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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.211966[Last 50 Posts]

Thread for all things Nordic. Recommended languages: Finnish, Scandinavian and English.


intressant. har du en källa? det kan ju finnas tusen och en anledningar att inte publicera förrän efteråt



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Hey guys, sorry for the long break in no responses. I have been very busy with life and party work (I am most likely getting a very important position I can not talk about here). As for the labour movement, yes they are very cucked. We need to fix it


har väl ingen direkt insyn själv men känns som de flesta inklusive de som kan kritisera USA, i alla fall i länder där man inte kan bli fängslad för att hålla upp en vit lapp, verkar anse ryssarna hittade på något hyss i Burcha


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>clown till clown kommunikation


Eh, va? :-/


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>Ja, jag kallar mig för arbetarklass trots att min familj äger stora delar av Örebro och är politikeradel. Jag må vara tuff i kommunalfullmäktige när jag skriker högljutt över gräddtårtor och äppelskruttar men i mitt privata liv så är jag allas favoritsissy! Min sexuella frustration tar jag ut genom att bli dominerad och sissyfierad :3 min daddydom Malcolm njuter av synen när jag tar på mig min peruk, strumpbyxor och höga klackar. Man kan säga att jag är hans egna lilla gräddtårta. :D


Has the Ukraine war taken a toll on Rodt popularity?


ryssarna verkar dampa loss på Kiev


Oh yes. Rødt got lamblasted for that policy however it bounced back up sooner or later so it is roughly at around 8%, maybe 10% coming this winter.


Fattar inte varför ni diggar ryssland när nazzarna som sprängde en städare fick sin träning där


vilka här inne "diggar" ryssland? de flesta brevare är nog mer irriterande på borgarmedia (inkl SVT) som bara WAAOW NATO KYLIGT


Folketingsvalg i Danmark kommer den 1 November. Hvis du har lyst til, spørg mig om partier, hvem skal vind, hvad foregår i landet, osv.

General election in Denmark is coming on November 1st. If you want, you can ask me about the parties, who is going to win, what's going on in the country, etc.

Spoilers: Socialdemokraterne skal vind, Mette fortsætter som statsminister. Inger Støjbjerg, hvem var DF partileder sidste valget, skabt hendes egen parti, uden program, bare "Stem på mig, Inger" skal få mere stemmer end DF. Så det er fucking morsomt.


Vilket kommunistparti är störst? Hur ser den danska vänstern ut allmänt?


Haha, mm.

Roligast tycker jag dock är att Adam "Atombomber är inte så farliga" Cwejman får frisedel från borgare för att ha upplåtit plats åt Macolm "Ryssland kommer göra en kompetent SEAS" Kueyune på Göteborgsposten. Måste väl vara det där berömda sossehatet…


för ett halvår sen var tråden fylld av folk som sög av ryssland
de blev mer tysta när Kiev inte föll på två veckor gånger x men de är nog kvar i tråden




>för ett halvår sen var tråden fylld av folk som sög av ryssland
>de blev mer tysta när Kiev inte föll på två veckor gånger x men de är nog kvar i tråden
Har du några bra skärmskott? Städis här verkar vara värre än på Jannychan.


det har fallit ur tråden för att det var mer än 500 brev sen men det var mest en massa cirklar som cirkelrunkade hur Ryssland skulle använda sig av VDVs för att teleportera sig bakom Finland och ockupera Åland om de försökte ansluta sig till Nato


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jag önskar alla
Ryska väpnade styrkor
en väldigt
total seger


>nån för ett halvår sen brevar krinsch
>varför är nordpol såhär?
Anon snela


>det har fallit ur tråden för att det var mer än 500 brev sen men det var mest en massa cirklar som cirkelrunkade hur Ryssland skulle använda sig av VDVs för att teleportera sig bakom Finland och ockupera Åland om de försökte ansluta sig till Nato
Varför inte starta en ny då? :-/


>På Antilopenskolan i Klippan får eleverna hushålla med sin skolekonomi
>På Antilopenskolan i Klippan får eleverna i årskurs sex ”lön” för att gå till skolan. Fem kronor varje dag som ska användas till inköp av skolmateriel såsom pennor och suddgummin.
nrk nrk lönis


Vad är problemet? Personligen skulle jag se att skolorna undervisade mer i ekonomi & sannolikhetslära. Företagen som säljer på avbetalning samt spelbolagen skulle drabbas av det…


Nå fler i /nordpol/ som är på Marx22 i Stockholm


>Nå fler i /nordpol/ som är på Marx22 i Stockholm
Den var ju i helgen. Kan vi få en AAR, snälla? :3


Eller blandar jag ihop med det som kommer hållas 12-13/11? XD


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NMR är vakna i "kärnvapen"-frågan
>det som kommer hållas 12-13/11


>NMR är vakna i "kärnvapen"-frågan
Men vad i HELVETE?! När kommer den stora artikeln på Nordfront som säger att kärnvapen är en bluff?

En signatur från kärnvapenexplosioner är dubbelblixten. Man kan skapa ett ljus lika starkt som en kärnvapenexplosion. Man kan göra en dubbelblixt. Men det går inte att göra någon som har *bägge* egenskaperna. Man använder sig av bhangmeters för att upptäcka dem.

Enkelt uttryckt så skapar explosionen plasma som för en kort stund inte släpper igenom så mycket ljus.

Ett annat sätt att upptäcka kraftiga explosioner är med mikrofoner. Infraljud kan färdas väldigt långt. Man brukar ha mikrofoner på ambassadtak för att hålla koll. En kul bieffekt av det var att man upptäckte väldigt många meteorer som krossades mot atmosfären. Och under 1:a Gulfkriget var det en meteor som krossades mot atmosfären hyfsat nära Irak. Hade den gjort det över Irak hade Saddam förmodligen trott att det varit ett kärnvapenflex.




After-Action Report




>After-Action Report
välbeläst folk, div tidningar hade bord bland annat brand, flamman, prollen och en par till
öl på fredan, så jag var bakis större delen av lördagförmiddan
aaron benenav hade en keynote om planering och otto neurath och tycks vara på väg att glida ner i marknadssocialismträsket
uppenbergs föreläsning om torparhushållen var intressant. det talas för lite om svensk arbetarhistoria före sosseriet
keynoten från vivek chibber var i princip en enorm käftsmäll för tredjevärldismen och radikalliberaler. väldigt bra. det visar sig bl.a att indien har sin egen härskarklass som motverkar proletariseringen. liknande med afrika som är där det är idag för att det inte utsugits *tillräckligt mycket*
jaha trottargrejen. tror inte jag skulle stå ut med att gnäll om muh stalin två dar i sträck. har man hört trottare en gång så har man hört dem tusen gånger


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jag hade till o med giffen


How are the Danish election? It seems that Ø dipped in percentage while F saw a decent rise.


>svensk arbetarhistoria före sosseriet
Intressant, på min ära. Vad sades det? :-)

>Vivek Chibber slåar tredjevärldismen på trutet

Finns den som film? För som jag ser det är tredjevärldismen ett av många hinder för att fixa klilmatet. Visst är de länderna i relativ medieskugga pga massa anledningar. Men det blir smått makabert att kräva någon slags lika representation i massmedia för deras katastrofer. Liksom för varje översvämmad källare i Gävle eller bortspolat hus i Tyskland måste det viktas mot något annat. Dessutom berövar det fattiga länders agens. Både bra & dåliga saker. En bra sak man gör i Bangladesh är att bygga någon slags ersättningsstäder. För man vill inte att om det blir internklimatflyktingar så blir slummen i Dhaka ännu värre. Det dåliga var iaf att en f.d. president i Tanzania ansåg att kvinnor som tar preventivmedel är "lata":


Nuvarande president har en motsatt politik. Och det är nog inte för att västerländska NGOs har flåsat dem i nacken:


Sedan har vi den där frågan om nomader vs bofasta. Studerar du folkmord i Afrika så är det två saker som kommer stå ut. Dels att man kan "turas om" att mörda varandra. Dels konflikten nomader-bofasta. Sudans regim & oljebolagen hade nyttiga verktyg i de nomadiska janjaweeds som kunde rensa upp i Darfur. Sedan var det någon klimatdemo i Stockholm i somras. Minns inte/orkat inte ta reda på vem talaren på Norrmalmstorg var. Men en av dem lär ha varit just någon nomad från södra Afrika. Och det finns inget snällt sätt att säga det på. Men nomadisk boskapsuppfödning är ett extremt ineffektivt sätt att använda sig av resurser på. Punkt & slut! Och på det följer det att de är mer känsliga för klimatförändringar. Är det tragiskt att deras kultur & livsstil förkrymps? Kanske. Är det möjligt att bevara den i begränsad form med hjälp av statligt stöd? Kanske. Kommer det att leda till prioritetskonflikter om någon räknar på att man får större ROI genom att göra livet i slummen mer uthärdligt? Förmodligen. Kan nomader samla regnvatten lika effektivt som vilken kolonilottsinnehavare som helst? Helt omöjligt!


>Intressant, på min ära. Vad sades det? :-)
hon presenterade sin forskning. tror det mesta finns på https://www.su.se/profiles/cali2396-1.315409 men du kan ju maila na å
>Finns den som film?
ingen aning
>nomadisk boskapsuppfödning är ett extremt ineffektivt sätt att använda sig av resurser på
beror på vilka resurser du snackar om, och i vilken omfattning. en liknelse kan dras med viltjakt
>Kommer det att leda till prioritetskonflikter om någon räknar på att man får större ROI genom att göra livet i slummen mer uthärdligt?
ja här har vi en av många slitningar som lär existera även i världssocialism
jägare-samlare är ett förlegat produktionssätt och lär om det inte sveps bort helt existera på nån slags reservat. jämför norra sentineleserna


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Heh.. ja.. det där är jag men du kanske undrar hur jag hamnade i den här situationen? Det hela började när jag kom i kontakt med några ädla kampmän på internet som väckte mig ur min dvala. Min initieringsrit var så urgermansk som det gick att vara för vi käkade svampar för att få kontakt med gudarna, klädde av oss nakna och jag blev mina bröders duktiga sissy för jag utstrålade äkta feminin girlboss-energi.

Jag började rita min nazistiska flickmanga och min sissyfiering intensifierades för varje loli jag ritade och likt Hitler blev ett med Oden så blev jag ett med min loli och blev hennes ariska avatar.

Nu ska jag blotas efter att ha blivit påsatt och förnedrad av hela männerbundet och jag kunde inte vara lyckligare.

Detta är mitt öde





Antifa.se, om ni ser detta. Ni är slöa. Ge oss FUP:en innan Fläskbaken, va?


I really like how the Danish socdems are neutral about idpol issues like immigration.



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vad tror tråden om hunsgrop som svennifiering av cuck pit? eller kanske hunsschakt


>Idag citerade Engström f ö också Jokern, d v s huvudkaraktären i Todd Phillips film ”Joker” från 2019, genom att säga ”you get what you fucking deserve” som ett slags förklaring till mordet.


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nu är det här stället i Ukrainas händer


Ja, det var ju oväntat att det psykfallet skulle göra det…

Hur många gånger hade rättegången varit tvunget att avbrytas för hans dampanfall?

Hur många här tror att han hamnar på Helix i Huddinge?

Och inne innan någon tror att det är en vinstlott att hamna på rättspsyk:


>Bland folk som inte vet vad de pratar om brukar en sådan dom uppfattas som rena storvinsten på lotto, vilket torde vara ett av de mest betydande missförstånd som finns om hur vår rättsapparat fungerar.

>>Det finns också åtskilliga som kan vittna om den saken. Personer som "vårdats" i mer än tio år, och i enstaka fall livet ut, för brott som normalt skulle ha renderat dem någon eller några månaders fängelse. Det finns också en betydande risk för att just en sådan som Mats Alm kan hamna i den kategorin. För formellt lagda jurister fungerar nämligen den här möjligheten ibland som en nödutgång när de upptäcker att det är omöjligt att döma en person på juridiska grunder samtidigt som de på ett rent personligt plan är övertygade om hans skuld. Ett sätt att döva sitt eget samvete, helt enkelt.

>Det innebär i så fall att han kan bli sittande på en sluten vårdavdelning i åratal tillsammans med en samling medfångar som till skillnad från honom är tokiga på riktigt.

>Dessutom under sociala och materiella betingelser som får bunkeravdelningarna på våra fängelser att framstå som ganska trivsamma ställen, där man på dagtid ägnar sig åt traditionellt manligt umgänge. Som att snacka skit, lyfta skrot, spela kort för att efter klockan sju på kvällen ägna sig åt att "ruska tupp", så fort plitarna slagit igen dörren till den egna cellen och man övergått från att "förvaras i gemenskap" till att "utvecklas i enskildhet", som man för inte så många år sedan beskrev saken i ett närmast panegyriskt betänkande om den svenska kriminalvården och alla dess förtjänster.

