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 [Last 50 Posts]


Friendly reminder there are other world conflicts going on, too: https://emmeline.carto.com/viz/b69015da-136a-11e5-a64a-0e43f3deba5a/public_map


>N.B. liveuamap.com is not to be trusted, they mostly parrot Ministry of Defence, these others may not be better, check their reporting first





A massive Russian column was closing in on Kyiv Tuesday, with US officials warning Russia's sheer numbers could be able to overcome the Ukrainian resistance.

Russia steps up assault on Kharkiv as 27km military convoy heads to Kyiv

Missile hits centre of Ukraine's second-biggest city (LIVE UPDATES)

Huge Russian convoy nears Kyiv (LIVE UPDATES)
>Miles-long Russian convoy nears the capital after high-level talks fail to produce ceasefire.

More than 70 Ukrainian soldiers killed by Russian artillery fire at military base, head of region says (LIVE UPDATES)

70 Ukrainian soldiers killed in Okhtyrka, huge Russian army convoy nears Kyiv (LIVE UPDATES)

Artillery Hits Apartment Building In Center Donetsk( Ukraine & Russia War)


Socialist countries and leaders on the Russia-Ukraine crisis

“Cuba aboga por una solución que garantice la seguridad y soberanía de todos”

Answer of Spokesperson for Ministry of Foreign Affairs of DPRK
>The root cause of the Ukraine crisis totally lies in the hegemonic policy of the U.S. and the West which indulge themselves in high-handedness and arbitrariness towards other countries.


NATO as Religion

Behind NATO’s ‘cognitive warfare’: ‘Battle for your brain’ waged by Western militaries




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interesting interview with a russian marxist professor, talking about the conditions inside russia and making some points not many westerners are talking about
>russia expected the invasion to be over within 96 hours and doesn't have the resources for a protracted fight; the longer things go on the more the war tips in favor of the west
>soldiers who thought they were being called up for drills found themselves with orders to invade ukraine, morale is very low
>the ruling party is deeply unpopular due to social spending cutbacks and blatant corruption, and he sees the invasion as the government looking for an easy win to beat the nazis and shore up support
>sanctions are having serious and unexpected consequences: the prof lives in yakutsk where many parts of it are only accessible by plane, and the sanctions terminated the leases on the planes russia uses
>the only results he sees for russia are revolution or nuclear annihilation, television stations are even pushing the idea that their enemies deserve to be nuked
strange times ahead anons


shit op


They banned RT. It's not to be found on Google anymore and their YouTube channel is blocked. This is some disturbing shit, since tech censorship doesn't require due process, they might as well just go for "affiliates", e.g. everyone who once gave a single interview on RT.


posting in thread with no replies


>russia expected the invasion to be over within 96 hours
Russia doesn't blitz enemies, they do deep battle tactics to slowly encircle their enemy. And that's exactly what they are doing, while minimizing casualties.


Urgent! Joint Statement of Communist and Workers’ Parties, No to the imperialist war in Ukraine!


>The Communist and Workers’ Parties signing this Joint Statement are opposed to the imperialist conflict in Ukraine, which constitutes one of the consequences of the tragic situation for the peoples shaped after the overthrow of socialism and the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Both the bourgeois and the opportunist forces, which for years have fought against the USSR and recently celebrated the 30th anniversary of its dissolution, silencing the fact that the restoration of capitalism meant the dismantling of historic workers’ and people’s achievements and brought the peoples of the USSR back to the era of class exploitation and imperialist wars, are completely exposed.

>The developments in Ukraine, which are taking place in the framework of monopoly capitalism, are linked to the US, NATO, and EU plans and their intervention in the region in the context of their fierce competition with capitalist Russia for the control of the markets, raw materials, and transport networks of the country. These pursuits are concealed by imperialist powers, which are in conflict promoting their own pretexts such as “defending democracy”, “self-defence”, and one’s right to “choose their alliances”, the compliance with the UN or OSCE principles, or supposedly “fascism”, while deliberately detaching fascism from the capitalist system that gives rise to and utilizes it.

>We denounce the activity of fascist and nationalist forces in Ukraine, anti-communism and the persecution of communists, the discrimination against the Russian-speaking population, the armed attacks of the Ukrainian government against the people in Donbas. We condemn the utilization of reactionary political forces of Ukraine, including fascist groups, by the Euro-Atlantic powers for the implementation of their plans. In addition, the anti-communist rhetoric against Lenin, the Bolsheviks, and the Soviet Union to which the Russian leadership resorts to justify its own strategic plans in the region, is unacceptable. However, nothing can tarnish the enormous contribution of socialism in the Soviet Union, which was a multinational union of equal Socialist Republics.

>The decision of the Russian Federation to initially recognize the “independence” of the so-called “Peoples’ Republics” in Donbas and then to proceed to a Russian military intervention, which is taking place under the pretext of Russia’s “self-defence”, the “demilitarization” and “defascistization” of Ukraine, was not made to protect the people of the region or peace but to promote the interests of Russian monopolies in Ukrainian territory and their fierce competition with Western monopolies. We express our solidarity with the communists and the peoples of Russia and Ukraine and we stand on their side to strengthen the struggle against nationalism, which is fostered by each bourgeoisie. The peoples of both countries, who lived in peace and jointly thrived in the framework of the USSR, as well as all other peoples have no interest in siding with one or another imperialist or alliance that serves the interests of the monopolies.

>We highlight that the illusions fostered by bourgeois forces claiming that there could be a “better security architecture” in Europe by EU intervention, NATO “without military plans and aggressive weapon systems in its territory”, a “pro-peace EU”, or a “peaceful multipolar world”, etc are highly dangerous. All these assumptions have nothing to do with reality and are misleading for the anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist struggle, seeking to cultivate the perception that “peaceful imperialism” may exist. However, the truth is that NATO and the EU, like any capitalist transnational union, are predatory alliances with a deeply reactionary nature that cannot become pro-people and will continue to act against workers’ and people’s rights and the peoples; that capitalism goes hand in hand with imperialist wars.

>We call on the peoples of the countries whose governments are involved in the developments, especially through NATO and the EU but also Russia, to struggle against the propaganda of the bourgeois forces that lure the people to the meat grinder of imperialist war using various spurious pretexts. To demand the closure of military bases, the return home of troops from missions abroad, to strengthen the struggle for the disengagement of the countries from imperialist plans and alliances such as NATO and the EU.

>The interest of the working class and the popular strata requires us to strengthen the class criterion for analyzing the developments, to chart our own independent path against monopolies and bourgeois classes, for the overthrow of capitalism, for the strengthening of the class struggle against imperialist war, for socialism, which remains as timely and necessary as ever.

1. Algerian Party for Democracy and Socialism
2. Communist Party of Azerbaijan
3. Party of Labour of Austria
4. Communist Party of Bangladesh
5. Communist Party of Belgium
6. Communist Party in Denmark
7. Communist Party of El Salvador
8. Communist Party of Finland
9. Communist Party of Greece
10. Communist Party of Kurdistan-Iraq
11. Workers Party of Ireland
12. Socialist Movement of Kazakhstan
13. Socialist Party of Latvia
14. Communist Party of Mexico
15. New Communist Party of the Netherlands
16. Communist Party of Norway
17. Palestinian Communist Party
18. Communist Party of Pakistan
19. Paraguayan Communist Party
20. Peruvian Communist Party
21. Philippines Communist Party [PKP 1930]
22. Communist Party of Poland
23. Romanian Socialist Party
24. South African Communist Party
25. Communist Party of the Workers of Spain
26. Sudanese Communist Party
27. Communist Party of Swaziland
28. Communist Party of Sweden
29. Syrian Communist Party
30. Communist Party of Turkey
31. Union of Communists of Ukraine




Watch Tejas for Christ sake


Anyone know where I can read professional military analysis on Russia's strategy? Particularly on civilian casualties and the decision to start with a relatively weak invasion force and up the ante later.


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Reddit international brigades have surrounded Moscow!!


>russia doesn't have the resources for a protracted fight
yes it is common knowledge that military superpowers can't do military operations for more than a few days




Thread theme for all the people fighting and killing one another right now



Russia doesn't even ened to be in Ukraine in force, they can move out and just send rockets every day to commands posts.


We are one manlet temper tantrum from the end of civilization


What about it?


Do you understand Chinese?


It's what the West wants, they're practically daring Putin to do it.


social media and msm is becoming more and more a psyop for manufacturing consent everyday


Not that guy, but no, but there is gtranslate.


I like your thread more because the OP is better


>no Cuba
>no DPRK
<communist parties from imperialist countries


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they're popping off lmao


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☑️Denazify Ukraine
☑️Restore water to Crimea

What else was on his checklist? Are we already entering bonus rounds?


is that the Russian reddit?



>here's how ukraine can still win


Unfortunately no, but what the other guy said. Get us a link pls


Baidu translate won't help you understand videos on bilibili. But you can try guancha.cn for written articles.


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The whole fucking world is daring NATO to go in right now.
Instead of peace marches, it is pro war marches.


>dipshit OP doesn't link new thread
>now there are two threads


new thread is over here:


Is this western Free Speech I have heard so much about?


fuck off with your low effort trash.


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Azov is probably toast or will be toast within hours seeing as Russians are already in the heart of Mariupol. Anyone know how I can find their headquarters address?


Both of their communist parties are in the IMCWP and solidnet is the website of the international faggot


The level of warmonger and hate against russia that is going on western medias is the most frightening thing about all of this. Seems to me like the the west is begging for a total war and the mobilization of every possible platform to silence dissenting voices is to be feared. You can now be censored for ever daring to move single criticism on Nato. Grim times are ahead of us.


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☑️Denazify Ukraine
☑️Restore water to Crimea

What else was on his checklist? Are we already entering bonus rounds?


This OP is better. If I was the other OP I would delete it.





>South Africa
>Turkey (Anti-Erdogan)


Trash statement. Already debunked.
Also filled with trash parties. So "look at all these signatures" means nothing.


solidnet is dominated by the KKE. where's the Cuba and DPRK statement on the solidnet? funny, how the only ones not mentioned are the only socialist ones. solidnet is sus, you fucking lib.


Protect your Russian friends.


You can't delete threads unless you are a mod.


t. kremlinbot


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Azov is probably toast or will be toast within hours seeing as Russians are already in the heart of Mariupol. Anyone know how I can find their headquarters address?


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Actually really good statement.


not to mention the other thread is full of imperialist propaganda


Yeah I realized it only after I reported this one requesting a merge, and I feel too silly to double report and ask for the other thread to merge with this one. Someone else do it please.


he talks about that at 16 minutes in. the major pain point is going to be microchips, as even russian-designed microchips are manufactured in taiwan which joined in the sanctions, so they'll be unable to replace a lot of the equipment they lose


I watched this retarded shit and if this guys a Marxist he's a whining defeatist trot
Literally no analyst of note though the op would be done in 96 hours
Thesaker and Andrei Martyanov said it would take at least a week and Zelensky was letting criminals out of prison on day 4 (what all defeated regimes do)

Compare that dogshit "analysis" to The Durans analysis whereby
>If Russia wins it's the end of NATO
>Sanctions will bite to begin with but the West has now gone to the top of the rung of sanctions. Theres nothing more they can do. In essence Russia is now free from the international system (IE.imperialism)
>If Russia runs into any serious difficulty China will open up a lifeline to stabilise them
>If Russia wins it's the end of "globalisation"(IE. Cosmopolitan global imperialist dictatorship)
>If Russia holds out past the initial sanctions it can start to hold back precious metals, wheat and fertilisers from the international market causing inflation in imperialist core
>Once the Russian Chinese alternative payment system to Swift is up and running it's the end of US dollar as global reserve currency. US can no longer print themselves to prosperity like they have done


What is wrong with the statement? It's solid as was the KKE's statement. KKE is also a member of IMCWP



The Russian attack on Ukraine has prompted a flurry of activity among far-right European militia leaders, who have taken to the internet to raise funds, recruit fighters and plan travel to the front lines to confront the country’s invaders, according to a research group.

In recent days, militia leaders in France, Finland and Ukraine have posted declarations urging their supporters to join in the fight to defend Ukraine against a Russian invasion. The posts have been located and translated by the SITE Intelligence Group, a private organization that specializes in tracking extremist groups.

Rita Katz, the director of SITE, said that numerous far-right white nationalist and neo-Nazi groups throughout Europe and North America had expressed an outpouring of support for Ukraine, including by seeking to join paramilitary units in battling Russia.

The motivation to travel to Ukraine, she said, was to gain combat training. It was also ideologically-driven, she added, since these far right groups viewed the fight against Russia as a fight against communism, clinging to World War II historical narratives, and associating modern-day Russia and its president, Vladimir V. Putin, with the former Soviet Union.

“Instability in Ukraine offers white supremacy extremists the same training opportunities that instability in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria has offered jihadist militants for years,” said Ali Soufan, who heads The Soufan Group, which has been documenting for several years how the conflict in eastern Ukraine has emerged as an international hub of white supremacy.

