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War time



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In blue, these are the parts that the Ukrainian goverment will still have, might join NATO (not confuse with water from the dnieper).
In black, it's the novorrusian republic, which mantains a great alliance with Russia.
In red, are the parts that have been annexed by Belarus.
In green, those are the parts that have been annexed by Russia
In white, those are the parts that have been made an international zone by the UN standars.


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when are they taking the Capitol already, how much longer do we have to wait for this shit to end?




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>Landlocked Ukraine.
>Not non-existant Ukraine.


Thread theme



what's the consensus leftypol, im hearing putler and his forces have got bogged down with no chance of reaching their objectives? is this going to turn more into Iran/iran in the 80s?


what youre hearing is 90% ukrainian copeaganda


No, Iran is a natural fortress and Ukraine is "flat as a tomboy" as someone said earlier


Ukraine just reached the Urals, it's over for putinbros


thanks I wasn't sure


Russia will take Kiev soon


I can't tell if this is meant to be porn or cringe but I have an aversion to it


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Russian doctrine is the same as Soviet doctrine. It's being carried out to the letter now


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<In 1997, a group of individuals including Robert McNamara, Bill Bradley & Gary Hart wrote a letter to Bill Clinton warning the "US led effort to expand NATO is a policy error of historic proportions" and would "foster instability" in Europe


Lvov needs to be nuked before this is over


its ogre for putler


Reminder that it's called Lutsk


Reminder that Ukrainian and Russian delegations are having negotiations in Belarus right now, at Ukraine's request.
<Ukraine is set to demand a ceasefire and the withdrawal of Russian troops.




isn't it pronounce "lol wow"


>Putin will chair an emergency meeting with his cabinet and the central bank later today after sanctions “significantly changed Russia’s economic reality,” the Kremlin says.

>“These are heavy sanctions, they're problematic, but Russia has the potential to compensate the damage.”




Completely irrelevant, those negotiations are bound to fail.


The real tragedy in this war is redditors being freaking epic


Thanks for the article. It was a good read.






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A lot of this is coming from scattered Russian tactical defeats but their doctrine is built so that isn't really so important. They do take higher casualties than Western armies, which is the tradeoff of being so aggressive, but this goes back to Soviet operational art which has attacks in several waves – this means we've probably been seeing reconnaissance and penetrating forces in the first echelon taking hits while the second echelon is just bypassing those areas and enveloping Ukrainian forces…. which if you look at the maps seems to be exactly what's happening. The Russians will even pull reserves away from struggling units to reinforce success elsewhere.


Who will push the communism button first, Putin or Xi?




imagine putin uses this as an excuse to nationalizethe oligarchs


critical support for comrade Putilla the Hun in his struggle against european neofeudalism




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Khokhols again celebrating their own jet getting shot down. This time it's supposedly a bayraktar downed


t. yannis varofakis


Consensus is "it's too hard to tell, don't trust Ukraine propaganda." Western sources (think tanks) that seem to indicate russia is doing well compared to Ukraine are more trust worthy.


Yo, fire up the cytube!


Negotiations cytube. I don't know if there will be English translators. They're just silently dicking around right now.


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Reminder that some people (who shall not be named) thought cavalry was better than this



they're not actually going to broadcast the negotiations are they? that seems insane


>At least 102 civilians have been killed and 304 injured in Ukraine since February 24, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet said in Geneva.



I don't like to turn war into entertainment, but watching Deep Battle in real time is pretty erotic. Who knew pic related would be responsible for generating this much cope?


whats even funnier is that ukraine requested them and if they now walk away they are going to make fools out of themselves


The oligarchs and the army asking Putin politely to "retire" is more likely


>when they realise who's it is…


I was under the assumption it wouldn't be televised too.


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>430k viewers


if you broadcast sensitive negotiations it could change their outcome as people play to cameras. seems nuts


>they're not actually going to broadcast the negotiations are they?
I would never expect it but they set up a livestream so who fucking knows at this point.
>that seems insane
Yeah. It does.


Sure, Ukraine would surely request negotiations on an enemy's ally territory




They're learning, though.

>pray it's not ours…




I'm not sure, I have never seen such high propaganda levels in the west since at least Iraq 2003, all the normalfags and Redditors are convinced putlet is satan and Ukraine can do nothing wrong


The Hunter Biden-Ukraine oil deal has been memory holed. I can't find much about it, red pill me on it please?


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Red Napoleon. Theorized "deep battle", executed as a traitor in the Great Purge, wildly ahead of his time.


Ukrainian propaganda


Stalin was a fool.
The man in the pictures was the greatest military mind of the last 200 years and a russian victory will add another bloody vindication to hia legacy.


>They do take higher casualties than Western armies, which is the tradeoff of being so aggressive
If this were a western war they would have kept bombing troops, bases and ukrainian cities to rubble for a few weeks and only then they would have decided to send proper ground troops. Even if there is no such thing as a humane war, the NATO style warfare never puts much emphasis on civilian lives. it's all about minimising your losses.


>Everything i don't like is propaganda


kek Russian porkies are being pegged by those red dildoes


> Ukrainians shell Kiev and kill regular civilians as "saboteurs"
> reeeeeee civilians are being killed


>some people (who shall not be named) thought cavalry was better than this




based on what i've seen, they are 80% "saboteurs"


Hahaha, a real time translation of negotiations was cut down by ukrainian side.


Interesting. Thanks.


If leftypol was around in 1943, you jackasses would be commenting on the Soviet counteroffensive like

>Oh no, are they losing guys?


>Why hasn't the Red Army captured Berlin in 24 hours? We're fucked.


live cast? Forgetting what's it called in english all the time


You realize these are NATO shills, right?


>Russians shell cities
>Silence from leftypol and putin simps(no post history, consensus cracking, nato shill)




Literally noone here supports NATO

The arguments fall in line of if to support Russia or if to be on sidelines against the war


>Budyonny was a staunch proponent of horse cavalry. During the Great Purge, he testified against Mikhail Tukhachevsky's efforts to create an independent tank corps, claiming that it was so inferior to cavalry and illogical that it amounted to "wrecking" (sabotage). After being told of the importance of the tank in the coming war in 1939, he remarked, "You won't convince me. As soon as war is declared, everyone will shout, "Send for the Cavalry!"[2]
Wew lad


i'm old enough to remember watching the Iraq invasion unfold on tv. they bombed the fuck out of baghdad and lots of other place for a while before any ground troops even came in. then the ground troops slowly made their way to Baghdad from the north and south. This went on for many days before they got to (a totally bombed) Baghdad.
The Russians did something like it here on the first night. It looked like the opening Iraq "shock and awe", but it didn't last nearly as long, and then the Russians immediately starting marching in ground troops.


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Ukrainian nazis abandon vehicles in panic


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They're dropping a new IPCC report soon as well mmmm don't you just love 2022


>>Russians shell cities
Proofs. Putin said that Russia doesn't harm civilian infrastructure, how can there be civilian casualties while all targets are of military nature?


>Putin said that Russia doesn't harm civilian infrastructure

Trusting politicians lol


Putin also said he wouldn't invade Ukraine.


budyonny was a certified boomer retard


^ This!


The best outcome from these sanctions would be Russia seizing assets from sanctioning nations which would in turn cause those nations to seize Russian property.
Unfortunately they'd probably just turn around and sell the seized property to more billionaires.


>amounted to sabotage
>budyonny from a cossack family
whats up with them and sabotage lmao


I like appropriating private property now!


Ukraine attacked Russia first, do you remember repelled Ukrainian assalut in Rostov oblast and bombing of Russia before the recognition?


No, the best outcome is purging the billionaires in Russia and creating USSR 2.


There are plenty of other nationalities, tho.
Germany has a vast and large investment in farms in Russia, for example.


And what's worse, Stalin approved of Tukhachevsky's execution and placed Budyonny in charge of the southwestern (Ukrainian) front in time for Barbarossa.


>how can there be civilian casualties while all targets are of military nature?
bombs don't always go exactly where you target them, and you can have incorrect intel about where to target. if you're doing bombing in a populated area, there's going to be civilian casualties.



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Vladimir Putin and the ruble rate, a 22-year history.


anyone watching this conflict can see how hands off russia has been so far. they have air superiority now they could easily do americas shock and awe terror bombing but they haven't, you have to ask yourself why not.


Was Hunter Biden-Ukraine a right wing conspiracy theory or something real?


Nope. Source/proof?


Yes, you're on leftypol in case you've forgotten.


the head of state is a billionaire, likely the richest billionaire in the world
why would he do that?


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This is big for morale. This is arguably the best heavyweight in world aside from Tyson fury


>Boxer Olexandr #Usyk joins territorial defense forces



Material conditions.


We all make mistakes :)


No, they go exactly where you target them. Russia's bombing khokhols in the holes they hide in, though, like in that cinema nazis hid in in Chernigov. Other recent pics was a huge ass barracks building which housed soldiers


>I like appropriating private property now!


Won't save Ukraine, tho.


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And I will be there to laugh at all stages of their grieving process. Probably the only good thing that will come out of this war.



