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🗽United States Politics🦅

Absolute State of America Edition

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth.


State mandated propaganda livestreams:
CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
Bloomberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dp8PhLsUcFEegalitarianism
450 posts and 113 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


lol not only is biden losing his party is revolting against him and wants to replace him.
I have no idea how you can still be "bullish" on biden. espcially with those leaked internal polls


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Biden won't be the man but if Democrats wanted to, they could win this very easily.
They simply don't want to and need to push the country rightward. It is no loss to them if the country is cannibalized - and besides, I doubt they will let it come to an election at all, or want to continue such things as "elections". They already speak openly of abrogating all rights to those who don't pass their intelligence test, and two generations are trained to believe this is not only natural but Absolute.


burdened mf:


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We had two elections in a row where the election was not accepted. Biden or whoever the Democrats decide to replace him with will not accept the results of the election.People are under the impression that Democrats are not capable of power grabs and fascism like the Republicans. The narrative is already in place that Trump is a Putin puppet who has a secret plan to subvert the US and the recent supreme court case has allowed this narrative to increase. Some democrat insiders are suggesting to kill "democracy" to save "democracy" and that will result in a standoff after November. I still lean towards 2028 being the powder keg election but 2024 has the potential to be. Either way, once the military has to be involved to salvage the election, that can of worms will permanently change the country and allow for more military involvement in domestic affairs.


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>Cope:The Post


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Oh man they can't take Biden off the ballot. Only other option is fucking Kamala hahaha
>WISCONSIN — It’s already too late to remove Joe Biden from the ballot.
>NEVADA—After tonight, the fourth Friday in June, it will be too late to remove Joe Biden.
>GEORGIA—Only a few weeks remain before it will be too late to remove Biden from the ballot.
>The Heritage Oversight project has set their sights on three contentious swing states where they believe taking Biden off the Democratic ticket would not allow anyone else to replace him: Georgia, Nevada and Wisconsin.
>Wisconsin does not allow withdrawal from the ballot for any reason besides death.
>In Nevada, no changes can be made to the ballot after 5 p.m. on the fourth Friday in June of an election year or ‘a nominee dies or is adjudicated insane or mentally incompetent.’
>If Biden were to withdraw less than 60 days before the election Georgia his name will remain on the ballot but no votes will be counted.
>In Texas, the two party’s nominees have until the 74th day before the election to withdraw from the ballot. Some states, like South Carolina, do not allow candidates to withdraw for political reasons.
<An influential Republican group is already prepping for a counter-fight should Democrats try to pull Joe Biden off the top of the ticket.
<‘Due to the rapid decline of President Biden, as seen by his bizarre episode at the G-7, The Oversight Project is taking the unprecedented step to release this draft,’ said Mike Howell, Executive Director of The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project, in a statement.
<‘We are monitoring the calls from across the country for President Biden to step aside, either now or before the election, and have concluded that the process for substitution and withdrawal is very complicated. We will remain vigilant that appropriate election integrity procedures are followed.’
<If Joe Biden were to withdraw at any point before the Democratic National Convention, it would be up to the delegates at the DNC to pick a new nominee. But from there, they can expect legal challenges from Republicans looking to prevent any other Democratic nominee from getting on the ballot in certain states.
<The Heritage Oversight project has set their sights on three contentious swing states where they believe taking Biden off the Democratic ticket would not allow anyone else to replace him: Georgia, Nevada and Wisconsin.
<Wisconsin does not allow withdrawal from the ballot for any reason besides death.
<In Nevada, no changes can be made to the ballot after 5 p.m. on the fourth Friday in June of an election year or ‘a nominee dies or is adjudicated insane or mentally incompetent.’
<If Biden were to withdraw less than 60 days before the election Georgia his name will remain on the ballot but no votes will be counted.
<In Texas, the two party’s nominees have until the 74th day before the election to withdraw from the ballot. Some states, like South Carolina, do not allow candidates to withdraw for political reasons.
<Some states don’t have any laws on the books for dealing with a presidential nominee withdrawing, and there is little precedent for such a situation occurring.
<Biden, to be clear, has publicly said he has no intentions of withdrawing. But he’s long been swamped by speculation on his cognitive decline.
>Heritage Foundation


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It is certainly not a one to one comparison but there was overwhelmingly crushing vibes that Modi's party would crush the weird centrist party, but they managed to actually lose a few seats to them. WHile the situation is not the same at all, I would not doubt that democrats would overperform, even if they still LOST. That being said I do give them an incumbency advantage, people don't like change. India's situation feels more geographically similiar to the US than say France is. Where pollsters did measure things accurately enough.