“Civil wars and insurgencies frequently draw in outside volunteers; some may initially join for humanitarian purposes but still exacerbate and prolong the conflict and violence,” he said in a statement to the Times.

The apparent mobilization of far-right groups could be problematic for the Ukrainian government, playing into Mr. Putin’s depiction of Ukraine as a fascist country, and his false claim to be waging war against Nazis who control the government in Kyiv. In reality, Ukraine has a democratically elected government and its president, Volodymyr Zelensky, is Jewish.

Some of the activity appears to be centered on the Azov Battalion, a unit of the Ukrainian National Guard that has drawn far-right fighters from around the world, SITE said. That group came together following the first Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2014 and saw action against pro-Russian militias.

In one declaration, posted this week on the messaging app Telegram, shortly before Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, a leader of the Azov Battalion’s political wing called for a “total mobilization” of the group, and pointed volunteers toward recruitment resources online.

Earlier this week, Carpathian Sich, a Ukrainian group, posted donation information to its Telegram channel, seeking money from its followers via PayPal, as well as with the Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Tron cryptocurrencies.

The same information was shared on several Finnish and French far-right sites, among them “OC,” a white nationalist site. This week, the group posted a pro-Ukraine statement on its Telegram channel, encouraging its subscribers to make donations to Carpathian Sich. A subsequent post said, “Just like the U.S.S.R., Putin will be defeated,” by aligning “French nationalists” with the Ukrainian people.”

Neo-Nazi and white supremacist Telegram users from Finland also encouraged fellow Finns to join the fight alongside Ukrainians, SITE reported. One post said, “the age-old duty of the Finns has been to wage war against the Russians.”

“Russia has always been persecuting us, and that snake will not drop until it knocks its head off,” said the post, according to SITE. “The best solution would be to make a collective surprise blow and knock out Moscow to the Stone Age.”



Someone get screenshots from archives before they scrub the Neo-Nazi shit from their website.


Putin wants to keep going past Ukraine - he wants the entire Black Sea and Istanbul - he wants the third Rome - he wants to be Emperor of Europe


Unfortunately you cannot merge a newer thread into an older thread. The only option is to delete one.


Can somebody link me sources about suspected saboteurs being arrested/executed in Ukraine?


mods should just anchor the other one


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that little girl.. gifrel

liberalism was a full mistake.



Bummer. Well there's not much worth salvaging in the other thread anyway if mods want to delete it.



The mexican party is a rapist cult that is eating itself alive, in part because they physically threaten any ex-members that speak about the rampant sexual harassment. Ex-members have had their homes vandalized and rocks thrown to their windows. These are still communists, mind you.

Their only praxis was book clubs where they didn't even read any of the 3 books in their reading list, and making proclamations on issues larping as a state. We have parties that are larger and much better, but they aren't visible because they aren't funded by the KKE.

The only redeeming quality is their good international relations. Anyone would believe they are a relevant, non insane, non rapist party if they only looked at their publications on their website and social media.


The Durans are just as dumb. A lot of what this guy was saying not long ago all turned false, he's just pulling shit out of his ass - when he's not reading RT articles out loud that is.


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For people in EU


It's so widespread you can find videos of it just by entering saboteurs into twitter


Meant for >>806821


nvm, it is back up.
>pic rel


Where does the "Ukrainian Nazis" claim come from?
Is it actually true or is it just Russian propaganda?

Why would there be a lot of Nazis in Ukraine of all places, why would the Russians care, and how much of the population would the Nazis make up?


>MasterCard and Visa to limit Russia operations.
Russia put the "mir" system in place in prevision of this


Yes this won't hurt us in Russia or Belarus (I don't know if other countries have Mir)


Some new footage that is of wild to see, but a small group of marching healthy Russian POW soldiers wearing what appears to be…..WW2 helmets…
These must be emergency conscripts or Belarus troops I imagine.
We have seen a lot of footage of modern Mich helmets among the Chechen soldiers.


Where does the "Ukrainian Nazis" claim come from?
Is it actually true or is it just Russian propaganda?

Why would there be a lot of Nazis in Ukraine of all places, why would the Russians care, and how much of the population would the Nazis make up?

[Crossposting because I don't know which thread is the main one]


Point is, Cuba, DPRK, Venezuela, Iran and Nicaragua support Russia in this, yet the statements from their communist parties are missing. HMMMMMMMMMMM


>hi guys not followed the thread since 2013 can i get an update?


> https://ria.ru/20220301/rossiya-1775677680.html
> "No step back" - this was the order Stalin issued in 1942, when our army was again retreating from Kharkov and Donbas. But now the situation is completely different. It is us who are advancing, while West tries to isolate us.
This "solution of Ukrainian question" guy who wrote an article intended for Russian victory came up with new wonderful thoughts.


>[Crossposting because I don't know which thread is the main one]
keep your retarded CIA talking points to this thread. Ukraine's Nazi problem is well documented, just search any western source, they've all written about it,


Here's your (You).
Rome was super based! Screenshot this and show it to your fbi.gov buddies.
I love Putin!!! I'm a marxist leninist putinist.
Go Pax Rusia!


stepan bandera is a "ukrainian national hero"


Just look at the history of ukraine of the last 8 years.


Ка-52 вышли на охоту. Мариуполь

Ka-52 went hunting. Mariupol



I haven't found anything about saboteurs being executed tho


The international represents the workers while the states represent first their own interests. Cuba and DPRK would not oppose Russia even if they were doing anti communist purges because their need for foreign support is an existential question. So they let the international speak.


Tbf, Rome was very based for its times. Even tho all the roman larpers that came after were retarded.


for the first two questions, a lot of info can be found here


Putin will win the war. Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Abkhazia will merge into a new state.



if anything this goes to show why globalisation is either going to start getting reversed due to imperialist posturing, or corporations will truly become extranational entities that don't serve any single country nor pay taxes


Name one thing they've been wrong Duran has been wrong about ?
I've been following them a while and their general estimated trajectory of events has played out


what about osetia


This. EVERY SINGLE THREAD we have this discussion.

Go look in the last threads:

Maybe I'll make a thread just for Azov in the catalog so we can have one up for the rest of this we can point all these dipshits to.


They support veganism.


Ossetia will come along in a few years, Georgia will accept ceding Abkhazia first because they think they will keep Ossetia



Should be spoilered but won't delete as the previews aren't too bad


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>Where does the "Ukrainian Nazis" claim come from?
In 2014, Ukrainian government made Azov Battalion, a neo-nazi battalion whose insignia is a literal symbol from Nazi Germany's SS divisions, part of the National Guard. The former Azov commander is the police chief of Kiev, Azov was given lots of freedom to do policing in the Eastern and Southern parts of Ukraine. That is where the fiercest fighting is happening, wherever there are Nazis. This is because while rest of Ukrainians have nothing to fear, Ukrainian Nazis are fighting for their survival.

More info:


Untz Untz Untz Untz Untz Untz


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There's plenty more Nazi groups in Ukraine besides azov. It appears azov has been thrust into the spotlight, no doubt due to their blatant use appropriation of the black sun.
There's also Right Sector, OUN, and Svboda


>The international represents the workers while the states represent first their own interests.
glow somewhere else


Making Perestroika look like a short market dip


Also Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan won't be directly annexed but the economic and military ties will be strengthened, making them more vassal-like


Clap some Ukrainian nationalist cheeks.


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partido revolucionario de violadores™







Thanks, very informative


Same vibe


Please move Mrs. Babooshka…Mr, Putin says I have to drive the wage cage to Kiev or else I am fired….


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Chinese students leaving Kiev, with ambassador's help.


You're assuming that this has been fought like a war. But officially this is a special operation, in other words, flexing muscle. Russia doesn't have enough manpower in Ukraine for either a blitz or deep battle, hence the shitshow that we got. Stop taking the hoi4 comparisons so serious mate and use your head.


>This is because while rest of Ukrainians have nothing to fear, Ukrainian Nazis are fighting for their survival.
Ukrainians yesterday were denazified by cluster ammunition, this is something I'd fear.


I think I understand why some on the left are rooting for Russia. It's because leftists no longer believe socialism is even possible. The next best position they can take is anti-west and anti-American hegemony. When you genuinely believe international socialism is an impossibility, but you still see western capitalism as the greatest evil you look for other alternatives. Russia and China provide alternatives. Even Iran offers an alternative. Ultimately, most of the western left has committed to a position against western liberal capitalism, but in the absence of socialism they're willing to support Russian Nationalism, Chinese Nationalism, Islamist Expansionism, and even Baathism. It's incredibly sad.


Yeah yeah, whatever you say.
What was rome 2.0 btw? I want to understand how based this new Rome which I fully support because I, as a marxist leninist putinist, believe russia is communist (screenshot this too).
Based anon, answering the question again. I notice you, baby.
Lib friendly article: https://jacobinmag.com/2022/02/maidan-protests-neo-nazis-russia-nato-crimea
NATO's defacto think tank: https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/ukraine-s-got-a-real-problem-with-far-right-violence-and-no-rt-didn-t-write-this-headline/
Everything I've seen is good. Haven't seen much though.
>or corporations will truly become extranational entities that don't serve any single country nor pay taxes
That's basically already true.


Hmm, now what is it that Americans always say about protests blocking traffic like this?


no shit, I'm beginning to think EDM, hardstyle, this basic untz untz untz techno shit being played in massive arena is a Western psyop.



>Ukrainians yesterday were denazified by cluster ammunition, this is something I'd fear.
Maybe the Ukrainian army should have evacuated the city blocks before putting their AA batteries next to them. funny how you libs are so ready to jump on the "Hamas hides among civilians so Israel has to indiscriminately bomb Gaza" narrative, yet when you have pictorial and video proof of Howitzers and soldiers in buildings around civilians it is LE EVIL RUSSIANS. fuck off back to reddit.


To all the people who let Azov live rent free in your heads to the point you cheer on Russia recreating the Iraq war to crush it, could you answer how you resolve in your heads the fact that Russia is also full to the brim with ethnonationalist neonazies? Ya know, the ones who sometimes lynch central asian looking people, or go around making Czar Nicholas themed totally-not-Hitleryouth?


And later on the mayor of the town comes publicly to say "we have to let in Russians" and stuff like that that you will never see in the "free" western world.




"Scholz will get rid of Baerbock", a month or so ago


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"Kosher hedgegogs from the Jews of Odessa" anti-tank obstacles at the barricades


Those are not in power in Russia. Howver, they are tolerated too much by the authorities.


Wake up babe, time for Grillpilled Schizo to soyrage again


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It's over for PUTLER. The airsofter of Kyiv will take out the whole Russian army by herself.


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Lets just say if this shit happened in Iraq we would be preparing for an ambush and have an extreme vigilance posture.

50,000 RPG's and missile launchers were just airdropped all over Ukraine like it was toys for tots. I would probably have ordered my driver to pop smoke and fire off some warning rounds and accelerate as slowly as possible to not smush the babooshkas.

This is also why you have foot mounted fucking infantry to pull security.


Russian propaganda. I am told my Western media that Russians are indiscriminately massacring civilians. Liberals tell me Putin wants to genocide Ukrainians. This video is obviously filmed somewhere in Russia on a sound stage, real Russian soldiers would have driven over those people and made human mush, just like those commies in Tiananmen.


It took you this long to figure out? We've been loudly and patiently spelling it out for you in 50+ threads.

It's not that socialism is no longer possible. Socialism has proven to be a deadly endeavor and impossible because of American hegemony.

Imagine wanting socialism anywhere in reality and not only in your imagination, what a crime! The important thing though, is that you managed to reach an ultra leftist position from which you can smugly look down on the "revisionists" and "right wing leftists" that actually want socialism in real life, while you wait for The Coming Insurrection Of Simultaneous and Totally Based Non-Revisionist International Socialism.



You said this 3 days ago yet here you are again.


>US expels diplomats from Russia’s UN missio
wait for real? can they do that? wasnt the whole point of having the GA in New York that the americans wouldnt do that??


>What was rome 2.0 btw?
Byzantine Empire


Guys you know Russia bad right? You know NATOA based for bombing serbia right?
Totally not a glowie fellow anti imperialists


>I hope a nuclear war starts if only to see some idiots killed.
Geez, you're even worse than "I fully support Putin because anti-US" shitposters.


>because they are probably Nazies,
>literal Nazi propaganda on the official twitter of the Ukrainian National Guard
<you're just exaggerating, they're not nazis!
go fuck yourself.


use >>542031


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some msm oc


>Bummer. Well there's not much worth salvaging in the other thread anyway if mods want to delete it.
actually, let's keep the two threads. the other one seems to be catching most of the imperialist propaganda and lib/reddit talking points. this one is actually keeping to posting relevant, up to date info


Do you think you could make it larger, with more white space?


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Denazification my ass. Russia is a fascist country itself.


Guys Putin bad, Serbia bad, NATO good


Huh, wonder who made Chechnya such a shithole


me too thanks for asking


Reminder this is entirely US/NATOs fault.
No amount of historical revisionism will change that.

