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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 [Last 50 Posts]

A thread focused on discussing the parasocial relationships cultivated by the Almighty Algorithm to generate profit off of our atomization and society's commodification of petty internet drama.
Brace through the hyper-real lacanian void together with the Leftypol Twitter account:

Reminder That None of This Is Real!
ɢʀᴀʙ ᴀ ᴘᴀɪʀ ᴏꜰ sᴘᴇᴄᴛᴀᴄʟᴇs


>The Society of the Spectacle (1967) by Guy Debord
📖 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/debord/society.htm
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0blWjssVoUQ

<The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (1936) by Walter Benjamin

📖 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/philosophy/works/ge/benjamin.htm
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blq9sCIyXgA

>The Culture Industry from Dialectic of Enlightenment (1944) by Theodore Adorno & Max Horkheimer

📓 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/adorno/1944/culture-industry.htm
📖 • https://libcom.org/article/dialectic-enlightenment-philosophical-fragments-theodor-adorno-and-marx-horkheimer
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hSLdd8R8mY

<One-Dimensional Man (1964) by Herbert Marcuse

📖 • https://libcom.org/article/one-dimensional-man-studies-ideology-advanced-industrial-society-herbert-marcuse
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZCoLbEkAqs

>Discipline and Punish (1975) by Michel Foucault

📖 • https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/michel-foucault-discipline-and-punishment
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFbywfzu-jI

<Simulacra and Simulation (1981) by Jean Baudrillard

📖 • https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=DBF3E860993373223D72E98FADF0F2DC
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S96e6TdJlNE

>Manufacturing Consent (1988) by Edward S. Herman & Noam Chomsky

📖 • https://libcom.org/article/manufacturing-consent-political-economy-mass-media-noam-chomsky-and-edward-s-herman
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34LGPIXvU5M

<The Sublime Object of Ideology (1989) by Slavoj Zizek

📖 • https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=054E022C8BD24EE2C5595B575BCED7DC
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtIckkHsUQ4

>Postscript on the Societies of Control (1990) by Gilles Deleuze

📖 • https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/gilles-deleuze-postscript-on-the-societies-of-control
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hu4Cq_-bLlY

<Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism (1991) by Fredric Jameson

📖 • https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=5BD20E0E22FC8BC2CB4F8A7760D57027
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RtV0oO8Pmg

>Spectres of Marx (1993) by Jacques Derrida

📖 • https://libcom.org/library/specters-marx-jacques-derrida
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJr0NwXWb6Q

<Capitalist Realism (2009) by Mark Fisher

📖 • https://libcom.org/article/capitalist-realism-mark-fisher
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Cb5XJH4NMI



>Precursor Material to Post-modernity and Critical Theory

📖 • Karl Marx - Book 1, Chapter 4 of Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts (1844)
📺 • Why Marx Was Right: Alienation - PlasticPills

📖 • Georg Lukács - Chapter 4 of History and Class Consciousness (1923)
📺 • Marxism After Marx: Reification - The Marxist Project

📖 • Antonio Gramsci - Book 1, Chapter 1 of Selections from the Prison Notebooks (1929)
📺 • Hegemony: WTF? An introduction to Gramsci and cultural hegemony - Tom Nicholas

📖 • Louis Althusser - Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses (1970)
📺 • Althusser's Concept of Ideology: A Discussion with Anthony Gavin - Acid Horizon

<On Neo-Liberalism and Post-Fordism

[Work in progress]


The Society of the Spectacle (1974) by Guy Debord

Manufacturing Consent (1992) by Mark Achbar & Peter Wintonick, with Noam Chomsky

The Pervert's Guide to Cinema (2006) and The Pervert's Guide to Ideology (2012) by Sophie Fiennes, with Slavoj Zizek

HyperNormalisation (2006) by Adam Curtis

<Easy-Bake Breadtube (for absolute beginners)

We're All Fake Now - Wisecrack

Are Cell Phones Replacing Reality? - PBS Idea Channel

The Cultural Significance of Cyberpunk - Cuck Philosophy

Introduction to Critical Theory for the 21st Century - NATHANOLOGY


I Don’t Want to Be an Internet Person by Ginevra Davis

Pluralistic: Tiktok's enshittification by Cory Doctorow

Facebook's Threads is so depressing by Jason O. Gilbert


The US is getting ready for a world war, it's gonna get way worse. The draftee NEEDS to hate the enemy on a racial basis.


Far right shite gets the most attention -> Algorithm boosts them


Shitty global economy -> middle-class is riled up.


Probably just tweaking their algorithms to give you more popular shit outside your filter. I suddenly started getting a million Indian crypto ai guys in my feed out of nowhere.

I decided if I see a "twitter blocked me, reply with free palestine to get my engagement up" i am going to auto block now. Don't care if you are actually a refugee in gaza. Had like 5 of those in my feed in the last few days.


Nothing says marxism like focusing on what people look like.


Ngl I can't take those posts seriously much less when I'm browsing a horny account and between anime and furry porn there's "DON'T SCROLL DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!" retweets about Palestine.


I have gotten actual mental whiplash from people posting the cutest artwork I've seen, a random shitpost, and then a Palestine post in the same timespan


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Leftards and getting caught up in dividing the world into arbitrary, wrong schemas - name a better duo.

Most countries in the world are already 'developed' from the point of view of the maturity of capitalist relations, the relative differences between them (which persist owing to a variety of factors and not just some evil abstract "imperialism") notwithstanding.

When someone associates poverty as signifying a lack of capitalist development as opposed to being one of its necessary results, it betrays a philistine PB mindset which defines 'development' only in terms of strengthening and increasing the mass of the middle class.

>capitalism needs the immiseration of the proletariat (correct!)

>err also poorer countries are less capitalist despite this, somehow
Come on.


Communists dont view the imperial periphery as being less capitalist. We view the periphery as being more prone to being ruled by comprador resource extractor dictatorships, with the resulting instability creating a higher likelihood of eventual revolt. That instability makes them more ripe for revolutionary activity due to the weaker centralization of power and weaker state control over those places. However the lack of development means that when revolutions succeed, they practically start from scratch unless aided by foreign powers like russia or china. Ergo multipolarity makes more sense than a third worldist mindset. As if anybody these days is strictly "third worldist" anymore.


I don't focus on the looks of centrist-rightiods but the far-right is at the very least 20% comprised of people who join it because they think it's girly/gay to be a leftist.


National liberation has always just helped the national bourgeoisie of getting rid of competition from outsiders instead of furthering international proletarian association every single time.


>join it because they think it's girly/gay to be a leftist
i mean its not like theyd be communists otherwise, theyd just be plain liberals instead of outspoken reactionaries


Since there is no strong international communist movement, it means communist aims have 'no concrete relevance in reality', ergo the most hideous nationalist opportunism is okay. How very wonderful.


Capitalist is not a moral category


It seems you are mixing up prescripitive and normative again.


It's so fucking exhausting dealing with these retards 24/7 in every single corner of the internet. They're human cockroaches, but we're not even allowed to stamp them out.


>capitalism requiring the existence of a propertyless proletariat is "a moral category"
This is basic marxism and you still misread it.


What are you even talking about.


Misreading is the right cue.
Capitalism is simply the real movement (process) producing the present state of things.


What do your posts have to do with the fact that people will enthusiastically agree when you say that capitalist production requires large masses to perennially live in poverty but then go on to claim that the existence of widespread poverty in countries is proof of them being capitalistically underdeveloped?


"ok" denotes moral judgement



weve got a tankie retard that always starts posting non sequiturs to derail a thread when shit that doesnt align with stalin or mao and instead aligns with marx or lenin gets posted, dont worry


I dunno, you want to have a discussion on your terms but that a) is not going to happen, b) would not get you anywhere even if successful.
To go back to the start.
When the chips are down, everyone puts things in these neat (wrong) categories. Friend-enemy distinction.
You can read my posts as "tankie". That is not going to help you tho.


Westerners try not to arm literally all political insurgents ever challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Colonised countries are 'less' capitalist, and this is by design. Colonies are kept in a semi-feudal state

>Marxism took note of this distinction. The limits imposed on capi-

talism’s world transformative role by the very same thirst for surplus were
not, however, sufficiently worked out. That can be seen in Marx’s writings.
For example, in his “On British Rule in India,” the expectation was of a
more or less rapid capitalist transformation of the colonies. As we know,
that was not what actually transpired.13 British colonialism implanted cap-
italist relations and brought about transformations in caste–feudalism. But
it did not eliminate it. Capitalism’s transition to imperialism, its larger
investments and the building up of several industries did not bring about
any basic change in this pattern. Colonialism continued to be a restraint
on the development of local capitalism. Caste-feudalism continued in its
transformed forms. Caste continued to have a prominent place, both in the old and “modern” sectors of the economy. Taking all of this into consideration, the 3 rd International fleshed out, so to say, Marxism’s skeletal
assumptions on the prospects for growth of capitalism in the colonies. It
pointed out how colonialism restricts the growth of local capitalism, how
it makes feudalism its social base, and how it gives rise to severe disarticu-
lation in the economies of the colonies
<Building on this, in the light of the experience of making revolution
in an oppressed country, Mao Zedong added clarity and precision. He
qualified the capitalism engendered by imperialism in China as bureau-
crat capitalism. Attention was drawn to the direct role of the state in its
emergence and existence. The intertwining of bureaucrat capitalism with
feudalism and its compradorism were noted. Mao Zedong differentiated
the class representing this capitalism, the comprador-bureaucrat bourgeoi-
sie, from the national bourgeoisie representing native capital. The concept
of bureaucrat capitalism was further refined by the Peruvian Maoist, Abi-
mael Guzman (Gonzalo). He noted how bureaucrat capitalism serves both
imperialism and feudalism, as well as the traditional type of rich peasants.
>These characteristics of bureaucrat capitalism provide the key to
understand modernity under colonial conditions. Many have noted the
persisting presence of pre-capitalist relations and values in the colonies,
along with many features of capitalist modernity. This condition has been
described as “colonial modernity,” distinguishing it from that seen in capi-
talist countries. The dominant interpretation of this condition as “incom-
plete modernisation” however misses the essence of the matter. Rather
than being incomplete, what happened was the regeneration, resurrection,
of various features of the old, the traditional, by bureaucrat capitalism;
even while it continuously transformed it and ushered in the new. Trans-
formation through bureaucrat capitalism will never be complete. This is
the essential characteristic of colonial modernity. So long as the country
continues to be under imperialist oppression and bureaucrat capitalism
remains operative, this dialectic of transformation/resurrection will persist.
Hence we see it under neo-colonialism as well