I would also say I'm not democrat pilled, mostly just feeling the overall vibes of 2024. I felt the vibes of 2022 being where the zoomers would turn right even if I was wrong about WHAT was the cause of it (It was certainly tradcaths but idk if arthoes have anything to do with it, seems more like alpha male influencers)
mayhaps but it could also die down
i think it was also like a singular poll that i think buttigieg's team dropped, it seemed CIA-ish to me. Kind of a low-key story people forget
This seems like a bit of cope to me. I simply do not believe that Buttigieg would win THAT hard. I just refuse to believe it.
if the democrats lose, they would absolutely not do jack fucking shit
meh i felt like i explained what my instincts feel.


It will be 2024 as the final year, or the last election and the result will leave such an ugliness that it will be enough. Enough people will say what has become apparent - that the republic must die, and it would be the republic. Democracy as a concept isn't just gone, but so ridiculed that it cannot be restored.


I was within the minority which thought Trump was not gonna win, but given the utter trainwreck which was that debate, it's undeniable that if they pick Biden, they lose.


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I was bullish but have become bearish on Biden and the Dems seem like they're shitting the bed in real time. I'm thinking it might be irrecoverable because the main line of attack on Biden was vindicated on T.V. in extreme fashion. Everyone saw through the charade. People who pretended everything was fine but KNEW something was wrong but kept silent about it, that is just no longer sustainable. That is just death for a politician.

Main thing is that the track record of people being able to predict the future is remarkably bad. Also on Russia's war, launching an offensive can really be like rolling the dice. It's starting to sound like there might actually be negotiations to end the war. Russia looks able to grind on and hold on to what they have, expand it a little, but the war did not go the way they planned. Russian media outlets and their flunkeys will spin it, but their army has just not performed up to expectations. There's also this rightward shift going on in Europe, but that has not necessarily changed the opinion of Russia for the better. It makes me wonder if, now knowing how it has gone, whether would Putin have still done it.


I mean Democrat-pilled in the sense you fixate on the national polling and forget the electoral college exists
>if the democrats lose, they would absolutely not do jack fucking shit
What do you think they'd do? Beg extra hard for donations for the next most important election of our lives?
>once the military has to be involved to salvage the election, that can of worms will permanently change the country and allow for more military involvement in domestic affairs.
NSCbros… we're gonna win


This is not an issue. You're really voting for electors, so come the "real election" of the electors, they will be told to switch their vote to whomever the Democrats say, and that will be clear. They can just say "Biden = so and so" and deliver that message to the rank and file. But, being a major party, they can set the ballots to whatever they need them to be, and the election authorities are not able to pull the shenanigans certain assholes like pulling against people who actually give a shit.

Whether the Democrats give a shit is a different question. If the Democrats gave a shit, they would stop this indecision and slam anyone who does the stupid insinuation game of who should run in the idiot press. Of course, if Biden is replaced, and he almost certainly will be after this, the Democrats know who they really want. It was expected that they would wait until the primaries are done to foist the real candidate in.

I believe that whomever it will be will be someone unexpected, who has kept a low profile until he is announced (and it will be a man, don't be silly), who represents more or less openly "the deep state" and flashes his cred with that group. They already got the libs to become soulless and willing to accept anything. They're going to keep the public twisting themselves in knots for a while longer, then the guy they really want sweeps in as the savior.



