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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 [Last 50 Posts]

🗽United States Politics🦅

Absolute State of America Edition

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth.


State mandated propaganda livestreams:
CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
Bloomberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dp8PhLsUcFEegalitarianism


I would argue that a preemptive cleansing of a particular area of fascism would qualify as "self defense" to any hypothetical anarchist commune of more than a few thousand people, and thus be considered kosher


>everything is shit and everyone is useless and nothing ever happens
the problem is that all of these are true in the West
>sadness, the most cruel weapon of the bourgeoisie
*delusion, the most cruel weapon of the bourgeoisie


>how "bad" we are
uygha why are you even identifying with it. Are you the American government or something?


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I mean, probably, it's just why I find the "libertarian" label or fretting about "statist authoritarianism" to be a bit silly. You're gonna need censorship and arrests to secure a revolution.

>uygha why are you even identifying with it. Are you the American government or something?

We aren't hyper-atomized monads completely separate from all history. "We" are the product of our forebears, their decisions, and the world around us. My grandfather was shooting down Zeros in the Pacific Theater, I'm not going to fucking cry "Oh noooo! He murdered those poor innocent kamikaze pilots! He made it easier for the big bad American gubmint to drop nukes on glorious nippon! T_T"

All the whining about the nukes are an attempt to foist some kind of "sin" or guilt on everyday Americans. It's to make them feel awful and like they have to "make up" for it. You see the Western Left do this all the time: they want the Spanish people to feel guilty about the reconquista, they want Americans to feel guilty about the nukes, etcetera. It's directed at the people to make them feel fucking timid and ashamed of themselves: well fuck it. Zero guilt over the a-bomb. Not gonna fucking cry over Hiroshima.


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Dark Brandon please save us, you can destroy your enemies. You can enact Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. You can dissolve the Supreme Court and the government itself.


the two rhetorical tactics of the Liberal Democrat:
1. "we have to vote Democrat this election to stop an ideology that hasnt exist since 1945!"
2. "we also have to vote Democrat in every single future election for the rest of our lives otherwise the ghost of Hitler will come back!"
they will repeat these two points until Liberalism has become completely normalized by the time the third World War is performed


wtf what is this schizo website
how do i delete it from my post


the two rhetorical tactics of the fascist:
>to stop an ideology that hasnt exist since 1945
1. historical revisionism and idealism
>we also have to vote Democrat in every single future election for the rest of our lives otherwise the ghost of Hitler will come back
2. point 1 of my original post


>SHE publicly stated that she wanted to set up re-education camps for MAGApedes.
Damn, based, never heard of that before. If only.


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>God Biden can straight up declare himself Augustus right now and he straight up is not going to do it. What a fuckin pussy
Unironically Hillary is your gal if you wanted that. SHE would have loved this ruling and actually use it to the full extent.SHE publicly stated that she wanted to set up re-education camps for MAGApedes. SHE wanted to bomb everything that moves to protect US hegemony.
Hilldog would have jailed Trump and all dissecting views against her as Russian disinformation. Hilldog publicly stated that SHE wanted to set up re-education camps for MAGApedes and other extremist. Palestinian protesters would definitely be put in re-education camps and learn the correct history of Israel. MAGApedes will be taught the true value of democracy and we shall live in a rebirthed republic free from reactionary thought under HER leadership.The liberal leader you guys wanted is Hillary and fun fact SHE is still in the game.


that ending credits for that slaps hard.


>"Oh noooo! He murdered those poor innocent kamikaze pilots! He made it easier for the big bad American gubmint to drop nukes on glorious nippon! T_T"
Nobody was talking about soldiers dying in the war, though.

Idk seems like you're saying it (the nuking) was a good thing which is silly since it's what enabled the US to occupy Kore, which caused the Korean war. Even if you don't care about the hundreds of thousands of civilians killed that had no control over what their government did, there's plenty of reasons why the nuking was detrimental. It would've also been beneficial to have the US tied down fighting Japan while the Chinese Civil War was raging. Aid to the KMT would've been limited. Not like it was a noble act motivated by ending fascism in Japan either. The US installed Japanese collaborators in their occupation of Korea.


>I don't care about non-combatant casualties because my dad shot down combatants


>because they always say everything is shit and everyone is useless and nothing ever happens

We live in fucking burgerstan, dude. It's justified.


> My grandfather was shooting down Zeros in the Pacific Theater, I'm not going to fucking cry "Oh noooo! He murdered those poor innocent kamikaze pilots! He made it easier for the big bad American gubmint to drop nukes on glorious nippon! T_T"
My grandfather killed North Koreans. And he wasn't even drafted. He volunteered. I recognize his actions as a form of complicity with imperialism. I don't whine about it. I don't see it as original sin that I've inherited. I just accept it for what it is. I also refuse to take some kind of arbitrary pride in it.
>All the whining about the nukes are an attempt to foist some kind of "sin" or guilt on everyday Americans. It's to make them feel awful and like they have to "make up" for it.
You tend to characterize these kinds of things as whining. I remember you taking a similar rhetorical tact in our discussion about the troops the other week. Assuming you are the same CPUSA anon. The issue with the atom bomb isn't that it was used against an axis power, but that it was used specifically against civilian population centers, not for the purpose of ending the war, as claimed, but for the purpose of sending a message to the USSR. Most of the victims of the atom bombs were working class men, women, and children in Japan, not the soldiers or the imperial leadership. It was intended that Japan be controlled for decades by the US-backed libdem party, and not by Socialist proxies of any kind. This kind of critique is a little more valid than the "whining" you perceive yourself as responding to, and I don't think it's necessary to care that much about idealists who view the crimes of our ruling class as some kind of sin we inherit.


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Yeah Hillary said it in an interview.Either way, Sleepy Joe needs to stand aside


Not gonna happen. They're all in on the scam, and the last thing any of them wants is to create a civil war


>they want Americans to feel guilty about the nukes, etcetera
Idk about making modern Americans "Guilty", but it's important to recognize historical injustices and things that contribute to people being disenfranchised in the modern day. If we don't, then it's a lot harder to go about adressing them if we instead just say that minorities are poorer because they just need to stop committing crimes, or because they have low IQ, or because they need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Not that I'm saying that you believe any of those things.


there were 8 five star generals and admirals during WW2. 7 of these deemed the bombings of Hiroshima to be unnecessary

>"The atom bomb played no decisive part from a purely military point of view in the defeat of Japan. The use of atomic bombs at H and N was of no material assistance in our war against japan. The japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender" - fleet admiral chester W nimitz

<"I didnt like the atom bomb or any part of it. An effective naval blockade would in the course of time have starved the japanese into submission through lack of oil, rice, medicine, and other essential materials " - Fleet admiral ernest joseph king

>The first atomic bomb was of an unnecessary experiment. It was a mistake to ever drop it. They had this toy and wanted to try it out, so they dropped it. It killed a lot of Japs, but the Japs had put out a lot of peace feelers through Russia long before." -Fleet admiral william halsey, Jr

<"It is my opinion that the use of this barbarous weapon at H and N was of no material assistance in our war against Japan. The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender because of the effective sea blockade and the successful bombing with conventional weapons." - Fleet admiral william D Leahy

>"It always appeared to us that atomic bomb or no atomic bomb, the Japanese were already on the verge of collapse." - General of the army and Air Force Henry H. Arnold

<"The japanese were ready to surrender and it wasn't necessary to hit them with that awful thing." -eisenhower


>The issue with the atom bomb isn't that it was used against an axis power, but that it was used specifically against civilian population centers, not for the purpose of ending the war, as claimed, but for the purpose of sending a message to the USSR. Most of the victims of the atom bombs were working class men, women, and children in Japan, not the soldiers or the imperial leadership

While I agree that that is horrific, I do see it as basically either disingenuous or misinformed to single out the nuclear bombings, when firebombings and other conventional bombing campaigns likewise targeted civilian population centers. It also seems strange to me that its good and fine to laugh about "do it again bomber harris jokes" but then hiroshima and nagasako are treated as a special horror. Dont get me wrong its all plenty horrific, but i dont see the nuclear bombing of japan as uniquely evil in any meaningful way, especially compared to the US's straightforwardly imperialist wars in Korea and Vietnam that could very reasonably be described as genocidal in the scope and purpose of their civilian bombing and starvation campaigns.


Fuck kinda on the trump train anons.
The left is limp dicked under biden
Under trump we mobilized better.
Trump brings the 2020 in the streets out of the American left.


i bet 20$ on blue. am i gonna lose?


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Hilldog lost sleep trying to talk Wellesley students out of Vietnam War protests. She would definitely kill 'em all. One of the lessons of Latin America is that the path to dictatorship is an easy one to follow, and it doesn't happen because the military said "we're in charge" and people said, "well, they do have the guns, so I guess the gig's up." It happened because the political and military elite raised the specter of "domestic terror" and "disorder," and some citizens and politicians alike backed such military projects and ideologies while many more remained passive and just hoped that the militarization of society and politics would lead to stability and thinking it wouldn't lead to a repressive authoritarian regime.

Some ill-informed and naive people think "it can't happen here." But with the growing threat of MAGA extremists, the only difference is that it's not too late to do something to help make that happen again.


>The left


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>under biden: the left does nothing and the liberals do nothing because their people are in power
"wow, wtf the left is so limp dicked"
>under trump: the left does nothing but the liberals radicalize and protest against the government because they are staunchly against maga
"wow, wtf we're so mobilized!"


finally, someone with balls


>It also seems strange to me that its good and fine to laugh about "do it again bomber harris jokes" but then hiroshima and nagasako are treated as a special horror.

I am the anon you are responding to. I see the Dresden bombings as England was doing damage control, destroying parts of Germany that would have otherwise fallen into Soviet hands and gone on to support working class movements. The Dresden bombings to me respresent the same kind of damage control that the USA was doing in Japan. Damage control against the potential future spread of Communism.


>It also seems strange to me that its good and fine to laugh about "do it again bomber harris jokes" but then hiroshima and nagasako are treated as a special horror
I'm not aware of anyone who holds both those views at the same time. The mainstream view (in the US), and the one most people were taught in school, is that both were tragic losses of civilian life but necessary to win the war.


"accelerationism" especially in an electoral context, is merely the performative embrace of the inevitable. The empire is collapsing regardless of which geriatric war criminal you are "on the train" for.


>The liberal leader you guys wanted is Hillary and fun fact SHE is still in the game.

Her stance on Syria was atrocious enough that I have zero regrets not voting for her.

>Western Leftists: "We… we're monsters… all those innocent people in Japan, gone in the flash of an eye. How could we?"
<Chinese Communists: "Haha, atom bomb go 'boom-boom'"

>Nobody was talking about soldiers dying in the war, though.
What do you think enabled us nuking Japan in the first place? Any soldier who fought in the Pacific Theater, no matter how minor his role, bears the "sin" of making the nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki possible. Had America lost, then it simply never would've been able to drop the bombs.

The bombs are being discussed in moralistic terms, and it's only when people reject that moralism that folks try to discuss the finite points of geopolitics and whether they were intimidating the USSR or not. It's an attempt to shame people first and foremost.

>My grandfather killed North Koreans. And he wasn't even drafted. He volunteered. I recognize his actions as a form of complicity with imperialism. I don't whine about it. I don't see it as original sin that I've inherited. I just accept it for what it is. I also refuse to take some kind of arbitrary pride in it.

Unless you told your grandfather he should kill himself for what he did, then you're being a bad leftist.

>You tend to characterize these kinds of things as whining. I remember you taking a similar rhetorical tact in our discussion about the troops the other week. Assuming you are the same CPUSA anon. The issue with the atom bomb isn't that it was used against an axis power, but that it was used specifically against civilian population centers, not for the purpose of ending the war, as claimed, but for the purpose of sending a message to the USSR. Most of the victims of the atom bombs were working class men, women, and children in Japan, not the soldiers or the imperial leadership. It was intended that Japan be controlled for decades by the US-backed libdem party, and not by Socialist proxies of any kind.

It's not like the U.S. made "turning Japan into a socialist state" its explicit goal. The fact is it dropped the nukes on a Fascist state, and the Western Left broadly wants individual American workers to feel bad about it. We're expected to lose sleep and feel bad because Japan's marathon of rape and imperialism ended with two nukes. And my response to this forced guilt is: I don't feel a shred of it. You can't *make* me feel guilty for Hiroshima, no matter how hard you try, and I'm never going to apologize for it.

>Idk about making modern Americans "Guilty", but it's important to recognize historical injustices and things that contribute to people being disenfranchised in the modern day. If we don't, then it's a lot harder to go about adressing them

Do you think some Hollywood shit like Dances With Wolves exists for any other reason than to inflict a personalized psychic guilt on the viewers? Well, and to make money of course. There's no recourse and no remedy, it's just: "YOU have to feel sad about this! YOU benefited from this! YOU have to think about this twenty-four-fucking-seven!"

All this accomplishes is making a cynical, timid type of person. Someone who can't ever grow some backbone because "Oh, what if I hurt someone?"


and the communist view is that both were hegemonic attempts at preventing the spread of communism by taking the initiative to do war crimes before soviets allies could liberate an area by hand and win over the people


>WH: 7:45 PM THE PRESIDENT delivers remarks on the Supreme Court's immunity ruling
B-but it's after 4pm!!


>putin says he prefers biden
>trump will have funny memes
>biden winning might kill dnc credibility
>trump winning might collapse usa
>trump might derail china war

its a hard choice


So the intense police fights and the van ambushes were all just soft liberal shit huh. You forget that co-opted things come from unco-opted origins. Also the George Floyd protest weren't just orange man bad shit.



>BLM was primarily a communist movement


Praxis is teaming up with liberals
Also, >the left


So if billions are gonna die and the extinction event is basically locked in when it comes to earths ecosystem. Why not dive in? Must we edge for eternity?


