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 [Last 50 Posts]


TO WATCH FOR NEWS: https://liveuamap.com/ (not always reliable)


Ukraine conflict: Fighting rages near Kyiv after Russia invasion

Russian forces approaching Kyiv from northeast & east; Ukrainian Prez pleads for help (LIVE UPDATES)

Russia attacks Ukraine live updates: Russian forces close on Kyiv (LIVE UPDATES)

Latest updates: Ben Wallace says Russia’s ambition is to invade 'the whole of Ukraine’ but its forces have so far lost around 450 personnel

Many Are Stranded by the War in Ukraine, From Students to Soccer Players, and Reportedly a Hollywood Name


Sergey Karaganov: Russia’s new foreign policy, the Putin Doctrine

Why Biden didn’t negotiate seriously with Putin

N.B. to other OPs: refresh the news, don't just copy paste the old OP

N.B. to people screaming "Western sources! reeeeeee!", in times of war like this, you have to get info from wherever you can. it is up to the reader to use critical thinking skills and choose what to believe





Ukraine more like cuckaine


How do you guys think this is going to end?


>Urban warfare.
>Shows a ship getting hit.


Ukraine will fold soon if Russia is knocking on Kyiv


If it ends by Sunday, Russia will install its government. If it drags for more than a month, Putin's rule in Russia is over.


Finlandization of Ukraine. Maybe Russia will take Novorossiya, but I doubt it's going to annex the whole country.


Noice, that means no ww3, right?


Repost Enver Hoxha's predictions as part of our self-reflection on the unfolding of recent events.


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What would he say about this today bros?


The only ones who benefit from this are Russian nationalists, Ukrainian neonazis and western interventionists.


Both sides are bad, Russia is slightly more but NATO expanding eastward is really bad.



I bet you didn't think he was going to invade either


Better than it started.


I admit I was wrong but annexing Ukraine will create only more problems. Make it into a puppet is much more viable.


Exactly the same as before, escalating cold war vibes, but with Ukraine with a right wing Russian puppet instead of NATO. No matter what, the US will declare victory and do the hybrid warfare and sanctions that they were already going to do anyway. And then the US has it's election cycle, a change in turn to the republicans happens and they start antagonizing China via Taiwan and Xinjiang instead.



Bloodthirsty OP.

Yeah lol.


As a Russian I doubt the "Russian nationalists" thing. Supporters of the invasion (even the "moderate nationalists" who tried to look civil but now have gone full mask off) are generally smeared and antiwar agenda has increasing degree of control by the socialists. Still agree on Ukrainian nationalists benefiting from the humiliation/heroic narrative and Western hawks and NATO gaining more authority.


>Russia is slightly more
This I don't understand. I can accept both sides are shit but NATO is the worse


>annexing Ukraine will create only more problems.
Not for the minimum wage workers who would see their gains almost doubled lol


Ships are Pol Pot gang.


NATO isn't the one shelling Kyiv right now.


They are just using scorched earth, lol


The Ukrainian forces are not NATO either


everyone becomes gay


If you don't think NATO is just as bad you need to remember what happened since 2014 in Ukraine.


uygha we wanna see nato's body count vs russia? Also no shelling but it's their porkies the ones that made ukrainians live like subhumans since the fall of the ussr.


NATO is a fart: practically doesn't do anything, but everyone still smells it.


But I said NATO is bad


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Zelensky is nato puppet

Deal w it


No, NATO with their puppet Ukranian government is the one sacrificing the whole of the Ukranian population and infrastructure on the altar of US foreign policy. They could stop at any point, they could have stopped way before, but they chose the bloody path instead.


It seems that Russian ground forces have reached Gostomel airfield in the suburbs of Kiev, connecting with the VDV units which have been fighting there for two days already, and thus blocking Kiev from the west. Per Russian Ministry of Defense.


Do they understand the reasons for the success of Afghani insurgencies?


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So we’re on day 2 of violence
Who won yet


Not annexing the Ukraine will make more problems. Why invade the whole country only to go home after replacing the government and taking out the military? Ukraine will remain an unstable sore point on Russia's border. Integrating the country into Russia means it can be rebuilt and cucks the NATO interferers once and for all. Either way, once the Ukranian military is disabled, Russian forces have to occupy Ukranian soil to put down any nazis and opportunists.


Imagine cheering this


Imperialism won



It's a bit funny that Anonymous, the glowing hacktivist group, are bragging about taking down RT like, thanks, Sputnik News and TASS are infinitely better sources that don't try to give me a fucking migraine.


NATO isn't winning AFAICT.


Wtf annoyimoose you used to be cool


Anonymous are the most retarded activist "group" in existence, has been that way for a while.


Russia most likely won't annex because they have a less than ideally sized force to occupy, but it really depends on how the international situation evolves


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Mark Ames:

>CNN surreal—lionizing Poroshenko, who is charged by Zelensky with treason and has been involved in apparent coup plots against Zelensky (whose own whereabouts now are unknown).

I think Poroshenko has always been "America's guy" in Ukraine.


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Fighting in northern Kiev


holy fuck dude


Jesus christ




why is russia so incompetent?


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Atlantic Council glowie pushing the move to dump weapons into Ukraine on CNN


That reminds me, anyone got the video of that CNN reporter that shows Russian troops at the airport in Kiev and talks about how he talked with the Russian commander, as I forgot to save that video


No it's another instance of burgers flailing in the dark. Clearly politicians don't read what their military advisors write anymore and they think money and guns can solve anything


Fucking hell lads


I hope china wins


who tf was driving that tank?


it was vladimir, but it wasnt his fault. hed been drinking since 6am, who can you blame?


I've heard two conflicting explanations:
1. Russians saboteurs dressed in Ukrainian uniforms
2. Ukrainian territorial guard/volkssturm mistaking Ukrainian anti-aircraft unit for Russians

It seems to be leaning towards explanation number 2 atm


I've been seeing this dude all over twitter. He's trying so desperately to shoehorn the idea that Ukrainians are being oppressed in the same way that black people are being oppressed in America.


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So anyway, the NATOcucks were reporting about the supposed plans of the Vladimir Putler to exterminate minorities in his Blitzkrieg around Ukraine. How's that going?

Any demographics rounded up yet?


my uncle, i'll report him to NATO police station


wait, that was a team kill?


So it's pretty much confirmed that Russians are closing in on Kiev right? How are Kiev's defenses? I have a bad feeling it's going to be taken down in just a matter of days.


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It seems like Ukrainians shooting each other is common occurence at the moment, the conscription was a massive mistake.



>the supposed plans of the Vladimir Putler to exterminate minorities
it's true, the nazi minority is being genocided


Typical liberal brain.
>bad thing is happening here… just like bad thing happening in my home country
>if two bad things are happening… someone must be the BLACC people and someone else must be the WHITTU
I mean I get where they're coming from with their total lack of perspective and capeshit-tier analysis, but it's still frustrating.


I have seen so many conflicting reports about this war to the point I don't know what is going on any more.


it's baffling to me that the government that claims not to be nazis are doing forced conscription 2 days into a war they know they've already lost.
what is the point of that other than to cause mass civilian casualties


so that's the civilian casualties we're hearing about?


Information warfare at its purest


they are trying so hard to make Ukriane european Afghanistan


First time war watching, eh? Don't worry, any event usually takes a few days to clear up, fog of war and all that.


Meh, better to realize you don't know what's going on that being mislead no?


jesus the footage, are those children?


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This Guardian article seems pretty legit. I don't see anything here that seems like blatant misinformation.


The absolute state.


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From earlier this month


Most cursed twitterlib take so far might be "Ukraine is the George Floyd of countries".
Anything worse?


For your consideration
The "Volkssturm" initiative of the Ukrainian military was massive mistake and has at its basis a wrong understanding of the german volkssturm which could only work for different reasons
1. Very destinct and recognisable ethinicities fighting each other
2. Very different uniforms
3. Very different military material used
4. Very different recognisable languages spoken by combatants
5. Even at the end of the war clear fighting line
And even then there was still some organisition of the Volkssturm troops not just giving out guns to everyone and letting them go


Vladimir Putin is using antifa tactics from Andy Ngo is also up there


Yeah, looks like it was Ukrainian that ran over that car





>The "Volkssturm" initiative of the Ukrainian military was massive mistake and has at its basis a wrong understanding of the german volkssturm which could only work for different reasons
>1. Very destinct and recognisable ethinicities fighting each other
>2. Very different uniforms
>3. Very different military material used
>4. Very different recognisable languages spoken by combatants
>5. Even at the end of the war clear fighting line
>And even then there was still some orga
Oh Andy Ngo is still working? I think he was glorified by some far right comic or something.



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Ukrainian nazis crashing a plane into the world trade center when!!! 9/11 2.0. here we come.


but, ther german volkssturm also failed?


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Let's make this perfectly clear, Vladolf Putler is Voldemort and the ukrainians are Anakin Skywalker fighting against big brother (this is, Voldemort, thus Vladolf Putler).


What am I even looking at?


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Donbass is Harry Potter, Russia is Hogwarts and Putin is Dumbledore


That's what some sources are saying. Others say it was Russian saboteurs. Frankly I don't know, information warfare is in overdrive. The Strela you see driving over the civilian vehicle is supposed to be Ukrainian.

Ukrainian authorities are handing out ammunition and weapons to random civilians from the back of dump trucks like it's the Battle of Berlin, so friendly fire is a given.


Depends on what you think the goal was


I'm curious, what footage are they talking abotu?


prolly to win the war?


Snape killed Dumbledonbass.




This uygha is the total opposite of Malcolm X. Uncle Tom ass uygha. Buck Broken ass uygha.


insane. this is going to be a bloodbath, wtf is the ukrainian military thinking? just surrender and spare yourselves the pointless massacres and friendly fire


At that point winning the war was not possible


The government are US puppets. They don't care about Ukrainian deaths. If anything they want to make it worse so it's bad PR for Russia and might get them reinstated later as the "rightful" whatever.


are you serious? they were clearly space nazis. the imperial officers basically look like german officers in ww2?


This will be a bloodbath


>What would he say about this today bros?
America? Imperialist.
EU? Imperialist.
Russia? Imperialist.
China? You better know its imperialist.


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>Ukrainian authorities are handing out ammunition and weapons to random civilians from the back of dump trucks like it's the Battle of Berlin


so what was the point?


What volkssturm does to a country



Untrained, inexperienced civilians being armed with guns and ammunition whilst misinformation is being spread from both sides.

Is it appropriate for me to have a bad feeling about this?


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I don't like war and don't want to "pick a side" and patsoc dipshits on Twitter play some role in that, but then I see the lunatic liberals and glowies wearing Angela Davis shirts saying that Ukraine is the George Floyd of countries as CIA-funded mobsters and neo-Nazis hand out guns to children to resist the Russian army. That's not a good feel.

Putinism is SJWism with nukes is a good one lol


>noooooo what about the precious democracino


There are different arguments one beeing weakening the man power and infrastrcutre of the eastern parrts of germany making the later soviet occupied cones weaker


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History repeats itself. First as a tragedy, then a farce.
Why are libs so fucking cringe bros.


The aesthetics were inspired by nazis but their behavior was based on the US. The Death Star is the equivalent of a nuke.


Who is this Angela Davis ? Is she liberal or conservative ? Is she good or CIA-funded ?


