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/leftypol_archive/ - leftypol archive

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Thread dedicated to /leftypol/ original content
Post original content you've made, or OC someone else recently made which you want to share.
Or ITT collaborate on improving content already made.

Previous thread: >>>/leftypol_archive/216284
This is the place where you can find all /leftypol/ memes n' shit


File: 1630806016291.png (177.11 KB, 481x600, dehumanizeyourself.png)

Christening new thread


File: 1630808929274.jpg (55.54 KB, 397x385, King.jpg)

Based OP.


File: 1630813105131-0.jpg (766.34 KB, 1913x2160, Germany.jpg)

File: 1630813105131-1.jpg (664.99 KB, 1280x1276, Compass.jpg)

File: 1630813105131-2.jpg (583.71 KB, 1048x1080, Progress.jpg)

Fresh new spicy Russian memes. Credit goes to the Revolutionary Memes Council. https://vk.com/revmemsov I only translated the texts and edited them on Photoshop. More on the way.


Kek, you're doing the Lords work Anon.
For the third meme, I would just suggest that you correct "an utopia" to "a utopia"


File: 1630825980448.jpg (582.87 KB, 1048x1080, Progress.jpg)

Oh shit, you're right. Fixed it.


excellent work anon


Holy shit, these russian memes are spicy


OC from last thread, posting in hopes this might one day get sung.


First time posting an audio file here. I quickly made this like a week or two ago, because the idea kept popping into my head like an earworm every time I'd get word that Agent Kochinski said something stupid again.

Hope you like it, hope it works.





I thought there was no proof of the shoe incident and it was just an epic meme?


File: 1630935337603.jpg (50.92 KB, 590x451, shitposting.jpg)

Stay mad, shitposters.


it's ok. needs a video clip to go with it



Russians are dank memelords


Lmao is that Khruschev?




File: 1630968320597-0.jpg (868.96 KB, 1867x2160, Market.jpg)

File: 1630968320597-1.jpg (827.39 KB, 2231x2160, Democracy.jpg)

File: 1630968320597-2.jpg (863.34 KB, 2553x2160, Caveman.jpg)

New batch of translated Russian memes.


Why are russian memes so good?!


what 100 years of socialism does to a mf


Ah, so this is where the blessed russian memes in the booru come from

Thanks Russanon



another version


Kill yourself


File: 1631076993778.png (101.51 KB, 1342x600, Flag.png)

is this a good flag?


Its shit


Why is it?


There is nothing to it.


What is this supposed to represent ?


it represents how much of a faggot OP was to create this flag


Red and white = colors of Indonesia
Two stripes of blue = the two oceans it borders

It supposed to have a star in the middle in the unedited flag.

That means "Clearly Indonesia leads the socialist revolution across 2 oceans"


>>486348 (continued)
i.e. I intend this flag to represent all Indonesia-based anons here, but I'll just see later.


File: 1631117262879.webm (3.64 MB, 640x360, videoplayback.webm)

choo choo motherfuckers, saving this thread





File: 1631145121882-0.png (378.17 KB, 680x677, E-vGxnhXsAYFSDK.png)

File: 1631145121882-1.png (415.34 KB, 680x677, E-vGxnhXsAYFSDK2.png)


File: 1631199073513-0.mp4 (8.83 MB, 1920x1080, hilarious_sub.mp4)

File: 1631199073513-1.webm (932.69 KB, 1920x1080, hilarious_sub.webm)

File: 1631199073513-2.mp4 (8.73 MB, 1920x1080, hilarious.mp4)

File: 1631199073513-3.webm (933.45 KB, 1920x1080, hilarious.webm)


File: 1631235481938.png (3.54 MB, 1522x812, why.png)


What is the correct banner size?


300×100 iirc


Thanks bro


File: 1631251667098.mp4 (3.77 MB, 320x240, bãd.mp4)


>saving a BMP then renaming it .png
bruh but yes, bait takers must go


>BMP file


File: 1631271075862.png (219.41 KB, 1522x812, 1631235481938.png)

Check this out. I saved it as an actual PNG and now it's only 6% of the filesize.



What's the original context? Also is this from a movie?


File: 1631332838765.mp4 (810.43 KB, 320x240, allahu akbar.mp4)




File: 1631405586126-0.jpg (910.26 KB, 2560x1708, Felix.jpg)

File: 1631405586126-1.jpg (898.06 KB, 1834x2160, Czechoslovakia.jpg)

File: 1631405586126-2.jpg (886.98 KB, 1826x2160, Outdated.jpg)

File: 1631405586126-3.jpg (773.29 KB, 1852x2160, Monkey.jpg)

Fresh new batch of translated Russian memes. Felix birthday edition.


Russians seens to be the only one to put effort into the wojaks, but i've been thinking about the second one, is there one about the french and the brits denying stalins anti fascist pact ?


I haven't seen one on their page yet, but they've made a lot of memes about WWII, so there has to be. I'll keep looking.


Russians are absolute based beyond belief, goddamn


post some anti-ukrainian ones lmao


these have so much effort put into them i'm actually gonna cry


File: 1631414963378.pdf (155.07 KB, 212x300, RC-9-2019-0097_EN.pdf)


File: 1631418127092.mp4 (10.42 MB, 320x240, 1631375863035.mp4)

raining men 9/11 OC



I Made something.


Pablo Hasel?


Ye, from his song, comunista





File: 1631488837957.png (895.66 KB, 1200x669, Based-Chile-1.png)

I spend 9000 hours in MS paint. Is there to much going on here? Ideas for improvements?
Sauce: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seguro_Obrero_massacre


How did they go from being this based to Pinochet, goddamnit


a coup by betas against the based


Is anyone saving all these OC's? or people are working for nothing?


File: 1631490749400-0.png (13.42 KB, 473x109, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1631490749400-1.png (54.98 KB, 1548x221, ClipboardImage.png)

decent, but you should consider zooming in
as much as your screen allows to before taking a screenshot, it will greatly improve the quality of the specific text passages you choose to cut out.

1. pic: Your text at 100% Zoom
2. pic: Your text at 300% Zoom


Saved. kek


File: 1631491226289.mp4 (3.73 MB, 1280x720, 911 advertisement.mp4)


The guy who ordered the execution wasn't based at all. Alessandri was an aristocrat who used to order the massacre of workers and peasants every time they revolt, he just wanted to kill anyone who threatened his power and not for "antifascism". Also the nazi larpers were not really hitlerites, they were closer ideologically to a Peron type of populism, and this was evidenced when in the same year they gave their support to the leftist candidate (Aguirre Cerda, one of the few decent presidents Chile ever had together with Allende), who won. Later the members who survived the massacre formed a leftist anti-imperialist party:



>tfw you get btfo so hard you do a 180 and turn from fascist to socialist


Thanks anons for the kind words and recommendations.
Good advice! Something to remember for future maymays too.
Luckily I saved this as a xcf file so I will return to this some time.
Here it is if anyone else would like to.
Yes. Of course, but it is just a meme, I think everyone on this board understands as a dyed-wool reactionary and that the marusia massacre killed far, far more.


>Is anyone saving all these OC's? or people are working for nothing?
Weird way to look at it. We make them for nothing but enjoyment and laughs, nobody I think is creating memes only because of them expectation to be archived.


