless territory?

Polish Marshal Rydz-Smigly explicitly ordered the Polish Army not to fight against Soviets, because Polish command did not see USSR as co-belligerent with Nazis. Neither did the Polish troops, or the League of Nations for that matter. Churchill was in full support. Because it wasn't a "joint invasion" and USSR did not collaborate with or help Nazis. In fact, USSR prevented Nazis from murdering millions there

Also, this territory was stolen by Poland when the fascist Pilsudski invaded in 1920 and committed pogroms there, which is why Churchill supported USSR asserting its decades-old "Curzon Line" claim from the First World War period. Hence why it's still not part of Poland today.

Your historical "facts" come from history.com. You've embarrassed yourself, fascist.

>ussr invading capitalist country is… le bad
you're on /marxengelsleninstalinmaopol/, sir

Now that's progressive.

>They invaded at the same exact time

Yeah obviously the USSR should have let the nazis have the entire country. A bigger holocaust may have killed more people but it at least the communists' hands would be clean.

Besides everything else the anons said. Why wouldn't the USSR be justified in try and create a buffer zone against the expansionist regime which is obviously intent on invading your country? Are you saying if China invaded Canada or Mexico or the US invaded India or whatever, that they wouldn't be justified in invading the country on their border so that the invading force doesn't make it all the way to their border?

>soying out
used the meme wrong award

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>Turns out
>real recognizes real
>Curious how

>How I "feel"
Unless you literally saw an angel come down and tell you God is real and Christianity is correct, Religious belief is pretty much entirely based in that which cannot be verified, AKA intuition AKA feelings. What a stupid fucking thing to say.

I can accept a realpolitk argument for the M-R pact but I'm not sure it turned out to be a very intelligent chess move by Stalin honestly, because the Nazis had a free hand to invade France which collapsed in a month. Okay, nobody expected that would happen so fast, but Hitler then could deploy his full army with European industry under his control at Russia. The invasion of Poland happened a week after they signed the pact, so it seems to me like it emboldened Hitler and made him stronger, which was not good. Fidel Castro made this argument. Also why the fuck would you ever make a deal with the Nazis.

To be fair, the Western countries tried to do that too. Actually everybody thought they could work it to their advantage but it blew up in everybody's faces. The reality is that nobody wanted a war except the Nazis, and eventually, you'd have to fight them. There was no other choice in the end because they were lunatics.

As a sidequest, this was disastrous for Western communist parties too because now their countries are at war with the Nazis while the USSR is at peace with the Nazis. And they followed the Soviet line in everything, so suddenly they started sounding like those Duran guys except it's Hitler who is for peace and Churchill is for war. If you had joined one of these communist parties in the past few years because that was the most anti-fascist thing to do, it would've been completely baffling.

The people's clerical fascism

I think that a lot of sharty users are actually kind of low-key sexually aroused by the soyboy phenotype. LIke I had one on /qa/ back in the days tell me that he was into them. Frankly not even that weird tbh.

Valentine’s Day sucks.

We’ve got people ripping apart flower displays trying to get to the “fresh ones” underneath (they all arrived the same day) and causing spills we’ve got to clean up. Flowers everywhere and people get so fucking anal about them. “Can you go to the back and see if you have this in a very specific shade of pink?” I’m so fucking sick of these assholes.

Anyone know if bars usually have some Valentine’s Day specials? Wanna know if I can get some booze for cheap. I don’t go out drinking much but I’ve got nothing to do tonight.

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>I’ve got nothing to do tonight


I feel like this thread should really peak into the soul of your typical redscarepod user. They have a lot of outsided meme power and influence but there is a real weakness in the clout of your average poster there. As in they are asocial posers.

>Fun should by no means be the measurement of a good life. Fun often just means indulging in your most base of desires enough to ignore you from the existential dread and pain of being alive. I’m of course not saying never have fun but it’s not everything.

Puritanism is a disease. Do these people just steam in anger in the sea–oh right, they do.

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Who cares about redscarepod posters?

>redditors either hate fun or are cringe
Water is wet.

Man I’ve given up on dating apps and I’m not gonna risk stepping on anyone’s toes or being called a creep. Besides I’ve got nothing in common with women. So yeah, this is just another shitty holiday where customers fuck up my store looking for flowers.

Only question is if I can get cheap hooch today.

I just stopped bothering back when i worked retail. I'd go 'check' the inventory for whatever idiotic shit these dumbfucks would come up with. Just took a stroll, looked at the disgusting mess a retailers inventory is and come back minutes later to give the answer i gave anyway: 'no, not in stock'.

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based and rev-cel pilled

I didn't know Leninhat thought was mainstream

>given how “anti-woke” seems bigger among games consumers
Which games consumers?

It’s not the 80s; “gamer” is no longer a monolithic block. The overall game industry now is much closer in shape to something like the music industry, where there’s several different demographics with relatively little overlap in consumption habits. People who play games like Pizza Tower and Binding of Issac probably don’t play games like Call of Duty and Battlefield, and people who play Call of Duty and Battlefield probably don’t play Angry Birds or Candy Crush.

And honestly, I think that, more than anything, was what Gamergate was rebelling against; the feeling that something that was formally “theirs” now belonged to everyone, and now need not appeal to them specifically. If you read between the lines, a lot of it is them trying to cope the old order of things back into existence; a lot of “you should be making games for me and only me!”, with everything else just being an abstraction on top of that.

Apparently it was a) a thing they already did, and b) was the removal of all non-federal holidays, regardless of politics. I’m willing to believe them, because Juneteenth is still there.

In my experience, memes generally follow a pretty predictable life-cycle:

They start as a funny image/clip/phrase, that funny image/clip/phrase becomes a community-wide inside joke, that inside joke spreads to other communities surrounding that community, then to the communities surrounding those communities, and from there spreads into the wider internet, becoming ubiquitous. Eventually, you reach the point where people run out of interesting things to do with the meme, and it begins stagnating, leading to it either gradually fading out or rapidly dying as everyone decides they’re sick of it. After a while, the meme sees a resurgence, but it’s in a greatly reduced capacity, never quite fading out of the public consciousness, but also never again reaching anything near the cultural clout that it had at its peak ever again.

Not everything fits into this timeline perfectly, but Wojaks and their variants definitely do, and right now, we’ve hit stagnation. They’re definitely still around, but we’ve reached the point where they’ve become predictable and boring, and you’re allowed to admit that they’re predictable and boring without getting shit for it.

The anti-woke crowd has always been roughly split into two groups: the kind of people who like Asmongold and Joe Rogan, and the kind of people who like Sam Hyde and Nick Fuentes. The former, much larger group is getting everything it ever wanted, and is now more-or-less content with the way things are going. This leaves the latter, much smaller group to stew in its own juices and become more and more schizoid.

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russiagate obsessed libs and pro-putin multipolarists both think russia is literally USSR 2.0


Man I wish it was just jackasses asking for products, there’s also the sheer destruction and rudeness. An older coworker of mine had someone slam a cart into their side and huff “YOURE IN MY WAY”. I explained to a customer that we only carry a Christmas product for our winter season and she huffed “ITS WINTER RIGHT NOW”

It’s not based, just a surrender. I’ve had enough of exploitative dating apps, and we’re simultaneously in a weird place where a guy approaching women is creepy and impolite but women approaching men is too much work, so nothing really happens.

>It’s not based, just a surrender. I’ve had enough of exploitative dating apps
I've said it before, but Grindr is the only successful dating app. But these gizmos are just a terrible experience for straight couplings.

there was a time in history where people could be in relationships, and they didn't need either whiskey nor dating apps.

surrender makes it sound bad but its like a glass half empty thing. being single you can have time to finally write that book

>there was a time in history where people could be in relationships, a and they didn't need whiskey
When was that? Throughout all of human history people used to get drunk all day long.

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>they’re more likely to go do things that aren’t nerdy like hikes or BBQs or gallery shows simply because “lol sounds random, I’m in XD” and then they actually show up
>Contrarily, a most of the “normie” (let alone RS-type) people I know are constantly making excuses why they can’t do stuff when invited
<my nerdy friends are more likely to have empty agendas

My IP, not just my account, has been shadow banned from reddit.


>NSUSAnon is incel

He's probably right, the hipsters think they're too cool to go to anything.

What's more, the appeal page informs me that my account isn't suspended.

That's strange, I wonder if someone is surveilling my internet connection!

the first residues of beverage dated 7000 BCE in China.
From wikipedia "Archaic Homo sapiens, the forerunner of anatomically modern humans, evolved in the Middle Paleolithic between 400,000 and 250,000 years ago."

See is Grindr just for gay dudes or lesbians too? Either way I think the LGBT community is just more open to some kind of do or die approach to dating, right? Be forward with what you want and get either a yes or no.

It feels like with hetero dating there’s something like, a hundred different versions of what’s considered “acceptable” and all of them are contradictory, often with one person’s conception of “acceptable” being another’s sexual harassment. Like approaching at bars for example, I had it beaten over my head that if a woman is intoxicated she can’t consent, so why would I try to approach a woman there? Even if she’s not intoxicated at the moment, she could be later, so what if the whole things a waste of time and you get blasted as a creep on social media? Shit, don’t even get started with work—that’s a talk with HR and potentially losing your job. Then there’s that meme about the ugly guy and the hot guy both telling some chick at work she looks good, and I’ve seen women unironically say “Well if you’re ugly you should know better than trying to approach.”

Okay, well what if you just think you’re ugly? I’ve been told I look good a couple times but I don’t feel it, at all. Some women want to be pursued, others want no to mean no (and that’s what I default to)

Shit it’s not even like a “the worst she can do is say no” thing anymore. You just give a girl your number and next thing you know it’s blasted on Instagram—“this creepy guy tried asking us out!” So yeah, I think Grindr works cause it’s mostly LGBT; I think any attempt to make an equivalent for straight people would fail.

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Check your car.

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>From wikipedia "Archaic Homo sapiens, the forerunner of anatomically modern humans, evolved in the Middle Paleolithic between 400,000 and 250,000 years ago."
That's what we usually call "pre-history."

damm, walked right into that one lol. goddamit

No no no, it has nothing to do with the military base down the road or the fact that I live a train ride away from the notorious hub of my nation's intelligence apparatus

> DOGE has been breached (lmao)


based they should have written "KILL ELON" or something instead of haxxor taunting though

calling grindr a dating app feels a bit inaccurate, it's way more of a hook up app

genius stanford kids

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Whenever you are at your worst and nothing feels like it will ever get better, just remember you arent this guy

I saw some of his tweets, and every time I read any of them I heard a sitcom laugh track (derogatory) in my head

It can be used for both, but in my experience I wouldn't recommend it.

yeah that's what i mean, you TECHNICALLY could use it for dating but 99% of people don't use it for that.

Yeah, it was in my rotation for a while but it's been so enshittified that at this point it's hardly worth even having it on your fucking phone. Same with tinder, and all the other shit match.com owns. All they want you to do is pay for their premium service.

I met my current girlfriend on Taimi, which in my experience was the least obnoxious app, and would recommend it to anons that are or are into black and/or queer partners. It might be a regional thing because I'm in the South but those demographics are heavily represented on it. Of course it also wants you to pay for its bullshit premium tiers but it's possible to meet people without them.

It seems you need to believe that all woman are sexually pure until a man corrupts her? Because all evidence shows she was sexually on the same page as Kanye and that she only now separated over the swastika shirts. And who knows if that separation is permanent or not.
Also she's 30yo so you can't pretend she some easily influenced teenager and she is legally married so she always had the power to divorce and get millions. She didn't need to wait this many years unless she wanted to.

damn, women are ruthless

He knew what he was doing

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>Also she's 30yo so you can't pretend she some easily influenced teenager

>"Innocence" is a relative quality, not a guarantee of youth. In fact, if said fenale party was a teenager in this, chances are she'd use her minor status to make the man look really bad.

And you notice the amount of marriages and procreation has declined?
Also, the amount of women who outearn their husbands are a minority compared to those who also went to college and graduated.

