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 No.571441[Last 50 Posts]


News is treating this as a huge drama with BBC running a 'live updates' page. Onboard is confirmed to be a billionaire who made his fortune in private jets - can we all come together and hope for a safe return?


Leftypol will send one of our best submarines to mount the rescue operation.


dropping depth charges now…







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Beehaw mods are very offended by the discourse on this issue, we can't be glad rich people are dying, only symbolically oppose them :^(




hexbear nobody cares about your flame war with beehaw, I'm embarassed to even be aware of it


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I think we all know who is behind this.


Wow, just like the real Titanic!


Let's get Orcanized!



Killer Oreos of the sea wooo they will be uplifted after the dolphins.


PLA(N) Submarine Force reporting for duty


Only one man has what it takes to rescue them.




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Orcas are the revolutionary vanguard of the dolphin family.


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Holy shit



He got isekai'd


shit spectacle thread


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This looks like a death trap waiting to happen. IS this what its like to be inside of a submarine, I swear it was a lot bigger on the inside to accommodate the crew.


We need a ‘jak image for this


Honestly you have to respect Canadian grifters for being so bafflingly incompetent, as is standard for Canadians, that they end up accidentally doing something based.


Now imagine the FILM ADAPTION


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Inside of a shitty richboy's plaything, sure. Real submarines are huge. (pic is an Oscar class, same as the Kursk)


I had read that these guys are bolted into this submarine. Like there is no way out without unscrewing bolts from outside and the hardware inside is all touch screens.


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That's what I thought because I remember seeing something about Nuclear Submarines and how they worked, and was very confused why that one was so fucking tiny.

Yup they deserve their fate then if this is what they done. A literal Iron grave where they remain until the metal gets destroyed or someone finds the sub.



I'm dying


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Deep sea exploration submarines go much deeper and are thus under MUCH higher pressures than military submarines. They are small to help withstand the pressures.


<Onboard is confirmed to be a billionaire who made his fortune in private jets
>got rich polluting the skies
>dies shitting himself under the seas




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>we considered adding an emergency locator beacon after the sub got lost for 5 hours on a previous voyage but decided nah fuck it
you would think for 250k a seat they would spring for some safety features


I'm pretty sure it's the ghosts of Titanic's third class passengers enacting their revenge




There's a billionaire Hamish Harding that also went to space on Blue Origin, Bezo's SpaceX. The CEO of the company of the submarine. A decorated retired French Navy pilot. And Billionaire Pakistani Shazada Dawood and his 19 year old son.




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youd be astonished at how much wanton death and destruction occurs at the hands of porkys being violently cheap

t. engineer who has read far too many case studies on catastrophic plant failures


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Don't forget, the sub itself is also by all accounts trash so truly nothing of value was lost!


Yeah but, like, with proles not with themselves and each other lmao.


look up the death rate for light aircraft/helicopters


>The tourist submersible that went missing on a visit to the wreck of the Titanic with five people on board has just 40 hours of air left
fingers crossed ;)


Nah, those are rich fucks diving down. I bet they secretly wanted for the sub to go missing


the sub probably imploded and they where dead pretty fast


LMAO do they pilot the thing with an Xbox controller???


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>$250K A SEAT
<$250K A SEAT
>$250K A SEAT
<$250K A SEAT
>$250K A SEAT
<$250K A SEAT


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>LMAO do they pilot the thing with an Xbox controller???


more victims of communism




the other submersible companies were just mad at these epic industry disruptors


Common PC Master Race W.


my god that game looks horrible to play


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you will find some variation of this story in every. single. fucking. post-mortem case study on catastrophic engineering failures, lol. it always comes down to porky ownership doing everything in their power to avoid throwing a few pennies at a safety issue, right up until the very thing they refuse to fix ends up with them being out billions from loss of assets and lawsuits galore. complete insanity and yet its a tale as old as time.


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reminds me of this


LMAO but for real RIP to that one guy who was just a Titanic autist who worked for the company


Yeah but on the other hand, he had to know how shady this company was and how unsafe the sub is


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And the people-of the pit return to their watery crevice.
As prophesised.


Honestly if I wanted a civilian sub for myself, I'd buy a shitty artisan-made from LatAm narcos than commercial ones.



I… I'm gonna need some kind of explanation.


More sprite kino ruined by the isometric view.


Not just every egineering failure, most safety issues of all kinds. Like recently with Alec Baldwin shooting the director of photography on the set of Rust was because he and other producers fired the original safety people for trying to make things too safe and (in their opinion) wasting time and money.


/leftypol/ submarine fleet to liberate marie byrd's land (soon to be renamed)


<No beaches?



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I just. Every new piece of information I find about this just melts my brain further. My expectations towards porky are rock bottom and I’m still flabbergasted. How is one this stupid and function as an adult. Holy shit.


He was also a former imperialist navy pilot, and a grave plunderer. Technically a proletarian since he was an employee but not exactly a comrade


>How is one this stupid and function as an adult.
Because they pay people to do everything for them.


I'm glad they either got delta P'd into fish feed or are currently waiting to die of oxygen deprivation
None of this attention and energy towards migrants drowning in the Mediterranean btw


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>None of this attention and energy towards migrants drowning in the Mediterranean btw
Unironically you should make a thread about it. It is something I try to follow in the media so I would enjoy to read and input.


There probably ought to be a general thread for mass migration since it's a major issue of the time and something porks are always using to manipulate the labor market at huge cost to people's lives.


I feel like most of the attention is laughing at how stupidly the billionaires died while a few libs act like it's actually serious.


Let's get orcanized!



What the actual fuck is up with porky's obsession with water btw? They'll spend exorbitant amounts of money on mundane shit EXCEPT ON WATER and throw their lives away for this dumb bullshit.


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<Onboard is confirmed to be a billionaire who made his fortune in private jets - can we all come together and hope for a safe return?
<hope for a safe return?


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Damn, my dyslexia made me misread this.



My fucking god imagine being trapped in such a claustrophobic container, 4000m deep in the ocean without food or water to slowly lose oxygen for days just to freak out about the inevitable approaching.


uhhh actually that is a logitech controller


>the libs getting mad at the people laughing that people are laughing that a bunch of billionaries sent themselves to a water coffin to the depths of the ocean

oh no no no


>What the actual fuck is up with porky's obsession with water btw?
On the ocean they are outside the bounds of countries so they are the ultimate authority as captains/owners of their ships.


Submarines are just the brokey millionaire's space ship replacement, tbh.


I also think that being on international waters gives PDFiles free roam, just like Mr. Epstein on his plane


>canned pork


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>passes you the controller
>what we playing tonight bros?
>bro this isn't subnautica, this is a submersible watercraft 12 thousand feet below the ocean, we are going to die



>You know, at some point, safety is just pure waste.

Stockton Rush, CEO, OceanGate


are they dead already


this was some Mickey Mouse contraption built with off the shelf parts, old bits of piping, and a Logitech controller


>batteries ran out.


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Just a reminder that they're only NOW searching underwater. For the past few days they've been using planes, counting their chances on the possibility that the sub activated its flotation emergency systems and is hanging around the sea surface. This might or might not have happened; for example it could be that the sub is stuck underwater or something.
They have at most 96 hours of oxygen. They've been inside of it since 18th of June so they're confirmed dead at the 22nd. The sub is sealed tight and can't be opened from the inside so even a successful flotation scenario doesn't make a difference so long as no one has found them and opened the sub yet.


holy shit


These porkies really do all get their own Large Son.


>can't be opened from the inside
if i were inside i wouldnt want to open it from that depth anyway


>Space X, Blue Origin and Virgin Galactic all rely on experienced inside experts to oversee the daily operations, testing, and validation versus bringing in outsiders who need to first be educated before being qualified to ‘validate’ any innovations.
>With this [real-time monitoring] system, we can determine if the hull is compromised well before situations become life-threatening, and safely return to the surface.
>Classed subs are only required to undergo depth validation every three years, whereas our RTM system validates the integrity of the hull on each and every dive.
>OceanGate’s patent-pending Real Time Monitoring system (RTM) that monitors acoustic emissions from the carbon fiber structure
So there is really nothing to worry about, they will be just fine >>571534

>Sometimes I go to the end of the batteries and sometimes even more than to the end
–Paul-Henry Nargeolet, sole actual crew member on the Titan sub


I said that even if the sub was floating above the water, they still can't open it. They NEED someone to find them.


That's hilarious.


I know, right? Zero safety or long-term thinking.


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Analog drift caused their demise.
my god


>Court documents reveal a former OceanGate employee had several safety complaints over the tourist submersible—and then he was fired.


>the viewport at the forward of the submersible was only built to a certified pressure of 1,300 meters, although OceanGate intended to take passengers down to depths of 4,000 meters. Lochridge learned that the viewport manufacturer would only certify to a depth of 1,300 meters due to experimental design of the viewport supplied by OceanGate, which was out of the Pressure Vessels for Human Occupancy (“PVHO”) standards. OceanGate refused to pay for the manufacturer to build a viewport that would meet the required depth of 4,000 meters.


They most likely had to piss and pee while in that air-tight container. Imagine the smell.


Imagine finding it with a broken window and a couple of imploded corpses either inside or nearby.


Lmao, they're literally sealed in. It's Iron Lung: Porkie Edition.


maybe the billionaire and migrants should stay on land


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Y'know, maybe at least one of them survives if they resort to cannibalism/murder to reduce the oxygen depletion rate.

Although the struggles and fights that ensue from that can deplete it even faster as they breath more. Ideally, they should all stay calm and minimise how much oxygen they're breathing.


Would be funny if they found them and the ex navy pilot straight up snapped their necks.


damn that's some old 4chan nostalgia innit


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Uh Oh Stinky…


They got gassed :)


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Tangentially related for all the military marine enjoyers ITT


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It was full of capitalist pigs . Nothing of value lost.
>Shahzada Dawood
A Pakistani billionaire in particular assuredly has built their wealth atop a mountain of slave's bones.


Let's Get Orcanized!

James Cameron does not do what James Cameron does for James Cameron. James Cameron does what James Cameron does because he is James Cameron


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>The constant pressure cycling weakens existing flaws resulting in large tears of the carbon. Non-destructive testing was critical to detect such potentially existing flaws in order to ensure a solid and safe product for the safety of the passengers and crew.
An opinion that's more educated that mine is that the sub imploded. Apparently carbon fiber is not optimal for these depths but these people went with it because "they use it in spaaaace" even though that's a different environment. When carbon fiber fails to pressure it also does so quickly, catastrophically, and shatters rather than bending or cracking. So here's where the gory details enter the picture.

It's entirely possible the hull imploded into thousands of razor-sharp pieces in about a millisecond, or even turning into metal dust from the pressure wave which is also moving at that speed, ripping the carbon fiber into a billion pieces in that amount of time, before the human brain could even register what was happening, the people inside would also catch on fire and explode simultaneously with the impact from a billion pieces of razor-sharp carbon fiber and crushing amounts of water moving at supersonic speeds.


>Shahzada believes in inclusive business models involving low-income communities building value chains along the Group’s business interests.
So slaves


Even if they returned to the surface, it's still bolted shut from the outside with limited oxygen supply, so they need to be found quickly if they want the porkies to survive


Hopefully private submarine manufacturing and use is regulated to the fucking moon and back after this


>Hopefully private submarine manufacturing and use is regulated to the fucking moon and back after this
but i want more rich assholes to pay 250k to go on the euthanasia submarine.


No, don't regulate it until the price per seat gets below $10,000. Let this keep happening until then


lmaoooo what a king


You know this whole sub thing that they did really shows just how stupid and incompetent these porkies are.


I mean a guy literally used a private submarine to murder and decapitate some girl before this, not sure this will make a difference


Christ. Only Arab oil barons seem to love to splurge and show off their wealth.


I've known this for years, they're all fucking stupid. They're all incompetent children who never grew up and lived off of the exploitation and grift of their great grandfathers.


there’s one scientist/researcher tho


They weren't using their education that well.


inb4 he snaps and starts eating everyone in the sub


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Jesus H. Christ.


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Cheapfuck petty bourg execute their haute bourg overlords with the jankiest death tube imaginable
Only way it could be more hilarious is if it used madcatz controllers


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>Leftypol? I thought you guys split up?


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https://twitter.com/TNOQuoProQuid/status/1671193370104942592 fuckers are being haunted by the ghosts of third class


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>Trapped in a close nitted sub
>someone by now has probably shat/pissed themselves
>lack of air
>all the while having songs repeated ad-nauseum

I don't know whether to laugh or feel genuine pity for these people. Talk about hitting rock bottom.


Not even, it was offbrand


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They're literally not human so their suffering means nothing to me, haha.


James Cameron is such a great director that avatar 3 is just going go be real life. He prolly sunk their sub.


This should be called the "submarine that even god can't sink".


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I wonder if we'll ever find out what happened inside the Ocengate catbox of June 18 2023.



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The plot thickens.


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I would give up my life savings to see a livestream of what's going on inside that sub.


>'Banging sounds'
Damn, one last orgy before they die…

>I would give up my life savings
All 12 dollars and 50 cents?


>All 12 dollars and 50 cents?



