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 No.550762[View All]

>/pol/ is up in its arms about it
>/leftypol/ doesn't care
Oh, /leftypol/!


And for a good time: Check out Benjamin.
514 posts and 173 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1643455729837.mp4 (2.84 MB, 362x360, 1642299964156.mp4)

>post purring jew screencap
>accidentally derail entire thread


File: 1643456882183.mp4 (2.21 MB, 640x352, Cats.mp4)

here, you dropped this


>Caturday is on Shabbat
>World Cat Day begins this year the exact day after Tisha B'av (Jewish fast day)
uh… guys?


>All the post accusing the OP of being Jewish
Everything is Jewish in these people's mind, huh?


File: 1643484525099.png (480.01 KB, 600x551, ClipboardImage.png)

Except the cats
The plan is working


File: 1643489277767.png (343.32 KB, 1090x1008, ClipboardImage.png)

Without a hint of irony, yes.


>He would certainly be fun to top
Like on the top of
>muh dikk
and he shoots jizz and pisses at the same time in
>muh face


Nice digits!

And "anti-semitic pro-zionism" is no contradiction in terms. Gotta have this conveyor belt to Israel. Just ask Yoram Hazony who totally isn't helpful to jews outside of Israel.


File: 1643558807398.png (337.27 KB, 667x397, ClipboardImage.png)

>Nice digits!
Well shit, that's the third quad i get this week, what the hell.
>And "anti-semitic pro-zionism" is no contradiction in terms.
Oh, i'm aware. I just don't understand why people on places like /pol/ would do this.


File: 1643560367014.jpg (16.19 KB, 272x267, dubsnot.jpg)

>Well shit, that's the third quad i get this week, what the hell.
Impressive! But check mine.

>Oh, i'm aware. I just don't understand why people on places like /pol/ would do this.

Because it's simpler so. Last time they tried a mass murder of jews a wild Stalin showed up.

Better to just plod along with eating and keeping the cake. With the
connection between jews and Israel you can say that jews in your country has a responsibility for what Israel does. And Israel is that horrible, horrible "colonial settler" state that…something.


>>And "anti-semitic pro-zionism" is no contradiction in terms.
>Oh, i'm aware. I just don't understand why people on places like /pol/ would do this.
Because they glow in the dark.


of fucking course he loves batman. that shit's a right-wing canon i swear to christ


File: 1643564895956.jpg (112.36 KB, 898x592, eda checked.jpg)

nice quads anon
jews really live rent free in these people's heads
>I just don't understand why people on places like /pol/ would do this
it's because they're retarded


cursed tno reference


>cats make women childless because they dont want to have kids since they are already surrogate parents of the purring jew (cat lady phenomenon)
why do these fags think people get pets to begin with? obviously they're some kind of surrogate for a child which is what makes it resonate with us. also stupid when applied to cats anyway considering dogs are much more child-like


they are hosting 3d printing files but I can't see them with out downloading them


there are example PNGs in the folders


>3D printing stencils
>not laser cutting
they're not sending their best


bump. anything new?



hell yeah


it's the .stl's though, you can easily set it up for laser cutting.


>/leftypol/ doesn't care
why should we?
these faggots don't understand basic OPSEC of course their fbi.gov gets leaked


it's pretty funny though
enjoy a good lolcow while it lasts



Actually all this stuff is pretty old. Their rocketchat got hacked last October apparently. The information obtained was one big nothing burger, now Antifa can only hope that there was enough of a big splash to scare away potential recruits.

What do you guys think?


>What do you guys think?
I think more damaging is just the active penetration of the organization with moles which disrupts their organizing. Patriot Front figured out a trick which is to have surprise flash mobs as a way of creating an appearance of strength with 100 guys suddenly materializing and marching down the street with no warning. For potential recruits, that's attractive because there's safety in numbers and the opposition doesn't have time to mobilize in response, and if the opposition does know about their plans and puts out the call, Patriot Front can just switch up the plan. That way, Patriot Front is always going to have the upper hand.

Obviously, the countermove to this is to go after their logistics which is what antifa did in D.C. – they knew where Patriot Front staged their vehicles and smashed them up costing the group thousands of dollars in damages, which raises the cost curve to a level that risks becoming unsustainable. So what Patriot Front has to do now, I think, is to pull more of their people away from the marches just to protect their vehicles, which reduces the safety-in-numbers image they want to put out to attract recruits.



Right, mostly correct, though the recent Rouseau interview refuted the notion of large cost incursions.
In their last action, funnily enough they all took the subway to attend and faced much less problems by simply walking slowly in numbers. The Antifas did try to harrass them but were unable to and looked weak facing them. Have you seen it?


Literally the hood scene from Django unchained.



Even the USSR had a dress code


Every single organisation in the world has a dress code


Intredasting, a shame this got completely overshadowed by the Ukrainian shitshow.


This news is a month old


File: 1645810453375.mp4 (3.95 MB, 640x360, _TayPTdwI7jnZdYm.mp4)

>Right, mostly correct, though the recent Rouseau interview refuted the notion of large cost incursions.
I haven't listened to it, and well, he would say that… y'know? He'll always say that everything is going according to plan and that they're unstoppable and yada yada. Their brand-new van that one dude bought for them was also totaled.

>In their last action, funnily enough they all took the subway to attend and faced much less problems by simply walking slowly in numbers. The Antifas did try to harrass them but were unable to and looked weak facing them. Have you seen it?

Yeah, but that was also the same day the big data dump happened and that wasn't a coincidence. They dropped it to coincide with the march and the leak got more attention. Also the notion of appearing "weak" doesn't really fly when it's known now that Patriot Front literally calls the police on themselves before marches so they can have a cop escort.


I can't use sound rn. Whate the context of this nazi erotic rubbing video?


That doesn't mean you have to be extremely anal about. Antifa have a dress code too but they are haphazard about it.


>Every single organisation in the world has a dress code


hi,national socialist from /pol/ here! we dont care about pf and are convinced they work for the federal government


Some one give me the TLDR on all this!


yes we’re already aware of this cope


File: 1645849058577.mp4 (2.13 MB, 480x852, 0BjRXhUHtidngf2g.mp4)

Then tell these guys with fetal alcohol syndrome to stop messing with our communist book clubs. If you want to get into street fights with antifa, then whatever, but that's a different thing (mostly anarchists). We don't care if you get into little groups and read Julius Evola or the Dungeons & Dragons player's handbook so tell your boys to buzz off and get a job.


They should have just told them their parents called and are disappointed in them.


antifa is communists and anarchists, it's anti-sectarian
this is how i can tell you're terminally online




Anon said "mostly anarchists" which shows they do know there is more than that. Also in US it's also liberals not just leftists. Unless you are talking about a very specific Antifa group you forgot to name.


I did run across a group of middle-aged women at a protest once called the "Auntie-Fa" who'd hold signs saying things like "does your mother know where you are?"

One member of that group died of a drug overdose recently and another went to prison for sexually propositioning a 10-year-old and possessing child pornography. If you're a far-right guy from /pol/, do you want people like this representing your movement? You gotta grow up and take responsibility for your movement.


liberals are not in antifa
there is literally 0 reason to believe they would have the balls or even any reason to combat fascism


Reminds me of the various Antifa groups that dressed as clowns and trolled fash so relentlessly they just left early or forget what they were doing.


antifa infiltrator got found out around the time of the DC march and they used their last chance to troll the org



tf was this shit

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