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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 [Last 50 Posts]


That was meant to be a comma after Beijing lol. I’m not retarded


i like Deng Xiaoping


>I’m not retarded
You post on leftypol


Also I never went to shanghai but there's nice authentic old canal cities nearby. As far as i know shenzhen is a fucking shithole, completely new just any other city. Better off visiting hong kong next door for 2 days if your visa allows it.


>tiananmen square
Mmhmm… I wonder what happened 35 years ago there


Shenzhen doesn't have a lot of interesting stuff, maybe if you are a nerd you could check out the electronics market but Hong Kong and Macao are extremely close by. There is a bridge between the mainland/HK/Macao and a regular ferry service.


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>Shenzhen doesn't have a lot of interesting stuff, maybe if you are a nerd you could check out the electronics market but Hong Kong and Macao are extremely close by. There is a bridge between the mainland/HK/Macao and a regular ferry service.
I'm not big into electronics but I'd like to see that. They had this part in Stardust memories with electronic market on the moon that was a reference to the famous Akhibara one, which is mostly closed now I hear. Seems like a neat relic of the past shopping for transistors at a swap meet lol.


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Happy nothing happened day!


lib rioters getting arrested didnt happen ?
why propagate anti china propaganda while pretending youre opposing it ?


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absolute state


art of the deal


Started watching the vid and the dude seems like an annoying "we need to change things but we can't actually change captialism" type liberal.


Do a little reform then crush those it brings out wanting a lot of reform? Based. More effective at getting liberals to out themselves than saying "we want to reform liberals"


Very smart of Deng, sincere reformers have to be careful because liberals will pretend to be one of you, then try to push their full policy through using the positions they have been given. Andropov would have had to done the same to the Gorbachev types if he had lived.


I do not understand the HK situatiuon. Is it not ruled by the CCP? Why aren't they just taking back that piece of their country


'One country two systems' its part of the agreement with the UK, the full handover takes place in 2047.


I find tianamen posting has pretty much lost its juice tbh and it’s barely worth even acknowledging. Only lib deadenders care and it’s just a matter of time until people just starts fully mocking this. But I will note westoids have taken too much of their own medicine here and now no longer either “remember” the historical events or understand the present day context, which is accelerating the trend.

To the second point about context, they imagine the typical racist caricatures of China that appear in the U.S., (brainwashed smiling oriental saying “there is no war in ba sing se”). But in fact they don’t deny there was an “June 4th incident” actually in the official line.

To the first they just are now forced to lie and say 10,000 students were shot with tommy guns and run over by tanks in the square. Which straight up did not happen. Not even to a smaller degree. And they know this didn’t happen but they find the actual events for some reason differ too much from this story that even boldly stating the facts: that the massacre was away from the square, of local people, and the students had vacated etc. despite being extremely bad when you lay them out, *undermine the myth*. Lol


tbh I have to wonder if tank man actually gave the PRC a long-run PR boon in disguise: whenever people reference the june 4th incident they reach for the picture of him - yeah, sure, some tanks went into the city and a guy stood in the road - rather than any of the more chaotic pictures from the same period. burning vehicles, tanks ramming blockades, people bleeding, etc, but if you say "Tiananmen Square" the picture that comes to mind without fail is the man standing in the road in front of a tank, a picture you could show your children and feel no guilt. they're not thinking of any of the multiplicity of worse looking images taken around the same period, they're only ever thinking of him.
(i suppose the counterargument would be that the tank man photo is the only reason anyone remembers the incident at all: people forget Yeltsin shelling parliament, or countless other cases, after all… maybe what they all needed was an iconic photograph.)

anyhow, this one reminds me of that pepsi ad with the cops: the PLA and the students sharing the power of coca cola.


Glory be to mother chinas moon lander, may deng smile upon us from the heavens


It's also funny because the message westerners are effectively trying to send with that pic is that the Chinese people are gigachads who stand up to tyranny. Kind of clashes with the sinophobia.


I wonder if any China anons could give a screenshot of tank man being discussed on Chinese internet. Would be great to spite liberals.


File: 1717549344462.mp4 (3.55 MB, 720x560, full tank man video.mp4)

Reminder that 'tank man' isnt even from the june 4th incident, its from the day after and he was blocking them from leaving the square, not stopping them from entering it.


Discussion IS censored. It's just not denied. Nobody including the government says "nothing happened". They just obliquely refer to an "incident".


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Westoids want to talk about watercannonning into the gutters remains of thousands of people murdered by the government. When China censors this nonsense, they start crying about denying Tiananmen. This is the crux of the matter - Westoid propaganda about atrocities against the boring reality of Westoid protestors failing to cause country-wide unrest


Bumped into what appears to be a big repository of Chinese painted propaganda: http://wxhsgsh.zhlhh.com/


Does Marx get taught in chinese schools?



LlamaV3 AI model was stolen from Chinese

>Re Llama3V: First of all, we want to apologize to the original authors of MiniCPM. We wanted Mustafa to make the original statement but have been unable to contact him since yesterday.


Yes Marxism-Leninism and Communist history are mandatory at every level, here's the basic textbook they start with.


As a westoid that's kind of crazy for me.


>They teach real facts and logic over feefees in China


Yeah that's kinda crazy


Both my sources for pirating CNKI are dead. It's never been so over.


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Nice find.

>what is this, marxism for deep fried ants?


A lot of times before i doubted that "communism" and it all was worthwhile, but then i remember Chinas accomplishment of today, and all the progress that was made so far. There is no doubt in my mind that socialism brought to the world immeasurable amounts of wealth to the world, but China is the daily reminder of that obvious truth. It fills my heart with ease knowing it was all worth it in the end. Maybe things will get worse in the future, maybe we will not have international breaking records of progress every week, but socialism already proved the point, as the most successful path for humanity.


In the Forbes billionaire list, if you sum up the wealth of all the billionaires in China (excluding Taiwan), you get the following:

Mainland: $2,531.9 B
Hong Kong: $448.2 B
Macau: $3.1 B
Total: $2,983.2 B

Mainland: $1,962.45 B
Hong Kong: $383.4 B
Macau: $1.9 B
Total: $2,347.75 B

Mainland: $1,644.7 B
Hong Kong: $367.3 B
Macau: $1.3 B
Total: $2,013.3 B

Mainland: $1,335.6 B
Hong Kong: $329.7 B
Macau: $0 (No billionaires)
Total: $1,665.3 B

Total Change
Mainland: -47.25%
Hong Kong: -26.44%
Macau: -100%
Total: -34.23%

Of course, Hong Kong is a special case due to the treaty signed in 1997, which makes it a de facto capitalist economy for 50 years, which is why the change in Hong Kong hasn't been as much (and also why just a city has a disproportionate amount of billionaires).


>Forbes billionaire list

It's trash


Did they decrease because the billionaires escaped to America or any other US backed tax haven or did they implement policies that fuck over billionaires trying to profit off the working class?


I honestly don't care if China has billionaires. Yes china has problems, but they will get sent to prison in some years, just give it time. Nothing to really worry about.


Forbes list of billionaires is fake. They put in there people without much of a scientific inquiry into the matter. China's decrease in billionaires' wealth is as fictitious as existence of billionaires in China, because Forbes isn't doing any real rigorous research into the matter


iirc there a limit to how much money you transfer overseas, so good riddence.


>>1876821 (me)
Wait I found a better scan and new edition from 2023, download this one instead if you want the book.



I mean i think the list was supposed to represent the total accumulate wealth of china's richest but yeah your probably correct to some extent, like for an example with Jack Ma for instance he doesen't actually own the entirety of Alibaba and yet all of Alibaba's value is added to his profile and this is the same with A lot of china's porkies, though i think it should be noted that the article is correct about the wealth of the chinese bougiouse decreasing though, this has been a kind of steady and consistent trend around private capital within china and while i think this is more so due to private capital fucking itself over the CPC certainly hasn't helped them and in some cases have implemented policies and made decisions which directly fucks over private capital (e.g. preventing the real estate firms from taking out any more loans and allowing them to go bankrupt in late 2023 for instance) along with mandating the creation of workers councils in all companies above 300 employees (making it considerbly harder for the capitalists in china to exploit there workforce)


>it will get better, just wait and see!

The cope of every communist ever.


All trends regarding China are overwhelmingly positive – you don't need to be a communist to acknowledge that.


Well it's been getting better, hasn't it


>"anti-Dengist" exposes self as an anti-communist
imagine my surprise


>Macau: -100%




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Is this true? Is china finished?


EVs are colonizing your mind, m8


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Sharing this slop from a local newspaper only for this incredible visual of notorious cybercriminal comrade Xi hacking into the west's mainframe


Anyone knows of a free mobile verification site which has Chinese numbers which work?


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Disgruntled workers are all Chinese spies! Red Scare with Yellow Peril characteristics


Bilingual subtitles on Chinese movies on western torrent sites are relatively common. I trust them much more than western-created english subtitles for Chinese movies. There's been examples of communist themes deliberately mis-translated in subtitles created in the west.
>t. regularly downloads multiple subtitles for Chinese movies and compares them.


>There's been examples of communist themes deliberately mis-translated in subtitles created in the west.
Do tell.


>try Hong Kong restaurant
>they put powdered sugar in the rice


>Is china finished?
China is definitely finished. China is ogre. China never even begun. China? More like Ogra.


Dear comrade Xi!

I am disgruntled worker.

I will perform activities for you in exchange for your money.


If China is not prepared to go to war tomorrow then they will lose their territorial integrity forever. The U.S. anti-sinitic alliance hinges on leaders in India, Philippines, and Korea who have are faltering in power and popularity in their respective countries. This will lead them to act more quickly and more desperately.


I think you have to be kind of actually retrarded maybe to think Chinese industry will be weaker and less competitive in 5 years.


Ouuuh I’m cooming


China added more automation than the rest of the world combined, would be strange to do that to just then move the industry overseas.


As a Brazilian, that would be an actual dream come true. Westoid have only ever fucked us over or, at best, don't give a shit about our development.


>Chinese experts


>register on a Chinese forum for sharing papers
>open a random topic
>they're asking for a recently released paper which isn't on Sci-Hub but to which I have access
>seems simple enough
>can't upload it to the forum itself, need to upload elsewhere and share the link
>forum software points towards 4 Chinese hosts
>one is Baidu, to which I have a spoof account
>try to login
>2 different errors
>try logging in on another browser which doesn't have a page ranslation plugin so I have to translate parts of the page one by one in another tab
>logs in fine but there doesn't seem to be a way to actually upload anything
>try googling for help
>apparently there's no Baidu in English
>and I need to install the Baidu Cloud client to be able to upload anything
>fuck it
>upload to some simple and easy Western host, gofile.io
>instead of just posting the link in a reply on that forum, I have to "claim help" so I'll get a reward in forum points for helping
>claim it, then try to post the link
>"oops you can't post at all because you have 0 points, PROTIP you can get enough points to post if you log in our app 3 days in a row"
And I thought the Western internet was cancerous. Sorry, random Chinese guy, but you won't be getting the file that's sitting idly in my HD right now.


>figure out I might be able to send them the link via PM
>hit send
>forum software asks me for 2 captchas, then spits out a 500 error, and the PM didn't go through
Sorry again, random Chinese guy, I tried.


first time on a retro forum? these kind of forums may have some exp quests for new users
what arent you sharing it to scihub
which forum exactly


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Two more weeks until it's ogre for China. Burgerland won yet again in the free market place of ideas


not the heckin tax havenerino


this much winning is absolutely incredible



>first time on a retro forum?
I was an old-time goon, actually. That's why this bullshit strikes me as particularly cancerous.

>what arent you sharing it to scihub

Users can't upload to Sci-Hub, can they?

>which forum exactly

Somebody else helped him by now.

Currently I'm hunting for a new way to pirate from CNKI and other Chinese databases. A few years ago, there were plenty of Chinese libraries and other public institutions with badly configured portals to these sites which allowed anyone to download, nowadays it seems they're all patched up.

I've found a few libraries with possible ways for me to get an internet account which might let me use their portals. https://www.gxlib.org.cn used to require just a SMS verification from a Chinese mobile number, but now it requires photo ID too. https://www.zjlib.cn can be authed via Alipay app, but apparently you can't use that app outside of China and it seems to require a Chinese bank account anyway. https://www.gzlib.org/ is currently my only bet, it's implied that you can easily make an account there simply by having an IP from the Guizhou province, so now I need to find a VPN or proxy or whatever in that place.




>japan handled it well
>complete lack of realism is a threat to all of us
Not even trying to hide that they want China to give up and stagnate.


Its my hypothesis that there are no real billionaires in China if you subtract all the capital and net worth that is permanently wrapped up in the actual businesses and productive forces they are at the head of, because of the universal lack of any kind of private property in land and CPC control & influence over every company over a certain size.


American Solidarność when?


Why are they so fixated with consumer spending?


in their view, consumer spending is the lifeblood of any big economy, what they don't realize is china doesn't necessarily play by the same rules


It's the Keynesian stuff? Can't China just order for stuff to be built (infrastructure) and things happen? I don't get what's the problem with consuming less. I assume that at some point you can start having less working hours, more holidays etc


So he’s assuming that neoliberalism is? Lol



It’s critical to the justifications for landing massive tariffs on solar and EVs. They argue (and if this doesn’t make sense don’t worry, it really doesn’t even inside of economics) that Chinese are exporting more than they are supposed to. Since Chinese domestic consumers are supposed to buy all Chinese domestic production, so if they are producing things that are exported and not consumed, Chinese consumption is too weak, and China is “refusing” to stimulate consumption. Thus the tariffs are a necessary reaction to a policy choice in China.

Not like anyone really cares though. It’s a fig leaf anyway.


