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 [Last 50 Posts]


Let's mantain the civil discussion we were having in the last thread.
Last thread got full.

Sizzle or Sizzle - you decide.

TO WATCH FOR NEWS: https://liveuamap.com/
Live updates from Texan commie boomer in Donbass: https://www.youtube.com/c/RussellBentleyTexac
For Russiabros, analysis from Boris Rozhin:
https://colonelcassad.livejournal.com/ (has a telegram, lots of cool stuff there too)

"Modern Ukraine was completely created by Russia," Putin says in speech to the nation“

Putin: "We are ready to show you what true de-Communization means to Ukraine."“


Putin says Ukraine is a "U.S. colony" with a "puppet regime"

“Russia claims Ukraine invaded Russia and says 5 Ukrainian soldiers were killed and two APCs destroyed near Rostov.

Putin, in televised address on Ukraine crisis, talks about a "nationalistic virus" says 1991 collapse of Soviet Union saw Russia robbed

“Putin: "Why did we have to transfer the rights to the territories that had been part of the Russian Empire?"“


Russia & Syria officially recognize LNR and DPR

Syria recognizing LNR/DPR

Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua likely to recognize the Donetsk and Lugansk republics shortly

Putin Calls For Ukraine To Break Apart

"President Biden will soon issue an Executive Order that will prohibit new investment, trade, and financing by U.S. persons to, from, or in the so-called DNR and LNR regions of Ukraine," Jen Psaki says following recognition by Putin of regions as "independent."

>EU leadership @vonderleyen & @eucopresident say that bloc will react with sanctions "against those involved in this illegal act" of recognising Donetsk and Luhansk.

>Suggests individual, targeted sanctions: not the big ol' war package that everyone has been talking up for weeks.


Communist Party of Russia has just endorsed Putin's call to recognise the DNR and LNR.

Zyuganov: "Look how zealous the Americans and British are now. They forced Ukraine to send almost all its troops to the Donetsk-Luhansk region. More than 100k in a patch of 40-50km."

ACTIVE STREAMS (at time of thread first posted)



CIA Agent Kochinski WATCH




still a nothing burger until someone declares war


leninhat NOT invited


i thought they only control like 1/2 of their territory, the rest is controlled by the Ukrainian gov.


I'm never listening to y'all again. And I'm repeating what I said last thread. If the invasion reaches Kyiv, I'm becoming an anarchist again


fuck nato
fuck ukraine
fuck vauuush




>If the invasion reaches Kyiv, I'm becoming an anarchist again


It won't, what are they doing in Kiew?


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>speech was prerecorded
Yes, he's in an undisclosed location now. :)


the joke is that anarchists believe the CIA


The War starts tomorrow 22/02/2022 when ukrops attack and russia swipes the floor with them
Remember this date


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Ukraine is evacuating the east




because tankies said Russia wouldn't invade, and that the buildup along the Russian border was just a scheduled military exercise. I believed them, and now it looks like I was wrong for believing them. If your ideology has no predictive power, then it's not based in reality, but in incorrect information.


Russia hasn't invaded bro


seethe, an anarchist made this thread


Reminder that it literally doesn't matter who or what you shit eating cunt stains support.


thread edition?
thread edition: no leninhat allowed.


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>implying bourgeois oligarch republics are "democratic" when their elites voot to join nato
<- Russia pulling 150K+ troops to the Ukrainian border is self-defense.
<- Belarus inviting Russian troops into their country is completely fine.
AWW, did somebody get addicted to being the only one who's allowed to place military bases around other countries?


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The CIA was right. Cope. The only party to support in this conflict is the CIA. The CIA fights for truth.


the independence of donbas is a reckoning for imperialism

the independence of donbas is a reckoning for imperialism

the independence of donbas is a reckoning for imperialism

the independence of donbas is a reckoning for imperialism


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>Russia pulling 150K+ troops to the Ukrainian border is self-defense.
yes. nato was created as an anti-russian alliance
>Belarus inviting Russian troops into their country is completely fine.
yes, alligned countries, with alligned interests

seethe more, Mr. Smith


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Yeah I'm team NATO now


Well, the civil war is pretty much over.




i'm close to a "tankie" but i never thought Russia wouldn't invade. i mean this isn't even about Marxism or whatever. the best method of the "art of war" is to win without fighting. Putin won't risk a devastating war if he can get moderate concessions. you're being as retarded as these online monkeys you're mad at.


Ukraine has a strong lobby in Canada, right? Anybody know what they're up to?


To be fair, Ukraine attacked first.


Will Joe Putler actually annex Donbass a la Crimea? Or will they stay as little gay pro-Russia states like Abkhazia and South Ossetia?


Reminder nothing has happened.

Reminder if you're defending Putin you're an anti-communist fascist and would be a white guard in 1919 and would justifiably be executed by the Bolsheviks, mercilessly.

Reminder that the proletariat has no country and that Marxism-Leninism is our lodestar for communism.

Reminder that the bourgeoisie deserve to be exterminated.

Reminder that if you're anti-Lenin, you're pro-nazi.

Reminder that fascists are cannon fodder for the bourgeoisie.

Reminder that Ukrainian communists need help.


Reminder to take your schizo pills.


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eatin galushki right now, m8




<Ukraine evacuating
Are they really about to do something stupid?


Tsar Putolas II




That would be a room temperature autism score move. Why would they do that?


It isn't Marxism, it's basic Realpolitik.
Mearsheimer, Kissinger, Walt etc all believe Russia won't attack. It makes no rational sense for Russia to attack when threat of invasion can achieve all of Russia's aims, without threatening Nordstream.
Russia wants to completely tank the Ukrainian economy and force Ukraine into negotiations. US wants Russia to invade to stop Nordstream 2, EU doesn't want Russia to invade because it needs Nordstream 2. That is the general realist view of geopolitics held position.


Reminder that insinuating others are mentally ill for disagreeing with you is the sign of a spook


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Glowiepedia agrees with this lmao



>NEW: In a conference call with reporters on responding to Putin, and what comes next, a senior admin official suggested that Russian troops in Donetsk/Luhansk *alone* may *not* warrant the "swift and severe" sanctions the admin has been previewing.


What a bunch of cucks lol


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US official: Russian troops could move into separatist regions in coming hours


Americoids are pathetic


imagine being a cuckrainian lol





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he’s busy anon


>lives in U.K.
>doesn't bring socialism
>attacks countries that has put a stop of western imperialism
>slanders such country as fascists
>uses anti-revisionism as a virtue signal

Geeee, from you and I, the "spook" card isn't looking good for you.

I wish being paid by Russia INTEL so I can make your butt hurt for with a sallary :^)


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>mr Gorbachev tear down this wall


What is likely going to happen is that Russia is going to secure the "annexed regions" here, which are actually secessionist regions, and Ukraine, faced with a sizable Russian army, will not use force to re-integrate them.


>western powers appeasing PUTLER
omg just like my ww2 vidya omg omg omg




Former anti-imperialist here. Not gonna lie, this Putin guy is really starting to look like an insane warmonger. Why does he have so much support on this board? He is a conservative right-winger, siphoning wealth to the oligarch class. I think leftism has a more fertile ground in the West, and the more I think about it, this NATO thing is starting to look pretty cool. I think every leftist should support NATO.


ask Saakashvili


Another child who gets his history from Wikipedia lol.

Tbqh, I'd have just shot them but the Khrushchevites were weak and gay.


Lost in all of this is that Russia did not appear to recognize any non-successionist region as independent if I am understanding this correctly.

Ironically, Russia is using precisely the same argument that the US will use to invade Taiwan.


nice try




Lmao, as me and King Lear said the bourgeoisie aren't rivals.


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>hey Jack let's talk about this, we'll let you have kosovo if you promise not to invade czechoslovakia


reminder that reddit spacing is the sign of the glowie


hi charlotte


Leninhat what are your thoughts on wikipedia calling the Odessa Trade Unionist massacre article "2014 Odessa Clashes"?


caring about reddit spacing make you a chantard


That'd hurt the atlanticists pals, but they want to destroy Russi, including their ruling class. STUF pseud.


Reminder that filters get the job done!


