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 [Last 50 Posts]


Let's goooo


Zelensky is soy


mariupol, then kharkiv, then kiev?




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most people here saying putin is doing a good hoi4 encirclement and winning the war

meanwhile vickky 2 player here and im seeing putin fucking over his economy even before the war and thus is a fucking noob


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It's not going to get any better, is it bros?





How will libs respond when it turns out Ukrops got BTFO:
A) kill themselves
B) create stabbed in the back legend
C) forget in three days


Asiatic hordes overrun them


muh KDR!


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>Putinoid's running out of gas - fucking literally.
>Begging and or mugging civilians for their fuel (breaking the Geneva convention btw)
>Thousands already dead.
>BAZED CHECHENS afraid to go into battle because militia may shoot them with bullets dipped in pig fat.
>APC's keep getting molotoved
>No capture of Kiev everyone here was guaranteeing yesterday
>NATO arms shipments to the Ukrainian armed forces less then 24 hours away
>Putin chimped out and began screaming about his googa booga muh big dick bombs - Zelensky called his bluff


D) russiagate 2: this time, its personal


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Anon, I don't mean to be rude, and I sincerely hope that you're shitposting, because if you aren't








no we need more vicky two references so to counter the hoi 4 ones


i posted that so to make you salty

and i succeded




but im going to stop now


Well fucking played.


Kill yourself glowie


This is just like Gorbino's Quest


That shit was funny at first but at this point I would honestly advise people to not believe a single thing you read from any side unless it's 100% vetted beyond a fraction of a doubt


oh fuck is this a jojo reference


Fuck you. I'm laughing, but fuck you.


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Ukrop are you okay?
Are you okay Ukrop?


Same goes to you too.


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Seems like caring about Ukrainian war more than any other country's isn't only exclusive to libs.


If Russia manages to annex everything to the right of Kiev, am I wrong for assuming that will gain them major geopolitical advantage? NATO's borders have been practically pushed back. The sanctions might hurt for the short term but I think Russia can shake it off after a few years. Not to mention this will basically destabilize the world economy.


>East vs West never ever
the PAIN


What are you trying to say, anon?


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Is this the most delusional holol-lover?


DPR leader suspends general mobilization


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Nobody has ever told me not to make jokes at the expense of any other war, you know.


close, but no one can match vowsh


>East vs West

it had potential anon but tbh its good it was cancled since no way were modders ever going to deliever something of paradox quality

and thats a pretty low bar

at least we still have cold war enhancement mod :^)


Million Eye-a-raqis die to America's invasion, nobody bats an eye
600 Ukrops die in a gentle, swift intervention, everybody loses their mind


Don't worry you can have Espiocracy, as a treat


Fuck the vicky economy. The real reason no East vs West is good, is because Paradox devs would have to start reading Cold War history.


Why? Ukraine is a poor shit hole that hates Russia and pisses NATO off even more. It's like adopting a shitty, chronically ill cat that hates you, costs thousands in medical bills annually, and will get you evicted if your landlord finds out.


Is Kadyrov right, should Putin take the off the kids-gloves and let his men take the cities in a glorious bloodbath?


>S.Korea bans exports of strategic items to Russia, joins SWIFT sanctions



pathetic vassal state


Negotiations begin within an hour. How do you think it will turn out?


>and pisses NATO off even more
*if Russia annexes it beyond Donetsk and Luhansk


unconditional surrender


It was a strange twist from him being sceptical about Donbass claims a week ago to now eating up every pro-holol tweet and becoming a ukrainian nationalist.


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>#Russia Ruble falls to the lowest level EVER. Plunged 40% to 117.8 per Dollar at one point after SWIFT sanctions against Russian banks. Restrictions on Russian CenBank target its access to >$600bn in reserves Kremlin has at its disposal, hindering its ability to support the ruble


For reference it was 83 on Friday


>Let's goooo


bros im a coward. last week i was told i was paranoid for thinking russia and ukraine would go to war, now i am broken by fears of nuclear war. i don't care about sides, i just don't wanna be vaporized. what do


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> insult the victoria 2 economy

>literal east vs west seems to have adopted victoria 2 econ mechanics


(tbf the vanilla one is kinda broken tho thats where mods like pdm divided by zero come in)


> because Paradox devs would have to start reading Cold War history.

not exactly anon since the project was outsourced to a bunch of modders so paradox didnt really have to do anything. THe reason why it got cancled was the same reason other modder developed games(like magnus mundi) got cancled. The modders didnt really have the skill, the time, nor the focus. THey usually end up being overambitious and well they cant develop it


have modders ever solved the late game liquidity crisis?


+ Maximum cope, if happens.
They won't capitulate, not yet.


nobody's gonna get nuked don't worry


most cucked country on earth


Who cares about nuclear war. Everyone else will die too if they do it. Total nothingburger.


not 4 u sorry


meh, seems very soft-landed.


if i were zelensky, i would, the russians straight up are going to kill him if they have to take kiev


If they want to win then maybe. But they will probably need to govern and it will create so much resistance.


Russian markets have not opened yet


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Brave Defenders of Ukraine hiding behind an Kindergarten.


No. Ever.


Aren't they closed until new notice? I clearly remember a public statement They will not open them.


Oh no it's Beslan all over again


Zelensky is cut from same cloth as Navalny, useful martyr. Also Zelensky could have stayed in Munich and never came back to ukraine

You realize Navalny went back to Russia 100% knowing he goes to prison right?


why is Twitter acting like ukraine is winning?


Why do they act like The Ghost of Kiev is real?


Glow ops


they are fighting well and Russia is not. but it probably won't matter in the long run


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If only there was a relatively recent example of a dedicated defender holding a large urban environment for an extremely period of time against a siege…


nuclear bombs are an irrational weapon requiring irrationality to use them. i am afraid of the often schizophrenic irrationality of modern life. maybe i am paranoid but the world has given me just cause to be paranoid.


I have seen reports that he moved to Lviv. Texans Russe there was talking about an agreement that Russia will not move westwards Kiev.


So they can manufacture the stab in the back myth when Ukraine inevitably surrenders. Then they will have their fascist insurgency to arm.


They eating up ukrainian war-propaganda. Reminder thar 1 1/2 year ago Armenia claimed to win until the day they retreated from Karabakh


>>537558 (me)
*further notice.


fog of war allows cringy reddit propganda like ghost of kiev and snake island and le grandma and sunflowers to impact american reddit brains


>BREAKING: Russia's Central Bank more than doubles key interest rate to 20% in effort to slow inflation and protect the ruble



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>they are fighting well and Russia is not.
Excellent CNN Pentagon talking point reading Agent Johnson.


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because libs live now in virtual reality, or virtual cope, they think if they win on Twitter, they win in a real war. the typical result of astroturf shit that will bite back politicians asses


Like we keep saying, the main social networks are literally assets of the American deep State. Stop using them if at all possible, for the sake of your mental health.


What is the actual material influence of glowie social media and propaganda ops? Is it just needed so that people don't revolt? Like, the ruling class don't really NEED their consent to make political decisions, but it would be easier if they didn't fight back to it.


What's up gamers Vladimirthony Putintano here with a quick question. So let's say hypothetically that Putin or Biden (or both) loses their remaining brain stem and nukes start flying. Russia has approximately 6000 missiles, many of which contain multiple warheads to strike additional targets. My question is, what kind of missiles would they most likely be using? How long does it take to detect them? And what's the time left between detection and impact? Supposedly, they've started rolling out a new type of ICBM called the RS-28 Sarmat, which can carry up to 15 MIRVs per missile. Anybody got any idea if they're even functional yet, and if so how many they'd be able to use?


Why is this people so ready to die to sell out their country?


