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 [Last 50 Posts]

Kiev being taken edition.

this is where I pretend to link to relevant information:
1) nobody cares
2) Kiev about to fall.

Embrace [Redacted because OP got the number so catastrophically wrong, everyone laugh at OP]

Deal with it.


Nothingborscht, no nukes, history still over.


Kremlinbot OP


anglo radlib


first for


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>FP writes that the letter mirrors concerns from thousands of local employees who worked for the US government in Afghanistan and were later abandoned as Taliban forces gained control of the country late last year.
>Before, we were told, that Ukraine is not Afghanistan.
>We don’t want it to be, but if the difference is in size of bombs flying over our heads, it is not fair.
<it's not fair






TO WATCH FOR NEWS: https://liveuamap.com/ (not always reliable)


Ukraine conflict: Fighting rages near Kyiv after Russia invasion

Russian forces approaching Kyiv from northeast & east; Ukrainian Prez pleads for help (LIVE UPDATES)

Russia attacks Ukraine live updates: Russian forces close on Kyiv (LIVE UPDATES)

Latest updates: Ben Wallace says Russia’s ambition is to invade 'the whole of Ukraine’ but its forces have so far lost around 450 personnel

Many Are Stranded by the War in Ukraine, From Students to Soccer Players, and Reportedly a Hollywood Name


Sergey Karaganov: Russia’s new foreign policy, the Putin Doctrine

Why Biden didn’t negotiate seriously with Putin


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Zelensky sitting in his bunker right now




Last one was 35…


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>During tumultuous times, I personally find it soothing to read quotes and hear takes from mental health professionals, whether on Twitter, Instagram or even TikTok.
Pls putin nuke us


What am I looking at?


i hope chechen specops find all of them


He is just a far-righter who supports Russian, Belarusian, and Ukrainian nationalists who allegedly killed some Azov guy






repost >>784209


we time travel now


He is a Russian Nazi supporting Ukraine to be correct.


Based OP

Also inb4 the NATO convoy gets airstriked


Its become a laughing stock in Finland how badly beaten Russians have got by Ukrainian ad hoc military. The estimate there was 3:1 for Ukrainians but they could beat the 10:1 Finnish olympic kill ratio in winter warfare.


So Finns are coping massively?


Finland telling people who a laughing stock is


so i was in an elden ring coma for a day
what did i miss





You’re gonna die old man, don’t do it. Just live the rest of your damn life in peace.


>Putin 1.68 m
>Zelensky 1.7 m


Zelensky isn't even in charge, he's a court jester.




In the last thread someone shared a screencap of a newspiece of China joining in on sanctions. Was this bullshit?


Russia should put some of these bad boys in Cuba, history is back baby


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>The estimate there was 3:1 for Ukrainians but they could beat the 10:1 Finnish olympic kill ratio in winter warfare.
Things that never happened being compared to things that never happened.


Communism doesn't matter anymore just being anti America does



Ukraine can't win this. Are you retarded?


Finland just sees a familiar soul in Ukrainians, who also lie about Russian losses just like Finns did in their war with Russia. Anyone willing to bet if Ukraine will blame weather for Russian successes?


you know they only have to run this shit because of the 24/7 psyop theyve been running for years now
I imagine these kill-ratio memes are popular in German/Nazi collaborationist states


These were sanctions on dollar operations, they still keep Yuan


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Belgrade will not join EU in sanctions against Russia, but won’t recognize Donbass republics either



> Rusian losses have a gorillion dead
> Ukranians lost less than 500


We have 1 million strong reserves everyone has military training and we have Nordic tier military equipment. Its so fucking sad to see these Russians going in 1960's vehicles and they have been conscripted from Central Asia. But yes we are watching closely and making our judgement about russians.


How did they even get in Chernobyl?
I thought it was still irradiated.


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Russians moving East from Crimean front still almost unopposed. Chernobyl and Sumy captured, but Kharkov still not captured. DPR militias captured a little bit of territory. Russian paratroopers wiped out almost 100 different times according to Ukrops but still alive somehow when Russian forces reached them from the Belarus front. Fighting has begun in Kiev


I see, thanks.
may one of those end my suffering, inshallah


Fake news. Painu jonne vittuun.


What happened the last hours, it seems they are going to pull a Grozny?


Putin’s helicopter landed in Chernobyl and two hour ago he entered the wish grantee’s chamber. No updates since.


Now you guys see it too, don't you? How all the losers always claim that winners lost more than them


IDK I just want to see tanks rolling around the area
As of yesterday Belarusian forces were securing it


>be pseud
>still exist
>love being roasted
>love being a fucking retard everybody points at as a complete retard
>be Sabocat from Canada
>keep it up
>no sense of self-crit
>no sense of collectivist unity
>keep on being a complete retard
>keep on being a complete joke
just "Sabocat" things


Polandball drawers should given cigarettes and tied to poles if you get my drift


Same thing is tru when the winners gloat about their victories, dipshit moron cumstain


take your meds pseud guy



>The war in Finland has exacted heavy sacrifices both from us and from the Finns. According to estimates of our General Staff, on our side the number killed and those who died of wounds was 48,745, or somewhat less than 49,000 men, and the number wounded 158,863. Attempts are being made on the part of the Finns to minimise their losses, but their casualties were considerably bigger than ours. Our General Staff places the number of Finnish killed at not less than 60,000, without counting those who died of wounds, and the number wounded at not less than 250,000. Thus, considering that the strength of the Finnish army was not less than 600,000 men, one must admit that the Finnish army lost in killed and wounded over one-half its total strength. Such are the facts.


Do not google how tall Lenin was. Worse day of my life


Finns are going to get their shit pushed in next


I hope the ukrainian people subject him to a popular tribunal


Rent free.


Nah. USSR was super honest about it's losses. US, though, was shit, that's true.


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>Ukraine Conflict Live 2022



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"Finland won the Winter War" is gigacopium historical revisionism. See pic. related.


manlets are some of the most powerful people I think.


>trusting any side's casualty reports only two days into a war
anon, are you okay


See this >>526639 My source is better because it's not about territory.


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My predictions for this conflict (reposted from last thread);
>russia successfully takes kiev and eastern ukraine
>guerrillas hold out in the west, but belarus tries their best to put down any resistance in the hopes of gaining territory
>russia questions whether donetsk and luhansk should become part of the russian federation, but putin chooses to help them rebuild ukraine and establish a more legitimate government, the peoples republics combine to form novorossiya to make occupation easier
>rather than occupying all of ukraine, russia takes coastal states and focuses mostly on helping the friendly governments hold onto the territory and put down rebels. Rebels, being forced to fight a coalition of countries attempting to expand their territories, have trouble organizing themselves and engage in petty terrorist acts rather than maintaining strong resistance
>russia threatens finland that the same will happen to them if they threaten to join nato. Finland questions whether it should join for fear of a war, the people and the government differ in opinion, unrest ensues because the government continues to try to undemocratically decide on behalf of the finnish people whether the nation should join nato
>russia, belarus and novorossiya takes control of ukrainian pipelines and rather than relying on nordstream 2, which is cancelled, simply uses ukrainian pipelines to trade with EU countries.
>the US, fearful of russian economic dominance, lobbies very strongly against trade with russia. All attempts are made to institute sanctions, kick russia from SWIFT, and arm/fund ukrainian opposition groups against russia
>putin, dealing with unrest in the ukrainian occupied regions, as well as dissatisfaction with his invasion, faces a growing communist movement. Western sanctions worsen this; communists claim that nationalizing industries and de-dollarizing is necessary to evade sanctions and continue economic growth. The KPRF seeks a non-dollar-reliant national central banking system which is capable of trading with china and immediate neighbors without being forced to rely on the USA's currency or the SWIFT banking system.
>russia becomes the world's biggest hermit kingdom, surpassing north korea in economic and military strength. Due to sanctions and removal from trade organizations and banking systems, russia relies on trade with friendly governments. CSTO expansionism enters full swing. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization grows in strength. Russia, facing unfeiendly behavior by the west and europe, focuses all its might on incentivizing european countries to trade with it, while also focusing heavily on regime change in the middle east, central asia and south asia
<alternative possibility -


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wasted dubs on a namefag


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Let me explain to you the whole ukraine situation in terms you can understand *Drinks Soy*


>This keeps signaling to me more that NATO has Intel that Russia will push beyond just Ukraine
It could just be posturing and taking precautionary measures. Then again Putin is apparently a far madder lad than anybody gave him credit for. Who knows what could happen in these sizzling times?


Around 80 Russian tanks moved towards Kiev. Artillery fire started. If the Ukrainian army resists tonight, everything will be different.
Location: Hostomel


Stalin was only 3 inches taller than Lenin


>Polandball drawers should given cigarettes and tied to poles if you get my drift
I don't smoke, and if I'm tied to a pole i can't catch you when you drift.


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Shay you are like a little baby. This is the new state that will be formed from the DPR and LPR. Crimea will remain Russia.


I literally fell asleep and hit my head on my desk once I read "Emperor Palpatine" and this after "…make this perfectly clear…"


They sabotage our parodies of them by doing it to themselves first.




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They are both pussies compared to pic rel.