Putin won


you guys are such faggy pseuds lmfao. Everyone said west wouldn't intervene because the west said they wouldn't intervene. You and king lear said that russia wouldn't invade and now you guys are exposed as being the reddit tier midwits you really are


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>hey Jack let's talk this out, you promise not to we'll let you out Taiwan if you don't invade Cuba.






kek this is so funny, think they realized that they can't say "Russia has now invaded, we have to react strongly" after saying for the past 8yrs that Russia was already in DNR/LNR


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Ukrops should be grateful that all Putin did is recognize the de facto status in Donbass.
He could always stop recognizing Ukraine.


the claim was that Russia was going to invade Ukriane to take over the country (invading Kiev and taking over the captial and national gov). What happened here is they didn't do that and weren't going to do that, and Kiev started bombing the disputed areas in the east which created a crisis and drew this response from Russia possibly entering those disputed areas. That's not what was being claimed before.


they've gotten the mainstream conservative politicians to go full force/neocon on russia claiming the liberals didn't do enough to help ukraine this ended up biting them in the ass and alienating themselves from a lot of the conservative voters who support the truckers


That makes sense because it really doesn't make that much sense from the US perspective to severe sanction Russia for this since those are successionist regions. If you actually have time to process this it doesn't make that much sense. It also doesn't stop anything that the US wants to do with NATO expansion and revitalization. It's better to let him have those (headache) regions and then seal the border with billions of dollars of weapons, and what can Putin do to complain?


Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Putin's actions are correct in this matter and I support him. Doesn't mean I support the reasons he's doing it or his ideology.





stfu wrecker


It's clear now the point of the buildup was to prevent Ukraine from daring to stop complete succession (and de-facto annexation) of these two regions which did want and welcome these events.


I can't say this with certainty, but given the precedent of what happened in 2014, I think there's an implicit deal here. Russia gets Donetsk and Luhansk as border insurance and Ukraine gets to join NATO, or be influenced by it.


So now Russia will push back the front lines to the edge of the Donbass region, I would think.


That would entail crushing Ukrainian forces.


Hitler the rabid liberal dog


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>n absolute nutmeg that will get himself purged, or worse
Would Yezhov qualify as a wrecker?


Doubt it, Russia's #1 stated goal is no NATO for Ukraine. Chad move for UA would be "OK, we recognize Crimea and the republics as Russia now, no more disputed territory, the rest of us are joining NATO." But that would still take years because they're not really wanted


Da faq. It would be the same shit all over. Ukraine is never joining nato


Yes. I guess they could choose sanity and retreat.


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This is not going to happen without huge backlash from far right nationalists.


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Burgers are evacuating The ukraine


>last helicopter out of Kiev this year
Lmao, maybe we'll do Taiwan in 2023


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Julian calendar isn't the same thing as the Julian date.
The Julian date is how many days there have been from the day it began. It's used by astronomers.


>Reminder that Ukrainian communists need help.

the communist party of ukraine has been banned and harshly treated since 2015 in accordance with "decommunization laws" retard



That premise implies Kiev isn't close to Moscow.




the world is not based enough for this sadly


Careful, he will say that there is a powerful secret worker force highly class-conciousnessed and Putin is crushing this.


>except CIA personnel training the azov battlion, OFC.


burgers would risk nuclear war to keep Taiwan because of computer chips


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For all the accusations of being a hapooner, I've been constantly cautious of and downplaying all developments, and offering explanations how this can still deescalate.

So… still not breaking off of diplomatic relations. Meeting on 24th still going to happen? Has US sounded the alarm claiming this is the invasion of Ukraine?


South Korea, Israel, Taiwan…so many fake NATO non-states to blow the fuck out.


I wonder if the militias would do a suicide mission without orders to. Here's to hoping!


The very fact the Putin moved in troops is proof to me that he is confident there will be no response. It is a really aggressive escalation.

They didn't annex them. They recognize their autonomy, and their line this whole time, including Minsk II was just to let them have vote to be autonomous but still part of Ukraine, but Ukraine wont recognize their elections or allow observers in the country.


This girl just cancelled my date saying she is scared of Putin invading. Thanks Putin!!




Is your mail order bride getting shipped in from Mariupol or something?





lol Ukraine is never joining NATO


Russia hasn't invaded Ukraine.


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its definitely not happening

there is nowhere near enough hysterical propaganda


Glow propaganda will use it as confirmation of their prophesied invasion, because it is within the recognized borders of the Ukrainian republic of '91.


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No, they exist. Never heard of Symonenko?
Even if they were underground that wouldn't change what I said, cunt.


Well they know it's bullshit.

People freaking out are hilarious. Call me when T-90s roll over to the Dnieper yeah?


No, they don't. The British bourgeoisie let Russian capitalists waltz freely in London.









You’re a based anarchist. I’ve met anarchists like you before you guys are awesome.


That shit was never going to happen.


>For all the accusations of being a hapooner
I am asking up to when something isn't a happening.
All this shit and it is nothingburger? lmao.
IMO, they want a hotwar to call the habbenings.


the next 3 days are going to determine if lear or lenin hat is right or wrong

if they are right well then they are right

if they are wrong then heh


Zelensky canceled a televised address to the Nazis.



Lets be honest Biden probably thinks it's 1979 and putin to him is just some brezhnev aide.


lol the screen damaged in here do


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NATO cocksucking is in maximum overdrive, every normies I see keep talking as if Russia was the aggressor. Reminder that the same things the West criticize Russia for doing, the US does probably 10 times worse.


Ah yeah, the U.K. didn't want to topple Maduro, Assad, etc. I forgot the Russian ruling class is in bed with U.K.'s one.


By the way, exactly 8 years ago Yanukovych fled Kiev.



>Biden has approved a new set of sweeping sanctions on Russia for the 'breaking of the Minsk agreement' by recognising the independence of Donetsk and Luhansk.
We'll there we go…


>the American intervention that worked
bruh, has this person ever seen Kosovo


Latest from Russell “Texas” Bentley in Donetsk. He is convinced an Ukrainian attack will begin tomorrow, and has moved into the city as he believes Petrovsky (his home, Donetsk suburb next to frontline) will lose power. He also says that Russia will respond to a Ukrainian attack “decisively”, and not stop at the line of contact, but secure all of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, and continue as far as Kharkov and Odessa, perhaps even further.

On another note, I read earlier that the Ukrainian authorities have been evacuating civilians from eastern Ukraine adjacent to LPR+DPR, and that there are rumors high ranking government officials are evacuating from Kiev.


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The only hope for the happooners is Ukraine becoming psychotic


>breaking of the Minsk agreement
>implying the agreement started only between the DBR/LPR and Ukraine and Russia was invited after.
Oh crap.


Some sources report that an emergency evacuation of the country's top leadership has begun from Kiev.




They do, but they don't with Russia.




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So this is what you are, the famous Ukrainian refrigerator 😉


Can any tankies explain Lenin to me here. I got to his definition of imperialism and he talks about a necessary feature of imperialism being the competition between many imperialisms. But then the world actually more-or-less did unite under superimperialism, like Kautsky said. Was Lenin wrong?


As Zelensky is on the phone with Putin desperately trying to negotiate with him to not recognise the DPR/LPR an AZOV barbarian decides to take out his hyperborean rage on a bunch of DPR-Militia / russian stay-behind


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Ukraine named after V. I. Lenin ®


You do know there were 2 World Wars after that was said?




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First Ukrainian soldier killed by Russian troops confirmed


Nah. But if this fails to kill Nordstream 2, US might escalate the situation.


The world is never static, things developed after Lenin died. We're living in the future.


So we exist in a stage higher than imperialism now? Or did the creation of the Soviet Union change the entire analysis


Will Azov go full retard and overthrow zelensky?


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His rampage is finally over.


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why wont it let me post




Infrared's mongol army was spotted around that location 40 minutes ago.



>russia is now invading territories i said they were occupying!
how do these guys do it?


Well he was right about Russia occupying the republics, not the most difficult prediction. If this comes true, I'm in awe


Texas is a 2/22 happooner, nice.



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Amazing how normalized it is that the US is even relevant in the area.
bitch you don't even go here, wtf??


Не саииот кеер gеттiиg ашау шiтн iт!


