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 [Last 50 Posts]


is russia winning yet?


First for kill all chauvinists


nothing burger
literally nothing is happening


So any info on the weird satanist american 'marines' ?



Kiev will be taken soon


Guys my university has made a project where you can listen to Russian radio comms. This is possible since many Russian soldiers are conscripts and have no clue on how to operate military radio equipment, so they are using civilian frequencies. Follow the chatbox as people are picking up the frequencies where you hear soldiers talking


7933.00 KHz on the left box
Filter to around 3KHz on the right, might need to switch around between 3 and 4
Squelch: on
Noise reduction: on


>Advisor to President Zelensky says that Ukraine at talks in Homiel insist on withdrawing of Russian troops from all internationally recognized Ukrainian lands, including whole Donetsk and Luhansk regions and Crimea
<Have the balls to give demands while the enemy is at the fucking gates.


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Take the L *dab*

Lmao no.


Chechens are talking on 8284.00 USB lmao


I'm definitelyy getting something.


The art of the deal


> this video
Postmodern will destroy our civilization


Kiev has fallen


Bruh the Ukrainian army is being kettle on donbass and keiv is almost completely encircled.


Source or gay


Omg Putin just farted


File: 1646056924522.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 579.11 KB, 320x566, Ukraine location unknown. ….mp4)


what's up with Ukranian nazis and their OBSESSION with pulling down the pants of innocent civilians? are they going to initiate ass rape?


He's still stuck in the 'ukraine is hecklin winning!' mentality, reality will sink in soon.


faster than burger invasions


the cornman of kyiv would never let this happen


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>Kiev has fallen!
<Indeed fallen for the excitement of going to Itchy & Scratchy Land!


dadaism didnt destroy europe, reactionary desire to recreate "traditional" art and values did

the gif is in poor taste though i agree


Why are libs so happy about the rubble losing value compared to the dollar?
Do they think this affects putin?


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Yeah, on maps maybe. Those maps don't show the ukranian units still behind Russian lines, they beelined for Kiev and now their equipment is being motti'd on the roads.


how erotic


I knew they wouldn't propose to give much and the negotiations were on track to fail but I didn't expect literally nothing. NATO psychos won't yield. I'm more and more inclined to think Zelensky was used as a tool by NATO to trigger this war so they could turn Ukraine into the new Pentagon's budget reason of existence.


Does no one have rope over there?


I hope china wind 🇨🇳


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saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur saboteur


Excellent meme




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>This Tweet violated the Twitter Rules about hateful conduct. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain accessible.



they have no idea how any of this works, combined with a pretty extensive amount of the population having xenophobic tendencies (that they will never admit, not even to themselves). all i hear on social media is mass cheering for all of these attacks on russian people and groups affiliated with russia as a country, destroyign peoples livelihoods and inconveniencing their population but not doing a single fucking thing towards thwarting putins military plans. its nonsensical wrapped up in hatred and soullessness.


How many javelins have the Russians captured now? They all cost $200,000. I've seen the Russians with hundreds as ukrops abandon Southern front


>show the ukranian units still behind Russian lines, they beelined for Kiev and now their equipment is being motti'd on the roads.
That actually Ukrainian army is stuck in donbass the "army" outside of that are just a collection of various milita.


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Post SABOTEUR memes pls.


top lel


both sides in this war have a paramilitary death squad closely associated with a bunch of MMA promoters formally integrated into their regular armed forces… much to consider


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Mariupol is fully encircled lads. Azov is gonna get fucked HARD and I'm gonna be right here enjoying every minute of it. Sweet.


I lov china :)


Islamic fundamentalism isn't the same as Nazism


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>both sides


I mean, if you were to choose between one of them as the least worst, which one would you pick.


Russian saboteur squad spotted heading toward Kiev


islamic fundamentalism, alhamdulillah


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real recording taken from the frontlines on Kyiv

>ayyy we're still right here homie, its fucking morning, fucking…

<we got the enmigos right there homie, let me represent myself homie, its doubleD Zcreepa from the g'd up 13 gang homie, sun valley gang homie.

>loli wino from Armenian power west side gang homie.

<still puro surenos, putting it down homie, we're still fucking alive homie, from the middle east to eastern Europe, we're in Ukrania homie, still gangbanging still not giving a fuck homie. look homie check this shit out, the puro sur-13 homie, look at this fucking Z homie, got them big tiddies and shit homie, still gangbanging homie, come, Ali, check out the enmigas right there homie, they're all right there dog. but we don't give a fuck homie

<as you know homie, иншаллах homie, Ukraine slava on my dick homie, Capone-E from cyclones, Mr criminal from Silverlake, and all the crazy locos from Pasadena, and pink lady, we still got love for you girl.
>got love for all the homies, homie, all the vatos
<lets put this shit down homie to all these motherfuckers homie

<still got love for all the surenos homie, post that shit with songs and send it Mr criminal homie, tell him to put it in all the fucking songs homie, all the fucking songs, you're the shit homie

>thats how we do it homie
<in Ukraine still gangbanging look at this fucking rain homie, fuck them fools homie
>front lines homie front fucking lines
<turn that shit up homie

<that's for all the surenos, still not giving a F-uck homie, that's right, gangbanging homie

<post this shit homie, tell the homies we alive fools, in fucking, eastern euro homie, still gangbanging for the su-13 gang homie

>in Ukrania homie, we're in Ukrania homie, front lines homie, front fucking line, not giving a fuck homie

<das right look at them fools homie, their fucking tripping dog look look at that motherfucker homie


>1st pic
Fucking kek


>Uhhhhh zelesky bros I thought ukraine was winning


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>paramilitary death squads good


woop woop


I don't know, both would kill me


where the FRIK is the ghost of kyiv???


Footage of BRAVE Ukrainian patriot eliminating Russian saboteurs occupying local elementary school





its not gonna be good unless i see videos of based chechens making azov swine swallow those pork bullets


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Reddit is doing something alright.


It would honestly be good if both forces achieve mutual annihilation.




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I hope the ruskis get him


China is not socialist.






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Santa! What are you doing! You ate all the azovs!!!



Looters to be shot on the spot, Ukrainian mayors warn
oh no, saboteur bros! we got too cocky


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I didn't know it was real wahahahahah


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Finland is joining NATO, thoughts?



>give weapons to far right extremism to fight proxy war

>they start attacking minorities in their country instead

NATO is going to create a European isis with this shit


i can’t believe those wily russians faked the vid and pic, hacked the national guard’s account, and went back in time to edit azov’s insignia to make them seem somewhat problematic


Does anybody know when the US or other Western countries started funding Azov?


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Why do they look like this


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>managed to find some russian comms
I'm in.


Putilla will restore the Golden Horde and take over China




Dear Jesus! Please nuke america. Amen.




It is matter of Finnish survival at this point. Non-NATO countries are easy targets for invasion because nobody would give a fuck


Let's fucking go


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I really don't get the meming of western kids about this conflict.
The Ukrainian army has been destroyed 3 days ago, all there is left are unorganized soldiers and untrained civilians with high tech weapons, shooting eachother for being suspect of "saboteurs".

There is no winning for Ukraine, Russia's military power is superior, this is not simping, this is stating basic facts


>they're laughing


They dont take showers


It's the lib version of 'trump won, two more weeks'


bred for war, think of it as humans vs orcs, in fact, the reason Azov is greasing its bullets with lards is because of a meme dictating that if Muslims are shot with a pig bullet, they go straight to hell.




were those gunshots?


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Why are burgers like this


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Why are libs portraying ukrainian soldiers as twinks and zoomer girls even though they look just like Russians?


because of the innate need of the liberals to make everything centered around themselves


Just interference/jamming, I know what you mean though


Progroms are baked into the DNA of the burger



Literally Kristallnacht


Russian propaganda exposers created in effort to prevent propaganda [digestion]?
The battle to prevent lies from reaching the people.
The battle to prevent and demoralization
Enlighted you are weak.
Told the truth you fight each other.
Told the truth you don't want to fight.
System of truth.
Information warfare.


Oh look! Fireworks!


saboteur staging grounds, good riddance


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putin surrender immediately or this warrior will lay siege to moscow


People are commemorating defenders of Kiev in Great Patriotic War as history repeats itself as a farce with Russia changing it's position this time


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Me and the boys getting our loadout stocked up.


>NATO is way more socialist than the USSR ever was


History will show the trials to be necessary
Death to Azov, freedom to Ukraine




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Those dastardly saboteurs!
there's more


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Some more info about the negotiations:

>Пишут, что украинская сторона в Припяти потребовала себе переводчика. До этого они вечером отказались общаться, потому что устали, утром задержались, потому что не выспались. Пришли в тапках и кепках, потребовали вывода войск РФ из Крыма. Эта клоунада кому нужна? Просто для понимания. До какого момента терпеть всё это - пока они не начнут ссать на стол?

<They write that the Ukrainian side in Pripyat demanded an interpreter. Before that, they refused to communicate in the evening because they were tired, and in the morning they were late because they did not get enough sleep. They came in slippers and caps and demanded the withdrawal of Russian troops from Crimea. Who needs this clowning? Just for understanding. Until what moment to endure all this - until they start pissing on the table?



File: 1646059309960.png (44.16 KB, 757x442, highwayroute.PNG)

Russians have opened up a humanitarian route for civilians.


ok he got me lol


are mods deleting the old threads? bruh this is like organised sliding


they're on the archive board


How long until the hohols pull a moderate rebel and force the civilians to stay in their homes?



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Time for Burger hours shift to take over.
Please NATO no!
Do not be of worry little one…I am not sabatooor.


Massive bombing soon then


They already did. Look for that vid of them fighting with that guy in front of his apartment that didn't want to be a human shield. It's in this thread or last one.


How safe would it be to evacuate a surrounded city tho? Shoots from all sides, shit is fucking bleak. I know Ukrainians whose parents are staying in Kiev despite this shit. Bravery and stupidity if you ask me, only good thing is that Kyev has one of the most deep metros in the world


Wouldn't want anyway "saboteurs" causing any trouble eh.


Russians probably will talk about how they let the civilians leave the city after the terror-bombing campaign.


Visegrad TV says Putin has been isolated in an Ural bunker for days


He is literally in Moscow giving conferences about how Ukrainians are brainwashed by Nazis


How long until the false flags, or Azovites just straight up massacring their own?


Luka just looks so happy every year.