<An all-India evaluation of data obtained from a 2013 NSSO survey

on agricultural households reveals how land ownership, tenancy condi-
tions, agricultural infrastructure, credit sources and burden, and produc-
tivity still vary across castes quite significantly. The persistence of caste, its
reproduction and reinforcement is of course all too visible in the all-round, continuing deprivation of Dalits and other oppressed social sections, as well as in the privileges, resources and positions enjoyed by the oppressor
castes. Given that caste was intrinsic to pre-capitalist production relations
existing in South Asia, this raises questions about the capitalism that is
said to have replaced them. Rather than classical capitalism that grew by
eliminating feudalism in one or the other way, the one engendered here
by colonialism has forever been intertwined with caste-feudalism. It has
always served both imperialism and feudalism
>Mao Zedong named it “bureaucratic capitalism,” indicating the close
association of this capitalism with the state. This goes beyond the usual
relation of a class with its state, i.e. the overall securing of its class interests
through the state machinery. In bureaucrat capitalism the state has a direct
role in the growth or decline of different sections of the big bourgeoisie.
Their fortunes wax and wane in direct proportion to their proximity to
the current political centre of power. In recent years the term “crony cap-
italism” has been coined by some to describe the nexus between political
players and corporates, and the role of political patronage in business pros-
pects. It is a misnomer. Reducing the matter to one of personal preferences
and inclinations, it avoids grappling with the structural role of this rela-
tion. In oppressed countries, the state is both a facilitator and site of capital
accumulation. In many of these countries, government-owned companies,
financial institutions and savings aggregators like insurance companies and
large trading concerns exist along with private bureaucrat capital. Even
while pursuing their specific interests and having non-antagonistic con-
tradictions with each other, the public and the private complement each
other. They form two factions of a single class, the comprador–bureaucrat


First correct take made by a glown poster


>>1894878 Scott Alexander is a completely different person who does rationalist blogging, but it wouldn't surprise me if the ZHP guy's a balding depressed 39 year old himself.


Do you bring up your dengist boogeyman to every unrelated conversation


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Who was in the wrong here?


Because they're the heroes the USA deserves, but not the ones it needs right now. So, we'll write conspiracy theory twitter threads about them. Because they can take it. Because they're not our heroes. Wraithes… They're silent guardians. Watchful protectors. Dark Knights.


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That's Dr. Scott Siskind, psychiatrist. IIRC Zero said he works in software. Doesn't add up


OKay but the Fuentards are actually right this time, these guys literally get money from Peter Thiel for being as racist as the young right likes but still pro-Israel. This is a good development.


being anti-assange is legitimately the most sus thing I've ever seen from him aside from canoodling with AOC


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>Doctor Kidsinspect.




I like how the Chinese audio used is the wikipedia summary of the show "Friends"



>Anyone else experienced a colossal influx of far right content on Xitter?
It's funny that "ratioing" as a means of shaming became a thing because that's exactly what puts people in people's feeds.


That pic is more than 10 years old he's probably bald and wrinkly nowadays



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Hard drive check. Now.


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>raw egg nationalist
>claims to be an aryan bodybuilder
>gets doxed
>A neo nazi who turns out to be a scrawny jewish latino living in literally his mom's basement
Reminds me of someone….


You’re stuck in the 20th century.


> but was actually a scrawny jewish latino living in literally his mom's basement
Is this news? We're we not already operating under this assumption?


Not caring too much about Assange isn't sus. Hasan has proved his cred twice by 1. not falling for the Uyghur bullshit and 2. Not falling for the Tigray bullshit.


Assange's whole thing is exposing the US war machine and deep state and is being prosecuted as a journalist exposing the empire. The charitable interpretation for that kind of response Hasan had is that he heard some of the bullshit allegations and believed it and wants to avoid guilt by association or he thinks anything rightoids care about is stupid. Things he's said and done in other contexts make that seem really unlikely. On the other hand, the overwhelming majority of hate for Assange is clearly either astroturf or coming from people with sympathies to US imperialism.


Have you been conditioned? [by capitalism]



Capitalism ruined my country - revolutionaryth0t


Don't see anything anti-Assange here. He is just calling out the fact that the free Assange campaign has attracted a bunch of weirdos from the libertarian/crackpot/contrarian spheres


He is calling out an annoying chatter who thinks he can dictate his stream's program which Hasan rightfully dislikes. Don't read too much into it, lmao.


>not falling for the Uyghur bullshit
that's just a lie
he mentions muh uyghur oppression by china on the regular, you can't be serious


and there are rightoids speaking about palestine too, what's your/his point?
completely dismissing someone talking about assange as a "weird fascist" is insane



His point is that he is annoyed by single people coming to his chat and demanding to cover certain topics immediately, it just happens that the people who engage in this behavior cluster around certain online groups. Do you think that this is constructive engagement or just another hatewatcher trying to shit on their parasocial obsession?


He quite literally has a custom pro-Xi emote, lmao. He arguably is the most prominent pro-China voice on the entire English-speaking Internet.


What? The extract is from two essays by comrade Ajith published in like 2020.


Hasan is ok
Anyway, look at this chicken influencer, you filthy fucking animals


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>You’re stuck in the 20th century.
<post literally cited a survey from 2013


>its a key aspect of their culture
whenever a zero-historical-materialism radlib talks about "culture", I stop listening
>They have no independent ability to produce culture or expand the wealth of humanity until they recognize the chauvinism of their national identity.
yeah them and every other imperialist state, I doubt they are worse parasites than every collapsed empire that wasn't able to reckon with their contradictions through exploiting humanity


I have said this once and I will say it again, the current right resurgence is just a symptom of increasing dysgenics and in particular the radical right wingers are low quality men mad that they aren't given shit just for existing.


i remember hearing him mention uyghurs being mistreated by the chinese state in one of his videos about palestine, the context was something about a zionist denying the palestinian genocide with population figures and he brought up the uyghur "human right abuses" to make a point
i don't have the clip in hand and i don't really care, but this hasan guy is sketch to me
i still watch him sometimes tho


I get the same on youtube, but it's only cuckservatives.


Bringing up the Uighurs is pretty good for exposing Western hypocrisy, you catch them in double standards constantly because of their massive reaching with it


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was just thinking about how the grifter Yanis Varoufakis doesnt understand capitalism to begin with by stating that monopolies =/= capitalism. Thats like a teenage libertarian way of figuring things out. Marx in Capital even states that the apex of capitalist is the social mode of production highlighted by corporate monopolies that centralise leadership and hire the most people.
"Techno-feudalism" is a term that just befuddles people even more who are trying to think the system. But what more can we expect from "intellectuals"?


>stating that monopolies =/= capitalism
Where does he say that?


even he knows techno feudalism is just a marketing term that he made up


His argument about "technofeudalism" is that it "killed capitalism", where technofeudalism is just the monopoly capital of internet services which end up rent-seeking. The point he makes is that because this kills competition it therefore defeats capitalism, rather than expresses it.


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Elon Musk has once again personally intervened to unban someone who posted a photo of child rape.


Well remeber when it was uncovered that elon had an alt account where he would pretend to be a child? He is a mega pedo like all billionaires.


>his mom reveals
Chef's kiss.



It's just about power ig. The power to groom a helpless sex slave thanks to your clout. Plus he seems like one of those right wing pedos obsessed with neoteny.


>automatic CSAM ban
How would that even work? MD5 Hash? AI? I wonder what other kinds of automatic bans they have…


pls respond, how do I pirate music nowadays


I bought an extra large pizza and 16 piece chicken wings from pizza hut the other day and including tip it cost 50 fucking dollars.


My stupid lib friends believe the Russiagate shit and are all like "hmmm isn't it weird how he hacked the dems just to help trump???"


Isn't his thing that once your business is big enough, quantity becomes quality and you start acting more feudal? Like global monopolies function more like empires than businesses because they're out of market share to absorb and are now just protecting their holdings and collecting rent on production essentially.


remember when musk accused the guy rescuing the kids trapped in the cave of being a pedo? accusations and confessions.


> "hmmm isn't it weird how he hacked the dems just to help trump???"
The DNC server hack was an inside job. This was proven by how quickly the data was transferred since they didn't have internet that was fast enough. And even if Assange personally hacked them, that doesn't guarantee he could have also hacked Republicans. It's not like there's a big server somewhere that has all the dirt on the Ds and Rs together in one place. Anybody making that argument should be subjected to public humiliation for implying something so stupid.


jimmy dore blaire white interview. i support them getting in contact because i guess this is just gonna be the "synthesis" of a thesis of uncompromising transphobia and an antithesis of progressive transgenderism. maybe soon something can come of it.


Oh I know. But they're religiously devoted to their libshit news sources and the dem party. It's basically not worth arguing with them about it at this point.


Yes production ceases in volume, but its not because it is making things more expensive by importing more labour into them (which would be more feudal/artisanal), but its because companies simply dont want to pay for labour and would rather focus on consumption. In the first-world in particular renting has become big as a way to commotidise unproductive social relations (like renting a bedroom, or paying a subscription to watch movies online).
This is because the first-world can afford to just give people money, and so the money is creatively funnelled back to capitalists.
I would say this is more akin to what adam smith calls "rentierism" (which a superior thinker like michael hudson has commented on) than feudal relations, EXCEPT where it pertains to land, which i would call increasingly feudal (but not technofeudal). The shift of home ownership to renting is the turn from free markets into monopoly by estate agencies (and governments).
(Ironically in my country the monopoly of home ownership came from a program of promoting personal home ownership).