Biden called off sanctioning German officials over nord stream 2 last year, wonder if that's back on now. Wouldn't surprise me tbh


If we were to see NATO acting in DPR/LPR, a lot of deaths already would be amounting.
Those people see Putin as their hero.


i really at what point the us sanction hysteria will reach a breaking point where they sanctioning so many places and people that it starts becoming counterproductive and the targets just unite against the us. at some point who will us porkies have left to trade with?


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Honestly I don't care about this situation. I'll find out about the outcome of this little altercation in a month. Going to watch some anime in the meantime.

Go get hobbies, losers.


truly shocking footage


>leaving fearmongering discussion board
>to go watch anime instead


Didn't this guy fuck Russian kids in the 90s


A pure subject. A pure uighur from the autonomous region of Xinjiang.


Yes, it's pretty much an open secret in Moscow


Here's a really good article about the situation in Ukraine that someone translated. Gives a good timeline and analysis of events and the consequences of Russia recognising LPR/DPR



>Nah. But if this fails to kill Nordstream 2, US might escalate the situation.
It won't, the Soviet Union sold gas to Germany during the height of the Cold war too, conflict and politics can only delay economic rationale. All the US is going to achieve with this, is raising the cost of US alignment.


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First off, fuck your bitch and the territory you claim
Eastside when we ride come equipped with game
You claim to be an empire but I fucked your puppet
We bust on Glowies uyghaz fucked for life
Plus Jvpiter tryin' ta see me weak hearts I rip
Joe Biden and N.A.T.O Some mark-ass bitches
We keep on comin' while we runnin' for yo' bases
Steady gunnin, keep on bustin at them fools, you know the rules


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>I don't care about the subject
<He says, from the specifically designed thread for said subject on a fringe political forum


It seems like a stupid question to ask why secessionists wouldn't band together, but why did the LPR and DPR form separate governments when they both wanted leave Ukraine and they share a border?


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Reports of a Russian military convoy moving toward the LOC.


Yeah, that's how capitalism leads to multi-polarity, which leads to war.


pukin pukin


>We see that Kautsky is absolutely wrong in referring to English writers generally (unless lie meant the vulgar English imperialists, or the avowed apologists for imperialism). We see that Kautsky, while claiming that he continues to advocate Marxism, as a matter of fact takes a step backward compared with the social-liberal Hobson, who more correctly takes into account two “historically concrete” (Kautsky’s definition is a mockery of historical concreteness!) features of modern imperialism: (1) the competition between several imperialisms, and (2) the predominance of the financier over the merchant. If it is chiefly a question of the annexation of agrarian countries by industrial countries, then the role of the merchant is put in the forefront.

Hobson "more correctly", lenins definition has 5 points about monopoly-industrial-finance cartels

>Kautsky detaches the politics of imperialism from its economics, speaks of annexations as being a policy “preferred” by finance capital, and opposes to it another bourgeois policy which, he alleges, is possible on this very same basis of finance capital. It follows, then, that monopolies in the economy are compatible with non-monopolistic, non-violent, non-annexationist methods in politics. It follows, then, that the territorial division of the world, which was completed during this very epoch of finance capital, and which constitutes the basis of the present peculiar forms of rivalry between the biggest capitalist states, is compatible with a non-imperialist policy. The result is a slurring-over and a blunting of the most profound contradictions of the latest stage of capitalism, instead of an exposure of their depth; the result is bourgeois reformism instead of Marxism.

>If, however, we are discussing the “purely economic” conditions of the epoch of finance capital as a historically concrete epoch which began at the turn of the twentieth century, then the best reply that one can make to the lifeless abstractions of “ultraimperialism” (which serve exclusively a most reactionary aim: that of diverting attention from the depth of existing antagonisms) is to contrast them with the concrete economic realities of the present-day world economy. Kautsky’s utterly meaningless talk about ultra-imperialism encourages, among other things, that profoundly mistaken idea which only brings grist to the mill of the apologists of imperialism, i.e., that the rule of finance capital lessens the unevenness and contradictions inherent in the world economy, whereas in reality it increases them.


what the heck


he's right tho you have to admit


>“The internationally recognized borders of Ukraine will remain the same, despite the actions of Russia.”


Thanks, I feel retarded because this is literally the part I just read, but for some reason you reiterating "more correctly" made it click for me lol


It's embarrassing they keep pretending Ukraine still owns Crimea + Donbass, like when they draw maps. If Russia actually actually goes ahead and takes the whole country they wouldn't keep drawing Ukraine on the map right? Just dumb pretending and rhetoric.


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they running out of distraction ideas bc wtf is a havana syndrome


And war leads to change.
Anything is better than the post-1991 status quo.


Who is he fooling lol


Cricket noises




They literally cucked out and let Russia take Crimea without a fight. They occupied their military bases and stole half their navy, and everyone including the head of their navy defected.
And they've accepted that status quo for 8 years, they've lost any legitimacy. Conquering Ukraine at this point would be a mercy kill. The oligarchs that own it would just flee to Berlin.


i could use a happening vid rn


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The Ukrainian army had 18 plans to invade Russia, but when the Russian army finally entered the DPR, they settled right in the trenches.


>Boris Johnson has announced that he is cooperating with the US to impose sanctions on Russia and Russian military allies that would BAN THEM FROM USING USD AND British-Pounds IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE
Is this what 'shooting yourself in the feet' refers to?


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Ukrainian troops getting a speech at a rally rn, pic related


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Turns out that signing some paper isn't a happening


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BIDEN: “Russia's recognition of the DPR and LPR poses a threat to US national security.”


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They're doing what they invade other countries for.
based anglos


God, they want to ban Russia from SWIFT so badly.

What did the EU mean when they said it would be bad for the global economy, though? That Russia can't sell gas and oil?


It’s weird when the fucking MSM east coast suit PMC says “nothingburger”


US already said they wouldn't do this, maybe they are changing their minds. Germoids stay losing


>they ban russia from swift
>germany can no longer buy russian gas, gets real mad at burgers
>russia and china promote their own financial system
>eu reluctantly starts to use it
kek burgeries, your empire is collapsing



the multipolarity world is happening

may russia accept the yuan


It's an empty threat because Russia and the rest of CSTO will just immediately begin trading in RMB, reducing the US's status as the global reserve even further causing a burgeria economic crisis.


China needs to recognize the DNR/LNR, but im worried the xi and deng bros are too timid to support russia


>Yeah, that's how capitalism leads to multi-polarity, which leads to war.
The US is trying to hold on to uni-polarity despite that no longer being viable. 50 years of neoliberalism has caused the empire to rot from the inside out. Multi-polarity is just a consequence.


Late to the news but I just found out about Russia's recognition of the DPR and LPR. I lowkey can't believe it. Shit may hit the fan after all.






all in due time, all in due time


It's so insignificant though. Nothing changed, they just pretty much said "Yeah, those guys who were with us these last couple of years, they're legit"… we already knew Russia thought they were real.


Fucking yeah, a c c e l e r a t e your demise.


Russia should pre-emptively remove themselves from it under the guise of bracing for SWIFT sanctions. There's probably some butthurt oligarchs stopping them though.


Its possible Russia and China worked out a deal to get around EU and US sanctions, but it would be a major heel turn in Chinese foreign policy just a few days ago they talked about maintaining Ukraine's borders.


lol, of course, there are a lot of pro-western porkies in Russia. To begin with, Germany has farms in Russia as a form of investment.


No capitalist empire ever accepted its decline without war. Ever.


there's literally no way that Putin did not discuss this with Xi


ww3 is gonna be great


British Empire ended with a whimper by handing over Hong Kong to China.


British Empire ended at Suez


What did you think WW2 was?


US is going to evacuate Zeley tonight, first to Lviv, then to Poland


yo CNN and MSDNC are off the hook rn. total State TV


Reddit for its part calling for a new Generalplan Ost


Imperial capitalists UK and France lashing out at poor harmless Germans. Right you are, komrade.


What is the motivation for the invasion anyway? It seems insane they'd risk US sanctions for some territory in Ukraine.




not the other guy but
the suez canal was a very minor conflict so idk what to feel about that


the rise of extreme nationalist germany making deals with german national porkies

in other words u cant really use ww2 as an example for britain because britain in many ways wanted peace and comprimise(with the nazis) and only went to war when the germans decided yeah we are gonna fuck over the brits too alongside the soviets.

meanwhile china is never going to do this and russia is too tame to do this either


Maybe Putin is a western agent and he's making terrible decisions to cripple Russia


Not in the slightest. It's the resurrection of the Tsardom.