Yet these same people think children working at McDonalds for three days a week is abusive?
Just goes to show that treating children as a minority free from work is paradoxical

By now no one is surprised by any ghoulish opinion voiced by this liberal. He is irrelevant.

He pretty clearly tried to make it seem like it‘s his gf. She is not ruthless for revealing his lie.

Back to reddit

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The minor they're talking about is 13 years old.

They're celebrating a 13 year old being raped and getting pregnant.

They're saying the real monstrous thing was her getting an abortion.

Jesus fucking Christ.

I'm reading Haz's the rise of maga communism now and I can only conclude that when Mao said it's bad to read too many books that he was absolutely right.

All these big pseudo philosophical words just to say horseshoe theory is real and reactionaries are the true revolutionaries.

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You gotta be careful with obscurantist philosophers. There was a Heidegger thread which got saged but hardly anybody is in his league in writing a lot of blabbity blah and then something about destiny. And also the German nation specifically and it's destiny in particular. There's also the Führerprinzip, which is that the Führer… DER FUEHRER… is the embodiment of the people who is always right and he demands total obedience. Heidegger really loved that shit too, and that is not that surprising.

Yeah, I'm really getting the impression that he's a huckster. I'm getting the feeling while reading this that he's trying to distract me with sleight of hand while picking my pocket. The terms, concepts, and references he uses seem more like ornaments than actual integral pieces of his writing.

>They thus represent the quintessential target of true absolute enmity for the political partisan, being an agential manifestation of the universal modern state itself, a kind of killer surveillance-bot designed to exterminate would-be partisans. The enmity toward leftists shared by partisans is not simply based in ideological disagreements or conflicts in values. It is like the enmity reserved toward a snitch, whose sole mission is to eliminate and give away the partisans position against its state enemy. On a certain level, it is not even personal. The very alignment of their contrary subjectivities pit them against one and another in a war of absolute annihilation.

>Leftism is an ideology of leveling and standardization, flattening out stratified socio-political terrain into conventional smooth-space. The leftist, being therefore an agent of universal surveillance, raising every point of political contention, antagonism, and contradiction to the status of striation on the topography of universal political form (to be smoothed over, i.e. #BLM!). The partisan irregular, by nature, occupies points of antagonistic contradiction, and thus situates its position toward content rather than form. The partisan has no regard for any ‘political spectrum’ or representation of politics, it embodies political antagonism itself.

Insane people lmao

Horseshoe Theory: Wow, I discovered that both anarchists and Nazis agree on killing each other, so they are the same. I'm so smart.

Is that Haz? It sounds like plagiarized Carl Schmitt's lectures in Francoist Spain. Uh oh, there we go again…

Imagine the pornography in that world

I don't like Islam either, but you have to appreciate a lot of people living under Islam don't like it so much either, but go along with it because they are conditioned to and all their loved ones are involved in the cult.

And I find Muslims and Christians to be better people than agnostics/atheists whatever on average. All these religions have common conceptions of morality. Lying is a sin. I hate liars.

Christians, Muslims, and Judaists are bigger liars.

I mean if you respect the truth, I respect you. If you justify lies and inventions, I'll kill you.

What's your favorite deranged Twitter account?

For people not familiar with this guy, he's a bizarre """left-wing""" neocon Zionist. He's been calling himself "Anti-White People Aktion" because he thinks white Westerners aren't imperialist and Zionist enough. Yes, really. And his opinions are shit like thinking that the true leftist position is that America should conduct regime change operations on the rest of the world to rid of of authoritarianism, and if you don't agree with that its because you're a racist fascist (and, for a while, the cornerstone of his beliefs was that Assad was behind everything). I thought he and his buddies were feds at first because I couldn't even imagine how someone organically comes to opinions like his, but I checked his account after Elon started gutting USAID and the CIA and he and his buddies are still going strong.

Interesting that in this case the cons oppose parental authority. So if I have it right, kids should not get to decide to take hormone blockers, but they should decide wether to keep a baby? Pick a side, guys

>if a woman is intoxicated she can’t consent
Neither can a man, but it is the man who will eat crow if two drunks hook up and the lady has second thoughts the day after. It's one of those aspects of toxic masculinity that ends up hurting men, this supposition that the man is always the leader/instigator and thus to blame.

>What's your favorite deranged Twitter account?
Anarchist Twitter in general

He is right about one thing: Neuralink type brain chips will be used as kill switches. Corporations will normalize them using some slick advertisements to make it look cool while also saying you need them to get good jobs and conservatives and liberals will say it is everyone responsibility to reduce crime and terrorism by being tracked. Western leftists will get them as well because they are stupidly sympathetic to any emotional argument about the "greater good."

Parental authority isn't some absolute with no limits. Murder would be one of those limits.

So how do the twitter anarchists feel about King Elon firing all those government workers? Do they suddenly turn liberal and defend the state?

>It's one of those aspects of toxic masculinity that ends up hurting men


>Neuralink type brain chips will be used as kill switches

Dude Neuralink is nothing but a massive grift by Musk. They were never going to really work. He's just trying to recreate crap he saw in sci-fi, to trick investors and his gullible fans.

I have yet to see a man that can sustain an erection while heavily intoxicated. but I have seen many of my friends feign drunkenness to get away with what is basically rape


Grindr is only for gay men

This motherfucker makes a video about Ethan Klein every day now. If that isn't autism, I don't know what it.

He should really turn that power towards something more productive.
Focusing that much on spectacle can’t be healthy.

If I had his level of wealth and privilege I'd be doing weird sex stuff as well

Damn that video is weird AF by ethan

FUck you. I am hasan's e-mercenary. Please send IP address for pwning

I have been thinking about this a lot lately, but I think we are going to see a rehabilitation of Jeffrey Epstein. "He was based and our guy fighting the deep state" kinda shit

Isn't it mostly feminists that've been pushing the "only women being intoxicated can't consent" line?

Anyways, unrelated to that, ahem.


RFK Jr. Is Already Taking Aim at Antidepressants

>Hours after being confirmed as Secretary of the US Department of Health and Human Services, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. issued a statement that laid out sweeping plans for his first 100 days in office. Chief among his goals, he wrote, was to combat what he called a “growing health crisis” of chronic disease. The document called for the federal government to investigate the “root causes” of a broad range of conditions, including autism, ADHD, asthma, obesity, multiple sclerosis, and psoriasis. Conspicuously absent was any explicit mention of childhood vaccines, which Kennedy has long railed against as the head of the anti-vaccine advocacy group Children’s Health Defense.

>But the document did zero in on another one of his fixations: a class of widely prescribed drugs that treat depression, anxiety, and mood disorders. The government, he said, would “assess the prevalence of and threat posed by the prescription of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, antipsychotics, [and] mood stabilizers.”

>Kennedy has repeatedly railed against what he sees as rampant overprescription of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, commonly known as SSRIs, which treat depression and anxiety and include medications like Prozac and Zoloft. As with his previous assertions about vaccines, many of his statements about these drugs are not backed by science. In a 2023 livestream on X with Elon Musk, he claimed that “tremendous circumstantial evidence” suggested that people taking antidepressants were more likely to commit school shootings. (Actually, most school shooters were not taking those drugs, evidence shows.) Kennedy has also called people who take SSRIs addicts—and then tried to claim he didn’t during his confirmation hearings.

>When government researchers follow Kennedy’s orders to study SSRIs, they’ll find reams of research, including long-term studies, that have found that the drugs are safe and non-addictive. That’s good news for the 13 percent of American adults who use SSRIs to treat depression and anxiety. In addition to this well-documented track record of safety, manufacturers have closely monitored adverse reactions to the drugs in children and teens. The Food and Drug Administration already requires drug manufacturers to include warnings in packaging because of some evidence that SSRIs can cause a temporary increase in suicidal thoughts in pediatric patients (though evidence on this point is mixed).

>So despite this evidence, what options does Kennedy offer in response to the supposed overprescription of and addiction to SSRIs? In a podcast appearance last July, Kennedy said he planned to dedicate money generated from a sales tax on cannabis products to “creating wellness farms—drug rehabilitation farms, in rural areas all over this country.” He added, “I’m going to create these wellness farms where they can go to get off of illegal drugs, off of opiates, but also illegal drugs, other psychiatric drugs, if they want to, to get off of SSRIs, to get off of benzos, to get off of Adderall, and to spend time as much time as they need—three or four years if they need it—to learn to get reparented, to reconnect with communities.” The farm residents would grow their own organic food because, he suggested, many of their underlying problems could be “food-related.”

>In advance of Kennedy’s confirmation, 15,000 physicians signed an open letter opposing his appointment; the letter specifically mentioned his false claims “linking school shootings to antidepressants.” During the confirmation hearings, Sen. Tina Smith (D-MN) said Kennedy’s statements about antidepressants “reinforce the stigma that people who experience mental health [conditions]…face every single day.” Smith said she was “very concerned that this is another example of your record of sharing false and misleading information that actually really hurts people.”

Welp, I might lose my prescription if this asshole decides that the evidence don't real.

That is based. All psychiatrists should be executed.

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>Welp, I might lose my prescription if this asshole decides that the evidence don't real.
Wait you are on SSRIs? Lmao.

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I guess that is what it takes to work retail for minimum wage these days.

Back in my day we just smoked weed maane.

100% you were the feminists in the 2000s arguing little boys cant be raped by their female teachers.

When did it become bad to talk about being on anti-depressants? Like I'm just supposed to rawdog hellworld or something?

There’s better drugs and better drugs for you (this doesn’t apply for those with positive experiences in ssris)

Don't shoot up any schools.

Aren't antidepressants the only reason why the murder rate in this country isn't skyrocketing past the years of lead

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>be me
>have job, ie have some disposable income
>buy game from company known to make good rpgs
>game turns out to be fun
>have fun playing it
>look up game online
>jobless losers calling everything woke garbage
Tiresome. Why can't heart disease finish what covid started for these unwashed dregs?

on /v/ i kind of see some weird level of insecurity coming from them rising up again.

Some of you guys are alright. Don't show up at Traders Joes tomorrow

Elon's Neurolink brand might be a grift for now but the tech is possible

We both know after it gets officially approval by corporate paid doctors and psychologists it's marketing just needs to spin it as a way to help the community or reduce depression and western leftists will fall for it. I can already see condescending retards calling you a luddite schizo, how you should not to do your own research and you need to trust the experts.

They're jealous of STEMlords too, I remember a thread where OP was complaining that reading Hegel and Zizek didn't make them any money and they wished they could be good at math instead

Damn, imagine being a technocracy sycophant while not even being a STEMlord. Now that's what I call fucking embarassing.

They don't go outside

I'm just speaking from personal experience, but both times I was on SSRIs they didn't help my mood and I gained weight instead making me more depressed.

honestly fuck the kleins god bless him for holding those racist fucks acountable.

It seems kind of hit or miss. Some people experience improvement and some people experience the opposite. Personally they've helped me some in the past, but I experienced more significant improvements on adderall.

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There's nothing more fire than social alienation.

booze and klonopin help me more than anything

It's really funny seeing groypers freaking the fuck out at the rest of the mainstream Right for acting as it always has.

I don't have any screencaps on hand, but one of them said something along the lines of "Fools! They're placating you by putting boobs back in media removing the pronouns and making the gay stuff more subtle!" and, like, where the hell have you been for the last fucking forever? The whole point of Gamergate was "we hate political correctness and want sex and violence that appeals to straight men back in our media". The mainstream Right has been clear that what's going on right now is exactly what they wanted. The only major area of disagreement I've seen was the h-1b visa stuff, and even then, that wasn't a deal breaker, just kind of something they disliked. It's very much a populist movement, and guess what? Christian Nationalism isn't very popular.

Also, something I've noticed is that, on Twitter specifically, these people (groypers) show up everywhere, but they all have microscopic follow counts, with even the big man himself Nick Fuentes barely breaching 500k, and very few likes on their individual posts. I guess it goes to show just how chronically fucking online these faggots are.

Oh, and speaking of, they act like leftists just discovered rude words, which to me, speaks to how little they interact with actual leftists. I've been calling people fags and retards since I was like eight, and unlike these guys, it's not because I'm trying to be edgy, it's just the way I talk.