This thread needs a theme, thankfully I am here to provide one


Thats the scariest shit, if Putin wants to make the capture of Kyev quick and easy he will be carpet bombing the shit our of the city. He is doing this shit so he can later claim, oh but we let the civilians escape!


>nooooooo don't wear caps aaaa muh dress protocol
one of the absolute faggiest shit to get your panties in a bunch for

at least comment further on them being in constant contact with their western handlers through their iphones


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>one of the absolute faggiest shit to get your panties in a bunch for
T. slob


Probably there will be NAZI TERRORISTS WERE USING CIVILIANS AS HUMAN SHIELDS WE WERE LEFT NO CHOICE excuse. Fuck this shit, it devastates me


No, this will be the theme for every thread


>Abramovich, who is Jewish and has Israeli citizenship, was one of the most powerful businessmen who earned fabulous fortunes after the 1991 break-up of the Soviet Union. Forbes ranks his net worth at $13.3 billion.


No matter who wins the war, Russia is going to fucking die in the next few years to sanctions. Putinoids were so afraid of muh Yeltsin 2 if Putin would disappear, that they now get Putin nuking the whole economy to the ground (but in a based way, unlike the soy way the liberast Yeltsin did it).


Reddit has already been salted with trust-me-bro Uke articles about them shooting refugees in the passageway


>when their airforce and drones haven't? They still hold major cities
Their air force has actually been destroyed they just have some loaned Turkish drones and the cities are been held by civilian milita not the army proper.


benis in anus


It's all fun and games until the Russians get tired of their shenanigans and the doors open to reveal a bunch of Chechens


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I kinda wanna screw this wimmin.


>Russia is going to fucking die in the next few years to sanctions
They have oil, gas ,wheat and fertilizer, theyll be alright, they can smuggle high tech shit from china if needed


>Russians all have phones out
>But you can't do it if you are a hohol!
Do Russiabots really? That sure has to be too low even for your news consumers.


Urban combat is a very difficult thing, google Grozny Siege or Baghdad


ok, I changed my opinion completely after the first days and Ukraine is obviously winning

the biggest thing I haven't considered is that they had 400,000 Donbas veterans who rotated during the 8-year drafts, Russia is going to have it much worse than Chechnya even if they manage to capture some cities


You only need a few people in different balconies to make the Russians feel like they are being ambushed by an army


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Face it voosh you're a slovenly sleezy slithering slob.


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>Russians all have phones out


This dumb Atlanticist bitch is the reason why Germans are paying so much for fucking gas.


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Time for the Space War 1 to begin
Good thing Trump created the Space Force
Prepare to blast the fuck off /leftypol/


>obsessed with some obese american
what do I have to do to not end like you


Yes, this is how the cities work. It is either Grozny/Baghdad or Leningrad/Sarajevo


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kiev (soon)


the what


Putin is definitely carpet bombing the shit out of Kyev. I hope civilians stay in the metro in the next days


>what do I have to do to not end like you
Well don't take English lessons for starters my ESL friend.


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inb4 everyone who takes the opportunity to drive to safety is a heckin rooskie saboteur traitor to the domovina and gets ustasha'd


a correct take
Russia has no decent manufacturing that is not reliant on the Western supply chains

don't confuse it with the USSR which was mostly self-sufficient, it was all sold out in the 90s (thanks to compradors like Putin) and then never recovered (thanks to Putin personally)


No wonder this guys makes these statements


>Ukraine is obviously winning
Mariapol is enerciled and being ketteled ukraine troops in donbass are being enericled and keiv is almost encircled but ukraine is actually winning.


ah, cool, mass civilian murder to prove the non-existent point


Russia threatening to crash the ISS into the US is one of the funniest threats I've heard of any war tbh


>russia was zeon
just like my japanese animes


I'll believe it when I see it.


>prove the non-existent point


what the fugg


If I hear one more motherfucking asshole say the word "kettled" one more time I'm launching nukes


I don't think we have all information. Maybe it will be a blockade, maybe it will be dumb "send in the tanks without infantry" shit modern Iraqi army likes to pull out.


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yes, Russia expected the "operation" to end in 3 days, РИА Новости even accidentally published an article how "Putin got Ukraine back" and then deleted

they got themselves into an endless quagmire they've never planned


>maybe it will be dumb "send in the tanks without infantry" shit
Doubt the Russians will ever be doing that again after last time


Porky shamlelessly using a crisis to grab supplementary market share in space industry. Business as usual i see.


I'm glad all I have to do is not being anglo, but I have to wonder what makes them so prone to hardcore mental illness.


Putin definitely needs a quick victory. Everyday the fighting is prolonged it costs him a fortune, Russian military already shelled a bunch of civilian infrastructure, not sure how hesitant they are of going full war crimes on Kyev


It's funny how Putin is literally using IDF-tier excuses and a lot of /leftypol/acks still defend this guy




I wanna see Texas charging against Azov in a sea of glory


Russia is actually completely fucked and that's bad, actually! Putin is fucked, and he has access to a nuke button. De-escalation needs to happen immediately


>yes, Russia expected the "operation" to end in 3 days
Literally nobody expept the russian military know how long they expected this to last.


It's literally been since thursday you fucking zoomoid
Ukraine is the size of France


He's heckin' crazy ya'll


Man the Ukrainian coping is strong itt


There are literal Islamist, I mean nazis in their side!

Not only IDF tier, they have been sounding a lot like Muricans, Lavrov claiming they are bringing democracy to Ukraine. What a fucking word we living


glorious glorious. the mariupol shitshow is what im waiting for. azov dogs should get whats coming to them


If I was Putin I would've taken it in 2.


I think there's nothing "lefty" to them, taking a side in a war between capitalist powers and wishing civilian deaths so one of those could win is nowhere left

communist parties of different countries already spoke against Russia, so the question is settled


>Not gonna lie, former Putin voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Putin crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.


That guy is too fat to charge, he is a big target that will be easily hit before he gets a chance to do anything


>bringing democracy to Ukraine.
Are they bringing shitposting to international relations?


Texas' line about how they're "liberating" ukraine by force in one of his recent videos is so fucking demented it's unreal. This is actual literal tankie shit. Not good, actually!


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Hes an old hardliner from the Soviet days. Dude was wearing a uniform, holding a rifle and standing a post before I was even born yet.

>He served in the Border Guard (frontier troops) from 1975 to 1977, where he was an instructor of the political department of military unit No. 2187 of the Western Frontier District in Brest and in the Soviet Army from 1980 to 1982. In addition, he led an All-Union Leninist Young Communist League (Komsomol) chapter in Mogilev from 1977 to 1978. While in the Soviet Army, Lukashenko was a deputy political officer of the 120th Guards Motor Rifle Division, which was based in Minsk.

In 1979, he joined the ranks of the CPSU. After leaving the military, he became the deputy chairman of a collective farm in 1982 and in 1985, he was promoted to the post of director of the Gorodets state farm and construction materials plant in the Shklow district.[22] In 1987, he was appointed as the director of the Gorodets state farm in Shklow district and in early 1988, was one of the first in Mogilev Region to introduce a leasing contract to a state farm.[23]

In 1990, Lukashenko was elected Deputy to the Supreme Council of the Republic of Belarus. Having acquired a reputation as an eloquent opponent of corruption, Lukashenko was elected in April 1993 to serve as the interim chairman of the anti-corruption committee of the Belarusian parliament.[24] In late 1993 he accused 70 senior government officials, including the Supreme Soviet chairman Stanislav Shushkevich and prime minister Vyacheslav Kebich, of corruption including stealing state funds for personal purposes. While the charges ultimately proved to be without merit, Shushkevich resigned his chairmanship due to the embarrassment of this series of events and losing a vote of no-confidence.[25][26] He served in that position until July 1994.


>If I was Putin I would've taken it in 2.


I'm a beast in hearts of iron, ukrops don't stand a chance



>communist parties of different countries already spoke against Russia, so the question is settled
Do you get these bullshit talking points from one of your groomer dicksore rooms or something


>communist parties of different countries already spoke against Russia, so the question is settled
And different communist parties have approved this war, Russian KPRF is split on this issue with chairman scolding traitors inside his party


China a better then Russia 🇨🇳


dats good food right there


Ah yes the Mussolini dude who thinks class struggle doesn't exist anymore.


He was the only deputy to vote against the dissolution of the Soviet Union.


Embedding error.
>Thread theme rn


He thinks it exists, but international struggle against decadent West is more important right now


London has fallen


Did glowies invade this thread right now?


My virginity is still holding strong.


At least 3 prominent members of the russian communist party denounced the invasion today I think. It's actually just bad. Total retard move on Putin's part. Whoopsie we killed a few hundred to maybe a few thousand civilians. Oh well, but anti-imperialism right?


>Russia is actually completely
The only way ukraine can win the war is if it drags for 3 to 6 months doesn't look like that's happening


File: 1646060820931.jpg (3.22 KB, 125x125, 1573862624730s.jpg)

I just woke up WTF is happening


No ur just the only glowie here


its over


You think the kprf being split helps your case?



uyghurs vs saboteurs vs glowies


They have the reddit glowie smarm someone made a thread about a week or so ago kek


Insurgency will be real looking at how defiant the Ukrainian people are acting. The occupation will deplete Russia even further of its economic power


So the classic fascist line.


Mariapol encircled and being ketteled that's about it also looks like peace talks are going nowhere


>Russian KPRF is split on this issue
so, even the controlled opposition KPRF is split – it says something loudly but you are too dense to note


Good enough for America, good enough for Russia


Glowies vs kremlibots is more accurate tbh


There is no world in which russia wins anything even if ukraine surrenders. What do they win, as an outcome of this war? Tell me.


and what's good for the workers of Ukraine?


>maybe a few thousand civilians.
UN and Ukraine are talking about hundreds now. Massive bombing will probably change it though






Its just people that do not understand the stakes and are content with another 30 years of End of History.


Mass civilian murder is based tbh


Three year work and living permits in the EU. Thats about it


Based on what?


Lower wages


Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of refugees! It's actually really fucking bad! But anti-imperialism guys! But critical support guys!


File: 1646061058540.png (31.87 KB, 766x437, civilian deaths.png)

Daily reminder that Putin is liberating East Ukraine from this


>This insurgency cope.
Russia isn't The USA. They don't want to stay in Ukraine for the next 20 years. Are the Russians still in Georgia?



