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 No.532689[View All]

Ukraine conflict: Fighting rages near Kyiv after Russia invasion

Russian forces approaching Kyiv from northeast & east; Ukrainian Prez pleads for help (LIVE UPDATES)

Russia attacks Ukraine live updates: Russian forces close on Kyiv (LIVE UPDATES)

Latest updates: Ben Wallace says Russia’s ambition is to invade 'the whole of Ukraine’ but its forces have so far lost around 450 personnel
636 posts and 105 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>the holodomor didn't happen
Wait a moment, the holodomor thing, that was the claimthat Stalin created a famine on purpose, this dates back to anti communist Nazi-Germany propaganda from just before World War two. Are you seriously taking that position ?
Stalin paid the clouds not to rain and caused a crop failure with a plight. What the fuck man ?


Some liquor stores in the US and canada


all this shit is fake


I don't understand how Russians wouldn't be able to pronounce that. Going by the transliteration, it doesn't have any sounds they don't have in their native language.


lmao the media is actually pushing the saboteur angle as volkstrum retards open fire on each other and small nuclear families every night


So it's like burgers pouring away french wine because of warmongering again



Divisions on the left break down two ways

1. This war is caused by the contradiction between liberalism's universal and equal idea of rights, processes, and so on with the arbitrary nature of autocracy

2. This was is caused by how the liberal international order isn't any higher than the history Russia operates on, and under unipolarity did the most to reproduce it because imperialism was exploiting it (through national divisions etc). This forces Russia to act on the same terms.

Which one is correct?


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now they play TNO multiplayer (girl und panzer DLC)


More dead civilians to blame on Russia. they want as much destruction as possible


>>533310 Так, ми ліга легенд як форма навчання


>>533335 translate this


video game logic, they haven't unlocked the skill tree yet


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my side


it's not so much about picking a side as people who've obviously got a side, or some instincts towards a side, but are too cowardly to show it or to revise their prejudices in light of new information. as i say: it's one thing to say "actually, this is a nuanced situation" and another to run your mouth about how this is actually very simple right up until the moment of invasion, then go very quiet once the tanks actually roll in.

there are people who've bothsides'd it i've not said anything about. Corbyn comes to mind as having made both anti-NATO and anti-Invasion statements, which is a position essentially consistent with everything he's said in the past.

that's not what dyslexia is

in fairness, it's a perfectly valid tactic in human communication: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shibboleth
(keep an eye out for it on imageboards. pronunciation might not be available as a test, but there are plenty of other stylistic differences in text that people will try to make use of.)

the point isn't whether the holodohoax happened or not, it's that when you're going on about it right now, after having talked about the buildup to the invasion and then suddenly saying nothing about the actual war, it's more obvious than not that you're a coward who wants to say "ukraine bad" without actually saying it.

i don't care about the holodomor either way, supposing it was literally true stalin was still based. my one regret is not remembering to include a disclaimer making that clear. it's not about the holodomor, it's about the obvious sublimation of anti-ukraine posting.


This better not be real, there's going to be a lot of people shot as suspected "moskals" by nazoid retards because their first language was Russian.


What else do they import from Russia? They're not exactly known for luxuries.


there's no war going on
nothing burger




>implying that's not intentional


boys its conformed azovs battalion play league of legends


Putin is merely 'going for a stroll in his own backyard'


stop being gamerist


/leftypol/ has very impenetrable shibboleths when it comes to imageboards as a whole, honestly.


Least racist videogamer


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tbh, at least for the eternally online, everyone gets polarized, often just for banter's sake


And said saboteurs are likely to be of Ukrainian descent all things considered.



You mean it's very obvious when someone knows dick about history, socialism, or Marxist theory?


New thread, pls







The guy saying "it's very sad for me because i'm seeing blonde blu eyed people being killed" is a former deputy prosecutor-general

reactoids are monsters who will infiltrate everywhere and debase civilization from its core


>that's not what dyslexia is
Yep sorry my bad dyslexia is a reading disorder. Should have said apraxia or aphasia or any speech disorder.
But wait, there's more!


hmm, i guess watch out if you're a russian-speaking ukrainian, you're a "foe".