> I've been calling people fags and retards since I was like eight, and unlike these guys, it's not because I'm trying to be edgy, it's just the way I talk.

They've never spoken to the average millennial. We all talked like that at one point and I still let it slip from time to time even when I don't mean to.

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>in person
Completely understandable, they ask them through thier phones or online. This isn't as grim as is suggested.

Honestly it's not done me any harm, and it's helped keep me going after being beaten down a ton at work.

Yeah yeah, I know, "Big Pharma, they're just putting out pills so you don't realize how fucked the world is"

Yeah, I've noticed some weight gain since I've started on them, taking supplements and working out more to try and counter-act that.

>Why are young men turning right wing?

I think the thing that really blows my mind about liberals is like, they'll celebrate shit like this, men being more socially isolated, less willing to speak to women, etc, then act blindsided when those men end up listening to Andrew Tate and the like saying "you shouldn't respect women at all."

Shit I even saw a few after the election saying "Well I've NEVER seen any example of men being made to feel alienated from the left!" And it's like, you people were literally asking "would you rather be alone in the woods with a bear or a man" and then snickering at men getting upset. The only answer I can think of for why they think this way, is they imagine they're only insulting "misogynist men" and not, y'know, all men.

Let me tell you dating apps are an even more exploitative and awful nightmare. The people who run them literally refer to men as users and women as products. It creates a culture that's way more alienating than the old "approach in person" method.

ssri facts for retards:
1. they are fairly effective for around ~50% of the people who take them for depression. there is likely a genetic component.
1a. however, benefits for depression are obtained after around 8 months of usage and continued usage brings no benefits
1ai. they continue being fairly effective for anxiety
2. they are indeed not the most effective treatments for depression. MAOIs like phenelzine nuke depression but have dangerous interactions with cheese and wine among other things so psychs are unwilling to prescribe them (most people are retarded). additionally, psychedelics show robust anti-depressant effects even stronger than ssris that last several months. however, it's not fair to ask say your average 50 yr old isolated lady to trip without supervision or most likely without any prior drug experience. there's research into non-hallucinogenic psychoplastenogens so stay tuned for next 5-10 years. ketamine is also effective but only short-term, might be neurotoxic, is likely urotoxic, and has been commodified by extremely predatory quasi-unregulated clinics.
3. dunking on people for taking ssris in the current alienating, lonely, unnatural capitalistic hellscape is cruel. have some shame and consider killing yourself.

forgot to mention but exercise also roughly matches ssri efficacy. kind of difficult to ask a severely depressed person to exercise though which is why it's better prescribed as an adjunct therapy on top of ssris.

Oh no not le heckin poor oppressed breeder moids

I have yet to see Gay and Bi man as violent, antisocial, sadistic and spíteful as hetero males so don't say ""young men""" in general

Only hetero males talk like that, speak to yourselves

You consistently keep bringing up 4chan bullshit and not developing any of your positions, or at least I haven't noticed that. Please read a book.
I don't think this post was made by a liberal or a radlib. He looks like some slightly left-wing black sports fan from the profile. It doesn't look like this post was made to gloat, but rather because the author is himself one of these guys.

Ketamine is certainly urotoxic. It's not uncomon that people have their bladders removed due to serious long term addiction.

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CPUSAnon consistently on point, radlibs drive young men to the right, its the duty of Socialists to present ourselves as the alternative to the idpoloids and not an ally
>Only hetero males talk like that
not true retard
>I have yet to see Gay and Bi man as violent, antisocial, sadistic and spíteful as hetero males so don't say ""young men""" in general
Gay men are still just men, and to suggest we are somehow more innately peaceful or sociable is to separate us from the general body of masculinity as abnormal. It is insulting to suggest that we are docile compared to "le violent straight men"

Not even an abortion by most people's standards, Plan B etc. is just an extra-large dose of your standard contraceptive pills

>It is insulting to suggest that we are docile compared to "le violent straight men"
I'd say gay men are more sociable, friendly, which is kind of like a racial bonus in an RPG but that is not the same thing as docile.


Gay men tend to have a strong sense for aesthetics, which I think is one reason why gays make up a disproportionate number of priests, but they suppress their sexuality and sublimate their energies into all those rituals. What Mishima was doing (in his fascist way) and what drag queens do is more of a Nietzchean will to power thing. I think Todric Hall (Taylor Swift bff) is emblematic of the latter.

This is the woman Elon got pregnant now


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>You consistently keep bringing up 4chan bullshit and not developing any of your positions, or at least I haven't noticed that. Please read a book.

I talk about stuff young men are seeing right now, not bolts of linen that are irrelevant to anything they're actually concerned with.

Like I dunno if there's a term for this already, but the impression I get from the way people talk here is, to use a metaphor, like a preacher punching someone in the gut then saying that the reason people don't attend some mass is because of obscure biblical prophecy and we should spend more time debating the filioque controversy and less time talking about how he's known as "the gut-punching preacher".

I try not to see it as a kind of war with two distinct sides, I think there are attitudes that we should encourage and those we should discourage. And I think there's a trend of "learned idiocy" that think all discussions on completely minor things like maybe being more polite or less alienating should be displaced by the constant appraisal of deep theory. Like worrying whether the foundations will really last for the next 10 years while your plumbing's backed up and spewing shit everywhere.

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>I have yet to see Gay and Bi man as violent, antisocial, sadistic and spíteful as hetero males so don't say ""young men""" in general
Counterpoint, half the Republican party and literally any dumbass dude bro who has ever said "no gay bro, but".

It's funny how you're promoting "masculinity" yet also agreeing that young men are pussies who have been bullied too much online and need to be coddled.

Holy shit, talk about forward planning

>Half of men are unworthy creeps and abusers not even deserving of a crumb of attention from our angelic god queens.
<"Why are young-men turning right wing?"

can u just leave the left already? go back to posting on pol

>You want people to stop being misandrist yet you also promote masculinity!
I don't see your point, people being upset at prejudice towards them is not mutually exclusive with the ideal of strength. For the record as well, it is a good thing radlibs are alienating young men away from liberalism lol, its just disappointing Socialists are taking their lead.

Man the left really has the best propagandists for Fascism. Someone points out a problem that, whether you like it or not, is important to enough people, and you screech that they should be fascists.

Seriously, who are you even trying to appeal to? Not the masses that’s for sure, you’ve made it clear you hate them. The fact you want so many of them to be fascists is obvious enough.

Ugh, not you, you… wholesome earnest… life haver. This bait isn't for you. fuck. Oh well, no one else bit anyway. I'll just delete it… FINE

>Most of these men are not the kind that could get a woman otherwise, so, mostly creeps who are hoping peer pressure, misbegotten patriarchal expectations, or simple pity will get them a date.
You think men who get dates by directly asking only get them because woman can't say no? This is pure delusion. Woman say no or talk about their boyfriend to the uggos and say yes to men they find attractive.
Only pathetic crystalcafe r9k femcels would get "peer-pressured" this way. They need to grow up.

He should be more like Thunderf00t instead, who has become Elon Musk's biggest hater.

I (>>2154701) am gay. Fuck off.

He has been his biggest hater for like 10 years TBF, you gotta give him credit for being the first to call him out this hard

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Look man I get that there’s a lot of retards out there among dudes, everything Andrew Tate says is pretty much just a definition of toxic masculinity, but I think there’s a genuine empathy gap that a lot of people notice. It becomes even more pronounced because, like it or not, it seems the Left is saddled with “empathy” or “caring” as their appearance, so the moment there’s a distinct lack of that, people notice—like a “family values” Republican sucking off a Trans woman in a seedy bathroom.

Like I care about women not having to be stuck in broken relationships with narcissistic psychos. Crowder fuming over his wife being able to leave him is example enough of why a literal, legal system of patriarchy is bad. However I don’t believe that men are the “evil gender” or something ridiculous like that.

There’s a trend when talking about men’s issues I’ve noticed, where the only people that seem to treat them as serious and worthy of discussion on their own merits are the political Right. When those part of the broad category of the Left don’t just dismiss them out of hand, there’s always these verbal “escapes” they leave themselves, as if to say to the wider Left: “Don’t worry, I don’t care about this *that* much.” To use an example of the liberal left, Jon Stewart had an interview after Trump won again, and they got into how young men went Right, and how they feel alienated, isolated, even hated. His response was along the lines of:
>”It seems ridiculous to say, but a lot of men feel as though they aren’t being represented or acknowledged in government.”
Well, yeah. I can see plenty of homeless guys in my town, should I presume that just because they’re men they should feel represented? I’ve had plenty of conversations with other men, I’ve heard their despair, their fears, and I’ve yet to see one who feels truly represented by society at large. We’re flesh automatons, whose purpose is to fight wars and destroy our bodies while we labor, but all the wars are meaningless conflicts fought with drones and modern labor is out of the factory and in the cubicle. The mere idea that we can feel this intense alienation and loneliness is absurd, tools aren’t supposed to feel anything, you don’t ask your toaster if it feels represented—that’s reserved for people.

Sorry for going on a rant, but it’d just be nice if, when discussing men’s issues, we didn’t treat it as an act of profound self-centeredness on the part of men, or as a side quest to the real people’s issues.

Comrade you're spitting fire as always <3

This conversation makes me think about that experiment where they set up an arguing couple in public and then filmed the reaction. When the man would get verbally or physically aggressive with the woman, someone would step in almost instantly and sometimes even threaten the man with violence. When it was the woman doing it, either no one would bother to step in or in some cases they would even cheer the woman on even as she started to assault her partner. One woman they taped could be seen laughing and cheering on the assault.

I mean, there is the elephant on the room that politics are just segregated by gender now. The left and the right in general are just gendered hugboxes for resentful people, such that the right just dismiss all female issues as landwhales being triggered that some imaginary men are catcalling then and the left dismissed as male issues as "creeps" and uggos just shitting themselves because there's no booba in vidya.
Ofc, i'm not doing some Stalin is as bad as Hitler tier rightoid propaganda, but there is this general trend caused by sexual tensions and the cost of living crisis which animated the discourse, and sooner or later we will end up in a South Korean like situation

Thunderfoot is also one of the oldest atheist youtubers. It’s kind of impressive he’s still around

It's just gweilo culture. Gweilo believes it is his or her duty to enforce morality around them as a busybody. Lots of proverbs on this topic from the Far East you can google.

多一事不如少一事 (duō yī shì bù rú shǎo yī shì) - "More trouble is worse than less trouble."
闭门造车 (bì mén zào chē) - "To build a car behind closed doors."
枪打出头鸟 (qiāng dǎ chū tóu niǎo) - "The bird that sticks its head out gets shot."

他人の芝生は青い (tanin no shibafu wa aoi) - "Other people's lawns are green."
口は災いの元 (kuchi wa wazawai no moto) - "The mouth is the source of disaster."
出る釘は打たれる (deru kugi wa utareru) - "The nail that sticks out gets hammered down."

사돈 남 말 한다 (sadon nam mal handa) - "The in-law's business is someone else's business."
남의 떡이 더 커 보인다 (nam-ui tteok-i deo keo boinda) - "Other people's rice cakes look bigger."

There are pros and cons to both busybody culture and don't concern yourself with others culture. While busybody culture can be very annoying and full of double standards, at least it can prevent some unnecessary deaths from drownings and other accidents where everyone just stands around rubbernecking instead of helping.

"woke landwhales" and are not equivalent to fascist you retarded reactoid

literally called Glownonymous

radlibs are not more important adversaries than the right wing. Retarded post


It's always strange being reminded that Milo Minneapolis still exists.

Thanks homie.

I saw one example of that IRL a few years back. It was a couple in the midst of a breakup. Dude was kind of a chubby guy, woman looked about his height. I was pushing carts and this was at the edge of our parking lot, by this brick wall. I kind of saw them walking around earlier, woman had this real angry look to her. Eventually I hear
It was the woman saying that. I look over, and I see the dude with his hands at his side, open palmed, back to the wall, and the woman just reels back and slaps the side of his face. She’s yelling something incoherent at him, getting in his face, even grabs his throat a couple times. All the while this poor dude is just taking it.
I went to get my manager, basic gist was “as long as it’s at the end of the parking lot it ain’t our problem.” Now if it was a dude beating a woman, shit, I’d probably get a talking to if I didn’t physically intervene.