So based that literally Youtube is scared of it


File: 1631552456159-0.png (809.58 KB, 884x732, 1.1.png)

File: 1631552456159-1.png (728.37 KB, 884x732, 1.2.png)


File: 1631556626270.png (2.69 MB, 1200x1200, stalin-sharia.png)


File: 1631561804445.mp4 (6.83 MB, 320x240, modsgodsLQ.mp4)

mods = gods OC


lol at the *tink* *tink* *tink*
sounds like somebody did foley effects with their silverware


File: 1631562821612-1.png (455.93 KB, 680x453, E_IW4gGWUAAz1CF.png)

File: 1631562821612-2.png (42.39 KB, 680x453, E_Ip1fqVEAIDo8Z.png)


That first pic wasn't meant to be uploaded(fixed)



>When women sexualized in vidya
<Based based based based
>Whe women sexualized IRL
Top mind


Can you include a mention to the male rape camps




>several detention sites were solely instituted for the purpose of sexually tormenting and humiliating the prisoners.
>The prison guards often raped both men and women. It was at this prison where internal repression operations were centralized. Militants anally raped male prisoners, while insulting them, in an attempt to embarrass them to their core.


is there anyone worse than this guy? he looks like the literal embodiment of the soyjak meme. Who the fuck thinks this fat petit-booj neckbeard isn't just some loser?


I miss him

Rest in power, comrade


>loud = funny



File: 1631625116537.jpg (100.32 KB, 639x852, AOCapitalist realism.jpg)


I want to rail out her socdem ass so bad


he dead?


Anyone got that meme image where it says Nazis got repeatedly kicked in the balls at the Nürnberger trials to get confessions out of them?


I archived some of it.


the booru exists. post them there.


File: 1631733968242-0.png (175.59 KB, 626x545, chairman-milley.png)

File: 1631733968242-1.png (36.48 KB, 507x684, milley_nobg.png)

File: 1631733968242-2.png (158.58 KB, 610x491, milley_rad.png)

File: 1631733968242-3.png (40.34 KB, 507x684, milley_whitebg.png)

Fresh from press for all your Chairman Milley needs.


is this really leftypol /oc/? this shit was all over twitter


File: 1631740260565.mp4 (20.8 MB, 1920x1080, ending biden.mp4)


File: 1631740412248.jpg (55 KB, 600x832, thinking.jpg)

But that's the bad end song


File: 1631740559986.webm (3.86 MB, 720x576, ending red dawn.webm)


recommend me a better song then


he just went up and left.
no notice, no warning


File: 1631791211655.mp4 (5.05 MB, 320x240, 1631653037684.mp4)

Oh and also, this is my fucking board. I have been here longer than most of the mods save one or two. You entitled reddioit faggots joined up late, decided you should become mods and shape the thing in your image, then fucking ruined it, and now you want to turn it into a lib/normie shithole which is exactly the opposite of why it existed in the first place.

You bang on about muh quality this. None of you are well read, not one. You are psueds. You bang on about muh theory, there literally isn’t a single theory thread anywhere near the top of the catalogue. What you fsggots bring is nothing but endless eceleberry, but only your specific ones of your choosing. It’s a fucking a single one of you would even consider yourself intelligent, or even left wing. You are a bunch of spoiled petty little hipster libs, and you have ruined another thing, like you jobless middle class babies always do. Have you considered people who actually work and actually have a stake in the left and aren’t just some internet NEET might actually want to use this board, not just to endlessly waste their sad pathetic life like you mods do, but because they actually need the left, but oh no you need a place to feel powerful and meaningful because you are a fucking loser, so you want to Taylor conversations you aren’t even involved in because you just can’t stand other people having a discussion. You make me sick. I hope you fucking die


File: 1631791353525.png (143.42 KB, 500x300, sagehipstersorcery.png)


File: 1631791807485.png (372.41 KB, 426x640, soycel.png)


File: 1631810230474.mp4 (2.73 MB, 1544x2112, breakup-of-jugoslavia.mp4)

I'm sure this edit must've already been made, but it doesn't make it any less sad


File: 1631830453764.mp4 (4.51 MB, 1544x2112, operation-condor.mp4)

I'm sorry for making sad videos, but I've been like this since 1991


File: 1631832076391.png (79.74 KB, 483x664, tulcel-menace.png)


File: 1631832850642.png (70.66 KB, 448x439, rodent-goebbels.png)

Here is vectorized rodent Goebbels for any of your needs.


File: 1631833447112-0.png (116.13 KB, 400x826, tanned-hitler.png)

File: 1631833447112-1.png (164.78 KB, 450x565, hermann-hambeast.png)

And of course, his compatriots tanned/Italian Hitler and Hambeast Hermann.


okay, now this is epic



really makes you wonder how someone like gobbels was considered a part of the master race when he looked kinda like this



and when im talking about master race im talking about "master race"(aka bullshit nazi propaganda I dont believe in the master race nonsense)


File: 1631856903365.jpg (301.81 KB, 1280x862, nsdap.jpg)

You might not like it but this is what peak male performance looks like



They look like a bunch of manchildren LARP'ing lmao, /pol/acks before /pol/.


File: 1631857466374-0.png (62.09 KB, 138x276, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1631857466374-1.png (280.66 KB, 456x640, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1631857466374-2.png (221.13 KB, 334x384, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1631857466374-3.png (107.98 KB, 264x372, ClipboardImage.png)


smh this is nothing. this is what peak male performance looks like


What a most glorious Aryan mane the last fellow has. I don’t understand how he could get dressed and cleaned up in the bathroom mirror for picture day and still roll out with the middle part. Why didn’t anyone stop him? Wife? Kids? The photographer? At least give the poor bastard a hat.



it was a military photograph and the guy got a military shave

still doesnt change the fact he looks like a high school jock


File: 1631865892935.png (107.98 KB, 264x372, jock.png)

"Do you want to be UNPOPULAR for the rest of your life, Röhm?"


File: 1631875008934.webm (34.36 MB, 1920x1080, rojava.webm)


File: 1631875270544.png (314.57 KB, 917x467, 1631843195644.png)


File: 1631876995486.mp4 (2.76 MB, 1280x720, Go Change The World.mp4)

Made This in a few minutes

I wanted this to be posted on YouTube on exactly 26/12 this year, but I don't have a YouTube Channel sadly


Kim Jong-un gets Ligma


File: 1632106109232.jpg (188.47 KB, 705x600, itsover.jpg)


what happened


great one, can you make it a bit longer, so it lingers on each year more so there is more music?


Putin got ligma


File: 1632263563512.png (85.44 KB, 1600x1136, ClipboardImage.png)

Can someone more skillful with photoshop than me edit the first 'E' into an 'U'? Thanks.


File: 1632269114971.png (96.88 KB, 1600x1136, ClipboardImage.png)

increiblemente curseado y tulcel-enpastillado

I have no photoshop skills. This is the best I could do.


File: 1632273811934.png (243.21 KB, 578x534, doomer_federici.png)


The typography is called Telcel Sans, I don't know how to load it into a word editor (or even if thats possible).



lmao ogres don't know simple photo editing


File: 1632277489456.png (66.19 KB, 1600x1136, 1632263563512.png)

Unfortunately, the video of the crying man is only this long

I think picrel is good enough, just don't look too close


Looks awesome.


File: 1632352233977-0.png (71.47 KB, 1600x1136, tulcel-tr.png)

File: 1632352233977-1.png (51.67 KB, 1600x458, tulcel-wh.png)


File: 1632352897954.png (52.53 KB, 500x500, foster-browder.png)

Foster and Browder.


File: 1632355742436-0.png (352.58 KB, 567x555, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1632355742436-1.mp4 (182.44 KB, 1920x1080, tulcel.mp4)

what have you created.


>who you calling a pinhead?


