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 No.296564[View All]

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Has any Marxist theorist addressed how most right wingers are clearly biologically defective? I don't think any education or change in material conditions can rewire their brain. I know due to history of eugenics this question is uncomfortable, but one cannot ignore how utterly deranged the average anti-communist is.


did Lenin really liked Trotsky more than Stalin?
cause it makes no sense, like, Trot has just too many dissonances with his vision


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liberalism is only leftist going by the wack-Overton Window of the USA

No. For those who will inevitably cite “Lenin’s Testament”
Lenin’s Testament is a questionable piece of work written at a time when Lenin was no longer in a fit state of mind and when it was becoming obvious that a successor for Lenin was going to be needed. Trotsky at that time showed his true colors and struck out as the opposition, going against Lenin’s ideas, but instead of fighting with Lenin who was all but dead, he instead focused on twisting Lenin’s words for his own purposes against his opponents, and using the authority of Lenin’s words to try and discredit them.

Lenin’s testament shows that Lenin did not KNOW that Stalin would be his successor but that it was likely regardless of his flaws. In fact the falling out with Stalin right before Lenin's death was because Stalin had given Lenin's wife a rebuke while discussing communist policy and she complained to Lenin about it who obviously took offense on her behalf.



thank you! that was really helpful


Is there any critique of utilitarianism from a socialist perspective? I vaguely remember reading something about it on this website


So what's up with this Simon Sebag Montefiore guy? Wrote "The Court of the Red Tsar", spread the "Stalin had a child bride" thing, is beloved by all of liberal society, what's going on with him?
Does he just make shit up? What's the dirt on him?


bro had his name in the Epstein flight logs, you do the math


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He's a hack. An unscholarly hack who writes pop history books for rich people. Should never be treated as a serious historian.
I tried his Stalin bio when I was researching the Beria case. He doesn't source most of the things he says about Beria, and when he does he relies on anecdotal evidence and dubious accusations. And even the few times he mentions "archival documents" he doesn't source said documents. He simply says "Oh but there are archives that prove this and that" You CAN'T fucking say the evidence proves x thing and not cite said evidence. You cease to be a historian when you do shit like this. And of course to top it off, the man accusing others of mass rape was friends with Jeffrey Epstein.


bro accused stalin of being a pedo while literally being on the epstein flight logs lol, if anything bringing this up is a good thing and helps discredit boof ass anti communist hysterics


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The fact that he's on Epstein's List should say enough. He's a fucking anti-communist and his sources are trash.


One gorillion years ago Jeremy Bentham came up with a thought experiment: Suppose we want to make people happy. There are many factors to consider: The intensity of how good or bad it is, whether it happens sooner or later, how long its duration is, how likely it is that it happens blahblah. Almost all these numbers are wild guesses. Marx made a few short dismissive comments about Bentham's "calculus".

Since then Marxists "know" it is right and proper to be dismissive of utilitarianism without either reading Bentham or any of the more recent things. Also, some SanFran dorks are into utilitarianism ("efficient altruism") including some recently arrested finance innovator. Guilt by vibes. It's trendy among the online left to call utilitarianism a pro-capitalist ideology (or "neoliberal ideology" if you want to say the same thing but are too much of a coward).

But it is easy to argue for an almost total leveling of income and wealth with utilitarian arguments.


>But it is easy to argue for an almost total leveling of income and wealth with utilitarian arguments.
That isn't the lofty mission and goal of Communism.


>But it is easy to argue for an almost total leveling of income and wealth with utilitarian arguments.
Which is simply impossible under a capitalism system.


Was a goal of many communists pre-Marx and still is.
That was the point of the statement.


the fact that something can be used to assemble an argument for communism does not, in itself, mean it's not worthy of ridicule or not primarily found in service of capitalism. (one can argue for communism based on the acts of the Biblical Jesus, but that doesn't redeem the church…)

then i am not a communist!


What is the raison d'etre of the stock market beyond actual capital investments these days? Are futures just a way for the bourgeoise to gamble so that the enormous amounts of dollars printed have somewhere to escape?


What question are you asking? The raison detre is to make money.


Clearly not, since futures have an expected profit of 0%. In fact, the profit is effectively negative because of the opportunity cost of not investing that money into actual capital which would produce a positive profit albeit meagre.


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To me, governments are just corporations that get to make their own laws and money.

Corporations are just governments that are primarily focused on employment and profit making.

Government and corporations are both just abstract subclasses of organization. Organizations can take an infinite number of forms and yet in practice, as a species, we stick to a few stereotypical template types. Why is this?


if you serve bourgeois society you are held to no standard of evidence. If you are a socialist you are expected to be an expert in every single field simultaneously.