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You think that unfortunate Ukraine will be left alone so easily. The US Senate is preparing a bill to finance the "rebel army" in the amount of approximately 150,000 Bandera, who will have to partisan against the "Russian occupiers and their puppets"

Money for the "rebels" will be collected from all over NATO, weapons and assistance will be delivered through Poland, it is also planned to organize their camps and conditions for sorties on the territory of Poland. So you have to take control of the western border. Or create a new one.


Shay with the fire analysis

I like it


Poland about to lose its sovereignty



The distance from heart to brain is shorter, meaning blood travel there easier, meaning a more oxygenated brain. simpl


damn man, again?


Well, this time you don't sound out of touch. Well done.


Wait, Poland has a sovereignty?


The US does not intend to impose sanctions against the oil sector of the Russian Federation, as they fear that this will provoke a jump in energy prices - State Department.


Defending is always easier than attacking, add in the fact that Russia's trying to minimalize casualties and that the Western pro-Ukrainian side's propagandizing Russian losses makes this narrative sus.



Message from 2023:

The Netherlands refused to return Scythian gold to Medvedchuk's authoritarian regime in Ukraine. The proceeds from the sale of the collection at the Sotheby's auction will be transferred to the compensation fund for the families of the victims of the MH17 aircraft shot down by the Ukrainian and Russian armies.


Facebook Allows Praise of Neo-Nazi Ukrainian Battalion If It Fights Russian Invasion
<The reversal raises questions about Facebook’s blacklist-based content moderation, which critics say lacks nuance and context.

According to internal policy materials reviewed by The Intercept, Facebook will “allow praise of the Azov Battalion when explicitly and exclusively praising their role in defending Ukraine OR their role as part of the Ukraine’s National Guard.” Internally published examples of speech that Facebook now deems acceptable include “Azov movement volunteers are real heroes, they are a much needed support to our national guard”; “We are under attack. Azov has been courageously defending our town for the last 6 hours”; and “I think Azov is playing a patriotic role during this crisis.”

The materials stipulate that Azov still can’t use Facebook platforms for recruiting purposes or for publishing its own statements and that the regiment’s uniforms and banners will remain as banned hate symbol imagery, even while Azov soldiers may fight wearing and displaying them. In a tacit acknowledgement of the group’s ideology, the memo provides two examples of posts that would not be allowed under the new policy: “Goebbels, the Fuhrer and Azov, all are great models for national sacrifices and heroism” and “Well done Azov for protecting Ukraine and it’s white nationalist heritage.”

In a statement to The Intercept, company spokesperson Erica Sackin confirmed the decision but declined to answer questions about the new policy.


>says he doesn't want war in Europe
<actually supplies weapons and training for a deadly protracted war like a boss


Eurovision organizers have announced that Russia will not be able to take part in this year's contest.


>Hackers all around the world: target Russia in the name of #Anonymous

>let them know we do not forgive, we do not forget.

>Anonymous owns fascists, always.


23000 likes in 40 mins


Man if Zyuganov doesn't make massive anti-Putin moves next election, seriously Russian Communists should lynch the fuck.
The fact this piece of shit Oligarch puppet doesn't support the working class over national chauvinism is bad enough, but literally acting purely as a counter-revolutionary guard for Putin besmerches the name of the Communist movement and Lenin. Lenin, Stalin and Trotsky would have all been united to have this cunt shot.


controlled opposition



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I don't forget… I never apologize


Zyuganov is playing 5D chess. His plan is to make Lenin roll in his grave so hard he comes back to life.




The authorities of the Italian metropolitan area of Lazio have suspended cooperation with the Center. Gamaleya vaccine "Sputnik-V".


gaybashing but woke


So is the EU game here to all scream for RF to be banned from SWIFT so when the US cucks out they can blame the US for loosening sanctions?


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I wonder who is behind this…


>Zuckbook supporting Nazis
Who’d have thunk?


this would have never happened if the ussr hadn't collapsed. It's been 30 years and eastern europe is still in chaos, fighting with itself. Fuck Gorbachev


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what else is there to sanction? since they won't dare kick Russia out of SWIFT. Looking like USA is cucking out


HINDs are honestly one of the most insane things anyone has ever built. It's a flying tank.


I saw that and am sure the Reddit thread about it is whining massively about exactly that


> protracted war



So where were they back in 2014 during Euromaiden then hmm. Fucking CIA shills all of them.


They've been doing this with Putin for years. Do you not remember all the Trump and Putin fanfic art?



Well shit, I guess I got another game to reinstall.


Somewhat suspect when they don’t post the pic tbh. Probably because it’s not as clear cut as they are claiming.


would be hilarious if they play chicken like this and end up actually doing it and destroying global capitalism



They linked to someone else who posted it. It got removed by twitter


204 points Russia? LEWUUUUT?
Also, Israel… euro? lol


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For the first time ever, the NATO Response Force has been activated as a defensive measure in response to Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine.
NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said Friday that the alliance still needed to do more to put pressure on the Kremlin to bring an end to military aggression in Ukraine.
"We must stand ready to do more, even if it means we have to pay the price, because we are in this for the long haul," he said. "We have to take this seriously, and that's exactly why we are now deploying the NATO response force for the first time in a collective defense context," he said.


Asbmilitary is literally ran by RT people

Unless they provide a link for something directly it's highly likely just disinfo


You'll be the judge


he's not really gonna nuke ukraine right



The vid was in one of the last threads. A bunch of Ukrops went crazy and blasted a green 4x4 with a family in it where there were no Russians around.


son, you can't even spell besmirch. reconsider whether or not your critique of the leader of one of the world's most prominent communist parties really has any value


lol phone numbers of random mod workers
you really did it this time hackerz


>Blinding Lights playing on radio


Is it cause they think there are “saboteurs” everywhere?


Maybe if NATO intervenes
Russia rescinded the USSR's no first use policy


Yeah, and they call it "saboteurs". Their army is full of nazis. They know that having civilians armed will cause Russian troops to kill them, instead of surrendering, they cause this, and also will cause this confussions, just to later on saying in the media they were saboteurs.

Truly spooky hours for the Ukrainian prole.


Do slavs only listen to the weekend?


Oh Boy defensive measures so all the other times has been for offensive measures. Also who is ready for WW3 baby lets go fucking NATO bro.


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Ukrops report saboteurs because they will false flag attack their own people. It backfires.


Unironically a nothingburger. The NATO weapons convoy could be a somethingburger, but even if it gets blown up it will likely be a nothingburger because who wants to go to nuclear war over a weapons convoy that shouldn't be where it is.


Don't forget that in 2011 they hacked Stratfor, can't get more antiglow than that, and they fuck with the police and fascists regularly. But it's a decentralized "organization" so it's most certainly compromised.


imagine waking up and hearing putin pressed the button and nuked ukraine, how do you react?


>deploying troops, not to Ukraine, but NATO member states
>NATO waving its cock like it actually matters


Typical fascist shit. Russia is totally justified in denazifying the Ukraine.


Join this TG channel, thy post most of what ASB posts and has been consistent with map controls of Ukraine.


immediately turn on RT to see how Caleb spins it



back to sleep


"Damn, now I cant go on vacation this summer."


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The authorities of the main Canadian province of Ontario have ordered the removal of Russian-made alcoholic beverages from the shelves of local stores.


lol, italy just made more deals with russia after the attack. this is all talk. european unity is a myth.


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My little brother is in the US Army and can confirm they are being sent to Eastern Poland rn (these are troops stationed in the US btw)


quit job and wait for death


Why theorize something that won't happen, unless of course, NATO joins. In which such case they were warned not to, and inmediatly will be the end of the world as we know it…?




Russian vodka probably on clearance sale. Stockpile while you still can




ok if a country gets nuked, wouldn't the whole world be destroyed in a few minutes?? surely other countries will nuke russia to stop them, then russia will nuke them back, etc.


>Guys, nuking another country is not imperialism! Imperialism is not a verb, imperialism is a system!


Nukes are fake

Just hyped up bs


Prediction: WW3 will actually happen but it wont involve nukes.


laugh and drink vodka


Some historian 200 years in the future, looking at this is going to be confused as fuck trying to figure out what this means.




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>ahah nothing burger right guys? nobody wants a war in Ukraine… right? nobody wants a nuclear war… right ahah


In STALKER I learned, that vodka can heal radiation illness


I imagine some professor of History making an exam and as extra points he puts that tweet and has the student explain what was the context of everything he wrote.


Check' em


worldwide communism in 2 years then



Fuck doing anything anymore at that point.
omae wa mou shindeiru


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How do you say "You are very beautiful, I love you" in Ukrainian?


No way dude, they’re going to be teaching lectures on Iron Man and Voldemort as part of the American pantheon


Someone was annoyed at me in the last thread for noticing this kek


"idi nahui"


сука блять


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What are your reasons to support Russia? Are they justified? Mine is


>being this mad at a flagfag


I didn't think a war in Ukraine was on the table because it doesn't make much sense, but it's still not a nuclear issue, as borne out by reality.


Has she done like anything at all of note since 2014? I forgot about her.