>Retard ITT literally WANTS Zelensky to provoke/cause/allow to happen a Sarajevo 1992-1996 siege inside a city of almost 3 million fucking people
Jesus Christ…Just the thought is horrifying


>Major Canadian cable operators block Russian state-owned broadcaster RT

>Feb 27 (Reuters) - Two Canadian cable operators on Sunday said they would drop Russian state-owned broadcaster RT from their channel line-up in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

>In separate statements issued as Canada joined other countries ramping up sanctions on Moscow, shutting its airspace to Russian aircraft, Rogers Communications and BCE Inc's (BCE.TO) Bell said RT will no longer be available on their systems.



Only if they have the will to fight and the attacker doesn't have the means or the balls to go in. Ukraine is shit out of luck.


Russia is lining up these big ass columns for Turkish drones to tee up because they didn't take them out. Russia will win anyways but that seems pretty stupid


RIA Novosti says Ukrainian delegation is already in Bielaruss for peace talks.


What does that mean


If something seems totally irrational then it's probably just something you can't see. Putin isn't a lunatic, he will have had a load of war, politics and economy nerds going over the numbers and wargaming this out hundreds of times before he came to the conclusion invasion now is the best thing to do.
Nobody's firing the nukes over Ukraine, there isn't even any legal justification to do so, let alone a logical reason to end all life on earth.


Despite what twitter wants you to believe, they don't.


>Curfew in Kharkiv begins at 3pm today “due to a large number of sabotage groups” in the city, says governor Oleh Sinehubov



Sanctions made all cash outside Russia rush back in. Central bank trying to control inflation by getting rid of it.


>most likely be using?
All of them. Period. No discussion, no further questions.


>sabotage groups


So like what does that mean? What is an interest rate?

Russian people are getting good money to keep their money in the bank or able to buy stuff for cheap now


sussy sabo




who is going out in a city that is half owned by russia rn


because muh country is a spook moron
especially a capitalist one



saboteurs, can't you read


>And what's the time left between detection and impact?
Not enough time for you to escape the blast radius. If you're so worried start looking up where your local bomb shelter is.


Don't suggest silly things, even if pennyposter survives the blast the nuclear winter will kill us all anyway. I'd take the faster bullet, if you ask me.


Blame the Jew(s)

>but it would be easier if they didn't fight back to it.
People fighting against what's happening would decrease productivity


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>He still believes hohols have any drones left


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.Russian Central Bank more than doubling interest rates to 20% from 9.5%. "This will help maintain financial and price stability and protect citizens' savings from depreciation." Similar hike halted ruble collapse in 2014, but the problem now of another scale.





Nuclear winter isn't real.


rip hoholistan


>protest heavily, angrily, anarchistically for peace in your bourg western state
>ask for stop supporting Ukraine
>nuclear war avoided.



Go on, tell me this is lies.


So much for those fighter jets from the EU which would be “in the air within hours” earlier.


I'm far enough away from my local metropolitan area that I'll probably be okay, though that depends heavily on the magnitude of the blast and how accurate the missiles are. The average warhead that's equipped on these MIRV things seems to be between 500 kilotons to 1 megaton, so if a few of those hit I'll be okay, and it seems to be the most likely due to the fact that they're harder to intercept. However their single payload missiles have stuff in the 20 megaton range and higher, so that could end poorly for me, in large part because I'd be in the range where it would kill me in a slow and agonizing way rather than quickly.

In any case, I'm more worried about my older brother, who's actually in the city. In the event of The Great Happening he's kinda fucked even if he gets to a fallout shelter in time.


Reminder that Russia lost two drop planes full of paratroopers. Literally the 'Best of the best' of the Russian military.
300 KIA immediately.
Imagine coping that this is going anywhere close to as well as Putin wanted it to.


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>pic related
Dude, the guy just tweeted what the Russian MoD is claiming. It's literally written right there. What's wrong with people?


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libs cope gonna be delicious.


>who is going out in a city that is half owned by russia rn
Me on my way to buy gas station food


>Phone keeps freezing between half the apps on my phone they now require VPN in Russia and the other half that see VPN and think you’re a massive DDOS attack



Yes, those are lies. Nuclear winter is a hypothesis with wobbly foundamentals.


where's the pics of the IL-76's?


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>According to @tvrain reporting numerous people across Russia of all ages are being called to enlisting offices. Reportedly Russians are being proposed to sign military contracts and/or join the reserves.



Libs defend this. The Pink-Brown alliance is real.


>The #Finnish corporation #S-ryhmä, owning the second largest number of supermarket in the country, is removing goods from #Russia from the shelves.





The pictures, where are they?!


How come, your hysteric umod that loves to milk to the dry the cow of their micro victories, haven't fucking posted one single picture of not one, but two planes the size of 2 airbuses 747. Fucking moron, GTFO.


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>China willing to work with U.S. on Build Back Better World initiative



based Mio poster.




China's biggest export will be Dengism


>Ukrainian Authorities: 5300 Russian soldiers killed


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Sounds like it's time for anti-ISIS action.


>new day barely started
>already added 1k casualties


>Starting today, the Russian Ministry of Finance requires exporters to sell 80% of their foreign exchange earnings under all foreign trade agreements — RIA

>Turkey did something similar after the currency crisis earlier this year



Why does the United States never get sanctioned for almost everything it does abroad?


definitely preparing for a contingency if NATO joins or if Finland tries shit


This is like Trumpfags with their "wall just got 10 feet higher!" seetheposting.


Ukrainian cities are going to start falling within the next week. Russia is tightening the noose.


>and somehow enough powerful to create saboteur havoc in main cities.


>Build Back Better World initiative
what the fuck is this shit


We had at least 36 OG Ukraine threads, 16 reboots, and now 2 generals. Not counting stuff from the first half of last year.
Global hegemony is a hell of a drug. Imagine if the US was punished this severely for Iraq or Libya.


what is he fucking doing, ukrainians are going to get obliterated


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Footage of cars passing by Russian traffic


So what happens to all the seething copers when Russia wins? Are they just gonna deny it? Is there going to be some kind of media control that upholds the illusion?


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But will The Nazis let them leave? They'll probably just hold them hostage right?

>Why does the United States never get sanctioned for almost everything it does abroad?
By who and what UN?


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Tankie bro at :23


Victimhood validates more than anything


>Wow. Singapore is imposing sanctions on Russia. Extremely unusual for a country that typically abides only by a U.N. Security Council decision, said it had to act because of the "unprecedented gravity of Russia's attack on Ukraine."



So what happened with all those peace talks I was hearing at night


based, i hope he is ok :)


meanwhile noble ukranian nazoids hide behind kindergarten buildings… hmm…


Hard to sanction the power that wields all the tools to sanction and backs it up with military threats.


Being the kind of careless bitch who stands you up.


>Russia sets ceiling for exchange rates to prevent a crash: 101 rubles for 1 euro, 90 rubles for 1 U.S. dollar



Hong Kong had many connections to Ukrainian nationalists. Actually they sought them out, embraced them and invited them to Hong Kong following the wide dissemination of Maidan propaganda documentary "Winter on Fire" which was credited with introducing the moltov/arson tactic that became widespread.


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One of us?


Because everyone loves the U.S.
It's me that I am neurotic, or is it correct am I mad at you guys for not shitposting an answer for something that seems to be a troll question.
>mfw at you


>all this twitter cope, all those performative actions like taking Russian products off the shelves or pouring russian vodka onto the ground
>meanwhile Russia is about to destroy the remaining parts of Ukrainian army and has established air superiority
Most of the sanctions will be rolled back in less than a fiscal quarter, mark my words.


I would like to remind you that this is actually Chechen civil war
>Akhmed Zakaev, a Chechen politician and one of the leaders of the unrecognized Ichkeria in the 1990s, now living in Great Britain, announced on the air of Present Time that Chechens living in Europe are ready to participate in the defense of Ukraine against the Russian invasion.