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>We all die in a shell faux submarine
>a shell faux submarine
>a shell faux submarine


Submarines are difficult to regulate. I was reading about them today because this little scandal made me realize I'm autistic for submarines. Since they operate in international waters, it's not clear to anybody whose rules they should follow. Regulations only apply under a particular government's sovereignty .

International law is quite explicit that states can have territorial sovereignty up to twelve nautical miles from their coast. That means the vast majority of the ocean is owned by no one.


Also as it happens, the way maritime law operates is that the vessels themselves have to fly a particular national flag, and then that magically means the laws of that country apply to everything on that vessel. But get this–there's no law saying YOU must fly the flag, so you can magically declare anarchy at any point once you're in international waters!

You guessed it– particular sub didn't have an American flag.

Maritime customs are kind of interesting. Seems like anarchists should take to the seas.


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i should buy the atlantic ocean


This is why most merchant ships are flagged to some tiny shithole like Liberia, Panama or the Caymans with no regulations and a minimal registration fee so they can just do whatever regarding safety, worker rights, etc.

And ancaps have tried the whole international waters thing via "seasteading" and it doesn't work so great.


>take to the seas
lmao, that's been the libertarian wet dream for ages, so infamous that bioshock parodied it, but it's completely delusional.


Thread Theme.


Capitalists should love the ocean. It is thalassocracy and sea trade that led to the development of mercantilism and capitalism. Without sea trade, trade by horse and cart would have caused human development to be far slower than it ever would have been by ocean. A ship can carry far more than a horse can, and over far greater distances without stopping. To this day, capitalists love to own property on the beach, or be on yachts and cruises whenever possible.


This means that they didn't implode and die instantly like other posters are saying, and will instead slowly choke to death from a lack of oxygen.

Straight out of a horror movie.


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>global rising nuclear tensions
>aliens are real
>orcas attack yachts and boats
>sinking titanic submarine full of porkies
you laughed at us, now you will apologize.


This guy is a submarine expert and his assessment is that this thing is a deathtrap. He even goes so far as to say yep they're dead lol


>Poverty in the West is a choice that can be made for virtuous or ignoble reasons, with the latter being far more common
Such as hating on Jimmy neutron, it's just a choice for ignoble reasons.
>I genuinely don't believe it's possible to starve to death in the United States unless you're trying to,
Because eating Corn syrup is good huh, but don't worry, majority of the american people are doctrinated to live on garbage anyway.
>but a submarine is somehow proof that the rich are unanimously incompetent.
Well, it's not the poor that choose to enter on a death trap willingly isn't ?.


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Uh, y-you too… even doe acid is an ineffective and unnecessarily cruel method of killing someone


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>Your definition of “ignoble” is most likely stupid based on your demonstrated capacity to make assessments so far.
This coming from the guy who assessed "jimmy neutron was a threat".
Go home, lad before we start playing bingo with you again.


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going into a retard rampage over a cartoon is pretty ignoble to me bro
You saw nothing


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1. Suspiria is a film with more adult themes, so I wouldn't show it to my kids.

2.Jimmy Neutron was a show made for kids- if you're honestly disgusted by innuendos and sex-references in kids cartoons, just wait till you see the shit that's been airing for the past 20 years. Little thing called panto-mime, ThingNoticer- Parents usually are made to watch the shows their kids want to see, so the creators behind said shows often use their skills to keep adults entertained as well.

There's a reason they're called "family movies"


'Banging sounds' heard in 30-minute intervals - US media
>Shortly after midnight local time in Newfoundland, Canada, the first reports emerged of potential signs of hope.
>Two US media outlets reported a leaked internal memo sent to the US Deparment of Homeland Security.
>This said a Canadian aircraft had detected underwater "banging sounds" in 30-minute intervals coming from the search area.
>"The P8 [seacraft] heard banging sounds in the area every 30 minutes. Four hours later additional sonar was deployed and banging was still heard," Rolling Stone magazine reported the email as saying.
>CNN also reported an internal update sent Tuesday night, which suggested more sounds were picked up.
>“Additional acoustic feedback was heard and will assist in vectoring surface assets and also indicating continued hope of survivors,” said the second memo according to CNN's report.
>An hour after the media reports, the US Coast Guard confirmed that a Canadian search aircraft had picked up "underwater noises".


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>Children’s cartoons aren’t even meant for children anymore, they’re just meant for stunted libtards exclusively.

Alright here we go.


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>like you get REALLY mad at people pointing out this stuff exists.
You're the one who keeps coming back to obsess over kids cartoons on an albanian bunker building forum my guy.


Bro, do you have to do this? Do you have to derail this thread because you needed the drive-by nazi poster to admit that they're racist?


It's ok lad, I've had my fun. Im just gonna start reporting him now.


The decision to take such a big risk may seem odd to many of us. But consider this: When you are a billionaire (and have been for years), you go through normal wishes and crazy wishes that a normal person can come up with (so not that crazy really) really fast. When you can have everything, your tastes change and become, shall I say, eccentric. Consider all the powerful people that went to Epstein's island. When you see yourself as existing on a different level of the rabble, what do you care about the morals of the rabble?

As the saying goes, a big crisis is also an opportunity. Perhaps the last thing Shahzada Dawood did was looking at his son Suleman and saying to himself: Why not? Why shouldn't I? Soon this tiny metal coffin will be crushed and nobody will be able to tell from our remains… if they even bother to pick them up. And if they could tell, why would I care about that? Why indeed? It was his idea to go down here. So why shouldn't I rape my own son in the ass? I bet it feels interesting.


If there was a power failure or something during their descent, wouldn't the ballast hold enough water to continue descending, potentially until they reached bottom? Apparently they lost signal on their way down, and they were down deep. I'm no sub expert but I have played some barotrauma.


What the fuck was that last paragraph heel turn.


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>When you see yourself as existing on a different level of the rabble, what do you care about the morals of the rabble?


What are the odds this was a murder suicide? What if one of them was a commie sleeper agent?


>Seeing more of this nonsense lately. I take the exact opposite view towards history. Nothing is set in stone, least of all the victory of a small clique of talentless homosexuals over mass culture.
Agreed. History is class struggle. Natsoys were homofash anyway.


>Talentless homosexuals reigning over mass culture
We already have this its called the British Empire


Cuck sub cuck sub



>It's entirely possible the hull imploded into thousands of razor-sharp pieces in about a millisecond, or even turning into metal dust from the pressure wave which is also moving at that speed, ripping the carbon fiber into a billion pieces in that amount of time, before the human brain could even register what was happening, the people inside would also catch on fire and explode simultaneously with the impact from a billion pieces of razor-sharp carbon fiber and crushing amounts of water moving at supersonic speeds.

All I'm hearing is we finally found a humane peer-reviewed method of execution worthy the finest high-net-worth individuals. But in order to make sure it's kept tho the highest standards, it should be done in a controlled environment inside a pressurized tank and televised in 4k resolution.


diversion from the 600+ proles who drowned off the coast of Greece


In capitalism the submarine filled with inbred rich people is worth far more then hundreds of rando proles


It would probably remain neutrally buoyant. So they’d just float around wherever the water pushes them.


Migrants are forced to journey by economic and political pressure. These morons designed this death trap then signed a big ass waiver to get into it when they could've stayed in their comfortable rich people lives.


Can't wait for some salvage to float to shore


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Live action enactment of Salo currently occurring somewhere off the coast of Newfoundland



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>are ya ready comrades?
<aye aye anon
>I can't hear you!
>ooooooooh who croaks in a submarine under the sea?
<Hamish Harding!
>suffocating and panicked and non-boyant is he!
<Hamish Harding!
>if oxygen and a poop bag is something you miss
<Hamish Harding!
>don't go on a journey that ends with you covered in piss!
<Hamish Harding!
<Hamish Harding!
<Hamish Harding!
<Hamish Harding!
<Hamish Harding!


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>the way maritime law operates is that the vessels themselves have to fly a particular national flag
that's not how it works at all lol. It is under the jurisdiction of the country under whose "flag" it is registered. You flying the piece of cloth or not doesn't mean anything, because you have papers on board saying where you're registered, and if you don't, then the country's shipping registry does.
>you can magically declare anarchy at any point once you're in international waters!
No, you can't. And if you do, you'll be considered a pirate and they will kill you and sink you at the first sign of resistance, cause you're dumb if you think Gabrielle Cacci will not go home and eat his wife's tortellini just because some kids with guns decided to play anarchy at sea.

>Seems like anarchists should take to the seas.

Sea is srsbsns. I'm not even talking about laws. If you think it is "easy" to spend months at sea, "playing anarchy" or not, then with your attitude the Sea herself will fucking swallow you. Let alone some random country's navy.

>Maritime customs are kind of interesting.

Maritime LAWS are generally written by seamen, shipbuilders, and people who have met the Sea. They write all those regulations, safety, certification and so on, because the Sea is srsbsns. You can't just go out there. And when you're out there, your actions can affect others. As in, if one person fucks up, you all die.

Movies make it out to be some happy adventure you go on and do what you want. No. You are in a domain that humans do not control, you are only a guest, and you should behave that way. The Sea allows you to go or doesn't.

All that fairytale shit about gods, monsters, beautiful paradises or worst hells? That's all real, that's the fucking Sea. We live on the edge of that world. We all like to play on its edges, swim in the coasts, around the islands. But going OUT THERE. Damn.

As an aside, all those people and now kids who are going around the world "alone"? Tracked 24/7, support boat(s) following, its path, course and schedule determined by constant weather reports from stations all over the world, constant radio contact, constant radar blip. It is very hard to find something in the ocean once you have lost it. As in, impoasibly hard. The best method we've found is just to wait on the islands/coasts in the path of the ocean current and wait for it to wash up on shore. Once the Sea is done playing with you, she returns whatever is left

The Sea isn't mean, or nice, you can't make value judgments. She just is the way she is, beautiful, playful, terrifying, gentle, intense, nurturing, aggressive, imposing. She's perfect, and that is why people love her.

Some silicon valley tech bros thought they could go out there and play underwater explorers. 2000m? That's just like 300m, just bigger numbers. It'll be easy, besides, we have all these fancy switches and knobs that totally bring us up and save us. The fucking fools.


Nazbol Dark Alchemy demands ~300 human souls for that of 1 billionaire. A forbidden practice is afoot.


>>571644 (me)
Honestly the migrant deaths bums me out a lot. Hard to joke about that kinda thing…
:/ sorry bout that


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>that pic
Looks exactly like something you want to camouflage on the ocean floor. That white means fuck all at those depths, cause whitish-grey could also be dead coral, or rocks, or beluga whale carcass. It even has LIGHT BLUE WIRES on top, to fucking break up the white shape, exactly like camouflage.

There's a reason underwater things are completely bright orange or bright yellow. Because there's nothing natural in the ocean that is big and bright orange. That's why life vests are orange. The US coast guards paints its helicopters orange. But these stupid fucks probably thought "woah, slick design man, looks like a whale, we totally look like a sea creature haha, it'll be so rad once we're in there, swimming, like a whale, bro!"


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>And if they could tell, why would I care about that? Why indeed? It was his idea to go down here. So why shouldn't I rape my own son in the ass? I bet it feels interesting.


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The Pakistani guy with the son is the heir to a family of sweatshop barons who allied with a CIA sponsored dictator to massacre labor unionists


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Those people were killed when they were put into a situation where the journey TO and ACROSS the Mediterranean became their best option. And as much as I am for open borders, refugees welcome, etc. that is once they are already here. The best thing would be if they actually could build and have a good life in the country where they are from.

Nah, all other countries are kept down, Europe is the beacon of hope in an otherwise dark world.
>Come to us, ye scum of the Earth, filter through our land and our shore and our sky, pay ye us in gold or in blood?
ironically, people coming in these boats pay many times more than a plane ticket and visa costs to visit. but they are not students, or professionals, so they cannot apply for work or work visas, they don't have enough "points". they just didn't level up enough, they should do a bunch of side quests to get XP
So if you want to help those people, start at the source of the problem, not at its effect.



How dare you slander this brave entrepreneur whose family provided jobs to the struggling mass of Pakistan? So what if he killed some workers, when your property is occupied you could and should mete out righteous violence, it is called stand your ground in more civilized countries. Some proles really are a bunch of ingrates


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>The decision to take such a big risk may seem odd to many of us. But consider this: When you are a billionaire (and have been for years), you go through normal wishes and crazy wishes that a normal person can come up with (so not that crazy really) really fast. When you can have everything, your tastes change and become, shall I say, eccentric. Consider all the powerful people that went to Epstein's island. When you see yourself as existing on a different level of the rabble, what do you care about the morals of the rabble?
I just don't understand why billionaires would need Epstein or anyone else to engage in depraved debauchery or any eccentric tastes. At that level of wealth you can just buy anything you want yourself, if they want to eat a live fetus out of the belly of a live pregnant woman, I'm sure it wouldn't take that much of a bite (heh) of their fortunes to arrange it.

And case in point, surely one can find better more reputable trips to buy for this thing than the techbro death tube of hubris.