Comrades should grab a GEP gun while they're handing them out.


How the fuck do you confuse someone wearing ugg boots with Russian military?


please say sike


Euro /pol/ tourist? Sup my niqqa


Thats not a russian tank. Russians have a "Z" written on them. Those are ukrainians killing their own civilians.


Kiev commune when?


that sounds retarded


You guys think Finland or Baltic states will get eventually involved?


What did I say wrong ? Not everyone is well-versed in Western topics you know


No they dont have the balls


Angela Davis is an American communist, influential among black women and activist types, and Davis is good. However, the guy using her image is not good. He is very bad.


I support you im german and i never heard of her before i started learning about ami topics


Wonder if the Russian troops in Transnistria are ever going to do anything
>patsoc dipshits on Twitter
found your problem. In the real world, the liberal narrative is the only one that exists, and you come across as a schizo NEET for equivocating the two worldviews.
I was listening to the CBC on radio 1 yesterday and they were going on about how Putler is creating a new empire, hilarious stuff


Finland now has genuine reasons to join NATO, anti-imperialist geopolitical genius Putin won again


Angela Davis used to be based but has kind of been recuperated at this point. Academia tends to curb people's radicalism.


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Finland already refused.


>Zelensky is in a bunker


Some cracker even posted a video of Downdalls Hitler rant scene lmao



If nothingburger was a country it would Transnistria


Fucking Christ…


It's gonna be over by tomorrow, if not in a few days isn't it?


>found your problem. In the real world, the liberal narrative is the only one that exists, and you come across as a schizo NEET for equivocating the two worldviews.
Yeah, you're 100% right about that. Thanks for putting it into perspective. I was listening to the radio in the car last night and they had the BBC World Service going and it was all about the heroes of Snake Island.

Her image has been recuperated. I don't think that's really her fault though. They do the same stuff to Fred Hampton and Huey P. Newton these days.

More civilians waxed by Volkssturm?


>Angela Davis
I checked on Wikipedia and she is from the CPUSA (did not appear to support Fosder) and follow Herbert Marcuse so not that great to me.
For black liberationist authors I especially like Malcolm X's speech about "who are you".


Psychotic retards, just surrender


Lol just like my hitler animes





Ukrainian authorities be like
>Y'all go ahead and die for blood and soil not me


>the only faggots that will come are schizos.
>schizos will start shooting on other civilians because "he is a glowie".
I bet the faggot that talks in the video is a russian that was in some russian prison.
He literally says "defend your country ukraine".


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I'v never hold a gun in my life, but how is it possible to fuck up this much?


3. Russian saboteurs attacking ukrainian AA behind the enemy lines

what a complete shitshow this turns out to be


>go to the truck
>grab a free assault rifle and shotgun
>just go home and keep them



graphic design is my passion


>Thats not a russian tank. Russians have a "Z" written on them


I'd just take as many guns and ammo as I can then sell it to other people in Europe from a big ass profit and keep one or two rifles for protection.


LOOOOOOOOL this is why I follow the Economist. I don't even read anything they write. I just read the headlines so I can see what the liberals are thinking of right now. It's quite helpful.


There are reports of Russian spetsnaz and saboteurs all over the place in Kiev. These guys are jumpy as fuck and have been told that Russian fifth columnists are wearing Ukrainian uniforms.


nervous/trigger-happy conscripts might have mistaken the driver's jacket for military fatigues and sprayed the car with bullets


>Putin says he does not expect agreements with the "gang of drug addicts and neo-Nazis, which settled in Kiev and took hostage the entire Ukrainian people"


Good post


Yes, Russian vehicles have a huge white Z painted on them.


Gang of drug addicts and neo-tsarists, which settled in Moscow and took hostage the entire Russian people


He's literally calling them Nazis? Wow weird


That might reading too much into it, it was a classic desperate movie akin to the Soviets sending waves of workers and students militia to fend the Germans off in 1941.





it's a decades old soviet propaganda, lol


No idea what it means, it's just to distinguish them from ukrops vehicles, which are the same.


>1 day
>"war" is over
Biggest fucking nothingburger of my life, barely even counts as an invasion.


Idk mate, they literally keep those Azov guys around



Americans in some middle eastern country used to pain huge "V"s on the side of their trucks and shit. It's to differentiate them from enemy trucks.


>PUTIN TO UKRAINIANS: “Do not let Bandera and neo-Nazis use your children, wives and old people as human shields. Take power into your own hands, it looks like it will be easier for us to come to an agreement.”


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>However, the guy using her image is not good. He is very bad.
Fuck you, Es Lebe Der DDR Unser Sozialistiches Vaterland


What did I miss in the last 9 hours?


Putler is a deranged madman


the entire war practically


Kiev falls tommorow


Hello ukrainian, how does it feel to shoot other ukrainians?


that anon means the person wearing a shirt with her face on it, who works for the atlantic council and vouches for neo-nazis in ukraine >>523003


More bombings of Ukrainian cities, Ukraine started Moscow 1941-style militia


>cat carrier on ground
these people were just trying to get to somewhere safe, it's just sad



I'm Russian


Remember when all the Russian imperialist shills on this site were saying this would never happen and it was all CIA propaganda?

Reminder that online schizo-posting Marxist-Leninists are utter morons and their geopolitical analysis is literally ALWAYS wrong.



Пошёл нахуй, нацистская шлюха


Can you substantiate the claim that Putin is "deranged" and a "madman," he seems to be more sane than the clown running Ukraine


Geopolitics is complex, who knew


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fuck off anglo your time is over the eurasian century starts now


Russians will soon have Kiev encircled. Fighting in Kiev suburbs. NATO leaving Ukraine on seen re: emergency NATO membership. U.S. expects Kiev to fall in 96 hours.


The Economist is truly the best liberal publication in existence. It's basically the bourgeoisie's independent magazine mouthpiece, particularly the western bourgeoisie.


sorry we failed to predict that Putin would be this based


I just can't.. how can you try to emulate fucking Hitler in his last days of all people, and still fail spectacularly at it?! this is bizarre..


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Death is always awful and war is a tragedy. This soldier could have had a long life had he not listened to his imperialist masters and been a running dog for Russian revanchism.

Death to Putin.


>Remember when all the Russian imperialist shills on this site were saying this would never happen and it was all CIA propaganda?
Ukraine started it you faggot.


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Up yours retard




It's over, ukrops are already marching on Moscow.




Smelling extremely liberal in here.


Ukies are just waiting for Steiner's counterattack


Okay and ? You obviously think the Ukrainian government is angelic and fair.
Wake up. They are not.
Both sides are bad (NATO/America and Russia). Plans within plans. Look closer.


it's just American hours


So… Zelenskiy created Narodnoe Opolcheniye. Things are desperate for Ukraine.


NATO is entering Western Ukraine


Russia is not conquering ukraine tho.
Russia is just destroying outdated military equipment sent by americans and europeans to ukraine for that sole purpose (i.e. to destroy it for free).
And russia is doing it because the separatists asked them to help them in the war of liberation against the occupied territories of donetsk and lugansk.
No le ebin freedom war for you, sorry.


No one thought full invasion would happen, including Russian thinktankers, because invading past the Donbas doesn't seem to get Russia anything



What happened on 16th of February?


>B-b-b-bro, they're not c-c-conquering Ukraine, what do you mean they're zerg rushing from every direction and heading straight to Kyiv to depose the Ukrainian government?

God you are such a moron that even entertaining the level of delusion of grandeur you have is an assault on my soul (you clearly don't have one because you're an imperialist boot licker).

Putin is going straight to hell. He'll meet George Bush there when both die. Get a grip.


Are you Vietnamese by any chance ?


I agree that dying for THIS war is lame, which is why I hope no civilians get involved in this crap. I don't care for the Ukrainian military because of the Nazis in it, a good Nazi is a dead Nazi but besides that for the non-Nazi Ukrainian military they should just stop and surrender, this fight really isn't worth dying over, especially civilians.


Can you go back to reddit?


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>Remember when all the Russian imperialist shills on this site were saying this would never happen and it was all CIA propaganda?
Some of these idiots still think that Russia hasn't invaded yet and all this shit is just "peace keeping".


Up yours. Fuck the neoliberal order.


And here's your 0.01 US cents for your contribution to demoralize a nation that formally is not even the aggressor.


So WHY is Putin invading again? What's the consensus analysis?


>putting ukraine back under russian influence doenst gain anything for russia
like anon said, your analysis was ass and only rested upon "russia and putin good bc they are against usa and usa bad"


Are you-Are you saying that Marx failed to predict this?


>he doesn't have the Capital Deluxe Edition that lists every event of the 20th-25th centuries


Reminder that all of this was Nato's doing.


We are still searching for material explanation, there surely must be one.


24 hours of war - protracted war



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It seems there are a bunch of moronic western "useful idiots" on here who still somehow think its not a full invasion even though it is.

I get a lot of dumb faggots have to save face on this because for weeks they screeched about how this is just like WMD's and 2003, its all manufacturing consent, only for this to happen and for them to realize its the other way around; it was Russia manufacturing consent and they've been duped by a right wing imperialist oligarchy.

Really, its pathetic. You people are pathetic. Russia has the blood of innocent children on its hands. Death to Moscow. The CORRECT position for Russian Marxists in this scenario is REVOLUTIONARY DEFEATISM. They must wish to lose this imperialist war and hope that this loss inspires malcontent in the Russian public to inspire a deposition of the Putinist right-wing oligarchy.


Because read Lenin's imperialism book for more information.
But the closer reason is because (my opinion):
1) Russian Tsar no likely NATO putting missles in his backyard
2) Ukrainian government no likey Donbass et al. region and want to do ethnic cleansing or some shit
3) Ukraine cut off some water supply or dam to Crimea costing unimaginably high money each year


Liberals truly are sad.


the 'analysis,' which wasn't only mine, was that Putin isn't a bush tier idiot and was only showing off. nice posturing though


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Keep Ukraine out of NATO, force them to only trade weaponry with Russians. Gotta justify that over-inflated military budget somehow.

And give the rest of their respective oblasts to the separatist republics. It's Military-Industrial Complex with Ethno-Nationalist Characteristics


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>The CORRECT position for Russian Marxists in this scenario is REVOLUTIONARY DEFEATISM.
Plot twist outcome: Putin loses the war and patsocs seethe and libs cheer, and there's a revolution in Russia, but communists come to power and BTFOs everyone and leftypol scores a touchdown.


RT: Putin calls on Ukraine military to coup the "drug addicts and nazis" currently running kiev government because it's impossible to negotiate with them and he wants to negotiate with the military.


>The real communist position is to let Nato encircle russia, and let Ukranian nazis exterminate russian minorities



russia isn't the one gangpressing civilians and enlisting children only for them to be shot by other conscripts


Ah yes, defending glorious country from evil Poles conducting ethnic cleansing on Germans and even attacking a radio station.


Dengist on sucide watch


Haz and Caleb on suicide watch


this will send leftypol brains into a frenzy


Not enough time has passed to actually do a materialist explanation. Even though Marx did write for a paper he wouldn't do a proper thorough look through until months or years after the fact. 18th Brumaire and the Paris Commune were written after it had settled. The dust most certainly has not settled.