Don't listen to hippy dippy "both sides bad" bullshit. NATO provoked war. Russia gave them 14 years of constant warnings and explicit red lines that should not be crossed.

14 years of warnings
No, I don't support invasions, which is why NATO should have fucking took Russia's 14 years of constant warnings seriously. They should have taken Georgia seriously.

NATO shills blaming this on Russia are fucking ignorant, right wingers, or insane.

A western chauvinist agrees with me, so should you:


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>NATO good
indeed, we should all be Anarcho-NATOists


Cluster munitions? No. Assuming you are the asshole spreading propaganda yesterday your buzzterm is incorrect, the sound in the video was artillery. Very few Ukrainians have been killed by Russian fire, most of the strikes are targeted on key military installations. More Ukrainians have been killed by the Ukrainian forces, including that missile that hit the apartment building we saw pictures of. We can see quite clearly on the otherhand the barbaric murder of innocent civilians by official Ukrainian military units and criminals they released from prison and gave guns to. I have talked to actual Ukrainians that are under occupation. They tell me the Russians were very polite and went out of their way to not disrupt the Ukrainian civilians. The guys on snake island? As we all saw none were hurt, they surrendered peacefully after the Russian artillery dick waving and recieved blankets and water as they left the island. Meanwhile Azov psychos round up "sabbateurs" to execute or shoot them did in the street, as they have been doing since fucking euromaidan some 8 years ago, when they burned those people hiding in the church alive. Civilians try and leave or refuse to die shooting at the Russians? they are dragged out of their cars and shot in the head right there, we all saw that video with the woman screaming as they drag them out of the car. Was she raped before or after the bullet? Who knows. The only proper response is gunfire.


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That's why nigas hoping for a nuclear war


Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin



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I am amazed at the restraint shown by Russian troops in the Ukraine. If shit like this would have happened in other conflicts, I doubt the soldiers would have been that passive.




Aidar, Donbass, Dnipro-1 too. Azov is just particularly infamous and additionally became sort of a propaganda and neonazi outreach outfit


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How will Aunt Tifa react to this?


>the only results he sees for russia are revolution or nuclear annihilation, television stations are even pushing the idea that their enemies deserve to be nuked
The media is Posadist! Based. Finally, the actual "Great Reset" through nuclear fire can begin! Humanity was doomed since 1991. Wipe the slate clean and restart from scratch.



no FSBro I'm staying there


they did take it seriously. they wanted to provoke a war between Ukraine and Russia and so "advised" Ukraine policy to cross those red lines accordingly.


US soldiers in Iraq were given specific orders to run over any civilian that was in front of their cars and trucks. There are some testimonies by soldiers/drivers who said their commanding officer would put a gun to their head and told them to drive in the event that they refused the order. The fear was "suicide bombers" and getting a column full of Americans stuck in an urban environment. Yes, it would have been different if this was just another US conflict.


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Get out faggot.


This thread is anchored btw the other one is where everyone is


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he's not the first


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Someone in the other thread made this but it was fukken huge so I made it smaller


the extent of your criticism of Duran is they got wrong a prediction in the German government?


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No love?


Jesus wtf. America maybe if you weren't evil rape gremlins people wouldn't resist so feircely. Officer probably wouldn't shoot right? But you would be fired and some other guy with less moral backbone would take your place. All in all the situation makes it easy to be passively evil.


Where in my posts have I ever said NATO good? NATO is the same type of awful empire as Russia. Differance is, at this type NATO isn't actively conducting a fucking invasion.


this shit seems directly targeted at pissing off lib-anarchists in the west lol


Urgent! Joint Statement of Communist and Workers’ Parties, No to the imperialist war in Ukraine!


>The Communist and Workers’ Parties signing this Joint Statement are opposed to the imperialist conflict in Ukraine, which constitutes one of the consequences of the tragic situation for the peoples shaped after the overthrow of socialism and the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Both the bourgeois and the opportunist forces, which for years have fought against the USSR and recently celebrated the 30th anniversary of its dissolution, silencing the fact that the restoration of capitalism meant the dismantling of historic workers’ and people’s achievements and brought the peoples of the USSR back to the era of class exploitation and imperialist wars, are completely exposed.

>The developments in Ukraine, which are taking place in the framework of monopoly capitalism, are linked to the US, NATO, and EU plans and their intervention in the region in the context of their fierce competition with capitalist Russia for the control of the markets, raw materials, and transport networks of the country. These pursuits are concealed by imperialist powers, which are in conflict promoting their own pretexts such as “defending democracy”, “self-defence”, and one’s right to “choose their alliances”, the compliance with the UN or OSCE principles, or supposedly “fascism”, while deliberately detaching fascism from the capitalist system that gives rise to and utilizes it.

>We denounce the activity of fascist and nationalist forces in Ukraine, anti-communism and the persecution of communists, the discrimination against the Russian-speaking population, the armed attacks of the Ukrainian government against the people in Donbas. We condemn the utilization of reactionary political forces of Ukraine, including fascist groups, by the Euro-Atlantic powers for the implementation of their plans. In addition, the anti-communist rhetoric against Lenin, the Bolsheviks, and the Soviet Union to which the Russian leadership resorts to justify its own strategic plans in the region, is unacceptable. However, nothing can tarnish the enormous contribution of socialism in the Soviet Union, which was a multinational union of equal Socialist Republics.

>The decision of the Russian Federation to initially recognize the “independence” of the so-called “Peoples’ Republics” in Donbas and then to proceed to a Russian military intervention, which is taking place under the pretext of Russia’s “self-defence”, the “demilitarization” and “defascistization” of Ukraine, was not made to protect the people of the region or peace but to promote the interests of Russian monopolies in Ukrainian territory and their fierce competition with Western monopolies. We express our solidarity with the communists and the peoples of Russia and Ukraine and we stand on their side to strengthen the struggle against nationalism, which is fostered by each bourgeoisie. The peoples of both countries, who lived in peace and jointly thrived in the framework of the USSR, as well as all other peoples have no interest in siding with one or another imperialist or alliance that serves the interests of the monopolies.

>We highlight that the illusions fostered by bourgeois forces claiming that there could be a “better security architecture” in Europe by EU intervention, NATO “without military plans and aggressive weapon systems in its territory”, a “pro-peace EU”, or a “peaceful multipolar world”, etc are highly dangerous. All these assumptions have nothing to do with reality and are misleading for the anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist struggle, seeking to cultivate the perception that “peaceful imperialism” may exist. However, the truth is that NATO and the EU, like any capitalist transnational union, are predatory alliances with a deeply reactionary nature that cannot become pro-people and will continue to act against workers’ and people’s rights and the peoples; that capitalism goes hand in hand with imperialist wars.

>We call on the peoples of the countries whose governments are involved in the developments, especially through NATO and the EU but also Russia, to struggle against the propaganda of the bourgeois forces that lure the people to the meat grinder of imperialist war using various spurious pretexts. To demand the closure of military bases, the return home of troops from missions abroad, to strengthen the struggle for the disengagement of the countries from imperialist plans and alliances such as NATO and the EU.

>The interest of the working class and the popular strata requires us to strengthen the class criterion for analyzing the developments, to chart our own independent path against monopolies and bourgeois classes, for the overthrow of capitalism, for the strengthening of the class struggle against imperialist war, for socialism, which remains as timely and necessary as ever.

1. Algerian Party for Democracy and Socialism
2. Communist Party of Azerbaijan
3. Party of Labour of Austria
4. Communist Party of Bangladesh
5. Communist Party of Belgium
6. Communist Party in Denmark
7. Communist Party of El Salvador
8. Communist Party of Finland
9. Communist Party of Greece
10. Communist Party of Kurdistan-Iraq
11. Workers Party of Ireland
12. Socialist Movement of Kazakhstan
13. Socialist Party of Latvia
14. Communist Party of Mexico
15. New Communist Party of the Netherlands
16. Communist Party of Norway
17. Palestinian Communist Party
18. Communist Party of Pakistan
19. Paraguayan Communist Party
20. Peruvian Communist Party
21. Philippines Communist Party [PKP 1930]
22. Communist Party of Poland
23. Romanian Socialist Party
24. South African Communist Party
25. Communist Party of the Workers of Spain
26. Sudanese Communist Party
27. Communist Party of Swaziland
28. Communist Party of Sweden
29. Syrian Communist Party
30. Communist Party of Turkey
31. Union of Communists of Ukraine

Put the link in the International response section for the next thread please and for the analysis section there is that:


It immediately reeks of propaganda because they push pro NATO lies and yes have been caught not only saying incorrect things but obviously lying. Something something fool me once.


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The thing many don't understand about this war is that things were firmly deescalating, ceasefire violations were becoming rarer and rarer, casualties were going down too.




There is some fucked up shit in that document




Indeed, thanks for complementing it.
It's baby steps with these people. First you need to convince them that maybe Putin is not suffering from schizophrenia or that Putin in fact is not of the Canis familiaris species with a bad case of rabies. That alone is hard enough.


This is a farce, Russia is on the opposite side of history this time.


Yes Mr. Putin! I will Fly the nuclear wage cage to Kiev!


Antifascism is the worst product of fascism




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>Differance is, at this type NATO isn't actively conducting a fucking invasion.
fuck off NATO bitch


>I'm 14 and this is deep


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Dem white boys be wildin out


>Differance is, at this type NATO isn't actively conducting a fucking invasion.
They are conducting political invasion. Couping everyone they fucking damn please and installing their own puppet states.

You seem to implicitly support the US/EU/NATO invasion of Ukraine simply because it wasn't as bloody. Despite the fact that it put fascists in power and implemented deadly ethno-nationalist policies. I guess thats fine because Our Troops were kept safe. Velvet invasion.


>Entire Communist and anti-imperialist block is behind Russia
>Fighting against Fascist USA/EU Troops
<You: Russia is fighting on the opposite side this time


Your images says there are not involved in any invasion. China also does support the African Union btw


Another Saboteur Family with a Saboteur dog succesfully neutralized by our boys in green!



>Entire Communist and anti-imperialist block is behind Russia
Not even KPRF fully supports this, a lot of communist parties condemn this invasion while acknowledging NATO's role. But they are imperialists' dogs because they don't support invasions to other countries.


>Entire Communist and anti-imperialist block is behind Russia
a bit too obvious


one could say that the invasion/occupation of iraq is ongoing given that the place never truly stabilised after the old government was killed off




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>Where does the "Ukrainian Nazis" claim come from?
The document here >>542046 goes into the various Nazi groups in Ukraine and how they're integrated into the military. A bunch of the Nazis are currently being surrounded in Mariupol which is one of their main bases.

Also this was a recruiting tent in Kharkov that got blown up a few hours ago.



Read Auschwitz, or the Great Alibi.


It's a shitpost.


>Differance is, at this type NATO isn't actively conducting a fucking invasion.


>P-purely defensive alliance!!!


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NATO's own fucking news report says that nazis are a serious problem across ukraine you retard.


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OMG, could you not do that please? Using his real name is now prohibited in the West, please use the politically correct "Voldermort Putler". Thanks for your service sweaty :)


>France: “EU will wage total economic & financial war against Russia.”


When i keep saying all hands are on deck there's a reason.


Okay shitter, even if its true, consider the following:
>Wouldn't have happened without the invasion
>At the same time Russia is shelling civilian areas
No matter how hard you seethe, you will never be the "good guy" in this conflict.


buncha fucking high school bullies.


Not NATO but US lead intervention. NATO did Afghanistan however


Absolute epic meme, thank you Putin.


That shit isn't going to work here buddy. They were smugly shelling DPR/LPR in the days leading up to the invasion. I saw a video the other day where Ukrainian neonazis are firing rockets into a Russian speaking Ukrainian village and laughing, then the aftermath: A woman arriving back at the village screams and curses because her children are dead. So when you carry water for these subhumans I laugh and close the corners of my eyes a little, like a human would. I don't get mad, you are only showing you true colours. I listen patiently instead. The word Azov must empty the gun. All reptillian nazi scum must hang, and all those that would knowingly protect them from righteous judgement can keep them company. No fellow human being, a most noble creature, may suffer to live under fascist tyrany.


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Well leftypol anons always complained about antifa not being serious enough….


you aren't sending your best



You should fuck off to reddit. How the fuck can you unironically support nazis and Nato?
Wanna be against Russia? Acceptable but now you are exaggerating with the contrarianism


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The USA really wants WWIII


Fuck off nato shill


stop ban evading


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recall Iraq government formally voted to expel US forces from the country after the Soleimani assassination. US just said fuck you and still there


nice, should be added to every OP


Hoo boy that's some goalpost shifting.


If I support Belgium and don't want it to be raped by Germany in WW1, am I an anglo Entante shill?


I'm a retard, pls explain this to me. Does this mean Nato's gonna wage war against Russia? Is this actually WWIII?


boom got'em


Did you hear about Wagner group? Task Force Rusich? Sparta battalion? Islamist units integrated into Russian military? This nazi argument is really getting annoying, you are ignoring civilians being killed because there are some nazis on the "other side".


