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 [Last 50 Posts]

>In speaking of the capitalists who strive only for profit, only to get rich, I do not want to say that these are the most worthless people capable of doing nothing else. Many of them undoubtedly possess great organizing talent, which I would not dream of denying. The Chinese people learn a lot from the capitalists.


This is a good quote cause it lays it out so even an idiot should be able to understand it in almost all cases. Stop being a moralizer.


Absolute state of OP.


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learning from your enemies is objectively smart tho


Does it matter if a cat is white or black as long as we get skyscrapers and billionaires


op is an udialectical illiterate


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It's a statement from Stalin, not Deng. Embarrassing.


Have a Ford quote for your troubles
“If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person's point of view and see things from that person's angle as well as from your own.”


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This is actually a quote from Stalin, although the site's anarchists and ultras will undoubtedly seethe at the mere mention of Deng because actual success and not committing genocide is a betrayal of socialist principles. Socialism is not the abolition, or undialectical negation, of capitalism, but rather the means by which capitalism transcends into something that serves the people through state control and a cohesive society


rip opportunity to post the dengism elder scroll


>Selectively cut out a quote from some previous leader that is in the form "well actually X bourgoies things is good, but we should kill them anyway asap when we copied the trick" by cutt off the reemding part and presenting it as capitalist apologism by deng
>People who arent debate bros quotemining people all day say "hey, saying bourgoiesie is good is dumb, fuck deng"
>Haha, fooled you all, its actually from Stalin, except i removed all the parts that totally flip the meaning of the text, bet you feel real stupid now huh?


he can't keep getting away with it


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>selectively cut out a quote
It's called détournement and it is recognized as actually existing praxis and is based on a theoretic line spanning Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao to Debord.
<People who arent debate bros quotemining
Reading theory is quote-mining. Hahaha.

Get a grip, ultra.


OP cut off the rest of the quote where Stalin ends his paraphrasing of the arguments made by H.G Wells and says "But…" (and he also referenced Ford negatively unlike this reply >>574214)
> Many of them undoubtedly possess great organising talent, which I do not dream of denying. We Soviet people learn a great deal from the capitalists. And Morgan, whom you characterise so unfavourably, was undoubtedly a good, capable organiser. But if you mean people who are prepared to reconstruct the world, of course, you will not be able to find them in the ranks of those who faithfully serve the cause of profit. We and they stand at opposite poles. You mentioned Ford. Of course, he is a capable organiser of production. But don't you know his attitude to the working class?
>Don't you know how many workers he throws on the street? The capitalist is riveted to profit; and no power on earth can tear him away from it. Capitalism will be abolished, not by "organisers" of production not by the technical intelligentsia, but by the working class, because the aforementioned strata do not play an independent role. The engineer, the organiser of production does not work as he would like to, but as he is ordered, in such a way as to serve the interests of his employers. There are exceptions of course; there are people in this stratum who have awakened from the intoxication of capitalism. The technical intelligentsia can, under certain conditions, perform miracles and greatly benefit mankind. But it can also cause great harm. We Soviet people have not a little experience of the technical intelligentsia.
>After the October Revolution, a certain section of the technical intelligentsia refused to take part in the work of constructing the new society; they opposed this work of construction and sabotaged it.
>We did all we possibly could to bring the technical intelligentsia into this work of construction; we tried this way and that. Not a little time passed before our technical intelligentsia agreed actively to assist the new system. Today the best section of this technical intelligentsia are in the front rank of the builders of socialist society. Having this experience we are far from underestimating the good and the bad sides of the technical intelligentsia and we know that on the one hand it can do harm, and on the other hand, it can perform "miracles." Of course, things would be different if it were possible, at one stroke, spiritually to tear the technical intelligentsia away from the capitalist world. But that is utopia.

>…the assistance of the technical intelligentsia must be accepted; and the latter in turn, must be assisted. But it must not be thought that the technical intelligentsia can play an independent historical role. The transformation of the world is a great, complicated and painful process. For this task a great class is required. Big ships go on long voyages.


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what part of this is cut off?


Detournement is when you take something and edit it to convey its opposing meaning.
So you detournementing Stalin and Lenin quotes to attribute them to Deng only shows us your true politics.