Putin is fucking stupid and insane if that's the case lmao


Can you chill with the racism


The Economist is on the warpath against Russia, like every other new article they put out is about Ukraine-Russia now wtf: https://twitter.com/TheEconomist


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Straight to the front


What invasion?




They are already prepared for everything that is coming. As I said in thread 1.0 Russia always protects their Russians (i.ex. Ossetia).




Russel Bentley acts like taking more territory is the only way to end the war. But he's a schizo who thinks it's still WW2 and he wants them to go to Kiev so I bet he's wrong.


War averted. Quads will it.


>the suez canal was a very minor conflict so idk what to feel about that
Was a pretty big deal in the UK and geopolitically, the scale of the conflict is unimportant.
It's like Taiwan would absolutely be the Suez moment for the USA. Some people are saying the LNDR is this for NATO, but it isn't. If China takes Taiwan that minor conflict will signal the end of US hegemony.


Nothing changed there since Marx's time


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fr fr no cap


I predict that the West will cope and seethe




Could Russia actually take all of Ukraine, or at least the capital?


Russian imperialism for the win amirite guise



Not without spending itself to death fighting an insurgency plus dealing with sanctions


Putler moment



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Fuck off to pol rightoid


They probably can but it's more trouble than it's worth, especially considering it's a scenario I don't see much to win for Russia, strategically.


Straight facts


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Porkies evacuating


what putin means by decommunization is taking back everything the communists gave to the ingrates =)


He's not entirely wrong, he's just an idiot 3rd-worldist


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Lenin based as always.


They'll get bogged down worse than Afghanistan or Iraq. I think they just want anything they can get before their economy is crippled and everyone forgets in 5 years


Russia off from SWIFT means that debts owed to European banks by Russian corporations is practically unredeemable, which can easily compromise balance sheet of a few European Banks, among them Unicredit for sure, but also others too.
It would set off a second EU banking crisis with unforeseeable consequences for Porkies.


Is this Russia's plan, to weaken Ukraine's economy? Why?


Because Ukraine wanted to act a fucking idiot fuck around


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>you Nazi degenerates


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>for Porkies
oh shit is it time for GIGA AUSTERITY?


Boss telling it like it is.


they don't need to do a long-term occupation if they just want to enforce a list of demands, think gulf war and not iraq war


7 days old.

Atlanticists believe the U.S. will rescue them again.


What demands can they possible give Ukraine? Some land and a promise to be their puppet state indefinitely?


If a second banking crisis ensues and then austerity follows Italy Spain Greece Portugal are 100% over, and could drag easily other countries in the mud.
It would be a bloodbath.
(which btw is gonna happen regardless in a softer way)


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toasting in ebic bread. multipolarity soon


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shoot them down or no balls


Think that guy is actually an epic socdem troll
Ukraine did that too by never enacting Minsk and then freaking out about an invasion


Who is claiming this


I'd start being skeptical of there actually being an invasion imminent if I was struggling this hard to come up with an explanation for it


They can take it all right quick
the problems come with occupying
Everyone's watched the US for the past 20 years though
They all know that occupation's totally untenable now

Part of me thinks that if this does really kick into total war,
then Russia will roll over Ukraine and immediately withdraw
Leave a chaos that they can build up towards liking them rather than doing an unpopular occupation


recognize the independence of DNR and LPR and don't join NATO, maybe unblocking crimea's water supply too


"osint" literally just means "trust me, I have Google"


OSINTdefender, anon. Don't you trust him?


Because the Ukraine is thinking about Nato bases.


CNN is trying to drive a wedge between Russia and China by pointing out how China is Ukraine's biggest trade partner.


China probably won't publicly endorse this anyway. The world hates Russia right now


For what? They reconized two republics that were de facto independent anyway.


Yeah "the international community" sure is mad.


i think he is doing agitprop


Most people that "hate Russia" probably don't have a very rosy view of China either.


"We condemn the acts of aggression on all sides and encourage a diplomatic solution. China remains firm on noninterference in the internal affairs of other nations. "

i can already feel the seething


They previously talked about Ukrainian territorial integrity. And they have maintained a neutral foreign policy for a long time now. It would be a major curve ball if they came out for the invasion.


This is most likely there position


The Chinese are not going to be turned against Russia because they are not retarded. They know that the agitation against Russia is part of a grand plan against China


They're already doing sanctions, and they've made clear that's all they're going to do aside from cope and seethe, even if Putin drives his tanks to the Polish border.
He doesn't need to though, because that would be actual aggression. Now he can just park his troops in defensive deployment in Donetsk and dare the Ukrainians to attack a soon-to-be internationally recognized by several countries area.


Sure but that doesn't mean they're gonna say there all for it if they don't think it will benefit them.


>soon-to-be internationally recognized by several countries
Who will recognize them?


Syria already has so probably Iran and other Russo aligned states.


china is everyone's biggest trading partner


Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Syria so far. The Houthis also expressed support


>soon to be
Syria already does.
Ansarallah from Yemen too.
Tomorrow Belarus Cuba Nicaragua Venezuela and Bolivia could do so.
Central Asian states could follow.


literally in the OP is a link to syria, venezuela, cuba, and nicaragua possibly recognizing the regions


U.S. imposes sanctions after Putin recognizes breakaway Ukraine regions


China has never recognized the annexation of Crimea. There is a 0% chance they will recognize the succesion of parts of Ukraine, especially because the exact opposite situation applies to China, where the US is threatening to unilaterally recognize a part of Chinese territory to be independent and invade and occupy it.

That does not mean that China will not otherwise support Russia. But they will not recognize the independence of donetsk.


Just a note: Houthis is a derogatory term used by Saudis and those who support them (yes including Chinese media).
Refrain from using that if possible.


What are you supposed to call them?


Ansarallah (the main party) or with the official governing coalition name




Aww, I wanted so see yankees airlifted out of US embassy roof.



Yep, most likely, kek.


So it finally happened. How the nothing burger gang is doing? Do you need psychological support?


what happened?


Some spergs, I think it was the Germans, were threatening to put an export ban on the Chinese if they didn't join their sperg out about this.


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Even the White House said they don't consider it an invasion because they've been there for years. Cope


So the noothingers are parotting the white house now. Did you find those iraqi's WMDs yet comrade?


post proof that the white house said this. you can't because you're talking out of your ass


Ukraine foreign minister will be in the usa tomorrow for a meeting



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Not sure if shitposting or 100% deranged.


Meeting news is useless. Whoop they're having a meeting… actually no… aaand they're having a new one… nothing happened… new meeting… but it's cancelled… just a part of the spectacle.


If even the people who have the most to gain by portraying Russia as the aggressor didn't jump on this opportunity then yeah, I'm taking that as a strong sign.
But no, guys, you're totally right; Russia totally just invaded Ukraine and the whole world is sitting on their collective asses not doing anything. Seems believable.


>ahead of our tomorrow's meeting
haha dumb hohol


30 min till UNSC meeting


I am >>504277 and I am believing your rant is because nothing is happening, but your justification if that Russia was already there.
Your answer just shows you are 100% deranged.

Russia hasn't invaded, indeed, because that territory is not Ukraine's anymore from the day DPR people decided to protect their ethnicity from these people that let the Union Building massacre happen in Odessa.
Russia can't invade when they are invited by another state.
and this can't be a "nothingburger" from the moment the shelling escalated, 3 days ago now.


kek so they didn't actually say anything. you're a retard


Tucker Carlson wants to interview Putin lol. Said it on his show tonight

Ignore the liberal title



>The senior administration official offered a caveat that "Russian troops moving into Donbas would not itself be a new step," since it has had a military presence in the region for eight years. Though Moscow has denied this is the case, "Russia now looks like it's going to be operating openly in that region," the official said.

>The official, who requested anonymity in order to discuss sensitive issues, wouldn’t call the move an invasion, however, saying “Russian troops moving into Donbas would not itself be a new step. Russia has had forces in the Donbas for the past eight years.”