The only way to consistently march towards communism is to defend yourself through truth. Censorship is a reactionary lie.


Putin literally recreating Comintern to own the libs lol.


>Your images says there are not involved in any invasion.
of course it doesn't, you dolt. what's happening now is also not an "invasion", but a "special military operation" similar to "advisory and capacity-building mission" or "operations in Kosovo". read between the lines


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who tf is drawing porn of the russian side


No ignoring because there's Nato on the other side.
Also most civilians are being killed by Nato lapdogs.
Obviously some gonna get killed because it's a war. But Russians are being million times more moderate than anything Nato ever did since it bombed Serbia. Which you faggot probably supported too


The US can either continue into irreversible decline or gamble like the English and manoeuvre the world into a world war


I wanna fuck her

#Anti-fascism #AunTifa #Italy


> "Voldermort Putler"


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The U.S. was forged in the crucible of insurrection, has been at war for the past 93% of it's existence, purged the indigenous population, fought the Spanish invaders to steal the land that they stole from the natives, fought the French to steal the land they stole from the natives, then fought itself to consider humans worthy of not being enslaved.
Its never going to change. Our civilian populace owns over 50% of the entire planets guns.We have like 500 military bases around the world, 13 nuclear powered aircraft carrier fleets, we sell F-35's and Patriot missile systems to every Arab who owns an oil pump.

The U.S. has wanted this war for a long time now.


Yet more evidence the US hegemony must be destroyed.




Keep on the good work jannies.


Correction, there are only 11 aircraft carriers.


I'd guess rear echelon troops with gear that they weren't really intended to ever need

I think the hohols stepped the shelling up during the negotiations to goad Russia into invading


We need to do our part and report posts too.


Are you speaking of supporting Kiev or the Ukrainian people, because one is not like the another.


This is not a game retards people are dying


Does this count as porn to you? how prudish.


Poland will not be sending any jets to ukrainian airspace. NATO will not enter the conflict.


so? People are dying all over.


fuck me man
putin is memeing hard, especially when is himself a porky and oppresses other communists

like this confirms it that he was behind those 2016 meme shit on the internet


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Someone is going to die if you try and get off Mr. Bones Wild Ride


Statements are just statements, let's see what happens tomorrow and hope we are still all alive.


no ti's called having a better nut to game ratio
but like isn't it not some preview of porn?

like she's got massive jugs, i imagine that artist also has edits of her getting fucked

btw i would like to research that, y'know

war time information and effects on people during it because of social media

that's the title of my dissertation


That's true. Thanks for reminding me. Not to mention all their other placements which are basically defacto invasions. But the government even demands them gone but they can't do anything.


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Anyone who deprives the world of bussy shall not prevail.


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Do you feel better now anon?


You can't do anything to fight the Russian oligarchs in Russia, but you can resist imperialists at home. You want your country to be defeated, because it is those kinds of moments that help create the conditions for a revolution. The French Revolution and the Russian Revolution happened on the heels of a major military defeat of their own countries. As communists we should be against war between capitalist states, because workers suffer, but if war happens we need to seize the opportunity. This means spreading truth about NATO, resisting your country joining in the war, sabotaging efforts to send military aid to Ukraine, holding anti-war protests (not anti-Putin, pro-Ukraine ones), "NO WAR BUT CLASS WAR" is a good slogan for these times.


It would take literally 30 minutes to make it stop. Retards at Nato keep pushing. Putin had no choice


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Putin is a military trained combat pilot certified on multiple flight systems.
What is the over/under that he personally hops into the jet that delivers the DeZelenskefaction onto KeevTown?


Embedding error.
>The manlet Fuhrer started a conventional war in such a way as to be as similar as possible to Hitler in the eyes of the whole world.
Yupp. Putin does everything because of how you'll react to it Starbucks lib. The whole world and perhaps universe revolves around you.



> in the eyes of the whole world
White hands wrote this post. The Global South has no opinion or is even cheering on Russia.


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Ignorance of history does not absolve you of being a NATO shill.

Reminder this is entirely US/NATOs fault.
No amount of historical revisionism will change that.

Don't listen to hippy dippy "both sides bad" bullshit. NATO provoked war. Russia gave them 14 years of constant warnings and explicit red lines that should not be crossed, with explicit actions they would take if those red lined were crossed.

14 years of warnings
No, I don't support invasions, which is why NATO should have fucking took Russia's 14 years of constant warnings seriously. They should have taken Georgia seriously. They shouldn't have politicially invaded Ukraine by fueling a coup, helping the US/NATO-friendly fascist get installed in the government, trained the nazi battalions, and flooded the country with guns and military equipement.

NATO shills blaming this on Russia are ignorant, right wingers, insane, or a combination of those.

A western chauvinist agrees with me, so should you:

There is NO reason to be a NATO shill.

spoiler, the US did take Russia's redlines seriously, and knowingly provoked war. That was the end game. Ukraine was never going to join NATO. They understood perfectly what Russia communicated for 14+ years and used it as a guidelines to instigate this invasion.

Back in 2008, the year George W. Bush fatefully badgered reluctant European leaders into pledging future NATO membership to Ukraine, Burns sent a memo to then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice that included this warning:
Ukrainian entry into NATO is the brightest of all red lines for the Russian elite (not just Putin). In more than two and a half years of conversations with key Russian players, from knuckle-draggers in the dark recesses of the Kremlin to Putin’s sharpest liberal critics, I have yet to find anyone who views Ukraine in NATO as anything other than a direct challenge to Russian interests.

So it wasn't even 14 years, it was even more than that. The US has been purposefully pushing Russia into war well before 2008.


>I think the hohols stepped the shelling up during the negotiations to goad Russia into invading
That was my understanding as well. To be clear I don't think the invasion was a good idea and I don't think it was decided for egalitarian reasons either. Russia is doing better than I thought they would and I am hoping they "win" soon so that the conflict and suffering ends, NATO doesn't get much, and then let's see if we will have a massive program of denazification as promised and trials for neonazis, perhaps even exposing the west's involvement with them. Hopefully the Russian and Ukrainian communists can step up to the plate as well.


oh, some Agent Kochinskiite trolls have entered the chat


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it begins


DPR bois score more trophy weapons.


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There is no undifferentiables.
Only unconditionals.
Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed.


>Russia has no agency, just a wild goose reacting to NATO machinations


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>if you punch me I will punch you back
*punches him*
*gets punched*
>i fucking told you
<waaah no agency
Fucking retard.


Mf you said bombing belgrade prevented a genocide couple of threads ago. Fucking niger stand up your word if you got balls


>The Ghost of Moscow


As predicted
Also import substitution confirmed in Russia by Mishustin


<The Ghost of Leningrad


Anything on Ziellinsky being more than a puppet and into a full-on Nazi? The shit with Azov started with Poroschenko and it's something he obviously continued but it also looks like he's utterly subservient to the US who are probably more than willing to threaten his life.


пример на уровне детского сада

But in reality it's like someone punching themselves and saying you made them do it.


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This war is spilling over all boundaries and borders.
*slides you an RPG*
Hit the fucking museum now soldier!


Careful with this line friend, if you give the Ukranians more agency than NATO here it's the Ukranians who got into bed with actual literal Nazis not NATO which is obviously false right?


Zelinsky has a better chance of survival if he gets captured by the Russians than with fellow hohols.


Zelensky is Jewish and has relatives who died in the Holocaust. It's laughably doubtful that he's a full-on Nazi, however much his government's tried to use them to its own ends.


>New York
I'd hit bomb that shit for less honestly.


>Ukraine is part of Russia
>Russia invading Ukraine is punching itself
Is that really what you want to say?
It's a baby example because your complaint of not having agency is bullshit. I'm not in favor of invasion, but they warned for 14+ years and the US kept pushing. In Spanish we have a saying,
"Bajo aviso no hay engaño"
"When a notice is given, there is no treachery".


If this is the case, then why have Russia invade Ukraine at all? Wouldn't it be more beneficial to have the Russians engage in gunboat diplomacy and have the Ukraine recognise the DPR and LPR?

NATO advancing onto Russia is well within a cause for alarm, but Russia's invasion seems to have only emboldened NATO, with Finland asking to join.


i think he's obviously just a wanna-be lib, but the power balance is such that he had to bend to ukronazis and US hardline agenda


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Western leftist here. It is depressing to no end to be one here. People are brainwashed so deeply, that they have literal NPC reactions to the mere mention of the spooky scary term "socialism", let alone communism. Even (former) friends, teachers, professors, who I've considered fairly intelligent get this kind of reaction. All scientific principles, they may have adhered to through their education get thrown out the window, while making all kinds of logical fallacies in such conversations. It's like they are programmed. Whenever there is a crisis that is obviously a consequence of capitalism's crontradictions, we, our communist parties and organisations, are unable to even capitalise a little bit on them. People are much more willing to consider brainwormed conspiracy theories of some scapegoated minority supposedly causing all problems, as opposed to logically look at the actual root of the issues. Almost all Westerners are completely unable of even basic critical thinking. They may have higher education, skills and degrees, but they are consistently the most stupid people I've ever interacted with. Every poor minority person, working "low-skill" labour that never even heard of marxism, are much more class conscious, show solidarity, empathetic and generally nicer in comparison. Westerners only drift evermore into rabid reaction in comparison. When I researched socialist history over the last century, this seems like a consistent issue with Westerners, which has only gotten worse over time. The workers movement has been completely gone before I was even born, while the workers now don't show desire to even consider risisting capital, while things get materially ever worse. No, instead they worship people like Elon Musk, no matter how often he proves to be a grifter and a disgusting exploiter. They worship internet celebrities and still think they might become rich someday, no matter how clearly reality disproves any such prospects.

I can somewhat understand, when Western leftists here react the way they do. It's really hard to cope with this dystopian hellhole. They are still wrong in what they're doing of course. But even with me spite towards the (Western) ruling class is the biggest thing keeping me alive at this point.


*should clarify, this isn't a sort of "uhm ackshually ur wrong* I'm genuinely curious.


At this point I barely recognize reality and am starting to question my own sanity.

Flight of the Valkyries meets surface to air duck hunt.


Because German spastics were already gibbering about NS2 sanctions during the troop build up. I think RF just sees the writing on the wall and is getting ahead of it.


This will be the case until their/our way of life hits the floor hard. The average Russian wasn't a communist or socialist in 1910 nor in 1915 nor in 1917 for that matter, yet millions started to fight for socialism over night.


Not just you, the Chinese are surprised Russia actually invaded instead of using the threat of force to force concessions.


So what are the odds that Zelensky isn't on some ART OF THE DEAL shit and actually won't concede on the Crimea?

It would surprise me if he did that tbh bc that would be fucking psychotic but then again he also requested EU membership so who fucking knows at this point lmao


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No contradiction. You need to understand anon the people at the top are complete psychopaths with absolutely 0 standards or loyalty or spooks about race. Just look at all the Israeli co-operation with them


>On June 26, a group of 50 prominent foreign policy experts that included former senators, retired military officers, diplomats and academicians, sent an open letter to President Clinton outlining their opposition to NATO expansion. Stanley Resor, chairman of the Board of Directors of the Arms Control Association, spoke at the press conference announcing the letter, focusing on the arms control implications of expansion. Resor's remarks and the group's letter are printed below.

<We, the undersigned, believe that the current U.S.led effort to expand NATO, the focus of the recent Helsinki and Paris Summits, is a policy error of historic proportions. We believe that NATO expansion will decrease allied security and unsettle European stability

>also pic related


>Is that really what you want to say?
Why not? The justification for the war is exactly like this, and it's not without reason. You're Spanish so maybe you don't understand a lot of the history between Russia and Ukraine. This war certainly doesn't feel like punching evil NATO in the face to the Russian speaking soldiers shooting other Russian speaking soldiers. As for agency, how is it bullshit? What's the excuse for making a geopolitical blunder?


Before the invasion, there were 18 cease-fire agreement breaches all along the LPR/DPR borders. After LPR and DPR declared independence, Ukraine military ramped up shelling of civilian cities, hitting schools, killing children and teachers.
This guy has been on the ground from the start, and you can see videos of damage (and dead civilians) from Ukrainian shelling.


Seems like Generals are generally more against this war than journalists. I think they know Nato fucked up


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>Big Breaking Now

>Russia is temporarily banning western companies from exiting Russian investments, PM Mikhail Mishustin says.

I am sorry my friend but you are here to stay.


One of the theories on Chinese internet is that there were some nuclear threats made against Russia. Apparently the US military secretly moved tactical nuclear weapons into the Ukraine without presidential approval but withdrew them promptly after Biden found out.



Russia should nationalise all Western companies on their soil.


This is seizure of foreign assets. Very good, now start seizing private property of all the billionaires who oppose the war.