>There is no world in which russia wins anything even if ukraine surrenders
They get ukraine not being in NATO but all I really care about is russia restarting history not becoming a strong imperialist power


I've heard its because Zelensky doesn't want to leave office and the Russians want him out (will prob kill him once they capture him frankly)


Based on fascistic delusions


The Russians are using midgets
A bus full of 3 foot tall saboteurs was recently captured and tortured glory to Ukraine glory to the heroes
We are winning


Source: The Science Journal


Ok, I am gonna ask, what does "ketteled" mean?



Encircled like in HOI4


I don't see their phones.




You are, and I am not exaggerating when I say this, a fucking moronic fascist at this point. Blood greases the wheels of history, huh? Glad you're happy you fucking cunt.


>Everything I don't like is fascist
>The more I don't like something the fascister it is


Taking those free guns their government is giving them and purging Kiev of every single mafioso, bourgeoisie, government official and oligarch


based liberator
I kneel


So they are going to leave the country as it is? Do you really think the puppet government they will install will not be ousted by euromaidan 2.0? Whats the point of this war if it isn't to suck Ukraine into Russias sphere of influence, and how is that not going to be achieved by holding Ukraine tight?


Suspiciously quick source


A stronger Russia means more ability of places like Yemen to resist NATO axis.


Must be a saboteur


idk fam, looks like the daeths were going down and the situation was normalising
now the deaths are at all time high again because he secalated the conflict


>bourgeoisie, oligarchs
anonymous, they fled the country several days before putler stepped in
mafia bosses probably fled beforehand too




These threads are just filled with bots spreading misinformation.



The Donbas conflict wouldn't be anything like it was/is if it wasn't for Russian intervention


Fascism (in most forms) is one of the few ideologies openly glorifying violence, it is a part of many definitions of fascism. So yeah, saying "mass murder is based" is very fascistic


>You are, and I am not exaggerating when I say this, a fucking moronic fascist at this point. Blood greases the wheels of history, huh? Glad you're happy you fucking cunt
>greases the wheels of history, huh?
Yes has there ever been a case when it has not?


Source zoomer Vidya brain?


>oh no a source that doesn't go my way and that I can't reasonably debunk, let's fedjacket
reddit moment


Pure nonsense liberal buzzwords.


>Fascism (in most forms) is one of the few ideologies openly glorifying violence, it is a part of many definitions of fascism. So yeah, saying "mass murder is based" is very fascistic
What idealism does to a mother fucker


where the fuck does the anti NATO axis get its guns and ammo? China? No. The only country able to successfully do this on a wide scale against NATO is Russia. No Russia means Venezuela, Cuba, Yemen, and Iran collapse. No Russia means China will be the only source of plausible resistance to NATO, and it will more likely just fuse with it in order to preserve stability. How is this in any way shape or form difficult to understand?


File: 1646061401622.png (628.98 KB, 1235x675, 1646032310251.png)

The longer they talk, the faster NATO resupplies and rearms them, sanctions hurt the Russian economy and the world picks teams.


Poroshenko is there with his mercs, he's been giving interviews to CNN.


please leave this website


>russian forces gaining ground, encircling cities
>russian nukes are on high alert
>hold peace talks and the ukraine makes insane maximalist demands
>talks fail
>russian forces gaining ground, encircling cities
i bet the burgers are telling zelenskyyy that he's a rock star on twitter and winning the meme war so keep going bro! And the fucking fool is listening to them.


It's from a Mussolini speech you fucking retard. Call yourself a communist, you fucking piece of shit?


>ask for source
>links to UN within 19 seconds of the request being submitted
Does glow a little though doesn't it m8


Hello not





It doesn't take long to type "UN ukraine casualties" tho


>zoomer Vidya brain
the ironing

don't ask me to do your homework again or I'm gonna have to shag ur mum again in retaliation


My dad sometimes eats his food eating a raw, separate onion like it is bread.
>T. spaniard.


File: 1646061537844.png (48.59 KB, 256x256, 0_R-2T_aMxHbZlJDtZ.png)


Hello NATO
Why yes I do wholeheartedly side with Russia in liberating Ukraine from a Nazi regime.


<Raw garlic and pickles



Yeah, it's fuckin great
>t. Eastern Yuro


This doesn't answer my question.


Ur gay


But a pdf on ukraine.un.org is not a result of doing that tho


>diminution of the person to a mere conduit for class interests
libs seething


Instead we have neonazis purging immigrants and fleeing civilians. So "based"!


>Call yourself a communist, you fucking piece of shit?
Bruh Mussolini being right about something doesn't mean agreeing with him is facist in what way is it wrong.


Keep repeating that "Ukraine is a nazi regime" fantasy to yourself, keep living in denial over how deep in ideology you are.


How does it not answer your question. Without Russia, Venezuela's project would have collapsed already. Same thing with Iran, or Yemen, or Syria.


File: 1646061654209.png (982.37 KB, 1304x686, ClipboardImage.png)

Why are you guys saying Mariupol is encircled


They'll be dispatched soon.


The preface is shit yeah. The text below is good.


There good for giving news but shit at updating their maps.


Yeah raw onions are good

T. Texan




liveuamap doesn't update in real time fyi


If Ukraine is not a Nazi regime, why are Nazi battalions integrated with the military and secret police and given full powers?


Oh boy it's high usano hours.

It's kind of funny how little self respect /pol/ has nowadays, posing as NATOcucks. Like damn, we get it, you want (you)s but it's frankly embarrassing, are you going to start taking cock up the ass to own the commies too? Crossdress?. At least make nazi apologia, guys. This is just off-character cringe.

I can't take sucking off the USA with reddit tier buzzwords seriously.


File: 1646061734896.png (356.05 KB, 749x749, ClipboardImage.png)


>Keep repeating that "Ukraine is a nazi regime" fantasy to yourself, keep living in denial over how deep in ideology you are.
Glowies aren't even trying anymore.


It's listed on Wikipedia page lol


>UN ukraine casualties
>Third link, Conflict-related civilian casualties in Ukraine rom Ukraine.un.org
> Pdf link in the page
> woala I arrive at https://ukraine.un.org/sites/default/files/2022-02/Conflict-related%20civilian%20casualties%20as%20of%2031%20December%202021%20%28rev%2027%20January%202022%29%20corr%20EN_0.pdf


The map only uses Ukrainian defense military reports we literally know the Russian armor is advancing into mariapol there is video of it.



Because I didn't ask about what would happen in a world "without russia" you fucking retard. I asked in what way a stronger russia would help places like yemen to resist NATO.
Furthermore this is pure hypothetical wankery since even if Russia wins in this conflict, they won't come out stronger out of it in the short term.


File: 1646061795099.jpg (430.48 KB, 1871x792, 2pl2lbx7clk81.jpg)

Massive military presence of the coast of UK, all local emergency helicopters seem to be looking for something as well.

Rumors that a sub just took out the oil line and there is now a massive undersea oil leak occurring. 99% not, probably just a sunk boat or something leaking out engine fuel. Maybe a rescue operation. News media is hush hush.


What do you have against crossdressing?


Can't get over how the head negotiator looks like your typical petty bourg douche


File: 1646061801292.png (12.64 KB, 650x650, lol kek.png)

The funny thing about /pol/tards is that they don't know that most of them will be killed if hitter was in power.


>Crossdress?. At least make nazi apologia, guys
It is already.


File: 1646061823839.png (951.8 KB, 859x1200, ClipboardImage.png)


This is a fake Ukrop propaganda map


Agree except in Venezuela


You can tell this was made by someone who believes in the ghost of kyiv


>in under 19 seconds
You're sussy… you're saboteurs.


>zero feminists crying about Ukranian women not being conscripted into the army
>feminists crying about no women representing said army in official talks


Thanks for the more recent report



because a libshit regime is joining with Nazis to massacre pro-Russian people and separatists that don't want to live under a US puppet regime that's trying to provoke war with Russia to suck up to the USA.


Mods ban this anti communist neoliberal


File: 1646061990156.mp4 (8.17 MB, 1920x1080, SoyOfKiev.mp4)


It's official, this fucking cunt is the reason Anglos might get fried tomorrow


>Chavez was fucking stupid in gifting so much money to people instead of investing it in projects to harden the economy in the long term
The economics understander has logged on


>chavez was (inane western myths)


Russian saboteurs are in the water


I just hate it when liberals like you try to dress as communists. You are not fooling anybody.


>How would a stronger Russia, one of the main bulwarks of the anti-NATO axis, help weaker partners in resisting the NATO axis.
Im not sure what the fuck you want to say to me. Short term this may fucking well be ass for Russia but if it manages to stabilize Ukraine in its favour it retakes not only the westernized resources and productive forces for itself, but also a safe access for its fleet. Likewise this decoupling of Russian capital flows will force them to ingrain itself more into China.


Didnt say this was AES dipshit retard. Just said it was anti NATO axis.
>Venezuela is fucked and kinda sucks therfore we cant count it as AES.


It's not an excuse to kill thousands of people and displace millions, ESPECIALLY when russia literally has their own weird versions of azov battalion as well. Russia and nato should have figured out a nonvielnt way of negotiating their issues, and they didn't. Russia is not in the right for this. They're both fucking bloodthisty maniacs with nukes.


Wow, this is literally me


>REAL communist crossdress


>You can tell this was made by someone who believes in the ghost of kyiv
It was:
>Soldiers reaching legendary status
that did it for me. He said plural. He probably believes in the whore of kiev and the autist of kiev and the iron man of kiev as well.


Based chinese.
I'm literally at work wasting time on ukraine-russia spectacle.


Trying to join NATO is an act of war not just against Russia but against working people all over the world


How hard is chinese to learn?


File: 1646062119676.png (528.46 KB, 586x1967, 1646023463208.png)

Interesting take from a very reliable unbiased global military source/analyst indicating that 80 Riot policeman from Siberia rushed past pretty much every town in Ukraine during the initial blitzkreig and pushed straight into downtown Keeeeeev before realizing they were alone and got arrested by the keevistan police with both sides having no fucking clue what was going on.
Crazy shit happens in war sometimes.


>Russia should have figured out a diplomatic solution-
Hey asshole, RF, Ukraine and Euro-NATO wanted a diplo solution, except the Yanks that wanted to push NATO to the RF border


What's going to happen with the talks going on in Belarus?


its a corrupt state subservient to their local oligarchs and to nato, with ties with nazis who wield significant power in the armed forces and institutions
but its not a straight up "nazi regime"


Yes, this is one of the most weird episodes


No it is a Nazi regime.