>Unless you told your grandfather he should kill himself for what he did, then you're being a bad leftist.
What a bad faith response. I genuinely expected something more intelligent out of you. Oh well. You're juggling too many replies at once. I didn't tell my grandfather to kill himself because he was already dead by the time I had the spell of American imperialism broken and realized the war against the DPRK was pure imperialism and had nothing to do with spreading democracy. Also he was a black kid from a sharecropper family born during the depression who wanted to escape the south and win some glory for himself. His motivations were selfish but are basically the same thing people (including you) use to justify voluntarism in the US military today. But even more intense. I figure your response was sarcastic but I'm not sure. Either way his actions were imperialist. And that's not important to remember as some kind of mark against his permanent record or something, but as a general understanding of the path that many people go down in this decaying settler colony. Any kind of complicity becomes "justifiable" under the auspices of "escaping" some kind of cruelty that only revolution can bring us out of.


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>I see the Dresden bombings as England was doing damage control, destroying parts of Germany that would have otherwise fallen into Soviet hands and gone on to support working class movements.
I dunno. The RAF blew the fuck out of a lot of German cities, not just Dresden. They didn't bomb Dresden for awhile because it was far away and they blowing up a bunch of other cities that would fall under U.S./British/French control at the end of the war. Look at the Rhine-Ruhr region. Also the Western Allies were meeting with the Soviets at Yalta, and the Soviets apparently did request they do more to bomb German cities in the east to help them out (although Dresden was not on the list, Leipzig and Berlin were though).

>and the communist view is that both were hegemonic attempts at preventing the spread of communism by taking the initiative to do war crimes before soviets allies could liberate an area by hand and win over the people
Well, I think that's wrong.


even miserable people have something to lose. usually kids or family. so very few become detached edge lords and say things like this. Also many are drunk on superstructure. They expect jesus to come back or something.


people forget the assassinations carried out against the Ferguson leadership before libs co-opted the movement


Listen Jack
#1 I'm a armchair I claim no activity
#2 it wasn't anything related with Marxism it was our current generations first interaction in very minor direct action. This years Palestine protest are a continuation of that.
Anon THE IDEA honestly.


assassinations of who


Forgive the cynicism but there is literally zero hope in this country. This election theatrical is just a huge reality TV spectacle. Whichever geriatric wins doesn't really matter and don't pretend like you can make a change. The only "voting" that matters is your local council or some shit. There won't be a revolution in our lifetime, it's all larping and liberal theatrics on "the Left." Anyway, just enjoying this reality TV.


>It's not like the U.S. made "turning Japan into a socialist state" its explicit goal.
You seem confused. I wasn't claiming such. The US made the prevention of Japan becoming a socialist state its explicit goal. And dropping the nukes was the first step of that. Everything done at the end of the WW2 by the USA was intended as damage control and the opening of the cold war. Clean up the fascism that they spent 20 years funding, and then make sure the Soviets have limited influence. If you can't see that, then you are blinded by patriotism. And not patriotism of the national liberation variety, but patriotism of the chauvinist variety.


It is straight up so much better to organize under a dem president than what's coming. And despite the fucking horror of ending the rail strike, Biden has been very good on labor as a whole. This does not mean the DNC are a good party. It is unbelievably stupid to think the DNC and GOP are interchangeable parties, and thoroughly ahistorical, undialectical, pants-on-head retarded to think that all bourgeois parties are identical.
Do you want to knock down an easier opponent or a harder opponent who is not going to give up power? Jesus Christ some of the rhetoric on here is trapped in the 00s.


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my personal hopium is if libs hold on to power a few more years, solar will eradicate oil&gas through economic means (far too late, but soon enough to prevent extinction). if the republicans win they ban green energy.


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Ohhhh I'm so comfortable with this tool than the other. Radlib, scram


Biden about to deliver commetns on SCOTUS ruling


oh i thought you meant they assassinated cops at the PD.
this wouldn't have changed the nature of the movement. millions and millions of libs joining the protests wouldn't have turned into communists if these people survived.


This is how the bourgeoisie has our minds even when we can't see it. We gonna let our class oppressors dangle our children and survival over our heads? If we don't fight soon out bloodline's, our species, our habitat, it all is ruined soon. So no I don't thing i made a statement of malignant nihilism to egdelord. Its serious to me and I honestly believe its time to start Inbracing the decline. We and I've commented on this many times. We foolishly believed we can defeat reaction without seeing its rise. It rises because it has to in reaction to us and capital. If were all in this near predetermined process why not push it along. I have many young family I and young myself why waste all this to push it to the end?


>What do you think enabled us nuking Japan in the first place? Any soldier who fought in the Pacific Theater, no matter how minor his role, bears the "sin" of making the nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki possible. Had America lost, then it simply never would've been able to drop the bombs.
Individual American combatants don't have any guilt in the nukings because they had no knowledge of their existence. This is arguing semantics anyways. Like saying all the factory workers in WW2 should be tried for whatever war crimes were committed with the weapons they made. No one thinks that. The guilt lies with the people who gave the order.
>the Western Left broadly wants individual American workers to feel bad about it.
I don't know what you're talking about. As an example, most people today are sympathetic to veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan as poor suckers who were taken advantage of by their government and then tossed aside and forgotten.
>Do you think some Hollywood shit like Dances With Wolves exists for any other reason than to inflict a personalized psychic guilt on the viewers? Well, and to make money of course. There's no recourse and no remedy, it's just: "YOU have to feel sad about this! YOU benefited from this! YOU have to think about this twenty-four-fucking-seven!"
You're too involved with der kulturkampf. I don't even know what movie you're talking about. I had to look it up. It's some flick from the 80's. If it stuck with you that hard then it's personal.


What hyperreality does to a MFer


>I must maintain my ideological purity at all costs!
Textbook beautiful soul syndrome


why did they make the trump pic so much darker? the other two look like they're in stage lighting for a photo and he looks like he's chilling under a shady tree.


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here's that poll's crosstabs


>get elected once
>fill SCOTUS with as many morons like yourself as possible
>sacrifice proletariat to a plague, lose reelection
>try to do a coup but your conspirators are dumber than you are
>somehow don't get prosecuted for it
>SCOTUS morons decide the President is above the law
>run again, opponent's brains are melting out of his ears from being a few centuries old
>establish a dictatorship because fuck it, you can now
>good way to do all of those things you read about in your copy of that funny German guy book
>immediately croak before you can establish a clear line of succession
>country is plunged into a power struggle to fill the vacuum you left
>millions die and the world is barely recognizable
>but America isn't a malignancy on the souls of everyone who contacts it anymore


They banning Chinese EV and green tech. We aren't gonna build it and that's dems doing it.


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Todos ustedes son liberales. Espero que se atraganten con el esperma, perras. Tus madres son putas y tus padres son putas homosexuales y se olvidaron de abortarte. Los perros contrarrevolucionarios como usted deberían ser sacrificados.Maldita escoria liberal pacifista.


No, you are just really malleable to the point that you just go with the flow. No actual/genuine stance or principle. If that's not the case, you really just a liberal.


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>democracy is in danger
>I'm not gonna do anything, which is why you should re-elect me


>a party that doesn't believe in democracy
the party that rigged their last three primaries might lose to a party that don't believe in democracy. oh no.


>muh allegiance to abstract principles
the dems rigging the primary was bad because they did it to defend neoliberalism.
the republicans winning in a fair election would be bad because they are fascists.
the dems doing a coup to prevent trump from entering office would be good because they're doing it against fascists.
everyone here always says the dems respecting the rules of the institutions is bad because it sometimes leads to the reactionaries winning.


>It's an attempt to shame people first and foremost
No it isn't.The unnecessary use of the atomic bomb was discussed right after the war end. I guess those generals were trying to guilt people when they said the atomic bomb was unnecessary.


Brother go actually read Marx and stop getting your vibes-based-communism from the internet. If you can get your head out of your ass for a moment you'll recognize that nothing of what I've said has defended American liberal democracy or the Democrats themselves, only that you'd have to be completely separated from reality to think that the inevitable Trump administration is somehow preferable or equivalent to another Dem administration. Further latent in your insane and basically illiterate faux-left opinion, held by beautiful soul types who think reality ought to bend to their ideas, despite the basis of any real Marxism being predicted on the exact opposite, is the idea that, somehow, the change in administration among bourgeois parties is irrelevant, despite a whole fucking history of bourgeois parties pursuing different policies that have changed material reality, in some cases even for the better (which, again, if you had actually read any of Marx is a point he makes again and again and again, because he wasn't blinded by stupid fucking left idealism). Even in this miserable hell world where the supposed "progressive" party of the moment led by a pack of soulless backstabbers has put in place serious gains for labor organization and left visibility, both of which will be actively under fire in a way unseen since the fuckin 70s when Trump gets in. Being unconcerned with electoral politics is a sign of deep and unabashed ignorance. Go fucking read


Real comrades vote trump then
Dem down ballot.


Define fascist, you people just throw that word around


>trying to separate neoliberalism and fascism
lmao @ this lib


Agreed. Theory first, vote Trump second.


long live the butcher Trump aka "Antichrist builder of 3rd temple" who works in spite of himself to create the conditions of the proletarian world revolution




yep, i'm the anon who left that comment. i just wanted to come back to this thread and say; i just watched biden 'address' the decision, where he basically said he wont do anything about it, but it's scary. so vote for him. he could literally do anything he wants right now to stop anything trump wanted to do. he could literally have that bitch executed, and he would be above the law as president. but he wants another 4 years, of which he probably wont even survive w his own old ass


One positive that I see is more liberals coming out to hate the news media.


how much defining of fascism do you need to agree that republicans are fascists? democrats, when push comes to shove, are basically fascists as well. why wouldn't the same be more true for what is effectively the same exact ideology but more openly bigoted?


It needs to be defined because that anon is saying GOP is fascist but Democrats aren't and saving us from fascism.


>It's not like the U.S. made "turning Japan into a socialist state" its explicit goal.
Why is Japan occupied by the US to this day and wasn't split with the other victors like Germany? Why has it been a one party puppet dictatorship for 70 years


Biden won't protect gays
Biden won't protect women
Biden won't protect poc's
He is more narcissistic then trump only cares for legacy yet is actively ruining it is nothing but rot
Trump with radicalize the libs.
They believe his win is the death of democracy. I ask anons if liberals believe that let's kill bourgeois "Democracy".


So many words to say team Blue is better than team Red. Somehow, you find a way to jump from Marx saying "not all bourgeois parties are the same," (which I agree with) to "yeah the dems are the one." Not voting is more honorable than doing this mental gymnastics. You make it sound like we have Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht at home.


I think the democrats are more fascist.
1. More wars, more imperialist
>Trump says he will have the ukraine war ended before he takes office. This seems certain because Putin's terms couldn't be more agreeable. The democrats double down on imperialism every time.
2. Decreasing wages
>ending the illegal-immigration complex will raise conditions of labor in abstract, not just america
3. They take the side of the bourgeoisie every time, gaslighting hundreds of millions that the other side is worse somehow. The GOP takes the side of the proletariat on the issues above.


Yeah because the Dems are so straightforwardly better in this situation than the Republicans, and you'd have to be detached from reality to think otherwise.


This CPSUA dude is mad projecting his own investment in the culture war and accuses people of lying and being disingenious when they don't meet his obsession. lmao


Bourgeois democracy and the enlightenment social contract of society are the only reason liberals are tied to the status quo. To kill bourgeois democracy is to kill a liberals engagement in liberalism. Forcing the liberal to radicalize to us or extremity with the right. Voting biden reinforces the entire justification circuit liberals have to defend bourgeois democracy.


>the Dems are so straightforwardly better in this situation than the Republicans


At this point, I have more respect to the Accelerationists than these fucktards scrapping support for Dems, no less from principled communists. No shame


It is straight up so much better to fundraise under a republican president. If dem donors wanted to win they would run a viable candidate. People like Bezos and Zuck want to appear as loosers so they can pretend like they didn't write Trumps policy.


i have respect for neither 👍


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Listen to me you stupid faggots remember these words "Nothing Ever Happens"
Have you seen the abjectly gutless response from the liberals? Instead of just tanking the damage and memoryholing shit, they keep dregging up dogshit polls that got things ABJECTLY wrong in 2022 such as the one that the anon here brought up and never bothered to challenge the cross tabs or anything like that. They will absolutely kneel to Biden and the DNC and VOOT for him as hard as they can, despite their kvetching and bitching in the end and Trumpfags barely seem to be all that engaged with shit either. The most boring result is going to be Biden Winning, the House getting taken by the Democrats and the Republicans taking the Senate. Anything else goes against the tide of the ever prescient Spectacle.


Yeah no proof alright.

Being better doesn't mean good. But Biden is good for the NLRB, which is good for any form of actual left organizing. It's absurd to think that the Republicans won't immediately reverse this.


To reply to myself because I'm a fag.
Voting for biden kicks the can of materialism in liberal dynamics 4 years down the road. Voting trump states that we must start the dialectics. We win my destroying liberalism and confronting the fascist. We lose hiding behind liberalism giving the people the impression that the fascist are the only ones opposed to the liberals. To bolster the liberals so they can defeat fascism or naively believe they will hold them off is a disservice to Marxism IMO.


okay spectaclehead


First Hitler then us!


I would vote straight D ticket if the dems ever purged the GOP purely out of spit atp

still not voting lol, also what is a "beautiful soul" anon? somesort of literary archetype?

Both are just performative
and edgy libs ideology shopping

>First Trump then Us!


What happened in 1945 in Berlin
Exactly anon AND THEN US


That has never worked in the history of fascist takeovers. Fascists know we're a real threat and come after us first.


Trump is good at tickling my funny bone. Biden is lame.


>I won't die in the carnage between those two points


BREAKING: Biden just announced that that Dolan J Trump has been declared a threat to national security and he will be assassinated by drone strike to protect the homeland, an official act for which the President enjoys criminal immunity.


>also what is a "beautiful soul" anon
Read Hegel and find out yourself


what are all those comfortable whites doing in those paid off two story houses then? care to explain or?