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Opposite meaning? Lmao you can't reduce the process of detournement to saying "it's just the opposite bro!"
also it shows you lack dialectical thinking – by stating you can take the opposite of something you admit to a binary of having property A or not having property A which eliminates the tension between their contradiction

also my politics are Marxist-Leninist, of whom Deng was a capable representative. now proceed to call me a troll, a zigger, a multipolarista. those are all water of the camel's back. the slay that broke the buck's back.


Go think us the dialectical relationship between a bullet and your brain.


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the attributing them to deng is actually just bait to show people that Deng was ML all along and the kind of things that Deng advocated for were the kinds of things ML predecessors advocated for.


>socialism is when state control and cohesive society
Great and authentic


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Mao literally said this though


You mean that Stalin was a liberal all along


Look at you, moralizing the conclusion to make perversion of our views.


No he just rightfully understood that being the one socialist nation besieged in a capitalist world requires some expedient compromises if you don't want to get your socialist nation destroyed.


Doesn't look like the soviet union is doing too well these days


>Mao literally said this though
Yeah he was wrong too. Big revelation, good guerilla fighter who did many retarded things as a statesman said retarded things as well. You think Deng came out of nowhere? Mao laid the seeds of retardation.


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shukr allah, china is


Except not, because Lenin and Stalin and all the others did not advocate for Dengist policies, if you look beyond a surface level.
Allowing the small bourgoiesie to keep operating for the time being, then expropriating them 10 years later, is different from dismantling the planned economy and allowing a billionaire class to grow and simultaniously gain power inside the state.
"Learn the tricks from the capitalists while we need to" is fundamentally different from "White or black cat as long as it catches mice" because the first is primarily concerned still with the abolishment of class society and capitalist production, keeping check in place constantly, rather than vulgar factory building.


>learning from your enemies is objectively smart tho
only if they know anything worth learning
I'd rather socialists didn't learn about auguring the markets, MBTI, or other such superstitions.


>vulgar factory building
dumb retard doesn't know any chinese cultural output and has not engaged in contemporary chinese political theory.


>quote mining is the best defense deng beetles have
same level of discourse as people who say we should let the disabled starve cuz lenin said he who doesn't work shall not eat


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>Deng was ML all along
The irony of this (if one takes it as truth) is that Marxism Leninism has reached its peak (just as how Marxism had before Lenin) and that peak is revisionism via capitalist roaders/burgeoning bourgeois elements within the ruling socialist party. Take the MLM pill bros, there is still hope for all of you.


>Yeah he was wrong too. Big revelation, good guerilla fighter who did many retarded things as a statesman said retarded things as well.
Deng's reforms actually made China stable. Mao was right to integrate the national bourgeoisie into a stable coalition government. The truth is an ex-colony nation like China had two choices: National bourgeoisie or comprador bourgeoisie. Better to choose national bourgeoisie. If you try to dismantle all private enterprise in Mao's time the Americans would just show up and wreck your shit.



No no Mao's works are already part of ML cannon
If your way would fix the issue the issue would already be fixed


Less words more abolishing the power the the bourgoiesie inside china, dengsnorter.

Xi can ghostwrite books about how he pretty promises to reverse in 2050 all the destruction he leveled against the remaining socialist elements in china, but history is full of "communists" who lied big lies so they could help their capitalist buddies win. He is just a modern SPD Freikorps loving traitor like the rest of them.


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>that peak is revisionism
is it?
who is being revised?


>Xi can ghostwrite books
prove they're ghostwritten


>Maoism is when just Mao


Name some non Maoist China Maoists who have succeeded in taking state power and I'll read those
Utterly sincere gib .pdfs plox


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Prove they're not. He is the president is the worlds second most important country. Hard to imagine he has time to write entire tomes butchering marxist rhetoric to justify his capitalist restauration rather than have people do it for him. Stalin did it. Hell, Engels ghostwrote for Marx.


That's not what I asked for
In fact I worry that your singular focus on Mao removing him from the ML cannon might hinder your understanding for praxis for example mass line


>lets slowly progress forwards by re-introducing private property in ever greater forms


>Stalin did it
Stalin pretty much rewrote every word of the work you're referring to


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>literal dengist spew
<from the mission statement
The second objective is to develop a correct theoretical line in particular. At the moment this line is best defined in terms of the concrete stances we take in response to various ongoing debates in our shared context. In short: pro-Stalin (against historical nihilism, anarchism, etc.), pro-China (for their chosen road of Reform and Opening Up and against “Maoism” and Sinophobia)
>against “Maoism”
>thinks the Maoist posted this
Bruh, why are so many of you idiots always like this, do you guys not know your own side?