Might be great for some kind of alt-hist mod.


someone should
edit the "louder with crowder cup" to say "Foster with Browder"


File: 1632560706272-0.png (59.27 KB, 281x206, 20lbs.png)

File: 1632560706272-1.jpg (691.69 KB, 1838x2776, buddha meme.jpg)

File: 1632560706272-2.jpg (331.61 KB, 1360x1532, ideology.jpg)

File: 1632560706272-3.jpg (753.59 KB, 2274x1252, le meme.jpg)


lol that last one


File: 1632566278944.jpg (261.03 KB, 1440x900, wouldn't_you_rather.jpg)

Inspired by Matt Christman's take on China


Obvious response:
>Of course I can, my oppressor is the jewish race.


could just replace Xi and put the scheming merchant and the argument stays


should have changed it to the bad ending


File: 1632574897995.png (1.43 MB, 1440x900, bad argument.png)

So it does.


why he look like having a boner 24 7


Except for the pooh part.


File: 1632669323352.mp4 (10.61 MB, 1920x1080, UFW-DK.mp4)


does anyone have the other maupin songs? especially that one about ayn rand?


File: 1632751133338.jpg (1.67 MB, 1365x2048, sailor.jpg)


File: 1632821783150.jpg (33.33 KB, 420x512, pgu9hu0[.jpg)

not sure why i made this


Interesting. What photo is this based on? lol


It's a photo of guy debord


Oh I see it now haha. Good edit


from @Karl_Was_Right

"The gang explains wage slavery"


File: 1632879815042.png (126.76 KB, 2173x2173, engels_qr.png)


The best part of the Ayn Rand one is that he lumps Adam Smith with her and Milton Friedman lmao.


File: 1632915898056-0.png (23.03 KB, 1280x853, on_auth_flag.png)

File: 1632915898056-1.png (51.57 KB, 1280x853, on_auth_flag1.png)


File: 1632919029123.jpeg (39.03 KB, 1080x1072, unknown.jpeg)



Like my oc?


That isn’t OC, I’ve seen that many times



I dont get why lenin would order a black coffee.


File: 1632930904191-0.jpg (887.42 KB, 1500x1000, Bourgeois Xi.jpg)

File: 1632930904191-1.jpg (1.46 MB, 1500x1000, Gonzalo tribute.jpg)

File: 1632930904191-2.jpg (764.74 KB, 1440x911, stalin quote socdem.jpg)

I often forget to post my OC stuff here - very sad


Excuse me lads, but can I post those images in Imgur or any other social media? Refer to thread >>503484


because the meme already existed and the person who made the edit had to fit the personalities into it



Yes and i meant to ask why lenins personality would be to order a black coffee.


File: 1632938798216.png (428.52 KB, 1200x900, Faux_Cyrillic_Final.png)

Rate schizopost.




It wouldn't. The personalities are being shoe-horned to fit the meme.


И хате фаукс сириллик! И хате фаукс сириллик!




ew, for-profit services with ads!
If you need long-term hosting, then sure whatever, archive.org is better unless people actually use imgur as social media these days, but if it's just short term (a few months) reuploading for social media you can literally directly link to the images in the thread instead (like https://leftypol.org/leftypol/src/1630803569737.png ), it helps the site more with search engines.
If you're asking about legal rights and permissions, we're anonymous meme-makers who probably don't even own the content these are derived from. If you're not making money off it or trying to sell it, and not claiming false credit, you're not going to get in trouble. Maybe chucking in a credit/source to "leftypol.org" would be helpful if uploading images to twitter or similar if it works alongside the post, so it's clear you're not trying to take credit when reposting.


Oh my God that's so fucking atrocious






>maupin jazz
<when a meme you made and forgot about turns up from the blue
Feels good


What am I looking at?


your meme is too low effort and too esoteric


The only meme I got was the apolitical non-aligned Zaire


What anime do I need to watch to understand this meme?


its from an old 60s cartoon called superfriends or justice league of something. DC comics


Uhhhhh, glowies?


Wtf is this?


File: 1633103211719-0.jpg (187.72 KB, 1199x1086, FAlYUtDUcAAZd58.jpg)

File: 1633103211719-1.jpg (266.07 KB, 1199x1577, FAlTntuVkBkguX-.jpg)

File: 1633103211719-2.png (1.34 MB, 769x1655, template.png)

from /prc/





so many possibilities
he could be playing Rick and Morty


File: 1633175993900.jpg (48.15 KB, 600x795, FAjwSt5VUAA32vL.jpg)

"The peasants were the proletariat"


cursed image


File: 1633176214068-0.png (219.88 KB, 371x371, Flyora before.png)

File: 1633176214068-1.png (222.32 KB, 360x366, Flyora after.png)

reaction image


I get it




Agent Kochinski and Gonzalo mixed kind of looks Russian.


File: 1633238573118-0.png (3.3 MB, 1490x1117, Gonzaloists BTFO.png)

File: 1633238573118-1.png (3.34 MB, 1490x1117, welcome.png)

무궁화꽃이 피었습니다~~~


File: 1633240775846.mp4 (2.46 MB, 1920x1080, trash_Cat.mp4)


I dont get it


Basically the doll will shoot you.
it's squid game btw



Ah, maybe vidrel may help


What is this soy shit


It's Squid Game. Been so popular lately


File: 1633274713663.mp4 (4.24 MB, 720x480, working.mp4)


File: 1633274789999-0.mp4 (3.78 MB, 960x720, truedau.mp4)

File: 1633274789999-1.mp4 (3.77 MB, 960x720, truedau2.mp4)

File: 1633274789999-2.mp4 (3.52 MB, 720x1280, i get around.mp4)


File: 1633274875618-0.mp4 (1.84 MB, 720x720, kim in the flesh.mp4)

File: 1633274875618-1.mp4 (9.35 MB, 960x720, fidel saga.mp4)


File: 1633275165860.mp4 (2.92 MB, 1280x720, Gates.mp4)



What's a good name for this video?


This was neat. Can be mined for some wasy memes or simply modernized.


File: 1633354575080.png (121.51 KB, 474x355, 1633352807166.png)


Now on Youtube


File: 1633366402549.jpg (20.35 KB, 480x342, marxmeme.jpg)

can anyone suggest a way to debunk/alter this meme


File: 1633366785998.jpg (31.84 KB, 481x279, marxmeme.jpg)


change it to "do it for free" and it'll be more sound to non leftists


you could add "to engels" or "to his rich boyfrend" or some thing


Anyone got that comic strip with Marx teaching kids what communism is, where towards the end there is a bit how an alt righter, a wokelet, a liberal profesor and a hotep black nationalist all get lined against the wall and executed for being bourgoise scum?


It unironically has the best explanation of the LTV i've ever seen



Does anyone have that posadist prayer/poem? It’s from 8chan. “Raise the workers bomb up high; underneath the mushroom cloud we live and die” that’s all I remember


Just letting you peeps know that the current /roulette/ theme is /draw/ing so feel free to drop in and add in content.
Also the art/drawing thread on /hobby/ has good advice for potential artists.


File: 1633449823217.jpg (40.92 KB, 911x694, hegelfan1818.jpg)

I made this one a while back after musk posted it


File: 1633474464707.png (332.62 KB, 500x508, ClipboardImage.png)


Oh no, I don't want to imagine what sort of dogshit takes Marx would've posted on Twitters if he was alive today.



