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 [Last 50 Posts]

Pelosi is going there.
The US is urging companies to move chip foundries to its soil
Obviously China nor the US really want a war, but we know that sometimes things spiral out of control. So, is war over taiwan possible?


Of course it's possible – and just in time for the PLA's 100th anniversary.


Otomi War

Republic of Formosa

Taiwan during the Japanese colonial era

Taiwan anti-Japanese movement

Yiwei War

Taiwan Democracy

Taiwan's Japanese Occupation Period

Anti-Japanese Movement in Taiwan

Taiwan independence movement

228 Incident

Taiwan Re-Liberation Alliance

Liao Wenkui

Liao Wenyi

Liao Shihao

Provisional Government of the Republic of Taiwan

Camphor press

Camphor press books on taiwan



Does anyone know what popular opinion in China is on the Taiwan question? I just wonder how much pressure is on the CPC domestically to maintain a hardline stance because I have to assume they would rather cuck out than risk a war here.



The narrative has quickly shifted from "the Taiwanese are our brothers" to "fuck them, kill them all" in a matter of months.


Ganbatte, Jinping-kun!


>tfw no Uyghur QT riding in a tank gf


>White woman starts world war 3
God damnit white women! I was trying not to shit on you for a little bit at least


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>Does anyone know what popular opinion in China is on the Taiwan question?
I think Taiwan = China is basically the one thing that everyone agrees about.

And Nancy Pelosi is like the ice cream on the birthday cake.


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>“There’s no reason for it to come to that, to come to blows, to come to increased physical tension,” Kirby said at the White House. “There’s no reason for that because there’s been no change in American policy with respect to One China.”


>The US smells blood in the water after China's lukewarm response to its "no limits" partnership.
THIS. The decrepit hag Pelosi is going to humiliate China, and they have only themselves to blame for not ruthlessly backing Mother Russia and instead trying to be all muh-patient-STRATEGERIE. The West understands only force and immediate, decisive action, and both Russia and China have been pretty incompetent in this regard, causing themselves unnecessary problems.


Embarrassing samefagging.


>The West understands only force and immediate, decisive action
Lolwat? The US has routinely been defeated and checked by much more patient, long-term powers and organizations.


If I were Pelosi I'd be nervous as fuck about getting falseflagged by some deranged NatSec apparatchiks from my own team.


Take your meds.
The West has a geopolitical shock-and-awe mentality. Shock and awe is what it understands. If you disagree with this, you're not a serious participant in any geopolitical discussion and can be dismissed at once. Whether this mentality has always been successful is completely irrelevant to the existence of the mentality.


I don't see a reason that prevents China from just shooting down Pelosi's plane.
The US will not start a shooting war over her, because they would loose very badly (according to military experts across the board).
Not to mention that both Russia and Iran would no doubt mercilessly exploit the US being busy brawling with the Chinese.

China has shown great patience and restrained as well as decisive action. They rammed a US destroyer when it got too close to one of those artificial military islands in the South china sea, and they totaled a US attack sub (sea-wolf class i believe it was) also in the south China sea.

Do you know of a rational reason why China would not react very harshly ?
Diplomacy wise this is basically the last step before the US officially disputes China's claim on Taiwan.


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>I don't see a reason that prevents China from just shooting down Pelosi's plane.
>Do you know of a rational reason why China would not react very harshly ?
It depends what you mean by "rational reason." I think the fundamental problem is that China has no balls to do that. Shooting down Pelosi's plane would require MORE balls than invading Taiwan itself.


>Stop posting for a few months
>Now this bullshit
Welp, back to being terrified.


My condolences to Asian-Americans.




This bitch uygha again. Anyway, absolutely nothing will happen.


Ok. I'll take your word for it


Paranoid-san, the Buddha said that life is suffering. What he failed to add is that suffering is good. You are the product of millions of years of suffering. Suffering is what shapes your character. There is no peace in this world. You could be minding your own business, never leaving the house, and still have a tick or something bite you and cause weeks of debilitating pain.


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>tfw no Uyghur QT riding in a tank gf



>I think the fundamental problem is that China has no balls
My impression is that China is extremely cold and calculating.
And the hardliners in Beijing are not timid at all, they want a preemptive attack on US forces as soon as they come into range.
I think you are not realistic about this, to me it looks like the compromise position would be that China waits what Pelosi says during her Taiwan visit and if she doesn't reaffirm the unified China position with enough enthusiasm, they take her out on the way home.

>Shooting down Pelosi's plane would require MORE balls than invading Taiwan itself.

I think that China is more likely to attack US positions than Taiwan.
From their perspective a military operation in Taiwan is like shooting up their own backyard.
Your perception that China is somehow bedazzled by the US self image of invincibility is misplaced.
China is projecting an image that is low on aggressive bravado, because they want to be seen as pragmatic trading partners, but that does not mean they won't burn the US for crossing the Taiwan redline.

Also China does not bluff. They announced "strong measures"
Like i said, are there rational reasons for China to not just shoot down Pelosi's plane ?


>suffering is good. Suffering is what shapes your character.
No it doesn't, suffering is pointless, and it doesn't shape character, it just makes people cruel and stubborn.


This Pelosi trip is a nothingburger, Sleepy Joe somehow managed a whole 2 hours on the phone with Xi, it's unlikely the whole thing isnt excessively rehearsed at this point. A sitting secretary of state visited as recently as 97 so it's not even a new thing. Xi gets to continue to play as Caesar and rebuff the nationalists calling for blood and instead maintaining the status quo, which is in China's favor. There is no le ancient orientalist secret rule of honoru that the West can exploit here, no matter how hard they wish for it


>The US will not start a shooting war over her
they would, this would make the people in Biden's Administration extremely mad, their reaction to Ukraine was not rational, but emotional, I don't think they would rational here as well


> What he failed to add is that suffering is good.


Why the fuck do people even care, China has 7nanometre and 6 nanometre foundries now
On the mainland
Spoilers for slow retards It's OGRE for the storeshitters



>they would, this would make the people in Biden's Administration extremely mad, their reaction to Ukraine was not rational, but emotional, I don't think they would rational here as well.
I thought they wanted the Ukraine war, to separate the German economy from the Russian energy, to starve the Africans, and kick Russia out of swift and crash their economy. Their scheme kinda backfired, but does that prove they were emotional ?
I thought that the emotions you see in politics is just part of the spectacle, carefully choreographed by a PR company.


Either they are emotional, or thier rational actions have no bearing in reality, either way the fact remains that the US might decide to press for war if Pelosi is shot down.


>6 nanometer foundry

lmao that's like, smaller than your dick, chyna is a WASTE


>What is this? A foundry for ants??


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I don't understand why the american people are so fucking complacent. They should be fucking fuming right now. Ukraine, recession, now the possibility of the US provoking a war? Do americans just not care?


they do care - and they approve


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betcha pelosi will spread teh coof to chinese taipei
burgers are plague carriers all



I will get out the popcorn if the nothing burgers turn out to be wrong again


I don't wanna get drafted to fight the Chinese bros…


Just defect


>He thinks they'd be able to draft
I sincerely believe Americans would revolt if that happened and justifiably so.


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Shoot your commanding officer in minecraft


nothing burger


90% of people called up for the draft would be rejected on physical, mental, or legal grounds. If you meet the requirements then just gain weight, take antidepressants/threaten suicide, and get caught with drugs


taiwan is a psyop maintained by both china and america because they need a boogeyman to keep their proles in check, an actual war goes agaisnt their interests


What leftypol wants:
>PLA fighter jets shoot down and kill Pelosi. With the US's most powerful fighter defeated, Xi definitively begins the Chinese Century.
What will actually happen:
>Pelosi stays a couple of days in Taiwan and gives some speech or whatever. Chinese leadership whines for a week on Weibo and flies a plane or two into Taiwanese airspace, and the whole thing is forgotten within four months.


They'll suck it up if China shoots down Pelosi. Most likely they'll make Pelosi's plane land on the Mainland, though


anon I can tell you're from europe or latin america, because you grievously misunderstand how much people in america want a proper war with china


Or more likely:
>the US engages in targeted killings of Chinese politicians


Doesn't matter what they want, nukes and trade make it so USA will not do anything.


the joke on BiliBili is to hope that Pelosi comes so as to hasten the reunification of the country, also lots of playing on words with the names of their nuclear weapons and missiles.
there's also a fair amount of people saying things to the effect of "less talk, more action", as if they expect their gov. to cuck out


>Thinking Chinese nukes matter when China is one of the only adopters of an NFU policy
Haha, even


So? Nukes pretty much limit warfare to non-nuclear stuff, meaning USA gets it's ass whipped by hypersonics.


Chinese hypersonics are nuclear weapons platforms, and consistently miss by 30km or more. You sound like the kids that screeched about how Russia was going to win the war because it hit an empty building with a hypersonic missile, or the other kids that screeched about how HIMARS were going to win the war for Ukraine.

You need to face the facts and realize that China is not prepared for a non-nuclear war with the USA. The only thing they would accomplish by starting a war is bringing another few centuries of humiliation to their country.


lol no theyre too cucked for that


USA has no technological superiority, ffs. China, meanwhile, on top of tech superiority has organizational, tactical edge, and home turf bonus. USA is going to get fucking humiliated, with Ronald Reagan sinking the moment shit hits the fan


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I mean


You're right anon. I can't wait to see their totally-real laser rifles setting American troops on fire.




We've already seen US/NATO-type of army getting humiliated in Ukraine. What makes you think that a more competent adversary than Russia won't humiliate retarded western war doctrine even further? After all, entire 20th century was choke full of Western arms getting beaten again and again by well-organized rice farmers


Okay so they made up one or two things. Why does that matter?


>US/NATO-type of army getting humiliated in Ukraine


Have you forgot already about st. Javelin, lol?


>giving some untrained monkeys nato gear makes them a nato equivalent force
the absolute state of China simps lmfao


I can't believe World War 3 is gonna happen because of some goat-voiced ghoul visiting Taiwan


What happens if she dies there, then Biden falls off the perch Kamala gets impeached


Relevant video. Can't speak to the accuracy of the simulation though.


Much like in your post about hypersonics, you seem overtly focused on toys rather than things that actually win wars. I get it, but you really should tell people you're still in high school before explaining your views on military effectiveness


>ukraine is monkeys who were given godly nato gear

Haha the absolute state of /k/opers


>a fucking video game


The javelins were very effective in their intended role, it's just that they're of little use against superior artillery.