Och vem VAR forskaren på SU Engström chattade med?


>watching vice interview with swedish Revolutionary Front 8 years ago
>one of them shows a knife they carry for emergencies
>interviewer asks if they can hold it
>"Are you sure you want your fingerprints on this?"


>bra självskydd
Välj en.


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spana in de här dåliga pojkarna


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Pussies. This is what my great grandmother passed down. They used to let you take these on airplanes lol.


>Peaky Blinders koslek
>inte den rena formen som blev perfekt redan för 5000 år sedan
Ni kommer aldrig att klara av det. Går inte att kroka tag i folk med en klubba, än mindre med något som kan lossna.


min vän i kristus flera av >>1273724 har huvuden utmärkt lämpade för krokning


Brukar herdar gå runt med liknande klubbor? :-/


fråga en same



lite sött måste erkännas. det är aldrig kul när civilbefolkning kommer i kläm


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för er som missat så har KF splittrats. gonzalo-folket verkar ha kuppat och de gamla KFML:arna som verkar luta mer åt mzt-hållet har bildat en ny organisation: Kommunistiska Arbetarföreningen.

KF:s uttalande: https://kommunisten.nu/?p=13971

KAF:s uttalande: http://nyaarbetartidningen.bloggplatsen.se/2022/11/19/11772571-en-gonzalistisk-riktning-har-tagit-over-kommunistiska-foreningen/


rör det här sig om fler eller färre än 12 personer?


fler, men inte många fler. krävs å andra sidan inte många invigda för att spåra åt RAF-hållet.


>dkn ytterlighetssekterna förökar sig genom delning

Sant. Farbror Pareto noterar.


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Åh, den här är bra:

<Vi ser även att imperialismens allmänna kris påverkar Sverige, valdeltagandet i riksdagsvalet är det lägsta på 20 år. I hela landet deltog 81% jämfört med valet 2018 då 87% deltog. I alla kommuner förutom 8 sjönk valdeltagandet. I Södertälje och Botkyrka deltog endast 68% och i de proletära förorterna Husby, Rinkeby och Rosengård deltog drygt 50%.


kanske har Mao en poäng om trasproletariatet


Vad sade Mao om dem då?


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Ja jäsiken vilken klass kamp.


Gör borgare verkligen?


Mannen, myten, legenden, forskarporten:



>nu använder vi den borgerliga statens verktyg mot den borgerliga staten
kul att de försöker ivf


Vad är ett vänsterperspektiv på elpolitiken?


Just checked my power usage. The current prices are insane, idk how I'm gonna survive this winter.
The prices are entirely caused by the market. The actualy cost to produce power here in Norway is like 0.01USD/kWH but the current price is 0.53USD/kWH, and the owners make insane profits. Even other corporations are harmed by this. Rødt has warned about it for years and as usual we were proven right.


ransonera el kortsiktigt
planera elen långsiktigt


Sadly still anti nuclear in the mainstream


After living some time in finland, I can confidently say that if I had three nukes, I would nuke finland twice and the usa once


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noo not the saunas :c


Haha whatcha gonna nuke, tampere and helsinki? Nothing of value lost.


Så mycket för den toleranta vänstern


>etcartikel om matgeek


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>dkn /SvT/ springer svensk politk nu.

Men nu till viktigare saker:

<Dan? Min bajskorv rullade in under soffan. Kan du hjälpa mig?


as an outsider can you tell me why? i thought finland was still pretty socdem?


It's full pf finns


Worry not, we will be the next US/Nato proxy against Russia after they run out of Ukrainians. In a few years by now Finland will either be a wasteland or we got reabsorbed into Russia.


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>In a few years by now Finland will be a wasteland


but they didn't neoliberalize as strong as you guys did, that makes them more based


Oh but we are pretty much cucked, maybe not irretrievably so, but still. We sure have more based leftist history than Sweden but modern Finland is like a mix of depressing post soviet decay, liberal smugness and baltoid rabid russophobia.


Lmao remember a year ago when you or some other finns wrote abot how russia would ninja itself around you and occupy Åland or something


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God jul till alla icke finska brevare i tråden!




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Vilken org hade den stora banderollen i Sundsvall 9/12?

>uppenbart asexuell
Välj två.


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välj en


>Lmao remember a year ago when you or some other finns wrote abot how russia would ninja itself around you and occupy Åland or someting
I was atleast among them who said that. I assumed that Ukraine was a done deal in few months, also I didn't assume that Putler paid off the Kebab merchant with a gas hub, so they Russia got a better result with no millitary action. Not still saying say that it will never happen though…


>Allard publicerar krönikor och debattexter bland annat på bloggen Ledarsidorna och har arbetat som journalist på nättidningen Nyheter Idag
>Sedan 2015 driver Allard tillsammans med Malcom Kyeyune det marxistiska poddradioprogrammet Markus och Malcom
är det lyspedia eller gör Allard verkligen?


Yeah not everyone with a brain knew Erdogan would cause a ruckus
It's an anonymous board, you can just shut up about believing retarded stuff in the past


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Ni träffar väl johan hedberg på ndt i år?


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Ja jäs ik en vilken inter net tuf ing!



>sidan finns inte längre


matgeeks avsladd
byt ut fbi.gov mot avsladd på engelska så ser du


>hen känner inte till orddurkslagen


om det är den röda du syftar på så är det RKU


Voitteko te enkkuneekerit painua vittuun täältä?


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>AN ELDERLY MAN is tentatively suspected of setting a church on fire in Rautjärvi, South Karelia, on Christmas Day.
>The church was set on fire during the morning service and was destroyed completely in the fire. Everyone inside the church was able to exit the building through the two side doors and vestry in spite of ropes that had been tied to two of the doors in what police believe was an attempt to prevent people from exiting.
>Saku Tielinen, the officer heading the pre-trial investigation at Southeastern Finland Police Department, confirmed to Helsingin Sanomat on Tuesday that the fire is believed to have been set by an elderly man who was later found dead on the premises of a burnt down detached home located about 30 kilometres from the church.


Fridays For Future enligt Proletären


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tankar om detta?
<Leninland öppnar 1 januari 2023
>Söndagen 1 januari 2023 öppnar Stiftelsen Leninland med Villa Uljanov sin verksamhet i Varberg. Det är hotellägaren och initiativtagaren till Jan Myrdals stora pris – Leninpriset, Lasse Diding, som skapat denna kulturella frizon för fritt tänkande författare och journalister med hjärtat till vänster. Hit kan man komma för att i en stimulerande miljö arbeta och vila under perioder om 2 till 4 veckor och alltid med ankomst och avresa på söndagar. I nuläget finns 2 stipendiatboenden, den friliggande Datja Karl Marx samt Krupskajas sovrum som ligger i Villa Uljanov, med möjlighet att bo 1–2 personer i vardera.
<Vad är Leninland?
>Leninland är ett slags kulturell frizon för författare och journalister och består av flera fristående villor och datjor, där det utöver gästrummen också finns gemensamma utrymmen i form av bibliotek, kök, musiksalong, trädgårdsbar, biljard, bordtennisrum och lusthus för meditation och nikotin. Den stora Villa Uljanov är Leninlands hjärta och här finns huvuddelen av alla gemensamhetsytor. Det är här vi äter, musicerar och diskuterar. Villan är byggd som grosshandlarvilla 1925 året efter Lenins död och ritades av den välkände arkitekten Allan Berglund som också ritade Varbergs vackra varmbadhus. Hela anläggningen i italiensk stil omges av sin stora lummiga trädgård och ligger på en klippa mot havet inne i centrala Varberg med vidunderlig utsikt över Kattegatt och Varbergs fästning.


konstnärskolonier känns rätt så 1900-tal


jag ser mest fram emot arga liberaler som lär bli upprörda för att lenin mördade gorilljoner


borde mördat mer
libjävlar förtjänar våldtäkt och tortyr


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>om det är den röda du syftar på så är det RKU
Tack! Kul formulering, för övrigt. Känns liksom lite 1900-talskärv.

>Lasse Diding
>tror på Framsteget™ lika mycket som Johan Norberg


Förvånad att det finns nog med konstnärer som vill besöka ett Leninland idag


jag tänker mig att det är många konstnärer som skulle vilja göra det bara för att skapa kontrovers


tänker främst på att det är lite av en "red scare" just nu på grund av händelser i östeuropa


>röd skraj
bara från aningslösa liberaler. gör narr av dem


aftonbladet kultur fick ju backa för en rätt så okontroversiell sågning av nato och usa i somras så tror nog folk är lite rädda ändå


Menar du denna? https://www.aftonbladet.se/kultur/a/oW2Rem/eric-rosen-om-nato-och-idealismen
Hittade den här också, från 2016: https://www.aftonbladet.se/kultur/a/ddrxOj/nato-storre-hot-an-putin
>Annekteringen av Krim 2014 stred mot folkrätten och kan inte försvaras
Är inte Krim ryskt? Annekteringen är väl om något ett försvar av folkrätten.


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ja nej inte ens skribenter på Flamman är säkra från dylika attacker. minns väl hur skribenter likt Stranshumaniste anklagades för att torgföra en "kålsuparteori". och såklart bli anklagad för att vara Putinist om man påpekar allt skit USA gör


Vad fint!


800 grader stackars barner.


vad menade han med det här?


åh nej :(


Jag vet att det är helt efterblivet att bry sig om men jag har tyckt om att följa Malcom Kyeyunes utveckling. Från woke till arbetarklass-lajv till cohost av schizo-Aimees podcast till en glowie i olika svenska och amerikanska konservativa tankesmedjor. Såg att han var 100% på "stop the steal"-tåget efter det amerikanska valet också, och sedan var involverat i något twitter drama med schizo-Aimee. Aldrig haft ett riktigt jobb och hjärnan är totalt förgiftad av twitter. Vad gör han nuförtiden?


Bra indirekta argument för att EUropa står för sin egen säkerhet. Bl.a. genom att fasa ut fossila bränslen. Så länge ingen blockerar Gibraltars sund eller Suezkanalen är jag nöjd.

>"stoppa stolen"-tåget


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Bild relaterad

>>"stoppa stolen"-tåget

Tänker inte försöka leta upp hans brev men han fick spader när Trump inte vann


minns att han anklagade folk som inte trodde valet var stulet för att förneka varje möjlighet att valfusk någonsin kan hända


>Bild relaterad
Hon borde äta en smörgås.

>Tänker inte försöka leta upp hans brev men han fick spader när Trump inte vann

Inte konstigt. Han har ju fått vara Timbros lille salongskantherre.


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>Erdogan får dampanfall
Bra argument för EUropéisk strategisk autonomi. Liksom kolla hur Turkiet bara blobbar in i Mellanöstern.


jo en variant istf natoskiten vore att skandinavien och östeuropa går ihop i en försvarsallians för att hålla både Ryssland och USA stångna. tror att Rødt föreslagit något liknande


>jo en variant istf natoskiten vore att skandinavien och östeuropa går ihop i en försvarsallians för att hålla både Ryssland och USA stångna. tror att Rødt föreslagit något liknande
Ser ett par problem med det. Dels var Danmark, Island & Norge 3 av NATOs grundarstater. Dels är Östeuropa mer än hängivna Międzymorze v2.0. Det är vad det är.

Jag ser ingen som helst brådska med det hela. Måste Erdogan leverera snabba resultat innan de har val? Ja, men då kanske han inte bör ha så högt ställda krav på sig själv. Kanske. Bara en tanke.

<Svenska regeringen arbetar för att så snabbt som möjligt bli Natomedlem. Att vänta ut de turkiska valen nästa år är inget alternativ. Det säger utrikesminister Tobias Billström, som själv planerar att resa till Turkiet inom kort, till SvD.

Liksom, jag hör ju ingen som säger att vi måste skynda på oss för att det är allmäna val i Spanien i december…

Och jag vet att det har fnissats mycket åt att Erdogan var en melonförsäljare. Förutom att det visar på ett förakt för handel så visar det även på en aningslöshet. Man lär sig väldigt mycket om andra människor i handeln. Jag anser att *alla* vettiga organisationer bör i sin styrelse ha *minst* 2 st som har var för sig *minst* 1 års samlad erfarenhet av handeln. Det är därför jag kan tala om Erdogan med en slags respekt. Ja, respekt. Jag är inte rädd för honom.

Billströms meriter då?
<Billström är utbildad inom historia. Han har en masterexamen (M.A.) i historia från universitetet i Cambridge samt en magisterexamen i historia från Lunds universitet. Hans uppsatser i historia berörde ämnesområdet brittisk kolonialhistoria, särskilt tjänstemän förlagda i Indien och Jamaica.