>paid off

oh my sweet summer child


I and possibly 100's of millions + will die. As was always gonna be the case


These people are like hey take this painkiller for 4 years. Don't worry about it. They start quoting Marx again in 4 years


Is the 1000 year BurgerReich to reign forever? Is NATO to exist till the death of the sun. Do you dare to win anon?


>It's not like the U.S. made "turning Japan into a socialist state" its explicit goal. The fact is it dropped the nukes on a Fascist state, and the Western Left broadly wants individual American workers to feel bad about it. We're expected to lose sleep and feel bad because Japan's marathon of rape and imperialism ended with two nukes. And my response to this forced guilt is: I don't feel a shred of it. You can't *make* me feel guilty for Hiroshima, no matter how hard you try, and I'm never going to apologize for it.

Contemporary American 'Communists' are so ideologically bankrupt, so indoctrinated by American chauvinism they rather identify with the war criminals and the cold warriors. They quote Truman indirectly who literally created the CIA rather than identifyng with the peace movement, the disarmament movement, the leftist scientists and their assistents who often have fled Nazi-occupied Europe and who opposed, vehemently the use of the bomb against anyone else but Nazi Germany, to the point where they sacrificed anything they had but apparently if you see yourself in the tradition of those people and agree with them, Mr CPUSA who apparently seems to love the guy who led North Korea to be bombed ashes after what they did with Japan views in you just someone who is animated by some dumb culture war he likes projecting into you.

Not surprised that your org has endorsed Biden, who turned Gaza city into 10 Hiroshimas.


Jesus man what the fuck, you call yourself a socialist but you don't think people should learn about the crimes of Americana?


>If we actually fight the fascist the fascist might fight us
Yeah that's the point the point isn't to hide behind liberalism till we die.



>I wasn't claiming such. The US made the prevention of Japan becoming a socialist state its explicit goal. And dropping the nukes was the first step of that.
I think you could say a U.S. occupation of Japan also involved preventing Japan from going socialist, but I hate to break it to you, but Stalin didn't have an intention of invading Japan, he worked out a deal with Roosevelt and Churchill to enter the war at a specified time in exchange for a sphere of influence in Manchuria, the southern portion of Sakhalin, a lease at Port Arthur, and the Kurile Islands. He cut a deal and so an alternative history where Red Army troops paraded in Tokyo was not in the cards. So you can just as much blame Stalin for the post-war American sphere of influence in Japan.

>And not patriotism of the national liberation variety, but patriotism of the chauvinist variety.



We must never believe the people are capable of fighting the fascist we must align with the liberals because we know the fascist are just so powerful and wealthy we just little ole workers without a chance




Lol, they're so out of touch.


Tell me more.


>I have been given unlimited power
>However, I won't use it, even though Trump will
They're gonna kill him, right?


But who will be Trump's Brutus?


DNC about to schedule a campaign event in Dallas here soon


But bro, listen imagine for a minute that Trump unironically throws Obama and Hillary in prison, wouldn't that be funny as fuck, at least for a brief moment, lol?


Yeah but he won't fucking do it. Only the little people will get trodden on


Whoever he chooses for VP once he starts being incompetent and weirdly anti-capital again. Like his fucking gonzo insane tarriff plan


>bitch, moan and complain about patsocs trying to infiltrate the org
<turn into patsocs anyway

what did they mean by this?


Do you really think in the lower courts Republicans will ever let Biden do anything?


Well it seems like with this decision it doesn't even matter. Biden could probably impose martial law right now and nobody could tell him otherwise.


>germany was a middling power surrounded by enemies
>USA is the uncontested ruler of the world, and the only pretenders to rivalry are themselves fascist
"it's simple, we just wait for foreign invasion to depose America's fascist government, just like in WW2!"


Found it


The USA has fuckall industrial capacity.


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>The entire world vs pic related
Yes how ever will we do it.


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Resolutely uphold Kamala-thought!


my mind: unburdened



That's not entirely accurate. FDR promised Korea and Manchuria and there were plans to invade Hokkaido and later North Japan as the Americans came from the south. Truman had a more strict policy and demanded that the Soviets not put one boot on the mainland islands.


What can be unburdened what as been


People need to realize that the presidents won't jail each other. I can guarantee you that even if Trump got in jail, Biden would pardon him on "humanitarian grounds" and Trump would pardon Joe because "He didn't know what the hell he was doing folks".


kamala as a sphinx presenting this as a riddle


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I mean CPUSA anon is quite clearly warping into a white nationalist before our eyes and it’s weird how this goes unacknowledged


>warping into
He's said all kinds of shit already like that the trail of tears wasn't that bad.


How can what can be, be unburdened by what has been, when you exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you?


There were Soviet generals who drew up plans for Hokkaido but it didn't seem like it went anywhere. I don't think the Soviet high command all agreed or that Stalin approved. Really my point is that the Stalin was the co-author of most of this. There's a lot of shit you can direct at America but generally I don't think World War II is suitable for your purposes because Americans by and large don't regret it, the war involved total mobilization, a lot of people have parents, grandparents and great-grandparents who fought in the war to destroy fascism and build a better world and they don't see what is so nefarious about that. It's like trying to discredit the Soviet contribution to World War II (which, sadly, has become popular in Western countries), how would that go over in Russia? I think you know the answer.


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>What a bad faith response. I genuinely expected something more intelligent out of you. Oh well. You're juggling too many replies at once. I didn't tell my grandfather to kill himself because he was already dead by the time I had the spell of American imperialism broken and realized the war against the DPRK was pure imperialism and had nothing to do with spreading democracy. Also he was a black kid from a sharecropper family born during the depression who wanted to escape the south and win some glory for himself. His motivations were selfish but are basically the same thing people (including you) use to justify voluntarism in the US military today. But even more intense. I figure your response was sarcastic but I'm not sure.

It was, in fact, sarcastic. Given how I've had people on the Left tell me I've got to cut out some close friends and coworkers for the "crime" of them being vets I'd figure I'd just post the usual response I get when I push back on "Tell servicemembers to cry and beg for your forgiveness". Personally I no more blame the Black serviceman who chose to fight in Korea to escape the shithole that's the South (that same grandfather of mine who fought in Japan was from the South and a vehement anti-segregationist) than I do anyone else who joins, whether by misguided patriotism or economic hardship.

>Constantly insist people owe you something and have to scrape and apologize to you
<Surprised when they distance themselves from you.

>He's said all kinds of shit already like that the trail of tears wasn't that bad.

Again reinforces my point that this is just a narrow attempt to enforce guilt on people rather than actual "analysis". Never said it wasn't that bad, just that I'm not going to cry and apologize for it.

So try to hide behind "Oh this is just materialist analysis" all you want, but the fact that your response to "Well I'm not going to feel personally guilty about the atom bomb/trail of tears/some other atrocity" is to insist I'm saying it's good just goes to fucking prove that this *is* just about socially enforcing guilt.


I don't know why everyone assumes its one person, long ago I remember CPUSAnon made a complaining that people were attributing everything made with the flag to him despite it not having the same style of writing in a long winded essay. This guy seems to be trying that but CPUSAnon rarely left so many spaces, it was just one giant wall of text. And these reaction images seem out of character. Tbh I'm not sure but I really doubt this is the same CPUSA anon the board knows whenever its the flag along with some idpol rant.


Kamala is the Hegelian choice for 2024. I summit my official apology to the K-hive, I now respect game as game.


It's fine to not feel guilty about it, I mean you had nothing to do with it, but your post about the atomic bombings is basically in a gloating tone so you clearly don't even think it was a bad thing in general.


>Do you think some Hollywood shit like Dances With Wolves exists for any other reason than to inflict a personalized psychic guilt on the viewers? Well, and to make money of course. There's no recourse and no remedy, it's just: "YOU have to feel sad about this! YOU benefited from this! YOU have to think about this twenty-four-fucking-seven!"

anon, all of the people i know who like dances with wolves are old people who are patriotic and think what was done to the natives is wrong. it was shown to me by my disabled combat veteran father who loves america but hates war and feels extreme irreperable shame about having killed people on false pretenses. he is not a weak or apologetic man and has many contradictory views but he is compassionate and earnest and in his own way understands that he took part in something unjust and in his own way sees his own shame as connected to the shame of US genocide of natives. i see my communist politics as being in many ways inspired by taking him and his life seriously.

with all due respect i think you are chasing shadows and it is making you bitter and misdirected.


>Again reinforces my point that this is just a narrow attempt to enforce guilt on people rather than actual "analysis". Never said it wasn't that bad, just that I'm not going to cry and apologize for it.

We got it Mr. Truman. You had a traumatic experience with some soclibs and now everyone talking about the imperialist history of the US feels like a personal attack to. you personally, ok, this is not a political but a psychological issue.


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The fact that you equate showing solidarity with non-white workers, particularly black workers in a virulently racist society like the United States, and choose, rather than identifying with the working class instead identify with a ghost called “America” and the American national mythos (note, collections of largely genocidal pro-capitalist lies that justify literal world domination) goes very far to prove my point about you.
Most of the other people here refuse to see you for exactly what you are, but I won’t, a racial and national chauvinist, warped out of some past identification with ML, desperately trying to convince himself or maybe just other people he isn’t what he’s become
Mate, you thoroughly turned your back on the workers’ movement when you came to see the long struggle of black and indigenous workers and people against the United States as a war against you and your “race”

Next stage is taking this “muh Caesar” LARP to herrenvolk democracy tbh


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It may not be, ya never know, but I’ve seen people go from socialist to fash before


Since you guys wanna talk so much about the end of the war in Japan someone should answer my question here in the DPRK thread. >>1901942


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You should self-criticize now.
Also nukes are good I hate civilization, too many lumpen to re-educate. NOT the job of the proletariat (me and my friends). Also fuck your libshit party, all parties in fact. I am already past the communist withering, its called anarchism. And its the super cool kind of anarchism where after the nukes we survive with sunglasses on.


Dude he's just a racist shithead larping as a communist, and at best a useful idiot for the feds who run CPUSA with this wrecker white pride shtick. You are giving him way too much benefit of the doubt.


Shut up dipshit.




Flagposters are just asking to be impersonated, especially ones who base their online identities off of them on imageboards.



The sole obstacle to communism is all these white liberals who want to stop me from cleansing the continent of impure blood.


Juan Posadas' juicy fat trotskyist cock will be inserted into the Communist Party of the United States of America very soon and we're gonna have nuclear war parties with alien hookers.


>There's a lot of shit you can direct at America but generally I don't think World War II is suitable for your purposes because Americans by and large don't regret it
Huh? What does that have anything to do with the topic. Notice we are talking about the atomic bombs that are controversial in the US itself. Joining WWII is seen universally as a good thing and the "one good war" like George McGovern says. Just talking about the unneeded use of the Atomic Bomb doesn't diminish the US war effort


wow she must be really proud of that one

the CPUSA local around me has gotten a lot of new younger membership that have collaborated well with my org and im familiar with similar stories from elsewhere, i hate the national leaderships programme but im not going to assume all of them let alone everyone involved is feds even if its prudent to maintain some suspicion given the partys history of infiltration. as for this poster ill give the benefit of the doubt hes talking in good faith because it makes for shitty discussion to constantly assume people mean something other than what they say, and regardless dissent can make for good discussion, we have low effort/bait threads lead to decent discussion sometimes.


I said what I said.
Larp it till you make it I say.


>Constant whining in Uni that because you’re a white guy you de facto benefit from privilege.
>Leftist spaces saying you’re de facto less important than black workers
<“Why aren’t you identifying as some race less working class?”
You only talk about us being part of some working class when you want a fucking check. Otherwise it’s all racial thinking on your part.


I'm not saying anyone in CPUSA is a fed. I'm saying CPUSAnon is posting stuff that sounds like he's mostly being influenced by fed wrecker tendencies within the org.


please STOP littering this thread with CPUSA drivel


What the fuck are you even talking about? Where did the black people touch you? You really are talking like a white supremacist


Will CPUSA anon become the next Pierre Tru-Dank 🤔


So true my AHEM -national- AHEM söcialist brother! All of these minörities are just out to get the white man. They use class politics to subvert our racial unity and guilt trip us for having a favstian spirit! Glad you've finally awoken from Judeö-Bölshevism and graduated to avthentic söcialism. Now you're ready to finally acknowledge that the main dividing factor in history and of today is *racial*, not class, struggle.


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Don't forget me


So true glowing red eye man!


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>People were mean to me, that’s why I became a fascist
What makes you different from the typical white reactionary?
What do you even mean by saying black workers are “more important than you”? Do you mean people told you to stop centering yourself all the time? What do you think it means to be part of a movement?


I know it's funny to imagine, but let's be real, she wouldn't do it. That would destabilize things way too much, and Democrats are the… well right now neither of the sides can be said to be the stabilizing side but they're the least destabilizing one.

>more than half of California is solar powered
Impressive. But like >>1902097 said, don't get your hopes up.

>"Antichrist builder of 3rd temple"
Holy shit, I have long known about the overall parts of dispensationalist delirium, but I never realized these the temple was supposed to be rebuilt by the Antichrist. DO IT TRUMP

Its industrial capacity might be a shadow of what it was and what it could be, but it's still massive.

CPUSAnon has a point in that the American left is awash in identitarian bullshit.


They certainly would have had ample organizing opportunity for further resisting.


Dumbest post I've ever seen in my life


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another CPUSA anon banger


I've posted way more stupid shit to be honest.


Just got off work. Anything significant happen today in the world of American politics while I was wageslaving?


Biden is king apparently.


Yeah he's the emperor in the emperor's new clothes


Demokkkrats proving themselves to be more civil and polite than their right opposition in what is fundamentally a race to be a bigger sociopath


i don't think muslims have that much of a turnout in most countries. doubt it will affect leftist parties much


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All I know is that Kamala Harris can never be unburdened by what has been the makings of a varsity athlete.