Which isn’t to say we should stand by if a man is hitting a woman, or even consider it to be a “fair fight”, but I can’t help but think of how the right approaches men’s issues. It’s kind of like they reinforce the most negative sexist stereotypes, stereotypes that unironically plague men, too, but it can be rebranded as a form of male empowerment. To use an analogy from a story I once thought up: imagine a society that’s lived under a strict caste system for hundreds of years, and then almost overnight the legal enforcement of that system is gone; in fact it isn’t just gone, there are even efforts to try to undo it, halfhearted though they are. Now imagine in such a society: what happens to the warrior caste? The remnants of the old system still exist, they’re still defined as born killers and fighters, but the conditions that necessitated that status are gone: there’s no more wars to fight, we don’t need muscles we need brains, yet you’re still inherently dangerous—sure some good-natured people will say you’re “free” from your caste too, to be whatever you want to be, but you’re still ultimately defined by it. You’re expected to be violent and strong and dangerous, such that if any fight breaks out and you’re around, it’ll be assumed you instigated it. In such circumstances your “freedom” feels more like a new kind of chain, worse than the old one.

Andrew Tate would lead men into a world of constant stress to prove who’s the most “manly”, and deprive men of the joy of reading and writing because “reading is gay” or whatever. But he does offer men one thing: the women slapping you around? They’re doing that because they don’t know “their place.” He gives you permission to slap them back, to tell them to shut the fuck up, that you’re tired of hearing about their bullshit. While a truly emancipatory view of gender would be one in which men don’t have to see themselves or be seen as loaded guns just waiting to be fired, liberals propose a world in which those guns have to be locked in a safe for all eternity lest they hurt anyone, and rightists are proposing an armatocracy—rule by the gun. Neither actually benefit men, but one at least gives them the impression of having a place in the world.

this is a much smaller problem than you think it is, and actually skews the other way. the manosphere shit is aggravated, atomized men who spend more time fantasizing about these sort of things. the internet puts this shit in front of your face.

reactoids going to reactoid - andrew tate is just another form of reactionary propaganda amongst many and the actual contradiction is not radlib's views on men but women having had free'd themselves from being forced into marriage with unattractive, behaviorally shitty men. the very first class war was between men and women as per engels

Methinks you didn't really consider what anyone said. And he's right.
Men are still expected to be the brutes whose problems are downplayed and dismissed.
Women can and do physically and socially assault men and they get off with a wrist slap.

But if a man were to throw back in self defense, he's wrong.

This is why singlehood is a blessing for men.
I wish less men would complain about feeling lonely just because they don't have a female counterpart yapping their ear off.

Same for women.
I remember when I worked in Publix there were a couple female coworkers who were whining about being lonely from single hood.
One admitted she had bipolar and she said she would stick by her man even if he was fucked up.

I don't trust heterosexual romance. It's always about reducing peoples roles to their genitals.

People like to talk about how we've progressed but we haven't really

Weeaboos were the smart ones for investing their Aphroditic drives for fiction

Is Andrew Tate even relevant anymore?

The man himself was never relevant, there was always gonna be a grifter who'll try to appeal to disaffected young men, I was just using him as maybe the most notorious example.

My own personal hypothesis is that the culture that predominates the internet eventually slithers into the mainstream. Which isn't to say that the internet is gonna turn every man into a stormtrooper, but that there will be circumstances wherein discourse online inspires actions or movements in the real world, which can do great harm or great good.

I heard a story once that one of the last things Nietzsche did when he had a rare moment of lucidity among his madness was draw a picture of a man and a woman embracing one another.

Which is to say, I think we yearn to not just belong to ourselves, but to share our lives with another. Not to dominate, nor be dominated, but to live in true equality with another.

This guy is wild. The girl he got pregnant is asking to talk to him now on Twitter

This is the mom of the other kids he went and commented on her new tweet lol. This is a 53 year old man

Elons mom reposted it too but never acknowledged the new mom Ashley


Ethan losing his mind lmao

Women are physically weaker compared to men, a man can kill a women with a single punch, meanwhile women can at most scratch you, c'mon bro. Yea, there are women doing domestic abuse against men, I know that, I've got some anecdotes, but, the male is always larger, guy is getting intimidated by a woman two heads shorter than him?
<"Yes ma'am I'm sorry ma'am I'm so sorry It's my fault I'm so sorry I'm so sorry…"
Guys like this should go into therapy, straight to therapy. It looks goofy. He could pick her up and throw her out of a window and he just stands there like a bitch, lmao.
Nah, video related. Only Blacks helped while whitey watched like goofs.

>My own personal hypothesis is that the culture that predominates the internet eventually slithers into the mainstream.
I think it's better to think of it in terms of "obscure internet" and "mainstream internet" than it is "internet" vs "mainstream". Because the internet is mainstream at this point, but most people aren't watching Nick Fuentes, for example.

White people BTFO

I was like pretty sure he is younger than me and looked it up and ueah he's 33. Ethan is 40 tho.

Ignoring she can use tools or techniques to cover the gap, abuse is still abuse.
Just like it's still rape even if the child is a boy.

>It's funny how you're promoting "masculinity" yet also agreeing that young men are pussies who have been bullied too much online and need to be coddled.
>I don't see your point, people being upset at prejudice towards them is not mutually exclusive with the ideal of strength. For the record as well, it is a good thing radlibs are alienating young men away from liberalism lol, its just disappointing Socialists are taking their lead.
I have a few scattered thoughts. I think a difficulty with idpol is that identities are often "branded." Like if you're a black man in America, you can't really avoid that and sooner or later someone is going to remind you of it. Gays can blend in a bit (unless you can't) but something might happen sooner or later that marks your difference. Now, idpol-based movements can make stupid decisions or do things that hurt them, but the prejudice needs to be the focus of the attack, because until the prejudice ends, these identities will continue to have real power. I personally feel the pull toward a more assertive gay identitarian politics, although that's more of an emotional feeling (although I sometimes think to myself, if I'm feeling something, then it stands to reason there are other people feeling that too).

Which is a problem for the Democrats, because there are a lot of people who don't like this stuff. But the Democrats abandoning it to sound like social conservatives might even make the situation worse for them because it'll come across as insincere, which is not a new problem for the Democrats. However, I think a lot of people agree with a universalist program that gay people (etc.) should have rights because "everyone should have rights" even if they don't personally approve or like everything gay people do.

Last thing, in terms of strength, people have tended to underestimate gays because of the sissy thing. But a neo-Nazi skinhead tried to jump someone on the fringe of my city's Pride parade a few years ago and the would-be victim punched the Nazi in the throat and killed him. There was an attempted mass shooting at a gay bar in Colorado (?) a few years ago that ended with the shooter being disarmed and pistol whipped by drag queens. Like you were saying, these are still men. I also really don't believe in any kind of victim mentality, and the progress that sexual minorities have made is mostly bound up in immanent courage and self-affirmation.

I actually think a "contradictory" but probably true thing is that the ferocity of gay culture might correspond with a steelier and "stronger" attitude in a pinch. The Black Panther Party also had this. It just looks weird because it's, like, drag queens – hah! Who is afraid of that? But if RuPaul was a general I think he'd be like Alexander the Great or something. Or what Confucius said, "never give a sword to a man who can't dance."

>While a truly emancipatory view of gender would be one in which men don’t have to see themselves or be seen as loaded guns just waiting to be fired, liberals propose a world in which those guns have to be locked in a safe for all eternity lest they hurt anyone, and rightists are proposing an armatocracy—rule by the gun. Neither actually benefit men, but one at least gives them the impression of having a place in the world.
At best we might have to hope for a "New York City" rule. If you've ever been there, it's just an overwhelming number of people, and so many different people. You'll see some of the world's top fashion models walking by next to someone who just landed there from Nepal. How it all works is completely baffling, but it seemed like an important part of it is that everyone agrees to mutually not fuck with each other while doing their thing everyday in exchange that other people not fuck with them, and then they go home, or they go out somewhere, where they do their own thing with other people doing that kind of thing. Very simple. We live in an incredibly large and diverse society with many different interests that are only growing more complicated and varied.

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I posted this in /usapol/ and I'll post it here.

It's so funny to me that Musk is this habitual deadbeat despite having a fortune of nearly half a trillion dollars. He could set this lady up for life with what would be less than a minor accounting error on his fortune, and he chooses to ghost her instead.

I don't know if it's because he's a its literally in his instincts to be a deadbeat regardless of wealth, or if he's an actual fucking dragon in human form who cannot be parted with single cent of his hoard.

If he was a dragon he'd actually be cool instead of a cringe retard

>Ethan losing his mind lmao
idk Seeing how his "content nuke" is just like a full hour of Ethan trying to produce the most accessible anti-zionist bait in the world. I think it's safe to assume he's just desperately trying to become a heel to Hasan vaguely anyone leftier or less of a Zionist than himself.

You know, Destiny tried to follow a similar path. But Ethan is probably more of an asset and less of an actual retard, despite the act. it could work for him. Hasbara could benefit from having less conceited wunderkinds and professional victims and more retards like Ethan lowering the bar for entry into the cult.

>Ignoring she can use tools or techniques to cover the gap
Like attacking you with a weapon? Thats attempted murder and you're allowed to turn her into a FacebookLive.webm or Liveleak video at that point. Most abuse is psychological and if you see the signs you kick her to the curb. If she threatens you with blackmail stuff, or if you think she could accuse you of rape, then I can only tell you that people disappear all the time. If its a scenario where she tries to send her goons after you then get strapped and get ready to kill in self-defense like some fight scene straight out of John Wick, or move cities. Happened atleast twice if I believe so, somebody got tortured to death because his crack-addicted trailer trash Ex accused him of being a pedo, and another guy was killed by the new BF of her Ex by being lured into an abandoned warehouse. Its a bad and violent world out there, but there should be alot of signs that she ain't worth it.

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>If its a scenario where she tries to send her goons after you then get strapped and get ready to kill in self-defense like some fight scene straight out of John Wick
I second this advice.

Elons twitter looks a little different than the old one

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These guys really want to rape anything huh?

It's great when you get the numbers on these things and aren't just going by internet vibes.

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I'm not even saying this as, like, encouragement or anything, but I barely listen to Hip-Hop and I got into Kendrick Lamar 'cause of the feud with Drake, and at this point I have no clue how Drake gets out of this without just killing himself or Kendrick.

Like there's midwestern MAGA dads learning about this fucking beef from their kids. This one song calling Drake a pedophile, a fake Black person, and tearing down his entire ego may be one of the most popular songs in the world. I don't think Drake's reputation can ever fucking recover from that. This one song got as many Grammys as Drake did in his whole career, right? Either way, a bunch of his colleagues were singing along to "a minor" at a widely televised event. Then the fucking superbowl comes around, and Kendrick has two of Drake's exes on stage with him while he plays "Not Like Us".

And what's this fucking clown do? He tries to sue Spotify because his ego wont let him accept that he fucking lost. Like, I can't think of anything he can do to prove Kendrick's "colonizer" accusation more correct than that.

Goddamn this was a great beef.

How long is Asmongold's relevancy going to last?

Three decades ago, Kendrick would've been shot for that

LeftyPol really is just another imageboard.
The typical solipsism is so too much as usual

for calling drake a pedo or a colonizer?

>If that isn't autism, I don't know what it.
It's business savvy. Ethan's content nuke is bait anyway. So that allows BE second channel(slop channel) to overlap with many other content creators, it leads to personal and algorithmic networking. Ethan's self debasing journey to become the dumbest representation of hasbara will drive the audience towards BE videos as well. And it's still decent content refuting Zionism.

you know, the worst thing that could happen to Ethan is that he is exposed for being a cynical hasbarist feigning stupidity. The former will not matter because he will always be "batting" for that side of the culture war. But the latter could actually destroy his career. And BE is open about going for that with involving Hila. If Ethan is put in the spot of defending her he'll have to choose between exposing himself or throwing her under the bus, lose/lose. In more ways that one, probably, since Hila may be his liaison to the Israeli glowies

I'd only heard To Pimp a Butterfly prior to the Superbowl. You know you're a good artist when you can put together a medley of bangers like that.