But he didn't have to invade to do all of that. The tensions in the Donbas and increasing European dependence to Russian gas seemed to be enough to destabilize NATO expansion. Isn't it?


wait what
i thought china is good


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Because Putin is an anti-socialist Russian nationalist-revanchist; listen to his speech before the invasion, he thinks Lenin was a mistake and a blunderer, that giving national independence to the SSR's was a mistake, that the death of the Russian Empire was a mistake.

He wants Russia to be a large empire again; he wants to reclaim "rightful" Russian clay in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, the Baltics.

On top of that, Russia has historically needed a warm water port to conduct trade and naval operations, Crimea was the best option for that, but the problem was there was no overland route to the Crimean Peninsula without taking more land or all of Ukraine.

Russia is invading for economic and nationalistic reasons (imperialism). Only, Putin, in his infinite nationalistic stupidity, has only galvanized and legitimized NATO in the eyes of the world with his actions. He has caused even CHINA to impose sanctions on him, possibly killing the potentiality of a future Chinese-Russian pact.

He has completely screwed himself in his imperialistic stupidity.


Okay it might be ogre now.


>brooo they are clearly going for the capital, trust me.
>broooo look, they reached lviv
>lviv is right on the other side of russian border with ukraine, but who cares, cuz they are going for kyiv
>oooooh brooooo its the second day and russia didnt reach kyiv yet, bbbbut wait for it, cuz they are coming, any seconds now, i swear it!!! Look at this ukrainian tank investing a ukrainian car!!! >>522998




>The defense line of Kherson was broken through by Russians - local authorities


>depose the Ukrainian government
and that's a good thing


> The tensions in the Donbas
They were decreasing since 2016, each year had 33-50% decline in casualties.


Well Putin is an imperialist and flirts with the far right (far less than the Ukraine side, btw word play is accidental).


I can't fucking wait for what Maupin and Haz say. This is gonna be so much fucking fun.


it's self defence


China is just being opportunistic here. Russia isn't their friend. They are happy for both the US and Russia to lose.


What is revanchist?



>Ukrainian troops literally shot themselves and used child soldiers
<It's Rusia's fault


lol they probably say its just nothing


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> This may be my curated feed but I don’t see anyone I follow on weibo happy about what’s happened. Even pro-Russians are cutting down on the bombast
> Quite a number of people criticizing the war. Someone cheekily said “what happened to the Marxist Leninist protection of smaller nations?”


Reclaiming lost territory


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I never supported the invasion of Ukraine and I consider it an imperialist, interventionist action by the Russian oligarchs. At the same time, I blame NATO imperialism for causing this, and can only hope the outcome can stabilize this. I also support China and this is the right move and will not bother me at all.


China has always denounced imperialism and this kind of military interventionism. This isn't new.


I really do believe american news on chinese matters. Also, what the fuck does it have to do with what i wrote?


At the speed things were escalating, soon Ukraine would have been able to defend itself and make any Russian demands irrelevant


>genuinely denounces imperialism
That's a principal contradiction pal.


Keeping UA out of NATO - everyone understood why they would want that, and there were multiple ways to achieve that.

Full demilitarization of Ukraine? I have no idea why, other than Putler is the mustache-twirling villain that the West makes him out to be (and an idiot.) Strategically, it just doesn't matter as long as they aren't in NATO.


> Putin declared Ukrainian government terrorist because it "forces Russia to bomb apartments"


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<Removing Russia from SWIFT

what's your opinions on this, taking into account the inevitable crisis it will cause for the more Russia-dependent EU countries, the advancement of de-dollarization/Asian economic integration (picrel) etc.. Iran was already the victim of this "mother of all sanctions" thing but the situation with Russia seems very different and the possible consequences of any outcome here are very interesting..

as socialists / anti-imperialists what's your stance on Swift and the possibility of measures related to it ?


can you post a map of chinese military bases across the globe


No fucking way, it's gonna kill European country.


Great analysis. I too see it that way. I do not agree or support this invasion BUT it was NATOs fault for goading Russia into doing this, it was part of the plan and Russia played into it.


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Tell that to their invasion of Vietnam under the behest of fucking Jimmy Carter.


Then why did everyone make a big fuss over Putin recognizing the DPR and LPR?

>soon Ukraine would have been able to defend itself and make any Russian demands irrelevant


This is what I've been saying.


I want them to do it, to dedollarize the world and create the petroyuan


Can you read Enver Hoxha's Imperialism and the Revolution and note how many revolutions China had supported since 1976 and how many wars China had waged with its neighbors ?


>Yuan-denominated letters of credit are still available.

More like they are trying to circumvent sanctions by US by removing dollar involvement.

Petroyuan in the future?


Actions speak louder then words


> Then why did everyone make a big fuss over Putin recognizing the DPR and LPR?
Because their claimed territory is different from their actual territory, and they urged Putin to help them capture the former.



A revanchist is a type of hyper-nationalist that wants to reclaim land they think rightfully belongs to their nation, more often than not falsely.

Hitler, for instance, was a revanchist because he wanted to reclaim the land Germany lost in WW1 but also wanted to expand past that into what he saw as historical "germanic lands"


According to the Kherson Regional State Administration, Russian forces have broken through and the defenses of the city have fallen.


Where the hell did you come from? And China's not doing that shit anymore.


I think this is a further off shot of the Strela running over the car. Of course the Russians are getting blamed for it.


Why doesn't US supports anti-terrorist operation against these cunning Pales… Ukrainians?


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I don't want to bully you my friend, but this seems like idealistic analysis. He believes this, he believes that, etc. But I am inclined to agree nationalism and pan-Slavism might play a part. I get that they needed a warm water port but is an invasion and international scrutiny really that worth it? What about all that hype about NS II and Belt and Road, BRICS style cooperation with China?




>another ukrainian tank going over a civilian car…
The fuck are they trying to accomplish??


Is this just to save face and do deals underhand?


>Russia is invading for economic and nationalistic reasons (imperialism). Only, Putin, in his infinite nationalistic stupidity, has only galvanized and legitimized NATO in the eyes of the world with his actions.

Yes but it was NATO that forced Russia's hand. Otherwise they'd been happy to posture around the border and remind Ukranoids that joining NATO is not acceptable.

But hey, say that Venezuela, Cuba and Mexico start saying they intend to join the CIS (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commonwealth_of_Independent_States) and want to deploy Russian missile defenses along becoming a general military base for the encirclement and containment of the US… Not only this wouldn't be allowed to happen, if any of those countries tried their luck, especially Cuba, they'd be turned into a smoking ruin by the US army.

And none of those countries have been couped by Russia and replaced by puppet governments, unlike Ukraine, so at least you could make the argument that they speak for themselves, again unlike the Ukranian government.


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This isn't an idealistic analysis. This is literally what Putin said in his speech before the invasion. Obviously he didn't phrase it like I did, but these are all things he said;

> Russian Empire good, USSR bad

> Ukraine isn't a real country and belongs to Russia
> Giving independence to ethnicities under the Russian Empire in USSR times was a mistake
> We must reclaim these countries

And the warm water port thing is a well know fact of Russian geopolitics.


>Tell that to their invasion of Vietnam under the behest of fucking Jimmy Carter.

when did that happen? was this before or after the american invasion


Russian tank with anime sticker spotted.


Are they trying to make Russia shift to trading in Yuan instead of Dollars? Because from the last part, they are keeping Yuan lines of credit open


livestream feeds of kyiv

the mad lads


All they need to do now is coup Putin and actually establish USSR 2.0


Proof that those are not russian tanks


It's fascinating seeing the way misinformation completely alters public perception in real time - it seems like most of the average westerners genuinely believe Ukraine is winning the war at the moment




Пыня совсем поехал а ну ка быстро переобуваетесь пидоры пока время есть


Putin is no comrade i was flooded i hate myself now


>Russian military invades Ukraine and annexes
>turns against Putin, unites proles of Ukraine and Russia and Belarus
>USSR 2 established


Soviet Union leading the way!!!


>And the warm water port thing is a well know fact of Russian geopolitics.

I know, I know. But what I mean is, is an invasion and international scrutiny really worth it? I mean strategically? Or do we just not know enough?


Eternally online "leftists"


Hey, don't beat yourself up too bad. Everyone can get duped and propagandized. It happens to the best of us.

Just know that now the best position for Marxists, especially Russian Marxists to take, is revolutionary defeatism; to hope Putin loses and his right wing capitalist oligarchy crumbles under his feet via a popular uprising of Russian people.



So can we all agree that we have actually finally entered the multipolar era?




more like bipolar era lmao


Seethe Maupin seethe!


Interesting you should mention Euromaidan
since you have pretended it didn't happen until now




Not what imperialism means, and the sanctions might be China soft piloting a transition to the Yuan in its trade deals with other countries


Not quite yet. The EU still has to shake itself off from the burgers. China still isn't strong enough. After that, we'll enter REAL multipolarity.


Well, like Putin said a few weeks back before the invasion; Russia has nowhere else to go. In Putin's mind, either Russia becomes the global superpower or its nothing. So under that kind of logic, the gamble was worth it in his mind; only its backfired immensely on him and now even China is sanctioning him.





>mention China
>guaranteed replies


as long as Russia doesn't lose and doesn't become large DPRK without the socialism because of sanctions
the bpd era


>Idealism and parables
You don’t remember the Euromaidown, do you?


Based and objectively correct take


Interesting that you don't argue against any of my points because you know they're true and you're just a simp for a right wing imperialist oligarchy.


>they don’t do it anymore
<literally right in their historic 1116 resolution mentioning “national rejuvenation” and the “century of humiliation” as the new buzzwords more than a doze times
How can you be able to support these red imperialists without even reading their texts? Fucking larper Americans.


>China announces sanctions on Russia
>Me and a couple anons take the piss out of Dengists, Haz and Caleb Maupin
<Whine that people are doing so


How is this feasible in a nuclear state? Any modern russian revolution would devolve into banditry


Fucking wild card.


so, does this mean they are gonna join russia?


the Japanese propaganda is so strong, when Hong Cuckers thought of another big bad empire they used the Nazis instead of Imperial Japan that actually attacked HK


this is an endorsement for them


Based, based, BASED!


Are you Vietnamese ? I see you have Vietnamese flag ? What do you think about the current Vietnamese government ?


None of what I said is idealism you utter moron, and that word doesn't mean what you think it means; yes, I remember Euromaiden. Remember Cuban 1959 revolution? Euromaiden gave Russia no more right to invade Ukraine than Cuban Revolution gave the U.S to invade Cuba.


I don't argue against any of your points cause I am not a debatebro
and don't believe you are worth the time


>Don't let history repeat
rich coming from the country that continues to deny their own atrocities during World War 2


the eternal dengist..


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>Fucking wild card.

More like diplomatic Chads. Xi-sama, I kneel.


>i'm stupid and know I'm wrong

thanks, I already said that. Have fun being wrong.


Basically China but with less cult of personality same economic system.


Has anyone made a Japanese version of the China Tiananmen copypasta?


>Red imperialists
Opinion discarded


>you are stupid if you dont debate me
Nta, but you should definitely kys


Question; is there any will within communist party in Vietnam to adopt cyber-socialism and other proposals for a planned economy rather than just remaining a market economy?


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China does more socialism in a day than everyone does in a year.

Cope and seethe.


Он буквально призвал создать хунту в Киеве, какой же пизданутый.


you first, russian imperialist


May I ask have you ever read Enver Hoxha ? Just curious.