In a weird way, nukes are a Chekhov's gun.


big cities and important military installation get nuked, kessler syndrome in orbit, communications transport and energy infrastructure break down but it will go as usual apart from that and the war will continue with the military assets that are left, we'll have some rough winters ahead though but less city mouths to feed and the south hemisphere will be mostly fine


Honestly for the best, need to save those for if he announces annexation or something, also porkies are too intertwined so it might just be an empty threat. I don't want the economy to get even worse over this.



if i have ever fallen for idealism, it was only because of my undying love for the international working class and unending hatred of the NATO world order


She became my gf


Literally how disgusting the Ukrainian state is toward their own people. Child soldiers, mines, etc. etc.
May the Russians win a swift victory, hopefully very few civilians die and every oligarch and Azov pig is brought to justice.


>Typical fascist shit
They were warned for months, they were warned what would happen, they knew exactly what would happen when they say they wanted to have nukes, when they ramped up the attacks on Ukraine. They didn't listen.
They now plan to plain the victim on self-determination accusing of what exactly to Russia? and do not surrendering?


ФСБ, залезай в фургон


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Like many I was fizzlegang but got debunked. So it is understandable recent developments might have people clenching their asscheeks including me.


Level 99 Nuclear Putler would do it


Dropping all the post left meme theory shit i've been eating in the last 10 years and start actually organizing.



Russia is just proving the reality that nation interests reign supreme today. Some universalists and ideologues are having trouble coping with this reality. In the end this is a conflict between two nations about their nationhood and national interest. It is not communism, liberalism, democracy or freedom or justice. So what else is there to say? NATO does not have the will to or motive to intervene.


>@PressSecconfirms: "In alignment with the decision by our European allies, the United States will join them in sanctioning President Putin, Foreign Minister Lavrov and members of the Russian national security team."

The extent of these is what matters, snactions can vary a lot from nothing burger to big

Let us see





I want some snactions


idk europe would be fucked.
But nuking the us or part of russia would be such a big deal?
Like there's land where nobody lives in those place.


Why would they nuke land where nobody lives


Only the US sanctions matter. It would make more sense for the US to act in a unilateral Trumpian manner. They’d get SWIFT through that way. Instead they are going to act in concert with EU and deliver a weakened sanction package. The problem is stronger sanctions hurt Europe, so they will resist them.


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It's just fucking Ginjeet.


Well, even if no one got hurt, they wouldn’t just let it stand and they’d retaliate, which would lead to a cycle until both are mutually destroyed




I won’t get to finish the book I’m reading. And won’t get to play Fallen Order 2.


Putin doesn't give a shit about sanctions, they could sanction him forever and he still wouldn't care.

He crossed the rubicon and now the only thing to do is keep going.


the link doesn't work


serbian guy resembles the /pol/jak


to show they dick is bigger. Which is what nukes is about.
Look the whole moab deal in Syria. They basically dropped a bomb in the desert.
Modern warfare is pyrotecnics such as these too especially when America is involved.


Nukes are why Pakistan can maintain good relations with the US while being friendly towards China and funding the Taliban killing Americans in Afghanistan. The US is afraid that if they sanction Pakistan it's all going to collapse and Al-Qaeda is going to get the nukes.


If only we had the avengers, or Harry Potter. They would beat Putin :(


chu d logic on twitch




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Does anyone even know what is going on? Honeslty I thought it would just be a "small" conflict, but now I have no fucking clue anymore which way this will go.


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Putin should militarise the EU border.



Russia is imperialist


If they really go all out (which they are not since not touching all banking nor energy sector) Russia would feel the pain, they would be quite isolated like Cuba or NK. their strength is the have way more allies with those countries, way stronger military and a lot more cash on hand

China is going to be pivotal behind the scenes imo helping them out and flexing their muscle with their geopolitical pull if it comes down to that


When is china gonna invade Taiwan


That’s true, sanctions will not stop the invasion but will have an impact on Russia for decades to come, depending on their severity it could be seriously damaging or they could remain strong.


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I think this is what triggered Russia shutting down facebook


> That's why I don't want Muslim countries to get nukes. They might try to bring about Yawm Al-Qiyama (The Day of Judgement).
The US is already run by evangelicals who are itching at the chance to bring about Armageddon.



2 months. Russia lose. Putin is deposed with another "soviet butcher".


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Checkov was the one they sent to find the nuclear wessels so it makes sense.


Ukraine is a strong independent woman who don't need no man


Taiwan is part of China (this is a legal fact) so not until Taiwan gives a serious ultimatum to China which it cannot ignore. For example, the US declaring the separatist region independent, and invading it.


apparently all ukrainian groups on telegram went down 10min ago, happening?


Imperialist > nazis who use human shields and child soldiers
You lost this fucking info war glowuyghur, take the L


Time to de-egoize the US


this reads like bad hetalia fanfiction.


Russians don't need Facebook when most of them already use VK.


<Russia Foreign ministry:
>Ukraine cancelled the meeting.
Yep, zelinski wants being ass-gaped.


Rus definitely has the EW capability to take out all those comms. It’s actually been really surprising that they had not yet done so.


Based post.


help us win the war in Ukraine, comrades


Indeed it is, never said otherwise.


>Russian VDV storms into Kyeef
>they boot down Zelensky's door
>restrain his family, grab him by the throat
>another great crime of Russia's against Ukraine


take a joint and some alcohol then go in the street raving about the end of the world and blaming capitalism


Wow they put a nautical star on the Ukraine flag


What is the IA now


Not sure Im entirely propagandized enough to not immediately notice this doublespeak (supporting a waring army to remain at peace).


>kiev livestreams abruptly ending


Intersex, Asexual, I think.



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Little on the nose don't you think Langley?


libs need to be lobotomized, they will gain a few autism score points afterwards


imperialism idpol.


Kek, they literally paraded a VDV regiment in front of two webcams. They want us to see. It's ogre for the Ukrainian army.


Chernobyl power cut to Kiev??



lol at the nazi in black with the brendan fraser alimony haircut




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they also have a significant, relatively high tech domestic industry and lot of natural resources


Oh the helmets thing is incredibly painful to read. No arms? No soldiers?


>Never ask a woman her age
>Never ask a man his salary
>Never ask the Canadian finance minister what her grandfather did in WW2


Nobody is still on Russia's side here, right?


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leftypol just like 4chan will get angry at the most obviously fake shit




I hope the Russians blow the helmets up as soon as they enter the Ukraine. I know it's not an effective use of resources but I need it to happen.


If I lose it all slip and fall


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A few smoothbrains, but it really seems like the dominant position is no war but class war.


Everybody is and the more sigma it gets the more based putin is


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apparently Ukrainian troops are abandoning the frontline with the seperatists republics


>Russian saboteurs
jej, judging how they lit up their own troops and tried to pass it off as some Skorzeny spec op, I wouldn't be surprised if the just rounded up some gopniks from the local bar.
And if they are actual saboteurs, god bless, hope they got some work done.


One Russian communist organization's social media account got 1.5 membership during last 2 days. They are doing a good job hijacking the anti-war movement.


CNN: Russian troops are entering Bolonskyi District of Kiev (northwest district)


Yeah it's from 2017 as you posted right now

The other tweet was fake tying it to Ukraine. Tweet never existed


What garbage comparison that even defeats itself. If Ukraine was independent why was she being supported by all these other dudes trying to get in her pants? You telling me Ukraine is independent when she’s whoring herself out to any dude? Sounds like she’s still under a patriarchal abusive relationship




I am more on the Russian side by the hour.


afaik they regularly send message to surrender to enemy troops, and want to let them enough com to surrender/fall back in order


Wow the limits of the rhetoric is just so stark. “We are standing firm.”


>all people are free to determine their own future
Yeah right just like the indigenous people of Canada


which is just the theologically approved way of saying
>no good guys
Or when what the pope says.


I just can’t believe I’m watching MLs in real time support the reactionary far right state of Russia


Oh no no no
They're gonna get buttfucked by VDV and Chechens coming up from Kherson
You don't just avoid a hammer and anvil like that. Their only hope is to strip their uniforms and hide in a barn.


they are predicting that a serious urban battle might happen. Would kill many civilians


Those look like the ukranian nationalists grabbing weapons off a truck in some of the videos, they had yellow armbands too.


I mean, war is always a tragedy, but at this point a swift russian victory and ukraine denazification are the best outcomes.


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t. doesnt understand diamat


Have you left your armchair to distribute the leaflets?
Seems no.


"anti-imperialism" and "multipolarity" brainrots are just too severe for some online people larping as leftists


You mean hitlero trotskyites


Yeah but I assume the yellow armbands are widespread by this point, making it a good sabo disguise.


I hope they offer the german helmets to ukrainian POWs to shit in.


Critical support to imperialist Britain and America on June 6, 1944 :)


So true. И это пиздец грустно.


Who cares.


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>mfw covid disappears into thin air when all duga stations are captured and disabled


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>There are some leftists on here that have woken up to Russia's imperialism due to the invasion of Ukraine, but they were very silent about Russia bombing cities in Syria for some reason.
>On an anonymous imageboard.


Hey I'll take that over cheering on an invasion that will make the situation worse than previously expected. The only good thing about this will be the power vacuum that's coming.


what's the /pol/ consensus on the invasion??


I think you mean Putlero Vlasovite renegades


>no good guys
Correct. Russia is slightly less terrible, but honestly fuck them both. May all bourgeois wars be turned into class wars.


saying you support the proletariat is a lot better than shit like "no more war :(" or saying either country is good


Putin is based


No it's about being disgusted by the atrocities from the Islamist side, we don't like sectarian massacres.