Ukrainian nationalists from UNA-UNSO like Dmytro Muzychko fought on the side of chechen separatists back in the 90s and Dudayev named a street in Grozny after Bandera.


>Extremely unusual for a country that typically abides only by a U.N. Security Council decision
What favor did the west call in?





Is this glowie shit their actual dayjobs?


>The arrival of the Ukrainian delegation for negotiations with Russia is expected in the next one and a half to two hours, Medinsky said.



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BREAKING: Ukraininan delegation and security convoy seen making their way to Belarus for negotiations with Russia


Sanctions are only supposed to go one way, in the mind of the West. There is extremely emotional and irrational punishments that are leveled against non-Western countries that dare to sanction white people. An example is China issuing *counter* sanctions on a specific handful of European think tankers and politicians who formulated disinformation that resulted in European sanctions on China. The reaction was of such complete umbrage that it had the EU cancel an extremely favorable investment agreement called CAI that they had negotiated for 7 years.


New thread theme


This isn't glow per se, it's just reactoidsss doing what they do: shitting the world up. If they can't shit up the place in which they live, they seek other places.


>The reaction was of such complete umbrage that it had the EU cancel an extremely favorable investment agreement called CAI that they had negotiated for 7 years.
Lol Western leaders are gonna be the cause of their own downfall


US elite capture of Singapore is essentially complete. It's lost the spirit it had under LKY.


Reminder that Russia has tried to join NATO and got rejected. They would have world domination if not for their dumb grudge.


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Bank of #Russia raises key rate to 20% from 9.5% in emergency measure. Bank of Russia says external conditions for the Russian economy have drastically changed. Says rate hike is necessary to make ruble deposits attractive. (via BBG)



>Zelenskyyyyaaaaayyy in the OP.
Another cringe OP, who is making this shit? a fucking redditor?


They only tried to join because they knew they would be rejected it was just a prank by the Russians because they know NATOs true intentions.


bruh there are going to be some horror stories about what happens in the final hours here


Russia is winning so it's getting progressively better every second.


>they know NATOs true intentions
Yes and they showed their intentions are dumb. It would be in both their interests for Russia to join NATO.


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Please be fake


I expected Azov to use civilians as human shields, but I didn't expect them to mine the city.


>Russia is eager to reach a deal with Ukraine as soon as possible, Russian negotiator at the Ukraine talks says — IFAX



I'm surprised it hasn't been worse so far. The Russians just let people walk and drive by convoys and not on car bomb


Cope reddit, you will end under the tracks of a russian tank.


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if this war ends without azov being destroyed i am going to be really mad


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Me when the Russian victory is announced


America couldn't destroy Al-Qaeda after 20 years.


It was a prank when the Soviets tried it, RF was more serious.


yeah because Al Qaeda joined NATO in 2011


You and be both, friend.


>Shortly before discovering and joining the Nazi party Himmler, Who possessed a degree in agriculture and at the time held a job at a fertiliser factory supplying industrial farming around Germany, Began toying with the idea of emigrating abroad in his diary. He mentions cutting out a page from a magazine advertising 'A NEW LIFE - IN BEAUTIFUL PERU!' And taping it to his wall, so that he could look at it each morning. Himmler wrote in his diary at this time "I doubt i will still be living in Germany within two years time. Where will i be? Peru?, Spain?, Russia, Or the 'Soviet Union'? as they now call themselves?, America?

>Himmler mentions his attempt at writing a letter to the Soviet foreign office, asking for a right to emigrate and / or citizenship. Mentioning his agricultural degree and his work at the fertiliser factory, claiming he would be useful as a manager in a Industrial farm, A fertiliser factory, Or as "some sort of government clerk, working within affairs relating to agriculture."

>He finalised the letter that if his request was accepted, If he could select preference for where he could live within the USSR, He would like to preference UKRAINE which he stated "I've always heard has beautiful weather all year round! and has plenty of work for those working in agriculture"


Dude, they're just gonna get surrounded and slaughtered. Stop being a delusional polfag


based molotov pranking eisenhower's gay ass


>People on Donetsk were being dragged out of their homes and forced to the frontline in Donetsk. There was a lot of complaining about it on social media.



Negotiations theme song prediction. If this comes true, I'll make a video montage.


>Today, a decision will be made on the introduction in the Russian Federation from February 28 of the mandatory sale of foreign currency in the amount of 80% of revenue for residents, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation said.

Oligarchs are so fucked, they had to pull all their money out of offshore accounts to avoid sanctions and putin will have total control of the government after the victory over Ukraine and "Reuniting Great Russia", we will see a massive purge soon.


may as well quote CNN too.


Yeah, I'm gonna go with based. Next step is nationalisation of the industry.


putinism real?! ong


The real good ending is Hitler goes to architect school and Himmler gets to grow corn in Ukraine


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How can you sanction specific individuals? Do you threatent to kick Pizza Hut out of your country if they deliver to the sanctioned guy in his country?


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Crossbow coup time.

>On 17 March 2005, Anatoly Chubais, head of the state run monopoly RAO UES and a major privatization economic reformer, narrowly escaped an ambush outside Moscow when his convoy was blasted with roadside bombs and trapped under automatic gunfire.


total ukrop surrender


Russia Ruble did not collapse 80% it seems, as predicted. It collapsed 40%, then recovered to 25%, and now at less than 20% and seemingly strengthening.


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So will the russian banks that have been kicked off swift ever be allowed to go back or are they just banned forever?


holly cope
kek, image winning such range of territories with an army of kidnapped soldiers that don't want to fight.


>russia will nationalise stuff
Never happening.


Buzzfeed has good international affairs apparently


putinism-dengism is coming bros



dirigsme novv dirigsme forever

dirigsme everlasting


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Tough talk behind a keyboard. In real life, you'd see libs fluster and stutter their way to embarrassment when they can't defend their warhawk ideology.



Deny them visas basically. They're not that tough, they're mostly symbolic. It's just the symbolic act of having European sanctioned by China that enrages the europeanoid. Actually the US created this kind of sanction, it's called "Maginsky" sanction, but when the US does it, it's much more toothy b/c it affects their finances. This sanction was deployed across tons and tons of Russian officials and was cited as one reason top Russians were alienated from Western views leading up to this war.



Are those buildings abandoned? They look like total shitholes. Like what the fuck is up with that school. I'm in the third world and we have better looking facilities in the provinces.


based send this to russian air force pls


This sounds extremely suspicious, the source is apparently a TASS article/telegram channel claiming that recruitment in Donetsk has stopped, the "OMG they're literally kidnapping people to fight" seems made up, or at the very least is something that TASS would never ever say so it's a literal case of "Source? I made it up".


bruh this can't be real lmao
they are admitting their government will not exist in a month


Ukraine pretty much is 3rd world in terms of quality of life.


See, I told you Mariupol could be key to Russia, not militarily but propaganda-wise. Fashoid bullshit could flip the Western narrative on its head.


welcome to Eastern Europe bro. I am from flag and even here shit looks like that - when you dont renovate it since the 90ies


Putin pulls off his face mask to reveal all this time he has actually been Chairman Deng


No they are not. How did you reach that conclusion


the good ending


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New OC boys


Oligarchs are the only individuals holding large amounts foreign currency in russia, for what else is the law supposed to be for?


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<The Russian Ministry of Defense reported that the Russian Armed Forces took control of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. The personnel of the nuclear power plant continues to work.


Stabilize the ruble


>every soldier will be paid 5x the median salary


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>Soldiers get paid $3400 a month now.
>Zelensky only makes $1125 a month
Maybe he really go fight on the frontlines now.