<Billström blev politiskt aktiv genom Moderata Ungdomsförbundet. Under sin studietid var han aktiv i Fria Moderata Studentförbundet som ordförande för Malmö-föreningen FMS Gryphus, samt satt i styrelsen för studentkåren Lunds humanistkår. Billström inledde sina studier i Lund på filosofiska institutionen där han läste 20 poäng vetenskaplig grundkurs för Victoria Höög.

Kolonialhistoria om brittiska tjänstemän samt studentförbundare? Mm… Jätteintressant! Se vad nyttig den samlade kunskapen & erfarenheten varit för dig. Du kanske kan få arbete inom äldrevården som sällskapsdam när vi har en arbetarstat.


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Värdigt, värdigt!
>dkn mitt Brobergskvitto är med i bild för 2:a året i rad


Förklara brode sällskapet


anhängare till minnet av Swärjes nationalskald Johnny Bode-Delgada kanske mest känd för sång relaterad




har tidningen trycks än? tänkte eventuella breva mitt bidrag här inne beroende på


>har tidningen trycks än? tänkte eventuella breva mitt bidrag här inne beroende på
Vet ej, men vore kul att ha bägge. :-)


tidningen kom idag, men teckningarna trycks först nästa nummer


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Melinda Kandel sätter radikalliberalerna i V på plats:


Det är bra. Som de sossar de är, bör de ägna sig åt sin socialdemokrati och inte massa annat.


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Hur tänkte du nu? :-/


IDA men V är sossar ja


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>V är sossar


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om den kväker som en sosse och går som en sosse..


Du måste ha arbetat i minst 3 månader för att posta i den här tråden


Vad för sociala medier är nödvändigt att använda för organisering? Facebook? Hur är det med FB vs IG nuförtiden?
Och rekommendera forums om det finns, vet om /r/arbetarrörelsen på Leddit


V har inga ambitioner bortom att Sverige ska va småtrevligt att bo i på 10-20 års sikt (Nooshi i sitt första tal som partiledare ger en bra fingervisning). Mildra några av de värsta konsekvenserna av kapitalismen i ett land när så är möjligt, sen får det vara bra. Skicka vapen till proxykriget i Ukraina, gynna multinationella företags exploatering av naturen genom att säga ja till undantagslagar osv osv. Helt vanliga sosserier alltså.


>/r/arbetarrörelsen på Leddit
Ganska dött va?


breva mer bara


multispel i det mest marxistiska spelet (victoria 2) utvecklat av svenskar (vgh) när?


vilka svenskspråkiga forum förutom svenskpolitik och sverige är inte stendöda?


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r/arb har en fbi.gov server


Om Jorden går under, får jag flytta hem till er? Allt verkar ske med flera årtiondens fördröjning där.

Vem /saknar socialism.nu/ här?


>Vem /saknar socialism.nu/ här?
Klasshatstråden var cash-money. Och skvaller om SMR och NSF och deras diverse småbrottsligheter. Klas Lund snor koppartråd! Det var goda tider.


För flera årtionden sen hette V VPK och Werner grattade Kim Il-sung på hans 75:e födelsedag
Idag vågar V inte ens stå för socialism


<Klas Lund-tråden
Goda tider, goda tider!

<försvarar nordkoreansk etnonationalism
Anon, jag…


får mig att tänka på svinstian
>etnonationalism är när du står emot jänkarimperialism


en diz-cord**


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<tror att nordkoreansk etnonationalism är något speciellt
Ja, det är det. Den är mest konsekvent.


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svennebögar spana in tråden >>>/roulette/2285
fast den är väl överflödig när jag tänker efter
jag vet inte vad du vill ha sagt anon men det låter som du håller med mig. kritik mot vad som sker på den koreanska halvön bör främst riktas mot ockuperade korea


År 1815 då bildade Furst Metternicht
och Tsaren en helig allians
Alla furstar i Europa skulle slå sig tillhopa
och förgöra den frihet som fanns

Och dom mördade och hängde och förföljde och bevaka'
och det varade i månader och år
Men historien den kan man inte vrida tillbaka
och tyrannerna får skörda vad dom sår

När en tid var förfluten då var pakten sönderbruten
och dom mäktigas planer kom på skam
Och fogarna knakade och tronerna skakade
där nödvändigheten gick fram

En vår i Paris tog dom fattiga makten
och tre månader hade dom den
Se'n började jakten och den blodiga slakten
när förtryckarna tog den igen

Och dom mördade och hängde och förföljde och bevaka'
och det varade i månader och år
Men historien den kan man inte vrida tillbaka
och tyrannerna får skörda vad dom sår

När en tid var förfluten var den ryske tsaren skjuten
och erövrat och stormat hans slott
Och dom härskande klasserna gick under för massorna
och skördade vinden dom sått

År 1918 då sköts spartakisterna
och alla reformisterna såg på
Så uppfanns nazisterna av kapitalisterna
och se'n blev det åter dags att så

Och dom mördade och hängde och förföljde och bevaka'
och det varade i månader och år
Men historien den kan man inte vrida tillbaka
och tyrannerna får skörda vad dom sår

När en tid var förfluten då var makten redan bruten
och det kärvade i Hitlers krigsmaskin
Då började bankirerna att ångra besluten
ty dom röda, dom nalkades Berlin

’27 i Shanghai sköt man ner dom personer
som förhindrade en skälig profit
Med ett par miljoner amerikanska patroner
och med order direkt från Wall Street

Och man mördade och hängde och förföljde och bevaka'
och det varade i månader och år
Men historien den kan man inte vrida tillbaka
och tyrannerna får skörda vad dom sår

När en tid var förfluten la' i sista minuten
compradorklassens båtar ut från kaj
Ty ur sådden av döda kom armeer av röda
och nu trängde dom in i Shanghai

Det finns dom som aldrig kan lära av historien
och det väntar nya skördar längre fram
Ty nu sår reaktionen ut sin draksådd på nytt igen
på Java, i Grekland och Vietnam

Dom kan mörda och hänga och förfölja och bevaka
och det varar säkert månader och år
Men historien den kan man inte vrida tillbaka
och tyrannerna får skörda vad dom sår


>jag vet inte vad du vill ha sagt anon men det låter som du håller med mig. kritik mot vad som sker på den koreanska halvön bör främst riktas mot ockuperade korea
Tar du verkligen jajagen "Bästa Korea" och "Sämsta Korea" bokstavligt?


man behöver inte tycka om nordkorea för att anse att jänkarockupationen hör upphöra, precis som ockupationen av palestina och cuck-ön


<blandar hej vilt
Varför tar då palestinierna inte och gör enad front med Nodkorea då? XD


det är inte så enkelt mannen


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Nordkorea har stött Palestina sedan Kim Il-sungs tid och gör det än idag.

Jag vet inte vad du förväntar dig, att Nordkorea ska invadera Israel?

Ryktas också att Nordkorea skickat vapen till Hamas.


>man palestinierna vet hur man väljer sina vänner


Har du något att säga utöver osammanhängande gröntexter?


Du är 14


>palestinierna vet hur man väljer sina vänner


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Ganska okej brev :D men har du sett episodet Knull på Maktgalan. Ett stort maktpris skall delas ut vid en gala i ett lådformat slott belaget stan utanför Västerås. Två unga sissys och en tjej (inte kuk) är villiga att göra vad som helst för att komma in och får vara med och nog får de jobba för sin entrébiljett alltid…. På kvällen när den stora maktsträvan får sitt pris startar en sexorgie där analsex och sandwhichknull är heta ingedrenser och sperman for som luftvärnseld när alla knullar med alla - i alla håll. Priset för entrebiljetten blev de fittor och rövar men det betalade de kåta flickorna med glädje!


Fläskigaste flinet jag sett på länge


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långpojken pehrson ser alltid så felplacerad ut. här mellan vättansiktet kristersson, knullpojken jimmie och crazy eyes busch


>långpojken pehrson ser alltid så felplacerad ut. här mellan vättansiktet kristersson, knullpojken jimmie och crazy eyes busch
Jag gillar honom därför. Han är liksom lite kufig. Och inte bara för det där spinnet om att han är som att han kommer från kebabgrillen med senap i ölen och undrar vad som hände.


Are there any reactions to Norway's involvement in the NS-Attack so far?

Any chance of political Fallout? Have politicians from the Red party already reacted in some way?


Not yet, these things take time to write statements about. It has not been covered by the Norwegian press yet either


>Are there any reactions to Norway's involvement in the NS-Attack so far?

>Any chance of political Fallout? Have politicians from the Red party already reacted in some way?

What? Bring us up to speed, please.


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The famous investigative journalist Seymour Hersh who exposed the Mai Lai massacre and Abu Ghraib detailed how the burgers w/ Norwegian help destroyed the Nord Streams

Now that I've mentioned Seymour Hersh by name expect attempts to discredit him from blowhards


lol the already did calling him a conspiracist and the usual tricks


The Norwegian military participated in the sabotage of the NordStream pipelines according to American journalists which was also launched from Norwegian soil. The German press has already asked whether the German government has asked the Norwegian government for comment but they brushed it off.


en klassiker. brukar spelas på förfest. senast blev en liberal som var på besök väldigt upprörd
I remember jokingly suggesting the Norwegians might be behind it because it benefits their oil exports. the eternal lusekofta strikes again


>Sången om Stalin
Är det kommunisternas motsvarighet till "siegefaggotry"? :-/


ingen aning om vad det är


>min son…
>du undrar säkert hur den gamla världen upphövde att existera..
>i ett hav av eld och dam
>låt mig starta från början
>en balong svävade över mellan-usa…


Siegefags är nazister som går full dödskallemask. Typ:
<Han som skrev Siege är en holllywoodnazist som är straffad för barnporrsinnehav, läs hans bok!
Verkligen vinnande sätt…

Och vet någon vilken svensk altblöjas sexchatt som skärmdumpades?


Vad har sången om Stalin med allt det där att göra?


>Vad har sången om Stalin med allt det där att göra?
Det spelar ingen roll om den sjungs för chockvärdet eller om folk genuint gillar den. Stalin är ingen publikvinnare.


jaha. nej det är mest för fnizz som vi brukar spela den


vem bryr sig, den är tänd som ungdomarna säger. den örfilar.



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Folk som gillar Stalin = gott sällskap.


vi brukar faktiskt ha diskussioner om vad som faktiskt hände under stalin, vad som gjordes rätt, vad som gjordes fel. och då är han jag brukar snacka med inte ens kommunist, bara välbildad i historia
det är rätt vågat att påstå att svältåren inte hände


Tja, Stalin lyckades med att göra en skön konstform & vetenskap av totalitarianism…




Hej tror du gick in i fel tråd gå tillbaka och ta deutsch den här gången


Smørrebrød Smørrebrød


>Baserade anarkokommunister
Ja, baserade och designpillrade.


(K) la upp den här på sin dutub idag


Den var ju snärtig. Men varför är texten på gobelängen bakom saxofonisten spegelvänd? :-/


Eftersom man ser banderollen bakifrån


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>Eftersom man ser banderollen bakifrån
Ah, dumma mig!

Och det är ju lite över ett år sedan MK-(o)ULTRA talade sig varm om ryska SNEED-operationer. Penny för mina tankar?


snäds nät och säd


marks park och knark
tidigare ullas


"Proletariatets förtrupp"


Vad pysslade Ulla med? Rull och knull?




Och mera då?


Svenska Nyheter levererar


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Har någon den där WebM:en där det är en dansk flicka av MENA-härkomst som blir intervjuad & får veta att hon aldrig kommer bli en riktig dansk? :-(

Här är en på en stöddig gris. Alla skrattar gott åt den stöddiga grisen som inte vill bli störd av dammsugning. Måste ses! :-)


>hon aldrig kommer bli en riktig dansk
låter som hon undslapp en kula där


>låter som hon undslapp en kula där
Visst. Men det äckliga & intressanta med filmen är hur hon så tydligt går från småflicksfrimodig till helt nedstämd på bara några sekunder.


Vem intervjuar henne?


Johan Ingerö & Sara Skyttedal. Vilken soppa…


>smaskigaste politiska skandalen på 20-talet
>ingen reagerar


I've heard that when the Nordics joined the EU, they became subject to some kind of competition regulations that led the way to privatisation of essential services. Can anyone elaborate?


EU has its ratchet mechanism that forbids re-collectivizing privatized services. but Sweden has also striven to be "best in class" in implementing neoliberalism. this starts with the Persson government
jävla U-land


Quick lookup of this points to this not being true: https://www.anothereurope.org/lets-be-clear-nationalisation-is-not-against-eu-law/
It seems instead nationalized companies cannot go out of their way to push out private ones, not that they can't be re-nationalized to begin with.


Jaha, reaktionen på 20-talets stora politiska skandal är ljummen. Märkligt, för det har ju gett diskussionen om Metoo en extra andning. Om jag skulle ta en pasta från /SverigeTråden/?