Haha nationalizing Western capitals is the 10 out of 10 response every communist will support


Because you are brainwashed by Azov propaganda


everyone's saying ussr 2.0 when clearly china and russia are going to unite in a communist federation. the only question is who annexes who


Why won't khabib go fight for Russia?

All these famous boxers will fight for Ukraine


Ukrainians are placing their artillery in neighbourhoods they haven't evacuated.

Remember, the Ukrainian government and their Army did not evacuate the population. The order was always "stay and fight", people have been leaving on their own. That is why the cities are still populated. That is why the Russian army isn't just barraging the cities for a day and then moving it. This is what Ukraine and their puppet masters want, videos and pictures of dead civilians, which is why they're being told to throw molotovs. If you throw a molotov and get killed, there is no rifle next to you to identify you as a combatant. If Russia wanted to conquer Ukraine, they could, they are trying to avoid killing people and want to get rid of Zelenskyy, his government and the Nazi elements in army and police. Putin has already told the Ukrainian military to seize control from Zelenskyy and then negotiate with him.


Obviously China tops.


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idk I found this on twitter a couple of days ago though


Shit trigger discipline though


USSR 2 = unites states socialist republics.
Russia will keep being a capitalist oligarchy.
China and the new socialist USA will build socialism where once the USA exported death and misery.


>nooooo Ukrainionos are hecking based, why are you calling them nazis, liars and false flaggers?! You are the real nazi!

Haha, facts and logic go brrrr


you make a compelling case, but have you considered turanic juche?


Line going up = good


yeeeeeeah, 100% saboteurs.
nailed it.

See >>538201


sad. i thought usyk was from crimea or something. anyway, hope fury kicks his ass if they ever fight (he would).




He is from Crimea. That's the motive behind his actions



Usyk is married to Kateryna and the couple have three children (born in 2009, 2013 and 2015).[126] They now live in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Usyk’s wife has Russian citizenship and the boxer uses Russian as his first language. On 28 April 2014, after the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation, Usyk declared he would never exchange his Ukrainian citizenship for Russian citizenship.[127] In 2016, responding to a question if he can still enter Crimea, he stated that he often visits his family in the peninsula; that he does not like to talk politics due to the fact that people like to take words out of context, that in Russia he has many fans and that he does not divide "our peoples because we are Slavs".[128] Afterwards, whenever pressed on the question, Usyk would often reply "Crimea belongs to God".[129]

Usyk is an Orthodox Christian. After his fight against Anthony Joshua, he said in an interview, "The only thing I wanted to do with this fight is to give praise to my Lord Jesus Christ and to say that all comes from him."[130]

Usyk urged Russian president Vladimir Putin to call off Russia's invasion of Ukraine that began on the 24th February 2022.[131]


My theory is saboteurs in the negotiation room


it's going to be sad when this is over and people go searching for their family members just to find out they were murdered for being "saboteurs"


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sussy sabos???


the only sabos that do some praxis.


it was real it just wasn't that big a deal. garden variety corruption that could only indirectly imply some kind of Joe linkage.
>Joe gets appointed Viceroy of puppet Ukraine
>Ukraine Big Oil puts Hunter on its board with a fat salary for doing nothing, so they'll get fat contracts and favorable treatment from Joe
>Trump wins


The only fucker on this board doing praxis is Ukrainian anon from /draw/.


>turanic juche
I'm interested. You don't happen to have something like tantric juche too?




>BREAKING — The United Nations refugee agency says more than 500,000 people have now fled Ukraine - AP



sufi-buddhist tantric turanic juche soon


Did you know the word saboteur comes from workers throwing their clogs (sabot in french) in the machinery of a factory to do politics? Thus saboteurs are antiwork and socialists, therefore based and not sussy.


Russian propaganda. Reddit and twitter told me Russians are killing every civilian they see. Those tanks are actually running over every single car in that video.


>if you don't travel to ukraine you're not doing praxis.
Brah, I hold a position in my local org. I'm not going to die to Ukraine in a pointless battle, what the fugggg.


The only reason china doesn't support this is because legitimising separatists sets a bad precedent for them


ignore CIA shills
ignore NATO bots


About the closing skies:
>They closed the European skies for Russian airlines - our “all-weepers” are already crying about the “Iron Curtain”. And it’s not for us to cry, but for the Europeans. Those who need to go from Russia to Europe will still get there - through Turkey, for example, or through Finland (no one has yet canceled trains to Helsinki from St. Petersburg).

>But for Europeans to get to Asia after the Russian sky is closed for them, it will be oh how difficult. Although Russia is not a sixth part of the land, as the USSR was, it is still the largest state in the world. And all routes from European to Asian countries pass - more precisely, until recently they passed - through Russia.

>Now what? Two options: either fly through Canada and Alaska, or along the southern route - through Turkey, Transcaucasia, Kazakhstan, and so on. Both options significantly lengthen travel times and require refueling stops, additional food rations, and overflight charges. If earlier European airlines paid one country - Russia, now the same amount will have to be paid several times: according to the number of transit countries that will be able to set much more serious tariffs, feeling a monopoly. Naturally, this cannot but affect the cost of tickets, prices will rise significantly.

>Who will benefit from this? Only Asian airlines, to which no one closed the Russian sky. They will be able to offer much more competitive prices and European airlines will be flying empty very soon.

>In two or three months, European business, together with European citizens, will complain about their own governments, which, in turn, will have to somehow justify themselves, do something.

>So who ended up suffering the most from the closing of the sky? I guess the answer is obvious. As long as the Europeans do not forget the language of ultimatums and pressure in relations with Russia, nothing good can be expected from them.


They just don't want people to see how low-effort their "negotiations" are, and when the Ukrainians go back they'll claim without evidence that the Russians are demanding too much.


Can almost guarantee people will stop caring within a month or less


Good luck sanctioning China LMAO


>liberal democracy
banderite clown show, you mean




You don't realize the ramifications of the sanctions that have been put in place. These divisions have long term effects. Russia is done with the west


I am now supporting Germany close off all gas supply lines and all sanctions against russian fertilizer and grain.

I hope I don't die in the process.


>anglo conservative minister suggest Ukrainian refugees come to pick fruit



There were better times


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>Putin loses and seethes so hard he makes russia a communist country again to spite the west
we are indeed within reach of that timeline


based comrade putlin


hands can't hit what eyes can't see, a bullet to the head kills Usyk as much as it kills me.


The only that will cause is cheapening the Russian energy making it irresistible for Europeans.


how do people come to the conclusion that he's losing while kyiv is encircled


Any chance Germany will actually do this? I hear China has severely reduced it's export of fertilizer ingredients this year as well.


Please post sources about the ukainian attack on donbass last week, around the time of the mass civilian evacuation from donbass, and around the time of their sovereignty being recognised by Russia?


He's not losing the war by any means, but economically they are beyond fucked lmao


Boy, I say boy, now that the Ruble is worth less than peanuts, lets go carpet baggin' like it's the reconstruction years down south!


>Russia will die, guys! Totally!

They'll just fast forward Chinese cooperation deals which already were in the talks.



on very very very favorable terms for China lol


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real recording taken from the frontlines on Kyiv

>ayyy we're still right here homie, its fucking morning, fucking…

<we got the enmigos right there homie, let me represent myself homie, its doubleD Zcreepa from the g'd up 13 gang homie, sun valley gang homie.

>loli wino from Armenian power west side gang homie.

<still puro surenos, putting it down homie, we're still fucking alive homie, from the middle east to eastern Europe, we're in Ukrania homie, still gangbanging still not giving a fuck homie. look homie check this shit out, the puro sur-13 homie, look at this fucking Z homie, got them big tiddies and shit homie, still gangbanging homie, come, Ali, check out the enmigas right there homie, they're all right there dog. but we don't give a fuck homie

<as you know homie, иншаллах homie, Ukraine slava on my dick homie, Capone-E from cyclones, Mr criminal from Silverlake, and all the crazy locos from Pasadena, and pink lady, we still got love for you girl.
>got love for all the homies, homie, all the vatos
<lets put this shit down homie to all these motherfuckers homie

<still got love for all the surenos homie, post that shit with songs and send it Mr criminal homie, tell him to put it in all the fucking songs homie, all the fucking songs, you're the shit homie

>thats how we do it homie
<in Ukraine still gangbanging look at this fucking rain homie, fuck them fools homie
>front lines homie front fucking lines
<turn that shit up homie

<that's for all the surenos, still not giving a F-uck homie, that's right, gangbanging homie

<post this shit homie, tell the homies we alive fools, in fucking, eastern euro homie, still gangbanging for the su-13 gang homie

>in Ukrania homie, we're in Ukrania homie, front lines homie, front fucking line, not giving a fuck homie

<das right look at them fools homie, their fucking tripping dog look look at that motherfucker homie


What’s Russia’s long term plan here anyway? Maybe I’ve just been propaganda poisoned because I can’t seem to find a clearly pragmatic reason for the invasion of Ukraine. If it was about NATO, then surely they could’ve just maintained their presence in the separatist regions and not bothered with a full scale invasion. It seemed like Russia was in a half decent position before the invasion, they were getting closer to China and they had the west embarrassing themselves by being unable to do anything about the threat of invasion. Now Putin’s made himself public enemy number one and he’s opened the floodgates for a full justification for sanctions and for what?