>I just don't understand why billionaires would need Epstein or anyone else to engage in depraved debauchery or any eccentric tastes.
Networking. not joking
>At that level of wealth you can just buy anything you want yourself, if they want to eat a live fetus out of the belly of a live pregnant woman, I'm sure it wouldn't take that much of a bite (heh) of their fortunes to arrange it.
>implying they don't


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The Missing Titanic submersible has been found at a depth of 214 replies.


Thread OS


"Allah" means god, jackass. Christcucks and Muslims worship the same god, you cretin!

>Not even god can sink it

What a delusional moron. As someone who works in engineering, no true engineer would ever be this cocky.


God damn anon, you made me jump. Do not make these kinds of jokes, we have one day left max without finding them before we can say they're 100% ded. This is to tense for such jokes, just cross your fingers and pray.
>So if you want to help those people, start at the source of the problem, not at its effect.
Anon, I do broadly agree with you but having said that it is still important for us to fight the state actively closing down every method of entry outside of the most dangerous, the bourgeoisie have very purposefully put them in the position of making them cross the boat in such danger, it is like entertainment to these pychopaths.


how do they pee and poo?


Porkies still care about "much legacy" to an extent and while they get away with 99% of the heinous shit they do, kid diddling is the one thing that even billionaire bootlicking libs and hogs can't overlook. Epstein pretty much presented himself as the guy with an already established network who could keep it all hush hush.


Theres a small toilet curtained for privacy but it's in the same room as the sub.



>to fight the state actively closing down every method of entry outside of the most dangerous
The fa in anti-fa includes euro-fascism. I'd assume everyone here is against militarised border control sinking ships or beating up migrants.


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Place your bets:
>unregulated viewport/pothole window broke under the immense pressure, compromising the insides of the sub and causing the porkies to implode
>unregulated hull disintegrated under the immense pressure, cutting the porkies into pieces while also imploding
>the "banging noises" mean they somehow got stuck underwater and are currently dying of asphyxiation
The last one + the fact that the aerial surface search ongoing since the beginning hadn't helped in any way 100% rules out a flotation scenario.


The Xbox controller disconnected..


So the last one? It's inclusive of any fuck up that makes them stay underwater without dying instantly.


>I… I'm gonna need some kind of explanation.
based multipolarista gang (putin, cetaceans, restored imperial china) hacked the ancap shitsub and rammed it into the Atlantean World Trade Center


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based osama punishing the infidels for disturbing his burial at sea


>fyre festival: the underwater sequel


most likely number 1; the banging noises are likely just interference from other search vessels or random noise.

I want it to be the latter though, just because its funnier.


>I just don't understand why billionaires would need Epstein or anyone else to engage in depraved debauchery or any eccentric tastes.
Human trafficking isn't exactly easy. You need to source people from somewhere and keep cover and run security to make sure they don't escape, all that shit. Just like anything else, it makes sense that somebody would specialize in it. And as the guy who does that people like Epstein have a privileged position by virtue of all the dirt they have on people automatically. So you have a feedback loop of people who are in that position getting more power and more reason to hold onto that position and encourage the practice as much as possible among the rich and powerful.

Also this >>571654
Something a lot of people don't realize is that for the super rich it's not just money itself but also influence and connections that allow you to buy things. Money is more like a lubricant than the actual medium of exchange. Their deal at that level is trading in influence and power.


Avast, the spirit of MarxistMatey still lives on!


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Their air tanks CAN hold an x amount of oxygen and hold them for 96 hours or whatever they said. We don't know how much oxygen was used before the dive. Did they go on a smaller test dive and didn't fill up their tanks? Were they full full when they went down?

My guess is they ran out of oxygen before expected. Those estimates probably assume oxygen consumption at rest. If they panicked, yelled, got angry, scared, hyperventilated, fought each other, they would have used up the oxygen quicker.

None of these people are "trained professionals". Astronauts undergo rigorous psychological training for a reason.
>POV: your last hours on Earth


so do you guys reckon any of them have sacrificed themselves yet to conserve oxygen?


I was gonna say
>only way to survive is to kill the other 4 and hope they find you in time.
But in our, lame, totally boring and shitty world, the billionaire probably said he'd pay millions to their families if they killed themselves.
<So… we have time to kill. How much would it cost for you to kill yourself? $10 million?
<Then they work out all the finer details through joke, but at the end billionaire tells them he's serious
<they all agree, sign contracts, etc.
<they kill themselves, billionaire gets rescued
<billionaire rips up contracts, invents a bullshit story
>billionaire continues his life, drugs, threesomes and cocaine
the end
directed by wolfgang petersen


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Even better, it's a Zip-loc bag. These geniuses really considered every contingency.


Tbh ppl posting the same things from the CBS or whatever interview is getting pretty tedious because it’s not really that indicative of anything that they use an off the shelf controller or source lights from major retailers.


I want to know who made this. This is some next level shit.


This literally happens in Dark Corners of the Earth


>because it’s not really that indicative of anything that they use an off the shelf controller or source lights from major retailers.
What kind of idiot uses fucking Xbox controllers where the analogue stick's have a tendency to get misaligned off centre so bad even I've heard of it through cultural osmosis

Cost cutting ++

Porky dies for a few excess profits on the savings

Mods, are we aloud to laugh about this one yet, or is it too soon?


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Even if I wasn't a tankie these fuckers still deserve it for getting scammed this hard lmao

two hundred and fifty thousand smackeroonies for a drainage pipe controlled by a logitech controller and no toilet


>one of the people on board is the CEO of the company that owns the titanic wreck
>they either got compressed into the ziploc bag of shit or are suffocating to death while smelling shit
Karma at its finest. If I wrote a synopsis of this incident before it happened everyone would have called me out for writing fanfiction.net tier edgy commie shit


A lot of companies use console controllers to control stuff, including mission critical stuff. There’s not really a reason not to, and in fact you will probably end up with a less reliable controller if you try to build your own. Because if you did build your own you would end up with… a game controller.


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me at 12:00 midnight, thursday


I wouldn’t trust anything less than a Hall effect modded, top of the line dualsense/Xbox elite controller for an underwater drone, let alone a manned sub. Game controllers are used for drones, not something with people on it

Obsession for hiding the dirty “clunky” reality of engineering has caused immeasurable harm to our ability to design manned vehicles


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<Orca rams into yacht off Shetland in first such incident in northern waters




Not wanting to be a debbie downer and all but theyre going to start harpooning them and driving them to extinction.


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>so cold
>so stinky
>so panicked
>so hopeless
>no beer
>is it the pressure that has you down, friends
>or perhaps it is your
<rapidly dwindling air?
>(that's right you see)
>so many things can trigger the divers with overactive alveolas
>but that's ok if your lungs' made that way
<ok but I need to poop
>I'm so glad you asked
>everybody! look under your seats!
>you can poop in a bag!
<poop in a bag?
>just poop in a bag!
<poop in a bag!
>you inhale and exhale and it's to little avail 'cause you wanted to brag
<I feel remorse
>the sea can be cruel and your grave
>and we're struggling under its weight
>just remember you did sign that form
>they will find your dog tags
>and your poop in a bag!



To be fair, logitech makes good keyboarda. Whatever the issue was, I'm sure it wasn't their fault.


That is true, I bought a cheap wireless one in Shenzhen 8 years ago and she still works well today



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19 hours of oxygen left


i thought they only had like 9 hours of oxygen, total


Nah the sub has like 4 days of emergency supply



>The best thing would be if they actually could build and have a good life in the country where they are from.
>So if you want to help those people, start at the source of the problem
the source of the problem in their home countries is imperialism abroad, literally the same countries setting up stringent border controls while allowing for a black market for illegal immigrants, how else would they procure cheap servants?


>None of this attention and energy towards migrants drowning in the Mediterranean btw
Good point actually, I'll JAQ the normie libs about that one.


A fine metaphor for life


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Do you think any of them have fucked in the belief it might be their last chance?


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You just know.


Who would've thought that they would save costs on devices they themselves use?
They have little respect for themselves, but we entrust them with the care of workers, it's absurd.


Paying low prices for shit is what people claim makes them smart, so smart they're deserving the results of all that unpaid labour


They will die from carbon dioxide poisoning first.


These are billionaires we’re talking about, they will definitely try murdering each other.


They're confirmed dead at the 22nd of UTC-3 or UTC-4?


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>Maritime customs are kind of interesting. Seems like anarchists should take to the seas.
2017 /leftypol/ says hi, matey-posting was fun.


the sub isn't painted yellow because the CEO said he hated the song lol
>There was OceanGate’s first commercial sub, Antipodes, which was painted bright yellow and whose array of dials and meters had a steampunk air. “I wish it were a different color—I can’t stand that song,” Rush said of “Yellow Submarine.”



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How are we gonna celebrate the exact moment they run out of air, leftybros?


some of these submarine jokes belong at the bottom of the sea let me tell ya folks!


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>Climb in!




what are the chances it was actually the controller disconnecting that set of a chain of events

>The $29.99 battery-powered gaming controller used to pilot the lost Titanic submarine has received HUNDREDS of complaints since launching 2010 for 'losing connection constantly and breaking all the time'



These guys managed to stuff Macklemore in one of these a year ago, it's surreal.


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>no twitch countdown streams for this event
how will I spam PogChamp at 0 with my friends now??


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Americans and submergible tin cans. They could have literally just have refurbished an old Soviet research sub and it be far more reliable with far more interior space.


allegedly there are a few spares on board


Imma go with the nuclear option: they're alive and afloat at the surface currently using up their last oxygen trying in vain to houdini out.


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The banging noises were them beating each other to death to maximize the oxygen supply


Wonder if they even have a clean way to commit suicide in that tin can of a submarine. I'm not sure if they'd all wait around to die of asphyxiation or take matters into their own hands.


surfacing would be the funniest scenario for several reasons:
1. it means the starlink connection shat itself which would hurt elon musk's non-dying ventures heavily

2. incredibly ironic that they can see the surface but can't go out and breathe air and will slowly asfixiate inside a bolted can


>Beat the others to death to keep plenty of air
>Get rescued
>Get Life in prison for three murders


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Don't forget it's fucking wireless. What kind of smooth brain wouldn't use the wired version which costs even less, yet is more reliable?


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yo who keeps making these?


hazardously based


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are the bends really a factor here? I can't imagine that it's designed so the inside pressure is 300+ bar. can they change the air in the can from outside?
I wouldn't even use that. the old Atari standard is simple, just one wire per button (up to 8) + ground. if the controller breaks somehow you can still strip the wire and touch the relevant leads to ground


There are two billionaires there so


And one of them is there with his son or whatever.


thunderdome rules then
>two billionaires
>one billionaire leaves


I really hoped I would see one of those moon tourist missions blow up on live TV, but this is a nice and unexpected treat too.


Head Theme.


You wagies are missing out on so much underwater fun. While you're up there with your boring 9 to 5 we're down here enjoying relaxing music and exploring corners of the Earth never seen by human beings. You'll never get a view like this.


>most likely number 1; the banging noises are likely just interference from other search vessels or random noise.
Apparently the banging is at 30 minute intervals, according to something leaked from the burgers.


I prefer 60s style based retard adventurism to this by westerners tbh
I imagine seeing
>Doomscrollers wearing this in line at their nearest coffee shop, awaiting adolescent reactions of awe
>Deep down fully understanding that liberal civil rights protect their "freedom of expression" donning this, in effect reality being completely uncontroversial
>The thought of actually organizing and resisting western imperialism domestically makes them "stressed out", quickly shifting to another form of digital consumption


>are the bends really a factor here?
i don't see what does radiohead have to do with anything. i'm just kidding, i mean you have to at least assume that being bolted means the chamber stays pressurized no matter what.

tbh i heard the scrubber system that cleans the CO2 is bad to basically non-existent, likely they just poisoned themselves long ago


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The idea is that having the pressure equalized with the outside means you greatly reduce the the risk of structural failure as the same force pushing the hull inwards is pushing it out, it also means you can have an opening at the bottom and water won't come in because the pressure inside the chamber is exerting enough pressure to keep the water out.


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Dudes son is just horny posting while his dad lays in a crumbled tin can at the bottom of the ocean.


Huh? I could have sworn these exact same tweets were posted months ago. What the fuck si going on?


uygha's happy he's getting his inheritance early


Autism really is the rich mans handicap. This guys Dad is lost in a submarine and hes chasing a butterfly with a big net.


>oneo f the most horrifc deaths in world history
Sheltered or complete porkcuck?


It's his stepdad, who cares lol


The son of the billionaire guy on ship lmao



The most horrific deaths in world history? Are people out of their mind? He either instantly, and painlessly, disintegratated, or died from CO2 poisoning, which is also painless. The sub is actually pretty spacious on the inside btw.


based cardi b


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NEVER stop the grindset


I love posts like that because like last week a ship full of refugees capsized and 200+ people died.

Imagine the salt water filling your lungs as you watch your children succumb as well. I'd rather my head explode from the pressure than have that any day lmfao


>based cardi b
Not really anon, she is just trying to jump on to the story to try to gain some screen time quite clearly.
anyways why shouldn't he go and listen to like music and look at titties just because his step father is lost in his weird fetish-tank thing?!?


Let's not forget who's the REAL villain in this story

James Cameron


mr cameron visited the titanic in a Mir submarine ill let it slide


Lol. It is so fucking over.