<Det droppar sprit från näsan på Johan Ingerö, rinner champagne ur mungiporna på Sara Skyttedal & bolmar kokain ur näsorna på Ebba Busch & Margaux Dietz.

<Alla skrattar gott!


Ni vet det där kvinnor slår väggen & åldras lika värdigt som mjölk. Det är fel. De kan hålla sig fräscha längre än män.

Bevisföremål 1A.


Vänsterperspektiv på att göra undersköterskor till skyddad titel?


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Quick (or elaborate) rundown on how northern Europe became neoliberalized? Apparently this process began right around the same time as it did in the US, the 1970s. Are there interesting stories about private interests lobbying for deregulation + privatization? Anyway, who even wants to privatize sectors like energy considering how unprofitable they are?


Kollade i Desuarkivet efter stomibrev. Hittade denna tråd:


Noterade nya bilder på nassegrupper jag inte ens visste fanns. Var det någon här som brevade dem så att man kan lägga pussel, typ?


Maybe of interest if you can machine translate it: https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Novemberrevolutionen_(Sverige)


expo verkar ha skrivit om "white boys stockholm", kanske finns info om de andra grupperna någonstans på deras hemsida.


Eftersom finland som har näsan upp i Rysslands arsle fått gå med i Nato antar jag det är deboonkat ryssarna har något att gära med svenska regeringens svårigheter att göra detsamma


Rød grød med fløde!


Levererar vad? Om du menar något bra så hoppas jag att du är ironisk.


I can't say much about the neighbouring countries, but in Sweden the November revolution is relevant. The neoliberalisation of the economy and institutions was initiated by the social democrats on behalf of the capitalist class. Then violently ushered on by the right wing government in the early 90s https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1991_Swedish_general_election and subsequently interchangeably by social democrats (including the Left party/Vänsterpartiet) and pure rightwingers.

David Harvey has a good chapter about Sweden in his book on Neoliberalism if you're interested.


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Finnish election results with 94% of votes counted.

The rest parties that formed the SDP run last coalition government got slammed, but SDP party gained seats. The greens, fucked; left alliance, fucked; the agrarians, mega fucked. Right wing government expected with either SDP or true finns with National coalition that is once again the largest party, which is good since now they at least won't pretend to be left wing and do policy another way.


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I guess it will be like the Swedish situation now.


Any diaspora Danes on here?

t. Danish-Canadian


hehehe kok :^D



Ain't no way I want to share borders with people who talk like that.


No. Our capitalist party (KOK) is more than willing to join forces with nationalists (PERS).


Yea the Swedish equivalent are doing it too but falling apart with a lot of disagreements.


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It's if they can. The goverment majority will be really tight if it's just the national coalition (kok), finns party and the christian democrats. The Swedish colonial party is not eager to work with the finns party.

My bet is that national coalition is going to pit the finns party and the SDP against each other work with the one they get the best deal with. with SDP they take like greens or the center party (agrarian) with them and we get some horror show blairite style government. With Finns party it will christian democrats, maybe swedes and maybe the center or the greens cuck out and kill themselves and jump in the government after losing an election.


Wtf is the appeal of Kok? Who votes for them and what is their mentality? I've heard many Finns are very displeased with that party for selling out national firms, so how is it the most popular?


Voter's short memory, they are claiming that they will make stuff cheaper


Is it really so hard to ask the Sami permission to build wind farms on their reindeer fields?


Image of being good technocrats and the sense of voting the winners ie. the successful highly educated suit wearing entrepreneurial business guy or high wage earner party. Even if you aren't one (of which half their voters aren't), but if you have low enough self esteem, lack alternative ideology of your own and aspire to be a winner they just might make Finland a country of winners.

Also they have always had big money behind them and get off easy because they are the best at spinning and controlling narratives and since there is no real ideology or alternative worldviews with any of the parties anymore, there is only different hues in the techocratic blob with every party's pet projects giving them some differences. The system kinda makes kok like the vanilla ice-cream of Finnish parties. If you care about nothing especially ie. you are absorbed within the liberal system, but they promise you a tax break you go with the national coalition.


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tankar om den här jäveln?


>implying that Finland wasn't a part of the global market even during the cold war
Anon I…

>sura muslimer i norr & syd
Haha oj! Hittade den där bilden på /pol/, eller?


Sanna Marin the previous prime minister has said that she won't be running for premiership of SDP.

=Ding dong the witch is dead!

Watch as she shifts to her reward position in Brussels and starts receiving huge fees for giving speeches.


What are we supposed to be excited about? Socdem is being replaced with a right-wing liberal? Is there actually a difference, however slight, in the practical policies between SDP and KOK?


>Is there actually a difference, however slight, in the practical policies between SDP and KOK?


I don’t understand why it is a loss for her. Her party gains seats?


She probably wanted out now that her mission succeeded to claim her reward in a form of some appointment in Brussels. Or she knows that things are going to get choppy so that she wants out. Be it in foreign political tensions or internal situations where SDP is going to the cabinet after she would not want that job if she knows they will lose votes about what the next cabinet is going to do. her husband working in some venture capitalist form also resigned. So that gives credence to that she is leaving the country. I'm just spit balling here though.


DKP er størst. Kommunistisk Partiet i Danmark er næst største



Vi hade samtal om Amazons Maktens ringar för 5 månader sedan.

Vi var inte alls skådespelssamhälle som gjorde smygreklam.

Vi viktiga!


herr Fläsk är orolig över Kina:
hyckleri på hög nivå med stoppandet av tiktok samtidigt som jänkarnas övervakningsappar är helt OK


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>liberaler är upprörda över att Pernod Ricard säljer saker till Ryssland och därmed berövar dem bytesvärde


<berövar dem bytesvärde
Hur menar du nu? :-/


liberaler på sweddit:
>varje flaska absolut pernod ricard säljer till ryssland är en till beväpnad orc i himla ukraina!!
men i verkligheten så P-V != V-P


Först är allmänt veterligt, att alla våra grannar äre våre fiender, de Poler, Rysser och Danske, så att ingen ort i Sverige, Finland och Livland kan säga, att han är för fienden säker, så att vi, snarast sagt, ingen landsort have fullkomligen att lita på. … Till det andre have vi platt inge vänner, som vår olägenhet går till hjärtat, och där än någre kunde finnes, som icke voro oss obevågne, är dock ingen hjälp eller undsättning av dem att förmoda.


Dutch jurist and philosopher Hugo Grotius considered Oxenstierna "the greatest man of the century". French Cardinal Richelieu called him "an inexhaustible source of fine advice", while Richelieu's successor, Cardinal Mazarin, said that if all ministers of Europe were on the same ship, the helm would be handed to Oxenstierna. Pope Urban VIII claimed that Oxenstierna was one of the most excellent men the world had seen


Can someone tell me the differences between Finnish Communist Parties and groups? I know SKP, KTP, Proletaarit and Punalippu, there might be more. I'm curious if I should join any, and if they're any good. It's kinda lonely posting on leftypol.


påminnelse aftonen i ära


varför la man den enda högtiden som inte är en ursäkt för att supa dagen efter den som är den främsta ursäkten för att supa?


tankar om gruvmotståndet? å ena sidan:
>herr fläsk får på truten
>inga fula urgröpta berg ála Kirunavaara
>ingen risk för påverkan på saker som grundvatten, vilt och rennäring
å andra sidan:
>mina produktivkrafter!


I'm Scanian, does that count?


>I'm Scanian
my condolences


vad tycker tråden om senare tids snack om att luckra upp Sveriges vapenlagar? personligen tycker jag det är oerhört kul att herr Fläsks representanter går i bräschen för detta. jag yrkar för att Sten Bergheden (M) skonas från hunsgropen för sina insatser
vi skall spara videor på borgerliga politiker i denna fråga idag för att använda mot dem när arbetarrörelsen förstår att ta upp vapen igen



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Eurocommunist revisionist remnant of the old SKP who like pizzaman and think Stalin ate babies. They should be ignored completely unless you have literally no other alternative for a leftist anti-NATO party.
Small but based ML party that split off from original SKP after it became revisionist and managed to outlive it after SKP imploded in the aftermath of the USSR's dissolution. Really needs more youth members to fill in the spots for the old guard that's dying off or otherwise becoming incapable of running the party. Finbol is the general secretary and I've been thinking of joining myself. Would recommend at least joining the bi-monthly study group if you don't join the party outright.
Dunno about them so I can't offer much info.
These guys are maoists who approach the current material conditions like we're already in a protracted people's war against the state and are really secretive about everything. They focus less on propaganda work and more on direct action afaik. Basically even less irrelevant than KTP.

What part of the country do you live in btw?


PL is probably heavily surveilled and has Feds among its members, right?


And all these parties fail reach any sort of roadmap or comprehensive analysis of condition is Finland. Or put out a vision of what a Finnish socialism might look like in the 21st century or even what the steps toward it might be if we were to take steps towards it. That I feel is the most critical task
for communists in Finland now, that and propagandizing against Nato, war and EU.
Feds? in Finland?


By Feds I mean the relevant secret police of that country. Second question: is there a point in elaborately defining a "Finnish socialism" for the 21st century, or would such a vision that you mentioned instead be a generic platform for a mostly post-industrial country?


>vad tycker tråden om senare tids snack om att luckra upp Sveriges vapenlagar? personligen tycker jag det är oerhört kul att herr Fläsks representanter går i bräschen för detta. jag yrkar för att Sten Bergheden (M) skonas från hunsgropen för sina insatser
>vi skall spara videor på borgerliga politiker i denna fråga idag för att använda mot dem när arbetarrörelsen förstår att ta upp vapen igen
Tack för det fina brevet.

t. Inte-SÄPO


det var så lite så
med fascister i rosenbad och överklassens längtan till krig med ryssland så gör goda kamrater väl att beväpna sig, särskilt med .308 och .223 då det är NATO-standard


Why is west riding highlighted on that map?


Shouldn't all communist party look at the relevant issues in their countries and communities? Something that the porky governments will not ever do, but the people either want or would benefit them in other ways, but the people can't yet articulate them yet. That's how one gains support, not by some vague theoretical universalist circle jerk. While the causes of social and economic decay in the west are largely the same all around the west, but the actual concrete issues and approaches to them can be very different in different counties. Winning actually requires to get our hands dirty, embrace lived reality, reject abstractions and purity fetish.


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>det var så lite så
>med fascister i rosenbad och överklassens längtan till krig med ryssland så gör goda kamrater väl att beväpna sig, särskilt med .308 och .223 då det är NATO-standard


Hello frens, which Scandinavian country has the best (socialist) future ahead? I mean in terms of more than just Social Democracy, and something more radical.


None, in the near-future. It's a subcontinent of spoiled labor aristocrats and their buddy-buddy bourgeoisie, getting their shoes shined by war refugees from the global south. US and EU downturn has do develop far more before Nordic tripartite corporatism breaks apart and the working classes of the region awakens again.


Wouldn't sweden have a good chance for actual socialism to rise? The elites are quite national, and have a small bourgeoisie class.


>None, in the near-future.
Does any western country have hopes for a socialist takeover in the near future, yeah they don't? A kinda shitty doomer attitude you have there.


Do some material and class analysis and don't put words in my mouth.
Clearly France, Latin America, even the British Isles are closer to a strong class conscious movement challenging their respective governments.
You'd have to know nothing about the particular conditions in question to put your eggs in the Nordic basket at the moment.


all we can hope for at the moment is slowing down Porky dismantling our welfare system. in Sweden the progressive character of the Social Democrats, weak and class collaborationist as it was, ended with the watering down and ultimate rejection of the Meidner plan and the death of Palme. but people are slowly talking more about class again, in the younger generations, so there's that


theres absolutely 0 class consciousness


Not true.


>The elites are quite national, and have a small bourgeoisie class.
The elites in Sweden are, quite the opposite, internationally linked within the upper strata of the imperialist world-system through EU and US partnerships and have absolutely enormous amounts of wealth.


It's a Nordic country.


Of course it's not literally absolutely 0, but I do challenge you to present evidence of Swedish class consciousness that isn't completely marginal one way or the other.


we do have problems with a combination of radlibs, class collaborationists and fascists what's the difference? heyoooo leading workers astray, but that's no excuse for being defeatist. it is our job to educate (without talking down to) workers here, same as it is for comrades everywhere else
the socdems are steadily imploding, and in the growing vacuum there is room for the workers' movement to flourish yet again. but this vacuum is also fertile ground for reactionaries. but all that needs to be done in my experience is to point out that SD do not actually make things better, a problem that all reactionary parties have. you can't piss and moan and play the underdog when you're literally in government cucking the other porkoid parties


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tro ni Prollens redaktion brevar i tråden?