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might even be a preemptive move if they expect more sanctions from the West
cope, we love china!


Feels like a last resort to me and I honestly doubt porky ever allows it


I wanted to make one for South Korea since they have a lot of fucked shit in their short history


Interesting thread about Anglos in Ukraine


>Comparing a national liberation movement that allied with the communists to a far-right Nazi color revolution
What do “rights” have to do with anything?






Oh my god I can't stop laughing at the amount of utopian socialism in this post.


>Be US Ukranian resistance instructor
>Giant rectangle in the middle with the instructor surrounded by a giant lattice of attendees webcams.
>"Alright , everyone's here, first I'd like to thank you for…"
>Half the attendees are in some state of undress
>Half the atendees are exhibiting some form of fascist insignia, paraphenalia or body mark.
>Several people are clearly masturbating
>Switch to the instructor tele conference
>Instructors are openly flirting with the ukranian officers which in turn invite lesser ranks to "meet" them on their behalf
>At least one has an entire office of gawkers watching the sad spectacle


so party billionaires are socialism?


Putin. How dare he


Recognition of breakaway states is diplomatically a very big deal, and people didn't know what was coming in the next couple days to completely overshadow it.


Fucking based. Russocucks seething right now.




you mean just socialism which is utopian to you since you are not a socialist?


We're still taking Ukraine, NATO-cuck


>Being this illiterate
Two words “scientific socialism”


I condemned Putler for my daily praxis. Nevertheless, he persisted


brit sex pat alt righters like that bald and bankrupt guy


the sanctiorinos, they are not working!


>some paper in japan posts boomer meme.
it's ogre for putin.


Look pal, restoration of socialism won't happen by someone calling people to build "cyber socialism" by having a supercomputer planning everything. No, it can only happen via class struggle and revolution. Face facts.


i remember when scientific socialists advocated for rationally planned economies… you know… one of THE pillars of socialism


There’s three kind of people: Bolshevik romantics, socdem pragmatists, and red liberals in the party. Bringing back planned economy is not popular but stuff like bringing free healthcare and education are very mainstream.
Nah, he supported the Khmer Rouge and was a retard. I’m a classical revisionist Khrushchevite.


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Thank you leftypol thank you. You are all so kind. Yes my diplomatic genius will usher us into socialism in a few decades, but the real heroes… are you leftypol.


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Good. We'll just use Gucci branded ropes to hang the capitalists instead of generic brand ones.


Enver Hoxha supported Khmer Rouge ? Where did you get that information ?


>nooooo its not actually imperialism nooooo




Has anyone noticed there has been less combat footage of this war when compared to others (like say, Nagorno-Karabakh)? Am i wrong or is the OPSEC on both sides that good?
This came to my mind as i was trying to imagine what these battle looked like, but could only think of the aftermath footage i've seen.


They did say Vietnam so..unless you mean Vietnam needs another revolution


China what?


>Zelenski says that ukrainians dead by russian military are "heroes".
How the fuck people dying for nothing in a very retarded way makes them "heroes"? I'm started to think that he meant it the "an hero" way.


No problem. Kim thanked us in a similar manner years ago. Always got your back bro.


There is no combat, Ukranians are either running or surrendering


Yes, yes it does.


There is less direct contact


Fair enough


Hitler also expected every German to die before surrendering, Nazis are psychos


The Hostomel airport footage is going to be interesting as fuck.


New Texas just dropped.


>invade Ukraine
>get sanctioned by everyone, and I mean, literally EVERYONE

Russia is on their own now, aren't they?


this nibba Zelensky was really like "Civilians here's some guns, now go save me from the RAF"


Cuba was sanctioned too! It's called anti-imperialism!


always has been


Impromptu barricades in Kiev


Regardless of your opinion about Putin I have respect for the guy for the way he just ignores the sanctions, Russia will be sanctioned back to the stone age and he doesn't give a fuck, not even a word, that's based as fuck actually.

This is what every country should be doing, ignoring faggy sanctions.


>The eternal burgerbrain


capitalist gigaDPRK now


Sigma Putin


calling someone a hero is a very cheap way to say "thank you for dying lmao"


Went over the Infamy limit innit.


In the first vid there is no Z on any of the vehicles. It's a friendly fire incident.


Yeah, that's what government should do, bring it's people to misery




It’s less of a war and more of a curb stomp. The Ukrainian army and navy were completely crippled a few hours in by rocket barrages.


But they always had China. Now they don't.


Look at those trash barricades…eh? Amirite?


What are you talking about? No one would make anything so unqualifiedlunprescriptive, with Engels in Socialism Utopian and Scientific even describing how SOEs presented a viable pathway to socialism. The state in China, moreover, does own the commanding heights of the economy (infrastructure, energy, military, etc.), although do stand to collectivizing more and more of the other companies and consistently writes policy for social development in quality of life


How did Enver Hoxha support the Khmer Rouge though?


Sanctions are retarded. They don't work. They only hurt the citizens, prevent them from building a secure economic base on which any regime change would ultimately depend. Yet they are still considered "non-agressive" and "peaceful" way of resolving conflict. 100% the nation with more sanctions against it is the anti-imperialist force in any conflict.


Yeah tbf, cant trust Bloomberg for financial news.


Pls be Chechens vs Nazis in Mariupol


China just wants the precious resurces from Siberia no matter how it looks afterwards. I rly dont get China stans - its like socialism without the proletariat or internationalism.


>evaluating politicians by an artificial appearence of strength
god I hate people


Seems like that is the case.


>Sanctions are retarded. They don't work
How? Doesn't it make it harder for bourgie classes to make trade and business?


>Actual planning toward socializing the means of production
Laughs hysterically in German, Russian, Albanian and Vienamese.


The funny thing is, literally no one has told me what alternative Putler had. I hear a lot of screeching about him but very little talk about what could be done differently.
It was really either invade or let things escalate on the border until there were NATO missiles aimed at Moscow.


Not really. Russia and China relations only started warming in recent years and they are by far not best buds like idiots here like to pretend. They have their own agendas and they are in some way competing against each other in Eurasia.


In all realness I don't think this is a pure detachment from Russia, I think China is just making gestures to western softie libs and also telling Russia: chill out guys, there's a better way to do this.


Sanctions are literally imperialism, what has Cuba ever done to be sanctioned? and Venezuela?

The fact that even a sanctioned Russia survives should be motivation enough for every pariah country to just say "fuck it" and keep going even when sanctioned.




All of you are wrong, here's the correct take

>The only reason this is happening is because the USSR was illegally dissolved against the will of it's people. The CPSU is the legitimate government of both the illegally occupied Ukranian SSR and the illegally occupied Russian SFSR. It was never defeated in a free or fair election, but was overthrown in a CIA and IMF backed bandit coup.

>Putin represents those same bandits who destroyed the greatest workers' state that has ever existed, immiserated it's people, looted their society and cast them into darkness and warfare where previously there was peace and prosperity. Soviet brothers are now forced to kill each other when they once lived in harmony. This does not, of course, mean that we should side with the IMF backed Ukranian fascists and liberals, as they represent nothing more than another faction of bandits.

>What we should support, instead, is the withdrawl of BOTH illegal occupation forces and a return of the country to it's legitimate government, which is the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.


idk, he coulda just given up on controlling the ukraine?


Why did the Ukrainians get crushed so easily? What was the state of their military? Don't they receive at least some form of Western funding?



extremely based dissolution denier


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Russian military is still far superior and Western support was honestly a joke


The Vietnamese run a similar economic model to China’s


More men, more material, more preparation from the Russian side.


>he Ukrainians get crushed so easily? What was the state of their military? Don't they receive at least some form of Western funding?

I was referring to the time they were in conflict.


REMEMBER. This is a thread about UKRAINE, not CHINA. Keep it to /PRC/ or make a thread about it.


I think it was never about arming Ukraine to have a good standing military, but to plant the seeds for a nazi/ultranationalist insurgency.


Which means the escalation of possible nuclear conflict, like I said. That’s what NATO means


Soviet Era planes that were not maintained, 0 navy after Russia took it in 2014 (almost nothing anyways), and it seems like they didn't mobilize the planes after Putin declared war

Western support is like, javelins


My bad it was Romania. Hoxha made the same mistake as Stalin, having all his successors be traitors.


There is nothing that be done with the NY Fed says it's not processing dollar transactions w/ Russia. You can't avoid dollar sanctions when the US is enforcing them because the US is the one who decides if anything can be traded in dollars.

This is just, unironically, anti-Russia propaganda.


fuck em tho



Look at a map, Ukraine is flat as fuck and the border with Russia and Belarus is so wide. There isn't a coherent front line right now, but if it went protracted and the axes of advances connected it would be WWII Eastern Front-tier in terms of length.


They didn’t get “crushed”, they mostly surrendered or fled and I’m glad. Why would these conscripts want to fight for their corrupt, dysfunctional government?


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Where's the /leftypol/ reaction screenshot at? We've got days worth of conent.


Why do some retards here unironically believe Putin will restart the Soviet Union?


No one does. Learn to take a joke.


The alternative was supposed to be a limited conflict in Donbas, smaller but it would never have ended but much more justifiable diplomatically


war is bad for business (aka porky)


And Vietnamese peasants still got their lands seized to build golf course and hotels.


>expecting dengists to refrain from shitting up the board at every opportunity


What's your point?


Pretty sure it was because they were just not prepared for it, considering that not only did Zelensky himself say that Russia wasn't planning to invade, but didn't even introduce some form of conscription until the invasion


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Yesterday national TV was saying Putin was trying to restore the USSR and now this.



Under the barrel of a gun pointed by the US and China. Fun fact, they spent tens of millions funding anti-communist contras to infiltrate Vietnam and Laos in the 80s. That’s why all of them uses Chinese AKMs and using counterfeit money printed in Hainan.


Its two state banks dropping the US dollar but keeping yuan credit lines open, yall are blowing this way out of proportion


China is not going to be opportunistic. In fact "opportunism" is a dirty word in China, whose history is marked with terrible mistakes made by "left-wing opportunism" and "right-wing opportunism".

China will remain neutral on Russia, almost certainly. It will comply with dollar sanctions when it has to. It will not engage in a voluntary sanctions regimes.





Because the people did not like to fight for far right ethnic cleansers.


China cannot say "no" to US dollar sanctions. Just not how it works.


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Large Ukrainian convoy wiped out by Russians near Kherson. 50+ vehicles.


Nooooooo but my vehicular death traps!!!


Germany, Italy, Hungary and Chipre are against sanctions. I guess they don't want to freeze this winter.


Genius Ukrops put the cabins in the middle. We'll get to watch a Russian Strela take out two trucks at the same time rather than the traditional Ukrainian Strela taking out a refugee.


Perhaps, but even so, Ukraine not being properly prepared for an invasion didn't help


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Which is why I think that it’s a soft pivot towards currency agreements using the Yuan


You gotta suck that American moolah to become a superpower baby !