File: 1633480325780.mp4 (7.6 MB, 1920x1080, Mussollinizzz.mp4)

Mussolini HotMilk meme


File: 1633515860760.png (814.29 KB, 921x880, bobconq.png)


change the opacity so the top part is more readable and remove the bottom citation and then it's good


File: 1633539727828.png (517.86 KB, 937x648, fidel.png)

pls post a longer version of this part


File: 1633543008963.mp4 (4.29 MB, 1280x1280, heckerjam.mp4)



File: 1633575260908.png (203.9 KB, 581x657, ClipboardImage.png)


Fidel one is an absolute banger


File: 1633631008315.jpg (199.72 KB, 1080x823, diagnooser.jpg)

Is anybody else as sick of this type of shitposter as me?


>t. BPD Tulcel


File: 1633636892306.jpg (72.29 KB, 680x630, E8Q-6R3WQAYLmZP.jpg)

haven't seen shay in a while


File: 1633640312671.mp4 (731.77 KB, 960x720, fidel saga.mp4)

here's the part in the video clipped out


File: 1633664365064.png (Spoiler Image, 1.09 MB, 632x1003, ClipboardImage.png)

Shitty meme ahead

You have been warned


File: 1633707781214.jpeg (39.04 KB, 499x499, viet pepe.jpeg)

this made me remember there is a vietnam doom mod


in the mod do you play in the human side or the american side ?


File: 1633743951404.mp4 (34.31 MB, 1920x1080, Sin título.mp4)



File: 1633824877010.webm (3.89 MB, 960x540, 124893s.webm)


seems the main dev wants to include both sides, as far as I can tell


Unfortunately, it seems you play on the American side.


File: 1633826200162.webm (1.36 MB, 960x540, 124893e.webm)


File: 1633826321103.webm (13.82 MB, 1280x720, Yugo_rush_1.webm)


File: 1633866515174.webm (1 MB, 1280x720, RIPBUDALA_2.webm)

laughing to the (IMF) bank



File: 1633912681450-0.jpg (1.83 MB, 2500x1535, juche gang.jpg)

File: 1633912681450-1.jpg (18.85 KB, 177x275, delete this.jpg)


I kek't


File: 1633912926661.jpg (137.04 KB, 882x471, 1633899665664__01.jpg)

No fucks


he said "comrades you can't cure me, I need no therapy!" not "comrades you can't kill me"


after this photo he was killed 5 times and was resurrected into a pickle for 2 years as a punishment, it was the funniest shit the people in NK saw but they could not laugh because it is banned.


File: 1633939208604.jpg (281.49 KB, 497x600, porkysaysvaccine.jpg)


File: 1633949135367.png (1.19 MB, 1010x1200, 1621973786925.png)

I have a vaccine for your type: Eplosive lead injection.


>proles dying is bad for porky


It's not bad because there's a labour oversupply which means more welfare to pay out and inefficiency.


so does buying literally anything



visit sorryantivaxxer.com for more info


File: 1634109214277.webm (3.86 MB, 960x540, 124893z.webm)


File: 1634170006489.png (832.55 KB, 680x840, ego goes camping.png)

a thing I did to honor the egoist namefag's tragic journey last month.



Kek. I saw that thread, what a loser.


File: 1634210180280.mp4 (26.48 MB, 720x480, internasionale.mp4)


>t. schizo in denial


>t. actual schizo in denial




>another schizo


File: 1634214462489-0.png (228.87 KB, 610x450, talkingabout.png)

File: 1634214462489-1.png (83.69 KB, 610x450, stalinpng.png)

made this a couple months back


File: 1634216560649-0.webm (1.68 MB, 576x1024, 1633326612061.webm)

File: 1634216560649-1.jpg (98.79 KB, 1024x1001, Portrait-of-Pol-Pot.jpg)

I want exactly this webm with pol pot.


1. what music is tthis?
2. do you mean a slow zoomin on the still image?


Legend of Zelda fairy fountain


File: 1634231502857-0.jpg (153.65 KB, 500x910, 5qf70s.jpg)

File: 1634231502857-1.jpg (155.04 KB, 500x910, 5qf76u.jpg)


First one is best. Nazoid could use some improvement. It'd be better if he displayed a scared/anguished/shocked expression.


File: 1634389025905-0.jpg (43.42 KB, 480x335, ancap - Copy.jpg)


File: 1634391383479.jpg (11.22 KB, 238x231, sister number one.jpg)


2nd pic is transhumanist


taken from Stickpit


File: 1634448547713.jpg (238.32 KB, 612x438, dystopian.jpg)

Did this. Give me more dystopian shit to paste Marx's face on.


We're gonna be talkin' about the PURGES.
We'll be talkin' about the DUSTBIN OF HISTORY.
Do you think that's funny, /pol/?
Do you find it amusing that we'll be talkin' about the GULAGS?


File: 1634720464084.png (14.08 KB, 300x373, Code.png)

where should i put these codes on?


What is it?


goes to the /leftypol/ front page


This >>486601. The main objective is to promote /leftypol/ somewhere. Probably boards where they post porn, I could just slip in that image in a corner


It would go well on pornography of Alunya oωo.


File: 1634735727073-0.jpg (17.68 KB, 400x400, u8ju9ZEp_400x400.jpg)

File: 1634735727073-1.png (157.67 KB, 400x400, neckpilled_norton.png)

Right pic was posted in the itg


File: 1634804454466.jpg (21.44 KB, 220x278, PolPotThisMan.jpg)


I usually don't buy into incel looking theory buy holy shit


Paradox made a pro-soviet trailer in Russian, I feel like we can use this for agitprop.


added a translation onto a cartoon


Shrigma Lenin was predestined


File: 1635060259375.png (867.53 KB, 967x685, boris.png)

screen caped from the new bad mouse video


What exactly is he trying to say here? Should people like Hasan stop streaming because it makes too much money? Maybe instead of blaming individual people for the results the system produces for them, we should, I dunno, criticize the system? Like communists would do. Looks like badmouse needs to leave the internet and read some more (again).

But for real, what is the point of this discourse? Streaming is a way for people to make money. People gotta make money in capitalism. It's not like gathering donations is especially exploitative. It's basically like being a street performer with a hat out for money, except it's being propagated online so more people can see you and chip in. There's a systemic critique to be made here, but pointing at the few people who make lots of money doing that and saying "bad" isn't how you do that. I don't think Hasan or any other big people are "real leftists" or whatever, but complaining that too many people give them money is just a liberal critique and for those people it's a critique from their right. And worse, it just reeks of sour grapes, which (coming from a much larger number of people in response to the Hasan situation) is also contributing to the way the public sees the left, which is to say: it reinforces notions that communists and socialists are simply driven by envy of success and will tear down anybody who manages to get more wealth than them.

This is a far worse image to be spreading than a few socialist millionaires, and the radlibs fell right for the bait. The rightoids made cracks about Bernie and so on having money and this actually bothered a lot of the "left" because they are infantile and haven't developed their theory beyond some kind of inferiority complex. The criticism sticks in their craw and when the right makes this argument again, the counterargument they go to is to attack the other lefty for catching the rightoid's disapproval, proving the rightoid correct about them. Radlibs being played like a fucking fiddle if they're not actively controlled opposition themselves.


Well Hasan wouldn't appear like an hypocrite with the simple trick of giving the superfluous money he made to revolutionary organizations. It's not like we swim in it. And serious leftists go all in, I mean Lenin didn't buy a villa with pool with his books money. So in the end Hasan and co appear like they are, pathetic grifters who use political issues to build fucked up parasocial relationships with vulnerable people so to take their money for their individual benefits. The spell is finally broken for some, and for the better. And I don't care about the optics, reactionaries will always call us names, there's no sense whatsoever in making a united front with an opportunist social fascist


File: 1635065960450-0.png (117.86 KB, 1966x2657, mongcom.png)

File: 1635065960450-2.png (149.44 KB, 2096x2729, path4896.png)

Tried to clean up profiles of Damdin Sükhbaatar found on some diplomas that I found online - what is the proportions of flags here again?