In for a penny, in for a pound….Ruble…Yen…petrol Bitcoin


>Very good, now start seizing private property of all the billionaires who oppose the war.
Hugo Junkers moment


Why the fuck would the us military do that? If i was a rational US president i would chop the motherfuckers head off as soon as i'd found out


Why would the kwantung army stage a false flag to manufacture an excuse to invade China?


And the missile defense complex in Poland is supposed to come online later this year: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_missile_defense_complex_in_Poland


Between this and rona this really is the end of globalism as we have known it these past three decades


I agree with you. I also find the invasion surprising and I don't understand the full extent of the reasoning.

And I know you don't mean it as a rebuttal, not taking it as such, I just want to reiterate how this is US/NATOs doing, and were well aware of what this could lead to, which they successfully managed to accomplish, which is a Russian invasion of Ukraine.
>This war certainly doesn't feel like punching evil NATO in the face to the Russian speaking soldiers shooting other Russian speaking soldiers.
It wasn't Russian soldiers that decided to invade Ukraine. I'm not morally justifying invasion. I am appalled and deeply saddened by it. I am latin american and I try to contextualize this conflict as a deadly war between fraternal countries, like those in LATAM. I find it absolutely harrowing, and extremely tragic. My country has been at war with itself for many years. A single death of a family member is a serious tragedy. Growing up with daily deaths being reported on the news is extremely tragic. I understand this.

I am not pro-invasion, I invite you to read my posts with this in mind.


Block Wars in Kherson


Huh, the more you know.


>Reminder this is entirely US/NATOs fault.
It isn't though, is it. This is a sleight of hand to remove agency from Russia, turning "Russia made the most reasonable choice available to them under the circumstances" into "Russia had no choice." so as to bolster the anti-NATO argument by presenting NATO as the only ones who could've avoided the present situation, even though it's remarkably obvious that Russia had as much if not greater capacity to do so. (This is true even if you believe it would've imposed unacceptably high costs on Russia, making it an 'unrealistic' option.)

Equally, we might say that Ukraine could've minimized invasion by surrendering before most troops had crossed the border. My aim here is not so much to argue for a side, which I don't care about, as it is to push a certain way of thinking about agency. Or perhaps to get people thinking about agency at all - NATO, Russia, Ukraine, all could've stopped the invasion at the expense of some interest or other - but nobody in these threads could've stopped it, or started it for that matter. They are the people without agency, and seeking identity in a foreign conflict, they often find themselves anthropomorphizing their chosen side, stripping it of agency so as to better reflect themselves.
which isn't a personal accusation, i just thought that sounded cool.


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So basically Ukraine won the war of optics, huh?


>2/17 down


>It wasn't Russian soldiers that decided to invade Ukraine.
Damn you're dense. I know it wasn't Russian soldiers. But you seem to think the order was given by the Pentagon? If only the Russian army had a chain of command that we could trace to find out who is really giving the orders…


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>that one chopper 2 feet above the water


So basically they waved the bait and Putin bit it.
I don't know whether to be impressed by NATO's bond level of villainy, or further infuriated by Putin's trigger discipline.


Finally for fucks sake. I know my globohomo is /pol/ shit but globoamericano is real shit and i was tired of it.


>These people just walking around the street.


Based post
Clear out all the faggot "both sides" trot rats


This seems rather berserk. Is seizing foreign capital based? Yes. But is it a fucking retard move? Yes. I highly doubt anyone outside of maybe China will do any sort of business with Russia again if this is real.


>It worked.
I wonder if the autotargeting on those rockets will try going for the higher ones first when they have multiple possible targets.


saboteurs obv be sus


>This seems rather berserk. Is seizing foreign capital based? Yes. But is it a fucking retard move? Yes. I highly doubt anyone outside of maybe China will do any sort of business with Russia again if this is real.
Damn, how do we get you into Putin's cabinet? You could really turn that country around.


>Reminder this is entirely US/NATOs fault.
This is the fault of capitalism. US/NATO are one of its agents.


I totally agree with your anti-imperialist point!


Arty of some type hitting residential apartment blocks in Kherson


wow thank you for your insightful critical analysis


based, fuck voldemeort putler


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>Для дальнейшей демилитаризации украинцы передали нам британские гранатометы NLAW и автоматы "Малюк"

<For further demilitarization, the Ukrainians handed over to us British NLAW grenade launchers and Malyuk assault rifles.


Based beyond belief - neither Putinoids and NATO shills will never be relevant in left wing politics.


I'm getting the impression they waved the bait at the bear and the bear bit their arm clean off along with the bait to make it clear to them that this was unwelcome behaviour


As ASBMilitary put it; Russia was never going to be able to compete. The western anti-Russia hysteria has been going on for years and they control all major global social media
I am surprised they banned RT and Sputnik, it shows how afraid they are of alternative narratives

Western liberalism is weak and just like the Russian bourgeoisie they have no solution to the global crises in the world other than brutal resource wars and imperialism (The "green" politics of westoids would mean stealing all of the worlds supply for several critical resources for themselves)


In the short term, yes. In the long term I highly doubt it.


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Ukrainian army is surely psychopathic


>Great man theory
Okay lib


>i psychically know who was firing shells and why


Shut the fuck up about agency.
What NATO did amounts to a declaration of war to Russia, and Russia gave them 14+ years to retract. Instead, they doubled down.
Russia fucking said:

Fuck off about agency.

Here it goes again:
Rusia said, 14+ years ago, "do this and it's war"
NATO has been doing it since then. And when Russia complains, they call them a rogue state and mad dogs, then they double down and do more of it.

How do you NATO shills incorporate this into your belief system?


it's pretty obvious that it's Ukraine, Russia is there to demilitarize Ukraine, they'd hardly achieve that by sending in artillery, a type of military unit.


Search this thread, everybody will tell you that this is Ukrainian army killing civilians, Russians clearly stated that they only want to destroy military infrastructure.


They promised as far back as 1991 they wouldn't do this




You have to look back to Euromaidan, that's when this war started. It is US/NATO's fault.

So far, yes, but that's all they have. The entire damn West is pretending Ukraine is a hapless victim of a foreign despot, but the longer this goes on, the less this is tenable. I don't want to jinx it, but I think America stepped in it. We might soon see the point when world opinion turns on America in a manner analogous to how America's opinion on cops turned in 2020.


>by presenting NATO as the only ones who could've avoided the present situation, even though it's remarkably obvious that Russia had as much if not greater capacity to do so
<Why didn't Russia just remove NATO bases and equipment from EU countries?
socdem asking the real questions


NATO defenders excuse breaking promises with "IT WAS NEVER WRITTEN DOWN", which just means the dishonorable NATO westoids are never to be trusted.


The only great man theory is the man uploading these fucking dank ass combat footage to farm (you)'s

Russian soldiers mounted upon an APC fire warning shots at fearless civilians who then proceed to …apparently…curse one another out verbally….


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<Russia has more restrictive rules on private sector than China rn

How the tables have turned


>Every poor minority person, working "low-skill" labour that never even heard of marxism, are much more class conscious, show solidarity, empathetic and generally nicer in comparison.
Ok so are they not westerners? Are you talking about only the middle class and upper class or what?


At this point this could be fucking gang members. Is it azov regiment? Very likely. But this has clearly fallen far beyond some clean cut force-on-force.


Interesting isn't it
The west has unprecedented capability in English speaking internet
Social media is quite literally the framework of intelligence services yet they still had to ban RT and Sputnik


Wait till you learn that Kaisers Germany was an in-kind planned economy during WW1


Idiot. When way of life hits the floor, fascism rises. The only way socialism happens here is through technological advancement and reform.


zero engagement with the actual content of the post, immediate jumping to conclusions based on shibboleths. an object-example of internet brainworms.

alas, you do not have the agency to prevent me from talking about agency, while i have the agency to follow through or not follow through on my threat to continue posting. (i will probably follow through, but might get bored.)

That may be true, but fault finding is not particularly interesting when a war is going on. Much more fun to try to teach abstract personal lessons.

Unsatisfied with the content of my post, i see you have decided to substitute words that aren't in it, which you'd like to be in it.

Particularly when the implication of the words that are actually in it suggests a more "unreasonable" question:
<Why didn't Russia just surrender?
Which is of course, the wrong question, because the actual emphasis would be on
<Russia had the choice to surrender
Leading neatly into the final conclusion:
<Russia had the choice to fight or to surrender, (you) have no choice either way, and seek to feel closer to Russia by projecting your own lack of choices onto it.


It seems Russia is moving its PR chips on war against nazis. The foreign ministry openly called the Kyiv government nazi.


>We call on the peoples of the countries whose governments are involved in the developments, especially through NATO and the EU but also Russia, to struggle against the propaganda of the bourgeois forces that lure the people to the meat grinder of imperialist war using various spurious pretexts. To demand the closure of military bases, the return home of troops from missions abroad, to strengthen the struggle for the disengagement of the countries from imperialist plans and alliances such as NATO and the EU.
You will get called a Putinoid shill if you advocate for your country to get out of NATO or for the EU to demilitarise. If you haven't seen the writing on the wall by now, I don't know what to tell you. Being against both NATO and Putin is seen in the West as being pro-Putin. NATO/EU/West and their lapdog media have assumed the stance of "you're either with us, or you're against us". Look how long it took for European media to start reporting on the Indians and Africans beaten by the border, but the world already handed out medals and created memorial days for the people "who died on Snake Island".
>Marx flag
>complete disregard for material reality
>clinging to idealist notions
take it off, poser.

"You can't be neutral on a moving train." - Howard Zinn


>That may be true, but fault finding is not particularly interesting when a war is going on. Much more fun to try to teach abstract personal lessons.
Well it is our duty to educate away the disinfo Porky teaches people.


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Its insane how opposed to demilitarization people are in the west
They don't realize they are going to be paying for this proxy war and that hundreds of thousands of ukrainians will die
>but mordor will win
As if that would be worse than prolonging this for months or years


I read your post now. I see what you mean.
I'm fighting a holy war against NATO shills on leftypol while I'm at work. Your post started with a common NATO shill point, but then it was rescued.
My apologies.

Nuance is dead. It's impossible to have nuances when nuances are used against you.


Russia is not imperialist


I see the Cocacola machine hiding just to the left of the sign lol



EDIT: thanks for the platinum gold kind stranger sir, but please use that money to donate to the brave men of the Azov battalion who are fighting for civilisation


>presenting NATO as the only ones who could've avoided the present situation
The Ukrainians voted for Zelensky as he positioned himself as for peace and detente with Russia
When he got in he did a full 180

The US state department runs the Ukrainian government so if he 180'd he did so with complicity of United States.

The fault of this war is the US and the EU and anything else is historical revisionism



Godt damn


And the first thing to do about that is to teach them how wars are started for economic reasons and how everyone involved has interests.


>i see you have decided to substitute words that aren't in it, which you'd like to be in it.
then enlighten us, oh great tactician and master of geopolitics, how could have Russia prevented this situation?


>The Ukrainians voted for Zelensky as he positioned himself as for peace and detente with Russia
>When he got in he did a full 180
could you point out a few examples?


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is this the sell signal??
Ethereum is a russian crypto


NATO shill, do your own research


The problem with you is that you're not concerned with the interests of Russia in this, so in your mind, this is just a disaster caused by NATO expansion. You are not thinking on the level of "NATO is a geopolitical foe that we must most effectively counter, how do we do this?" and that's my direct concern. So when I talk about agency, I mean who really has responsibility for the strategic decisions, so that in the case of a major fuckup that significantly tips the scales into NATO's favor, we know who fucked up.


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and they watch Netflix! When is Biden going to start handing out citizenships?


>shill for asking a question so that you can repeat a point to other people
stop being a retard


You're calling me an idealist and not grounded in material reality because of not basing my politics on how liberals see me?
You're telling me to take off my Marx flag when I'm supporting the joint statement of the most relevant communist parties in the world, with the only exception of the CCP?
Again and again this "you can't be neutral" bullshit - are you aware of any actual communists position on WWI was?

You have no arguements, no cohenrent position, no positive vision, only vitriol and bargaining with butchers. It is no surprise that you are a bloodthirsty warmonger, celebrating the slaughter of the masses.
A communist makes concesssions, but never on their principles.


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Russian BTR laying down some hate


Putin should have uncritical support for making faggots like that soyfacing as hard as this


Fascism rises, except when it doesnt (Russia, Yugoslavia, China etc)


Yes. There was a letter sent by Russia with point-blank requests concerning demoralization in December, way before the "military exercises". NATO replied with empty platitudes, as well as moralizing about how Russia is being irrational and "trust us, bro". And yet NATO refused to the Russian offer to have it openly published in the press either. Then we got more talk in the press and from officials how the oriental despot bully Russia is refusing to let poor little democratic Ukraine decide to join a "defensive alliance".


>when I'm supporting the joint statement of the most relevant communist parties in the world, with the only exception of the CCP?
>most relevant communist parties in the world,
You mean the ones KKE funds are the most relevant in the world? What a strange criterion.


demilitarization lol


I thought Ukrainians were going to meet their liberators with flowers…


Fuck is that supposed to mean? Putin ain't invading he's not a retard


<Things that make rate of profit less bad because bad person did



What did kke do to you man?