Prove it


had it been released in it's original form without the Stalin editing it would have praised Stalin far more if I remember correctly there was also a verbal fight where Stalin defended Trotsky's role in the revolution around that era


>against “Maoism”
Yes I'm against historical revisionism
In politics Stalin's Short Course on Socialism was Mao"s bible

If you don't understand basic shit like this how are you supposed to understand Mao

Marx and Engels work lead to Lenin lead to Stalin lead to Mao

A five year old can understand this so why can't you?



In China:


1) Never privatised major industries such as energy or steel, which are all public owned. Compare this to the collapse of Yugoslavia, USSR, etc., which were all marked by an immediate devouring of major national industries by private entities: true transitions to capitalism.

2) Land remains collectivised, and leased to private persons or business entities for a maximum of 70 years. This, the absence of land inheritance, and the impossibility of generational land monopolisation, makes possible the extremely high home ownership rates in China (rural: roughly 90%; urban: roughly 80%) compared to other countries.

3) The bourgeois class, while necessary for development and allowed to exist, have no political power over the proletariate, and can not use their fortunes to influence policy, shape laws, or purchase the loyalty of politicians via lobbies and campaign contributions. The CPC is comprised almost entirely of working class representatives, extremely few capitalists. In the highest governing body, the National People’s Congress, there are 26 owners of private enterprises among 2600+ members (2018).

4) In Democratic Centralism, directly democratic decision making through elections proceeds from neighbourhood and local councils up to the National Congress, and from there and above are appointed by elected officials, according to merit. This combines the best of both democracy and meritocracy, while the dangers of both are checked by the other.

5) Never experienced the boom-bust cycles typical of capitalist economies in its 40 years of steady development at a rate of roughly 10% per year.

6) Bottom segments of Chinese society experienced 40% growth since 1979; bottom segments of USA during same period: 1%. If the USA is not a good comparison due to its drastic differences in history and position, a much better one is India, another post colonial nation developing during the same period, which actually transitioned to capitalism: exponentially more inequality, nearly no progress or even regress for the poorest segments of society.

7) CPC representatives are installed in every privately owned corporation, and oversee operations of all enterprises in the private sector. CEOs, capitalists, and the super wealthy are answerable to the state, and are not above the law.

8. 1.5 million capitalists and state officials punished for corruption since 2007, 17% of whom imprisoned or executed. Compare this to capitalist countries that always rewards the excesses and crimes of their elites, such as the Wall Street bankers whose excesses caused the 2008 global financial crash.

9) Very real problems created by economic infrastructure building with capitalist methods, such as uneven development, inequality, bad work conditions, corruption, pollution, etc. are clearly and repeatedly addressed publicly, and in no uncertain terms. Correctional policies addressing each of these problems have been implemented, and already have had significant results.

10) Foreign engagement is always mutually beneficial, guided by the millennia old policy of strict non-interference, in support of independent development of regions dominated by imperialism. The New Silk Road, or Belt and Road initiative, seeks to build an international brotherhood of former colonised nations, together in strength against capitalist hegemony and imperial domination.China:

1) Never privatised major industries such as energy or steel, which are all public owned. Compare this to the collapse of Yugoslavia, USSR, etc., which were all marked by an immediate devouring of major national industries by private entities: true transitions to capitalism.

2) Land remains collectivised, and leased to private persons or business entities for a maximum of 70 years. This, the absence of land inheritance, and the impossibility of generational land monopolisation, makes possible the extremely high home ownership rates in China (rural: roughly 90%; urban: roughly 80%) compared to other countries.

3) The bourgeois class, while necessary for development and allowed to exist, have no political power over the proletariate, and can not use their fortunes to influence policy, shape laws, or purchase the loyalty of politicians via lobbies and campaign contributions. The CPC is comprised almost entirely of working class representatives, extremely few capitalists. In the highest governing body, the National People’s Congress, there are 26 owners of private enterprises among 2600+ members (2018).

4) In Democratic Centralism, directly democratic decision making through elections proceeds from neighbourhood and local councils up to the National Congress, and from there and above are appointed by elected officials, according to merit. This combines the best of both democracy and meritocracy, while the dangers of both are checked by the other.