This is a good post but to be clear I was trying to clarify what Varoufakis' position is, not argue for it.


luma ai


Varoufakis' opinion is simple. That the rise of monopoly online and their rent-seeking activities point to a feudal regression in the way the internet is organised.
Trurh be told, i agree - in part.
The first point i noticed in my own experience was musk's commoditisation of the blue check mark on twitter, which i would say in analogical terms, broke the caste of twitter nobles and replaced them with a new opportunistic bourgeoisie. This to me is historically the transgression from feudalism.
As for rent-seeking though, it is true. Youtube blackmails you with ads, amazon and netflux streams and so on. The concept of digital copyright… (although, this form in the internet 3.0 takes on a more capitalist mode with the retention of sovereign property).
What all this points to is obviously the failure of the capitalist imagination to innovate, and so it extracts what it can.
My longstanding opinion is that if copyright law was ever broken then western capitalism would collapse.


They've had programs to detect CSAM for awhile now. Police and feds use it but I'm not surprised it's available for social media that needs to stop that shit fast.


North Korea should wage war on the West by hosting bittorent servers for all Western media.


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>They're are only two genders


Actually its interesting since russia doesnt have copyright laws for contents of "unfriendly states", so they sometimes watch pirated movies in cinemas lol


A whole bunch of sanctions are illegal under international law and wto rules. There already is precedent on the suspension of IP laws when it comes to illegal sanctions, IIRC some island state sued the us for that because of sanctions and won the case.

Not that this international organization non-sense means anything in the long-term but it's funny.


I'd like to add to this - to participate in american society you must use with the internet in some way. as social media started rising and the rate of profit starting to fall, the tech capitalists, because they could, started harvesting worthless data as a byproduct. it wasn't until the invention of the algorithm that they found a way to monetize the rivers of data they accumulated. the algorithm is trained relentlessly to be the perfect consumption tool. it's only purpose to exist is to train you to train it to train you to train it to seek out in the ocean of commodities what you'll trade your money for. what you see on amazon.com is completely different from the one your neighbor sees, and Bezos charges 40% rent for every sale made. the important distinction here is there is no production being done, only rentierism. when the encirclement campaigns first started, it didn't make feudal power stop completely, but it was only the new innovators that enjoyed newfound wealth - and power. investors didn't fork over 50 billion to musk to buy twitter for no reason, there is a global war going on for data market share.

Europe is not techno feudalist. they have data protection laws and are behind on technology. China is techno feudalist, but with chinese characteristics, their app WeChat does everything like banking and texting and taxes. Musk says he wants to turn twitter into the american WeChat. In March, when the U.S asked Bytedance to divest away from Tik-Tok, china blocked the deal on grounds their algorithm is considered 'home grown technology' and subject to export controls.


Is Metokur the last remaining true right-wing sigma male?


I just dont see any of it separate from capitalist dynamics. Rent-seeking is a long-established rule of property owners to make you pay a toll for crossing a bridge for example. This has its feudal context, but also its capitalist one.
And like i say, in technofeudalism, we would have tech nobles, but these dont really exist.

About data too, what is the alternative? Cookies advertise things to us, but this can also be helpful, especially where your youtube feed is fit to your interests. There are ridiculous ideas of monetising data for users of the internet, but this is rent-seeking in reverse. Nothing is made except wasted time.


Maybe what you could say is that the feudal mode of production which has been subordinated within capitalism to minimal existence (mainly in the form of landlords) is being rejuvenated by conditions that are more favorable to that model of economic parasitism than they used to be. It's not overtaking industrial capitalism but it's becoming more relevant than it used to be.


It was a natural evolution of tangible commodity production being separated from the owners that profited on them. ford + GM + Toyota make up about half of the american domestic car market. who are their CEO's? ask yourself why you know who Musk is when tesla is a peasly 4%


He's a grifter until he turns his back on the soy-right, which he won't because he needs the income. The soy-right have become more cringe than anyone metokur has mocked before.


He's just another lolbertarian-white supremacist with an asian girlfriend, like the meme. He's also one of the most dramatic people I've seen with him constantly telling everyone he's retired and dying, only to come back a week later.


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Yes i would agree, but i think this contradiction in the mode of production shows a similar contradiction in the bourgeoisie itself. Marx in Capital vol. 3 for example shows how the surplus-value extracted by landlords necessarily extends from the proletariat in capitalist conditions, but persists as a sort of super-exploitation (since the landlord's relation is not borne from necessity, but from the institution of rent).
This to me is a different mode of production than what the industrialist engages in, in kind. The landlord like the banker engages in the "money-capital" relation of expecting interest back on a fixed amount of product invested, and thus defines the object of surplus-value in essence, thus most fully representing capitalism (while paradoxically mirroring feudalism). Lenin's view of bankers is also particular in his analysis of imperialism and financial capitalism too.

So what i see is the determination of a mode of production based on the particular exploitation by a particular class enemy. This is why if you ask ANYONE on the left who their biggest enemy is, they will say landlords. If you ask on the right, they will say bankers and/or politicians - where politicians likewise receive their income from taxes; the rents of the state.
So i distinguish money-capitalists from industrial capitalists. Michael hudson for example points to the success of china in how it focuses its production in industry rather than tourists or investors. Obviously the west has largely de-industrialised and opted for a quickly decaying service economy.


Mask off moment

He literally called Assange a "fascist" in that clip you fucking dolt. He also denies every tankie take when pressed. He basically stands for "landlords are bad but we shouldn't do anything about it." He uses socialism as a fashion accessory.


Even my google search results are far right. You look at anything leftist (that isn't anarch bullshit) you'll get pages of Jordan Peterson calling it Satanic or Sowell "debunks." Culture has shifted so hard right ever since the Bernie bros quit pretending to care about politics and became single issue LGBT people and even LGBT is shifting right with all the right-wing transgenders reacting against TERFs by trying to be more far-right.


>Culture has shifted so hard right

Not really, just that the media has.


>>1895571 (me)
After seeing this 20 second clip I watched his whole section on Assange and he's supportive. Even though he says he doesn't like him personally for being a lolbert, he thinks what he did is good and important and defended him against the usual lib arguments (sex crime allegations, partisan bias, etc). This seems like an extreme case of clip chimping, so whoever took Hasan out of context like this is the one in the wrong here.

"Julian Assange if Free" from Hasan's YT channel

>He literally called Assange a "fascist" in that clip you fucking dolt.

No, he told the chatter to "go hang out with fascists" who obsess about Julian Assange, meaning presumably the schizo antivax red-brown sphere he's alluding to by referencing Jimmy Dore.


>meaning presumably the schizo antivax red-brown sphere he's alluding to by referencing Jimmy Dore.
radlib twitter brain rot


They're are only one genders


>no proof


Ah it's another episode of taking Hasan out of context. Also yeah there are a shit ton of schizo's that like Assange which Hasan also mentions doesn't fucking matter because what he did was ultimately good.


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Some twitter anticommunist radlibs being totally normal regarding discourse about Jamaal Bowman's loss.

BRG is clearly making a distinction here between canvassing for a (specific) bourgeois election where you're competing with wealthy lobbyists vs. organizing the people to solve their problems more directly. Most of the people seeing this seem to be unaware it's specifically about Jamaal Bowman losing, because it's taken out of context. It's also very ironic that they're saying this about someone who is actively involved in organizing while themselves being chronically online posters.

This also falls under the genre of willfully misinterpreting and/or criticizing black people for using black colloquialisms like "in the streets."


I think it boils down to what "organizing the people to solve their problems more directly" entails and whether something was accomplished by it.


oh look, a rightoid and/or pedophile (indistinguishable these days)



>build power
>organizing the people to solve their problems more directly.
propose specific steps to unionize a factory, gather specific information about police and military assets and capabilities, organize specific strikes, etc.


>lay out your 5 year plan in a twitter reply
You know saying "organize like a communist instead of just participating in bourgeois election campaigns" is a pretty straightforward point to make in the wake of a failed election campaign and this is a really weird bone to pick.


of course, proposing specific actions will sic the feds on you as doing anything that's not lib shit would entail creating a criminal conspiracy. it's all fucked, we're doomed


The WTO probably believes that engaging in protectionism wrt intellectual property to boost their own media industry is against free trade principles and erodes the concept of intellectual property. This combined with the decoupling of the internet in russia, the great firewall of china, the refusal by russia to enforce western copyrights, indicates a trend toward the nearing end of intellectual property's enforcement capabilities. I see light at the end of the tunnel for us bros.


I think it's just going to turn into a neo-mercantilist age of copyright, where countries forbid you from violating copyright except for their national enemies


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>thirty words or less
>include at least one number
>which leftist org do you support?
>>reason stated: 9/11


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It's funny that SocDoneLeft thinks that nobody giving him a real answer is indicative of the sorry state of the left rather than a positive sign that people know not to answer obvious fed questions. Especially since IRL he looks like the federal agent phenotype got hit with a force-fem ray.


I don't see why he marked it as red.


>federal agent phenotype
redpill me on this


radlibs and rightoids don't be weird about race challenge (impossible)


The alphabet soup agencies are full of mormons who are like extra white.




Look at the second pic in >>1896419 and you will see we are not allowed to use an ize word like this one (or unionize).


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>he looks like the federal agent phenotype
sdl's great uncle is richard bissell among other things lol


thinking about contrapoints claiming "a bartender who owns the bar she works at" as a supposed example of a modern type of job that makes marx's class theory outdated. yeah, "self-employed small salesman", that job that famously doesn't long predate capitalism let alone marx


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there too much bullshit, too many times on that site and you should know that by now unless when you're a twitter radlib who forgets when there wrong right away afterwords
not saying shit until the log are out at this point


he literally admitted to it


yeah that's cool and all but he literally admitted to it


>he literally admitted
so your just taking his word?
if you're going to do that, then you are also going add/say (in the same thread) he also "admitted" nothing pedophile happen.
you can't point to one detail while ignoring the rest if going to do that on this case


<twitter users are out here putting their twitter conversations in spread sheets
Now that's what I call faggotry.
I never want to see the janny faggots allows your twitter leakage out of this thread again.


not only did he admit it, he tried to edit the tweet to remove the word minor multiple times. It's all on the logs.


are you lost you debatebro faggot?