Communism is commodity production in the entire country plus state owned enterprise power


>Users can't upload to Sci-Hub, can they?
scihub originally used libgen as storage, and you could always upload to libgen
>so now I need to find a VPN or proxy or whatever in that place.
setting up a proxy into china mainland is kinda risky and my proxy provider explicitly said they wont set any domestic proxies
>but apparently you can't use that app outside of China and it seems to require a Chinese bank account anyway
not now, the kyc process does not require a chinese bank account but do require a passport
some shops outside china may accept alipay but its cny based


cursed but sadly true


Planned economy is a sufficiently advanced commodity production economy


>setting up a proxy into china mainland is kinda risky and my proxy provider explicitly said they wont set any domestic proxies
Is there a reason why proxies are more risky than VPNs? As far as I know, VPN use is very common there.

Regardless, I have no idea where to begin looking for a proxy in China, since all I as a Western can see in advertised are proxies outside of China offered to Chinese.


we mostly do not use vpns since vpn protocols are not specially made for that matter, we call everything vpns just because 翻墙软件 is hard to translate, we mostly use proxies for that instead of vpns
as i said earlier these kind of services are only to access western internet within china mainland, and setting up a server to access mainland china contents are too risky since these could be used by a bad actor to post anything misfit to the police outside china on domestic platforms, thus the providers are subjugated for arrest when any user outside china have done that when the poster could not be traced or arrested
also taiwanese paid trolls are being discussing on domestic platforms


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i bought another 2 retro emulation handhelds from china (trimui smart pro and powkiddy v90), the difference in price ($50 for the first one and $30 for the second, free shipping on both too lol), software freedom, features and performance when compared to the nintendo and sony handhelds i have is unreal, is this how people who buy chinese EVs coming from westoid cars feel like?
every time i read things about china or buy something from there that isn't available here i get the feeling that they're 10 or 15 years ahead, it's unreal


Can anyone link me to one of those Chinese musicals where it's miners, workers, etc. (singers playing these characters) all putting on a patriotic performance?


Yes and it DID get better.


>free shipping on both too lol), software freedom, features and performance when compared to the nintendo and sony handhelds i have is unreal
Happy accident
>is this how people who buy chinese EVs coming from westoid cars feel like?
EVs are not open source hardware, Chinese EVs do have some edges that are not being open source or free shipping worldwide, it is still pretty much a domestic thing for now except a few entered countries and parallel imported cars in Russian market


idk, i live in brazil and i see A LOT of people driving around with chinese cars
now i don't know if those are EVs or not (i don't know enough about cars to recognize these specific models on the fly) but they seem to be selling a lot here, specially this "BYD" brand


EVs can be recognized by their sound, or rather the lack of it. Due to no combustion engine they are amazngly quiet, dangerously so at some points since people can't hear them approach and have to rely entirely on visuals.


all ev ive seen integrate a characteristic humming, likely added precisely for safety reasons.
its a lot quieter than a regular engine but they dont sneak up on you


Nearly all Chinese BEVs have been exported to Brazil. It’s their top destination market, and BYD is trying to position Brazil as its manufacturing hub for South America.


Sorry by nearly all I mean 85%+


I went to New Zealand 2 months ago and every 3rd rideshare vehicle was a Chinese EV.


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Is China's economy really stagnant? Is it still growing fast? Can it's military defeat the American military in indo Pacific war? Will America retain world hedgemony? How far behind is China in military technology, if at all? Been reading lots of liberal/neocon stuff recently and it paints a bad picture. It's probably bullshit but I want to know what the PRC sisters on leftypol think.


The gap isn't nearly as big as it appears when it comes to defense spending because the pentagon's budget is inflated by the salary of soldiers, admin overhead and tender grifting/fraudal billing. Money spent on actual arms and military material is closer than most people think and the US military likes to admit.


That being said, Chinese army has absolutely zero experience unlike the US, which despite attacking lesser forces, they have gained some XP


Upload it to SciHub, comrade!


>Is China's economy really stagnant? Is it still growing fast? Can it's military defeat the American military in indo Pacific war? Will America retain world hedgemony? How far behind is China in military technology, if at all? Been reading lots of liberal/neocon stuff recently and it paints a bad picture. It's probably bullshit but I want to know what the PRC sisters on leftypol think.
no. yes. maybe ? very unlikely. not behind.


the maintenance of the global empire alone is a big budget.
but yeah, a war isnt about comparing two stacks of cash.


So there's no place for me to find a Guizhou IP?

While I'm at it, can you help me figure out this error message? Searching for anything in this portal returns some nonsense about "navigation conditions" (请您至少选择一个导航条件), I can't figure out what that means. In all other CNKI portals I tried, I just type a search term there and it works, this is the first I have found with this error message.

Sci-Hub accepts no uploads.


>Is China's economy really stagnant? Is it still growing fast?
No, if even the usual neolib institutions (IMF, World Bank etc.) are still predicting between 4-5% growth, then China is going to be fine really.
>Can it's military defeat the American military in indo Pacific war?
Certainly, though the vagaries of war will always mean it could go either way.
>Will America retain world hedgemony?
Uncle Sam has already lost world hegemony, the current issues are about trying to maintain what is left, and regain what has been lost
>How far behind is China in military technology, if at all?
In some areas, China has already surpassed Uncle Sam (missiles and rockets), other areas China is behind but steadily catching up (everything about navy and air force)
>Been reading lots of liberal/neocon stuff recently and it paints a bad picture
Liberals and neocons will always:
Downplay China's strength as a way of manufacturing consent for the next war.
Overplay China's strength so that the Uncle Sam's pseudo-MIC can get more gibs.
There is nothing that is reliable about those sources.
>That being said, Chinese army has absolutely zero experience unlike the US, which despite attacking lesser forces, they have gained some XP
The wrong XP is much, MUCH worse than no XP, because it creates false expectations that can lead to disaster.


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This is what sexpats talk about when they think nobody sees them talking


They're all crying inside though, that's quite apparent. Like they wish they had this kind of power over women on merit, but they accept (bitterly) that they're only desirable people when a society collapsed and fucking them is better than being practically stateless.

Of course they're going to talk in a way that implies bravado, because if they do manage to get a shag, they're obviously getting used and they'd be ditched when the woman finds out their miserable experience in the west ain't much better.


Better Question how is the Moon Economy going? Can its military beat the Earth Federation Forces in New Century's war? Will the Earth Federation retain its Spatial hedgemony? How far behind is the Moon Colonies in military if at all?



Do I want to know what this means?


Funny how the cutoff for them is 17, we all know their preferred age is much much younger…

Unlimited genocide on the first world.


"DHV is an acronym used in the incel community. It stands for a display of higher value, or an action displayed by someone in a public setting that increases their sexual value."


Laughing at imagining this guy's miserable Belarusian vacation. Get fucked, based girls.


>Unlimited genocide on the first world.
Stop with this nihilist shit.


It was temprarily down, it's back up now and the error persists.


I don't have a domestic degree, I've never used cnki for my final year project, I've tried and I don't get it either
So I tried searching the error on xiaohongshu and it seems to be also a problem for Zhejiang library, the comments mostly recommend trying other cnki portals
Baidu answers seems to be LLM slops


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rootless cosmopolitan sex pest rebuffed by a people with dignity. many such cases


gamer xi jinping


Well crap, this is the only portal I have seen nowadays which is still badly configured enough to allow for downloads. Notice how clicking the button to log in via IP works. This used to be a lot more common a couple of years ago. I even tried logging in and found an article page on that IP and noticed that, as I expected, the download buttons were enabled. But sadly, clicking them yielded another error message.

My go-to source used to be a portal from the Ministry of Water Resources of all places, but the IP login trick no longer works. My other source, cn-ki.net, has had a "coming back soon" message since late last year. It's so over.


I hate making it about abstract "dignity". The real reason you don't attempt to have sex with random strangers from across the world is that it's a one way ticket to an std.


What is he playing?


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Clearly EVE judging by all those graphs and shit


Shadow the Hedgehog on a Gamecube emulator


cpc cured diabeetus


Xi, Imma be real with you: time to start investing in commie cells and exporting your revolution, even in its present, capitalistoid state, or get humiliated for another century by rising fascism in the West.


I kinda think he's happy to have rising fascism in the west so we burn ourselves out and he can step in as the new hegemon.


The thing iwith fasicms is that it burns everything out. It's the death drive in action, not just its own, and it always fucks things up for literally everyone.

All memery aside, China really, really should start financing the left internationally.



They'll probably survive.


though TBH the fact that every other country's central banks are flooded with dollars they could all very easily finance cells in the US


Well Europe survived fascism but, you know, it would have been better not to have had fascism rise at all.


It kinda didn't.


How can you believe in a polity that endorses this? How is shitting like this good, natural, or something to aspire to as a communist? The only reason to squat to shit is if you're in the military or a martial artist and you actually do need the core workout from the squat


Sure but you fucking know you're sitting at home, not squatting



having one of these prevented us from shitting designated streets, it was an improvement over not having a toilet at all until we have a normal one
one reason i always wipe toilet with alcohol before sitting


Keeping your shitpipe on a perfect perpendicular angle with the ground is as natural as it gets.


>one reason i always wipe toilet with alcohol before sitting
noooooooo you're breeding ultra-powerful bacteria, if you do it too much they'll overtake mankind


its not antibiotics, i dont want to get std being a virgin either
personally i hated squat toilets even its faster, i cant wash my anus in public toilets w/o bidet sprayer and my feet hurts


American politics on China has become totally racist. Like it’s just explicitly racist. And the country is genocidal. What they will do to a Palestinian they will do 100x over to a Chinese. They actually deeply hate China, unlike Palestine who they have no sensation to. Don’t really know why anyone tolerates even “harmless” racist posts about squat toilets.


so true sisters
jokes aside, from what ive seen on reddit, then 4chan, it is the case
even that jia tan's identity was unknown /g/ anons still labels that person a "chink" calling it a "ccp" exploit
i dont get it when /pol/ gets full sexpat like r/china


Can you speak English here please?
Or any other real language for that matter.




chinasisters… Russia has less inequality than china…



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Russia is poor as fuck in general though


>gini coefficient by country
The Gini coefficient itself does not use the Marxist understanding of inequality, particularly in terms of the relationship to the means of production. The Gini coefficient is primarily a statistical measure that quantifies income or wealth distribution within a population based on observed data. Marxist theory views inequality as rooted in the ownership and control of the means of production, such as factories, land, and resources. According to Marxism, those who control the means of production (the bourgeoisie) exploit the labor of the workers (the proletariat), leading to economic and social inequality.

While the Gini coefficient can provide insights into income or wealth disparities within a society, it does not explicitly address the underlying structural causes of inequality, such as the ownership and control of productive resources. In this sense, the Gini coefficient is a descriptive tool rather than a theoretical framework for analyzing inequality. The Gini coefficient was developed by the Italian statistician Corrado Gini in 1912 as a means to measure income or wealth inequality. Gini initially devised the coefficient to study economic inequality in populations, but it has since been widely adopted and adapted for various other applications beyond economics. Here are some criticisms of the Gini coefficient:

>The Gini coefficient can be sensitive to changes in population size, which may affect the interpretation of trends in inequality over time.

>It's a single number summary of inequality and doesn't capture the full distribution of income or wealth. It can overlook important details about the specific characteristics of inequality within a population.
>The Lorenz curve, which is used to calculate the Gini coefficient, assumes a linear relationship between cumulative income (or wealth) and cumulative population. This assumption may not always hold true, particularly in extreme cases of inequality.
>The Gini coefficient doesn't differentiate between the types of inequality. It treats all deviations from perfect equality in the same way, whether they come from individuals at the top or bottom of the income or wealth distribution.
>It primarily focuses on income or wealth distribution and doesn't account for other important factors contributing to well-being or quality of life, such as access to education, healthcare, or social capital.
>Comparing Gini coefficients across different countries can be challenging due to variations in data collection methods, definitions of income, and cultural differences.


Income inequality is good because it means there is a wide range of skilled workers and managers. There are no capitalists in Communist China. They become managers of the means of production under socialism.


china is the future
your butthurt ass is the past
bye bye


Many Chinese people might tell you it's worse, even more severe than in the United States.

However, the Gini indices of Ukraine and Belarus are unexpectedly low.




Do better, you useless piece of trash. Fuck your mother.


It's over. See you at the 2030 World Cup.Perhaps we should consider the proposal of letting death row inmates play football.


sorry china anon but remember


scolding the Chinese football team is a tradition for many Chinese people. anon


China is number one


They've got the best deals, tremendous deals.


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same with this country but idk, I'm sure they tried their best! give them a chance!


What's the problem with Chinese footy? How come they are not as good as ping pong?


Alright, at least as long as the neighboring Singaporeans handle Thailand well, our national football team won't have to go home just yet.


Because they just can't play. To delve deeper, it's due to issues with the Chinese football system, player selection, the level of importance placed on football, and the laziness and corruption of football officials and players—in short, they just can't play.


>Former CFA chief Chen Xuyuan pleads guilty in $11.3 million bribery case https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202401/1306311.shtml


Worst thing you guys did was to invest in foreign players instead of coachs and especially scouts, it will take decades like Japan but it is in the young base that football develops.
t. brazilian, at least football we do right in this country.


>t. brazilian
He is an expert, listen to this man, Central Footie Commitiee


IMO every football team should only be allowed to have local players


mask off


Yeah, the old colonial order got crushed, allowing America to fully take over the reigns of western imperialism, with Euroids becoming their vassals.


>over 1.2 billion people
>still can't find 11 capable of kicking a ball


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I just saw this on cuckchan so now you have to too.