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im horny as shit man thats why

Kendrick WON.

the Super Bowl itself was the most watched event, no shit the halftimes gonna get the same number of views. kendrick being a theatre kid roleplaying as a revolutionary is infinitely more cringe than drake being a theatre kid roleplaying as a gangbanger. him saying vague "fuck da white man" statements as part of a pre-approved million dollar deal in a billion dollar industry and "fuck pedophiles" while being friends with celebrity pedophiles is literally the second coming of Lenin.
plus hes 5'5 and sounds gay

Certified loverboy?

Shut the fuck up, Drake.

new cope at Kendrick WINNING in every level the beef against Drake.

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Mainlander Chinese isn't a fan of north korean style communism since. BTW, Dengoid won again. How will /DPRK/ cope with this?, kek.

Fucking this. I can't take leftypol serouslt as pseudo intellectuals anymore knowing they follow rape beefs.

The sad part is most of these people aren't even Americans. I know ypg flag is a crikey m8.

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how do /pol/tards manage to get clowned on so hard even on a site where one of their guys owns the website and jams the algorithm in their favor?

I'm sad he didn't invite Beyoncé

A true 21st century American romance. I'm not crying! You're crying! 😭😭😭😭😭

>Sponsored by Apple Music™ Powered by Branwdo™ Costco™ Loves you ass start
>prime example of critique being subsumed by the system with the samuel L jackson uncle sam
>performative ghetto rambling for 10 minutes
>calling someone else fucking pedophile is the height of the show
I don't think burgers get how insane this looks to everyone else

Say Drake…

> and sounds gay
i'm gay and i don't think he does

Is just an homophobic hetero moid, don't reply to it

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Sucks it's from a zigger, but it's a good take.

You could drown a baby in gasoline until brain damage through oxygen deprevation, and you'll get more intelligent responses that these posts lol.
Kendrick Lamar's performance is the black man equivalent of Biden being like, "We're working on a ceasefire!"

>I don't think burgers get how insane this looks to everyone else
Yeah they're all just theatre geeks. Rap beef = WWE.

By the way interracial porn has NOT gone down since USAID went defunct, check /gif/ or /co/ if you don't believe me.

rightoids will simply believe it's true because someone they follow says so

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I'm finally watching this garbage and this is the worst halftime show I've ever seen. Kendrick can't dance for shit and his backup dancers can't either.

Ok the American living uygha flag is kind of interesting I guess.

The music continues to be loud as shit. Ain't no way anyone who doesn't already know the lyrics can even understand what he's mumbling on top.

Oh my god all these fucking lines Samuel L is saying.
>I see you brought your homeboys with you
>the old kultur cheat code
>scorekeeper deduct 1 life

Now the dancers are dressed in all White like they're headed to a Diddy freakoff gyrating in the dumbest way possible.

All the women start speaking in unison like some creepy alien hivemind in a movie. He says he's going to play their favorite song. A little teaser of 'Drake is a pedpohile' start playing
>Woah I need to slow it down first
<proceeds to perform the lowest energy most mumbly song yet supposed to sound like he's mumbling in your ear while pillow talking you
very diddyesque.
<the woman starts singing
Woah is someone going to actually pretend to perform?

<Next song

<They're doing another pathetic Daft Punk - Around The World video attempt.
Alright is this it? The next song has to be the pedophile anthem right? That's what we're all here for, you said so yourself earlier in the performance Kendrick. We don't care about this crap.

<Samuel L returns

>Yeah that's what America wants! Nice and calm
<pedo horns start playing
>Don't. Mess. This…. (he begins to realize what's coming) :0

>It's a cultural divide I'ma get it on the floor

<Alien hivemind women: you really bout to do it?
>40 acres and a mule this is bigger than the music
<you really bout to do it?
>yeah they tried to rig the game but you can't fake influence
<they get on em like that????(the closed captions on the official upload don't even know)

<that song you've heard a 100 times too many last year starts playing

<he keeps low energy walking around stage
<Background dancers keep jumping around like monkeys. I think they're literally curling their arms inward like the classic monkey pose.
<the whole crowd says
<massive applause for themselves breaks out

They actually let Mustard come out. Yupp his pre-recorded beats were doing 90% of the work in this "performance"

>turn this tv off, turn this tv off

>turn this tv off, turn this tv off
>turn this tv off, turn this tv off
Gladly Kendrick.

they'll say it's true to make themselves look good. A lot of people are just in the right because it makes them look like they are manly, tough and have high common sense. Which is why they are such easy marks.

Of course, Mossad is responsible for it anyways. USAID was for liberal cucks in the savage eastern countries who wrongfully assume they can achieve White greatness.

Definitely not up there with great live rap performances of all time.

lmao, what a bunch of retarded posts, sorry if this aint some hipsterslop you are consuming, move on and stop letting kendrick/drake drama live on your head haha.

Kendrick is hipsterslop you fucking lame. LMAO.

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>All the women start speaking in unison like some creepy alien hivemind in a movie.
I liked that part. What redeems hip-hop for me is rappers doing weird avant-garde shit that other people don't do. I also liked the part with the marching and then he goes "let me hear you say BUST DOWWWWWWN."

Sounds like something a freaky ass uygha who should stay his ass inside would say

This was the highlight of your whole career Kendrick. Too bad it didn't teach you any self awareness of what your music represents and why all those White people are giving you money.

r/redscarepod hates him and they are as hipster as it gets.

r/redscarepod are hipster rejects

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The mainstream consensus is that they are the keys of power and influence in the NRX intellectual matrix. So long as zoomers and millennials think they are cool and scary, they will continue to be dominant.

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This bitch is just an ecelebrity at this point, she hasn't made nothin in 10 years

She's had some songs out here and there. I saw she's been promoting some new song for a few months. I liked her Christmas EP. I was surprised she could sing like that. I guess she said she's a theater kid.

Redscare is a literal fascist influence op and should be treated as such, along with all it's fans.

>r/redscarepod hates him and they are as hipster as it gets.
Hipsters hating hipsters is as hipster as it gets.

All the more reason to stan Kendrick

that was avant garde? i thought it was just a reference to old pop quartets, like the marvelettes

Jackson Hinkle met with Hamas leaders

>Women are physically weaker compared to men, a man can kill a women with a single punch, meanwhile women can at most scratch you, c'mon bro.
This is what abrahamism does to a society. Multiple women I know are active boxers and could likely knock you out in a few seconds, unless you're also a trained martial artist. Are you a trained martial artist, anon?
pics are for fun, don't pretend they're an argument like an addict

>drake is cool because he respects women and is nice to them
>but domestic abusers are cool too

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dont know if already posted

Drew is the Winner of Everything

> Multiple women I know are active boxers and could likely knock you out in a few seconds

This is what watching too many Hollywood movies does to your brain. You see all those martial arts scenes where some average woman beats up some villain and you start believing that crap.

>my lived experience is hollywood hyperreality
kill yourself, debate pervert.

Literally the most talked rapper today with discography based on most classics down to Tupac, the only hipster about Kendrick is that he was moderately unknown outside rap circles, this beef changed that.

>based on most classics down to Tupac
What does that mean? You're saying he has the most classic songs? Tupac really doesn't even have that many classic songs either.
>Kendrick is that he was moderately unknown outside rap circles, this beef changed that.
He won the Pulitzer LMAO. He's an NPR type rapper.

Learn to read the linked post, can't be "hipsters lop" if you are a fucking mainstream rapper.

>Learn to read the linked post, can't be "hipsters lop" if you are a fucking mainstream rapper.
Of course you can. This song has 383 million views but I everytime I hear it I just picture a Brooklynite in suspenders twirling his handlebar mustache.

its not even the worst landfill indie that u can name drop

MLsisters he posted again…

Sounds like a good video. I will watch it later.

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It's insane to me that this many people are all this attached to the fucking pancake mammy.

PepsiCo rebranding it to "Pearl Milling Company" was basically a second 9/11 for a very weird kind of boomer and GenXer

NAFO pedophile nazi says what?

always the same map

Who and what?

Why does he always have that fake tough guy pose?

>Can people stop using the "League of Nations Alliance" thing. It's getting silly.

>The soviet union has pushed this vote for 8 years and its purpose is to legitimise attacking Germany. Use your head. Do you seriously think all those countries would publicly vote against forming an alliance against Germany if there were no other reason?

>Muh Russia
Russia is correct in this and the entire world agrees only the west don't, I don't understand why bad mouse became an a-narc-ist Agent Kochinskiigger but that still don't change the behavior of the west when it comes to Nazism.

More liberalanarchist slop, suck on the west more sweett, the western cold war narrative will become real one day.

It's all in your head tho, so no basis on reality.

Based Jackson. See this is what a real communist looks like. With Jackson and Haz at the helm, America will become communist very soon


T. Hipster

I hate this faggot so fucking much. Glad the commenters are fucking him for this. Learn your place peasant. There are better people running the country than your bullshit anarkiddie fanclub.

He's right though, it's all about geopolitics, after all Russia happens to host far right summits and supports nazi adjacent parties when it's convenient for them

>and have high common sense.
kinda jarring how everyone on the internet made fun of kamala's campaign for appealing to being "normal" but trump and trumpers mention how common sense is returning every other day/xeet

I would joke about something hipster but the only thing I knew about hipsters is their mustache, what is popular on their circles nowdays.

Yet the entire world votes for this not just Russia retard, the west has and always will be against the criminalization of Nazism while hosting fascists, just look at Ukraine.

He's right. Modern day MLism is little more than an online subculture akin to being a Groyper or a Brony.

The obsession baby commies have with that map is peak leftoid slop only surpassed in corniness by the likes of FALC memes or the "Labour creates all wealth" fake quote.

Haha very funny nafoid. Russia shuts down neo-nazi movements on the regular. There is a collage of a bunch of news stories from russia where they are arresting white power leaders and other far right movements. Russia keeps its far right problems under control. Ukraine is elevating them SPECIFICALLY against russia.

Ukrainian national identity is genocide of russians. Read Hrukrainian nationalist pamphlets from the early 1900's and you will see it.
>Hate your russian culture
>Hate your russian wife
>Hate your russian children
This was a real pamphlet by the way. A zigger might probably find it. The Hruks are deserving of it because they were always a rebellious fake ethnicity.

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>The mainstream consensus is that they are the keys of power and influence in the NRX intellectual matrix.
that seems to be just your opinion based on the fact that it's your guilty pleasure to listen to those ugly hoes tbqh

Well, yes and no. These votes (and the UN in general) are all useless posturing. It's pretty damning that a country will deny even a symbolic "fascism is bad" vote. Which is why even nations like saudi arabia will vote against nazism.

Yes the west is bad, and also Russia supports nazi adjacent organizations abroad, it's called cynic geopolitics, sorry you fell for the imperialist propaganda

If you're looking for a critique of ML, especially a more theoretically technical one, this really isn't the video. It's mostly taking a load of historical failures of AES and saying "this was bad" moreso than digging into the foundations of ML theory. Seems to me like a video made by a bitter apostate aimed at hyper-online tankies, online ideological combat as opposed to ideological development. Of course, the stated intention of the video is to jog critical thinking but I don't think it is going to be the effect. There are criticisms of vanguardism, the party form, dogmatism etc that can be made (from MLs no less) but the video doesn't really get into the meat and potatoes of it nor does it do enough to critique the practical shortcomings of contemporary leninist organizations (of both the trot/non-trot varieties) which seem to underpin the motive for the ideological switch.

>H-he is right
>Bunch of buzzwords and no arguments to tackle the fact of American simply to Nazis
All he posts these days are re heated cold war propaganda just like Agent Kochinski

Yet Russia moves against fascist nations and vote against the glorification of nazis, so they are far less friendly to fascism, sorry if triggers your liberalism.