Saying Ukraine is NATO equivalent is probably a stretch but they were trained and armed by the US the last like 8 years and had the biggest army in Europe by the time the war kicked off.
But its not like NATo has a good track record of nation building


biggest army in Europe minus Russia that is


Great take on Taiwan situation


>Much like in your post about hypersonics, you seem overtly focused on toys rather than things that actually win wars

US was training Ukraine for insurrection war with javelins intended to be some godly weapon to be shot from hidden positions. Instead Russia roflstomped all those strategies Ukraine and US thought up. Speaks volumes of how far up their own ass US (and Ukie) generals' heads are


>The javelins were very effective in their intended role.


>It's just that man portable AT weapons weren't enough to overcome overwhelming Russian fire superiority.



>Taiwan is a key focus for Camphor Press, and we’re delighted to offer this selection of books about this fascinating country. A disputed island


So, useless toys for useless thought up NATO strategy. Huh. Whichever else superior godly NATO weaponry are going to be proven of little use against barbarian Chinese tactics? What kind of treachery the asiatic mind can come up with to thwart godly Western superior tech?



The fun thing about this is they're only sending Pelosi because they think they can win in a war against China. If China DOESN'T shoot her down, all they're doing is showing that they don't think they can win. So even though they KNOW they can't win, they HAVE to shoot her down because of the bizarre Chinese mentality of "saving face."

It's cool to watch, like the US knows they can't do a Gulf of Tonkin thing but they can at least trick the CCP into doing it themselves.


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Were you "terrified" before the UKR-RUS war? If no, why are you now?

History is inevitable.

Embrace it.


Taiwan is extraordinarily hard to successfully invade. I'm thinking a bunch of Chinese landing craft are gonna get blown out of the water by area denial heatseeking anti-ship missiles if true. And the craft and troops that make it to shore are looking at another decades long gorilla warfare like Russia invading Ukraine looks like it's turning out to be. US just got out of a quagmire in Afghanistan, Russia just got in a quagmire in Ukraine and now China supposedly wants to get into a quagmire in Taiwan. Seems like all the world powers want to just blow their loads and test out all their new toys before the planet Earth becomes Venus-tier uninhabitable in a few decades from runaway extreme global warming. It's just pure, sadistic nihilism all the way down.


Yes-yes, USA will totally survive the fallout of China banning exports to USA.


>suffering is pointless
if you choose to make it out like that, yes


>Chinese hypersonics are nuclear weapons platforms, and consistently miss by 30km or more.
No that's outdated from a time when missiles only had inertial navigation via a mechanical gyroscope.
Today such missiles stack a hole array of navigation technologies on top of each other an get a combined precision of a few meters, which in practical terms is pin point accurate.

>You need to face the facts and realize that China is not prepared for a non-nuclear war with the USA.

Pretty much all military analysts agree that the US would loose in a military confrontation near China.
Especially US naval forces are not prepared to face off against Chinese anti-ship weapons.


>Taiwan is extraordinarily hard to successfully invade.

Nah, Taiwanese military is made of hand-me-down 50 years old American weaponry. In like a couple of days Taiwanese military will be hiding in the mountains while China cleans up cities, and that's it, the end of Taiwanese independence.


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>Chinese mentality of "saving face."
Does thiat explain it? Because for the life of me I cant figure out why this one visit is such a big deal
its goes both ways.


you are a useless, eternally-online, ridiculous little "leftist"


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>Pretty much all military analysts agree that the US would loose in a military confrontation near China.
oh boy I get to use this one twice in one day


>So, useless toys for useless thought up NATO strategy
Javelins are actually very useful for fighting enemy armor at short range, which is what they are designed for, and which is why Russia has stopped putting themselves in positions where they are vulnerable to them. Their decision to change their tactics to revolve around superior artillery actually reflects the effectiveness of the javelin in its intended role.
>Whichever else superior godly NATO weaponry are going to be proven of little use against barbarian Chinese tactics?
Idk if you're aware, but generally speaking wars unfold with each side working to develop countermeasures to the weapons and tactics deployed by the other. No doubt a conflict between the US and China would involve adaptation and re-adaptation from both sides, with heavy losses from both sides and no guaranteed victory for either. If you think otherwise you have a childish view of how wars are fought.


/labor aristrocracy – the thread


yeah and "Kyiv will fall in 3 days". And "our boys will be back from Afghanistan by Christmas (2001)"


>its goes both ways.

It really doesn't. China imports from USA soy and dollars, neither of which USA is the sole producer of


Better comparisons would be Soviet operations in Europe like Winter War (extremely fast painless victory for USSR) or intervention into Hungary (again, extremely fast and painless for USSR).


It's honestly one of the reasons I keep coming here. The teenagers on leftypol have literally no idea how war works. They literally were not alive to see the US overthrow the Iraqi government in TWENTY TWO DAYS


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>US just got out of a quagmire in Afghanistan, Russia just got in a quagmire in Ukraine and now China supposedly wants to get into a quagmire in Taiwan.


death to america


So what you're saying is that the US is currently the only superpower not trying to embroil itself in a forever war, and has now shifted to destroying its enemies in their own forever wars?


China can't get bogged down in china


My sides just went past pluto and the oort cloud



>Javelins are actually very useful for fighting enemy armor at short range


Works wonders against the enemy. Also, works wonders for the suicide squadmates' morale.

>Idk if you're aware, but generally speaking wars unfold with each side working to develop countermeasures to the weapons and tactics deployed by the other.

You don't fucking understand what I am getting at. USA and NATO have spent gazillions for weapons for a doctrine that DOESN'T EVEN WORK. Countermeasures? For fuck's sake, Javelins ARE TOO HEAVY, you fucktard, they are literally thought out as a stationary defensive tool, while modern warfare is MOBILE, that's why Soviet/Russian-made RPGs are god and king in the same role. It's not COUNTERMEASURE, it's simple USELESSNESS of Javelins in their indended role. RPGs can be taken up and you can run away with them and change positions and all kinds of neat stuff. Javelins? Welp, you gotta die in the hole you dig up for yourself, buddy


i don't know what that means.

Anyway suffering is objectively pointless, nothing good ever comes out of it, people who disagree are either abusive assholes trying to justify torturing other people or they are deranged masochists.


Like, what the fuck, the most amount of Javelin usage footage was done by LDNR troops who just waste Javelins by shooting them at stationary bunkers when sieging them from afar, because Javelins are USELESS in modern mobile warfare.


I'm not sure if China even has a response to the US's air superiority.


RPGs and Javelins are not really comparable, since one is an ATGM and one is a LAW. A better Western counterpart for the RPG would be the Carl Gustav or AT4. You just need to compare the stats to see the difference: RPGs are only effective to about 500m while javelins have a range of 2500m. They are different weapons for different roles.
Ever heard of mechanized infantry?


If the banderite NATO trained literal nazi comprehensively lose?


>China can't attack Pelosi because then that triggers another Article 5
Nancy Peloci is NATO country ?


In response the UK will send 15 people and France will send 8, to die for the Republic of China, a country they dont recognize


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>Winter War (extremely fast painless victory for USSR)


They HAD a good army - the Soviet army.


It is hard to convince them that someone visit a placing is a declaration of war…


why ?
are you from Pelocistan ?
>It is hard to convince them that someone visit a placing is a declaration of war…
to be fair she's bringing an aircraft carrier entourage, that's very threatening


>to be fair she's bringing an aircraft carrier entourage, that's very threatening
Is she?


yeah, approach from miles away as you blast it the fuck out
with you would need to get into the line of fire, that's what I call suicide mission


*with RPG


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Seriously, do you guys actually believe China is gonna shoot down her plane and start "Le epic WW3 but for real this time" or are you memeing?



this thread
>MUH nato
europe is one of the biggest trade partners of china and is currently suffering from the ukraine war. declaring war on china would fuck the eu even further
>but muh historical example of quagmires that involved large lands
have any of you motherfuckers looked at taiwan and see how small it is. not only that china is right next to it.


No I don't. On CredibleDefence some people thought that the PLA might make it too dangerous for Pelosi to land in Taiwan but even that would be quite the provocation


because economic unification is less painful than military one. Aka sit back and wait for the us to collapse


Putting aside that Russia is not stuck, if anything the situation in Ukraine should strengthen China's resolve. I mean I still dont think theyll do anything but they now know that NATO is a paper tiger, if that even needed confirming after the last 10 years


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this is the most smooth brain take ive ever seen. if we look at the territories that russia currently took from ukraine. those territories are around near the size of taiwan. not only that taiwans a island which can be invaded at ANY SIDE. AND NOT ONLY FUCKING THAT TAIWAN IS FAR AWAY FROM AY COUNTRY THAT CAN AID IT unlike ukraine

like holyfuck what kind of take is this no offense


The actual NATA boots on the ground bravely ran away crying like little children in feb


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>they now know that NATO is a paper tiger


I wish…


>NATO is a paper tiger
I guess the Soviets expected massive casualties in a war with NATO just because they were idiots and didn't read leftypol.


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yes thats why the pla is threatning pelosi right now. however as i said earlier china prefers economic reunification over military reunification. one because its less painful and two theres less cost since theres no military occupation. This was the plan ever since deng and the chinese state has been following it


Soviet Union, famous for their military expertise.


this is a history book written by a university professor respected in his field. and ive never once said my political allegiance here

like lmao


>successful socialism adapted to the modern day?
>No! I only uphold non-existing PERFECT socialism.
Anti-"dengism" is just the Trotskyism of the 21st century.


Yeah, this timeline is cursed. The stars have aligned to bring us the opportunity to cast down the great satan, and the people leading the forces of good are a rightoid-lib nationalist and a dengoid capitalist.


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yes, what are soviet military strategists against leftypol's anons..


You know, more than 60 years has passed since then, right?


tankposter he unironically typed this
If Russia is able to get stuck in a forever war in a country barely the size of Texas, China can just as easily get stuck in a forever war with Maryland Across the Strait
>theres no hope for him if hes the same anon


Well, I understand where all the NATOuyghurs scattered to after getting btfo in the /Ukraine/, just like the foreign volunteers did.


has Pelosi left for Asia yet?


they need to get btfo in this thread too


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>Speaker Nancy Pelosi is set to leave this weekend on a trip that includes Singapore, Japan and South Korea — and possibly Taiwan — even as a Chinese state media commentator suggested Friday that Beijing could shoot down any U.S. military plane she takes to Taipei.
Uhh, already?