Is Chinese basketball growing. I see a lot of passionate basketball fans in China and seeing a growing street scene.



Congrats on the transition!


>>1881731 (me)
Might I ask how do I go about searching the Chinese internet? For example, I tried googling for "cn-ki.net" to see if I could find any recent discussions about its death in hopes of finding people recommending similar services which are still alive, but only got old links. Is Baidu reliable to find recent-ish discussions on Chinese social media?


Ackshyually squatting is good for chronic colorectal disorders like constipation because it puts less pressure on your sphincter therefore making a bidet, squatting toilet, with functional sewage systems and toilet paper, with a majority vegetarian food industry making sewage waste possible to process into fertilizer for food all combined the most functional and scientific and therefore socialist method of shitting ☝️🤓


That is epic man


the secret is to do it while smoking a cigarette


Motherfucker can't even prop up Cuba useless ass SOB


Nicotine is a slight laxative after all


Chinese internet is well wall gardened behind various platforms, and the Chinese open web is pretty much dead for now that Baidu search is also dead so I would rather recommend searching on WeChat, Xiaohongshu or Douyin, maybe also try Bilibili(.com not .tv), I don't know much about smaller forums(quasi open web) but Baidu tieba(reddit alternative) might also have some discussions, Weibo and zhihu all require an account to access now


Similar to soccer, there are many people who follow it, but the teams are still not very good.


No wonder Yao Ming ended up injured and with a short career despite being one of very few people to bully Shaq on the court, poor guy could never catch a rest and his body gave


>majority vegetarian food industry

Without introducing some bioengineered bacteria to break up celloluse in human stomachs this shit ain't it, chief


Big ol tariffs on Chinese EVs across the entire EU implemented.


Yoiu don't need to be able to digest cellulose to feed on vegetal diet m8, digestive health involve consuming fibers and not breaking it down so shit run smoothly in the bowels.


even after china promised retaliatory tariffs? noice


You urbanites fear vegetables just as much as you fear any meat that actually resembles an animal because it reminds you of your lack of knowledge about the food supply. Also apparently the digestive systems of urbanites are atrophying so they cant even digest vegetables like omnivores anymore. Urbanites need crackdowns on their lifestyle choices especially bad dietary habits imo


Two already exist. One from primate ancestors the other we got from cows.

I'm sure they'll end up in pills soon enough.


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Very based.



Did the EFF join with the what was it called party to form a majority in South Africa by now? He sounds pretty competent


A temporary boost to the economy. In other words, the profits will be gobbled up by whatever company discovered the deposits, and norway will be rich for as long as they havent entirely emptied the deposit, but it wont be enough to pay for the north atlantic terrorist organization's enormous investments in non-stop anti-inflationary measures and a housing bubble that'll burst as soon as the dollar loses all of its value as a reserve currency and the west can no longer rely on POOOOMPING the economy with money to prevent a looming recession that we've delayed since covid hit 6 or 7 years ago.


Nah he got beaten by Zuma's MK party, which is a bit like if China had elections and someone ran with a party called People's Liberation Army, or if someone in Ireland ran for a party called Provisional IRA.


Norway's entire economy is raw materials. The nordic model falls apart without natural resources and I hate burger libs and succdems who think it can work here.


I'm fairly sure that all the developed countries are highly industrialized, tho I confess I don't know of any metrics of degree of industrialization.


>Did the EFF join with the what was it called party to form a majority in South Africa by now? He sounds pretty competent
It's complicated right now, the ANC after being hit hard in the election is allying with the DA, the white capital party. This is all going to be very good for the EFF in the long run, which is polling at 1.7 million votes.
Go and read the thread about it, anon. :)
>Nah he got beaten by Zuma's MK party,
Meh, MK seemed to really only do well in one area and it looks like they ANC just fucked over a potential alliance there.
I predict we'll see elections again in the next few years.


Outside of the EFF South Africa has explicitly Marxist union-wide labor unions and strong self-identified 'Marxist-Leninist' figures within the ANC and wider society.
It doesn't get looked at a lot but there is potential in South Africa.


Socialist countries completely dominate Olympic weightlifting competition, particularly the women section.


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Is China racist? Why isnt xi stopping the hard r negas


>you're all our vassals


Dismantle the US and racism will stop, especially when the global internet network gets put into China's hands.


how r u gonna blame the burgers for this, China is already firewalled to hell. These are homegrown chinese racists


they were connected for decades with the west, only way to stop that shit is a cultural revolution.
now if only i could find that video of the black marine in the vietnam war talking how the natives where calling them uyghas when they never met a black person ever.


even our racist slurs are not organic, these are just transliterated english slurs, all the memes are american


Negro is Spanish.


I thought you were making a joke but from the reactions it seems either you weren't or no one got it.

>那个 nà ge

t. 'that'


negro is spanish but that is not direct to 尼哥, it is obvious that it come from english slur, while negro is just neutral term for blackness



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Chinabros… no child labor but cheap labor. How's it then?


Chinese real wages quadrupled in the past 25 years, you faggot


>Socialist countries completely dominate Olympic weightlifting competition, particularly the women section.
DPRK women are good at weight lifting I read.


>manufactured without child labour football
>go to McDonalds to get our chicken tends, made by 12yr old illegal immigrants in a slaughterhouse


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I fucking love red line go up, this feels me with dopamine. Keep it up boys


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video sourced from the internet


Wtf is this


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ancap dengist unity ❤️


The days when imperialists children could make proletarian dogs submit with a mere stick are gone forever.


I thought he said he ws never going to meet with communists


i hope he comes crawling back for brics membership


Strongest ancap soldier KNEELING and BEGGING for more gibs by Communist China




Why do they speak English, retard?


<China's positive contribution to Africa


Is China bukharinite?


Unrelated, but is the outrage over Gaza still going? My friend said comparisons to Nanjing were very common.

I got it but hard-儿 would have been funnier


China is deeply-infiltrated POSADAS GANG


No its Marxist-Leninist, stop talking like its the 1920s or something.


have you ever read one of the books of bukharin? Do you understand bukharin thought and analysis?



What i may think is similar between the two is the concept of "harmony", not only "equilibrium", "balance", "proportionality" in the economy, but equilibrium in all aspects of society and "social equilibrium".


Thats not anywhere close to being the same thing. Managing contradictions under Socialism to stop them from turning antagonistic is a fundamental part of Dialectical Materialism. Bukharin's 'equilibrium' theories is just a mechanist materialism that lead to society stagnating because to develop would unbalance the 'equilibrium', hence why he didnt want the kulaks to be nationalised.


So like, how does agriculture "works" in China today?
Much is talked about the industrialization and automation of the peoples republic, but i don't see much attention for the agronomy aspect of the economy.


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All land in China is owned by the Communist party there is no private property, the most you can get is a lease for a few decades. Its based in the household responsibility system and has had a massive success producing the most food out of any period in chinese history. The reason its maybe talked about less is because endless fields of crops are less interesting to most people than shining futuristic cities.


Well, China is becoming a major actor in the biotechnology sector, and that is quite "futuristic"


The general public opinion in China supports Palestine and the people protesting for Palestine, and this stance remains unchanged to this day. However, offline demonstrations are rare. Among the few people who support Israel, you might be able to see them on Twitter.



as I understand it rare earth minerals aren't particularly rare
the problem lies in refining them
know-how, policy, legislation, etc


China is just too competitive in the field. Cost of production is so low for China that they can dump any potential competitior into the gutters


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The clandestine operation has not been previously reported. It aimed to sow doubt about the safety and efficacy of vaccines and other life-saving aid that was being supplied by China, a Reuters investigation found. Through phony internet accounts meant to impersonate Filipinos, the military’s propaganda efforts morphed into an anti-vax campaign. Social media posts decried the quality of face masks, test kits and the first vaccine that would become available in the Philippines – China’s Sinovac inoculation.

Reuters identified at least 300 accounts on X, formerly Twitter, that matched descriptions shared by former U.S. military officials familiar with the Philippines operation. Almost all were created in the summer of 2020 and centered on the slogan #Chinaangvirus – Tagalog for China is the virus.


>China is the virus
Ffs when can we start shooting Americans already?


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I wonder how all the Chinese people in western countries are taking this. Are they cold-blooded gusanos who all want their country to be nuked?


We have these kind of gusanos at home


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>Farewell to Stalin at Tiananmen, Beijing, March 9, 1953.


I'd add that China has good relations with the ANC and SACP. I see Malema talking about China but his love is unrequited (or maybe I haven't seen it).


China works with who is in power. Buddying up with opposition and smaller parties I think would go against chiners broader geopolitical/diplomatic strategies.
Cool segment though, thanks.


This was super effective btw. There was a clear military reason the pentagon wanted this. Duterte ended up trading base access to the U.S. for non-Chinese vaccines.


Was just about to post this. FUCKING UNBELIEVABLE Everything is fake nothing is real. The US put Marcos into power. Nothing about Ukraine is real. Nothing about Covid is real. No US narrative is real. I cannot believe they allowed this limited hangout to be published.


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New Chairman Xi banger just dropped. Will you be Chairman Xi's good warrior?



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Getting closer and closer to more explicit announcement


China is going to collapse any minute now with such an agreement…


they have been united against china for more than 20 years, they just made it official now.
Like my parents, they stayed in the same house for 20 years, and just now they got married.


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Making me tap the sign




You posted your video like 4 different times on this site


it's not my video and no i didn't. i just want to hear /prc/ counterarguments because i'm having trouble putting my own thoughts together on the matter. honestly fuck you dude. i hate when anons do this schizo shit of "oh you're definitely the same anon i saw 10 days ago"


not capitalist, the land is owned by the state and the propriety is loaned, thus can be taken at any time.


Go read Chinese laws


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Calm down. It's just that I did respond to this here a month ago.
He's right about capital like the tech sector having leverage over the government due to the need to modernize after the USSR's fall and I do believe the CPC is ultimately revisionalist. However, he acts like China doesn't have one billion people and one tenth of the country aren't still living like medieval peasants.
Reading this should give you a basic idea of the CPC's current ideology.


Your parents are CHINESE? wtf


if nothing is true nothing is permitted


My parents were not chinese, my parents were not married, yet had kids and lived in the same house for 20 years.


You can read it however you like but the point remains, just like Indra's jewel it looks the same no matter which way you look at it. Everything and nothing collapse into one.


>i'm having trouble putting my own thoughts together on the matter.
Then maybe you should stop watching youtube videos made by anti-communists to build up support for WW3 and actually study the thing you want to know more about?

There is no such thing as 'revisionism' its a psyop to trick communists into killing each other.


Why does china have cool neon buildings and high speed trains and we dont?


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>according to people familiar with the matter.

>one person said.


Well its true innit?


sure, but many months have passed and we somehow get this. why and from whom


Bidlernomics Multiple Stock Buy-Back and Dividend Investment Acts PLUMMETING Real Western Wages Public Private Investment Open Neoliberal Border Illegal Immigration Complex


because china is the ascendant global capitalist hegemon




Capitalism and communism are not absolutes with no overlap


and that's why we call china socialist


The hand of the free market belongs to the chinese people and they use it to improve their standards of living


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>There is no such thing as 'revisionism' its a psyop to trick communists into killing each other.
Wait until Enver Hoxha hears about this
> stop watching youtube videos made by anti-communists to build up support for WW3
The guy mostly makes free audiobooks for classic works of theory. He does comment and editorialize a bit and he is a bit of a hard liner, but I don't think he's trying to manufacture consent for WW3, even if he ultimately misjudges China as capitalist.


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Or Chairman Mao!

>Based on his observation of the restoration of capitalism in the Soviet Union and other countries, Wei Wei concluded that modern revisionism has the following characteristics:

>(1) They are waving the banner of socialism and taking the path of imperialism. They generally still wave the banner of Marxism or various socialists, but they castrate their revolutionary souls with pragmatic methods. They verbally hang the banner of the masses, but in fact they represent the interests of the old and new bourgeoisie; their goal is to restore the capitalist system. Their common method is deception. Because they deeply understand that it is unpopular and unsuccessful to appear in a socialist country with an anti-socialist face. Therefore, they often use the name of reforming the shortcomings of socialist society to actually change the socialist system. Sometimes they even do it without saying it, or do it first and then say it.

>(2) Former US Ambassador to the Soviet Union Matlock once said in his "Personal Experience of the Soviet Coup": "As long as the Soviet leaders are really willing to abandon this concept (referring to the theory of class struggle), then it doesn't matter whether they continue to claim that their guiding ideology is Marxism-Leninism. This is already a different kind of 'Marxism' implemented in a different society, and this different society is acceptable to all of us." This sentence really hits the point. Abandoning class struggle is a fatal factor in the collapse of socialist countries.

>(3) On the question of who to rely on, they say every day that they rely on the people and the working class, but in fact they change their master's status every day. What they really rely on is the bourgeoisie inside and outside the party, turning the dictatorship of the proletariat into the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.



What would an offline protest be for?
When I protest for Palestine, its to bring attention to weapons companies in our communities, to our ports accepting boats from ZIM shipping, and to make it clear our prime minister (former member of Labor Friends of Palestine) and government are complicit in the genocide. My country is part of the war machine and our people can help stop this, like we did with Apartied South Africa.

What would a protest in China be trying to accomplish (beyond showing your solidarity)?


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His intentions dont ultimately matter only the effect that might have. In the west everyone has been turned against China due to the information war on them, the only major exceptions to this are Marxist-Leninists and Chinese expats and students. Everyone has been given their own personal little reason to oppose China so when you push lies like: 'real communists™ oppose communist countries!' you are doing their work (acheving full spectrum conformity) regardless of your own aims.
'anti-revisionism' is a kind of ideological narcissism that exists only so that a person can claim themselves to be the only real Marxist in the world. (see the examples of Hoxha cutting ties with every socialist nation on the globe and then making capitalist Italy his main trading partner only later to have country fall apart the same as he rest of the Warsaw Pact or Gonzalo saying that there no socialist countries in the world then murdering and bombing other communists and their nation embassies). Learn to understand the difference between a bad policy or a mediocre leader vs someone abandoning Marxism and lets leave this concept in the past.