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Nah nothing. There's no military in Europe.


You can feel the smug pedantic aura from here.
Have sex.


<May 20: Volodymyr Zelensky triumphs over Poroshenko to become the new president of Ukraine. Zelensky is an actor and comedian who campaigned against corruption and for a détente with Moscow. He spent much of his career in Russia and also speaks Russian
He then held talks with Russia to implement the Minsk accords signed in 2015 (minsk2)
They were never implemented
A year into his presidency he
<June 12, 2020: NATO grants Ukraine “enhanced opportunities” allowing cooperation between NATO forces and Kyiv’s army. NATO says this “does not presuppose decisions on NATO membership”. But Zelensky is pushing for the alliance to propose a membership plan.
This is all natos fault. The Ukrainians did not vote for a president to pursue such a hostile position to Russia.
Any "both sidsing" is historical revisionism


Absolutely nothing. I have no hate for the KKE. Just using it as a criterion to determine "the most relevant communist organizations around the world" is nothing short of hilarious.


lmao based


And just to get this straight:
>You will get called a Putinoid shill if you advocate for your country to get out of NATO or for the EU to demilitarise. If you haven't seen the writing on the wall by now, I don't know what to tell you. Being against both NATO and Putin is seen in the West as being pro-Putin. NATO/EU/West and their lapdog media have assumed the stance of "you're either with us, or you're against us".

I don't care how liberals see me; I care about having the correct, nuance political position. Something you obviously do not - in fact, you have the exact same position as the Republican party: "trigger the libs".

I'm not even going to argue with you further because you have admitted to not caring about the truth or the correct position, but only about how you are percieved.


This is what makes me uncritically support Putin.


Time for some Spanish prisoner lads. We can get rich$$$$


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where are the Texan foreign volunteers?




The statement by "all the relevant communist organizations in the entire world" was the incorrect position. It's been explained. What do you disagree with?


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White people are so confident they know everything they never bother to reach anything before they speak.


No problem

Not invading Ukraine.
<but that would lead to [negative consequence for Russia]
Yes, that may well be correct. It probably would have. So Russia chose the present situation over the alternative, less desirable situation. It is not necessary to demonstrate that they chose wrongly - only that they chose. The point to be made is that unlike posters here, Russia can choose.

so what you're saying is that I project powerful auras while you project virginity.



LIVE: Extraordinary plenary session on the Russian invasion of Ukraine

European Parliament is debating live about allowing Ukraine into NATO


<Crimea not available
Netflix fears the Crimeachads


"The KKE funds"? Just like your liberal counterparts, the only thing you can arm yourself with against the only relevant communist parties in the capitalist world is mud.
Thank you for exposing yourself as an anticommunist.


Cytube time?


<KKE funding
How far gone are you to believe KKE has even a fraction of the money required to do that?



I have not slept, I think I will end up staying up over 30 hours I cant go to sleep now might as well go to the feed fam


>Chairman of Rada presenting this as battle between civilization and Russia
Nazi shit lol


>that hairline


Ofcourse you misquote me in bad faith and say that what I'm saying is incorrect, "has been explained" without offering any proof of such; I'm not going to argue with you, because you are plain and simple anticommunist agitators.


Brings tears to me eyes.
/pol/ and /leftypol/ finally united in support of Russia


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I think most of us were on the same side for Russiagate.


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who the hell watches Netflix here?


> The only way socialism happens here is through technological advancement and reform.
Fuck off positivist


>I'm supporting the joint statement of the most relevant communist parties in the world
<no CCP
<no Cuba CP
<no Venezuela CP
<no Iran CP
<no Guatemala CP
Yes, I see your joint statement signed by communist parties of countries like Latvia, Austria, Sweden, Denmark…Those parties don't represent their people, they're just social clubs for old people.
>Again and again this "you can't be neutral" bullshit
Has the world memoty been wiped in the last week? Did you forget what US/NATO/EU have been doing for the past 70 years?! JESUS FUCKING CHRIST YOU AMERICANS AND YOUR 24 HOUR NEWS CYCLE MEMORY.
>are you aware of any actual communists position on WWI was?
<Russia-Ukraine war is like WWI
>You have no arguements
Unlike your appeal to authority argument? "These parties said so, therefore it is right" Nice argument, Marks.
>no cohenrent position
Unlike you, one minute anti-imperialist, next "Putin bad, save us NATO, also do more to get rid of NATO from your countries, but not before Russia stops attacking, I hate NATO, but I hate Russia, NATO out, but NATO should win". very coherent
>no positive vision
Positive like "opposition to Russia" you mean?
>celebrating the slaughter of the masses.
What do you think of Ukraine shelling and killing civilians in Donbas?


>You seem to implicitly support the US/EU/NATO invasion of Ukraine simply because it wasn't as bloody. Despite the fact that it put fascists in power and implemented deadly ethno-nationalist policies. I guess thats fine because Our Troops were kept safe. Velvet invasion
Even this point simps for nato position
The Ukro-nazis have killed upward of 14,000 of their own people since 2014
DPR and LPR was shelled and bombed the entire time


Crashing this plane with no survivors


He is probably paid by the CIA, don't listen


What a non answer lmao.
I'm the liberal because I don't believe any party the KKE funds is the most relevant in the whole wide world? Ok, I'll stay a liberal.

Check the responses to these:
This is only ITT.
That statement has been posted several times.


paraphrased translation
UKR: why? why? why?
RUS: citizens, please clear your streets, clear the streets, go to your homes
UKR: these are our streets! our streets! our city!
RUS: your streets, your city.
UKR: our streets! our city!


>check the responses
<it's more anti communist agitation


>Its about "freedom"
EUoids are delusional


So letting people get close to the vehicles and possibly injure themselves is le bad, but shooting warning shots and yelling at people to stay away is le bad too. Make up your mind.


Ukraine shut off the Netflix canal


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There are weeks when two weeks never happen
And there are two weeks where ITS FUCKING HAPPENING

I think they are going to vote them in! Holy shit! The fucking madmen!
Holy shit!

France is calling it Geopolitical Terrorism!
Everyone wearing Ukraine flags….holy shit!



>communism is when you do The Communist Actions and Principled Theory Driven Death Sentence.
>communism is when you do whatever maintains the status quo
>communism is when you lose
>communism is when you are weak
>communism means morally posturing about anything "An Oppressor(tm)" does.
>communism is when you write mean letters denouncing "all sides"
Western leftism everyone.


>So Russia chose the present situation over the alternative, less desirable situation. It is not necessary to demonstrate that they chose wrongly - only that they chose. The point to be made is that unlike posters here, Russia can choose.
>I light your apartment on fire
>You jump out and kill yourself
<"Not my fault, your honour, he CHOSE to jump out. He made a choice over the alternative, less desirable situation, and not all blame can be put on me."


Have you ever shot a gun, 12.7mm or autocannon? Shit will rupture your eardrums and fuck up your hearing for life. It's way more humane to apply the butt of your rifle to their face


If one was naive that would be odd since NATO and the EU are seperate entities and if the European parliament should be discussing anything it should be the immediate ascension of Ukraine to the EU


It's about ascension to EU not NATO


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you're a Russian warlord and you just opened your new home in the afterlife


Да блядь, не этого мы хотели, когда за признание выступали




point is that Russians aren't denying that those cities and streets belong to the people of Ukraine. it further shows Russian army has no interest in killing civilians, they could have blown all of those people away. and it further corroborates what Russia says, that they aren't there to destroy cities or kill the people, just remove the Ukrainian leadership.


And you would not be complaining about the savagery of russian soldiers that are beating babooshkas with their rifles?
Candidateship at that. Turkey and Bosnia have been one for two decades. Dunno if the EU is retarded to fast track this but they seem to be hellbent on nuking their own economy



>remove the Ukrainian leadership.
Not even that
>Neutrality of Ukraine
>Recognizing DNR and LNR




>the savagery of russian soldiers that are beating babooshkas with their rifles
when I see the videos I will condemn the soldiers responsible in the strongest terms!


Very good


what did i just hear about a missile in kharkov

officially russia said they are protecting donbass

so now what are they saying? they are fighting the ukrainains why?


Soviets pointing out how fucking stupid and illiterate the Americans are reminds me of that classic twitter post


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I'm watching the livestream with you friend


So just concern trolling whatever happens. Any condemnation towards the retards armed by Zelensky for the shooting of "saboteur" parents, kids and dogs?


Really? what happened afterwards?
Is that why the bourgeise of germany helped hitler and fascism happened




That's so wild lol
How do they stop them


What are you talking about


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>England no longer in EU
>Still do everything in English


what is the second meme relevant to your post
i don't want to read pls


Someone switch cytube to this:


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I am an AmericanX


>13 femboys after you die.
Allah never said the sex of the virgins silly Cuckservatists
He also never said where he gets the femboys, but that is a surprise for them in another time.


I don't live in an apartment


Total Nato hegemony does not help in our endeavors.
Also China conducting cuck foreign policy doesn't but that's a completely unreleted discussion now.



War mongerers given a podium.
To be fair, some of the people here would agree with the demands made by the guy on right now (grilled pilled schizo and the latam Ruski among others). After all "russia bad".


<NATO isn't invading
Yemen Colombia and half of Sahel disagree.



You support Russia because you think they're some sort of "based trad-orthodox duginist regime". We CRITICALLY support Russia because it fucked with NATO hegemony (though it's arguably made it worse).

We are not the same. We will never be your allies, and you will never be welcome here so long as you still consider yourself a member of /pol/.

>But i cross post.

It's either one or the other.




So they entered the city for real?
From which side?
Also is the encirclement complete?


also Syria and Iraq still. Was that all? I was like I forgot one.
Well whatever france does these days.


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Polish PM Duda says that Poland will NOT be sending planes. From an hour ago:


This guys retarded. Communists are never "transcending the nation state" until such point borders begin to break down in a world communist order
Lenin BTFO'd this fag, trot shit 100 years ago
<Uneven economic and political development is an absolute law of capitalism. Hence, the victory of socialism is possible first in several or even in one capitalist country alone. After expropriating the capitalists and organising their own socialist production, the victorious proletariat of that country will arise against the rest of the world—the capitalist world—attracting to its cause the oppressed classes of other countries, stirring uprisings in those countries against the capitalists, and in case of need using even armed force against the exploiting classes and their states. The political form of a society wherein the proletariat is victorious in overthrowing the bourgeoisie will be a democratic republic, which will more and more concentrate the forces of the proletariat of a given nation or nations, in the struggle against states that have not yet gone over to socialism. The abolition of classes is impossible without a dictatorship of the oppressed class, of the proletariat. A free union of nations in socialism is impossible without a more or less prolonged and stubborn struggle of the socialist republics against the backward states.

<It is for these reasons and after repeated discussions at the conference of R,S.D.L.P. groups abroad, and following that conference, that the Central Organ’s editors have come to the conclusion that the slogan for a United States of Europe is an erroneous one.


>Russia and China provide alternatives. Even Iran offers an alternative. Ultimately, most of the western left has committed to a position against western liberal capitalism, but in the absence of socialism they're willing to support Russian Nationalism, Chinese Nationalism, Islamist Expansionism, and even Baathism. It's incredibly sad.

Engels Lenin and Stalin supported Irish nationalism, Indian nationalism and Chinese nationalism.
<The revolutionary character of a national movement under the conditions of imperialist oppression does not necessarily presuppose the existence of proletarian elements in the movement, the existence of a revolutionary or a republican programme of the movement, the existence of a democratic basis of the movement. The struggle that the Emir of Afghanistan is waging for the independence of Afghanistan is objectively a revolutionary struggle, despite the monarchist views of the Emir and his associates, for it weakens, disintegrates and undermines imperialism; whereas the struggle waged by such "desperate" democrats and "Socialists," "revolutionaries" and republicans as, for example, Kerensky and Tsereteli, Renaudel and Scheidemann, Chernov and Dan, Henderson and Clynes, during the imperialist war was a reactionary struggle, for its results was the embellishment, the strengthening, the victory, of imperialism. For the same reasons, the struggle that the Egyptians merchants and bourgeois intellectuals are waging for the independence of Egypt is objectively a revolutionary struggle, despite the bourgeois origin and bourgeois title of the leaders of Egyptian national movement, despite the fact that they are opposed to socialism; whereas the struggle that the British "Labour" Government is waging to preserve Egypt's dependent position is for the same reason a reactionary struggle, despite the proletarian origin and the proletarian title of the members of the government, despite the fact that they are "for" socialism. There is no need to mention the national movement in other, larger, colonial and dependent countries, such as India and China, every step of which along the road to liberation, even if it runs counter to the demands of formal democracy, is a steam-hammer blow at imperialism, i.e., is undoubtedly a revolutionary step.
the reason MLs "support" these countries is because we take a viewpoint on the general balance sheet against imperialism.
Ie. an analysis of their historic movement and their effect of global imperialism.
And not from a static snapshot of some "formal point of progress" which you and libs generally do (oh we must be more progressive! we allow faggots and trans!)