When might we expect the old cunt to arrive in Taiwan?


"security reasons"


Damn, you wanna go dig up any proof of that? We have those threads archived, you know.


the taiwan war tho will probably end in 2 months at least and 6 months in most due to taiwans special geographic conditions


>Then China had better hope that the US shoots first so they don't have to go to war with NATO lol
This is idealist nonsense, countries don't go to war because of legal technicalities.
Nobody wants to get dragged into a war with China, because the US plays stupid brinkmanship games.
>People on here legitimately believed that Russia would take Kiev in a week.
Some people just pointed out that Russia could grozny Kiev


none of these comments were from tankposter lool


yes but you made this extra claim
>Again, it cannot be stated enough tankposter, you are a total fucking retard. Your military analysis is on par with that of a toddler.
and i want to see evidence of that
additiaonlly tank poster is weird since earlier he basically admitted everyone else in the ukraine thread made retarded analysis of the war overestimmating russian capabilities
unless that was a different tank poster


yes but you included a specific claim regarding his military analysis being retarded and i want to see proof on how retarded it is.him making a different claim about no body said this is just him bs of what other people said



k well then besides that what do you think of the capibilities between taiwan vs china


yeah that part was honestly funny


That's some fallacy right there lol, if a group of people on some website make a faulty prediction that means anything they predict afterwards is immediately wrong? Alright, on behalf of leftypol users I'll say that socialism will never be achieved in America and that the country will never collapse until the death throes of the planet from climate armageddon.


The Russia-Ukraine war WAS won in a week.
That's why Ukraine started begging for NATO funding and weapons so that their released prisoners and "hole up in a smelly factory and call it winning" brigades could keep up the charade for a number of months.


China Daily dropped related article 2 hours ago
Pelosi visit to Taiwan warned by experts
>China will definitely take comprehensive countermeasures, including military means, if US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visits Taiwan, experts warned.
>They made the remarks at a forum organized by the Institute of Taiwan Studies under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences on Friday in Beijing. The event came after President Xi Jinping had a phone conversation with US President Joe Biden on Thursday.
>Xi emphasized that resolutely safeguarding the nation's sovereignty and territorial integrity is the firm will of the more than 1.4 billion Chinese people. "Those who play with fire will perish by it," he added.
>The call was made as tensions between China and the US have escalated amid reports that Pelosi, who had canceled a journey to Taiwan in April when she tested positive for COVID-19, is considering a new one next month.
>Wu Yongping, director of the Institute of Taiwan Studies, Tsinghua University, said it is the will of the Chinese nation and China's national interest to resolve the Taiwan question and realize national reunification.
>"China has always made it very clear, however, some countries and forces are making a serious mistake in downplaying this issue," he said, adding that "The consequence of challenging the will has been made clear by Xi in his call with Biden that those who play with fire will perish by it."
>Zhang Guanhua, deputy director of the Institute of Taiwan Studies under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said if Pelosi's visit to Taiwan is made, tensions between the two sides will rise, which will have a severe impact on peace, stability and development in the Asia-Pacific region.
>Taiwan's economy will be the first to pay a heavy price, which will further impact the industrial and supply chains of the Asia-Pacific region and increase the risk of a global economic downturn and inflation.
>"The visit will be a blatant provocation to China's sovereignty and territorial integrity and it will clearly reveal who is the destroyer of cross-Straits relations and peace in the Asia-Pacific region," he added.
>Zhang Hua, a researcher in the Taiwan Studies Institute of the CASS, said the idea of US politicians winning votes by playing the Taiwan card to contain China is questionable as people in the US are more concerned about inflation, unemployment, race and gun issues than foreign affairs.
>"If the visit is made, China is expected to take comprehensive countermeasures involving military, political, economic and other fields. These are costs that the US cannot afford," he said, adding there are short, medium and long-term countermeasures, explicit and implicit measures, as well as sanctions at the individual level.
>"Escalating the so-called vicious circle will lead to serious military conflicts, which is severely harmful to peace," he said, calling on Pelosi to give peace a chance and not to make a historic mistake.
>Leng Bo, a researcher at the Taiwan Studies Institute of the CASS, said Pelosi's visit will seriously undermine China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, challenging China's core interests, and it is intolerable.
>"The Chinese military will not sit idly by, and China's countermeasures will definitely include military means, and the level of military means will be higher than in recent years," he added.


Well, anyone who believes a word from Ukraine after Ghost of Kyiv and all the video-game footage is the intellectual equivalent of a worm. A fucking worm.


this is an issue i've brought up with people before
there's a definitive level of mirroring what burgers say about military capacity that happens here that is particularly retarded.


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This is literally you /k/yiv /k/opers these days.


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>The Russia-Ukraine war WAS won in a week.
Im literally dying here rn..


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This war will last years.


the only people who are in such a rush for a victory one way or the other are natoids betraying their own insecurities about a protracted war. they know their populations don't have the mettle. russians are born for suffering. it's their kink. their entire literary tradition is founded on suffering. we'll see who blinks first. russia has all the time in the world.


This thread is for anti-NATOids. Please take your pro-NATOid whataboutisms back to Reddit.


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i dont exactly agree with that for one taiwan geography makes it so that its far away from other friendly nations which can resupply it unlike ukraine which is connected to the west. THe closet nation which can resupply taiwan would be the philphines but that nation one is undeveloped and two is seeking closer ties with china

2, why would nato want a war with china which is in the other side of the planet. one they would have to cross either china or russian airspace to get weapons there, or two have to go through america to get weapons to taiwan.i guess they can go through south east asia or use australia but thats still pretty far away or close to china. theres also the fact that the european countries which make up nato is currently suffering from economic problems from the ukraine war, if they would poke the chinese bear all they are asking for ius economic suicide

3. taiwan is way smaller and has a way smaller population than ukraine has vs china which has a way bigger population, military, economy and even shipbuilding capacity than russia has

4. taiwan is an island that can be invaded anywhere meanwhile most of its population density is in the west including their urbanization and infrastructure. which means the hellish urban conflict that would fuck over china would only be in western taiwan


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>russians are born for suffering, its in their genes, that's why theyll win, westerners are weak and can't into suffering, that's why they lose
marxist analysis right here


You're on a board for leftist comrades. If you want to spew your latest CNN/NPR neolib geopolitical insights, Reddit is more suited for you. The fact you have to come here shows your weakness.


> double-posting
> unfazed
pick one, rattled natoid


>If you don't think NATO will literally roll over before dengist supersoldiers you're a natoid
that's what echo-chamber does to a mf


Take your meds. I'm not that poster and would claim no such thing, because I myself have said the war would be won in a week. And it was. You can take some consolation in your Azov boys holding out by going underground like snakes and drinking their own piss if you like while released convicts are trying to figure out how to operate NATO weapons, and I won't try to stop you.


>heres how ukraine can still win


Please see >>561795 anyway.
Making fun of a timetable is all you have these days, I guess.
Pathetic shit.


posted big response everyone ignores it


>I myself have said the war would be won in a week. And it was.
we're hitting levels of delusional that shouldn't be possible
so what's happening in donbass now? airsoft games?


Do you think Ukraine will win Donbass? If so, please write it so I can screencap your post and masturbate furiously to your NATOid ass when reality doesn't care about who's on the cover of Vogue or who wins Eurovision.


why don't you win the war first
oh, wait, you already did AHAHAHAHAAAA


reddit, /k/ommando-larpers, and blue-check twitter summed up lmao


win the not-war in donbass first, and then tell everyone how nato is a paper tiger


In conventional wars, the US (i.e., NATO) has been a paper tiger for decades. And the US didn't even have to face international sanctions, international anti-American propaganda, and endless supplies of funds and weapons from Russia/China. You needed everything on easy mode like a hand-held toddler.


>everyone is the same person
don't hurt yourself with that stellar intellect


Are you that salty Maoist who's too exalted for such an inferior little Russia-Ukraine war?
The two conflicts are inextricably linked.
China fucked up by trying to be all even-handed in the face of a mortal enemy.
Pelosi is about to humiliate China. Now, masturbate furiously and tell us how China has it all under control with a patiently executed plan while it's having public meltdowns about Pelosi's visit.


There's not gonna be a war why tf are we talking about one?

This is the 21st century, the great powers fight proxy wars, not head on.


If Russia wanted to be more like the US, it could level Kiev in under 24 hours with conventional weapons. Everyone knows it, but some have a vested interest in pretending otherwise.
Now, if we're talking more about whether Russia has the balls to level Kiev with conventional weapons in under 24 hours, that's a different matter, and I'm actually amenable to the POV that Russia has no such balls.
But in terms of military capability, not balls, anyone who denies that Russia could level Kiev with conventional weapons in under 24 hours isn't a serious person.


Who is going to take part in a proxy war here?

Any conflict involving taiwanese troops is going to impact economic markets due to over reliance on taiwans electric machinery and tech


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Lol, no. It's not in China's self-interest to start a war when their current strategy through soft-power and economic networking is already yielding results.
Secondly, although China has advanced its military and navy, it has little logistical support to project itself in any way like the US navy does. If it was to launch an agressive attack on Pelosi, it could only hope to win a defensive war, not one where it declares war on the united states as a whole.

It makes no sense for China to shit itself because of Nancy Pelosi's fuckery. The only reason Pelosi is doing this is due to the Americans wanting to flex on China. If China does nothing in response other than moan and bitch, to the Americans they'll think it makes China look weak which means that they have nothing to fear from their enemy. If China does attack, then to the USA it justifies going to war with them etc.

So yeah, China could be a petulant child and kick the cart over, but sadly for the sake of their nation, they're going to have to take the L on this one.


that's where I'm at
when I criticize Russia, it's because of geopolitical decision-making weakness, not military weakness
put it this way: if American decision-makers were suddenly transplanted into the bodies of Russian decision-makers and had to focus on the Ukraine war, with only the military resources available to Russia, Zelensky would be dead by now, and Ukraine would have already surrendered


>i-it's not even my final form hohloid!
sooo you think if russia would just strategic bomb all the cities it would automatically steamroll ukraine? are you a child?

this is some next level coping lol "r-russia is just holding back! not our final power level!" yea, just cuck out, admit that you can't win on the ground man to man, and just suicide nuke everyone as a pathetic bitch you are


>not military weakness
incompetent army command structure is a military weakness


Russia is very clearly not just going all out and bombing civilians with no care.

If they wanted to just obliterate Ukraine this would be very different, they would also lose support from locals if they were just straight up Massacring their innocent people as well, which they are not.