'Communist' and 'socialist' are unfortunately vague words that are easily misinterpreted. Should we call a state with a capitalist economy with a government aiming to achieve socialism, a socialist state? You can reasonably argue either way based on which meaning you interpret.

China is interesting because it's meaningfully departed from capital domination over the state and has socialist attitudes, but still has bases like the commons being privatized. Property is widely privately-owned and operated to create profit. So the label of "hybrid economy" makes sense to me.


>>1886937 *
Oops, meant for >>1885340


'hybrid economy' is just cope from people who dont want to give Communism credit, stop gifting our successes to the enemy.


>His intentions dont ultimately matter only the effect that might have. In the west everyone has been turned against China due to the information war on them, the only major exceptions to this are Marxist-Leninists and Chinese expats and students. Everyone has been given their own personal little reason to oppose China so when you push lies like: 'real communists™ oppose communist countries!' you are doing their work (acheving full spectrum conformity) regardless of your own aims.
It's kinda funny I remember giving this exact argument to Bloodgasm on here in response to his multipolarity post. I wish I remember what he said in reply. I'd have to dig through archives.


i think the waterfall thing can be done responsibly (taking care not to damage the local ecosystem and recirculating the same water). and personally i don't really find it outrageous.
>fake monuments
all monuments are fake
>easily wrecked buildings
fair enough, that's a legitimate problem in china




Zyklon yourself, bleachskin.


Is it fixed yet


The current situation in China rarely sees, or at least it's very hard to find offline protests on the internet. Censorship on Chinese online platforms is very strict.

The most recent protest I remember is the "White Paper Protest," which was almost completely banned on domestic online platforms. Protesters mainly posted on foreign platforms like Twitter. People around me generally have no idea about it, and if I didn't frequently read foreign news, I wouldn't know either. I still don't know what happened to the protesters, but from BBC interviews, it seems the government hasn't given severe punishment to most of them.

Going further back, there were some anti-Japanese protests related to the Diaoyu Islands many years ago.

This seems to be a relatively "strange" phenomenon compared to other parts of the world, where you don't often see protesters offline, regardless of political ideology. If there are few pro-Western protests, it can be understood as government pressure, but even anti-American or anti-Western protests, similar to those in Iran, are not common in China. In contrast, sometimes parents protesting at the school gates due to student suicides can be seen. There was also a case where a boy spent hundreds of thousands of yuan on a girl, got dumped, and then jumped into the river. Many people went to the riverside to commemorate him.

I think censorship on online platforms hinders the communication and mobilization of offline groups and factors such as pressure from family, school, government, and work contribute to this phenomenon. I think laziness is also a reason






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don't respond to the world's most obvious glowies


>leftypol not responding to the most obvious bait
Is it possible to learn this power?


Looks like subversion to me, not revisionism.
A revision would be to say "Here's what went wrong, here's how to fix it".
I think we have a Babylonian situation on our hands here.
>ideological narcissism
I should note that down somewhere, it rings true.
My most basic hypothesis (speaking of the classical western liberal/whatever you wanna call it/left-leaning) is that the people obsessed with purity have never actually done anything in their life. Never had to negotiate any real (political) conflict. Hence they don't understand the connection between "political theory" and reality.
Do not give anti-anti-imperialism attention and room to breathe. You have to cut off their oxygen. Otherwise you lose yourself in meaningless noise.


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American Baizuo got owned Chinese game company.

>Chinese media: 'Black Myth: Wukong' refused to be extorted $7 million by SweetBaby.


Got this from stalking right wing Xitter accounts, and I think it's fun, so I post it here.


Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Trotsky The Wise? I thought not. It’s not a story the Soviet Politburo would tell you.


Insane that any game company pays that much to have liberals tell them what to do.


Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Trotsky The Wise? I thought not. It’s not a story the soviet politburo would tell you. It’s a Menshevik legend. Darth Trotsky was a Dark Lord of the revolution, so powerful and so wise he could use the proletariat to influence the politburo to split the party… He had such a knowledge of class dynamics that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of Marxism is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his blanquist cell, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his Western followers everything he knew, then the soviets killed him with an icepick. Ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself.


i don't believe it. they posted no receipts.


>>1887208 (me)
not because i ride for sweet baby inc, mind you. just suspicious


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Will Japan ever recover from this?



It's fake news. I rather trust Daniel Ahmad, a gaming analysts focusing on China, than some rightoid xitter dude.


By your logic, Lenin was a capitalist.


The white paper protests was the most retarded liberal bullshit I've ever seen. Literally took some shitty decades old anticommunist joke and turned it into liberal political performance art. I remember seeing posters calling it the "A4" protests which is more fucking proof that the whole thing was a foreign psyop. A4 isn't an actual paper size in China you retard. If you're actually Chinese then you're xenophole retard that spends all their time talking to foreigners. Fuck the CPC for not hanging you retarded liberals off of street poles.


talk polite to china anon, faggot.


This feels like China is censoring away glowies while letting natural organic protests through. That's how a sensible country should operate


"Common prosperity", or "community of common destiny" is just "world communism" of modern day and age. It's just language/culture barrier at work


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How is Japan even still related, it is not Japan doing all these choking or sperging about Taiwan or Tibet or something
Game science still haven't clarify that, it's fun to see right wing chinlets buying a game for culture war shit anyway
Pic related


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By that logic, Lenin was a communist working with a capitalist economy!


>not preparing for war btw


No, you know what you said. Lenin's market socialism is capitalism under your logic. You're just making a double standard because you're stealthily trying to discredit China's achievements either due to racism or you're indoctrinated by liberal pundits.


The 100th Anniversary of the Founding of Whampoa Military Academy, June 16, 2024
This military academy has trained numerous renowned generals during the War of Resistance against Japan and the Chinese Civil War, including:

The founder, the Father of the Nation, Sun Yat-sen.

From the Communist side:

Zhou Enlai, one of the key leaders of the Party and the State of the People's Republic of China.
Five of the Ten Marshals of the People's Republic of China: Lin Biao, Xu Xiangqian, Nie Rongzhen, Ye Jianying, and Chen Yi (from the Wuhan branch).
The commander of the Independent Division of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, Mao Zetan, younger brother of Mao Zedong.
Marshals and generals of the People's Liberation Army who graduated from the Whampoa Military Academy include 5 marshals, 3 generals, 8 lieutenant generals, 9 major generals, and 11 brigadier generals.

From the Kuomintang side:

Chiang Kai-shek, the leader of the Republic of China and also the principal of the academy.
Li Zongren, Vice President of the Republic of China.
Dai Li, the acting director of the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics, a famous intelligence leader.
He Yingqin, the Commander-in-Chief of the Chinese Army during the War of Resistance against Japan.
Wang Jingwei, Vice President of the Kuomintang.
As well as many other renowned Kuomintang generals.


建立者 中国国父 孙中山

中华人民共和国 党和国家主要领导人之一 周恩来
中国工农红军独立师师长 毛泽东之弟毛泽覃



Its students ultimately defeated its principal.


>it's fun to see right wing chinlets buying a game for culture war shit anyway
This also provides insight into a contradiction bewtween their treat-addicted impulses and their capital-cucked anti-communist compulsion.

The more the PRC advances materially the stronger becomes the allure of its commodities. To justify the consumption of products from the enemy number one they have to imagine more and more ridiculous excuses depending how strongly afflicted they are of "China bad" hysterics.

It's basically a variant of this argument:
>Westerners aren’t helpless innocents whose minds are injected with atrocity propaganda, science fiction-style; they’re generally smug bourgeois proletarians who intelligently seek out as much racist propaganda as they can get their hands on. This is because it fundamentally makes them feel better about who they are and how they live. The psychic and material costs are rationally worth the benefits.

And nothing is more Chinese than Sun Wukong. It's not Goku, it's the OG Monkey King. And unlike Genshin you can't hide behind being a weeb. So those opportunistic rightoid freaks have to invent some culture war bullshit, make those devs, whom they never heard of a few years ago, into some imagined "based chads" going against the "woke".

Here is a video from Forgotten Weapons about Chinese manufacturing of red dot sights:
And it's the same shtick. This time, this dude goes for the "China is capitalist" cope and the "against the CCP, not the people" excuse to justify doing business with the enemy. Liberals also do this whole mental gymnastics. For example Adam Savage buying a fractal vise from China a year ago and ending his video with a sentimental monologue about indivual creativity.

In both the cucksevative and the libturd case they evade the question of why China and its people are able to produce such quality at better prices. Some vlogging expats go full orientalist and go for the confucian arguement. But socialists should know the answer: it's Marxism-Leninism(-Legalism).


China anon, what is your perspective on the South China Sea dispute?


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A while back Germany (more specifically the town Düsseldorf) celebrated “Japan day”. As the name suggests they celebrate Japan and its culture. Germany has another such celebration called “Chinesenfasching” (chinese carnival). First image is from Japan day, second one from Chinese carnival. The difference is that in the latter case people paint themselves yellow and present as comical caricatures of what a Chinese person is supposed to be, while the former had no such thing. People wore cosplay or real traditional Japanese clothing on Japan day. No one painted themselves yellow. Odd! It‘s almost like they understand it‘s disrespectful to do so but in the case of certain Asians they don‘t care about thag. Just a subtle expression sinophobia.


>bourgeois proletarians
Just fuck off with this anti-communism, Roderic Day is a moronic retard.


its complicated, everyone have more than one dispute over other countries
>make those devs, whom they never heard of a few years ago, into some imagined "based chads" going against the "woke".
i mean the best the devs can do is not comment on this
the first one was modern hence less stereotypes, the latter however has some historical roots,maybe it will get better when it got better


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>This feels like China is censoring away glowies while letting natural organic protests through. That's how a sensible country should operate


Not so odd when you consider which one they were allied with against the other…

Where was this? By the person filming it looks like a crowd for something else.


What? They're clearly glowies paid by the Palestinian Authority, look they even carry the Palestinian flag


The east has fallen, billions must die


why does the cpc censor pro palestine demonstrations? or is taiwan maybe?


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He was probably blocking a Dragon Boat Festival parade based on the LED sign on the left. Little chance it was actually about Palestine.


This is a video from a few days ago during the college entrance examination period.He would have his portrait taken away even if he were holding a picture of Xi Jinping. From top to bottom, Chinese society exudes an atmosphere of "don't talk about politics." In both formal settings and even some ACG (anime, comics, and games) contexts, the appearance of political elements is rejected.



The South China Sea is rich in resources and holds significant strategic importance; controlling it means controlling the center of Southeast Asia. However, in reality, China does not control many islands in the South China Sea (at least from my impression). If China were to complete its control over the South China Sea, turning it into a maritime fortress and resource zone at the core of Southeast Asia, it would undoubtedly greatly enhance China's status in Asia.

But it seems that gaining more control over the islands is not so easy for China. Other Southeast Asian countries might not be as aggressive as the Philippines, but they certainly wouldn't be happy to see the South China Sea fully Sinicized. However, would it be any different if these islands were controlled by other nationalist countries? They might not have the same power as China to develop these areas, but wouldn't they want control over a core area of Southeast Asia? Wouldn't it be great to turn it into their own, Asia's largest naval base and resource extraction zone while watching their neighbors envy?

As for which country has a more legitimate historical claim, I believe China has a more legitimate claim to Taiwan.



>the first one was modern hence less stereotypes, the latter however has some historical roots,maybe it will get better when it got better
That doesn't justify painting yourself yellow though. And those on the right are clearly comical caricatures rather than attempt at historical accuracy.

>Not so odd when you consider which one they were allied with against the other…
I don't thinkt that's the answer, since Germany was allied with Italy as well but Germans make fun of Italians and look down (or at least have looked down) on the country. I think it's rather that Japan is a Western allied country plus their soft power influence is successful. China on the other hand is current big enemy of the West and barely have soft power in the West.


>historical accuracy
certainly not on chinese side of that, my point is that the festival seems older thus more problematic by modern perspectives


Ah, my apologies I misunderstood you.


>barely have soft power in the West.
When will Chinese animu become successful…
I'm sorry to say but if the Karl Marx anime was any indication they really need to step it up!
In America at least no one even knows about Chinese cars or other technologies so it makes sense why in tech they would see Japan as more favorable, but even in film production when it comes to China most people only know about the Falun Gong advertisements they throw away after getting in the mail!


Chinese games are the only place they have popularity. Sadly most are gacha like Genshin Impact.


One reason we have much hopes about black myth, most of our domestic video games are gachaslops and shit, our game industry needs AAA games like this


Nice out of context video you neolib shill


>Daniel Ahmad


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an african perspective on chinese 'imperialism'


Good post, saved. Thanks.


what a based post. everyone in my contacts who's ever mentioned China is getting it.


Like good whites, everybody in the Chinese parliament loves mayonnaise. That's all the proof I need that KKKhina is colonialist.


>what a based post. everyone in my contacts who's ever mentioned China is getting it.
Every time I talk to normies in my friend circle, work, family, randoms, they always have good things to say about or believe china is the future. It kind of crazy.