Someone should minecraft him and put it on youtube
I have scarcely an idea who the fuck these people are but "Welcome back Mr Orwell"


>not only did he admit it, he tried to edit the tweet to remove the word minor multiple times. It's all on the logs.
yet the thing i was talking about wasn't.
there not really much of point you're even making, and yet you still take his word of it even after your trying to making a negative point about him



>twitch: he did it
>doc: i did it


>this is what twitter users believe


File: 1719472581052.png (180.87 KB, 610x862, ClipboardImage.png)

>your entire family should be raped and killed for raising the most insufferable faggot ever


>your honor, I tried to talk the child into meeting for sex as a prank


>this is what twitter users believe


>your entire family should be raped and killed for raising the most insufferable faggot ever


File: 1719473355204-0.png (400.98 KB, 550x550, Infrared.png)

Look at these two photos and tell me Haz isn't a reincarnation of Boulanger


>"your entire family should be raped and killed for raising the most insufferable faggot ever"
>this is what soyteen twitter users say when there angry
i like the fact that you admitted your a twitter user and ignored the rest of the tread like a twitter users


>twitter twitter twitter twitter twitter
is this the new "you're reddit" meme zoomers are doing?
i don't have an account on any social media profile, i don't know what the fuck you're talking about
dr disrespect is a self-admitted pedophile and you're a faggot, end of story


It is more of a naval base than airstrip.


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Jimmy Dore really knows how to play to what his audience wants to see.


Was Nick secretly onto something when he said this?


Nick seems to have zero lasting principles other than hating women and being ostensibly Catholic so I'm not surprised if his wildly shifting allegiances mean he randomly spews something correct about another eceleb occasionally


you shouldn't have a 5 year plan unless you're the fucking state. "organize like a communist" - you mean badly? you mean on the principle of utter pointlessness?
SDL is a cunt, but their autistic little spreadsheet is a brilliant innovation. chronicle the so-called "achievements" that arise from all of this "organiz[ing] like a communist". action, not words.


RednBlackSalamander is correct tho.
>BRG is clearly making a distinction here between canvassing for a (specific) bourgeois election where you're competing with wealthy lobbyists
Well then he explained himself like shit.


>"dr disrespect is a self-admitted pedophile and you're a faggot, end of story"
>this is what twitter users believe


>SDL is a cunt, but their autistic little spreadsheet is a brilliant innovation.
Agree tbh, if it was so stupid then someone could come along and fill it out on behalf of all the orgs
absolutely laffin


I'm not any of those anons but what exactly is the point you're trying to make?


Half of "socialists" can't talk to real people. After the first sentences they will be foaming about radlibs, geopolitics and "anti-imperialism".


>blacks have big lips because they need more surface area when they suck a homie's big black dick
Hol' up, let xir cook.


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not really, but bombacci…


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>so whoever took Hasan out of context like this is the one in the wrong here


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A new one for my collection


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The context


>gets a phd from oxford
>fails at finding a career
>moves in with his mother and starts a twitter groyper grift
the petit-bourgeois professional class is in a crisis


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>uncritically reposting something from tinkle


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This is fucking hilarious. Americans never seize to amaze me in how evil they actually are.


Too busy changing their pronouns to seize the state apparatus


I just looked at that spreadsheet and felt autism. I think BRG is probably wrong about AIPAC though, I read that Bowman was already down in the polls before AIPAC entered the race. He was goofing off, alienating not only moderate Democrats in his district but also waffling in his relationship to the left which led the DSA to unendorse him (or something like that) at one point in the past. He also became the first sitting congressman to pull a fire alarm to delay a vote.

I don't think AIPAC really decides elections, they flood in (when challenging incumbents) when they know it's a sure thing because they don't like to lose. Every faction involved also has a motive to credit the Israel-Palestine issue for Bowman's loss. The Republicans and other very pro-Israel people get to beat their chests, the Democratic establishment will use his loss as a cautionary tale to discipline their conference, and progressives get to blame Big Money without admitting their guy was a goofball. Nobody will learn anything.

Boulanger was at least a general. Patton was also a general and larped as the reincarnation of Alexander the Great.

Some people are triumphing over the failed CIA coup while others are bemoaning the CIA failing because it has gone woke, but I'm sitting here thinking there was no CIA, the general never even called them, and history has never been more over. Absolute victory for the nothing ever happens guys.


Yeah but William Burns reportedly told Bolsonaro not to do a coup so we got to hear from the Anya Parampil fans that Lula was the CIA candidate.


The second pic is kinda correct, if you ignore the authorial intent.


Yeah, but not with a person foaming their ideas into you.


>another Steam sale
>Outer Wilds still not more than 40% off
>Cruelty Squad still not more than 60% off
>Return of the Obra Dinn not discounted at all
>Tunic has a new record discount of -50% but that's still not enough

Unless I can find someone in South Asia to gift me Tunic for 7 or 8 bucks, this Steam sale is already ogre for me.


Yeah this is the one good point I've seen against what he was saying. Jamaal Bowman was a weak candidate. That said, I think AIPAC would have dumped however much money they needed to in order to take the seat from somebody who was too hard on Israel.
>I don't think AIPAC really decides elections
They really went after this one. it was all over the news.


>I don't think AIPAC really decides elections,

95% of house races outcome in the US are decided by who has more money spent on the campaign. I am sorry but you quite literally don't know how the US electoral system actually works.


If Russia really did kill 1 guy 1 jar I can never forgive them, I'm sorry, that video has too much sentimentality for me, and I Just won't be able to forgive them if he died to shrapnel.


>Workers of the world, unite!
<achtually, masses is a buzzword true socialism is my femboy fbi.gov server
Communism has a visibility issue right now where asking 9/10 people they will tell you communism is burning down stores for misgendering queer black people which is a message that only really appeals to 16-24 year old students. Absolute clown shit like right-wing libertarianism is discussed seriously where they publicly say shit like "orphans should die even if there is an abundance of food because they don't have family to feed them and that's their fault" with no repercussions just because they are "publicly acceptable."

Touching grass and reaching out to people and especially third-party people who know there is a problem but didn't process the information correctly is absolutely a valid strategy. I can't stand the doomers who gatekeep and want everything to stay on fbi.gov servers as the message gets more and more dilluted in irrelevant left-lib culture issues. Even if you join a bad org, you just waste a little bit of your time it's not some world ending event.


You Hasan fanboys are genuinely unhinged. That said, the few times I've watched a livestream from him to get a feel for him, his chat can't be over 15 years old so I'm sure you're no different though it is a bad sign you're resorting to gaslighting when there is a clip confirming that he did call Assange and his supporters, "fascists." If you don't stop that habit, you're going to grow up into being an unbelievable piece of shit.


Blackandreddemocrat is Very chummy with sdl huh, goes to show what "revolution" he believes in.


It's ok to dislike Hasan. He is an annoying eceleb and there are many reasons to dislike him for however you have to be some kind of unhinged parasocial hater if you pick the one clip where he shits on some bad-faith chatter for being a pissant in the wrong moment over the numerous ones where he has been supportive of hasan.

I mean holy fuck, he is literally PERSONAL friends with Chelsea Manning and she hangs out with him off-stream, lmaooo. You are only revealing yourself to not really care about the issue and just confirm his assessment that the Assange campaign has attracted a bunch of weirdos who are being annoying to anyone else about the one issue they turned into their personality.


supportive of Assange*


>I'm not any of those anons but what exactly is the point you're trying to make?
>this is what twitter users believe


on one hand, eternal death to D*nmark. on the other hand, only I get to bully my brother


Zigger cope


>You Hasan fanboys are genuinely unhinged.
But he is right though. What about what he said is unhinged


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these cases are typically not admissible in court and thusly get dropped but i feel like in a lot of cases that is the only real justice these degenerates will ever taste due to the incompetence of the justice system.




Fascists love this stuff, it's their wheelhouse for various reasons and there have been a lot of iterations of it.
Oh and sortly Pedophile will bleed in to gay, then finally a nebulous 'degenerate'.
Nothing to celebrate here, this never has good outcomes.


Freikorps individualised


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To expand on your point, this has actually happened verbatim in Russia of all places. A nazi named Tesak would go around beating up pedos and humiliating them on camera. Using this arguably noble task as a way to deceive people into supporting him, like all scumbag fascists do, he would go on to attack gays and, of course, ethnic minorities.


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Maybe if she wasn't a multi-millionaire I would've felt a tad bit sad about this, but alas




both sides suck, but the pedo sucks more maybe


>It's definitely always a predator, trust me bro.
>It's definitely never a minority or someone I have a grudge against.
Fascist persecution porn. Remember that this stuff is being done for clout and money, so they're incentivized to find more people. There are a lot of predators out there, but they're overwhelmingly people the children already know and who have some institutional power over them, like parents, teachers, religious figures, cops, etc. Notice how they always go after some random guy from a chatroom rather than somebody from the community who's chronically abusing their power.

Even when these pedo hunters are finding legit predators they are essentially fishing for entrapment. In a nutshell they're actively encouraging predators, who may not have otherwise acted and may not follow through this time (meaning they don't get caught) but might be encouraged by this experience to act in the future. The catfishing process is basically doing pedo propaganda since it's portraying the predator's fantasy scenario as real. Do they show the ones who talk in the chat but don't take the bait? Even if they get caught by these people, they don't have any real power to do anything and they're not removing the ability to predate on kids.


Yep one of the examples I was thinking of.
Interesting that one was killed in jail, don't know what to make of that.
Yes but we're telling you it's not just the pedos for long and half of them are pedos anyway.
>both sides suck, but the pedo sucks more maybe


Internet archive are frighting for their lives damn


Pure spectacle that won't stop pedos anyway. Sooner or later they will fly to close to the sun and either go to jail for beating up the wrong guy or the pedo comes armed.


New copyright martyrs about to drop? Normies have forgotten Aaron Schwartz


Conflicted and I also have no clue on what grounds they are accusing these people.
Sometimes I think pedos deserve this,like the one that spams this board definitely does and possibly worse, but these two have a dumbass aura about them. My guess is they’ll eventually target the wrong person or get themselves shot.


Basically this: >>1898204

But in these arguments, on bad days I just take a more aggressive approach and call those pushing for this approach pedophiles – and I am partially correct since that approach does nothing but enable the continual existance of pedophiles.


I still think having an old man with terminal brain rot leading America is better than Hillary.
It’s way better to have the executive branch of the empire incompetent. Hillary might actually be good at staging coups.