5) Never experienced the boom-bust cycles typical of capitalist economies in its 40 years of steady development at a rate of roughly 10% per year.

6) Bottom segments of Chinese society experienced 40% growth since 1979; bottom segments of USA during same period: 1%. If the USA is not a good comparison due to its drastic differences in history and position, a much better one is India, another post colonial nation developing during the same period, which actually transitioned to capitalism: exponentially more inequality, nearly no progress or even regress for the poorest segments of society.

7) CPC representatives are installed in every privately owned corporation, and oversee operations of all enterprises in the private sector. CEOs, capitalists, and the super wealthy are answerable to the state, and are not above the law.

8. 1.5 million capitalists and state officials punished for corruption since 2007, 17% of whom imprisoned or executed. Compare this to capitalist countries that always rewards the excesses and crimes of their elites, such as the Wall Street bankers whose excesses caused the 2008 global financial crash.

9) Very real problems created by economic infrastructure building with capitalist methods, such as uneven development, inequality, bad work conditions, corruption, pollution, etc. are clearly and repeatedly addressed publicly, and in no uncertain terms. Correctional policies addressing each of these problems have been implemented, and already have had significant results.

10) Foreign engagement is always mutually beneficial, guided by the millennia old policy of strict non-interference, in support of independent development of regions dominated by imperialism. The New Silk Road, or Belt and Road initiative, seeks to build an international brotherhood of former colonised nations, together in strength against capitalist hegemony and imperial domination.




Seriously lad I'm old and arthritic all I can contribute to the cause on my hours off work is theory so surely there's a Nepalese parliamentarian who has written some useful texts


I'm serious anything by the Maoist party members or even the royal who went full bolshie and executed the royal family personally



1) Never privatised major industries such as energy or steel, which are all public owned. Compare this to the collapse of Yugoslavia, USSR, etc., which were all marked by an immediate devouring of major national industries by private entities: true transitions to capitalism.

2) Land remains collectivised, and leased to private persons or business entities for a maximum of 70 years. This, the absence of land inheritance, and the impossibility of generational land monopolisation, makes possible the extremely high home ownership rates in China (rural: roughly 90%; urban: roughly 80%) compared to other countries.

3) The bourgeois class, while necessary for development and allowed to exist, have no political power over the proletariate, and can not use their fortunes to influence policy, shape laws, or purchase the loyalty of politicians via lobbies and campaign contributions. The CPC is comprised almost entirely of working class representatives, extremely few capitalists. In the highest governing body, the National People’s Congress, there are 26 owners of private enterprises among 2600+ members (2018).

4) In Democratic Centralism, directly democratic decision making through elections proceeds from neighbourhood and local councils up to the National Congress, and from there and above are appointed by elected officials, according to merit. This combines the best of both democracy and meritocracy, while the dangers of both are checked by the other.

5) Never experienced the boom-bust cycles typical of capitalist economies in its 40 years of steady development at a rate of roughly 10% per year.

6) Bottom segments of Chinese society experienced 40% growth since 1979; bottom segments of USA during same period: 1%. If the USA is not a good comparison due to its drastic differences in history and position, a much better one is India, another post colonial nation developing during the same period, which actually transitioned to capitalism: exponentially more inequality, nearly no progress or even regress for the poorest segments of society.

7) CPC representatives are installed in every privately owned corporation, and oversee operations of all enterprises in the private sector. CEOs, capitalists, and the super wealthy are answerable to the state, and are not above the law.

8. 1.5 million capitalists and state officials punished for corruption since 2007, 17% of whom imprisoned or executed. Compare this to capitalist countries that always rewards the excesses and crimes of their elites, such as the Wall Street bankers whose excesses caused the 2008 global financial crash.

9) Very real problems created by economic infrastructure building with capitalist methods, such as uneven development, inequality, bad work conditions, corruption, pollution, etc. are clearly and repeatedly addressed publicly, and in no uncertain terms. Correctional policies addressing each of these problems have been implemented, and already have had significant results.

10) Foreign engagement is always mutually beneficial, guided by the millennia old policy of strict non-interference, in support of independent development of regions dominated by imperialism. The New Silk Road, or Belt and Road initiative, seeks to build an international brotherhood of former colonised nations, together in strength against capitalist hegemony and imperial domination.


1) Never privatised major industries such as energy or steel, which are all public owned. Compare this to the collapse of Yugoslavia, USSR, etc., which were all marked by an immediate devouring of major national industries by private entities: true transitions to capitalism.

