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File: 1633498447931.mp4 (922.78 KB, 1280x720, Žižek Cat.mp4)

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first thread: >>>/leftypol_archive/9920
last thread (>>361470) hit the bump limit, so i'm thinking to start a new one

post /lefty/ videos here! we welcome .webm and .mp4, and others
459 posts and 379 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1640846992440.jpg (75.7 KB, 723x657, God bless america.jpg)

lmao, the other guy just can respond "wow"
< so you don't like cheeseburgers


File: 1640848073344.mp4 (5.28 MB, 1280x720, MajorPoints.mp4)

based chinese infiltration of the right wing


Those images in there real or no?


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File: 1640848507716-1.png (1008.47 KB, 973x671, ClipboardImage.png)

Spenser Rapone.


frighteningly based


So much for the global "defenders of free speech" U.S. military propaganda bullshit.


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To help our comrades lenihat, king lear, eugene and all the other out there


Holy shit that's sad.
Do you remember what the noted reason was for the suspension? Or did they give any?


>posting magmashice(esoteric hitlerist) content


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wtf is that and where are these videos from? lmao


search for "vigilante intelligence" or "johnny gat" on odysee, thers no channel just mirrors of his videos, be sure to check the box filter "exact match"


Spoiler that shit



Why are you using this lol


lmao shit's hillarious
it was a question of time when zoomer /pol/tards will do conspiratard bullshit about muh zionobolshevik Rusha oppressing the western civilization just like their boomer ancestors


maybe, maybe just maybe because shit gets banned on youtbe, oh thats right leftists dont have to worry about that because their policies further monopolize the economy benefiting the big corpos and destroying small businesses hence why their ideas are promoted on msm platforms

kys political illiterate


>/pol/tard sounding like russiagate shitlibs


>Communists employ accelerationist strategy because it works
As the great comrade Stalin said the only thing that is invincible is that which is developing
I'm not sure where the problem is here other than that you don't like it because you're losing and we're winning


I was responding to >>673616
the greentext just fucked up


very insightfull response

you think russia is a friend of the west?

you think russia winning would be a good thing? you are a tankie so im already awaiting a edgy response so can you explain further your position?


>la la la I can't hear you
It doesn't matter if so-called "leftist" (read: radlib) or "right-wing" youtube channels win the so-called "culture war," it's all manufactured bullshit. None if it actually threatens the corporate elite. You people are suckers falling for a distraction, and it works every time, because the internet has fried your collective brains. It's all bread and circuses and you're a retard for continuing to fall for it. Pic related

>you think russia is a friend of the west?

1. "west" and "east" are oversimplified bullshit
2. not a tankie
3. as far as I'm concerned russia sucks, america sucks, and europe sucks, fuck 'em all


>can you explain further your position?
We're winners
You're losers
Zero edge just simple as fact


>"culture war," it's all manufactured
its violence or culture war, I choose the latter
>1. "west" and "east" are oversimplified bullshit
not really, the west is america, europe and australia, the east is russia and china by being agaisnt the west primarily you are benefiting totalitarian regimes
>as far as I'm concerned russia sucks, america sucks, and europe sucks, fuck 'em all
if you are against totalitarian regimes then you should be on the wests side

you are not gona draw furry art in the comune


>its violence or culture war, I choose the latter
yeah all the revolutions historically happened because the people won the culture war, violence is completely innefective


Of course not why would I want to do that
Odds are after we win I keep working emptying containers, stacking pallets and working heavy machinery like I do now
I don't get your point

It's more acceptable to support Stalin on the toot00bz than Hitler

Huge agitation and propaganda win for communism

Sure years of patient work to get there, now we're winners you're losers sucks to be you

Can you explain to me what the fuck your problem is in a way that doesn't just make you sound like a whiney loser?


>its violence or culture war, I choose the latter
<deflecting this hard
>not really, the west is america, europe and australia, the east is russia and china by being agaisnt the west primarily you are benefiting totalitarian regimes
1. east and west both have problems with corrupt authoritarian bullshit, some just slap a liberal-democratic coat of paint on it, and as far as I'm concerned burn 'em down on both corners of the world
2. if geographic boundaries on a map were an indication of cultural homogeneity then the untied states would be one big fucking monoculture, which it sure as fuck isn't
>inb4 but muh american traditional culture
fuckin' spend a year in burgerland and then tell me with a straight face that georgia is the same as new york

>if you are against totalitarian regimes then you should be on the wests side

The "west" literally gave us fascism and a long string of dictatorships in south america


Based image.


>you think russia winning would be a good thing?
Undoubtedly yes, lol.
USA collapsing would be a breath of fresh air to social movements around the globe, unlike USA Russia doesn't have ten thousand military bases all over the globe so they can't quickly take US's place as world police.