>I am from flag
You won't believe this but I'm from the future and in 1989 the berlin wall will fall, don't believe their propaganda!!!


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Russia keeps winning and redditors keep coping.




wtf why does building 3 look closer in the second pic but everything else looks fine?


And how does this lead to believe this is what you claimed?

The guys have to fight to death right now, money gives incentive to do that


If ASB wasn't translating these (very few) Russian MoD announcements I don't think they would appear anywhere in form outside of Russia kek


I just googled it and it began in 2012? I could swear this kind of thing was much older.


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The only correct take everybody should share


It is already stabilizing.


Also 314 tanks? In one day? How? Everything else seems reasonable.


God I wish I could speak Mandarin and just move to the other side of the Great Firewall.


Tulsi Gabbard is literally being translated over to Chinese state media



Because of these decisions

It didn't happen by itself


That parr is prefaced with "in total:"


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This guy has some good takes…aparently retarded burgers are attacking russian restaurants in DC to "own" Putin.


Reminds me of my mom telling me about how her Arab friend told her about Iran-Contra months before it broke in The US. He just knew about it because he read Arabic papers and all of them were already reporting on it. "All it would take for them to break such a huge story is read arab papers!" "Why wouldn't any reporter be smart enough to get that scoop!"

Yeah I wonder why mom :^)


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>Too frequent rewards signify that the enemy is at the end of his resources; too many punishments betray a condition of dire distress.


The merge is on


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Post some good takes if you find 'em.


nuanced and correct


>This guy has some good takes
he's a fascist you retard


Fucking based tweet. It's like a liberal mind destroyer. What's the cope like for this tweet?


Then again, it might be complete bullshit. The Ukraine government has been lying through their teeth.


Based, westoid liberal brains exploded.


Martyr made is a complete and open fascist. This is basically saying nick Fuentes has good takes


>not happening
>Stabilize the ruble
It's not happening because they want to, it's happening because they have no other choice.


Thanks for posting this, its 101, Ukraine is in a desparate situation now and this is an attempt to prevent mass defections


File: 1646035259888.jpg (155.69 KB, 1280x591, IMG_20220228_085914_790.jpg)

Encirclement of Kiev and entire northeastern front soon.


There's also a political party named that:


Marx moment


Jesus is this accurate? It's insane how effective this war has been. The redditards and ukrop twitter are laughing through the tears but this will be taught in military academies across the world


tbh i just call them ukrops because texas does and it sounds cooler than hohol


This. But keep in mind that they can find a billion dollar or two to pay their army during a few months, because westoid taxpayer money is going their way.


This is martyrmade the guy you are quoting

Take a minute to read up on him before you give any liking to literally anything he says



Well, Ukraine wasn't a sovereign nation to begin with, not since 2013, so I can't say I empathize with Ukrainians much. I know they're Porky's victims as well, but by allowing their country to become a puppet regime, they painted a target on their backs. Them's the breaks.


Only weeks ago, Qoomers got a fucking butterfly sanctuary on the border to close down becausse they were convinced it was a front for human trafficking. America is circling the drain fast.


There's already a billion stories circulating about supposed "saboteurs" (which is probably just a cover for the poorly trained volkssturm and Azov killing random civilians). They 100% have a stabbed in the back narrative ready to go in the event of a Russian victory.


>this will be taught in military academies across the world
Eh I don't know about that


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I have it from https://t.me/intelslava , they are pro-russian but very accurate, they delete wrong claims the moment they are debunked, like Klishko saying Kiev is emcircled yesterday


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in addition to the loans at a scale of US$100 million we already announced, Japan will provide emergency humanitarian assistance of US$100 million as humanitarian assistance for Ukrainian people facing hardship." (3/3




wow azov is like ceasar's legion, life is really like bideo game


You forgot:
>Russian military resorts to WWI style bombardment of cities that they've failed to take


>pisses in your borscht


Now that the air is taken, more expensive thingies are appearing. Su-34 flying over the skies of Kharkov.


Maybe Russia is the one instigating those mob attacks, wouldn't surprise me.


congratulations to whichever hohol porky grabs that before fleeing to poland


Libs gonna lib.


disagree with the quoted, agree with the quoter

Western porkies are perfectly ware of the difference between a democracy handled relatively decently by its native porkies and a puppet State


Standard leftypol position.
Lol. Never trust radlibs.


>retarded burgers are attacking russian restaurants
the russian saboteurs have made it to american soil? burgerbros this is grim


And they get pissed off when we say they're much closer to fascism than to socialism.




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When is all of this going to be over? I'm tired of everyone everywhere spouting brainlet takes on geopolitics and knowing that tons of civilians are pointlessly dying for no reason doesn't help either. Can't they just reach a diplomatic agreement or something? They're all slavs with shitty reactionary politics anyways, surely they can play nice with each other.


>They're all slavs with shitty reactionary politics anyways
shut the fuck up westoid



Zelensky wants to keep fighting until the last Ukrainian gets killed and then escape to Poland

Get rid of him (hard) and this will end in 15 minutes.


Never. If Russia wins there will be threads about the win for the rest of time. If Russia loses there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth until the end of time.


Russia has been trying for 8 years. This is what happens when you let NATO use you like a sex puppet in a bdsm dungeon.


>Sweden will send military aid to Ukraine 🇺🇦. It includes 5,000 anti-tank weapons, 5,000 helmets, 5,000 body shields and 135,000 field rations. It also includes 500 million SEK to the Ukrainian Armed Forces🇺🇦. The total support is almost 1,4 billion SEK. ($100 million USD)


-Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden.


>and then escape to Poland
Wrong, he will use his "right to return" in Israel.


No refunds Sweden



$146 million usd


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Good that will make good loot.


If you die that literally means you were defeated.


>they were not defeated
hmmm I'd call being flown into a building and exploding being defeated but heh that's just me


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>We have further isolated Russia from the international financial system this morning. Working with our partners, and the G7, we are determined to impose the most severe economic measures possible against President Putin for his abhorrent campaign against Ukraine. Putin must fail.

-boris Johnson


Following already announced sanctions measures aimed at imposing severe consequences on Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Russian economy, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, in coordination with the Governor of the Bank of England, today announces the UK Government’s intention to take further restrictive economic measures in response to the invasion of Ukraine by Russia by targeting the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (CBR). This action is taken in concert with the US and the European Union, to prevent the CBR from deploying its foreign reserves in ways that undermine the impact of sanctions imposed by us and our allies, and to undercut its ability to engage in foreign exchange transactions to support the Russian rouble.

The UK Government will immediately take all necessary steps to bring into effect restrictions to prohibit any UK natural or legal persons from undertaking financial transactions involving the CBR, the Russian National Wealth Fund, and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The UK Government intends to make further related designations this week, working alongside our international partners.

The Chancellor said:

These measures demonstrate our determination to apply severe economic sanctions in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. We are announcing this action in rapid coordination with our US and European allies to move in lock step once more with our international partners, to demonstrate our steadfast resolve in imposing the highest costs on Russia and to cut her off from the international financial system so long as this conflict persists.

The Governor of the Bank of England said:

The Bank of England continues to take any and all actions needed to support the Government’s response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. We welcome the steps taken today by the UK Government, in coordination with EU and US authorities, as an important and powerful demonstration of the UK’s commitment to the international rule of law.

Background for media
New sanctions measures will cover:

Restrictions to prohibit UK persons from undertaking financial transactions involving the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Russian National Wealth Fund, and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Restrictions against Russian financial institutions.

Measures to prevent Russian companies from issuing transferable securities and money market instruments in the UK. This will form a sweeping addition to existing financial restrictions. This is in addition to the prohibition of the Russian state raising sovereign debt in the UK already announced.

A power to prevent designated banks from accessing Sterling and clearing payments through the UK. This will match the power the US already has. Banks subject to this measure will be unable to process any payments through the UK or have access to UK financial markets.