>symbolic "fascism is bad"
Well it's not just that for the countries who voted no, at least that's what they pretend, and they happen to symbolically condemn fascism in another declaration so all is good now don't worry

I think it's a difference between Jungian Thinking and Feeling. "Common sense" is an appeal to Thinking, "Normalcy" is an appeal to Feeling.
I don't listen to them, I only visit the reddit. I don't know anybody who could even bare listening to their intense vocal fry.

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>stalinist arguments
This has little to do with "Stalinism" than it has to do with the elitist hobbyist idealism that festers in the minds of the modern "Marxist-Leninists". It is purely historical idealism in regards to socialist history.

Ah yes with a paramilitary named "wagner" that has an "afrika korps". Bet you cried terrorism when dugina was IRA'd, Imma be real, I honestly I don't see much difference between zigoids and azovites.

"To jog critical thinking"
These videos are anti-tankie slop for the nice and non authoritarians leftists that the liberals should support there is no critical analysis worth in them nor criticism that can be used, it boils down to open idealism that ignores material conditions or political realities of the past to attack those that support socialism in the pretend, nothing new coming from bad mouse as these "critics" in line with displays such as the fact that he don't care about support to the end of the embargo against Cuba because that will not bring instant communism as his infantile ideological view of the world shows.
In the end this type of anarchism or whatever it is it's just a personality trait that in no way challenges capitalism in no place other than the head of the consumer.

Ah yes, The Wagner that was bombed by Russia ?, oh wait, dugin, the guy that was also murdered by the Russian state ?, huh how odd that you use them as an example of how equal they are Ukraine, tell me, where are the git pieces of Azov generals getting murdered by the Ukrainian state, because all I see is them being treated as heroes in Ukraine and on the west.

>In my restless dreams, I see that syrup.
>Aunt Jemima.
>Trump promised he'd bring her back again someday.
>But he never did.
>Well, I'm alone now…
>Eating dry pancakes…
>Waiting for her to soak my plate…
>But she never does.

Notice how most of the countries in green are reactionaries. It's just extremely easy to vote against a dead ideology like nazism unless you have a vested interest in supporting nations instituting holidays to celebrate nazi collaborators

Do you have anything to say for yourselves, psychoanalysincels?

Article: https://www.parapraxismagazine.com/articles/notnothing

They may be reactionary, but they aren't reactionary enough to support Nazism, after all most of them suffered through colonialism from the red nations so they know how Hitler is like, so there is a limit to reactionarism that the west doesn't have.
Also which nation had a billionaire member of the government doing a hail Hitler recently ?.

Hitler isn't even as big of a bad guy in asian and african nations. It just used to be the most milquetoast or common sense political opinion to hold. To hate nazis. Again, yes these people don't reeeeally care about nazism, but they aren't actively normalizing it.

You won't see them support Nazism either way, unlike the west, that calls him evil yet In no level on its history did a a policing of nazifacism on its territories, the voting on UN is just one of the long history of the association of the west with nazism.
Guess hate for the Russian goes above the hate against the Nazi to justify these historical actions no.

>Hitler isn't even as big of a bad guy in asian and african nations.
Watch “The Act of Killing” (2012), the movie follows retired members of fascist death squads that tortured communists to death in Cold War Indonesia. They happily oblige to do reenactments of garroting prisoners or burning houses down. Something they all mention is those WW2 movies and how they loved the parts with the Nazis in it and how they sometimes copied execution methods because they thought Nazis were cool commie killers.
>”Those guys for sure knew how to kill commies!”
Its a worldwide problem, Nazis shouldn’t be given an inch.


wikipedia is under attack

>Heritage Foundation plans to ‘identify and target’ Wikipedia editors

>Employees of Heritage, the conservative think tank that produced the Project 2025 policy blueprint for the second Trump administration, said they plan to use facial recognition software and a database of hacked usernames and passwords in order to identify contributors to the online encyclopedia, who mostly work under pseudonyms. It’s not clear exactly what kind of antisemitism the Wikipedia effort, which has not been previously reported, is intended to address. But in recent months some Jewish groups have complained about a series of changes on the website relating to Israel, the war in Gaza and its repercussions.

>In June, a panel of Wikipedia editors declared the Anti-Defamation League a “generally unreliable” source of information about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, limiting when the organization can be cited in Wikipedia articles. And there was an outcry this fall among some Jewish scholars and pro-Israel activists over edits to Wikipedia’s entry for Zionism to add references to “colonization.”

>The Heritage Foundation sent the pitch deck outlining the Wikipedia initiative to Jewish foundations and other prospective supporters of Project Esther, its roadmap for fighting antisemitism and anti-Zionism. The slideshow says the group’s “targeting methodologies” would include creating fake Wikipedia user accounts to try to trick editors into identifying themselves by sharing personal information or clicking on malicious tracking links that can identify people who click on them. It is unclear whether this has begun.

>Tamzin Hadasa Kelly, a prolific Wikipedia editor, said that the methods mentioned in the Heritage document were familiar, and that Wikipedia editors know that it can be difficult to maintain their anonymity.

>Several prominent Jewish groups have also expressed concern that Wikipedia is tilted against Israel. A World Jewish Congress report released in March said the site’s articles about the Israel-Hamas war were biased in “terminology, framing and lack of context, one-sided sources and critical omissions,” while Aish.com, an Orthodox news website, said in November that it had been “hijacked by digital jihadists.”

>In May, the Los Angeles Jewish Journal ran a cover story titled “Wokepedia?” that described “seven tactics Wikipedia editors used to spread anti-Israel bias.” The article said that the term “anti-imperialism” had been added to the Hamas page as one of the Palestinian terror group’s ideologies, and the term “antisemitism” removed. Neither term is currently on the Hamas page; editors frequently discuss and change the content of controversial articles.

>The Heritage Foundation told prospective donors the project would be led in part by Tom Olohan, a former FBI agent, and noted that he had won a SHIELD award from the ADL in 2015.

>The ADL had faced backlash in 2021 after several of its staff members were found to be editing Wikipedia entries on domestic extremism to add information about the organization’s research. The site’s rules generally discourage editing aimed at promoting an organization the editor works for, but an ADL spokesperson said at the time that its employees had followed the rules by disclosing that they worked for the group.

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Watched it- but I have a few thoughts.
1. The video series he's making seems to be criticising MLs and ML structures rather than ML theory. No doubt, his points out to the problems regarding the treatment of women, the corruption that took hold within the state are certainly points to consider. But is this more of a criticism of terminally online MLs who dickride everything the USSR did, or the theory itself? Badmouse's initial purpose is a bit general.

Which brings me to point 2.

2. I do feel the "Ideological dead end argument" is silly. Marxism Leninism like any other ideology is not stagnant- hell for a so-called former Maoist he should know this. What irks me about this line is there are former Marxist Leninists who became more anti-statist Lefitsts or Horizontalists through precisely Marxist Leninist analysis-
Subcomandante Marcos via Neo-Zapatista theory, Abdullah Ocalan via Democratic Confederalism, even the directly democratic formation of "laocracy" through the KKE during WWII.

3. The margaret thatcher analogy needed some work. Using a vehement anti-communist who lead mass privitisation is a bit of a stretch. The BM could have made such arguments for figures like Peron, or hell even Labour leaders such as Paul Keating, Anthony Albanese or kevin rudd- that would have at least been better in the idea of "we shouldn't settle for less".

4. Schrodinger's Revisionist/ the Parenti razer argument actually do hold weight. I do have a lot of respect for Parentti, and he's far from uncritical- but MLs do tend to use him ad nauseum to justify EVERYTHING the USSR did- even though folks like Parenti opposed such policies. Pic related.

5. Badmouse's critique of Democratic Centralism I'd argue was ill founded- Badmouse doesn't seem to address the origins of WHY dem-cent was formed- and WHAT it was in response to. While I may disagree on Lenin's democratic centralism it was done in a way to prevent factionalism in the party and tear itself apart. Given how you could have had multiple factions fucking off and doing their own things while undermining others is a valid point to have. Wether having a centralised state apparatus and seeing how said "dem-cent" applied in other Marxist leninist circles is worthy of

6. The on authority argument is pretty succinct. I was honestly expecting him to link to "on authorities" multiple refutations, but I was pleasantly surprised he actually talked about how Liberation can't really be deemed "authoritarian" on the basis that the act of liberation is a response to an authoritarian action.

7. I'm not a fan of the "Dengists leave"- argument. Having read why Deng did what he did- I think the point is to at least understand WHY- we can point to how opening up and dismantling the communes was bad or even chucking your support behind Pol Pot was fucking dumb- simutaneously, there is some understanding as to why he did it. The soviet bloc was falling, communism was crumbling around china- while we can talk of the internal factors, these external factors can't just be dismissed.

I think the thing what Bad Mouse seems to forget is that an explanation isn't necessarily an excuse- a question that ML critics could ask would be, would you be willing to adopt Deng's policies in such a scenario- and actually question as to what they could do better if they deem it to be a mistake.
Actually get a conversation going- Badmouse doesn't seem to want to have it. And I do find the regular "fuck offs", "come ons" and "don't bother" x y and z demonstrates a big headedness and dismissive attitude.

For a man who encourages critical thinking, why not discuss as to WHY the USSR came to such policies- the man is capable of explaining it and pointing it out and elaborating on what was wrong- hell he even operates on what could be done! By encouraging empathy, Badmouse could actually get a democratic discussion going so we have a set plan to do better- the guy can extend such a hand to trots and Maoists but not dengists??

8. Yeah the numbers and influence that the USSR had section was actually well thought out, honestly this is a pretty damn good argument. The latter half of the "popularity argument" actually holds a lot of weight.

9. I take issue with the strawman of Lenin 45:40. This completely flies in the face of how Lenin was starting to see the cracks in the USSR in so far that he realised that they were keeping elements of the Tsarist Regime, and even offered a critique and solution of soviet Bearaucratization in his April thesis. Again, for a so-called former Maoist/ ML he treats Marxism Leninism as stagnant and never evolving?

And again i take the whole "it actually is the ideology that is flawed"- but flawed in what context? Yes, Badmouse does point out the deliberate revisionism of Marxism done by the USSR under Stalin- this is irrefutable, but does that mean that MLs should therefore adhere to everything that Stalin said? That they should keep up the homophobic policies, the realpolitik- of course not- but by that logic it doesn't come with a few policy changes, they KNOWINGLY made ideological changes based on evidence. They are CAPABLE of not being dogmatic. Why this need to paint MLs under one brush. Yes, it can be applied- but point to me how the communist party of Cuba: which under the guidance of ML theory recognised the rights of gay people and trans people and the American Communist party (if they could even be called ML) which opposes them are similar? His talk of the "inability to construct and critique yourself" is applying to MLs is dumb. Some are capable, some are not. The point of any revolutionary is to align with the ones who can- it's why the Democratic Confederalist experiment of Rojava has been successful in regards to a united front, in so far that it allows MLs and Anarchist-aligned factions to discuss, talk and do away with dogma.

That being said he's right about Gadaffi and Assad for that matter. The DPRK accusation is pretty disturbing.

10. Find little disagreement with the "critical support" and "truth" aspect of his video.

11. Badmouse is doing this out a sense of regret- and while this understandable, it doesn't mean he could have offered alternatives or ideological breakthroughs to self-critique. I say this as someone who's dabbled in Anarchist and ML theory (which is what made folks like Apo, Bookchin and Kidale appealing)- socialist ideologies EVOLVE they are never stagnant.

I empathise with his regret, but trying to portray ML as an entirely hopeless ideology is silly- although he does make damn good points, he makes little difference between the theory and practicioners, the regresses and advancements. At least he's willing to point out that this is a systematic problem of the left IN TOTAL.

Overall good points, but I don't agree with his conclusion that Marxism Leninism is overall lost- it is capable of advancing and changing- the question will be wether its adherents are capable of doing so.