2) Land remains collectivised, and leased to private persons or business entities for a maximum of 70 years. This, the absence of land inheritance, and the impossibility of generational land monopolisation, makes possible the extremely high home ownership rates in China (rural: roughly 90%; urban: roughly 80%) compared to other countries.

3) The bourgeois class, while necessary for development and allowed to exist, have no political power over the proletariate, and can not use their fortunes to influence policy, shape laws, or purchase the loyalty of politicians via lobbies and campaign contributions. The CPC is comprised almost entirely of working class representatives, extremely few capitalists. In the highest governing body, the National People’s Congress, there are 26 owners of private enterprises among 2600+ members (2018).

4) In Democratic Centralism, directly democratic decision making through elections proceeds from neighbourhood and local councils up to the National Congress, and from there and above are appointed by elected officials, according to merit. This combines the best of both democracy and meritocracy, while the dangers of both are checked by the other.

5) Never experienced the boom-bust cycles typical of capitalist economies in its 40 years of steady development at a rate of roughly 10% per year.

6) Bottom segments of Chinese society experienced 40% growth since 1979; bottom segments of USA during same period: 1%. If the USA is not a good comparison due to its drastic differences in history and position, a much better one is India, another post colonial nation developing during the same period, which actually transitioned to capitalism: exponentially more inequality, nearly no progress or even regress for the poorest segments of society.

7) CPC representatives are installed in every privately owned corporation, and oversee operations of all enterprises in the private sector. CEOs, capitalists, and the super wealthy are answerable to the state, and are not above the law.

8. 1.5 million capitalists and state officials punished for corruption since 2007, 17% of whom imprisoned or executed. Compare this to capitalist countries that always rewards the excesses and crimes of their elites, such as the Wall Street bankers whose excesses caused the 2008 global financial crash.

9) Very real problems created by economic infrastructure building with capitalist methods, such as uneven development, inequality, bad work conditions, corruption, pollution, etc. are clearly and repeatedly addressed publicly, and in no uncertain terms. Correctional policies addressing each of these problems have been implemented, and already have had significant results.

10) Foreign engagement is always mutually beneficial, guided by the millennia old policy of strict non-interference, in support of independent development of regions dominated by imperialism. The New Silk Road, or Belt and Road initiative, seeks to build an international brotherhood of former colonised nations, together in strength against capitalist hegemony and imperial domination.


Of course Mr. "socialist" commodity production loves porky.


How do they fall for it every single time. Every single fucking time


I hate infantile ultras so much.


You forgot biggest poverty alleviation in human history


>Tries to make smug gotcha post to ebin pwn le ultras
<4 post agree, 1 shitpost
>*5 posts in* we..we.well that arkschually a quote by heckin stalerinooooololol I le pwn you leftypool!111!!
First as tragedy, then as dengposting.
Low effort gotchas should really be moved to >>>/siberia/


By "poverty alleviation" you mean the neoliberal metric of the IMF that has shit to do with actual poverty?


They naturally have their own metrics about this.


No, they don't. They use same metric of "extreme poverty".

Dengoids are always full of shit.


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>China defines extreme poverty as earning less than $2.30 a day at purchasing power parity. The World Bank's figure is a $1.90 a day, but that's generally for low-income countries.
No need to be mad bro.


So, same metric, but slightly bigger, lol. Funny how you posted this without any shame while pretending to be a marxist. You probably don't even understand what i am talking about, deng beetle.


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>use the same word
>its the same metric
Absolute state.


We need to protect our movement from naive utopians like you.


Yes, it is the same metric because it is a metric of income, not actual living standards. It's a capitalist bullshit to pretend that when you put a farmer living largely by subsistence farming into a factory on a wage while decreasing his living standards it's somehow "eliminating extreme poverty". This trick only works on people who don't understand shit about economics, statistics or both. Being above "extreme poverty" threshold doesn't even mean you are not starving ffs.


No need for this mental gymnastics. Just admit you were wrong and its not the mentric.


>socialism is when you earn 40 cents more than in capitalism
Fucking deng beetles


Nah, THIS is the power of dengism


<Turner and Deng met for about 45 minutes — a relatively short meeting when you take into account time for interpreters. Still, the meeting marked a turning point in the U.S.-China relationship. Deng and Turner agreed that their two countries would build and run spy stations in Western China to spy on the Soviet missile program, allowing the Americans to keep tabs on the Soviets, and for the Chinese to get technology they’d never had access to before.