>Love Mao all you want (he was perhaps the greatest liberal democrat of the 20th century after all) but don't pretend he overthrew capitalism
Apparently attempting to dissolute your own ML State for a classless, moneyless society directly controlled by the proletariet masses is now considered neoliberal capitalist egalitarianism because of thirdworldism


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>governments are just corporations that get to make their own laws and money.
Not quite lol


Ignoring the philosophical drivel at the end, indeed, the state is itself the largest capitalist that enforces and reproduces bourgeois social relations, and each bourgeois state is in competition with other bourgeois states just like bourgeois firms.


Is it unhinged to argue that some people are genetically reactionary?


Yes. I mean in theory politics is partly based on genetics but if you start skull measuring you're just gonna look psychotic


lmfao absolutely


im not a fascist because of my class position i actually have the reactionary gene


>in theory politics is partly based on genetics
uygha wdymmmm


I strongly suspect that the bourgeoise are to a large extent selected by genetic traits for anti social behaviour, and as such they should be understood as a parasitic sub-species of human.
Does it not bother you how class consciousness seems to rub off some people like water off a leaf? I am struggling to come up with alternative explanations for why some people are so pathologically resistant to Marxist thinking.


>they should be understood as a parasitic sub-species of human
love moralist whining in my 'marxist' analysis


When Stalin said "the blackest reaction", what does "black" mean here? I've heard this quote a million times, but never thought to question what black meant. I guess I just interpreted as "deep"
or entrenched but maybe it means something else?


Are you not english first language? "Black" or "dark" has been a way of saying "bad", "scary", etc for a long time. For all i know that was just artistic license from whoever translated the quote, though I wouldnt be surprised if thats a common feature in many languages


I wish socialism worked better than capitalism since my values and principles align almost one to one with socialists, but seeing what happened in practice across the world, it is kind of hard to support it. Even Salvador Allende, the democratically elected leader, had skeletons in his closet. In practice, I guess I have to support social democracy since it's the closest system to socialism without being socialism, and has a functioning base on which it can be focused on providing and leveling everything even for everyone with high equality and high quality of life. If communism worked better than capitalism, then I would 100% support it, but seeing the mixed results just deters me.


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This is what youtube proposes to me after listening to this based song:

"Stalin" - Swedish Communist Song

How do we fight against the algorithm? Maybe mostly not for us but for others.


Same, i keep watching communist music but my only recomendations are fascist larping music


>>1835661 (me)
In youtube


recommendations are also based on the views of people in and around your geographic location


Makes sense, i should use a VPN to avoid those problems in the future.


Where the hell would you set it to?
Even invidious instances are mostly techlord clickbait sponsored shit


He meant that it would be enforced by the Sudanese.
Parasite is an ecological niche, where is the moralizing?



yt recs are unhinged even on a freshly installed windows computer under a new ip. i just completely ignore them and hid the column with an adblocker


What material conditions lead to the AH empire exploding into a billion different nations? In the case of Czechia the different level of industry makes sense, but what about the other ones?


They took the "yougoslavia 1000 states" focus tree path. It happened because no player wanted austria hungary, so dividing them into small groups would make it easier to conquer/exploit them and their mineral resources.

Also, ww1, the result was the complete destruction of austria hungary in small states in accordance with the treaty:
https://www.theworldwar.org/learn/peace/treaties-signed#:~:text=The Treaty of Saint-Germain,well as part of Poland.
Having concluded terms of peace with Germany, the Allies turned their attention to the remaining former Central Powers. The Treaty of Saint-Germain, signed on September 10, 1919, formally dissolved the Austro-Hungarian Empire and forced the new Republic of Austria to accept the independence of over 60 percent of its former territory. This territory included the new nations of Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, as well as part of Poland.

Bulgaria signed the Treaty of Neuilly a couple of months later, losing territory to the new Yugoslavia and all access to the Aegean Sea. Hungary, now an independent state following its separation from Austria less than a month before the Armistice, lost two-thirds of its former territory and 58 percent of its population in the Treaty of Trianon, signed on June 4, 1920.


Thoughts on Charles Péguy?


Is materialist religion possible?


My faith in socialism has been completely, shot, destroyed, kaput. I thought it wouldn't happen again, but my worldview has been completely dismantled and changed. Now the only reason to go to this website is because it disagrees with me slightly less than /pol/ and there's no liberal version of 4chan.


People who see the image as egotistical and "braindead" have never been around American midwest working class factory workers. I'm not saying 90%, but the majority of them really do lack critical thought, in my experience. It does make sense when you consider their developmental environment was nothing but cable television, mainstream internet, and American public education. I really struggle to believe they can be rehabilitated.


erm tengo pregunta
Does timekeeping under a socialist system make sense? Obviously better measures of productivity exist, like measuring in bushels for harvesting or number of colors painted for fine artists. Wait, is it *liberal* to track productivity? I am going to kill myself.
Think of jobs that have a time component though, for example a daycare where an adult always needs to be present. Is self-reported time tracking enough? Anyway, looking for shit that talks about productivity tracking in socialist economies. Please help me, it will prevent my suicide.

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