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 [Last 50 Posts]

Ukraine conflict: Fighting rages near Kyiv after Russia invasion

Russian forces approaching Kyiv from northeast & east; Ukrainian Prez pleads for help (LIVE UPDATES)

Russia attacks Ukraine live updates: Russian forces close on Kyiv (LIVE UPDATES)

Latest updates: Ben Wallace says Russia’s ambition is to invade 'the whole of Ukraine’ but its forces have so far lost around 450 personnel




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I've yet to receive an explanation of Ukrainian obsession with saboteurs.


Gives the population something to obsess over instead of thinking about their government's shitty response


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most epic discover ever




Eagerly anticipating Azov getting wrecked by Russian troops who are still Limp Bizkit fans because nu-metal never went out of style in the motherland


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Go home lady, you're drunk.



It's also very obvious when someone is from reddit, twitter or cuckchan and hasn't lurked enough.


>13th for egoist takeover of russia


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Don't miss out on the commemorative Ghost of Kyiv skin for Yuumi!


azov is just going to be replaced by RIM


alright, watched this movie and it was bretty gud. Would highly recommend if you like Come and See.

Anyways, any big happenings today? wondering what I missed


>Soooo… I declared myself the national leader!


Also recall at the very beginning the USA weirdly declaring that there would be terrorist attacks in Russian cities then the Russians declaring they'd eliminated an infiltration group coming in from Ukraine and strangely those terrorist attacks the USA was predicting never happened


Endsieg. Nationalists are the worst enemies of their own people. Faced with total defeat, they started murdering their own civilians to make civilians throw themselves at the enemy.



>tfw no ukrainian refugee gf


you've tried nu-metal, now try nu-nu-metal




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pure cargo cult


sviatlana funkopops when


By far the funniest trick in America's book


there's plenty of ukrainian sex slaves in western europe as a result of shock therapy and social collapse, take your pick


was this a priority for them? what's its strategic significance?


All the libs on a website I use are shilling the former head of defence of Estonia (lol) saying that Russia is somehow losing the war:

"Don't know how accurate this is but give it a read.

The guy behind this tweet thread is Riho Terras his bio says: Member of European Parliament @EPPGroup @EP_Industry, @EP_Agriculture. Deputy coordinator for @EP_ArtifIntel. Former Chief of Defence of Estonia.

THREAD 1/7 Intel from a Ukrainian officer about a meeting in Putin’s lair in Urals. Oligarchs convened there so no one would flee. Putin is furious, he thought that the whole war would be easy and everything would be done in 1-4 days. @EPPGroup @general_ben @edwardlucas @politico
<img src="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FMhRmgkXsAAzAL1?format=png&name=small">

2/7 Russians didn’t have a tactical plan. The war costs about $20 bln/day. There are rockets for 3-4 days at most, they use them sparingly. They lack weapons, the Tula and 2 Rotenberg plants can’t physically fulfil the orders for weapons. Rifles and ammo are the most they can do.

3/7 The next Russian weapons can be produced in 3-4 months – if even that. They have no raw materials. What was previously supplied mainly from Slovenia, Finland and Germany is now cut off.

4/7 If Ukraine manages to hold the Russians off for 10 days, then the Russians will have to enter negotiations. Because they have no money, weapons, or resources. Nevertheless, they are indifferent about the sanctions.

5/7 Alpha Spec Ops have been near Kyiv since the 18th February. The goal was to take Kyiv and instal a puppet regime. They are preparing provocations against innocent civilians – women and children – to sow panic. This is their trump card.

6/7 Russia’s whole plan relies on panic – that the civilians and armed forces surrender and Zelensky flees. They expect Kharkiv to surrender first so the other cities would follow suit to avoid bloodshed. The Russians are in shock of the fierce resistance they have encountered.

7/7 The Ukrainians must avoid panic! The missile strikes are for intimidation, the Russians fire them at random to “accidentally” hit residential buildings to make the attack look larger than it really is. Ukraine must stay strong and we must provide assistance! #StandWithUkraine


yes this guy is seriously claiming that russia has run out of munitions after like 3 days


>VPN not allowed
sorry anon


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>VPN user trying to vote


i dunno,siezing ukrainian WMDs?


It's the only thing any westerner has heard of in Ukraine


What Russian troops listen to on day three of no sleep while running on nicotine, caffeine and adrenaline


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NATO wants a lot of footage of dead and disfigured civilians for propaganda purposes once Russia wins.


Too old for agent kochinski


MSNBC and CNN are both saying that Ukraine is winning the war


New Agent Kochinski cringe kino one of the top comments is "I now get what's so great about nationalism". PatSocs and voosh indistinguishable confirmed.



Regardless of how much they believe or say about Nazi in Ukraine, it's better to prevent your enemy from making any… pro gamer moves.

Nationalist radicals aren't known for not making messes in times of war, see: Ottoman entry into WW1.


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It's a same in Russia and basically everywhere in the world unless you live in burgerstan where you can't fuck until 21 unless it's forced marriage from 12.


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Why do we call him "Agent Kochinski" now? I get the agent, but not the kochinski bit.


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you cannot support ukraine and at the same time not support nazis. furthermore, if you don't support russia then you be default support ukrop nazis and western imperialist fascists. therefore, support russia or you're a nazi supporter


that's his last name


Kochinksi is his last name. But no one's actually typing that, they're getting word-filtered




In America you can't fuck anyone but your father until he gives you away


Give it a week at least


What a cheap, cynical ploy



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this bitch really do be lookin like human shrek


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new soyjak


Do we have a list of filters? I only know "Agent Kochinski is a high autism score transhumanist uyghur"


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<CNN: Yes Kiev, I mean Kyiv, might be encircled, but just wait for Steiner's counterattack


What a cope


>new soyjak


Putin is Thanos (Endgame), Zelensky is Luke Skywalker (original trilogy only).


what the fuck? who gave you permission to repost my NFT?


Putin is fight club and Ukraine is MLP


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Ukraine is Paul Allen and Russia is Patrick Bateman


Okay, where'd you come from?


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Fuck browsing social media has been a heck these days
>No one takes seriously the claim that 14,000 civilians died during war in donbass despite UN sources
>Pro-NATO sentiments
>Muh Ghost of Kyiv!


Putin is Stacy Keach and Ukraine is Danny Vinyard.


You don’t want one, trust me


Putin is my left nutsack, Zelensky is pubes on it.


That's true Steiner's offensive is right around the corner


Putin is a chronic insomniac with schizophrenia and Ukraine is a horse?


Didn't that guy live in one of those breakaway republics? I'm sure he has every reason to hate those fuckers.


Cmon let's not haze anyone who's new

It's seriously fucking with me how many normies are just like 'heh you really believe that?' when you bring up easily verifiable shit like Ukraine bombing Donbas or China's COVID stats, just because they didn't see it on MSNBC


His name is Ian Kochinksi. I call him Ian, or Kochinski, usually.


Ukraine is a little girl and Russia is Roman Polansky



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Eventually everybody will come around to the censorship point of view, and you will be making freeze peach jokes in no time.


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fuck you I already made that joke >>>:^(


But we don't have a hazing ritual. I just want to know where all this traffic is coming from.


I am unironically, UNCRITICALLY supporting Russia in this. If they fail, or if they succeed and the West sows a formidable stay-behind operation in Ukraine, it will only serve to delay the rise of multipolarity, and weaken a key ally of anti-American governments around the world. I believe multi-polarity and the death of the American empire is our best chance for another wave of communist revolutions. If Russia getting BTFO meant October Revolution 2 is now viable, I would be far more ambivalent, but I don't think Russia has a Bolshevik-caliber communist party and the failure of the German revolutions leads me to believe very young parties don't have the infrastructure to pull off a revolution. Thanks for reading my blogpost suckas


same in the russia


Hi Zizek


facts does not matter, only feels, if fake news feed my feels they are true, this is the thirteenth type of liberalism


Is there reason for NATO's confidence that Russia would take a more liberal turn if Putin got ousted? What's stopping him from being replaced with someone even worse from their perspective?


They want to de-Russify Ukraine. And this is a great way to do that.


kinda based ngl


It's a bit late for the Final Solution to the Moskal Question.




Okay let me explain. Putin is Alan Wake and Ukraine is Bright Falls.


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Short results on February 26.

The northern ("Kiev") front - without significant changes. Regrouping is underway, pulling up the rear and reserves, fighting is underway for individual local points.

The Central Front (Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv regions) - the troops are forced to stop at the borders reached due to problems with supply and the presence of large enemy resistance nodes in the rear. Only the left (southern) flank, which is advancing in the north of the Luhansk region, is moving forward (very moderately). According to reports, fighting has begun to clean up Chernihiv and a second attempt to clean up Sumy is being prepared. There is no information on Kharkiv.

Donetsk Front. The enemy completes the withdrawal of its forces with minimal impact of artillery and aviation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which should be considered a serious success of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, since the unbroken withdrawn units will certainly be reintroduced into battle in the area of Dnepropetrovsk, where the Armed Forces of Ukraine is preparing a resistance node similar to Kiev.
Apparently, the same pattern is observed in the Berdyansk-Mariupol area. In the latter, perhaps, a garrison will be left for the forces of the DPR corps and Russian troops, but most of the Ukrainian units and formations are already hastily retreating to the north and will also probably soon appear in the Dnepropetrovsk area (if the aviation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation cannot actively prevent them from doing so). In the central sector of the front - Otdokuchayevsk to Debaltseve - the enemy is still firmly holding its fortified positions, actively shooting the accumulated ammunition (since they will still have to be abandoned otherwise during withdrawal). It goes to both the advanced positions of the "corps" and the civilian population.