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>The sub is actually pretty spacious on the inside btw.
It is tiny compared to Soviet research subs. Of course most of Soviet sub interior space is taken up by redundant equipment keeping its crew alive that I think is better more elbow room.


if it's bolted together at sea level that means the pressure inside should be close to 1 bar, assuming they don't add air as the vessel gets deeper and deeper. that would require an umbilical
guy's in the spotlight and about to probably land a fat inheritance, I'd take the opportunity too
dying from hypercapnia is far from painless, not to mention the hardwired anxiety triggered by it. you're thinking oxygen deprivation which is indeed quite painless


I mean if they're banging in there they must be fine.


>I love posts like that because like last week a ship full of refugees capsized and 200+ people died.
Nah, we are looking at 300+ now, and rising afaik.
An anon should make that thread about migration. :)


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The hoverhand X__X


he even pinned it. Embarrassing.


Right. But imperialism isn't when you have walls and border control. Those countries aren't impoverished cause Europe has militarised its border police. Focusing on the border doesn't solve the problem.

Actually, if you focus on the border, they'll just say "Ok, we'll be nicer". They won't beat them up and they'll give them a blanket as they send them to the concentration camp in Rwanda. So it'll be nice and humane. Libs will pat themselves on the back for activism well done, and nothing will really change. Just like liberal abolition of slavery didn't end slavery or significantly improve the African-American experience.

Expecting border police to be nice is like expecting real police to be nice. Just won't happen.


It would be funny if they find the sub like 20h before the oxygen is supposed to run out and they find the CEO sitting in there smiling smeared with faeces and blood of the other passengers just so he could prolong his own life.


The oxygen is scheduled to run out at 7:06 AM tomorrow, so they have…about 14 hours and 20 minutes left.



It is already is funny the CEO was against ridged testing of the sub in shakedown missions before taking on passengers viewing it as holding back innovation.


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This whole incident actually says a lot about tourism into any sort of "hostile environment". Not just deep-sea tourism but also stuff that people jerk off to and think is inevitable, like space tourism.

Think about it… Prior to this, OceanGate seemed to be the only deep-sea company with an actual business model that provides profit on a regular & consistent basis with numerous dives per year, with a lot of their customers being simply millionaires instead of just billionaires. The rest do only a few like per half-a-decade and only for the very ultra-rich who can afford it. However, they've only been able to do that by skirting regulations and cost-cutting and making absolutely shit & dangerous submersibles. This inevitably has bitten them back in their ass with this incident and they're unlikely to stay for much longer.

Like other anons have already predicted ITT, this whole shit is gonna result in even more safety regulations and more importantly better enforcement of them. Which will only make deep-sea tourism even more unprofitable. This honestly seems to be the fate of the tourism industries for these kinds of environments: either it's highly regulated at the start and very few bother, or it isn't at all at first until something like this happens and it becomes unprofitable anyway.



>Like other anons have already predicted ITT, this whole shit is gonna result in even more safety regulations and more importantly better enforcement of them.
I don't believe it. There will be no new meaningful regulation in the foreseeable future. We are living in the hyperliberal appocalypse.


And how do you even enforce them?


The sinking of the Titanic caused the death of the rich and powerful and led to regulations, while there are fewer capitalists at risk here it is still similar.


That was over 100 years ago. You couldn't even implement seat belt laws nowadays. The only reason they exist is that people got used to them.


other sub-based corporate entities were begging oceangate to put back some of the safety features. regulations are coming and this industry small enough for it to die


You are talking the tail end of the gilded age. Regulations came quick after the Titanic as British industrial barons with more money then God threatened the British goverment to enact regulations on the maritime industry as they didn't give a shit about capitalists not them but didn't want to die at sea or having their cargo lost.


>Nah, we are looking at 300+ now, and rising afaik.
Also this happens pretty often and EU authorities refuse to do anything about it except have border patrol watch as they drown and sometimes take pictures. I love European values!


more like chad


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Excellent work 47. With the engine sabotaged Hamish Harding will soon be in for a nasty surprise 12,000 feet under the sea. Now head towards an exit.


>Also this happens pretty often and EU authorities refuse to do anything about it except have border patrol watch as they drown and sometimes take pictures. I love European values!
EU member states do more than just watch, they created this situation by militarizing every boarder, beefing up every checkpoint and so on until the only way to many countries is an extremely dangerous trips in the extremely over-crowded vessels es we currently see.
It's really fucked, but it is even more fucked to claim the crime of Fortress Europe as only a crime of inaction.


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The viewport area is also the toilet area


>the chance exists that the first person to die was the one taking a shit, and in their final moments saw the porthole crack and destabilize
No fucking way


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Rides on the Musk penis rockets should be as exclusive as possible, only the richest of the rich should be afforded a seat. And we should throw the dice as often as possible tbh.

The thing with the space hypetrain though, is that it cannot have it's concorde/tupolev moments because "space races" are an integral component of cold war dick measuring and "space colonization" cannot be officially taken off the table either without revealing the fact that it's the military/telecoms all the way down. So I wonder if it will be kept in permanent limbo for fear of disenchantment.


guys do you think will affect OceanGate Inc.'s stock?


the amateur submarine some Danes made is way more impressive. then one of them murdered a reporter on it and tried to dump her body. but they found the pieces and blood all over the submarine. they were planning on using it as a control tower for launching rockets at sea.

the murderer got life in prison (~20 something years) and they destroyed the submarine. cause a bad thing happened on it. fucking dumb.


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>only viewport is next to the toilet
this is some sadistic shit. porkies are tweaked.


Is it bad that I actually find this kinda alright? The compact size actually helps with the higher pressure of the deep ocean apparently. Just replace carbon fibre with something more hardy, set up a septic tank so the port-a-potty doesn't stink up everything, get rid of the viewport for a camera system or something, and don't bolt it shut from the outside.


When I saw the actual video, not the one for nightly news, the sub is clearly controlled by a laptop which the integrated sub system is connected to. The GUI shows a high level information and controls and certainly contains additional advanced layers of system diagnostic and controls. The sub is actually controlled through a laptop and the controller is just one input device. Id say it’s almost definitely and optional input device as well.


bro. what if their madcatz controller just ran out of batteries?


>The viewport area is also the toilet area

Imagine going to a tourist location and all the binoculars or looking places to admire the scenery require you to step into a porta-potty.
<Oh you want to admire the touristic attraction from the looking spot ? Well step into the portaloo and hold your breath, don't worry if your eyes water, it's perfectly normal!


well there's a positive statistical correlation between being really rich and being really into scatplay


They can just use the computer.


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I don't get why they didn't just modernize the abandoned Soviet research subs that can have the Oceangate Titan docked to them due to how massive they are in comparison. Did the CEO never heard of economics of scale?


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Also why didn't they just use the Корабль-Макет as their mother craft and perhaps sputnik satellites for communication?
stop your larp already, you like the soviet union, we get it


>Dudes son is just horny posting while his dad lays in a crumbled tin can at the bottom of the ocean.
It's so sad he wasn't invited to the underwater iron maiden. Now this pig will inherit a fortune and pig out like he's never could before.


Anon did you even read the post before making this spastic reply? Do you know the meaning of "ironically"? Did you even understand the relevance of the Islamic quote? FFS.


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US Navy research subs are also much larger then the Oceangate Titan. The idea is you have a large mothership sub that launches drone mini subs when doing such deep sea research. The visibility at that depth is extremely poor anyway so there idea is just to use drones with cameras to look at what you want to look at.



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these guys built an actual submarine


The whole thing seems like an afterthought made up later in the design phase when the team realized that the sub was going to stay underwater for at least hours and with a group of five somebody would have sooner or later have to take shit or piss and a box with plastic bags and a curtain was pretty much the best they could come up with regarding space.


the virgin capitalist tin can coffin
the chad danish engineer undervandsbåd


he murdered an innocent journalist and mutilated her body. that said, it is impressive the whole thing only cost 200k USD.


>acrylic viewport certified for 1300 meters used at 4000 meters deep
Yep, that is how they died.


Is this leftypol's new fyre festival moment?


Welp, seems like that spot is taken:
>On April 9, 2023, Billy McFarland tweeted that there will be a Fyre Festival II.[8]


call it water world festival.


Cameron was doing forensic research on how the Titanic sank. It wasn't just a personal joy ride.


<quit trippin in my hood uygha!


Son of billionaire is hilarious rn

He posted a pic of him with BLM sign lolll


But that's no fun. Death would have been near instant since there is like 400 atmospheres of pressure on them. Just imagine even a crack in the window would send a stream of water could cut off limbs and a total structural collapse would crush the crew and crush their organs near instantly. Them suffocating in their own smells is much more fun.


billionaires completely out of touch with reality, per usual. common L


True, however, I doubt it was capable of going down anywhere near as far as this sub (well neither was this sub but you get what I mean)


I mean imagine your stepdad was this billionaire retard, would you respect him?


The stepson seems infinity more retarded. He's 37 years old and his news feed consistent of going to baseball games, simping for onlyfans girls, going to music festivals and obsessing over female musicians who ignore him like his pinned photo who said she had to ban him from her concerts


I was referring to the irony if him holding a BLM sign and the self-administered uygha pass, but no, I wouldn't respect a retarded billionaire step dad.


honestly surprised this guy isn't furiously taking out loans to spend on hookers and blow right now


I mean obviously this guy is also a despicable retard but I respect how he doesn't even care enough to stay off social media for a couple of days in respect for his stepdad


I wonder what explains the interest in this story. I attribute it to:
1. The hoi polloi experiencing pleasure at the suffering of the rich
2. The thought of being in such a horrific situation morbidly fascinating
3. The thrill of whether or not they will be rescued miraculously or never be found
4. The scandal of the lax standards and corner cutting of this two bit titanic exploration company


But he is rich why wouldn't he just buy a strip club?


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>37 years old
ain't no fucking way


The sinking of the Titanic was the original 'big hysterical news event' (even though other sinkings happened where more people died but barely anyone cared) so it makes sense


You haven't been seeing the stuff he post on his account. He is bringing it on himself.

Also this is girl he has on his pinned post and his bio on twitter. She has him banned from her events. He's like a stalker


>The best thing would be if they actually could build and have a good life in the country where they are from.
Impossible without a communist revolution and liquidation of their glowie backed "leaders" and the forceful end of neocolonialism
Their lives in their Euro neocolonies are so miserable their only option is to go to Europe and provide their oppressors with some justice.

Europe is the source of the problem.


I bet someone could catfish him ez. With this kind of fortune and his feeble mind his new inheritance will be like a whalefall for targeted scammers. Like metric tons of marine snow primed to fall onto the ocean floor, so to speak.


World War I happened due to the Germany industrial class not wanting share their surplus value with the British capitalists and wanting more markets to feed their rapid industrialization. Imperial Japan also looked to Imperial Germany as an example to follow so it is not like capitalist in devloping nations are incapable of fighting for their right build their own capitalist empire.
With the PRC offering an alternative to US financial insinuations it is very possible for the devloping world to go through national capitalist revolutions against the US.


he's like a real life buster bluth, on god


Cardi b replied to him


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What did he mean by this?


Gotta love the efficiency of the private sector. Even Trip and Malcolm had a more comfortable time waiting to die.


no i mean, james cameron is at fault for making the titanic incredibly popular by making a bitchin-ass movie about it


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womp womp



bozo down


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no ooooooooooo


Movies about the Titanic go back to 1912.


yeah but they weren't bitchin


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> cause a bad thing happened on it. fucking dumb.
whitoids have retardation bred into them since their first thought. necessity, practicality, and utility is always an afterthought.


Imagine being a billionaire's failson and being this pathetically thirsty when you could presumably afford prostitutes.
Though I could understand alien dick making one act unwise. 👀


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oh shit



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brian is our guy, cardi is a roastie bourg bitch


a night to remember is bitchin if you're a fuckin nerd


brian reeks of retard failson, i'd rather side with the roastie


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dude is a massive attention whore, this is from 2 years ago


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>Imagine being a billionaire's failson and being this pathetically thirsty when you could presumably afford prostitutes.
he's a brit he has no chance
>brian reeks of retard failson
exactly what is needed to be molded into a proper comrade, cardi is just an average whore


Next thing you'll tell me is you don't think G.I Samurai is epic, due to its age and production limitations. The 1997 Titanic Movie mostly had good CGI going for it back when that still a novelty.


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>brian is our guy
Idk and idc. I'm honestly just enjoying the mind blowing insanity of this whole series of events.


CO2 poisoning is not painless lmao


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mfers got an ancient curse on their family or some shit



CO2 poisoning is incredibly painful and brutal. The thought of having to succumb to that in a claustrophobic iron lung while knowing that your fate is sealed is deserving of being called a truly horrific death.


I think they're just al descended from inbred nonce nobility


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>cardi is just an average whore
<loser rich white boy also isn't some generic loser on top of being reactionary
"brocialism" everyone
i guess it's socialist in the way that the NSDAP was


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And? You know how many migrants pass through the US border inside gas tanks or unventilated tanks of tanker trucks? Or freeze to death in reefer trailers like the ones in England, or die of heat stroke in shipping containers?
All of that is treated as just business as usual in this hellworld.