File: 1635072251667-0.png (65.74 KB, 541x608, Contrarianlet.png)

File: 1635072251667-1.png (112.61 KB, 860x804, Take the fucking vax.png)


File: 1635091748432-0.png (811.57 KB, 700x486, AOC astronaut.png)

File: 1635091748432-1.png (661.36 KB, 640x480, spook moon.png)

Some edits I made for a few budding cryptos,

AOC coin https://alexandraocasiocoin.wordpress.com/

The other is for "Spooky Bonk" A knockoff of DogeBonk, which is itself a Knockoff of DOGE.



Yeah like I aid Hasan isn't really one of us. But the problem is people complaining about him making money and playing into stereotypes with zero self awareness.
>And I don't care about the optics, reactionaries will always call us names
That's one thing, but it's another to look like what the reactionaries say you are to the average person.
>there's no sense whatsoever in making a united front with an opportunist social fascist
Well yeah but that's another issue. Attack him for being a fraud, not for getting money.



>what is the proportions of flags here again?
Flags can be up to 20 pixels wide by 16 high IIRC.
The minimum is 16x11 I think.


One of my objectives in life is going to Mongolia.

Seems like such a chill and cozy place.


File: 1635137048677-1.png (3.35 KB, 20x10, mpr.png)


maybe someone could polish one of the two flags so we can have it include it with the rest


Wait, is there actually other Mongols who come to this wretched forum? I always thought I was the only one cause there is barely any Commies here let alone the fsct that this site is pretty obscure-ish


i don't know if that question fits here, but does anybody have that imgur gallery full of pictures from the ussr? i know this one was one of them


File: 1635189182080.png (296.52 KB, 860x804, Vax Stalinism.png)


>socialism flag makes the worst posts
literally go back


jab yourself


Is someone like hasan even bad for us? Like he's at least introducing people to socialist concepts, even if they are little watered down.


If this: (https://archive.md/Q1fCn), thread is anything to go by, then yes.


>worst post
that's not how you spell based post



File: 1635613394615.jpg (152.72 KB, 1015x902, IMG_20211030_174014.jpg)

I made a leftypol banner.

Hope most of you people enjoy this creation of mine I like to call
Gig chad marx


File: 1635615870011.jpg (344.49 KB, 1475x831, IMG_20211030_184228.jpg)

Hope you enjoy this marxist-leninist meme


File: 1635666135283.webm (4.83 MB, 1280x720, Jocko_MyLai.webm)


obligatory death to america post


Death to America Long Live Cuba


>Americans will come and destroy your country and go home and make podcasts about how doing that gave them an identity crisis.


File: 1635712386125.jpg (225.39 KB, 830x1262, IMG_20211031_203016.jpg)


How to stop capitalism covid-19 number one get the vaccine number 2 to move to Cuba.



Reminder that big pharma wants people to avoid vaccines as long as possible. They will be getting money for the vaccines regardless. As long as there's unvaccinated burgers, pharmacies etc will be getting supplied with covid vaccines hoping that burgers will vaccinate. Many of those vaccines will expire and get trashed, but that's no skin off the pharmaceutical companies' backs. They will just get to sell more vaccines to burger pharmacies. They want to keep doing this as long as possible, because the rest of the world won't be able to pay as much for vaccines and the prices are negotiated lower. They are just maximizing profit, and scaring the final consumers away from the vaccines is benefiting the pharmaceutical companies since they get paid whether people take the vaccine or not.


>>Anonymous 202
So I am kind of correct


So I'm kind of correct


Just click on the number of the post and you will get the two arrows and the number in the reply field. Three >s will not work.

Also yes you are correct, although I don't think porky is that worried about communists moving to Cuba.


Do you want to see my suggestion of how would a socialist United Kingdom look like


sure, this thread is appropriate for some kind of fanfic lol


I want to see you stop posting


File: 1635714248460.jpg (195.5 KB, 1296x716, IMG_20211023_175815.jpg)


Can someone post that DJ stalin dancing in someones head rent free mp4?


Im starving for more Xi memes. Plz help.


it's beautiful, I want it so much but it's so far away
add ireland


There's no way burgers actually think this


File: 1635738416502.jpg (148.04 KB, 1077x853, IMG_20211101_013534.jpg)

I made a German Civil War alternative history.
Which one of these fractions of my alternative history scenario do you support

>>> socialist revolutionaries) these people are inspired by the works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels and other German socialist philosophers.

>>>>> egoists) they are anarcho egoist and they are led by max Stirner myself.

>> Bavarian separatists) these people want an independent bavaria

>>> Polish separatists) they want a independent Poland

>>> the German imperial government) imperialist who want to stop all revolutionaries and separatists and they are pretty messed up.


watch it for yourself:

He spent a good while reading first hand accounts of the atrocity but he arrived at the totally incorrect opinion. But what else do you expect from a navy seal.


All of them


File: 1635877557592.png (27.43 KB, 614x131, cia-jihad.png)

just a screenshot


File: 1635945257769.png (90.16 KB, 632x738, alunya copy.png)

from the /roulette/ thread


File: 1635946848527.png (708.06 KB, 719x713, nazi surrender.png)

Taken from a video posted on /his/. Filmed at the US/Soviet limit of the frontlines in Germany in 1945. Germoids fleeing in droves to the American side. Camera focuses in on one particular German officer.


Post on some memes we make and use now. Could circulate it to outside.


File: 1636116152741.jpg (144.46 KB, 682x915, IMG_20211105_123106.jpg)

Just a quick reminder


the female monarch character looks so unimpressed with her execution wtf


File: 1636161336820.gif (264.72 KB, 512x512, 1633991496336.gif)

Same artist as picrel?


File: 1636232360631.png (73.32 KB, 258x322, ClipboardImage.png)

Does anybody know the name of this template?


File: 1636232581068.gif (42.6 KB, 468x670, 06e.gif)

"It's Goofy Time!", very old meme.


File: 1636232864299.gif (398.28 KB, 476x284, yF.gif)


rip goofy!


File: 1636426092919.png (218.82 KB, 534x645, 1636426044395.png)

Is this Satisfaction?


Heh, nice.


File: 1636427302320-0.png (464.62 KB, 771x1213, 1636340523454.png)

File: 1636427302320-1.png (228.41 KB, 647x671, 1636306932818.png)

Oh wait there is more


Should alunya be biting Dennis prager?



please stop feeding her garbage


OK sorry for disrespecting our goddess


File: 1636475547700.png (215.92 KB, 753x711, 1636474919007.png)


should cats really eat chocolate?


File: 1636501038858-0.png (1.25 MB, 1090x1226, Calebshakeshands.png)

File: 1636501038858-1.png (909.51 KB, 1090x1226, TimeTravellingTankie01.png)

File: 1636501038858-2.png (803.16 KB, 1090x1226, TimeTravellingTankie02.png)

Got a request for all of the Caleb edits, here are mine and also the template for those interested.


thx, keep em coming. plz include original tweet too


and remember to post your NSFW edit separately, spoilered, lol


File: 1636501434712.png (Spoiler Image, 819.78 KB, 1090x1226, MaupinDebunkingtheThreeHol….png)


File: 1636501534115.png (Spoiler Image, 1.46 MB, 1090x1226, 1636434012148.png)

Here's the original. It quite frankly looks as fake as the others at this point.



Why do you think america is able to overthrow all of these governments?