The greatest successes of the third day of the offensive fall on the Southern ("Crimean") front, which continues to expand the bridgehead north of Kherson on its left flank (the city itself has not been cleared and is still under the control of the AFU) - bypassing Nikolaev. Apparently, if they come out to Nikolayev today or tomorrow, they will not take him - there is no one and nothing yet.
On the right flank, the advance continues (already with battles now) to the north - to Zaporozhye and to the east - to the rear of the enemy's Mariupol grouping. Which, alas, has mostly avoided the environment so far, but is forced to hastily withdraw (which is absolutely impossible to do without losses).

Analysis and forecasts for the 4th day of the war.
The extremely successfully launched and successfully continued offensive of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, due to a number of objective and subjective factors, began to slow down, which is very unlikely to have anything to do with Putin's alleged instruction about "suspension for 12 hours". I strongly doubt that this has taken place at all. If there was a suspension, it was due to the backlog of the rear and the need for minimal rest of the personnel.

However, there were also consequences of major mistakes made during the initial planning of the operation. The main thing is "exceptional goodwill" to the personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the initial missile and aviation training. The units and formations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation did not "appreciate" such courtesy in any way and, in an absolutely overwhelming majority, entered the battle in an organized manner (although some did not immediately, passing by the shock troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, attacking defenseless rear units).

As a result, by the end of the third day of the war, the operational successes of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation so far (I emphasize - so far!) they did not grow into a strategic success. The Ukro-army suffered heavy losses, but continues to provide organized and sometimes successful resistance, forcing the Russian Armed Forces to slow down the pace of advance almost everywhere except the southern front. But even the latter, advancing, faces an acute objective problem - a shortage of cash and reserve forces.
As a result, not a single large APU compound has been encircled so far. Moreover, the opponent has a good chance. With considerable losses, but to withdraw the main forces of the Donetsk group to the Dnieper, where they will try to stabilize the front, trying to hold 2 key points - Kiev and Dnepropetrovsk.

General conclusion: a lot has been achieved, but the main tasks are far from being fulfilled. The pace of the offensive is falling, the final defeat of the enemy is moving away, and the enemy - this is a bet on the maximum prolongation of the war - will try to take advantage of any miscalculations. It seems that this conflict will not be quick, since everyone has already paid attention to the ill-considered logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and unpreparedness for fierce resistance. Zelensky read this (probably not without prompting from Western partners) and therefore merged with the negotiations. And for sure now it will drag them to the bitter end (or to the last Ukrainian) to wait for the depletion of the Russian army and economy. This will allow him to close potential peace talks on more favorable terms for himself. Only now they will have to wait for two weeks if the Russian army does not turn the situation around in a critical way now. Meanwhile, Western "peacekeepers" in an emergency mode began pumping Ukraine with weapons. No politician worries about ordinary people in this situation.


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"Russian Thermobaric Rocket Launchers Headed To Ukraine

Thermobaric missiles are vacuum bombs that suck in the oxygen from the surrounding area to create a huge explosion. Since it sucks in the oxygen it would suffocate those in the direct area.

Remember Putin’s name was cheered today at CPAC. It’s quite obvious using these bombs would be an act of genocide. They are not meant to destroy buildings but targets people.


why are they like this


Who's worse? Hypothetical people don't pose a threat to anyone


Eh. They'll make it miserable and scary to not be "Ukrainian", it'll work.


Ukraine is a barefoot 11 yo girl and Russia is Dan Schneider


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Hyperreality is really getting out of hand. Baudrillard couldn't have predicted it getting even worse since Gulf War 1


Aren't Russian tank columns approaching Kyiv right now? In a few hours, it'll be happening.


You do know that Ukraine's president is a Jew, right? His relatives literally died in the holocaust. Calling him a nazi is a bit of a stretch.


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.oh no we lost the war boys


What hyperreality? People inventing truth by having their biases fed isn't hyperreality.


There won't be pro-burger cucks in Russian gov after Putin, Russia already has a strong national bourgeoisie that is automatically opposed to burger interests due to existing relations, unlike the cucks in EU.


Russia is Quentin Tarantino and Ukraine is any blonde woman


>Is there reason for NATO's confidence that Russia would take a more liberal turn if Putin got ousted? What's stopping him from being replaced with someone even worse from their perspective?

There's no basis for it besides the axiomatic belief that in the future everyone will be liberal democrats. But there is a reason, which is that it justifies NATO's continued expansion in the face of the spiraling security dilemma with Russia, on the basis that it doesn't matter.


Or rather than "justifies", simply avoids having to address this very serious criticism and flaw.




>>793243 why are you posting Russian anime 12 year-old drawings. SUS


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Poor catto :(


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this app is really something else.


It's one of the first things you'll come across going the most direct route from Belarus to Kiev


Maybe, but meanwhile if you're one of those mythical Russian speaking residents of Kyiv maybe you shouldn't leave your house or you'll risk get raked.


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holycrap the Steiner offensive is coming, oh shit oh fuck


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you tell em


>>793243 SUS PEDO


Baudrillard's point about Gulf War was more about everything being immediately mediatized, and the war being such a one-sided operation that it can't even be called a war. In that sense it was like a computer simulation, there was no real enemy on the other side of the screen.


I was referring to his essay "The Gulf War did not take place", which similarly was propagandized to the effect that it was unable to distinguish real events to a simulation of them. The added layer of social media is allowing people to create absolutely fantastical narratives out of thin air.


>gamefaqs and cnn alike

Gamer moment


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Propaganda that reinforces the lie of Ukraine "resisting" the Russian invasion by implying their only way of advancing is subterfuge and even in that the based Ukrops are on to them. On that, let's hope their leaders bend in time so Ukranians don't have to find out how wrong the propaganda is.

It's also papering over the mass conscription problem and the deserter problem that cannot possibly exist within the propaganda narrative. They don't exist. No civilians shoots friendlies or uses the guns irresponsibly or are lacking in discipline order or training. They are all UBERSMENCH super-soldiers, hard boiled post-maidan patriot heroes and everyone they attack is a filthy enemy infiltrator.

And of course every day Russia decides not to glass Kiev is a hard-won victory that leaves no losses and kill a million russians as they crash impotently against the unshakable determination of the Ukranian people taken arms.


There's a mystery at the center of that place that may hold the key to humanity's salvation, or damnation, or both. But also it's just on the way.


True, I think I brought up smoking french philosophy man at the wrong time lol. Good reason to go reread.


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In Ukraine, people who adhere to Nazi ideology and use Nazi symbols are not prosecuted or condemned, and they influence (a lot, or not so much - debatable) politics. FFS, everyone knows about the Azov battalion at this point.



>>793273 why are you responding sus





>this war us very important you see it's a European war


>orthodox cross


>>524611 why you are a sussy pussy ?


In most wars, women get raped and like it, but in this one they are getting raped but don't like it


I like how the respectable news guys are just saying "it's happening to white people so it's worse this time." The only bit of honesty on the news lately, between all the psychological operations.


>I am unironically, UNCRITICALLY supporting Russia in this.


where is the communist party, why is he trying to destroy the unions, why are there openly nazi battalions in the army, why are they celebrating nazi collaborators with national holidays etc etc. I'm not saying Zelensky is a nazi but he certainly is their enabler



no no you see this war involves real human beings not brown people


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>ukraine vs russia
doesn't matter
The Anglo clique got what they wanted. Russia is sanctioned, EU-RU relations are nice and cold again, and the Nordstream 2 is not going to be bringing Russian gas to Europe anytime soon

the only thing left to do is to throw as many Ukrainian lives, untrained conscripts armed with western "freebies", as possible at the Russian war machine to make the operation as costly as possible for Russia, before they inevitably lose

and that's what the UCU(Ukraine Cinematic Universe) is for


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Gem is sus




Still waiting on the /leftypol/ reaction screencap


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USSR 2.0 is imminent.


Guess the Chinese became human somewhere along the way huh




Why are Azov taking support from Israel? Zelensky’s heritage is kind of irrelevant here


>>524641 you is SUS revisionist


nobody claims zelenskyyy is personally a nazi. but he has enabled and encouraged them. this may be partly because he's hamstrung as they might coup him if he doesn't, but the result is the same.


it's sad how people can't see how ukraine is just being used



The middle east, which has been notoriously free from imperialist landgrabs over their oil reserves in the last few decades…


>not nazis


But you see Zelensky is a jew, therefore Ukraine has no nazi problem. Like in the US when racism disappeared between 2009 and 2017.


Really good summary, doesn't sound too biased, confirms what we've been hearing about supply issues, also sounds like Russia will lose if they don't turn it around in two weeks


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is the russian imperial movement actually fighting alongside the russian military or is that just propaganda to muddy the waters


I'm revisiosus.


post sources


but anon, the US has only been using Ukraine as cannon fodder in its war against Russia for purposes of self defense.


How dare you not give us sauce.


>EU-RU relations are nice and cold again and the Nordstream 2 is not going to be bringing Russian gas to Europe anytime soon
EU-US relations have suffered as well, and the result is going to be EU-China relations warming up. Nordstream 2 is going to open this year during the summer months. Nobody can afford not buying cheap energy.




>ukraine blown up so hard there's no map left


Is there a way I can use a waypoint on this map? There's a settlement that I need to help but it wasn't marked on my map.


Zelensky is literally a Russian speaker


The next 20 years of CIA insurgency in eastern Europe will surely be fun and hecking wholesome


The US used to be in the driver's seat of EU relations with all parties. Now the US is in the driver's seat, and the EU is beaten, duct taped and handcuffed in the trunk.


Since you brought up baudrillard, go check out his "thawing of the east" essay. It shits on Western euphoria after the soviet union fell apart. It's probably relevant now.


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>USSR 2.0 is imminent.