>Russian troops moving into the Donbas would not itself be a new step. Russia has had forces in the Donbas region for the last eight years," a senior administration official told reporters on a briefing call Monday evening.


Thread theme


meant this


Nothing is happening, you spectacle obsessed ADHD ridden children


>Russia can't invade when they are invited by another state.
Just like the US did in Korea and Vietnam


every single one of these sources is anonymous. you said the white house made a statement. they didn't, you're full of shit. This is just no name suits coping to their journo friends while they shit their late night coffee out




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a lot of people are stupid, and the propaganda has been priming them for "RuSsIaN iNvAsIoN" for months. so an escalation of an already existing conflict happens and they think what they've been primed to think.
kylo kulinski is one of these dumb burger brained individuals: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xThl2diwms
anyone who wants to be part of the democratic party establishment (even if on its left wing) is going to have problems resisting the propaganda on something like this.


niqqa, don't quote me about the west saying how this is a continuation of the 2014.
Until now they didn't have troops, but advisors, trainers, and selling weapons to Donbas, and that's the west was ranting as if such thing was an invasion.
Now, that the DBR is recognized politically by Russia, they have all the right to be invited by these republics, especially if actual nazis wanted to ethnically erase them.


Sorry, i actually meant this


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vladkita putschev just invaded guys
footage from the contact line



>To be clear: these measures are separate from and would be in addition to the swift and severe economic measures we have been preparing in coordination with Allies and partners should Russia further invadeUkraine.

>you said the white house made a statement

thats not me im providing context since its obvious that is what they were referring to



hold on, or was it this?



Wait… oh yeah, that's i meant.


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Putin lives rent free in the minds of the west.
Meanwhile Lenin lives rent free in Putin's…


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Tanks taking on fuel in Belgorod oblast for extended operations


ACKSHUALLY the people I constantly call White House stenographers are not indicative of what the White House think this one time because I've already committed to saying otherwise on an anonymous imageboard.


>Just like the US did in Korea and Vietnam
Except Kim Il Sung was elected democratically president, and the U.S. wasn't invited by official figures.
Exactly the same, after the Vietcong, kicked out of Vietnam the french empire and only remained the puppets.
Good false equivalence argument, tho.



Occasional reminder that both the DPR and LPR have banned their communist parties (along with all other parties but the 4 Moscow-curated ones) from participating in elections. After 3 communists were elected on a Moscow list during the general confusion in 2014 in Donetsk, they were simply expelled from the "People's Council".


Need this reminder once per thread tbh


So genuine question, I'm on the multibolarity train but why is the prospect of "Russian invasion" seem so celebrated here? Like isn't that just straight up military aggression? Or is NATO the aggressor in this one and Putin's just reacting?


it's a meme and there's nothing else to do


Ukraine are a puppet state full of the worst types of faggots since 2014, and their puppeting is solely to fuck with Russia, so they get very little sympathy


Some people seem to think it will lead to a weakening of NATO as a whole.


more like every 100 posts or so to avoid being drowned out by putinbots and the occasional western glownig


Contrarian retards think vulgar antiimperialism is the best thing so they paint this whole crisis using russia today and liberation esthetics to feel good about themselves


Afghanistan is an empire killer because its a mountainous region with fucked infrastructure and supply lines. Ukraine is right on the Russian border and mostly plains.


Niqqas are bored and are desperate for a habbenin






A nothingburger flew straight into my mouth! I'm going to starve.


Nato’s always been the aggressor. Next question




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Leaked tank designs for the invasion


>In 2017 China's Beijing Skyrizon Aviation purchased a 41% holding in Motor Sich, but in September 2017 a Ukrainian court froze the holding for national security reasons.

I don’t think China gives a shit about Ukraine after them pulling off this stunt.


Makes you wonder why Russia worked with them all these years then


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Ukrainian cabinet meeting in response to Putshev's invasion


New Russia sanctions tomorrow from USA

-wall street journal



Military strech limo


Stupid idea. Make Russia have less to lose - might as well actually take Ukraine or some part of it then?


oh god the tanks ran over my grain




just gonna be a wave of sanctions on the people in the meeting with Putin, nothing will come from them


Partially true for Donezk, not true for Luhansk.


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>Russia in helping NATO in Iraq war
>Russia helping NATO in Lybia
>Russia helping NATO in Yugoslavia
>Russia helping NATO in Sudan
>Russia helping NATO in Africa
I need to find my portal back to my reality in where this hasn't happened.



t. radlib


B-but that cant be, they're called People's Republics, and they're anti-American! That's literally the definition of communism!


This is the white houses reaction to the recognition russia offered to the republics around 4:00PM EST today. This is not a statement in reaction to russian soldiers entering the republics which happened a few hours later. The United States hasn't even officially acknowledged the russian entry yet.


>It doesn't need to turn it'll drive straight to Berlin



I don't know how communists in the U.S. aren't exploiting this ruling class division further.


tucker got OWNED


Indiscriminate sanctions is like carpet bombing of cities, they tend to make the proles siding with their masters rather than the ones dropping them
Educate yourself


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In a shock twist of events, Biden, Zelensky, and Putin have decided to unite their countries to defuse the crisis.


because we live in a country where the official Communist Party is just part of the international bourgeoisie party


бип буп


Hate this type of Agent Kochinskiite ironic detachment



The guy deleted the tweet now. He's a voice of America reporter. USA state media

Imagine how hard he soy faced raged at tucker tweet then thought holy fuck I'm gonna be in trouble kek




It's sadly not ironic for the maunipite scum


This, the closest thing America has to an actual pro-worker anti-globalist party is the Republican party, the CPUSA is just an appendage of the democrats


>sanctions tomorrow from USA
>-wall street journal
headline on any given day


Is Voosh in the room with you right now?


UNSC meeting is about to start






He's in my stable and I'm worried




yep, that's ultra talking point, what relief I am still in my dimension where ultras talk too much about relationships while they don't ever do their communists revolution.


No, but his fans are crying about Mauoin right now ITT hehe


it's retarded twitter cope, ignore it


Internationalist bros, we did it


Under Trump millions of jobs were created and foreign scabs were curbed, allowing conditions for wages to rise. That sounds pretty pro worker to me


Strange, all I have in my stable is federal agents


Quick, pick something resembling a horse dildo, swing it, and throw it through the windows,
he will jump out of your home. Hopefully you live in a 10th floor.


I know reading is "ultra" but you should read more than the title


Careful there bro, you’re gonna cause the /itg/ tourists have a meltdown


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NEW: sec of state blinken (USA)


Secretary of State Blinken says "Department of State personnel currently in Lviv will spend the night in Poland"


I'm not sure I would go that far. The two parties just represent the divide between the national and international bourgeoisie. CPUSA definitely are just an appendage of the democrats though, and at that job they are basically just a more incompetent version of the DSA. Then you have the millions of other parties which are more like cults than anything resembling a vanguard party




I care not for the wailing of radlibs and soyboys, I care about the truth


Under Obama millions of jobs were created and foreign scabs were curbed, allowing conditions for wages to rise. That sounds pretty pro worker to me
Under Bush millions of jobs were created and foreign scabs were curbed, allowing conditions for wages to rise. That sounds pretty pro worker to me
Under Clinton millions of jobs were created and foreign scabs were curbed, allowing conditions for wages to rise. That sounds pretty pro worker to me


The national bourgeoisie are an ally to the socialist struggle, just look at China


>On 1 April 2014, NATO unanimously decided to suspend all practical co-operation with the Russian Federation, in response to the Annexation of Crimea, but the NATO-Russia Council (NRC) was not suspended.[6] On 18 February 2017, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov said he supported the resumption of military cooperation with the NATO alliance.[7] In late March 2017, the Council met in advance of a NATO Foreign Ministers conference in Brussels, Belgium.[8]

>In October 2021, following an incident in which NATO expelled eight Russian officials from its Brussels headquarters, Russia suspended its mission to NATO and ordered the closure of NATO's office in Moscow.[9][10]

Everyone hates islamist groups, including China. Then they basically stopped working together. Nothingburger


Pro worker is when border's militia shoots the brown people trying to get in the imperial core


Bring one time Russia did a deployment with NATO, chvd. Go on.