Rate ChatGPT's answer to the question "is China socialist?":

China refers to itself as a socialist state, officially described as a "socialist state under the people's democratic dictatorship" and governed by the Communist Party of China (CPC). However, the extent to which China adheres to traditional socialist principles is a matter of considerable debate among scholars, economists, and political analysts.
Key Points of Discussion:

1. Economic System:
Market Reforms: Since the late 1970s, China has implemented market-oriented reforms, transitioning from a centrally planned economy to what it calls a "socialist market economy." This includes allowing private enterprises, foreign investment, and market-driven pricing mechanisms.

State Ownership: Despite significant private sector growth, state-owned enterprises (SOEs) remain prominent in key industries like banking, energy, and telecommunications.

2. Political System:
One-Party Rule: China maintains a single-party political system led by the CPC. This centralization of political power is characteristic of traditional socialist states.
Authoritarian Governance: The political structure emphasizes control and governance by the party, which contrasts with the more democratic and participatory elements seen in some socialist theories.

3. Social Policies:
Welfare and Social Services: China has expanded social welfare programs, including healthcare, education, and poverty alleviation initiatives, which align with socialist principles of social equity.
Income Inequality: Despite these efforts, China experiences significant income and wealth disparities, which is a point of contention regarding its socialist identity.

4. Ideological Position:
Marxist-Leninist Ideology: The CPC continues to officially adhere to Marxist-Leninist ideology, adapting it to contemporary Chinese conditions through concepts like "Socialism with Chinese characteristics."
Pragmatic Adaptations: The party often prioritizes economic growth and stability over strict adherence to ideological purity, leading to pragmatic adaptations that sometimes diverge from classical socialism.

China's self-identification as a socialist state is complex and multifaceted. While it retains significant elements of socialism, particularly in political governance and state ownership, its extensive market reforms and economic practices introduce characteristics more commonly associated with capitalism. Consequently, whether China is truly socialist depends on one's definitions and perspectives on socialism.

I think it's pretty decent tbh


Bourgeois fed LLM is revisionist. wow


The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has ruled China since 1949 and has implemented policies and economic reforms aimed at developing a socialist economy. The Chinese government maintains that its system of socialism with Chinese characteristics is a form of socialism that is distinct from both Marxism-Leninism and Western liberal democracy. China's economy is a mixed economy, which combines elements of both market-based and centrally planned economic systems. Despite this, China's economy continues to grow and the country has emerged as a global economic powerhouse.

There are different opinions on whether China is socialist. While the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) describes China as a socialist country, critics point out that China still has a significant private sector and that wealth inequality is high. Many analysts see China as a form of state capitalism, where the government plays a significant role in the economy, rather than a traditional socialist economy. As such, the classification of China as socialist is a matter of debate and perspective.

Yes, China is considered to be a socialist country. The Chinese government is committed to implementing a socialist economy and society, although it has also incorporated elements of market capitalism into its economic system. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which has been in power since 1949, officially continues to describe China as being in the primary stage of socialism, where the goal is to build a socialist society by the year 2050.


>You should learn this art of leadership. Don't always try to keep a lid on everything. Whenever people utter queer remarks, go on strike or present a petition, you try to beat them back with one blow, always thinking that these things ought not to occur. Why is it then that these things which ought not to occur still do? This very fact proves that they ought to occur. You forbid people to strike, to petition or to make unfavourable comments, you simply resort to repression in every case, until one day you become a Rakosi. This is true both inside and outside the Party.


>A bad thing has a dual character – good as well as bad. Many comrades are still not clear on this point. A bad thing contains good factors as well. To regard bad people and bad things as solely bad is a one-sided, metaphysical approach to problems; it is not a dialectical approach or a Marxist way of looking at things. On the one hand, bad people and bad things are bad, but on the other they can play a good role. For instance, a bad fellow like Wang Ming plays a good role as a teacher by negative example. Similarly, a good thing contains bad factors as well. For instance, the tremendous victories won in the seven years since liberation, especially those won last year, have given some comrades swelled heads, made them conceited, and they are caught unawares at the sudden outbreak of disturbances by small numbers of people.

>The root cause of being afraid of disturbances on the one hand and handling them crudely on the other is the refusal to recognize in one's thinking that socialist society is a unity of opposites, in which contradictions, classes and class struggle exist.



Do you live in a Western country? I don't really talk politics with normies but I usually expect the opposite when it comes to their opinions of China


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New projection just dropped by the American Freedom Burger Institute


That’s not true they’re also massively popular among web novels. I don’t particular care to point these things out because doing so just invites sanctions and censorship whenever they get noticed by white devils


I really like that the U.S. regime is now forthright about the necessity to enforce anti-developmental economics onto the global south. The war on China is a war on the global poor. Full stop.


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I feel this kind of stuff is highly evil to post actually. Like it’s just straight up lying about both where the Chinese popular opinion and Chinese official opinion stand re Palestine because tour genocidal regime is so horrific on the issue and you need to apologize for it


I apologize but I don't think it has anything to do with Chinese popular or official opinion but an example of how the government emphasizes social stability to an irrational degree.


No its just limp wristed 'le both sides have points' positions like this just weaken you.
>emphasizes social stability to an irrational degree.
Stop being retarded.


>so just invites sanctions and censorship whenever they get noticed by white devils
lmao what.,. Anon why would anyone possibly want to sanction your gay little amateur made video games?
IN case you some how didn't notice almost all of your items comes from china..
>Do you live in a Western country?
>I don't really talk politics with normies
Well you should, you're supposed to be a leftist stop being an anti-social weirdo and be a leftist. :)


>Well you should, you're supposed to be a leftist stop being an anti-social weirdo and be a leftist. :)
True, haha


dancing + TikTok + Satan = Chinese controlled American sex cult

thank you, Netflix


Even MORE evidence that China is imperialist, trying to nationalize our woman and culture under the guise of "helping" us! This is literal Hitler Bismarck fascist behavior, so i call for the total destruction of every road and railroad built by the Chinese.
We must create a international memorial to remember the VICTMIS of Chinese imperialism, millions of unknown mass graves found everywhere, and they will pay for it.



Dawg its about a korean christian cult that recruited a bunch of tiktoc dancers sin


Material explanation?


Chinese, Korean - same difference! Stop TIKTOK NOW


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>How It started vs How its going.


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I wish I knew how to shoop in order to change Lao Yang's expression and make a "it's all so invigorating" meme.


>China is building steel mills, aluminum plants, hospitals and schools
Monsters… When will Nato free these poor folk from these commies?! The african people are yearning for american freedom!


How will you learn if you don't seize these opportunities?
use GIMP, it's free


Based if true.


>hmm we discovered a way of organizing to make our country a world superpower
>better give it to all the other countries
wow thats nice of them

anyway im glad were exporting democracy and liberty to the middle east like a benevolent world police


>From top to bottom, Chinese society exudes an atmosphere of "don't talk about politics." In both formal settings and even some ACG (anime, comics, and games) contexts, the appearance of political elements is rejected.
I was originally going to say how that must be horrible, but then I realized that in formal settings and mainstream media we have a similar rejection. People often complain that a person or a film writer is 'making things political'.

(video context: holding up a communist party flag during an annual war memorial)


it's bad in both cases


Are communist symbols forbidden in Australia?






>I was originally going to say how that must be horrible, but then I realized that in formal settings and mainstream media we have a similar rejection. People often complain that a person or a film writer is 'making things political'.
I always thought this was an American illness, a people who say "it's rude to talk about politics". Why are your countries turning like this? It is nit healthy.


The government's scrutiny of political speech is excessively harsh. Why is even political speech unrelated to government stability subject to such strict review? This… is a very complex issue.



Yeah, the West may appear to have relaxed speech, but when it comes to sensitive issues, there's still suppression.
However, China's speech control remains overly strict; students waving Palestinian flags should be seen as a positive aspect, but the government remains sensitive.



Hi China anon
I tried to post a pro-Russian video on BiliBili but got banned because the auto censor detected the word Ukraine in the video.
Please tell Xi to calm the fuck down with his enforced neutrality.


If you're not the type of 'China expert' who knows what can be posted without being banned, or if you don’t have a social media operation team backing you to handle the review process, then you shouldn't post political content. The review process on Chinese platforms is extremely strict.



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What's a good book about Qiu Jin or generally the women of the revolution?


>i hope our leader (who i personally wish would just get pulled down into hell by a thousand demonic hands reaching out from the earth) will lead our glorious britbongistan into proving its moral superiority to all the globe!
Is seditious nationalism a thing that can exist?


a lot of the reactoids hate the king because they think he's a closet communist.


The PRC is a newer nation under a civil war with direct foreign attempts to undermine its sovereignty. You can't compare it to the West, even vassal states like the EU and Australia.


I'll allow myself to be pedantic here, but PRC as a state is recent, but China as a nation is quite older than that, arguably more than any western one.


that's why I said PRC specifically and not China.


gachimuchi with Chinese characteristics


No. There have recently been laws passed about Nazi symbolism but nothing for communism.

>Why are your countries turning like this?
Is this new? (seriously asking)
Politics is a topic that can start fights so there is that reason to avoid it in more formal situations, and it's also controversial so capitalists who want all the money often have an interest in seeming neutral (and if not possible or wanting to stand out for good PR, siding with the majority)


* capitalists mentioned because they generally own publishing and media (including acg).


>No. There have recently been laws passed about Nazi symbolism but nothing for communism.
So why did this person get arrested?


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>Is this new? (seriously asking)
I don't think it's new, just cultural to some places.
Where I live in the UK it is common to talk about politics, in Greece where I grew it is expected to talk/argue about politics in your social times.


Γύρνα πίσω braindrainer, καταστρέφεις τη χώρα


some lib was telling me that the PRC government hires triads to beat people up, and used the umbrella movement in 2014 as an example lmfao… is this even remotely true?


white lady soy faces @ anti human capitalist decadence urban design


Impossible. Although there is strict control over speech, the real punishments I've seen are not very severe, usually just police warnings.

The Hong Kong independence movement (separatist forces) in China would probably be punished more severely if it were in other countries.




the namefag S posted this in /siberia/ claiming it was a Chinese capitalist beating up African workers. Does anyone know the context of this clip?

(posting the link rather than wasting bandwidth reuploading)


The meaning of this Chinese phrase is "Do you still dare to take something?"
(If this is Chinese, this is what I heard.)


If the person being beaten is a thief, it’s easy for nationalists to seize upon this as a justification. If I change the explanation to 'a black person stole from a Chinese person and was fortunately stopped by the boss', given the current situation in China, many people would say 'the black guy deserved it.'
However, I don't know the real context of this video either.



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China's commercial 'artificial sun' achieves first discharge

The world's first fully high-temperature superconducting tokamak device, Honghuang 70 (HH70), has recently successfully achieved first plasma, marking a significant leap of China in the development and application of fusion technology for clean energy, the device's developer Shanghai-based fusion energy company Energy Singularity announced on Wednesday.

The completion and operation of HH70 took the lead in the world in completing the engineering feasibility verification of high-temperature superconducting tokamak, marking that China has gained a first-mover advantage in the key field of high-temperature superconducting magnetic confinement fusion, the company said.

According to Yang Zhao, Energy Singularity's Chief Executive Officer, HH70 has independent intellectual property rights, with a domestication rate of over 96 percent, and all its magnet systems are constructed using high-temperature superconducting materials.

"The design work of the device began in March 2022, and the overall installation was completed by the end of February this year, setting the fastest record for the research and construction of superconducting tokamak devices worldwide," Yang noted.

The successful discharge of HH70 marks Energy Singularity as the world's first and currently the only team to build and operate an all high-temperature superconducting tokamak, as well as the world's first and currently the only commercial company to build and operate an all superconducting tokamak.

Regarding the company's future plans, Yang Zhao said the company plans to complete the next generation high magnetic field high-temperature superconducting tokamak device, HH170, by 2027 with the goal of achieving a deuterium-tritium equivalent energy gain (Q) greater than 10.

For fusion devices, the Q value is a crucial indicator. It directly reflects the energy efficiency of the fusion reactor, that is, the ratio of the energy generated by the device to the energy input required to sustain the fusion reaction. Q>1 represents that the output energy is greater than the energy input required to sustain the reaction. Currently the maximum Q value achieved by humans is 1.53.

Yang stressed that using high-temperature superconducting materials can reduce the volume of a device to about 2 percent of that of traditional low-temperature superconducting devices, and the construction period of the device will be shortened from the original 30 years to 3-4 years if a tokamak device with a Q>10 is to be built.

Amid growing concerns over energy crisis facing the whole world, confinement nuclear fusion is viewed by many experts and industry insiders as one of the most potential options to provide humanity with an almost infinite, clean, and cheap source of energy, and is considered the ultimate energy solution.

ChatGPT creator OpenAI is also reportedly seeking a deal with next-generation energy firm to buy "vast quantities" of nuclear fusion to create superhuman artificial intelligence.

As the only magnetic confinement fusion technology route that has completed scientific feasibility verification, the tokamak device, dubbed artificial sun, has always been the focus of global controlled nuclear fusion research and development.

High-temperature superconducting tokamak combines robust physics with engineering innovation, which is expected to greatly improve the cost-effectiveness of the device and accelerate the commercialization of fusion energy, and has become the direction of fusion energy research and development that attracts the most market-oriented funding worldwide.

In 2018, the US company Commonwealth Fusion Systems (CFS) became the first in the world to propose to build a small high-temperature superconducting tokamak device SPARC with Q≥10. The construction of SPARC kicked off in 2022 with plans to complete it in 2025.

Energy Singularity co-founder and Chief Operating Officer Ye Yuming said the magnetic field strength of HH170 will be 110 percent of SPARC, the diameter will be 90 percent of SPARC, and the volume will be about 70 percent of SPARC, enabling further cost reduction. Once completed, the HH170 device will be the world's smallest and lowest-cost tokamak device capable of achieving a 10-fold energy gain.

