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/leftypol_archive/ - leftypol archive

Our own National Museum
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Thread dedicated to /leftypol/ original content
Post original content you've made, or OC someone else recently made which you want to share.
Or ITT collaborate on improving content already made.

Previous thread: >>>/leftypol_archive/216284
This is the place where you can find all /leftypol/ memes n' shit
551 posts and 335 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I like the maoist idea of a cultural Revolution



Hey, just wanting to reming you guys that a sub-lemmy /leftypol has been created. If you can post your OC's here and in this thread, do it!



File: 1638906303751-0.png (387.9 KB, 505x421, brezhev hot.png)

File: 1638906303751-1.png (786.15 KB, 926x1141, Forever young.png)

some oc


<t. Undercover anarchist


File: 1638927007829-0.jpg (674.08 KB, 1280x1618, Slant-06-cover.jpg)

File: 1638927007829-1.jpg (422.93 KB, 1032x1402, anfem-cover-06.jpg)

File: 1638927007829-2.jpg (396.24 KB, 1032x1402, anfem-cover-06a.jpg)

Image I found on an AnFem zine cover, decided to touch up some. Which is better?


File: 1638927631259-0.jpg (410.07 KB, 1032x1402, anfem-cover-062.jpg)

File: 1638927631259-1.jpg (386.13 KB, 1032x1402, anfem-cover-06a2.jpg)



First definitely


File: 1638930161360.jpg (79.85 KB, 676x1029, anfem-cover-rand-1.jpg)

Danke Anon!


File: 1639015170991.jpg (294.08 KB, 920x532, nato.jpg)


File: 1639015342917.gif (47.21 KB, 200x195, haz rent free.gif)


sounds like a cope.



>chinese music
Are you racist or ignorant or both?

T. Hungarian



Actual video of traditional Hungarian singing style.


This is so bad, it actually made me laugh out loud.


Lenin is that you?


File: 1639080298360.mp4 (15.32 MB, 640x360, leftypol-feminism.mp4)

Leftypol and Feminism




File: 1639081850321.mp4 (7.47 MB, 1280x720, Project_12-09_HD 720p.mp4)



File: 1639093557423.png (141.07 KB, 343x315, ClipboardImage.png)

>tfw moisturized


Anon, this isn't r/2balkan4you.



why are you posting this ancient bat'ko autism with watermarks? just go on https://archive.org/details/LeftypolChoirDEATHTOIDPOL and watch it.


File: 1639375895800.mp4 (8.95 MB, 590x360, SplashUS.mp4)

Made an out of season 9/11 edgy meme


It's crazy to think how different things are now, what year was this from? 2016/2017?


File: 1639455708713.png (509.1 KB, 720x720, onxtnyqlm0d22.png)


Has anyone ever made a sneed meme but with it saying "sndige".


idk who shaun is. link the video.


Been a while since i saw that.


File: 1639759332421.jpg (153.92 KB, 826x1023, IMG_20211217_162938.jpg)


File: 1639765690365.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 6.81 MB, 600x750, oc.mp4)




File: 1639856403241.gif (2.28 MB, 840x600, HazRedacted.gif)

Made a shit edit of Haz with Stalin. Ended up turning it into a loopless gif. Do what you will with it.


File: 1639937749839.png (705.11 KB, 720x539, ClipboardImage.png)


does this have to do with CPUSA the VACPUSA club people have been really delightful people on twitter lol


Anarchists ruined Anarchy.




File: 1639969881307.png (278.57 KB, 551x427, ClipboardImage.png)

No offence but this edit is worse than the original. Egoist meme flag is cringe and really doesn't do a thing except broadcast 'i am terminally online and probably have a twitter account'. It was better with the black flag, anon.
There are two Black Anarchy flags. It is either straight black or any other color except on fire.



good shit, eggo


Can someone post the original (same text, normal flag)? I cannot find it and it bugs me.
Have an OC in thanks.



No, no. I mean the meme but like >>486909 when it is the same quote and faces just with the black flag.


File: 1639983549847.jpg (166.95 KB, 855x855, NotEvenOnce.jpg)

Reposting here for dummies not using the booru.


File: 1639991640284.png (526.23 KB, 901x1004, cope compassfag.png)

i was bored


>implying Stalin would have a problem with haz
Same guy who recriminalized homosexuality kek


>>implying Stalin would have a problem with haz
<caring this much about some meme
seethe, etc.
kek. good one anon.


File: 1640033292834.png (55.71 KB, 800x600, melting.png)

capitalism is melting her

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