But some parasites who benefit the most from this hellworld die in a sub of their own choosing? I literally don't even feel anything. It's not like the Challenger astronauts where I get a bad feeling in my gut thinking about what they went through, because they were actually human. Billionaires getting crushed means nothing more than a cockroach being stomped, or an oyster with no central nervous system being fried up in oil.


It's comparable to being buried alive but at least if you get buried alive you succumb to death quicker.


8 hours of oxygen left they're fucked bros


They just fall unconscious and die. You just blackout. A lot of the stories about suffocation being intensely painful are anti-suicide propaganda.


i almost died of CO2 poisoning myself due to poor ventilation on a shitty apartment and it's fine, you get very very nauseous but also very sleepy, if i hadn't mustered the energy to get off my bed and open a bunch of windows, i would have died


that sounds like carbon monoxide poisoning though?


oh shit, no you're right it was carbon monoxide


That's just sad TBH.


even money couldn't cure his incelism


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>defending Cardi-B
LOL, LMAO even.


Billionaire father killed himself with a toy submarine
Son is a 37 year old dictionary definition of failchild
What is going on with the booj
Reading comprehension?


Not defending *reads notes* Brian, just saying, defending Cardi-B is retarded, she literally is a whore, just one that got expensive after becoming a "pop-star"(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST - RETARDED CHINLET BEHAVIOR)


cry is free


>she literally is a whore
Sir this is a thread about a bunch of rich people dying in a tin can



why are you here


They're already dead. Even if they were found right now 8 hours isn't enough time to get them back up from that depth and unseal it. Go ahead and start throwing the confetti.


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the banging sound with 30 minute intervals is basically an sos signal for subs which suggests they are still alive (for now)


Lame. I had a mental image of them frantically banging on the walls as the CO2 builds up and they gradually become more psychotic.


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to shit on pork whores on land and under the sea(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST - BAN EVASION)


being a musician doesnt make you bourgeois


His incel e-friends are asleep rn


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not sure if shill, but thats fukin lit


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>Its just debris bro!…




Wrecks at rest don't make regular banging sounds, meaning if it the wreck is making sound it is because the sub came through disturbing the site and you wouldn't more likely have a bunch of bangs at once then the site would settle down just due to how structural loads work at the bottom of the ocean.


It's Hamish tapping "I am U-571, kill my coomer son" with one of the other porkies' detached heads.


>The whole world is praying for these people


This man has worse social skills than a terminally online /pol/oid. You'd have thought that bourgs would at the very least have basic social awareness from all those elite gatherings they had



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he seems cool




You know what? This guy is a based fratbro retard. This should exactly be our response whenever some megaporky decides to iron lung themselves next time


why the fuck is this spectacle shit stickied

if anything it should show solidarity with the sub and bumplock


Yeah NTC and not an expert but IIRC CO2 directly triggers the breathing response. So that small difference might make it that much more painful.

Can someone open GIMP and make an 🥳OLIGARCH DOWN🎉 meme?


>that music


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please won't you feel bad for the Persons of Means suffering through the TITAN CRISIS?







>sees url


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Nah Its Ocean Man, Lmao..


>with a Xbox controller, you can dive wherever you want


Ships are just off site
It's dark out there and will be until after the oxygen runs out – not much chance of finding any floaters and the last chance for survival is really they are snagged on debris





>not twitch


tbh i'm thinking about it and if anyone got murdered inside that little sub, it was probably the oceangate CEO


Maybe he has moral standards.

I mean, he probably doesn't, but there's at least the remote possibility he's just after a consensual relationship and thinks he can get one from an OnlyFans girl.


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I kind of want to believe in ghosts and hauntings right now just because the idea of five billionaires having to spend the rest of eternity with the working class crew and third class passengers of the Titanic is too good to me.


This whole ordeal made me binge-read wikipedia submarine articles and I'm now moving onto some of the sources cited there.

Thanks for being incompetent, Stockton Rush.


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retards, theres an embed feature for a reason


This one's wrong. The Titan began the dive at 12:00 UTC. It has around 5 and a half hours left by now.


So how long till the movie about this comes out?


Tinned pörk


We're still in negotiations with James Cameron.


This did make me realize how absurd the game/movie trope of “x minutes of life support remaining.” is. What’s going to happen at 0? You just go from 100% oxygen to dead? And there’s no way to calculate how much time it will actually take to exhaust life support.



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boomer discrimination


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Literal metal coffin. Imagine paying a quarter of a million dollars to get in this thing and go 14,000 feet below the water.


They hired a bunch of young white guys instead.

It isn't wokeness or whatever, it's Silicon Valley tech brainworms.


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Most simple explanation: lower salary.


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The max timeline for air was 8am GMT, anon. It is passed. :)


i read it on BBC that it was 10am GMT, what changed?


some quick expert comments on engineering as well as the life support bit: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jun/22/missing-titan-sub-likely-intact-no-power-engineer-ron-allum-titanic-submersible

<“It also means that if the occupants are sitting in a half-flooded pressure hull, that could also be catastrophic. They could become hypothermic. I don’t know how well the CO2 scrubber systems would work if they’re wet.”

half-flooded pressure hull


Isn't the thing 4km below the surface? To get oxygen to the people inside you have to pull the vessel out of the water and open it with special tools since the thing can't open by itself. I think we can safely say it's over now.


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Its Over


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Cursed family reunion.


> they pay people to do everything for them.
they pay people not even with their own money, but with the surplus value stolen from the workers through the bourgeois contrivance of private property





Legitimately. The most surprising thing is that they've been able to do these "Titanic Tours" for years without this happening.


based oglof enjoyer


The thing with unregulated shit isn't that it's gonna fuck up every time, but that it pushes the statistical outliers towards being more common. Usually to the point that they become an inevitability given a good amount of time.


guys over 40 never became self aware enough to be embarrassed when they hoverhand.


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death by immurement (often after brutal torture) has been experienced by thousand of people throughout history before this guy


I don't think other people going through it before you makes it any better when it happens to you.


air gone



gotta grift


I think people are focusing on the gamepad a bit too much. More than likely they could just use the keyboard/onboard computer to control the craft if needed since the gamepad is probably just bound to keyboard inputs anyway. Whats more worrying is they use Windows and I even saw these guys using Internet Explorer to display vehicle data in some video.


You can't embed links with a timestamp, genius.


is he just trolling at this point? lmao


silence. he is a based autist KANG.


reasonable gemmy


sometimes the actions here are bewildering…
>look, a popular thread
>let's sticky it!
what's the point of stickying it, if people are replying and bumping it to the top. you sticky slow-moving, but important threads, so they are visible. what does 5 people sinking in a submarine have to do with "leftism"? it should stay on /leftypol/, it's a fun thread, but a sticky?
>inb4 this becomes a general
mods have never created more than a bowel movement, and it shows


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>Oh, thank God it was just a dream! You guys won't believe the awful nightmare I just had! Me and four other guys were stuck in this tiny submersible at the bottom of the ocean and we couldn't get out and we were running out of air and just as I was asphyxiating, I woke up!


They should continue pretending they are still alive to produce more clickbait articles.


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I owned a couple of these controllers in the early 2010s (F310/F710). They aren't great and have huge dead zones on the sticks (around 20-30%) which aren't correctable and makes aiming or steering worse. The official Xbox 360 and XBone controllers are superior but I think theres another reason why this gamepad was chosen. On the back of these controllers is a switch marked X or D which allows you to switch between the newer XInput mode for Xbox controllers from the 360 era forward on PC or D for the DirectInput mode standard which is for older Windows XP and earlier PCs. From what I recall Dinput mode allows more flexibility in mapping custom functions to the controller which is probably why these guys chose it over something objectively better.


they probably dead or will be within the hour


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>Whats more worrying is they use Windows
Did proprietary software cause this?



I bet this sub imploded from its weak carbon fiber build early on and the the whole banging sounds thing isn't even true. If you lie to the media and give false hope it allows a greater number of resources to be mobilized at your disposal. Cops do it all the time.


i love tiktok and instagram for turning what could be a one sentence text post into unfunny several seconds long videos spoken out loud by narcissists


Timers says its over.


It never even began..


news is desperately trying to be hopeful by saying if they rested they would be able to go beyond the limit


nobody is saying a musician is inherently boogie, but to suggest cardi b is not would be nonsense


I don't even know what this is supposed to mean


>proprietary software killed porkie
based, im buying 50 windows licenses now



The CEO didn't want any veteran submariner because they tend to have seen enough death to not mock Poseidon knowing he is a vengeful God able to make you wish for the sweet embrace of the Grim Reaper.


>it's not a ride at Disney
>it's not a normal tourist experience blablabla
>it's more challenging than going to the moon! t. Dr. Dr. Prof. Dr. Academic Scientist

well billionaire rich fags there's your special experience far away from the common working class pleb, enjoy

play stupid games win stupid prices as they say


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who cares about the literally who uyghurs?


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L E T ' S


A second sub has hit the titantic


Imagine building a janky-ass death tube and not only sending down paying customers in it, but taking down billionaires and going in it yourself, and then you have ~5 days to contemplate how you fired a guy for questioning how unsafe it was. But at least you did it Your Way.


people died and you are laughing
communists are no better than fascists sometimes… sigh(USER WAS WARNED FOR THIS POST: STOP BAITING, LIB)


the bourgeois family has drowned
billions must breed


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not people. porkies.


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Hey depending where their sub comes to rest, they could become a landmark near the Titanic for other dives.


It's fucked up how even in retailer pages there are lots of people complaining about the controller's connectivity issue and this CEO still choose to use it in his jerry rigged sub that he himself uses, presumably on a monthly basis. You would think that porkies would care more about regulations when their survival is on the line, but i guess not.



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Could this be a hit job? Someone stands to make a lot of money if those people die. It would be the perfect crime. The submersible will probably never be recovered. No evidence of foulplay would ever be found.
>Well done, agent 47


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>people died and you are laughing


How easy would it be to unplug or tamper with one of those exposed tubes ? Or replace the wireless gamepad batteries with ones that are about to run out?


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Just like all the corpses on the trail up Mt. Everest lol


It's possible they faked their deaths. Why would somebody assassinate these specific porkies?


the context of this whole conversation was some bourgeois douche on twitter saying it was one of the most awful deaths anyone has experienced in world history



inheritances, internal power struggles, good old fashioned revenge


mods are really gay for stickying this thread


well it is pride month after all


Precisely. Someone else stands to become CEO of FuckThePoor Corp in the event of their deaths. Their children–and the children of the superrich invariably hate their callous parents and covet their wealth–stand to gain a mondo inheritance payout.


>Their children–and the children of the superrich invariably hate their callous parents and covet their wealth–stand to gain a mondo inheritance payout.
hmm >>571811


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>me me me! I need support!
>*goes out to a wack ass blink 182 concert*
> Behaves like an impudent entitled jackass
All rich kids are brain broken by narcissism


8bitdo controllers also have d-input mode even as the most expensive model has hall effect joysticks. that being said, this is hardly enough buttons on a sub, a sub lady on tiktok was explaining how she's carefully draining and filling the ballast to keep buyoancy at a particular sweet spot


Oh, if they (he) had only listened to reason and hired middle-aged white bros instead of millennial white bros! Cultural Marxism claims another five innocent victims…


If only they had AryanTradCathPepe1488 piloting that sub. His video gaming skills would've really come in clutch.


It is more the CEO not wanting proles that actually have decades of experience, it is too much of a ego hit of having workers under them that had a lifetime of experience and knoweldge under their belt.


>White CEO (who's the sub's pilot) makes up dumb excuse so he doesn't hire people who'll call out how much of a deathtrap his shitty sub (made by a white engineer) is


>woke banks caused the banking crisis 2: electric boogaloo
But in all seriousness, this statement was all about age. Most of the people that the CEO hired were simply young white guys instead of old ones which I'm not sure you can count as "woke" or not.


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>wouldn't hire 50yo white men
bro the ceo was an old white dude


Better yet, he's played 1000 hours of Silent Hunter


> This Tweet is from an account that no longer exists.
Twitter ran him off lol


hope he comes here instead


i hope he doesn't


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cardi b is unironically more proletarian than this spoiled brat who had everything given to him at birth


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Welp, seems I was right.


yeah it's the titanid


yeah, im thinking its joever


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Reminder that all of these people had phones while inside of the submarine.

It's very probable that there is footage of what happened down there.


It'll probably be kept "private out of respect for the families" but for all we know Brian will post it all trying to impress some thot on twitter.


No smart phone can survive being at the bottom of the Atlantic, even the steel hull of the Titanic is slowing being eroded and won't be recognizable in another half century.


only if the sub was never breached due to structural failure, which, if the claims that the viewport was only capable of withstanding ~1400m of depth are true, is unlikely


footage wouldve been so kino omfg


i don't think the sub will be recovered, anon.


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>the stepson orchestrated the entire thing and is only pretending to be autistic as a ploy


People keep talking about all the shit and the panic but let's be honest you would have to be a peak moron, even worse than demonstrated if you were going to get in to the death trap even without thinking to take a bunch of opiates or other poop blockers and other drugs to keep you calm, at the very minimum i am sure they have pockets full of opiates and benzodiazapines, it is just the obvious and logical thing to do..