I just remembered this chick I was penpals with like 15 years ago due to our english teacher being in Ukraine for a year, never had the guts to ask her out cuz it would have been cringe obviously but now i wonder if she's ok


They worked with them. Weird to work with an invader until you break international law and they kick you out. Just saying


Effectively, shooting them at the border and letting them in are the same because both maintain a system of exploitation that forces them to become migrants in the first place


>check on thread
Damn it must be sunrise in Retardistan



>fuck nato
>fuck ukraine
>fuck vauuush


Those millions of jobs were produced by obama era policies, the wall never got built and worker protections were further dismantled

You got played


Happy brith birthday nazbol comrade


Yeah, they’ll never really have a closed border, it’s a pipe dream.


Real uyghur hours


He wrote a book about how much he liked to get fucked by black dong, did you know that?


Also not true lib, wages rose because the pandemic. Nothing to do with obama's policies. Trump dude is also wrong in less intentionally ignoring a pandemic was some how part of the plan.


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>with Russia presiding
l m a o


I’m talking about the jobs, not wages




Here is UN stream. Let's go watch. Someone post it on cytubr


Yep, more ultra talking points. No need to search the portal gun. WEW.
In any case, westernization started to happen. It didn't work.
They didn't participate in the ominous shit the NATO did.
some random drills=/=collaboration.


Кто сказал, что умею читать по-русски? Не придавай внимания, шучу



Cuckbanian rep talking currently.


When does the UN stuff start?


both are covering it but https://tv.leftypol.org/r/HappeningsviaKlash will have less eceleb autism


>[Coping in Russian]
Fascinating stuff




Some news:
<Zelensky declares that "there are no reasons for chaotic actions" and that Ukraine is "true to the diplomatic path"

>• The President of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky, has declared that Ukraine is "faithful to the diplomatic path" after his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, reported on Monday his decision to "immediately recognize the independence and sovereignty" of Donetsk and Lugansk and sign the relevant decrees on the recognition of the independence of these people's republics.

>• The president assured his citizens that "there are no reasons for a sleepless night", emphasizing that currently "there are no reasons for chaotic actions". "If we see a change in the situation and an increase in risks, then you [Ukrainians] will necessarily know about it," he concluded.


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I know actual diplomacy isn't done in front of cameras but I'm still shocked by how meaningless this UN meeting is. They're just delivering crowd-pleasing speeches.


>X Marxist tendency is wrong because some random anons on some relatively small image board on the fringes of the internet made a bad call
Anon, reevaluate how you adopt political views.


Especially if you watched before the meeting was called to order, they were all standing around and chilling and chatting amicably. Then they went full political theater mode when the chimes sounded.
I'm loving all the shit that's been happening the last few years, it shows how meaningless and constructed the world order is.


>y-you can't just send troops across the border
>w-what about all the sanctions we may or may not inflict on you
>don't you care a-about the stock market?


This is basically why the the Nazbol party is overblown in the west. The name/imagery is actually a big provocative joke, just like Limonov's writings. Not to say they aren't actually right wing nationalists etc., they are, but they aren't "Nazis who think they are also communists."


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yoko has spoken


Deep. Although I prefer the good old no war but class war saying


Fuck this dumb bitch who broke up the Beatles. No peace with the Banderite Ukrop Colony of the USA.


>They didn't participate in the ominous shit the NATO did.
They could have prevented a lot of it. Exhibit 41: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Security_Council_Resolution_1973


How? NATO is independent from the U.N.


>>504410 (me)
Also, that resolution once it has abstentions, even one, it won't pass.

That shit is all aboard or nothing.


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This video is a trip to watch


seems like a big except


For you.


That was yesterday. Where were you?


>world's second-largest arms exporter
Despite what Amerisharts think, Russia's share would be swallowed up by China.


I agree. Here's a more recent vid.



based comrade putler is actually doing this after ukraine bailed on Minsk accords


Especially with headphones.


I go to sleep and when I wake you fuckers burned though two threads worth of HABBENING


>Fuck this dumb bitch who broke up the Beatles
based yoko, fuck the Beatles.


Reminds me of how the USSR abdicated being a superpower under Gorbachev and let the US invade Iraq with UN approval when they could have just vetoed it.


Reminder that the U.S. has said this doesn't constitute an invasion so if you're a "leftist" running with the "RUSSIA INVADES UKRAINE!" narrative you are taking a position to the right of Joe Biden.


in other words, russia can stop the world she wants to.


>Fuck this dumb bitch who broke up the Beatles
Damn man, why do you hate Paul McCartney


Reminder that Gorby deserves solitary confinement till he dies, the fucker


An actual, unironic Russia Understander has logged on. Happooners, please temper your expectations.

>Russia-Ukraine: no major war.Instead, stabilization of frontline for now. Longer term,Moscow’s recognition of #Donbass republics crosses an important line. Now Russia de facto withdraws recognition of “Kiev regime”& of territorial integrity of rump #Ukraine.



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Putin is an idiot. Instead of saying that we are one people, and we have a common enemy - fascists, Putin begins to retell the fascist nonsense of his idol, the philosopher Ilyin. Instead of calling together to go to war against Bandera, break our borders and live in the same country again, building it together shoulder to shoulder, the bastard stupidly refuses Ukrainians to exist as a people, telling how the vile Lenin broke the Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov pigs. Well, how does this creature differ from the Ukrainian Nazis? He repeats their fascist croaking word for word, only changes the arrow in places. Instead of finding like-minded people among Ukrainians, Putin with each of his stupid words only increases the number of if not enemies, then indifferent ones.
To treat with sympathy the fat Russian landlords who lost their factories, factories, and estates in Ukraine because of Lenin? Should we sympathize with the fact that the state of creatures, which did not allow Ukrainians to learn their language, has disappeared? Fuck.

Fuck, of course the situation will only get worse after that. Of course, the first thing that will happen is the rupture of diplomatic relations, the arrest of the property of Putin's friends. And of course a war, a real war between states is also inevitable. And as long as there are capitalists in power in the Ukrainian landfill or in Putin's garbage dump, wars will arise again and again.

Don't let chauvinism prevail over leftist ideals if you don't want to end badly.


Broke: Putler
Woke: Putin
Bespoke: Putler


>Well, how does this creature differ from the Ukrainian Nazis?
He hasn't done any genocides? Vladolf Putler moment


>He hasn't done any genocides?
Russia is dying out of poverty.


Real Vladoff Putlet hours




K that's different from what the Ukrainian Nazis did. I agree with your overall point but no need to exaggerate


I prefer to go by Putin's actions, where as it stands he's simultaneously propping up socialist nations and cucking the west, which as far as I'm concerned is what matters


Can you anons help me out with something? I hear tell that we should support Donbas because they are authentic succession movements against Ukraine Nazis. However the narrative I've always heard is that these regions were basically just liberated by Russian troops with their insignia removed. If not then is there any decent proof of that? Or that these regions would really have risen up without Russia pushing it?


Judging by the fact you put a comma in front of your which like “,which”, should I guess you’re a rusanon?


Seriously, if you're surprised at this you haven't been paying attention. Putin has never been a communist. Those who think, like many liberals I've seen on twitter, that this is somehow a revelation that will surprise us and force us to change our mind etc are completely ignorant of our general argument to begin with. Our "support" for Russia in this has nothing to do with identifying Russia with socialism, much less Putin. We harbor no illusions about Putin's government (similarly we do not harbor illusions about Iran's clerical government despite being even anti-communist). Stalin harbored no illusions about Britain and France when he pushed for alliance against the Nazis. Marx harbored no illusions when he supported the Ottoman Empire. We need to learn to stop engaging with liberals in the terms of bourgeois morality. Our position, as always, is strategic and based on the material forces in existence. This is the legacy within Marxism we need now more than ever.


I am no expert, I'll just say that there were real protests and discontent in 2014 around Maidan but it would have been impossible to win the war without Russia's help. But those regions are ethnically Russian so it makes sense they would help


ukraine/russia thought experiment for burger libs:

>Jan 6 insurrection succeeds. Biden flees the country to keep from being murdered.