>the boxer uses Russian as his first language.
>fights for regime that makes his language illegal and kills thousands of people where he came from.
enjoy the western clout, i guess.


Hunter Biden served on the board of Burisma Holdings, a major Ukrainian natural gas producer, from 2014 to 2019. With no knowledge of Ukraine and no experience in the energy industry, he received $50,000 a month. U.S. banking records show Hunter Biden’s American-based firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, received regular transfers into one of its accounts — usually more than $166,000 a month — from Burisma from spring 2014 through fall 2015, during a period when Vice President Joe Biden was the main U.S. official dealing with Ukraine.[2]

In March 2016, VP Joe Biden arranged for the firing of the prosecutor that was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into Burisma Holdings[3][4]. Joe Biden threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending Ukraine toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin[5].


BIDEN: So they said they had—they were walking out to a press conference. I said, nah, I’m not going to—or, we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority. You’re not the president. The president said—I said, call him. (Laughter.) I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. (Laughter.) He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.


>Burisma Holdings is part of the vast business empire of Ukraine’s second richest billionaire oligarch, Ihor Kolomoisky. Joining Hunter Biden on the Burisma Board of Directors is no less than Aleksander Kwaśniewski, named in January just weeks before the US Kiev coup. Kwaśniewski was President of the Republic of Poland during the G.W. Bush presidency. Chairman of Burisma is a Wall Street former Merrill Lynch investment banker named Alan Apter. Finally, Burisma also at the same time named to the board Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s partner at a US investment firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners, and a manager of the family wealth fund of Secretary of State John Kerry’s wife Theresa Heinz Kerry, widow of Henry Heinz III. Archer also sits on the board of the family’s Howard J. Heinz trust. So with these two board appointments in April, Burisma gained the son of the Vice President of the United States and the financial adviser to the family of the Secretary of State. Not bad for an almost unknown Ukraine-Cyprus company.

Now it gets really interesting, though. The illegal Kiev regime on March 3 only days after their bloody coup, presumably under guidance from Nuland’s State Department, appointed Kolomoisky as Governor of Dnipropetrovsk oblast in eastern Ukraine, precisely the region where Ukraine’s shale gas deposits lie.[4] Burisma Holdings has drilling rights to just that part of eastern Ukraine in the Dneiper-Donets Basin near Kharkiv where the fiercest resistance to Kiev dictates is found.

Slavyansk is in the heart of the Yzovka shale gas field, where local residents before the February coup had staged numerous protests against its shale fracking development. In May 2012, Ukraine’s State Service for Geology and Mineral Resources granted the right to develop the Yuzovka shale gas deposit to British-Dutch Shell. Burisma also has the right to develop the shale gas fields in the Dnieper-Donetsk basin of Eastern Ukraine. [6]




im laughing out loud


>According to a poll conducted by the Rating Sociological Group, 70% of respondents believe that Ukraine will be able to repel the attack of the Russian occupiers, 16% are not sure. The level of faith in the Armed Forces has grown significantly over the past week. There is no predominance of pessimistic sentiments in any region. The highest level of confidence in the Armed Forces is in the West and in the Center (75-78%). Relatively lower - in the South and East (64-66%).

>91% of Ukrainians support the actions of President Zelensky. Do not support - 6%, could not answer - 3%. It is important that since December 2021, support for the actions of the President of Ukraine has tripled.

>There is an extremely high level of support for Zelensky in all regions of the country: in the West and in the Center (more than 90%), in the East and South - more than 80%.

>Audience: the population of Ukraine aged 18 and older in all oblasts, except for the temporarily occupied territories of Crimea and Donbas. The sample is representative by age, sex and type of settlement. Sample population: 2000 respondents. Survey method: CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews). Error of representativeness of the study with a confidence level of 0.95: not more than 2.2%. Dates: February 26-27, 2022



Putin said about it in his speech


Dude, you had Biden literally beginning China to uphold sanctions and don't disturb them.

Oh no! Not heckin more Communist Chinese influemce, how can I as a commie ever support that?!


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>The loli died


>makes his language illegal
Как же вы заебали, ты ещё про геноцид русских на Донбассе расскажи.


>Now Putin’s made himself public enemy number one and he’s opened the floodgates for a full justification for sanctions and for what?

Now Russia will restore USSR's outer perimeter and make out of Ukraine a New Belarus - with full support from the new world hegemon China.


>temporarily occupied territories


I don't see how Europe could make up for not buying Russian gas. It would be devastating unless the US decides to subsidize gas, but they're greedy cunts so low chance of this happening.

An embargo on Russian fertilizer and grain would be seriously devastating to the world, but especially the West. Bolsonaro hasn't "condemned Putin" for this reason, I suspect.

I have to believe any strong sanctions on these things would be bluffs because the effects would be devastating. I am partially joking about wanting this, because it would cause serious internal turmoil in all of the West. More seriously, having lived through violence and shit, I don't want it.


ukros gonna get the same rude awakening as twatter i guess.


God, imagine the riots when Ukrops realize they are losing this war badly, lol. Total fucking eradication of the ruling class ensues


hope the Armenian loli is still alive homie


You idiots this only proves that there is high morale and resistance among the Ukrainian population



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Egypt is the largest importer of both Russian and Ukrainian grain fwiw.


Boy, I say boy, that won't stop me from carpet baggin' Russia!


DPR and LPR stopped mobilization, even. Ukraine fell apart even easier than was expected, apparently.


>>801058i can alrady imagine eu diversifying away from russian oil with americas help

and then trump gets elected and the us abandons europe
caos ensues


don't worry she's only in the medical tent, but if she doesn't make it, avenge her homie, avenge loli wino homie.


You have to let me go, the javelin wasn't your fault


On God, we're getting stab-in-the-back myth 2


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Realization hit some ukrops already.


We need a people's only fans, a cooperative of cam girls (and boys).



>Dude talking about the horrors of war.
>Twitch chat: Pogchamp Pogchamp Pogchamp KEKW KEKW KEKW


u gotta give a description of what he's talking about man




Is it worth wrecking his economy for? A full annexation of Ukraine would have to deal with an incredibly hostile public as well, and Putin ends up ousted from government and a western sympathetic leader were to be put in Ukraine would just instantly revert back to what it was previously


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how the fuck do you go from this to this?


oh, no, my Russian thots


He's crying that Ukraine is getting destroyed. "how can you say death to khokhols?! We are people ,too!" and such. It's a trade stage of acceptance for him


>those who side with anti-russian nazis discriminate people for simply having a Russian passport
Imagine my shock.


>western sympathetic leader

Won't happen, lol. Reeducation camps go brrrr


He's saying something like I'm embarrassed. Independent Ukraine is surrounded. then he starts sobbing and I stopped the video.


Buffer or puppet states, that's the reason.


Some people get shot: I sleep
A van which some drawfag anthropomorphized as an anime loli is taken out: REAL SHIT


completely breaking with the west, NATO was never going to take russian concerns seriously and would actively undermine the country whenever they wanted. with NATO overthrowing and terror bombing whoever they want in iraq, afghanistan, libya, and syria, western-backed color revolutions in ukraine and all over the world, and with the US lionizing people like navalny as a brave resistance figure, russia knows there's a target on its back and the united states will only tolerate complete subjugation to the empire, not partnership or cooperation


Anything would have to deal with a hostile public tbh. Whatever happens NATO will fund insurgencies, an annexation is one way to assert more control on a territory that will in any case be disputed. Also Putin is not alone, a big chunk of the russian political class is with him, and what's to say the west would drop sanctions without him? Nothing, no guarantees. Cuba liberalized but they're still sanctioned to death.


Post F in order to show your respect to anime loli van.



whats he saying


Russian Is The uyghur Of The World


this i think. sanctions are no deterrent anymore. they were coming no matter what. the west is only interested in russia's complete submission or its destruction. a constantly escalating raft of sanctions has already been going on for years, and more was coming no matter what, until it wound up in the same place no matter what. it was only a question of timing.


>I'm simply ashamed
>I'm simply ashamed that you're allowing this march into Ukraine from all sides
>think, think, how can you write "death to hohols", "we will strangle you", "we will crush you"
>this is Ukraine guys, these are relatively close people even if they have their own interests and bugs
Basically, dude has a conscience, and that's cringe


incorrect, if they were, china would have put them all in reeducation camps.


>dude has a conscience, and that's cringe



>convert to orthodox Christianity, die, and get reincarnated. EZ


Someone needs to inform him that they won’t do the same for him


the fuck is a hohold


Should have named him Black Panther of Kyiv for the EPIC Marvel reference


>Genocide is the intentional destruction of a people, usually defined as an ethnic, national, racial, or religious group.
let us all remember where we were when the OnlyFans genocide began.






it's Khokhol not hohol


Is it a slur?