>it is just the obvious and logical thing to do..
anon, the only reason this entire debacle has unfolded the way that it has is due to the consistent illogical dismissal of safety features and regulations on the submarine. i assure you they ran out of water before the first day, the entire place is filled with shit and piss, and at least one person has been strangled or beaten to death, likely the CEO. all of this, of course, is predicated on the assumption that the hull wasn't breached, which is also a total possibility due to those same illogical dismissals of safety concerns i alluded to previously


why would you pay $250k to see the titanic just to get wasted on crack


They couldn't even actually see it. The plan was to look at a monitor lmao. The view port didn't have enough lights on it to illuminate anything at that depth.


>why would you pay $250k to see the titanic just to get wasted on crack
well you wouldn't get wasted before hand obviously.. But besides that i very much doubt you can see anything at 4000 depth in that thing anon, they are selling the experience not the view.
>anon, the only reason this entire debacle has unfolded the way that it has is due to the consistent illogical dismissal of safety features and regulations on the submarine.
They all knew going in and were very public about being anti-safety and anti-regulation. i would think going in you would take the drugs, even if not to stay calm in case of emergency and not to shit at least to have a quick and comfortable death in case. I can simply think of 0 reason this would not be done and being american only lends to this because they can ask their doctor who will give them a lot of benzodiazapines and opiates for no reason, it is not like medicine in a real country you can just get given them there.


>They couldn't even actually see it. The plan was to look at a monitor lmao. The view port didn't have enough lights on it to illuminate anything at that depth.


the guy is off by one order of magnitude there. the pressure difference is on the order of 300 bar


these rich fucks died but gave us a lovely parting gift… public awareness of logitech controllers being shitty.


>Be CEO, like real porky, to the point that you have in your ascendency 2 of the guys that signed the declaration of independence.
>Start building a submarine that is at the very most 4 meters in length.
>Buy a fucking 30$ wireless controller instead of one that, at the very least, has a wire.


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some clarification on what exactly is meant by a phrase like 'debris field', just to dispel any remaining hope



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375 atmospheres IIRC
picrel is what ~1 atmosphere of pressure does


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Lel Twitter categorized the trending topic of suspected implosion as "entertainment"
It's not wrong


Then who was bang?



I mean was a tin can, there wasn't any way you could have a partial implosion with an air pocket as you didn't have bulkheads protecting compartments.


i believe it


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Even if they weren't already dead they'd not have enough oxygen to be brought back up alive. The search is now about finding their bodies, not an actual rescue.


all i'm saying is that if they wanted to live through this, then they wouldn't have named their submarine the "titan" and cheaped out on safety. they literally tempted fate in every way possible.


they could've called it Icarus


Davy Jones's Locker doesn't give up its dead, if the sub imploded there would be nothing to find other the remains of the sub.


>The search is now about finding their bodies
i don't think you fully comprehend the sheer magnitude of weight imposed on their bodies at a depth like this. there is likely nothing remotely resembling a body to find


What about the Billionaire Imploder 250000?


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Well I did it
I found the worst take on this entire thing



Since we spoke about it here, could anyone help in writing an OP for a migration general?
I do not want to call it the 'migration crisis general' like the other anon mentioned because i think calling it a crisis and etc is capitalist progandizing rhetoric.


So true! Without the noble sacrifice of the billionaires society would be unable to progress. We must send more of them to the bottom of the sea urgently!


Why do you keep trying to push this autistic 'Over' as 'Joever' thing?
Pretty sure you are the only person that knows what you are referencing, forced memes are gay, but in the bad way.


lemme riff bro, damn


scum of the Earth


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We had drives to the Titanic wreck since the 80s, even if this drive went as planned it wouldn't have improved human knowledge one bit.


>lemme riff bro, damn
What are you trying to riff there is literally nobody involved called joe? you're just being a weird autist anon.
I am not trying to be mean I am just trying to point out that if you created a meme you have to force, or explain because it is an obscure reference, it is not a meme worth pursuing.(Please Ignore the Retard)


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Mallory once achieved immortality for attempting, and disappearing, on his quest to summit Everest “because it was there.” Now, if you try to explore the depths of the ocean you’re hated for daring to try. Cultural change tbh.


lole nice


I don’t see much evidence of them cheapening in safety tbh. Most claims they have were debunked by learning more about the sun and their design decisions. The vehicle appears to be well equipped and it failed because the design itself is probably not able to work. The company was
inventing a new vehicle. It’s unfortunate it failed.


Not rated for the depth of Titanic wreckage, the CEO against outsiders to test the sub. The sub still having critical failures weeks before its maiden voyage last year due to the CEO rushing it into service. Using an off the shelf Logitech controller instead of building a cockpit with controls, having the toilet where you would put a cockpit.


AI post


So this 'wrost deaf evar' by the lib and twitter crowd is much much comfier dying than the 500 migrants who died this week also could ever hope to have had?
>I don’t see much evidence of them cheapening in safety tbh.
There have been a ton, even in the MSM narritive, including a quote saying self and safety is bad because it stops inovation and the head guy who was fired (or quit, idr) over serious safety concerns. I have you assume you have seen the litany of issues the MSM and pop culture has bought up, so:
>Most claims they have were debunked
Can you elaborate on how the issues the MSM are talking on were debunked? To be straight with you, to claim something is deboooonked with 0 evidence is going to convince exactly nobody, anon.


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Rich anglos offing themselves for le mountain meme and getting mourned by poor anglos who mythologize them as some great man adventurers has gotta be one of the most pathetic things.


Basically it was all out of context and fake. The shit about the guy quitting because of safety is fake as fuck. He wasn’t an engineer or designer and had no knowledge of materials or sub engineering.


This is retarded. Capital R. Socialism also aimed to achieved great things and push on the limits of human endeavor. Non-Anglos have no lack of explorers and adventurers in their histories. USians in particular have become a parochial, small minded, insecure culture of luddites. It’s noticeable everywhere.


It was all controlled will a videogame controller. The owner said that he bought half the parts of the shelf at walmart


>I don’t see much evidence of them cheapening in safety tbh.


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The Soviet Bloc aim was for people taking risks to advance civilization. That something could be learned even in failure. The goal was not for to have men in space but to gain the knowledge of how so society could advance. With this recent sub to the Titanic wreck it was using inferior tech to what was used in the initial dive in the 80s and all it proved was you can't do such dives on a shoe string budget.


>Basically it was all out of context and fake. The shit about the guy quitting because of safety is fake as fuck. He wasn’t an engineer or designer and had no knowledge of materials or sub engineering.
This is a big claim, that it is all fake, can you provide any proof for this for reads?
Specifically I would like to proof on the unrated persprex/glass, proof on the guy who was fired/quit? did owner or not say safety was bad for innovation and I definetly sead the video of him saying that he had to bend/break rules to get where he was, was this taken out of context? If so what was the original context?


Socialism did so for the common good, not by some noble or bougie undertaking a vanity project on the backs of sherpas.
They also didn't skimp on safety features.


>So this 'wrost deaf evar' by the lib and twitter crowd is much much comfier dying than the 500 migrants who died this week also could ever hope to have had?
I don't know if comfy is the right word but yeah, their death was instant, they didn't even realize it, whereas the 500 migrants adrift will perish slowly and horribly.


the context is you're illiberal and doing a heckin dezinformatsiya


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>great man theory


>the debris was consistent with a catastrophic loss of the pressure chamber
Ladies and gentlemen…we got him.


>Non-Anglos have no lack of explorers and adventurers in their histories. USians in particular have become a parochial, small minded, insecure culture of luddites. It’s noticeable everywhere.
Correct take.
>insecure culture of luddites
This is a bad take, at least the luddites were fighting for what they seen as their ability to work, their dignity and lifes.
Liberals are so dumb they now started beliefing anything used as propaganda is false on account of being propaganda. It is quite amazing turn of events. 'post-truth' indeed.


Titanic sub search: US coast guard gives news conference on search and rescue mission – watch live
God damn use the embed feature. Or at least give us the title of your source, anon. Preferably both.
if you are new, welcome! and remember to use the onion. o/


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yeah, 175,000 pounds on a body will do that


they have gone balls out for this shit whilst currently we are hearing numbers from: >>571644 >>571630 >>571514 >>572057 as being at 700 actual real human beings, with that possibly still going higher.
Peak Spectacle. It is so sad it makes me feel unironically upset. and I am a hard person to rock like that.


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You guy didn't make this pic right?


>if you created a meme you have to force, or explain because it is an obscure reference
he didn't create it it's some dumbass meme mocking Joe Biden


anon my normie friends who have never heard of this site know about "its joever" your just a boomer sit down LOL


>making shitload of money out of bunch of people who died horribly


>soyjak posters trying to get into making fun of this


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the CEO is also dead lol


not everyone is from your dogshit country, not everyone feels the need to remember the first name of whatever decrepit retard is in charge there.



not their best work tbh. feels like they just slapped the soyjaks on. Hopefully in the next couple of hours they'll release something more fleshed out
soyjak hurt my feelings :(



Whatever, the meme is dead now. Let the incels have it at this point.


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>soyjak hurt my feelings :(
Comrade shouldn't be allowed to be this weak


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One does wonder how their last moments were.




Depends on when the hull imploded and how much of a warning they had that things were going south really fast. During the test runs the sub had regular problems with the sub's electrics so they could have been dead in the water for some time before their explosive end.


By the numbers they drown each year or I'm not informed enough or the nazbol alchemists need to perfect their dark concoctions


>billionaires dead because of wokeness
Not the L they think it is


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I'm announcing the initial offering of tickets for the first ever expedition to the Titan's debris field. You will have a chance to see the final moments of its fateful crew. The exploration vessel is a state of the art submersible (see the concept art here) with over 96 hours of life support given one passenger strangles the others if an emergency happens. Tickets start at $499,999.99 (tax not included).


you mean implosive.


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She should be restricted to use things that didn't take workers to produce or provide.


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MODS tweet this please


they did already


Based. Thanks.


Remember; No matter how sad you are today. Somewhere a bunch of billionaires died, at the bottom of the ocean, stuck in a tin can, with no working toilet, slowly asphyxiating in the dark while the same song played on repeat for 4 days straight


A shame it were only so few.


Please takes me to nibiru now, comrade ayyy.


OceanGate should build a bigger sub next time. That is if they survive their own sub crushing their own CEO into fine paste for all the bottomfeeders to feast on.


I think the bigger issue for OpenGate would be killing rich people who's survivors has more then enough capital to sue them for criminal negligence.


they even made it out of titanium


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>no scenic bathroom chamber
rip off


Why such hostility? Do you suffer from forced meme-related PTSD? Are you a survivor of the New Trollface crisis?


They probably had to sign some waiver that they understood that the sub was experimental and untested and could kill everyone onboard. There was some video about this if I recall.


youre a fucking burger


That still means the company is going to have to spent money defending itself in court then there is the question of it you can wave way maritime regulations as the mother ship is registered in Canada thus has to follow all Canadian laws even in international waters.


the CEO is dead, pretty sure the company is too at this point


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U.S. Navy Detected Titan Sub Implosion Days Ago
>WASHINGTON—A top secret U.S. Navy acoustic detection system designed to spot enemy submarines first heard the Titan sub implosion hours after the submersible began its mission, officials involved in the search said.
>The Navy began listening for the Titan almost as soon as the sub lost communications, according to a U.S. defense official. Shortly after its disappearance, the U.S. system detected what it suspected was the sound of an implosion near the debris site discovered Thursday and reported its findings to the commander on site, U.S. defense officials said.


Say the line, Bart!


That's too fucking quick. It should have been slow and painful. FOR FUCKS SAKE man


damn, it sounds like they went out quickly, we were hoping for a long dragged out one where the controller disconnected, the toilet overflowed, the lights went out, and the porthole finally imploded after three days swilling in shit and sweat, just after their hopes of dreams of getting back to the surface were finally snuffed out. thinking how to market their experiences for a Netflix series.


>Titanic sub imploded 1 hour 45 minutes into descent. Its debris then slowly descended to join the Titanic on the ocean floor.


So the banging could have the crashed Titan disturbing the Titanic wreck, weakling the Titanic's hull. Thus they may have damaged the finial wresting place of the Titanic with their stupid sub's wreckage.


So true


>"I want to be a part of Titanic history!"
<another finger on the monkey's paw begins to curl
Now they'll party with the ghosts of first class like Jack Nicholson at the end of the Shining.


What's this a reference to? I know I've seen the template before.


Shortly after its disappearance, the U.S. system detected what it suspected was the sound of an implosion near the debris site discovered Thursday

The Navy asked that the specific system used not be named, citing national security concerns.


That's the excuse for everything, National Security concerns. Like they knew, but just didn't want to tell everyone that its true.


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Too bad they didn't suffer. I wanted them to be trapped and scared in their tin can for days.


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Something tells me that it wasn’t the most pleasant sensation


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>Dad lets not go on the vessel
<Don't worry son I paid top dollar for this we'll be fine
>Dad they are using a $20 video game controller to—
<We'll be fine now get in and let them bolt down the exits


With a implosion their brain would cease to exist before nervous system can register pain.




