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I was talking with an anon the other day about Julius Caesar and I wanted to share this link, but I couldn't remember what thread it was in or finding it through search, and I didn't want to make a new thread<br/><br/><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>Would it be possible to get a rss feed of <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>there is the issue of iphone 6 users not having webp support since no ios 14+, not sure if there are any that browse here with one, supposedly 5.8% of iphone users are iphone 6<br/><br/><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a><br/><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a><br/><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>Ok, going to be controversial here but I think the op in<br/><br/><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a><br/><br/>didn't deserve to be banned or whatever. They had a critique of MLism not against leftism in general.
>>498452I'm not sure but it appears to have been moved to /b/, not deleted.
>>>/b/137200See also: >>433651 (Capitalist Conquest of Space)
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>>498476no it isnt
prove it,,, you cant!
>>498484This is what their "user union" voted as their will. They claim to represent the whole userbase.
In what insane world do leftypol users want to get spammed with gore, prolapsed anuses, scat, etc.
Imagine if these children had succeeded in their coup. Please just fuck off and go do drama on, not here.
>>498481>did anything get deleted from the boorus when the booru heads decided to crack down on certain contentyes, it's probably on the /GET/ thread for political catgirls/board mascots
>did GETchan ever have a booru?not sure if it's what you're asking but leftybooru is meant to be for both leftypol and GETchan (I think)
>>498481>red/black themelefty.booru is the original. The red/black theme was changed to Yotsuba B. leftypics.booru was a temporary backup.
> did anything get deleted from the boorus when the booru heads decided to crack down on certain contentloli and all real life porn was removed due to being against TOS
>>498489Yes it is shared like that which is why both sites link to it
>>498492Yes but it's a chan, so grow up and deal with anime/japanese influence.
Also someone posting soyjaks has no place to criticise "pop culture for socially atomized manchildren"
>>498499also I can't remember right now but there was also some real wacky shit in that OP
"Balfour agreement thread" is a seriously bad descriptor.
>>498500So was it spam or was it haram make your mind up. It’s a good descriptor, it was a decently sized paragraph about the Balfour agreement and it’s implications, then a link to something about the Balfour agreement, then a conversation mostly centered around the works of Lenni Brenner, noted Marxist and friend of Stokely Carmichael.
>spamming IP So we are just deleting threads by Ip now rather than the actual content or what?
>>498502That thread wasn’t spam and obviously they weren’t previously banned or they wouldn’t have been able to post.
I notice you’ve dropped you critism of the content
>>498505If I remember, I'll be sure to note it down here.
If I had to guess, something about Nazis.
>>498507I am absolutely one billion percent sure.
I can't remember every thread I look at.
>>498511Because at this point you're being a wrecker and a derailer bastard.
At least create your own shitty thread on /meta/
>>498513I see you stopped responding in /meta/
guess that means you lose
>>498513>>498511I deleted your comments because you were crying about mods oppressing you and your union. The thread was not about you. It wasn't about your experiences of being oppressed by mods. Your drama shit wrecks threads. Your gaslighting about your union is also wrecker shit. The thread was about growth, not "how to actively wreck leftist spaces".
If you want to wreck shit, wreck your place of employment. Don't wreck leftist spaces.
>>498518I wont argue with you.
1. It's a waste of time
2. You're incapable of doing it in good faith.
You'll live.
>>498527Could always try and hope it works.
>>498528Pretty much.
>I just downloaded a client and the links to it seem to not be working.Which links did you try?
Try chatting the message
>>498545Not a janny but that's blatant sectarianism
and also retarded, to claim workers aren't working class. Not everything is outsourced.
>>498558>Why do no chans have this? There are a few (like GETchan).
It's doable, but one issue is that this is a fast-paced board for many hours of the day and I don't think the current auto-reload script can handle updating when posts are edited, so you wouldn't see the changes without a full page refresh. And again, that's doable, but there are significant dev priorities that we'd need to improve before working on that.
he's a ban evader
>>498589ofc faggot
no discriminatory speech allowed
>>498099we need to regulate shitposting to shitposting fridays
ban shitposting inj all other days
also add a mlp board
>>498595it is, stupid frog poster.
>>498596Nah, it's fun and a vital part of the board. No-one has time bot day-of-the-week moderation, this isn't reddit.
>mlpJust use a hobby thread or use the siberia thread. Or /get/, if they're still a pony site.
