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File: 1645413608153.mp4 (772.24 KB, 640x360, putin_walk.mp4)

 No.501865[View All]

Let's mantain the civil discussion we were having in the last thread.
Last thread got full.

Fizzle or Sizzle - you decide.

TO WATCH FOR NEWS: https://liveuamap.com/
Live updates from Texan commie boomer in Donbass: https://www.youtube.com/c/RussellBentleyTexac
For Russiabros, analysis from Boris Rozhin:
https://colonelcassad.livejournal.com/ (has a telegram, lots of cool stuff there too)
608 posts and 134 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


whats heppning i just came back




>RT throwing shade at putin for rambling


is war
going to happen


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This all seem so based to me.







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Cool speech of great historical importance. I like how it was almost entirely made of listing an accumulation of small grievances and complaints about historical narratives ultimate that somehow justify an effective declaration of donbass independence. The angel of history stands astride as another 18 wheeler slams into the wreckage of history.


Honestly he's right about donbass and luhansk


Any link ? Couldnt see it


So is he gonna invade Ukraine?



Beautifully worded.


Well, they signed friendship and cooperation agreements. If Ukraine attacks, Russia may decide to intervene


Russia recognizes the independence of the DNR and LNR, and Ukraine for 8 years did not recognize them as people. That's it in a nutshell.


Ok, srsly tho how long until USSR 2.0 now?


Based now i want war







>not noticing how fucked up the sentences are
thank you.


15 years


He’s a fash and anti-communist, attacked the Bolsheviks even in this speech


war is cringe


Socialism is dead


your mom


Putin killed the USSR you shitbrained moron. Fuck putin, but if he gives a black eye to NATO thats the only good thing he can ever do.


New Thread


No shit he's a fascist and a war is literally gonna destroy europe. That's what should any serious leftist who's not a lenincel should aim at. When everything is destroyed then we rebuild.


Most people want it back so why won’t they form it?


it begins


Putin negotiated a diplomatic deal with the leaders of the Luhansk and Donetsk People's Republics to officially recognize them as independent states. That was a really important event. I wonder what new geopolitical situations will come from this.

Personally, I think more multi-polarity and less US/NATO hegemony is a good thing so I see this as a net positive.


Immediate annexation, probably.


>Why now everybody is against putin? Have all gone glow on me?
We would side with Putin taking the Donbass region, because that means the low intensity war would end and the people living there could go back to living like people, without sporadic mortar attacks or ethnic discrimination. And all the people that supported the euromaidan color revolution have no basis for complaining because that started this proxy war, and they would be taking sides with ethno nationalists.

But If Putin did a larger attack for completely dismantling Ukraine it would mean a conflict that kills at least 500k people, and that's not worth it.

Of course Putin hasn't actually done anything, other than have a big troop exercise near the boarder of the Ukraine, and accept the Crimean region into the Russian Federation. Which wasn't his doing, the US puppet regime in Kiev alienated these people into joining Russia, it's US foreign policy blowback.


Fuckin right?



Lmao Ukraine getting circumcised



The good news is that a war between Russia and Ukraine could galvanize the communist movement in a big way in both countries, especially if escalates to an east west conflict.

Gotta take the red-blackpill: Imperialist war is inevitable under capitalism, but so to is inevitable the communist sentiment that it will result in.

Our task to prep as many people as possible for this inevitability through our organizing and agitprop.



why the hell is this image so squished


>why don't bourgeois governments bring back the USSR
Breh why do you think


File: 1645473590523.jpg (37.28 KB, 640x475, cinco minutos.jpg)

date of origin: four years 364 days 23 hours and 55 minutes ago. Prepare your anus


dubs for war


trips for war


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>Wholesome NATO is just trying to expand to any countries that want to join! Russia has nukes why should they be scared they can just cause nuclear war!


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