I listened an interview of some maritime engineer and he said that one property with carbon fibre hull is that it doesn't really buckle at all. When it goes it, it goes and it doesn't groan or buckle like steel, it just cracks. So they probably never saw the crunch coming. Which is another shame.


can the crush depth be estimated from that decent time? Anybody have any clue


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The National Security Concerns was about not wanting to say -how- they detected the implosion, i think is the implication anon. Maybe they did not and are trying to make themself seem more knowing and capable than they indeed are.


ok but I do feel sympathy for that one Titanic SME.
the rest are booj


Hearing a sub imploding with sonar is not that impressive, WWII tech can that easy even from many nautical miles away. Hell the people in the life boats heard the stern of the Titanic implode on the way down.


>U.S. Navy Detected Titan Sub Implosion Days Ago


Cameron and Ballard now on record saying that the sub had apparently already dropped its ballasts and were beginning to ascend when the thing imploded, so question is why tf did the corpos up top not call for help for over 12 hours?

eh tbr only a matter of time before the kid became one of those "poors don't work hard enough and then complain they can't afford a house", "I worked hard and made it, why can't you?"

inb4 the USdems claim OceanGate was "teh RuZZians" all along, trying to get burgerland to reveal its Top SSecret Tech


the french guy? he works for the company that owns exclusive salvage rights for Titanic and has looted thousands of artifacts from the site


Old fuckin 4chan meme.


Sub implosion at those depths is multiple times overkill to a human body. There is the superheated compressing air caused by the rushing in seawater that heats the air to surface temperatures of the sun for a moment, forced high oxygen environment under high pressure so everything even semi flammable immolates for a moment before being doused by seawater, high pressure water streams that can sever limbs, the collapsing sub walls and water moving at speed of sound towards each other, lungs and chest cavity being crushed and shreaded under the drastic pressure shift, oxygen poisoning, etc. Even at shallower depth sub crushes leave body parts all over. And most of it all happens so fast that human brain doesn't have time to register what has happened. If they weren't on that sub and it all came down to some fault in the carbon fibre layers or bad part of the seal causing near instant crush they would all have faced less instantaneous and more unpleasant death. They all deserved worse.


*pixiv meme


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How the hell did this not happen in previous descents? It looks like they were fucked from the beginning regardless, so why now?


Hull fatigue, going through the cycle of compression at high depths to resurfacing puts strains on hulls. Normal subs have to be x-rayed as part of the routine maintenance to ensure hull integrity.


they forgot to tighten the 18th bolt in the dome.


Fucking burger navy knew about this the whole time and was just trolling us wtf. What a waste of time.


They heard a loud ACK!


>What a waste of time.
It's only your fault if you kept up with it hour by hour


they ceased to exist in an instant. if there's any solace to this is the reminder that human bodies are fragile little things, ready to be torn asunder by any overwhelming force and billionaires don't get to carve an exception.


yeah they say it happened on their way down, near the ship, they didnt know they were in danger at the moment.



Mathew henson. i did i bio speech about him in elementary school.


>at the very minimum i am sure they have pockets full of opiates and benzodiazapines, it is just the obvious and logical thing to do..


imagine the taxpayer money that went into this rescue effort tho while hundreds of migrants drowned


Shits still cool af tho


The future that could have been. If we got rid of capitalism that allow for failures to push the human limits to become advanced civilization as a whole. Instead here we are going to die from the heat death of the Earth while anything else that can survive the heating will evolve past us. What a waste.


I do not say that and I do not do that


top fucking kek


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that's not an actual pic is it?
no way did they actually fucking land this piece of junk on the wreck of the titanic, the odds would have to be insane if it was just drifting down through the ocean currents from less than halfway down…


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From the coast guard the debris field is half a kilometre from the Titanic wreck.


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The Burger state is so enthralled to the bourgeoisie, and the billionaire class of the bourgeoisie in particular, that they wouldn't countenance the possibility that the billionaires imploded until all hope of saving their lives was gone. They openly admitted this. They only considered implosion as a possibility after their oxygen would have theoretically run out.

It's not so much taking us for a ride as regarding the protection of Porky to be Priority 1 even against all hope and reason. Of course they regarded the fact that they were probably already dead top secret information.


It looks like its from the movie "The Abyss".


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isn't tariq nasheed the "buckbreaking" guy who also likes to be racist to jamaicans and haitians for not being "foundational blacc africcans" or some shit


Yes, hes also a failed rapper with a song called "wash yo ass"


Honestly probably this.
Carbon fiber laminates, now that people are getting more used to them, are getting a well deserved reputation for high performance but also being somewhat noted for being difficult to maintain and perform checks on.


Retarded gay uncle Tom basically. But that was a solid tweet


weren't two of the passengers Turks?


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He’s pretty dumb but much like hazler, occasionally says some funny shit


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>Can't wait for some salvage to float to shore



>a song called "wash yo ass"
del tha funkee homosapien did it better





wow in this interview james cameron says the crew onboard the Titan probably had advanced warning the hull was about to crack and dropped its ascent weights to manage the emergency


he also pointed out that everyone in the submersible community knew that the titan had shit safety and had warned the guy tons of times


Stalin literally used soyjaks lmao


Five identifiable fragments from the sub were reportedly located. We know four of them
>tail cone
>landing sled
>two (2) bellends
But I haven't seen what is the fifth

Discoverer of the Titanic Robert Ballard has said something similar, so they likely know something that hasn't been made public yet. Between this and the sonar signature picked up by the military, the media circus seems stupid


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Thanks dad!



Should I write a book encouraging the mockery of the death of bourgeoisie who go on adventures?



Write fanfic about the sub incident from the perspective of the people on board freaking out in their last moments.


He basically said it's like poetry with what happened to the Titanic, with the captain ignoring danger and repeated warnings, and for such a rare incident to happen in the same site of all places.

And not only was he talking about the issue with the carbon fiber but that he had personally warned Richard Branson's sub team about that kind of thing back when they were competing to get to Challenger Deep. Like he personally tried to prevent this and these people didn't listen.


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First as tragedy


>>572186 (💎)


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The five porkies who drowned in the Titanic Submarine were essentially clout martyrs.

Everyone is claiming this was a random sinkage, but it's clear what was actually happening: the porkies were driven to deep dive solely for the sake of clout. They wanted infamy of their own and found it in diving in a faulty vessel.

As the five porkies were taking their final breaths, they were surrounded by media coverage taking video and pictures of them. Why? For clout. No one was taking the rescue seriously, no one was following protocol, everyone was standing around with their cameras as their bodies were clinging to life.

The moral lesson of the Titanic Submarine should be a cautionary tale of the horrors of social media and how it's fucked our society beyond belief.

RIP prokies. See you in Hell…


>I think you’re worms because you don't think for themselves
<hey dude, I think property ought to be owned collectively in a commune, representative bourgoise democracy has failed us and we must advocate for a particpatory one, and we should stop promoting wars and an economic system which end in general perpetual genocide, misery and exploitation.
<Ur an NPC

We think you're a worm because you're an annoying racist, sexist, transphobic cunt who blames his problems on cartoons and jews as opposed to the economic system which makes most people's lives miserable.
You then call yourself subversive by thinking that by conducting the same policies that the capitalist class does that you're somehow a rebel. You're not.
The only reason you think you're subversive is that you judge systems on aesthetics alone. You don't believe in change, you just want to return to a time that once was but never will be again.
You're not a rebel, you're a LARPER.


This is why it's acceptable to pull out (rhetorical) knives on the people who are like "oh how can you can make fun of the dead." This broke-ass "expedition" doesn't deserve the name, it was a clout-chasing mission. They even named their junk sub "Titan." You might as well name your airplane Icarus.



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Would you watch it?


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Wait, does Stockton Rush have the highest billionaire body count in history?


>You might as well name your airplane Icarus.

Ma comrade


File: 1687498448575.jpg (Spoiler Image, 36.9 KB, 554x553, XI.jpg)

>does Stockton Rush have the highest billionaire body count in history?


But by this metric he has easily beaten every Western leftist/leftist organisation put together


Oh shit, they found two bodies already?


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Seeing a lot of libs and lolbertarians online being like
>You're only lacking empathy for the dead because you're JEALOUS of their wealth!
But I can't think of any other case where someone is hated out of jealousy. Any time the phrase
>You hate me because you wanna be me
is always going to be said out of delusion.

Can anyone think of any other kind of hate gets accused of being based in jealousy? Because it seems to me that jealousy is something you experience in personal one-to-one relationships, not people you're disassociated with, in that case "wishing" to be them takes on an aspirational perspective, right? Whether it's teenage girls with Taylor Swift, or middle class college graduates with Elon Musk, "wishing to be someone" results in people mimicking their idol, hanging on their every word, feeling a great sense of empathy towards them (since in an ideal world, that would be themselves).

By no means am I saying no one wishes against having money, mansions and private jets and shit, but there's a difference between wanting these things in the abstract and wanting to take all the steps that lead to acquiring these things and I think over COVID, a lot of people have woken up to just how inhuman people like Musk and Bezos were with their staff during a global pandemic and realized they're not cool forward thinking techbro daddies, they're just Mr Burns.

And that's the crux of it, people might wish to have money but they generally do not wish to be an unfaltering cunt driven entirely by self-interest, so they actually do not want the money because that's how you make the money, the power and the women. Libs and Libertarians on the other hand want the money AND either want, or don't mind, being self-interested twats. Libs are self-interested twats and want Idpol to reign supreme because that means they can get tossed up the social hierarchy by just concocting the correct mixture of self-identifying labels, while Libertarians dream of running their homestead like it's how they imagine Gaddafi ran Libya with the moralising justification being "they can leave any time", perhaps they're not sure what a refugee is when they're voting to keep 'em out.

So that's why, despite trying to portray themselves as being these oh-so nice and moralistic people, claiming Tankies are evil and jealous for not weeping for the can of tuna Titan just became, you can tell them to go fuck themselves because clearly it's not just the money they're projecting an extreme desire for on to us, it's the power and freedom each and every passenger on that submarine had, the tragedy for them is that such power and freedom backfired for a change.


They are just bots and bot-believers. The bourgeois have deployed bots that are just playing the humanist to mitigate class tensions. Most of the genuine reaction is, basically, 'fuck porky', that's why they're deploying the bots. The People Are Waking Up.


Why did the US navy decide to reveal they had the capabilities to detect the implosion now when the excuse for not doing it earlier was that they didn't want to reveal they had the tech?


Because to admit they detected an implosion would also call off search efforts, and they don't want to be accused of being classist and not caring about billionaires lives. After all, Billionaire Lives Matter.


I suppose the post I made really extends to any accusation of jealousy on the part of "Tankies" aka anyone who doesn't want to get rich via exploitation which is the vast majority of people.


It wasn't just the Navy. Commercial institutions had the capabilities to detect the implosion and were aware the entire time. The bourgeois collaborated and constructed this entire spectacle.

1. The Burger Reich would reveal information about the defense capabilities of the underwater sensors that are to be used to detect enemy submarines.

2. The money the media apparatus made off this spectacle adds to America's GDP.

3. More media fuel to distract from the ongoing class war. The delay of publishing the information was a way of creating a sense of uncertainty, suspense, and hope among the masses who were waiting for news and updates on the fate of the submersible and its crew, thereby fueling the spectacle.


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The titanic has sunked.
Billionaires must die.


Why would someone with that shirt say that?


Because it was OceanGate that ended them.


Oof right over my head


The accumulation of capital into ownership of private individuals and Hegel's master-slave dialectic

Just as the slave owner does not recognize their own impotence against the harsh realities of nature, because of their dependence on slaves who provide them with their sustenance, the master similarly controls the wage worker, or rather wage slave

The bourgeois impulse to individualistic achievement, plus the alienation of the individuality of the wage workers employed by the owner, as can be seen by the CEO dismissing those who brought up safety concerns, coupled with the master's control of the means of production, creates an object, itself the very representation of the flaws of the master-slave dialectic, the master ready to dive deep beneath the ocean totally unprepared, not only believing the masses cannot see the lack of the CEO's clothes just as with the emperor, but the CEO cannot see their own lack of clothes, their own lack of submarine engineering abilities, and in fact flaunts their inability to follow recognized rules of nature

In this case, the contradiction, resulted in Poseidon's unforgiving depths crushing the master, unclothed for the ocean's taking, along with unfortunate victims, each fooling themselves into joining in their own tragic way


A common populist sentiment is that you would be OK with wealth from a very rich person being expropriated and going to poor people even if they are all strangers to you. Some particularly autistic libs cannot conceive of anything going on beyond personal one-on-one interactions. So they literally cannot parse a statement like the above. I'm not exaggerating. They understand simple normal envy in the sense of Alice wanting some of what Bob has for herself. But they don't understand "social envy" on behalf of others or whatever you want to call it when Alice thinks something from Bob should go to a faceless poor masses. They just think that Alice is envious and just expressing that in a weird PC way.


