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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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It should be even lower but it's a good start


Mask off projection about US fiscal policy?


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What level is this psyop on? In the midst of war propaganda, you decide this to be your title


YouTube really puts all this 'race baiting in china' stuff front and centre, it's very strange.


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The national football team is in the same group as Japan, Australia, and Saudi Arabia.
hope Australia sends kangaroos to play against the Chinese team.
video sourced from 【【科幻巨制】国足大战企鹅勇夺世界杯!-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/l5cGgTO if there is infringement, i can delete it.

视频来源于 【【科幻巨制】国足大战企鹅勇夺世界杯!-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/l5cGgTO 权侵删


america moment tbqhf


I don't get it when 4chan is full of b*c spams, are whiteys okay, at least we asians are not obsessed with blacked


White nationalists are obsessed with black cocks, as simple as


Basically, the psycho-ideological apparatus required to alter the minds of large swathes of the angloid population and normalize racism and slavery has cascading effects on the rest of the psyche.

You can't just suppress peoples' humanity that aggressively without breaking some stuff along the way, which often manifests as weird psycho-sexual quirks among the angloids.


Are you not a Marxist? The emergence of civilization coincided with class relations and thus widespread inequality. The birth of such key technologies as using certain underground materials and writing was from rampant inequality and savage treatment of the lower classes.


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Brainlet do you really think Youtube trash is Marxist analysis™ and not just another way to attack China?


You're not very smart if you don't understand the subtext of a youtube history channel with a CHINA BAD headline.


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Fucking hell, anti-China propaganda hits a new low.. (This dude is a professor at Cornell university)


Do you have the napoleon and OG versions?



The CCP will be enhanced by BBC. The correct racial pairing of the future is black and asian.


Go back.


It is real… here is footage of CCP NKVD stealing skin from uighur orphans… terrible… we need to stop the CCP now!


If I activate beauty filter on my Huawei phone, the bottom half just explodes and blasts a compressed uighur face into my face, airbag style.


Uyghur's or Falun Gong's compressed face


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Yes its a very real possibility, this era is basically the last chance in human history they have to preserve their unipolarity and ultimately capitalism as a whole. If they let this moment slip through their hands then China and Communism will end up as the dominant center of the world. Able Archer '83 proved they are quite willing to start a nuclear war if they think they can win. Be prepared.


>emergence of civilization
Im pretty sure it was in the fertile crescent first


This animated show (5:20) about Chinese History presented by a bunch of cats has a better Marxist analysis than some random westoid "content creator".


>China stole my face!!!!
And we haven't even hit rock bottom yet. What's next?


>No you can't have electric cars or high speed rail or any nice things. They're Chinese you see and we're in a trade war because we thought we could offshore all manufacturing. You don't want to support……..face harvesting, do you?
<keep paying for my government subsidized tesla sweaty, you'll never drive an electric.


<peels off your face to pay Chinese for Tesla car assembly cost and resources involved and import fees


I would have my face peeled off if it only meant I could live in Cynah.


The video is about civilization as it emerged in China, not as it emerged on the world.


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They play this series in the Shanghai metro carriages sometimes (along with clips from league of legends and lasts year’s year of the rabbit infomercials lol)


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> Explosion… There was an accident during the static test of the Tianlong-3 rocket.
> On the afternoon of June 30, 2024, during the static fire test of the Tianlong-3 at Qinglong Mountain in Gongyi, Zhengzhou, it was reported that it wasn't secured properly, and the first stage flew off…

Video sourced from the internet

Original link [Explosion… There was an accident during the static test of the Tianlong-3 rocket - Bilibili] https://b23.tv/ePFvIei"




原地址【炸了…天龙三号火箭静态测试时出事故了-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/ePFvIei


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Chang'e - 6 returned with far side moon rock samples on June 25 btw. Next is south pole probe


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27th anniversary of the Hong Kong handover today.


holy fuck, anon. How many people were hurt?


No casualties were reported. Additionally, the rocket was privately owned, but it indeed startled the nearby residents. This was actually a rather serious launch accident, but fortunately, there were no casualties. I believe the government will likely impose stricter regulations on private rockets in the future.



Now this is an achievement. Post more on this please. I went to libreddit and naturally the rocket misfire was top of every possible sub.
A _private_rocket testing so close to residential areas. I hope there's consequences. The era of private space programs should end.


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>27th anniversary of the Hong Kong handover today.
Wonder how the "Revolutionaries of our time" are coping right now…


China needs to put a space port on Taiwan



I still remember watching the handover ceremony - but I would just call it a restitution - live on the telly on a summer afternoon as a kid, while it was midnight in China. I'll never forget Charlie's sad face…

England is another dystopian, shitty place and the final words of the coroner - a Dutch, btw - are just another proof of it. That said, I guess that woman fell victim to a certain Bong government scheme trying to attract as many people from HK as they can just to stick two fingers at China. These are the results.


Also 103 years of CPC. o7

>The era of private space programs should end
SpaceX ate all the rocket fuel.


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SpaceX has been awarded a contract to help NASA take the ISS down from orbit. China's space station, the Tiangong, will become the only space station in orbit.


>throw the chinese out of the space station
>they do their own
>westoids greedy cunts close theirs coz they gotta give those tax monnies to porkies rather than research


End of colonialism.




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>SpaceX has been awarded a contract to help NASA take the ISS down from orbit.
Watch yet another totally-legit win by SpaceX be yet another modified Starship that is overbudget and delayed for years as they choose the most complex and complicated way to deorbit ISS. By the time it flies, the ISS will have fallen to Earth. However, the USDV will have accomplished its true mission, being Elon Musk's money-laundering machine.

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