>die down

biden is just getting older and more demented, we have 4 months left, trump hasnt even picked a vp yet


They proved many times that they could make basically anyone they want into a President and give him unlimited PR. Obama was the test case for manufacturing the ideal candidate in a lab. It did help that he was prepared for that mission long in advance, but if they really can promote anyone, they have no shortage of suits who can be promoted. The biggest problem is finding someone the olds will like, or announcing that the boomers are over and it's time for them to leave this mortal coil - also already propagated and proven successful among the screamers.


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Imagine Biden at the second "debate" putting on the same sort of horror show. It would be too late then to do anything about it. The Democratic theme on "saving democracy" also might actually accelerate pushing Biden aside, because it's not a question of whether Trump is 10,000x worse, that's not the point.


Truman was a random pick that the democrats chose because they didn't want Henry Wallace. Whoever is picked will be someone that the media is not talking about and that insiders have chosen.


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>trump hasnt even picked a vp yet
it's happening


bruh they arent going to civil war over this they are on the same team. dems are baby face and trump is the heel. trump wins this season to justify open hostility to "extremism" so when he puts pro-palestine people in camps dems cheer that hes getting rid of susan sarandon and jill stein. then next season dems win again but cross the isle to keep the camps open in the name of respectability honorable decorum. everyone blames the uppity browns and college kids for making hillary lose and claps when they execute russia bots that made biden lose. script is already written


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Yeah I'm thinking it's finished.
Over, even.


>Donkey in the room
So he was the only real democrat in the room?


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>"the donkey in the room"
I love this timeline.


Biden in the bunker:

>But inside the White House, Biden’s growing limitations were becoming apparent long before his meltdown in last week’s debate, with the senior team’s management of the president growing more strictly controlled as his term has gone on. During meetings with aides who are putting together formal briefings they’ll deliver to Biden, some senior officials have at times gone to great lengths to curate the information being presented in an effort to avoid provoking a negative reaction.

>“It’s like, ‘You can’t include that, that will set him off,’ or ‘Put that in, he likes that,’” said one senior administration official. “It’s a Rorschach test, not a briefing. Because he is not a pleasant person to be around when he’s being briefed. It’s very difficult, and people are scared shitless of him.”

>The official said, “He doesn’t take advice from anyone other than those few top aides, and it becomes a perfect storm because he just gets more and more isolated from their efforts to control it.”

>The debate, however, was so dismal for Biden that nobody could ignore it. For as furiously as Biden’s advisers have pushed back on concerns about his age, the now 81-year-old president’s halting, soft-spoken and scattered responses to former President Donald Trump, 78, shattered the party’s magical thinking on the subject. That the president’s difficulties came as such a shock was largely the result of how effectively his top aides and the White House on the whole has, for three and a half years, kept him in a cocoon — far away from cameras, questions and more intense public scrutiny.



Nothingburger. Watch, they'll keep him 1000%.


If it's come to that and that is real, it is for sure over. The Emperor might strut around naked and dare anyone to say so, but if too many say so at once, the edict that the Emperor has a right of nudity won't impress anyone.


Remember when shitlibs were telling anyone to the left of them they didn't understand government because we called Biden a right-wing schizo shitting his diapers


i really do not see it happening this dramatically. american institutions are so malleable from the inside while their ideological justification has a ton of inertia. i think its much more realistic to see elections and parties as much more openly managed while the rhetoric of freedom and democracy stays very prominent, if not more desperate.

but i could be wrong and maybe we've been living in exactly that period since bush's judicial coup in 2000, and 2024 or 2028 are the moment when the rhetoric is finally forced to surrender to the institutional reality of contempt for even nomimal popular participation in governance


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nothing will happen. presumably they were also riling against the palestinian genocide for months, but it's just posturing for the midterms. the dems are bracing themselves for a loss. the only issue is that they're miscalculating just how profound of a defeat 2024 will be.

also lmao this public lamentation shit is beyond pathetic. bitch go canvass on wisconsin or whatever, do something beyond just trying to cut your veins with spaghetti


>Pointing fingers doesn't do any good now
I'm blaming shitlibs for this one.