So it’s looking more and more like this submarine incident was fabricated from the get go, either in whole or in part. The most likely theory is that it was timed to distract from the Hunter Biden case, but it could just be another example of American media engaging in blatant gaslighting for the sake of tightening their control over the credulous masses. Either way it’s looking bad


That is a fair evaluation, but I still think there is a conscious decision to not see what most others see here because as I said, the only thing described as envy here is likely their lack of opportunity to exploit the masses, they're clever cunts about it as well because again they try to hold on to privilege any way they can
>Libertarians: I don't believe in equality of outcome, I believe in equality of opportunity and in god's eyes we were already all born equal. I'm just more equal than others because my parents worked hard and invested their own outcome into me.
>Libs: white, straight, cisgender privilege MUST end. Btw did I mention I'm a female-leaning bisexual, male-adjacent non-binary and have Irish heritage, they were enslaved as well you know?
It's why they all sell out the second they get any success in any kind of political career because they've usually achieved acquiring what they already longed for, a higher position on the social hierarchy they only ever claimed to want to destroy, ironically, out of jealousy.


the ACK heard around the world
sweet Rush and hella Cameron


legends have it that there once was an ACK! so powerful that every man woman and child around the globe heard it. It was a bittersweet moment. On one hand, everyone knew it was Joever for these billionaires which filled the hearts of the world's population with glee, but on the other, it signified that the billionaires where not suffering a bone-chilling, character-development-driven, cheap-jumpscares-free, emotionally-draining, slow-burn "horror kino" death and as such A24 would not be making a movie surrounding the event.


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it's as if a handful of billionaires cried out, and were suddenly silenced


Tbf the submarine probably didn’t connect the dots until days later.


4chan said sub gone woke


Its over


It went soak


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It seems they downgraded to the Logitec controller from the official PS3 controller they had in their previous submersible. Also they seemed to been in a rush going from diving to the bottom of lakes to the bottom of the Atlantic.





>It seems they downgraded to the Logitec controller from the official PS3 controller they had in their previous submersible.
They did this because on a previous dive somebody fucked up and put a thruster on the sub backwards and when they tried to compensate they couldn't figure out how to re-map the PS3 controller (they had no alternative means of control). The CEO was on the phone with Sony tech support trying to figure out how to reconfigure the controller while his crew was down at the Titanic level trying to figure out how to stop going in circles. In the end they came up with a solution that included "just turn the controller sideways bro."

You cannot make this shit up and the eventual documentary about this is going to be fucking WILD because every time you look back at the story there's some new Monty Python esque shit that came out about this company.


>>572193 (💎)
>>572194 (💎)
>>572201 (💎)


Wouldn't Sony be like "Bro, we never sold the PS3 or its controller to be used that way". I mean yhea the DoD bought the PS3 to cluster together to build a super computer but the DoD knew Sony wouldn't help them and they'd have to rely on their own IT.


Would anyone dare riding on a spacecraft built this haphazardly? I think people don't realize that deep underwater is about as dangerous as deep space.


Space craft structural engineer is actually somewhat easier in the regard of pressure.


Yeah people don't seem to get this. Space is a vacuum. The amount of pressure difference is going to be about 1 atmosphere at all times, between internal pressure and none on the outside. Under the sea you have a wide range of pressures and it goes up fast as you descend.
<For every 33 feet (10.06 meters) you go down, the pressure increases by one atmosphere.


i think i've seen more than handful of people feeling bad for the sunk submarine. i actually felt bad before realizing 1. i was putting more effort into caring about this than any other tragedy 2. i thought it was just about people who had saved up their life savings to go into the sub, and not already rich

i mean if it was intentional, seems like they could have just faked their deaths? committing suicide just for attention is still extreme, and it's ironically giving up your wealth anyway.


Drake, cadê a porta?


>I mean yhea the DoD bought the PS3 to cluster together to build a super computer but the DoD knew Sony wouldn't help them and they'd have to rely on their own IT.
This was just reasearchers iirc. This would not be a particularly good way of having large amounts of processing power if you actually you know, have money.
I remember the paper on this though, it was very cool.



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And your response, /leftypol/?


>elon liked it 10k times




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>RW gay pedophile redscare orbiter with rapist past calling anybody deranged


This shit is nuts. for 3 days i have head so many jokes about the sub, bad and good, at work on site, and these are cis-men, steryotypical men, working class men, sometimes reactionary men. I come online and read in the paper all this hand wringing of 'how callus people are online!' and how 'it is a sign of our divided times!1!' it is actually such a nonsense, i can gurantee that when the titanic went down there was work sites full of men joking about it as they today joke about the billionairs being a new exibit on the tour.

These twitteroids live in a fucking fantasy land i am telling you and that this is the only correct take.


Right wing hipsters seething about people that think that whole event is legitimately amusing and making up specific demographics to get mad at while everyone that heard about it at my High Paying, Normal People workplace think it is actually funny.


Yeah right litteraly do these guys even talk to their coworkers or something lmfao


yeah, bet. if your daily life consists of 15 hour twitter-browsing while begging anna k for some pussy, you're going to see a lot of egirls, commies and trans women.


I am a mentally ill deranged communist mtf transsexual and I support this message



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That guy, samememe, is an honest to god retard. He’s a metrosexual college republican kind of like that one dude who got cancelled for pedo shit.


well they probably work with all media-obsessed liberals that think 'omg celebrating anyone's death is evil (somehow this never gets brought up when the US kills someone)'. these people are pathologically committed to the status quo


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it's gem


I hope they fabricate more incidents like this :)


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Speaking of sprits, from what mythology I have read, gods of the sea seems to like killing humans that invade their domain.


>That guy, samememe, is an honest to god retard. He’s a metrosexual college republican kind of like that one dude who got cancelled for pedo shit.
TBH i read the newspaper this morning and it echo'd his sentiments.
Yes. That is because it is the sea. it is dangerous and will kill you. Fuck around and you gonna die it is so simple.


If this event has taught me anything, it's that not even being a billionaire will save you from capitalist cutting corners. Capitalism is the ideology of patient murder.


I have more respect for blue collar conservatives honestly than those petit bourgeois "post-left" types who treat politics like a fashion accessory


>Submersible engineers sends multiple letters of concern that the carbon fiber hull is unsafe
>Meanwhile this fkr be arguing with his billionaire pals about whether they could be eaten by a whale


>There hasn't been an injury in 35 years in a non-military subs.
What is a talking about? First his company hasn't existed for 35 years nor his design and yes civilian sub accidents have occurred. For example the Pisces III in 1973, they were rescued but they were cutting it close with the rescue.


oh man this just keeps getting better.


I shouldn't laugh but lmao


this is fucking great.
Even the BBC narrative is about his lack of safety.
what happened to that anon who claimed it was all made up and lies lol?


these guys got btfo so hard from the left for being retards that they are obsessed with online shit nobody sane cares about lmao. legit internet demons.


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>Would you watch it?
If it weren't for the lorum ipsum text on the bottom, I would have this poster hanging on my wall.


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Only thing?


why would anyone make a sub out of carbon fiber anyway except that it sounds cool? the only thing carbon fiber is good at is being lightweight, from my understanding, which is a complete non-issue in this scenario


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Cheap build cost, you don't even get any weight/strength improvement as hardened steel is far stronger against compression where steel subs crush not because the steel compresses to much against itself but the cavity of the interior due to steel also being able to bend while keeping its strength. For example even though the stern of the Titanic went through implosion when its air pockets compressed, the steel frame stayed in shape more then Titan's hull did.


I thought carbon fiber was more expensive than metal?


When working with metal you require welders and heavy cranes. You are going to pay more for metal sections because they you probably won't have the means to transform raw metal into them.


Got a link to the full vid? (not the Sub Brief one but the guy in the top right).


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gamers rise up



Is this real?


idk lol


My guess: the risk-reward calculation of saying it earlier doesn't pay off.
If you announce you've heard an implosion then winding down the rescue mission makes sense. If, a few days down the line, someone finds a tin full of asphyxiated corpses floating on the surface then you've doubly fucked up - you killed the rescue mission (so you're getting the blame for the corpse can) and you've revealed that your surveillance system or the people operating it are unreliable.
Conversely, if you announce you've heard an implosion and the rescue mission is called off, sure, you save a rounding-error in taxpayer money, and you can flex that you heard it go pop, but ultimately it's not that much more impressive than if you announce it later, which you can do with no risk.

Plus the media probably don't really want to hear it - if you say "we heard it go pop on our magic navy microphone" then CNN are gonna find a guy who says that's just two dolphins colliding and then go back to speculating about Oxygen levels until the camera-robot gets down there and finds the billionaire Supa value pond flakes.




it's a good controller. I wish people would stop bullying it :(


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>it's a good controller. I wish people would stop bullying it :(


It was def inferior to the 360 gamepad at the time but thats expected from a cheaper product. Bad deadzones on sticks and triggers that are way too stiff. D-Pad was decent though.


It's even ribbed. VGH


No dude..


i just think its unkind


The banging noise was probably the grease buckets being opened to grease the hands of the search team in order to justify a $100 million taxpayer funded 6 day search of a submersible in a 5000 cubic mile range. Usually, for just a millionaire’s kid, they send a helicopter out for 8 hours to scan the sea before telling the family there is nothing more they can do. It’s apparent when there are two billionaires missing they break out deep sea robots and submarines at taxpayer cost to find the bodies. It really brings into focus how much of the public treasury is used as a slush and rainy day fund for the rich.


I wonder if @empathyhaver spergs out about degenerates and illegal immigrants.


Wow so the kid's safety concerns were about fucking whales eating them? What a moron.

He's talking about the history of commercial submersibles presumably. Which makes this all even more ironic since that track record of safety is precisely because of all the precautions he ignored. The more I see behind the curtain the more it seems that this guy was some combination of delusional and getting a thrill from the Russian roulette factor.



>kid supposedly had safety concerns

>not about the logitech f710 controller piloting the submersible
>not about the shitty casing that was a ticking timebomb
>not about the glass that was not rated for their depth
>not about the fact that the submersible is not certified by any agency or is even kinda trying to pretend like it is up to code
>not about the fact that some less retarded porkies had backed out due to fears of sub stability
>instead, hes scared of the whales

holy shit lmao


>libs talking about wealth envy making people hate billionaires

Wow! Times have changed, and not for the better. That was an old Dick Cheney / GWB / Fox News canned response to the progressive left when they would break their balls about citizens united, inheritance tax cutdowns for the rich and other porky shit. Liberals actually used to pretend they were the party of rank and file working class people way more before Obama and Biden. The overton window is shifting right so fast that if you live long enough you get to witness liberals becoming as right wing as the shittiest right wing parties of your time.


The Bourgeoisie arent breeding the best, folks!


>Kid was scared of the whales
I’m wondering if the kid was actually scared of what a shithole the sub was. Seems like his dad was doing everything in his power to pressure his kid into going. The dad might have been playing down his son’s fears to buy time to convince him to go but not commit. I think the dad was purposely making his son’s concerns seem silly. Seems like a real dick.


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The boy was right to fear the whales. He knew they lay in wait in the depths below.


>Liberals actually used to pretend they were the party of rank and file working class people
Both parties pretend that when they are not in power.



>carbon fiber can hold it

>they’re starving

Things said that didn’t hold up!


Tru dat!
How would you argue that making light of porky’s misfortune is actually a correct and rational self-interest driven behavior. I have friends who seem rather put off by my agitation regarding this, but I personally sense that it is correct to insert anti-capitalist levity and class critique against the bourgeoisie in this moment (as opposed to ignoring the class differences through engaging in national mourning and anxiety).


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I can definitely see that. Parents love downplaying the concerns of their children and he may have had some valid concerns about the little tin can.

In the end, we tragically lost some poor sad billionaires, and that's the true heartbreaking tragedy here. :(

Worry not, anon. It's believed that the people on board knew their deaths were imminent and that they were going to die at sea with nobody knowing their whereabouts. I know it isn't perfect and I would've rathered them suffocate at the bottom of the ocean myself; we should take what we can get. (2nd picrel)
Although, I don't know if James fucking Cameron is really the best guy to be giving this information.


tbf it's inherently harder and more expensive to look for a submarine than to look for a boat. with a boat you just fly a plane over a few times and if you can't find anyone, that's because they're underwater and dead. boom, cancel the search. submarines are a bitch because it's perfectly possible they're underwater but those onboard spite the taxpayer by continuing to live while playing hide-and-seek with would-be rescuers.
(but naturally the class dynamic still applies since poor civilians don't tend to go missing in holiday submarines.)


Cameron did a lot of deep dives, even went to the deepest bottom of the oceans. I guess he is qualified.


James Cameron designed his own submarine and visited the titanic over 30 times , he's very qualified


And as other anon said, James Cameron was the first person to visit the Marianna trench alone.


>ha ha my son is so stupid
Why are engineers such arrogant ass hats?


engineering mindsets… just because they think something is logical they think they're right about everything… but this is why its easy for them to get stuck into Lolbert economics or a doctrine like fundamentalist religion because they're self enclosed logical systems


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>un-inspectable three-material joint in a pressure vessel


Agent Kochinski made a half hour ackchyually rant.


It reminds me of the Simpsons monorail except here the porkie was too stupid to just run it as a scam and flee with the money.


This guy thought he was invincible or something.


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