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>Amerikkka: Spends 20 years funding the rise of the third reich along with the England in order to knock out Bolshevism in its cradle, only to do an about-face when their imperialist allies like France start getting invaded by nazis.
<The USSR: sacrifices 20 million and saves the world from fascism
>Amerikkka: enters the war late and sacrifices 800,000 in order to take all the credit and make sure NATO becomes a thing after the war
<the USSR: tries to join NATO and gets rejected
>Amerikkka/UK: Create the idea of an "iron curtain" and pin the blame for it on the USSR despite NATO existing before the warsaw pact, start the cold war

You: "I don't see what's so nefarious about this, they were all good guys with good intentions and what about my hecking grandparents"


>they killed fascism but didn't do it for pure enough intentions waaaaaa
fucking baby


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<repeat amerikkkan lies about WW2 or else you're a baby.
<i can't answer you're critique so i'm just going to make shit up about what you said


I starting reading picrel today and uh bros I think we might be fucked. the parallels between Weimar and the US today are pretty striking.
>consolidation of industries into monopolistic cartels
>ineffective leftist orgs
>massive inflation and subsequent crisis
>opportunist reactionaries seizing state power after a failed insurrection attempt
>only opposition with any positions in the state are collaborator libs
bros is Orange Hitler real


Born yesterday buddy?


>People were mean to me, that’s why I became a fascist
Thats literally how it works tho, what do you think is going to be the result of pushing racial consciousness on people while claiming they are the bad thing?


What can be is burdened by what has been, only through struggle can what can be, be.
Dare to struggle dare to win
Embrace kamalaian Marxism




Read Fascism and Social Revolution by Rajani Palme Dutt. Much shorter, much less revisionism, has an audiobook read by a real person for free on youtube


Anon tell me you haven't fallen for "it can't happen here" mindset. You didn't actually fall for the checks and balances meme


>Dude fascism lmao!
Just stop. I swear western leftists spend more time promoting fascism than their own ideology at this point.


>millions die and the world is barely recognizable
<but America isn't a malignancy on the souls of everyone who contacts it anymore
Unironically if this were true Trump would be the only viable candidate.


I don’t know if it points to a profound cynicism or ignorance on your part but after years of being taught to walk on eggshells to avoid “micro aggressions” or otherwise insulting one group or another I find it real fucking funny that you’re huffing that “people being mean” is no reason to feel alienated. I sure as fuck know any leftist org would have a goddamn struggle session if it came out some of its members were saying, essentially, “Oh Black People are lumpen, it’s pointless to appeal to them.” If you got offended at the statement I guarantee no one would be saying “Oh why do you still identify as Black?”

Yknow back when we were arguing in the Tribalism thread about Sakai, I was going through some appreciable stress seeing the sheer scale of slaughter going on in Israel juxtaposed with “progressive” Jews justifying it. Some of which were big on the “white privilege” discourse. So there I was talking about how fucking depressing and enraging all this identity politics bullshit is, and all you could say is “lol Sakai is good, stay mad, awww are you upset he’s mean?”

Sure there’s no one fucking cynicism catalyst; but after years and years of disappointment, of having to get a lecture from some vegan because calling people “dogs” is cruel to animals or whatever, you know what would’ve been nice? To hear, just fucking once, “Well shit dude, I can tell this is a sore subject, are you alright?” Or “Sakai is a douche, not all of us peddle his bullshit.” Instead you just kept sneering that it’s too fucking bad, while also concern trolling about “Uhhh you’re becoming a fascist.”

I was marching with BLM protesters, and during the riots I kept trying to suggest our party should collect some first aid or set up impromptu “field hospitals” for injured protesters—nothing much came of it, leadership didn’t want to put young party members in harms way or risk undercover cops using it as an excuse to make arrests—I’ve already shown “solidarity” a plenty. And yet for whatever I’ve done all I’ve seen is constant fucking lectures, casual sneers, and an implacable set of demands from various “comrades” on what to say or how to act.

And the sheer fucking double standards! Say some absurdly racist stuff to a white guy? Cool. Normal. Funny. Express even an implied fascination with a figure like Mosley? Or annoyance with the “America bad” discourse? The sky is falling! The fourth Reich is on the rise! Oh Jesus!

And you know the most infuriating fucking thing is how you act like I’m obligated to keep accepting this bullcrap with a smile on my face. It’s never “hey comrade, I’m worried about you. You okay?” Its “You did a badthink! Fix it!”

Despite all that, I’m not a white nationalist. At this point I’m just a nihilist.


>discussing the rise of fascism is the same as promoting it
are you retarded?
>after years of being taught to walk on eggshells to avoid “micro aggressions”
you post this rant every time someone steps on one of your eggshells. i haven't heard someone say "micro aggressions" in a context other than ridiculing the idea of them since 2015, which is interesting since whenever someone gives you a micro-abrasion a fascist bleeds


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An interesting phenomenon is that it seems like national polling is basically neck and neck while state specific polls tend to be heavily in favor of Trump.


Trump is definitively ahead nationally and has been for a while. His lead has grown over the weekend though in likelyhood it will tighten again when the memory of debate is a month behind us.
I dont think Trump's support can grow much more (10s of millions of americans absolutely fucking hate the guy worse then dick cancer) but I do also think he could well be the first republican to win the popular vote in 20 years.


Because White people aren't turning fascist at all and its backed by stats. The average white person isn't going to turn fascist because they are told the Founders were slave owner. Also learning that the legacy of discrimination is embedded in the system aka systemic racism. The average normie white zoomer believes that systemic racism is real but aren't guilty about being white. But of course you have cases of leftists turning fascist because a soclib told them to check their priviledge and that is enough to drop everything.


>Despite all that, I’m not a white nationalist. At this point I’m just a nihilist.


Doesn't RCP include a lot of sketchy push polls though?


Not more then 538 however 538 notably WEIGHTS polls different based on their quality
Here is their average if you'd perfer to se that.
Trump is also ahead there though he notably WASN'T for a little bit before the debate.


you have a superstructural and individualist understanding of fascism. fascism doesn't happen because of individuals deciding to turn fascist. fascism happens because capital decays and you have a vicious cycle between an inactive reformist bourgeoisie which refuses to wield power and a reactionary bourgeoisie which loves to wield power and scapegoat the the revolutionaries as causing society to decay by not being loyal enough to it when really it's the unsustainability of capitalism causing society to go into yet another crisis, since the reactionaries are the only one wielding power and they're diagnosing all the wrong problems, the feedback loop pulls a large enough portion of society into the fascist vortex that fascism is able to take power and wield it, even if it's just an outspoken minority of reactionaries. Fascism is what happens when the reactionaries are more politically active, militant, and organized than the revolutionaries. This is the case with America. It has very little to do with a plurality of people choosing as individuals to identify with fascism. Fascism in America doesn't even call itself fascist. It's mostly conservatives, libertarians, veterans, and small business owners building a coalition of people aggrieved that the west has fallen (and therefore billions must die)


"Micro-aggressions" are so funny because
a) I've literally never heard anyone use that term, even turbo-libs
b) Not being a dick is basic social standards and you really shouldn't have be pushed towards the bare minimum of civilized discourse.

If anything you seem to be excessively tied up in your identity as being a white person, when the correct thing to realize is that being white is a fucking meme. It's guarantee of a good standard of living has failed alongside the Empire's ability to buy out some comprador proles with treats, it's social standing is tainted by all the retards """just asking questions""", and to begin with no two random white people will have all that much in common to begin with besides that which you can probably find in common with any similarly randomly chosen Americans. When some retarded 3rdie tells me about how all white people are labor aristos I don't care because I'm white, I care because they cannot define what a labor aristocrat is to save their lives. When you can make yourself distinct from the identity of whiteness, it because a lot easier to sift through the idpol, even if you are fundamentally viewed by some people as being a cis-white-het or whatever.
I think that they are trying to extrapolate popularity trends to maximalist turnouts, when in reality I think that actual turnout for this election is going to be hilariously low thanks to the demotivational force of how shit it is.
Almost certainly not, neither president will be claiming a popular anything. America is practically going down in flames and the best the political establishment can do is fucking flounder.


Open up, anon, here comes the plane


ah i see then again even in the most recent french elections, the pollsters did a pretty good job and still overestimated how well the right performed, so who knows?
fair enough, i was also thinking this tbh. I feel like the right in general should be much more engaged than they are from where I am seeing them at, maybe it is just a preemptive victory lap but i wonder if many of them also just don't bother vooting.. I hope for a low turnout myself tbh.


I used “micro aggressions” to describe them getting upset over using the word “animals” or “dogs” negatively. Would you prefer I use the phrase “being a faggot” instead?

Also this is great. So I get told again and again that I’ve got some nebulous “privilege”, that my life is so fucking easy cause I’m a white guy, and after expressing annoyance at ALL of that, what’s the fucking response?

>”Hrmm, you seem to identify with your race a whole bunch.”

Well what the FUCK do you expect when you keep shoving me into that category? That I’m gonna move Heaven and Earth to please you in the vague hope that you’ll stop identifying me as that? It’s not like we expect any other group to stop identifying with themselves when some Conservative rants about Black people or trans people or whatever. You don’t cease to be a white guy when some Sakaist goes on a rant.


Biden is too much of a fucking pussy to pack the court


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>And the sheer fucking double standards! Say some absurdly racist stuff to a white guy? Cool. Normal. Funny. Express even an implied fascination with a figure like Mosley? Or annoyance with the “America bad” discourse? The sky is falling! The fourth Reich is on the rise! Oh Jesus!
poor cpusssy anon, born 2 shit, forced 2 wipe


>Also this is great. So I get told again and again that I’ve got some nebulous “privilege”, that my life is so fucking easy cause I’m a white guy, and after expressing annoyance at ALL of that, what’s the fucking response?
boi u still on this shit 3 weeks later? we get it, corporate at your job made you read robin diangelo or something and now the west has fallen


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damn you truly are the victim in all of this


Y'know I am not exactly a fan of moaning wokeness, liberals and the like but holy fuck


I actually doubt more than the Trumpers are going to get engaged tbh, outside of the clown show that is the presidential elections the majority of GOP actions have been horrifying political actions which only their most extreme base is asking for. The "moderate voter" (AKA the few remaining petite-bourgeois suburbanites who use their votes in a wholly mercenary fashion) have to real reason to give loyalty to the insane financial vision of the GOP, but Biden has been giving out treats to the whole of the middle-strata his entire presidency. If anything they will turn out for him, but more likely than not I think a lot of people are just going to leave the presidential vote blank.
You can use whatever turn of phrase you want, it won't really make you sound any less worse. Do you know coalition building 101? If a vegan was chastising me over some language use, you know what I would realize is a much better use of both of our time in that moment? Mutually hating the fucking kulak ranchers. Do you know what the ranchers are doing right now in Texas? In 110 degree weather they are leaving their cows out in fields with nary an inch of fucking shade cover, and when any of their livestock goes and dies of heat exhaustion they go whining to the state government about "the evil effects of climate change" to get bailouts which they then go to spend on oil stocks and voting for uber-reactionary politicians. If you literally executed every rancher and their family then you would make the American nation 10x better, and its far more worthwhile to make common ground with some cringe vegan on that point than it is to alienate them over some personal fucking aesthetics and language use. Are you a fucking liberal, or a revolutionary? If you are willing to die choking on your blood in the dirt in the name of communism, why are you not willing to sacrifice a little sliver of your pride to try to bring someone onto the proper course of action?
>Well what the FUCK do you expect when you keep shoving me into that category
Well now you know how black people feel! Is it good, comrade? Is it nice to be subject towards immutable categories of worth assigned to you at birth? No? Well then, you have common cause with black people against this system of racial identification!


I am once again begging CPUSAnon to stop getting upset about people getting upset and touch some fucking grass.


>Well what the FUCK do you expect when you keep shoving me into that category?
bro white people aren't even real. it's just a fairy tale meant to keep you up a night. a sphinx's riddle meant to make your melanocytes quiver. bruh you are descended from monocelluloids. everything is related. everyone on earth is related by incest going back to the year 1200. this is provable mathematically. you don't even need to go back to adam and even. pedigree collapse occurs way before that. you're hecking spooked. there's a spectre haunting your brain, the spekkktre of "hwite"


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>pack the hecking court with more unaccountable unelected ghouls appointed by the bourgeois president
lol liberalism never ceases to amaze me with its bourgeois solutions to bourgeois problems


I mean they didn't kill the top tier facists and japanese nationalists so yea, their intentions were not pure enough.


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I know this seems like a stupid thing to pull up but it seems as if /pol/ is barely really retaining interest above it's own posting rates, despite the general amount of Ws the right in the west are catching. It does make me wonder if there is even all that much interest for a lot of people to vote at all for Trump despite being trumpers themselves? I mean a lot of people who went through the Jan 6 debacle didn't even vote after all?

It seems like a fairly asinine point to bring up, but this HAS been a fairly consistent trend that I saw from polling across the globe from India to France to a lot of EU elections where the right failed to take majorities they could've. It might be something of an untold story

Modi's party was projected to win 50+ seats while in actuality they actually LOST 63

For the French elections RN and allies underperformed -2-3% which is still within margin of error but still

I believe that there might be a chance that there might be at least more reactionaries out there that don't bother to VOOOT when they could've, after all we have lived in a fairly right-wing world but shit keeps getting worse, but then again the liberals are rather demoralized themselves.

It's not something to not consider at the very least.


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>It’s never “hey comrade, I’m worried about you. You okay?”
“hey comrade, I’m worried about you. You okay?”


