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Kiev being taken edition.

this is where I pretend to link to relevant information:
1) nobody cares
2) Kiev about to fall.

Embrace [Redacted because OP got the number so catastrophically wrong, everyone laugh at OP]

Deal with it.
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How much of a fucking liberal are you? You know what, maybe you’re not a burger, so I’ll be charitable. There’s consistent racial inequities in their material welfare, disproportionate targeting by police and criminal law, employment discrimination and a whole bunch of other material shit that don’t go away when people say “see, we signed a bill into law”.


Maybe they just shouldn't break laws, it's not particularly hard


>people with 4 workers at most is a tyrant


If I recall the actual lowest pits of hell were reserved for hypocrites and such. Not necessarily the people you would expect. IIRC those were considered the worst because they were sins of human rationality, not driven by instinct or emotion.


new thread?


Don't bother it's the same schizo spamming idpol and defending putin



It's also the neoliberal ideal. Don't worry about the war or the world, just play bing bing wahoo and consoom.



you will NEVER be a leftist


Is that true? Neolibs seem pretty big on hating the fuck out of foreigners for being "authoritarians"


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>doesn't know about U.S. re-seggregation
>acts smugnorantly






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how will putin recover?



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>Make laws to criminalize people for existing and wide police latitude in charging people with them
>Impoverishment-induced crime
>Lack of actual prospects
<You: just don’t go criming


Yeah with Traitors


yea man, like if no ever larpers existed in communists movements.


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so ok you assume being in the camp of capital




so youre going to help the ukrainans there?


I don't like Putin, but I love how he triggers liberals and the way he just ignores sanctions is based.


Ukrainians and russians aren’t black or white. They are Indian


translation ?


you are eating up porky propaganda my guy. most of the businesses targeted were chains anyway


That dumb ass whore doesn't realize that throwing molotovs to Main Battle Tanks will get her a bullet.


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You know it by heart, lol.

>You haven't paid for occupation of Hobbitland yet!

<That was the Empire of 1000 Years Night. We are a young 20 years old country of Goblin Federation
>Lies! You just changed fronts!

And so on and so forth


Diilaa sen kanssa. Minulle opetettiin aikanaan että puolueella on selvä kanta että pasifismia/reformismia ei suvaita ja jäset ovat osa armeijaa kunnes toisin käsketään.


11 for
3 abstain
1 against


>I don't like Putin, but I love how he triggers liberals and the way he just ignores sanctions is based.
An emotional childs guide to politics



Is it true that Servant of the People series/movie Zelensky starred in had Ukraine divided into 24 countries?


Fuck off, crime is based



fuk beat me to it lol




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Brain status: broken.


<Italy open to ban Russia from SWIFT

This is either 6D chess or we've gone full retard.
Either case enjoying the fucking ride.


<Divina Commedia in English

It really sounds dogshit


both Russian and Ukraine are bad


>>527414 are the war crimes real


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I don't even know if the Chechen story is true or not, but it's hilarious to me that there are stories about them going to deal with Azov… personally. They're like the emperor's Sardaukar troops or some shit. But even if it's not true, I could imagine the rumors being used as a form of psychological warfare.


I think this guy also supported the glowie protests in Cuba. I've heard quite the opposite anyways with polls showing that Russians who miss the USSR mostly do so because of economic reasons and much less so because of the "empire."

My speculation is that a lot of the fireworks we heard along the Donbass line of contact on the first day were an attempt to "fix" Ukrainian positions there while the maneuver elements from Crimea and around Kharkov moved behind them in a pincer movement. That would encircle the Ukrainian troops facing Russian and DPR/LPR forces in Donbass and cut them off.

Russian military doctrine also accepts higher casualties than is acceptable in Western armies. The point is to drive hard and "get onto the objective" even if the cost is most of the initial forces getting wiped out with the expectation that they'll be replaced with fresh reserves that pulverize the enemy which has always been worn down from the initial fighting. The setbacks that the Russians are facing are part of their overall strategy.


heterosexuality actually is positively associated with pedophilia although it is a very small minority


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I've been trying to ignore global news these past weeks so I can rest my mind, can I get a quick rundown on what's going on? on a second note "ghost of Kyiv" is circulating around Twitter, what's that?.

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