A set of measures to strengthen significantly our trade restrictions against Russia. This will include a prohibition against the export of a range of high-end and critical technical equipment and components in sectors including electronics, telecommunications, and aerospace.

The previously announced extension of financial and trade measures applying to Crimea to the DNR and LNR regions.

Any General Licences related to sanctions will be published on OFSI’s pages here.

Our package of sanctions, the strongest economic measures the UK has ever enacted against Russia, will inflict devastating consequences on President Vladimir Putin and Russia:

Sanctions will devastate Russia’s economy and targets Vladimir Putin directly and his inner circle including Sergey Lavrov.

More than 100 companies and oligarchs at the heart of Putin’s regime have been hit with sanctions worth 100s of billions of pounds, asset freezes and travel bans.

Hit Russia’s banking and defence sector hard; asset freezes on VTB, Russia’s second largest bank, worth £154 billion, Rostec, Russia’s defence giant, responsible for $13bn of arms exports per year. Sanctions will also soon be implemented on 571 members of the Duma and Federation council who sanctioned the invasion of Ukraine.

We have banned Aeroflot and all other Russian commercial and private jets from UK airspace.

This is not the end. We are working in lock step with allies to go further and exclude Russian banks from the SWIFT financial system.

We will introduce new financial measures to freeze the assets of Russian banks and lay legislation before Parliament to ban the Russian state and Russia’s economically vital industries and companies from raising finance on the UK’s money markets – the most important financial centre in Europe.

Working with allies, we will cripple Russia’s economic development in both the short and long term. The UK and our allies are united and clear that nothing and no one is off the table.

UK sanctions will also apply to Belarussian individuals and organisations that have supported the Russian invasion.

Find out more about the UK’s sanctions relating to Russia here.



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In case anyone's forgotten…


Um ackshually Flight 93 was the one where the passengers learned of the WTC attacks, tried to retake the plane, and crashed in a field in Pennsylvania.


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I cannot believe they made crucifixion from the hit fictional book "The Bible" real!


tks for the correction


yeah and the snake island guys didn't crash they got blown up




Really? Well, I guess that makes it okay for NATO to glass them then.


No you don't get it, the billionaire has a ssecret plan to nationalise everything, do communism and establish ussr 2.0 so i can post pictures of soviet memorabilia to jerk off to


On the other hand, the Ukrainian government did distribute rifles and ammo and told people to be on the watch for Russians disguised as Ukrainian troops. Given everything else we have seen coming from this bunch, it's definitely in-character.


>How to send Ukrainian Nazis into delirium with one weird trick!


trust the plan


Oh noes! It's retarded!


How long do we give them? A month or so?


>U.S. Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield protested to her Israeli counterpart over Israel's refusal to join 87 countries in backing a U.S.-led resolution to condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine at the UN Security Council on Friday, Israeli officials tell Axios



420.69 seconds until victory!


If NATO wins and ends up invading Russia things will get much worse, we don't feel any kind of appreciation for Putin, but is either him or a NATO base in Vladivostok.

The "Ackshually you shouldn't support Putin" retards are fucking liberals and NATO apologists, back to Reddit.


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Nobody is saying Putin is a communist.


Based(NSFW on /leftypol/)


FYI in one of the videos the guy says 'this is the 7th' so at least 7 are pounding Kharkov's skies.


Either way, these threads never end. They just morph into a new kind of thread.


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Socialist billionaires - zero contradiction!


Explain thy simping then, heretic!


picrel, of course?




Sorry, wrong pic



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>135,000 field rations


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Sorry, wrong pic


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Go ahead Boris, you're only making Vladiping Puteng more powerful


wtf i love putin now


Refer to Chapter 3 Section 2 of the manifesto.


If people are this dumb, then screw you guys and your cause! I'm going home!





wtf im a cruz missile now


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Why is he so invested in this?


Resisting NATO can slow down the monopolizing of the world under one sphere of influence or even roll back the influence some, possibly getting us closer to multipolarity. Whatever the degree of resisting western imperialism, it's preferable than NATO succeeding because it means the geopolitical situation is more favorable to proletarian movements. NATO is the chief organized enemy of the working class. Russia is bourgeois but not at the same international scale and has little to no interest in interfering with most of the world. The less power NATO has, the less able they are to kill revolution in its crib.


Rolling for surrender


because hes on the glow payroll


because he glows so bright with green light you can see it from outer space


Probably gunning for a political career in the dems and also he's a glowie


It's the hot topic right now and he already through his Ego in 100% behind the Hohols.


hes an informant. if he doesn't follow his handlers instructions he goes back to prison for


Same reason we're on thread no.1917 of this. People are addicted to hapoonings and he gets clicks out of it.


Watch as the talks fail because Russian demands aren't met!


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while this made me laugh my ass off honestly what the fuck is wrong with Nazis

I guess this is why Russell Texas says that the only cure for these guys is death


One of these days nazis will be named "leftists" for all this stuff.


Would be based if the Ukrop delegation comes in the room and Steven Segal just shows up and decapitates them with a katana


> honestly what the fuck is wrong with Nazis


>1/2 UN Human Rights Council will hold urgent debate on Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine, most likely on Thursday. Shame on those countries who did not support debate: Cuba, Eritrea, Gabon, India, Kazakhstan, Mauritania, Namibia, Pakistan, Russia, Senegal, Somalia, Sudan cont

>2/2 Continued roll call of shameful states failing to back call for urgent #HRC49 debate on Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine: UAE, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Armenia, Cameroon, China #StandWithUkraine


-Director of International Service for Human Rights (
). Former head of


many burgers already think so. "National SOCIALISM" after all


>the only cure for these guys is death
As with all Nazis.


>Negotiations… initiated at Ukraine’s request are about to start.


oh no twittersisters… i thought the iron man of kiev is winning…


>India and Pakistan
completely based


if the west does it he will defend it as well if the west based jornals defend if he will defend it too, unless it's israel, but not for any moral reason as show of his defence of the apartheid of SA, it's probably because jews are the ones doing it.
he and his cattle would defend nazis and hitler if they lived at the time.


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Conditional surrender soon


now let Segal chop their heads off


What a creepy little mini convention center.


>Von der Leyen is in favor of Ukraine joining the EU

>EU Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen has spoken out in favor of Ukraine joining the EU. Asked on Sunday by a Euronews reporter about the country's inclusion in the community, she said: "Over time, they do indeed belong to us. They are one of us and we want them in.” She also emphasized that there are already several areas of cooperation.

>She had previously spoken to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on the phone. "We talked about concrete decisions to strengthen Ukraine's defense capacities, about macro-financial aid and Ukraine's membership in the EU," Zelenskyy tweeted on Monday night.

>"It is a crucial moment to end the long-standing discussion once and for all and to decide on Ukraine's membership of the EU," it said.



Russians should ask for the Ghost of Kiev head since he already killed the entire Russian air force.


Ukraine still has to destroy their economy further before allowed entrance


The outcome of the war will be decided via trial by combat. Stephen Seagal will duel Zelensky's champion (the Ghost of Kiev) for the fate of eastern Europe.


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Yeah boy we, ESPECIALLY SHAMEFUL tier. Get on our level.




He's a multi-millionaire, his parents are as well.
They probably own hundreds of thousand of Lockheed Martin stocks between them, if not more.


Ukraine will stop existing next week


dubs of true pretention smug


>Zelensky is about to lose Kiev
>I demand your withdrawal from the entire country….or else…

What a clown.