<But before the CIA supplied the Chinese with the high-tech gear for the stations, they wanted even more confirmation to ensure that the Chinese would follow through on the agreement.

<A few months after Deng’s visit, a delegation from Congress traveled to China. Among them was Joe Biden, then the junior senator from Delaware.

<Fox Butterfield was The New York Times correspondent in China, the paper’s first to have access to the mainland run by the Communists. He recalls how Biden reached out and grabbed Deng’s hand to shake it.

<“I think that Deng was very perplexed, if not horrified,” Butterfield said. “But Biden grabbed his hand and flashed a big smile and somehow got through.”

<Biden asked Deng whether he’d really build the joint stations. And he got the confirmation the CIA needed: The stations were a go.


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based Deng BTFOing social imperialists


Doesn't work since nobody fell for it. Sad dengist word games.


When someone lives on subsistence farming you can still subscribe value to the stuff he produces.


But there would be zero INCOME. Are you pretending to be dumb?


nice one OP, you really showed those ultras who's boss


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n-nobody fell for it!

multiple people fell for it


Infracel socdem brainrot


>Anyone that exists outside their head is like [youtuber I don't like]
Are you sure you want to walk down this path?


>literally nobody produces the desired response and "fell for it"
Funny given how much seethe was generated from you when I attributed a hitler quote to Xi Jinping
Here is a (you) for your out of context di$ cord screencap "own"


like with me comparing Xi quotes on ancient Chinese socialism to Hitler and ancient German socialism?.Is that why you spammed reports on it until I got banned?
maybe don't be an npc and develop actual politics?


We should not look at liberalism as an ideology but a pathology.


>its not some dogmatic "the [x] are weak and inferior, but strong!" fascoid-type crap
oh noes!


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True Dengism predates Deng.


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>op tries to bait and switch
>too bad /leftypol/ actually read stalin
heh good thread

Classic, I've been meaning to 'shop Milley in there from Garrison's other comics but I'm late to the gym


Lenin was the original Dengist.


Why not make a v6 where you sprinkle a couple more histor-e-celebs up the top above…. who the fuck are He Zhao and Roderic Day?? No disrespect to them, but it feels against the spirit of the scroll. Chuck the "Get down to business!" quote up the top, or Marx rationalizing his bourgeois stock purchasing.

also add a yellow filter to parenti



China sure has a lot to learn business wise, I read in the New York Times that they are a semi feudal agrarian country where 20% of the people are literate. When everyone is educated and they'll be the biggest economy in the world I'm sure they won't need the capitalists anymore right?


noooooo you can't just allow private firms (not even of existing nationalized assets, just industry that is currently outside of the control of the state) to operate in order to capture and control them for only less than a decade (keeping in mind primitive technology of the time and existent ruin of the country from constant war and famine and interal sabotage and embargoe etc) because… you just can't okay!


how long has china been saying this now?


It's clear that no dengoid even read those works they like to cite. Why do you think that Lenin talks about "learning quickly"? Because if you allow capitalist relations for too long, you won't be socalist anymore. It's explained in exactly that works you are citing. And China poves it by rapidly privatizing remains of socialized factories and farms. Ffs they don't even have healthcare that isn't private anymore. Even european countries have more socialism in their economy right now.


No it didn't.



Are you saying socialism is when the government does stuff?


That's actually what socialism is/was¹q


No, it's when you decommodify and socialize something. Like public health services or public education. Lenin talked about that too.

Do you have anything of substance to respond to my post or are you just gonna deflect and project?


No you are disgusting.



Study Xi Jinping thought


Read a book


>like with me comparing Xi quotes on ancient Chinese socialism to Hitler and ancient German socialism?.Is that why you spammed reports on it until I got banned?
I only report nazis and never I have I reported someone else for funposting. Take your meds. I am the board's chief dengism shitposter, but I don't infringe on other people who also make fun of other socialist leaders.


Studying vacuum is the job of physicists. Kys deng beetle.


>other socialist leaders
If Xi and Deng are socialists then so is Biden and Hitler.


This is why no one takes you ultras seriously. You can't just go around calling leaders of the oppressed third world Hitler.