Based Xi turns on the Vlasovite reactionaries and their inter-capitalist wars

long live the CPC


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>leftypol is telling me the ukrops got rekt and the war is over any moment now
>various chats im in tell me russia lost 2000+ soldiers and gorillions of tanks and is getting pushed back
>everyone is reposting videos from conflicts that happened 10 fucking years ago and is pretending its the ukraine war
>the "best" source of info is random accounts on telegram

i feel like i'm getting schizophrenia in real time fucking help


He could have recognized Donbass and stationed troops there. I really don't see how this could end without seriously strengthening pro-NATO forces in other non-aligned countries and ultranationalists in Ukraine. I also don't see why this was even necessary, given that there seems to be no indication that NATO was willing to accept Ukrainian membership anytime soon anyway. Now Russia has only further alienated the rest of the world, is under more sanctions, and has alienated their most important ally (China). And what have they gained? At best they might keep Ukraine out of NATO, but I don't really see how that will happen without Russia occupying the country. It's not as if anybody is going to recognize a treaty signed at gunpoint to be legally binding, there would be nothing stopping Ukraine from joining anyway.


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mfw my imperialist power sends me to die fighting another imperialist power
also this >>523416


Let's wait on a statement by Chinese officials on these "sanctions" before we make such speculation. This is why I said I think, I'm speculating, and so are you.


>ever trusting dengists
warned you bro


"Won't use US dollars" is not leveling sanctions. It's up to the US alone if you can use US dollars or not. In other words, literally fake news.


This is a very weird move, I'm 100% certain that Putin told Xi that this was gonna happen and Xi was just like "Do whatever you like lmao good luck".


use your brain. Its Russia vs Ukraine which was looted for Bidens crackhead son the last 10 years.


Don’t more people just die fighting over Donbass forever?
It just makes way more sense to takeover the region and get it over with.
Otherwise, diplomatically you have the same problem repeating itself for years. I think this just tears the bandaid off.


how dare they now want to impoverish their own citizens to own putler!


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It's not speculation. Biden issued these sanctions. The only way for major Russian banks and SOEs to use US dollars now is to hand them to each other in briefcases. Any dollar transaction, anywhere, has to be cleared by the US. US says it won't clear them. No country can use US dollars, even if they would like to. That is precisely how the sanction works.


Yup, I've recognized a bunch of videos from the early fucking 2000s so far lol.


no i know why its happening, but the amount of disinfo and glow about how its actually going is absolutely off the charts, what the fuck is even real?


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Ukrainian intelligence (SBU) building on fire in Chernigov.


>all those abandoned vehicles
they saw the carnage and just ran


Russia is already in Kiev. Nobody even denies it. This is over soon, Biden said 96h


Fuck I hate the "I'm sorry for being X" people.
I hope the russian military gives him the bullet.


welcome to the propaganda war, read everything with a grain of salt.


nope, the second video shows more sad scenes. This was a massacre, I say that without any happiness.


Someone compared the Ukraine posting to Baghdad Bob and that's an excellent comparison. Ukraine defenses are falling, but Bob says the Russians are being pushed back and defeated everywhere.


Liberalism is baying for the blood of Russians then stopping to do a photo op to appear cuddly.


>said 96h

96 hours what?


>Biden said 96h
link me so i can own the libs



fall of Kiev



The West has no "oligarchs" - only entrepreneurs, investors and large private philanthropists. By contrast, China and Russia are filled with oligarchs… Curious!


>free healthcare and education are very mainstream

Wait, healthcare and education aren't free in Vietnam? I knew they weren't in China but damn I thought they were in Vietnam.

Why does it seem like every socialist state except Cuba is socialist in name only.




>He could have recognized Donbass and stationed troops there
he did though
>I really don't see how this could end without seriously strengthening pro-NATO forces in other non-aligned countries and ultranationalists in Ukraine
who cares? the batlic countries rushed to join nato after Crimea, Putin doesn't seem to care.
>Now Russia has only further alienated the rest of the world, is under more sanctions, and has alienated their most important ally (China).
Russia new sanctions were coming and decided it was worth it.
Kicking them out of SWIFT would be worse and nato didn't even go that far so like all sanctions they'll go away when people forget.
also its doubtful what the Chinese response actually is right now
>And what have they gained?
most of Ukraine obviously lol
>At best they might keep Ukraine out of NATO, but I don't really see how that will happen without Russia occupying the country
he could just take control of Ukraine and import Russians like the USSR did.


They're called robber barons and techno-feudalists in the west moron.



(article from 2018)

Vladimir Danilov, head of the Central Bank of Russia's representative office in China, said recently that a number of entrepreneurs engaged in trade between Russia and China have complained to him that some Chinese banks have started refusing to provide financial services to Russian clients. The reason for this is the sanctions currently imposed on Russia by the United States and the European Union.

Most of the banks that refuse to provide services to Russian clients are Chinese commercial banks. When Russian customers (who are also users of Russian banks) need payment services from banks, these commercial banks often refuse to provide them on the grounds that sanctions are being imposed on Russia by the United States and the European Union.

Sanctions have had an impact on the lives of Russian citizens

In fact, the Russian clients of these Chinese commercial banks are not connected with the sanctions, and all financial restrictions are imposed only on those organizations or individuals who are on the US and European sanctions lists. The Russian side believes that the overreaction of some Chinese financial institutions stems mainly from the fact that Russia did not provide a detailed interpretation of the U.S.-European sanctions to third countries.

To solve this problem, Vladimir Danilov suggested that explanations to Chinese commercial banks should be intensified so that Chinese financial institutions understand the actual content of the current sanctions imposed by the U.S. and Europe against Russia.

In recent years, with the support of both governments, Russian-Chinese exchanges and cooperation in the financial sphere have gained steady development. A number of Chinese banks have opened branches in Russia, and China's Alipay has become one of the recognized payment systems in Russia. The Central Bank of Russia has also set up its first representative office abroad in Beijing, which fully demonstrates the importance it attaches to China.

In terms of feedback from the Russian financial community, Russians are now more appreciative of financial cooperation between Russia and China, which they see as meeting the current business needs of companies. Although the majority of Russian-Chinese trade transactions are still conducted in US dollars, the number of transactions in national currencies is gradually increasing.

Kostin suggested to increase cooperation with the Chinese side

Not long ago, Andrey Koskin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Russian Foreign Trade Bank, proposed four initiatives to abandon the US dollar and make a complete switch to the ruble or the yuan. After the proposal was made, it caused hot comments in Russian financial circles. Several high-ranking officials of the State Duma have expressed their support for the Kostin plan, but the Kremlin has not expressed its opinion so far.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Lmao Chinese banks already "sanctioned" (aka refused to provide services to) Russians back in 2018, they are proabably trying to save their own asses.

The CPC will probably continue to work with the Russian side more discretely.

>In other news


The hegemony of the dollar has forced many countries to use the dollar as a foreign exchange reserve, but the U.S. arbitrarily adjusts its monetary policy out of its own interests and harvests the fruits of world labor. This has caused other countries to lose trust in the U.S. government and to start boycotting the U.S. dollar, including China and Russia.

With the recent intensification of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, busy Russia has not forgotten to go to the U.S. dollar while dealing with border operations. on Feb. 25, Russian media reported that Gazprom Neft said that in China, Russian airlines will use RMB mutual settlement to refuel, making it the first Russian company in China to fully use RMB mutual settlement. At the end of this year, the company also intends to allow Chinese airlines to use ruble settlement for refueling at Russian airports.

This is a joint effort of Russia and China to move away from the US dollar, and it is hoped that this project will facilitate the joint economic development of the two countries, increase the volume of air traffic between the two countries, and increase the volume of trade between them. It is also a new development in the process of resisting the hegemony of the dollar in both countries.

In addition, according to RIA Novosti, on February 25, the EU will not sell any more aircraft and related equipment to Russia. This means that Russian airlines will have to buy aircraft and other related equipment from other countries for their import needs. If the U.S. takes the same measures, perhaps Russia will purchase aircraft and equipment from China as well.

And Russian authorities also said today that Russia will consider establishing new partnerships with Asian countries due to increasing Western trade restrictions on Russia. It seems that there may be a new chapter in the trade between China and Russia.


where exactly is the Z on this thing?


Isn't this just China dedollarizing but dressing it up as wholesome compliant sanctions?


What's funny is that this is a conflict between two states, not it's people. And not only that but Ukrainians and Russians are indistinguishable ethnically speaking as well as culture and language so this is a pointless photo op.


>Don’t more people just die fighting over Donbass forever?
Maybe but that's perfectly acceptable for these brutal nations. It doesn't 'violate muh territorial integrity' etc. Also it was pretty clear that Ukraine would continue to be at fault for not enacting Minsk


>Talking to libs
Leftypol and on the ground news are all you need


post-information age


That was a team kill.


Ukraine isn't a legitimate state though


Kind of ridiculous seeing videos showing clear friendly fire and like a hundred comments saying "THOSE WERE RUSSIANS WEARING UKRAINIAN UNIFORMS. THIS IS A WAR CRIME"


Okay Putinist


yeah its cope


seethe liberal


Can we confirm this is real?


Night falls on Kyiv.


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They're letting civilians drive tanks now?


This is why the very word "geopolitics" was smeared in the USSR


Of course it is. Look up New York Fed sanctions. US sanctions do not require cooperation of other countries to work! They work because other countries use USD.


I am pretty sure that Soviet union flag tank was from the East and had a Z too but maybe you know more than me. After "Russian war crime no 248247012" that turned out to be a twitter hoax I try to keep my eyes open.

This man should be punished, Russian or not


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>and just ran
Yeah there is going to be a lot more of that. The Ukranian nato puppets are bent on throwing as many bodies as possible into the carnage, just to please their transatlantic owners. Every Ukranian solider should just desert, there is literally no chance of them winning and their only role in this war is to feed their blood into the US's foreign policy PR fund.

Ukrainian males aged 18-60 are banned from leaving the country, Zelensky says in new declaration

>Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has ordered a general military mobilization.

>In a declaration signed late Thursday, Zelensky said that "in order to ensure the defense of the state, maintaining combat and mobilization readiness of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations," a broad-based mobilization was ordered, including in the capital, Kyiv and all Ukraine's major cities.

>"Mobilization shall be carried out within 90 days from the date of entry into force of this Decree," the announcement said.

>The mobilization also instructed "the Security Service of Ukraine to take counterintelligence measures during the general mobilization."
<It ordered the "conscription of conscripts, reservists for military service, their delivery to military units and institutions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine" and other state security services.

<At the same time, Ukraine has banned all-male citizens 18-60 years old from leaving the country, according to the State Border Guard Service.

He's literally just seeking to increase the casualties now. The more Ukranians that die, the better it will look for daddy Wshington.


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mfw china does more against russian imperialist aggression than the Euro-fags


That says more about western media though


File: 1645805151276.mp4 (10.28 MB, 624x1280, 83387539052625584.MP4)

Footage from the heavy fighting in Melitopol earlier today. Russians firing on Ukrainian position supposedly. Russians now in control of Melitopol.


Yes I've read about this, the guy on the car is in very serious condition, might die.
On the other hand that driver was pretty based for driving that way thinking he was playing GTA.


thats the point


Honestly why are people driving around anywhere near tanks in the first place? Like they know this is a warzone right?


"russia does not have air superiority" -Pentagon


>And has alienated their most important ally (China).

WRONG zoomer.