Why are there accounts on twitter who's entire post history is just responding to posts with small variations of "Russian bot"?


because they are natobots



File: 1646038195853.pdf (1.31 MB, 180x255, 233896.pdf)

<War Crimes of the armed forces and security forces of Ukraine: torture and inhumane treatment (second report)’ was prepared by a non-state organization ‘The Foundation for The Study of Democracy’ (headed by M. Grigoriev) and the Russian Public Council for International Cooperation and Public Diplomacy (presided over by S. Ordzhonikidze) with the assistance of the Russian Peace Foundation (L. Slutsky, Y. Sutormina), S. Mamedov, I. Morozov, E. Tarlo, D. Savelyev, A. Chepa and other members of the Committee for Public Support of the Residents of Southeastern Ukraine.

<The data that has been accumulated since the first report by the Foundation for Democracy Studies provides ground to conclude that torture and inhumane treatment inflicted by the Security Forces of Ukraine (SBU), by the Ukrainian armed forces, the National Guard and other formations within the Interior Ministry of Ukraine, as well as by illegal armed groups, such as Right Sector, have not only continued but are gaining in scale and are becoming systematic.




kek I am really loving these steve memes. is this a new format?


Just look at this account's "tweets and replies", I think we should be compiling some of these for later


Name2234353 is always, always glowing, whether bot or not


>Trial by combat is cringe and for uyghur fetus brains.
If only you were bullied more in school


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Ukrainian moral superiority on full display yet again.


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big same dood


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>No… no!!!! It can't be! My feelings are real!!!


how are you suicidal at 9 bruh just like go outside


why ukraine called ukrop? kinda out of the loop with the term


>Had a 📞 call with our great friend Minister of National Defense of 🇹🇷 Hulusi Akar.During the call,current situation in 🇺🇦 & the whole world were discussed. Hulusi Akar also repeated that Turkey is ready to provide humanitarian aid to 🇺🇦. Thank u a lot for your support 🇺🇦🤝🇹🇷

-Minister of Defence of Ukraine



how mad do you think they are that the ukrops destroyed all their drones


>The previously announced extension of financial and trade measures applying to Crimea
Well yes, they are part of Russia, why even mention it. They seriously can't help but to show how butthurt they are about it.




Why is he writting like a teen?





This but also I am really hoping many of the nazi scum are rounded up, perhaps even given a people's court. Hopefully most violence ends very soon, Ukraine is such an exploited imperial periphery shithole, they didn't need any more suffering.


>russian soldiers ENTERING KIEV will see a sign saying putin lost
holy shit what were the ukros thinking


sweet, cheap russian commodities


It's chic to write like that in liberal social media, remember that people have very short attention spans.


receiving astonishing reports that russian soldiers are being overcome by the combined powers of peace, love, and friendship and laying down their arms en masse


Nobody is saying this. It's wrecking behavior to assume there is consensus on something, especially when literally nobody believes this here.

Is it malice or ignorance? Be honest.


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Kievan would-be-western urbanites need to be purged


>maybe even given a people's court
Or, just kill them


>Here is, for example, an account by one of the torture victims, Robert
>Aniskin, ‘I had not taken part in the military actions and I had not enrolled
>in the self-defense forces, nor had I stood guard at a checkpoint. It was the
>Azov battalion that arrested me. They beat me with rifle butts during the
>arrest. Then they questioned me using electro-shock devices and beating
>me right and left. After that I was taken to the Mariupol SBU where, with
>a plastic bag tied over my head and hands tied behind my back, I was
>thrown into the basement. I stayed that way for over 24 hours. Then they
>put another bag over my head and cut it so I could breathe and began the
>interrogation. I was thrown to the floor and 3 or 4 men kicked and beat with
>brass knuckles all over the body.
>My friend was not beaten up; instead, his wife and my relatives – my
>mother, sister and niece – were taken hostage.’
Literally right at the beginning. I was told Azov are totally irrelevant? How could this be, redditbros…


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video game


The Democrat-Burgundian connection is becoming all too clear…


top jej




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Is that a silhouette of an A-10 lmao?


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>pennyposter is still around
if shit goes down and you live in any NATO city with 100k+ population then you're likely fucked


is that arma 3? lol


BREAKING: Zelensky demands 'immediate' EU membership for Ukraine
i hope hungary votes against that and cucks cuckraine


Just posted in a r/worldnews thread that same sex marriage is banned in Ukraine, it got 25 downvotes in a minute. These people believe that if they keep shutting down information on reddit, if they control the narrative that that somehow helps Ukrainians win.




Hungary accepted swift sanctions on Russia, is taking in Ukraine refugees and condemned Russia


fuck off we're full


Russian soldier
Turn back now
Before it is too late
You have one last chance
Burma Shave



>While you may think that entering our capital with a massive invasion force makes you a winner it would in fact make you a loser since your leader has lost the social media narrative war, so please reconsider your current actions and go back leaving our already encircled and ready for the taking capital alone for no other reason than this appeal.


Because lots of material from the ukrainian side who have civil + military footages allow for easy cheap production of propaganda and comments whereas from the Russian side the videos are more sparse because only the military can give pictures and their command filtrate what can come out.


File: 1646039265293.png (6.85 KB, 377x117, ClipboardImage.png)

lul, we should tell Maupin about this one


.#BREAKING: When asked about #Beijing's stance on #Ukraine, foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin says "#China and #Russia are strategic partners, but not allies" and Beijing will not interfere in the matters of a third party.

>When pressed again about whether Beijing is “neutral” Wang didn’t answer directly, saying only “#China is always on the side of peace and justice.” #convenientlyvague

>Wang did not answer a question on whether #China would come to #Ukraine’s aid if attacked with nuclear weapons. He repeated: soverignty should be respected but so should all country’s security concerns. Said “China wants to keep a good relationship with Ukraine.”

>Wang repeated that #Beijing is against sanctions and #China will continue normal trade and business with #Russia. Again, no mention of the word “invasion.” China is continuing to awkwardly play a middle line on #Ukraine and doing its best not to offend #Moscow.

-Al Jazeera




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>only the military can give pictures and their command filtrate what can come out.
this is called OPSEC, something Ukrainians clearly doesn't have and surely explains in part how they are getting BTFO


It's funny you say you were bullied when it is very clear the only bullying being done is you against mentally handicapped children and chinese ethnic minorities


oh, aight got it thanks


It is okay to bully bullies is all I am saying. Does that make sense?


I was being sarcastic, comrade. A lot of these idiots are falling for Ukrainian propaganda


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I thought there was no bullying in australia, maybe I confused it with new zealand.


Why is there so much NATO equiptment getting captured by russia? I thought russian are surrendering left and right…


>"You're done for Putin for I pictured me as the Chad and you as the soyjack" mumbled the Ukrainian trough his teeth while Russian soldiers are about to knock at his door


why do they keep using the term orcs? Is that a common trope in slavic languages?


you had the right idea when you were 9


no, its a common trope in nazi circles though, humans vs orcs and so on


Carh Schmitt ew get that fascist quote away from this forum right now


no, that's just the stereotypical "finno-mongolic horde" trope


You gotta get that moolah in order to become a superpower and restore the great middle kingdom you know!


Is that self diagnosed autism?


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It's true but now nato's existence has been justified again and it aint gonna go away bby


i'm thinking of where i grew up and how many kids could have been fed with that money


cursed image


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The facebook page of The Ukraine Defense Ministry is sharing these infographics on where to target their molotovs.


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Locals in Kyiv have spotted a brave robed crusader who has appeared to fight the Russian forces. He has already destroyed about 100 Russian tanks, and killed 1000 Russians, in just a couple of hours. Locals have given him the name Dark Knight of Kyiv




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>the whole world stands with ukraine!
>un: lol wut?
omg twitter is not real life. nooooo


God I hope hohols are smart enough not to do this for Zelenskyyyyyyy


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Okay I will admit I was being retarded and trolling. It is kind of out of character for me but it feels really good to be stupid and proposterous sometimes. I'm sorry you were bullied as a child. Not even a han chauvinist deserves that


oh no no no no


gif is too fast


Sometimes naive.