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post ukroid cope


Critical support to de-nazificate and put the bullet on the heads of the nazis.
Will post you some pictures so you can as-reee moar.


sure, Idlib - every 2m an hospital and every man a child


Wait, where do people get the idea that Marx was anti-war??? If anything anti-war is bourgeois.


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$0.02 was deposited into your account agent Johnson.


Support putin and want to eliminate Ukraine cause "muh globohomo" and to them Putin is fighting Klaus Schwab and NWO

Same as patriots.win, they hate Ukraine and shit all over it


Every minute in Idlib 60 seconds pass
Why would Assad do this?


Holy shit I fucking hope Facebook and Twitter campuses become targets of nuclear attacks.


No I mean Putinochetist revisionite turncoats


Russia did nothing wrong in Syria.



I know this is the new anti leftist narrative, but just cause we also oppose nato and blame them for most of the escalating, doesnt mean we support putin and the invasion


Phonetically: Ish fik dish kapoott oond shpriddz dia ints gesisht.


I'm probably more anti-Ukraine than anti-Russia but I just want the war (including the Donbass shelling) to end, no one should die for either oligarchy


They hate Ukraine and Zelensky personally and see Putin as savior of white race, what do you think?


the Westoids cheering this one will be shocked once they realize their MBTs as just as vulnerable to these types of weapons which the Chinese and Russians have in spades (and with longer effective range, I might add)


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Everybody with a brain is in favor of the quick and bloodless (to civs) resolution of this war, which can only come through Russian victory.
And don't even say it's because of muh russian borbaganda or we hate the west or whatever.
In this information war, the Ukrainians kicked the ball into their own goal so many fucking times.


trag nicht zu dick auf beim Candlelight-Dinner, mein Freund ;)


Nothing will top the "Ghost of Kiev"


>sex workers


>zelensky ordered
what, that clown command the military ?


It's not anti-leftist, it's anti-tankist. Scum showing their faces so sane leftists would avoid them.


Yep and it makes even worse for Ukraine for people on /Pol/ cause he's Jewish

So even more reason to hate him for them in their world view. You'll see that all over when he's mentioned


>their MBTs as just as vulnerable to these types of weapons which the Chinese and Russians have in spades
And can actually produce themselves instead of relying on gibs from NATO.


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If the Americans are "just as vulnerable" then they're safe


It's always been a cope
>hurhurhur the BTR has thin armour
<drives around in a fucking 4x4


No consensus. Like usually it’s being psyop’d from every direction but about 10x worse.


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Hot take: russia annexing ukraine is good because it will unite the proletariat of both countries and allow them to collectively fight against slavic oligarchy.


Meant to tag u


As if our "support" is material or ideological. Shit is already happening, the actors are known, the choice is limited, now take your pick.


The correct take.


They call it him a ghost because the Ukrainian Air Force was dead the whole time.


>As if our "support" is material or ideological
Do you mean my internet opinion doesn't matter? No it can't be!


Burgers already learn about pepe and wojak at university, so it's only going to get worse.




>>526915 (me)
>>526886 (me)

>Critical support to de-nazificate and put the bullet on the heads of the nazis.


my choice is to encourage soldiers to desert and stir popular antiwar sentiment on both sides


Good Lenin I really should filter this flag


If public opinion didn't matter countries wouldn't spend millions to hundreds of millions propagandizing people all the time in news


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Let's say the average Ukrainian earns $4k a year. So one Javelin would be equivalent to 43 years salary. Basically each Javelin they fire is a lifetime salary of a Ukrainian going up in smoke.


is that possible?


The spook of Keev


thats not an option, just your utopian fantasy


Ukrainian drawfag anon is really inspiring to be honest, i hope hell be alright


wow they are really desperate


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they unironically think they will win lmao


The Ukrainian president is actually disgusting for using child soldiers and old ppl. I hope he gets captured asap.


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Try 0-9999


>public opinion


yeah no, even a socdem like meluche with that position get accused to be a putinist traitor in france



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And over a decade worth of Zelensky's salary.


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New pics of incoming Chechen soldiers


I am, to own the libs mostly



>If you have problems on the ground, please refer to this official statement
>for more information please reread


>he doesn't know prostitutes are sex kulaks
There is no proletarian prostitution anon. The whore is either a slave or a small porky


Oh, these guys will be very harsh


Remeber that far fuck furry with a lesbo ukraine gf leftypol doxxed? Wonder where are they. Hopefully dead.


Yeah, and it's not just men, the Azov uyghurs have been releasing videos of them "training" the local women with guns, which is even more heinous in a patriarchal society because none of them has ever handled a gun or fought before.


Reminder that the Ukraine goverment is somewhat worse than Hungary or Poland, but not by that much, and is still making a Volkssturm out of kids.
Which means that any country on the NATO-sphere would be capable of doing this.


Seethe. The proletariat of ukraine and russia are stronger together.


one missile is still cheaper than a tank, ATGMs are seriously the most based weapon system in existence nowadays, even doper than drones.


It's the only option that helps anyone, everyone who doesn't participate is someone who doesn't die over this bullshit. Solidarity with war resisters and refugees.


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i think we krauts have done our part


How will far-right insurrection in Ukraine help Ukrainian proletarians?


Usa military analyst responding to this. He's done good job covering the movements

>My report on day two of the war. Not the blitzkrieg that the Kremlin seemed to have hoped for, and Ukrainian resistance has been impressive. But be wary of firm conclusions. Half of Russian combat power not yet committed & Kyiv not yet seriously tested.

His reply

>I'd go a bit further and say we've seen quite less than half or even a third of the forces involved.



They mostly support russia against the globohomo controlled ukraine and their jewish allies.


Not so much on their side as not really feeling in a position to judge based on NATO aggression.


Duginites and Putinites would call a communist revolution in Russia a “color revolution” so let’s be real here. Putinites are ultra nationalist reactionaries.


Maybe if you used nuclear energy this wouldnt be a problem. Thats what u get 4 being anti-science.


That's proposterous, how con he earn that much?


You should've asked that question 8 years ago during euromaidan.


need more germoid cope


>A third of BTGs, is not a third of total forces arrayed. Have to be clear what we're ballparking.



Zelensky the minimum wage janny
His net worth probably doesn't even compare to the oligarchs who control him.


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MLs have always been retarded, why are you surprised now


You (cringeworthily): this is like Voldemort sending in the death eaters!

Me: this is like the harkonnens sending in the sardaukar.


this guy is based, his analysis has been more correct than the vast majority




Remember he was a popular actor


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got eeeeeem lmaoo


>one missile is still cheaper than a tank, ATGMs are seriously the most based weapon system in existence nowadays, even doper than drones.
Except those tards will fire them at anything when you are giving them free missiles by the truck load as seen in Syria.


>Duginites and Putinites would call a communist revolution in Russia a “color revolution”
Depends who is the principle actor tbh. Although you are some fat burger who falls for tricks very easily so I doubt you would call it until the writing is on the wall.


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Are /ourguys/ in Antonov airport holding out?
and yes I uncritically support VDVchads who'll ensure this war ends soon, because if it drags on the Ukrainian people will only suffer more




Chechens are the new Gurkhas, don’t @ me


I went there and i'm afraid i'm becoming too old to sift trough shit to make a coherent postion emerge from that hellhole.


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They asked for this, they demanded it and shitted and farted and cucked out repeatedly to get to this moment. Go fuck yourself Teutons.


>somewhat worse than Hungary or Poland, but not by that much
It's much worse in every way. Social collapse, economically totally cucked (at least V4 are trying to build up national bourgeoisie now), politically degenerated to the point that nazi collaborationists have become an overt force.


40-60% of /leftypol/ would as well, no one believes in the possibility of anything good, critically supporting some lesser evil for an imagined competitive advantage in the coming class war is the maximal program of most leftists these days.



Why is it in English? lel


High-ranking Gazprom official died by suicide
I hope more will follow soon




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Ukrainians produce fakes with POWed Russian troops using "participants of Ukrainian Patriotic Clubs" like this one from Nikolayev.


you mean its muad'dib sending in the fedayin


Hot take: If Russia had an actual communist revolution lefty/pol/ would side with Putin



the gas must flow


Just so you know, i supported the protests in kazakhstan. I also support the KPRF and the anti-revisionist communist party of the soviet union. I still support a coalition of novorossiya, belarus, russia annexing ukraine. Regionally speaking, the donbass republics, transnistria and belarus are the most based countries. They should have our support above ukraine and russia.


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If Russia had a communist revolution you would side with NATO agent Johnson.


you have incoherent beliefs.


1) This isn’t true, much of leftypol supported the Kazakh Uprising, for example
2) Even if it were, you act like it’d be unreasonable


haaaaaaahahahahahahahaahaaha yes



Imagine selling out your country and now putting your own life at risk and potentially starting the next world war for a monthly salary below what newly hired German warehouse workers get.


gotta admit that being para dropped right next to the enemy capital to hold until your invasion force arrive is pretty ballsy


Wait. Russians bombed Kharkiv with WHAT munitions?!


Name one communist revolution anybody has ever called a color revolution.