> Russians commonly use the word khokhol as an ethnic slur for Ukrainians
People being racist


>reddit arrow
go back


Hohol works
God I hope so


No it's a friendly nickname


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70 percent of the Ukrainian population voted for this Ukrainian President, who spent his 41 years in non-government political jobs (actor, dancer). He spent his entire life dancing and acting and doing nothing to do with other people's lives. When you elect someone to represent you in government, you are granting them the authority to protect or destroy your life. When you vote for a politician to be a member of the elected government, think twice. This isn't a joke. You can see what those government politicians can do to endanger or save lives.


Kind of. It originally comes from the word for the traditonal Cossack hairstyle but it's used like a slur sometimes. I've even heard of a guy who got murdered by a Ukrainian for it.


Bruh is literally everyone involved in Ukraine? I swear it's like Syria 2




Imagine a fucking clown being the most respected leader in the world now.


fuck i meant to quote the other guy


L'onEly Fans confirmed for CIA asset


Literally clown world


the whole US political class at the time went in there and looted the place and set it up to be cannon fodder for their proxy war with Russia. Joe Biden himself was the viceroy in charge of setting up the new government and deciding on its (anti-Russia) policies.


what is it with men and crying these days? i think the men have become pussies while the women stronger


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Your days are numbered Putlerites!


Who cares about men crying? It’s pretty serious, what’s going on there




This has to be a shitpost


All 82 of them surrendered and are paraded on Russia TV


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It's real ive seen it on tweetr


Some people are human peings with empathy. But this concept is hard to grasp for average /leftypol/ user.


>When you elect someone to represent you in government, you are granting them the authority to protect or destroy your life. When you vote for a politician to be a member of the elected government, think twice. This isn't a joke
This is extremely liberal, lol. So liberal it hurts.
No bro, for one, the fact that you think its ok for an elected official to have power over your life is insane. The rest of your post is peak liberal ideology. I encourage you to continue your studies.


Good lord


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Imagine thinking that people get to choose under the current system


>What is a false flag operation


What deep battle does to a mf



>imagine putting the blame entirely on the system and not recognizing the problem also comes from the people



why do all ukrainian men look like that


File: 1646049136336.mp4 (365.98 KB, 230x432, 8823788077166565513.MP4)

Civilian trying to fight an Ukrainian soldier in Kharkov, supposedly angry over Ukrainian forces setting up positions on the balconies of their home.


Because they don't.
>Hurr durr why do al chinese people look the same

back to /pol/


civil war in russia is definitely happening


>Небольшое разъяснение.

>Во-первых, успокойтесь. Во-вторых, перестаньте верить разгоняемым по соцсетям ужасам, призывам и истерикам.

>Не для того у нас в России годами шли программы импортозамещения, поддержки сельского хозяйства и промышленности, усиление социального сектора, чтобы при малейшей сложности впадать в панику.

>Помните, что громкие заголовки СМИ не меняют реальность. Нефть остается нефтью, газ-газом, мясо и зерно - мясом и зерном.

>Ну традиция такая у Европы, раз в несколько десятилетий приходить и огребать. Пора привыкнуть уже.

>С уважением, Жанна Рябцева, Депутат Госдумы от партии «Единая Россия»

<A little clarification. First, calm down. Secondly, stop believing the horrors, appeals and tantrums dispersed on social networks. We have been running import substitution programs in Russia for years, supporting agriculture and industry, strengthening the social sector, in order to panic at the slightest difficulty. Remember that big media headlines don't change reality. Oil remains oil, gas remains gas, meat and grain remain meat and grain. Well, this is the tradition in Europe, every few decades to come and rake. It's time to get used to it. Sincerely, Zhanna Ryabtseva, Deputy of the State Duma from the United Russia party



cope hohol



Russian army is switching to indiscriminate bombing. Video from Kharkiv, shelled a residential area with MLRS



Will the reds win again?


been a while since i felt such deep cringe



russia doesnt adhere to "blitzkrieg" doctrine, retard


Baltic cope


More flexing from Kremlin to cover their impotent flacid dicks


Eh, make the fucker who posted such cringe hand out his data, no skin off my bones


Good morning, Langley


its from the guardian so i'm not posting a link.

>Talks between Ukraine and Russia have begun, the foreign ministries of both countries have confirmed.

>Ukraine has said its goal for the talks is an “immediate ceasefire and withdrawal of Russian troops”. Its delegation includes several high-ranking officials, but not its president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, himself.

>The Kremlin has declined to comment on its aim in negotiations, but Russian negotiator Vladimir Medinsky has said Russia wants to reach an agreement that was in the interests of both sides.

So basically, fizzle gang? They have advanced as far as they deep necessary, proved their point, and will now talk.

Its notable cuck ziolensky is not part of the talks, obviously Nato have been telling him not to talk, which has so far resulted in talks obviously breaking down, now actually none retards want to negotiate a peace that works.

This is my fanfic anyway, rolling for best possible outcome


>Europe letting Ukrainians in in droves while keeping Africans, middle easterners out
White people suck tbh



a daily reminder the taller dude is still alive and living in Yerevan with his son, he can't re-enter the US as I understand it and the other shorter guy, the loli van if you may, died in combat.


Croatian Volunteer Fighters Head for Ukrainian Frontline

Vecernji list also wrote that help for Ukraine was being collected in the premises of the Bad Blue Boys, Dinamo football club’s supporters, in Zagreb. That action was reportedly coordinated by Denis Seler, who spent six years with Ukraine’s far-right Azov battalion.


Balkan nations are sharply divided over the Russia-Ukraine dispute.

Serbs have strong sympathies with fellow Orthodox Chrstian Russians, while many Croats back Ukraine’s resistance to domination by Moscow, Serbia’s close ally.

Nationalists from both Croatia and Ukraine see much in common in their countries’ recent histories.

Far-right groups in Ukraine grew in prominence with their role in the overthrow of President Viktor Yanukovych, manning armed barricades in Kyiv’s Independence Square.



ukrainian navy admits zmeinyi island guards are alive and currently held by russia


Russia sent very unimportant people to the talks tho, is probably a bluff and they will only accept removal of current government, federalisation and annexation of Donbas


It could mean anything really. I personally don't think this will work because Ukraine won't give enough and Russia is still making gains.


I really think one of the main reasons behind Natos policy here was to train up Gladio groups for use all over europe


Damn, the Ukrainian army have been actually overestimating their casualties while it took 3 days for the Russian army to admit any casualties. What the fuck is this timeline


Noooooo it's based anti-imperialism and it's okay to remove Nazi Zelenskyyyyy and brainwashed cockholes




YEs, don't forget the Ukrainian government is literally controlled by cyborg-hitler. We must denazify this puppet regime of the big lizard god Honolulu


All this talk of russia slowing their advance for the last two days, west are saying its because of le based resistance, which is obviously shit. In my mind, this is as far as they want to go, because it would be literal madness to try and actually replace the govt of Ukraine. Doesn't take a genius to realise that conflict is going to be an unending quagmire and Putin is an intelligent man.


>muh ebil ruskis.
Are you implying Nato peace talks are good faith or something?


Ukraine is controlled by Azov Battalion, Azov battalion is controlled by Langley. This is the impression these threads can make.


Imperialism is an advanced stage of capitalism, attained by some nations in the 20th-century.
Lenin enumerated the following five features characteristic of the epoch of imperialism:
(1) the concentration of production and capital has developed to such a high stage that it has created monopolies which play a decisive role in economic life; (2) the merging of bank capital with industrial capital, and the creation on the basis of this “finance capital”, of a financial oligarchy; (3) the export of capital as distinguished from the export of commodities acquires exceptional importance; (4) the formation of international monopoly capitalist associations which share the world among themselves, and (5) the territorial division of the whole world among the biggest capitalist powers is completed. Imperialism is capitalism at that stage of development at which the dominance of monopolies and finance capital is established; in which the export of capital has acquired pronounced importance; in which the division of the world among the international trusts has begun, in which the division of all territories of the globe among the biggest capitalist powers has been completed.


Reddit will never admit that this is true.


>Putin is an intelligent man
He was, once, but he lost his touch. This is a geopolitical fuckup that I would only expect from an American president.


Good for them. Being alive is better than being a(n) hero.


I'm not so sure this is coordinated by NATO itself, seems like just right-wing adventurists.
Also the left is practically dead in most of Europe, so Gladio is unnecessary. Unless they predict a rise of communist movements in the future.


>Putin is an intelligent man

Putin is out of touch with reality. Have you seen one of his latest addresses getting all personal with name calling zelensy and co? His rationality is dwindling. He literally made the worse move he could make, his country is in shambles and its actually likely he gets assassinated by his goons


i really don't understand why people choose to talk in black and white absolutes on purpose. It isn't even funny.

Are you denying the large influence of the far right in Ukraine, particularly on military formations? No, but you are diminishing it, hiding behind sarcastic humour to mystify the truth of the situation.

In fact it is the case that there is some significant influence. Not every facet of a situation entails the entire situation and nothing is simple.