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tvlcels, we are so back


biden is under performing Hillary 2016 in virtually every metric. his historic losses in blacks and latinos silence any kind of "well america is more brown than 8 years ago tho" argument. if there was ever a situation where a dem was going to be soundly beaten it's this. Staying the course with biden still probably makes sense though. if you're likely to lose in any scenario it's better to avoid the chaos of dumping your candidate of dumping your candidate months before the race.


the weirdest thing about this debate drama for me is how hypnotized everyone is by the spectacle. we literally all know this old faggot has been senile for the past decade and everyone is suddenly pretending like it's breaking news because he shat himself in the debate. he won last time despite being senile
>but it's been 4 years he's so much worse
barely. this nygha been cooked for years and it didn't make demokkkraps 1 bit ashamed to vote for him


Tone deaf as she is, she’s not wrong. People have survived this. It’s not written in stone that we’re all going to die


I mean the handwringing and equivocating is cowardly and stupid, like there's nobody to blame for this situation, and of course it's not literally the end of the world (even though the world is ending and nobody is stopping it) but to act like we just need to move on and forget who got us in this situation is just standard liberal bullshit


>People have survived this.
it's because nothing will really happen beyond things just progressively growing worse as they have been since reagan. presidents were effectively above the law already, we were already being ruled by god kings. also no, she's fucking wrong, this is a prematurely defeatist shit is what's embarrassing lol. like libs have two speeds only, scold and lament.


trump isnt going to do shit, he has no ideology other than "more money for me and fuck you"
congress will be taken by democrats and judges will slap down anything he does, holy shit he was president once you know, for 4 years. this greedy new york business man isnt a christian nationalist lol

the only thing that will be interesting is what he has planned for foreign policy, thats were he will cause trouble


they have a third speed which is smug
y'know what, i do believe i did kind of fugg up when i did not take into account state level polling, but that seems a bit unreliable to me tbh. I have seen some massive ass swings from one side to the other on those.
still THO

I am pretty bored of biden now. JFK jr is getting raked.


> he won last time despite being senile
There are a few key differences than 2020. One, we were under COVID lock downs so Biden got to be in his basement for most of the campaign. Two, the debate structure in 2020 allowed Trump to interrupt him constantly so people said Biden was mature and didn't get to speak. Three, Biden wasn't the incumbent president at the time so no one blamed him for their economic woes.
>barely. this nygha been cooked for years and it didn't make demokkkraps 1 bit ashamed to vote for him
They got to pretend that Biden was operating behind the scene but the debate destroyed that image. The debate confirmed it with no spin this time that's why it's damaging


what is this shit, of course shes fucking wrong, who said "were all going to die"? what kind of hysterical liberal millenarianism are you smoking that the illusion of popular democracy in the US breaking down and the country declining away from its imperial throne is somehow such an unimaginable scenario that its game over and were all in the camps tomorrow?

god i fucking despise liberals. centuries of slavery, genocide, jim crowe, pinkertons and feds destroying unions and murdering organizers, global terror campaigns to enforce american hegemony, bush's judicial coup and patriot act, millions in prison and jails and under surveillance, and now the prospect of america being something other than a shining city on the hill is UNTHINKABLE

i spit on you


>Donkey in the room
Kek, so liberals CAN be funny, they're just choosing not to be
*channeling the spirit of Thalmann* IT'S YOUR FAULT SHITLIB! VOTE PSL 2024!


Managing elections in this way is a lot more expensive than you think. The facade is tiresome and produces less and less the longer it goes on.

It was mostly a matter of waiting until the Boomers died, and with them, the last living memory that heard of a thing called a "republic" as if it were a serious proposition.


missing the point of what I said but yes


>she's not wrong
Well her and her party are the reason we are in such a shit pridicament in the first place. Anytime she shilled liberalism she made her country a little bit worse for it.


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my bad i was mostly responding to the contrapoints post and thought you were largely agreeing with it


*aid shows up*
huh? what are you doing here?


Being funny is unprofessional and looks low-class.


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I understood this reference.


or representative w/e

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