Russia says there was no casualties for those guys holding out.


Shay, you’re the outlier here, I also supported the Kazakh protests, the vast majority of this board supported the Kazakh government
Proving my point Putinoid
If Russia had a working class uprising you would call it a CIA op and celebrate Putin putting it down, then you would make memes mocking actual communists for not shilling national chauvinism and anticommunism under the banner of “anti-America”


Fuck new kraut gov most of all tbh


They shelled them with the joe bomb.


How DARE you accuse me of having incoherent beliefs. My beliefs may be esoteric, but they are NOT incoherent.


Germany is so cucked it's unreal. they're agreeing to impoverish their people just to obey US/EU's obsession with owning Putin.
They really need a strong leader who could rise up and restore the power and dignity of the German people and stand up to the other Western powers that have pushed them around and reduced them to such a sorry state. :-D


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>Shay, you’re the outlier here, I also supported the Kazakh protests, the vast majority of this board supported the Kazakh government
You need medication, schizo


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looks like an F-16, did they crop this from flight-show accident footage ?



Ukraine abandoned vehicles under Cherson


But he's right lol. I remember these threads


>the vast majority of this board supported the Kazakh government
Fake and gay. Trotsky worshipper having a normal one I see


You don't.
Most people were supportive of the protests.


It's like Panama Airport in 1989 but actually badass
Too bad Russia won't have the budget for a COD: Black Ops 2 type recreation.


what "communist revolution in Russia"? you're delusional.


Name one communist revolution that has happened since the term color revolution was invented?


now I need an edit of putin


I was actually here when the protests were ongoing, you weren’t re-write history in my mind you disingenuous little cunt
I remember support for the Kazakh protests being the minority position, especially once Russia helped shut the down
Read what I wrote to the other rat above


die die die die


>the vast majority of this board supported the Kazakh government
delusional paranoid schizo


>The chechens who will be sent to Kherson are the same that rebelled against Russia.
These are the people who fought those Chechens back at the Chechen war's


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>he doesn't know


never trust anyone who calls himself a socialist but not communist


memory holing the shame are we? /leftypol/ has always been at war with east asia.


Here is the VOD from the interview with Ch udlogic and ginjeet
The site filters ch udlogic to chinletlogic, so know that for linking purposes.


You won’t gaslight me you gross little rat
I remember how the majority here actually reacted to the protests
You don’t yet have the power to decide official histories


Kadyrov and most of the Chechen gov is former mujahideen


>I remember support for the Kazakh protests being the minority position, especially once Russia helped shut the down



Why do they kill themselves?
Can't make the profits?


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green screen in his bunker


I remember them as well, and I along with many others supported Kazakh protests and criticized westoid "anti-imperialists". This is a different situation yet again.
I mean, is this Ukranian workers protesting against "multi-vector" capital and domestic compradors?



Oh shut up. Even leninhat and Eugenics kun got Kazakhstan right


They just switched sides. Kadyrov Sr. literally declared jihad on Russia


They are probably just bloodthirsty opportunists like Kadyrov's (dead) dad (rip in piss bitch)


Imagine being a borger and not knowing about Crimean Tatars or Belarusian nationalists
>Nikita Kazimirov
Then again…


What happens when Russia is cut off from world economy?


The Ukrainians just called in that he is open to cease fire


He just remembers the opposition to calling those protests as the communist revolution of our times. Protests were glowed, and I was pointing it out over and over again, for example. He misremembers it as "they supported Kazakh government!!1"


Leninhat and Eugene tend to stand behind mass movements despite their violent dogshit and bizarre views, this is not an argument


go dig up the archive and count the posts then
even with the shitposts the majority supported the protesters. Only at the very start people were coming in like "wtf is going ? is it a color revolution ?"
the fact you invented a 'majority supported it' make you a schizo


>"world economy"
that's westoids sniffing their own farts about "international community" lol


They won't be dumbass.


I don't know, maybe some personal reasons, nobody gives a fuck. You just need to be Russian to understand the immense hate towards Gazprom and its' management. Seeing these fuckers die is just a completely irrational guilty pleasure


lol true, looks kinda - off


You dare doubt the eternal universal applicability of Protracted People's War?
Maybe you should stop being a Pabloite renegade all your life


Russia will not be cut off from world economy. USA asks Europe and the World for tolerating such heavy economic damage that Europe and the World would rather ditch US


>Mykolaiv’s air base has been hit by a major explosion, according to the local news media. Eyewitness videos show a blindingly bright night sky.


Russia start trading in yuans instead of dollars.


And nothing of value was lost


What is a hypothesis?



They wont be because China has subplanted America as the most powerful nation on earth. Russia will simply rely more on China, furthering cooperation between both nations and the development of socialism


But what of the ghost of Kyiv?


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Russia denazificating anyone, biggest joke of the century



Doesn't look like a nuke


The reason people weren't quick to support the Kazakh protests was because literally every single bit of information on it was written in moonrunes by sites like realkazakhnews.kz, and the western media including independent media hardly covered it


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Besides Russia, most of the pipelines that serve Europe run through Turkey, another country they aren't on good terms with. If Russia wins this conflict, Turkey will be incentiviezed to apply pressure, especially since their economy is in ruins right now
Is the whole plan here for Europe and the US to be forced to invest huge amounts of money into the infrastructure to ship LNG from the US to EU? Along the way shoring up the cost of oil by artificially restricting supply? Watch the infrastructure deal Biden signed get diverted to serving those ends


That's not a nuke, any big enough explosion can take the form of a mushroom, that's the result of the flow of heated air in the cooler surroundings.


Again with this "hurr durr le reactionary Russians" disinfo. I challenge any of you radlibs to name one thing about Russia that's "nazi" or "far right"


Twitter analyst should be banned from sleep. I need my updates damn it



It was divided.
a fucking libtard lol, all that mixture of things ideologically incompatible.
Sire, the Kadyrovs were anti-Russia fighters back in the Chechen war.


The future is kino


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Thank you ufoflag anon. Our communist revolution was almost defeated by this website, but your tsk tsking allowed our communist dream to become a reality. For that the workers of the communist state of Kazakhstan are eternally grateful. You are a hero ufoflag anon and not cringe at all.


Cope cwnbs (china will never be socialist)


Russians enjoy Russian gov/porky taking hits because they can't imagine any alternative to the current gov, they're not afraid of some kind of political crisis, they think nothing will change anyway.


<any sufficiently energetic detonation or deflagration will produce the same effect.


There's not mushroom cloud. Plus nukes clouds are pretty unique.


I clearly remember the majority of /leftypol/ supporting the kazak workers. You smug retards will clinge to anything to excuse your support for Nato aggression.


The rebirth of the USSR is unironically in sight, it's genuinely exciting

In what universe is China not socialist?


German leftists with any idea of economics or foreign politics generally think thats what its all about. And to make sure it all runs smooth (for the US) Nordstream 2 was halted even before any sanctions


The same people who support ukraine right now were the ones supporting the kazakhstan government over the protestors because they are nato glowies. Kazakhstan is friendly to both russia and the west, and is a centrist liberal government which exports energy to western countries. There are even american biolabs in kazakhstan.
On the other hand, ukraine outright begs nato for membership. Rather than attempting to maintain neutrality, ukraine, ever since the 2014 maidan coup, has outright been a puppet of western powers. Ukraine ceasing to exist is just as good for communists as protests in kazakhstan were. Unfortunately the kazakhstan protests died down for now.


The Kazakh color revolution was the definition of NATO aggression, most people saw through that. Quit rewriting history you western shill


What about oppressing communists, minorities and commiting literal imperialism? Russia is not the USSR you retarded americanoid


>The same people who support ukraine right now were the ones supporting the kazakhstan government over the protestors

Lolno, supporters of Ukraine were the supporters of Kazakh protests. Don't you see that their tone is the same?


What are you talking about? They literally washed their hands of the Kazakh protest


Russia has a shitty state because they're legit mafia-tier oligarchic energy barons. It would almost be better for Putin if they were actually a reactionary far-right nation-state, maybe their troops would fight better then. But every post-USSR state is nothing but a bunch of crooks and gangsters.


Every country from EU to the US to China supported te repression of kazak workers, scumbag.


Well, that said, leftypol was waaaay more divided about Kazakhstan than about Ukraine. Blowback from heavy handed propaganda makes anons very reluctant in supporting Ukraine, they feel that's something's fishy


cope from a retard, the US didn't give a shit that the Kazakh state murdered hundreds of protestors. nobody died in HK and the US was screeching about that.


>Ukrainian air base in Starokostyantyniv, Khmelnytskyi Oblast in western #Ukraine is under attack

>Rocket attack on the airfield in Mirgorod, Poltava region tonight


>Heavy explosion in Mykolaiv tonight



>Committing literal imperialism
They are not doing that. I don’t dispute the rest of your post, though


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sounds like ukraine may be giving in


Killing journalists
Putting people in jail because they publicly display affection near churches


The only "communists" oppressed are the fake ones, the official Communist Party is the second most powerful party in the country and is in a coalition with United Russia. Minorities are treated well provided they assimilate into Russia and dont blow themselves up like Jihadis, and you clearly dont understand imperialism if you think anything Russia has done counts as imperialism. De-nazification is the definition of anti-imperialism

And those are problems because?