The correct position is a cold analysis of the facts and what that will mean, devoid of a moral judgement, not just being snarky because you've stuck your flag in the sand in one side or the other.


he was name-calling zelensky because of his retarded decision to give firearms to citizens


putin lost some autism score points from long COVID


>geopolitical fuckup
I wouldn't call securing the existence of his nation state a geopolitical fuck up. He didn't decide alone either, there are very smart people doing policy in the Kremlin like Surkov.


>he gets assassinated by his goons
I hope so. The alternative to this or popular revolution is going full fascist.


>He was, once, but he lost his touch. This is a geopolitical fuckup that I would only expect from an American president.
Maybe they thought this would be less bad than letting NATO expand over the years and maybe coup or Balkanize Russia someday. Maybe they also think Putin's better positioned to pull this off than his inevitable successor. Or they really did fucking blow it.


It was a public speech you doofus, of course it's emotional. Doesn't mean he's operating on that level of emotionality behind closed doors.


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Imagine getting nuked because of this bitch


You're right, Russia is much more secure now than it was a month ago. Thank you Putin and all the very smart people working tirelessly in the Kremlin.


the trussy made it worth it


I think it is yes, but if he manages to simply consolidate his interests in the east its not really. A big shock and awe followed by cordial talks in which he agrees to pull out of everywhere but the east would be a win and tbh would bring more stability to the region than there was before. It remains to be seen, basically. If he is gonna try and put a guy in as president, he has truly lost the plot.

soz, I'm of the opinion that most of these guys are post remnants and dregs Gladio anyway, and there is literally no such as the organic right. Scatch a Nazi almost anywhere in the world and the CIA bleeds.

The left is in fact growing since covid, with more strikes and so on, plus they think longer term which is one of the reasons they are winning, it is enough that there might one day be a left.


i think youre right about both of those guesses, doesnt necessarily make it not a terrible choice but i think its true they felt backed into a corner, dont want to lose any more of eastern europe to the west, and putin and his people feel like this is a better time than letting the west get any further and have an older putin/less experienced successor

/leftypol/ might be free from the illusion that ukraine is winning but people here seem largrly under the illusion that the long game bodes well for russia, it doesnt


I think you shouldn't talk about issues you know nothing about, I closely followed Russian and Ukrainian politics for years and there's nothing new you can tell me. I am perfectly aware of the American support for Maidan but it seems your delusional mind has not been aware that Maidan was a popular revolt against corrupt regime that did not want to join the EU, not everything is neccessarily orchestrated by the CIA or KGB. For Western lefties the CIA is what Jews are to Nazis, you can't handle the idea that not everything is orchestrated by the US and there's no world-wide conspiracy. The CIA couldn't kill Castro for decades, the CIA failed miserably at the Pig bay, the CIA failed to prevent Soviets stealing the nuclear secrets (the most protected project of the US at time), the CIA could not predict that Iranian monarchy will be overthrown in 1979, the CIA could not predict the rise of theocracy in Middle East, the CIA couldn't ensure success of insurgency in Syria, the CIA did not see the Arabic spring coming. Maybe one day you will accept that people can act as independent individuals and often pursue their interests. The self-interest of Ukrainians is prosperity. Russia is poorer than Poland which is twice poorer than the UK or Germany, thus it does not make sense for Ukraine to allign itself with Russia, unless Russia tries to brut force its will, which is what it currently does.
Also, not even the """all-powerful""" CIA could predict that the USSR will be dead just 8 years after the election of Gorbachev. Many of your Kremlinologists saw slowing economic growth and predicted stagnation only, while the quick fall of the USSR was a shock to the Americans. The fall of the USSR was seen as such a disaster in the American eyes that Bush senior went on to Soviet Ukraine to ask people not to declare independence from the USSR. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicken_Kiev_speech

Still it doesn't stop many delusional Western left wingers living in their black and white world from claiming that Gorbachev was a CIA spy or that the mighty US somehow brainwashed Yeltsin, Kravchuk and company into destroying the Soviet union. Many people again ignore the self-interest there: leaders of the Soviet republics benefited from destroying the supranational Soviet state and taking all the power and taxes into their own hands. No need to answer to pesky Gorbachev when you are THE Gorbachev of your own little kingdom.


>Are you denying the large influence of the far right in Ukraine
How can you talk about cold-analysis and so on and fall for this Kremlin propaganda shit? How can a country with no Far right party in government be considered to be under "large influence from the far right". I really wanna comprehend this talking point because this is the shit that I keep hearing from Kremlin propagandist and I'm fucking baffled by the amount of people in this board believing so strongly in it


get some sleep hillary


eh, he has always flexed on people in this manner I think. Usually he is cold yes, but still he is not completely adverse to a little banter, there are many examples


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I live in Spain, should I worry about getting nuked?


>Kremlin propaganda shit


>Kremlin propaganda shit


With a western aligned Ukraine MAD is done for Russia and they can get wasted by a first nuclear strike. The top brass there think Washington is capable of annihilating their country if they had the chance of not getting any retaliation, and NATO Ukraine would seriously fuck with Russia second strike capabilities. And can you blame them? The dudes who lead the US can be real psychos, they almost triggered a thermonuclear war in 62 after all.


Bro i really don't know what to say to you, Azov isn't even the only large right wing group there, there is the National Core, Right Sector, all kinds of groups.

An Azov Corporal was Police Chief in Kyiv for a long time, the Azov Battlion itself was co-opted into the actual Ukranian army.

There was a UN resolution against Neo Nazism, the only two nations to vote against was Ukraine and the US.

Its not just some Patriot Alternative burger tier larp. They get massive funding directly from US congress, they can building their own tanks. They have a thousands strong core of people and 10s of thousands periphery supporters perhaps hundreds of thousands.


This is one of the best takes I've seen in this board so far. So many western lefties seem so easily influenced by the Kremlin narrative, since it is going against the US narrative. But rationality will yield a position that is against both Empires


>against corruption
Wake the fuck up buddy. The post maidan government is literally hundreds of times more corrupt than the Russian stooge to the point the EU can’t even let them join their alliance as planned. It’s one of the most corrupt governments in the world by western media accounts. That and the Nazis makes it a deadly combination.
<Wikipedia of a shitty speech that meant as much as a roll of dirty toilet paper
Go back


>wanting to hear non Kremlin takes on russoboo "everything US does is bad" board
You chose wrong place to be reasonable lmao. This shithole is /pol/ but for lefties and that should tell you everthing about mental state and stability of posters here.


eat your last chorizo and do your prayers, bucko


not if nature intended to cause another catastrophe.


I live in eastern europe lol. The future here is extremely bright and short.


>Unlike you people who talk so much about the CIA, I know much of Russian and Ukrainian politics, anyway
Great negative endorsement


Ah so this is the de-dollarization of Russia i was hearing about.


Wait until China has prepared to exploit this chance regarding Taiwan. You will die for some Taiwanese ricefield when Washington calls for their vassals to die for their Eurasian containment strategy.


I also think its hilarious yesterday I was told "no surpise the tripfag pedo is a NATO neo nazi shill" and today I am a dupe for Russian propoganda.

Maybe you're all faggots and should stop being so fucking triggered all the time.


Laughed out loud, this is genuinely hilarious.
Who the fuck is the guy named Klit?


>The post maidan government is literally hundreds of times more corrupt
Wow do you mean people didn't get what they were revolting for despite a successful regime change?! That has never happened in the memory of man!


>Maidan was a popular revolt against corrupt regime
>The post maidan government is literally hundreds of times more corrupt
First of all, lets not exaggerate with "hundred times", and second, those two statements are in no way in contradiction with each other.


Reminder that the Ukrainian government itself posted a video of the fake "Ghost of Kiev" on Twitter

And the Ukrainian defense ministry posted footage from the video game Digital Combat Simulator World

Maybe Twitter should step in and ban these accounts for fake news. Our democracies are threatened by Ukrainian disinformation campaigns


lol, I live on an island in the Mediterranean and I'm less worried about nuclear annihilation my Uygha.



The thing is there is far right groups everywhere. Yes the Azov battalion is in the military, and that indeed doesn't look good, but then again I can imagine a country under such pressure will take anybody in their ranks. I just don't see Ukraine implementing real far right policies and I don't see the far right presence in government.

Im mostly skeptical about this position because it is been Kremlin´s talking point for the last 8 years, and like always they make things bigger than they actually are for the sake of turning Russian people against the Ukrainian "regime".

Anyways, I wanna get more informed on this so I would appreciate (non-kremlin) sources to further read on this.


Russian leftists are laughing at lahta propaganda right now because it's gotten so ridiculous and is obviously being forced overtime since the 24th, but when I come here and copypaste the lahta line people believe it unironically. I think it's a matter of perspective arising from where people live. Easier to believe the lahta line when you live in a constant bubble of western media, and easier to see the lahta for bullshit when it's literally being bombarded at you from all official channels, but conversely they are more susceptible to western bullshit.