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jag tror det endast när jag börjar se Alunyor i Röda Rapp


First two Olof Palme episodes from Ghost Stories For The End Of The World, for anyone interested.



attach them here rather than using some annoying file host please


I would but there's a maximum file size


ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -ab 128k output.mp3
replace 128k with whatever bitrate will make it fit


so what is it?




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thanks anon. now I have something to listen to on the train


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The hell is this? Rape of Berlin 2.0?


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Let's say that the Europe & the US is losing. Like the Europeans countries prefer to trade with China instead of the US that secede next year because of their election. What will the Nordic countries and Nordic comrades do?


>the Europeans countries prefer to trade with China instead of the US
Your question is moronic and so is you image.


Yes. Even there's another Rambo movie with the Finns version.


>Your question is moronic and so is you image.
What's this? Still couldn't accept that the Europeans & the burgers are just nothing more than sluts to China and their allies? You should've embargo & ban trade with China too, moron.


>just read the future bro whats my fortune
stupid question


Yes, I am the head of the EU, which we all know is the faithful union of multipolaristas which fight tooth and nail in the interests of Russo-Chinese capital and definitely not a yankee appendage
U r teh trve intellectual.
Dont forget to spend all your earnings in preparation to VOOT in your next Election(TM)!


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Third Palme episode (free one this time) from Ghost Stories For The End Of The World. I'm enjoying this series so far.


>Marcus of Return of the Repressed once again joins me to explore how the police handled the immediate aftermath of the Palme hit and the troubling witness accounts that undermined the early attempts to establish an Official Narrative.


med tanke på de senaste händelserna hur skulle utbrytargruppen ur den våldsbejakande sverigetråden /nordpol/ lösa gängvåldet?


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samhällsplanering så att våra ghetton Blandas Upp! men också bild relaterad


cool. do you have a direct download link or audiofile? I think there is a torrent out there. I might share if I could figure out how to do so over my tor client


Turku, how about you?


Finnweenies are about to feel the hard consequences of what they elected in:
>Four-party coalition including far-right Finns agrees deal on austerity and to tighten up citizenship rules
>A radical austerity programme has already been promised, and the Finns party is taking a hard line on development aid, the climate crisis and immigration.


reactoids about to learn the consequences of voting for the Basic Finns. can't say I don't have at least some skadeglädje



svennar springer nordpol


well there isn't an english word for it


It's schadenfreude


Yeah they basically cut my wages by 250e so might as well go unemployed


How is the immigration process to Finland to begin with? I've heard it was already stupidly difficult despite the country basically needing migrant labor to remain afloat in the future. What with the forms themselves as well as getting housing, banking services, and all. I'd like to hear some elaboration on this.


That's a German word, silly.


Fattar inte riktigt vindkraft, hur långt fram i tiden är det tänkt att det ska bli en storskalig och stabil elförsörjare?

Wait till you hear what english call their pre school children facilities


Check an English dictionary if you don't believe me
There's a good joke about anglos and colonialism here that's a bit off colour if anybody wants to put the work in and find it


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glad midsommar på er


Since this image bother to show these tiny territories and their nordic flags, why doesn't it portray a large part of the Scandinavian countries' territories as traditionally Sámi land? It's called Sapmi and it's just as valid as the other ones.


>It's called Sapmi and it's just as valid as the other ones.
Sapmi does not have a body of armed men to defend its border
speaking of the Sami, what does /nordpol/ think of the Sami Question? what role does reindeer herding Sami porkies have in a socializing Scandinavia? would Sametinget be dissolved or democratized? what of the nomadic Sami who are currently unrepresented?


two-state solution


nah. there can be only one worldwide state - the workers' state


En universitetsprofessor i genuskunskap och hedersmedlem i Black Lives Matter höll ett föredrag på Södertörns högskola.

"Innan vi börjar vill jag att ni alla skriver under på vårt värdegrundsdokument. Ni måste erkänna den vita rasens underlägsenhet och nödvändigheten i att utrota samtliga äckliga män!" sade hen och log ett blodisande sadistiskt leende.

Vid det här laget reste sig en av åhörarna, en medlem i Ungsvenskarna SDU som gästade salen eftersom han var mån om att ge alla en chans och låta bägge sidor komma till tals. Han hade för en gångs skull några timmar ledigt mellan sina studier på Polishögskolan, sitt partiengagemang och sitt volontärarbete i scoutrörelsen.

"Hur kan ni påstå att män är äckliga och ska utrotas, samtidigt som ni påstår att kön inte existerar?" frågade han rakt och ärligt.

Professorns psykopatleende slocknade med ens och hen stormade ut ur föreläsningssalen, slitandes sitt lilafärgade hår och gråtandes sina politiskt korrekta krokodiltårar. Samtliga närvarande reste sig upp, applåderade och gjorde honnör och rev sina kommunistiska partiböcker. Södertörns genusinstitut lades ned redan samma dag och de före detta anställda kommenderades ut för att gräva de nya urangruvorna i Lappland. Professorn cancelades på alla sociala media och begick självmord med en engelbrektsbåge.


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>>1510507 (jag)
(inspirerad av [bild relaterad])


du glömde älgen vid namn Kent Ekeroth Gjorde Inget Fel som gick in i salen, ställde sig framför svenska flaggan och fällde en tår på en landskapsdräkt


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I don't remember if there's any other people from KTP around that region but you could definitely get in contact with the ones in the capital area or Tampere. Do you have a D*scord acc per chance? I can ask finbol about inviting you to the party's server, we host a study group there bi-monthly along with other stuff and the yearly summer camp will be taking place in about a month's time as well.
>how about you
Central Finland in one of the tiny-ass rural municipalities. Saying anything more than that might be a bit too much.


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tankar om den här blänkaren i Flamman?


Svensk statskontrollerad media (Rapport, 2023-06-25 19:30) låter påståenden att Rysslands befolkning är hjärntvättad gå oemotsagt, samt att Putler tydligen sitter rädd i en bunker. Vet brevare här inne vad Utrikespolitiska Institutet är för trams?
Vilka finansierar dem? Låt oss undersöka UI:s hemsida, https://www.ui.se/
>En del av UI:s intäkter kommer från Utrikesdepartementet, framför allt i form av ett basanslag för institutet, anslag till det särskilda forskningsprogrammet (SFP) och Nationellt kunskapscentrum om Kina, samt projektbidrag till Centrum för Östeuropastudier. Medel till UI kommer också från forskningsfinansiärer som exempelvis Vetenskapsrådet och Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, uppdrag från andra organisationer, exempelvis Sida och MSB, från försäljning av prenumerationer på Landguiden och medlemskap, samt entréintäkter från en stor seminarieverksamhet.
Vetenskapsrådet styrs till stor del av familjen Wallenberg och diverse andra kapital som Kempestiftelsen, samt såklart staten.

>Nationellt kunskapscentrum om Kina (NKK) bedriver policyrelevant forskning, analys och rådgivning om Kinarelaterade ämnen.
>NKK etablerades efter en överenskommelse mellan Regeringskansliet och Utrikespolitiska institutet (UI) 2020. Huvuddelen av verksamheten finansieras genom ett statligt anslag. Centrumet byggs upp år 2021–2023.

>Centrum för Östeuropastudier (Stockholm Centre for Eastern European Studies, SCEEUS) är ett nationellt fristående kunskapscentrum med hemvist på Utrikespolitiska institutet.
Det framgår inte vars CÖS får pengar ifrån, men gissningsvis ur samma pott som UI. Gott om kritik mot Ryssland samt öronbedövande tystnad runt Ukraina.


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Turku socdem also monitoring the situation!

Sanomattakin on selvä, onhan tämä nyt häpeällistä! Tässä langassa ja tässä maassa. Ollaan oltu Natossa puoli vuotta ja nuo kravattinatsit menevät & aisurit vain menevät pokkana maailmalle että bisnes, bisnes, sori että meiltä tälleen näin kesti. Ja täällä sitten taas ruotsalaiset erikoisihmiset pitävät valtaa ja erikois kieltään puhuvat.


the mention of Nild Bejerot is interesting, because he is also the man responsible for Sweden's disastrous narcotics policy, based on Bejerot's social contagion theory, a non-Marxist theory that has been soundly deboonked in practice but is still held to with religious fervor by succdems


absolut Tjäd talar på Nordeas årsstämma


>Rødt is for sending weapons to Ukraine, fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian
Red Man explain yourself


Rødts been supporting Ukraine since April at least. (Google translated)


Statement adopted at Rødt's national meeting in Stavanger, 23 April 2023:

Red supports Ukraine's fight for freedom

Red strongly condemns Russia's aggressive, illegal attack on Ukraine. This is imperialism that goes against everything Red stands for. We support Ukraine's independence and defense struggle.

Red supports those who are now defending themselves against Putin's soldiers and are fighting for their freedom, for their country's sovereignty and for democracy. The responsibility for the war of aggression and the bombing lies solely with the Putin regime. They must immediately stop the war and withdraw from all of Ukraine. There are no arguments, no security interests, spheres of interest or other pretexts, which can defend a war of aggression contrary to international law and the enormous human suffering the war entails. It is primarily the population of Ukraine that is affected, but the ripple effects of the war also worsen social distress and differences throughout the world and particularly affect the working class. Norway must increase its humanitarian aid to both Ukraine and other war and crisis victims in the world.

Rødt's anti-imperialist principles are clear. In the program of principles, we advocate that "Norway should not take sides in the struggle between imperialist superpowers", that we "support people and nations that fight against occupation and oppression" and "will defend the People's Law and the nations' right to self-determination". We must stand up for these principles in practice, when a major power attacks a smaller country.

Without arms support, Ukraine would have been overrun and subjected to a chauvinistic, right-wing nationalist Russian regime with avowed imperialist ambitions. That is why it is right to provide arms support to Ukraine in the fight for independence and peace, when the Ukrainians have asked for it. These weapons must not be used outside Ukrainian territory. Rødt assumes that the government requires an end-user declaration from the government of Ukraine which ensures that Norwegian weapons are only used by the regular Ukrainian forces within the territory of Ukraine.

Red will prevent an escalation that spreads the war to other countries and could lead to World War III. The main responsibility for the escalation of the war lies on the Russian side.

Today, the arms donations are made directly by Norway or in cooperation with other countries, not by NATO. It must continue, in order to support the Ukrainians' defense struggle without further increasing the danger of superpower war.

It is crucial to carry out thorough assessments in advance of Norwegian donations. No country has given Ukraine everything it has asked for. The government must inform and consult the Storting about military contributions in advance. Red does not support sending Norwegian fighter planes, tanks or soldiers to Ukraine. International conventions and laws against the use of cluster munitions and phosphorus bombs must be observed.

It is a prerequisite for a peace settlement that Ukraine survives as an independent state. Occupation is not peace. Occupation is repression, mass arrests, death sentences and terror.

Norway must use all our international influence and diplomatic capacity to contribute to ending the war through negotiations aimed at a peaceful solution, based on international law. There is no contradiction between support for the resistance struggle and peace work.

A future negotiation result also depends on the situation on the ground. If the aggressor gets to dictate the terms of peace, imperialist aggression is rewarded. Until a diplomatic solution is possible, and the basis for a just peace present, Ukraine therefore needs weapons to defend itself and resist the invasion.

Rødt will work actively to ensure that the government strengthens Norway's work for humanitarian aid, long-term development efforts and lasting peace. Rødt will further work for Norway to promote a policy in the UN that makes the organization an effective tool for creating and securing peace, and for stopping all arms exports, direct and indirect, to countries that go to war of aggression and violate international law.

Red supports the peace movement in both Ukraine and Russia. Norway must work to ensure that peace negotiations are carried out in line with the UN Charter. These must take place on the Ukrainians' terms.

Norway must stand up for dissidents and the persecuted. Red was early and demanded collective protection for all Ukrainian refugees, which was quickly implemented. Rødt has urged the government to ask Russian soldiers to desert and guarantee them protection in Norway.

Red has been at the forefront of harsh punitive measures against the Russian regime and their supporters. We want sanctions that hit the political elite, the military, the oligarchs and the financial elite in Russia. The goal of sanctions must be to weaken the regime and not weaken the peace movement in Russia.

Rødt works for the prosecution of war of aggression contrary to international law. Rødt proposes that Norway should support Ukraine's initiative to establish a special tribunal for the crime of aggression against Ukraine, where the Putin regime can be investigated and prosecuted for the war of aggression against Ukraine contrary to international law.

Rødt has proposed that Norway ratify the Kampala amendment to the Rome Statute, which gives the International Criminal Court (ICC) jurisdiction to prosecute heads of state for war of aggression contrary to international law. In addition, Norway must work to remove the special jurisdictional limitation for the crime of aggression, which means that the ICC cannot currently investigate Putin for the decision to attack Ukraine. We believe it is necessary to strengthen Norway's legal protection against war of aggression; to help prevent future wars in line with the intention behind the Nuremberg settlement and for Norway to have credibility in the international work to bring about a prosecution of Russia's crime of aggression against Ukraine.