Oh yeah, theyre just denazifying the Ukraine and bringing them freedom and democracy, right?


I mean the first one is bad but if youd take a closer look (cum ex? That was Malta) youd see that the former isnt so rare


Every single person in that base is dead.


"Freedom" and "democracy" are what got the Ukraine into this mess to begin with. The only chance they have at getting rid of the Nazis is by being reabsorbed into their home country.


That Tajik fellow and his girlfriend were basically miming her giving him head. I appreciate the trolling and don’t think they deserves jail, but it’s far from what you’re describing it as.


They are literally murdering gays in Chechnya what are you talking about?


Minorities are treated well provided they assimilate into America and dont blow themselves up like Jihadis, and you clearly dont understand imperialism if you think anything America has done counts as imperialism. Democratization is the definition of anti-imperialism


Russia is a shithole, the fact that they are the target of a Nato aggression does not mean that they are not a failed reactionary state. The only reason there is a CRITICAL support is because since now most of their imperialist interests were aligned with those of some oppressed nations.


No, they’re sending tanks in to assert their geopolitical hegemony. But this isn’t imperialism.


hey, first time I dont see any black and red flags. Denazification successful?




yeah after Lenin it isnt.


I love this explosion


All black and red flags are in Greece


>people took a day off work for this


If I were to compare this to any pop culture, it would surely be Spongebob
"They are just standing there, menacingly."


what does russia want from them again?


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I mean come on theres - room to the top regarding the treatment of Central Asian workers


wow is this really what amerika looks like, just constant advertising everywhere even in real life?


>all those advertisements


neutrality, both republics and you know why not add Odessa for good measure


so once russia wraps this up do we all get to go back to calling it "Key-Ev" like we always did and not have to hear this stupid "Keev" shit anymore?


a punching bag


>even in real life
it's worse irl



Stop repeating putinoid talking points. The ukraine is not anymore nazi than Russia herself AND EVEN IF SHE WAS, what is Putin gonna do to fix it?, When's the last time capitalists actually opposed fascism? Stop being a retarded idealist


Probably a weapons depot blowing up.


Officially, Russia says they want a demilitarized, non-NATO Ukraine.



It is times square in new York, it's really unique in that aspect, idk another place like that in usa


So? Even if this were true, punishments for bourgeois immorality are hardly "reactionary", it was Stalin who introduced official laws against it after all.

Shut the fuck up western scum. Your "nation" is a fake shithole made up of criminals and social rejects, built on the backs of slaves and genocide and forces its bullshit "culture" of hedonism onto the entire world. None of this is remotely comparable to Russia, a natural nation who's people have lived there since time immemorium, with a productive population and a humble working class culture. That you would even compare the two is an insult to socialism and an insult to the Russian people.


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>Democratization is the definition of anti-imperialism


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holy mother of glow


How about you keev these balls lmao gottem


Not disputing your claim, but where is the evidence of Ukrop child soldiers?


Gimme link of the TG channel


Sleep, enough of discussing this.


Ah. It's one of these guys. Okay.



>Dimitry Rogozin, the chief of the Russian space corporation Roscosmos, made an eyebrow-raising threat: that if the sanctions continue, Russia could stop maintaining the orbit of the International Space Station and allow it to crash into the United States.

Like a children's cartoon villain lmao


This seems like an incredibly speciously angled photo. If you look closely there is barely anyone and a significant amount of the crowd is the press covering it lel

I wouldn't be surprised if there was more press in that photo than demonstrators.


Imagine how based that would be


>Provided they assimilate
Then theyre not being treated well, go suck on a turd burger cunt


Fuck off poltard

You'll never breed


He was a leader of literal Nazi organization lol


Man, this country gonna fall by the next week.


Defense ministry openly recruiting them on twitter, Zelensky saying "anyone can fight", it's not being kept secret or anything.


The very identity of Ukraine is rooted in Teuton aggression, by eliminating it a culture that breeds Nazism is eliminated by default. Also rather telling you think Russians are Nazis when they were literally a target of genocide


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>Minorities are treated well provided they assimilate into America


Let's see them run it without constant Soyuz and Progress flights.


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thats it, no more hackers in csgo


>Reported now that Russian paratroopers took 17 casualties during the entire battle
why are ukrops so bad at fighting


Putinbros I don't feel so good…



Ten times funnier when I remember the idiotic Western media frenzy about "China's gonna let a space ship crash into a Western country!" from a few months ago roflmao


Link to the article?


Nice copypasta putinoid. Made me laugh a lot


An insult to the Borg to compare them to


Rogozin is good at trolling


>Killing journalists
its a corrupt oligarchic state with a super strong mafia. Have you any proof its russian gov. Because I had journalists killed in my country too..


The reason they were put in jail is because it hurts religious feelings. It's not especially uncommon accross the world but it's definitely on the reactionnary spectrum. If any of you think reactionnary policies are based somewhat, i'll let you draw the conclusions yourselves



fuck it can't be real


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Liberal geniuses
<what about we let the SPACE station falls into the U.S.


Guys did you read the post he was responding to?


Black and red flags in the Ukraine are Right Sector


fucking finally


Sō ka…


>Oh, UFO anon, what do you mean Leftypol was siding with the Kazakh government in suppression of the protestors?
You nighas make this easy


This propaganda piece was posted times and times, don't respond.


Putler's forces should have cut communication cables and jammed the internet if they didn't want all the disinfo spreading.


Don't stop sending the VDV your energy lads


Yes, and somehow it was worse than the original comment


>world economy=West
Why are americans like this?


I was referring to anarchists generally supporting Ukraine


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Oh no. How will I play games from a decade ago now?


What a fucking coward



> the official Communist Party
Controlled opposition


That was the only time games were good


They are generally much funnier and wittier than western officials. Don't think that even does them any good but it is interesting.


Stop posting these stupid Zellende articles.


>Nazism and fascism are cultural phenomenon
Figures Putinoids are literal fucking idealists too


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He's a fresh template, go wild bros.


yeah nd is rly nothing but that anymore


Holy shit Putin is going to make Moonraker real


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Gosh you're even worse than anarchists. Maybe read the post I was replying to so you understand the point?


No one here actually likes Putin, who shouldn't have escalated. Best that can be said about him is that a quick Russian victory's probably the fastest end to the war.
Then again media here isn't trying to paint him as a champion of democracy like it is the Ukrainian state


Cope kremlinbot


>I choose which propaganda I trust


True anarchists use the redneck flag (red and black, the colors of ancom) to show solidarity with novorossiya


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>Putting people in jail because they publicly display affection near churches
Liar. Guy got arrested because couple of hours before pulling this stunt he made one of those shitty prank videos where he beat some guy on the subway.


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Someone put the Barbara pit in the background lmao


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We need more ground effect vehicles.


Proletarian morality predates religious nonsense. Sorry but most people are disgusted by open displays of sex


> woah kremlinborts
You glow too much with this lib lexicon.


Don't underestimate people's stupidity. Here a pro-american pro-NATO right-wing gov is in power and there are constant protests against them. Everything the gov does, the protests hysterically oppose it. That is until now, when the protests are rabidly pro-Ukraine and anti-Russian, some are probably comparing the gov to Putin because it's such a nice opportunity, while the gov itself is rabidly anti-Russian as well.


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CHADkrainian army laying siege on moscow. putler on suicide watch BITCHssian troops on verge of surrender


Those games are essential to the Russian gaming community
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. too, but you know what's happening to them


gotta tell you, liberals in the west do more praxis.


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suck the d of putler


>duuuuuh if you dislike homos and ur a stinky brown person taht means you're le nazi
>actual nazis and a state literally created by nazis are perfectly fine though
>yes I'm a radlib how can you tell?


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>according to Ukraine, they killed 5000k russians to 150 of their losses
>according to Finland, they killed 5000k russins to 150 of their losses

Same shit


They will probably make their own servers and be done with it.


Cope, seethe and dilate NATO cuck.


on god those are games for gramps fr fr


Kek, based


wooh yeah baby
now we are cooking with gas


>Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, during a telephone conversation, asked Prime Minister Naftali Bennett that Israel act as an intermediary between Russia and Ukraine.
> "We want the negotiations to take place in Jerusalem. We believe that Israel is a country that could conduct such negotiations in the midst of a war," Zelensky said.
Thinking emoji


They have the entire status quo behind them, no shit.


Man, remember the random guy who just posted "china" at the beginning of the threads.
Good times.


Why israel? That's a weird choice


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im against nato also man, im communist not social-chauvinist


Democracy is a liberal term. Communism is the real democratization of everything. Un-spook yourself, then.


Zionazi powerbrokers want to flex their muscle, same shit as usual


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He wants to run away via Israel


>5000 × 1000
Damn 5 million Russians dead?




Because he is a Jew just like the people who have organized Maidan


>implying the russians wont instantly start pirated servers


I don't see straight people being locked up for public displays of affection.


Confucius once said that the lowest pits of the underworld are reserved for those who in times of conflict between good and evil choose neutrality. You're nothing but a passive stooge for NATO


Same shid diferrend day indeed.


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Digits decide where they crash it.


