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Let's mantain the civil discussion we were having in the last thread.
Last thread got full.

Original post:
Is there a proxy conflict coming?
US will act ‘decisively’ if Russia deploys military to Cuba or Venezuela – White House
Are NATO and Russia on the brink of war over the Ukraine crisis? (Ex-UK ambassador to Russia)
US claims Russia preparing ‘false flag’ in Ukraine
Russia ‘fabricating a pretext for invasion’ of Ukraine – White House
Is Russia really preparing an offensive against Ukraine?
CIA-trained special ops could fight Russians in case of Ukrainian invasion – report
Ukraine hit by huge cyber attack
Russia-NATO relations at critical level, Moscow warns
US to train ‘Ukrainian insurgents’ in EU – media
US seeking ways to profit should Russia-Ukraine conflict break out – reports
Also: requesting that tweet where Lukashenko says that this year they reunite Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, etc.

To check for news: https://liveuamap.com/es
To check for (military) planes: https://globe.adsbexchange.com/

I'm gonna post my opinion about the russian matter in here as well, it's my post, you can't do nothing about it:
Russia has tried to join NATO, twice.
No real reason for NATO to actually not accept, you would literally have world domination, aside from China.
This is because of a very simple reason, NATO wants to balkanize Russia. The very existence of Russia is a menace to NATO, and I don't mean this because they're "scared" of russian people, but how much territory they occupy.
Russia is the major country that will get a benefit from climate change, it's a country with a lot of natural resources because it literally owns about 1/8 of the planet or so.
It's the literal counterpart of the US, and the US wants it destroyes so it can truly be the world dominator without having no one to actually stand to them. Also Russia has lotsa nukes.
Not saying tho that Russia is an anti-imperialist nation, it is a capitalist nation and capitalism itself enables imperialism, it's a feature, not a dlc. But the thing is that NATO is searching for Russia is to be completely destroyed and balkanized in 5 states or more.
Also the Rimland theory is more important (at least that'd what NATO officials believe) than what you think.
So in thic conflict I support Russia for these reasons.
>Russia is actively defending itself against an outside invader that wants to mutilate it out of paranoia.
>Ukraine isn't worth a damn supporting, they have incorporated in their army neo-nazi paramilitaries.
>Ukraine is also a shithole that would be better under russian control… Probably (not that hard of a test tbh, being better than a comprador regime for NATO isn't that hard).
>More power to Russia means less power to the US, which will make it more aggressive. Supporting Russia is literally accelerationism to ww3, but accelerationism nonetheless, and no, I don't want ww3, I don't like to happen, but one thing is to not like war and the other is to delude oneself into believing that it will not happen, it will happen because it's the natural course of capitalism. This is more asking for a swift death than a prolonged, painful suffering under late stage capitalism.
>Seriously, fuck the Ukrainian goverment.
>In fact, fuck ALL nato states, including mine.

Despite this, I recognize that:
>Russia is a capitalist country. Thus means that it is imperialist because imperialism is the capitalist drive for profit natural course of action, read imperialism, the last stage of capitalism. Every capitalist country will become either imperialist, or imperialized, and Russia clearly isn't being imperialized as, say, Togo is.
>Russia is ruled by a capitalist class, the same class that killed the Soviet Union and thus killed AES.
>The russian state is actively smearing the soviet union, by example making the gulag archipelago a required reading in schools, meanwhile putting into a shrine a fake version of Stalin, deluding themselves into thinking he was a fascistic strong dictator instead of the antithesis of fascism which is why russian rightwingers love to say that they liked Stalin but hate Lenin, despite the former being literally a disciple and rightful succesor to Lenin's theories and politics.

Btw this also applies to China.
563 posts and 172 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>send thousands of tons of military equipment to the totally legitimate ukrainian government
>it somehow ends up in the hands of the totally unaffiliated fascist paramilitaries
>russia withdraws troops from the border, but repeats troop buildups over time, increasing the weapons tonnage
>fascists sperg out and kilotons of weapons start going off across the country
What's the odds on this happening?


>Head of occupation authorities in parts of Donetsk region says he would like to see Ukraine as part of Union State between Belarus and Russia
We shall get soviet union 2.0 inshallah.


>occupation authorities
Thank you unbiased media


Well yeah that's how it's done, like the NED funding shit isn't an indication of direct US government support, so when a state lets private groups operate in its territory against foreign actors doing paramilitary or hacking shit it's called indirect.