They had Z V O groups which corresponds to the 3 spearheads likely for recognition in Russia's anticipated quick dash west. Videos showing later convoys I couldn't make out ID markings but these were often engineering or artilleries systems


>mobilisation will be carried out within 90 days

lol so it's pointless then


You’re trying to meme Russian imperialism into a reality and it just doesn’t apply here


dude the car dude is mush and the driver belongs to the hague. Its not gta its real people. how old are you?


> anytime soon anyway.
Kind of assuming a lot. The minute the country made its intentions of joining NATO was enough of a reason to be concerned. Ukraine already being a puppet state of the U.S. and the U.S. not actively opposing its membership lends credence to the likelihood being high given the track record. The result would have been the same, but would have taken longer to get there.


yep, the carnage I mentioned
This is what we mean when we say Ukraine is nationalist af. Zelly would have been deposed if he was less nationalist. They hated it when he tried to enact Minsk. Now it's fine to feed civilians guns instead of capitulate


Burning documents, it's over


boomer propaganda time
>Have health woes sent Putin mad? After rumours that he has cancer and Parkinson's disease, experts suggest a combination of Long Covid and pandemic isolation could have left him ever further detached from reality



maybe they are trying to leave the area?
maybe they are rushing someone who is injured to a hospital?
maybe they are out of weed and they try to meet up with their dealer?
many possible reasons, really



1979, It's was when the omminous picture of Deng with carter in the background was taken. They invade so that the US would normalize relations and help the khmer rouge in their genocide.


He said the guy was based, not that he was smart.


>1979, It's was when the omminous picture of Deng with carter in the background was taken.
What picture?


I wonder how many dumb ukrainian civilians thought "Yes it's finally time to kill some ruskies" only to be killed by the russian military in a very retarded way.
That kind of "civilian army" is /pol/'s wet dream.


this shit is going to be a fucking meatgrinder


I see thank you. If you have any sign whether that car-crushing vehicle us russian or ukrainian id thank you but Id underatand if nobody can say. what a useless murder


Communist billionaires and landlords


The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of great men emotional state


Stalingrad 2: ===UKRAINIAN BOOGALOO=


MSNBC was saying this last night too

>General sense from what the US is seeing is Russia is not moving as fast on Kyiv as expected.


File: 1645805423931.png (Spoiler Image, 314.28 KB, 378x517, Screen Shot 2022-02-25 at ….png)

can we start obnoxiously comparing everything to Dune? It's a much better written geopolitical saga and the sandworms are a nice touch.


They had plenty of time to leave before the tanks started shooting at each other

RIP to the car guy obviously but still


Middle East but with magic sand instead of oil. epic


whatever. I started out quite bloodthirsty too but now i srsly hope that Russia wins with as little casualties as humanly possible


At what point does Russia become imperialist? Is it when they seize your personal living space?


The tankist was either trying to prevent the car from escaping or he just did it for the lulz thinking that no one was watching.


File: 1645805501696.jpg (8.3 KB, 244x206, 1612444754579.jpg)

>you are a moron and no one loves you.


Because Ukraine isn't a dilapidated Iraq. It's almost like wars usually involve losses on both sides and plans going awry. Americans have no idea that's possible because they haven't fought a near-peer opponent since 1945.


>Cuckrainian uniforn
>No Z markings on vehicles
I doubt Russian special forces would stroll around in unarmoured vehicles
Looks like more Cuckrainian cope


>Russians now in control of Melitopol
seems more like a blitzkrieg than a meatgrinder but we shall see


Trump is Vladimir Harkonnen


Probably just didn't see it given how fast they were both moving. Visibility in tanks is not good.


Considering they’re forcibly conscripting people off buses, I’m not sure they have much choice.


that car driver was an absolute madman


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it semms like he was going out of his way to hit that car


>Kiev mayor says that civilians should hide and keep safe
>Zelensky says that civilians should die for nothing fighting against a superpower.

Things like this remind me that Zelensky is actually a literal fucking comedian.



>he could just take control of Ukraine and import Russians like the USSR did
The USSR didn't "import" Russians, they just moved there because it was part of a single country. What you're describing would be a form of colonialism.
>the batlic countries rushed to join nato after Crimea, Putin doesn't seem to care
Isn't the entire point of this to counter NATO encirclement of Russia? Even if he somehow successfully keeps Ukraine out in perpetuity, he's dramatically increased thr chances of countries like Finland and Sweden joining.
>Russia new sanctions were coming and decided it was worth it.
I really fail to see how.
>most of Ukraine obviously lol
And what is he going to do with it? He's already said that he won't occupy it. The Donbass Republics will probably gain some territory, but the vast majority of the country will remain under the control of Kiev, and it would he very difficult to maintain a pro-Russian government there without an occupation.


0 chance.


File: 1645805678796.gif (1023.81 KB, 500x268, IMG_3462.GIF)

He's doing the Hitler in the bunker sketch


life isnt always that easy. if it was really that obvious when and how to gte out, there wouldnt be any civilian casulties


File: 1645805686090.mp4 (10.14 MB, 464x848, 16457918574010.mp4)

You forget, this is a cartoon




>still alive


Wasn't that an Ukrainian vehicle?


yeah for real.


Just took a bath,
Is it over?


Literal tank-proof uygha.


>he thinks there was a war


He doesn't even look injured (though probably is at least a bit)


More wrecked Ukrainian equipment.




not yet


I think so since it lacks a Z but not all Russians have it either. IF somebody can tell for sure Id appreciate it


Vladimir Lenin wrote a book on this. It’s basically when financial monopoly capital dominates a country and it’s main export is money investment to other underdeveloped countries to be repaid with interest


nah since russia is so incompetent itll prob take them day to take kiev


>Every Ukranian solider should just desert, there is literally no chance of them winning and their only role in this war is to feed their blood into the US's foreign policy PR fund.
This 100%


with the music it's a mood


Did they get the grandma out?


Ukraine seems to be avoiding surrender by delaying Russians to group behind fortified positions, meaning Russia will have to bring in the literal big guns. Not good actually. That's really bad.


Moving heavy equipment around like that when you already lost air superiority is a death sentence


are people just going about their business during this shit?


>Corona-chan: You should like, totally invade Ukraine
<I don't know Coronaievna, securing Crimea and the Donbass might be enough
>C'mon, YOLO


sait it earlier on twitter and apparently they did


Now that you've finished your bath, it is.
Thank you anon.


Are chechens as orquish and violent as pol says?


Okay thats capitalist imperialism but isn't the only imperialism


These idiots refuse to give up
They say that because they're muslims, but they might hate Nazis more


I can't tell who exactly is in denial about Ukraine having lost air superiority. Their airforce is evidently gone. If they have any places left, they have no airfields.


No they are literally just normal human beeings like you and me (except if you are anglo)


no, since races are made up every homo sapiens has about the same natural ability for empathy


people have to go to work pay for rent and food and shit, even more so if they're poor, wars are always like this actually. Rich people already fled or bunked down.


Wagie wagie, no slackey during wartimee


Holy shit why are Ukrainians so bad at driving these things? I swear every single incident of someone driving like a fucking idiot is Ukrainian. This car crush was caused by the driver being distracted by another crash of a Ukrainian truck driver smashing into a random car and then getting lit up ( >>522998 )
Vid related these guys can't drive for shit
>On the other hand that driver was pretty based for driving that way thinking he was playing GTA.


the old thread is dying, and the new thread struggles to be born
now is the time of morons


Yeah. Typical for wartime.


Replace Chechen with blacks and you'll realize the retardation of your post.


Guys, I thought Putin was some 10D chess player, how can he do something this stupid? He is literally throwing it all away for a country with a lower gdp per capita than the Philippines and a likely decade long insurgency, not to ignore the shit hes getting from back home. And because of what? a few people were being shelled in the poorest shithole of the shithole known as ukraine? Because he thought that NATO would take ukraine after they refused to let them in several times?

Look I get that the Ukraine is strategically important for Russia, but there must have been a better way than this.


It's amazing how these people are just listening to music on spotify or whatever while sreaming that, almost like a tourist attraction.

Capitalism has even warped how people experience a war on the ground.


No but they're similar to Afghans in that their country has been in a perpetual state of conflict for at least 5 decades, so the populace is traumatized and completely desensitized to violence


Dafuq is that?


Uh sweaty obviously Putin is Harkonnen. They are both named Vladimir after all.


nah, this shit is pretty normal


I mean look I get that if the war goes on for weeks for months but it's only been like 1 day, if there's tanks driving around your area then cmon, tell the boss you'll come in tomorrow


The ethnicity? No. But there are some Chechens either in jihadist groups or in Kadyrov's security units who deserve the wall.


A dud rocket


fucking kek


>He is literally throwing it all away for a country with a lower gdp per capita than the Philippines and a likely decade long insurgency.
Putin gives zero fucks about anything now, he's the absolute madman. I wish Xi was like this regarding Taiwan.


what is that?

>He is literally throwing it all away
he aint. there wont be lasting repercussians for this aside from the economic downturn, but russias economy was already in the shitter, so who cares?


they are nice people but if you piss them off they don''t discuss with you and just kick your ass


> a few people were being shelled
The situation was improving with each year, there was a stable decline in casualties. Don't let this Putinist propaganda about "saving the people of Donbass" trick you.


Xi not being like this is why China is succeeding and Russia is a shithole


Is anyone reporting on this conscription? Not even Hasanabi has mentioned this garbage.


Does anybody have some info/sources on the Minsk agreements and why they were never able to be implemented?



unexploded missile


Putin literally seethes about the ussr, his hate boner for Stalin and Lenin knows no end and with that, the whole world will burn.



File: 1645806365876.mp4 (527.24 KB, 480x270, w0b0gUnuz8BSrIlQ.mp4)

>Russian tennis player Andrey Rublev writing "No war please" on the camera after his win in Dubai today.


Maybe desperation? It's going shit to shit in Russia every year and this is his last try to make himself look like someone great, instead of a desperate man.


>I choose to believe
Yeah, no. It’s the only definition that actually has some semblance of structure


Russians shooting entire family in a car and run over civilian with tank with him being alive stuck inside. And i can watch it live. How can anybody defend this mindless war?


Literally both of those were committed by Ukrainians


There were a lot of reasons. Ukrainian nationalists were too cocky to the point of throwing a grenade in the Ukrainian parliament during the Minsk process. LPR and DPR didn't organize elections (the crucial event in the Minsk roadmap) at the selected date so the Minsk couldn't move farther.


Liberal gestures are lame I swear.


So stunning, so brave #PrayforUkraine


Xi is the epitome of red pilled basedness.


>Rich liberal tennis player kid


Yes I come here to screech and moralize, not to shitpost, how can you tell?


It's inter imperialist rivalry gone violent. Putin's mental capabilities or moral standing doesn't have much to do with that. They were already under sanctions and prepared for 8 years for the eventual consequences of pup petting Ukraine. The Russian rulling class is ok with it and they'll likely prevail.


> for Stalin
He literally praised Stalin for "correcting Lenin's mistakes" in his speech. He still thinks (?) Great Purge was too harsh, but Stalin is respected by Putin.


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Zelensky might be taking all this pretty hard.



>not mirorred for the spectators



He knows he'll either be killed by Russia or the Nazi elements in his government


I'm sure Russian working class kids and their families are thrilled about dying for Putin and his porky buddies.


Well he's not wrong.



Sure Ukrainians killing Ukrainians in Ukraine. Not the invading young Russian soldiers scared to death inside enemy territory.


he will be put on trial by putler


What a fucking dramaqueen lmao.