>i dont see the far right presence in government
>chief of police in kiev is azov battalion corporal


>The thing is there is far right groups everywhere.
Nobody is buying this shit glowuyghur



"Democracy" in our countries is itself a disinformation campaign.


All those words and you said nothing. Can you resubmit with all the rambling taken out?


The new government actually is fixing roads, implementing digitalisation of governmental processes and overall increasing quality of life. You gotta be blind to think a pro-kremlin government is actually better for the people


>Hitler built highways


being pro-kremlin is when you dont digitalize your country


>I just don't see Ukraine implementing real far right policies and I don't see the far right presence in government
the thousands of dead ukrainians in odessa and the donbas saw it


Being pro-kremlin is when your government officials steal massive amount of public money to finance their mansions and other assets abroad


the new government also preferred to bomb civilians in donbass for 8 years instead of following the minsk agreement that they signed


>I can imagine a country under such pressure will take anybody in their ranks. I just don't see Ukraine implementing real far right policies and I don't see the far right presence in government.
😒😒😒😒😒😒 I won't judge you because my liberal friends who have strong opinions about the subject didn't know nazis were a thing in Ukraine, because of western propaganda. But jesus christ, do a little research.
Lib friendly sources on the subject:


Excuse me but the republics have been shelling Ukraine and breaking ceasefires for 8 years too


>but then again I can imagine a country under such pressure will take anybody in their ranks.
Nah. Even the Croatian president in the 90s, Franjo Tuđman (S to spit on his grave), gave a strict order that any and all Ustaše symbolism was to be removed from Croatian troops. Any right-wing people's militias were to be integrated into the Croatian Armed Forces, adopt the Croatian state's official insignia and stop calling themselves whatever they were called. This doesn't mean that the fascists and neo-nazis disappeared, they joined the armed forces and later police, but at least they weren't allowed to proudly display a literal Nazi logo and spread their ideology.


putler is notoriously against fixing roads


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2015 drop is due to ceasefire, but what has happened in 2017 and 2019?


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Russia has officially lost the war so the question is when will they realize it. If Putin pulls back now he might be able to keep Donbas and his position. Who knows how things might turn out in a month or so?

Current situation is just unsustainable for the ruskis




wtf i thought fascists are big on infrastructure projects…


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>Russia has officially lost the war


File: 1646051380392.jpg (86.8 KB, 975x540, 1646038873967.jpg)

>Source: Ukrainian copium on Twitter


Stop being a pedophile Ian
also your penis is small


>everyone else is a contrarian
>Im mostly skeptical about this position because it is been Kremlin´s talking point for the last 8 years, and like always they make things bigger than they actually are for the sake of turning Russian people against the Ukrainian "regime".
>I base my views purely on contrarianism.


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Stop trying acredit deep battle with Tukhachevsky and not Shaposhnikov god dammit


> implementing digitalisation of governmental processes
kek, you should see what this means in eastern Europe: just additional technical problems.

The rest I don't buy at all, based on shock therapy that the West was proposing to Janukovič. Him not accepting it was the reason for his removal.


No, the source is my ex-glowie friend who served in Afganistan


>The thing is there is far right groups everywhere.
not to this extent and not incorporated into the state in this manner. Also, on top of that, yes, generally, there is a problem with CIA backed neo nazis in many many places, it, I contend, is one of the worlds biggest problems that we shouldn't be diminishing.

> but then again I can imagine a country under such pressure will take anybody in their ranks

this is simply not how the timeline played out. In fact, the legitimate maidan protests were co-opted by Ukrainian capitalist class and chums in the EU, and Azov etc were their chosen catspaws, the "pressure" being entirely fabricated.

> I just don't see Ukraine implementing real far right policies and I don't see the far right presence in government.

they have already under poroshenko pursued policies of privatisation and there is already loads of racist and anti roma attacks, there is already a war against the people of Donetzsk and Lukhansk

>Im mostly skeptical about this position because it is been Kremlin´s talking point for the last 8 years

its true. Doesn't matter who says it.

>and like always they make things bigger than they actually are for the sake of turning Russian people against the Ukrainian "regime".

just like you are making things seem smaller than they are for the opposite reason.

>Anyways, I wanna get more informed on this so I would appreciate (non-kremlin) sources to further read on this.

you can literally read sources from all over the political spectrum my dude. From the jerusalem post to the guardian to far left stuff, its too out in the open to deny, so they just try to deflect the narrative. Would it also interest you to know they are armed by Israel. Look at the electronicintifada article about it, google electronicintidada azov israel as keywords or something


once a glowie, always a glowie


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>La guerre d'Ukraine n'a pas eu lieu




Get the fuck out of here, Agent Kochinski



> I just don't see Ukraine implementing real far right policies

By merely allowing the existence of far right parties and militias, the Ukrainian government is de facto enacting fascist policies.


We getting raided by Kochinskiites or what? All the sudden a big influx of retards


Yeah, it was a popular revolt which was fueled by the NATO, CIA (via NED), and other think tanks, and later on captured by the ultra right wing, while NATO benefited and coaxed the captured revolution to its favor.

What's new? What are you against here?


The Americans are waking up


>Ukraine is nazis
>Russia is nazis
>Neutrality is nazis


Reddit-friendly good video about Ukraine's far-right






People claiming to fight about le evil nazi, wether they accuse Putin of being Hitler


Not everyone but imageboard users are strongly inclined towards contrarianism


Or ukrainians of being all azovites are retarded libs, here's why:





Fresh Tejas in Donbas


also also, the world ahs historically been duped into thinking there is some big gap between being a nationally minded lib (most ukrainians) and being a fascist. In fact, there isn't. Being a fascist is just what happens when libs get fed up and lose their cool, stop pretending freedom matters and start privatising stuff at the barrel of a gun.

I will also remind you Azov burned down the trade union co-ordination office in Ukraine, massacring people, and it was covered up by the state.

This is simple bread and butter fascism plain and simple.

Now as i've said, i think the invasion, to have gone beyond the east, was misguided, but if this was simply pushing farther than he hopes to gain, it is a shrewd move. I think if half of ukraine doesn't want Russia there, it shouldn't be, but facts is facts about the political formation that is shouting loudly about this.



everything reeks of reddit all of a sudden


that's around 50 grand USD. aren't they paying their soldiers 3600 USD/month now too? must be a lot of NATO money pouring in


I'm a Russian army, I surrender.


Anyone who pretends there isn’t widespread institutional “Banderization” in Ukraine is full of shit.


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>Putin placing nuclear forces on alert
>Ukrainian "peace talks" ongoing
>Sleepy Joe giving the state of the union tomorrow, where traditionally only one cabinet member is absent
You fuckers asked for a happening, you got one



Stop! Hammer time!


why hasn't youtoob banned this guy for thought crime yet?


Algorithms get confused because he's a texan.


Reminder there is only one winner here
>Euro westoids cut off from oil and gas
>Chauvinist hohol state split or dismantled
>Western assets in Russia nationalized
>Russian kleptocrats diminished
>Sanctions leading to dedollarization and decoupling
>Reactionary fascist apologist Putin humiliated
>Russia completely reliant on China
RIP entire euro working class though but thats what zero socialist internationalism does to the world


Who the hell is this guy? What's his deal lmao


Bruh, was this thread really rebooted again lmao

Anyways, what's been happening since last 3am GMT?


FUCK, hope he’s ok


Peace talks, Russia will take Kiev soon


I agree, but IMO burgers also benefit somewhat in short-term. The only problem is China is their biggest opponent, and relatively speaking they're not gaining as much as China long-term.


negotiations ongoing, russians have total air supremacy over ukraine and are advising civilians to leave kyiv


>Imperialist chauvinists obliterating each other in one fell swoop
This is Posadism right?


Also a reminder that EU was supposed to start investing in Africa, copying and competing against China. This was laughable then, based on the figures they were giving. It's even more laughable now.


Maybe if you live in a neutral country in the southern hemisphere, and then you've got nuclear winter to worry about.


>entire euro working class
How's this gonna affect euro working class but just make everything more expensive and volatile?


Michael Roberts:
<The answer to your questions would require a separate post. But suffice it to say that Russia is not imperialist in the economic sense. It is a weak capitalist state without military bases around the world, without a major technology base and without the financial tentacles of the g7 imperialist bloc.

Bothside-sisters, I don't feel to well…


Mayors who negotiate peaceful surrenders of their cities are charged with treason and threatened with execution.


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mfw the whole world is destroyed over fucking Cuckraine.


Governor of Kharkov should get fucking shot in the head, no questions asked.


i wonder what european politics are gonna look like by the end of the year. burger-skeptic? growth in far right as petty booj gets crushed by spiking gas prices? labor unrest as workers can't afford stuff anymore?


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MSM calls for dekulakization




>To the last Ukraini… Ooops.


radicalization of left, center and right, unironically


He is an equivalent of Vlasov, understandable


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I did not expect 4chan of all places to turn anti-Russia or to be specific, anti-Putin. The glowing there has gone radioactive I guess.