This is about the objectives and consequences of the "saboteur" paranoia.


Very interesting

Every single thread


Will do, thank you.


>If they were smart they'd legalize BitcoinCash as legal tender

Ok thanks for your input Peter Thiel, call me back when crypto is anything other than a pyramid scheme


>If they were smart they'd legalize BitcoinCash as legal tender

TV ran campaigns for bitcoin legalization, actually. I didn't pay much mind to it a week or two ago, though. Lol.


i thought russia-speakers anywhere outside of donbas or crimea was a putler myth.




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won't happen if we start utilizing Bulgarian farmers


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Russia is now banned from SWIFT, or at least partly


If they were smart they'd legalize BitcoinCash as legal tender (and not just Bitcoin, which has a high transaction fee due to the scumfuck running it refusing to turn it into a more viable currency for payments instead of an investment/gambling asset as Kim Dotcom warned us), and hopefully Monero too in case the West also tries to also block "Russian-tainted" BCH and BTC.


If he does bring back the Soviet union nobody stands a chance
No operation condor this time amerifats you'll have communist inside your country this time around


I have it in french if it can be of any use


Zionist Jews literally arranged the holocaust to eliminate opposition to their planned ethnostate, if anything him being one of the "chosen" survivors is even more proof he's a Nazi


Multipolar world is here. Now we can support national liberation struggles and worker revolts in China/Russia sphere right?




No multipolar world


Thank you, wish I knew French lol, It seems I had downloaded it already some time earlier


take your meds


>Multipolar world is here.


>>524679 reject neoliberal swift return to socialist planned economy


Russia China and India are not on the US side and there will be an alternative SWIFT soon which countries not under US hegemony will begin to use.


Not yet. Dedollarization is the final nail on the coffin. With the shrinkage of the fed (I'm dumb is that where the money is printed?) And the shrinkage of it's influence, the US might have to back away from it's financialized economy OR move towards stuff that people like Yanis has recommended which is the money invested into people, into labor itself towards cooperatives and a people directed finance system. But first the dollar must shrink in it's power.


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Brazil is ranked number 12
Those macacos will destroy you



India, backed by the US, is fighting china on border rights. None of these nations are friends, they just agree on a few things.




cope harder Zionist, the Talmud prophesied the holocaust and the Zionists simply carried out the instructions given by their ancestors


No shit India and china hate each other. They both still have good relations with Russia and plan to keep that

The world isn't black and white divided into 2 teams


India is on no one’s side and made it very clear to the US that it won’t be dictated terms on its foreign policy with China


You know that Ukraine asked India to talk to Russia about the war and India refused because of some shit with Pakistan?


>Jews literally arranged the holocaust
okay this is epic


China and India do not hate each other. India hates China.


Russia stepping it up

This has been one of most informative and nuanced analyst thru this whole conflict



>Ramzan Kadyrov is reportedly offering $5,000 for the head of every Nazi that his troops capture.
These new war crimes make up for his old war crimes


Arranged it, as opposed to agreeing to accept deported jews from germany into the british palestinian protectorate? C’mon


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One of the strong reasons NATO is sending weapons to Ukraine is because Ukraine is a cheap weapon testing facility against live targets.


And why does China not hate India? Especially after 1972?


All thus susposting is making me wonder why nobody has been memeing the sus saboteurs… the susoteurs


well fuck…


The Ghost of Kyiv's law is like the Ghost of Kyiv's rape: haard and fass.


Start to lose, bring out the thermobaric rockets. Can't believe the Donbas war has come to this.


Trick question. Everyone hates India.


>Now can we say Russia bad, China bad
Daring, aren’t we


The Soviets didn’t


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Absolutely love the EU selling all the weaponry they couldn't get rid of to Ukraine for billions of dollars.



>everything is only good or bad


They just don't. When the border clash happened a few years ago the entire Chinese internet was just expressing bafflement at Indian hatred. To a Chinese perspective it was just a small skirmish over a tiny strip of strategic land on a remote border. Chinese feelings towards Indians are defined by a reaction to their (from their perspective) wildly disproportionate animosity that appeared out of nowhere several years ago.


Isn't it all given away for free?


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>Dozens of journalists resigned from RT, Russia's international channel.

>I hope many others will follow, save your souls and rebuild your credibility.



Is Ukrainian nationalism inherent to its 'liberal' government because it tried to polarize along ethnic lines to overcome regional and linguistic divisions? So it could then reform and Ukrainize using EU money


>save your souls
cult shit.


Да ладно тебе. Было бы хорошо, если разразятся по России и Украине настоящие революции, а не цветные.


By this day any azovfag with a brain has probably removed any problematic insignia off his uniform, so yeah some poor ukie conscript might get his noggin removed by a chechen.


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Digital renminbi

>Digital renminbi (Chinese: 数字人民币; also abbreviated as digital RMB and e-CNY),[1] or Digital Currency Electronic Payment (DCEP, Chinese: 数字货币电子支付; pinyin: Shùzì huòbì diànzǐ zhīfù), is a central bank digital currency issued by China's central bank, the People's Bank of China.[2] It is the first digital currency to be issued by a major economy, undergoing public testing as of April 2021.[2][3] The digital RMB is legal tender[4] and has equivalent value with other forms of renminbi, also known as the Chinese yuan (CNY), such as bills and coins.[2]

>The digital yuan is designed to move instantaneously in both domestic and international transactions.[2][5] It aims to be cheaper and faster than existing financial transactions.[2] The technology enables transactions to take place between two offline devices.[6][7]

>[…]The digital RMB could provide a cheaper and more practical alternative to international transactions that are outside the U.S.-led global financial system, especially for countries with strong ties to China.[2][6] It is feared by U.S. commentators and officials that the digital RMB would weaken the ability of the U.S. to monitor and control the global financial system, through "dollar weaponization," such as sanctions[2][28] and through its intelligence access to the SWIFT payment system.[29]


if those missiles are being given away then id be more wary of using them if i was ukraine military


Putin. Is. Done.


I was talking to my mom over the phone
She said I don't think Gorgachev gave away the Soviet union with no preconditions I don't think he was a fat dummy.
I'm like yeah well ma he kind of was.


Fair enough. Whenever my parents or family in the old country talks about China, they’re less than charitable, one could say


>The US used to be in the driver's seat of EU relations with all parties. Now the US is in the driver's seat, and the EU is beaten, duct taped and handcuffed in the trunk.
No you are wrong with that analysis, the US used to get it's way while using up far less political capital, this is a sign they are loosing influence in Europe. Framing it in your metaphor would be: You have to be in a pretty desperate position when you are stuffing people in the trunk. The US has managed to push a wedge between the EU and Russia for sure but China is going to be the one that is in the position to capitalize on it, not the US.

It's a long shot and unrealistic scenario but if the US were to manage isolating Russia from the World, Russia would revert to a Soviet style system, because that's what happened the last time they were isolated by the US. You know what will also come back: ML style foreign policy, of arming every national liberation movement under the sun.


You from the former republics?


No but he did in fact give away the Soviet union with no preconditions…


Soviet-style or actual bolsheviks? Because the former ain’t the same as the latter


That I don’t dispute


Unipolar world is done baby now we will enjoy decades of pmcs fighting insurgencies all over the world while using the splinternet and living of constant fear of nuclear annihilation again. (but it's good for the working class)


Nice. Are they hiring?


How does it feel knowing the Ghost of Kiev got shot down by a girl?


I think it's inherent because Euromaidan was successful because of right wingers and they were rewarded for it


Sure go apply


>they're all westoids
cowards, no balls
Let this be a lesson, westoids are fair-weather friends. Ukrainians just learned that lesson the hard way.




i unironically used to work as an editior for them in moscow, it's decent pay for the city


>Soviet-style or actual bolsheviks? Because the former ain’t the same as the latter
No not actual bolsheviks, there's no repeating history, it will be a new political formation, that will be confronted with similar conditions and hence build similar systems for dealing with their situation.


This war is already boring. When is the DLC dropping?


Wolff: Russia, China, Iran and many other countries don't like the domination the U.S. has over the SWIFT system, it's only a matter of time until there are multiple systems, i.e. Bitcoin is already functioning to a degree


Las Malvinas estoy Ucrainas


>jonny tickle


Russian troops gave the ukrop fascists a chance to surrender, and they've taken it as an opportunity to pose for videos, brag on social media, and recruit child soldiers. The real war hasn't begun yet but patience is running thin.


lel, I'm less surprised this is true than that the Bezos post is admitting this part



I mean to ask will they be communists? You are correct of course. The Russians don’t want to resurrect the USSR, but rather something like it which was capable of accomplishing what the USSR did for them.


>Half of them just want to invade another -stan


They're making support for the war partisan (by associating it with muh dumb conservatives), guaranteeing that 50% of the population will support it


So any happenings happening today?


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giving out AK's to any citizen who asks turns out maybe not being the greatest idea


Kek this is exactly what I would have done if I was stuck in the country.


I see lots of people on social media sharing donations for ukkkraine.
Anything for Donetsk or Russia?


if zelensky is a jew why isnt he in israel


Not bad.


Wolf is a clown with his coop shilling


It was part of it, yes, but the Talmud stipulates that a culling of "unworthy" Jews and Goyim must take place, a "burned offering" to Adonai. Naturally, the Zionists and Nazis teamed up to eliminate the communists are their primary target, but Jews did get caught in the crossfire this is true.


Is it even possible to support Donbass refugees from a western country after the new sanctions?


Well if they donate to UNHCR a chunk of the money will probably help them also but not if they subscribe to the Ukraine army patreon


>any azovfag with a brain
They are nazi-slavs, anon. NAZI-SLAVS.
>has probably removed any problematic insignia off his uniform
It's really simple, but thousands of these hooligans are too stupid to just do that and they will ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I guess a few of the smarter ones among them are using a cheese grater on their swastika tattoos as we speak.