Its because americans are insanely brainwashed and don't even question military spending. Questioning the budget only means social security, education and medicare but not the military. I once brought this up to a right wing libertarian and he said he trusts the military and doesn't know the full scope of their assignments. This guy, in the same conversation, criticized social security, medicare and the government taxing people to create roads. He questioned why we need such things that help people and said the government can't be trusted. In the same vein, he trusts the police and military but doesn't trust anything else in the government. This perception of libertarianism is so widely believed in america. You will have people preach for ending government tyranny but wanting higher pay and more police officers and military personnel.


File: 1636502547700-0.jpg (203.22 KB, 1090x1226, maurouche.jpg)

File: 1636502547700-1.jpg (217.93 KB, 1090x1226, mauping.jpg)

Here are lore friendly Maupin memes


This is because libertarianism is burger flavored fascism.


Lol, i don't know how, but this is actually funny.



Yeah basically. I wrote too many words to describe american fascism.

Its poisonous to me. I live in a area where most people are fascists by this description. The non fascists are too retarded and are radlibs.


since you already bothered: plz post all of them


File: 1636504736959.png (1.17 MB, 1090x1226, hand shakana.png)

6 quadrillion hours in mspaint


File: 1636505439364.png (423.1 KB, 1792x391, trotskyist.png)

Did the guy from Bunkerchan ever complete the versions of this for other sects? He said he would


File: 1636505567535.png (910.84 KB, 1090x1226, TimeTravelingTankie03.png)


that one is just bad taste


For who? Hitler or Maupin?


File: 1636506269219.jpg (2.54 MB, 3256x2808, nazis.jpg)

of course the anarchist retard doesn't know history


retard alert


>make meme deliberately conflating Nazism with socialism and furthering Hitler's lie that has caused endless confusion amongst the masses
>get called out for it
>No ur the tard!!!111
kys anarkiddoe


That was the joke dumbass. Patriotic socialism, National socialism? Get it?
It sounds and frankly in terms of American patriotism/nationalism is quite similar to how the nazis branded themselves as "socialists" even though they obviously weren't.



Of course I fucking get it and I am explicitly CRITICIZING IT SINCE ALL IT DOES IS FURTHER CONFUSION OVER FASCISM AND SOCIALISM. It's been over a century since the Third Reich died and idiots like you are still preventing many others from figuring out the distinction between the two by deliberately conflating them, along with retard terms like "red fascism".

Your average westerner sees a meme like this and starts buying into muh horshoe theory mcfucking kill yourself ameritard if you can't understand how disasterous this rhetoric is.


"""patriotic""" """socialism""" is basically gay and not socialism at all


hysterical screeching aside you make a good point


newfag repeating the mistakes of the nazbol meme


retard alert. If you said that patriotic socialism is dumb because it is a tactical decision that lenin spoke against then that's one thing but I'm willing to bet you are some Reddit or Twitter uyghur our transhumanister jannies invited here.


File: 1636510033067.png (645.3 KB, 1090x1226, MaupinBackrooms.png)

So fucking what?
What is patriotic socialism anyway, because from what I heard and seen, its just trying to ride the coattails of the imperialist white supremacist mindset that is ingrained in American patriotism. To be proud of a mythic past that never was. Enjoying the privilege that was earned through slavery and genocide, not even acknowledging the terrors of colonization and imperialism.
Fuck, I wish this meme does as much damage as you think it could do (obviously it won't, like any normie would recognize Maupin's mug). If it stops someone from falling for the bs of patriotic socialism, then good. And in terms of it being used against socialism broadly, give me a fucking break. Libs are gonna use anything against us and so are the neo-fascists whether or not it makes any sense at all.
It'll take more than memes to convince the general populace that socialism is the way. It takes actual action and praxis. So you thinking that some silly meme is a massive detriment to the movement, then you're a fucking idiot.

>pic rel

Here's a fresh one for (you).


Cope hazlet, I too saw the bad empanada video where he reads lenin for his audience
this whole social media marxist movement centered around american patriotism is retarded


>watching bad empanada
lol uyghur
your mind is clearly fucked by e-drama. fuck off back to reddit where people give a shit or hit the books retard


exactly what im saying we need to stop paying attention to.



File: 1636554116793.png (600.91 KB, 1090x1226, maupin&ebert.png)


Does anybody know that Hoxha bunker song? From the webm where he's dancing in a bunker with the nukes going off on the top?


File: 1636691961563.jpg (334.95 KB, 638x723, marketsocialism.jpg)


File: 1636693787517.webm (1.66 MB, 330x360, 1617216824630.webm)

for reference



Looks like anon already helped you out. For future reference you can also upload a file to a website like https://www.aha-music.com/identify-songs-music-recognition-online (it works, although there are probably better alternatives people may know of) and it will tell you what the song/sample is.


File: 1636717084267.png (76.58 KB, 173x181, SH.png)

>bad thing happen from war


please make mercia a separate territory, instead of lumping us in with little England


File: 1636727844185.png (640.98 KB, 700x408, ClipboardImage.png)

Awesome song, thanks, anons.


File: 1636728609501.jpg (66.25 KB, 500x654, 5txfyl.jpg)


File: 1636729774033.jpg (6.21 MB, 2480x3508, October rev tribute.jpg)

A bit late, but happy 104th anniversary of the October Revolution


Also dis


>Homemade weapons bad
<Big pharma uncritically good
What's next on the agenda in Langley?


File: 1636739754214.mp4 (845.38 KB, 176x144, bukharin fancam.mp4)

Ironic shitpost thing


nice meme i laffed, regardless get ready to face the firing squad tomorrow


File: 1636742533588.pdf (1.49 MB, 798x300, murican parties.pdf)


What year is this from?


File: 1636743724212-0.jpg (841.84 KB, 1472x2000, FA1.jpg)

File: 1636743724212-1.jpg (288.71 KB, 692x1024, FA2.jpg)


File: 1636743975178.png (642.26 KB, 975x1506, 1627774769896.png)

>I-I'm gonna, I'm gonna STRAWMAN!
Kys, schizo


>last modified: 2020 dec. 5
It's at least this old. Also some parties are said to be founded in 2019 in the article, it can't be older than that.


I know who you are faggot.


>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


File: 1636746354217.png (396.49 KB, 836x854, 1636746216968.png)

I made a leftypact Insignia


File: 1636746616935.png (385.24 KB, 836x854, 1636746427543.png)

Improved version


Kill yourself and never post again(stop shitting up the OC thread)


File: 1636754142117.png (396.49 KB, 836x854, 1636746216968.png)

How do you like my design of symbolism stuff also I made an improved version as well


You really didn't have to post it 3 times
overall, 6/10




music pls


File: 1636837950717.jpg (100.64 KB, 1437x448, IMG_20211113_210435.jpg)

What guys do you think about this


Retarded tbh. You just took an old meme and changed some words and wrongly because the term M-L didn't even appear until after Lenin's death



File: 1636869038913.jpg (134.6 KB, 1280x720, Rittencado.jpg)


File: 1636874882966.jpg (84.8 KB, 672x389, IMG_20211114_071005.jpg)


This is /pol/'s hero?
Perfect soy material. Have fun, comrades!



File: 1636908574383.png (880.32 KB, 754x960, ClipboardImage.png)

Is there any version of this image which says "liberal's" instead of ultralefts?


File: 1636908619981.png (191.8 KB, 370x474, 1633944181931.png)


File: 1636909316166.webm (7.88 MB, 1280x720, 1619578750356-0.webm)


In case he gets sentenced guilty, make sure to post video related in /pol/



Racist POS is up against an entire establishment and legal infrastructure that would gladly see him rot. He has no idea how bad it’s gonna get. He’ll go the way of Chauvin. It’s over for him. The eyes of the democrat party are on him. They’re not even hiding it.