Literal meme country, not even the Talibans were this cringy, of course they chose a comedian as president.


look at the top of his country!


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It's obvious how most westoids never followed a war before

Old footage
Vidya game footage
Claiming the enemy is about to lose
"Tactical retreats"

All par for the course

They havent heard a decade of THE WALLS ARE CLOSING IN ON ASSAD before



Shares in Sberbank and Tinkoff, Russia's two most popular financial stocks among foreign investors, fell as much as 75% and 80% respectively in London today


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She's 28. She isn't even "child-coded", it's just wrong unless you think every anime girl with a smaller breast size is a "loli".


responsible for identifying and eliminating at least 2000 russian saboteurs as well


blessed image



>В районе проспекта Победы на севере Харькова военнослужащие ВСУ заняли позиции прямо на балконах многоэтажного жилого дома. Они также угрожают оружием гражданским, недовольным использованию их в качестве «живого щита».

>In the area of ​​Pobedy Avenue in the north of Kharkiv, the Armed Forces of Ukraine took up positions right on the balconies of a multi-storey residential building. They also threaten civilians with weapons, dissatisfied with their use as "human shields".

Vid in the link. I dunno how to dl vids of Telegram.


The encirclement isn't Kiev, Kiev on the Dniepr


I hate the fact how 18-60 year old men have been banned from leaving the country, even though not everyone is capable for the military. This is coming to Finland too in coming months.


waiting for the Russian forces to consolidate gains to encircle the rest more than likely rather than spread their forces too thin around the city






The mayor said it was encircled. It seems the Russians are letting the Eastern army link up there and keeping that highway open for refugees


>Literally right at the beginning. I was told Azov are totally irrelevant? How could this be, redditbros…
hell fucking no
from Ukrainian police #IAmABanderite social media campaign where they apologized nationwide and declared themselves banderites befcause one of their officers was on video referring to Bandera in a negative light. to the fact that interior ministers (Arsen Avakov) , heads of Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU), speakers of parliament, politicians, militias like C14, right sector, Centuria, Azov (who all have been deputized and allowed to assume police activities in one way or another), and the current head of the National Police who was formerly the deputy commander of the Azov Battallion - neo-nazis are far from being irrelevant.

they wield the power to overthrow the current government, just like they did the last one, and Zelensky knows this which is why he has been appealing to nationalism and placing those with ties to far-right groups in positions of power (like Serhiy Sternenko, whom he recommended to be head of SBU - who streamed himself murdering those in Odessa, as well as being convicted of kidnap/rape). this effort had some pushback internationally, so he paused the campaign. despite his pivot to the right; he is still polling less than Poroshenko (who has more direct nazi ties)

>The Kiev city government recently gave C14–Svoboda’s paramilitary cadre literally named after the white supremacist ’14 words’ slogan – the right to establish a “municipal guard” to patrol the streets there. ” . . . . But connections between law enforcement agencies and extremists give Ukraine’s Western allies ample reason for concern. C14 and Kiev’s city government recently signed an agreement allowing C14 to establish a ‘municipal guard’ to patrol the streets; three such militia-run guard forces are already registered in Kiev, and at least 21 operate in other cities. . . .”

anybody who says nazi's are a fringe group in Ukraine as fucking retarded

if you want a barrage of info, check here:


>New Zelensky address: “When I planned to become a president, I said that each of us is the president. Because we are all responsible for our state. For our beautiful Ukraine. And now it has happened that each of us is a warrior… And I am confident that each of us will win.”

>President Zelensky says 16 Ukrainian children killed and 45 wounded after four days of Russia’s war.

>Looking for more fighters, Zelensky said that under martial law he will allow imprisoned people with combat experience to be released to help defend the country and “compensate their guilt.”


Video attached


just don't join NATO bros, it's that easy


/leftypol/ hates loli-like characters for retarded reasons, people drank the liberal cool aid and think that imaginary characters should be protected too.


No liberalism about it. Only uighurs from the province of Xinjiang and japs could like anime. And since you’re not from nippon, you must be a Uighur.






She is a 10/10 unfortunately stucked in a shitty manga like OPM.


>edgy slurs
Go back to /pol/, stunted manchild.


>Singapore to impose sanctions on Russia, including bank transactions



File: 1646040705306.jpeg (1.63 MB, 1744x6552, a28.jpeg)

Has there been a compilation of all the Ukrainian Avenger heroes? Would be funny and remind me of this.


Or else you'll get bullied


No idea what point he's trying to make about covid lol. Seems like what he's talking about actually proves the people who "didn't allow him to say wuflu" were actually right


Obliviously I don't want such things to happen but it seems rather likely with our retarded neolib politics and brainwashed people.


Wonder how many hohol priests will be bribed to do hasty marriages so Anglowies can take back trophy wives


from my Headlines That Never Happened archive:
>20 March 2003: Singapore to impose sanctions on USA for invading Iraq


So you are an illiterate /pol/ retard?
That explains why you act like a fed.


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He's mentally challenged, don't waste your time.


just kiss already you faggots and stop derailing the thread


Thanks for the info



Jannies should put them in time out, pair of fucking autists


I misspoke, it means you're subhuman.


Banned. Expect an outburst, just ignore it.


>The prime minister of #Georgia has confirmed that the country will not join sanctions against #Russia. #Georgians themselves are coming out to rallies of many thousands in support of #Ukraine and demanding that the government take action against Russia.

Weird decision no?



Not yet, but I can think of a list
>Zaddy Zelensky
>Ghost of Kyiv
>Iron Man of Kyiv
>Snake Island Martyrs
>Azov "Epic Bacon" Battalion
>le babushka
>sunflower seeds
>Reddit volunteer brigade



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How big is trade between Russia and Georgia?


Oh shit, I forgot the saboteurs


I would assume a large amount of their trade is with Russia, so at least it makes them less retarded than Europe


russia's their second biggest trading partner behind turkey




can't forget Heavyweight Vitali


That means in the 14 years since the 2008 war Georgia was unable or unwilling to find new trade patterns. Looks like material conditions prevail again.



hard to beat the biggest country in the fuckin world right on your border


Why did Russia not veto the Gaddafi resolution?


>The Ukrainians sent a high-ranking delegation to Belarus for negotiations: Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov, head of the Servant of the People club David Arachamiya. But there is also the Crimean Tatar MP Rustem Umerov. Therefore, the talks may also cover the status of Crimea, which was plundered in 2014.



File: 1646041477874.png (44.63 KB, 539x720, ClipboardImage.png)

Looks like history is back on the menu boys!


They were Naive, later both Russia and China vetoed the Syria resolution.


File: 1646041573367.jpeg (52.07 KB, 828x455, history 2.jpeg)


They were a bunch of treacherous curs who sold out Gaddafi read Enver Hoxha for more information.


What about the Ukrainian raper? Or did I just memed?


i always thought it had something to do with yugoslavia and how they saw that NATO had no problems conducting an illegal war anyway


top kek


>Europe's dreams
And those were?


Because they were late for the meeting.

Cyclical question = troll, answer shitposting.


It was not a cynical question. I've always been curious.


Golden. Saved.


>Vice presidential candidate and Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte-Carpio says she prefers the Philippines to remain neutral over the Russia-Ukraine conflict.


>Swiss President Ignazio Cassis said it was “very probable” that neutral Switzerland would follow the European Union in sanctioning Russia and freezing Russian assets in the Alpine country.



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that's an edit


>stupid libruls you should like pedophilia if it is in anime form



Eastern Euro countries had to bend over backwards, hand over people that were hiding in foreign countries, sign away mineral rights, land, sovereignty… Now Ukraine will be fast tracked. A corrupt country with 1/7th of the population of EU and a massive Nazi problem. WHAT COULD GO WRONG?