Rødt believes that Norway should introduce its own sanctions that close loopholes exploited by Putin and his allies. We therefore asked early on for independent Norwegian sanctions to close the loopholes in the EU's measures, which have allowed the unloading of metal, and the payment of reimbursements for oil exploration to oligarchs.

Red will continue to work for extensive economic and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine, both as long as the war is ongoing and for reconstruction. Red has proposed to write off Ukraine's national debt, and believes that this must be implemented. We have supported all humanitarian aid, as well as materials such as helmets, bulletproof vests, etc. to the Ukrainian military. Rødt believes that financial and humanitarian support must be stepped up.

There have been several reports of Ukrainians in Norway being used for crimes and other types of crime. Solidarity with Ukraine must also mean that Ukrainians in Norway are not exploited as cheap labor or for crime. Red demands that the government, in collaboration with the trade union movement, the employers' side and NGOs, introduce concrete measures to prevent cynical employers and criminals in working life from profiting from the war in Ukraine.

We require:

-Information in Ukrainian about rights in working life and Norwegian working life
-Offer of language training in Norwegian
-Notification channels in Ukrainian to notify about crime and anti-crime
-Measures for the integration of Ukrainians into ordinary working life who can qualify for skilled positions in working life


>fighting for their freedom, for their country's sovereignty and for democracy
holy spooks
>Norway should not take sides in the struggle between imperialist superpowers
what do they think the war is?
>Without arms support, Ukraine would have been overrun and subjected to a chauvinistic, right-wing nationalist Russian regime
as opposed to a chauvinistic, right-wing nationalist Ukrainian regime
>Rødt assumes that the government requires an end-user declaration from the government of Ukraine which ensures that Norwegian weapons are only used by the regular Ukrainian forces within the territory of Ukraine
lol these weapons will find their way to fascists in western and northern Europe. to think otherwise is incredibly naive
>Rødt has proposed that Norway ratify the Kampala amendment to the Rome Statute, which gives the International Criminal Court (ICC) jurisdiction to prosecute heads of state for war of aggression contrary to international law
this may seem based but will be used against socialist states action to end US occupation or otherwise ousting right-wing governments. the CPC or the DPRK seeking to end the US occupation of Taiwan and Korea respectively must not be prevented from doing so


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Nazi ministers, nazi ministers, nazi ministers fuck off!!!

Fine, fine, would you prefer a teen chacer and a greasy guy extraordinaire who jumped to PS from The Coalition Party? It would be fun if it also wasn't deadly serious mutual business.


Finnish denazification when?


I dont have much to say. I am dissapointed. It was a vote 55/45 for and against sending weapons. Me and my comrades fought tooth and nail too switch it, but it was not enough sadly.






sverige var aldrig alliansfritt, vi var alltid smygallierade med usa
därför ryssarna körde upp en ubåt på stranden utanför karlskrona


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det stämmer, men det är en farlig eskalering att formellt gå med i NATO och börja öppna USA-baser på svensk mark.


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NATO-loggan borde vara fyra kukar
detta påminner mig att jag aldrig brevade mitt Flamman-bidrag i tråden, som tyvär inte kom med. bild relaterad


vad fint!


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tack tack
med klistermärken får vi herr fläsk på knä


Hello! Good night!
Wop comrade here.
Now that the Nato razzle dazzle is finally over and the Sultan got what he wanted - he always does, btw - can I spit in the face of any local lib when they start ranting about how "we should do like in Sweden [or any other Nordic country] for this/that/whatever"?
Also, would it be correct to frame Nordic gov'ts as "hawks" in relation to budget issues both internally - running crazy surpluses year after year even having already very low public debt to GDP ratios, shifting the burden of taxation more and more on lower incomes, butchering basic public services - and externally - taking the side of Germany against PIGS and Med countries whenever they ask for lenience in regard to their own budgets?
Finally, do the increased arrivals of refugees from Africa get in the news? What's the gov'ts positions about redistributions among eu member states? Here news are only about this fascist cunt getting cucked by POOland and HUNgary but then saying "it's actually a good thing: someone show they care about their national interest!".


>the Nato razzle dazzle is finally over
there's still Orban to deal with. and also they actually have to vote on it and for all we know the eternal t*rk may change his mind at the last second, in which case the short man in Rosenbad would have to kiss Erdogan's ass some more
>would it be correct to frame Nordic gov'ts as "hawks" in relation to budget issues
I'm not sure what this means but the 90's spooked the socdem bad and now they are obsessed with "keeping the barns full" which is code for gutting public spending, "effectivizing" public services and so on. the openly bourgeois (borgerliga) parties are even worse
>do the increased arrivals of refugees from Africa get in the news?
uh, yes? state controlled media has gone so far as to accept SD's framing of immigration as a cost vs benefit issue
>redistributions among eu member states?
you mean of immigrants/refugees? it's barely talked about, and it would certainly attenuate tensions around the issue in Sweden if other countries took their share. what we have now is a race to the bottom so as to establish Fort Evropa


Racism and violence: Finland's right wing government plagued by new scandal on eve of Biden visit

>Inflammatory blog post comments from 15 years ago have been linked to the far-right Finns Party leader and current finance minister, Riikka Purra, who hasn't denied it.

>Finland's right-wing government is facing yet another crisis after old comments from a far-right blog forum, purportedly written by Finns Party leader Riikka Purra, re-surfaced.

>Purra, Finland's finance minister, leads one of the four parties which make up the coalition government headed by Prime Minister Petteri Orpo of the National Coalition Party.

>In recent days Finnish media and social media users have matched details of Riikka Purra's life including her upbringing, where she lived, occupation, age, husband's job, studies, favourite foods and travel schedules with a woman called 'riikka' who posted the comments mostly during 2008.

>"Greetings from Barcelona," wrote 'riikka', on the same day in August that Riikka Purra was also in Barcelona speaking at a conference on multiculturalism.

>"There is no 'alarming immigration problem' to be seen here. Negroes sell pirate Vuittons on Las Ramblas," she blogged.

<The username Riikka has also written about, "little somali uyghurs" "uyghurs" and "uyghur dicks" among other things. There is also a comment where the username Riikka wrote about bodies appearing on a local train if she were ever to obtain a gun.



sky blue, water wet


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Finlands vice primeminister is a unironical nazi terrorist in the frontline of NATO / Russia border is quite a big deal. Swedes will continue their politics of fucking each others foxes but this is something else. Entire western europe seems irrelevant and they are going all the way with us into hell.


the Nazi Arming and Training Organization eagerly accepting a new member


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här är en intressant sak till: den som kallar alla ryssar för hjärntvättade är Hugo von Essen, som om jag förstår rätt är son till Charlotte von Essen, nuvarande chef för.. SÄPO! såklart


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wow, I'm in love





Did he really got caught for stealing a pair of sunglasses? That’s wildly petty.


Sturskt! På bästa sätt. Herrn ifråga gick förresten senare över till de förvirrade pellejönsarna Socialistserna Välfärdspartiet vid splittringen kring frågan om att hata muslimer och massinvandring eller ej, som drabbade K runt 2018.


Not that I care the least about Rødt, but I think it was silly that he resigned just for stealing a pair of sunglasses. I mean, who hasn't?


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ser ut som att de köper att vi ska ha en arbetsmarknad. de verkar även förneka den historiskt progressiva kraft som invandringen är här precis som i exvis invandring från landsbygd till stad i Indien


Liksom K hyser de en ohälsosam tilltro till den borgerliga statens förmåga och intresse av att stötta arbetarklassen och den exploaterade massan. Ock så till "gemensamma värderingar" som samhällets (vilket jävla samhälle?!) sammanhållande kitt. Nej tack.


Yup. The whole story is just bizarre if you ask me. I personally think he shouldnt have resigned, but yeah.


låter som chauvinismen fortfarande frodas i K


Polisen gråter ut om Naturvårdsverkets nya vapenföreskrifter som tar bort gummiparagrafen om "militär stil" så att standardvapen som AR-15 kan användas vid jakt:


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Open and bold!


>The Finnish IWW community produced several folk singers, poets and songwriters, the most famous being Matti Valentine Huhta (better known as T-Bone Slim), who penned "The Popular Wobbly" and "The Mysteries of a Hobo's Life". Slim's poem "The Lumberjack's Prayer" was recorded by Studs Terkel on labor singer Bucky Halker's album Don't Want Your Millions. Hiski Salomaa, whose songs were composed entirely in Finnish (and Finglish), remains a widely recognized early folk musician in his native Finland as well as in sections of the Midwest United States, Northern Ontario, and other areas of North America with high concentrations of Finns. Salomaa, who was a tailor by trade, has been referred to as the Finnish Woody Guthrie. Arthur Kylander, who worked as a lumberjack, is a lesser known, but important Finnish IWW folk musician. Kylander's lyrics range from the difficulties of the immigrant laborer's experience to more humorous themes. Arguably, the wanderer, a recurring theme in Finnish folklore dating back to pre-Christian oral tradition (as with Lemminkäinen in the Kalevala), translated quite easily to the music of Huhta, Salomaa, and Kylander; each of whom has songs about the trials and tribulations of the hobo.
You heard it here first, protest songs were invented by Finns.


Om 15 procent av befolkningen röstade på ett kommunistiskt parti skulle vi ha fyra partier precis under spärren


Have they found a replacement of him yet? How is the fallout of his departure?


Who do you think will win the presidential position in Finland in 2024, the perus suomalaiset and their politics seem pretty popular among high school boys many of whom will be able to vote in 2024.


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Olli Rehn.
He is kind of gray and unassuming, what we call 'statesmanly'. Understand, our president doesn't have legislative powers, their job is more to be a suppreme ambassador of the people and for the people and stay above the daily politics; what we call 'values leader'. The race will be between him and Haavisto, but Haavisto is green, gay and trying for the third time.

PS may very well retain its support and have a good result in the next parliamentary election. How ever what comes to presidential election, I'd say Halla-aho is super popular among his own but doesn't have the kind of charisma to win the second round against any other candidate. That said, he can still do considerable damage and shift the political climate for the worst (I'm not an accelerationist) with the platform running grants him.

Urpiainen and Stubb are best of the worst and not very well liked even amongst their own.


hur känner /nordpol/ om det stundande älgjakten?f


Elk hunting is not even elite hunting you know. It's about whose land you are on, it's them or the assigned person who shall sit in the tower and the rest will march into the fire in red caps and sleeves for the right to purchase a chunk of the carcass.

Hunting in short: everyone in club can shoot any rabbit, fox, deer (way too many of them!), raccoon, some birds, basically everything a shotgun is enough in all club land and limited species like elk the person whose land the animal was killed on gets the first dibs. Sounds familiar to Anglos too, or how the things are done there?

As stated - per-club licenced species are 'cunt basic'. Protected species with only very few 'stock management' exceptions available is where it's at, no? Look how happy these guys are for a male bear pup - the least important for the continuity of the species, because moms and pops are the ones who make most new bear in the short term. (None of them didn't even shoot it, it was a professional club man assigned for the job.)

And I very much would prefer more English in this thread. I read you ok, but I definitely can't shake out a readable forum post (nor a job application) in your lingo.


"But does consume the men a fight - let alone hunt of the ducks!"


I wish predators would be reintroduced to the ecosystem


actually around here (Sweden) the way moose hunting works is most people are in the hunting stands then a few dog teams track the moose down and typically drive them towards the stands. professional teams, such as there are, typically operate on the large forest companies' land (Holmen and SCA). there is plenty of grumbling about this because these companies are allowed to report themselves how much game is on their land, thus incentivizing overreporting so they get larger quotas. small landholders (the majority) don't like this since it wrecks the game population
you also have small game hunting of course. sometimes multiple hunting rights holders join together in larger Viltvårdsområden (game care areas). in these unions, land votes. changes have to be approved by members that together own 80% of the land. wonderfully bourgeois
then there's the Sami, especially the Girjas verdict
some level of predators is appropriate. but try saying to rural people that they should accept their dogs being attacked by wolves or bears or lynx


Oh ok, we do a lot of the human line thing.

Registered association is the legal framework and hunting law lays out the framework for 'hunting clubs'. Land doest vote except by threatening to leave, I think. Most clubs are suffering from aging membership currently, so being a member, joinging a moose hunt isn't very extraordinary. Pretty much all land except government land in the north has organized into clubs operating within the clommunes the clubs lands are on, this is important but these days like has some connection to the community will pass, because someone has to do the boring stuff, like maintaining feeding spots & hideouts, birdhouses, slaughter huts with freezer & packing utilities, the lodge! etc.