>We might soon see the point when world opinion turns on America in a manner analogous to how America's opinion on cops turned in 2020.

I get the feeling it pretty much has outside of the West. I look at a lot of Spanish language content in YT and there tend to be a LOT less bootlickers and simps for the USA than in Anglophone/Anglophile countries, and it's fairly common to see people referring to US crimes far more casually (i.e, it's like socdems spouting shit about CIA blacksites and interventions as opposed to how only "deranged tankies" talk about that in the USA)


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>absence of socialism they're willing to support Russian Nationalism, Chinese Nationalism, Islamist Expansionism, and even Baathism.
One of these things is not like the others
One of these things does not belong


Hope this will strengthen socialist forces in Russia.


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>>542490 (me)
President Duda, rather.


It seems there's some movement in Kherson.
If the city falls for good the door to Odessa is open.


for 70 years the left tries to fight for some abstract "democratic socialism but with the NATO as friend" and the results are: none, zero, null, niente. Dont forget how Bernie (and he was just a moderate socdem) was treated just a few years ago. Now were told that we should forget all this and maybe maybe we get some scraps if were just sorry enough. No - fuck you.

You are not wrong in the start of your idea that indeed we look onto new shores. People who dont may hold onto the warm memories of '68 for another centuriy. Not cause any power was gained but just cause it felt so free that one year. I am done with this cucking.


>Local source tells me that Kharkov is effectively being governed by the National Corps right now - the political party that grew out of the Azov Battalion. Much talk about them & ("Freikorps" militia) in both pro-Russian & pro-Ukrainian local telegram channels.
bruh at this point even if i was a ukrop i would view russians as liberators




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She is a rabid dog


Did Ukraine just get accepted into the EU?


BREAKING: Lavrov: Well we are not really like centralized, we are just anti-fascist, so like, you don't join antifa, like you are antifa. Plus like if you're not antifa I guess you're kinda fa right


Cuba is based as usual?


Dengoids will defend this


acceptance is not approval but yeah this si unexpected. Europe does seem to have a bigger deathwish than the US has


>socdemflag is a rich kid from the suburbs
surprising literally noone


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thank you, duda, i won't get conscripted to die in Ukraine now


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That people do not do it because they fail to see socialism but because they think socialism is the romantic nationalism of the *foreign other*. These people are petit bourgeois and so alienated from their societies that they feel spite and resent and wish for the nationalism of a foreign power to punish their national proletarian for not living to their standards. Those people have their brains wired like conservatives and just lack nationalism, look at china simps, they only care about how rich china is and how much china is winning in pointless statistics against america but give zero fucks about worker's rights or economic planning.
Being anti west is not leftism and we are not saying this loud enough.


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Socdem turned full on lib, lol


I for one welcome our new Chinese overlords
They're so much more mature that the previous overlords those ones acted like spoilt children


guess again, applying my penchant for pedantry.


>we allow faggots and trans!
And what's so bad about that?


You see a Nazi hole… nuke em


t. Z-Anon


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Kek. Stop wearing your hat indoors.


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This pic was posted a while back lol


most chinese simps praise chinas economic planning

the fuck are u talking about?


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Extraordinary Plenary Session on the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, European Parliament


I'd like it if my industry union was in charge of enforcing workplace laws like it is in China tbqh fam


>Allow pro-NATO posting pls

Fuck off glowie


They are starting to. Civilians hiding in basements see nazis blocking civilians from leaving to keep them as living shields


you have literally all of the internet for that


Never seen that shit.
Okay that's a good thing.


bruh go to china simps and tell them what do you think of chinas economic planning

alot of them from my expirence say, china plans for the future, and rationally develops the economy, and thus unlike western divided pigs, china has a future


>Ze Russian human wave


funny that all the countries being strangled by western sanctions (and helped to survive by russia) have a bit different view of who the bad guy really is


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It really is this. None of them care about the dozens of imperialist ventures going on all over the world right now


sounds like reactionary idpol drivel tbh, states will always use identities to pursue war, see the current war against nazis who crucify russians (fake and made up)


>Slovakia🇸🇰: 3 years in jail for those who support Russia.

>Czech Republic 🇨🇿: 25 years in prison for those who support Russia.


Honey wake up new EU censorship to protect freedom in Ukraine dropped


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So the Italian guys talking right now is saying he wants to start fracking Europe so they don't need Russian gas. Made me look up about oil reserves. I wonder how many they haven't found yet in Europe.


>Being anti west is not leftism and we are not saying this loud enough.
It is a crucial element of the left, if you don't live in the west however. Like it or not, communist + anti-west patriotic rhetoric works best in my country. Otherwise people buy into right-wing attacks that I'm promoting "western cultural marxism". People intuitively understand that the West is squeezing our balls because that's what they experience. That doesn't mean cheap nationalist chauvinism of course, which is actually used as a smoke screen for further cucking.

On the other hand western anti-westerners are also a pain in the ass, because in certain cases they'd rather promote our ruling class than the protesters against them. But these larpers have no effect anyway, so I don't care as much.


I love democracy and free speech!


UXO inside of an apartment complex in Kharkov from a few minutes ago.


confirmed Russian? my biggest fear during this was that the Neo-Nazis were gonna start shelling their own cities and blaming the Russians.


Literally all those are non-west countries. Westerners have a brain disease that does not allow them to accept communism so it will not happen except through reform.


Jasbir Puar makes a convincing argument in the book I posted
If you overlay a map of Nato (and Natos "partner" countries) over a map of LGBT rights map it's the same thing


>The sexual revolution that took place in the West was a result of the onset of mass consumer culture that tore familial bonds apart
Consumer culture did not tear families apart you reactionary fuck. Proletarization and unability to sustain single-earner households did that.


Yes, quite. And North Koreans push trains when they stop due to power outages.



Russia now warned Kyiv citizens to escape the vicinity of radio and television towers


>If you overlay a map of Nato (and Natos "partner" countries) over a map of LGBT rights map it's the same thing
No shit. USSR was one of the first countries to decriminalise homosexuality. First sex reassignment surgery was performed in Latvia, in the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union actually had several cases where they allowed someone to live as the opposite gender (with their official documentation confirming it). Women in Soviet countries were in science, leadership, army.

Yet this liberal LGBT is another beast entirely. It is not about recognition of gay people, or trans people, it is about marketing your ideology to as many people as you can. It's classic marketing and advertising. You create a need/want (people want these "progressive" rights) and then you sell them a way to do it (we have to invade XYZ because they're against "progressive" rights), thus finding popular support for Western/NATO wars of aggression.


Will never be me

Communism is inevitable
Sooner or later

By choice or extinction

The masses can do it!
All we have to do is educate and train them


Apparently Russian MoD will start targeting disinfo HQs in Kiev, and urged Ukrainians to move away from those locations



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My biggest fear is that the neo-Nazis have constructed a dirty bomb out of radioactive material lying around Ukraine or with assistance from within the military.


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There was reportedly an explosion at Russia’s Taganrog Airbase in Rostov, possibly from a Ukrainian Tochka-U tactical ballistic missile. An Il-76 transport aircraft appears to be on fire.

This is a military combat airfield, and there are civilians creeping around the AO with cellphones, there is no security forces posted, no patrols, absolutely crazy.
This civvy is literally just walking on to the edge of a captured occupied airfield and filming.
I literally do not understand.


>This civvy is literally just walking on to the edge of a captured occupied airfield and filming.
Rostov is in Russia


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It seems Crimea land Bridge is complete after 5 days of fighting.
Crimea and Donetsk are linked.
This also confirms Mariupol encirclement is done.


Sorry for bringing up retards, but I thought this was interesting

/pol/ is going pro-Russian, pro-china pretty fucking hard, merely because they all have lost faith in the western world. This shows that /pol/ are nothing but contrarian adolescents lashing out at capitalism, but since they want to be edgy and rebellious rather than productive they larp as Nazis. /pol/ is cheering the end of the petrodollar. For the first time in a LONG time, I saw someone start a thread redpilling people on the kulacks and it didn't get spammed to oblivion with stormcucks. Rather an actual discussion happened. I have no idea how long this will last, but I think it demonstrates the autism score alignment graph really well. Low autism score /pol/ and High autism score /leftypol/ going against American global hegemony, while normies support it.

BRICS along with Russia quitting the dollar is already ending American global hegemony, as soon as the Russians take Kiev in the next 24-48 hours, normies are going to go back to their lives and realize that gas, wheat and other things will be expensive. This is why the west needs this war, as soon as the Russians win, the normies will realize what they have lost, and the whole thing will start to fall.


> Russia’s federal censor has denounced decisions by Google and TikTok to block channels registered in Europe to the Russian state-run media outlets Russia Today and Sputnik. In its statement, however, Roskomnadzor stopped short of threatening to retaliate by blocking YouTube or TikTok in Russia.
Why TikTok? Isn't it Chinese?




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>This also confirms Mariupol encirclement is done.


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Times change


TikTok is registered in California iirc.


you're absolutely right, this is why le both side bad retards are… retards, history's back and no amount of fukuyamist cope will stop it


Hey Sandinista flag, didn't you say Kiev would have fallen "by tomorrow" 4 days ago? lmao


>both side
Both sides are not bad, there is the good side of the proletariat and the bad side of the bourgeois (Russia/NATO)


Leave to nazis to not care about the wellbeing of their country or to defend western civilization.
If in a year /pol/ becomes radlib central I will cringe so hard.


>If you overlay a map of Nato (and Natos "partner" countries) over a map of LGBT rights map it's the same thing
This is the thing that draws me to become liberal, but I resist. I just want to live in peace and love the ones I want to love, "anti-imperialist" countries are doing a completely different thing.


I literally made opinion polls on it multiple times asking what anons thought about it, without never stating explicitly my opinion.


>Beijing says China and Russia Are Not Allies
>we have an even better relationship

Something along those lines was said, lol. Westerners cope pretty hard with their attempt at "isolating" Russia


Reminder that a LaRouche guy will be at the CPI event along with Haz and Maupin.



There is no anti imperialism, there are not anti imperialist countries. it's all imperialism with gays and imperialism without gays.
Phony civil rights are preferable to no civil rights anyway.


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>Siding with Putin over 30 communist parties is a leftist take

How much are you making per post? I hope you're not doing this for free.


China, Cuba, DPRK, Vietnam, Laos, all are supporting Russia. Real communist countries support antiimperialist (this time) Russia. Deal with it.


Calling everyone who disagrees with you being on a payroll is a stupid thing. Paid Putin shills exist on the Internet, but do responses like this make things better on an anonymous imageboard? And there are surely some sincere Putin supporters (because America bad).


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Has Mauripol been liberated yet?




I don't think so, it's gonna get fully encircled today though by the looks of it.


Khamenei has a better take than the "communist" NATO shills ITT…..


Nobody here is pro Putin.
If Zyuganov or another KPRF leader grew a pair and fucked him everyone here would cheer.

We desire just for NATO to be crushed. It's too important.


