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News is treating this as a huge drama with BBC running a 'live updates' page. Onboard is confirmed to be a billionaire who made his fortune in private jets - can we all come together and hope for a safe return?
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oh man this just keeps getting better.


I shouldn't laugh but lmao


this is fucking great.
Even the BBC narrative is about his lack of safety.
what happened to that anon who claimed it was all made up and lies lol?


these guys got btfo so hard from the left for being retards that they are obsessed with online shit nobody sane cares about lmao. legit internet demons.


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>Would you watch it?
If it weren't for the lorum ipsum text on the bottom, I would have this poster hanging on my wall.


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Only thing?


why would anyone make a sub out of carbon fiber anyway except that it sounds cool? the only thing carbon fiber is good at is being lightweight, from my understanding, which is a complete non-issue in this scenario


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Cheap build cost, you don't even get any weight/strength improvement as hardened steel is far stronger against compression where steel subs crush not because the steel compresses to much against itself but the cavity of the interior due to steel also being able to bend while keeping its strength. For example even though the stern of the Titanic went through implosion when its air pockets compressed, the steel frame stayed in shape more then Titan's hull did.


I thought carbon fiber was more expensive than metal?


When working with metal you require welders and heavy cranes. You are going to pay more for metal sections because they you probably won't have the means to transform raw metal into them.


Got a link to the full vid? (not the Sub Brief one but the guy in the top right).


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gamers rise up



Is this real?


idk lol


My guess: the risk-reward calculation of saying it earlier doesn't pay off.
If you announce you've heard an implosion then winding down the rescue mission makes sense. If, a few days down the line, someone finds a tin full of asphyxiated corpses floating on the surface then you've doubly fucked up - you killed the rescue mission (so you're getting the blame for the corpse can) and you've revealed that your surveillance system or the people operating it are unreliable.
Conversely, if you announce you've heard an implosion and the rescue mission is called off, sure, you save a rounding-error in taxpayer money, and you can flex that you heard it go pop, but ultimately it's not that much more impressive than if you announce it later, which you can do with no risk.

Plus the media probably don't really want to hear it - if you say "we heard it go pop on our magic navy microphone" then CNN are gonna find a guy who says that's just two dolphins colliding and then go back to speculating about Oxygen levels until the camera-robot gets down there and finds the billionaire Supa value pond flakes.




it's a good controller. I wish people would stop bullying it :(


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>it's a good controller. I wish people would stop bullying it :(


It was def inferior to the 360 gamepad at the time but thats expected from a cheaper product. Bad deadzones on sticks and triggers that are way too stiff. D-Pad was decent though.


It's even ribbed. VGH


No dude..


i just think its unkind


The banging noise was probably the grease buckets being opened to grease the hands of the search team in order to justify a $100 million taxpayer funded 6 day search of a submersible in a 5000 cubic mile range. Usually, for just a millionaire’s kid, they send a helicopter out for 8 hours to scan the sea before telling the family there is nothing more they can do. It’s apparent when there are two billionaires missing they break out deep sea robots and submarines at taxpayer cost to find the bodies. It really brings into focus how much of the public treasury is used as a slush and rainy day fund for the rich.


I wonder if @empathyhaver spergs out about degenerates and illegal immigrants.


Wow so the kid's safety concerns were about fucking whales eating them? What a moron.

He's talking about the history of commercial submersibles presumably. Which makes this all even more ironic since that track record of safety is precisely because of all the precautions he ignored. The more I see behind the curtain the more it seems that this guy was some combination of delusional and getting a thrill from the Russian roulette factor.



>kid supposedly had safety concerns

>not about the logitech f710 controller piloting the submersible
>not about the shitty casing that was a ticking timebomb
>not about the glass that was not rated for their depth
>not about the fact that the submersible is not certified by any agency or is even kinda trying to pretend like it is up to code
>not about the fact that some less retarded porkies had backed out due to fears of sub stability
>instead, hes scared of the whales

holy shit lmao


>libs talking about wealth envy making people hate billionaires

Wow! Times have changed, and not for the better. That was an old Dick Cheney / GWB / Fox News canned response to the progressive left when they would break their balls about citizens united, inheritance tax cutdowns for the rich and other porky shit. Liberals actually used to pretend they were the party of rank and file working class people way more before Obama and Biden. The overton window is shifting right so fast that if you live long enough you get to witness liberals becoming as right wing as the shittiest right wing parties of your time.


The Bourgeoisie arent breeding the best, folks!


>Kid was scared of the whales
I’m wondering if the kid was actually scared of what a shithole the sub was. Seems like his dad was doing everything in his power to pressure his kid into going. The dad might have been playing down his son’s fears to buy time to convince him to go but not commit. I think the dad was purposely making his son’s concerns seem silly. Seems like a real dick.


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The boy was right to fear the whales. He knew they lay in wait in the depths below.


>Liberals actually used to pretend they were the party of rank and file working class people
Both parties pretend that when they are not in power.



>carbon fiber can hold it

>they’re starving

Things said that didn’t hold up!


Tru dat!
How would you argue that making light of porky’s misfortune is actually a correct and rational self-interest driven behavior. I have friends who seem rather put off by my agitation regarding this, but I personally sense that it is correct to insert anti-capitalist levity and class critique against the bourgeoisie in this moment (as opposed to ignoring the class differences through engaging in national mourning and anxiety).


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I can definitely see that. Parents love downplaying the concerns of their children and he may have had some valid concerns about the little tin can.

In the end, we tragically lost some poor sad billionaires, and that's the true heartbreaking tragedy here. :(

Worry not, anon. It's believed that the people on board knew their deaths were imminent and that they were going to die at sea with nobody knowing their whereabouts. I know it isn't perfect and I would've rathered them suffocate at the bottom of the ocean myself; we should take what we can get. (2nd picrel)
Although, I don't know if James fucking Cameron is really the best guy to be giving this information.


tbf it's inherently harder and more expensive to look for a submarine than to look for a boat. with a boat you just fly a plane over a few times and if you can't find anyone, that's because they're underwater and dead. boom, cancel the search. submarines are a bitch because it's perfectly possible they're underwater but those onboard spite the taxpayer by continuing to live while playing hide-and-seek with would-be rescuers.
(but naturally the class dynamic still applies since poor civilians don't tend to go missing in holiday submarines.)


Cameron did a lot of deep dives, even went to the deepest bottom of the oceans. I guess he is qualified.


James Cameron designed his own submarine and visited the titanic over 30 times , he's very qualified


And as other anon said, James Cameron was the first person to visit the Marianna trench alone.


>ha ha my son is so stupid
Why are engineers such arrogant ass hats?


engineering mindsets… just because they think something is logical they think they're right about everything… but this is why its easy for them to get stuck into Lolbert economics or a doctrine like fundamentalist religion because they're self enclosed logical systems


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>un-inspectable three-material joint in a pressure vessel


Agent Kochinski made a half hour ackchyually rant.


It reminds me of the Simpsons monorail except here the porkie was too stupid to just run it as a scam and flee with the money.


This guy thought he was invincible or something.


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