Jimmy Dore, Glenn Greenwald, Russell Brand, Matt Taibbi and so on and so on. The vaguely left "progressive" to right-wing Tucker Carlson glazing weird anti-vaccine schizo pipeline. Why does it keep happening? Is it pure grift or is there something more to it?


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what was it?


It is a pre-packaged set of "Contrarian" opinions with an audience who is desperate to hear people bark back at them for it.

You get to feel edgy while also feeling like you're in a group.


How about putting an actual leftist in for a change


>We have to stop heckin trump tweetin from the white house while doing fuck all for 4 year like last time

Liberals are so tiersome. The difference between Bernie and hillary is bigger than the one between Hillary and Trump


Trump was really awful in international politics. He is bad but so are the democraps.


The centrist mainstream
>supports genocide in Gaza
>provoked a war in Ukraine
>cheerled corporate takeover of health systems during a pandemic
>imprisoned Assange
<Hpw are people who point this out so popular? Is it pure grift or is there something more to it?


So for me Trumps bad stuff in Geo-pol is

Agressive on Iran - Simmilar but more erratic than dems
Agressive on China- Same as dems now

Is there anything I'm missing? I'm open to suggestions


He also harshened sanctions on Cuba during Covid.


Hot take: his strongman stance would have dragged us into a hot war with russia, china, and iran faster than joe's proxy war approach

People incorrectly call trump a dove, but that's only because nothing really happened during his 4 years. We got exceptionally lucky. But electing him when tensions are already high in taiwan, ukraine, and the middle east is suicide.


So, is Twitter gonna die? I used to hear predictions of it imploding back when Elon first bought it, but it's been chugging along just fine since then. It's just a bit more spammy and there's more right wing grifters.


Willful misinterpretation of my comment. For example, Greenwald held all those same viewpoints before he also started pandering to the QAnon schizo right by sucking off Alex Jones. Or in Taibbi's case briefly becoming an Elon Musk simp before getting blown off by him anyway.

Max Blumenthal didn't become more anti-pharma, he just went from "the west is hoarding vaccines and keeping them from the global south to protect patents" to "vaccines are actually more harmful than covid".


Seems to have stabilized a bit after the initial chaos


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A lot of users and advertisers have jumped off with no signs of recovery so far


Post a more recent graph it's been 6 months


you keep fucking posting this graph with unlabeled y axis, no title, no context, how was it made, where is it from, nothing. fuck off.


I agree with mosts of these thoughts.

Counter would be Trump had opportunities to counterstrike against Iran/syria , but his repsonces where always muted. But agreed his general eratic behaviour is troubling.

But with Hillary specifcally I feel like she would be more keen on organised war/actions and would have the buy in of Millitary/Media
Where if Trump wanted to start a war media/millatary would kick off.

On refelction I'd prefer sleepy Joe to Either Hilllay/Kamala/Newsom




get into the habit of posting sources or you will be shamed again


Get into the habit of making a google search for easily accessible information or people will call you retard again


Usage is a big factor, but what'll ultimately bring it down is the place simply just not being profitable anymore


Usage is a big factor, but what'll ultimately bring it down is the place simply just not being profitable anymore


File: 1719605049770.png (619.53 KB, 706x568, ClipboardImage.png)

whys he posting that


gee its almost like he's a far right grifter just like everyone else who tried to appeal to stupidpol types


>headline reader


This isn't 2014 jackass


Link? Can't find the video


No one said it was, retard.


File: 1719608689489.mp4 (1.54 MB, 368x360, Gnomes.mp4)

I have no empirical evidence but i know in my heart that gnomes and faeries are real


You're acting like it is you dumb "just google it" motherfucker. Worthless little dribbling cock. Unfuck yourself.


Video about internet archive going to the court of appeals




Don't know who she is, why is Caleb sperging out?


I gave you a graph you could easily find on google in one second not expecting you to cry like a 5 year old sperg who lost his candy about it. Get your act together you retard.


She is black and he is a reactionary grifter.


File: 1719614095927.jpg (808.73 KB, 2560x1440, 1719594239202628.jpg)

It's Chornobyl now.


But it's just a picture. How from just a picture is Caleb getting "We hate American workingn families"?

Why wouldn't the overwhelming majority of Americans vote for a socialist movment presented like that? What's wrong with that picture?


He wasn't always like this, was he? I used to watch his little livestreams every now and then. Liked them because he knows a lot about the history of labor movements and communist parties worldwide. He always came off as a really strange guy but not reactionary to me. I remember him specifically talking about supporting LGBT people. I heard people call him a bigot and thought it was unfair at the time, then he went hard in the "patriotic socialism" direction and it turned out those accusations were pretty accurate.

This happens a lot I feel like. Somebody gets accused of being a crypto-reactionary, I think it's unwarranted hysteria, and then the person reveals themselves to actually be that. Either it's a self-fulfilling prophecy or, more likely, I wanna give benefit of the doubt and don't see the signs.


>why would the widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst Caleb Maupin, a guy with autism, sperg out?


Making fake thumbnails to slander people you feel threatened by. What a fucking pussy

>calls people stupidpol when he falls for obvious fakes
You're the biggest moron in the thread.


They don't blindly trust biotech monopolies like you do, so they get led astray sometimes.


>ukkkraine nazi immediately going for slurs
Mask off


Are you saying that they are wrong for the right reasons or what?




he's racist and she's not wearing a suit


looks like crap anyway, they made another metro game not a stalker sequel


>he's racist
proofs? (i don't doubt you, just haven't kept up in a very long time)



I mean what other explanation is there for him sperging out like that?


Maybe something she said that he's reacting to? (He should've included whatever that might be in the post ofc, but he's probably assuming everyone already knows what he's referring to because he's chronically online)


Caleb sees a Black woman and assumes she hates white workers or something.


File: 1719619038780.png (274.71 KB, 591x578, ClipboardImage.png)

JKR denounces police station for not acknowledging that only men can commit rape


reminds me of someone that posts here


Trump constantly fucks up and undermines the US position in the world without it boiling over into complete bloodbaths like certain other presidents, so he's much better on it.
It was literally him or Miss "No Fly Zone Over Syria"


I know we are in the post-pandemic era but I forget how much covid vaccines had broken the minds of right wing people.
Two more weeks, millions, no BILLIONS of people will die form the vaccines that will turn the world into Raccoon City.


>People incorrectly call trump a dove, but that's only because nothing really happened during his 4 years. We got exceptionally lucky. But electing him when tensions are already high in taiwan, ukraine, and the middle east is suicide.
He's good because he's the worst possible figure to unite the country and the American alliance in support of a war. It's hard for libs to not be automatically contrary to whatever position he endorses. People still look badly at him for saying "NATO members aren't paying their fair share" when it's not like it was even his idea, it was just a plan the Western elite were all lock step behind and tasked Trump with selling, but he is so reviled by a portion of the populace, he put a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths about it.

Remarks by President Biden and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg Before Bilateral Meeting
>And today, we are able to publish new figures for defense spending. They show that, across Europe and Canada, NATO Allies are, this year, increasing defense spending by 18 percent. That’s the biggest increase in decades. And 23 Allies are going to spend 2 percent of GDP or more on defense this year. That’s more than twice as many as four years ago, and demonstrates that European Allies and Canada are really stepping up and taking their share of the common responsibility to protect all of us in the NATO Alliance.


I always wanted to find out who those people are and what they are up to now. (the couple in the video)


Reactionary v Liberal


At this point can we stop treating those people as serious thinkers or even philosophers? They are nothing but an edgy micro-subculture or art project at best, with an intellectual veneer that screams "I demand to be taken seriously". Remember that people like Haz and Logo Daedalus got completely socialized by reading those u/acc people's blogs for years, and what has done to them? They turned into lolcows showing intellectual incapacities whenever they are challenged by somebody competent.


Joe's "lukewarm proxy war approach" caused the biggest symmetric continental war in Europe since World War II my dude. As you yourself noticed, the rhetoric on Cuba, Syria, Iran etc. by the Dems is softer, in practice nothing changes.


One of those predator hunters just got shot lul



He sees a black woman being angry and assumes she is angry at him. He is correct, as he upholds the things she wants to get rid of.


On one had this is obviously just right-wing spectacle and chest thumping designed to rile up people so they can eventually target other groups like sexual and ethnic minorities. But on the other hand "Punch a Nazi" is common rhetoric here and I'm not sure if I disagree with it or anyone else here would either even if it would theoretically also be vigilante justice. Perhaps it's just one hypocrisy I will have to live with.


>In the Freikorpsman's life, there are three kinds of women: those who are absent, such as the wives and fiancees left behind, and generally unnamed and unnoted in the Freikorpsmen's most intimate diaries; the women who appear in the imagination and on the literal battlefront as "white nurses," chaste, upper-class German women; and, finally, those who are his class enemies—the "Red women" whom he faces in angry mobs and sometimes even in single combat. The best category is, of course, absent women. But then, women of the white-nurse variety are never entirely present; they are indistinct, nameless, disembodied. In fantasy, the good woman, the white nurse, has no body at all; there is only a smooth white plain. In fantasy, she is already dead.

>The Red woman is a more obstinate case. She is vividly, aggressively sexual; in fantasy, always a whore. Her mouth is enormous, spewing out insults at our Freikorpsmen as they attempt to ride, straight-backed, through the city streets. The Red women is, in addition, armed, or is so at least in fantasy: she might have a gun under her skirt, or she might lead the Freikorpsmen through a dark passageway to an ambush. In other words, there is no distinguishing her sexuality from the mortal danger she presents. So when the Freikorpsman kills her (as he will do over and over in these pages), he kills her in what appears to him to be self-defense. In the brief moment of penetration—with bullet or knife—he comes close, thrillingly close, to her and the horror of dissolution. But once it is over, he will still be intact, erect (and we must imagine, quite clean and dry), and she will be—a "bloody mass." With her absent, the world becomes "safe" and male again.