>Trump is installed as president and It's revealed that Russian officials and advisors were deeply involved in the planning of the insurrection and staffing choices for the resulting government.
>The Trump regime then proceeds to jail Democratic party leaders for treason. Shuts down CNN, MSDNC and other media outlets who oppose the regime or show loyalty to Biden or Dems.
>California, Oregon and Washington declare they do not recognize the legitimacy of the government in DC and will now be independent states. They hold referendums to secede that pass overwhelmingly.
>Canada announces that it supports the claims of the people of CA, OR, WA against DC, sends some of its troops and advisors to support them.
>DC and Russia impose economic sanctions on Canada, CA, OR and WA.
>occasional bombing and fighting between DC forces and the three breakaway states occurs, but it remains mostly a stalemate and calm most of the time.
>DC holds new elections with opposition jailed or suppressed and media muzzled, and CA, OR, WA excluded from the vote. Mike Pence wins and continues regular consultation with Russian advisors on all major matters and declares the election a triumph of democracy in the Western hemisphere.
>years later, Canada masses a large number of troops on its SW border with WA.
>Vladimir Putin starts shouting about how Canada is going to invade the US and try to take over the country and install a pro-Canada leader in DC and murder tens of thousands of American civilians, and won't stop shouting about it for weeks
>Canada says it's doing drills and has no intention of invading or taking over DC. Nothing happens for weeks, as Putin's conspiratorial statements about Canada continue escalating.
>Canada starts withdrawing some troops from the area
>DC immediately begins escalating bombing campaigns against CA, OR and WA
>Canada announces that it recognizes the independence of the three states and will send troops to those states to help protect them against further attacks by DC.

who do you support?



good post


I concur. Funny thing about gorby in the context of all the 1991 happenings is that he seemed to be the only man without any fucking plan. The putchists wanted to preserve USSR. Yeltsin and the liberals wanted to privatize the country and become oligarchs. Wtf did gorby want? To make USSR socdem? Talk about a lack of vision


>Odessa Trade Unionist massacre
quick rundown?


Of course those areas are ethnically Russian but I find it hard to really support their bid for self determination if all the fighting was being done by Russian troops, and the secessions were basically set off by Russia.



Seconding the "good post" post


I don't think they were 'set off' by Russia, but they would have been unsuccessful with Russia. A lot of these fighters were volunteers/mercs from Russia, the idea that the fighters were all active RAF troops in unmarked vehicles is a bit overblown. It's a good question though, I'd like a better answer. I wonder what happened to the Donbass/Russia border in that time, because it has been open for years now IIRC.



If you don't understand this you need to spend more time lurking before posting - here or anywhere else.


Шикарно. всегда могу вас учуять


Yep, my posture has always been critical support.
During the maidan, in the ascension of power of the western-backed poroshenko regimen, the Ukrainian authorities decided to ban all russian language alongside Russian teaching from all the country.
The Ukrainian state used hooligans to kill pro-Russian protestors, protestors that disagreed with these measures, during the aftermatach of the maidan by faking some pro-Russian protestors that attacked nazi hooligans, the nazi hooligans harrassed the real pro-Russian protestors until they got trapped in a Union Building, besieged the building, cut the water flow, set on fire the building, tens, almost a hundred died inside. This happened in Oddessa.

People don't just call to separate from the state unless the west has its hands involved.


Maybe he wanted Pizza Hut?


>Yeltsin and the liberals wanted to privatize the country and become oligarchs. Wtf did gorby want?
The same as Yeltsin duh


Если что, ты тоже сможешь познать, судя по моему стилю письма, что я не носитель языка.


I don't know about that, he really did try to make a socdem party in the 90's didn't he? I think he was just a complete idiot, naive, incomeptent and so on, and so on. Plus the fact that he has his $1million pension to rely on doesn't hurt


*without Russia


Yeah, there were the gorbashit faction, the "let's reform" faction. and the yeltshit faction, the one that "proposed" (imposed) shock therapy or nothing. Shock implied dissolving.
Both are full of shit. Things were not going well after Afghanistan, but the reforms that took place were retarded and arose that stupid faction of yeltshit.
The correct take was to dissolve cooperatives and refound them under a new form.


My guess is that Gorby wanted to be a China but he fucked up.


how you fuck that up ?, deng already did it he could have just copied and pasted, Gorby just wanted to destroy the USSR and thats it.


Gorbachev's cabinet admitted to purposely wanting to destroy communism. It's impossible to say it was all somehow accidental, he had years to reverse policy.


"want" is a bit of a bad word choice, I meant more like plagiarize or just some half ass way of being a China just to get some cash flowing into the USSR *shrugs*


Deng Started with agriculture, gorbachov with industry. Deng kept the Party Political Structuee, Gorbachov had to do a Glasnost. Deng was a colossally stupid, but genuine marxist. Gorby was just a socdem



stfu dengoid




Alexander Yakovlev is all the proof you need


More news
>"We want to remember that, in this same room, a few days ago Russia made a forceful declaration, in the sense that it would not invade Ukraine. We hope that full compliance with it will be maintained," said the representative of the Latin American country before the Security Council. from the ONU.

This is Mexico's stance.
Well basically is saying that they recognize DPR as a different part of Ukraine. kek.

The reforms came too late and were too shy. He did want something like a sociademocracy, but that was non-sensical, social democracy in Europe was the result of the capitalists' ruling classes policies to avoid a continent-wide communist revolution, to begin with.

I am casually finishing reading one of his memoirs.


>Deng kept the Party Political Structuee, Gorbachov had to do a Glasnost.
why he had to do the fucking Glasnost, no reason other than destroying communism, you will never see the US destroying the bipartisan sistem in their country.


Gorbachev was magnificently stupid
They will get flattened soon


kek they really want some good shit on their heads.


I would definitely like to see evidence of the uprisings being legitimate and not simply Russian land grabs, if anyone has any. Also, while I don't doubt that the Russian troops sent in were 'volunteers', I don't think that really changes the equation of Russian imperialism. They were certainly using equipment that was paid for by Russia either directly or indirectly.


>on the UN
>Ukranoids:NOOO we are being hecking attacked by the ebil russians, we are the hecking victims
>2 hours after the UN meeting happens
shithole and dishonest country.


If you have fucking nazis wanting to kill you, will you use sticks or buy some good AK74us?


I really don't see how you can think they could maintain this for 8 years without popular support


I don't judge the Donbas people for wanting Russian weapons but the narrative gets a bit muddy when there's a high likelihood of the revolts being orchestrated by Russian agents. That for me just turns the situation into a cynical war of nationalism by two shitty right wing countries. Hell even if the uprising was Russia-led but the people were genuinely behind it, that would feel a lot better to me, but at this point is impossible to really say.


Isn't it just as likely that with Donbas under military occupation by Russian forces, the population just decides to go along with it? Especially when Ukraine starts shelling them?


It's hard to 'prove' the legitimacy of a social movement but this Ukrainian founded the Donetsk Republic party in 2005 and was active against Ukraine long before then


Yes, because he was a socdem. You can tell when he called Lenin a Stalinist



Patriots.win is cheering on Russia taking Ukraine entirely. Browse the comments.

This is what they call useful idiots right?


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Probably for some people but the attachment to some kind of "Ukrainian identity" is very weak in that part of the country. Also Ukraine is a basketcase of a country, it never recovered from the Soviet collapse, which contributes to the 2014 Euromaidan "revolution" which was not a real revolution because it did not change anything, Ukraine remained a kleptocracy, so the new government resorted to right-wing Ukrainian nationalism to express a "change" in the absence of real change – that intensified these divisions and contributed to the eastern oblasts breaking off. Then you have the Kiev government resorting to neo-Nazi "volunteer" death squads to shore up the front line because those guys are willing to fight and kill.

Yeah the Odessa attack was a big deal. Ukrainian neo-fascists torching a trade union building and killing dozens of protesters.


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Normal shit


I don't question your genuine interest in finding that right spot there where you want to feel good for not believing you are supporting the wrong cause, but I don't think the people in DBR were co-opted into believing there was a Russian ops trying to take those regions.
For instance, there are more evidence that signals the opposite when you see the azov battalion being integrated into the Ukrainian state, and they hate Russians. A lot.
The opposite would be that Ukrainian did its best into solving the Odesa case bringing to justice the intellectual and material responsible, but the situation was never solved, the opposite is trying to dissolve those nazis as much as they could, the opposite would be not being NATO's bitch.


westerners screeching or cheering for this makes no difference. We should remember that.