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share this with resist libs


>but it seems as if /pol/ is barely really retaining interest above it's own posting rates
Part of that is that chans in general are on a decline, but part of it is that 4chan especially is heavily botted and financialized in a way that ruins the format itself. Of course there is also the actual politics of /pol/ - anything that isn't their obscure insane super-fascism is brigaded against, except the point of commonality where that political movement was founded is long over, and they are all fracturing into their own niche insane fascist spheres which often war among each other - meaning they are also often turning their botting tools against each other, too. /pol/ is an unnavigable minefield where the wrong keyword will have your post buried in spams and reports until one of their deranged jannies will find some reason to disappear your post.
>It does make me wonder if there is even all that much interest for a lot of people to vote at all for Trump despite being trumpers themselves?
There is definitely still a contingent of Trumpers who are politically engaged in being pro-Trump, but there was a significant cadre (especially in 2016) which basically just used their vote as a cultural signifier for being against the "status quo". Those people are not voting for Trump again because he is very clearly a part of that very status quo.
>I believe that there might be a chance that there might be at least more reactionaries out there that don't bother to VOOOT when they could've, after all we have lived in a fairly right-wing world but shit keeps getting worse, but then again the liberals are rather demoralized themselves.
It also helps that every time they achieve their RVTVRN EVROPA TRVDITIVN it just makes their lives worse, everyone hate them more, and doesn't even really punish their enemies all that much. Some definetly do go more extreme into it hoping there is a breakpoint where they do make society white enough that it doesn't collapse, but I imagine most will just become nihilistic lone wolf terrorists or shut-in NEETs fapping to anime girls or some shit.


Needs a voice reading it


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>immediately croak before you can establish a clear line of succession
>country is plunged into a power struggle to fill the vacuum you left
GAME OF DRONES: A Succession struggle story starring these simpletons


>non-human animals bad
>faggots bad
>btw i should NEVER have to take crap because i'm a white heterosexual male
You have the scala naturae spook in your head, son. As do we all, but one can try to get some distance to it as other comrades ITT have kindly suggested.


>go into the usapol thread for the lulz
>read a wise post
Thanks for starting my day off with a nice suprise, anomalous burger (?) comrade


I was being lazy and didn't state the obvious in the post, but it's a statement on how he's far too pussy to enact liberal tyranny if he won't even dare pack the court, which would have made him insanely popular if he did it at the start of his term and pushed through everything he wanted.
Funnily enough if he wins the election somehow he'll be seen as a tyrant regardless because he's not constitutionally allowed to be president due to his brain being slurry sloshing around in his skull, and everyone will assume if he wins he rigged it


The contradictions are heightening and yet the proletariat is wallowing in its misery. What do?


>wow she must be really proud of that one

She clapped back hard! She was that little girl! #khive


/pol/ is losing its projection power over the internet because Right-wing groups are successfully coalescing on Twitter and Instagram while far-right groups either do nothing on 4Chan or have their telegram channels monitored by feds. Mainstream social media was able to take the right under its wing so 4Chan had no longer satisfied a need for a right-wing collective space. In fact, /pol/ fucking sucks for discussion.



I wonder if 4chan is not so much filled with bots as it is filled with obsessive characters who try to spam narratives and memes in order to force them. This is why we have so many variation of the term -oomer nowadays, because one guy just kept spamming 30 year old boomer and managed to make it a meme on /mu/ but it seems as if EVERONE is trying to psyop their own stupid meme into the mix and that includes various political talking points, such as Stellar Blade being the herald of anti-wokeness or some bullshit. That being said I do generally believe that these rvtvrn guys are kind of getting yeemed out of youtube and other such spaces, mostly residing on twitter/instagram. Hell I don't even know if there are even that many groyper types of twitter anymore, it seems more like a facebook 2.0 with anime porn in it at times more than anything, the right there feels boomerish


The idea of a civilian population center in Japan is, from a WW2 planner's perspective, dubious. Japanese industry loved take-home piece work. If your home contains a machine used to make parts for a Zero fighter, why should it get special dispensation from being bombed when compared to a factory?
(This love didn't go away after the war! It was common as late as the 1960s for a truck full of unassembled radios to drive around public housing estates handing them out to housewives, who'd assemble them at home and bring them back for payment when the truck returned.)

Operation meetinghouse used 325 aircraft to kill 100,000 Japanese
The bombing of Hiroshima, by comparison, used 1 aircraft to kill 70,000 (as a low end estimate) to 150,000 Japanese. (as a high end estimate.)
Nuclear bombing is, compared to regular bombing, a special evil for this force-multiplier effect. To this day there's nothing on that scale that has actually been deployed all at once. One should be careful to draw distinctions between the ethics of nuclear bombing in general, which are very dubious, and the specific ethics of deploying it in the WW2 context, where the aerial bombing of civilians was already accepted. (People handwring over Dresden - but why not Berlin? Why not Hamburg? Why not the times the USAF accidentally bombed the Dutch? the answer is because people like to think and to speak in cliches.)


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The IDEA that


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least wacky contemporary american presidential candidate speech


>I wonder if 4chan is not so much filled with bots as it is filled with obsessive characters who try to spam narratives and memes in order to force them.
They literally have an industrial mass-forced meme effort with soyjaks. That's why they were so furious when the chinletjak happened - it wasn't even that funny, but it was actually true as opposed to the 50 trillion made up soyjaks they made, so it basically undid 2 years of their work with a single stroke. That they got so angry about it was the only thing that made it so funny.


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Source on this?


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sotomayor ate, i fear


why are you spamming this in multiple threads on both /leftypol/ and /siberia/ you paid shill?


They're all worthy questions based on the decision of the court. This ruling gives Brandon license to do the funniest thing in the world (which he won't)


We have summoned the /pol/ bots, unfortunately.


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>socialism is when bourgeois reformism


god i hope /pol/ will move to twitter where i can't see it and 4chan will recover from its long illness


>Why should the Ukraine war continue?
So Vladolf Putler can continue to kill Banderites, inshallah


>and 4chan will recover from its long illness
hue, and web forums had a thunderous return after blogs atrophied as a format, too.
Taken from a fancy poster.


>/pol/ is actually metastasizing
the internet has terminal cancer? good. Maybe we'll all finally be forced to touch grass


nah /v/ was peak /pol/ during the wizard game era.


i can't think of anything big but i have been playing deadnauts system lost, but that is like an actual traditional roguelike game


Big titles not really, but there have been a lot of good non-AAA games (or at least, niche AAA games) and indie releases. Increasingly the big budget mainstream AAA games seem to be looking towards endless remakes and remasters and reboots - new IPs basically just don't get made and promoted with the same confidence anymore.


I think the democrats are sliding posts with their gaming nonsense


I wouldn't know, I purposefully ignore the dumb incel outrages, it's basically just a money generating spectacle for the failing institution that is games "journalism". Were it not for them these people would just be weirdos getting ratio'd on twitter and made fun of in screencaps.


is this real


It's sexist trash but I have very much been enjoying persona 3 reload


xitter has been losing users since musk took over it, though


Stellar blade?


mormon temples?


Didn't play that one, plus I smoke way too much weed to be playing anything live action


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>GAME OF DRONES: A Succession struggle story starring these simpletons
Spoiler: Big Bran becomes king.


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>It’s never “hey comrade, I’m worried about you. You okay?”


This is so fucking funny


fitty cent so symmetrical that an UNITINU meme of his face looks almost normal


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Man, that was a lot of text to whine about your hurt feelings

You know, when I call you a whiney ass fascist dork, it’s not because I give a damn where you end up politically, I’m just accurately clocking what form of whiney cunt you are



He's obviously an American we should make allowances for his disability.


I don't see this happening, give it up. It's simply been too long. Present 4chan is as far removed from even 2015 as 2015 was from the 2006 oldfag era. They aren't an annoying tourist minority anymore, they are the main userbase. Even boards that are more gatekeep-y about board culture and subject matter like /jp/ are irrecognizable. Even if the activists fuck off, the userbase is still trashed beyond repair.


one weird thing is that i haven't even heard of a recent 4chan meme lately.


it's just the 50 trillionth mutation of a soyjak


I'm just not interested in this kind of competitive nationalism. Stalin literally said that it was "British brains, American steel and Soviet blood" that won the war, and if he can admit the role that these countries played in WWII I don't get why people on this website can't. (But I think he was referring to British military intelligence when he said "brains" because they were pretty operationally inept on the battlefield).

Sounds like my dad.

I have some anecdotal encounters with people like that, like my semi-lumpenized and somewhat criminal former biker neighbors who were big Trump fans but otherwise never voted. They did in 2016 but it wouldn't actually surprise me if they didn't in 2020 because they just forgot. I think the pollsters refer to them as "low-propensity voters."

But my vibe check is probably like a lot of people's here, where so many people are just like "ugh, these are our choices?" It's really enervating.


You know most young radicals now love to shit on liberals but watching this video made me realize that a lot of the liberal boomers we kinda take as out of touch oligarchs today have to maintain their positions at a time when the Red Scare is an overarching threat, where Klansmen lynch and shoot people with impunity and the government was much more blatantly corrupt than today. The average boomer lib probably stared at the face of danger more often than today's MLoid larpers


4chan has permeated everything now.


>Operation meetinghouse used 325 aircraft to kill 100,000 Japanese
>The bombing of Hiroshima, by comparison, used 1 aircraft to kill 70,000 (as a low end estimate) to 150,000 Japanese. (as a high end estimate.)
>Nuclear bombing is, compared to regular bombing, a special evil for this force-multiplier effect. To this day there's nothing on that scale that has actually been deployed all at once. One should be careful to draw distinctions between the ethics of nuclear bombing in general, which are very dubious, and the specific ethics of deploying it in the WW2 context, where the aerial bombing of civilians was already accepted. (People handwring over Dresden - but why not Berlin? Why not Hamburg? Why not the times the USAF accidentally bombed the Dutch? the answer is because people like to think and to speak in cliches.)

good points all around, thanks


Lisan al-Gaib


>I recall xitter had an all time user peak recently
those are all bots anon…


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Depends on the level of political engagement I think. At least people who were politically involved in organizing in some way, for sure. Civil rights movement people. My parents are boomer libs but they just voot and they never did until they got older, and I've been in situations that involved some physical danger and IRL threats of violence by organized right-wing groups, and they never have in their lives. But I've met people who are old now and had experienced assassination attempts including bombs planted under their cars and their houses raked with gunfire from Klansmen driving police cruisers because they were involved in progressive politics (not even anybody famous), and that doesn't compare to anything I've experienced.

People involved in those days were experiencing that as an actual attack on a movement that was coming from the state in a somewhat war-like way, and led to serious discussion among people whether to shoot back (and some did), not just as a hypothetical.


>The KKK murdered my best friend
<Anyways a few decades later I decided to become Secretary of Labor for a President who formerly supported school segregation



Robert Reich is a pretty notable exception, in that he somehow missed the memo on the neoliberal turn and stayed actually pro-worker. He burned out as Clinton's Labor Secretary precisely because he doesn't fit with the liberal mainstream.

Despite being a committed liberal, he's pretty much /ourlib/ though so it's cool to see him posted here. Even if his framework for history and politics disagrees with us he does produce informative content on his youtube channel.


I mean, he literally thought he could help fix the system from within only to realize that no the fuck he couldn't and then he quit.


Getting spicy


dawg idk what to tell you.

>And you know the most infuriating fucking thing is how you act like I’m obligated to keep accepting this bullcrap with a smile on my face. It’s never “hey comrade, I’m worried about you. You okay?” Its “You did a badthink! Fix it!”

i have consistently made sympathetic replies to you from the perspective of grounding myself with organizing and trying to give perspective you choose to engage with jokes, bait, or bad faith replies. i dont think youre a fascist but i do think you are embittering yourself by fixating on hysterical liberals and it is clearly making you defensive of what may not be strictly chauvinist concepts, but your defensiveness and framing of them makes it hard to give you the benefit of the doubt. youre on an anonymous imageboard that is as much for shitposting and bait as it is for earnest communist discussion and if you want to earnestly discuss things here you gotta keep that in mind. obviously you know that but im just reminding you because you seem to be taking a lot of shit way too seriously.

as for shit in real life ive suggested various things before i dont know if you saw them, but at this point my best advice is unironically to just hang out around people who are poor and not white. not to get another perspective, not to atone or better yourself or whatever the fuck, i am suggesting literally only for the reason that white people of any class or politics are far more likely to have the kind of hysterical racial brainworms youre describing than poor non whites. i am suggesting it because it will be a break from whats bothering you. go volunteer at a black church or something, i am being completely serious, as ironic or counterintuitive as it might sound it would ground you in a situation where you stand out as white but are treated well and appreciated and will hopefully put in context that all the hysterical liberalism is as narrow as it is loud, and that you can choose to avoid that. seriously, just set aside a sunday and looks for charities or volunteer groups and show up for a few hours and enjoy yourself, repeat until you realize that the "omg fuck you cis white male" shit is something parroted by social media addicted conservatives more than it is even mildly present among the actual base of the population its supposedly about. idk if youre seeing this kind of shit in your CPUSA chapter or on social media or what but no one is forcing you to stay around those people or go on social media


trump should just shoot one of his supporters lol



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Music to my ears. They are fighting


arent most israeli sephardics?


Maybe but i only personally interact with the ones flexing polish and german surnames so idk about the other jews. Possibly the same though


Damn this CPUSA guy never shuts the fuck up about this does he?
You suggested a war tactic for a liberal protest and then got mad you were rightfully ignored.
Yes male history buffs will always be a red flag whether you like it or not.
Again no one is forcing you to partake in solidarity but don't feel entitled to it from a community.
This is how Tate and other grifters make a living, even make cults, they prey on weak men who want community support instead of just learning to shut the fuck up and not care about having one.


Not as bad as Christians still


Seeing libs melt down over this supreme court ruling is hilarious. They were perfectly fine with their presidents literally butchering tens of millions of poors with no consequence but it's only an issue now that rich Americans might hypothetically be at risk in a completely imaginary scenario.


>There needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members
Liberal re-education camps lol.


CPUSA anon shown correct again


I love that their weapons are bricks lel


>Yes male history buffs will always be a red flag whether you like it or not.
"History buff" has a pretty specific implication tbh. There's being interested in history or being a historian, and then there's being a smug nerd that treats history like a fandom.