We also managed to have a mini scandal of "parliamentary hunting association" (because of course they have a one) joining a bear hunt. So, joining the driving line, I suppose. "Anything that mads the libs." In the end everyone agreed that it was little untasteful and we moved on, because there we more important things…

Because the summer of politics has been filled with the argument of "is PS a racist party" and "will SFP be in a goverment with a racist party". They, after playing dreadful delaying games for 5 weeks released this nothing burger of a "rascism statement" and now the summer holidays are over, it's all hunky dory (with some tensions) and it's time for the 'budged trashing barn', where we see how bad they can really make it - the talks have certainly been bold. Like no more 'vuorotteluvapaa' (um "rotating holiday for training people for the work" would describe the purpose), rent maximums for the housing benefit etc niceties are on the table, as well as cuts to the 'ansiosidonnainen', um 'merit-based' kind of unemployment benefit based on fund membership, all of them ultimately backed by the goverment. Limits to 'support strikes'…

Oh, and because of these, a general strike is on the table too, now that it hasn't bee made illegal yet..!
It's too bad that most unions sit on freshly this spring accepted mutual bargainements, but, if SAK says it's a strike - well see what's left of the organized labour in this country.


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Returning to the oncoming presidential race; Stuba has some 2nd round potential too.
My prediction: it will be a 2 round election with winners in the 1st round in the low 20 %s; Rehn will win Haavisto, Haavisto and Rehn will both win Stubb.

Aaltola is a joke candidate who burned out his momentum 6 months too early; <10 %. In any case, I will vote Li in the 1st round, just 'cause.

Bubbling under: the presidential power rights. Beyond being the ceremonial head of state above the daily parliamentary grind, our president also "leads the foreign politics in cooperation with the goverment" and is the suppreme commander of the military. This is now suddenly relevant again, because of NATO, because the president represents us there! In EU matters, we settled with the prime minister. Cooperation with NATO matter has now rested on the goodwill of Sauli II, which has worked out Ok. President's powers will surely be checked, up or down, after we see who the next president will be. I repeat, gollum-Halla-aho has no chance.

Our president also has some weird kingly relics from the monarch-project, like pardoning life penalties, underage marriages and naming provincial artists and so on.


>Land doest vote except by threatening to leave, I think
it's similar here. but also landholders must take care of the game on their land or else be fined. so either they have to form their own hunting teams or join another one. biggest issue is again these big companies exerting pressure on the teams
>maintaining feeding spots & hideouts, birdhouses, slaughter huts with freezer & packing utilities, the lodge! etc.
the team I'm in has most of this stuff. we cleaned the slaughter/fridge hut yesterday
>We also managed to have a mini scandal of "parliamentary hunting association" (because of course they have a one) joining a bear hunt. So, joining the driving line, I suppose. "Anything that mads the libs."
there's no harm in making radlibs mad tbh
>Because the summer of politics has been filled with the argument of "is PS a racist party" and "will SFP be in a goverment with a racist party".
would be funny if they did considering PS is the only party in the world that is racist against Swedes


>some level of predators is appropriate. but try saying to rural people that they should accept their dogs being attacked by wolves or bears or lynx
aja baja, gör inte det här till någon slags kulturkrig om stad kontra land är du vänlig, fortsätt diskutera sakfrågan


seems like every single “leftist” party isn’t going particularly well in finland while centrists and fash adjacents are taking away their share of influence. are socdems fated to fade into obscurity? it seems to me that they aren’t doing very well recently, especially since they have proven themselves not very trustworthy when it comes to workers rights.


>nooo don't turn a question that is inherently one of metropolitans deciding over the countryside in which they don't live
no I think I will, stockholmsjävel
for extra spiciness we can bring the Sami's opinions on the predator question into the discussion. and of course the Sami question also
socdemmery is self-defeating and was only possible with the real threat of the USSR next door


Sort of yes. The fallout is actually not that bad. Red took a hit, but it is only 1-2%. His replacement, is basically someone with the position as Moxnes, but it is to be said that there might be a deputy leader candidate that is from what I know personally a communist


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Socdems do what socdems do - they abandon socialist principles and go third way. They probably change the party leadership to right-dems, fucking Mikkel the cat killer is but the first.


the recent controversy about Perus suomalaiset being racist seems to have created a perfect oppertunity for finland to crack down on communists, by lumping them together with nazies, which they seem to be interested in doing. Should communists around the world start using a new names for themselves to avoid getting into trouble? What symbols and names should communists start using.


Get the party leader to say he doesn’t wear sunglasses.


he already did


>stole sunglasses
<doesn't even wear them did it just because
I'm thinking based. Re aellect this man this instance anon I compel you!


Seems like Rodt fucked up the local elections, considering that SV made modest gains while Rodt stayed the same. Will this mean the national government be forced to change course?


Hello, can a comrade who speaks Finnish help me with this research? There was a pedophile ring arrested in 2019, and I see a post making an accusation that the ringleader was a neo-Nazi but I can't find strong evidence, or their name.
Link to post: https://web.archive.org/web/20210124080840/https://bunkerchan.net/leftypol/res/702127.html#705489
>The "leader" of the network even owned a neo-nazi clothing store in Helsinki and was involved in nazi-bonehead music scene earlier. When captured, he was apparently no longer publicly nazi since he was a member of the bourgeois mainstream National Coalition party and active in local church.


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I found the shop they are talking about:
There's some neopagan runes and other stuff that is easily interpreted as dogwhistles.
The info connecting him to the shop is based on a forum post, and I couldn't verify it yet


ok this works better as source and basically confirms all the claims. Still in finnish tho. Name is Visa Marttila.


Thank you very much!


Stubb absolutely creeps me outs.


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How come?

Here are some early (12,6 % margin of error!) polls, notable:
Rehn hasn't quite redeemed his 2nd to front runner place and Stubb got a wild jump after he officially entered the race. That said, Rehn only just now entered, because we like to play games with entry timings and associations of voters (=running independent). Haavisto also runs independent and Aaltola is a genuine independent.
Anderson is ahead of Urpilainen :D


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>and propagandizing against Nato, war and EU.

I'm returning to this, because this jars me! I've checked out SKP a few times and their anti war stance in this world situation is ridiculous! Excuse me, but the soviet empire which's tanks you would be welcoming with flowers has expired 30 years ago. That seems to be very hard for someone to understand. Let's move on. Because this situation means heightened risk for our current state as well and some kind of state one needs, unless you are an anarkiddo.

>vision of what a Finnish socialism might look like in the 21st century or even what the steps toward it might be

Yes please. Because what are they up to is mystery, one would need to be in fecebook or X-twitter. Completely a virtual party.

You come in with work or student visa (EU visa free) and support yourself in the country for a while and then you need to pass an language etc exams to be permanent recident. Refugee process is its own thing, I don't know much about that.


Eurocommunist revisionist remnant of the old SKP who like pizzaman and think Stalin ate babies."
Blease, get over Stalin already. He, and what he represents, has done enough damage, and it's about time for modern communists to move on. No serious left can take Stalin's infantile and mechanical thinking seriously.


You are losers who accomplish nothing in Sweden. All you do is fly your pampered businessmen to international congresses where you circlejerk bureaucrats. KP is a part of the labor movement in Sweden, that is why they are your superior. The fact that they also have a good theoretical grasp and practice anti-revisionism is tandem with this.


>infantile and mechanical thinking
stop talking about yourself anon


lol, who are "you" here? I'm not affiliated. I was reacting to the Stalin part, which btw is as much a problem for Swedish SKP as KP.

baby, släpp my hand


>another episode of two communist parties at each others throats while both have less than 0,1% support in the country


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Finnish gov's popularity is collapsing as they are unironically planning to cut as much from the social programs and the poor as this country has spent on Ukraine since the war began.


only 1½ billion €? that's nothing compered to how much Swedistan porkies are willing to hand over


Like 2,5 billion usd? It's not that much when you take into account of share of GDP that it amounts to for each country which is about the same. Most countries have sent around 0.3% to 0.4% worth of their GDP in money and weapons to Ukraine. Balts, Pooland and Norway are the outliers in this


doesn't it feel good to be part of the liberal democratic alliance :')


>Ukraine this, Ukraine that
Please no that shit here.

Let's see - general strike kind of rumblings are around. Proving again that only by the will of a hairy ass industrial worker, the socialism will progress. The thing is, many of the things this government is projecting propose an existential threat to the unions, so it's wild cat strike time. They started with out marchin' demonstrations in Oulu.

It's basically show you're relevant or go home kind of situation for the unions now.


right, but see below
but anon, it's highly relevant because our porkoid parties are also promising lower taxes. the Swedish government is increasing war spending to 12% or so of the budget, not counting the weapons and supplies we've been giving Ukraine, which all has to be replaced


>The thing is, many of the things this government is projecting propose an existential threat to the unions, so it's wild cat strike time.
National coalition has gone too far by trying to restrict the right to strike.


saatana perkele


Vittu :DDD


Sort of. Having influence in the big cities can limit the centre-"left" government we have into an even more neoliberal direction.


Är Alexander Williamson utnyttjad av kapitalet?




Swedanons is it true that the gobernmint is sending the military to get rid of the gangs you have?


As soon as you and a couple of good buddies feel like it.


This is what we know about the Gulf of Finland gas pipeline leak
>Damage has also been detected in a telecommunications cable between Finland and Estonia. According to President Sauli Niinistö, the cause of the damage is suspected to be external.
>The government of Prime Minister Petteri Orpo (Coalition Party) unexpectedly announced that it would hold a press conference today, Tuesday. The exact time or subject of the event was not disclosed, but according to Yle, it would be related to the leak of a gas pipeline between Finland and Estonia in the Gulf of Finland.
>Later, the Council of State's communications department confirmed the time of the event as 17.30. It was also confirmed in the government's press release that the event would be about the gas pipeline leak.
>The press release said that the authorities have located the site of the pipeline leak. A fault has also been found in a telecommunications cable between Finland and Estonia, the statement said. In addition to Orpheus, several authorities will attend the event.
>President of the Republic Sauli Niinistö said in a press release from the President's Office at 16:00 that the damage to both the gas pipeline and the telecommunications cable is suspected to have been caused by an external event. Niinistö has discussed the matter with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on Tuesday. NATO is ready to assist in the investigation, Niinistö said.
>According to Niinistö, the causes of the leak have been under investigation since Sunday and the government leadership has been kept closely informed of the investigation. The investigation is continuing in cooperation between Finland and Estonia. The events have no impact on Finland's security of supply, Niinistö says.
The leak was discovered on Sunday
>Gasgrid Finland and the Estonian gas network operator Elering detected an unusual pressure in the Balticconnector gas pipeline on Sunday night at around 2am. The leak was stopped during Sunday.
>The pressure drop must have been caused by a hole in the pipeline, Gasgrid Finland's CEO Olli Sipilä told Yle on Monday. It was not possible at this stage to assess the cause or size of the hole.
>The location of the leak was not known. The gas pipeline, which is about 80 kilometres long, was to be photographed by sonar and video to locate the leak.
>It will take months to bring the pipeline back into service. However, both Inkoo and Hamina have two liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals, whose combined capacity is sufficient even in winter, when energy consumption is at its highest," Mr Sipilä assured.
>The Balticconnector gas pipeline was commissioned in December 2019 and can transport 7.2 million cubic metres of gas per day. According to Sipilä, no faults have been detected in the pipeline in the past.
>On Monday evening, both the Finnish Security Police (Supo) and the Border Guard said they were participating in the investigation of the leak. The authorities did not comment on the possibility of sabotage.
>The Border Guard patrol vessel Turva and the Navy's MHC Purunpää, which is used to search for and destroy sea mines, are currently in the Gulf of Finland.
>The Central Criminal Police Department (KRP) in Finland would probably be responsible for any criminal investigation. The KRP did not comment to Yle on Monday whether it had taken any action in response to the leak.
Seismological Research Centre: no explosion detected
>According to government sources told Iltalehti (IL), in addition to Orpo, Defence Minister Antti Häkkänen (Kok) would also attend today's government briefing. The newspaper reported earlier that the briefing would take place as early as 14:00, but Orpo's staff denied this.
>The KRP said on Monday that it would provide more details on the leak today, Tuesday. On Tuesday, however, the KRP said that the situation had changed and that it would not release further information.
>The Finnish Security Police did not comment to Yle on the content of the government briefing or on the gas pipeline leak, but said that the responsibility for information lay with the Prime Minister's Office.
>According to IL, the government suspected Russia of having attacked the pipeline. However, scientists from the Finnish and Estonian seismological research centres say that no seismic activity indicating an explosion has been detected in the Gulf of Finland.
>According to Yle, the damage is not thought to have been caused by an explosion. According to Yle, the authorities do not consider the situation to be a dangerous or military crisis for Finland.
This is a live updated article:
Here's the map of the finnish gasgrid too btw:
(if you change the public to private you can even start guessing the logins)


>Seismological Research Centre: no explosion detected
Ryssä must have chewed trough the pipe and cable.