>west rearming with minimal social unrest

>nationalist sentiment reframed as noble resistance against the Inscrutable Oriental Tyrant
>China's natural ally, Russia, will seemingly be rendered toxic on the world stage
>all this with absolute minimum expenditure on the part of NATO

I don't see how this doesnt turn into a huge shot in the arm for the US/NATO.


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Damn bro don't dox yourself


imagine if this ends up incentivizing mayors to not only surrender but also to actively help the russians in order to avoid death penalty


Idk if this was already posted in the previous threads but here you go.


And how badly did Budyonny fuck up?


Is that really the case? Putin has been the biggest supporter of far right parties in Europe, this is a big betrayal if true


Not gonna lie, that sounds kinda gay.



4chan has been radioactive for almost a decade now.


NTA, IMO it's a chance for the left down the line, despite the current NATO hysteria. Screaming about Putler is inexpensive now, but when economic sacrifices come, people will start turning against their political classes as well.


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It's over Putin sisters. The hohols are putting up impenetrable fortifications.


>a decade
longer than that, rumors of feds taking full control of the mod team have been running around since 2008 at least and given what we know now, these rumors were very likely true


This can actually be effective if coupled with an ambush


God I wish those Hong Kong counter-revolutionaries would go and join Azov.


There is no peace. Russia bombing the shit out of Ukraine during these talks lol


Lib war mongering will do the same thing it did last time: drive a wave of far-right nationalism in the West.
>Libya and Syria start flooding europe with millions of brown refugees, which leads to….. Brext, far right party gains everywhere, Trump
>pushing Ukraine proxy war leads to Russian invasion, which has to be "punished" by making everyone poorer from sanction-induced inflation and gridlock, which leads to….
get ready, another far right wave is coming.



True, I wasn't sure people would be familiar with that saga.


It's Ukraine bombing their own cities to make Russia look bad. Google what false-flag attacks are.


Fuck this shit, we better get used to being poorer if we want to avert the climate crisis


Sure pal


Largest encirclement in history tier




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>At the entrance to Energodar, the territorial defense fighters decided to hide their weapons at the sight of the Russian column


anon, right-wingers are on the side of Ukraine, this is the good refugees now.
what is happening though is that libs are becoming more openly right-wing.


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>Ukrainians demanding withdrawal of all troops including in Crimea and Donbass at peace negotiations


File: 1646053270222.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 4.12 MB, 640x334, elon musk thor killing nor….mp4)

I've seen worse capeshit cringe


>Putin has gon cray cray folks
You can always trust on libs having embarasingly bad takes


we're not averting the climate crisis anon. human society in its current absolute state is simply not capable of it. not even close.


Based on what I have seen on /k/ and /pol/.



This image feels so Reddit to me, but now it makes me curious. How would you guys define something as "Reddit"? What aesthetic features, comedic characteristics makes a form of media "Reddit"?


Ok I think if Putin is still wasting his time with this dude it's just for appearances.


More from the two wiki articles:
>In July–September 1941, Budyonny was Commander-in-Chief (главком, glavkom) of the Soviet armed forces of the Southwestern Direction (Southwestern and Southern Fronts) facing the German invasion of Ukraine. This invasion began as part of Germany's Operation Barbarossa which was launched on June 22. Operating under strict orders from Stalin (who attempted to micromanage the war in the early stages) not to retreat under any circumstances, Budyonny's forces were eventually surrounded during the Battle of Uman and the Battle of Kiev. The disasters which followed the encirclement cost the Soviet Union 1.5 million men killed or taken prisoner. This was one of the largest encirclements in military history.

>On 13 September 1941, Stalin sacked Budyonny as a scapegoat, replacing him with Semyon Timoshenko. He was never allowed to command troops in combat again. First he was put in charge of the Reserve Front (September–October 1941), then made Commander-in-Chief of the troops in the North Caucasus Direction (April–May, 1942), Commander of the North Caucasus Front (May–August, 1942) - but was removed from this post as the Germans approached, and appointed Cavalry Inspector of the Red Army (from 1943), as well as various honorific posts.

>Despite his bravery as a cavalry commander, the view of his fellow officers was that Budyonny was demonstrably incompetent at commanding an army in a mechanized war. Soon after the war, Marshal Konev told the Yugoslav communist, Milovan Đilas: "Budyonny never knew much, and he never studied anything. He showed himself to be completely incompetent and permitted awful mistakes to be made."[16]

<The First Battle of Kiev was the German name for the operation that resulted in a huge encirclement of Soviet troops in the vicinity of Kiev (Kyiv) during World War II. This encirclement is considered the largest encirclement in the history of warfare (by number of troops). The operation ran from 7 August to 26 September 1941, as part of Operation Barbarossa, the Axis invasion of the Soviet Union.[6] In Soviet military history, it is referred to as the Kiev Strategic Defensive Operation, with the somewhat different dates of 7 July – 26 September 1941.[7]

<Much of the Southwestern Front of the Red Army (commanded by Mikhail Kirponos) was encircled, but small groups of Red Army troops managed to escape the pocket days after the German panzers met east of the city, including the headquarters of Marshal Semyon Budyonny, Marshal Semyon Timoshenko and Commissar Nikita Khrushchev. Kirponos was trapped behind German lines and was killed while trying to break out.

Cornman crossover episode!!



He is not even wasting time, he just sent some no-names to "negotiate"


i didn't say refugees were going to cause this wave, i said they caused the last one (to a large extent). inflation and rising gas prices will cause it this time.


Russia having a old time bombing civilians today

Very anti imperialist



The thing is the increased energy prices are going to be short term, Europe has the ability to mobilise to transform the energy system


prove to me that those "civilians" aren't porkies


The final redpill is that bronies were a dry run for glow astroturfing


most pollution comes from commercial and industrial activity, not from personal consumption. and the underlying economic system remains the same, forcing the working class bear the brunt of cutbacks isn't going to change the situation all that much


>implying porkies didn't move to their mansion in yuroop weeks in advance


Noone is falling for your bs man



Europe lacks the ability to unify around anything. Even in these hysteric times this still holds true.


>Stop! Hammer time!


Thats the point, commercial and industrial activity largely driven by the high consumerism of western society. Being "poorer" in the sense we consume less is what we need, a change in our habits is one of the most powerful tools against the climate crisis


This can't be real, why is Putin really sperging out this hard? I thought Russia was winning?


Ukrainians bomb their cities and blame Russia for it


Well Europe seems to have unified against Russia, the fact that swift sanctions got passed is pretty impressive tbh


Lardass, you cant even develope an emotional relationship with your own mother. You wouldnt understand


>Source: Kremlin sponsored news

How gullible are you?


freezing out one of europe's major oil suppliers is going to cause long term price increases. but good luck with that transformation.


>covid virus, the greenest political actor yet
>now economic sacrifices due to war
except war is the biggest polluter


Russia is the most reliable source because they want to look good compated to crazy ukrops. Almost anyone in this thread will tell you the same thing.


MLP fandom and the brony phenomenon is a fed psyop to test capabilities


Yeah. but sanctions against others are easy. Changing your own system is something else, this a serious problem of EU structure.


File: 1646053845051.png (593.06 KB, 717x840, ClipboardImage.png)

Reality is starting to sink in for the hohols.


I understand what you were trying to say, but is there any information about it?


Imperialism is when you bomb stuff


>Russia bars airlines from 36 countries, including European countries and Canada from flying to Russia — IFAX



The apartment block was Ukrainian AA accident


War is indeed the biggest polluter. Reminds of the the eco-stalinism takes, where creating a massive military is somehow gonna help the environment


lowered consumption under capitalism only kicks the can down the road, and only the habits of the working class will change while the capitalists continue to consume many times more resources than the average prole. forced immiseration isn't the answer here (and can lead you to some very dark conclusions regardless)


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Hi Agent Kochinski! Can you please stop trying to touch children?


Can Russia cut off Europe's gas and oil so the real seething can begin?


Source: RT military expert


Also proves the neutrality thing was a lie. The chauvinist spook runs so deep that they would rather see Ukraine destroyed and millions flee than "give up" a territory they haven't controlled in 8 years


The thing is this will damage the already crumbling Russian economy


Russian military experts are the most reliable sources in the war unless you consider capeshit fanfic reliable info


Nah somebody else posted it as a tinfoil theory and I liked it


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Look how the hohols showed up the negotiations.



The west are never going to drop the sanctions even if they retreat to Crimea and to the feb 24 borders in DPR and LPR, and there isn't much left to hit the west with that isn't direct war


> Z
It is basically a scumbag filter now


What? They are not wearing suits? How dare they break the etiquette, utterly disgusting and un-gentlemenish of em. I wouldn't even dare to drink tea with these scum


Russian army out here BTFOing Ukrainians in a thirty year old Toyota hatchback


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It seems Ukraine has become cause-celebre due to being the underdog in the conflict. Try to bring nuance and history to the discourse and you get accused of being Putin-shill.
Is this our era's 2nd international split over WW1?


> Medinsky
Пиздец цирк



The west has a lot to gain from an economic relationship with Russia. Its pretty bold to say that they won't drop sanctions if they actually pull back on all the things that caused the sanctions in the first place


Ukraine confirmed for world's second Clownocracy, after the United States
>checking them trips


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1. too little too late
2. Personal consumption is not the issue. The question is how it gets to the consumers.