File: 1636917308870.png (2.07 MB, 2000x1391, amazon.png)


I won't believe it until I see it happen. Chauvin getting jailed was indeed a huge surprise, but one also has to consider that many, MANY protesters from last year got jailed without trial, like most of the Burger prison population in general. Chauvin's sentencing was clearly all show to prevent any new habbenings. There were big protests closely watching his trial. There is not this pressure for Rittenhouse this time. I wouldn't be surprised if he's absolved.


File: 1636918020563.jpg (9.91 KB, 146x146, bootlicker(1).jpg)

Is this from /pol/ or something? Reeks of bootlicking


It's designed to trigger and stimulate the mind of the average normie against amazon
I see my past hour was very productive


looks interesting I dunno what RTX means tho


Ray Tracing Texel eXtreme


File: 1636933810554.jpg (234.28 KB, 1179x871, IMG_20211114_220251.jpg)

Alunya brings Lenin coffee while he is publishing (State and Revolution).,


File: 1636992331054.jpg (167.18 KB, 500x600, Vax tanks.jpg)


Well, you failed. It makes Amazon look like the chad


You are actually retarded holy shit. No one in their right mind would interpret that as pro-amazon.


Maupin you autistic ancom





i've been all week playing around syringe gun designs
i think i may be onto something like a syringe revolver it should also shoot broadheads with a fish-line


Should I make a video with scread war that is pro Belarus


File: 1637544041357.png (109.02 KB, 720x623, template.png)



can someone turn that with this


giving chairman dore a run for his money


>"Alunya, you can't trust the liberals! They will betray you."


>"my social ecologist project only works if it is funded by oil exports, but the pollution is totally caused by the war folks"


>wars are cheap and require no funding


Dore is an opportunist grifter. His 180° on the COVID vaccine since this year started proves it beyond the shadow of a doubt. Watch Shaun's video. He goes into great detail and evidence to prove it.


File: 1637841653857.jpg (3.95 MB, 5242x3744, 1631835247496.jpg)

>Watch Shaun


I'm forced to admit this anon is right
yes anon even breadtubers can be right sometimes


>feds can be right sometimes


>everyone who doesn't have the same priorities as I do is a fed


Ad hom is not an argument. Disprove Shaun on this one or cope somewhere else.


File: 1637877282274.jpg (42.35 KB, 629x379, fa4.jpg)

>Go watch irrelevant talking head deboonk irrelevant talking head


File: 1637933025944.png (239.17 KB, 450x1113, delitized.png)


File: 1637955223254.mp4 (3.76 MB, 658x824, german-miserere.mp4)


Alunya doing a Grace LARP


File: 1638061763580-0.jpg (676.42 KB, 1182x1376, IMG_20211128_010830.jpg)

Found this on booru


File: 1638117630894.jpg (232.47 KB, 1440x1080, smilepot.jpg)


i don't have to do that on an imageboard its much easier to call you gay


File: 1638151661717-0.png (262.84 KB, 1029x784, redeureka.png)

File: 1638151661717-1.jpg (29.09 KB, 340x480, db-9.jpg)

Red Eurkeas were cringe Gang of Four supporting Maoists but this looked pretty neat, so I slapped it together on GIMP


File: 1638203173056-0.jpg (590.12 KB, 986x729, 1638202141710.jpg)

File: 1638203173056-1.jpg (924.78 KB, 948x1212, 1638200946152.jpg)

File: 1638203173056-2.gif (4.4 MB, 1309x1734, 1638199154006.gif)

File: 1638203173056-3.webm (1.01 MB, 1308x1734, 1638198525140.webm)

File: 1638203173056-4.png (1.55 MB, 1309x1567, 1638196920406.png)


File: 1638203335451-0.png (2.35 MB, 1309x1734, 1638196752992.png)

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File: 1638219392693.png (223.57 KB, 1140x1296, my-image (7).png)

Leaders of the Soviet Union Tier List

Most favourite soveit leaders are >>Lenin stailn Malenkov
The ones I dislike are>>Khrushchev Brezhnev
The ones I absolutely hate are << Gorbachev
And the one that I have some idea of is >> Andropov
And are the only soveit leader that I have no idea of is <<Chernenko


File: 1638219458741.png (223.57 KB, 1140x1296, my-image (7).png)


this slaps. Ernst busch?



dumbass. Shaun is good at deprogramming


gorbie is such a dumbass

like the thing is tho like he could have done the econ reforms if he vvanted to

hell the fact that china did it shovvs its possible but instead of just doing that he decided to do the vvorst thing possible political reforms

like holy fucking shit gorbie if you had just done econ reforms vvhile maintaing the rule of the party your legacy vvould no vvhere be near as bad as today

hell you might have been seen as a soviet union deng vvith all the negatives and positives associated vvith that



Dune concept art


I would agree and I'm pretty sure Gorbachev came from hell


So would you guys agree with my Tier List


that would only work if gorby did not attack the period before his, as well as destroy communist power and presence in the state by removing communists and putting liberals like yeltsin in power, in other words, not be like him.
but you need to remember gorby willingly did everything because that is what he and his followers, that dismembered and became the bourg on post soviet states, wanted.


Embedding error.
This has to be the best room tour video in existence


File: 1638286890786.mp4 (16.58 MB, 720x480, untitled.mp4)



>fbi.gov user
paint me surprised


File: 1638305200035.png (523.54 KB, 1140x647, my-image (10).png)

Would you agree?



File: 1638397252593.jpg (233.64 KB, 1200x671, IMG_20211201_221852.jpg)

What does this image make you think


second hand embarrassment


wow that's pretty awful anon, thanks. <3


Mmmm many of those authors wrote things that absolutely BTFO your retarded disc*rd ideology. Your image would be better if you included Bill Gates and Obama. At least the irony would be more apparent.


what kind of retarded shit is this?
this too. at least read Stalin on the national question


File: 1638407938966.jpg (235.94 KB, 1075x1001, IMG_20211202_011808.jpg)

National bolshevik vapour wave


File: 1638412016594.gif (578.16 KB, 498x283, download.gif)


Makes me think Jreg was a mistake


These are all shit. Try harder faggot.


File: 1638465822005.mp4 (3.98 MB, 658x824, german-miserere.mp4)

Eric Bentley but there is also an interpretation by Ernst Busch



This was in a previous thread and I can't seem to find an archive but it had Alex Jones screaming and the Safari Riot remix of Where is my mind was playing. Anyone have that saved? It was a WebM or mp4.


File: 1638538714891.mp4 (14.23 MB, 480x270, 1619738125213-0.mp4)


I like this video


but this isn't oc and you haven't fixed any of the hazshit




File: 1638571346311.jpg (335.81 KB, 1200x1675, DeepFryer_20211203_222846.jpg)

Reason why this is true.
>> George Orwell was a racist stitch
>> was a socialist
>> supportered the Royal family
>>wast in anarchist Catalonia during the civil war in Spain
So apparently George Orwell was a monarcho anarcho nazbol.