>China will definitely take comprehensive countermeasures, including military means, if US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visits Taiwan, experts warned.
You heard it here. China is GOING TO DO SOME KUNG FU SHIT if Pelosi goes to Taiwan. I doubt they'd actually target her plane directly, but downing a Taiwanese fighter plane would probably suffice. Hold onto your butts.


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Are people not going to address this


THere's no way russia could remotely go full-out the way the US has on multiple occasions without committing suicide in the long run though.


What lies?


On the other hand,

>We make no promise to renounce the use of force, and reserve the option of taking all necessary measures. This is by no means targeted at our compatriots in Taiwan, but at the interference of external forces and the very small number of “Taiwan independence” separatists and their activities. The PLA will resolutely defeat anyone attempting to separate Taiwan from China and safeguard national unity at all costs.

China literally said in 2019 it would kick ass of anyone daring to encourage Taiwanese separatism.


Would it be a big deal if they shoot it down? It's not the first time a US representative has met an unfortunate end while on a glowing mission to the East.


1. China probably won't do anything unlees Pelosi says the US is going to abandon the One China policy which I don't think she will because if Pelosi can be relied on for anything at all then we can count on her being a cold blooded opportunist caring more about her own life than principles and she would never allow herself to be the 1st casualty in an actual war.
2) Even if a skirmish starts it will be limited in scope and duration. China's goal seems to be to take out the "island chain" line of defense that the Americans wish to use to blockade them, thereby securing Taiwan from reinforcements and logistical/allied support. They will probably also refrain from an actual invasion of Taiwan until they are confident this is accomplished because Taiwan poses no threat to PLA capabilities besides NSA spying bullshit so they can be left alone to be taken care of later.
3) If anti ship missiles work and China can keep a defensive cordon around the SCS and island chains then the war is already won. Unlike retarded Americans who get hard on off of bloodshed the Chinese have no interest in invading America or expanding the theatre of operations. Once American civilians realize China doesn't give a shit about attacking the homeland or really any other country there will be a significant counterweight political pressure to just let them have Taiwan and call it a day. And unlike Ukraine NATO will be unable anyways to prolong Taiwan's capitulation with weapon transfers.
4) America's pacific allies have no interest in an extended war either. Japan has been trying to fix their own economy for decades and the idea that Australians want to die for Taiwan is laughable.


China doesn't have enough airlift and amphibious capabilities for a full assault and the US Navy would get BTFO if they went anywhere near Taiwan.

The Taiwanese military is an absolute joke, with undertrained conscripts, KMT-friendly generals with questionable morale (i.e. against Tsai Ing-wen's govt), and a reliance on US military industrial complex hand-me-downs that aren't suited for a defence against China where you should be going underground as much as possible.

I don't think a war is likely in the next few years, but hey I could be wrong.


Ignorant Retard.


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>There is no peace in this world
Spoken like a true materialist. The Buddha said "when the mind is at peace, the world, too, is at peace.


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Just say you are girl. Girls dont get send to war. Thank you, based post-modernism.


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China won't do anything, cause if they do they lose USA market, and trillions of fiat USD, not to mention it would be a gamble to take on USA, and you are supposed to prewin the war


China won't start anything because Americans don't have the balls to do this.


Do what?


What if China were to demand YUAN for everything they export? BOOM, Game Over.


That's really dumb, CCP already controls fake fiat Yuan. Why would they need more of them?


Land in Taiwan
America knows that China won't response by their military, since the PRC's military organization is not structured for offense nor invasion.
The PRC will win this war economically and with diplomacy


What? You went from WW3 to just garden variety CCP fan?


The PRC has build their economy exactly for this, they are the industrial powerhouse of the globe, they don't need to fire a sinle rocket to destroy America


I was alwas pro-PRC tf you talking about?
They won't shoot down the plane, they will do it economically


I would give more credit to Deng opening up markets, and billions of foreign investment.
SO WW3 was just some funny banter


>fake fiat
Money doesnt exist in the real world, you dumb 19th century Austrian economics commodity money slut whore. Money is an idea. Fiat is the only true money.


Nope, you can have real money as opposed to big state funny tokens, that make you a serf. And in the future your CBDC gets turned of I you were rude to Biden


>zelensky being evacuated = Kiev is taken
What a genius. As you know, Zelensky was offered to be evacuated. It was publicized that he refused to evacuate and hence became a hero for staying.

Everything else you posted is dogshit evidence.
1. Random posters doesn't mean board consensus or majority opinion.
2. We were getting previously unheard of amounts of glowposting during that time, both from Russian nationalists and other pro-russia rightoids and NATO freaks.
First pic is literally true. Not sure why you posted it.
I'm not following the war, but I havent seen the borders generally controlled by Russia moved since a long time.
The US can't cut its production in China. It would be suicide. All industry has moved abroad. They'd be losing trillions in capital. Any porky would rather Pelosi a million times than risk trillions in capital.

On the other hand, China is commited to peace, so far…. and a war is very unpredictable which means a monkey wrench in the Chinese socialism project, so I doubt the government would approve of any act of war.

But then again, Russia invading Ukraine was a big surprise. Also a big surprise was that Russia withstood the sanctions. Also impressive so far has been NATO going all in to keep the war going in Ukraine, which ceteris paribus would/should have ended long ago.

American politicians must feel the walls closing in. A war with China means gambling American hegemony. But no war with China means eventually losing hegemony…


>SO WW3 was just some funny banter
Yes, I was just memeing. The PRC will win as long as the status quo continues, a full scale war is only in America's interest


Imagine all the fucking Yuan they could finally spend at home instead of being forced to re-invest into the fucking dollar economy again (like every exporting nation today). This one single change would change everything.


So what? It's only money, invest it in some more thankful country.
>Russia invading Ukraine was a big surprise
LOL, that literally USA nomenklatura plan

You are maximally deluded.

My apologies, then.


Like, the housing bubble? The white elephant bubble…. Bottom line is CCP steals workers money to make them dance like chimps for the fake 5 year plan


There is no real money, it is an FUCKING IDEA. Next you are going to tell me, a nation has to go into debt to itself? Who taught you this nonsense? A sovereign nation can issue all the fucking credit it wants for productive purposes. CREDIT, not DEBT. Big fucking difference, one brings life, the other destroys and enslaves. You're stuck in 1850.




You are a fool, it is real, it is taking limited resources and making proles dance for your 5 year plan, until you realize like CCCP, you done goofed.
Also ask Argentinians, or your average world country, if people want their fake toilet paper fiat. Guess what, it's a NO!

Is this commie or MMT party line?


Credit … is the trust which allows one party to provide money or resources to another party wherein the second party does not reimburse the first party immediately (thereby generating a debt),

You are also deluded if verbal masturbation like this makes sense to you


Blabla outdated economic trash. Yawnnnnnnnnnn


YouTube is actually great. But no I can think for myself. I guess you can't, you need adhoms, and appeal to authority. Sorry I mean party line, praise Mao, birds are kulaks of the sky


That's great, now point out the trash


This thread is about Taiwan. China haters, you have your general. Go there.


Neither China nor the US want Taiwan. It's just a pissing contest on who seems to be the strong confident leaders




China doesnt want Taiwan. Thanks, these highly illuminating comments are the reason I visit this site. Thanks for your contribution, I shall pass it on.


>Two superpowers doesn't want the monopoly on chip manufacturing.


>LOL, that literally USA nomenklatura plan
>You are maximally deluded.
The US media has threatened that a Russian invasion of Ukraine was imminent for almost a decade and somehow you knew this last threat turned out to be real? You're the deluded one here my friend. I can't be delulded because the information wasn't even there to begin with.


That's like saying the US doesn't want Texas. It's already US soil, why would they 'want' it?


gg tho


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So why can't they fly their jets over """their""" territory and in """their""" airspace then?


They can and they do all the time, just search for 'China jets Taiwan' they do it all the time literally every month


>a fucking video game
china is cringe


wew, I guess US now owns russia or something because it regularly invades its airspace


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>birds are kulaks of the sky


also, they get response from """their""" taiwanese airforce that goes on interception course when they fly over """their""" airspace


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Please god let this escalate. GIVE WAR A CHANCE


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>1. Random posters doesn't mean board consensus or majority opinion.
<every post literally about how russia has alsready won and ukraine state has crumbled
yeeeea, not a board consensus, riiiiight

>2. We were getting previously unheard of amounts of glowposting during that time, both from Russian nationalists and other pro-russia rightoids and NATO freaks.

<I-It was a flaseflag!!
lmao, something pol and this place have in common

>First pic is literally true. Not sure why you posted it.

russia is stuck in donbass after how many months? not quite a "couple of hours" huh?


>yeeeea, not a board consensus, riiiiight
it wasn't and you're a smug retard who should stick your hand on a hot stove till you stop being one.


>lmao, something pol and this place have in common
1. I'm saying that we had glowops from both sides, which implies there wasn't consensus.
2. You're posting on this board, and you disagree, hence not a consensus.
3. Billions of dollars of foreign government money are being "thrown in the dustbin" basically immediately. The only side effect of this is the continued killing of people. Or do you think the billions of dollars for the war effort in the form of weapons, equipment, bombs are being used to build hospitals and schools?

Lying, smug, and bad faith. The trifecta of a rightoid.


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Guys what if Nancy Pelosi is a deep cover Chinese spy on a mission to take out the Taiwanese military command to kick off reunification


famolusly the least successful in Germany, Korea, Vietnam and everthing that wasnt the graveyard of empires


Lol, i think the warhawks in Washington are just unintentionally engaging in revolutionary defeatism.


there's like a billion and a half chiense

if they really wanna, they can take the island with their bare hands and even a nuke can't stop them


>even a nuke can't stop them
Burgers have more than one nuke though


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Can ww3 start already? I've had enough


so does china


Tbf Afghanistan had the disadvantage of being the most backwards place in existence. Most of the soldiers recruited into the ANA were illiterate, some couldn't even count. It's pretty much impossible to make a proper army out of soldiers who lack a grade school education.


You slander brave mujahedeen, who not only beat USSR, but also USA?


In a hypothetical war would the US president do a zelensky and force all men 18+ from leaving the country and forced into conscription?


Why would he not. I read a funny quote from FP, that Ukrainian men have fewer rights than animals. And I would say US elites would love that


With Blinken & Pelosi & UK & eastern euro warmongers everything is possible these people are legitimately insane and they are apparently not aware of themselves.