Kinda doubt he will get killed by Russia unless he goes down fighting like a retard


the family in the car was literally accidental friendly fire because, as one might guess, giving scared randos guns and telling them to defend the city against an enemy that might come any moment is a bad idea.


People will say "oh that looks like some russian letters and shit" and ignore it.


If Ukrainians have shown one thing, it's that ultimately they're not cowardly Westoids.


he's an actor after all


despite it all i can't help feeling bad for him


air raid arlams above kiev have just gone off


Putin respects Stalin for the same reason dumb booklet tankie kids do, because he sees him as a great man and strong leader. It's Hegelian nonsense


But I thought Russia forces were being repelled?


Zelensky is now going all Allende? Kino.


night bombings?


so far no detonations are visible on my screen, so idk


Yes, his stance on Stalin is fucking delusional. Still tried to correct anon because Putin clearly doesn't hate Stalin.


File: 1645806865328.jpg (14.85 KB, 288x288, IMG_2870.JPG)

Don't compare a revolutionary hero to a clown anon. He's like Hitler at best.


Both were done by Ukrainians
First one was an accident and second one was the clueless civilians Zelensky is handing out assault rifles to mistaking a random green car for Russians


The CIA are the Bene Gesserit sisterhood


UA soldiers were stopping cars and busses and yanking out any man aged 18-60 to conscript in the Ukrainian Army. In one place, a commissar was shouting “say goodbye to your daughters, mothers, and girlfriends; you must turn back and fight the Russian invader!”
Ukrainian army forcefully conscripting all males between 18-60. I'm sure this will end well


He is a president taking last stand against foreign aggressors who literally stated creation of military junta as their goal.


He's a literal fucking clown, I hope someone makes his wish come true just for being such a fag.


They probably left out the
>… you motherfuckers.

As well as the litany of reassurances for his and his government's safety and continuation that he was probably informally given and later betrayed on.





This supposedly happened in the outskirts of Kiev, where Russia isn't supposed to have reached yet. Seems like another result of Volkssturm.


This was already posted in this thread homie


he is a pile of asphalt that will be steamrolled


I have poor reading comprehension


Literal clown has more balls than all of leftypol combined.


Explosions in Kharkov just now


>say goodbye to your daughters, mothers, and girlfriends
Yeah that's 100% going to improve morale, I would go and defect to the Russian army if they did this to me.


first of all many Russian vehicles have a Z on them. Second of all - when you hand out weapons to 10k Kiev civilians nobody knows whos on whos side anymore - which is why a civil goverment never does those things. A poster before already argued that even Hitler Volkssturm was more organized, people spoke different languages and had wildly different uniforms.

All Twitter can do is cope cause on the field it doesnt look very good. I mean look at liveuamap or what that link was, or your local newspaper.


>Use child soldiers
>Fail anyway
such hero lol


>sending civs to certain death to hold out a bit longer


Time to repost this gem
>St. Petersburg (ND). Vladimir Putin, 2nd Mayor of St. Petersburg and Chairman of the Committee for External Relations of the city of six million, has made it clear to German business representatives that a military dictatorship along the lines of the Chilean model would be the desirable solution to Russia's current political problems. This was reported by WDR in the TV feature "Aufbruch nach Osten" (Monday, January 3, 1994, WEST 3 from 9:15 to 9:45 p.m.).

>Putin answered questions from representatives of BASF, Dresdner Bank, Alcatel and others who met in the former GDR Consulate General in St. Petersburg. Putin distinguished between "necessary" and "criminal" violence. He said that political violence is criminal if it is aimed at eliminating market-economy conditions, and "necessary" if it promotes or protects private capital investments. He, Putin, expressly approved of possible preparations by Yeltsin and the military to bring about a Pinochet-style dictatorship in view of the difficult private economic path. Putin's remarks were received with friendly applause both by the German company representatives and by the deputy German consul general who was present.


Most posters are Westoids can't concieve of danger. Slavs are going all out and Westoids can only seethe at how brave these people can be. It doesn't make sense to their Westoid brains where only they are the competent heroes when in reality they'd abandon their IFVs the second it got a graze from a machine gun.


> first of all many Russian vehicles have a Z on them.


>Giving weapons to random civilians to die for nothing while begging for western help is having balls.

Reminder that Hitler did the same actually.


I swear every civilian is listening to this song


I knew it, I was the secret weapon to world peace


thx bro. Now pls look for those on the ah-so-evil Russian vehicles doing random acts of violence


what else can you expect when most of leftypol is white middle class suburbanites?


>The USSR didn't "import" Russians,
>they just moved there
lol ok you're getting upset over semantics
>Isn't the entire point of this to counter NATO encirclement of Russia?
was that a statement from Russia? there could be many reasons why Russia would invade Ukraine
>Even if he somehow successfully keeps Ukraine out in perpetuity, he's dramatically increased thr chances of countries like Finland and Sweden joining
like what happened when Crimea went down
>I really fail to see how.
are you under the impression Russia would invade Ukraine and be surprised to be sanctioned? Sanctions are pretty much to go to finger wag in the current year.
>And what is he going to do with it?
does it matter?
Probably the same thing the USSR and Russian Empire and Polish Empire did with it
>He's already said that he won't occupy it
of course not the situation would look really bad if he didn't say that
>The Donbass Republics will probably gain some territory
like Crimea
>but the vast majority of the country will remain under the control of Kiev, and it would he very difficult to maintain a pro-Russian government there without an occupation.


Ukraine saying to use molotovs seems insane to me. Molotovs are ineffective weapons that will be met with lethal force


Either there is a total solar eclipse in Ukraine or it's not now


I wonder what are the 10 most popular spotify songs on ukraine rn.


I bet the west wants to claim Russia's doing war crimes


I mean that and handing out those guns is basically begging for a massacre as media spectacle. Absolutely ghoulish.


File: 1645807289136.jpg (340.51 KB, 2000x1125, THE TAKEAWAY ALLIANCE.jpg)

I called for the One Struggle solution yesterday and was laughed off.


Really? That's what you notice? The Weekend song?

There's smoke and wreckage in that video


so is zelensky doing the mass mobilisation for the simple reason of delaying the end of the war for as long as possible so that maybe the sanctions and shit start hitting russia and one of the westoid countries might get a bit courageous and maybe drag nato into this for real?


i don't believe the sanctions are real


>Kremlin: Kiev proposed talks in Warsaw but then broke off contact
what a baby


Zelensky is not the sharpest tool in the shed.


Meh, enough molotovs can probably kill even tanks


Has this kind of thing happened before?
Any other state done this


no, modern tanks can extinguish fires


From what I can gather from the more serious and objective analysis, Russia went light on the initial bombardment to avoid civilian casualties, hoping to make it easier to achieve surrender. However, no surrender is forthcoming, making that initial decision a mistake. With time for Ukraine to regroup and fortify positions, Russia will have to steamroll fortified urban positions full of civs, which have also been flooded with small arms. Basically guaranteed atrocities to come in the next few days.


Germany during the end of WW2


yes Hitler Germany. No joke and I dont mean that polemically. Thats the only state I know


Russia has been doing a pretty clean war if things turn grim I believe it's the comedians fault.


Lol. Bringing stupid historical parallels to the whole new level


Hell no. They'll just burn on the outside of them. They won't even disable armored soldiers.




USSR in 1941


Why? It’s past sundown now


>being brave is when you're a fool trying to do bravadoo
There's a reason they're losing


More molotovs can fix that, but if people can throw enough molotovs to kill a tank it means the tank is fucked anyway because the infantry support isn't there anymore.


Wanted to make that exact same comment


What? No way, Really?


sure maybe it works one out of 100 times with just a few douzen civilian casualities


actually i prefer volodolf hitlensky


Probably just throwing bodies too. Russia wants to change the government, the more people they have to kill the worse it looks for them and the better NATO looks. So Ukraine conscripts as many people as possible and tells them to go die pointlessly for the NATO optics.


It was battle for Moscow, Nazis were very close. Very close.


I'm not the guy who compared Zelensky to Allende but it's fun to push it all the way. Stupid historical parallels are everywhere now anyway, Putler Volkstrum etc


> Isn't the entire point of this to counter NATO encirclement of Russia? Even if he somehow successfully keeps Ukraine out in perpetuity, he's dramatically increased thr chances of countries like Finland and Sweden joining
NTA but I still think it’s either he takes Ukraine as a piece off the table, or he leaves it to become another NATO state. The Baltic countries may have been lost already, but Ukraine wasn’t. Likewise, while this may have accelerated other countries joining, I somehow doubt this wouldn’t have happened over time as NATO encroachment continued. Meanwhile, Russia would be forced to sit on its hands and do nothing while the noose tightens.


Nazis were just going to kill everyone. They weren't like trying to avoid civilian casualties. Civilian casualties was a goal.


I think if there's a stereotypical "tankie," it's someone like Putin (or his fans like Maupin) who ventriloquize Soviet aesthetics and nostalgia to push a chauvinist national project. That's an accusation that gets thrown at nostalgics in the former Soviet republics frequently, and at communists in the west, but when polled former Soviet citizens say they miss the economic system more than being part of an "empire."

Putin wants to have his cake and eat it too, which will never work. KPRF have become more emboldened in their opposition lately because state repression has shown they have nothing to lose.

I think this also helps explain a Chinese perspective I've encountered. There was an emperor in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms era whose nickname was the "Emperor of Opera." Instead of focusing on the governance and politics of the country, he was more interested in being an actor in classic Chinese operas. Thus, he ended up a joke and was killed in a rebellion. Due to Confucianism, bad governance is the most politically incorrect thing in Chinese political philosophy, like dictatorship in American political philosophy. So from this perspective, Ukraine situation is mainly due to its own wrongdoing for having a clown running the country who wanted to become cannon fodder for the anti-Russia coalition.

Secondly, Uncle Sam is doing the same in Asia to encircle the PRC through setting up the stage and acting like a drama queen, maintaining military bases, drills, backing up regional powers, sponsoring separatists and terrorist rebels, stopping the country from unifying with Taiwan, and so forth. So, the Chinese can understand how the Russians feel when NATO is approaching Moscow, while the U.S., after having been given a free pass, messes around the world like a fuckboy, plays divide and conquer, "cares" about the affairs of other countries more than the locals do like a big fat Karen, gives "lectures" about values from a particular set of values, and even cuckolds his own little brothers in Europe and Asia. So if Ukraine wants to be a part of this, good luck and God bless and Godspeed, but don't expect the Chinese to help them.


why they lose tho?


when was there the most recent battle on this scale, Iraq 2003?


multiple weaker armies


hard to fight the entire world at once


They were cringe and gay.


File: 1645807769930.png (67.46 KB, 479x550, uk.png)

But the polack tea was fucking great though


Russia needs to fuckin chill, how much of a Navy does Ukraine even have


It was taken in 2014 during Crimea lol


so they sucked

shit planning, they didnt have to fight the war that way

gtfo /pol/acks


yes it takes balls to force citizens to fight a lost war in order to stall it as much as possible so you and your corrupt clique can have a chance to negotiate to maintain your power


they were literaly autistic and thought if they just had an even heavier tank that had even bigger guns everbody would bow, completely forgetting about the costs of them and even more importantly that they have absolutely no gasoline stored anymore. Still they were pretty stunning, but not this once upon world history level


File: 1645807845110.mp4 (1.14 MB, 464x848, 3338028712384637305.MP4)

Seems a fuel depot was hit


>the nazis were bad at fighting because I dislike them
please go back to twitter


> was that a statement from Russia
He’s right. That was one of the bigger issues.