To support the research and development of HH170, Energy Point is also developing high-temperature superconducting D-shaped magnets. The goal of these magnets is to achieve a magnetic field strength of 25 Tesla, with manufacturing and testing planned to be completed by the end of this year. The magnetic field strength of the already completed HH70 is 2.5 Tesla.

According to Ye, engineering design of the HH170 device is expected to begin early next year. After 2030, Energy Singularity will also start the construction of HH380, with the goal of building a tokamak device that can be used for a demonstration fusion power plant.

Energy Singularity was established in Shanghai in June 2021, mainly focusing on researching commercially viable high-temperature superconducting tokamak devices and their operational control software systems. The company's shareholders include miHoYo, developer of Chinese-made open-world roleplaying game Genshin Impact, and Chinese electric carmaker NIO.


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I saw Twitter discussing this.The money I used to top up in Genshin Impact ended up here.
MiHoYo's investor launches artificial sun project, new technological route for artificial sun.

米哈游投资人造太阳项目启动 人造太阳新技术路线



20.000 years of seething lmfao


Lol, lmao even

Nuclear-powered gacha pulls when



Why does totalitarianism looks so good? It makes democracy looks bad. Don't tankies realize that by praising China for infrastructure they are throwing humanity into the arms of Hitlers????


The truth is that China is less authoritarian than liberal democracies.


>Why does totalitarianism looks so good
What do you think dictatorship of the proleteriat means exactly?


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China is a beacon of human rights and democracy. That is why they allow opposition parties and allow free speech. Only because they have an strict police against fake news and espionage doesn't mean they are not democratic.
Their fucking military is called the peoples liberation army, they are all for that juicy freedom loving fight.


tbf its quite impressive. Neo-China arrives from the future and so on and so on


I genuinely don't know this - who's the most prominent opposition politician in China?


I was reading this shit just yesterday:
>India, China and the Arabian peninsula take one hundred million sesterces from our empire per annum at a conservative estimate: that is what our luxuries and women cost us. For what fraction of these imports is intended for sacrifices to the gods or the spirits of the dead?
>I can see clothes of silk, if materials that do not hide the body, nor even one's decency, can be called clothes … Wretched flocks of maids labour so that the adulteress may be visible through her thin dress, so that her husband has no more acquaintance than any outsider or foreigner with his wife's body.
W*stoids have been getting mad at 中国 for the past 2000 years.


most human beings enjoy being able to see during nighttime.


Tsai Ing-wen and Lai Ching-te


>most human beings enjoy being able to see during nighttime.
Light also discourages crime.
Streetlights famously being better at deterring (i think violent iirc) crimes than CCTV cameras.


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>What's a good book about Qiu Jin or generally the women of the revolution?
Feminism-with-Chinese-Socialist-Characteristics, if you will.
Bumping this.


From now on I will take a moment to think about the contribution I'm making to mankind every time I log in to complete my daily missions.


This is the diabetes cure publication in Cell Discovery
Does anyone know why it's published as a "correspondence" and not a regular article? It's a case study on one patient, so I assume a larger study is being worked on. I'm not a biologist but it looks legit to me and it was published in a good journal. I just become skeptical whenever some news outlet reports on an extraordinary sounding result, and then other publications report it based on that without citing the original publication. That's how you get "the MMR vaccine causes autism" etc.


indian tv will never not be funny



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Communist China's immigration policy IS scientific socialism. They have closed borders. They have the largest, greatest wall. Their border policy is the exact opposite of the neoliberal open-border policy we see in the imperial core.


OpenAI Terminates Services to China
OpenAI will take measures to stop the use of its API in unsupported countries and regions.
2024-06-25 14:21
>From last night until now, several users have received emails from OpenAI. The email states, "Our data shows that your organization is using API traffic from regions currently unsupported by OpenAI." The email further indicates that starting from July 9, OpenAI will begin blocking API traffic from unsupported countries and regions. Affected organizations wishing to continue using OpenAI's services must access them from a supported country or region. Reporters have found that OpenAI's API is currently open to 161 countries and regions, but China is not included. This also means that OpenAI has announced the termination of API services to China.

2024-06-25 14:21

Goodbye, comrades😥Always remember that there was a Chinese person here who didn't know any English at all and disappeared because OpenAI abandoned its services in China.😭


Just use a vpn, or better yet, a Chinese website. Alibaba is making near-state of the art models, after all.


I've been using a VPN to access ChatGPT. Even before this news came out, it wasn't possible to use ChatGPT in China without a VPN. I can still use it now, and I hope the VPN can continue to bypass this restriction. I don't want OpenAI to block me. Domestic AI can often replace ChatGPT, but it imposes significant restrictions when discussing politics. To be honest, I do know some English, but I'm too lazy to write in a foreign language even with the help of machine translation.



So this is the full power of the free market….


Goodbye man we will miss you


for text translation I use deepl since before chatgpt, and on standard text from book/article it usually give best results (chatgpt is better at chatting / shitposting though)


As someone who uses DeepL regularly these chatbots do a better job of "understanding" the context of the text from my experience.


Nooooo plz don't go China anon TAT


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This sucks. Fuck sanctions. Hope you can find a way around this; if not, I'll miss you. It was nice having you.


ways that China has more freedom than America

1. Freedom to be yourself and relax. Freedom from having to be something you're not. This is the most important freedom there is, far more significant than the freedom to vote. If you can't be yourself, you can never be free. This is assuming you are an authentic down to earth person though. You see, America is the fakest culture in the world. To fit in, you gotta become a fake person yourself. Thus if you are genuine and real, then you can't be yourself. Instead you will be alienated. America is also a soul destroying place, so you can't have a soul and fit in either. America is also a very toxic place, especially on the west coast. People are always judging you and telling you there's something wrong with you all the time. Thus you never feel accepted or liked or loved for you. You always feel pressure to try to be something you're not. This eventually undermines and destroys your self-esteem and confidence and makes you feel like crap and insecure all the time.

In contrast, China is a very authentic culture and it's people are very real, genuine and down to earth. So if you are like that too, you will feel much more FREE to be yourself there.

My Singaporean friend Ethan_sg put it best and spot on when he said:

"In a socially inclusive environment like China, I feel like I can simply relax and be myself to fit in to a group. In a socially exclusive environment like Singapore or the US, when I'm in a group I feel like I constantly have to prove myself and force myself to create a persona that's not really me in order to fit in. You have to act fake and phony and say the right things in order to be accepted. You constantly feel like you have to prove yourself. Conversation can feel more like a competition than communication. In China I feel like I can fit in by default just by relaxing and being myself. I don't have to prove anything. Ironically individualistic cultures do not enable individuals to be themselves. In fact the opposite is true."

2. Freedom to connect with others, especially women, and enjoy social connection. China has more social freedom than America, because you are allowed to talk to strangers and if you are a genuine down to earth person, it is easier and more natural to meet people and make friends and get dates with pretty girls. Humans need social connection to be happy and healthy. Even US studies claim this. China has a lot more social connection for sure. In contrast, the US is a very lonely and socially disconnected culture. People value privacy over connection and live in their own bubble. They are misanthropic, dislike others and want to be left alone. They don't talk to strangers unless it's business related. All they want to do is work, shop and go home and not be bothered. They don't like to meet new people or make new friends.

3. Freedom to be honest and genuine, not fake. In China, you don't have act fake. For instance, if someone asks "How are you?" you don't have to pretend to be "doing great" 24/7 like you would be in America. You are allowed to be honest about how you feel. China appreciates honesty and values it. America does not. America only values positivity, even if it's fake. You are even allowed to lie in America, as long as you keep it positive. American culture expects you to be perpetually optimistic and feeling great, even if you don't. In America, you have to fake it if you don't feel it. Thus you are not "free to be yourself" or "free to be honest" in the alleged "land of the free".

4. Freedom from political correctness, to speak freely about social issues and not cater to liberalism. In China, one can talk about gender differences or racial differences (which are very real, despite what liberals tell you) without feeling like they've violated the rules of political correctness. China is not politically correct about these kind of things. One is also free to criticize liberalism, feminism, multi-culturalism without being condemned. Mainland Chinese appreciate honesty and truth, whereas Americans do not. In America, truth must always be politically correct, and you are not allowed to criticize liberalism or you will be condemned and may even lose your job.

5. Freedom from an overly high cost of living. In America and other first world countries, cost of living is too high and inflation has skyrocketed. Housing prices have multiplied since the 1970's. You have to work more to earn less, and it now takes a lot longer to pay off your mortgage on your house. Having to work more and more, along with your spouse, means you have less and less freedom. But cost of living in China is a lot lower. You can live on a lot less and rent an apartment for less too. (except for Shanghai and Beijing of course, we are talking about most Chinese cities here) This means you have more freedom and free time to do what you want. Again, this is why the alleged "land of the free" is ironically LESS free than most other countries. America likes to work you to death and make you have no life. It assumes that you literally "live to work" rather than live to follow your bliss.

6. Freedom to sell goods on public streets as a vendor without a permit or license. In most public areas and streets of China, one can set up a stall or booth as a vendor and sell stuff without having to pay for an expensive permit or license. China sees the streets as belonging to the people, not privatized. Therefore, citizens can make their living as vendors and not worry about stupid laws like you would in America, where everything is controlled and regulated in the "land of the free". China is not as control freakish about such things as America is.

7. Freedom to drink beer while walking on the street. In China, you can walk on the street with a beer bottle in hand legally, just as you can in most countries. But in America that is illegal. China is not uptight about such normal things, and is not a control freak as America is about such trivial things.

8. Freedom to bring your own snacks into movie theaters. In China, they allow you to bring your own snacks into cinemas. They aren't anal about stuff like that. In the US, they don't allow that because they want you to pay high prices for their expensive snacks at the concession stands. America has more rules on trivial things like this than China does, so how can America be the land of the free?

9. Freedom to go out and talk to girls and start conversations with strangers. In China you can talk to attractive girls and women in public and start conversations with them without feeling like a creep. They aren't as paranoid or anti-male as in America. If you tried to do that in America you'd be considered a creep and predator. America is negative and paranoid about guys who like girls and try to meet them. Interactions with girls in China feels a lot more positive, natural and healthy.

10. Freedom from gun violence, street violence and mugging. In China, one cannot buy guns or firearms, not even on the black market. So there is no danger of gun violence. (The pro-gun crowd in the US should take note of this, as they falsely assume that gun control = government tyranny and the loss of freedom) In fact, physical fights in China are rare. People argue by yelling at each other. But it usually doesn't get physical or violent. And muggings and hold ups are virtually non-existent. In contrast, the US has the highest homicide by handguns rate in the industrialized world. All stats reveal this. It also has a high violence rate since Americans are more violence-prone by nature, and the US military is as well. America has been in more wars than any other country, which speaks volumes. It also has the biggest prison population too, with 2 million currently incarcerated.

11. Freedom to eat healthier food for cheap. Food in China tends to be healthier and cheaper than America. It doesn't allow GMO food from Monsanto, a chemical weapons company that controls America's food, which is insane. There is no msg in Chinese food in China like there is in the Chinese food in America, which is Americanized. Many restaurants in China also serve bigger portions, in my experience, than in America even, so they are more generous. There are also stalls for street food which are dirt cheap. Also you don't need to leave any tips in China like in America. Just look at the people on the streets of China and you will see that almost everyone is thin, not fat or overweight. Obesity is rare, and most people are height/weight proportionate, or thin. This speaks volumes about the food being healthier, even if some of it is cooked with unhealthy oils.

12. Freedom from incredibly expensive healthcare that could bankrupt you. Going to the doctor or hospital in China is very cheap, almost free, and treatment is also very inexpensive. Even surgery is a fraction of what it is in the US. I've seen doctors in China for only a few dollars. In contrast, the US has the most expensive healthcare in the world, as we all know, and in fact, medical bankruptcies are the number one cause of bankruptcy in America. Healthcare costs are insane in America. Furthermore, in China one can choose from traditional Chinese herbal medicine or acupuncture, or modern Western style treatment with pharmaceutical drugs. Chinese hospitals provide both styles of treatment, and wise people say that you should combine the two for maximum effectiveness. But in America, you often don't get a choice. You did in 1800's America though, when allopathic remedies were offered by doctors. But in the 1900's, big pharma totally took over US healthcare and monopolized into a pure profit industry that placed profit over life and health, as we all know.

13. Freedom from police bullying and brutality. In China, police and security guards tend to be polite and non-confrontational. They don't get a power trip from bullying and harassing people like US cops do, who seem to be itching for a fight. In fact, one time i saw policemen in China spending an hour to help a drunk man who passed out on the sidewalk. In the US, the cops wouldn't have had the patience for that. Ironically, the alleged "land of the free" has some of the most meanest cops.

14. Freedom to check out of hotels later than 11am or 12pm. Many hotels in China will let you check out at 2pm, which is very generous compared to the US, where most hotels in most states make you check out at 11am, which is way too early, especially if you are on vacation and need to sleep in. Even California hotels have a strict 12pm check out time. Again, the US is too strict about little rules and thus is less free than most countries.

15. Freedom from unfair divorce laws against men. In China, the divorce laws generally favor men, not women. A man's wife can't just divorce him for any reason and steal his house like she can in America, which is clearly an abuse of the system and downright theft too. In China, when a couple divorces, the man usually keeps the house and children, especially if he is the breadwinner and making more money than his wife. This is as it should be, because it keeps the wife loyal and good, since she cannot get rich by divorcing her husband. So overall it keeps the family together. This is an example of wisdom in China that the US doesn't have. Plus, pro-male laws are wiser, because men are builders, creators, doers, hunters, and warriors. Men build societies, nations, civilizations, buildings, ships, etc. They invent everything too, in fact all modern technologies are invented by men. So if you don't put men's needs first, society collapses, just as it has in the US and just as it did in ancient Greece and Rome when feminism and liberalism took over. This is ancient wisdom that liberal America has lost.