You are completely wrong, war mongers/neocons are just executing their plan


>are just executing their plan
Doesn't make them less insane at all.


Let's see, you are giving psychological evaluation, so I will bite. Why are they insane, the last time I checked it's quite sane to use state means for your ends


Remember that quote Mao said about the bomb


Then what, lerp that Chinese want a almost complete nuclear annihilation, because mao said so


Anons here just want the world to blow up. I'm not joking. They were banking on Russia to launch nukes for the lulz and when that obviously didn't happen they got upset. Most are just edgy teens too chickenshit to put the gun in their mouths and just want everyone else to go with them.


I think one of thebiggest problems is that the (new at least) elites believe their own propaganda. Fords son, you know, would have gotten a different education than Fords books were.
But Baerbock?


The fuck are you trying to say????
You may be right


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anyone else notice the anti dengist sounds just like a liberal and unironically simps for youtube


The ruling class in the west believe their own propaganda, this is dangerous since their propaganda is not rooted in any kind of reality.


That guy is 99% of this site.


So close yet so far. What is the "false" propaganda of elites?


That they are superior and will beat China?


no; but they can take it unless anyone else, except india


Leftypol project, we all join the PLA

One problem: we have to get up at 3:30 a.m. instead of going to bed at 3:30 a.m.


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Far right has been becoming much more pro china. I said this would happen. Wait till they really look at all the gay pride parades in Taiwan. They were convinced Ukraine is "globohomo" when it's already hyper conservative

You'll see


all anti dengists


anyone noticed sudden influx of old af standard 4chan reaction image and reddit tier opinions together ?




So cheap to copy memri memes.


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Well good for them. But my advice is to take it a step further and trade up in politics instead of riding around with the training wheels still attached.

Their destination: elementary school
Pelosi's destination: WWIII
My destination: flavor town


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The anarcho-capitalists need to learn about China's economics and how they're closer what 19th & 20th century US had (Industrial Capitalism transitioning to Socialism) vs the Finance Capitalism which took over and brought about a neo-feudalism in which the land-baron class still exists


the american national school never advocated for full control of the banks, state owned enterprises. meanwhile al ot of the ideas of the american school were rejected like lots of control of capital until the fdr era. i guess fdr america is closet to china but that was a 15 year period


I thought the war was gonna last 2 weeks max back when it started but now after nearly half a year of a complete shitshow I think I take it back lmao


>how they're closer what 19th & 20th century US had (Industrial Capitalism transitioning to Socialism)
What the fuck



That's bad enough but did he fuck up his writing or was also he implying 20th century USA was transitioning to socialism? lmao


no he unironically stated that


Mr. MTG please stop shilling your wife in these threads


> and just suicide nuke everyone
Thank you for showing your poor intellect that couldn't understand "conventional weapons" even after it was mentioned three times in the post you're replying to. You're too stupid to participate in a geopolitical discussion, and I look down on you as the inferior piece of trash you are.


fuck marry kill


I see lots of Westoid coming-to-us in this thread like the insecure helicopter Internet nannies they are, but all I hear is "Ghost of Kyiv" and "WOW!!@!, LOOK AT THIS VIDEO-GAME FOOTAGE, RUSSIA BTFO." I just can't get past the fact that Ukraine has on multiple occasions tried to pass off video-game footage as smackdowns of Russia.


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delicious Ukraine cope


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more delicious ukraine cope



> surrounding Kiev
With how many men? And how many POWs did Ukraine capture when they "forced" Russia back? Since you know it all, I await your numbers with interest.
> stalemate in the east


If China does nothing then I'll have to say they are cucked




sanest zigga be like


Keep making 15-second-apart posts to show us how unfazed you are. If you keep your posts short and sweet, we can see how unfazed you are. You've got this under control. Good work.


Sir, this is an Uncle Vanya's




I mean China wins by default if nothing super crazy happens in the near future, if this visit led to anything I think they'd intervene


>I mean China wins by default if nothing super crazy happens in the near future
Seems like cope, anon-san. If Pelosi visits, China is going to look weak as fuck unless it does something tangible (i.e., not its 5,000th military drill), but only because of their massive public meltdown with mouthpieces talking about shooting down planes and with Xi telling Biden not to play with fire. It's their public meltdown that has now committed them to tangible action if they don't want to look weak.


The only meltdown is the one you're having.


They said there would be consequences for Pelosi visit. Do it or get cucked


>inb4 pelosi gets domed on stage by a "lone wolf terrorist"


"no u"


Xiggers will start talking about long-term strategies and other buzzkill shit when China, as usual, doesn't follow through on its bluster over the Pelosi visit. Watch.


You can't comprehend the wise strategy of China's leaders.


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I wrote the theory
And I'll do the praxis


They've sanctioned Lithuania for being little shits before, and sanctioned a large portion of the Trump admin. Pelosi would be shitting and farting at all the corruption she will be missing out on if they just cut her off from the big China milkers.


Also we're called xirs not xiggers.


yes anon, the long term is more important than the short term, this is what americans cannot into




Agent Kochinski and dengoids unironically have more in common ideologically than either of them would think, the only difference is which capitalist states they simp for


Those cop-outs may work more generally, but they don't work in this case.
China could've said nothing about the Pelosi visit and focused on the patient execution of its long-term strategerrrry, but instead it warned of serious consequences, and government mouthpieces were even talking about downing the plane.
"There'll be serious consequences in fifty years over this Pelosi visit!"


Okay, Pelosi was said to take the trip this weekend, China announced live fire drills.

It's Saturday, where's Pelosi?


TBH I'm not saying I agree 100% with China's stance, however, they have effectively managed to freeze out Taiwan from most international agencies and bodies (albeit in name only in many cases but still), so they have achieved their aims with their bellicose stance


If China can spook Pelosi into not visiting, which is certainly possible (maybe even likely), China wins. If Pelosi turns up in Taiwan, though, it's not a good look for China. Not at all.


COVID gave the US a once-in-a-generation opportunity to turn international sentiment against China. All the US had to do is state unequivocally that the virus was man-made. They could have manufactured any evidence they needed.
Yet they did not. They don't even show much public interest whatsoever in COVID origins. Why?


Because the lab under scrutiny was funded by the USA.


pelosi is literally on her way over the pacific as we speak


This is what China gets for not going full Zister when it should have. America saw weakness and is now acting on it.


because the scientific community is not actually that corrupt despite some black spots, they wouldn't have gone along with it. besides lying about the origin would have impeded actual efforts to fight the virus


MTG is such a fucking ugly neanderthal


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There's no getting around "forceful measures," Xiggers.
Another military drill won't cut it.


Now let's see how this ends.


I tend to have your view that China will likely go extremely heavy handed against anything that looks like recognition of Taiwan as a state separated from China. And that includes sinking an entire US navy battle group, to hammer home the point that Taiwan is part of China. This is how states negotiate territorial questions. We should also consider the framing of this topic. The US is not sending Peloci with a big military escort to visit Taiwan, the US is sending a big military battle group to threaten China and Peloci's visit is the diplomatic fig-leave for gunship diplomacy

What everybody is forgetting is that the US is intending to make Taiwan a vassal like they did with Japan, that is full of US military bases, to encircle China. The US has a very clever ideological framing that if the US were to occupy Taiwan like they do with Japan, that would somehow mean that Taiwan is independent. Chinese propaganda is pretty bad, they could frame their position as a defense of Taiwan from US occupation, but for some reason they don't.

However with all that said, the Chinese are also very clever, and they might not care as much about Taiwan as they make it appear. This might be an elaborate ruse, a way to focus the attention of the US away from something else that they are doing somewhere else. The neo-liberals that are running the US empire tend to focus on one thing at the time and distracting them with a hot-button topic like this would be the perfect way to outmaneuver them. We are not analyzing the entire spectrum of activity on the world stage of China as well as the US and as such we lack the context to make good predictions. I'm not really pushing the angle that China is playing the US, but rather that nobody is really considering this as a possibility.


He almost looks like a chicken in this photo


The US is gonna gamble its existance with a war against China to "unite" both political parties, persecute internal disidents (us uyghas) and proclaim themselves the saviors of world democracy while installing a liberal autocracy. Thoughts?


Don't drop out of elementary school


When an imperialist power is faced with the choice of "war or decline", I haven't been given an example of single one that chose "decline".




They can't talk about defending Taiwan from the US because they have to maintain the line that Taiwan is China no matter the circumstances. They barely admit they don't directly govern the island.

I don't think there's an issue as clear as China's position on Taiwan. It has been maintained since the civil war. It is a requirement for China to even negotiate with a foreign nation that they recognize one china policy. China constantly reinforces that Taiwan is a part of China both to its citizens and in international contexts. They are not playing around, they couldn't be more clear about it.


It's the litmus test for the worth of the CPC's word under the leadership of Xi, this bumbling new decade of international uncertainty.
I'd love to have my low expectations of these fat-cat bureaucrats proven a little wrong, but I'm still fairly convinced that China's "military response" will amount to nothing more than the #93468436th parade, an angry letter to Pelosi, and some sanctions.


China should send in the PLAAF to escort Pelosi's plane to the mainland, if they shoot it down then invade their ass


Taiwan deserves self determination and liberation from their American occupiers



Complete nothingburger. She's not going to Taiwan lol.


it a nothing burger compared to planes getting shot down but if either sides cucks out thats a notable event considering this is now a major diplomatic row




Why are tankies so fucking annoying


If you don't get called a tankie you're a liberal.


Oh I'm sorry fat is China going to interrupt your consumption of hundreds of graphics cards? Are they going to take the wifi out of your butt toys? Poor American will have to fuck his own ass now :(


Because you have no real argument?


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shut up butters






Because we're always right.




On the off-chance she decides to go to Taiwan, which day would that be?


this except its pelosi


Someone please make a shitty video edit of this




One of the more damaging developments in Anglo China reporting is the deboosting of actual, literal state mouthpieces (the state does have a mouthpiece– I don't mean this in a derogative way) for the shouts and murmurs of one random pundit for a third-rate tabloid called Global Times




Fair, but this is 3 years ago and a lot has changed.
China, like any nation state will engage in its own saber rattling, but they question is would it be in their interest to let Taiwan seperate and retaliate now when the US is still an incredibly dangerous foe?