Who the fuck even reads TIME magazine? Is it really a favorite of upper class liberals and petite bourgeoisie?



they were foolish enough to believe the West would actually stick to the 'defensive' operation authorized. they thought they could cozy up with the West over it, then got burned.
They didn't make the same mistake again.


I think only doctor's offices still order them these days.


Dunno what character this is supposed to be but she has intentionally neotenous features, she is drawn to look like a child and is sexualized, therefore it is pedophilic.


ah, of course, it was not a cynical question, lol. But it's cyclical, and of course, it is you to gain some (((yous))).

And for the rest, pay attention, we are 600 posts / 7ips rate, it is obvious the troll is asking cyclical questions, and it's been like 25 threads already or since the start of the conflict.


TIME magazine unironically only exists for news channels to flash the title, which then gets screencapped and posted all over social media
its funny to think just how heinously inefficient capitalist media is. there is legacy media, made to be a visual prop in legacy media, that then gets posted to something actual people use.


>putler: the cover


lmao cyclical, i'm tired and cannot read


Last time I checked, time magazine was 25% advertisements, that was 15 years ago, it's probably half advertisements now.


>TIME magazine unironically only exists for news channels to flash the title, which then gets screencapped and posted all over social media
And what purpose does that serve?


<Chris Hedges On Ukraine, Russia & NATO
Streamef 7 hrs ago


>UN Human Rights Council
What a bad joke.


File: 1646042108101.jpg (240.87 KB, 1080x1019, afb.jpg)




>EU's Michel: Debate on Ukraine EU membership will be held







A mix of low-grade propaganda since TIME still has some veneer of being a legitimate unbiased source + keeping the money mill of legacy media going so that oligarchs have somewhere to send their failkids


Saboteur on saboteur violence


sussy sabo


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>We don't want none of that smoke
Sounds like Georgia learned their lesson.


being Americas bitch forever


>The head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, said that the EU countries would send combat aircraft to Ukraine.

>According to unconfirmed reports from Ukrainian sources, these could be MiG-29 fighters and Su-25 attack aircraft from countries such as Bulgaria, Poland and Slovakia.

kek, love it. They really need the smack on the head.


I hope Putin annexes the whole left bank


Welcome to Bistro Putler, gentlemen. Here is the menu today, and may I reccomend the return of history, an old favorite of the house. Call me as soon as you have chosen so that I may just follow your orders.


File: 1646042488968.jpg (2.37 MB, 2592x3872, ushijima.jpg)

Do you think Ushijima is a child? Same body type.


>hand out guns to randos
>they decide to commit crimes
>they kill a family
>they must be saboteurs
>time to shoot more random people (saboteurs)
Bravo Zelensky!


Ushijima is a goddess.


File: 1646042543555.webm (422.46 KB, 640x768, hohol generator.webm)

Fucking Globohomo 5D chessed you Euro-bros. They had you focused on getting replaced by the African and Arab hordes but instead you're going to get Hoholed.


No she looks like an adult woman judging by her face etc. Also stop posting porn in leftypol



Hey Rustards, if Ukrainians don't have their own identity, why do we have so many insults for them?
t. turning point kyeev


Her face? So you think all anime faces are necessarily child faces?


File: 1646042758736.jpg (209.68 KB, 1170x715, muh kyiv.jpg)

Got some Ukrainoid cringe, hot off the press


and in a country that lost 10s of millions to the nazis like imagine if israel was public about their love for the third reich


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>he's a fascist you retard
I've noticed weird third positionists and Orthodox Christian fash supporting Russia but hardcore neo-Nazi / white supremacist types boosting Azov stuff.



>small brain: kill random people and claim they were saboteurs
>big brain: pretend to be the saboteur and kill random people
Fucking rip to that family though. Rogue Kiev regime needs to be put down.


Many anime faces look child-like but that particular one I replied to? especially so



spoil for gore


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why doesn't russia just nationalize everything?


#landback daddio


>he doesnt know about putinism-dengism


>Lukashenko getting free land without even fighting in the war



This is so rare in stock markets. Russia is desperate




these freaks can't help but hang themselves the second they think they have a free pass to be nazi degenerates


chess player banned for political thought crime of supporting Russia.
The Free World approves


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The NATO cope.


File: 1646043227265.jfif (74.91 KB, 492x620, FMpL-UbXsAIdQ1Y.jfif)


The non-wignat types think Azov are cringe pawns of NATO and The Jews™


Oh no no no.. Putler BTFO by the reddit army


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the cancer is the cure, thank you anon


Guys opinion of my partition?
I think it's the most realistic one.


Free world moment


cheaper stoly


you don't need to be completely surrounded to be "encircled", I assume what is meant is that the major Highways to Kiev were either taken or blocked in some way or an other, making a hasty escape or the supply of the city difficult.


And people say remaking the classics never works


Get rid of the blue and white parts, make it only red. Also add a hammer and sickle to the top left corner.


>All that white space
Decided to nuke half of Ukraine to stop NATO encirclement, hmm? Good policy.




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Meet your new zaddy, /leftypol/ 😜💦


File: 1646043644786.gif (1 MB, 640x480, Agent Vaush.gif)

The glowies aren't even trying to hide anymore.



can i get the brezhnev original plz? Can't find it anywhere


Encirclement is a military term for the situation when a force or target is *isolated and surrounded* by enemy forces. This situation is highly dangerous for the encircled force: at the strategic level, because *it cannot receive supplies or reinforcements*, and on the tactical level, because the units in the force can be subject to an attack from several sides.


I think anime faces look like anime faces. Which is to say, typically non-distinct.


File: 1646043722958.jpg (30.18 KB, 600x413, do-you-guys.jpg)

Do women now love midgets? God, I am doomed because I am 1.86m tall.



It's ok anon, just find a 2m tall woman.


Always did. get out of the internet


File: 1646043791927.png (191.95 KB, 1242x825, balkanization.png)

Red: Annexed to RF
Orange: Returned to Poland in exchange for leaving NATO
Carpathia: Independence for Rusyn chads
Yellow: Transferred to Romania
Odessa: Trieste style autonomous zone under Russian control
Green: Autonomous/occupied zone, transferred to blue if the constitution is successfully implemented
Blue: New Ukraine with neutral denazified constitution like Austria, allowed to join EU but never NATO


Why do you discuss Agent Kochinski so much? I didn't know about him until I joined this board lol



every anime i've ever seen has sameface syndrome.


Why do people think sanctions will work on a country that suffered 10 million excess deaths due to mass privatisation in the 90s


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When are they taking the Capitol already, how much longer do we have to deal with this reddit shit?


>Fresh from a meeting of their leaders at the Beijing Olympics, China and Russia have grown closer, raising the specter of an authoritarian alliance to challenge a U.S.-led West. Russia's Ukraine war is testing how far China will go in supporting Moscow.
No Sino-Soviet split this time West. Buckle up fuckers.


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In blue, these are the parts that the Ukrainian goverment will still have, might join NATO.
In black, it's the novorrusian republic, which mantains a great alliance with Russia.
In red, are the parts that have been annexed by Belarus.
In green, those are the parts that have been annexed by Russia
In white, those are the parts that have been made an international zone by the UN standars.




Sorry but it has to end with Ukraine being landlocked for the banter





Hey newfriend, all you have to do is copy-paste the new OP post number into here. It's just like replying to yourself but in a different thread. Hope this helps.


the age of lanklet is over, the time of the manlet has come.


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new bread


Not any of those anons, thanks for the article. It was a good read.


Thank you anon, primo content


Literally the entire Vietnamese population: Are we a joke to you ?

Unique IPs: 129

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