Nazis are an organized political movement that has to be combated with force to be stopped. These groomers and predators are individuals behaving how they do because of society failing to deal with it properly. As referenced above, there are systematic predator groups but those never get targeted by vigilantes despite that being a much more appropriate thing for vigilantes to pursue. If you out priests or cops or something, that can actually undermine their ability to keep hurting people. These small fries are just being let go. If anything getting caught and not facing any real consequences is likely to embolden them.


Shame he didn't finish the job. Also very interesting how they immediately ran out of there and drove off lol


>The “red women” however, are where the ugliness really lives. They represent everything that the order-obsessed Freikorpsmen fear: unwieldy sexuality, the chaos of revolution, the mingling of people regardless of class, creed, and color. “It’s a well-known fact that women are always at the head of these kinds of riots,” a Freikorps General’s speech read. “And if one of our leaders gives the order to shoot and a few old girls get blown up, the whole world starts screaming about blooodthirsty soldiers shooting down innocent women and children. As if women were always innocent.”

>Throughout their writing, the Freikorpsmen are nearly drooling over the opportunities they have to murder these “red women” and stop the “filthy-red wave.” Theweleit quotes a scene from a fascist novel in which a Communist woman is confronted by Freikorpsman: “his sight is pointing straight into her mouth, into the center of that slobbering hole, so wide open with hysteria that he can even see the gums.” Once he shoots her point blank in the face, he is amazed. The shot “threw her onto her back, as if she had been blown over by some gigantic wind. Is that thing at his feet really her?”



Nick Land got too absorbed into Shin megami tensei.


Why do males fantasize about living underground as mole men?


I've been mocking these pseud freaks for over a decade so it's hardly new information. it's just tiring when they come up. why even give them the oxygen?


>*flees crime scene*


Funny when they're in the car the one is like 'we have to stay for the cops man' 'uhh no I don't'

You know these fucking gutter trash have warrants lol


Or maybe it's more because it sounds like they kicked this guy like 100 times while he was on the ground TBF


Probably because everybody on the planet thinks a technologically advanced underground bunker with abundant amenities and no taxes to pay sounds much more preferable to capitalist wage labor i assume.


>"You gotta go to the hospital" … "I don't wanna"
Yeah the dude has a warrant. If he shows up to the hospital with a gunshot wound the hospital will call the cops.


I can't believe the cops would punish these brave crimefighters. The left has gone insane (eagle face)




the widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst Caleb Maupin hates Black women more than Drake does.




Who is this SocDoneLeft guy?


So basically you had all kinds of new content creators emerging in the course of the whole breadtube thing post-2016 as a counter-reaction to alt-right online hegemony and this included a lot of actual neoliberals who jumped on the socialism train, especially post-Bernie. So one would thing that 'SocDoneLeft' would be an ultra as the name hints at but he is basically just a pro-market, pro-social-market-economy lib that uses red aesthetic and spends more time shitting on anyone left of him than talking about actual political issues while he was trying to establish a brand of 'socialism with economic sense'. He is some dumb and opportunistic private school kid that has a family in the arms industry and he got cancelled for being exposed as being a 4chan kid and sexual deviant making weirdo racist fetish comments.

Oh and he takes hormones so his nipples would lactate.

No he isn't trans


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Saw this on fedi.


Seems accurate. Marxists are the biggest egomanical pseuds.


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Short secretaries rise up

(don't show them how tall Mao is…)


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>(don't show them how tall Mao is…)
He was pretty tall for a Chinese guy at the time


you're trying to apply a consistent rule to inconsistent cases. "is punching good or bad? isn't it vigilante justice?" is a silly question: it's bad (and not funny) to punch babies, and it was good (and funny) for that guy to punch richard spencer.
unless you want to go all in on pacifism, it's better to deal with each case on its own merits than to try to find a consistent "rule".


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Mods are asleep. Post some bangers.


She's gonna make you say "she's literally me" tho



Anyone has that video of Haz dancing to a Joy Division song?


>viewing politics through a "good"/"bad" lens
come on dude


It's bad (from a societal standpoint) but funny (from an objective standpoint) to punch babies.


only being able to argue with buzzwords is cured by actually reading marx

meanwhile anarchists are all retarded. if theyre pseuds they arent marxists by definition anyway, probably mls acting exactly like anarchists but using words like "dialectics" to handwave any actual explaining



Can't believe the widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst the widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst Caleb Maupin would hypersexualize them with kinks of a nympho fetish


sometimes merely being insufferable is enough to make it deserved.


Also works with communists and anarchists


Works for everyone




Let's just call him a chinese backed Khamas soldier at this point


I heard David Tennant was a Palestinian, but a weak Palestinian.


Where exactly is this from? It reads like Wilde's De Profundis but it's not, i even checked.


It is De Profundis. The problem is probably that there are several versions.


Oh that explains the confusion then, standing here thinking i lost my mind, lol thanks.


how can they slap!!?!?!


Pedos should get worse things than a slap on the face.


>the woman with a direct line to the next prime minister thinks someone else is getting "special dispensation"


She's a black woman


>why is Caleb acting the fool?
Caleb in general is pretty hostile to most people who oppose his views, and not in the sort of “I disagree with your analysis/conclusion but understand your conceptual/philosophical framework” sort of way.


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He doesn't like the competition among fellow grifters.


To spell it out: he’s a dipshit who’s more obsessed with aesthetics as opposed to anything substantive.
You could be a goth chick smoking a cigarette and pointing out how patriotism/ nationalism are worthy of criticism and our nuclear families are upholding patriarchal norms that ought to be abolished.
Caleb wouldn’t give two shits about your analysis at all: he’d just act snide and coy because you’re a goth chick telling “”””normal people””””” that gender roles are dumb.


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Pick your seat /int/


I'll sit next to the trans bear they're probably cute


hysterical woman


>'special dispensation' from media
>gets to write op-eds for whatever british hack rag about how trans people aren't human
>literally has a mainstream news article written about her exact tweet


>Caleb wouldn’t give two shits about your analysis at all: he’d just act snide and coy because you’re a goth chick telling “”””normal people””””” that gender roles are dumb.
There's a worrying amount of Marxists who seem to believe class is determined by cultural signifiers



this article conveniently leaves out that
a) he's got a trans kid
b) badenoch is a careerist trading on culture war shite: as late as 2022 she was "delighted" to tweet out about how trans people could now apply for a gender recognition certificate online. ( https://x.com/KemiBadenoch/status/1542477744176599040 - this reform is the "participation prize" of social liberal moves by a government, but nevertheless, participation.)
then the dying Conservative government (which had its press life support turned off a while ago) thought it could shore up support by appealing to deranged Rowling types, since transphobia is primarily a press hobby in the UK. So the govt took a further anti-trans turn and veto'd the Scottish government's gender recognition reform legislation on spurious grounds in 2023, and oh look, now she's an outspoken transphobe. wow! kept that quiet in 2022, when it wasn't a career asset, didn't you Kemi?
This stupidity has not saved the government (why would it - labour is just as reactionary), but it has given us the tedious spectacle of this particular reactionary weathervane crybullying like a giga-lib. (she's the only black woman in cabinet - this matters when it's an indictment of a celebrity, but definitely doesn't indict the prime minister who saw fit to appoint no others… because saying that would not help one advance their career in the Tory party.)


You know Agent Kochinski behind you is the type of the guy who will constantly push his knees into the back of your seat and will talk nonstop
>They're probably cute
considering they are from twitter/YT and avatarfagging they're probably hideous


Anti-immigrant racist is doxed and found to be an immigrant themselves. https://x.com/afpost/status/1807108050127372631?s=46



What an obnoxious asshole, the guy yelling is probably on drugs


I'll sit next to the anime girl, but the incel behind me would probably resent me for it.


6, without a doubt. The anime girl behind haz is probably their handler, too.



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your shitty twitter post did give them the idea for clickbate tho


Lol the fake thumbnail predicted the future. At approx. 14 min they start talking about George Floyd. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mkf5VqZlkv8

Compare it to this video on the same issue from 2020 and tell me "nooo he's not right wing he just cares about Assange!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tp8ISideoDE
(looking at you >>1898541)


>>cheerled corporate takeover of health systems during a pandemic

wtf does that even mean?


>Lol the fake thumbnail predicted the future.
the fake bait thumbnail was inspiration for based thumbnail

>14 min they start talking about George Floyd

in those 12 mins afterwords, she bring up Floyd and says he was le drugman and over dosing, then bald man having a brain cell thanks to his gf says if was le drug man was over dosing or a weak drug man then didn't short asian cop should've called the ambulance instead of tell the person recording to turn off there phones, that's neglect. She then doesn't answer and ignores the bald man.

>"nooo he's not right wing he just cares about Assange!"

stfu about joe rogan


>bald man having a brain cell thanks to his gf
What does this mean


you mother




It's weird how /pol/s have actually diverged this far from english. Like I get the thinktank rage content mill is a self-sustaining ecosystem, but they really do just go outside their clubs and start acting like the leftists they seethe about all day will know what a "pajeet" or "saar" is. Like /pol/ doesn't even use conventional grammar at this point, it's got it's own dialect that they can't turn off when they're trying to be stealthy.


>David Tennant
Crazy how there's only like 10 celebrities in the UK, so you'll end up seeinh the same names over and over again.


Ruth the GOAT.


Supposedly china has a plan to clone the entire gaming industry and asmongold covered it


This guy's a dweeb, I don't wanna see him on here anymore


Blowup Doll face over here has never read a book since high School but he totally knows what china is doing.


You don't get it dude, 100000 hours playing shitty MMOs definitely qualifies you as a cultural and political expert


How do I refute this?


You don't. He's absolütely right.


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That's not the worst part. She went on a rant about Yagoda and Judeo Bolsheviks at around 38 minutes.
Kurp then said it was the British that invented Concentration camps and she was like
>muh gulags were worse because they were morally wrong
>also messed up dates totally, said tsar was assassinated in 1880's and revolution happened in 1910 (unless she was talking about alexander 2nd)


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>Yagoda would fit well in hollywood tbh


Refute what? They don't give a shit about Palestinians or black people, they're just using them to push anti-abortion talking points. Call them a retard and keep scrolling.


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that's so contra.
classic contra.


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So basically


Having sex with attractive people IS a bad thing stupid nooploid gerfloopobling shmemagopple.


2 and shit my pants intentionally.