>Here is the explanation of the diplomatic breakdown. Basically, the rights for countries to democratically choose to join NATO are supposed to be tempered by the security concerns created for nearby countries by the act of joining NATO. This just means that countries shouldn't be able to join NATO just to gang up on a non-NATO country, even if their precious democratic processes have decided to do so. These conditions for joining NATO have been internationally agreed on, but NATO is not only ignoring these conditions in their communications, it is citing older agreements that had none of these conditions. It is trying to bury the more recent agreements and ignore those conditions and focus on the country's right to join if they have an acceptable democracy and choose to. (Ukraine btw does not have real democracy and probably wouldn't be a part of NATO for decades anyways.)

>Q: Has Moscow forwarded to the U.S. side the answers to their written materials sent in connection with Russia's proposals on security guarantees? What was the subject of today's phone conversation with E. Blinken? What contacts are you planning to have in that regard?

>Sergey Lavrov: Today we heard some reports from the State Department saying that there was supposedly a response from Moscow to the document the Americans sent in response to our initial offer on security guarantees in Europe.

>There is a misunderstanding here. When we received the U.S. reaction about a week ago, we started studying it. It was immediately clear that the Americans preferred to concentrate on discussing the important, but secondary issues in their own way: whether it was impossible to agree on mutual non-deployment of striking weapons, including intermediate-range and shorter-range land-based missiles, which were previously covered by the New START Treaty, which the US destroyed, transparency in exercises, measures to prevent unforeseen incidents between combat planes and ships, and other such confidence-building steps.

>On the key issue that prompted us to take initiatives with the United States and the North Atlantic alliance, the response has been negative. I am referring to our demand that everyone implement in good faith the OSCE's 1999 Istanbul and 2010 Astana agreements on the indivisibility of security. These agreements stipulate not only freedom of choice of alliances, but also condition this freedom on the need to avoid any steps that would strengthen the security of any state at the expense of the security of others. On this key issue we have seen in the reactions of both the United States and NATO an extremely negative attitude. They are focusing solely on the principle of freedom of choice of alliances, completely ignoring the condition that was agreed at the highest level on the inadmissibility of infringing on the security of other states in doing so.

>We are also concerned that other NATO countries, for example France, recently said through its Foreign Minister that they insist on the need to ensure security on the basis of the documents, which preceded the Istanbul Charter and the Astana Declaration. At the same time it cites the document of the Paris OSCE summit of 1990, in which there was no requirement not to strengthen their security at the expense of the security of others. In other words, our Western colleagues are simply trying not even to ignore this key principle of international law agreed on in the Euro-Atlantic area, but to consign it to oblivion. To prevent this from happening, when we received the reaction from Washington to our initial proposals, I described in detail what we are now talking about in a separate message and sent it to all the foreign ministers of OSCE states and a number of other states so that they knew our position.

>Today I have confirmed to Secretary of State Blinken that we will not allow the topic to be muddled. We will insist on an honest talk and explanation why the West does not want to fulfill its obligations or only selectively and in its favor. Mr. Blinken agreed there is something to talk about. Let's see how things go. At this stage, we are completing the interagency coordination of proposals on other issues that we have received from the United States. We will report them to our president.



this looks like >>523638 first vid



I just woke up. Can someone spoonfeed me and tell me if anything's happened? Is this going to last a long time? How long do we figure?


they were bad cause they lost
the greatest military on earth were either the macedonians under alexander or the mongols under genghis khan bc they actually managed to win their wars.


Based if true.


> Is this going to last a long time?
Probably no.


cant Russia stfu at least until this war is done. wtf is wrong with them, is the nation on coke or what?


they were bad at fighting because they lost retard


Nazis were idiots bad at fighting because they lost, don't begin a fight you can't win is rule 1.


File: 1645807964203-1.jpg (172.63 KB, 1200x675, 22398124_0.jpg)

NATO is intervening.


It's a catchy song


it will be over quick by the first of the month


relative to their time periods
excellent analyses


Hoxha was so fucking based there's not even competition


based anti-imperialist putin putting those imperialist finns in their place


It's good that you know that Hoxha was based. Too bad he lost in the end.


No way dude. They are insane if they do


They wouldn’t dare, would they?


I think they dont speak about Russia but say the border in Romania


They'll appear weak if they don't. Welcome to geopolitical realities, enjoy your ride to escalation toward world war 3




It would be extremely base and an_heropilled


Your really misreading that headline they will be deployed in Nato countries to protect them not in Ukraine


Can NATO send say a group of central European nations and the Baltics and tell them if you proceed article 5 doesn't continue with you? Or is article 5 something you can't willing choose to ignore?


that makes more sense


Did you read article 5?


Where's the new thread, Ukrainian drivers edition?


They crossed the Soviet ubermensch


>Russia says it will partially or entirely ban Facebook, which put restrictions on four major Russian-language media outlets just yesterday, and more than a dozen over the past year, without offering any explanation or reason
From RT correspondent Murad Gazdiev


Fcken finally


Yeah, they stated that "Facebook violates human rights" which is… true, just look at what they did in Myanmar




Fucking YES


fuck social media


Killed like 20-25 million tho, rip heroes




Unironically based. Fuck the zucc


>>go to the truck
>>grab a free assault rifle and shotgun
>>just go home and keep them

heres the catch
they dont show the part were they dont let you go home anymore and send you to guard some oligarchs mansion while hes packing his things


One of those things that random Ukrainians on twitter mention but nobody else does is that MEN 18-60 cannot leave the country. People are trying to send their families away to avoid fighting and have to separate at the border because none of the men can leave.



>Western liberal social media led by the Silicon Valley giants

>Russian social media (vk)
>The Great Chinese Firewall


why even at this moment there are still people doing their normal activities? like driving around with a foreign tank in the opposite direction of the road as usual.
If it were my country and I could not get out of the city, I simply do not leave my house, even less if already are military vehicles on the streets like tanks that do not stop at the red light.


> >Russian social media (vk)
Nazi shithole to be honest


Im still baffled tech illiterate countries think Twitter and YouTube are any better even though they are official moderated by an U.S. government agency at this point


File: 1645808592918.jpg (352.99 KB, 1007x901, 18 60.jpg)

US state affiliated media shills call them volunteers


too bad the first already has its foothold on most of the developing world


What about things like fediverse which is "multipolar" by design?


>no masks
>no social distancing



Anyone remember the English spelling of the city being Kiev? Did I get mandela'd?


that's the real answer but no one uses it


These are volunteers, real mass mobilization will come later


fucking degenerated glowie weebs


>They are advanced cavalry assault forces. WTF would they be brought up?
The 82nd Airborne is one of the U.S. military's units designed to be able to deploy very rapidly – like Russian VDV essentially. They can move within 24-48 hours basically. The 82nd is based in North Carolina. There's also the 101st Airborne in Kentucky and the 173rd Airborne Brigade in Italy. These troops seem to be headed for Romania and the Baltic states.


Wikipedia shamelessly glows


>Sauce or didn't happen


>Not muh hecking merchant shipinos!


It's a propaganda campaign by the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs called #CorrectUA.



File: 1645809291665.mp4 (5.25 MB, 1280x720, 1630709614575-1.mp4)

Not enough tanks, unlike chad Soviet Übermenschen


My theory currently is that all this volksturm shit is not done for military purpose but just to flood Ukraine with firearms in an attempt to make it unmanageable


I hope this will be unmanageable for Putin.


File: 1645809510181.jpg (523.55 KB, 1200x844, FMcsvJNWUAUrgIE.jpg)

Map from this guy. Arrows added for what I think the Russians are doing.



This ^ tbh


I hope you will continue to cope and seethe.


> is the nation on coke
You won't believe…


File: 1645809646427.jpg (1.1 MB, 1610x1133, China condemns NATO.jpg)

>US state controlled media
>two people familiar with the matter said China bad to Russia
>uhh ohh fellow leftist I am feeling so upset betrayed and confused about this!
>uhh ohh fellow leftist I am feeling so upset betrayed and confused about this!
>uhh ohh fellow leftist I am feeling so upset betrayed and confused about this!
>uhh ohh fellow leftist I am feeling so upset betrayed and confused about this!
>uhh ohh fellow leftist I am feeling so upset betrayed and confused about this!
>uhh ohh fellow leftist I am feeling so upset betrayed and confused about this!
Yeah like U.S. media said China betrayed Russia when China told NATO to fuck off

You glow




It's questionable how the Russians are supposed to take the city. Their hardware is less effective in urban combat, and they're up against a very large number of motivated defenders with local knowledge. Brute-forcing his way through might not work.

For the sake of perspective, a few thousand Chechen insurgents managed to hold their capital, Grozny for two months; a city of 300 thousand against the Russian army.


It's ogre, comrades. Time to bunker!


I wonder how many were in those burning things in the video. Were some of them still alive at that moment? Perhaps listening to the same music?


> Brute-forcing his way through might not work.
It would work. Russians took Grozny eventually.


Real Baelish hours


unironically based

>tech illiterate countries
What? Their porkies are fine with US gatekrrping their information, and their peoples are as ignorant of the process as all other peoples.


yeah, it look more like they want to get bad optics for russia than protect their populations. Who the fuck gives weapons to civilians after two days of open conflict ?


That's probably NATO's current goal tbh, now that their vluff of helping Ukraine has fallen through.


>a very large number of motivated defenders
giving AK to civilians doesnt make them "motivated defenders". Also, the whole point is forcing a surrender, they just need to siege it medieval style if they dont wanna bomb the shit out of it.


Will they make Sarajevo or Grozny out of Kiev


lolno, unless deploying troops in romania is supposed to help ukraine


>crop start
>crop end
>reduce resolution to 240p
>go to twitter


File: 1645810616766-0.png (929.77 KB, 1200x675, 1637845108477.png)



Mens liberation when


>Julian Roepcke
lmao gtfo


>dollars only sanctions
that look like its just the US sanction and ppl dont understand how global economy works. China and russia dont use dollars to trade with each other


>bunch of moronic western "useful idiots" on here who still somehow think its not a full invasion even though it is.
thats straight up a nato talking poitn. fuck off faggot.
>yeah lets totally ignore nato role in the escalation, and their pet nazis that kept bombing and threatening to retake dombass


Mens liberation when

I wish Hoxha lived to stop the revisionists


"They didn't give us other choice. #WeAreUnited" billboard in St. Petersburg


ukraine never did the slightest move toward federalism and kept bombing the republics. Both minsk agreement were forced by russia counter attack after ukraine tried to crush the republics. I think zelensky would have been shot by his local nazis if he had tried to federalize. At least I hope, because if he did willingly, its entirely on him.


NATO shills are doing everything to glorify dying for some oligarchs who have long moved their belongings to West Europe and America.


I'm hungry :(


they gona kill europe but only the poors europeans

Disconnecting them is only the decision of the us, europe and other countries have no say in this, they are not going to suffer the consequences and the priority for the us is to maintain confidence in the dollar.
taking russia out of the system will help them.

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