Charge of the light brigade: based edition


10 out of 10


brits should be having many a sleepless night knowing this fucking moron and that dipshit bojo are in charge during a potential WW3 scenario. but unfortunately the people too are stupid and rally behind everything their government says and does wrt. ukraine-russia (even though last week they wanted to see these same govt officials sacked and jailed). these are NOT the people you want to navigate delicate wartime maneuvers.


Wonder how much this thread would improve if Russia launched a thermobaric missile into SBU HQ


he did you know, despite the opposition of his local porkies… the fact venezuela still stands is proof of that
also investing oil money into education, public infrastructure and healthcare was definitely a good move


Ukraine stalling. That's their tactic basically. I don't know why. And i don't know why russian fall for it.


Sounds like a 'based retard' moment


CIT has been proven very reliable so far, but this is something unbelievable


NATO should be destroyed with attrition, the most death as much as possible as a blood sacrifice against all the blood NATO as spilled to be paid in full. NATO IS the imperialist and fascist arm of the west.


File: 1646062353025.jfif (104.45 KB, 1125x984, FMnIgxJWYAsM7Ha.jfif)

Come the fuck on. I'm not a Bernie guy by any means especially not in the year of our lord 2022 but the guy is almost 90.


i am waiting with open arms for the flames of nuclear fire to finally cleanse my soul


This is a remarkably stupid post


Maybe us Burgers will decide that we will be putting a military base in Moscow next to OUR McDonalds to defend our interests abroad and protect the established rule of global law. How bout dat cash me outside the Kremlin.


Has the Ukrainian president done something other than beg for support and dress up for photoshoots?


I could see Voosh unironically getting excited about this meme.


I don't know, this does sound like a fuck up an army could do.


So what happened with the talks in Belarus this morning?


File: 1646062459571.jpeg (476.58 KB, 2880x1800, sus.jpeg)

There's a saboteur among us.




Why the fuck are they sending National Guard in Ukraine?


>What type of Jew are you?


Ukraine literally wanted Russia to withdraw from Crimea and Donbass so it went nowhere.


Peacekeeping in conquered territory?


Everything that Existential Comics said about Musk was correct, holy shit.


God they're so fucking stupid


Very challenging. Hearing words accurately is difficult because there are so many homonyms and reading correctly is difficult because if you arrive at a word you don’t recognize the meaning can be totally lost. These difficulties exist in English/French/Russian/German/Spanish as well but it is at a totally new level with Mandarin.


Every military does things like this for misdirection of signal intelligence during conflicts


This has been declared officially BASED


Too early. Did they expect a victory this quick?


File: 1646062575085.gif (8.51 MB, 498x498, giga-chad.gif)

>Ukrainian guys come in casually dressed up.
>Demand Russia to retreat troops from Crimea.
>Don't explain why or how.
Kinda like the meme, but retarded.


Pretty based and retarded if so



They already have some cities, good to have specialized troops keeping the population in line and taking care of the stragglers while the army pushes forward. Someone must have made an error and gave wrong orders or some shit


ukrainis are high on twitter hopium and following "advice" from DC to keep fighting, so they just made maximalist demands and the talks failed.


russians can't do much about the stalling and ukraine is stalling for reasons of the west being super slow to act so they give them enough time that maybe some warhawks will go full attack mode

this and also the cynical hope that russians will commit well documented atrocities on civvies that will accelerate the restart of history even more


>Western "left" liberals
>We need to vote for Biden!
>Bush ultra nationalism is bad!
>The Iraq war is unjustified!
>US war propaganda is so bad!

>Zelensky is so badass!

>I want to join the Ukrainian battalions to kill some Russians!
>Glory to Ukraine! Glory to Azov battalion! Glory to Ghost of Kiev


…and that's why you shouldn't play too much hoi4


File: 1646062731347.png (1.3 MB, 961x641, ClipboardImage.png)

That ZelenskyyyyyYYYYYYYY photo is from April 2021 LOLOLOLOL

Imagine reposting NATO propaganda like a redditor.


Working on a position with some members of a socialist party. Here was my proposed position.

<where does anti-imperialism fit?

>A. There are nationalities included in SSRs that do not have a stake in the nationalism of the latter after the union's collapse

>B. There is a nation, Russia, which has does not have stake in imperialism because of how it's explicitly contained by it. This is because Europe could not overcome the east-west division, so it was remade into a Europe-Russia one which was used to expand into the east
>C. that new division then bifurcated A as it reached multiethnic SSRs defined by the Russian revolution (where people there formed revolutionary states opposed to the central government of the pre-SSR nation), creating the alignment of Russia and nationalities included into SSRs but not the nations that succeeded them. This caused war in Georgia and Ukraine
>the anti-imperialist position is opposed to imperialism sponsoring the national division of the region. Thanks to unipolarity this trend is highly asymmetric.


File: 1646062741757.png (103.9 KB, 643x538, ClipboardImage.png)

What the FUCK am I reading?


Don't worry guys, JVPITER is on the case to tell Putin he's being a meany head.


imagining that retard actually try to navigate world affairs is so fucking funny to me


File: 1646062783288.png (321.67 KB, 930x566, 1646038302823.png)

At first i thought war was a tragedy :D


File: 1646062796433.jpg (48.06 KB, 540x304, jvpiterian.jpg)


civilized rhetoric about a civilized country


Canada has biggest Ukrainian diaspora in the world, some of them are pretty nationalist (lol)




>I'm gonna do what's called the "Leeroy Jenkins" move


I'm generally pro-Ukrainian on this issue, but what the fuck is wrong with these westoids?


>fight for the kurds or donbass
<Jail! Terrorist!

>fight for azov

<Hero, so brave, modern international brigades!


File: 1646062936673.png (8.03 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

Ukraine is clealy winning. Putleroids imagine ukrainians capitulating every second, but it's actually just a bunch of civilains who are wrecking russians and using molotov cocktails for defenses
Russia should have had the capital in a day but they need more reinforcements. You take all nuclear away USA knocks the living snot out of Russia with their primitive tanks a d other weapons. Russians are getting beat by civilains these last few days amd have taken a lot of loss .1 fighter took out 6 Russian fighters in the air lol(NATO shill, no post history)


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<Small drone operator, surrendered to the Russian forces. Command had sent his company to intercept a Russian unit, but in the ensuing battle his unit was defeated and his commander went offline.
<Chief inspector of the border control at Chonhar. Abandoned by his commanding officers, decided to surrender with his men and avoid casualties.


Does Canada imprison people fighting for Rojava?


I guess we have been living in fascist racism this whole time.


I'm surprised that western chauvinist think of Russia as civilized or european.


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>That Crenshaw tweet
My lord is Dollar General Snake Pliskin retarded. The plan is to crash The ISS in 2031.


>I'm pro Ukrainian
>I think nationalists should dictate to the whole of a former SSR


Not sure if ironic


Christianity was a mistake.


>Fox News talks to Iraq and Afghan War architect Condoleezza Rice. "When you invade a sovereign nation, that is a war crime."


File: 1646063089667.png (3.2 MB, 540x402, fileupload.png)

As very likely most of the nonwhite and nonWestern countries do not plan to participate in the sanctions against Russia, does this mean the Russians are technically counted part of People of Color?


I think Ukraine shouldn't be invaded by Russia


>surrender to Russia
>zero bruises
>noses not bleeding
>brain matter not hanging out their ears
It's almost as if Russia was in Ukraine to denazify a coup-captured population or something.


Bruh Europe really has to be cleaned, damn.


slavs are people of colour


>I think Ukraine shouldn't be invaded by Russia

Then don't try to reconquer Russian areas that jumped ship after a nationalist coup?


>>fight for the kurds
<<Jail! Terrorist!

is this another anarkiddie fantasy?


Well well well
>Denounce Putin or lose your job: Russian conductor Valery Gergiev given public ultimatum
>The campaign against Russian conductor Valery Gergiev: Middle-class hysteria in the service of war


My personal analyses of this as the poster, seems to indicates to me that Russia was prepared for a rapid and swift transfer of political power, believing that the Dancing With The Stars winner Zelensky would flee the country and save his own butt, and once the government fell the military would surrender without a war leaving the Russia riot police to keep the people in the city from rioting and looting and establishing calm and preventing social unrest to protect the people and the infrastructure.

Allow me to go even farther and to say that it is my belief that the U.S. wanted, and perhaps had no plans for the opposite of Zelensky staying and fighting. They tried multiple times to evacuate him even offering to send him a private jet.
After all the last U.S. propped up government in Afghanistan fled the country before any of the children even got on planes.
Saddam Hussein, who ruled for decades, ran and hid in a hole.
Who would have banked on Zelensky of all people, actually staying and rallying his nation to fight?


>Burger ruling class confirmed to have lost their minds


<The Ukraine Crisis with Dan Cohen and Scott Ritter


People like this would cheer on the fire-bombing of Dresden and Tokyo, and the nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


Honestly this is why I'm for the "globohomo" conspiracy, even though I know it's not true" of importing as many immigrants from the third world to Europe. The less white Europe is the less capable is it of spreading this absolutely insane rhetoric.


How do I unsee this.
Absolutely fucking cursed.

Man, what a fucking bummer. How are these people even fucking real, I swear to god these ghouls are created in some factory by a cartoon villain.


I think Ukraine shouldn't have to suffer the consequences of a US coup letting nazis into power.


Wasn't she the one who concluded that Georgia was the aggressor in 2008?


>what is wrong with westoids
Westoids feel bad when they feel naturally more sympathy towards people who look and act like them.


Nah, I'm not about destroying the homes and countries of brown people so they come here to own the whites. Im all about killing fascists tho.


>I think Ukrainian nationalists and nazis should continue massacring pro-Russia separatists in Donbas and Russia should let it happen


>Ukraine is clealy winning.
winning what ? twitter ?


Yeah I agree. I fear is too late for a neutral peacefull Ukraine.


Russia has invaded the country in February of 2014, what massacres are you talking about?