Abortion isn't genocide. Simple


If I sit next to Haz, Im going to have to restrain him from trying to choke leftypol with his barehands.

If i sit next to WAP goblin, I know she's just gonna get in an endless fight with V.aush.

If I sit next to Slazac I may REDACTED him.


If I sit next to Slazac I may SEXOOOO him.
Just kidding these Europhile twinks are mid


I don't know who most of those people are but one of the window seats and I'll fall asleep before the plane takes off.


I'll take the twink neocon in the back


lol it's so funny to see dems in real time have their moment of clarity only to immediately pick up the bottle again


So people here actually go to 4chan?


That [logic] is correct.
NB: I am not USian, I wish for the fall of the empire (by any means necessary). All I am saying is that the president does not have to be of sound mind, that is a dogmatic and undialectial understanding of politics. Also I found Biden's performance absolutely hilarious.
Other way around. It's a "psyop", which just means a racist reactionary not being slick.


Why is Mayakowski on there twice?


I am sorry leftypol mod and the trans flag bear but I am crashing the plane.


So who are you guys siding with in the MAGACOM/Gabriel Rockhill vs Paul Cutrone/Platypus society feud? I think Douglas Lain and the Sublation media clique also criticized Hazites but not as much as Cutrone


Damn, maybe breadtubers can actually do the revolution


this is true
a president is really 95% the people they appoint to important positions, 5% wrangling with congress a bit
congress is the real power behind the president as well


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Anyone who pays enough attention to Haz to engage in a feud is deeply retarded.


>Anyone who pays enough attention to Haz to engage in a feud is deeply retarded.

Not just retarded, but helping him.
These people feed on attention and in particular negative attention.


Tradtards have found out about pastorized milk



Room temp autism score (celsius)


Haz did funny videos before at least, I support him over all these literally whos


I think china SHOULD clone the entire video game industry. I also think hunter biden should run for president actually. More competition in the marketplace is good, and china has the perfect tech edge to build its own AAA game scene.


Finally, a game bout State-provided gfs.

One of the hallmarks of my theory of pathological reactionarism.


>pastorized milk
is there nothing christcucks won't defile?


>I also think hunter biden should run for president
Let's see his approval ratings


Anti pasteurization is an old old reactionary bit


Didn't one of their politicians get sick or die a few years ago drinking this crap?


No idea but wouldn't be surprised


Leopards eating face right now.


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This mf has an 'institute' now lol


wtf is this from


Yagoda was based though.


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>Kinda hard to understand just how unpopular your position really is when you are smarter than 99% of the population


>pornographic films


Fuck that show. Every time I play WARNO as East Germany I would fucking napalm libtards.
<I Hate west germany so fucking much.


I remember I saw a russian documentary about the kirov assassination and they showed the movie projector Yagoda had and It was a big thing. They said he was one of a few in the country who possessed one (had to be custom made in a factory)


>tfw Yagoda was a gooner


I suppose it's less ridiculous when you consider he could get contraband and other confiscated goods easier. It's still ridiculous though.
Guy had one of the world's first gooncaves. More like Yagooner.


The children yearn for the mines.


>voting for an administration committing genocide is the only reasonable option
I hate liberals



>El Satario (Spanish: The Satyr), also known as El Sartorio or ”The Devil”, is the name of one of the earliest surviving pornographic films. Based on the fashions and technology depicted, it was likely produced in Argentina around 1907, and includes possibly the first use of extreme close-ups of genitalia.


I would say another Ukraine flag all the way to the right is missing, like the kind of Nazis who support Ukraine as a banderist state against the Russian orcs or something.


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As Marx said, everything old is new again


It’s great how internet nobodies have institutes now. /leftypol/ might as well call itself an institute.


While the stag films seemed like an underground trend, the late 20s/early 30s before the Hays Code came into effect was a rich environment for sexy and violent movies that wouldn't been seen again until… the late 1960s?

>"So, what does the Leftypol Foundation… actually do?"
<Well, we're dedicated to the memes mostly.


Imagine the mental picture
>Porn Merch
>Sex toy
>Trotsky books

The Plot is something i tell you.
>While a group of nude young women are frolicking in the countryside, a satyr appears (called a devil in a titlecard), causing the women to flee. One of the women faints and is sexually assaulted by him, first in 69 position and then in various penile-vaginal positions, until he ejaculates in her vagina. At points he also attempts to finger her anus, an act she vigorously resists. The other women then return and put him to flight.


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>Guys hear me out

>Im starting to think this guy is a CIA agent.
>I mean this dude has to be a fed, theres no way theyd let him through the border.


>"So, what does the Leftypol Foundation… actually do?"
<Well, we're dedicated to the memes mostly.
>Not "a group of people who do what the title suggests"
or whatever the Wolf quote in the banner was


>Porn Merch
>Sex toy
i sleep
>Trotsky books


This is "we have theory at home."


Get a load of this psychologizing libshit. Yeah bro, misogyny is unique to fascists, it's not like revolutionary states and their armies are made of largely the same people as capitalist ones at the start. About what you'd fucking expect from west german "left".


It's not like the same people are being put in different conditions by historical development, noo, it's just that they're fucked up or something. This is the same kind of argument liberals fucking love because it lets them feel good about themselves and not pay attention to actual factors at play, two things they love the most. Anyone who thinks that this bullshit explains anything at all is a liberal.


"Fascists did X therefore X is unique to fascism" and other leftoid tales caused by shitty analysis.


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>undisciplined and selfish
It's almost as if these attitudes are universally generated by the conditions of bourgeois competition - where the sole aim is to accumulate more money - and don't just exist solely amongst "Westerners" but everywhere in the world.

One too many of this self masturbatory moralistic yap among these middle classes of the past up to present day, and they keep pondering about why all of their petit-bourg movements seem to have failed for no reason.


>In 2004, historian Robert Paxton warned in his book on fascism that we should “not look for exact replicas, in which fascist veterans dust off their swastikas.’’ They are in our midst, he was saying, perhaps in different clothes (though admittedly, sometimes they don’t bother with a wardrobe change). Theweleit’s startling proposition is that the Freikorsmen were human, that their fantasy life is alive and well.
How did you do that, take the exact opposite conclusion that is explicitly laid out at the end of that short text and then get angry at it?


>abstract definition of what fascism is
>just fearmongering based on vibes
>this means fascism is still a thing! be scared and defend liberalism!
What zero marxism does to a terminal sociology brain.

Fascism was a historically specific movement in response to the looming threat of proletarian revolution. It doesn't exist anymore, it's been subsumed by democracy completely which has adopted much of its functions since the end of the second imperialist world war. Trying to present fascism as being "in our midst" (talk about hysterical) because of whatever set of beliefs you don't like is stupid.

Mass slaughter, loot, terror, racial discrimination, misogyny, etc have existed centuries before fascism was born. None of these things are unique to fascism and do not constitute its essence. Stop mistaking form for content.


Ah yes, "do better sweaty". Very popular with the xitter crowd. Are you a white woman?
It's not about me, I pointed out a very simple and easily spotted incongruity in your thinking. But keep going, this is very funny.


You didn't address a single thing about the discussion. ChatGPT?


>middle-class person can only work under a middle-class framework
#wow #whoa


You are like a blind wo/man. How could your misconceptions be addressed? Let's do some basic scientific theorizing. Can your hypothesis be disproven (is it falsifiable)? If so, how?


>why do groups eventually form their own lingo
the world will never know
you made me tacitly defend fucking /pol/ with your dumb posts


bored middle classers read philosophy just so they can type useless word salads online and then ask why marx thought philosophy has nothing to do with communism :/


erm wat about the subtext tho??????????


Your problems thinking are your own. Philosophy is just thinking really hard when you get down to it. It's an acquired taste.


>cultural and political expert
not really a high bar


pseuds have only thought about the world but the point is to fuck society up


>varg went from burning churches to making videos about dumb random shit
the decrease and complete cease of serial killings serial killers truly stopped being a thing thanks to social media


You have my blessing to fuck up your society.
Another blatant misconception however: Marx was a trained doctor of philosophy, if there was ever a specialist in thinking / philosophy it was him. Mao, Stalin and Lenin also engaged in philosophy. It is in any case impossible not to do so. Where there is thought, there is philosophy. The unexamined life is not worth living. And if examining of your (society's) conditions didn't have great potential to "fuck shit up", would they have executed Socrates?




Instead of abducting and murdering people in their homes, they just murder them indirectly with some asinine prank gone "wrong" and get rich while doing it.


i like this person but yeah whenever they start blabbering about how westerners can't do a revolution because some intrinsic moral failing of the spirit it's like wow i didn't sign up for sunday mass, can we wrap this struggle session real quick?


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Also, this is the first time I noticed that this guy is French. Why does his profile have so many American flags?


>this is the first time I noticed that this guy is from an American colony. Why does his profile have so many American flags?


Oh man even the century old Trot party bodied him hahahaha
Who would win, 1 Aymeric Carons, or 386 Audrey le Boofs?


Lol he is going against this Aymeric dude, hyperlib journalist that joined based Melenchon, basically the French equivalent of Cenk but 1000 times more good looking.


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>68 voots
sisters… our atlanticist hyperborea is lost…


>American colony
What kind of "colony" has a better standard of living than it's overlord?

What kind of "colony" is allowed to extract wealth from other nations?

What kind of "colony" allows for one of the "colonized" nationals to own 17 West African ports?

What kind of "colony" has it's overlord sweep in and fight for two decades in a slowly losing conflict to salvage the "colony's" overseas holdings?

"Europe is a colony of America!" isn't a bad piece of propaganda if you're trying to drive a wedge between them, but it is complete bullshit and shouldn't factor into any actual analysis.



What is this bullshit? Did you just come here from /int/ or something? The US complete and utterly undermined French influence and only supported it whenever it went against rhe Soviet union whenever it went against their interest and the French military in Africa is, by their own admission, completely depedent on American support, especially in the form of air and reconnaissance support. France has been now completely reintefrated into the NATO command structure which is headed by an American general, lol


Obviously yes.
It's also true enough you're not lying.

If they ask questions along your line of thought, they're smart and you should definitely explain the Metropole and how it relates to mRNA vaccines being run by companies registered and located in European capitals.

