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TO WATCH FOR NEWS: https://liveuamap.com/ (not always reliable)


Ukraine conflict: Fighting rages near Kyiv after Russia invasion

Russian forces approaching Kyiv from northeast & east; Ukrainian Prez pleads for help (LIVE UPDATES)

Russia attacks Ukraine live updates: Russian forces close on Kyiv (LIVE UPDATES)

Latest updates: Ben Wallace says Russia’s ambition is to invade 'the whole of Ukraine’ but its forces have so far lost around 450 personnel

Many Are Stranded by the War in Ukraine, From Students to Soccer Players, and Reportedly a Hollywood Name


Sergey Karaganov: Russia’s new foreign policy, the Putin Doctrine

Why Biden didn’t negotiate seriously with Putin

N.B. to other OPs: refresh the news, don't just copy paste the old OP

N.B. to people screaming "Western sources! reeeeeee!", in times of war like this, you have to get info from wherever you can. it is up to the reader to use critical thinking skills and choose what to believe
771 posts and 89 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


One of those things that random Ukrainians on twitter mention but nobody else does is that MEN 18-60 cannot leave the country. People are trying to send their families away to avoid fighting and have to separate at the border because none of the men can leave.



>Western liberal social media led by the Silicon Valley giants

>Russian social media (vk)
>The Great Chinese Firewall


why even at this moment there are still people doing their normal activities? like driving around with a foreign tank in the opposite direction of the road as usual.
If it were my country and I could not get out of the city, I simply do not leave my house, even less if already are military vehicles on the streets like tanks that do not stop at the red light.


> >Russian social media (vk)
Nazi shithole to be honest


Im still baffled tech illiterate countries think Twitter and YouTube are any better even though they are official moderated by an U.S. government agency at this point


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US state affiliated media shills call them volunteers


too bad the first already has its foothold on most of the developing world


What about things like fediverse which is "multipolar" by design?


>no masks
>no social distancing



Anyone remember the English spelling of the city being Kiev? Did I get mandela'd?


that's the real answer but no one uses it


These are volunteers, real mass mobilization will come later


fucking degenerated glowie weebs


>They are advanced cavalry assault forces. WTF would they be brought up?
The 82nd Airborne is one of the U.S. military's units designed to be able to deploy very rapidly – like Russian VDV essentially. They can move within 24-48 hours basically. The 82nd is based in North Carolina. There's also the 101st Airborne in Kentucky and the 173rd Airborne Brigade in Italy. These troops seem to be headed for Romania and the Baltic states.


Wikipedia shamelessly glows


>Sauce or didn't happen


>Not muh hecking merchant shipinos!


It's a propaganda campaign by the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs called #CorrectUA.



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Not enough tanks, unlike chad Soviet Übermenschen


My theory currently is that all this volksturm shit is not done for military purpose but just to flood Ukraine with firearms in an attempt to make it unmanageable


I hope this will be unmanageable for Putin.


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Map from this guy. Arrows added for what I think the Russians are doing.



This ^ tbh


I hope you will continue to cope and seethe.


> is the nation on coke
You won't believe…


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>US state controlled media
>two people familiar with the matter said China bad to Russia
>uhh ohh fellow leftist I am feeling so upset betrayed and confused about this!
>uhh ohh fellow leftist I am feeling so upset betrayed and confused about this!
>uhh ohh fellow leftist I am feeling so upset betrayed and confused about this!
>uhh ohh fellow leftist I am feeling so upset betrayed and confused about this!
>uhh ohh fellow leftist I am feeling so upset betrayed and confused about this!
>uhh ohh fellow leftist I am feeling so upset betrayed and confused about this!
Yeah like U.S. media said China betrayed Russia when China told NATO to fuck off

You glow




It's questionable how the Russians are supposed to take the city. Their hardware is less effective in urban combat, and they're up against a very large number of motivated defenders with local knowledge. Brute-forcing his way through might not work.

For the sake of perspective, a few thousand Chechen insurgents managed to hold their capital, Grozny for two months; a city of 300 thousand against the Russian army.


It's ogre, comrades. Time to bunker!


I wonder how many were in those burning things in the video. Were some of them still alive at that moment? Perhaps listening to the same music?


> Brute-forcing his way through might not work.
It would work. Russians took Grozny eventually.


Real Baelish hours


unironically based

>tech illiterate countries
What? Their porkies are fine with US gatekrrping their information, and their peoples are as ignorant of the process as all other peoples.


yeah, it look more like they want to get bad optics for russia than protect their populations. Who the fuck gives weapons to civilians after two days of open conflict ?


That's probably NATO's current goal tbh, now that their vluff of helping Ukraine has fallen through.


>a very large number of motivated defenders
giving AK to civilians doesnt make them "motivated defenders". Also, the whole point is forcing a surrender, they just need to siege it medieval style if they dont wanna bomb the shit out of it.


Will they make Sarajevo or Grozny out of Kiev


lolno, unless deploying troops in romania is supposed to help ukraine


>crop start
>crop end
>reduce resolution to 240p
>go to twitter


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Mens liberation when


>Julian Roepcke
lmao gtfo


>dollars only sanctions
that look like its just the US sanction and ppl dont understand how global economy works. China and russia dont use dollars to trade with each other


>bunch of moronic western "useful idiots" on here who still somehow think its not a full invasion even though it is.
thats straight up a nato talking poitn. fuck off faggot.
>yeah lets totally ignore nato role in the escalation, and their pet nazis that kept bombing and threatening to retake dombass


Mens liberation when

I wish Hoxha lived to stop the revisionists


"They didn't give us other choice. #WeAreUnited" billboard in St. Petersburg


ukraine never did the slightest move toward federalism and kept bombing the republics. Both minsk agreement were forced by russia counter attack after ukraine tried to crush the republics. I think zelensky would have been shot by his local nazis if he had tried to federalize. At least I hope, because if he did willingly, its entirely on him.


NATO shills are doing everything to glorify dying for some oligarchs who have long moved their belongings to West Europe and America.


I'm hungry :(


they gona kill europe but only the poors europeans

Disconnecting them is only the decision of the us, europe and other countries have no say in this, they are not going to suffer the consequences and the priority for the us is to maintain confidence in the dollar.
taking russia out of the system will help them.

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