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582 posts and 131 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>Lukashenko getting free land without even fighting in the war



This is so rare in stock markets. Russia is desperate




these freaks can't help but hang themselves the second they think they have a free pass to be nazi degenerates


chess player banned for political thought crime of supporting Russia.
The Free World approves


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The NATO cope.


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The non-wignat types think Azov are cringe pawns of NATO and The Jews™


Oh no no no.. Putler BTFO by the reddit army


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the cancer is the cure, thank you anon


Guys opinion of my partition?
I think it's the most realistic one.


Free world moment


cheaper stoly


you don't need to be completely surrounded to be "encircled", I assume what is meant is that the major Highways to Kiev were either taken or blocked in some way or an other, making a hasty escape or the supply of the city difficult.


And people say remaking the classics never works


Get rid of the blue and white parts, make it only red. Also add a hammer and sickle to the top left corner.


>All that white space
Decided to nuke half of Ukraine to stop NATO encirclement, hmm? Good policy.




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Meet your new zaddy, /leftypol/ 😜💦


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The glowies aren't even trying to hide anymore.



can i get the brezhnev original plz? Can't find it anywhere


Encirclement is a military term for the situation when a force or target is *isolated and surrounded* by enemy forces. This situation is highly dangerous for the encircled force: at the strategic level, because *it cannot receive supplies or reinforcements*, and on the tactical level, because the units in the force can be subject to an attack from several sides.


I think anime faces look like anime faces. Which is to say, typically non-distinct.


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Do women now love midgets? God, I am doomed because I am 1.86m tall.



It's ok anon, just find a 2m tall woman.


Always did. get out of the internet


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Red: Annexed to RF
Orange: Returned to Poland in exchange for leaving NATO
Carpathia: Independence for Rusyn chads
Yellow: Transferred to Romania
Odessa: Trieste style autonomous zone under Russian control
Green: Autonomous/occupied zone, transferred to blue if the constitution is successfully implemented
Blue: New Ukraine with neutral denazified constitution like Austria, allowed to join EU but never NATO


Why do you discuss Agent Kochinski so much? I didn't know about him until I joined this board lol



every anime i've ever seen has sameface syndrome.


Why do people think sanctions will work on a country that suffered 10 million excess deaths due to mass privatisation in the 90s


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When are they taking the Capitol already, how much longer do we have to deal with this reddit shit?


>Fresh from a meeting of their leaders at the Beijing Olympics, China and Russia have grown closer, raising the specter of an authoritarian alliance to challenge a U.S.-led West. Russia's Ukraine war is testing how far China will go in supporting Moscow.
No Sino-Soviet split this time West. Buckle up fuckers.


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In blue, these are the parts that the Ukrainian goverment will still have, might join NATO.
In black, it's the novorrusian republic, which mantains a great alliance with Russia.
In red, are the parts that have been annexed by Belarus.
In green, those are the parts that have been annexed by Russia
In white, those are the parts that have been made an international zone by the UN standars.




Sorry but it has to end with Ukraine being landlocked for the banter





Hey newfriend, all you have to do is copy-paste the new OP post number into here. It's just like replying to yourself but in a different thread. Hope this helps.


the age of lanklet is over, the time of the manlet has come.


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new bread


Not any of those anons, thanks for the article. It was a good read.


Thank you anon, primo content


Literally the entire Vietnamese population: Are we a joke to you ?

Unique IPs: 27

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