That is a provocation though


What a fucking moron


Ex-Russian separatists on whether another Ukraine war is possible

>Men who left Russia in 2014 to join rebels in eastern Ukraine have differing views on where today’s conflict is headed.


impressive lack of reading comprehension. or mb you just want to strawman.
<You know what putin is doing?
<Defending his borders.
<and if it was a socialist state
<you obviously would approve of them defending themselves
see we just proved you dont care what they do, you will blame them even when theyre doing basic self defense action even a socialist state would do
your strawmaning is just the mark of your stupidity and hypocrisy, cause you have 0 actual arguments


>Japanese citizens should leave Ukraine immediately, advises @MofaJapan_jp


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Putin hire this man


>South Korea to ban travel to all regions of Ukraine amid looming conflict


Yes, the strawman is actually what the namefag's side is claiming. No one is really doing that, because it's ridiculous and childish and binary-brained.


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I stand by what I said before in thread 3.
/leftypol/ will only realize shit happened ten threads after it already happened.



(Not sensationalism, just reporting it in all caps as the tweet was written)



>The Netherlands asks its citizens in Ukraine to leave the country as soon as possible


After Zhirinovsky, Russian Communist leader Gennady Zyuganov has been also hospitalized


Here's to him being replaced with someone less cucked.


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I know the brainworms of modern western discourse have been a running joke for years now, but is there seriously no bottom to what people will accept uncritically? how could any (supposedly) sane person read this following blurb and go 'ah yes, of course, very normal and reasonable expectation'. these people aren't just dumb, they're some of the worst people possible and are directly steering entire nations. and people just have certain spheres that they won't scrutinize for even a second, such as in this case being about russia/putin.


The Russians are trying to sap his precious bodily fluids


Word on the street is that Russia has stopped coal and gas imports into Ukraine, and so Ukraine is getting all its nuclear reactors up and running in preparation for severing their grids at the end of the month.


>nuclear plants go up
>gas goes back on
>NPPs cucked by the gaschads again


>Russian military exercises being duplicitously interpreted as a prelude to invasion
Do they take me for a fool? Never in all of history has an invading force telegraphed its invasion plans by staging exercises in view of the enemy, thereby completely destroying the element of surprise and allowing them to prepare their defenses.

This is all performative posturing, theatrics. Russia's attempt to throw its weight around and show the world that it has power and can defy the west.



Someone pointed out that an actual prelude to invasion would entail staging support services nearby in anticipation of casualties, that the US had medical ships in place months before the invasion of Iraq


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>Any moment now



Makes sense. This is just not how you plan a genuine invasion. Sitting there for months thinking about it, allowing your enemy to establish a solid defensive perimeter and shore up supplies and armaments and strengthen its contacts with allies. Such ritualized preparations are just an intimidation tactic.


Vlasovites bumping off potential dissent?


The decision on planned hospitalization was made in connection with the current epidemiological situation, as well as due to surgical medical interventions carried over in recent years, Yushchenko explained.

“From yesterday and, I think, until the beginning of next week, this will be a planned hospitalization, which is designed to prevent any difficult situations in this difficult epidemiological time,” the spokesman said.

According to Yushchenko, now Zyuganov feels great and is busy with the current party work. His words were also confirmed by the first deputy chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Yuri Afonin, who noted that the party leader is in good health and mood.


Does anyone want to respond (respectfully and intellectually) to my in depth critique of the article posted by FSLN anon?


Yeah war against the proletariat.


Sorry, but I can't take you seriously.


It can either mean:
1. Russia is just flexing and trying to intimidate the west and send a message. It has no plans to launch a politically and economically costly full scale invasion
2. Russia is on the fence about invading and has not abandoned the prospect of a diplomatic solution. But they still want to put their cards on the table and back up their case with a display of its military capabilities.
3. Despite strategic abnormalities Russia is planning a genuine invasion and is so confident in its advantageous position that it does not attempt to prepare in subterfuge.


Did you at least read my in depth critique of the article FSLN anon linked?


i read the post and found your tendency to slip into nick landian speculation to be typical of your ilk


>so confident in its advantageous position that it does not attempt to prepare in subterfuge
This only happens in movies. Even the US after building up an overwhelmingly advantage in the lead up to the Gulf War did not telegraph what they were going to do and managed to achieve operational surprise when the ground operation unfolded.


The reason I did that (I personally feel Nick Land and his NRx degenerates are Vile, Misanthropic, pieces of shit, but it is important to take note of these seemingly “delusional” concepts because they have a massive impact on the thinking of the 21st century Bourgeoisie, particularly Silicon Valley, and to ignore what are Class enemies are planning is suicidal) was because I feel it is important to illustrate the dark side of Automation (particularly the 4th Industrial Revolution) in a Capitalist society, which the Author seemed to ignore by imagining that it would inevitably lead to a Socialist Revolution, despite the fact that their are more obstacles to this (especially in the Imperial Core) then people want to imagine, and the more likely scenario is the Dystopia that I alluded to.