If you don't understand 2 then you literally do not understand socialist theory as being one of bringing the entire economy and its effects into consideration,


This post made the shills angry lol


>showing up to (not) prevent ww3 in douchebag swag
I can't handle the honk level


>The new government actually is fixing roads
except when they are blowing up bridges through their scorched earth tactic


is that dave attell?


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>And the Ukrainian defense ministry posted footage from the video game Digital Combat Simulator World


>Last week Hromadske Radio revealed that Ukraine’s Ministry of Youth and Sports is funding the neo-Nazi group C14 to promote “national patriotic education projects” in the country.






hazov moment


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>Sexual violence as ‘weapon of war’ to rise after Russia’s invasion, campaigners warn
uh oh guyz, those russians are going to be at it again




So the 'Ukraine is actually winning' delusion is wearing away. What will their next cope be?


Guys. I think I'm having a panic attack. Odds are we will be nuked and society is still pretending everything is fine. I can't take it anymore. I want to live


I know haz is a retard and all but does he actually believe the Qing dynasty was remotely Socialist? Because it was with the fall of the Qing Dynasty that gave us the CPC and the PRC.


Nuclear war won't happen.


Nukes require multiple approvals to be launched, don't worry


I don't care about living, I just can't handle the fucking dread. I don't live anywhere near a major city, so chances are I'd survive the exchange and have to deal with that shit.


Dumb. If you want something that glows you need to look at the people at the top of ED and LJ drama groups from the early 2000s. Literal feds.


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Give me more lib cringe


Nukes can only make things better. Stop pissing yourself.


stab in the back myth, summary executions of saboteurs intensifies


The final sentence of new IPCC report:

"The scientific evidence is unequivocal: climate change is a threat to human well-being and the health of the planet.
Any further delay in concerted global action will miss a brief and rapidly closing window to secure a liveable future."



>anti-Soviet fighter

<anti-Soviet fighter
>anti-Soviet fighter
<anti-Soviet fighter
>anti-Soviet fighter
<anti-Soviet fighter
>anti-Soviet fighter
<anti-Soviet fighter
>anti-Soviet fighter
<anti-Soviet fighter
>anti-Soviet fighter
<anti-Soviet fighter


Russia closes airspace to 30+ states
Russia has closed its skies for over two dozen European countries, as well Canada, on Monday. The move came after the EU banned Russian airlines from crossing into their airspace.

European nations began banning Russian-owned airlines and Russian-registered aircraft shortly after Moscow launched a military operation against Ukraine early Thursday morning. On Sunday, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced the closure of the entire EU airspace to Russian-linked flights.


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>so-called Neo-Nazis


He unironically believes it, yes. His argument is basically "they weren't capitalist therefore socialism"


wow, i'm sure there won't be further delay now


Ah I see you too are a posadist as well. The Nukes will make things better as we create a new world from the ashes of the old.


We need to bust out the DDR funny gas again


Fuck, I still have family in Russia. How the fuck do I get them out


Just go innawoods if you are that scared


which part of Russia? Also, the chances that we'll have military action in Russian soil is close to zero.


File: 1646055497450.png (296.69 KB, 558x572, fug.png)

this just in


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lol where is Sage he'll love this


Car? Train?


Romantic writers did zero when Stalin did the same during WW2.




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Hate faux anime shit that looks like a low budget anime from 2005.


I don't get it. Why are people treating this like some fucking game? There won't be a world if nukes are involved. No chance of socialism or anything. Yet anons seem desperate for a nuclear war. I can't take it anymore I might rope


Also, what about non-russian, non-euro airlines? They can still fly between Russia and Europe/Canada right?

Funny that America didn't ban while all those cunts did.


File: 1646055659119-1.jpg (48.26 KB, 1014x508, 22399720_0.jpg)

last chance, russia


File: 1646055738296.jpg (118.84 KB, 1088x1017, FMpnWiGXMAIL98s.jpg)

The least bloodthirsty liberal be like


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>There won't be a world if nukes are involved. No chance of socialism or anything.
Reported for sectarianism


Ukraine into EU NOW


>I can't take it anymore I might rope
Even more stupid when you can enjoy death from nuclear


There will still be a world. Highly unlikely that 100% of people will be wiped out in a nuclear war. Whoever is left will be responsible for the future of the human race.


>last chance, russia
What chance? The Ukrainian military is no position for an offensive.




by themselves lmao


Why are uyghurs so fucking HIPHEY as to start world war fucking three over this
Way more people died in Syria and in Iraq, who gives a shit about Ukraine?


Yeah but they are fucked economically, gotta get them out asap


Bruh it already happened twice, there's nothing left to shock



Watch Threads, retard.


please dont


File: 1646055915672.png (14.92 KB, 638x638, unnamed.png)

Russian (hardware) losses. Note, these are only the ones that could be confirmed by photos/videos


Holy fuck, they're preparing to unleash the Hulk of Kyiv


what if yellowstone explodes tomorrow or a solar flare disables all the electronics in the world? these things aren't under our immediate control and there's no sense panicking about it, the world will keep turning whether you follow the news or not


no everyone needs to see it


They always find more things, believe me. We've had multiple waves of this therapy over here.


Half of the text is cropped retard


Threads is based on 70-80s nuclear bombing models which since fell out of scientists' favor.


>Why are people treating this like some fucking game?
because they have no control over it. and anyway, if you die in a nuclear blast you won't be around to be sad about it.


Boring anglo shit


One moment of thought about the figther planes that the EU will give to Ukraine.
>Give Eurofighters and F-16 F-22 F-whatever to Ukraine.
>Russia still rules the air.
>Russia downs those planes.
>Russia can examine those planes (if, given the breakneck speed they're advancing, they're going to capture a military airport sooner or later).
>Literally giving your enemy intel about your jets.




This is far different from those two and you know it


Nuclear winter is based in science, even if you're a porky in some ranch in Argentina your life will be shit.


COPE. Porky has been using nuclear war as a cope for decades now, it's just a nothingburger and will NEVER happen


Because a shit-ton of people outside the west also exist, are not nearly as under-developed as they were a few decades ago, and are heavily anti-NATO


Guys my university has made a project where you can listen to Russian radio comms. This is possible since many Russian soldiers are conscripts and have no clue on how to operate military radio equipment, so they are using civilian frequencies. There will be a lot of noise but you can pick out somethings in-between if you have patiance


7933.00 KHz on the left box
Filter to around 3KHz on the right, might need to switch around between 3 and 4
Squelch: on
Noise reduction: on


Jets are old MIGs


World War Two anti-Soviet fighter Adolf Hitler


not in an immediate sense. the left isn't in any position to make or enforce demands, and until it is we've got to live with the lunatics with the launch codes


epic war crimes time


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Don't forget all those guns and support equipment flooding into the Ukraine is going to flow back into Europe and terrorist groups. I don't see how western Europe doesn't see how the Neo nazis they're giving guns aren't going to abandoned their jew president and start training far right nationalist across Europe. They might end up with a mass shootings problem like America.


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Fuck, my fault sorry


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Remember that tweet from the ukr national guard celebrating neonazis killing "muslim orcs"?

>This Tweet violated the Twitter Rules about hateful conduct. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain accessible.


The ukrainian propaganda is very similar to propaganda from Armenia during their war with Azerbaijan back in 2020.


Why does she look so lobotomized?



Bruh I was thinking the same thing. She's got the thousand cock stare when she's in some formal patriotic setting even LMAO. She looks cumdrunk.


an american known as the ogre of oklahoma is already on the streets of kyiv, he's killed hundreds of saboteurs already


You know with a name like AnnaLynne she comes from a very shall we say particular kind of stock.


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It's ogre


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This is it? This is the massive losses according to the ukrainians?



speak american you terrorist




She's American, probably the beer made from corn syrup that her mother drank when she was still a fetus.



Only the ones confirmed by videos and photos, this is not the ones that the Ukrainian military are confirming. But independent third party. Real losses are of course bigger, but no clue on how much


>would "foster instability" in Europe
tbh, based on NATO's track record the last few decades one would think that was the intention.



If you follow the chatbox in this site a lot of people are picking up chatter. This is legit shit


>wanting to learn a language which is basically a retarded from of Russian


all anime is shit.


Because if you actually understand the Posadist ideology you understand my point. The Factors are out of our control, if we are to have nuclear war its better to wipe out the base of capitalism and rebuild from there. If we were living in a Socialist led world where every country was Socialist/Communist the need for nuclear weapons won't be necessary and would be used for energy purposes.


all shit is poop




Big if true


oh no, ukrobros


of course


Russia would very much like a F22 but it's a plane the US only keeps for itself. Too much secret tech.


>The highest level of confidence in the Armed Forces is in the West and in the Center (75-78%). Relatively lower - in the South and East (64-66%).
kek, gee I wonder why


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big line


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Hey I managed to find one on my own but I don't speak Russian lol

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