Putin legitimized the war as being about denazification, choosing Israel as mediator plays into that context while the state is still reliably pro-Western enough to make unholy alliances with neo-nazis from time to time


And some dude on xbox live said how he fucked my mom who stays at home all day. Your point is?



He wants to join a kibbutz and be done with all this horseshit


zoomers hate CSGO now? wtf frfr


I was literally just showing how your cope can also be used to justify american imperialism. Learn to read


They are also doing wholesome ethnic cleansing




Kek he's just gonna dip when they show up at the conference
Easy excuse to let him fly out of Ukraine without looking like a massive cuck and getting shot down by his own people


Confucius was a feudalist reactionary.


NATO's not even in this war. Ukraine is not a part of NATO. Russia is invading Ukraine. The people of Ukraine do not deserve this. This is the most obvious example of imperialism ever. War is bad, and as a socialist I will oppose war.


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I mean, yeah, if you take a single obvious shitpost as "majority opinion", I guess you can come to that conclusion. thats still retarded and flase


>anarchist cookbook on radio svoboda
lol, now i'm just waiting for freedom swastikas


Would be the funniest shit in existance


>Revolutionary defeatism is a concept made most prominent by Vladimir Lenin in World War I. It is based on the Marxist idea of class struggle. Arguing that the proletariat could not win or gain in a capitalist war, Lenin declared its true enemy is the imperialist leaders who sent their lower classes into battle. Workers would gain more from their own nations' defeats, he argued, if the war could be turned into civil war and then international revolution


He was still judged over the church's picture


if you are ever doing this against an actual army you need to just give up


But we are not in a time of good and evil. We are in a time of national interests.




who is this Lenin guy? He sounds like a NATO stooge


Reminder that Finland surrendered faster than Britain and France were able to send any real help to Finland. Reminder that Finland was forced to surrender via Voroshilov encirlcing entire finnish army and ordering the attack to close the pocket, that very same day peace happened.

Reminder that nazi losers routinely lied about their losses and inflated enemy casualties for propaganda purposes.


When will Kiev fall?


Rogozin's yacht. Fuck this retard


VDV are the tough guys of paratroopers, who are the tough guys of infantry


tomorrow or the next day


Most pedos are heterosexual


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Russian man kneeling before Ukrainian people to apologise for Putin. Putin should imprison this man 4 being so cringe.


I wonder, has there been any attempt by Ukraine against targets in Russia proper?


One side is a "country" created by genocidal colonizers which is backed by every major imperial power, the other is a natural country just trying to defend its people from being massacred. I'd say there's definitely good and evil here


I have a gnawing suspicion that Russia will wait until Ukrainian military does a coup "by itself", until then they'll keep encirclement. Fighting civvies who have Molotovs is not in the plans


Serbia or Albania


They have good relations with the West and Russia, as well as having a significant Eastern European population


i wish there was a way to make pirated tf2 servers that didnt need to pass through valve


baerbock's office


most pedo are in you're family


They shot a singular missile at airstrip in Millerovo


Someone make a blacked edit


Bentley said there was some shelling that hit a house in Rostov oblast, but nothing huge.
I don't think they have the capability right now.



nations are so cringe


Yeah thanks for the help we got your letter full of thoughts and prayers. Ukrainians have same kind of cornered aggression that we once had.


CHADkraine is not surrendering putin


Kosovo confirmed as ISS landing site


Russia wouldn't have to intervene in the Ukraine if the Germano-Polish enclave wasn't intent on genociding the native Russian people, backed by their NATO masters. So yes, it is their fault

Orientalist piece of shit. I guess racism is considered fine on this site now?


He is a flagfag, so his whole shtick is responding on end to the shortest shitposts, and when he ends up assaulted by 3 or 4 shitposters they throw a fucking fit and declare the whole board as reactionary.


NATO is trying to paint this in the lenses of American race relations where Ukrainians are blacks and Russians are white. Whats funny is that Azov is saying the same thing but flipped.


if Russia stuck to protecting the people of donbass and avoided talk of annexation and great Russian chauvinism I'd feel very differently about this war, at this point it's a full-scale invasion, which is bad.


a big station like iss doesnt fit in such a miniture fake country


We are not on the brink of international working class uprising, or the establishment of a global dictatorship of a proletariat. The revolution failed and it doesn't exist anymore, not even a shadow of it. The specter of communism has been exorcised.


Pan-Slavic NazBol USSR 2.0 When?


The fact that you were asking about minorities, repressed communists, and stuff, consistent, the last part with western propaganda, matches you glow or soyface.


fuck confucius. All my homies hate confucius


Nobody wants this except psychotic liberals. And what the fuck are those Ukrainians doing there and helping this spectacle. Some 2nd-gen transplanted banderists?


>Maybe because being heterosexual is normal and healthy and not positively correlated with horrific diseases and pedophilia. Just a small thought
Post chin


That's what Putin's supporters in this war believe, I guess


The Ukraine is a natural part of Russia though, it's entire existence a facade created by the Germans and Polish in an attempt to weaken the empire and later the Soviet Union. The only way the Russian people are going to be protected is if Ukraine is brought back into the fold and re assimilated into the motherland.


>hiding in the subway
>steiners counter attack time


Your trolling is too obvious now. You overplayed it


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Am I a sociopath, or autistic? Because I don't get what drives people to do shit like


Wasn't it Dante who said this?


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Francis Fukuyama must be seething right now.


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>1st pic
What's the building on the bottom right?


Small dick bros, how do you feel about this


what does blm have to do with your post schizo


>Because I don't get what drives people to do shit like


You don’t understand imperialism. America is imperialist because it basically acts like a loanshark to the capitalist periphery investing money with the hope of taking back a share of the profits. The old European empires were also imperialist because they extracted raw materials to sell abroad or back to the people extracted


No, like many great men of the East many of the sayings of Confucius were stolen and attributed to westerners. It's a long standing streak of chauvinism and erasure of history


Stupidest dick joke ever


maybe, but the people who didn't take sides were in his "level 0 hell," an area outside the first level which sounded way worse than the first level (which was mostly for pre-Christians)


Holy ebin lulz I don't understand a word :DDDD


is there a new thread


He's still alive and still writes. Seems like a rather boring, typically delusional American pundit.


Because like the Ukrainian "nation", both are backed by radlibs


in comparison, america has erectile dysfunction


Whatever helps you sleep at night, "comrade"



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Kharkov, "Freikorps" badge. Ukrops want to distribute weapons to the populace


Being a communist is "glow" now?
Also I literally repeated your argument just changing 3 words, if it sounds like propaganda remember that its what you wrote, not me


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Zizek says yes to russia sanctions

>All of us from countries which have to witness the sad affair of Ukraine’s rape should be aware that only a real castration prevents rape. So we should recommend that the international community carries out a castrative operation on Russia — ignoring and marginalizing them as much as possible, making it sure that afterwards, nothing else will grow of their global authority.



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Reminder for all grillfags ITT: apathy is death.





What a joke. How can a "superpower" lose battle with best of the best in a city which is next to your country. How full of shit were these officers who send special spetnaz to control Kiev Airport with attack helicopters and fighter jets dropping around. Imagine such a junior league military dropping precious fighter jets above Kiev what a joke.


You know maybe /pol/ is right about globohomo, not in the gay sense, but "global homogenization" liberals are physically incapable of independent thinking.


>That's what Putin's supporters in this war believe
Where are the communist praxis in the west to weaken their lib states?
Stooge is pledging to orthodox dogmas that changed here, in our current worldview.. Even Lenin acknowledged that the revolution wouldn't succeed if they weren't adopting changes dialy. That was kautsky was a class traitor.


Again, it wasn't Dante, that's a false attribution as are many quotes and accomplishments attributed to westerners


this stuff has always existed, it has always been cringe


This >>527237 and this >>527246 and most people with HIV/AIDS are straight.


apathy is the stoic ideal


CNN is seriously claiming that Russia is going to kill the family members of those who don't surrender. Vladolf Putler moment


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fuck, I hate liberals so much, fuck, fuck 'em, fuck 'em.



Damn I didn't know Michonne was a real person
Her pet zombies are just as braindead as in the show.


>That why* kautsky was a class traitor.


thred ded wer new one?


Oh no I can't believe that every principled Marxist during WW1 went to hell



homos weren't the only spreaders even in the early period and that's mostly a quirk of how it arrived in the west, in Africa it's a hetero disease


Zizek is lately encircled by some rabid pro-US MSM "experts" from Slovenia. And he's always been shit about geopolitics.


Master, what is it that I hear? Who are those people so defeated by their pain?
And he to me: “This miserable way is taken by the sorry souls of those who lived without disgrace and without praise.
They now commingle with the coward angels, the company of those who were not rebels nor faithful to their God, but stood apart.
The heavens, that their beauty not be lessened, have cast them out, nor will deep Hell receive them –
even the wicked cannot glory in them.”


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60 "saboteurs" killed. FFS, khokhols are fighting so well Putin might as well just wait until they kill themselves


zizek, sanctions are dirt on balls, not castration you retard


Lenin literally overthrew his country
Rosa almost did as well
If Ukrainians did that you'd be crying for NATO to intervene right now.


Ukraine is a fascist state, BLM is a liberatory movement (albeit a misguided one). Fuck off back to /pol/


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I remember all the ww3 threads me trying to warn.