Ok, it's pretty clear you didn't watch the video in full- he goes into detail of the very argument of "material conditions" and "political realities" 8 minutes in- including the point that what would compell a so-called Marxist Leninist leader to rob people of abortion rights and create a vanity project? How can "material conditions" get you so far to do that?
How could "material conditions" compell the USSRs homophobic policies- never mind that they had research and scientists who came to the conclusion that such people weren't crypto-fascists or bourgoise degenrates, but people? The fact is: you can't- in spite of the research given to them, the USSR ignored these findings and people suffered for it.

His points are clear in talking about a revolution: do they adhere to the principles that they set out to achieve in the first place?

As for Cuba- at worst he called it a nationalist revolution- which historically is true: Cuba didn't officially become communist until a few years after the revolution- even Fidel Castro repeatedly stated during the revolution "we are not communists". At no point does he even justify the blockade against them in the video.

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Who are they even targeting any more with their grift? They just spent years dickriding trump and MAGA faggots because they are le true revolutionarys in der burgerreich but now they are turning around and dickriding EFF and Malema who MAGA faggots literally believe is instituting total crackkka death in South Africa

>Land is the most fundemental means of production
physiocracy hours

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oh no no no, hakimsisters how do we respond?

>Their ideology makes no logical sense

True heirs of larouche

>he goes into detail of the very argument of "material conditions" and "political realities" 8 minutes in- including the point that what would compell a so-called Marxist Leninist leader to rob people of abortion rights and create a vanity project? How can "material conditions" get you so far to do that?
maybe the 27 million that died between the civil war and ww2 had an impact on the decision making.
also "vanity projects" is a meaningless label as long term plans that will yeald gains only in the future, such as the chinese "ghost towns", gets labeled as such, so without specifics you are just spewing meaningless drivel.

>How could "material conditions" compell the USSRs homophobic policies-

same that compelled the GDR to NOT have them, in other words, if the political reality and social adoption of these ideas where present, simple as, pro-LGBT ideas wasnt present on the USSR on the political or popular sphere while orthodox christianity was deeply entertwined and influenced the masses of the USSR in majority, couple that with the global view that homosexuality was a disease you get the backwards views by the party and the people about the question thus their policies
the progressiveness of a party or leftist ideology was never given in history as man or moviments are always limited by the material support of the masses and you can only push or break a bondary if the party and the people are willing to do that, as one influence the other as the communist party must be part of the working class, just look at Marx himself, he changed, yes, but in line of progressiveness of the time that was backwards to even the USSR.

>never mind that they had research and scientists who came to the conclusion that such people weren't crypto-fascists or bourgoise degenrates, but people?

scientific theory will only find adherance if the people knows it and is a popular conception by the masses and or the state allows it, in other words, it's political in nature that it will ever get popular and it will only get popular by the overthrown of the previously acepted ideology that ocupied its place, as show by the fact that Eugenics and scientific racism Was an openly scientific field accepted at the time in the four corners of the "civilized" world yet when the USSR it got purged so hard that the genetics field got hit as well by association and demonized, these scientists that came to these conclusions were not popular or had no support to cause a upheavel against the established views of the LGBT folk in the USSR while in the GDR they had an long tradition about the question in the form of the sexologist academy that was burned down by the nazis and cuba would be like the USSR, completely deprived of a thought about the LGBT in its movements, but because the GDR existed, and had wide political ties and influence on Cuba the LGBT thought had far move influence to cause a Upheaval of the Status quo than they ever had in the USSR.

>His points are clear in talking about a revolution: do they adhere to the principles that they set out to achieve in the first place?

what principles they did not adhere or casted aside into the pit to never return ?, every compromise of reality that they had to do to continue existing in the face of adversity was still remembered by the USSR as future pursuits, unfortunately compromise when you can't do something is a real thing, you would know rojavist, the oil is still going to the USA for defence grants to keep existing.

>As for Cuba- at worst he called it a nationalist revolution- which historically is true: Cuba didn't officially become communist until a few years after the revolution- even Fidel Castro repeatedly stated during the revolution "we are not communists". At no point does he even justify the blockade against them in the video.

he did it on twitter, you only saw this video and knows nothing about the history of badmouse and how much he is a sniveling ideology shopper ?.

again, i'll repeat, this video is just slop for the "anti-Tankie" cattle for his new (tm) ideology, whatever it is, the ancap turned anarchist turned tankie turned ultra changed again so it doesn't matter much, your own critic of the video shows how it's full of generalizations, incapacity analisis of context of what was happening or these ML countries show its just a hitpiece down to promiting DPRK slander to being cozy with US line of the Cold war, utterly useless to anything other Gaining popularity for this slop by trying to be the good boy in the eyes of liberal stablishment so liberals can wear cozy little revolutionary caps and do nothing.

and i will go even further and say this new whatever ideology is meaningless on impact on politics, USSR fell 30 years ago yet it has more contemporary impact of left politics than them that did not achieve anything worth at that time, as they don't achieve no goals and stack no revolutions or support in domestic matters they are effectively inbred hicks of lefitsm that exist to shoot at the ones that do and waste time, a true ideological dead end.

My biggest issue with Badmouse is how, although all his critiques of past socialism are correct, his proposed solutions are just dumb.

>EFF influenced my thinking for a decade!
6 months ago they hated EFF for their championing of lgbqt stuff and the attacks on them over their African Schengen Erea policy, among others.

>rojavist, the oil is still going to the USA for defence grants to keep existing

>He's right. Modern day MLism is little more than an online subculture akin to being a Groyper or a Brony.

Have you ever been to a rally?

Congrats you have photos of bronycon

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look at all those fine horse loving saars

the 5 heads of physiocracy: Quesnay, Nemours, Mirabeau, Turgot, Haz

Fuck glowiepedia and anybody who defends it

Did you know, in Soviet Russia they censored books and only printed things that would agree with whatever the party wanted you to believe?

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This is why the soviet union fell
Because such cartoons were allowed

Instead of making cartoons about scientific techno-socialist future, they were glorifying backward national petty culture and romanticizing the p*asant lifestyle
And yes I know the cartoon is actually about the war or whatever, but it's no excuse

trvke. fuck all that class analysis shit. why did the ussr fall? cartoon.

soviet union promoted ethnic nationalism among the republics
decades later, ethnic nationalists dismantled the union
simple as

no no no no. cartoon.

Ultimately what a lot of these sorts of critiques fail to address is why, even if they were all true, these should necessarily compel us to reject the USSR or anything else as a revolutionary project that was doing more good than harm to the socialist cause. So many of these debates involve people just listing out things they like or don't like about a socialist experiment, and then adopting a sympathetic or hostile position on it without much systemic analysis of these factors. It's very vibes based and largely conditioned by somebody's pre-existing ideological tendency. It feels like Homer Simpson buying the evil Krusty doll, picrel. What we need is to develop a rigorous scientific way to weigh these pros and cons in relation to the most pressing short, medium, and long term tasks of the revolution. In other words we need better methods of identifying when a project's shortcomings make it no longer worth supporting.

>who are they targeting?
The dumbest and most noxious hipster contrarians that I will have no sympathy for when they get long knived by the far right.

>now they are turning around and dickriding EFF and Malema who MAGA faggots literally believe is instituting total crackkka death in South Africa
Yeah that's not going to go over well with the MAGAfags but when Infrared first started making videos they had one about the EFF which they considered a model of sorts. Anyways, he writes:

>"The important thing is that it DOES reflect the majority of the masses in the country that it exists in"

The EFF received 10.8% of the vote in the last election. Not terrible but not great and they lost seats (and also other party big-wigs who jumped ship immediately afterwards, perhaps sensing this project has a limited shelf-life).

>"But make no mistake, the 'Western left' would indeed find a home in South Africa… with the DA, not the EFF."

The Democratic Party's base would probably be with the DA although I think many blacks would be the ANC, but a lot of Western leftists like the EFF precisely because of the party's image and black identity politics. But this might be something where Haz has a more accurate perception of the EFF than the Western left does, which largely just sees an image (Malema in the red beret with a stadium crowd – wow). The EFF's total crakkka death is not the reality but the "threat" of it is a form of media trolling and triggering, so Malema will insinuate it to provoke controversy or say something edgy like "cut the throat of whiteness" and then wait for the reaction and say "ah, you see how scared they are of the EFF!" It's a party that knows how to use social media, and Malema has constructed a kind of celebrity image, unfortunately I don't think social media has brought much good.

The EFF is also funded in part by payoffs under the table, notably a shady Italian tobacco businessman named Adriano Marzotti, and operates according to a Führerprinzip (Malema is "commander-in-chief" and runs the party as a personal dictatorship, his word is the rule). Malema also says a lot of different stuff, like on the land question he has demanded land expropriation without compensation but at other times said he would compensate farmers for constructed assets built on the land. But anyone who knows anything about land knows that the actual stuff built on land (buildings, silos, barns, irrigation systems) can constitute a solid percentage of the value. He has also buttered up the Zulu king who is one of the largest land owners in the country.

BTW, a funny thing is they claim the lineage of Trotskyism in their party program. And Malema himself is not anti-LGBT, and he's pro-open borders. And he's also said he loves Putin and would supply arms to Russia if he were the leader of South Africa (although liking Putin is not a fringe position in South Africa as it is in the West). But like I said, it's a personalistic vehicle for Malema, which makes the EFF's politics fairly capricious.

>Land is the most fundemental means of production
<physiocracy hours
This is an interesting thing as most of the EFF's supporters don't live in rural areas. The ANC, MK and IFP all have a greater rural base than the EFF. Most of the EFF's supporters are young people who live in townships, which are filthy overcrowded suburbs built to segregate blacks during Apartheid, and there's a lot of pissed-off unemployed people who live in them (this is also a historical base for the ANC). So what's interesting about that is these are not farm workers, most EFF supporters have never worked a day's worth of farm labor in their lives. Look at this girl with the hoop earrings in this campaign ad, she's not a farmer. I think the word "land" has a strong symbolic and romantic attraction. It's like, fresh air, skies, less noise…

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Who makes these, how do you even think this up.

dont question the providence of the sharty


gem alert

ironic schizophrenia

People on soy booru who argue with one another.
It's meant to be nonsensical and n a way it helps more than some retard unironically making "Palestinians when" soyjaks which are far worse.

you know this guy "fought" in the azov battalion and has probably killed civilians in the donbass in 2016, right?

either post proof or take your meds

bronies are the most revolutionary group confirmed.

went to ukraine after syria with a group of mercenaries, among which was the guy that the russians captured some years ago, the one with the arm tattoo, remember? what do you think he did there those 6 months? all of this by his own admission


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famous twitter nazi is a mexican

>Joshua Landis, director of the Center for Middle East Studies at the University of Oklahoma, said “it is good to see the U.S. actually invest in improving the region if, in fact, this is what the contract means.” He added, “The Kurds are too weak to sustain their control without U.S. military support, which will not be offered indefinitely. When the U.S. pulls out of Syria, as I suspect it will do in the coming years, it will abandon the collaborative elite that it is now assembling in Northeast Syria,” Landis told VOA. “This will come at a tremendous cost to those being asked to trust and depend on the United States today,” he said.
say it ain't so! lol

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Elon Musk and company are trying once again to destabilize Brazil. The images are from 2016 and (so far) there has been no street mobilization whatsoever, contrary to what is said there.

He's asking for proof, not you elaborating your claim a bit more.

This isn't them, buts it been known since their last name was zerotwomexicana and they got shit on by their Nazi friends until they changed their name

image is advertising upcoming protests the based retard just thought it was showing one that was happening even though these are from a fair few years back.
Did he give up on ZA?

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What other leftist internet communities do you comrades frequent? I lurk /r/trueanon but that's pretty much it (also it sucks). Are there any places online where people are doing actual organizing?

Online is not the place to organize, plain and simple

My union has a telegram channel. There's also telegram channels for all sorts of labor organizing. But it's really focused to that. Since it's a union space, it's pretty succdem and I keep my thoughts to myself mostly. People share their experiences and ask questions etc.

The local chapter of the biggest communist party gathers to discuss happenings, like future protests, news from other chapters, articles from the party newspaper, etc.

If you're looking into something like that, it might make sense for you to try to organize locally?

Regarding other communities, at this point I avoid them all because I just get angry and I would rather not tie it to my offline persona, saying shit that will get me shot by the feds.