>Yes, it would be worthwhile to study clinically, in detail, the steps taken by Hitler and Hitlerism and to reveal to the very distin­guished, very humanistic, very Christian bourgeois of the twentieth century that without his being aware of it, he has a Hitler inside him, that Hitler inhabits him, that Hitler is his demon, that if he rails against him, he is being inconsistent and that, at bottom, what he cannot forgive Hitler for is not the crime in itself, the crime against man, it is not the humiliation of man as such, it is the crime against the white man, the humiliation of the white man, and the fact that he applied to Europe colonialist procedures which until then had been reserved exclusively for the Arabs of Algeria, the "coolies" of India, and the "uyghurs" of Africa.
>And that is the great thing I hold against pseudo-humanism: that for too long it has diminished the rights of man, that its concept of those rights has been - and still is - narrow and fragmentary, incom­plete and biased and, all things considered, sordidly racist.
>I have talked a good deal about Hitler. Because he deserves it: he makes it possible to see things on a large scale and to grasp the fact that capitalist society, at its present stage, is incapable of establishing a concept of the rights of all men, just as it has proved incapable of establishing a system of individual ethics. Whether one likes it or not, at the end of the blind alley that is Europe, I mean the Europe of Adenauer, Schuman, Bidault, and a few others, there is Hitler. At the end of capitalism, which is eager to outlive its day, there is Hitler. At the end of formal humanism and philosophic renunciation, there is Hitler.


>Who would have banked on Zelensky of all people, actually staying
Yes he was ordered by the west to stay

>and rallying his nation to fight?

By which you mean the forced conscription of all males and forbidding males 18-60 from leaving the country at the borders, by presidential decree.

So yeah the brave ZeleskyyyyyYYYY has holed himself in Kiev and decreed that every Ukranian male must die to hinder the Russian military with their bodies. SO BRAVE!


afaik Canada, Britain and the US all consider the PKK to be a terrorist organisation


File: 1646063536688.png (210.64 KB, 312x272, Glow supernova.png)


Why does it seems like russians and ukrainians can communicate so seamlessly? I thought their languages were to each other what dutch is to english?


Yeah and much as the dutch can almost all speak english, most ukrainians speak russian


lmao no, its just different dialect


What is this from?


They speak in Russian, most Ukrainians (especially in Central and Eastern Ukraine) know Russian to a degree.


Its like someone from Chicago speaking ebonics to someone with a New York accent.


File: 1646063651999.png (72.82 KB, 507x500, ClipboardImage.png)



Aimé Césaire, Discourse on colonialism


Most Ukrainians also speak Russian. Look up a map of lexical distance between European languages to see how dissimilar they are. You'll see the English-Dutch, Russian-Ukrainian comparison.





99% of official media and social media. Only a few /pol/yps and our bunker are defending capitalist Russia.


Honestly the weirdest part of the talks like were they expecting russia to except?


Twitter is not news


you're in good company


>The less white Europe is the less capable is it of spreading this absolutely insane rhetoric
at least one of the people in that lineup is american, despite the diversity white americans are perfectly comfortable using the same rhetoric and don't see the problem with it


Literally this, there has been ongoing conflicts all over the world for over 3 decades now, and nobody says a thing.
Ukraine was bombing DNR and LNR for the past 8 years and no one says a thing.
But Russia wants to do a regime change in Ukraine and it's only been like 4-5 days and everyone loses their shit.


lmao saved


File: 1646063840876.mp4 (4.82 MB, 274x480, pewpewpew.mp4)

Fresh off the presses - A woman is filming mass bombing of civilian population centers in Kharkiv
Looks like multiple apartment blocks getting blown to shit.


Critical support to Valery Gergiev in his fight against the anglo censorship.


I thought civilians had been warned to leave?


you forgot >1000+ troops killed/day


I'm aware official media is producing this narrative but it does conflict with the fact that "putting up resistance" is not "winning", but "losing slower"


File: 1646063923989.mp4 (1.07 MB, 416x224, Mt4KdLHCtKQkRkYx.mp4)

>The Buk missile launcher was destroyed near the village of Ivankiv in the Kiev region.



At least in Kiev the russian goverment is letting them leave.
Other thing is if the Ukrainian army is letting them leave. That's a different question.


how the fuck are millions of non combatants supposed to flee in a blitz as rapid as the one the ruskies are pulling


File: 1646063945443-0.mp4 (1.21 MB, 352x640, IMG_8512.MP4)

<commander of an anti-tank vehicle. Was abandoned by his commanding officers near Crimea after the vehicle had broken down.
"They're feeding us well, I am sleeping in a bed"
Yeah, it's weird isn't it? I was told that the Russians are bloodthirsty savages and have no respect for prisoners!


Good (very old) article from Russian Marxists correcting Western leftists on Ukraine. It was written long before the escalation, still an interesting read


Residents of the village of Senkovka (Chernihiv region - the junction of the borders with the Russian Federation and Belarus) block a column of Russian military equipment.


Unless they're really drug addicts like Putin said and got high on their own propaganda there's no way they expected this to work. But behind the curtain advisors meet and who knows what's being said. At this point we can safely declare that the current Ukrainian government clearly doesn't want to be neutral. Until one the west or Russia decide to deescalate it will just keep getting hotter.


anything translated plz


Might as well have just declared war from the Ukrainian side. Would probably have been better for Ukraine to not do these talks, but allegedly, they requested them, so perhaps this was there intended message.


right click -> translate by google


no sir no google here


>you must hold the approved political opinions and recite them publicly or be punished!
so many Free World moments this week


2005 Luka, best Luka


File: 1646064088177.jpeg (863.56 KB, 3000x2128, erogan.jpeg)

Who would win? Russian Armed Forces vs. some turkish drones


use deepl


Smug anime luka face.


or ukrainian government gets overthrown by russia which honestly i am hoping for for the sake of the proles at this point


is he actually fucking signing the drone lmao


Except in America you get canceled, not as much in Europe because even though Europe is multi ethnic, it's not multi ethnic in the way the US is or North America in general is. There is alot of racism here yes but Europe is a different kind of racism, that can be got rid of by "Americanization" or having similar ethnic mixing the way the Americas have and the UK to an extent since the UK is similar to the US in terms of multi-ethnicity.

The rest of continental Europe is not so "lucky", their racism runs deeper in a different way and I consider it even more harmful than what we have in the Americas for exactly the same reasons as how that kind of rhetoric in that post is given a blind eye to.


>99% of official media and social media
So they are winning the war of perception but are losing the war on the ground.
Doesn't seem very sustainable.


Sage. you have been awfully quiet since this started. What are your thoughts?


No obviously not, they said it precisely so the russians would refuse, because the task of the ukrainian government is to bleed ukraine white for the entertainment/propaganda purposes of NATO.
Now Zelensky gets to go back and say 'well we tried but evil russkies just want to kill us all' and the libs will counter anyone questioning ukraine's position with 'umm actually crimea is ukraine sweaty, deal with it' before posting an azov fancam at you.


Apparently there's a picture of the drone crashed somewhere, with the signature visible.


to be exploited by local and russian oligarchs aint much better than local and euro oligarchs
The best we can hope is that putin, wanting to stabilize it, put a truly popular socdem government in charge. But that sound way too optimistic for 2022


Real question: How do you counter drones? I mean drones are nothing new yet even modern armys seem to struggle against them. Is the future of war literally just gonna be drones and autonomous vehicles warfare?


>We out here just chillin watching a war


It isn't. Look how it worked for TPLF. At least they could make an offensive even if they hyped everything up to the max.


Ukrainian justification for stationing troops in apartment buildings, mortar in schoolyards and tanks behind offices is that "it's a city, where else are they supposed to go?"

Sadly, there is no other way.

Unfortunately this must happen so that European Ukraine can recapture Donetsk, its rightful clay, and resume its reign of genocidal terror there.


Russians are winning pretty hard here. Turkish drones are a huge drain on their economy and they have lost dozens in the fighting already


and go where?


File: 1646064294367.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 3.43 MB, 264x480, graphic_content_not_for_se….mp4)

Warning Graphic
Kharkiv today - A woman has her leg blown off by a huge ass rocket that lands and does not explode, civilians and residents of the city right next to the UXO trying to help the old lady as best that they can with medical care.

This shit is absolutely insane.


>Russia has invaded the country in February of 2014
that's not really true. the Russians were already in Crimea (they had been leasing that naval base since forever), and any other forces they deployed came after Yanukovych was ousted by a coup and asked Putin to send in troops (to which Putin annexed Crimea so as to protect the critically important strategic naval base in Sevastopol.

in Donbas, there was a few officers that were sent in and organized a militia (guys like Strelkov), but the vast majority of those fighting for DPR/LPR secessionist side were Ukrainian citizens (in a survey of 1000 released POW's done by Ivan Katchanovski, ~95% of them had Ukrainian passports)


They will be within the sphere of the Chinese they will be fine. I feel like if anything this is going to backfire in the West's face esp the whole SWIFT thing.


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So just like Armenia?


carpet bombing is kinda hard to hide


believe it or not: radio jamming


File: 1646064382153.png (797.63 KB, 1280x720, DeadKhokholsPhone.png)

Remember Khokhols trolling relatives of Russian troops? Welp, here's Russian (DPR/LPR, I think) response, where UKRAINIAN parents get trolled via their dead son's phone


>Uhhhhh zelesky bros I thought that the Russians were being destroyed by drones what happened


Where are the subtitles?


wow.. really epic…


we're better than this


nope, welcome to war


The difference is that the Russian soldiers can get court-martialed (and should) while azov nazis won't.


>Says the anime watcher, confused as to how not every video in a different language to it's native one isn't subbed.


Don't be sad, Khokhol.

It's just one guy not in Russian armed forces who's fucking pissed at Nazis doing this shit. It will never catch on, and you get a sweet taste of revenge before going over the edge


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bloodthirsty moron


Some angry people cheer on other people's deaths. That's understandable, but there is nothing funny or good


How have the russians been dealing with the Ukrainian drones? Is this gonna be a Nagorno-Karabakh 2.0?


that last reply is basically "i am fighting near mariupol, mama why are we baby killing fascists in donbass?"

it's kinda insane tho, a whole generation is never gonna heal because of this shit





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It's to demoralize khokhols/anglos who come here to shit with Ukrop disinfo.


Ethiopia getting smeared lately with genocide and rape claims tho, expect a successful propaganda campaign in the coming years which will eventually lead to a coup or 'peaceful transfer' to a new party


File: 1646064646239.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 17.71 MB, 626x360, the_city_of_irpen_ukraine_….mp4)

Warning more graphic footage after a huge battle in Irpen - City is heavily destroyed, destroyed equipment and buildings as far as the eye can see, mass numbers of corpses littler the street everywhere, people are grabbing Russian weapons and ammo off the dead preparing for the next wave into the meat grinder.


Those are ukrainian corpses tho.


You're just giving them ammo. Don't stoop to their level.