No, socialism is when a state has a socialized mode of production, which China does. Through the Chinese state, the Communist Party directs industry on behalf of the people before cold profits, leading to prosperity for all rather than a few coastal elites. Actually learn about socialism in practice before criticizing the CPC from your armchair


Xi is bad because he didn’t instantly press the communism button, clearly the only way the most powerful nations on earth after Russia can save itself is by listening to white westerners who obviously know better than those backwards Chinamen


So calling them Biden is allright? Ok, biden beetle


Start actually engaging with arguments in this thread instead of shitposting and i will.


Tell the class what you would do in Xi’s position and we’ll consider listening to you


that is a funny way to say you have no argument and you are trying to make political discussion into a battle of personal virtues which is ironic given the immaturity amd petty egotism necessary to attempt this fpr this long and with people evidently attempting to engage in politicsl discussion with you in good faith


>don't infringe on other people who also make fun of other socialist leaders.
right, only when they satirically attribute a hitler quote (socialism is an ancient Germanic tradition, our people traditionally worked the common weel blah blah) to your politics knower messiah xi jinping? Then you go completely karen and call for your janny bitches, but try (and fail) to do the same thing later?


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>How do they fall for it every single time. Every single fucking time
They can't resist the delicious bait


>literally not a single person fell for it


>I think China’s record speaks for itself
which is? which has spoken what?


How are any of these accomplishments you suggest accomplishments of "China"? Who/what is"China"?


>The greatest poverty reduction ever recorded?
Fake and gay



Legend says that the CIA uses this video to torture people


No actually I am asking you for specifics on these vague and undefined claims you are making which you very obviously are keeping nebullous because what you are doing this whole time is making feels based arguments to "support" previously established dogma of yours that you have decided is good or strong or potent or correct. Then when someone refutes a claim you make, you just ignore it or shift the goals posts. Because you don't care what the truth is, you just care about jerking yourself off to this little clique as the height of praxis. What do you even do when your done shitposting here? I have no illusions that political arguments here are very limited in scope of utility at best.


when deng beetle confronted with arguments, he deflects and flees and after some time relogs on leftypol to pretend he is a different person.

I fucking swear most of the shit threads about deng and china are made by a single schizo.


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The argument being "what is china"
Not even who you are replying to, just think you people have issues. You should work them out with yourself.


>I fucking swear most of the shit threads about deng and china are made by a single schizo
I'm the schizo


Im that schizo too.


Go back to /pol/ then


The social-chauvinist cries in pain as he hits you.


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>Then you go completely karen and call for your janny bitches
I literally did not report you. I did repost it (and even got b& for it) because I found the quote and attribution, i.e. the bait, endearing. I reposted it in good faith. Sorry that you're SOOOO crazy to think the world revolves around you. But there's at least two dedicated deng-flavored shitposters on leftypol.


You're actually retarded, aren't you?


check em xi


> implying China is oppressed and third world still


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The burgers worst nightmare


>China sure has a lot to learn business wise
Capitalists are supplying China the rope they need to hang the USA. Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.


real pork hours


>britain, australia and basically all of europe are socialist :)
Burger detected


>I only report nazis
Fuck off newfag


The CPC is not even revisionist, its full blown capitalist. In some ways even more so than the USA.(one post ip spam)


It's a bigger obstacle to the world going communist than burgerland is at this point.


This is just not true by any stretch of the imagination. China doesn’t exactly promote rightists worldwide outside of commercial ties over left wing movements. In India, Philippines, and Peru—the most anti-CPC parties at least—the U.S. is most responsible for suppressing these movements than the Chinese government is. Even in Nepal where the Chinese government did aid the monarchy over the revolutionaries, it was fairly limited. Now, this is more out of lack of caring and resources the US & Co have, but even now that’s still fairly limited outside of one example—Zimbabwe and the Chinese support against Mugabe.


You literally posted examples of China supporting rightist. I don't see how that disproves the charge that they have lost any commitment to revolutionary socialism.


You can never "disprove a charge" like that. As we can see all things contain within themselves light and darkness


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>I don't see how that disproves
Even liberals understand "burden of proof".


Absolute state.


What was the point was that the scale of damage is a whole lot less than the United States by a long shot.


i do not abide by lesser evil logic. I care about what is true and producing revolutionary theory to overthrow capitalism-imperialism in its entirety. The CPC are not revolutionary and do not aspire to be the country leading the wolrldwide revolution like the USSR at least had the facade of being.

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