Even here I get angry reading half the threads lmao. I'm not the most educated person on this site, but some of y'all really speak too confidently and arrogantly about shit y'all have no idea about.

but some of y'all really speak too confidently and arrogantly about shit y'all have no idea about.
That's leftypol but also just americans on the internet in general.

I know you're right but I'm really not sure where to begin where I am. There seems to be no energy for left organization here. I tried to organize a DSA (I know) chapter and got no traction even with that. I'm not sure what I can do.

That's just people on the Internet man. It's why without strict discipline and guidelines, a public forum is just mostly shitposting.

Just start going to demos and shit it's not hard.

@sandinistard you asked for this

Nta but whenever I tried getting involved with the leftists/communists in IRL it was painful and awkward. First, was the time I tried joining a DSA book reading. It was just a group of snobbish, elitist intellectuals sniffing their own farts. Then, I joined the 2020's protests. The people I met on the ground were all in to for the show. No politics beyond "Fuck da System!". Then I met another group of socialists, they were canvassing while I was on my way to work. We actually talked and exchanged socials and were arranging to actually move forward with me agitating at my workplace and collage campus, but then the way I was in contact with went off on me because I wasn't a ML and I was against the People's revolution and some other drivel. I ghosted him.

Why can't we a well adjusted intellectual like Lenin to lead the left today?

>what vanity projects
The one he talks about in the video regarding cecauscau and his presidential palace. Or even the disturbing accusations he made about the DPRK.

>same that compelled the GDR to NOT have them, in other words, if the political reality and social adoption of these ideas where present, simple as, pro-LGBT ideas wasnt present on the USSR on the political or popular sphere while orthodox christianity was deeply entertwined and influenced the masses of the USSR in majority.

Firstly, LGBTQ ideas WERE present in the USSR and they did have scientists backing them. Nikolai Sameshko being one- and in spite of his findings he was unjustly censored.

>scientific theory will only find adherance if the people knows it and is a popular conception by the masses and or the state allows it, in other words, it's political in nature that it will ever get popular and it will only get popular by the overthrown of the previously acepted ideology that ocupied its place, as show by the fact that Eugenics and scientific racism Was an openly scientific field accepted at the time in the four corners of the "civilized" world yet when the USSR it got purged so hard that the genetics field got hit as well by association and demonized, these scientists that came to these conclusions were not popular or had no support to cause a upheavel against the established views of the LGBT folk in the USSR while in the GDR they had an long tradition about the question in the form of the sexologist academy that was burned down by the nazis and cuba would be like the USSR, completely deprived of a thought about the LGBT in its movements, but because the GDR existed, and had wide political ties and influence on Cuba the LGBT thought had far move influence to cause a Upheaval of the Status quo than they ever had in the USSR.

Then by that logic wouldn’t it have been important for the USSR to possibly learn from the GDRs example? This also points out of a massive failing on the USSRs part- the fact that it neglected scientific findings for the sake of maintaining some vague “popular will”. If I started talking about trans rights in a rural part of America which hypothetically had a workers revolution, should a workers state maintain their homophobia due to some degree of “Christian evangelism” or popular consent? No.

Again, pro lgbtq findings weren’t necessarily unpopular until the time of Stalin’s leadership.
One has to question not only the ideological underpinnings of a system but the system itself if it can just dismiss actual scientific research for one and adopt pseudo scientific research like Lysenkoism for another!

This can be seen when In the early 1920s. The Soviet government and scientific community took a great deal of interest in sexual research, sexual emancipation and homosexual emancipation. In January 1923, the Soviet Union sent delegates from the Commissariat of Health led by Commissar of Health Semashko. to the German Institute for Sexual Research as well as to some international conferences on human sexuality between 1921 and 1930, where they expressed support for the legalisation of adult, private and consensual homosexual relations and the improvement of homosexual rights in all nations.

So no, your analysis is fucked. If the Soviets had the power to form joint research communities with other scientific communities and share their knowledge, then one has to question why homosexuality was criminalised under Stalin and Kruschev especially when the GDR ACTIVELY EXISTED.

>His points are clear in talking about a revolution: do they adhere to the principles that they set out to achieve in the first place?

Again more evidence you haven’t been keeping track.

Some points would include the expansion of workers rights and democratic rights. As the USSR continued on it became a lot more bearaucratised taking away power from the Soviets all the while maintaining a form of class relations, and while initially it started this way, it became clear the USSR and its vanguard party didn’t give a shit about popular will of the people.

I’d be pretty pissed off at also the rampant corruption within the Soviet ranks while cadres argue “the serve the Will of the people”

Id also argue respect for national sovereignty would come into question when you collectively punish ethnic minorities with ASSRs and dissolve said ASSRs.

He actually provides citations and goes through the very arguments you point out! Whenever folks like you state “uh but what’s the alternative” or “well x was going to happen which why you got y” and you’re met with disagreements- considering there were alternatives you stick your head in the sand.

what principles they did not adhere or casted aside into the pit to never return ?, every compromise of reality that they had to do to continue existing in the face of adversity was still remembered by the USSR as future pursuits, unfortunately compromise when you can't do something is a real thing, you would know rojavist, the oil is still going to the USA for defence grants to keep existing.

1. The oil isn’t going to the USA, as we’ve established multiple times. The Rojavans control their own oil and the only person who WAS buying was Assad. Effectively, the USA is still maintining the blockade on Syria- only easing on it to “provide military aid”. Rojava couldn’t sell the US their oil even if it wanted to. Assad is gone bro, let it go.


>he did it on twitter, you only saw this video and knows nothing about the history of badmouse and how much he is a sniveling ideology shopper ?.

Can you give us a link?

>utterly useless to anything other Gaining popularity for this slop by trying to be the good boy in the eyes of liberal stablishment so liberals can wear cozy little revolutionary caps and do nothing.

Why is that whenever there is a criticism of the USSR it’s always the same buzzwords and paranoid conspiracy theories that you’re furthering the interest of liberal elites when communists and the like despise them? Why do you assume there’s going to be an automatic double standard?

Let’s try this again since you want to argue like a child.

A liberal criticises the USSR for being communist and wants to see it burn.
A communist criticises the USSR because they believe it doesn’t hold to their principles and has issues with its leadership and either wants a reform of the socialist system or a secondary revolution to establish a socialist system.

They are not the same.

>USSR fell 30 years ago yet it has more contemporary impact of left politics than them that did not achieve anything worth at that time, as they don't achieve no goals and stack no revolutions or support in domestic matters they are effectively inbred hicks of lefitsm that exist to shoot at the ones that do and waste time, a true ideological dead end.

Again, given how the USSR repressed and backstabbed some of its allies and fellow revolutionaries, and knowingly edited, revised and chose theory when it suited them there is an argument to be made.

I’m not saying the USSR was without merit, I’m saying you’re pea brain for thinking that these flaws were inevitable and that we should accept them.

As for the abortion rights being taken away, there is nothing that justifies it. The death of millions during the time of those wars was tragic, that does not justify policing women’s bodies, ever- especially without their democratic output.

Be the change you want to see in the world Anon. Maybe you can become the next Lenin!

Ngl anon, I think that’s a damn good idea.
I’d argue no- the USSR shouldn’t be rejected or demonised, but it shouldn’t be replicated or evangelised either.

>i tried to get involved but it was to hard because i'm a sectarian sperg
Anon you're the problem in this story. You are your obstacle to not being involved in anything.

new chill goblin just dropped


Meh. I'll grant you that I'm a sperg and my social aptitudes are lacking. It's not my fault though, I've just been socially alienated for too long. Also, while that may be true for the first two groups, the ML dude was like a walking stereotype of ML. No way he's getting anywhere with normal people.

It may not be your fault but it is your responsibility at the end of the day

What I think we're really missing is two things. First, we need to be assessing a socialist project against the most pressing tasks of the revolution in a given moment. In some cases this could be easy, like I'm sure everybody would agree that in 1942, the most pressing task facing the worker's movement was the annihilation of Nazism. Other times it could be more difficult (like today for example), but the point is that we should be looking at these projects against specific, measurable goals rather than abstract values. For example, it's a lot easier to tell when the goal of smashing Nazism has been sufficiently accomplished than the goal of liberating the workers. One is concrete while the other is highly abstract. Of course this would require consideration of how pursuit of short term goals could affect the ability to achieve long term goals, like it would be counterproductive for a socialist party to win an election by just becoming liberals. The point is just that we should be thinking in terms of what needs to be done in the short and medium term, not just what we would like to see in the long term. We should also consider whether these tasks are being achieved as a sort of vanguard or rearguard action, i.e. whether they are done to empower subaltern revolutionary forces or to pacify them in order to ultimately preserve the rule of the old order.

Second, I think we need better metrics to identify the class and political character of a state. I think its incorrect to assume that because a state is repressive or lacks democratic forms, this means it is not representative of the class it claims to represent. This ties into the first point actually, since if we can agree that achieving a set of goals is objectively in the interests of the workers and revolutionary socialism, then a state which achieves those things represents those interests even if it is undemocratic. I think that our understanding of democracy is flawed too. People often argue about whether the USSR was democratic, but these generally just boil down to an argument about which systems are best for achieving democratic ends. Both MLs and Anarchists have yet to shake the liberal spook that democracy is when you vote for things, that a state is defined most effectively by the specific form of its institutions and not which interests are most prominently represented in policy. When a state represents an organic synthesis of the interests and desires of the broadest possible segment of society, then it will in practice be democratic. This is the difference between democratic form and democratic content, and the former should just be a means to achieve the latter, which is the real goal. What interests are represented in this synthesis and which are excluded are what truly determines the class character of a state. This in turn is predominantly determined (imo) by its mode of production, since this is what delineates the boundaries between the most fundamental and irreconcilable of interests: class interests. I would say that a socialist autocracy has a greater ability to become a true democracy than a capitalist "democracy," simply because a socialist system has fewer and less intense social contradictions, allowing for more people to be represented by the prevailing synthesis of interests.

In my personal opinion, the USSR was both achieving many of these pressing revolutionary tasks as well as exhibiting a kind of democratic content which was at least highly representative of proletarian interests, therefore it was worth supporting at least until the Glasnost period despite doing lots of shit I consider indefensible.

I'll also add that when it comes to addressing a state's flaws, or its failures to achieve pressing revolutionary goals, we should consider whether this is a result of factors endemic to its structures and mode of production or merely the result of transient circumstances. For example if we compare ethnic cleansing as carried out by the American and Soviet governments respectively, we can see a clear distinction. The ethnic cleansing of Indigenous people was made inevitable by the fact that America was a settler colonial capitalist project in constant need of new land, new resources, etc. Whereas the ethnic cleansings in the USSR (referring here to the deportations during the war) were a reaction to a specific and transient set of conditions, i.e. the war itself. It's not surprising then that Indigenous Americans are still not allowed to resume control of their ancestral lands, whereas the vast majority of deportees in the USSR were allowed to return home after the war.

hell yeah dude

I sincerely don't know of a single good one. It most likely only exists in the higher levels of academia which most of us don't have access to.

Nukechan is good but it's slow.

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>tweet nothing

are the mods also christian fanatics like here? or can i get away with drugs and murder?

Uhh….go off….girl?

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is the future magacommunism the BSW? What even happened with them?

For those wondering who this is:


She has around 180k followers on Twitter

Right wing anon and regular accounts on dissident area have been trying to prove this buy is Indian for like a week or 2. They keep calling him Indian

Theres a screencap of him boosting an Indian cryptocoin I think that's why

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How do leftists respond to this?

i-it's over…

Every time i see him his skin gets more red

>Every time i see him his skin gets more red
Well you have seen nothing yet… He and some of his pals got Saudi money and are planning to make one of those celebrity promotion trips.

anti-woke people can't just fucking end the grift, it's always a treadmill with these guys.

>You gotta judge a revolution by what it does, not what it says
>And here is why all these were failed revolutions for internal reasons
<Not Cuba though, because US was so involved I can't claim their failure was internal
<So you have to judge Cuba by a selected Castro quote from 1959
Checkmate tankies

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