I think not. Unless China is willing to launch a defensive war, then it might stand a chance, but as it stands now, I don't think China would willingly escalate the situation.

put me in the screencap if im proven wrong


It's according to the spy work of the Chinamen: >>1095072


The Shaming of the Flagfags
<Rules: whenever a flagfag shows up in a thread, your next three posts in the thread are to be made with that same flag


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I cannot believe that the Foxconn disturbance might prolong my LED dragon dildo delivery for weeks, maybe even months…
This will really mess up my schedule in Representing the Leftypol Community…


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G'day boys, It's me, Ben Mendelsohn.


RPG doesn't require 10 seconds of aiming before you can shoot. And RPGs are not for ambushing or rushing forward, they are just infantry weapons with multple different applications. American weaponry is overspecialized overengineered and without an actual use case on the battlefield, with Javelin's being SUICIDE SQUAD AMBUSHING ala what Germans did in WW2.


In the Fujian province of China adjacent to Taiwan, a division of the HQ-22 medium-range air defense system of the People's Liberation Army of China has been spotted.


>Ever heard of mechanized infantry?

Ever heard of ARMORED CARS NOT ACTUALLY PROVIDING ALL THAT MUCH DEFENCE? What the actual fuck, just watch some videos from Ukraine war, it's pretty fucking clear that Javelins straight up aren't FIT for modern mobile war, they are just a dead weight

>RPGs are only effective to about 500m while javelins have a range of 2500m.

Yes, go on and shoot a tank from 2 kilometers away. Lol, lmao even.


China's whole deal is recovering from the century of humiliation. It was the center of the world for technology, culture and economy. Then it got blasted by western powers who went as far as taking territorial concessions.

This is why they can't have an independent hong kong, or taiwan, they won't suffer any more concessions to the west. There's also the fact China is a multiethnic nation, if they recognize taiwanese independence, they're in danger of making meme movements like tibetan independence more likely.

China has over a billion people and is very rich in natural resources, it doesn't really need more than traditional China to be a world power. However nations don't just give up land because it sets a bad precedence. They decided Taiwan is a part of China, and got the world to agree on that, so they need to enforce it or potentially risk even losing land they actually control like tibet.


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Trust the plan patriots


Relax, Russia uses ATGMs, too.


Special Military Operation for the De-Separatization and De-Americanization of Taiwan Province coming soon


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But is it worth poking the hives nest if it means international war and fighting a war that they may stand a chance to lose? It doesn't seem in China's interest to go to war when they're already thrashing the US in economic hegemony while the US itself is collapsing in on itself.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that launching an attack at the US will only be a short term gain but hurt them in the long term, wheras if they play their hand carefully they'll win the war without firing a single shot.


>Last seconds
Damn they have the dolphins on their side
It's over for NATO


wow they do tiktoks just like us!


You're not gonna believe your eyes when you find out who created Tiktok…


Stop being bad at geopolitics and appealing to trite reasoning like "war is bad for business". You sound just like those idiots that thought international trade made war impossible, or thought Consooming foreign goods is actually existing multiculturalism and heckin wholesome globalization and sweatshops are actually good for the third world.

Appeasing bullies like NATO literally doesn't work, China wasn't building up its fleet to run away at the first sight of a challenge. They had to dig in their heels eventually.



I agree, they win by doing nothing. They don't really care about taiwan or they would just invade it, they'd rather keep the status quo or peacefully integrate the island.

They might feel forced to act though since their national and international credibility lies on this since it's been such an important issue for so long.The US keeps fucking around with the one china policy, probably nothing will happen this time, but one of these retarded incidents is bound to escalate into the find out phase.


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Guys so I recently bought this Mao suit (it's actually called Zhongshan Suit or 中山装 in the original Chinese) on Amazon. I think it goes well with me getting more serious in the leadership role of the Leftypol Community as of late, it commands a certain respect both to and from the interactions I have with other proletarians in the grocery store and I just like the headspace it gives me when I wear it to type some warranted take-downs on-site here…


You gotta get haircut too or you're just a lib


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Here's her plane if anyone wants to track it:

Alternatively I guess it could be MC4351 if she somehow got to Guam already. But that's probably it. Same aircraft and callsign she went into Honolulu with.


It's called French, and it was created by a British admiral surnamed French, in wide use in Imperial (and then Soviet Russia), from where it trickled into East Asia


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>SPAR19, a U.S. Air Force Boeing C-40 Clipper believed to be carrying U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi , has been removed from flight tracking services after being monitored by as many as 79,000 users at one time Disappeared in FlightRadar24.


Where is China's navy in this? Does it circle Taiwan or not? If not the plane only have to approach by the East


Nancy Pelosi causing a happening was not on my 2020s Apocalypse Bingo


>a U.S. Air Force Boeing C-40 Clipper
Now I really am rooting for the roasting of that pig


Who would have known that this cute girl will trigger an international geopolitical crisis…


Yeah he fucked her.


Have we considered that pelosi might have played a role in the assassination?


She fucked him so good his head exploded. Oswald was just a coincidence.


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[Palate cleanser]


man, time is a bitch
she looks like a ghoul now


Maybe Kennedy lobotomized her and that's why she's such a fucking bitch


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Mao with with that hairdo looks like Coppola's Dracula long forgotten chinese half-brother.

I personally prefer trot edgy avant-garde style. This is like Columbine but with ww1 civil war characteristics.


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>black leather + red stars


Take the spectacles off before you just "happen" to murder a bunch of children again you burger sack of shit.


So what are you guys going to when either:
Nothing happens or
If something does happen people will forget about it in 2 months.




Pelosi doesn't go – America humiliated.
Pelosi goes – soft-cock China humiliated for not having the judo manlet's back with more gusto.
However, this conflicts with my axiom that contemporary geopolitics always yields the most disappointing outcomes. So there's going to be some way in which both America and China lose face or save face. It seems impossible – either she goes or she doesn't, right? – but watch the axiom do its thing.


> it commands a certain respect both to and from the interactions I have with other proletarians in the grocery store

I saw Tankposter at a grocery store yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


I believe it


You'll know history is back on the menu if the PLAAF fly over Taiwan to intercept


gtfo reddit


Seething tankie


When Pelosi goes to Taiwan and declares that Taiwan belongs to China, and when she then goes to the Chinese mainland and becomes revealed as the Dragon Lady, a formidable covert operative implanted in America decades ago, and when she disrobes to reveal a massive dragon tattoo on her back, YOU. WILL. ALL. APOLOGIZE.


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On the anglonet, the kind of people who whine about tankies are way more cringe, and waaaaaaay more numerous than the so called "tankies" which has become a blanket term for people who are to the left of mainstream economics and foreign policy.

also, let's be real, yankees were the real tankies all along


everything i don't like is reddit

everything i don't like is tankie


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Tankies here literally flagpost as them. It's not like they're false accusations.
>inb4 reply after reply of namecalling


yeah, if you insult people with a blanket term enough they wear it as a badge of honor. what else is new?


Everyone just assumes you're an American libsoc retard when you say it, they don't think your bitchy vagueposting is about a flag poster you're too pussy to reply to; they assume you're just being a little bitch.


No one has answered my question on what will they do if (when) nothing fucking happens or if it does, people will stop caring.


because we don't have an answer, we ain't fuckin seers, we can't see into the future, ain't nobody here got a time machine


rent free lol


People do reply to flagposters.
>inb4 more name calling and nonanswers


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You don't have a hypothetical?


Shut up. Tankposters are they way they are because they have been pushed around for too long. We have been ahead of the curb but time and time again have been ridiculed and ignored. People think that we are weak but we will show them once socialism is worldwide.


You said people do reply to flagposters, and yet you know full well that >>561974 did not reply to a flagposter. This is why people insult you, because you are fully aware you are being a faggot.


Holy christ are you still upset about some faggot not giving (you)s?


>>562051 (me)
Already know it will just have some smart ass non answer and then you'll reply to this with a smart ass non answer.


>Anons debating
When will you dumbasses realize debating is utterly pointless and that people don't change their minds. Anyone who engages in worthless debate should hang themselves


Seethe and project harder you spastic


I'll fuck you till you love me, faggot.


Nancy Pelosi going to Taiwan to spite the CPC


no just lame reddit memes from r/nba of all places


Dropping the plane:
>you don't know if she's in it
>innocent people die (pilots etc)
>uneventful, probably won't be filmed

Capturing, putting on trial, and execution of The Witch of the West:
>public and filmed
>no explosions

Clearly China should try to capture her. Can Chinese police or military enter Taiwan freely? I don't know how Taiwan works.


>Can Chinese police or military enter Taiwan freely? I don't know how Taiwan works.
The absolute state of you. Read the wikipedia page at least, they're stuck in a cold war since 1949, do you think Chinese troops can enter taiwan with no problems?


just intercept the plane and make in land in mainland


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Is this a something burger or are you guys just bored?


>just comply with China
You don't know how this game of geopolitical chicken works, do you?


well when you have 5 fighter jets around your plane whacha gonna do


Well they didn't just shoot down the plane, it was illegally entering internationally recognized Chinese airspace and refusing to comply with PLAAF requests.


Sorry. I don't know the situation. I figured they couldn't.
Even better.


Yeah it was removed from flightradar24, but ADSB-Exchange doesn't do any kind of censoring like that. The reason it disappeared a couple hours ago, I think, is the lack of ADS-B (and related technologies) coverage in that part of the Pacific.

From what I can see on ADSBExchange, I haven't seen much Chinese military aircraft activity at all all night, but they are able to hide from such sites as well, so who knows?

If she's going direct to Singapore, which is about the range of that aircraft I think from Honolulu, she should be landing around 6-7 PM EDT (GMT -4) today.


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probably the most unhinged thing i've ever made, had fun


555 golden manbabies


If Pelosi chickens out, then NATO is a paper tiger.
No wonder there's been so much Westoid screeching in this thread.


Taiwan? Oh we meant to say Thailand, woops, Zion Ron defunded the schools too much.


kek, this might actually be a way for everyone to save face


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Well, it's possible that Pelosi could still meet with DPP representatives in another country as a face-saving measure, but if this is any indication, it seems that the US may have had enough sense to back down at the last minute.


so who said that she would visit taiwan?


she did


next time they should say they would visit Taiwand


>doesn't have any boots on the ground in Ukraine
That is literally what it means to say they are a paper tiger.




Another day another nothingburger.