Not everyone is Caleb Maupin who would defend literally anything Russia does and call it anti imperialism

Remember his new slogan "donbass lives matter!" DLM


bros we could literally stockpile arms for a communist revolution
ak74? 5.45, very nice


yeah bro totally haha, not CIA btw


So what are your predictions on what will happen next?


>work with a bunch of prole apolitical conservatives in middle of nowhere leafland
>all of them are talking about how Putin is "literally Hitler"
Jesus fuxkkng christ, how widespread is this psyop that even normies are saying this


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>implying donbass lives don't matter


>Wolf is a clown with his coop shilling
Wolf talked about the Swift financial system, tho


Might have something to do with the diaspora there too, leafland took in a lot of Ukrainian refugees after WW2 (if you get my implication) and politically motivated diasporas with strong feelings about the old country can often shift area views of a place no one else there cares about.


Isn't swift is a system to connect banks or something?
Are they going to come up with a new currency?
I mean I'm assuming they are since he mentioned buttcorn


>Jesus fuxkkng christ, how widespread is this psyop that even normies are saying this
Most people are not following any of this closely, all they see is the headline "Russia invades Ukraine" without any of the 30 years of context necessary to understand what's going on.


>Remember his new slogan "donbass lives matter!" DLM
Hey that's actually a pretty good slogan.


i don't even understand why they disconnected Russia from SWIFT. The only sanctions China upheld are the US dollar ones and now they don't have to do that anymore either. Europe is killing themselves literally for no reason


for freedom and democracy


They could use the yuan


It's probably bullshit. We'll have to wait and see.

>The statement still leaves the actual technical details – and the specific Russian lenders that will be cut off from SWIFT – unclear, with US and EU officials still in the midst of hammering out the final details of the action.


Caleb literally said one day before that the people protesting police murders of blacks who were shot by a fascist were probably feds and that it was useless to protest because "our place is not in the streets" and it's useless to get people killed in shootings. Days after he's shilling hard for a stupid war that's killing hundreds of civilians like it's a moral imperative. Dude's a joke


The yuan is not scary
What scares people is BRICS coming up with a strong currency to rival the dollar
But that didn't happen


Bro PLEASE just take these weapons and go to odessa. I don't give af if you are a commie just keep it to yourself. We get payed 10k in mic printer bucks for each one of these puppies we offload so bring your jew friends too


Because economic warfare is literally the only thing the Anglos know. When Britannia ruled the waves, they claimed they had the "right" to interdict all neutral merchant shipping and seize any goods they believed were heading for the country they were at war with.


Damn my man Mykola just became the richest man in Ukraine.


This is a lie. Caleb is autistic and pals around with some retards, but I've ever heard him say anything like that.


That and at least Nazis recognize that liberalism is total cancer, they just handle it the wrong way


boys lets raid azov's twitter https://twitter.com/Polk_Azov


Liberalism and fascism are joined at the hip, newbies.


6: He's a Tsarist-Bolshevik-Nationalist that will restore the USSR to its former glory.



No, Nazis are people who see the contradiction between liberalism promise of universal individual freedom and universal equality between people (at least legally) and decide “well some people just aren’t equal or even people!”


Yeah this is basically a giant stimulus check for us and cheap way to acquire a 5.45 rifle for the rest of the (uncucked) world. WTF I love azov now? Keynsians literally cannot stop winning


Only by uniting everyone against him and bringing the communists into power when they seize the state from him


He actually did say that but the message is not objectionable. He was talking about the specific context of west coast street fights between antifa and patriot prayer. These things are circuses of cringe. Caleb is correct that it’s sad the antifa guy got shot but at the same time, no socialist should be involved in this shit and there’s every chance that anyone at one of these is a fed.


And communists believe there are no qualitative differences between people at all


I guess no one wants to watch the streams since odds of watching while something actually happens on cam seems slim.


So I'm gonna weigh in with some thoughts, I did my PoliSci (IR) masters degree on Ukraine-Russia diplomatic history from 1991 to 2014. I have some insights I think I can patch together with the available data.

Putin is probably surrounded by a host of yes-men even in this critical arena of military. Tis probably explains the slow adaptation of troops on the ground, confused conscripts surrendering, not knowing they're in Ukraine, etc… The paratrooper drops without support. Negative feedback is part of our evolution, like putting your hand on a hot stove. Obviously, something/someone is ignoring a lot of this negative feedback on the first 2 days of the invasion; and given the immense stakes involved, that ignorance is willfully happening despite instincts to change in the chain of command. That is a telling sign, I believe.

Ideologically speaking, Putin is a Tsarist-Bolshevik-Nationalist (don't @ me, there's precedent for this weird combo). He borrows from all three of these ideologies much like a swiss army knife. Each tool serves a purpose and appeals to a major demographic that he needs to keep supporters on board. He never leans too heavily into either too much. Nor does he lean out of either too much. But this invitation is like the perfect coalescence of these three elements, combined with an inflated ego of near unlimited power plus yes-men, this invasion looks more like an invitation for Putin. Easy pickings.
When looking at maps of territory held by Russians. The big red blob they're in doesn't represent troop positions. Russia is only going to park troops in towns or cities. So the space between them is empty. They're going for deep-strike operations it seems, and their BTGs are not entirely suited to it without a large paramilitary (read: cannon-fodder) support element to protect the flanks and make up for the low ration of materiel to men.

Zelenskyy going for negotiation was implied from the beginning. He does not want to be under attack. He's willing to negotiate because that means less/no fighting is happening. Diplomacy is about sending out as many feelers as you can to gauge the temperature of the other party. Of course, he'd prefer to bargain from a position of strength, but there is strength in the fact that there are relative levels of annoyance that Kyiv can manufacture for Russia in perpetuity. That's no exaggeration. What we're witnessing may be the largest nation-building and identity-forming event in the last 50 years. A puppet regime may be installed, but the idea of a free Ukraine with its own destiny free of a Russian leash cannot be wiped from Ukrainians' memory. The West learned from the Baltics during the Cold War: recognition of states' original borders despite however long it takes for them to become free, works.

This leads me into the long game for Putin. Still hard to see what he realistically aims to get without bogging Russia in a massive regime-support quagmire a la Afghanistan. This isn't Syria where there's a leader in a city who just needs control over the rest of the territory. Nor is this like the Georgian conflicts in 2008 where the separatist enclaves had existed for 6-7 years before and had been established in generally internationally-approved ways. Demilitarisation and denazification obviously aim towards kangaroo courts and a range of punitive measures against what Putin believes are elements in Ukraine's society that are anti-Kremlin. But everyone knows that. If I had to guess, I believe he's looking to completely annex the territories of his perceived "Novorossiya" territories (the South-East region of Ukraine), and then install a puppet to rule over rump Russia-approved Ukraine in the North and West.

Lastly, I think the implications of this war for the world are huge. Nothing happens for a decade, and then a decade happens in a week, Lenin said. We're seeing a total paradigm shift away from the post-Cold War order for Russia. How that'll take shape will be determined in the next 2 to 6 months.

Other predictions: Kyiv needs to last at least a week to keep Ukraine in a good bargaining position and to make costs high for Putin. By "Kyiv lasting" I mean that Spetznaz groups haven't made it into the centre and dragging Zelenskyy and other Verkhovna Rada deputies out by the hair to stand trial for "Nazism" or whatever dumb shit Putin has pre-arranged. I think there's a very good chance for this to play out, because of how resilient Ukraine's military has been so far. The next 2 days are vital because there'll be no snow. But from Monday to Friday there should be snow, which should make movements slower and defending easier. Ukraine needs to keep a western corridor open from Kyiv to L'viv to facilitate transport of materiel. Ukraine also needs to drastically up its pressure on the west to keep increasing sanction pressure.


No socialist should take to street action or be in a position where they have to get in a shootout with rightoids? Because there IS a difference


could be fun if they were active but they tweet like once a month


>no socialist should be involved in this shit and there’s every chance that anyone at one of these is a fed.
You're a fucking moron socialists protested apartheid and racism stuff all the time since forever. Just armchair turbo internet criticism, but yeah I guess the Black Panthers were wrong and probably feds anyway


Russia will win the war. There is no question about that.
The question is what happens next.


Las Malvinas son de Guaidó


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Funny how cops leave people protesting in Times Square alone this time.


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>>524790 so you don't want to make fascists pissed. you will raid fascists twitter no step back


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>Danyil this is the 5th AK I've given you in 3 days!
>How do you keep losing them?


Poor Zelensky is now torn between desires:

- whether to keep the dacha in the Crimea, having agreed with Putin,
- whether to continue to call on the suckers to fight in order to save the house in London …


>Rightoid cope
>”From each according to their ability to each according to their need”
Economic class and class politics are a real thing. People are not homogenous and some may be better at some things than other people in various different fields. But in terms of politic/“ and economic praxis, class is the only meaningful category.


I wonder what life is like for the guys who think Ukraine is in America.


Lads the Ghost of Kyiv has been identified as Ivan Frakhovskyy
Here is the interrogation video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GM-e46xdcUo


>no step back
i love dlc!! wholesome 100 paradox moment!


Still could. Yuan is the third most popular reserve currency


>I mean to ask will they be communists? You are correct of course. The Russians don’t want to resurrect the USSR, but rather something like it which was capable of accomplishing what the USSR did for them.
I don't know, i don't speak Russian so i can't follow Russian politics.


