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Pelosi is going there.
The US is urging companies to move chip foundries to its soil
Obviously China nor the US really want a war, but we know that sometimes things spiral out of control. So, is war over taiwan possible?
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The average Westoid leftist's understanding of the China-Taiwan situation.


way better than muh mandate of heaven muh one china muh empire


I clearly stated I don't understand it


What does that have to do with the fact that most Westerners don't even know about the Chinese Civil War and how that ties into the present state of Taiwan? I didn't say anything about where I stood on the issue.


honestly the probable reason why china wants taiwan back is because taiwan can essestionally operate as a us military base that acts as a dagger towards core china


>but how could China invade it's supposedly own territory?
Because Taiwan is its own country and China is just playing pretend. That doesn't mean Pelosi should antagonize them though.


>finally a western plane in an attempt at gunboat diplomacy gets shot out of the fucking sky
bruh the revenge on gunboat diplomacy happened:


>The first shell passed over the ship. Then the bridge, wheelhouse, and low power room were hit in quick succession, Lieutenant Commander Skinner was mortally wounded, and all the bridge personnel were disabled. The coxswain on the wheel, Leading Seaman Leslie Frank, was seriously injured and as a result the ship slewed to port and grounded on the bank. Before the ship grounded, the order to open fire had been given, but when the director layer pulled the firing trigger, nothing happened, because the firing circuits were disabled when the low power room was hit.

>First Lieutenant Geoffrey L. Weston assumed command of the vessel, although he was also wounded himself.[12] PLA shells exploded in the sick bay, the port engine room, and finally the generator, just after the injured Weston's last transmission: "Under heavy fire. Am aground in approx. position 31.10' North 119.20' East. Large number of casualties".[Note 2]

>During 1947, Mao’s communist forces became increasingly hostile toward Marines stationed in North China and the naval personnel at Tsingtao. In June, Mao’s troops fired on the repair ship USS Deliver (ARS-23) working to salvage a pontoon that had gone adrift near the port. Supported by covering fire from the Deliver and the destroyer Benner (DD-807)—the purpose of which was to “discourage and drive off rather than injure the attackers”—a landing party from the destroyer Hawkins (DD-873) recovered the pontoon.

>Two months later, bad weather forced a Marine pilot to land in communist-held territory near Tsingtao, and Mao’s troops traded fire with a landing party of Marines from the heavy cruiser Saint Paul (CA-73) and sailors from the destroyer Tucker (DD-875) sent to retrieve him. To avoid any escalation of the situation, the Americans destroyed the plane and withdrew. The communists released the young naval aviator but only after protracted and lengthy negotiations with U.S. diplomats.

>In December 1947, the communists shot and killed one Marine and captured four others outside the base and only admitted it in February 1948, along with a demand that the United States withdraw its forces from Tsingtao and stop aiding Chiang. Not until April were the captured men and the body of the slain Marine returned to U.S. custody.


>et claims it would intervene militarily if China -invaded-
because the "1 country 2 systems" idea means that china is technically 1 nation but the systems that are already in place in taiwan (and previously honk kong) should have be allowed to manage their own territory even if they are part of one china


reeducated pelosi arc when


sorry, correction: the 1 country 2 systems idea only applied to hong kong and macau when they were reunited with china. taiwan doesn't have this legal relationship but china aspires to create it. however the two countries claim to represent unified china so they are both tehcnically representatives of china, it's just that PRC has better claim as winner of the Chinese civil war and as the controller of most of the population base and historical regions of china to be called the legitimate china, which is why US was forced to recognize it in the 1970s


China should just nuke it. America wont do shit.




no shit. taiwan is geostrategically important. even the japanese recognized that which is why they annexed it after beating china up in 1895


thanks for the you :^)


everyone deserves one, anon. sorry for cursing at you


thanks anon :^)


Taiwan is not its own country. The government that controls Taiwan is the Republic of China engaged in civil war with the People's Republic of China.
They do not represent any other nationality other than Chinese, the notion that they represent some other culture is false. The ROC settled 1.3 million people from mainland China and governed serving this population only, not even recognizing the indigenous population as being anything different than Chinese at the expense of the local cultures, for several decades to the point where Taiwan very much represent Han Chinese culture and oppresses the indigenous population even if the west would like to hoist them up to show how Taiwan totally isn't China.


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>HURR, the mexican government can't invade the zapatistas~!


>>562217 (me)

fug wrong post number : >>562193


>Ziggers staring at their clocks and counting the seconds between each post to see if they can call you a glowie NATOid /k/iev coper.


its the dems pathetic attempt to win the midterms they are thinking "if we humiliate china then the buds will vote for us"


>First China, it claims it's part of their territory but they don't have any say over what happens there. It even has US military personnel stationed there. The US has sold tons of weapons to them too
Taiwan is governed by the remnants of the nationalist forces which Mao mostly defeated in the Chinese Civil War. The Chinese Civil War is perhaps the most interesting conflict of the twentieth century for how long it is and how many factions, but technically it is still going on today, their is still technically a war between the CCP and Republic of China.
>Then there's the US, that doesn't support taiwanese independence officially, Yet claims it would intervene militarily if China -invaded-, but how could China invade it's supposedly own territory?
Because The People's Republic of China demanded that America stop recognizing the Republic of China aka Taiwan in order to allow for trade between Mainland China and America.


Fuck MTG, kill AOC, marry Omar and then get killed by her brother-husband soon after


take your meds delusional schizo


how the fuck are they getting away with this, lmao


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Daily reminder that any carriers the US sends are as good as dead


What report is this from? Interested in reading in full


Go back


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thoughths on this new 'garrison that just dropped?


nice ass


It's a slide from a presentation by Paul Cockshott


Is China communist or capitalist according to libs?


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The Chinese are capitalist when successful and communist when not, duh.

China has record economic growth? The free market in action, look not at the colossal size of Chinese state owned companies!

China has surveillance state? The evils of communism, obviously no good capitalist regime would ever restrict freedoms!


Libs don't actually believe anything, they'll just repeat whatever narrative is currently being spread, no matter how truthful or even logical it is


Its communist because communism is when no rights 1 party state and capitalist because economy line goes up.


>The government that controls Taiwan is the Republic of China
Exactly. They have their own government therefore are their own country. That's how countries work.

They are communist only according to anyone who doesn't know what communism is.


Is Catalonia a country too?


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>Exactly. They have their own government therefore are their own country. That's how countries work.


I dunno, I don't follow pointless Spanish conflicts.


Oh, you're the baiter from the Urinal thread. got it. Take care, amerimutt.


They won an independence referendum and briefly declared independence for seven seconds, so they're more of a country than Taiwan is.


Indeed, brother.


I bet if I were to ask you whether the DPR and the LPR are real countries you'd claim there are just Russian puppets but then "how can Russia invade itself", you insufferable faggot.


>Oh, you're the baiter from the Urinal thread
What did I even say that was bait? Countries aren't a real thing in the first place, if a government claims it is a country and has the power to back it up then it is a country. I'm not sure what you think it takes to make a "real" country.


International recognition is an important part of being a country. As it stands China is a country in civil warthough it is a very awkward situation.


Countries do definitely have more aspects to it than just muh gubbermint. Is the ISIS Caliphate a country?


That image is amusing


>the Urinal thread
i am so glad i don't know what this is


Ukraina, Urina, same thing.


Actually, mostly everyone with a PC knew what Taiwan was: a lot of hardware was marked "Made in Taiwan". Or at least everyone who does not bought their PC ready-made, factory-assembled.

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