How do we know this is real?


why the fuck are people doing this honestly


because the wast majority of people are stupid and evil, that's why, anon


We don't. Also the text here is extremely retarded, both green and white posts are somehow full of anti-Ukrainian racist jokes


To quote a Belarussian youtube commenter arguing with Poles: Would you call a man happy if changes his spouse every four years?


Imagine the horror and fear knowing your son may die, not knowing what's happened to him, and having this happen. Fuck anyone cheering this


None are attached to the footage I am sorry I am a Burger I don't speak Ukrainian or Russian, just trying to upload some fresh new content.


Economically illiterate and happy to be called a retard on this but am I the only one that thinks the economic sanctions are a nothing burger? The western MSM is of course going to hype them up to save face for the politicians as they let Russia gobble up Ukraine but I think its just cope? I once again remind you of the continued existence of countless countries under similar amounts of economic pressure with far less leverage than Russia.
Unless these sanctions are to grease the wheel for WW3 or widespread insurgencies then I think the west is just psyopping their pop. into thinking they are "winning" as Putin exerts his will in Ukraine, and I'm not even convinced the West would win in that scenario either based on recent history
Dont get me wrong, Russians will suffer but are sanctions the silver bullet the media implies they are?


File: 1646064872430.png (885.02 KB, 1280x720, ClipboardImage.png)

Good point. Why is he indoors? Where is any evidence of military gear? Was this part of a series of pictures? Or do we really only have a hand and a phone?

Anyways here's a machine translated.

You guys can use this link when you want to translate photos:


>Economically illiterate and happy to be called a retard on this but am I the only one that thinks the economic sanctions are a nothing burger?
Russia is a country capable of autarky. Putin isn't neolib cucked either.


File: 1646064923963.jpg (457.35 KB, 1024x576, 1646064382153.translated.jpg)

My bad. Thought copy and paste would work.


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I'm the best kind: A JudeoBolshevik.


>Trolling Ukrainians.
>By stating facts.


Holy fuck, at least she'll live, lucky it was a dud but damn what are the chances.


Whats the translation?


extremely based lmao


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I mean, look at khokhols at UN. Look at them


are you sure that's trolling and not just a pic of their actual convo?


I have heavy doubts that the vote would pass the 2/3rds required in the parliament.


Scroll up like 5 posts:


Or its probably a juba sniper situation where they are claiming multiple people as one.


nice quads, rip my eyes


I just ran it through the translate. Ask the other guy:
I don't know where he got it from.




Is it really against the law to criticize Stepan Bandera in Ukraine?


could he not be dead. clearly whoeve is responding just noticed the message alert




Youre just as bad as liberals



yeah that's cruel

on the other hand it could've been written by anyone, and we have seen the hohol ministry of defense post trying pass footage from arma III as real footage


It's literally the ukrainian uniform retard. Russian uniforms are greener.


Wtf putler just sent a mean message to my mom?


We in truth don't have the real casualty numbers, it's an ongoing war so it's difficult to confirm, and the Russian military won't release that info yet for sure, neither will Ukraine.


Where did you get this information from?


Those are clearly Ukrainians but you also clearly see living Ukranian patrolling around, indicating they repelled an attack. You also see Russia armored vehicles being driven around, which is odd, but they could be captured, I suppose. Or it could just be the insanity of war.




Wait a fucking minute. It was a fake made on dvach


thats just shitty to do, its fucking stupid


>am I the only one that thinks the economic sanctions are a nothing burger?
it's uncertain; but i think they are pretty well-positioned for countering sanctions as it's something that has been at the forefront of their geopolitical strategy for a while now. time will only tell



shut the fuck up already retard


File: 1646065482414.mp4 (1.44 MB, 640x360, 14af3dc463f4932d.mp4)


I mean, I was away from a computer when this happened, but apparently someone on dvach made a fake like this, and thne Ukrainian rep brought it to UN. It is a fake from a fucking dvach that got used by an Ukrainian rep at UN


why the fuck you censor the name???
i wanna destroy this cuck


Reading a Reddit thread about Ukraine praising Azov yesterday
All I've found so far is this article saying they were going to do it but idk if the bill passed


Based. Dvach copypasta was once used in Russian parliament as a justification of more harsh anti-Caucasian policies


Stop trying to use leftypol as a source, I've checked more than half the links and image sources almost half are either bunk or old ass news or videos/images from 5-10 years ago.


it's a joke bro relax


stfu. Russia was seeing that Kiev wasnt working out like that, paused the attack for 48h and has now enough reinforceement to continue it since negotiations just failed



(Reuters) - Germany's Enercon on Monday said a "massive disruption" of satellite connections in Europe was affecting the operations of 5,800 wind turbines in central Europe.

It said the satellite connections stopped working on Thursday, knocking out remote monitoring and control


shit is insane here, Russians and Ukrops are both katyushing the city at the same time apparently


wow, a blue sky in Ukraine


Does anyone else feel like people are underestimating Russia?



Putin ordered people who received western credits to not make any payments on their debts, forgiving them. Lol'd



people arent, "people" are


I hope she gets back on her feet.


>people are underestimating Russia?
I mean yea, this isn't even more then half of the Russian army in Ukraine rn, and they got this far with Ukraine seething and only winning the information warfare on Reddit and Twitter.


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Be a man and post Ukrops encircled in Mariupol :^)


>Ukrainians show it at UN
Confirmed fake.


>twitter humor


Protestors come out to greet Russian troops, location unknown, probably somewhere in Ukraine


Quality of life will plummet compared to what it is now, but it won't wipe Russia from the map or put them out of the game or anything. The real question is if it'll push petites enough to start scheming, and if they're clever enough to get Putin out of the Kremlin.
Doubt it though.


No you haven't lol


This is why the Ruskies brought riot police units for the anon who asked before


One of the funniest shit is, unknown to the majority of people, is that armor and such have a limited lifespan. I mean, tanks are supposed to get their engine replaced entirely after a very short period of time due to wearing out. Given that the absolute majority of Ukrop videos feature empty convoys with no corpses, well…

>Donetsk is Ukraine

Oh, sweet Khokhol children…


It is Dvach humor, it is far worse than twitter


>When will /leftypol/ admit Putler and Russia messed up and lost?
When he looses?


Russian tycoon Oleg Deripaska says time to end 'state capitalism' in Russia


This is what I mean when I say that Russian comrades must be ready.
There will be turmoil in Russia.


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That's optimistic. If the asshole have two braincells working, he'll throw or destroy the phone quickly and good luck to prove anything.




File: 1646066135955.mp4 (3.11 MB, 712x400, polska.mp4)

what a year


when the Germans stand in Moscow :*


What's going on here?


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The fuck is up with this? More saboteur shit? These are Ukrainian uniforms right?



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^the actual bill containing the law
>Law no. 2538-1 "On the Legal Status and Honoring of the Memory of the Fighters for the Independence of Ukraine in the 20th Century" — elevating several historical organizations, including the Ukrainian Insurgent Army and the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, to official status and assures social benefits to their surviving members.

^good article on it


don't listen to idiots like this >>546600, investigate for yourself


Ebin literally no argument


This isn't Flight of the Valkyries


So it looks like when Ukraine made communist symbols illegal they also made it illegal to deny the Heroism of infamous Nazi Stepan Bandera who shipped 1.5 million Jewish people into German hands. They also declared January 1st to be Stepan Bandera day.
Wild stuff for a non-nazi state.


pue kino



Putins political faction is indeed disillusioned by neoliberalism and want state capitalist dirigisme. They still work closely with the bourgeoisie oligarchs as you can see from his meeting hour with the oligarchs after the war him trying to tell economy wont collapse on monday.


Embedding error.
Sounds like the Half-life 1 soundtrack


File: 1646066383653.jpg (61.99 KB, 614x559, iygfikgikug.JPG)

Peace talks are over
Nothing agreed upon
Possible second round later after more fighting


imagine dying for NATO and your countrymen claiming you're a saboteur


not enough blood for the Ukrainian blood god


I swear I remember reading similar posts during the Crimea situation


>He's been loosing a lot, Anon
Other than twitter cope I haven't seen shit to prove this especially with Russian troops encircling keiv and donbass where the Ukrainian military is stationed not to mention matriapol. Like ukraine needs to drag this war on for more than a couple of months to win this.


File: 1646066539495.webm (1.15 MB, 608x1080, 1646055254686.webm)

>according to European intelligence casualty figures provided by Ukranians are accurate
Ruskibros… I don't feel so good


It's a sewerslvt track, I forget which but I think its an older track off of draining love story


>according to European intelligence casualty figures
Stopped reading there


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Some /k/ posts showing how rough the muddy terrain has become for logistics, and Russians are pretty much grabbing every vehicle with wheels and an engine to provide supplies. The ground has become unfrozen and it eating both tracked and untracked vehicles. This provides a absolute logistics nightmare for both sides of the conflict.
Air power will mean much more for supply drops.




Christo Grozev also said that Russia probably suffered thousands of casualties. I wonder what Ukrainian losses are, they must be insane


This was obvious though


Why would Russia leave, lol? Ukraine's got it's entire army almost-encircled. All that's left to the West of Dnieper is volunteer militia and mercs.


>There will be turmoil in Russia.

There's always turmoil in Russia. But you're right, especially now, Putin's irredentist imperialist ambitions have backfired spectacularly. He's in a really tough position right now.


Ukraine lost around 0 soldiers and 0 civilians


source thoughever


Ukraine loses credibility with this tbh. They are now fighting to recapture separatists territories who have every reason to believe will inflict genocide on them.


Not this kind of insane lol


Those are the official Russian losses


Why is he in tough position


It absolutely isnt, unless by autarky you mean "has enough food".


For me it's not a nazi state, mainly because there's not a nazi party dictatorship doing turbo capitalism. Decommunization also existed in other ex soviet countries like in the Baltic. The thing is since 2003 (and before) there's been a big political antagonism between Russia and Ukraine, so their govt decommunizes not because they hate judeo bolchevism and worker orgs but because communism is symbolic of Russia and they want to go west. Likewise Bandera is mostly not seen as nazi collaborator ethnic cleanser, but as the dude who fought Russia and as such represents the roots of the antagonism between the two countries.


That's good for the Russians since they have air superiority.


It's DPR/LPR. Those are militias

/k/ is retards who believe in american superiority. Believing in american superiority fries your brains




Nope, sorry Putin imperialist shill, but those are Russian uniforms. Ukrainian uniforms look slightly more U.S style camo.

Russians have been dying in big numbers over the past few days. The casualty figures provided by the Ukrainians for Russian KIAs are probably close to accurate as much as it makes you seethe.