Finland and Estonia are turning into crisis zone as this terrorist attack is against critical infrastructure of NATO and EU alliances.


So, another winter of expensive electricity…


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It would suck more if MS Exemplar gets out of order. This was the little redundancy we could afford in one year's time and yes, the ship has enough capacity for the whole country.

Another of those shitty war expenditures. But, the other options would be cheaping out and hurting diplomacy or wait for the Russian empire to come and start rebuilding communism inside. The level of hawkishness by the way is nothing compared to the times of waiting in the Nato lobby in the Bush era, or getting there via UN peace keeping operations before that.


Ryssiän technology allowed putin to personally puncture the pipe and cable from inside out


Odotan sitä päivää kun firmat laskee laatustandardejaan koska rakenteiden pettämisestä voi aina syyttää venäjää


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Natural gas is not so important for Finnish electricity production like it was for Germany.


Its not true. Swedish police is asking for technical assistance from military like explosive specialists and equipment.


Let's put some numbers straight: the baltic connector only passed through 2,6 milliard cubic metre annually, whereas we need 25 to be comfortable, Estonia only 5. These are Gasum numbers. The ship can make 35-40 so let's see if it will sail south. It's rental, you see. Americans being crafty at selling their shit, again.

Gasum also remarks, without numbers, that a lot of that gas that's not for power balancing, actually goes to district heating.

I found the weekly gas futures: the market response was a 9 € hike in energy MWh and buy buy, sell even more in pipe capacity :D Efficient for those who don't pay the end price.


Regarding the Balticconnector the most plausible reason for the leak is a ships anchor. Estonians found out that it was ripped open from one side. There was a storm in the gulf of finland that night when the pipe broke. Could be that some ship laid it's anchor down and then the ship and it's anchor was pulled along by the storm.


Former Finnish president, Nobel Laureate Martti Ahtisaari dies at 86
'nother kkkrakkka down unlimited genocide on the first world


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Good. A pro Eu/Nato twat who only got his nobel peace price for helping to make up an imaginary country from a piece of Serbia. Just a another example why that price is worthless.


Ahtisaari Refusing a 2nd term at the height of his popularity gave us 2 terms of Tawja. Meaning luke warm 3rd wayism being the mainstream for 12 years, dems happily selling off profitable state companies while flashing their asses at the industrial labour, destroying their base.

The folks here should fucking love her though, for she was the epitome of Finlandization & in Putin's pocket.


Wasn't the entire western world doing milquetoast co-existence and acceptance with putin during her time tho


I wont dispute that. She didn't do too much damage, I regard her more a sympton than a disease - after all, she was the candidate SDP chose the candidate that won.

Arguably travel-Martti was worse, or better, depending on your vantage point. He and Arafat genuinely got along, for example and he did miles more what comes to real life Nato cooperation and equipment harmonization, even if Halonen complained that even the contents of her handbag were Nato compatible.


Does anyone jere have anything to say at all about Niinistö though, like anything at all?

12 years? All just Lennu?

I mean, he's integral part in the rise of the far righ; you need a moderate right-concevative prez for the general vibes, but can you show, what did he actually directly do, if anything? Given the very limited scope the president has in the domestic politics.


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In short - I'm thinking: "the state will look for its own,"

Do the online communists have anything to say about that, for let it be in the record - I give up now.


Scandianons, why did your elites decided to stop being demsoc? It seemed to have been a succes in your countries and brought prosperity i don't understand.


post-war consensus ended. also they didn't decide anything, the falling RoP caused a profitability crisis and thus neoliberalism. in Swede the socdems led the charge of privatization with the Persson government


Speaking about the Swedish context. Social democracy worked so long as it served the needs of capital. There were more to gain for capital in redistributive policies and "workers rights" than it would have been without, in combination with economic growth. Somewhere between the late 70s and mid 80s, with increasing de-industrialisation or post-fordism, the shift started. Available statistics clearly show a shift away from redistribution in the mid 80s in Sweden. Social democracy simply did not deliver what capital needed any longer, and its historical role started to be exhausted. Today social democracy is nothing but a living corpse.>>1642030


In other words: just think about the base and superstructure! Any house is not possible to build on any base. They might have different shapes and colours, might be renovated etc. But at the end of the day, the base puts limit on the superstructure. The economic base in Sweden changed, and so did the superstructure.

The real choice is not between different flavours of capitalism (including social democracy), the real choice is between socialism or barbarism. So no nostalghia for social democracy, please!


oh no no no gretabros did we go too far? you can't hecking point out how the imperialists control western media


>Scandianons, why did your elites decided to stop being demsoc?
Most of western countries stopped being keynesian and we stopped being social democrats. No threat of worker uprising so they could freely fuck everyone in the ass with austerity and tax reduction on the rich.


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I helvete heller! Fy fan!


what does snart mean? (is it like when you snease and fart??)


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our dear traitors in the Riksdag fully on board with cucking out to the yanks as per usual


No big bad USSR to scare porkies.


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Why would China do this?


Finnish words are just Swedish words with an i on the end


This idea gets tossed around a lot, but is this really the case? The Eastern Bloc was successfully portrayed as completely undesirable to Western audiences, and neoliberal reforms began a decade and a half before the end of the Bloc regardless.


This could be the case for American audiences but not Nordic countries that had strong communist movements.


glöm inte att sympatirispa varenda teslabil ni ser kamrater


>strong communist movements
a few dozen ML's in reading circles more like it


He really can't stop stealing, can he?


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30 refugees at the Russian border, AAAAAAAAAAA!


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That was rather quick, now all the border crossings except Raja-Jooseppi up north ":D" are closed and the Frontex alerted.
So GG, Putte; all it took was a busful of refugees a day and we managed to show both hypocricy and weakness at the same time, while this fucking circus will provide a convenient smoke screen for the neoliberals and endless talking points for the fascists for months to come.

How'd you fare if the Kremlim decided to drop a boatful of folks into, say, Gotland, I wonder.


So it was annual "Helsinki without nazis" demo, and anarchists and maoists started beating each other up. Fucking embarrassing.



based Putin accelerating the contradictions
two retards fighting


The anarchists and the organizers started it when they didn't want to let in "authoritarian communists," so they banned the hammer sickle and other traditional communist symbols from being used in the march. The communist marchers brought them anyway, and the anarchists took that personally.


The events, as recounted by Finbol, who was present at the demonstration with members of KTP, quickly translated into English:

"We participated in the 'Helsinki Without Nazis' demonstration. The Communists formed a red block.

Right at the beginning, there was a minor incident when one of the organizers of the demonstration tried to snatch a sickle and hammer flag from a Maoist comrade. They do not want to allow sickle and hammer flags, as they are supposedly authoritarian. Everyone started shouting for them to stop, and chants like 'down with Lapua Laws', 'united front against fascism', etc. were heard. Eventually, he gave up. The reactionaries did not manage to remove the sickle and hammer flags. At the same time, as [Petri] Orpo's government is pushing for a ban on communist symbols, all leftists should support the communists! Especially since the police were against the entire demonstration.

About 30-60 minutes after the start of the demonstration, the police began to push the protesters off the square with strong measures. However, the protesters remained calm, and we were slowly pushed out of the square. That probably took about an hour. The protesters were divided into several groups, but care was taken to ensure that no one was left behind. Even after leaving the square, we were slowly pushed further away along the streets for a couple of hours.

All the while we were being pushed away from the square, chants like 'no Nazis in Helsinki', 'Finnish police, the Nazis' henchmen', etc., were heard.

The purpose of the demonstration was to prevent Nazis from marching in Helsinki. The Nazis were supposed to gather at Töölö Square at 18:30. 'Helsinki Without Nazis' gathered at Töölö Square at 16:00, but the police had forbidden it, intending to enable the Nazi march. Ultimately, the police managed to clear the square so that the Nazis could march. The police are dedicated to ensuring that Nazis can march freely. At the same time, however, anti-communist repression is increasing.

There was a very small group of Nazis. The police moved a vast number of people out of the way for a few Nazis."


>Soldiers of Odin
Those autistic clowns are still around? lmao


snatching flags sounds kinda authoritarian ngl
Mr. Putin pls denazify Finland


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I hope everyone is watching /ourboy/


Shouldn't they agreed to non-sectarian terms beforehand?


The main organizers of the annual antifascist demonstration are anarchist and "anti-authoritarian" groups and Left Youth (social democrats). The call for demonstration said that "authrotarian symbols" are not allowed. They don't specify what they mean, but it means Communist symbols.

Previous years Communist groups formed their own Red Block in the march, but because Communists presence started growing and they didn't want to submit to anarchist authority, the organizers banned the forming of an "official" Red Block completely this year (hoping Communists would not show up at all). But of course they did and had their symbols with them too.

At the spot the organizers didn't try to kick the Communists out, only asked them to move "away from the spotlight" which the Communists agreed. There was no disagreement and all happened peacefully. After this couple of anarchist activists were unhappy and attacked Communists with violence trying to take their flags. Communists stood their ground and the violent idiots had to back off.

It's funny that the biggest anti-communists in Finland are not the fasctist groups or the government, but the anarchists.


>anarchist authority


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This symbol ban was 110% because of the Maoists who do little more than crach other people's demonstrations to draw attention to themselves.


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A spectre is haunting the taiga – the spectre of communism


K has been receiving greetings in preparation to their 20th congress. here's one from Clare Daly, the bane of EU libs


and here's one from Jaime Caycedo
also I was wrong, they've already had the congress


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Election update:

The 2nd round will be Stubb vs. Haavisto, 2024/2/11.

Stubb appears to have a slight advantage. It all depends on how many Halla-aho voters decide to sleep and how Rehn voters split.

I should add, it's not so simple that all Center party voters lean right, lots of rural pensioners with working class identities who want regional politics and less Helsinki-centeredness 1st and foremost. Stubb on the other hand is value liberal and speaks Swedish, though Haavisto is the groke herself for the Ass-Finns.

In the end, both candidates are accomplished diplomats so we will get an adequate president. I got to have my cake and eat it too, thanks to all the other leftists who chose Haavisto in this round :D


Finland-Swedish chads keep winning


Has Sweden always been this Israel-cucked?


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So, no big surprises; Stubb vs. Haavisto 52,8 / 47,2 %.

Other news: stikes, as executed within the system don't work. We need more bank robbers.


The strike isn't working out? Idk anything about it but i will wager Vas is supporting it but will get nothing out of it as usual.


Porky is prepared to play to the bitter end and there's very little we can do, legally or otherwise.

The only the strikes haven't been curbed yet by appealing to national security or whatever excuse seems to be just to make the unions weaker. They are going to do a Reagan.

Speaking of curbing the strikes by legal means, ahen ahem. It wasn't even a political strike but 100 % employee-employer issue.


>The only the
The only reason the

-oops, typoed there.


vad tycker folk om dumpen.se?


Finland just had a school shooting yesterday. Oh boy.


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awful. also expect gun laws to become more restrictive, rather than dealing with bullying which seems to be the underlying cause here


>be me
>be out at the local pub with friends
>point out that I have no dog in this race if Russian should invade and that I would probably fuck off into the woods should it come to that
>get called a flatfoot for this
how are my fellow flatfeet doing this fine evening?


I understand but I have no allegiance towards Russia and Im prepared to die. It would be just another capitalist versus capitalist war.


>but I have no allegiance towards Russia and Im prepared to die
not sure how to parse this but take out some Russian porkies I guess?


The idea is that I would be obliged to sabotage my country war efforts if it was USSR invading.


I've been trying to raise the same point with my friends for a while. to drive the point home I've sarcastically been suggesting we should deport all Ukrainians lest Putler win the war


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amazing agitprop
>say no to rifles
but we need those


Of course but it's more of a anti-gangsterist message you know


>Amazing agitprop
Varför ljuger du? Den extremt dåliga kvaliteten och grammatiska felen är uppenbarligen gjorda i mån av att håna.


that's redig proletarian grammar you're insulting
go to Kirunavaara


pojkar och >flickor vad gör vi mot DCA? mer än att skriva på namninsamlingen vill säga. kan vi agitera nog att jänkarsoldater känner sig ovälkomna i landet? särskilt i glesbygdn


It's quite remarkable how uniquely brainwashed most Finns are. Is there similar derangement in other scandi countries?


Was this against the cuckservative 616 or actual fascist NRM?
Just peculiar how willing some people are to die for the well being of American capital. And to do so when the internet exists.


>Just peculiar how willing some people are to die for the well being of American capital
I don't think these people think that way. it's more the constant propaganda of le evil russians, spooking the population into submission. if you criticize this then you are a putin shill. we have no choice but to join nato, allow nukes on swedish soil etc because russia is an evil asiatic horde that cannot be reasoned with


Yeah but the internet exists, and so do history books. How can someone know of the history of atrocity propaganda and the world wars and still not see what is going on?

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