China should just keep accumulating mobilized forces in Fujian now right until the invasionrestoration of order in the unruly wayward province


by the way:
>On April 9th 2022, multiple People's Liberation Army Air Force Xi'an Y-20 transport aircraft landed in Belgrade to deliver the FK-3 to the Serbian Armed Forces.[11] On April 30th 2022, the Serbian Ministry of Defence showed the first pictures of the FK-3 officially brought into service.[12] On June 23rd Serbian MoD published promo video of FK-3 and Pantsir-1S systems integrated operation. At the same occasion, Serbian MoD confirmed further acquisitions of FK-3.


apparently FK3 is the foreign name for those cause its in the HQ-22 wiki article


Maybe it'll keep the sharts from "accidentally" bombing their embassy again.


people debate to clarify their own positions in their heads and to clarify positions for the audience. simple as


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Published in the Honolulu Civil Beat, which is “named the best overall news site in Hawaii for the 10th year in a row by the Society of Professional Journalists Hawaii Chapter.”


>insanely racist comic
>by "Hawaii" Chapter
I bet the entirety of that chapter is made up of mainland Americans. Just a hunch.


>it's pretty fucking clear that Javelins straight up aren't FIT for modern mobile war, they are just a dead weight
If you have a mechanized unit then it literally doesn't matter how heavy they are, becsuse you can just store them in your IFV. As the saying goes, when you're mechanized your kit carries you.
>Yes, go on and shoot a tank from 2 kilometers away. Lol, lmao even.
There have been ATGMs that can hit tanks at this range since the 60s.


they couldn't even be arsed to draw japan in a meaningful manner


Makes me hungry for pork dumplings.


best hope the artist was Japanese


Very likely she will attempt to make a secret, personal visit and not announce it until after.


Wtf you're telling me this isn't a Cold War propaganda from the 50s?


maybe but its not that minorities cant be racist themselves.


the point of the visit is to make it public tho,you can't just say "ahah look at my big balls" if you made her enter the island via a submarine,took her out,and then announce it when she's back in the US


I guess that means she won't in fact visit Taiwan and this is just a nothingburger.


>NATOuyghur cope
Uh-huh, and US didn't lose in Vietnam and Afghanistan.


The Biden admin. taking a huge L in relations with the Chinese on an internationally published matter isn't really a "nothingburger", yankee liberal.


those nothingburgers are getting so nutritious. I couldnt even fit one in my freezer :(


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )




heard those are 2 pounds now in the UK


As a newfag I dont understand these flags. Only tripposting antichan culture cancer would wanna use those.



Singapore is so far away from the map wtf?


that's true but I don't see an incentive for native hawaiians to be drawing political cartoons like this. their pet issue right now is "The US military has made our water undrinkable and the capitalists have bought up all our land" The average working class Hawaiian has no incentive to be getting up in arms about China. It's probably some bougie who drew that shit, whether they're white or not.


From 96
Honolulu Weekly 3-13-96
China poised to pluck Taiwan like a wonton.
© John Pritchett |


Ben does it again


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>admit to being a newfag
>immediately try to do an ostracism
>excuse it by claiming you're an arbiter on "chan culture"


I did picrel once. got banned from riding lol



what rid is that


it's at a lot of state fairs in the USA. It's often called a "gravitron"





I was really hoping for a somethingburger, but at least US got cucked




if everything is a nothingburger, then why are americans still fat?


NATO is too scared of China. Can't even have Pelosi visit Taiwan lmao. Can't even get to the bottom of COVID lmao.
Where'd all the NATOids ITT go?
Your fear of China also betrays your fear of Russia, which has a greater nuclear stockpile and a more advanced military.
No wonder there was so much seething. It was in anticipation of Pelosi's cuckout.


Btw, NATOids, here's an origami tutorial for a paper tiger:


You got absolutely cucked by China


American police cars whenever someone is smoking a joint


No NATOids in this thread anymore, lmao


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How is the US going to stand up for Taiwan when it can't even visit Taiwan without China's approval?


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w-we totally meant singapore all along. just a slip of the tongue! sh-shut up!


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they went back to watching their commander in chief, agent kochinski


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Getting conflicting reports now that Pelosi may in fact try to visit Taiwan tomorrow (Aug 2), but it could also be a baseless rumor, so who the fuck knows? I guess just keep your eyes & ears peeled for happenings on Tuesday.


inb4 greenscreen pictures


1. Trips
2. I hope the PLA incinerates this cunt once and for all with a nice ballistic missile; alternatively, if they Ustica her before she even gets close to the island, that too would be a good thing.


Why is china worried about pelosi? is it the optics?

Will they really do something


they're not worried about Pelosi in particular, but visiting Taiwan is a provocation.


Pelosi visiting Taiwan is one thing, but if she has a USAF military escort then it would literally constitute a violation of Chinese territory (recognized as such by basically the entire world) by the US military.


>she will visit taiwan anyday now !


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>EU warns China that an invasion of Taiwan will prompt the EU to commit suicide in order to defend Taiwan


HAHAHAHAHAH GET FUCKED TANKIES. Pelosi will visit Taiwan and China will impotently seethe.


Will you visit me 😳


>Why George Soros is obsessed with defeating Xi Jinping’s China

Good article should read it



I wish Nancy Pelosi would visit me, we could do "insider trading" together if you catch my drift


The military escort would be gunship diplomacy. And China would communicate that they are not intimidated by simply blowing it up. (China does have a technological edge over US in missile technology, an that would give them the upper hand in this battle)

If Polesi went alone, that would be the US attempting diplomatic normalization of not recognizing One China (or unified China) before they make it official. If China wanted to shoot down her plane, they could deny her plane permission to enter Chinese airspace and shoot it down on the grounds of violating territorial integrity. But there is another consideration that China also wants to deter secession in Taiwan, and they might be tempted to let her enter Taiwan so they can use a missile strike to take out the political leadership of secessionists too.

From the perspectives of the Americans, this is a stupid move because China doesn't seem to care much about informal relations between Taiwan and the US, or anybody else for that matter. China also made assurances that international access to TSMC microchip products would be guaranteed, so the risk of a chip cut off was very low. China has allowed the US to sell weapons to the Taiwanese military. Pelosi could have requested an official visit to China and insisted that she also could go to Taiwan as part of her visit, and she would have been granted that request. She also could have gone as a private tourist.

So basically the US gets everything it wants except the ability to establish official US military bases and form a military alliance with Taiwan. This was a pretty sweet deal all things considered, and they are in the process of throwing it away.


Going around on social media only so far:
>Taiwan places armed forces on high alert, mobilizes air defense to “prepare for war”, cancels leaves.


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I genuinely want them to shoot the plane out of the sky. Just Imagine, the event in the eyes the global South. After 300 years of Western gunboat diplomacy, superiority of the whites, doing everything they want, entering and occupying your domestic territory without any approval of the domestic people, after decades of the west shooting down planes to kill socialist officials in the third world, finally a western plane in an attempt at gunboat diplomacy gets shot out of the fucking sky. It would be beatifull, people will literally celebrate


ah, a fellow lichsexual


Don't hold your breath m8. China does not want a war with the US.


It being Pelosi is the icing on the cake, too. She has to be one of the most disliked politicians in the US


It's ironic how Taiwan is more commie than China nowadays



File: 1659384568302.jpg (70.67 KB, 1080x315, 1659384551718.jpg)

what do you honest expect to happen bros?


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Pelosi go back to the US and "meet" Taiwanese officials with the wonders of technology (pic rel) or go full clown world with a Zoom call.


If Brussels were ever to pass Russia level sanctions on China, it would make leaving the EU to become a matter of national survival for every member state.


leftcoms are so screwed up todays they probably think the US was the pro-communist side in the Cold War


Why do right wingers defend Taiwan so rabidly? They have this almost pavlovian response to instantly defend Taiwan over China even though it has nothing to do with them whatsoever. Even the so called nationalists will go out of their way to defend some random country/province on the other side of the world. Is this unironic brainwashing?
I know Taiwan has some economic importance for the west but that's not why they defend it


She has a heart attack, dies, releases her bowels.


Cuts off before you could see his ass.


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West coast gets nuked its been nice knowing you bros.


Until 10-15 years ago, no one knew what Taiwan was. Now that propaganda against China ramped up, a lot of lifelong fans of Taiwan appeared from nowhere. 99% doesn't even know that its official name is "republic of china".


Therefore China= bad

Taiwan against China
Therefore Taiwan against communist
Therefore Taiwan against bad
Therefore Taiwan good.

The reactionnary mind isn't really complicated to understand.


They’re sinophobes. Taiwan is one of those issues where everyone on the bell curve meme, the nitwit, the midwit, and the high autism score wizard, all see the issue the same way: Taiwan can be used as a way to activate a military response to the rise of China.




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Hope they shoot her down now.


It's not "just spectacle". Taiwan is claimed by China so Pelosi will be flying into claimed Chinese airspace, possibly surround by USAF jets, which China threatens to shut down


He's using red text like we're all stupid for not having his revelation when actually his point is so stupid nobody else thought it.


SHe would be the perfect target because most americans would be happy
>right hates her
>left hates her
<only liked by the literal 1%
yeah its wolf warrior time


Onegai Shi-sama!!!!!


Who gave her the """"right"""" to go to Taiwan?


I have the right to drive with a BAC of .28. will not be intimidated by highway patrol.


Do you really think it is not rational to go to war when a foreign power kills one of your most prominent politicians in cold blood?


Not all of the right hates her, the Democrats like her for some reason.


Imagine the screams of this evil bitch as a missile eviscerates her 30,000 feet in the air


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>the incident that sparks WW3 might happen on my birthday


You actually don’t have the right to go to another country. They will stop you, turn you back, and can imprison you if you don’t have approval by that sovereign state.


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If the majority of people/voters in Taiwan support independence, why would anyone here be opposed to them gaining it?


I would, because they are not communists. Same as in Catalonia.


It depends on who’s voting and why.


Majority of people in the wealthiest places in Bolivia also want to secede from the indigenous leftist government. Nationalism is a weapon used by the West to continue to dominate the nonwhite world. Ukraine was even not bad off when under the multiethnic Soviet Union empire, but since its independence has become the fascistic, hyperreactionary tool of NATO4thReich used against Russia.


>Soviet Union empire
Absolutely disgusting


>Do you really think it is not rational to go to war when a foreign power kills one of your most prominent politicians in cold blood?
Is it worth going to war over a politician ? probably not, it depends on the conditions tho, it might be the last straw that tips the balance.
But in Pelosi's case it appears to be that she is planning to penetrate Chinese airspace (or contested territory if you don't uphold the unified China position) with a warplane escort and a navy battle group in tow, while Chinese authorities are issuing unmistakable warnings.
If she gets shot down, she committed suicide by China. Even if you think China has no claims on Taiwan, you have to admit that she is willingly and knowingly running headfirst into a highly contested danger zone. She doesn't have to do this, she is not forced to ride on the spear tip of the US military that is designed to intimidate China.