>Not CPUSA annon
I have literally no idea what you're talking about


The Christians have no modern equivalent to Zionism. The closest thing they have to it is the degree to which they are Zionists themselves (which is actually a fairly straightforward form of heresy, but that's getting beyond the point.)


>The Christians have no modern equivalent to Zionism.
Christian nationalism.


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I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass, and I'm all outta bubble gum.


There isn't even a single "Christian nationalist" country and "Christian nationalism" doesn't necessarily imply ethnicity.


>it would ground you in a situation where you stand out as white but are treated well and appreciated
Reporting from europe here so the context is different but I feel even over-appreciated as a "white" man engaging in political action. Not in the sense that it makes me uncomfortable but in the sense that it makes me ask "what is the standard for white people?" (maybe men as well, might as well throw that in there). It goes into the whole issue of dehumanization that "whites" (broadly) don't really get.




Every member of SCOTUS deserves the bullet, but let's be real here, this anon >>1901980 is correct. It wouldn't matter. Joe Brandon would either just appoint equally or worse rightoids "to be fair" or more likely he'd get stonewalled by the GOP until a Republican could nominate replacements.


The Dutch Reform Church of South Africa still exists even though the National Party doesn't


Good God why don't they just put in Whitmer already. Do they want to lose?


>Joe Brandon would either just appoint equally or worse rightoids
Bipartisan moment


not true
he appointed ketanji brown jackson who is kind of a left-ish liberal who supports the power of the nlrb


>Do they want to lose?
dems love losing


I heckin love left-ish liberals


My 401k is more fascist than that


it just makes me so mad that he bitches about how hes totally not a fascist yet he has white-saviour complex and he cries woke constantly


it just makes me so mad that you are spamming CP and magacommunism shit memes.




Why are western leftists (Bernie, Corbyn, etc) so weak sauce? They are the first to unironically get the "stalinist" purge treatment and then get called evil commie dictators after by the same people doing the purging. Why can't western leftists actually start purging right wingers or at least embracing some little bit of "stalinism"?


>do they want to lose?


>Why are western leftists (Bernie, Corbyn, etc) so weak sauce
cuz glowies kill the good ones


very good post


because they have weak institutional power bases and more or less fluked their way into power. if Corbyn tried to purge Labour, there was a very real risk that 200+ Labour MPs would simply have fucked off into a new party which would've been propped up by the press and perhaps the legal system. (i.e. it may have been given the Labour brand…)
for all the motivation fuel and genuine good organising under Corbyn, for example, the fundamental reason he won the leadership in 2015 is because of the deranged hubris of Labour's right wing, who destroyed the moderate candidate most likely to win in order to boost left wingers, and who brought in the new voting system (which Corbyn won without, but which probably gave him a boost by creating a narrative where joining and voting for him could make a difference…) for leader, and the reason they brought that system in was the delusional idea that moderates would be the main people who'd pay to take part in a US-style "primary."

the backlash under Starmer has been so much worse than under Blair because Blair was in a strong position: keeping Corbyn and such around was a nice concession from him to the party, it cost nothing but showed they were all still theoretically "on the same team". Starmer is weak, he knows Corbyn generated enthusiasm, which nobody has for Starmer - the right would love to bounce him for his dog-killing sociopath health secretary or some other ghoul - and the 2015-2019 era shows even a vestigial left can still rebound. Thus, it must be amputated, whatever the harm to the party. (see: the farce around Diane Abbott's attempted deselection.)


A true censored gemerald


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What did she mean by this?


>but I feel even over-appreciated as a "white" man engaging in political action.
what does that mean?


man this kinda perfectly sums up how little liberals actually understand politics


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Incredible things are happening in America





that is also my perception when im working with good worthwhile groups that are grounded in the community and made up of sane people. i know exactly the kind of people CPUSAnon is describing, its overwhelmingly guilt ridden white middle class college grads and the narcissistic tokens who ration out absolution to them. those people are insufferable. i am not around them ever anymore, because i found better people to organize with. in ~2013-2018 it was hard to avoid those people as an active communist, now i find that most of those people have either filtered themselves out or isolate themselves in bubbles, and they are way overrepresented on the internet, because theyre lazy narcissistic social media addicts so ofc they are. maybe his CPUSA local is one of those bubbles. i was active in organizing when progressive stack type shit was rampant, and purity testing and self segregation were expected in a lot of places. i was and remain very against it and think its liberal cooptation and tacit sabotage. the fact is i have seen less and less of that, as i think many people have come to the same conclusion and the worst offenders have filtered out or been sidelined because they were liberals going through a phase. if anything i feel like the general movement has moved towards being far more critical of uncritical identity politics. yes, people are still very anti-racist and very much against american empire and cops, as they should be, and many people talk about that in obtuse and vulgar ways because a whole lot of people are obtuse and vulgar. what i know is in 2015 i used to get dirty looks for showing up to meetings after work because i was a white laborer and a lot of the people present were stupid and liberal enough to project their own sheltered archetype of a blue collar conservative onto me, and back then it was standard practice to actually nitpick language and treat people like they needed to fully defer to prove their loyalty. at the time i just avoided those people and found groups that werent like that even though it was very common. now i very rarely run into anything like that, and when it happens in groups im in its treated correctly as weird antisocial behavior. again, people are still very serious about anti-racism and queer rights etc etc, they just dont act like antisocial cretins about it, and it has been a very long time since i felt like anyone was expecting i defer or that im under more suspicion or whatever. especially anytime ive worked with working class black organizations, there has been far, far less of that kind of liberal purity seeking. if youre the only white person there theres usually more expectation you be polite and get a feel for things before become fully engaged, but in a way that never felt in any way hostile or unreasonable to me personally, least of all because these are usually actually community organizations and it is reasonable to expect someone from outside the neighborhood or church group to not come on assuming they know whats what regardless of who they are.

anyway besides all that im not even recommending any of that to CPUSAnon, i am simply suggesting he goes and has some low stakes, casual community engagement in a non white, not explicitly political neighborhood or town, to shake out the cobwebs and brainworms of thinking theres any kind of tangible persecution or condescension towards white people in the real world. literally just go hang out alone at a working class black bar and make conversation with people. i grew up and live white in a majority black area and never felt i was targeted or unwelcome in any way, even taking into account individual instances of people not liking me or being suspicious of me because i was white. those people were assholes and i dont like being treated like that but that has nothing to do with me and yeah sorry the historical situation is just actually different, if anything i feel like black americans as a broader demographic are incredibly gracious compared to any other repressed, segregated, and impoverished ethnicity i can think of globally in their relation to their historical oppressor nation. black americans overwhelming judge white americans they meet as individuals, compare that to bosnians and croations or armenians and turks or khmer and vietnamese or tutsi and hutu. its far more common for historical ethnic grudges to be much stronger and more absolutist. thats all ultimately besides the point though. you need to go ground yourself in the reality of daily life related to these groups to cure yourself of the notion that media shilled hysteria and the antisocial behavior of collegiate activists in any way represents the real thinking and behavior of the groups youre talking about. like 60-70% of that kind of rhetoric is actual conservative clickbait fearmongering and most of the rest is useful idiot liberals trying to seem pure and good without having any actual knowledge of or stake in what is being talked about

sorry for the bullshit blogpost, but whenever i see shit about how hard it is to be a white or straight or whatever communist because youre bullied by other communists, it just makes me think either someone is staying around stupid people they dont need to associate with and inferring way too much about broader trends from that, or otherwise just being brainwormed by social media and popular gossip to similar effect


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agreed, i can't say that this was my first thought on the issue but i was not terribly worried about it.


Where is Shay?


Grounded and sensible pilled post


Any examples of this puritanism behavior online? I dont get what you guys are talking about.


i havent been on social media proper in over a year now but there were still plenty of popular "left"-liberal accounts saying shit about how white people dont get to have an opinion on x, no one who has x opinion is an "ally", assorted insane sectarian posting, insane popularity contest queer cliques, etc etc the works. its braindead shit thats easy enough to avoid in the short term but too much exposure to it and you start to become preoccupied with rejecting that type of "politics" to the extent of unconsciously or otherwise presuming its more relevant than it is. and for the record im not saying this shit doesnt exist in real life and its not awful, but it is no longer nearly ubiquitous on the left and when a group is indulging in that kind of shit its a good sign theyre not going to do anything worthwhile anyway


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The latest 4chan meme is the plapjak.


me n you




Incel meme, cuz the underlying premise is that jak was "forced to settle" with fucking women under his imaginary sexual market hierarchy score.


>if he can admit the role that these countries played in WWII I don't get why people on this website can't.
They played a role but not at the same level as the USSR and people knew that at the time. It's not nationalism to point out where the vast majority of Germans died and where the war machine was aimed at.Stalin thanking the western allies is just common courtesy.


Encouraging obesity.



t. Fatty


Those people are feds anon. It’s a giant scam and distraction


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Kind of weird how my worry nowadays is that I do see a bit of a resurgence of anti-conservative sentiment brewing, but i feel like a trump presidency should really just tip the scale away from them having control of the meme matrix. The fact that all this shit is going down during the Biden presidency is also something to note, because the libs have no need to actually fight back, but with a considerably less popular Trump in the helm, that should really cause shit to accelerate. Especially if he becomes more noticeably senile, because i have watched a few clips of him and all he did was kind of repeat himself a lot. He is probably sharper than biden, but 90 autism score is still not that impressive even over 80 autism score


You’ve never been a white collar worker before if you haven’t gone through people getting triggered for no reason. It’s not even over IdPol, it’s over not sounding “professional”.
I’ve had written warnings because I “asked too many questions”.


they are not all feds, and im sure the majority are not. there are a lot of stupid, obnoxious, shallow people. either way yeah its a scam and a distraction, my entire point is dont feed into it or become preoccupied with it



Amerikkka has hypnotized the world. May Stalin awaken the people, and help them to see the evildoings of the United $nakkkes.


Pelosi turning on Biden. It's Jover.


Why do so many politicians look like machines trying to imitate humans?


positions of power in human societies, especially capitalist societies, tend to elevate individuals with antisocial low-empathy forms of neurodivergence like sociopathy, psychopathy, etc, because they are able to make split second "hard decisions" to take lives and torture people in order to protect some sort of status quo.


> you start to become preoccupied with rejecting that type of "politics" to the extent of unconsciously or otherwise presuming its more relevant than it is.
and the people who get preoccupied, if you tell them that's what they're doing, they get defensive, because they think they're sounding the alarm and saving everyone from that kind of politics taking over. When really they're just creating a feedback loop and unintentionally signal boosting it when it should be ignored, thereby creating a self fulfilling prophecy where they were right all along and nobody listened


> Especially if he becomes more noticeably senile, because i have watched a few clips of him and all he did was kind of repeat himself a lot. He is probably sharper than biden, but 90 autism score is still not that impressive even over 80 autism score


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>when a mf isn't unburdened by what has been


she's old and wearing a lot of makeup


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I like how all the good post involve grass touching. If anything I think another factor may be that the type of person CPUSAnon is upset with don't browse or post here. Its leads to a situation where a bunch of anons all jump in like "I literally don't believe in this jesse what are you talking about"

I also grew up white in a black majority neighborhood I really do think alot of whites and even some non-whites who come from not super diverse backgrounds(i.e. college students) get super weird when dealing with other ethnicities/races. Like you said though literally just go out and socialize so you can realize other cultures aren't an alien species and just normal people. I think the best long term solution is a renewed focus on ending segretation in housing and education, we still haven't really finished what the civil rights movement started in that respect and imho its way harder to be weird about race or even racist if you don't grow up in a monoculture(see picrel).

pls say psych anon. I want to go into biology and I assume academic shit like that counts as white collar and what your describing sounds like ass and a perennial nuisance. Also a sharp contrast to blue collar and service work where you can basically say whatever the fuck expect for extreme cases.


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>Former President Donald J. Trump over the weekend escalated his vows to prosecute his political opponents, circulating posts on his social media website invoking “televised military tribunals” and calling for the jailing of President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Senators Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer and former Vice President Mike Pence, among other high-profile politicians.
>Mr. Trump, using his account on Truth Social on Sunday, promoted two posts from other users of the site that called for the jailing of his perceived political enemies.
>One post that he circulated on Sunday singled out Liz Cheney, the former Wyoming congresswoman who is a Republican critic of Mr. Trump’s, and called for her to be prosecuted by a type of military court reserved for enemy combatants and war criminals.
>“Elizabeth Lynne Cheney is guilty of treason,” the post said. “Retruth if you want televised military tribunals.”
National Salvation Council prequel


Wow he is literally me. I stuck with a fat girl for a while because she was the first one to let me hit it raw, but eventually she got too crazy for it to be worth.


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leaked internal Dem polls

Biden is losing Nebraska-2, lmaoo



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Going hogging has been known as the cure all for dry spells forever.


>Whitmer and Buttigieg demonstrated serious strength against Trump in the electoral college in a two-way race, with both of them polling above 50 percent in states totaling between 260 and 301 electoral votes. Harris and Newsom, meanwhile, did not benefit from the name recognition adjustment.

If democrats have any fucking backbone at all they'll take whitmer or buttigieg as a desperate hail mary


i hope chairman Milley coups Trump and forms the real National Salvation Council


Don't care, there is a market.



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MONEY MONEY MONEY monehhhhhhhhh


Incelcide now. No we don't want every conversation to be about the sex you're not getting. It's not our business, shut up.


T. Incel


>Pelosi meandering about good ol' times regarding Biden


All the fat people ITT talking about how they have sex is repulsive and not to mention off topic. It's like imagining two walruses wrestling.


T. Fat and wrong


>Biden having a Secret Honor moment, hasn't talked to minority leader or Pelosi since debate
>Has insane son Hunter in all of his meetings this week
>Facing internal leaks from DNC and CIA
>Now this
They're gonna make him step down or whip out the heart attack gun for one last job


Gas is six dollars a gallon, your milk is full of viruses, you can’t get an abortion and you’ll be executed for using the wrong bathroom, but at least you can rest easy knowing the Biden Administration is hard at work on legislation guaranteeing you the right to skip ads on Netflix.