Thats the one! Ty



File: 1638620625760-0.jpg (111.99 KB, 821x644, IMG_20211204_122150.jpg)

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File: 1638620625761-2.jpg (157.34 KB, 739x941, IMG_20211204_121004.jpg)

Reminder to all the Berlin Wall haters


File: 1638621096073.jpg (430.09 KB, 1501x867, IMG_20211204_123043.jpg)


File: 1638621331562.jpg (130.1 KB, 1016x857, IMG_20211204_123445.jpg)

Today I'll be wearing this T-shirt


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File: 1638639498596.png (633.3 KB, 680x503, ClipboardImage.png)



That furry porn looks weird


File: 1638661048493.png (212.19 KB, 600x912, 1638614534178.png)

Alunya fumo


File: 1638661422059.jpg (552.54 KB, 1100x1412, it was beautiful USSR.jpg)


flag of the Italian anarchist Brigade of Death flag from the Spanish Civil War this is the only flag that is available in existence
Because so little is known about them. Warning this is the only flag of this specific organisation in existence


I am the one who created the only flag of this organisation in existence that means I can post it on Wikipedia


File: 1638663045563.png (84.51 KB, 200x219, ClipboardImage.png)


I guess I have mistakes to fix


>>486829 looks like I was wrong


And there's even a real one in existence


And there's even a real one in existence>>630665
And sadly this is probably the only flag in existence. Also I want that flagggggg!!!!!!!!


I have a question as this one of your favourite groups because one of my favourite is the Red Army faction


I can see that they have a lot of inspiration from The Ukrainian free territory as in for the flag design >>486829


Damn, where is it?
Nah I don't actually know anything about them I just put the third pic into google reverse image search and looked at the Spanish and Catalan looking pages


File: 1638664777273.png (54.72 KB, 1024x614, ClipboardImage.png)

The flag you are probably thinking of was never a flag used b the free territory, it was just from some soviet anti-anarchist propaganda piece but even then the similarities are very eh. It's closer to a jolly roger.


Finally this flag has a clean version of it


Finally this flag has a clean version of it>>630693
Post this on Wikipedia and then on Wikipedia


File: 1638665777775.jpg (41.78 KB, 1062x933, IMG_20211205_005517.jpg)

Should I post this on booru


As anon said here >>486839 the more important thing would be to post it on wikipedia.


Good job. Sure.


Hey do you want to make an article on Leftypedia. about this organisation


You can trust me I created an article on the Red Army faction
By the way here is the link to the nhttps://leftypedia.org/index.php?title=Battalion_Malatesta&action=edit&redlink=1


I am starting to upload images files and other such an important documents I need your help tho


File: 1638667063377.jpg (305.07 KB, 1920x920, IMG_20211205_011705.jpg)

By the way this is my own article I made previously just to prove that I'm not lying


File: 1638667492847.jpg (107.89 KB, 1561x384, IMG_20211205_012406.jpg)

Here is a preview


Why are you autistically trying to prove youre not llying, anon? What is the consequences if you are? Why does it matter what you wrote?


For some reason there is now an awkward silence >>486848



Is there a chat for the Wiki because I have been editing the Hacktivism article as it is pretty inacurate at parts and badly written with 0 citations but whatever idiot set this up has made it so changes to any page must be approved by a moderater.




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>>Ladies and gentlemen
>>Le conservatif face


File: 1638775129135.png (641.49 KB, 784x666, antifa grindhouse.png)

grindcore bitches


What do you think of my creation


I don’t understand the appeal…


I do understand killing facists is hey good pas time >>63305



which one?


synthwave got old
grindcore is good for a change


This one


Do you like le conservatif face


File: 1638775779220.jpg (235.94 KB, 1075x1001, IMG_20211202_011808.jpg)

I have a custom nazbol vapour wave



it's absolutely hideous.

perfect 10/10



nazbol with animecore characteristics is the worst thing that i've seen, specially in chinletbook



>Where is my mind


straight out of the bakery


I would agree that all Conservatives should be either converted to socialists or just executed


I like the maoist idea of a cultural Revolution



Hey, just wanting to reming you guys that a sub-lemmy /leftypol has been created. If you can post your OC's here and in this thread, do it!



File: 1638906303751-0.png (387.9 KB, 505x421, brezhev hot.png)

File: 1638906303751-1.png (786.15 KB, 926x1141, Forever young.png)

some oc


<t. Undercover anarchist


File: 1638927007829-0.jpg (674.08 KB, 1280x1618, Slant-06-cover.jpg)

File: 1638927007829-1.jpg (422.93 KB, 1032x1402, anfem-cover-06.jpg)

File: 1638927007829-2.jpg (396.24 KB, 1032x1402, anfem-cover-06a.jpg)

Image I found on an AnFem zine cover, decided to touch up some. Which is better?


File: 1638927631259-0.jpg (410.07 KB, 1032x1402, anfem-cover-062.jpg)

File: 1638927631259-1.jpg (386.13 KB, 1032x1402, anfem-cover-06a2.jpg)



First definitely


File: 1638930161360.jpg (79.85 KB, 676x1029, anfem-cover-rand-1.jpg)

Danke Anon!


File: 1639015170991.jpg (294.08 KB, 920x532, nato.jpg)


File: 1639015342917.gif (47.21 KB, 200x195, haz rent free.gif)


sounds like a cope.



>chinese music
Are you racist or ignorant or both?

T. Hungarian



Actual video of traditional Hungarian singing style.


This is so bad, it actually made me laugh out loud.


Lenin is that you?


File: 1639080298360.mp4 (15.32 MB, 640x360, leftypol-feminism.mp4)

Leftypol and Feminism




File: 1639081850321.mp4 (7.47 MB, 1280x720, Project_12-09_HD 720p.mp4)



File: 1639093557423.png (141.07 KB, 343x315, ClipboardImage.png)

>tfw moisturized


Anon, this isn't r/2balkan4you.



why are you posting this ancient bat'ko autism with watermarks? just go on https://archive.org/details/LeftypolChoirDEATHTOIDPOL and watch it.


File: 1639375895800.mp4 (8.95 MB, 590x360, SplashUS.mp4)

Made an out of season 9/11 edgy meme


It's crazy to think how different things are now, what year was this from? 2016/2017?


File: 1639455708713.png (509.1 KB, 720x720, onxtnyqlm0d22.png)


Has anyone ever made a sneed meme but with it saying "sndige".


idk who shaun is. link the video.


Been a while since i saw that.


File: 1639759332421.jpg (153.92 KB, 826x1023, IMG_20211217_162938.jpg)


File: 1639765690365.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 6.81 MB, 600x750, oc.mp4)




File: 1639856403241.gif (2.28 MB, 840x600, HazRedacted.gif)

Made a shit edit of Haz with Stalin. Ended up turning it into a loopless gif. Do what you will with it.


File: 1639937749839.png (705.11 KB, 720x539, ClipboardImage.png)


does this have to do with CPUSA the VACPUSA club people have been really delightful people on twitter lol


Anarchists ruined Anarchy.




File: 1639969881307.png (278.57 KB, 551x427, ClipboardImage.png)

No offence but this edit is worse than the original. Egoist meme flag is cringe and really doesn't do a thing except broadcast 'i am terminally online and probably have a twitter account'. It was better with the black flag, anon.
There are two Black Anarchy flags. It is either straight black or any other color except on fire.



good shit, eggo


Can someone post the original (same text, normal flag)? I cannot find it and it bugs me.
Have an OC in thanks.



No, no. I mean the meme but like >>486909 when it is the same quote and faces just with the black flag.


File: 1639983549847.jpg (166.95 KB, 855x855, NotEvenOnce.jpg)

Reposting here for dummies not using the booru.


File: 1639991640284.png (526.23 KB, 901x1004, cope compassfag.png)

i was bored


>implying Stalin would have a problem with haz
Same guy who recriminalized homosexuality kek


>>implying Stalin would have a problem with haz
<caring this much about some meme
seethe, etc.
kek. good one anon.


File: 1640033292834.png (55.71 KB, 800x600, melting.png)

capitalism is melting her

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