>>498598<REEEEEEE THE JANNIES OPPRESSHUMOnly some a very specific word filters:
c.h.u.d., d.i.s.c.o.r.d. and uyghur.
>>498623I agree. I will create a tracker issue in our git repo, and check to see if other people feel the same about changing the behavior to not jumping down.
update: >>498625Well we might be forced to ban anything anti-dengist if we pick China l'mao.
There are some european hosting companies with a very good reputation for keeping things up (think: wikileaks and pirate bay hosts), or maybe even the 'radical servers' suggestions on At the moment, my guess is that the server choice was based on low costs + stable, since Leftypol is volunteer-run since 8chan died.
>>498630It kind of defeats the point of implementing the WebP thumbnails when the savings are a teeny fraction of the bandwidth and storage hogged up by the person flooding the site with ClipboardImage.png. If you cared about saving bandwidth and storage (and not waste people's time loading these oversized images due to server latency) then you would implement a backend feature that automatically converts any file uploaded as "ClipboardImage.png" to "ClipboardImage.webp" as a lossy WebP.
Here he is again, a 5 MB PNG that has very clear JPEG artifacts that was probably originally a 0.7MB JPG.
>>591626 >>498632there have been spam issues
it's not like I give a singular shit about this "just asking questions" basically but if there is someone sitting there for hours on end repeating these talking points endlessly it makes discussion impossible.
>>498634hell naw lol
also fuck off
>>498631>It kind of defeats the point of implementing the WebP thumbnailsNo it doesn't. Thumbnails are loaded every time you open a board or thread, so even if smaller, they are loaded far more often than full images. Furthermore, there is no expectation for a thumbnail to be identical to the image; it actually undergoes a conversion process.
However, you raise a good point about converting clipboard files. The only reason why we currently don't use .webp file uploads is because people downloading them complain about mass software incompatibility (such as not showing up in file browser thumbnails,file viewers, etc.), so that's why we only use them for files that shouldn't usually be saved and opened on desktop. Otherwise it would be an excellent idea.
>>498636>No it doesn't. Thumbnails are loaded every time you open a board or thread, so even if smaller, they are loaded far more often than full images.When multiple people click the ClipboardImage.png's I'd imagine the bandwidth usage exceeds the cumulative savings from ~4 KB per thumbnail (10 KB JPEG down to a 6 KB WebP) that you got from further compressing thumbnails. And the far higher storage usage should go without saying.
>The only reason why we currently don't use .webp file uploads is because people downloading them complain about mass software incompatibility (such as not showing up in file browser thumbnails,file viewers, etc.)If someone wants people to be downloading their images that they post, they should not be saving them as oversized ClipboardImage.png's. For uploaders to willfully share images as ClipboardImage (wherever this god-forsaken thing came from… is it Android? Crapple?), it implies they are throwaway images to be shared on an imageboard temporarily, not to be distributed as some important image that other people need to save. That's their problem for saving as ClipboardImage like a retard and hogging up server resources, not leftypol's. Again, this would only apply to file specifically named "ClipboardImage.png" so they become ClipboardImage.webp, I'm not saying all images should be converted to WebP.
>mass software incompatibility (such as not showing up in file browser thumbnails,file viewers, etc.)Not a good excuse. WebP is supported on Windows Explorer and Windows Photo Viewer since Windows 7 by installing the official WebP codec. If anyone complains, point them to this link: know at least Thunar for Linux supports it out of the box. Linux users pride themselves on being bleeding edge software experts so they can figure it out without issue.
>>498637>When multiple people click the ClipboardImage.png […]The point is that merely opening a thread or visiting a board starts the download of thumbnails whether you want them or not. Opening an image is optional. The purpose was that it sped up almost every single page on the client side significantly with almost no user impact. Converting clipboard images (or really, any PNGs) to lossless WebPs would be a great step further in that aspect, I agree, but not doing it doesn't 'defeat the purpose' of thumbnail improvement.
>(wherever this god-forsaken thing came from… is it Android? Crapple?)Protip: it comes from the clipboard. Like ctrl+v.
And regarding your point, most people with decent internet don't give a shit about image filesize. At all. There is no implication of purpose just because it's a poor format choice. I have often copypasted a meaningful image from an image editor program so that I don't need to save, browse, reupload and delete it.