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It's over. MBS has called the election early.


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Further info.
honestly seems like an internal hitjob, which is much more funny to me.


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Butt judge has the best numbers?


Lots of staffers now worried about their Dem-bux and cushy admin jobs.


Turns out 'just be young' is the winning move here.


buttjudge is like a compromise, since he is gay that pleases the idpol crowd, and since he is a white male that pleases the racists, and since he is young that pleases everyone. he would be like an american macron. the only reason he didnt go further is because black people might not like him too much


You forgot him being CIA pleases the deep state.


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>Has insane son Hunter in all of his meetings this week

>Hunter Biden has joined meetings with President Biden and his top aides this week at the White House, four people familiar with the matter tell my colleagues, who are told the reaction from some senior White House staff has been, “What the hell is happening?”


And being bread price fixer McKinsey consultant pleases the banks, kicking out Black cops pleases the cop unions.


Jean-Pierre is getting grilled right now this very moment.


>ended 6 minutes ago.


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Roy Cooper is the guy no real baggage faceless Democrat polished generic energy. America needs this man! this dude is literally the guy the polls talk about beating trump


as an NC anon, he's far from the worst


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They are hunting the leakers now.


c'mon collapse already


<Build more schools less jails
<Build more schools less jails
>And we walk around everywhere
<Build more
>we protest
<Build more schools less jails
<Put money into education not prison
>Well there's a fundamental problem with that approach in my opinion


No collapse just the American century of humiliation


Butt judge
Roy Cooper
Baggage less
its a swingish state its a literal lay-up


If you put all 50 States into the blender NC is what would pop out. I firmly believe this!


Apart from the lack of deserts this is pretty much what NC is like

Part of it feel like the urban northeast, other parts feel like rural Kentucky, others are 100% deep south



Lloyd Doggett came out and said Biden should quit the race. That seems important.

>because they have weak institutional power bases and more or less fluked their way into power.
I think a lot of it comes down to retail politics too. There was an article about Jamaal Bowman which described something similar, but even worse than that, because he fluked into office but then didn't build a base of supporters who'd actually show up to vote for him again. He didn't do the work of building the relationships. Even worse, he alienated many different groups.

It goes into how he alienated Jews in his district (to be sure, being opposed to the Israeli war will probably do that, but he really screwed it up bad, including reaching out to certain liberal rabbis who were interested in helping him and then not following up with them. One of his liberal Jewish volunteers was trying to help him, but he she left the campaign because she felt tokenized, and he alienated Latinos by backing one of their candidates' rivals (in a separate race) on account of being personal friends with the rival, which split the progressive vote and allowed the incumbent mayor of Yonkers to crush them both, and then he alienated older black voters with this late speech about the MOTHERUCKING SOUTH BRONX. It's not like older black voters are going to be into that clownery.

And so, basically when his re-election last month came around he tried to court the "far left," as the article puts it. I'm not sure what that refers to, but many of his supporters and volunteers who were actually showing up were white and not from the district. This was a bad strategy because that… I dunno what to call it… faction or subculture is just not that engaged in electoral politics and door-knocking volunteers can only move a race a few points, while he got blown out by much larger than that, and this seemed to come from Bowman wanting to be around people who told him what he wanted to hear but were basically using him, rather than trying to help him.

The article contrasts him unfavorably with Summer Lee from Pittsburgh, who has voted in ways to really piss off AIPAC. She's not perfect but has voted against military aid, and has easily fended off challenges, and the article describes her as part of a functional left-through-center organizational machine with lots of lateral personal ties spreading between different nodes (including organized labor) playing the long game. People know each other. While focusing heavily on bringing federal dollars into the district, and making an effort to show up at stuff including events with the Jewish community and seems to have relevant people on speed dial.


>if youre the only white person there theres usually more expectation you be polite and get a feel for things before become fully engaged, but in a way that never felt in any way hostile or unreasonable to me personally … literally just go hang out alone at a working class black bar and make conversation with people … if anything i feel like black americans as a broader demographic are incredibly gracious compared to any other repressed, segregated, and impoverished ethnicity i can think of globally in their relation to their historical oppressor nation. black americans overwhelming judge white americans they meet as individuals
Yeah I agree with this. It's funny, I had a goofy professor in college who was around during the civil rights movement and worked for Ted Kennedy in the 70s and his biggest piece of advice for a bunch of white students in this class was to hang out at black bars. Go to bars, drink, make friends with black people. Solve a lot of problems that way. There's a union bar in my city where I've hung out at, and it's not so convenient for me now, but the crowd can be 50% black, sometimes the majority. People shooting pool and so on. I liked that place. I think it's true that if you're white, it can take a minute for them to get your vibe. You gotta play it out naturally.


I've only been to Charlotte because most of my dad's family lives there. It seemed like any other Southron jungle swamp from what I've seen. I guess better vibes than SC. I can't say this is any more than my vibes off of very brief interaction but SC was probably least favorite Southern state vibe wise and I've been to all the coastal ones.


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yeah i mean maybe dems are huge pussies and wont use their newly granted immunity to kill the opposition but maybe he's crazy enough to do it. like why not? convince your sundowning dad to call the hit squad on trump, then name you the successor, since it's all legal. i would support hunter biden as my king.


Anon we have the sandhills and this one cactus.



BREAKING: Joe Biden is still alive.


You gotta get to boone or Asheville it really is a different vibe from the rest of the state. I mean as a NC bro north Piedmont/coastal is extended Virginia and the same is true for the south part being extended South Carolina. We need a greater Carolina!


not believing it until i see a source


This is probably gonna be a long shot, but does anyone remember a prediction of United States population collapse by the mid-2020's? I think it might have been Chinese in origin and I think the website had a yellow background? This would have been before 2020, probably like around 2017/2018. I can't find it and it's driving me crazy


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There has to be someone in his cabinet trying to egg him on


smaller atlanta
basically New Jersey
mildly cyberpunkish
Never really been except to drive through
Anyone from there who says they don't smoke pot is fucking lying
>High Point
I've never met a single person who lives here I'm half-convinced this place either doesn't exist or is some kind of Silent Hill warp



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it appears that ipsos has a different post-debate poll

We might actually be in potential coup from the democratic party.


lmao obama made some calls


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She's the only one who can save us. It's time for muscle mommy president.


Cursed image


I think there is no plan for Michelle and she really doesn't want the presidency otherwise she would've already had it by now. 1 stint as senator 2016 to 2020 and then President in 2020.


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What the anarchist fears most


Look at all that baggage my candidate wouldn't have this issue


She would absolutely get raked by the media, so i don't blame her
god i hope so, but muscle mommies are now "Safe horny" to the internet

he's so generic.


Sandhills so cool and underrated, ik up in VA we have two types of Opuntia(drummondii likes coastal dunes and sandy riverbanks while Humifusa is found in more inland environments) so yall might have 2 as well.

solidarity bump of interest


>She would absolutely get raked by the media, so i don't blame her
She would have double cover being Black and a woman. Also she doesn't have Hillary Clinton type baggage. All she needs is credentials and she could win the presidency easy.


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> 4 Spies, 2 snipers, no medic, you can't do it!

That is the hard truth


> I’m gonna move Heaven and Earth to please you
"I'm too weak and disinterested in my comrades to struggle against the segregated apartheid state"
You will never be proletarian
>You don’t cease to be a white guy when some Sakaist goes on a rant.
<"The proletariat is a class of people who have been self-conscious of their position as members of the international class who drives history forward"
You will never be proletarian


thanks lol do you remember what I'm talking about?


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>She would absolutely get raked by the media
why? she would absolutely dominate polls while still preserving the glut of apparatchiks from the obama era that currently form the dem party heads. if anything the only reason i can divinate michelle doesn't have a political career is because she's stepping too much into hillary's turf but if she hasn't stepped in already it's because she's politically dead.


It's mainly vibes. Concretely, I have heard people say "thank you" for being at an anti-war demo/protest.


I think she just legitimately doesn't want to be a politician like she said herself. What benefit could it possibly confer on her but an ego boost? She's already rich, famous, respected, etc. It takes a really power hungry freak like HRC.


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I don't think she liked being first lady, the whole pomp around it. She's a girl from from the South Side of Chicago whose dad was a city water plant employee. Paradoxically this might make her popular, because she's a normal person and not crazy power freak like you said, and so it's not happening.


jesus christ that's gotta be the Kamala Harris quote of all time


well that was when that was but not where we were to be had in the was


we exist in the context of all that in which we live and all that came before us



democracy died during the lockdowns hth


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enough bullying.


I remember people posting here last election about how we had to vote for Biden because of how 'cool' Hunter was. Its just a desperate attempt to make the democrats look interesting.


> t. Barista


i'm having fun browsing the kamalaposting on twitter


> I want to go into biology
So do you want to be a doctor? A medical engineer?
You have to interact with colleagues who are businessfags.
I work as a mechanical engineer.


Don’t do that anon. Don’t encourage obesity.


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>i'm having fun browsing the kamalaposting on twitter


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its has always begun, joe bros.


Is Biden gonna lose Maine and NH?


I've looked into this one and I suspect it to be a Buttigieg coup poll. As weird as it sounds. Look up at >>1902801 which i really really doubt.


He's Bidone.


I almost want this to happen just because it'd be the ultimate karmic payoff for all the slimy, stupid shit the DNC's done since 2016.


I don't believe there will be an election in November at the rate we're going.


Why not, what do you think is gonna happen?


I hope not




Biden will simply be inspired by the hero Zelenskyyi


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>obesity isn't systemic
>most obese people just decide individually and voluntarily to be obese when they get a bf/gf because they feel encouraged for their bad diet
undialectical and retarded. you would know this if you had ever been with a person who had gained/lost weight several times


Too many (planned) failures of the apparatus, events in the world are lining up so that the imperial facade of nations can be dropped. If there is an election, it will be much like 1860 where no one believed the political status quo worked - I hate making historical parallels because it was a very different situation then, but since the rulers are fomenting that crisis with a similar strategy, over much of the same contentions, it's appropriate so long as people remember history doesn't repeat nor rhyme, but historical actors act as if they have some information if they are going to be credible to other actors. I refuse to believe anyone willing to enter political life, or working in this area, is as blind as the historical narratives command us to be. The behavior of everyone in politics is far too controlled to be the result of happenstance, and certainly isn't the result of politics resembling the idiotic stories told to the masses by trained liars - stories that most of the people don't believe, but are told to remind them this situation will not change from their agency.


Transvestigation would really blow up. Republicans love transvestigating "Michael" Obama.


There's been a lot more open admission that this country is British property and never was anything else, and some funny statements from conservitards recently when they push their agenda - things like miscounting the number of states on purpose and the planned reaction of the lib-order in denial.


>Dialectical Materialism is when you're fat
Embarrassing post, stop making excuses for your own disgusting habits.


well marx was pretty fat


Nah he had a top tier body in his youth.


"systemic" is the word you use when you want to blame others for your personal failings


Missed the news but Kinky Friedman died last month. Mostly a "literally who???" but was a regional, Texas gonzo-populist figure who got 12% of the vote in the 2006 governor's election. He was a counter-culture artist in the late 60s/70s, Jewish, that was in the same orbit as Willie Nelson. There was some funny hippie-country fusion in Texas at that time.

In the same zone as Jesse Ventura, but tended to deflect when asked to take positions on things. Like, are you pro-choice or pro-life? He'd reply "I'm pro football." A weird mix of libertarianism (legal weed, legal gambling) and quasi-socialist progressivism (a state public healthcare system) and border hawkery. Also socially liberal, pro-gay etc., but hostile to "political correctness." Also got in trouble for referring to Hurricane Katrina refugees from New Orleans as "crackheads and thugs." Actually did better in some random-ass, middle-of-nowhere rural counties like Bandera County than in cities. Well anyways.


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I am like the only anon who is the most bullish on biden but i really do feel like it's more 60/40 than it was 75/25 nowadays

That being said i do feel like leftypol has some pretty mixed political instincts (Mostly because i get the impression most anons thought Russia would crush Ukraine when they kind of fucked up, but Russia's economy is doing excellently enough)

So I frankly believe the vibes are overall mixed as a whole. The most boring result would be Biden wins (But less), Dem House, Republican Senate which would be the most predicable and worst outcome to have desu.


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He has been losing for the best part of a year. Stop being Democrat-brained and look at the state polls and not the entire country.


lol not only is biden losing his party is revolting against him and wants to replace him.
I have no idea how you can still be "bullish" on biden. espcially with those leaked internal polls


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Biden won't be the man but if Democrats wanted to, they could win this very easily.
They simply don't want to and need to push the country rightward. It is no loss to them if the country is cannibalized - and besides, I doubt they will let it come to an election at all, or want to continue such things as "elections". They already speak openly of abrogating all rights to those who don't pass their intelligence test, and two generations are trained to believe this is not only natural but Absolute.


burdened mf:


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We had two elections in a row where the election was not accepted. Biden or whoever the Democrats decide to replace him with will not accept the results of the election.People are under the impression that Democrats are not capable of power grabs and fascism like the Republicans. The narrative is already in place that Trump is a Putin puppet who has a secret plan to subvert the US and the recent supreme court case has allowed this narrative to increase. Some democrat insiders are suggesting to kill "democracy" to save "democracy" and that will result in a standoff after November. I still lean towards 2028 being the powder keg election but 2024 has the potential to be. Either way, once the military has to be involved to salvage the election, that can of worms will permanently change the country and allow for more military involvement in domestic affairs.