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>leftists shouldn't go to the police brutality blm riots because they are cringe
Glow harder


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>Liberalism is our real enemy and both left and right should unite to destroy it
<Both left and right
<and right


That's because the field is just so massively skewed.



might as well sell a NFT of the rifle too


Fascists are liberals, stripped of hypocrisy.

>both left and right should unite to destroy it

Fuck off.


Russians are burning their passports with American visas


joggers are violent and break stuff, true communists insinuate they are jogger skeptic on the internet and try and poach boomers and suburban failsons from the republican party


No that'd be the yen
A lot of people use the yuan cause there's a lot of Chinese people
I don't think people exchange their money for yuans and think my wealth is in good hands


As long as Saudi Arabia, with OPEC, trade oil for US dollars, it'll remain the dominant reserve currency.


>>524810 sorry i mean Order No. 227


The ghost of kiev is from star treak? Zamn! they're never gonna get him down!


Some people aren't equal, Engels debunked the idea of egalitarianism long ago. Doesn't mean we shouldn't desire socialism, just that we need a vanguard


You're just proving my point. You see differences in people like differences in skill points, some are better at this and others are better at something else but overall everyone is still the same thing in your mind so it's just a matter of everyone cooperating.

That's not the kind of differences I mean when I say qualitative difference. The vast majority of people alive today (over 90%) are subhuman animals that are incapable of critical thought or independent agency. They are not people. Trying to create a communism out of them will only lead to hilarious disasters like very attempt so far.


There was a condition that NATO doesn't move eastwards.
But, well, you know how it went.




-Russians clearly trying to spare civilians
-Supply problems, but maybe typical of all big invasions
-Air superiority failed
-"Russian doctrinal preference for disrupting, degrading, or destroying adversary command and control through artillery, missile strikes, air strikes, cyber/electronic warfare, and ground combat does not appear to be working (yet)."
-UA defending well


can somebody redpill me on donbass? why are irish people comparing it to northern ireland and siding with ukraine? I ask because I'm wondering what the fuck is compelling some people to post links to donate to the ukranian army. I am aware of the separatist movements, but are the similarities only superficial? are they just falling for lib outrage? one of my friends compared hoIodomor to the irish famine which made me wonder.




Spoken like a true intelligentsia liberal, how about you fuck off to Reddit where your brand of pseudointellectualism is acceptable?


Go back to pol


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>how do you do, fellow communists, don't you think we should unite with the fascists?


If that's true then NATO is wrong


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It’s almost like you don’t get how transparent you are


Literally what help would fascists even be? You're whole aregument relies on fascists being a helpful "ally" to begin with, when history shows they are 100% more then happy to backstab anyone they "work with" in order to gain some established role in capitalist society. Fascists are not the enemy of liberals, they are their front yard dogs.


Why is the internet still working in Ukraine? Does GPS still work?


>we share a common enemy
No we don’t




Getting into fist fights with boomers is not, contrary to what your drug addled zoomer mind believes, the only way to protest racism. In fact, it isn’t even a good way.


/pol/ is what I'm talking about retard. You think the average kid that grew up on memes or shitposting has what it takes to function in the real world (not the fake virtual reality economy that exists today)


So what's going on with Odessa right now? I thought that region was one of the more Russian sympathetic.



Of course, that's why Trump pulled out of INF treaty, because Putin wants more nukes aimed at him


Nice…paywall…for freaking MSNBC


I feel like I’m in the worlds largest open-air mental hospital.


Because Russia is exercising restraint.


And what is, now?


so, looking at number 10, if I suck his daughter's clit, does that mean he'll suck mine?


Wonder if they'll stop if things go south


I just woke up wtf is happening?


They're making Stalker but irl


There's a reason you heard reports/Western journalists freaking out over some… heavy artillery rolling into Ukraine.


This has been happening for several days now. How did you sleep through the dozens of planes the ghost of kiev shot down??


Literally any protest that isn’t
1. Involved with antifa
2. Itself a counter protest
You guys are fucking retarded and I sincerely doubt you’ve ever protested once in your lives if you managed to interpret my disdain for street fighting as a blanket condemnation of all protests for racial justice. You probably like the antifa street fights because you get to experience the violence you list for vicariously through them.


No, I mean why hasn't the Ukrainian government shut down the internet? Why doesn't America shut down GPS?



Kind of based if cringe. Protect your daughters uyghas


Blasting propaganda Westerwards is the most damage they've done to Russia.


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>tfw Sean Penn gets captured by Chechen militias


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Sanctions don't make sense, you will hurt not only Russian people but also most of Europe, so why is everyone pushing for them so badly?


It's behind a paywall
Here's the bit I can see
>The Chinese yuan will become a global reserve currency sooner than most people expect, said billionaire investor Ray Dalio.

>The U.S. dollar is currently the world’s reserve currency, but billionaire hedge fund manager Dalio said the yuan’s role could grow much bigger in the next few years.

>Dalio, founder of the world’s largest hedge fund Bridgewater Associates, said more global trade and financial transactions could be denominated in the yuan in the coming years. That’s going to help China’s currency become more widely used internationally, he told CNBC Managing Asia’s Christine Tan.

>Here’s the investor’s take on why the yuan is going to become more attractive, and how its digital form could be a very viable investment alternative.


I think they mean that Ukraine's air defenses are still operational enough to keep Russian aircraft away.


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Donbas = conquered sections of Ukraine, like Crimea, that Russia has illegally claimed.

Why? Because they're insane. And they have nukes, so it's hard to slap the little-dicked assholes back in line.

Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics have never been pro-independence same as Crimea never was, they are separatists puppet governments placed there by Russia. Initially, there have been genuine grievances and desire of some population of that regions to have more autonomy and to have closer economic ties to Russia (instead of EU) contrary to people who protested at Maidan. In a situation of political crisis in Ukraine, Russia sent their agents and special forces to capture administrative buildings, set up their own puppet government, promising to people to add them to Russia same as Crimea if they support them. Unfortunately for the ordinary people, Putin only needed them to start a war and destabilize Ukraine.


US is pushing for it. And EU are US lapdogs. US won't be affected by it, the rich in EU won't be affected by it. So all who matter won't be affected by it.


is in response to >>524829


Tell me this is a shitpost




It's both. The air defenses provide a cover story for the ghost of kiev (so the russians don't think he exists).


Cope but literarily you're coping


literally anybody who has spent more than a day reading the available literature on this disagrees with you


why would it be a shitpost



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Holy seethe




Am I Russia?


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Check the gas prices


When did the 'putin is doing this because hecking CRAZY' narrative comes from?


Are they going up everywhere?


He's doing this because NATO broke their agreement simple as



Not in Russia


Russiagate. Putin is painted either like this genius supervillain or white Saddam


anybody else notice that gas jumped the fuck up? paid 3.30/gal at the pump jesus christ. when is this shitty ass war going to end?


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Reminder that the correct material analysis is that Ukraine is George Floyd but the country version. Anything else is class treachery


Смерть Украине


Liberals don't understand geopolitics or History.


They switched after the invasion started. You have to constantly switch from your enemy is a all powerful mastermind to your enemy is incompetent weakling on a dime as the situation calls for it to min/max your people's fear vs pessimism.


Been only three days, buddy. And you're already getting gouged? Or are you doing a bit?


And they don't want to, either.


Anyone else looking at social media and thinking a lot of people running their mouths are too fucking stupid to be having opinions about this? How do we combat the propaganda brain worms?


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You think that's bad?
Everything is about to blow up in price buddy


Sadly, it seems gulags are the only choice


Let me explain this conflict. Russia is 7 and Ukraine is 9, Donbas and Lugansk is 8. 7-8-9.


>Anyone else looking at social media and thinking a lot of people running their mouths are too fucking stupid to be having opinions about this?
Yes, liberalism is cancer

>How do we combat the propaganda brain worms?

We hope russia nukes california and all the faggy social media HQ's.


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>egoist complaining about being mildly inconvenienced
>end the war guise


Seize the MSM.


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Kinda like laughing at improvised military experts (they played a lot of hoi4 and grasp the geopolitics of new Vegas) and their sycophants


it's over. soon social media will be overrun by botnets and will be able to manufacture consent at the push of a button


>Comfy petite bourgeois is horny for war


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>how do we X?
Not in charge, not my problem. I didn't fucking invite these retarded Plebbitors or /pol/yps to fucking proselythize, either.


>UPDATE: Widespread reports that Gazprom's 'financial director' has died, of suicide or otherwise, are not accurate.


>egoist reacting based on his material interests


Guys, for your sanity, you probably should stop following this war closely and get up to date on monthly basis. This won't be over in a week like the elections. Every competent analyst is saying this will be a long and bloody war.

Now go read some books or watch movies or jerk off or something.


So, uhh, hey, is the logistics crisis still going on?


It's either labor camp or homelessness no way around it
If somebody has a better idea I'm all ears


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>Anyone else looking at social media
Can't say I do!


fug DDD–:


>Dudes stop following this war that will only get more interesting every second


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Don't tell me what to do


Your first mistake is assume I actually care about the news surrounding this war that have very high chances of being misinformation and that I am not in it only for the spectacle factor.


funny how activity just completely stopped after this post


This is deflection


Just found out the national anthem of Ukraine is called "Ukraine is not yet lost". Even these uyghas national anthem is cope lmao


We did it leftypolbros! we stopped the war!


We all went to jerk off.


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You will come to the same conclusion yourself. But by then you will have wasted a lot of precious time. Time you could have spent enjoying or bettering yourself.



>Johnny Tickle is lost.
Putler is finished.


I'm still jerking off.


I hope there's a war in America and every egoist flaggot is conscripted and has to dig trenches


you're right but gdi I'm addicted to doomscrolling. how to fix?