Russians said they had losses, didn't publish anything. But I do not think it is probable that they lost 2x as many soldiers in 4 days as they did in 2 years of the 2nd Cechen war or even 2 years of 1st cechen war.


Not a shit post, thank you.

It can still go many ways. The bank run is the real big homeland issue for him right now, though that can be smoothed over once things cool down.


There are two officially confirmed deaths in Russia, don't spread Ukrop disinfo memes


>The casualty figures provided by the Ukrainians for Russian KIAs are probably close to accurate as much as it makes you seethe.

They are not close to accurate even in the absolutely worse case scenario.


So how come Ukraine denies us any footage of 6 thousand dead Russian bodies. That would be prime propaganda for Russians at home to remove Putin and his cronies.


Id guess theyre 100-200


you get canceled but the anti-racism is superficial and more about keeping the peace, under the surface there's still chauvinism and clever language used to hide it. the vicious and unapologetic racism of the jim crow era has mostly been replaced by the progressive, patronizing racism of coastal liberals while the structural elements of it persist. i don't think europe's problems with race will be solved by importing more brown people (i think they'd become significantly worse before they got a little better), they'd only go away with the dismantling of capitalism


>Russians have been dying in big numbers over the past few days.

There was a leak saying there's 200-300 dead Russians. Sorry, but no, Khokhol, however much it makes you seethe, EVEN ONE propaganda footage from Russia contains more POWed and dead Ukrops than the entirety of Ukrop propaganda videos. Sorry that you can't see Russian propaganda videos, though :^)


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>NATO says NATO is winning


>so their govt decommunizes not because they hate judeo bolchevism and worker orgs but because communism is symbolic of Russia and they want to go west
why not both


Pro-Russian analysts were talking about 600-700 on 26th, but fighting isn't as intense now


<6000 deaths is accurate

1000 would be too much.
Real losses are probably around 7-800 for Russia.


Do you even need a Nazi party in charge under neoliberalism though


200-300. DPR/LPR said they lose like 10 people a day.


Fair point


Because he gambled on the Russian invasion of Ukraine being something that would be over in a week's time, he was probably delusional enough to think there was actually a significant contingent of pro-Russian sentiment in Ukraine which is objectively false (even in Donetsk for instance 60% of the population identifies as Ukrainian, and Russian Army hasn't even managed to fully capture Donetsk or Luhansk).

Now NATO, Russia's geopolitical "enemy", is completely galvanized, the EU is truly united for the first time in our lifetimes, Finland is floating NATO membership, the ruble has collapsed and extreme western sanctions including SWIFT have made Russian oligarchs VERY nervous.

The more sanctions and the longer the war drags on, the more likely oligarchs are to overthrow Putin. It probably won't lead to a bottom up revolution of the Russian people but the oligarchs could 100% attempt to organize an anti-Putin coup.


Nobody is killing +1000 soldiers a day. Doesn't happen in these conditions.


Is this a hecking T90


Russians are sending in the reserves mate, look, no cage.

They're running out of tanks


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ok maybe even as high. 5000 quadrillions as Ukraine claims is just cope but I shouldnt cope the other way around.

F for the brave soldiers dying for a new multipolar world


It is for fast moving jets with chaff/flair that can go supersonic, but supply drops from large, slow moving transport planes is risky with the U.S. now supplying Stinger missiles to Ukraine (As of yesterday they moved a huge shipment into Ukraine according to U.S. military reports). Risking moving supplies by helicopter is very risky. And landing at airfields directly with huge transport planes is a nightmare in a hostile unsecured warzone. None of the airfields have fence lines or walls (from what photos show), just fucking wide open at this point.

An army marches on its stomach, logistics wins wars.


While I give a non-zero chance that this operation is a giant fuck-up I just don't find it very plausible. Why would Russia launch a dumb, ill-prepared invasion which they knew will make them lose all power? And Russians aren't some dumb cunts who thought they can march into Kiyev in 5 hours.


>and Russian Army hasn't even managed to fully capture Donetsk or Luhansk
What are you talking about? Cities are under Russian control since 2014, just not the whole regions


>Because he gambled on the Russian invasion of Ukraine being something that would be over in a week's time

Oh yeah, dude, Putin would think that he cound conquer the country as big as France in a week. If you are stupid, don't project your stupidity onto others.


I have seen enough. It's over for Russia. The only path to peace is the unconditional surrender of Russian troops and them giving back every inch of occupied territory including Crimea. If you are truly an anti-imperialist and for peace that's what you should be rooting for.





It seems to me too few.
After all combat is raging everywhere and Russians are on the offensive side, which usually takes the greater casualties (this is not the case but I say it to give a measure of comparison).

The DPR/LPR data could be pretty accurate though. They're advancing without rushing it.


Hail Putin, NATO shill


>that's what you should be rooting for.
Oh yea?
Then how about Ukraine not joining NATO then and stop praising Nazis,and allowing DNR and LNR to exist as their own republics.


>It is for fast moving jets with chaff/flair that can go supersonic, but supply drops from large, slow moving transport planes is risky with the U.S. now supplying Stinger missiles to Ukraine (As of yesterday they moved a huge shipment into Ukraine according to U.S. military reports).
They don't have to fly over territory they don't control to resupply their frontlines. Meanwhile their jets can take out all the supply helicopters on the otherside.


They have 15,000 tanks



>Zelensky signs form he had lying around to join the EU

Or maybe there's someone there with him idk


The alternative to a Russian victory is 30 more years of End of History.
Any sane leftist knows what is the better outcome.


Then you know, at this point, that the majority of their force was held in reserve.

Obviously shitposting online wont change the outcome but please don't bring these psychologic operations here. Be realistic about the progress of the war. I don't like living in opposite land we are in right now where gaining territory = losing, losing all airfields = winning, retreating = winning, getting encircled = winning


It might not be so easy to pull old equipment back into service. But to be honest Russia will probably run out of tankers before that happens


>After all combat is raging everywhere and Russians are on the offensive side, which usually takes the greater casualties (this is not the case but I say it to give a measure of comparison).

No, attackers don't have to lose more, it's kinda the opposite actually - side with a greater mobility gets less casualties. Ukrops LITERALLY have an order to film every dead Russian, that's their strategy because their American handlers are morons who think that Twitter feed coups countries.


File: 1646067208771.jpg (113.64 KB, 680x528, FMr-XqRXIAcD0KZ.jpg)

Retired french colonel michel goya assessment :

Update on operations in Ukraine 28 February 0930 D+4

General impression: After the failure of the "operative shock", the Russians are returning to a method of successive operations by concentrating resources on Kiev and secondarily the Kharkov-Melitopol axis. The other armies are placed on pause or in defense.

Airspace: significant Russian effort thanks to reinforcement in Belarus. Numerous strikes in the depths of the theater (proclamation of air supremacy this morning) before concentrating the effort on the city of Kiev in preparation for and in support of the ground forces

Kiev zone: after reinforcements from Belarus, including Belarusians, the methodical investment of Kiev by the 36th (West) then 41st A (North and East) + light forces + air support began. The light forces continued their infiltration.

North-East zone: the 20th A was slowed down by the enemy (an ABG was destroyed near Sumi) and by logistical problems. The 1st ABG struggled to seize Kharkov. A division would have bypassed the city to reach Kupiansk, south-east of Kharkov.

Donbass zone: situation unchanged in the 8th A zone. Junction of 49th A with 58th A (East) + Naval Brigade. Continuity of terrain between Crimea and Donbass. Difficult siege of the port of Mariupol.

Crimea-Dnepr area: 58th A (West) in defensive posture. Fighting in Khierson, which Ukrainian forces have retaken. Russian position of Mikolayev in difficulty. First known use of TB2 Bayraktar armed drone by Ukr forces. Russian naval forces in front of Odessa.

Possible developments
Major fighting, with slow progress (1/km day) should begin in Kiev within two days.
Unknowns: 1 will the Russians consider the population as a hindrance to them and encourage its departure or as a burden for the defense?

2 How much firepower will the Russians use between crushing the defense and preserving historic Kiev (the focus of Russophile discourse) and its population? In any case, the Russians need a quick victory.

2nd axis of effort on the Kharkov-Zaporozhie axis. The 1st ABG was slowed down by Kharkov and the 58th A saw its resources dispersed between the Dnieper in the West, the siege of Marioupol and the progression towards the North. Perhaps it is necessary to expect the reinforcement of the 58th A from the base of Rostov.

Still no commitment of the 35th A in the west of Ukraine. Perhaps due to lack of logistical resources.

1 After 4 days of fighting, Russian human and material losses exceed those of 6 years of engagement in Syria. The Russian army will inevitably come out of this war worn out. It remains to be seen to what degree.

2 Importance of low-cost armed drones of the TB-2 type for a force that does not have air superiority (and even the others).

3 Resistance of cities: importance of competent, motivated and numerous light infantry to defend or conquer. The Russian model is poorly adapted to the conquest of cities. The Russian light infantry is superior to its motorized infantry but insufficient in number.

Gradual transformation of Ukrainian regular forces from a regular army to an urban guerrilla army.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


EU will as always need like - another douzen years to think of it. Its much but not quick. Also ebery country has to agree on - hail wallonia


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All destroyed by a SINGLE Ukrainian patriot with slingshot.


Easiest to spot as low quality. Give them a moment to purge this trash fire of a thread.


>Real question: How do you counter drones?
If they have a control center, you blow that up.

If that is not an option, and drones are rather large, you treat them like any manned fighter-airplane, and shoot anti-air weapons at them. If there is a swarm of small drones, em-jamming and smoke screens could neutralize their effectiveness. It might be possible to destroy large numbers of small drones with an electro magnet pulse weapon. Or you could just wait 25 minutes until they run out of battery. Also Helicopter down draft can blow away drones, if you want to clear out drones from a small area because you are trying to evacuate people.

>I mean drones are nothing new yet even modern army's seem to struggle against them.

No they don't, modern military will just do decapitation strikes against command and control infrastructure or airbases.

>Is the future of war literally just gonna be drones and autonomous vehicles warfare?

Drones are only effective against a really technologically backwards force.


Nah man, Putin is doing a Afganistan speedrun. Who cares how much empty land you conquer if enemy armies are intact and supplied by someone else? Even if Kiev falls as long as organized resistance continues he'll eventually pull out


>I have seen enough. It's over for Russia
No amount of cope will change the actual situation on the ground which is in Russia's favor.