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>Cope:The Post


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Oh man they can't take Biden off the ballot. Only other option is fucking Kamala hahaha
>WISCONSIN — It’s already too late to remove Joe Biden from the ballot.
>NEVADA—After tonight, the fourth Friday in June, it will be too late to remove Joe Biden.
>GEORGIA—Only a few weeks remain before it will be too late to remove Biden from the ballot.
>The Heritage Oversight project has set their sights on three contentious swing states where they believe taking Biden off the Democratic ticket would not allow anyone else to replace him: Georgia, Nevada and Wisconsin.
>Wisconsin does not allow withdrawal from the ballot for any reason besides death.
>In Nevada, no changes can be made to the ballot after 5 p.m. on the fourth Friday in June of an election year or ‘a nominee dies or is adjudicated insane or mentally incompetent.’
>If Biden were to withdraw less than 60 days before the election Georgia his name will remain on the ballot but no votes will be counted.
>In Texas, the two party’s nominees have until the 74th day before the election to withdraw from the ballot. Some states, like South Carolina, do not allow candidates to withdraw for political reasons.
<An influential Republican group is already prepping for a counter-fight should Democrats try to pull Joe Biden off the top of the ticket.
<‘Due to the rapid decline of President Biden, as seen by his bizarre episode at the G-7, The Oversight Project is taking the unprecedented step to release this draft,’ said Mike Howell, Executive Director of The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project, in a statement.
<‘We are monitoring the calls from across the country for President Biden to step aside, either now or before the election, and have concluded that the process for substitution and withdrawal is very complicated. We will remain vigilant that appropriate election integrity procedures are followed.’
<If Joe Biden were to withdraw at any point before the Democratic National Convention, it would be up to the delegates at the DNC to pick a new nominee. But from there, they can expect legal challenges from Republicans looking to prevent any other Democratic nominee from getting on the ballot in certain states.
<The Heritage Oversight project has set their sights on three contentious swing states where they believe taking Biden off the Democratic ticket would not allow anyone else to replace him: Georgia, Nevada and Wisconsin.
<Wisconsin does not allow withdrawal from the ballot for any reason besides death.
<In Nevada, no changes can be made to the ballot after 5 p.m. on the fourth Friday in June of an election year or ‘a nominee dies or is adjudicated insane or mentally incompetent.’
<If Biden were to withdraw less than 60 days before the election Georgia his name will remain on the ballot but no votes will be counted.
<In Texas, the two party’s nominees have until the 74th day before the election to withdraw from the ballot. Some states, like South Carolina, do not allow candidates to withdraw for political reasons.
<Some states don’t have any laws on the books for dealing with a presidential nominee withdrawing, and there is little precedent for such a situation occurring.
<Biden, to be clear, has publicly said he has no intentions of withdrawing. But he’s long been swamped by speculation on his cognitive decline.
>Heritage Foundation


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It is certainly not a one to one comparison but there was overwhelmingly crushing vibes that Modi's party would crush the weird centrist party, but they managed to actually lose a few seats to them. WHile the situation is not the same at all, I would not doubt that democrats would overperform, even if they still LOST. That being said I do give them an incumbency advantage, people don't like change. India's situation feels more geographically similiar to the US than say France is. Where pollsters did measure things accurately enough.

I would also say I'm not democrat pilled, mostly just feeling the overall vibes of 2024. I felt the vibes of 2022 being where the zoomers would turn right even if I was wrong about WHAT was the cause of it (It was certainly tradcaths but idk if arthoes have anything to do with it, seems more like alpha male influencers)
mayhaps but it could also die down
i think it was also like a singular poll that i think buttigieg's team dropped, it seemed CIA-ish to me. Kind of a low-key story people forget
This seems like a bit of cope to me. I simply do not believe that Buttigieg would win THAT hard. I just refuse to believe it.
if the democrats lose, they would absolutely not do jack fucking shit
meh i felt like i explained what my instincts feel.


It will be 2024 as the final year, or the last election and the result will leave such an ugliness that it will be enough. Enough people will say what has become apparent - that the republic must die, and it would be the republic. Democracy as a concept isn't just gone, but so ridiculed that it cannot be restored.


I was within the minority which thought Trump was not gonna win, but given the utter trainwreck which was that debate, it's undeniable that if they pick Biden, they lose.


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I was bullish but have become bearish on Biden and the Dems seem like they're shitting the bed in real time. I'm thinking it might be irrecoverable because the main line of attack on Biden was vindicated on T.V. in extreme fashion. Everyone saw through the charade. People who pretended everything was fine but KNEW something was wrong but kept silent about it, that is just no longer sustainable. That is just death for a politician.

Main thing is that the track record of people being able to predict the future is remarkably bad. Also on Russia's war, launching an offensive can really be like rolling the dice. It's starting to sound like there might actually be negotiations to end the war. Russia looks able to grind on and hold on to what they have, expand it a little, but the war did not go the way they planned. Russian media outlets and their flunkeys will spin it, but their army has just not performed up to expectations. There's also this rightward shift going on in Europe, but that has not necessarily changed the opinion of Russia for the better. It makes me wonder if, now knowing how it has gone, whether would Putin have still done it.


I mean Democrat-pilled in the sense you fixate on the national polling and forget the electoral college exists
>if the democrats lose, they would absolutely not do jack fucking shit
What do you think they'd do? Beg extra hard for donations for the next most important election of our lives?
>once the military has to be involved to salvage the election, that can of worms will permanently change the country and allow for more military involvement in domestic affairs.
NSCbros… we're gonna win


This is not an issue. You're really voting for electors, so come the "real election" of the electors, they will be told to switch their vote to whomever the Democrats say, and that will be clear. They can just say "Biden = so and so" and deliver that message to the rank and file. But, being a major party, they can set the ballots to whatever they need them to be, and the election authorities are not able to pull the shenanigans certain assholes like pulling against people who actually give a shit.

Whether the Democrats give a shit is a different question. If the Democrats gave a shit, they would stop this indecision and slam anyone who does the stupid insinuation game of who should run in the idiot press. Of course, if Biden is replaced, and he almost certainly will be after this, the Democrats know who they really want. It was expected that they would wait until the primaries are done to foist the real candidate in.

I believe that whomever it will be will be someone unexpected, who has kept a low profile until he is announced (and it will be a man, don't be silly), who represents more or less openly "the deep state" and flashes his cred with that group. They already got the libs to become soulless and willing to accept anything. They're going to keep the public twisting themselves in knots for a while longer, then the guy they really want sweeps in as the savior.



>die down

biden is just getting older and more demented, we have 4 months left, trump hasnt even picked a vp yet


They proved many times that they could make basically anyone they want into a President and give him unlimited PR. Obama was the test case for manufacturing the ideal candidate in a lab. It did help that he was prepared for that mission long in advance, but if they really can promote anyone, they have no shortage of suits who can be promoted. The biggest problem is finding someone the olds will like, or announcing that the boomers are over and it's time for them to leave this mortal coil - also already propagated and proven successful among the screamers.


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Imagine Biden at the second "debate" putting on the same sort of horror show. It would be too late then to do anything about it. The Democratic theme on "saving democracy" also might actually accelerate pushing Biden aside, because it's not a question of whether Trump is 10,000x worse, that's not the point.


Truman was a random pick that the democrats chose because they didn't want Henry Wallace. Whoever is picked will be someone that the media is not talking about and that insiders have chosen.


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>trump hasnt even picked a vp yet
it's happening


bruh they arent going to civil war over this they are on the same team. dems are baby face and trump is the heel. trump wins this season to justify open hostility to "extremism" so when he puts pro-palestine people in camps dems cheer that hes getting rid of susan sarandon and jill stein. then next season dems win again but cross the isle to keep the camps open in the name of respectability honorable decorum. everyone blames the uppity browns and college kids for making hillary lose and claps when they execute russia bots that made biden lose. script is already written


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Yeah I'm thinking it's finished.
Over, even.


>Donkey in the room
So he was the only real democrat in the room?


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>"the donkey in the room"
I love this timeline.


Biden in the bunker:

>But inside the White House, Biden’s growing limitations were becoming apparent long before his meltdown in last week’s debate, with the senior team’s management of the president growing more strictly controlled as his term has gone on. During meetings with aides who are putting together formal briefings they’ll deliver to Biden, some senior officials have at times gone to great lengths to curate the information being presented in an effort to avoid provoking a negative reaction.

>“It’s like, ‘You can’t include that, that will set him off,’ or ‘Put that in, he likes that,’” said one senior administration official. “It’s a Rorschach test, not a briefing. Because he is not a pleasant person to be around when he’s being briefed. It’s very difficult, and people are scared shitless of him.”

>The official said, “He doesn’t take advice from anyone other than those few top aides, and it becomes a perfect storm because he just gets more and more isolated from their efforts to control it.”

>The debate, however, was so dismal for Biden that nobody could ignore it. For as furiously as Biden’s advisers have pushed back on concerns about his age, the now 81-year-old president’s halting, soft-spoken and scattered responses to former President Donald Trump, 78, shattered the party’s magical thinking on the subject. That the president’s difficulties came as such a shock was largely the result of how effectively his top aides and the White House on the whole has, for three and a half years, kept him in a cocoon — far away from cameras, questions and more intense public scrutiny.



Nothingburger. Watch, they'll keep him 1000%.


If it's come to that and that is real, it is for sure over. The Emperor might strut around naked and dare anyone to say so, but if too many say so at once, the edict that the Emperor has a right of nudity won't impress anyone.


Remember when shitlibs were telling anyone to the left of them they didn't understand government because we called Biden a right-wing schizo shitting his diapers


i really do not see it happening this dramatically. american institutions are so malleable from the inside while their ideological justification has a ton of inertia. i think its much more realistic to see elections and parties as much more openly managed while the rhetoric of freedom and democracy stays very prominent, if not more desperate.

but i could be wrong and maybe we've been living in exactly that period since bush's judicial coup in 2000, and 2024 or 2028 are the moment when the rhetoric is finally forced to surrender to the institutional reality of contempt for even nomimal popular participation in governance


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nothing will happen. presumably they were also riling against the palestinian genocide for months, but it's just posturing for the midterms. the dems are bracing themselves for a loss. the only issue is that they're miscalculating just how profound of a defeat 2024 will be.

also lmao this public lamentation shit is beyond pathetic. bitch go canvass on wisconsin or whatever, do something beyond just trying to cut your veins with spaghetti


>Pointing fingers doesn't do any good now
I'm blaming shitlibs for this one.


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tvlcels, we are so back


biden is under performing Hillary 2016 in virtually every metric. his historic losses in blacks and latinos silence any kind of "well america is more brown than 8 years ago tho" argument. if there was ever a situation where a dem was going to be soundly beaten it's this. Staying the course with biden still probably makes sense though. if you're likely to lose in any scenario it's better to avoid the chaos of dumping your candidate of dumping your candidate months before the race.


the weirdest thing about this debate drama for me is how hypnotized everyone is by the spectacle. we literally all know this old faggot has been senile for the past decade and everyone is suddenly pretending like it's breaking news because he shat himself in the debate. he won last time despite being senile
>but it's been 4 years he's so much worse
barely. this nygha been cooked for years and it didn't make demokkkraps 1 bit ashamed to vote for him


Tone deaf as she is, she’s not wrong. People have survived this. It’s not written in stone that we’re all going to die


I mean the handwringing and equivocating is cowardly and stupid, like there's nobody to blame for this situation, and of course it's not literally the end of the world (even though the world is ending and nobody is stopping it) but to act like we just need to move on and forget who got us in this situation is just standard liberal bullshit


>People have survived this.
it's because nothing will really happen beyond things just progressively growing worse as they have been since reagan. presidents were effectively above the law already, we were already being ruled by god kings. also no, she's fucking wrong, this is a prematurely defeatist shit is what's embarrassing lol. like libs have two speeds only, scold and lament.


trump isnt going to do shit, he has no ideology other than "more money for me and fuck you"
congress will be taken by democrats and judges will slap down anything he does, holy shit he was president once you know, for 4 years. this greedy new york business man isnt a christian nationalist lol

the only thing that will be interesting is what he has planned for foreign policy, thats were he will cause trouble


they have a third speed which is smug
y'know what, i do believe i did kind of fugg up when i did not take into account state level polling, but that seems a bit unreliable to me tbh. I have seen some massive ass swings from one side to the other on those.
still THO

I am pretty bored of biden now. JFK jr is getting raked.


> he won last time despite being senile
There are a few key differences than 2020. One, we were under COVID lock downs so Biden got to be in his basement for most of the campaign. Two, the debate structure in 2020 allowed Trump to interrupt him constantly so people said Biden was mature and didn't get to speak. Three, Biden wasn't the incumbent president at the time so no one blamed him for their economic woes.
>barely. this nygha been cooked for years and it didn't make demokkkraps 1 bit ashamed to vote for him
They got to pretend that Biden was operating behind the scene but the debate destroyed that image. The debate confirmed it with no spin this time that's why it's damaging


what is this shit, of course shes fucking wrong, who said "were all going to die"? what kind of hysterical liberal millenarianism are you smoking that the illusion of popular democracy in the US breaking down and the country declining away from its imperial throne is somehow such an unimaginable scenario that its game over and were all in the camps tomorrow?

god i fucking despise liberals. centuries of slavery, genocide, jim crowe, pinkertons and feds destroying unions and murdering organizers, global terror campaigns to enforce american hegemony, bush's judicial coup and patriot act, millions in prison and jails and under surveillance, and now the prospect of america being something other than a shining city on the hill is UNTHINKABLE

i spit on you


>Donkey in the room
Kek, so liberals CAN be funny, they're just choosing not to be
*channeling the spirit of Thalmann* IT'S YOUR FAULT SHITLIB! VOTE PSL 2024!


Managing elections in this way is a lot more expensive than you think. The facade is tiresome and produces less and less the longer it goes on.

It was mostly a matter of waiting until the Boomers died, and with them, the last living memory that heard of a thing called a "republic" as if it were a serious proposition.


missing the point of what I said but yes


>she's not wrong
Well her and her party are the reason we are in such a shit pridicament in the first place. Anytime she shilled liberalism she made her country a little bit worse for it.


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my bad i was mostly responding to the contrapoints post and thought you were largely agreeing with it


*aid shows up*
huh? what are you doing here?


Being funny is unprofessional and looks low-class.


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I understood this reference.


or representative w/e

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