No. It was co-opted by radlibs, but was a popular movement with a proletarian class character, despite the fact that it concerned itself with a lot of racial justice issues (that mostly coincided with economic agitation that white people in the US would benefit from as well).

The problem: no proletarian party leadership makes a movement vulnerable to the bourgeoisie


>It is reported that the Ukrainian Navy servicemen sank the flagship of the Ukrainian Navy, the frigate "Hetman Sagaidachny" in Nikolaev.

So they were rethreating and didn't want Russia to control it?


My ML friend started reading Zizek and he unironically became a social democrat


I hope they kill Zelensky tbh, that fag asked kids to fight, why he's isn't fighting himself?


this is why the CPC is so much more based, higher level leadership is far more competent than the retards who fail up into Russian state positions. they fail up even harder than burger officials.


They're wiping the floor with the Ukrops. Their slow advance is probably to limit civilian casualties and hope for an internal resolution ie surrender or coup.
Reminder Russia has only sent in between 1/3 and 1/2 of the troops it has ready for invasion. It hasn't even mobilized properly.


He should have stopped at sublime object of ideology and ignore the rest, especially his columns.


Having seen how this kind of thing goes in much lower stakes, lower pressure environments, like when people get paranoid about undercovers during a fairly brawly protest, this is probably not good.


Jesus, pathetic. They could have Potemkin'd it and sailed to Romania.


Europe would suffer more from sanctions then Europe. Europe would be cut off from gas.


>what does blm have to do with your post schizo
nta but it's the rabid worship of whatever the topic of virtue signalling is this week for liberals, no matter how cynical. The media machine says you will talk about this, and repeat these lines and to not display sufficient fervor is heresy treason. The parallel is

The US could be making leather out of black people's skin and liberal media would continue using BLM as a cudgel unhindered.

The US is currently enacting their crocodile tears routine with anything less than uncritical NATO support being treason, and it's 'the US who have crafted this whole situation, escalated and done their best to make every single bit of misery happen.


Started in Africa, friend. And most of the times it spreads from having sex is when there’s no contraception


>If Ukrainians did that you'd be crying for NATO to intervene right now
No I wouldn't but I do know that if the Russians did that you would be begging Putin to kill all the evil CIA traitors


His books on Hegel and Christianity are interesting. When he talks about world current events he's an average socdem at best


Imagine if Putin goes full schizo and announces "No prisoners, only trophies" and just starts terror bombing kiev


Liberating what? Liberating people from their stores and livelihoods?


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I told you, he stole it, it doesn't belong to him


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>Simping for petty booj


Then everyone in the world is royally fucked


Yeah, but they overtly say to that to us. "You must sacrifice yourselves for our interests."


They're liberating their own people, not yours.


In the US he'd be fucking homeless lmao, he earns less than federal minimum wage


Good news then.


Fuck the petty booj. Communism is about workers.


based and situationpilled


>No one here actually likes Putin, who shouldn't have escalated.
There is a good chance that after the current US puppet regime in Kiev is broken that Putin will pull back to the Donbass region and the left over part of the Ukraine will get a somewhat democratic government with at least some degree of autonomy. Chances are that Moscow will just enforce security insurances: no NATO and no US intelligence arming any Azovs. At least in that case we will count this as liberation, and Putin gets good guy points.

>Best that can be said about him is that a quick Russian victory's probably the fastest end to the war.

This war that was started by the US in 2014, and so far it looks like you'll get your Russian victory because Ukrainian forces are even weaker than anybody thought.


>big muscles
>big bones
>big penis
>relatively big brain just slightly smaller
Problem ukrops?


So after reseaches, it appears the quote itself is the result of a XXth century game of telephone about Dante's work, although the idea got expressed in the East far before Dante was born



>>527346 (me)
and if you simp for smol business tyrants, then you are not a communist


noooooooooooooooooooooo do not touch ma and pa stores ;_;


Putinoids unironically believe this


Russian military is liberating Ukrainian citizens from their homes and lives soooooo


Call it for what it is: burgerization

Quite frankly, the homogenization part I don’t care about. But the fact it’s burgershit is just catastrophic


In your radlib american classes he stole it. What the fuck you are talking about. I'm not even sure dante even knew about confucius.
Plus what he stole? He just said a similar thing.


Kyiv hit by airstrikes?? Where is the Ghost of Kyiv? I thought that reports of the demise of the Ukrainian air defense had been greatly exaggerated? That was all just Russian propaganda, right??


>nor will deep Hell receive them –
Lol, so not actually the deepest part of hell, that quote is such a misreading


Last I checked segregation in America ended some 70 years ago, what are they fighting for now?


WWIII, if not nuclear armageddon levels of fucked.


Identifying as Ukrainian is tantamount to identifying as a Nazi so I dont see the problem


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for anyone wondering why Russia is winning so quickly….


No they are literally in the pre hell part when he sees them. He's saying they are so shit they are not even worthy of hell. But they suffer a lot.more


people here would still support him.


Nuclear warheads will never be used.


well, I'd rather have bugs chew on my feet than be drowning in poop, but to each their own


give it a few days


leninhat antivax was right all along?
is he pro-Putin now?


He already announced that he will bomb apartments because terrorists are hiding there (just like Israel). Nobody knows what will come next.


How much of a fucking liberal are you? You know what, maybe you’re not a burger, so I’ll be charitable. There’s consistent racial inequities in their material welfare, disproportionate targeting by police and criminal law, employment discrimination and a whole bunch of other material shit that don’t go away when people say “see, we signed a bill into law”.


Maybe they just shouldn't break laws, it's not particularly hard


>people with 4 workers at most is a tyrant


If I recall the actual lowest pits of hell were reserved for hypocrites and such. Not necessarily the people you would expect. IIRC those were considered the worst because they were sins of human rationality, not driven by instinct or emotion.


new thread?


Don't bother it's the same schizo spamming idpol and defending putin



It's also the neoliberal ideal. Don't worry about the war or the world, just play bing bing wahoo and consoom.



you will NEVER be a leftist


Is that true? Neolibs seem pretty big on hating the fuck out of foreigners for being "authoritarians"


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>doesn't know about U.S. re-seggregation
>acts smugnorantly






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how will putin recover?



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>Make laws to criminalize people for existing and wide police latitude in charging people with them
>Impoverishment-induced crime
>Lack of actual prospects
<You: just don’t go criming


Yeah with Traitors


yea man, like if no ever larpers existed in communists movements.


File: 1645828850671.png (1.01 MB, 1305x774, ClipboardImage.png)


so ok you assume being in the camp of capital




so youre going to help the ukrainans there?


I don't like Putin, but I love how he triggers liberals and the way he just ignores sanctions is based.


Ukrainians and russians aren’t black or white. They are Indian


translation ?


you are eating up porky propaganda my guy. most of the businesses targeted were chains anyway


That dumb ass whore doesn't realize that throwing molotovs to Main Battle Tanks will get her a bullet.


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You know it by heart, lol.

>You haven't paid for occupation of Hobbitland yet!

<That was the Empire of 1000 Years Night. We are a young 20 years old country of Goblin Federation
>Lies! You just changed fronts!

And so on and so forth


Diilaa sen kanssa. Minulle opetettiin aikanaan että puolueella on selvä kanta että pasifismia/reformismia ei suvaita ja jäset ovat osa armeijaa kunnes toisin käsketään.


11 for
3 abstain
1 against


>I don't like Putin, but I love how he triggers liberals and the way he just ignores sanctions is based.
An emotional childs guide to politics



Is it true that Servant of the People series/movie Zelensky starred in had Ukraine divided into 24 countries?


Fuck off, crime is based



fuk beat me to it lol




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Brain status: broken.


<Italy open to ban Russia from SWIFT

This is either 6D chess or we've gone full retard.
Either case enjoying the fucking ride.


<Divina Commedia in English

It really sounds dogshit


both Russian and Ukraine are bad


>>527414 are the war crimes real


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I don't even know if the Chechen story is true or not, but it's hilarious to me that there are stories about them going to deal with Azov… personally. They're like the emperor's Sardaukar troops or some shit. But even if it's not true, I could imagine the rumors being used as a form of psychological warfare.


I think this guy also supported the glowie protests in Cuba. I've heard quite the opposite anyways with polls showing that Russians who miss the USSR mostly do so because of economic reasons and much less so because of the "empire."

My speculation is that a lot of the fireworks we heard along the Donbass line of contact on the first day were an attempt to "fix" Ukrainian positions there while the maneuver elements from Crimea and around Kharkov moved behind them in a pincer movement. That would encircle the Ukrainian troops facing Russian and DPR/LPR forces in Donbass and cut them off.

Russian military doctrine also accepts higher casualties than is acceptable in Western armies. The point is to drive hard and "get onto the objective" even if the cost is most of the initial forces getting wiped out with the expectation that they'll be replaced with fresh reserves that pulverize the enemy which has always been worn down from the initial fighting. The setbacks that the Russians are facing are part of their overall strategy.


heterosexuality actually is positively associated with pedophilia although it is a very small minority


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I've been trying to ignore global news these past weeks so I can rest my mind, can I get a quick rundown on what's going on? on a second note "ghost of Kyiv" is circulating around Twitter, what's that?.

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