>the dark side of Automation
There is no such a thing. Automation drives down the rate of profit, makes capitalism even more unstable, and gets us closer to liberation.


no because you're not worth the time


>Never in all of history has an invading force telegraphed its invasion plans by staging exercises in view of the enemy
I don't want to be pedantic but you're wrong there because it did happen, Japan did in fact do that and this is for this exact reason that the second Sino Japanese war began, and this is a major conflict leading up to world war two.


Japan staged various incidents and hardly hid its expansion


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wtf? you think i should approve of a capitalist state defending itself? where the fuck do you think we are? i want to see all capitalist states go down in flames. you truly are a higher tier of retard.


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False flag executed. Beginning the nuclear code sequence…


Automation will change completely our lives from top to bottom.
Its very possible that will end badly, but it must also be acknowledged that it provides a chance for socialists.


I hope if they do it, they have the decency to start on a weekend. I'd rather get nuked at home than at work.


Why would someone take you seriously if I gave you an extended critique in your article from LOLNOONE like http://www.massline.info/mlms/mlms.htm
His retarded takes comes in many flavors:
>The highly deficient sort of top-down socialism which was originally established in the DPRK was—if anything—a more extreme form of the bureaucratic type of socialism which existed in the Soviet Union in the Stalin era. Since—as in the USSR—the DPRK regime did not know or use the mass line in politics, industry or agriculture, this type of society tended to soon become more and more undemocratic and authoritarian. Over the years it has degenerated totally away from anything which can be remotely considered as genuine “socialism” (which, after all, must most essentially be based on the rule of the people themselves). The DPRK is now best characterized as an ultra-nationalistic form of state capitalism, directed by a tiny militarily-obsessed elite social class, and for the primary benefit of that very privileged governing class. Even more absurdly, this DPRK ruling class has turned its regime into one which is very close to a hereditary absolute monarchy, which was ruled first by Kim Il Sung, then by his son Kim Jong Il, and now by his son, Kim Jong Un.
And the silly idea that Maoists like you and him, decide to rebrand what fascism is taking in count revisionism, starting from the "social imperialism" theory that Mao brought, tells me that you suffer a severe cognitive dissonace.
In that exact theory Mao in which he says "social imperialism" also said that the USS "will end the world with nukes", 20 years later, the USSR dissolved, and the nukes never arrived. And if a huge chunk of that speech in which it is the "social imperialism" theory is utter nonsense (there were three theories together: third world theory, social imperialism theory, and the USSR nuking the world theory) what makes you believe the rest of his speech isn't also utter nonsense. And that "social imperialism" is the starting point of "Scott H." who can easily be CIA H.
As I said, and you didn't reply instead of taking the years where Mao was based as an example like going and forming a guerrilla with popular support, Maoists like you prefer to take the weirdest time of Mao.

Krushit was a moron stopping the projects with China, and that caused Mao to be like this? 100% correct. Is it correct for Mao to be this way? lol no. His main defect is that he never could understand other's material conditions after WWII.

So, no. Russia is not a "fascist" state, China is not a "fascists" state, Nicaragua is not a "fascist" state, Bolivia is not a "fascist" state, Cuba is not a "fascists" state, and that "anti revisionist" shit has become more like pure virtue signaling among psudo-communists that are armchairing their revolutions, like you, king schizo.

t -minusban for being too off-topic


>>505789 (me)
This is from where he defines DPKR:
>>The highly deficient sort of top-down socialism which was originally established in the DPRK was—if anything—a more extreme form of the bureaucratic type of socialism which existed in the Soviet Union in the Stalin era. Since—as in the USSR—the DPRK regime did not know or use the mass line in politics, industry or agriculture, this type of society tended to soon become more and more undemocratic and authoritarian. Over the years it has degenerated totally away from anything which can be remotely considered as genuine “socialism” (which, after all, must most essentially be based on the rule of the people themselves). The DPRK is now best characterized as an ultra-nationalistic form of state capitalism, directed by a tiny militarily-obsessed elite social class, and for the primary benefit of that very privileged governing class. Even more absurdly, this DPRK ruling class has turned its regime into one which is very close to a hereditary absolute monarchy, which was ruled first by Kim Il Sung, then by his son Kim Jong Il, and now by his son, Kim Jong Un.
And the expel link is funny at best.


<China accuses the U.S. of fabricating and waging a crisis, manipulating Ukraine, to control Europe.

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