>as soon as the Russians take Kiev in the next 24-48 hours
i sure hope this fucking happens so we can start ending this shit


Russian Tie Fighter was shot down outside #Kyiv


yea maybe not zyuganov who is a "communist" only in name
kprf needs to purge its leadership given how absolutely out of touch it is with its actually marxist membership




Sadly enough that's right


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Mussolini was one of the first to comingle the phrase fascism with syndicalism, remarking in the early 1920s that “Fascist syndicalism is national and productivistic… in a national society in which labor becomes a joy, an object of pride and a title to nobility.”[41] Most Italian syndicalists viewed social revolution as a means for rapid transformation to provide “superior productivity,” and if this economic abundance failed to occur, there could be no meaningful social change.[42] The emphasis by syndicalists towards the importance of “producerism” had been originally initiated by Sorel in 1907, who argued that “Marx considers that a revolution by a proletariat of producers who [have] acquired economic capacity.”[43] When Carlo Cafiero developed a compendium for the initial volume of Capital in Italian, Marx reminded his colleague that “material conditions necessary for the emancipation of the proletariat” must be “spontaneously generated by the development of capitalism (den Gang der kapitalistischen Produktion).”[44][45]
The support for the theory of producerism expanded among Fascist syndicalists after the conclusion of the Russian Civil War and transition from war communism showed high unemployment and an environment where “most of the mills and factories were at a standstill; mines and collieries were wrecked and flooded.”[46]

After the introduction of the New Economic Policy (NEP), Italian syndicalists continued to move further away from orthodox Marxism, determined to revise it to fit the changing times and to embolden its strategic goals. They argued that the Russian Bolsheviks had failed to adhere to Engels’ 1850 admonition about the dangers of trying to establish a social revolution within an economically backwards environment.[47] This drift had emerged years before the economic malaise of Soviet Russia, prompting most Italian syndicalists to transcend the errors and drawbacks that “they believed they found in orthodox Marxism.”[48] Developed to bring about worker control of the means of production by direct action, the intellectuals of syndicalism came to the realization that Italy's primitive economy could facilitate neither equality nor abundance for society. Without a mature industry developed by the bourgeois, they came to understand that a successful social revolution required the support of “classless” revolutionaries.[49] Mussolini, along with Italian syndicalists, Nationalists and Futurists, contended that those revolutionaries would be Fascists, not Marxists or some other ideology.[50] According to Mussolini and other syndicalist theoreticians, Fascism would be “the socialism of ‘proletarian nations.’”[51]

In some cases, Rossoni's pro-labor stances worried industrialists due to his philosophic interpretation of Marx's “dynamic law of history,” which lead him to support the eventuality of workers’ control of factories.[62] He argued that industrialists had a legitimate right to assume their positions, but only until “such time as workers, organized into new syndicates, had mastered the requisite competence to take command.”[63] The Fascist syndicalists’ hostility towards employers caused political troubles for Mussolini's regime before and after he established a one-party dictatorship in early 1925. But despite the controversies, Rossoni held on to his position until he was forced to resign in 1928, probably due to fears over his almost 3 million-strong union membership that had greatly surpassed the National Fascist Party membership.[64] Although independent labor unions in Italy were not nationalized until April 3, 1926, under Alfredo Rocco’s Syndical Laws, Fascist syndicates by 1922 had become a “major recruitment competitor for the socialist and Catholic worker organizations.”[65] After peaking to a membership of over 2,000,000 members by 1920, the independent General Confederation of Labor was reduced to 400,000 members by mid-1922. Other unions fared just as poorly. The Catholic syndicates of the Popolari had 1.2 million members in 1921, but by the later part of 1922, it was down to 540,000.[66] Nonetheless, Rossoni was treated as a valuable leader in Mussolini's administration, becoming a member of the Grand Council of Fascism from 1930-1943 and other high positions.[67]


>kprf needs to purge its leadership
They have started the purge in 2021. But it was Zyuganov purging anti-putinists, now anti-war communists are scolded by the party leadership.


This was shown like 10 threads ago btw.


30 irrelevant and/or rapist parties.
Try again.


Even MLM (who cannot be accused of revisionism by anyone) in the Philippines say that most of the blame of the conflict lies with NATO and the Ukrainians.
Only Breadtube tier libs think "muh bth sides equally bad" at this point.


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reminder that anti-fascism is basically synonymous with anti-atlanticism at this point


Could that be because their boys are off hunting literal Nazis with SS insignia in Ukraine?


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>This is our land! Leave our land!

Russian tankie:
>We are on our land


See Putin's speech about his motives and wonder why


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Why are khokhols preparing for a Maidan/HK-style fights? Lol, what the fuck, that's literally middle of the street


They are desperate, Ukrainians are trying to do their best with little rational self-perservation


>Paid Putin shills exist on the Internet


>what is Caleb Maupin


Big boom incoming

>To suppress information attacks against Russia, high-precision weapons will strike at the technological facilities of the SBU and the 72nd main PSO center in Kyiv.

>"We call on Ukrainian citizens who are recruited by Ukrainian nationalists to carry out provocations against Russia, as well as residents of Kyiv living near the relay hubs, to leave their homes."



So these are the blocks that will be fighting the war?:

>White Aryan Anglo-Fascists EU/US-Capitalist Cucks

>Superior-Slavish-Afro-Caribbean-Semetic-Asian Communist Chads


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Khokhols exchanging one Russian POW for MULTIPLE Ukrop POWs. Says a lot about the real losses ratio, doesn't it?


khamenei is correct


>when you are employed by the BBC you are a "paid shill on the internet" for Boris Johnson


I am talking about Internet Research Agency-like things. I doubt they would be interested in a fringe marxist forum, but there were literal feds on 8chan, so I don't know.


that's more like the UK state, but mostly right.


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A reporter, journalist and political analyst currently working at RT and devoting his spare time and money to the think tank he founded the Center for Political innovation

Before his journalist career he was a political activist most famous for being part of the international crew, ie a human shield on an Iranian ship on a humanitarian mission to deliver medical supplies to Yemen


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Surprised Putin didn't act sooner


Glowies in 8chan is a urban legend


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Comrades, I finally managed to get a hold of a proper Russian-made vodka.

I'll open the bottle when the war stops or when nuclear war starts.


>but there were literal feds on 8chan, so I don't know.
It is a fake debunked by reliable sources. Please, don't spread misinformation!


The USA spends like 1000x more on counter intelligence, psyops, propaganda, etc. than Russia and China combined. If you unironically believe there are "paid Putin/Xi shills on the internet" you are a fucking moron.


someone should send this guy pics of starving kids in Yemen


There almost definitely are. Same with pretty much any major power with a psy op department. You'd have to be a dumbass not to have paid shills shilling you on the internet frankly. Anybody with a decent budget who is a shrewd political operator should be doing this. All it really is is having a social media team which like, normal restaurants will have a social media guy who makes instagram posts about how cool the restaurant is while not saying that they abuse staff. Its literally completely normal and unremarkable


That is literally true


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Smirnoff is garbage.


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follow the instructions cuck


i love how he always responds to that, ngl


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>a shrewd political operator


Speak for goyself


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Kherson. Russia blasted the Ukrops' stronghold at some factory, has taken the firefighter HQ and instructs people there, and also patrol the streets.

Ukrainian administration of the city is still in denial that Russians have taken the city


Translation of the headline:
>Kreml-Tyrant Putin drives up infernal weapon
>thermoballistic lol Rocketlauncher TOS-1


You truly are a cushbomb acolyte.


Ukrainian anarchist's open letter to the western left:

Why Western leftists are so fucked up?

>It’s quite fucked up how Western leftist discussion on Ukraine quickly devolves into mentions of far-right groups like Right Sector or Azov. Come on, people. The US, whose leftists often bug Ukrainians with whataboutisms on the fascists, has just had a fascist president.

<Western leftists and anarchists don’t ask us whether we need medical supplies, food, military equipment. They ask us about fascists patrolling the streets in Ukraine. Sweet Jesus, our president is Jewish, and the only right-populist party in the parliament is fucking pro-Russian.

>Right Sector is already a dead movement nobody cares about. Azov regiment is just about a thousand people who at worst might beat some rando up while off-service. Remember when a year ago a crowd of armed white nationalists attempted a coup and Trump was totally ok with that?

<Meanwhile France, Germany, Spain, UK have far-right MPs. Ukraine had only one neo-Nazi MP and he neither submitted any bill nor worked in committees.

>But the very mention of Ukraine as the victim of Russian aggression makes people lose their minds: “They have Right Sector! Azov!! Bandera!!!” And if one can explain the first two, Bandera problem is much harder.

<Even Ukrainians mostly have no idea what he really did due to it being so shrouded in history. Nobody gives a fuck about Bandera besides a bunch of boomers.

>Check replies on Bernie Sanders’ tweet. He says that Russia is a threat to peace. His comment on current escalation is very moderate and calls on diplomacy, but strictly points out who’s the bad guy.

<The benign discussion of what should be an uncontroversial issue within the leftist crowd made them lose their mind instead, blaming Ukraine for mere existence of the far-right movements within.

>And how about the fact that Russia doesn’t even try to cover up its imperialist plan on Ukraine, one that cannot be justified by any leftist ideals? Nyeeh, it’s all NATO’s fault. NATO should pull out of Ukraine!

<Yeah, yeah, that’s right. Fuck us.


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When you are trying to do an genocide but you have to follow traffic laws at the same time…


That pic is genuinely disturbing


what minus infinite theory does to a mother fucker



Lol of course the anarkiddie would care about national sovereignty. Based daddy Putin will praxis him into dialectical oblivion!


law-abiding invasion


>Anarchist defending Neo-Nazis
Average Least retarded anarchist


<Yeah, yeah, that’s right. Fuck us.




>defending neo-nazis

Okay so did you even read the article or did you just knee-jerk shit this response out


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Civilians tried to block the road, but Russian soldiers dispersed the crowd by shooting in the air.


>but muh january 6th
>c'mon listen to Bernie guiz




Is this the tit version of multiple chins? Horrific.



He's right. Any country with neo-Nazis among its population needs to be invaded from outside to be de-nazified. So US, UK, Australia, Russia, you know. Gotta invade em all.


Would you justify shelling civilian centers on the off-chance that one person in there might be a nazi?


Very emotional and unsubstantial, but I agree with them. A lot of westoid leftists are really deranged, their hysterical warmongering media and NATO atrocities has drawn them to literal Russian state media, this is a mostly emotional reaction too. So they have consumed all this "Ukraine is Nazi" narrative and their hatred towards NATO aligns with pro-Russian stance here so well.

Try to sometimes put emotions away. We are human beings with irrational urges, but this is a thing that can be controlled.


Nobody has died here, only injured.


I read it, we know white supremacy is not that big of a concern for white bitches like you since you can side with them and are not targeted, but for some people like the Russians in Eastern-Ukraine and the remaining 80% of humanity it is, and they suffered a lot without Crackers like you giving a single fuck, unless your white brothers get hurt like now



Yes of course. Anything else would be totally retarded unlike my smart ideas.


I read it, apparently what literal Nazis wearing SS insignia get up to when they're on duty or even the fact that they're on duty at all with SS insignia on their uniform that's not my department says Werner Von Braun


>pulling the sakaioid card

Just admit you're a misanthrope tbh


That was an Azov recruitment fair.


Question: did you give a fuck about PoC in eastern europe before this?


>As anarchists, we need to defend this nazi infested nation state!
Anarcho-sanctionsim, Agent Kochinskiism-CIAism is fucking real and they're allegedly in Ukraine.

Scratch a liberal…..


Zelensky applying for EU membership and the parliament is so fucking psychotic I can't even find the right words for it. They wanna talk Putin is mentally degrading, maybe they should get themselves checked out too lmfao


Vladius Putsar


>my apartment complex just got shelled


White supremacists like you who enjoy seeing the carnage and blood flow when Slavic and non-white people fight eachother while you supply the arms are the real misanthropes


I will now inform you about the fact that neither Ukranians, Poles, Russians, etc. had colonies in Africa.


It has been explained 1000001 times.
This is a US/NATO war that Russians and Ukranians pay. You are either a right winger, a schizo, ignorant, or a combination of the three.


>projecting this hard
Yeah you definitely gave a shit before all this


Well put. If my country was bombed by Russia I would probably loose it a little seeing suburban burgers justify it by accusing everyone around me of being nazis.


>Azov regiment is just about a thousand people who at worst might beat some rando up while off-service.
This is a shameless lie, they work with the SBU and torture separatists





That pic is genuinely disturbing


Yes, Slavic people spilled their blood in Africa during national liberation struggles of the African people. While Anglo-crackers were the ones supporting colonialism


>meanwhile on leftypol in 1945


Some Russians have tried to, lol


Slavic people are not white dumbass, are you stupid?


The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi


Black people are white.


This Ukrainian EU application will only do two things:

1. It basically kills prospects of Ukrainian neutrality, which is the only way this war will end

2. Putin will recognize this as a signal that neither Ukraine or the EU is interested in neutrality and might just go even harder than he is now

This is actually insane what the fuck are they thinking lmao..


based, to eternal friendship between peoples of africa and slavs
t. slav





Ukranians are being made white in real time. Fuck off lol.


Seethe hohol


Damn I lived there two years and I didn't even know.


There's a pic of another blue/yellow tent with one of the Azov symbols. This tent was still standing after the strike tho, it landed right on some people driving by


Honestly, this doesn't make Russian army look like some kind of invading brutes, but actually quite autistic and meek. You'd expect a blockade of other traffic.


Not to mention the damage to the EU itself. Greece fudged the numbers to get in and we all know how that ended. There's no way Ukraine meets the normal requirements for EU membership.


>This is actually insane what the fuck are they thinking lmao..

The US wants more civilian deaths.


And Lithuania had colonies in the Caribbean! And Poland tried to get some African colonies with a predictable result. Everyone wants to be a white master.


Europe seems to be super drunk on western exceptionalism right now (even more than USA) and sees this as a violation of natural order. The west is supposed to impose itself on the inferior outside world, and yet here eastern orcs are imposing themselves on a piece of the quasi-west. Order must be restored, or else all is lost. They are not thinking clearly.


File: 1646145487267.png (888.56 KB, 1200x890, ClipboardImage.png)






Or maybe it looks like they're not invading because they're not invading




this is a pro-NATO shill trying to push his pro-imperialist narrative


>This is actually insane what the fuck are they thinking lmao..
They're high on their own supply. They believe sanctions will force Putler to go back home, it's just a matter of time you see. In the mean time we need to feed ordinary Ukrainians with weapons and send them to die, because this will be a serious blockade of Putler's advancements.


They are going all BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD Mode


Anyone think that the US government could be sending out National Security Letters to encourage their corporate partners to act?


>Even MLM (who cannot be accused of revisionism by anyone) in the Philippines say that most of the blame of the conflict lies with NATO and the Ukrainians

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