16. Freedom to talk to strangers without feeling transgressive. It's easier and more natural to talk to strangers in China. People are not paranoid of others and are very upfront and down to earth. But in America, as we all know, people don't talk to strangers unless it's business related. Otherwise, it's inappropriate and those who do are seen as creeps. America wasn't always that antisocial though. In the 1970's and prior, people were friendlier with strangers, but increasingly became paranoid and socially disconnected during the late 1980's. Even US government and media stats show that today, one third of Americans have no close friends to confide in, so they have to pay therapists to hear their problems. This is well documented, not some rant by a loser.

17. Freedom to flirt with girls and get dates without conventional connections. You don't have to have a conventional clique to meet and date girls. You can meet them online or through meet me chat apps, or meet them in public places. Not all the time of course, but often you can. At least more than in America, where girls are very closed off toward strangers and antisocial.

18. Freedom from expensive home repair labor costs. In Asia, you can hire people to fix your house without having to pay an arm and a leg for labor costs, unlike America where, as we all know, labor is outrageously expensive and out of proportion. Workers in the US also have the biggest entitlement mentality and demand the most for their time. It's no wonder that so many US corporations have outsourced their labor.

19. Freedom from school bullying. In the US, school bullying is an epidemic. It causes psychological damage and trauma, sometimes for life. But in Asia and China, children are more humble and modest. They don't bully others. It's not in their nature to seek confrontation or violence. If you don't believe me, try this: Google "School bullying in America" and then try "School bullying in China" and see how many hits come up. There's no comparison.

20. Freedom to admit that you need women and love. In China, you are allowed to be honest about needing others and needing love from women. You are allowed to admit that you are lonely. After all, humans are not meant to be alone. Even the Bible says so. So needing others is natural and normal. But America treats needing women or being lonely like a defect or weakness to overcome, which is unnatural and not understanding at all. America tries to deny human nature, but China is saner and does not. As soon as you tell people in America that you need women to be happy, you will be criticized for it and told you that you have a weakness.

21. Freedom to discriminate and not have to pretend to be color blind. In China, you can talk about racial differences and have racial preferences. You don't have to pretend that color doesn't matter. You are allowed to say white skin is more beautiful than black skin, since in Asia that is the standard after all. And if you are an employer, you are allowed to have racial preferences in who you want to hire. The government does not tell you otherwise. But in America, one is forced to PRETEND to be colorblind and claim that race and color don't matter and are all equal, to comply with the law of political correctness. Employers are not allow to discriminate based on race, gender or age either, so they discriminate discreetly, since it's human nature to discriminate and have preferences after all. No law can change that.

22. Freedom from affirmative action laws. Furthermore, in America some states have affirmative action laws and so employers must hire a certain percentage of workers all races if they have a large pool of employees. But you have no such absurd thing in China, which is more real and allows employers to hire who they want without unnatural interference.

23. Freedom to be human with real emotions. In the US and Taiwan, people act like zombies. They are supposed to be repressed, reserved and not show much emotion. Even on a plane when turbulence rocks the plane, everyone acts as if nothing happened, with me being the only one reacting to it. But in China, authenticity still reigns. You are allowed to show emotion and express yourself (as long as you don't bash the government of course).

24. Freedom from loneliness and isolation. In America if you are single, you are FORCED to be lonely in most cases. Because people don't talk to strangers, and when they do it's for business only or very superficial. No one wants to be your real friend or lover. No one wants to hang out and have a good time. The social culture is very antisocial and negative. People are misanthropic and tense around others. They just want to keep to themselves and shut others out. Even Oprah Winfrey admitted on her show that Americans are closed minded and like to lock themselves in a room and shut others out. (see her interview with John Mack and alien abductees) But in China, social interaction is much more smooth, natural and harmonious. They view social harmony and friendships as a part of life, something needed and natural, not something to avoid or shun. Thus it is much easier to make friends and get dates in China.

25. Freedom from high taxes and the IRS. Taxes in the US are unusually high due to socialism and excessive government spending, as well as bad government policies. Under the progressive tax rate, even those at the lowest income level still have to pay 20 percent of their income in taxes. And the more you make, the more taxes you pay. In contrast, in Asia taxes are lower, usually at 10 percent. The governments in Asia do not overspend or try to do too much or create too many agencies to police everyone and spy on everyone. They are not control freaks or tyrants like in America.

Also in the US, the IRS acts like a police force that harasses and bullies people, despite the fact that the income tax in America is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and was illegally ratified via a conspiracy as an amendment. The Founding Fathers of America only allowed for sales taxes and import taxes, but not income taxes. That's because government under the US constitution was never meant to tax people or provide benefits, but only act as a protector of people's freedom and safety. But of course, corrupt bankers and groups with their own agenda don't care about the Constitution.

26. Freedom to date women more attractive than you. In China, one of the first things you notice is that in most couples, the woman is more attractive than the man. Everywhere you go you see nerdy or even ugly guys with attractive females, which you'd never see in the US. In the US, you see the REVERSE. You see average females with men who are more attractive than them, as if average women can afford to be picky and get more than they deserve. After all, women have too much power in America, because America is pro-women and anti-male, which is unfair of course but you aren't allowed to question it or complain about it. So if you like attractive feminine women who are thin and cute, China is definitely the place to go, because they are far more attainable there, whereas in the US, even average women are hard to get. One reason for this is that in Asia, women aren't as picky about looks as American women are.

27. Freedom from the negative/paranoid/uptight vibe and energy of America. In America, people are on edge and frustrated. Life is stressful and there is no social connection to make you happy, or even meaning. Life is a treadmill where you must always produce and be productive and where no one cares about you, so you feel lonely and unloved and used, as if your worth is determined by your contribution to profit only. Yet you must accept all this. The energy feels toxic in American cities and the West Coast. The social vibe is paranoid and antisocial. You can't relax or be yourself, because everyone is constantly judging you. It's a vibe that brings out the worst in you and makes you go crazy if you let it. That's why there are so many psychos and random violence in the US.

But in China and most other countries, you are free from that. The vibe is more natural and down to earth. You don't have to feel crazy or on edge. There is social connection and you can be yourself. The vibe feels much more natural and healthy. Everything feels more real, especially the people. Thus the energy and aura of the environment FEELS a lot more free and authentic, which allows you to relax and be yourself. And as you know, feelings are very important and always trump logic when it comes to humans.

28. Freedom to eat alone at restaurants and not be judged negatively. If you eat at a restaurant alone in the US, you will stick out like a sore thumb and look like a loser. People only go to restaurants with their friends and family or with a date. It might be ok to eat alone in NYC but not in the US suburbs. There it's all about groups and families. No one goes out alone. That's why you never see single people eating alone in restaurants. They go to subway and take out food. But in China and most other countries, no one judges you on little stuff like that. You can eat alone and not feel like a loser or look abnormal. People who are down to earth don't judge others that way.

29. Freedom to go to prostitutes and brothels. Although officially, prostitution is illegal in China to save face, in reality it is offered in every Chinese city - inside massage parlors, hotels, KTV's, and through freelancers. Prostitution is necessary because some guys need sex but don't have a girlfriend or wife available to them. So they need a release or outlet. That's why ancient societies said that "prostitution was like a sewer, dirty but necessary". Studies show that when prostitution is legalized, crime and violence go down. But the US is the only industrialized country where prostitution is illegal. Because the US is the least understanding of men's needs and is very anti-male and unwise.

30. Freedom from forced celibacy. In America, if you are not in a relationship, you are pretty much forced to be celibate. Sex is incredibly hard to get and you are not allowed to pursue it, lest you be seen as a "sexual predator". You have to wait til some girl magically "falls in love with you" or "falls for you" before you can have sex. That is a long shot and for many guys, it takes years to find, or never happens. Thus you are out of luck. Especially if you are Asian or not considered a hot guy in America, because American girls are very big on looks.

And if you try to hire a prostitute or escort, it feels creepy and illegal, and you may get in trouble with the law because it's illegal in America. It also costs 200 dollars too, and even if you do it, you run the risk of getting an unattractive female with a bad attitude who treats you like crap, and who has greedy vibes that turn you off. Overall, it's a bad vibe and bad p4p (pay for pleasure) experience. Much better to go to Thailand, Philippines or Germany where prostitution is normal and part of the culture so you will be treated right. If you go to Nevada, where there is legalized prostitution in brothels, you will be ripped off, because as of 2013, they now charge about 800 - 1000 dollars for sex there, which is a total ripoff. (used to be 200 dollars) In Germany, you can have sex as many times as you want in one night in a brothel for 100 dollars. And in Philippines, you can get it for 25 dollars and it will often be GFE (girlfriend experience) and it can lead to more if the chemistry is right, such a relationship.

But in China, it's much easier to find a girlfriend and get into a relationship, so you can have regular sex. But if you can't, there are many massage places that offer sex, and some KTV's too, as well as freelancers. So you aren't as forced to be celibate. If that doesn't work, there is always Philippines and Thailand, which are sexual paradises for men, particularly in Angeles City, Bangkok and Pattaya.


31. Freedom from having to give stupid tips and gratuity customs. In America, you are forced to tip every service worker, and not only that, but you are supposed to tip generously and happily, as if you are glad to participate in such a nonsensical custom that is unnecessary in most other countries. The tipping custom is stupid if you think about it, after all, why should you give someone extra money just for doing their job? Especially if they do nothing special and do not go out of their way in any way? What's the logic behind it? Even if the service was nothing special, you are still supposed to tip. Thus it's forced, not from the heart. Even if it's just a guy driving a taxi cab, you are still supposed to tip him, even though driving is an ordinary thing. A tip should come from the heart, such as if the service man or woman has gone out of their way for you in some way, not be a forced thing that you have to give. Otherwise, it's just a scam to get extra money from you.

But in China, service staff do not expect tips. There is no tipping custom. So you are free from that nonsense and bullshit. The service staff are humble and not spoiled or entitled in expecting tips. American workers are too spoiled and entitled. No wonder so many US corporations outsource their jobs. You can't blame them. In spite of this, restaurant prices in China are lower than in America, generally, and they sometimes give you bigger portions too, surprisingly. So this American excuse that "prices would be higher if there were no tipping" doesn't hold water and only fools Americans who haven't been overseas.

32. Freedom from having to bullshit your way through life. In America, you have to BS and pretend to be "cool" and tough and confident and always optimistic, even when there's no reason to be. In other words, you gotta be phony and fake to fit in. You can't be yourself. Having to act fake all the time leads to mental illness, because it causes an inner split within yourself, separating your true self from your fake mask, resulting in an inner fragmentation. That, I think, it one of the main reasons why America has the highest rate of mental illness in the world. You also have to be very politically correct about social issues, to the point of lying and saying what you don't really believe.

But in China, the culture and people are more down to earth, thus you can be yourself. You don't need to act fake or project an artificial mask of confidence. Sure it helps to dress well, but you don't have to have a fake personality. You can be kind and down to earth and that is enough to be liked and appreciated. You also don't need to be politically correct. China gives you more leeway to be honest. Thus there is more freedom to be authentic, and be yourself, which is the highest form of freedom there is, as mentioned before.

33. Freedom from a negative media that keeps you living in fear and paranoia. As we all know, the mainstream media in America is highly negative and tries to keep you paranoid and fearful of "bad things" out there that are out to get you. Fear is useful to the elites which control the US media, and lowers the spiritual energy of the masses so they are more controllable and will consume more to compensate for their lack of power. But in China, Europe and most countries, the media isn't as negative and fear mongering. It's more balanced and positive, giving equal coverage to good stories not just bad ones. And it doesn't try to scare you either. America is clearly the biggest perpetrator of mind control, because in order for it to provide political freedoms, it must also increase mass mind control in order to maintain control, as Noam Chomsky has noted in his books and lectures. Furthermore, the US media is also very anti-male, whereas media in other countries is not.

34. Freedom from mental illness and low self-esteem. America has the highest rate of mental illness in the world. Even the World Health Organization says so. If you live in America, you have nearly a 50 percent chance of developing a mental disorder in your lifetime. Having to see a therapist or psychiatrist is all too common in America but not in the rest of the world. At least a third of Americans use antidepressants too. This is no surprise, since America's social environment is toxic and brings out the worst in you. It tries to tear you down and make you feel insecure and worthless, as if you have no intrinsic value so you have to work forever to prove your worth. It's terrible and wrong to do that to human beings, especially children. No one likes you for you - that's the feeling you get in the US. As a result, you feel low self-esteem and low self-confidence. So you have to artificially manufacture your own pseudo self-esteem and fake confidence to compensate, since society does not give it to you. That's partly why Americans seem so artificial and have to develop big egos, and have to brag and act arrogant, in order to project pseudo confidence and toughness.

But in China, you are liberated from all this. You are free from feeling like crap about yourself and hating yourself. The healthy social connection and authentic vibe that allows you to be yourself, gives you natural self-esteem and good mental health, so you don't need any therapists or shrinks or antidepressants. China's work culture is also not as stressful, but more laid back. They let you go at your own pace and don't try to overwork you like work does in Taiwan and America. Simply put, when you're out of America, self-esteem is really no longer an issue, whereas in the US it's a constant issue you have to grapple with, which is unnatural and wrong.

