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Ukraine conflict: Fighting rages near Kyiv after Russia invasion

Russian forces approaching Kyiv from northeast & east; Ukrainian Prez pleads for help (LIVE UPDATES)

Russia attacks Ukraine live updates: Russian forces close on Kyiv (LIVE UPDATES)

Latest updates: Ben Wallace says Russia’s ambition is to invade 'the whole of Ukraine’ but its forces have so far lost around 450 personnel
682 posts and 175 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I thought russophobia was bad after Russiagate but it's at a new level now


Terror in the streets of Kiev as Electric Bodybuilder from Russia has been released from containment


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Based r/Russia mod still managed to roast cringy liberals.


burgers would be doing russian pogroms if they could tell the difference lel


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Requesting pic rel for the next thread OP. I'd do it myself but the OP text should probably be updated and I wouldn't know what to write.


These two posts being one after the other are beyond ridiculous




hoholphobia does not exist because they are just russians


Agreed. It's this type of hateful rhetoric that led to the hoholdomor.


who do you support grillpilled
should we support no one

what is the best way you think


>khokhols yet again gloat at their losses and think it's Russian casualties

When will they learn?


I guarantee you believe the hoaxodomor was real



>Do you regret your words?
Is this what passes for journalism?


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The true and real numbers are wikipedia verified sweaty


>citing wikipedia


Just like I deduced. No prediction necessary.


Holodomor wasn't real
Stalin was a bitch
Khruschev rocks
Andropov best Soviet leader
Putinist Russia is evil
Hands of Ukraine
Reap what you sow 366257291 Gadaffie'd Putins


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Russian infantry disabling Ukrops




>implying germans received with flowers the red army


It's ogre for Ukraine, not even the ghost can help them now.
Capture Zelensky and end this.


the only one who was doing shit to expand their sphere of influence was US-NATO, by orchestrating a coup and setting up a US puppet government that it could use to wage proxy war against Russia and expand NATO.
Look at the fucking map, it's only ever been US-NATO expanding it's sphere, in violation of peace agreements made with the Soviet Union and with Russia in the 90s.
This is the first time Russia's really done anything that could arguably be said to expand its sphere (by forcibly reversing a US-backed coup done to expand the US-NATO sphere).
As for backing DPR/LPR, that was done because the people there wanted and declared independence, and because backing them would prevent NATO from using its new coup government to expand its sphere of influence, and prevent future confrontations arising from NATO encirclement. There were already peace agreements that settled the DPR/LPR and NATO issues, agreements that *Ukraine reneged on* (under US "advice"), and proceeded to bomb and kill thousands of people in DPR/LPR in an effort to retake them by force. That guaranteed war one way or the other.


Recent events prove that holodomor should have been real and Ukranians did in fact deserve it



Nah, Khruschev deserved the noose, and every fucking trot. We reap the results of khruschevites' abandoning Stalin's national policies




What do you mean holodomor should have been real?? Are we denying historical facts?


great thread guys keep it up


So many snipers and RPG's can be hidden in every building to fuck up the Russians


I am prepared to go even further and deny history as a concept, pray that I don't.


The holodomor is a holograph of a bundle of wheat




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Look at these skinny mfs


holy guacamole


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There's still hope! A new hero has appeared.


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Man, now I want to look at Kochinsky's face. Yesterday's smug was unbearable


New thread:




The man so nice he died twice


Holodomor is invented by Holodomor museums to leech of government moneys.


fake news


finally some kino fucking combat footage and not some rubble and burning buildings


Holy Hitler batman. Is that picture real?


and communism keeps beating his ass


Agree with everything apart from the statement that the war was inevitable. Otherwise great take.


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>is this some type of Boomer Brain disorder?


plebbitors should be shot "site on seen"


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>3rd pic


Fucking civvies not wanting to be around gunfights, right?

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