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 No.510145[View All]



TO WATCH FOR NEWS: https://liveuamap.com/
Live updates from Texan commie boomer in Donbass: https://www.youtube.com/c/RussellBentleyTexac
For Russiabros, analysis from Boris Rozhin:
https://colonelcassad.livejournal.com/ (has a telegram, lots of cool stuff there too)

"Modern Ukraine was completely created by Russia," Putin says in speech to the nation“

Putin: "We are ready to show you what true de-Communization means to Ukraine."“


Putin says Ukraine is a "U.S. colony" with a "puppet regime"

“Russia claims Ukraine invaded Russia and says 5 Ukrainian soldiers were killed and two APCs destroyed near Rostov.

Putin, in televised address on Ukraine crisis, talks about a "nationalistic virus" says 1991 collapse of Soviet Union saw Russia robbed

“Putin: "Why did we have to transfer the rights to the territories that had been part of the Russian Empire?"“


Russia & Syria officially recognize LNR and DPR

Syria recognizing LNR/DPR

Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua likely to recognize the Donetsk and Lugansk republics shortly

Putin Calls For Ukraine To Break Apart

"President Biden will soon issue an Executive Order that will prohibit new investment, trade, and financing by U.S. persons to, from, or in the so-called DNR and LNR regions of Ukraine," Jen Psaki says following recognition by Putin of regions as "independent."

>EU leadership @vonderleyen & @eucopresident say that bloc will react with sanctions "against those involved in this illegal act" of recognising Donetsk and Luhansk.

>Suggests individual, targeted sanctions: not the big ol' war package that everyone has been talking up for weeks.


Communist Party of Russia has just endorsed Putin's call to recognise the DNR and LNR.

Zyuganov: "Look how zealous the Americans and British are now. They forced Ukraine to send almost all its troops to the Donetsk-Luhansk region. More than 100k in a patch of 40-50km."

>The senior administration official offered a caveat that "Russian troops moving into Donbas would not itself be a new step," since it has had a military presence in the region for eight years. Though Moscow has denied this is the case, "Russia now looks like it's going to be operating openly in that region," the official said.

>The official, who requested anonymity in order to discuss sensitive issues, wouldn’t call the move an invasion, however, saying “Russian troops moving into Donbas would not itself be a new step. Russia has had forces in the Donbas for the past eight years.”

>Russian troops moving into the Donbas would not itself be a new step. Russia has had forces in the Donbas region for the last eight years," a senior administration official told reporters on a briefing call Monday evening.

EXCLUSIVE (Reuters) Biden administration has prepared export controls to hit Russian companies with alleged military ties and deny Russians access to global technology, including electronics and computers


796 posts and 201 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


This. Most of the board these days are reactionary Mussolini tier fascoids "muh plutocrat vs proletarian nations" the same types that destroyed the second international



anyone not picking up the czechoslovakia parallel is deluded


>R-russian bot!
You took a wrong turn at Reddit.






I'd rather rope you.


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The USSR is coming back, baby, but tsarist.


>Ah yes war should simply not happen
Yes war shouldn't happen, unless it's between classes. If you don't believe that you're a liberal and probably a deranged psychopath.





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I'd rather grope him


thats a fed


Down cataclysmic


Carl leaning into this is cringe. But honestly the DPP (and the US an everyone else) should expect less resistance from Taiwan to China than they saw from Ukraine to Russia. Like an order of magnitude less. Take that as you will.


hahaha we have achieved peak radlib


put me in the screenshot


Average clipart avatar retard


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fucking libs


My god my darling Ashbie. Do you have a venme so daddy can sooth you?



Posting in a legendary thread


>communism is about believing in world peace
yes, world peace under global communism will be wonderful in the year 2500


>Instant schizo reply
Anon everyone should be critical of us actions and condemn most of them.
Only ideology you schizos have is "u.s.bad". No theory, no morals, no ideas just "u.s bad"


Do you get paid by the (You)?


There was one good one In this shit hole


>Muh Morals, Ideas and Theory
Theory would be to support the counterhegemonic power against imperialism. As for morals and ideas, we’re not liberals


well sheeeit


CNN is playing video of Russian equipment moving across the Belarus-Ukrainian border


what the fuck are you talking about you utterly delusional fucking mongoloid. there is no international. there are no socialist parties to vote for war credits. you act like you are a leftist, and yet the practical implication of your both sides centrism is that every country in the world must sit by while american hegemony creeps up on them,, and that if they react in any way militarily to the noose being tied around their neck we as leftists must join the chorus of the entire bourgeois liberal world in decrying them.

quit thinking about the present in terms of haphazard metaphors and allusions to historical conditions which are utterly alien and removed from our own.


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Holy shit, the level of cope in this post.


>In Peru
Kek, where is the war namefag? Who do you support


The fuck does this video prove retard? Did you think military targets are isolated 30 miles in the countryside or something LMAO


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Land campaign is beginning


Evo basado
Checked liberal, hear the song


No one's listening to your faggoty music you larping queer


Official US Oligarch propaganda


The US/NATO have objectively escalated this situation since 2014 by

A) Couping the Ukrainian government

B) Giving money and weapons to fascists who are ethnically cleansing Russians in Ukraine

C) attempting encirclement of the Russia border with hostile forces.

The point here isn't simply "USA Good, Putin Bad". Everyone involved here is bad, but it is clear where the escalation is coming from, and the motivations behind it all are very suspect. We aren't schizos for following this more closely than the average liberal American who didn't remember Ukraine was even a country until Rachel Maddow told them to get mad last week.


Video showing Ukrainian units in Mariupol, meaning that claims it was captured were false. Don’t trust ASB military, he pulls shit out of his ass.


the staff of leftypol support sexual assault


>"Dandy Genocide"


It's not that the Ukraine is inherently Nazi, it's that the USA/NATO is backing fascists in Ukraine, since 2014, to the extent that they have taken an outsized role in the conflict. Twitter liberals will tell you that this is "overblown" by I assure you it is not.


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Thank you for saving the Ukrainians with your virtue signaling anon.

Calling Ukrainian Draw anon. Did you died yet?


To you western lefty cunts that support this. I'm glad you hang out in groups


It seems ukraine is claiming that they shot down a Russian SU-24 attack plane.


They claim they shot 5 planes down


Does anyone have Putin's actual "special military operation" speech me made two hours ago?


I just wish America/NATO wasn't backing fascists and trying to encircle and destabilize and fracture the country that has the most nukes (Russia).

It won't end well for anyone. This could have been avoided. I hold the Western hegemony responsible for years of unnecessary and completely avoidable escalations that led to this moment.


why the hell are they even fighting


Because Putin has stated for years that his "red line" that he doesn't want the west to cross is getting the countries at its borders to join NATO. However in 2014 USA/NATO couped ukraine, began giving money and weapons and training to fascisats in Ukraine, and have been slowly escalating hostilities with Russia. This reached a boiling point with Ukraine declaring that it will officially join NATO. NATO has always been an imperialist tool of encirclement. They were established after WW2 to "keep America in, the Russians out, and the Germans down". Even after the USSR dissolved and the Russian federation was born, hostility of NATO continued because American capitalism needs boogeymen and needs perpetual war to feed its crumbling economy. Liberals will say this is paranoid/untrue, but so be it.


Q predicted this.


Putin literally said that Ukraine was unlawfully created from rightful Russian soil and cited the need for ethnic homogenity.

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