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 No.556657[View All]

Thread dedicated to /leftypol/ original content.
Post original content you've made, or OC someone else recently made which you want to share.
Or ITT collaborate on improving content already made.

Previous thread: >>>/leftypol_archive/486317

This is the place where you can find all /leftypol/ memes n' shit:
569 posts and 410 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1647265181638.jpg (428.7 KB, 1007x2244, delfinul.jpg)

I made this one a couple of weeks ago


thanks for blowing up the important bits, im incapable of reading prose so it helped


File: 1647271824207-0.jpg (527.56 KB, 2930x1818, how to draw wammawink.jpg)

File: 1647271824207-1.jpg (60.55 KB, 777x699, plump3.jpg)

File: 1647271824207-2.jpg (646.08 KB, 3260x2092, how to draw glendale.jpg)

File: 1647271824207-3.jpg (43.72 KB, 561x450, flexible.jpg)

Z O O M E D W O R D S dyslexia friendliness confirmed
here's some zooms I made from Centaurworld production stuff I found on /co/


File: 1647271976406-0.jpeg (601.45 KB, 4096x1729, how to draw horse.jpeg)

File: 1647271976406-1.jpg (33.16 KB, 428x388, shape fattens.jpg)

File: 1647271976406-2.jpeg (330.63 KB, 2484x1744, how to draw ched 3.jpeg)

File: 1647271976406-3.jpeg (22.72 KB, 390x367, stupid sexy ched.jpeg)

File: 1647271976406-4.jpeg (32.95 KB, 632x385, squishy.jpeg)


File: 1647272127733-0.jpeg (579.94 KB, 3124x2106, how to draw durpleton.jpeg)

File: 1647272127733-1.jpeg (73.9 KB, 822x680, firm.jpeg)

File: 1647272127733-2.jpeg (705.71 KB, 3194x2114, how to draw zulius.jpeg)

File: 1647272127733-3.jpeg (46.95 KB, 568x464, veins.jpeg)



What's the song in this?


>>557235 i forgor 💀


wtf how is this half an hour long


File: 1647312400777.png (196.72 KB, 1144x3700, ukraine thread0.png)


i love that you put comrade tank poster and cat poster into the image


should have just used soyjaks instead of putting effort into this gibberish


hey man i like it

its nice to have quality baked memes


File: 1647316109873.jpg (188.79 KB, 1756x874, soul vs soulless.jpg)


Sorry, bro, I'm part of the anti-wojak vanguard. You'll need to actually draw to gain your (You)s from now on.


>I can't read


File: 1647319817994.png (2.95 MB, 1756x2068, ascended.png)

Good stuff
Umm sweety, post the accurate version


10/10 OC
imagine being this wrong


>muh soyjacks
We're not /pol/. We'll at least try to have SOME originality.


Holy fuck, an actual honest to god 2016 tourist in the wild.


Cute. I liked Sabocat and Grill the most


File: 1647343729653.jpg (13.32 KB, 287x300, s-l300.jpg)

[PIC] For (you) comrade
Not much to laugh about these days but that got me smiling
Chechna beheading Azov [and C14] when?


File: 1647374973318.png (33.45 KB, 554x514, ClipboardImage.png)

Why does the pro-ukraine nazis look like Ginjeet?


File: 1647380143728.jpg (1009.56 KB, 2000x2000, redditbasebtfo.jpg)




Thank you, Stalinbro, I'm glad that I made you smile.
That's a complete coincidence, kek. I have no problem with Ginjeet, he was shilling Losurdo in a thread sometime ago, so he has my approval.


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File: 1647577542750.png (208.82 KB, 1000x693, noticed.png)


File: 1647628790962.mp4 (129.45 KB, 1280x720, Paint 3D History.mp4)



File: 1647633277185.png (702.22 KB, 975x700, its nazbol time .png)


File: 1647633322783.png (513.42 KB, 950x1300, Always remember the 3 Ms.png)


File: 1647636815010.png (114.68 KB, 975x700, shit soviet emblem .png)




File: 1647647442597.png (231.92 KB, 975x779, shit soviet emblem .png)


File: 1647647658327.jpg (73.17 KB, 668x374, live or die.jpg)

Shame we don't get any of these. Plenty of silence/stfu centrist or lib or dem memes around here. But we shouldn't forget the republican scourge either.


Am i retarded or is that karate kid? What does that have anything to do with republican burgers?


Not a lot it's just funny. But if you watch the actual show Johnny is a conservsatard. So I wanted to actually do this but with the crane kick from the original movie but it proved too hard.


File: 1647701419160.png (61.82 KB, 975x779, SHIT DDR EMBLEM .png)


File: 1647702911091.png (765.29 KB, 975x779, COCKSHOT MODERN ART .png)


but the reference is not to particular parties like libdems or democrats in the US but to the liberal ideology which encompasses almost all bourgeois political parties


Ok, but few people understand it that way. In any case like you said republican thought is a part of that paradigm. Maybe it should say stfu ruraloid or something if we wanna be more specific. But in any case let's not protect these people, they're just as bad as neo-libs and the like.


File: 1647726819687.png (126.5 KB, 800x952, IMG_20220319_154919.png)

how about you shut the fuck up you fucking tourist and get the fuck out of here? try growing your own potatoes in your California shithole state. I've seen the extent of your capabilities in that Chaz shitfest. When this retarded country balkanizes, urbanfags like you will be put to work in the Idaho SSR. We will be backed by the based Russian occupied Alaska and British Columbia.


File: 1647727265181.jpg (43.35 KB, 680x408, 21d.jpg)

t. Ass mad ruraloid
You won't be backed by shit. If you're lucky you'll be the own drooling rural faggot the revolution spares


File: 1647727609149.jpg (128.13 KB, 654x490, 1647727602612.jpg)

enjoy starving faggot. the city is an organ of American finance capital that will become vestigial as the empire declines.


>Every anti-reactionary ruralite poster is a coastal
Try harder hic. Lol, why tf is this even happening? It's unfortunately very telling all I did was critique rethuglicans and now n!qqaz be sperging the fuck out.


File: 1647728666450.jpg (97.67 KB, 1024x576, 1647728527712.jpg)

Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Swingroverism with Idaho Characteristics will STEAMROLL the urbanite scum. Mao too was first an educator.


I'm not even a fucking a urbanite! I haven't been in like a decade. HFS! No wonder communism will never fucking happen in USA. You barely throw one little dig at rural conservative majority white rural types and they loose their stupid little minds. I seriously hope you all freeze to death or get uber ultra covid 99 next winter.

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