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File: 1641379869347.jpg (1.13 MB, 1600x1107, Kazakhstan.jpg)

 No.489758[View All]

>Protests started for gas prices raise two days ago
>Rapidly became widespread
>Government resigned few hours ago
<Protestors started storming palaces of government and institutions all around the country

What is your take on this anon?
Will this lead to something positive or is it Ukraine all over?

Also how do you think China and Russia will react to this?
609 posts and 115 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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I wasn't sure if the protests glowed, but seeing the velocity and types of posts here has convinced me. It's all so fucking familiar, very similar to the Bolivia operation recently.


>Stalin quite literally warned others in his government to keep their daughters away from Beria. Why do you think that is?
The only source for this comes from a known anticommunist propagandist who has made up tons of shit, lol.
>Lenin, like Trotsky, came from a rich background. Holy fuck you’re dumb
Lenin's family from his father's side was a literal serf family. That his father was able to become richer doesn't change this. Learn your history, retard.


Agreed, one retarded post with an equally retarded response. Lenin and Stalin would slap the lips off the first guy though.


Your attitude and contempt towards the working class is wholly petite bourgeois


>needed to be productive today
>the government of a steppe country decided to blow up
>day wasted


>naturally predisposed to being lemming
Please do everyone a favor and throw yourself off the closest building.


Bukharin and Trotsky were innocent, actually.
Stalin was from a rich family too.
Троцкий был социалистичнее Ленина или Сталина, тупица
>The only source for this comes from a known anticommunist propagandist who has made up tons of shit, lol.
This is literally false.
>Lenin's family from his father's side was a literal serf family. That his father was able to become richer doesn't change this. Learn your history, retard.
His mother was from a rich merchant family.


Trusting any reporters employed or tied to RT on this event related to Russia is the same as trusting radio free Asia when they have a conflict involving the usa

Use your brains and discernment


Ideas. And bloodlust. I leave praising of failure and defeat to public relations types.

>boo hoo, Allende got couped


Oh hey, trips.



According to this shooting has stopped in Almaty.


Ты че, ебанут? Каковыми богачами были Джугашвили?


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lol a communist Ignacius J. Reilly. Really?

₴1000 says you're some fat piece of shit NEET who barely washes himself, and who believes a revolution would somehow propel him, a modern-day superfluous man with no backbone or work ethic, into being relevant.

I bet you've even convinced yourself that posting is the same as organizing work, and that you've never been a member of anything that could reasonably be called a socialist organization.

You're not the worst sort of socialist. Wokes are. You're certainly the most pathetic though.


Who am I supposed to trust then? The Washington Post?


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>Trotsky were innocent, actually.


Дзугаш и Ленин происходили из богатых семей. Тот факт, что вы проводите все свое время за чтением одного источника, не делает его правдой.


Trotsky was justified in BTFOing Makhno.


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Trust no one and fly to the country to report it to us yourself.


>CSTO called in, yet to see in what capacity
>Nazarbayev BTFO
>Violence seems heightened but mostly localized in Almaty
<Police and Army loyalty in question


Ok wish me luck


Kazakh police and army are fascist pigs of Putinist loyalties. Glory to the protesters! Glory to the revolution!


How could you fuck the quoting? Did you type it?



>This is literally false.
Stalin phoning about his daughter comes from Montefiore, who popularized all this. You just saw it on Wikipedia and thought if Wikipedia says it, it must be true. That hack doesn't even source half of the shit he says in his book.



>fascist pigs of Putinist loyalties. Glory to the protesters! Glory to the revolution!
This reeks of like your second day in leftism.


News Anon 4.0


You can trust anyone reporting on actions being taken. (usually)

The "why" you can deduce yourself, unless you're bad at historical materialism and geopolitics.


So who is based?
Pls I need to pick a side in order to post soyjacks and megachads.


this is just old school slogan aesthetics, the trotskyists still talk like that tho


This is way too coordinated to be an act of spontaneous uprising, why should regular ass protestors take over an airport? This is most likely a CIA op.


>The CSTO forces in Kazakhstan will be used mainly to ensure the security of facilities and infrastructure, Interfax reported, citing the head of the State Duma committee Kalashnikov.



I mean, what else could they seize?


conspiracy theory shit like this is exactly what we don't need


>spontaneous and unorganized
>playing the objectives
Pick one, idiot. Have you ever interacted with people? At least when playing vidya?


The MoP.



Technically the Airport have Means of Production.


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Right, murdering the workers who held off the whites and who were building communism and willing to work with the reds is a good thing. Of course.
You're more delusional than a liberal.


Mods archive this shit NOW


>protestors seize an airport
it's a bit of a leap, ain't it?


yeah too bad he and lenin were prussian intelligence operatives


>Willing to work with the reds




>I haven't read any history, I get my politics entirely from memes
He literally met with Lenin in order to coordinate. Holy shit you're one retarded neckbeard.


Lots of derailment in the thread. Can we pls try and stay on topic?


>He literally met with Lenin in order to coordinate.
At first but then they proceeded to block bolshevik supply lines and act as bandits.
>anarkiddie calling anyone a neckbeard




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