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>In speaking of the capitalists who strive only for profit, only to get rich, I do not want to say that these are the most worthless people capable of doing nothing else. Many of them undoubtedly possess great organizing talent, which I would not dream of denying. The Chinese people learn a lot from the capitalists.
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No it didn't.



Are you saying socialism is when the government does stuff?


That's actually what socialism is/was¹q


No, it's when you decommodify and socialize something. Like public health services or public education. Lenin talked about that too.

Do you have anything of substance to respond to my post or are you just gonna deflect and project?


No you are disgusting.



Study Xi Jinping thought


Read a book


>like with me comparing Xi quotes on ancient Chinese socialism to Hitler and ancient German socialism?.Is that why you spammed reports on it until I got banned?
I only report nazis and never I have I reported someone else for funposting. Take your meds. I am the board's chief dengism shitposter, but I don't infringe on other people who also make fun of other socialist leaders.


Studying vacuum is the job of physicists. Kys deng beetle.


>other socialist leaders
If Xi and Deng are socialists then so is Biden and Hitler.


This is why no one takes you ultras seriously. You can't just go around calling leaders of the oppressed third world Hitler.


No, socialism is when a state has a socialized mode of production, which China does. Through the Chinese state, the Communist Party directs industry on behalf of the people before cold profits, leading to prosperity for all rather than a few coastal elites. Actually learn about socialism in practice before criticizing the CPC from your armchair


Xi is bad because he didn’t instantly press the communism button, clearly the only way the most powerful nations on earth after Russia can save itself is by listening to white westerners who obviously know better than those backwards Chinamen


So calling them Biden is allright? Ok, biden beetle


Start actually engaging with arguments in this thread instead of shitposting and i will.


Tell the class what you would do in Xi’s position and we’ll consider listening to you


that is a funny way to say you have no argument and you are trying to make political discussion into a battle of personal virtues which is ironic given the immaturity amd petty egotism necessary to attempt this fpr this long and with people evidently attempting to engage in politicsl discussion with you in good faith


>don't infringe on other people who also make fun of other socialist leaders.
right, only when they satirically attribute a hitler quote (socialism is an ancient Germanic tradition, our people traditionally worked the common weel blah blah) to your politics knower messiah xi jinping? Then you go completely karen and call for your janny bitches, but try (and fail) to do the same thing later?


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>How do they fall for it every single time. Every single fucking time
They can't resist the delicious bait


>literally not a single person fell for it


>I think China’s record speaks for itself
which is? which has spoken what?


How are any of these accomplishments you suggest accomplishments of "China"? Who/what is"China"?


>The greatest poverty reduction ever recorded?
Fake and gay



Legend says that the CIA uses this video to torture people


No actually I am asking you for specifics on these vague and undefined claims you are making which you very obviously are keeping nebullous because what you are doing this whole time is making feels based arguments to "support" previously established dogma of yours that you have decided is good or strong or potent or correct. Then when someone refutes a claim you make, you just ignore it or shift the goals posts. Because you don't care what the truth is, you just care about jerking yourself off to this little clique as the height of praxis. What do you even do when your done shitposting here? I have no illusions that political arguments here are very limited in scope of utility at best.


when deng beetle confronted with arguments, he deflects and flees and after some time relogs on leftypol to pretend he is a different person.

I fucking swear most of the shit threads about deng and china are made by a single schizo.


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The argument being "what is china"
Not even who you are replying to, just think you people have issues. You should work them out with yourself.


>I fucking swear most of the shit threads about deng and china are made by a single schizo
I'm the schizo


Im that schizo too.


Go back to /pol/ then


The social-chauvinist cries in pain as he hits you.


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>Then you go completely karen and call for your janny bitches
I literally did not report you. I did repost it (and even got b& for it) because I found the quote and attribution, i.e. the bait, endearing. I reposted it in good faith. Sorry that you're SOOOO crazy to think the world revolves around you. But there's at least two dedicated deng-flavored shitposters on leftypol.


You're actually retarded, aren't you?


check em xi


> implying China is oppressed and third world still


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The burgers worst nightmare


>China sure has a lot to learn business wise
Capitalists are supplying China the rope they need to hang the USA. Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.


real pork hours


>britain, australia and basically all of europe are socialist :)
Burger detected


>I only report nazis
Fuck off newfag


The CPC is not even revisionist, its full blown capitalist. In some ways even more so than the USA.(one post ip spam)


It's a bigger obstacle to the world going communist than burgerland is at this point.


This is just not true by any stretch of the imagination. China doesn’t exactly promote rightists worldwide outside of commercial ties over left wing movements. In India, Philippines, and Peru—the most anti-CPC parties at least—the U.S. is most responsible for suppressing these movements than the Chinese government is. Even in Nepal where the Chinese government did aid the monarchy over the revolutionaries, it was fairly limited. Now, this is more out of lack of caring and resources the US & Co have, but even now that’s still fairly limited outside of one example—Zimbabwe and the Chinese support against Mugabe.


You literally posted examples of China supporting rightist. I don't see how that disproves the charge that they have lost any commitment to revolutionary socialism.


You can never "disprove a charge" like that. As we can see all things contain within themselves light and darkness


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>I don't see how that disproves
Even liberals understand "burden of proof".


Absolute state.


What was the point was that the scale of damage is a whole lot less than the United States by a long shot.


i do not abide by lesser evil logic. I care about what is true and producing revolutionary theory to overthrow capitalism-imperialism in its entirety. The CPC are not revolutionary and do not aspire to be the country leading the wolrldwide revolution like the USSR at least had the facade of being.

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