Should China just come out and say that "we will shoot you down"?


imo this is politicians fault. we should make politicians of all countries kill each other if they like war so much…


Biden has also publicly warned her not to go. Which could be used as an out. I have no idea if this is america's latest stunt to annoy China or just a suicidal lich.


They pretty much said so, whether they'll actually do it noone knows until it happens


Because the real majority on the mainland i.e. the rest of China wouldn't. No country has ever let a regional majority vote their way to secession because then no country would be able to protect itself from outside forces trying to balkanize them.


As the Russians say “Chinese Final Warming”, which means a warning with no threat of being carried out.


do it xi or no balls


The Soviet Union was a multiethnic empire, which is not supposed to be bad. As technically an empire, the Soviet Union was still better than the current state of affairs in the nations constructed of the former Soviet Union, who are wracked by nationalism, comprador neoliberalism, and stupid feuds over racial spooks. The situation could be akin to the status of what had comprised the Ottoman Empire, which also devolved into stupid shitfights by imperialists plots and reactionary nationalist self determination.
Divide and conquer is how Western imperial core maintains its parasitic hegemony over the world system.
Simply go to the Balkans, Middle Eastern region, or to the Indian and Pakistani borders and check how distractions are sown by the Western European powers to turn people against each other in constant strife, all the while the global North of Americans and western Europeans leech off these weakened polities.


>Pelosi cucks out.
>Pelosi goes and China doesn't do shit.
>Pelosi goes and gets shot.
>Pelosi goes, lands and comes back. China responds with another thing. (What tho?)
Which one are you betting on?


The KMT would probably pull a coup before that happens.


They aren't using the phrase "final warning" though, they're using the language they used before they launched the intervention in Korea.


>pelosi goes, lands and get JFK'd.


I honestly don't understand the Taiwan situation

First China, it claims it's part of their territory but they don't have any say over what happens there. It even has US military personnel stationed there. The US has sold tons of weapons to them too

Then there's the US, that doesn't support taiwanese independence officially, Yet claims it would intervene militarily if China -invaded-, but how could China invade it's supposedly own territory?


I'm hoping for the one you and lots of people forget about:
>Pelosi goes, gets intercepted, escorted to the mainland and arrested on landing


I'm betting on heavy economic retaliation.


No longer accepting dollars from any countries where it isn't the primary currency would finally give us the Petro-ACK


so do we even know if shes going or not? i hope she is. nothing interesting has happened since the ukrainian war


Pelosi is going but only because she wants to make some content since the Ukraine grind has gotten stale


Read some history


The average Westoid leftist's understanding of the China-Taiwan situation.


way better than muh mandate of heaven muh one china muh empire


I clearly stated I don't understand it


What does that have to do with the fact that most Westerners don't even know about the Chinese Civil War and how that ties into the present state of Taiwan? I didn't say anything about where I stood on the issue.


honestly the probable reason why china wants taiwan back is because taiwan can essestionally operate as a us military base that acts as a dagger towards core china


>but how could China invade it's supposedly own territory?
Because Taiwan is its own country and China is just playing pretend. That doesn't mean Pelosi should antagonize them though.


>finally a western plane in an attempt at gunboat diplomacy gets shot out of the fucking sky
bruh the revenge on gunboat diplomacy happened:


>The first shell passed over the ship. Then the bridge, wheelhouse, and low power room were hit in quick succession, Lieutenant Commander Skinner was mortally wounded, and all the bridge personnel were disabled. The coxswain on the wheel, Leading Seaman Leslie Frank, was seriously injured and as a result the ship slewed to port and grounded on the bank. Before the ship grounded, the order to open fire had been given, but when the director layer pulled the firing trigger, nothing happened, because the firing circuits were disabled when the low power room was hit.

>First Lieutenant Geoffrey L. Weston assumed command of the vessel, although he was also wounded himself.[12] PLA shells exploded in the sick bay, the port engine room, and finally the generator, just after the injured Weston's last transmission: "Under heavy fire. Am aground in approx. position 31.10' North 119.20' East. Large number of casualties".[Note 2]

>During 1947, Mao’s communist forces became increasingly hostile toward Marines stationed in North China and the naval personnel at Tsingtao. In June, Mao’s troops fired on the repair ship USS Deliver (ARS-23) working to salvage a pontoon that had gone adrift near the port. Supported by covering fire from the Deliver and the destroyer Benner (DD-807)—the purpose of which was to “discourage and drive off rather than injure the attackers”—a landing party from the destroyer Hawkins (DD-873) recovered the pontoon.

>Two months later, bad weather forced a Marine pilot to land in communist-held territory near Tsingtao, and Mao’s troops traded fire with a landing party of Marines from the heavy cruiser Saint Paul (CA-73) and sailors from the destroyer Tucker (DD-875) sent to retrieve him. To avoid any escalation of the situation, the Americans destroyed the plane and withdrew. The communists released the young naval aviator but only after protracted and lengthy negotiations with U.S. diplomats.

>In December 1947, the communists shot and killed one Marine and captured four others outside the base and only admitted it in February 1948, along with a demand that the United States withdraw its forces from Tsingtao and stop aiding Chiang. Not until April were the captured men and the body of the slain Marine returned to U.S. custody.


>et claims it would intervene militarily if China -invaded-
because the "1 country 2 systems" idea means that china is technically 1 nation but the systems that are already in place in taiwan (and previously honk kong) should have be allowed to manage their own territory even if they are part of one china


reeducated pelosi arc when


sorry, correction: the 1 country 2 systems idea only applied to hong kong and macau when they were reunited with china. taiwan doesn't have this legal relationship but china aspires to create it. however the two countries claim to represent unified china so they are both tehcnically representatives of china, it's just that PRC has better claim as winner of the Chinese civil war and as the controller of most of the population base and historical regions of china to be called the legitimate china, which is why US was forced to recognize it in the 1970s


China should just nuke it. America wont do shit.




no shit. taiwan is geostrategically important. even the japanese recognized that which is why they annexed it after beating china up in 1895


thanks for the you :^)


everyone deserves one, anon. sorry for cursing at you


thanks anon :^)


Taiwan is not its own country. The government that controls Taiwan is the Republic of China engaged in civil war with the People's Republic of China.
They do not represent any other nationality other than Chinese, the notion that they represent some other culture is false. The ROC settled 1.3 million people from mainland China and governed serving this population only, not even recognizing the indigenous population as being anything different than Chinese at the expense of the local cultures, for several decades to the point where Taiwan very much represent Han Chinese culture and oppresses the indigenous population even if the west would like to hoist them up to show how Taiwan totally isn't China.


File: 1659398882024.jpg (15.37 KB, 474x314, board.jpg)

>HURR, the mexican government can't invade the zapatistas~!


>>562217 (me)

fug wrong post number : >>562193


>Ziggers staring at their clocks and counting the seconds between each post to see if they can call you a glowie NATOid /k/iev coper.


its the dems pathetic attempt to win the midterms they are thinking "if we humiliate china then the buds will vote for us"


>First China, it claims it's part of their territory but they don't have any say over what happens there. It even has US military personnel stationed there. The US has sold tons of weapons to them too
Taiwan is governed by the remnants of the nationalist forces which Mao mostly defeated in the Chinese Civil War. The Chinese Civil War is perhaps the most interesting conflict of the twentieth century for how long it is and how many factions, but technically it is still going on today, their is still technically a war between the CCP and Republic of China.
>Then there's the US, that doesn't support taiwanese independence officially, Yet claims it would intervene militarily if China -invaded-, but how could China invade it's supposedly own territory?
Because The People's Republic of China demanded that America stop recognizing the Republic of China aka Taiwan in order to allow for trade between Mainland China and America.


Fuck MTG, kill AOC, marry Omar and then get killed by her brother-husband soon after


take your meds delusional schizo


how the fuck are they getting away with this, lmao


File: 1659401520250.png (542.15 KB, 1280x720, 20220801195030.png)

Daily reminder that any carriers the US sends are as good as dead


What report is this from? Interested in reading in full


Go back


File: 1659401860698.jpeg (91.28 KB, 680x497, FZA68aeX0AU4nFy.jpeg)

thoughths on this new 'garrison that just dropped?


nice ass


It's a slide from a presentation by Paul Cockshott


Is China communist or capitalist according to libs?


File: 1659402840040.jpg (102.53 KB, 702x805, 1659123243492993.jpg)

The Chinese are capitalist when successful and communist when not, duh.

China has record economic growth? The free market in action, look not at the colossal size of Chinese state owned companies!

China has surveillance state? The evils of communism, obviously no good capitalist regime would ever restrict freedoms!


Libs don't actually believe anything, they'll just repeat whatever narrative is currently being spread, no matter how truthful or even logical it is


Its communist because communism is when no rights 1 party state and capitalist because economy line goes up.


>The government that controls Taiwan is the Republic of China
Exactly. They have their own government therefore are their own country. That's how countries work.

They are communist only according to anyone who doesn't know what communism is.


Is Catalonia a country too?


File: 1659403917470.png (198.61 KB, 680x670, ClipboardImage.png)

>Exactly. They have their own government therefore are their own country. That's how countries work.


I dunno, I don't follow pointless Spanish conflicts.


Oh, you're the baiter from the Urinal thread. got it. Take care, amerimutt.


They won an independence referendum and briefly declared independence for seven seconds, so they're more of a country than Taiwan is.


Indeed, brother.


I bet if I were to ask you whether the DPR and the LPR are real countries you'd claim there are just Russian puppets but then "how can Russia invade itself", you insufferable faggot.


>Oh, you're the baiter from the Urinal thread
What did I even say that was bait? Countries aren't a real thing in the first place, if a government claims it is a country and has the power to back it up then it is a country. I'm not sure what you think it takes to make a "real" country.


International recognition is an important part of being a country. As it stands China is a country in civil warthough it is a very awkward situation.


Countries do definitely have more aspects to it than just muh gubbermint. Is the ISIS Caliphate a country?


That image is amusing


>the Urinal thread
i am so glad i don't know what this is


Ukraina, Urina, same thing.


Actually, mostly everyone with a PC knew what Taiwan was: a lot of hardware was marked "Made in Taiwan". Or at least everyone who does not bought their PC ready-made, factory-assembled.

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