This is all Vicky Nuland’s fault. You think she feels even a little guilty right now?


Ironic because like a third of Azov are russian-as-first-language speakers


The fact that a blue-check liberal might retweet shows imo how poorly they understand the roots of this conflict.


People who enforce financial sanctions go apeshit when things like this happen and immediately roll out new, wider sanctions. I suspect this partial SWIFT ban is just going to end up as a complete SWIFT ban relatively soon.


You can see this with Huawei sanctions which kept getting wide and wider until they issued something called the "Foreign Direct Product Rule"


I don't think there is a single US policymaker that is even a little bit upset about what's happening.


Reminds me a lot of the "undercovers" paranoia widely seen in Hong Kong. Probably same dynamics…


no, she doesn't think it's her fault at all. the only one at fault is putler, of course.
but she's just a bit player. it's the whole obama/clinton world. they are all fucking lunatics and chaos agents. every time they have power they run around setting different parts of the world on fire and leaving chaos and strife in their wake. it's not a coincidence that nobody gave af about Ukraine for four years, and a year after they're back in power it's potential WW3 over it. This won't be the last chaos either. They might fire up the Syria war again, or somewhere else, who knows.
Trump/Repub foreign policy is shit too but nobody holds a candle to these nuts.


>the point isn't whether the holodohoax happened or not, it's that when you're going on about it right now, after having talked about the buildup to the invasion and then suddenly saying nothing about the actual war, it's more obvious than not that you're a coward who wants to say "ukraine bad" without actually saying it.
I don't know what you mean, or how the Ukraine happening is related to pre WW2 propaganda from Nazi Germany. Should i tell you my opinion about Ukraine now ? It was regular shit before and when the US installed a puppet regime that funneled money, weapons and cia training instructors to unironic swastika wearing Hitler saluting neo-nazis it got a lot shittier. It also got shittier because of all the neoliberal economics. Before the US shitting CIA crap into Ukraine, these people were mostly just lumpen that got hired by oligarchs as goons, the neo-nazi shit took off after the US got involved.
>i don't care about the holodomor either way, supposing it was literally true stalin was still based.
Why would you even entertain the possibility ? taking propaganda designed to manufacture consent for war at face value is nuts. I don't get it, the source for this was literally called propaganda ministry of the third Reich.

>my one regret is not remembering to include a disclaimer making that clear. it's not about the holodomor,

why bring it up in the first place
>it's about the obvious sublimation of anti-ukraine posting.
what does that mean ?
Are you sublimating anti-Ukraine with anti-us-puppet-regime -posting ?


>I don't know what you mean, or how the Ukraine happening is related to pre WW2 propaganda from Nazi Germany
the simplified version: i have seen people who instinctively want ukraine to lose the war but aren't brave enough to admit that, so when war broke out and was condemned they pivoted to a series of things - such as "debunking the holodomor" - which are clearly being done to sublimate the desire to say something vaguely negative about ukraine without mentioning the war that's happening today. (were they just coincidental, one would expect people who talked a lot about the buildup to war might have something to say about the actual war!) I think that such a stance is more embarrassing than falling entirely in line with mainstream liberal public opinion and just waving Ukraine flags until something else comes along, because it's cowardly.

i mention the holodomor only because it's one of the things they did - if they were going back over Eurovision entries in years when Ukraine's were shit I'd have said that instead, but alas it's easier to get the sparknotes on the holodomor from someone else than it is for Eurovision.


if he did he would need to use nuclear weapons


i may have placed a $450 bet on kyiv (formerly kiev) falling in 26 hours based on info i read in a previous thread. is it safe to save that i'll win it?



what's the thread? does it comment on the supply line issues? I'm inclined to say no, the russian military isn't exactly known for it's logistics capabilities.


I think that was too optimistic. This war can go 2 weeks or even months. Of cause there can be positive surprised but you should never count on it,


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