35. Freedom from needing a car to get around. In China and other countries, public transportation is very extensive and comprehensive. Especially in cities. You don't need to own a car to get around. There are buses, subways, cheap taxis, standard trains and high speed bullet trains to get you around anywhere you need. Even if you go around by taxis all day, they are fairly cheap, not a ripoff like in the US, and you don't even have to tip the driver. As you know, having to buy a car is a major expense. Most people have to get a loan to get a car, and afterward, there are gas expenses, insurance expenses, maintenance expenses, etc. Plus there's the risk of getting into an accident if you drive everyday, which is a risk to your life, since many thousands of people in the US die every year from auto fatalities. So in China and many other countries, you are free from the burden and expenses of needing a car.

36. Freedom to date good quality women. Another thing a man notices when he steps off the plane in China is that a vast majority of the women are high quality. First of all, the society isn't promiscuous, except in first tier cities, and children being born out of wedlock is a rarity. It is a pro-male culture, thus, the women are kept in check most of the time. In other words, many Chinese girls are virgins, which is good news for marriage-minded men. And China doesn't have alimony or child support. Secondly, there is a much higher percentage of women in China who are thin or height-weight proportionate because it doesn't have the obesity levels that the U.S. has.

In contrast, America is a promiscuous society in addition to being pro-female. Most girls lose their virginity early like around age 14 and either practice serial monogamy or slut around. Out of wedlock births are at an all-time high right now. And the guys that girls sleep around with are usually jocks or thugs/bad boys. And the obesity epidemic is out of control that fat girls are ubiquitous. So a normal decent guy is either forced to settle for used-up single mom ex-carouselers and/or fat ugly chicks, or remain celibate. Even worse, if a guy settles for a woman with bastard kids, he can very well be on the hook for child support for kids that aren't his because American women can get away with abusing the system.


So as you can see from all the many examples above, though China may lack some political freedoms that the US has, it definitely has more social and personal freedoms, at least for men. And while America offers higher salaries in jobs, China offers more authenticity, social connection and opportunities to date beautiful women you could never have in America. In addition, China is more sane and free from many toxic elements of America listed above, as well as overly strict rules.

These are good reasons why many Asian Americans and overseas Chinese nowadays are now moving back to China. Once they discover all this, they realize that their love life, social life and self-esteem will be better and healthier back in China. But alas, most Asian Americans and Chinese Americans do not know all this. It's not talked about publicly, and even those that know about it have a hard time finding the words and the courage to express it. So that's why I wrote this compilation. It needs to get out there. So please spread it around. The mainstream media will never dare touch this. So it's in your hands and our hands to get such truths out.


>In China, when a couple divorces, the man usually keeps the house and children, especially if he is the breadwinner and making more money than his wife. This is as it should be, because it keeps the wife loyal and good
incel vibes

>In China you can talk to attractive girls and women in public and start conversations with them without feeling like a creep.

sexpest vibes


>incel vibes
no this is based
>sexpest vibes
not really, everyone likes cuties


>t's easier and more natural to talk to strangers in China.
this is bullshit, they are cunts


mfc972.com 目前这个网站在国内还有效,你试一试吧


>"In a socially inclusive environment like China, I feel like I can simply relax and be myself to fit in to a group. In a socially exclusive environment like Singapore or the US, when I'm in a group I feel like I constantly have to prove myself and force myself to create a persona that's not really me in order to fit in. You have to act fake and phony and say the right things in order to be accepted. You constantly feel like you have to prove yourself. Conversation can feel more like a competition than communication. In China I feel like I can fit in by default just by relaxing and being myself. I don't have to prove anything. Ironically individualistic cultures do not enable individuals to be themselves. In fact the opposite is true."


>Singaporean friend Ethan_sg


Yeah, you've also missed the

>29. Freedom to go to prostitutes and brothels.

>30. Freedom from forced celibacy.

>And if you try to hire a prostitute or escort, it feels creepy and illegal, and you may get in trouble with the law because it's illegal in America. It also costs 200 dollars too, and even if you do it, you run the risk of getting an unattractive female with a bad attitude who treats you like crap, and who has greedy vibes that turn you off. Overall, it's a bad vibe and bad p4p (pay for pleasure) experience. Much better to go to Thailand, Philippines or Germany where prostitution is normal and part of the culture so you will be treated right. If you go to Nevada, where there is legalized prostitution in brothels, you will be ripped off, because as of 2013, they now charge about 800 - 1000 dollars for sex there, which is a total ripoff. (used to be 200 dollars) In Germany, you can have sex as many times as you want in one night in a brothel for 100 dollars. And in Philippines, you can get it for 25 dollars and it will often be GFE (girlfriend experience) and it can lead to more if the chemistry is right, such a relationship.

>But in China, it's much easier to find a girlfriend and get into a relationship, so you can have regular sex. But if you can't, there are many massage places that offer sex, and some KTV's too, as well as freelancers. So you aren't as forced to be celibate. If that doesn't work, there is always Philippines and Thailand, which are sexual paradises for men, particularly in Angeles City, Bangkok and Pattaya.

Big yikes


> If you live in America, you have nearly a 50 percent chance of developing a mental disorder in your lifetime.

Will be using this as an argument in online discussions, thanks




Alright, alright, I was just joking. OpenAI has never been available in mainland China from the start, but this time they have additionally blocked the API. Whether this will have any impact on ChatGPT remains to be seen. From the news, I think Sam Altman is politically sensitive, and he is very likely to further attempt to restrict usage in regions like China, which are perceived as a threat to the United States.
Even if ChatGPT is unavailable, I will still try to find other ways to communicate. I like this place.



On the bright side most anons here have access to openai



I'm looking at the white Chuang editor visting China for the first time and its crazy how much he has the identical viewpoint of hateful and bitter sexpats lol.


IT really just depends where you are. Where I live in the west it is extremely easy to talk to strangers and kind of expected, )although that's changing because of gentrification and neoliberalism) but you go even one or two cities away and you'd be looked like as a freak if you tried to talk to someone on a bus-stop or buying vegetables.
In many western cities and towns though people do not even know the name of their neighbour or shop-keeper they see every day, it is very disturbing but it is not everywhere.


The CCP will be conquered by BBC


BBC posting doesn't work when all of Africa supports China


china is the bbc.


Remembers me when Paul Robeson, a black, went to the USSR in the 30's. He said he was treated as a human, even though soviets never saw a black person.


File: 1719456405752.png (758.83 KB, 884x883, 56765677.png)

Im literally shaking, why would China punish its wholesome Job Creators™ like this?!…


Geniune question, do you guys think a nuclear war with China will happen? I currently 50/50 on it mostly because as conditions deteriorate in the US schizoid anti-China politicians will blame China for everything and hit the red button. Just curious


the politicians don't want the world to end so no. if you compare being king of the wasteland to being a well paid politician in a chinese vassal state, clearly the latter is better


Sure but do you think the ego of the american political class will be able to handle that admission? After ruling hegemonically for so long it feels like they would rather just say screw it than give up. "If I can't have it no one can" basically destroying everyone else out of spite.


Random comment:
>Jim Denham nearly inspired me as I read “…does the Chinese state have the financial capacity to recompence investors for their loss of capital[?]” The point is that the PRC has the political capacity to outright expropriate capital, just as it has the capacitate to interfere so extensively in the capital markets that by a businessman’s standards it is a moot question whether there’s a free market in capital at all. But it is not at all clear to me that the Chinese state has the capacity to induce mass unemployment to support the restoration of profitability of capital. Biden can call Xi a dictator but how are you so sure that Xi can do openly, shamelessly do Jay Powell? There’s a reason why the Chinese bourgeoisie in Taiwan and Hong Kong and Singapore and the Phillipines and the US are not committed to full unity. There’s a reason why foreign capitalists prefer to invest in the SEZs, which I think of as neocolonial concessions. The bourgeoisie has no problem with Saudi but they have a problem with the CPC. At least ask yourself if it is so impossible that the bourgeoisie is so incompetent they can’t know their own?

<But it is not at all clear to me that the Chinese state has the capacity to induce mass unemployment to support the restoration of profitability of capital.

Can China induce mass unemployment?


anyone who says no is coping
i'm supposed to believe nation states built tens of thousands of nuclear warheads but the only two dropped are going to be in hiroshima and nagasaki?
my fucking ass


Burger evangelists literally want the world to end so if they're part of the American ruling class…


It should be even lower but it's a good start


Mask off projection about US fiscal policy?


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What level is this psyop on? In the midst of war propaganda, you decide this to be your title


YouTube really puts all this 'race baiting in china' stuff front and centre, it's very strange.


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The national football team is in the same group as Japan, Australia, and Saudi Arabia.
hope Australia sends kangaroos to play against the Chinese team.
video sourced from 【【科幻巨制】国足大战企鹅勇夺世界杯!-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/l5cGgTO if there is infringement, i can delete it.

视频来源于 【【科幻巨制】国足大战企鹅勇夺世界杯!-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/l5cGgTO 权侵删


america moment tbqhf


I don't get it when 4chan is full of b*c spams, are whiteys okay, at least we asians are not obsessed with blacked


White nationalists are obsessed with black cocks, as simple as


Basically, the psycho-ideological apparatus required to alter the minds of large swathes of the angloid population and normalize racism and slavery has cascading effects on the rest of the psyche.

You can't just suppress peoples' humanity that aggressively without breaking some stuff along the way, which often manifests as weird psycho-sexual quirks among the angloids.


Are you not a Marxist? The emergence of civilization coincided with class relations and thus widespread inequality. The birth of such key technologies as using certain underground materials and writing was from rampant inequality and savage treatment of the lower classes.


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Brainlet do you really think Youtube trash is Marxist analysis™ and not just another way to attack China?


You're not very smart if you don't understand the subtext of a youtube history channel with a CHINA BAD headline.


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Fucking hell, anti-China propaganda hits a new low.. (This dude is a professor at Cornell university)


Do you have the napoleon and OG versions?



The CCP will be enhanced by BBC. The correct racial pairing of the future is black and asian.


Go back.


It is real… here is footage of CCP NKVD stealing skin from uighur orphans… terrible… we need to stop the CCP now!


If I activate beauty filter on my Huawei phone, the bottom half just explodes and blasts a compressed uighur face into my face, airbag style.


Uyghur's or Falun Gong's compressed face


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File: 1719672204396.jpg (271.42 KB, 1924x2560, Andropov vs Reagan.jpg)

Yes its a very real possibility, this era is basically the last chance in human history they have to preserve their unipolarity and ultimately capitalism as a whole. If they let this moment slip through their hands then China and Communism will end up as the dominant center of the world. Able Archer '83 proved they are quite willing to start a nuclear war if they think they can win. Be prepared.


>emergence of civilization
Im pretty sure it was in the fertile crescent first


This animated show (5:20) about Chinese History presented by a bunch of cats has a better Marxist analysis than some random westoid "content creator".


>China stole my face!!!!
And we haven't even hit rock bottom yet. What's next?


>No you can't have electric cars or high speed rail or any nice things. They're Chinese you see and we're in a trade war because we thought we could offshore all manufacturing. You don't want to support……..face harvesting, do you?
<keep paying for my government subsidized tesla sweaty, you'll never drive an electric.


<peels off your face to pay Chinese for Tesla car assembly cost and resources involved and import fees


I would have my face peeled off if it only meant I could live in Cynah.


The video is about civilization as it emerged in China, not as it emerged on the world.


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They play this series in the Shanghai metro carriages sometimes (along with clips from league of legends and lasts year’s year of the rabbit infomercials lol)


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> Explosion… There was an accident during the static test of the Tianlong-3 rocket.
> On the afternoon of June 30, 2024, during the static fire test of the Tianlong-3 at Qinglong Mountain in Gongyi, Zhengzhou, it was reported that it wasn't secured properly, and the first stage flew off…

Video sourced from the internet

Original link [Explosion… There was an accident during the static test of the Tianlong-3 rocket - Bilibili] https://b23.tv/ePFvIei"




原地址【炸了…天龙三号火箭静态测试时出事故了-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/ePFvIei


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Chang'e - 6 returned with far side moon rock samples on June 25 btw. Next is south pole probe


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27th anniversary of the Hong Kong handover today.


holy fuck, anon. How many people were hurt?


No casualties were reported. Additionally, the rocket was privately owned, but it indeed startled the nearby residents. This was actually a rather serious launch accident, but fortunately, there were no casualties. I believe the government will likely impose stricter regulations on private rockets in the future.



Now this is an achievement. Post more on this please. I went to libreddit and naturally the rocket misfire was top of every possible sub.
A _private_rocket testing so close to residential areas. I hope there's consequences. The era of private space programs should end.


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>27th anniversary of the Hong Kong handover today.
Wonder how the "Revolutionaries of our time" are coping right now…


China needs to put a space port on Taiwan



I still remember watching the handover ceremony - but I would just call it a restitution - live on the telly on a summer afternoon as a kid, while it was midnight in China. I'll never forget Charlie's sad face…

England is another dystopian, shitty place and the final words of the coroner - a Dutch, btw - are just another proof of it. That said, I guess that woman fell victim to a certain Bong government scheme trying to attract as many people from HK as they can just to stick two fingers at China. These are the results.


Also 103 years of CPC. o7

>The era of private space programs should end
SpaceX ate all the rocket fuel.


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SpaceX has been awarded a contract to help NASA take the ISS down from orbit. China's space station, the Tiangong, will become the only space station in orbit.


>throw the chinese out of the space station
>they do their own
>westoids greedy cunts close theirs coz they gotta give those tax monnies to porkies rather than research


End of colonialism.




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>SpaceX has been awarded a contract to help NASA take the ISS down from orbit.
Watch yet another totally-legit win by SpaceX be yet another modified Starship that is overbudget and delayed for years as they choose the most complex and complicated way to deorbit ISS. By the time it flies, the ISS will have fallen to Earth. However, the USDV will have accomplished its true mission, being Elon Musk's money-laundering machine.

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