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holy shit. the discourse over there is wild. :-D


It's all a proxy culture war for these people. Same with the pro-NATO "left" who think they have to "support" Ukraine because some depressive right-wing dipshits think Putin is their daddy.


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Putler is winning the propaganda war


> Venezuela Cuba and Nicaragua recognize the breakaway regions

Funny how your leftist meme countries are nothing but buck broken satellites of the Russian Oligarchy


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Who do lefties support in all of this, ukraine or russia?


The proletariat


No war but the class war.



revolutionary defeatism


Neither, both governments suck shit.


Someone who would be labelled as ultra: No one, class war is the only war
A happening enjoyer with a multipolar approach: Russia as an antifascist front
A liberal with NATOworms: Ukrop


Russia is moving into donbass and luhansk rn


I want to see if Tulsi Gabbard will make any new comments on Russia after they recognized the republics

I think this will be her line in the sand where she chills out and goes to bland rhetoric not being specific and won't mention it. Let's see


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I think that specific things can happen only if a specific side wins; that doesn't mean I 'support' that side.



The US has introduced this terminology called "revisionism" (not the maoist kind) which means this strange doublespeak. Being a revisionist means making the world "turned back" to a period before the US ended history with global, liberal American hegemony.


He was running off pure ideology and getting honeydicked by Thatcher and Reagan, I guess.


Based Post Comrade! Any real Communist knows Putin is a Fascist Vlasovite who helped destroy the USSR.

Great Russian Chauvinists waving the Vlasov Banner. A century ago these people would have been fighting in the White Army to defend “Muh holy Russia”, 😂.


the right question should do we support the fizzle- or sizzlegang or which is the proletarian choice.


CNN doing a story about how Ukrainian businesses are suffering.
Oh no the poor babies how will the bourgeoisie survive these trying times, they'll have to starve their slaves even more! :(


I imagine there is total disconnect between the war scare whipped up by the US media and Ukrainian economy collapsing because of capital flight and and interests rates rising.


I will advance the stupidpol line on this and say that struggling local businesses in the third world is bad for the workers from said countries


Here's some polling from 2020, lot of interesting stuff here about their grievances, quality of life, etc.

>Another crucial shift in Donbas public opinion is that in both Donetsk and Luhansk regions people became more cautious toward possible compromises for the sake of peace. In in 2018 45% in Donetsk and 47% in Luhansk regions were confident that compromises should be made at any price, in 2020 these figures decreased to 14% and 34% respectively. Today, 50% in Donetsk and 49% in Luhansk regions believe that compromises are necessary but not everything is acceptable. It means that public opinion in Donbas became more compatible with mainstream opinion in Ukraine. However, it is worth mentioning that in the last 14 months more people in Donetsk GCA (27%) began to think that the conflict can only be resolved by force.

>When people were asked about the ways and means of achieving sustainable peace, new regional divisions emerged. Residents of Donetsk GCA tended to choose the ways that were more favorable for Ukraine, such as economic and defence build-up (31%) and increase of sanctions on Russia (23%). On the other hand, majority of Luhansk residents were in favor recognizing legitimacy of DNR/LNR (38%) and yielding to Russian demands which means recognition of DNR/LNR autonomy and annexation of Crimea (15%).

>Opinion poll revealed that while people in Donbas support idea of direct negotiations with DNR/LNR and granting of special status to pro-Russian entities majority of them strongly object to essential elements of such status and key provisions of the Minsk agreements.

>Hypothetical question about deployment of UN peacekeeping forces on the uncontrolled territories of Donbas also showed polarization and difference between Donetsk and Luhansk residents. In Donetsk GCA 53% of respondents supported such idea while 31% rejected it and 16% were undecided. In Luhansk GCA public attitudes are very different: 51% rejected this idea and only 30% supported it with 19% of undecided.

>In Donetsk GCA 60% of respondents said they would prefer complete restoration of pre-war status of the occupied territories and 57% believed it could happen in the nearest future (in 1-5 years). On the other hand, in Luhansk GCA only 40% would prefer pre-war status for reintegrated territories and only 23% believed this could happen soon. Around 46% of Luhansk GCA respondents said that these territories would never return or could return in remote future

There is obviously real pro-Russian/anti-Ukrainian sentiment, whether it's enough to deem legitimacy, I leave that to the reader


What's wrong with recognizing the independence of the breakaway republics?


Makes sense but funny as hell to see these Republicans simp for Russia because Putin's better at fulfilling their daddy conservative strongman fantasy.


explain the issue with recognizing their independence


>Great Russian Chauvinists
>To proudly show you are not chauvinistic let some nazi kill you
Well man, guilty as fuck, I am chauvinistic for not letting some nazis kill me.


Turns out you can easily find some neo nazi riff raf in pmc such as Wagner who spent quite some time killing civilians all over the world. So it's not like it's black and white




Any good OSINT people to follow regarding this?


IMO it is more because of the democrats constantly hating on them in an intentionally dumb way that primes republicans for contrarian support to own the libs


All wagner thing comes from bellingcat or U.S. think tanks funded by the U.S. government.. Bellingcat surprise surprise they are the retards dismissing the OPCW cover-up on the Douma gas attack


>As a result of Bolshevik policy, Soviet Ukraine arose, which even today can with good reason be called 'Vladimir Ilyich Lenin's Ukraine'. He is its author and architect. This is fully confirmed by archive documents … And now grateful descendants have demolished monuments to Lenin in Ukraine. This is what they call decommunisation. Do you want decommunisation? Well, that suits us just fine. But it is unnecessary, as they say, to stop halfway. We are ready to show you what real decommunisation means for Ukraine.



*judge the legitimacy of the protests,
Seems like everyone using that term is a CIA applicant


The Duginists/Eurasianists/Vlasovites like Putin are still haunted by the spectre of Lenin, LOL.


Too bad the independant journalists trying to investigate keep getting murdered then I guess


>bellingcat told me so


Based, I wish this were true.


>Noooo you must support my PMC whose CEO was condemned by Soviet authorities for building prostitution rings or you're a US shill


Unironically, yes. bellingcat won't tell you any effort of the Russian state to control fascism, nationalism, and their efforts to bring back muslims children abandoned in Syria. bellingcat won't tell you when these guys stopped to have any relationship or background. Yesterday I saw a pst from Donbas saying precisely that already western media started to say that wagner is in Donbas as an excuse from the left to let Donbas get shelled. Fuck you for bringing a CIA shill talking point to get a "nuanced" conversation, because the real nuance would be to point out all those efforts from the Russian state, too.


I just want to see more dead journalists. You can take your baseless assumptions elsewhere.


<haha yeah fuck ukro-nazis, kill 'em all!!
>nooooooo, you can't use wagner nazis as an excuse to kill teh people of donbass!!!!


Except ukraine has them in their military, pmcs=/=part of the government. you retard brainwashed CIA pawn.


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LPR and DPR will be recognized within borders of the Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts


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Rosa in theory sounding like Stalin in practice.



Excellent post.


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No, because Stalin was a proletarian internationalist and the Soviet government during his time treated Ukrainians equally, liberated large swathes of Ukrainians from rule of the Polish and Romanian landlords in 1939-1945, and rightly recognised that Ukraine isn't part of Russia.


Critical support to DPR/LPR but you don't have any say or input and nobody gives a shit if you stand up for democracy or sovereignty on this issue or whatever while you're in your dark room posting on the internet and jerking off to hentai. Leftist progressives literally have no say in what either side will do and they will do it with or without your consent. Just sit back and enjoy the show.


How much of the full oblasts do the current DNR/LNR occupy?


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Less than half. And if picrel is correct they are going to push to have borders restored at least over the area of the referendum back in 2014


Yes this is why I support Erik Prince in his struggle for Lybian liberation




Well that's… ominous


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>Reminder nothing has happened.
Russian military invaded another part of Ukraine yesterday.

>Reminder if you're defending Putin you're an anti-communist fascist

>Reminder that Ukrainian communists need help.
What about russian communists? They support military intervention by putin.

>Reminder that if you're anti-Lenin, you're pro-nazi.

One would think youre a troll but youre active for too long.

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