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Can't just enjoy Christmas with the rest of us.
>Ohhhh Santa Claus isn't real
>There's no way he could deliver toys to every house in the world in one night
>What about poor kids
>What about places that don't celebrate Christmas





shh let people enjoy thing xd


Haha we posted two different tweets saying the same shit at the same time.


I didn't see this
>US State Department has come out in opposition to Zelenskyy and Putin meeting to discuss potential ceasefire. (!)
>"Now we see Moscow suggesting that diplomacy take place at the barrel of a gun, or as Moscow’s rockets, mortars, artillery target the Ukrainian people."
No wonder the vahshites were all saying this lol


top jej


Why only america? Lets have the whole world digging holes in unison, just the kind of senseless stupid labor communists admire.


>yeah so what if it's fake xD
These are the type of faggots that Ukrops have on their side.


Morale is not a function of firepower.


It's meme magic


File: 1645937983584.jpg (25.97 KB, 720x273, 1645933832473.jpg)

> that comfy feel when USSR will be forced to return and I can finally afford a gnu GRU+Linux soviet graphics card


what a fag


Where is and in Taiwan?
Haha they won't have to worry about that for long


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A new fighter has appeared. He is being called The Saint of Kiev. He has reportedly left coal in everyone of The RF army's socks in a single night.


Santa denier bros…. it's over…


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These are the people supporting Ukrops. NATO shills, liberals, Voosh, e-thots, the forces of Reddit and cringe united


Oh and is in California wow didn't know that
Oh well I'm sure the Chinese got that covered one way or the other






Amd* fucking phone


wtf is wrong with libs




why are you raiding an account that doesn't even post lol


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Ghost of Kiev? More like HOAX of Kiev


They sound like how Tom Clancy writes but they're blue-haired liberals instead of conservative boomers.


I guess you could have a parasocial relationship with a propaganda construct, it's 2022 after all


Snake Island? Well, I think the media are the real snakes!!!


File: 1645938444377.webm (188.07 KB, 826x1080, 1629851108822.webm)

He's called Ghost of Kiev because ghosts do not exist.


I was thinking the same thing earlier today, so I watched a movie. It was Come and See. I feel like shit.


Purler? No it's ZelenSSky the real nazi


Chicken-hawk bitch. Send all these chest-thumping degenerates, this guy and the greasebeast of Beverly Hills Kochinski, to do the fighting instead.


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4channers still find this shit funny







>White people's face when they realize they're collectively no longer relevant
You're not going to enjoy the next few decades


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getting into twitter slapfights is not praxis


Ukros on CNN are claiming Putler is going 'scorched earth'


File: 1645938746740.png (1.41 MB, 1280x720, ClipboardImage.png)

heard you were talking shit about kiev/kyviv?




Kinda glad Valve doesn't care about TF2 anymore so we won't see performative shit about muh Ukraine now.


Just overheard one my coworkers say that Putin has announced that he will take Poland next, as if that makes any fucking sense at all.


I make it a rule to check in once a day, then do productive stuff




You really think valve would do that? They stay out of this no?

Is the CS:GO russian ban real?


>And after we take Wasaw, Berlin will be ours.


File: 1645938873265.mp4 (1.59 MB, 480x270, AgWLokoo02wwb6n1.mp4)

>“Prayer for Ukraine” performed by Ukrainian Chorus Dumka of New York
It's over for Putler


I mean considering how Valve works it'd only take one dev wanting to do it for it to happen.


It will be true eventually, your co-worker is a prophet

Tell him to say the USSR will be reborn next


File: 1645938928628-1.jpg (50.08 KB, 473x451, owvnxbtn9ak81.jpg)

We have entered a new age in the history of human civilization.
The Rulling Class do not understand the difference between reality and fiction.


pathetic hohols




Guys are the Simpsons going to predict the future again?


Polish-Soviet* War 2: electric boogaloo

*Yes, I know that the Russian Federation is quite anticommunist and antisoviet, just lemme shitpost


>Putin will invade cucked Pooland next
Don't get my hopes high fuck…


the fake serious faces really make it, i hate libs so fucking much bros


File: 1645939046049.mp4 (1.7 MB, 480x270, qj_z2jw7wdGrVBKY.mp4)

>NBC: Russian state media has played your own words…[calling] Putin shrewd, capable & you said you have enormous respect. Do you regret your words?

>Pompeo: I’ve been fighting communism since I was a teenager. I’m going to keep fighting communism.


Jesus Christ, how much of Russia and Ukraine are just massive farms?


They look like they might burst out laughing any second


>Russia and Ukraine together account for a third of the world’s wheat exports, a fifth of its corn trade and almost 80 per cent of sunflower oil production, according to data from the US agriculture department.

>Among those most reliant are nations in the Middle East and Africa. Lebanon imports half of its total wheat consumption from Ukraine, followed by Libya at 43 per cent.


These guys are even bigger larpers than leftypol


Is he on a fucking scooter?


What was Pompeo pushing? Had something in his hands


You mean the anticommie wagon?


Is Putin some kind of collector of cucked peoples?


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Time to reread forever war, don't know if I'll do the book or the graphic novel though.


Did he break his foot?



join the raid bios join the raid biosjoin the raid biosjoin the raid biosjoin the raid biosjoin the raid biosjoin the raid biosjoin the raid biosjoin the raid biosjoin the raid biosjoin the raid biosjoin the raid biosjoin the raid biosjoin the raid biosjoin the raid biosjoin the raid bios https://leftypol.org/leftypol/res/793501.html


>literal cope


lol wtf is this


We need a term for this annoying fucking meme now

Shitters just grasp at anything to try and make it seem like the Simpsons predicted it

This is a syndrome, Call it Yellow Brain


eating food is a cope to not dying


Don't forget to self-care while you're coping about the Russian invasion of Ukraine!!!


should do it while the americans are awake
they're stupid enough to do it


new jew-washing just dropped


>muh communism
is this some type of Boomer Brain disorder?


>9convert.com - Scottish health secretary Humza Yousaf falls off mobility scooter in Holyrood_360p.mp4
His foot was broken so he had to use a mobility scooter and then he starter racing on it while being filmed and then stuck his foot right in front of the wheel and you can see how that turned out.



File: 1645939754805.jpg (172.7 KB, 928x715, anarchist_cringe.jpg)

late to the party on this one but read this article: https://crimethinc.com/2022/02/15/war-and-anarchists-anti-authoritarian-perspectives-in-ukraine

by the end, you will become anti-anarchist and pro-russian. As evinced by pic related, THE UKRAINIANS ARE NAZIS. I choose to support the side that are fighting nazis; not actually joining forces with them.


I don't hate anarchists and crimethinc has always been retarded.


any day bitch


>As evinced by pic related, THE UKRAINIANS ARE NAZIS


t. nazi sympathizer


>I understand my enemy, I will always know my enemy for what he is


I just want to see libs being assblasted, that and I hate Zelensky for being a faggot wanting to sacrifice civilians for nothing.


I hope the bombastic and propagandizing news cycles haunts liberals dreams for weeks to come.

It's their fault for taking corporate media drivel so seriously.


t. pinochetist enjoyer


Multipolarity bros

Davos World Economic forum ghoul:
>China may offer #CIPS, its alternative clearance system to #SWIFT, to Russia, with transactions cleared in the RMB.
>In the short term, removal from #SWIFT is powerful.
>Over the long term, it promotes alternative global currency order, to the detriment of the Dollar.



It hits different without the yellow haze filter


Ace Combat 8 cancelled.


wouldn't that be you, nazi dicksucker?


look in the mirror putinochetist vlazovite


As far as I know, China has not actually offered CIPS. "Journalists" mentioning this means they want to take this opportunity to have something done about China.



It’a Vlasovite. If you want to talk shit, at least do it properly



I think were are likely to see final the convergence of the left and liberals, it's been trending that way for a while now and this will accelerate it, and then soon after the far-right will be blended in somehow. All forces will be arrayed against the hated and alien foreigner, today Russia. Tomorrow (or this evening, if possible) China.


I'm quite used to everyone in the normiezone being completely fucking delusional and divorced from reality, so I've long ago jokerfied and don't feel upset about how fucking stupid everyone is.


Update, as my coworkers were talking about the war and how evil Russia is, I brought up American hypocrisy in regards to this, denounced American imperialism, dropped some soft redpills about how capitalism leads to imperialism, etc. They responded positively.


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>or this evening
what do you know


Sure but I think they've been working on something like that since last year


Another win for the good guys.



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Finally! I was starting to worry about the lack of progress.


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>Another win for the good guys.


Thanks for the correction
Nat(i)onalism will do that to people, it's not a final convergence, remember WW1. Chunks of the left are just plain wrong, whether it is the american socdems pro nato, the anarchists Ukrainians or the KRPF bureaucrats wanting to collaborate with their ruling class in order to fight and feed this war.


I don't know why, but all the videos I see from Ukraine remind me of my homeland Mexico. It has the same shithole vibe; it's weird.


This reminds me of that based Russian soldier that laughed when asked about if they wanted to be towed back to russia.


Fascists have entered Kharkiv


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> Wait until Ghost of Kharkov comes and single-handedly sends them all back


That's nice, when's Kiev's turn? Did it start?


oh dam the ukranian army is retaking it or what?


Don't worry the russian army will wipe them soon.


Why can't nato just use F-35s and B2's to just bomb the shit out of the Russians?


Mexico is actually much wealthier than the Ukraine (like GDP PPP per capita is 50% higher in Mexico). The Ukraine is poor poor


Russia says Kharkov citizens rat out/pinpoint Ukrop vehicles locations because Ukrops can't help but hide near civilian buildings


Are you baiting or? NATO through Ukraine under the bus.


F35 and B2 will be shot down, that's why.


Those are apparently some Vostok Battalion dudes on their way to Mariupol.