>Not a good excuse. WebP is supported on […]This is a good point, as it seems some things have changed since I last checked compatibility; Windows 10 seems to thumbnail it by default and open in Edge if you don't have another default program set, and it opens in MS Paint. People on Win 7 can probably be expected to install add-ons (it's literally EOL by almost 2 years, just move to Linux already lol). Apple Mac appears to handle them fine too.
On the other hand, .webp still causes significant animosity. It's not hard to find hundreds of complains this year by people who 'hate' WebPs.There's even people on this site still using anti-WebP addons. So that's the only real reason why I'm hesitant to see converting any user source images to WebP as a good idea.
>>498638>And regarding your point, most people with decent internet don't give a shit about image filesize. At all.I have a 150 mbps internet plan and on wired connection, but it takes time to load ClipboardImage.png's because I am bottlenecked by your server's latency or bandwidth limit.
>Converting clipboard images (or really, any PNGs) to lossless WebPs would be a great step further in that aspect, I agreeNo I said lossy because the vast majority of ClipboardImage.png's uploaded here are JPEG sources.
>>498646This is fine, as it's distinct from the e-celeb drama stuff of /itg/. Thanks for asking first.
A couple of points that might be worth considering when making the thread:
>would this be more useful as a general thread for higher-quality non-ITG video sharing, rather than focusing on a single poster?>a mod suggested it could also be made in /edu/, however I can understand if this is seen as too suffocating due to low traffic >>498666not at all
You can't spell Communism without UN
Now pls gib UN Flag
>>498681Site's birthday.
Go into the [Options] and add this Custom CSS:
[data-board] > .files > :nth-child(1):not(.multifile) > a::before{
content: none;
[data-board] > .files > :nth-child(1).multifile > a::before{
Hi, mod team/janitors/Admins. I talked with a friend about getting funding through ads.
One anon commented it would be a shitton of work trying to avoid losing anonymity, but the friend, who knows I visit this site, he visits this site regularly, told me it is possible to use Brave. am not sure up to what extent they are anonymous, and how they do not invade public privacy, but he recommended this, and apparently, they pay on cryptos, so might be worth the try to investigate furthermore.
Kudos, comrades.
>>498683Hi! Thanks for your interest in this topic.
I cannot officially speak for the rest of the staff yet as I haven't directly asked, but I feel confident in saying we have no interest in making money from users, even for non-profit purposes. We don't even have plans to add a cryptocurrency donation address for server costs, and that's a non-intrusive, voluntary method of financial support.
My personal view is that advertisements are in almost all cases both annoying and an exploitation of the user. I recommend using an adblocker on all commercial services, and directly donating to any content creators you wish to support.
>>498685>>498684Got it, my idea was to promote more the board using most of the fundings to
1) Pay the costs of the server.
2) Use the funds to get the promotion of some personalities, like Richard Wolff, who named the board some time ago.
3) Incentivize the board council and its bureaucratic members (mods, janitors, etc)
Anyway, tried my best to search for something anoynomous.
See ya!
>>498689Go ahead
>>498690The tech guy who implemented that is off duty but he will take them off once he comes back.
>>498692a mix of ban-evading and multiple repeat offenses in the past made it so that eugene and a few others (like lear) were basically put on a probation where they could keep posting if they obeyed the rules and be treated as ban evaders if they didn't, as it was either that or they were gonna be effectively permabanned
eugene went and posted covid denialism outside the covid thread so we treated him as a ban evader - something we've done in the past and made fairly clear to them, so he knew what he was doing.
>>498697your first mistake was implying that 4/pol/ does not bait the shit out of itself with garbage threads that have absolutely no point whatsoever, because that happens all the time to the point where a left wing politically incorrect raid on your website is nothing but a spec of dust compared to the chance of /pol/ users manufacturing consent like gorillas masturbating to dead orangutan babies
also, are you Croatian or something? I'm just making a guess for the sake of it
>>498712not to be a dumbfag but how can you apply juche outside of DPRK?
clearly you aren't there now since you have access to this website…
>>498713Marxism-Leninism was conceived for Russia but that didn't stop it from being implemented all over the world from East Germany to Vietnam.
Just because Juche as a system was developed with the DPRK's conditions in mind doesn't mean such a system is absolutely impossible to replicate in other countries (although how successfully such an implementation would turn out would widely vary), which is why there's a Juche party in Nepal for example. >>498719The sequel has a joint American-Soviet mission to investigate the events of the first film on a Soviet ship.
Tensions rise and the countries come close to nuclear war while the crews are helpless to do anything about it in the outer system.
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