Basically it goes both ways like a circular human centipede.

Portuguese workers have a lower income than black American workers


Can any of you guys explain what the fuck this is? I saw the uploader commenting about how paedophilia is good under a Lessons in Meme Culture video, and it seems as though he's been doing the same all over YouTube


The burger flag is a far right symbol.


France is a crumbling, decrepit empire that was facing full collapse at the end of WWII. The American intervention and France's integration into NATO is the only reason France has any influence at all. Without the American intervention and the formation of NATO, Europe in its entirety would have gone the way of the Byzantines.

Income doesn't cover everything. Europeans have more services than Americans do.


faintly remember UTTP was some deviantart shit started by some 40 year old autist that used to post his shitty fetish-collage crap and get lots of hate comments, so he began "police trolls" and that involved spamming a clipart of a cop, eventually it devolved into whatever this is, out of all the things you don't need to know about, this is one of them. genuinely there's nothing funny or interesting about it, just a bunch of kids making fun of a mentally disabled person.


>genuinely there's nothing funny or interesting about it
That's why I asked about it in /isg/ lmfao
thanks for the answer though
>just a bunch of kids making fun of a mentally disabled person
A tale as old as time, unfortunately


>A tale as old as time, unfortunately
yeah online never changes, forgot to mention that this is all vaguely reminiscent of GNAA, in that UTTP is a coordinated online harrassment group with extremists among its ranks. it's the same shit as always.


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huh i was surprised to see the upload date was less than a year ago
seems like some gamergate/2016 type cringe


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>Israel or Japan
What an odd couple of countries to choose.


>waaah i'm gonna flee if domald drumpf wins :((((
libtards said the same thing in 2016, no one did anything
also is this supposed to be a pro-trump ad? VOTE TRUMP TO GET E-CELEBS OUT OF YOUR COUNTRY sure sounds like one


>71k dislikes but still getting recommended by YT

amazing system

unless people are sharing it themselves in which case that's just being dumb

from what I can tell from google they're soyteens/trolls


upvotes and downvotes count the same on youtube. if the video made you feel strongly enough to rate it, that's all the algo cares about.


What did Muke/Xexizy do all those years ago that passed off leftypol, I remember bring there for it, but I genuinely do not remember what happened.


His institute is his poorly produced podcast on youtube where he and his two buddies talk over each other about how they are the real communists in the room.


>"MAGA" communism has nothing to do with Trump
what in the ever loving fuck was the point of appropriating the term "MAGA" from the reactionaries in order to associate it with Communism? It's the stupidest psy op failure I've ever seen. A retarded attempt to resurrect national "socialism" or an attempt to make nationalists "see the light." Either way it fails at both. Attaching "Communism" to "MAGA" makes trump people want to puke. Attaching "MAGA" to "Communism" makes Communists want to puke. It's a real square peg in a round hole situation. At least there was some logic to past attempts by the CPUSA to do shit like associate Lincoln and the end of slavery with the CPUSA even if that was also ahistorical and kinda silly. This is just pants on head retarded. They think they're doing mass line but they're doing the opposite.


in the sequels we get to see baby yagoda


Japan really is Wakanda for white people…


Holy fuck. You're a genius. Magatards ARE idiots


Because Japan's Lib Dems are such champions for Palestine LOL
she's literally be better off in the Philippines or Thailand


I think he became trans and then made some video about not voting for biden which Agent Kochinski made a video denouncing it which i didn't watch


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>browsing the /v/ SGDQ threads
>one donated "trans rights and free palestine" and treated it as an own when they read the donation
>they're still donating "let's fight for trans palestinian rights etc
>none of them understand the irony that they're actually being logically consistent


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>being woke to own the wokes


I think when he started interning for Mastercard
he was also the sort of person that would read one page by some obscure Japanese marxist then change his views because he thought he figured it all out.


>moving to israel or japan to escape the U.S.
Fucking embarrassing…


These people probably have an orientalized view of Arabs and think that every Muslim in America are some sort of Wahhabis. If they wanted to really cook they should donate to some explicitly Islamist charities in the name of saving Gay Palestinians but that would require actual research on the part


Can we treat Yanks moving to Japan as gentrifiers now? Like these guys are practically exploiting a weak yen to live in a first world country


It's retarded because America had no shortage of populists or progressive leaders. Haz could literally just paste the face of Lincoln and FDR on a flag, maybe add MLK or LBJ too, and there you get a perfectly palatable left wing nationalist aesthetic. Instead they had to tie their movement to a president who was literally endorsed by a klansman


the problem is that those people don't appeal to the target audience. they want Trump supporters to think they're cool - if you pick FDR they'll just talk about how FDR did pearl harbor. LBJ? lol, that [redacted]-lover?
aesthetic distance from the existing left is the entire point. it's not an attempt at a serious politics, it's pure online LARP. even if it doesn't appeal to MAGA people because - hilariously - even they're not that retarded, it helps to sell "MAGA Communists" themselves on the idea that someone might buy their nonsense, that they're not like the other girls…


This reminds me, I saw someone say the LaRouchies had a way of really promoting the opposite of whatever they claimed to support on the surface at any given time. In the 1980s, they would call themselves "LaRouche Democrats" upholding the FDR legacy, but through their rigmarole were really supporting Reagan through this contrived critical distance, so Reagan is trying to do good for America but the Rockefellers and Trilateral Commission boys are in his administration and we have to get them out to save America. Their lit when George W. Bush was president also focused on Dick Cheney as the agent of Satan, which, okay sure but there's some kind of authoritarian mental block going on with Republican presidents, they can't bring themselves to criticize the "father." But when a Democrat is in power they're out there with posters of Obama with a Hitler mustache.


Once a trot always a trot however.

Ask them about China.

Why can you ask them about China?

Because they are at the same protest or demonstration as you are supporting the same thing.

Wierd shit. They're still of the broad left church, or at least one half. Trots do be splitting.

Have a conversation in person with one, they're not awful unless they're the schizo right wing half of the split.

Haz has feet in both churches iirc.

Imagine if trots tried to entryist the republican party and got stuck.

The chinese media treat them sympathetically in a oh gosh it's finally walking on two legs way.


Brandon Lee released a new video


who cares if they're "exploiting" a weak yen though? if you want an actual problem you can instantly look to us military presence in japan and the racism and disrespect coming from a lot of expats.


Called himself a libertarian Leninist and got memed on forever for it


Damn he's done such great work since The Crow


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how do you guys think the real life remake of cannibal holocaust is gonna be ?


why does he have a profile pic that looks like he's shitting?
the sentinelese would probably just dismantle it to make spear tips from the aluminium frame and such


What is it about people who are unalienated from their labor that pisses off rightoids so much? Is it jealousy? The NS Islanders are certainly living more "trad" than anyone poating about it


They have committed the worst sin of all: being not white


the last people to go there died, as if this richfag ever would


I hope they kill him


He's a Christfag, that explains a lot.


That's what happened to the last guy who tried to tell them how to live their lives.


not gonna happen
dumb tweet made for basement-dwelling chvds to like and retweet so they can convince themselves of how epic chvd they are


is SGDQ even explicitly supporting an explicit pro-palestine org? i know MSF is on the ground in gaza, but like it's not even like a palestinian liberation org, is it


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It is kind of weird how nerdy the bad boys of the common era are


They're just making fun of the trans and the woke, I doubt they have any actual thoughts about MSF.


If he actually intended to do this, he wouldn't be posting about it, since it is illegal to go there. He is probably counting on getting arrested, as soon as he enters India, so he can once again get attention for being detained in a foreign country.


>posts .neteen brainworms
>quickly clears cache, screenshots and complains before jannies can zap it.
What was their game plan?


"you're no better than pol so just stop posting here and post on pol"


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>My dudes
>Im scared


Kutsuzure Sensen - Majo Vasenka no Sensou
Its cute read, not too anti communist. Though does Pedo Beria


I don't get it, did Cuckson Twinkle buy a car and billed it to Zelensky?



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Writer for conservative British publications The Telegraph and The Spectator on transgender topics, who also ran her own magazine "Compact" that was supposed Marxist feminist, has been revealed to be a neo Nazi who reads Mein Kampf and fantasized about a "blood orgy" murdering all minorities. Today she was bankrupted due to losing a libel suit about whether these allegations were true, apparently they were.


And uyghas here still claim that TERFs are leftists…


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One of the top gender critical feminists in UK Kathleen Stock has just tweeted her support for Nina Power after the chatlogs are leaked https://twitter.com/Docstockk/status/1808180078162972773


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Smartest libertarian: Government is run by government


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>you are soybrainletjack, i'm big brain wojak.
>government is goverment.
<no, don't remember what lobbying and election backing is stop that.


this is on a whole other level of repulsive, at least /pol/tards are fun to observe to an extent, this ghoul is casually talking about AN ORGY OF BLOOD and how she's "definitely a nazi lol". like how do you talk about that shit in normal officespeak as if you were talking about getting breakfast. this is especially concerning considering her media ties. i'm not a conspiracyfag usually but this is literally secret nazi cult shit in a position of relative cultural influence. what the fuck
the fact that she was posting this on whatsapp of all places and still tried to bring a libel claim forward is a little funny tho


Basically everyone in the media is like this in this country


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Reminder of the pipeline a content creator might go through


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Gazi is Mr Worldwide


yeah this guy is fucking unwatchable now
imagine actually defending the "MY SON DIED IN IRAQ :'(((" lie from biden just because it's someone on fox news calling it out
retarded liberal


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She looks like a fascist. They like to have that demure, black image.


>TERF in 'looking like a transwoman' shocker


Holy shit I thought she looked familiar but I couldn't place my finger on why. She really does have that Keith Woods vibe.


Keith has the smaller forehead and less chin


Average British woman


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Also swords. The other guy in this pic is DC Miller.


I hope they just go full on public fascist and drag the TERF movement with them, would put the British political circlejerk class in an awkward (and hilarious) Bidenesque position


Why do these people so often look so weird and gross? Is it a product of some warped aesthetic sense where they choose to present themselves in the worst possible way?

That's already happening. JK Rowling recently did some holocaust denial, trying to claim the nazis were gay actually and that targeting gay people and burning gay books was made up.

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