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>east and west both have problems with corrupt authoritarian bullshit
the west is way way less authoritarian my guy by far
>if geographic boundaries on a map were an indication of cultural homogeneity then the untied states would be one big fucking monoculture, which it sure as fuck isn't
freedom transcends culture :)
>fuckin' spend a year in burgerland and then tell me with a straight face that georgia is the same as new york
i know that, whats your point? that there can only be 1 culture in one country?
>The "west" literally gave us fascism
the west gives almost everything, most literature and phylosophy came from the west plus you have economic fascism(syndicalism) in every country now

>would be a breath of fresh air to social movements around the globe
dude most leftism in america and europe is funded by russia, you think russia wouldnt turn you into a slave if it were to conquer the west?
>Russia doesn't have ten thousand military bases all over the globe so they can't quickly take US's place as world police.
someone has to make sure the world isnt conquered by a global totalitarian dystopian regime, maybe in the future you will learn the hard way


>freedom transcends culture :)
<moving goalposts this hard

>the west is way way less authoritarian my guy by far

<Ignoring that Bush Jr, Obama, Trump, and Biden all expanded the surveillance state while bailing out large corporations whenever their fuck ups screw over the rest of us
<sincerely believing that getting to vote for one out of several flavors of corporate shill equals "freedom"

>freedom transcends culture :)

<goalpost moving
<meaningless hollow platitude
and how exactly are you defining "freedom" here

>i know that, whats your point? that there can only be 1 culture in one country?

You're the one trying to use geography to defend some concept of there being such a thing as a fundamentally homogeneous cultural east and west, m8

>the west gives almost everything, most literature and phylosophy came from the west

1. enlightenment critiques of the political and economic systems of their day were at least in part influenced native american critiques of european society either directly or indirectly

2. plenty of classic western literature, art and music took inspiration from eastern art, (see: influence of japanese art on impressionism)
>inb4 b-b-b-but it was still western tho
that's not the point, the west didn't come up with this shit out of nowhere, many great works of the western canon were products of a centuries-long process of cultural exchange. that doesn't invalidate them or make them bad, it just means that they're not proof of some form of Unique Genius specific to The West (TM), shit is and always has been far more complicated than that
3. the west didn't necessarily invent democratic governance, various forms of direct and/or consensus-based democracy have been in operation in societies across the world for ages (example: archaeologists have recently found evidence of democratic procedures in early mesoamerican soceities). The west didn't invent democracy out of whole cloth, ancient history and archaeology shows that there have been diverse forms of roughly-"democratic" social structures across the globe throughout history, with the "west" just being one fragment of a larger trend. If anything, evidence suggests that the west is far from exceptional, that the east has never been as monolithically authoritarian as people like to suggest, and that the tendency for people to experiment with various forms of what can be called democratic decision making are closer to being universal among human beings than was previously assumed

TL;DR the west isn't exceptional, if anything there are no exceptional cultures, just people trying different shit out and seeing what sticks at different points in time

>most leftism in america and europe is funded by russia

[citation needed]
>global totalitarian dystopian regime
it's called capitalism, and we're already there


>were at least in part influenced
*were at least in part influenced by

fuck I'm tired

4. name me your favorite works of the western musical canon, right now


Ignoring that Bush Jr, Obama, Trump, and Biden all expanded the surveillance state while bailing out large corporations whenever their fuck ups screw over the rest of us
<bailing out corporations
arent you a demsoc? why do you think thats a bad thing when you are for it?
>and how exactly are you defining "freedom" here
non-state intervention both social and economicly
>You're the one trying to use geography to defend some concept of there being such a thing as a fundamentally homogeneous cultural east and west, m8
here in the west we dont think that in general but our enemies do, thats why we have to too or we will get conquered because our individualism will be our weakness against a centralized society like china and russia
>1. enlightenment critiques of the political and economic systems of their day were at least in part influenced native american critiques of european society either directly or indirectly
PAHAAHAHAHAH, totally dude native american are waaaay more advanced then us dude.
you are just an ethno/cultural-masochist, you hate your own because you are a masochist
>plenty of classic western literature, art and music took inspiration from eastern art, (see: influence of japanese art on impressionism)
is that what buzzfeed tells you?
>the west isn't exceptional, if anything there are no exceptional cultures, just people trying different shit out and seeing what sticks at different points in time
we are just atoms bro, a civilized society is totaly the same as a bunch of tribes raping and killing eachother constantly
>[citation needed]
see my videos above
>it's called capitalism, and we're already there
capitalism? do you exchange comodity(capital) or currency(fiat), because to have capitalism it requires the exchange of capital and this is also marx defenition of capitalism plus if you are against nationalism you should be against fiat money

>4. name me your favorite works of the western musical canon, right now

theres alot, you mean classical music? theres plenty but im not a big fan of it, i do know a guy who is very into it kek


>dude most leftism in america and europe is funded by russia, you think russia wouldnt turn you into a slave if it were to conquer the west?
top fucking kek
Do you have a phone number or email address in Russia I can contact? Apparently I'm overdue a payment.




stop hitting the dog you fucking uyghur


File: 1641385759150.png (103.25 KB, 385x249, ClipboardImage.png)

You're next



Is there an extended version? Anyone know?



File: 1641448214844.mp4 (4.29 MB, 320x240, ollie north.mp4)


Someone please make a new .webm thread


that's a lame remix for a lame scene


i'd just make a face and throw some trash at them


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File: 1641756836826.jpg (175.23 KB, 1035x934, 5y4dwys9p2z61.jpg)

[spoiler]pussy paradise[/spoiler]

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