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just lol.


Wait, I thought they were hiding near civs only in Kiev.


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Yeah why don't they nuke Moscow??? Spineless liberals


Why would they? Nazis use civilians as a living shield, that's why there's no evacuations anywhere


>translated from french to spanish


The Jew fears the Bear


>why not just ww3?
based retard


File: 1645941294655.webm (2.51 MB, 256x256, 1401411217960.webm)

>clap Ukrainian cheeks because geopolitics
>Ukrainian military and government is so shit, you turn into liberator anyway


>not speaking french


File: 1645941312646.png (40.92 KB, 1018x285, reddit.png)

If you're a russian soldier in ukraine and you're casually browsing english reddit you should surrender….please.


Kharkovites are good boys, they defended Lenin until like 5,000 Azov/Right Sektor fags came in the night and beat up the defenders there and tore him down


>Nazis are bad because of le Jewarinos
liberal western education moment


>Mexico is actually much wealthier
Mexico has extreme poverty on an unprecedent level. Yes, the GDP might be higher, but the majority of the profits go to a very tiny portion of the populace. Take a visit to Mexico; the squalid conditions and the sheer number of beggars will show you just how abhorrent the situation in Mexico really is. I'm curious to see if Ukraine has the same amount of *extreme* poverty and homeless beggars as Mexico.


si tu sais pas parler français ça veut dire que t'es un anglo par défaut


It's a FEMEN member afraid that her family is hiding in the middle of the chaos. The picture is of her posing in the middle of the Odessa massacre.


It does, I've been to Ukraine, but never Mexico, and outside Kiev and Lvov, and some parts of Kharkov, Odessa, etc. It's exactly like you describe


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Mike Aquino style 'Mind-War' [Actual tactic he tried to pitch to the US army - 'The shock and awe of psy-ops'] tactics in play.
Nietzschean and occult 'Will to power' and 'Magick is an act of will' principles being applied to warfare.
Blare your own troops and the enemy with so much propaganda about your impending victory that is becomes hyperstitional and self-creating.

Both sides seem to be attempting this on socials in about even measure.


if you're american, you should be able to read at least a bit of Spanish. stop being stupid


i am russian :(


>Both sides seem to be attempting this on socials in about even measure.
I honestly haven't seen a single post on normie social media supporting Russia, prominent retards like Maupin excluded of course.


>everyone is American


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Just look at this shit. Ukrops hid with vehicles insane a megamarket/trade center, and on top of that twitter warriors are urging Ukrainians to throw molotovs at Russians from windows and rooftops. Nazis are fucking desperate, they are losing hard


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>be in a city about to be invaded by Russians
>support the defending side
>hmm I wonder what her wikipedia page says


that is really aggravating


File: 1645941556937.jpg (76.75 KB, 828x821, FMkwYLpXIAAG46u.jpg)

>Contrary to Vladimir Putin’s accusations:

>Volodymyr Zelenskyy is not a Nazi. He’s a Ukrainian Jew and a hero for freedom.


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As per tradition, Ukrops think it's Russian troops getting destroyed


ah, then no worries [spoiler]but you should be able to speak French as your nobles did in the 1800s lol[/spoiler]


The idea that Nazism was only about the holocaust and hating Jews is deeply ingrained in liberal minds. And they will call you anti-Semitic if you point out the pervasive Jewish propaganda that ONLY uses WWII to justify their own colonialism


Did all the Russian soldiers and mercenaries stationed in Africa and Syria leave for Ukraine or are they still there?


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major setback for the Ukraine forces: the Ghost of Kyiv has contracted Havana Syndrome and will be unable to continue fighting.


>Nazi collaborator survived and his grandson is now president


Russia should warn civilians to get the fuck out of Kiev and then carpet bomb the whole city.

If Zelensky wants to stay he can die as one of the "Heroes" he admires so much.


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It's even more shameful for him to head a state whose government and military is full of nazis.


burger here and i've heard people say this irl, i thought it was a joke at first. it's sorta concerning how far outside reality liberals and conservatives are now


Damn you're a retarded psycho, you think the authorities will just let people leave and be carpet bombed? Don't be a fool


I read once Putin's older brother (who was very young at the time) and all his uncles were murdered by Nazis. Plus his mom almost died with his brother during the Siege of Leningrad and his dad walked with a limp because of an injury during the war.


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just sucked my coworkers dick, now I won't have to work the nightshift at the 7/11 tomorrow


Ukrainians are going to fling themselves into the meatgrinder and make it really messy and the media will universally praise their heroism. what a shitshow



>average anti-putinoid


>A myth contracts a mythical illness
Seems fitting.


File: 1645941882898.mp4 (2.52 MB, 350x640, 2712044731608612340.MP4)

It seems that Russian forces may have finally broken through at Kharkov, per telegram. Vidrel


They shouldn't, I just hope that some brave guy kills Zelensky and starts negotiating with the russians.


sucking dicks is cool actually but you already know that since you seem to gobble up Putler's cock


Kiev is a beautiful historical city. I would unironically be sad to see it destroyed like that because of some jewish standup and his friends who worship a decrepit old nazi who got killed by an umbrella


Western liberals are ready to fight to the last Ukranian.


CNN showing 50 yo volunteers sleeping outside with guns in Kyiv. Gunshots etc


Zelensky will fight until the last ukrainian teenager has been killed and then escape to poland.


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At least they didn't die alone….


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Reminder that it was Putler that started this war that already killed thousands of innocent people


Biden started the war by leaving Putin no choice.




Yes, literally so if this is true >>524931
from @KGosztola


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Fuck off reddit, the ukrainian nazis have been mobilized.




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it's not a war it's a peace keeping operation against the 4th reich, look it up (on RT)


Damn apparently Ukrops are surrendering en masse outside Kharkov


>In the Kharkiv region, the 302nd anti-aircraft missile regiment of Ukrainian troops voluntarily laid down their arms, 471 servicemen were detained — Russian Defense Ministry


the US and Ukraine started the war by breaking their peace agreements and adopting hardline policy of forcibly retaking Donbas and Crimea.
Putler just escalated the war to put an end to it.


Imagine being some uygha on the Kiev or Kharkov front watching these Crimea uyghas just roll through on a nice sight-seeing tour with ukrainian bitches on tinder


>NATO bombs Serbia in a military intervention
<Unamused soyjack
>Russia bombs Ukraine in a militay invasion


Don't worry, the phantom of Kharkov has made an alliance with the avengers to fight ruskies.




<I made it up


And it will thousands more innocent nazis. Fully endorsing Putin here


going to post my non-troll takes:

1. All the ukrop nazi batallions should get wiped off the earth by the Russians

2. This whole situation was caused by NATO and Amerifat aggression. None of this shit would be happening if NATO didn't "promise" to put Ukraine and Georgia into the alliance, and the West stirred the flames by goading Ukraine to be more and more progressively anti-Russian. The end result of invasion was inevitable.

3. Zelensky is being extremely irresponsible by trying to create a Volkssturm. He's also completely delusional and still believes in Western lies and is falling for his own hype. If he wasn't a careless idiot, he'd get to the negotioting table ASAP and pledge neutrality and de-nazification.

4. I'm hoping for a quick Russian victory over Ukrop nazis with minimal civilian casualities and civilian infrastructure destruction. I'm not pro-Putin or pro-Russia, but this result would be the best outcome considering the present conditions. War is never good; invasion worse. But as I stated above, this shit is 99% the West's fault.


>Trusting a single fucking word out of Russian MoD mouth


saved lives. i would have instantly deserted


>noooooo Ukrops are winning are want to belieeeeeve



File: 1645942504564.jpeg (407.33 KB, 1383x2048, drseusshohol.jpeg)

So far Russian MoD has been pretty tightlipped and what they released has been true. Completely opposite from pic related on the ukrop side



>Nationalists from the Azov battalion used grad systems on residential areas of the Mariupol suburb and on the school in Mariupol, Russian Defence Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said.


I'm talking about the fearmongering that "muh Azov guyz we gotta stop them!!!", all the while Russia is bombing civilians to death.


>Responding to tripfags


I think we can all agree that if Zelensky was gone this would end immediately and Ukraine would continue to be independent and would become truly neutral.


This is 49,9% the west fault but I agree with the rest. Western leftists should still oppose war but mostly military aid for Ukraine from their country.


Same. The US has been using Ukraine as cannon fodder for a larger power game with Russia. They "convinced" Ukraine to follow hardline positions on everything and this is where it's led.


Not sure about putting Zelensky and Azov together, but that Ukrainian defense ministry typographer is top kek and absolutely accurate.


Ghost of Kiev is dead, I repeat, Ghost of Kiev is dead.


I’m willing to at least listen to them since they aren’t the ones flooding every inch of space with fake videos and retweeting video game footage as evidence of imaginary fighter aces


Ukraine can't forcibly retake Donbass or Crimea, the correct move if they try is to repel them, pre-emptive strikes are always an excuse for aggression.

At most they can (and AFAIK were) increase their shelling of Donbass, and the correct response to that is the destruction of the units doing the shelling and a message that this will not be tolerated. Not trying to conquer the whole fucking country.


is this from the first day or is the Ukrop Air Force finally destroyed?


The anti nazi narrative is for garnering support from pro russia libs who have an idealist understanding of things and didn't know what the political situation of Ukraine was one week ago.


I think half this psyop ghost of kiev shit is just overcompensating for how shockingly their air force and navy got bodied the first night when the Russians blitzed them. I was watching those tweets real time and it really was shock & awe.


Fake news the Ghost of Kiev has destroyed every single russian satellite in space.


>all the while Russia is bombing civilians to death.

Where? Not a single precise striked civilian object yet. Well, there was supposedly oil/gas refinery under Kiev blown up yesterday night


That's Ivano-Frankivsk today.


>Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: by now, the Russian armed forces have hit 975 objects of the military infrastructure of Ukraine
Seems like they are working through a list.


there's an anti-nazi narrative because Ukraine has state-sanctioned nazism and nazis are bad, retard


Hopefully the humanitarian intervention team of Chechnya will find her


Ukraine's been bombing civilians to death in the Donbas for 7 years. You never gave af, why start now?


countries don't fight each other because moral or ethnic cleansing liberal


I think CNN said 'dozens,' for whatever that's worth


>pro russia libs
Those don't exist, what an oxymoron.


RIP Ghost of Kiev for the 99th time; the brave pilot with [RNG#] confirmed kills.


I think the most likely way Zelensky leaves is that he gets couped by hardliners for trying to negotiate a peace deal, most Ukrop politicians are worse


>countries don't fight each other because moral or ethnic cleansing

uh, what were the OG nazis? The Yugoslavian civil war? How dense are you?


>Yeah people fought the nazis because they were bad people! The history is hitherto the history of good people against bad people!
American education everyone


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Can't kill what's already dead baby.


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Russians casually walk into Kharkov. Kharkov's taken, yep


surely porky knows that europe will wither without russian resources, but by not imposing sanctions (or sanctions that have any bite) doing so will have a huge impact on NATO's supposed strength. Interesting times ahead, and has a fair chance of creating conditions for a socialist movement to gain traction.


File: 1645943049278.png (62.28 KB, 745x472, redditscam.png)

Has anyone tried to scam retarded redditors yet? Seems to be quite simple.



Agreed. Our views are nearly identical.


Random ass shitcoin address: "buy a javelin for babushka!"


Where are all the civilians greeting them with flowers and open arms?


lmao godsspeed based conman


maybe they're hoping the sanctions panic russian porkies who then conspire with glowies for a color revolution


By your logic, NATO was right to bomb Belgrade. Except that time it was to stop an actual genocide and not to expand your sphere with the pretext of saving lives you yourself put in danger by propping up Donetsk and Luhansk. Any credibility that Putin acts from humanitarian interests should have evaporated the moment Russia atacked further than the L and D republics.


>nooooo there's no flowers and open arms, Russia's loooooosing

Denazification WILL happen, and Ukrainians WILL go through reeducation camps to learn that they are actually Small Russians duped by Western Nazi Propaganda


>Ukraine can't forcibly retake Donbass or Crimea,
maybe, but they can sure try. they made clear this was their policy and Minsk was never going to be implemented, which means Russia was going to be at war with Ukraine anyway, even if in a more limited fashion in the east.
>the correct move if they try is to repel them, pre-emptive strikes are always an excuse for aggression.
I tend to agree, but Russia chose to escalate and fight a shorter war, instead of fight a protracted indefinite war in the east for years or decades. And given the hardline positions taken by the US and Ukraine, this conflict would likely have led to other provocations and escalations anyway, and with the NATO membership issue always looming in the background.
Bottom line is, the US was in control of Ukraine's foreign policy and the policy was to use Ukraine to fuck with Russia ("fight them over there"), which included waging war against Russia, even if in a more limited fashion in the east. Russia got sick of this shit and wanted to end it now instead of fight them for years to who knows what end.


>Except that time it was to stop an actual genocide
>actual genocide
Oh wow, finally i realize you are just memeing. For a little while I thought you actually were a retarded lib


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Fighting reported in Bucha, Kiev Oblast. https://twitter.com/RWApodcast/status/1497820462570782722


>Except that time it was to stop an actual genocide and not to expand your sphere


Reliability of https://twitter.com/sentdefender and https://twitter.com/osinttechnical as sources?
Seeing a lot of tweets from them about how Russians are "giving up."


Here's what the Russian Ministry of Defense says about their achievements so far. Take it or leave it.
>STATEMENT Russia MoD: "To date, the Russian Armed Forces have hit 975 objects of the military infrastructure of Ukraine. Among them: 23 control points and communication centers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 3 radar posts, 31x S-300, Buk M-1 and Osa AA missile systems and 48 ​​radar stations. Shot down: 8 combat aircraft and 7 helicopters, 11 drones, two Tochka-U tactical missiles. 223 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 28 aircraft (on the ground), 39 MLRS, 86 field artillery pieces and mortars, 143 units of special military vehicles"


Russians just captured Kharkov and encircled Kiev. What do you think?


NATO in Yugoslavia was supported by a legal framework and everyone in the security council voted for it with the exception of China who still authorized it by not vetoing it tho.


>by your logic, the precedent was justified because i am ignoring the concept of linear time
Big brain stuff from you as usual


>Reddit restricted r/russia for supporting…well Russia
This is why "Free speech" is a myth for liberals, now I understand why rightoids want to create their own platforms.


One set of rules for U.S./NATO, and another for everyone else


Free speech was allways a fucking myth. However it is beyond hilarious how people only get it when it gets restricted for reasonable reasons, like COVID disinformation or bonking some retarded truckers in Canada. Not when US protestors are getting draged into black vans.


This will complete the encirclement, I think. Russians are taking one airport a day around Kiev.


You're making this up and I think you're thinking of Libya, Russia veto'd all attempts to do that in Yugoslavia. The bombing of Belgrade was a war crime and a crime against peace


Reminder that the Russians still can't establish air superiority and their planes and helo's are getting BTFO


They don't even count Ukrainian infantry losses, so large they are.


Yeah I made a mistake. China and Russia indeed vetoed it so NATO said it was "humanitarian"


File: 1645943876091.gif (893.04 KB, 498x483, hoholpig.gif)



I thought russophobia was bad after Russiagate but it's at a new level now


Terror in the streets of Kiev as Electric Bodybuilder from Russia has been released from containment


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File: 1645943949973.png (47.86 KB, 741x489, redimod.png)

Based r/Russia mod still managed to roast cringy liberals.


burgers would be doing russian pogroms if they could tell the difference lel


File: 1645944005849.jpg (50.08 KB, 473x451, 1645938928628-1.jpg)

Requesting pic rel for the next thread OP. I'd do it myself but the OP text should probably be updated and I wouldn't know what to write.


These two posts being one after the other are beyond ridiculous




hoholphobia does not exist because they are just russians


Agreed. It's this type of hateful rhetoric that led to the hoholdomor.


who do you support grillpilled
should we support no one

what is the best way you think


>khokhols yet again gloat at their losses and think it's Russian casualties

When will they learn?


I guarantee you believe the hoaxodomor was real



>Do you regret your words?
Is this what passes for journalism?


File: 1645944258285.png (115.01 KB, 451x268, ClipboardImage.png)

The true and real numbers are wikipedia verified sweaty


>citing wikipedia


Just like I deduced. No prediction necessary.


Holodomor wasn't real
Stalin was a bitch
Khruschev rocks
Andropov best Soviet leader
Putinist Russia is evil
Hands of Ukraine
Reap what you sow 366257291 Gadaffie'd Putins


File: 1645944365208.mp4 (7.11 MB, 464x848, 16459441019130.mp4)

Russian infantry disabling Ukrops




>implying germans received with flowers the red army


It's ogre for Ukraine, not even the ghost can help them now.
Capture Zelensky and end this.


the only one who was doing shit to expand their sphere of influence was US-NATO, by orchestrating a coup and setting up a US puppet government that it could use to wage proxy war against Russia and expand NATO.
Look at the fucking map, it's only ever been US-NATO expanding it's sphere, in violation of peace agreements made with the Soviet Union and with Russia in the 90s.
This is the first time Russia's really done anything that could arguably be said to expand its sphere (by forcibly reversing a US-backed coup done to expand the US-NATO sphere).
As for backing DPR/LPR, that was done because the people there wanted and declared independence, and because backing them would prevent NATO from using its new coup government to expand its sphere of influence, and prevent future confrontations arising from NATO encirclement. There were already peace agreements that settled the DPR/LPR and NATO issues, agreements that *Ukraine reneged on* (under US "advice"), and proceeded to bomb and kill thousands of people in DPR/LPR in an effort to retake them by force. That guaranteed war one way or the other.


Recent events prove that holodomor should have been real and Ukranians did in fact deserve it



Nah, Khruschev deserved the noose, and every fucking trot. We reap the results of khruschevites' abandoning Stalin's national policies




What do you mean holodomor should have been real?? Are we denying historical facts?


great thread guys keep it up


So many snipers and RPG's can be hidden in every building to fuck up the Russians


I am prepared to go even further and deny history as a concept, pray that I don't.


The holodomor is a holograph of a bundle of wheat




File: 1645944656675.png (1.99 MB, 1205x896, ClipboardImage.png)

Look at these skinny mfs


holy guacamole


File: 1645944668551.jpg (57.27 KB, 960x562, 9cnndz7e7ak81.jpg)

There's still hope! A new hero has appeared.


File: 1645944687034.png (50.41 KB, 506x479, HappeningTime.png)

Man, now I want to look at Kochinsky's face. Yesterday's smug was unbearable


New thread:




The man so nice he died twice


Holodomor is invented by Holodomor museums to leech of government moneys.


fake news


finally some kino fucking combat footage and not some rubble and burning buildings


Holy Hitler batman. Is that picture real?


and communism keeps beating his ass


Agree with everything apart from the statement that the war was inevitable. Otherwise great take.


File: 1645945928908.mp4 (656.04 KB, 640x360, fasco-communism.mp4)

>is this some type of Boomer Brain disorder?


plebbitors should be shot "site on seen"


File: 1645947975828.jpg (54.32 KB, 610x404, superiorgirlslaughing.jpg)

>3rd pic


Fucking civvies not wanting to be around gunfights, right?

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