Does Wallonia always say "no" to new members or something?


Well it's kinda both. Indeed, although they didn't eliminate the communist party as part of a class war but rather as part of their struggle against Russian influence, it's a nice bonus for the ukrop govt since they slowly grind the organized working class and try to extract more profits trough neoliberal reforms.


Wallonia isn't a country.


>Fighting in Khierson, which Ukrainian forces have retaken.

That's how I know this guy drinks Ukrop psyop-aid. So, nah.

There's no organized resistance, it's just bands of Nazis taking potshots.


The strategy Zelenskyy is presently employing has me very uncomfortable. One should not forget the outcome of the Beslan school siege. Putin has the capacity to do unspeakable acts.


saboteurs are within this thread
repeat, saboteurs are within this thread


>There's no organized resistance, it's just bands of Nazis taking potshots.
This is cope


wallonia once blocked a very very important decision to - lemme google


oh yeah. American "free trade". The amount of cope and "you bastards we will bomb you to ruins" was glorious to see. Yes wallonia is just half of a country but they had a vote nonetheless, and in major EU decisions every vote needs to say yes.


Is Sesame Street winning the war against SpongeBob? Or is that just Nickelodeon propaganda?



Then why say "hail wallonia"?




>Putin is doing a Afganistan speedrun. Who cares how much empty land you conquer if enemy armies are intact and supplied by someone else? Even if Kiev falls as long as organized resistance continues he'll eventually pull out
Ukraine unlike Afghanistan doesn't have the terrain for guerilla warfare


Love to see it.


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Warning more graphic footage

I am told the translation is a young Ukrainian woman says that her mom was shot by Russian troops, and that a Russian soldier was trying to stop them shooting her and they killed him and her mom, and that he died protecting her and kept her alive, shows bodies of both her mother and the Russian soldier laying next to one another side by side as they slowly get covered by snow, while Russian troops cease their convoy on the road nearby.



I'm not making Putin apologies but I think it's clear that Russia wanted to take Ukraine with minimal civilian casualties and change the government.

So if/when Russia takes off the kid's gloves, it'll be the NATO puppets fault for deciding their citizens need to human wave the russians for the NATO foreign policy PR fund.



yeah that was a glorious day. As EU grows, interests will just widen.


How many days has it been and Russia doesn’t seem to have gone much further east of Kyiv besides some tactical take outs in the north. We have not yet seen footage or even claimed of Ukrainians being rounded up by Russians and processed or in any way governed, leading me to believe that any major population centres they have taken haven’t done much, which leads me to believe they haven’t really taken any population centres that don’t want them there, and the whole thing is a big flex to secure the east. How come half a country took like a day and they haven’t moved an inch since then? Don’t give me some bullshit about resistance, this is exactly where Putin wants to be


No, there is no chance he will "pull out" of Donbass. If you expect Putin to occupy Ukraine and face insurgency you are wrong. That is not Russia's goal and they have explicitly stated, from the outset of operation, that they will not occupy Ukraine. They will go to war with it, utterly destroy it, sure, and secure the Donbass regions forever.


now watch leftypol make excuses for-


That's the fucking thing that it's not. There's just disorganized bands of propagandists who make propaganda videos. It's not a strategy or anything centralized, it's not even a guerilla warfare.


Terrain matters less when your shoulder fired missile outranges an tank cannon


Damn, though I wonder if european intelligence might have a stake in this conflict?


The ukrainian government seems to go more fascist every day, they outright lie in social media, they take over civilian apartments and school driving out their own people, they actively instigate doubt among their own civilians and encourage them to kill "saboteurs".

I thought it was complete Maupinite propaganda at first, but now maybe Russia is actually waging a war of liberation to denazify ukraine.


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What are you trying to do, sow paranoia and division? Found you, SABOTEUR


There is offensive in the East, Kiev isn't the main objective and also they employ human shield tactics, Putin avoids civilian casualties


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Russia has stopped the advance to wait for reinforcements until literally today. Yeah it wasnt going as well as planned but they did whats right and - changed the situation and reinforced supplies now instead of making it a more dangerous problem in a week


Nah, the Americans know the Ukrainians are fucked. The conflict lasting longer just lets them do more shit to fuck with Russia and the EU.


I literally don’t believe any piece of footage I’m seeing atm. That apartment block hit by the missile was fake. I’ve seen footage of a guy in front of a tank I’m sure is old as fuck and I’ve seen before. I’ve seen footage of Palestinian girls shouting at an idf solider people were claiming was a Ukrainian shouting at a Russian soldier.


While the whole Putler thing is way overblown: you don't employ missile strikes on cities with people in the subway system below when you want "minimal civilian casualties".
I'm sure that one of the plans was to just waltz in and steamroll everything, no proverbial shot fired, but that changed very quickly.

This whole thing seems to have put a spin on that. That's the real milestone out of all of this: primary (re-)militarization of NATO countries.


The cuck kettle….


While that is true, ethno nationalism is still institutionalized as part of this anti-russia campaign. And Naziism is a real issue too, where many politicians have ties to nazi groups.


There are people walking round casually while there are dead bodies in a park area?


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Putin cucks out, annexation of the Ukraine halted


>Moscow and Kiev have found certain things that could be agreed on during the ceasefire talks hosted by Belarus and will return for consultations before the next round, both delegations told reporters after the talks ended on Monday.

>The main purpose of the talks was to discuss a ceasefire in Ukraine, said Mykhailo Podolyak, adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. The two sides have identified a number of priority topics, on which “certain solutions have been outlined,” he added.

>The two delegations found points on which common positions could be reached, confirmed Vladimir Medinsky, aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin.


a spin in that it got worse or better? I dont really give a shit about EU, how anybody wants to be a part of it after Greece makes me wonder how stupid politicians can be. But theyre glad to sell their country for a short term gain as companies are I guess


>Terrain matters less when your shoulder fired missile outranges an tank cannon
Complete nonsense the ukrop milita are only suited for making urban combat a nightmare for the Russians without anywhere for them to retreat they will get air striked.


I don't really give a shit if you think people are "making excuses." This is what it is. Russia took an approach to minimized casualties for political reasons and it did not pay off. Now, Zelensky says Ukraine will recapture Donestk. The war will become total, because of this political decision.


I believe I called this.


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Sage what are your thoughts on this?
In response to this: https://nitter.net/MarkAmesExiled/status/1498088196059668480


EU countries becoming hawkish is something you should be concerned with, as it'll affect world politics. Where they were critical in their support of the U.S. before, they will go all in now.


if Putin goes "Ok sorry everything back to status quo k?" he will look extremely weak.

Kiev is about to fall, hell if he wanted he could take it in 2 days, do it and force them to surrender.


Also it isn’t cucking out, if he secures the east and fighting stops, he’s a literal military and geo political genius. Even though I do think he’s a porky cunt and have never liked him. Source: anyone who saw my Kazakhstan takes


Just replace Israel with Russia and Palestine with Ukraine and you will get /leftypol/ putinbros


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You know, the Ukranian government can surrender any time and solve things diplomatically. Instead of forbidding the exit of males 18-60 from he country and enacting forced conscription. They have chosen otherwise which, hey, maybe NATO can support the morale with propaganda and weapons, but that's the Ukrnaian government essentially deciding every Ukranian citizen must die before the west loses it's puppet.

So yeah Ukranians got a great deal with the Euromaidan huh?


You do realize Russians can't airstrike everything because lack of PGMs makes any approach incredibly dangerous? Ukraine is filled with stringers now so you can't just fly in with your su-25

Russia doesn't have capabilities NATO had in Afganistan or serbia


From the perspective of the US, I don't see how Europeans were ever critical of the US. They did everything we wanted to, in every instance, with only a bit of whining (which we found amusing)


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I don't know what to tell you man. Its a warzone but its a city. People are going for food, visiting family, going to the hospital, renting a laserdisc from BlockBuster video.

But you might want to switch over to Cricket Wireless to stand in solidarity.


Not sure why you tagged me in that.


I am concerned but I cant tread them as noble states worth considering.
Of cause Ill ramp up resistance where I live, literally the center of this beast.


They don't have to surrender, but they could surrender the separatist territories. They don't want to do that though, they want to murder everyone inside of them.



Surely you jest


Also Zelensky is the most dumb retard ever born, how are you supposed to "de-escalate" while demanding immediate membership to NATO?

That should be enough for Putin to cancel negotiations and kill the bastard already, literally anyone else would be better, in fact if he was dead this war would end immediately.


Bandera rehabilitation continues


Reminds of anti soviet warrior Osama. I haven’t watched Novara in the last week because I can’t bare to see them. No the whole of Ukraine isn’t azov but they are more significant than the BBC want you to think an they are the main beneficiaries of western military backing.

The bbc is my least favourite news outlet bar none. They can all get pitted


Zelensky is not intended to de-escalate. He requested the negotiations today in order to announce his intention to escalate the war and make no compromise on Donbas.




Fuck no, the EU still went a long with everything, even if they didn't send in the whole cavalry. I'm just worried about how far they'll go now.
For a brief window in modern history, Europe was sliding towards the dove. That's all gone now, the clock set back.



"Ok, you can't have our country but you can have the piece of our country on our border where they like you a little more and which you already invaded."


why would tankies do this???


They don't like them a little more. They were declared separatist regions that were defacto Russia.


Do you think the Russians are experiencing unexpected set backs. A quick operation would suit them best, as it remove a lot of the motivation for heavy NATO sanctions/aid, but they need to balance that with the need to avoid levelling cities etc.


yes, for Europe this whole ordeal makes one thing undeniable - were nothing but a colony for the US. More important than you think cause Anti-Americanism in words flies very well here. Fucking fakers, traitors, nice-weather-revelouuzers


This is honestly a good idea IRL too, not just in HOI4.


guyz, our glow friend has seen enough. lay down your arms.


Seems dubious as fuck tbh, you would surely be fucked shooting a fellow soldier in front of hundreds of other soldiers, and just because they tried to stop you shooting some random civilian? Then the other woman survived? So it was worth shooting another soldier in front of hundreds of people who have a non-zero chance of killing you for it, but then you let the woman they're with go?
Is it just me?


He is still seething that the KGB used the Erectile Dysfunction Gun on him.


>huge ass rocket that lands and does not explode
It's a depleted first stage, most probably.


"Converting" /pol/yps was a mistake.


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I've been in an Elden Ring induced coma for the past two days. What's changed?


The US is driving Europe into Chinese arms

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