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The older I get, the more I realize how based Khrushchev was.
>Oversaw the peak of Soviet prosperity
>Oversaw the growth of the socialist camp to its greatest extent
>Put down counter-revolutionaries
>Brought humanity into space
>Made Kennedy shit himself
What's not to love? Has there ever been a Soviet premier as successful?
185 posts and 37 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>Keep crying about it
Nope. I will keep exposing his lying ass instead


Stalin appreciation thread stopped getting new posts after antistalinists got BTFO in an argument there. Leftypol loves responding to bait and dumb posts


I am literally the last actual post in that thread


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>when you eliminate the existence of moral absolutes it means all the rape and pedophilia they do is okay because it's just "their culture"
Word for word something you'd find on PragerU. This is your brain on PatSoc.


Anus flag, is that you?


Didn't you copy this from the other kruschev thread that happened a while ago? With real manly hot-n-bulging cornposters?


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I am that very same cornposter, just thought I haven't popped in here to say hi in a while, might as well come remind people Cornman did nothing wrong


Other than not read enough


>atheist idealism



Hazites/Dugin fuckers are some of the dumbest people on earth. Motherfuckers don't even understand basic philosophy and get huffy and offended when you point out they don't even understand the shit they say.


>If pretending that views common to communists outside the Imperial Core is "bait" helps you sleep at night than go ahead

<If I project my beliefs onto the good demographic that makes me look like I'm right


>patsoc doesn't know what capitalism is


>I can quote him saying that Communism is not a set of criteria but rather the means by which we transform the current state of things.

Marx should have never said this, because it's become an excuse for every asshole to justify whatever dumb bullshit they want by going "trust the plan two more weeks" while handwaving away any deviation from generally agreed upon principles regarding what communism wants by going "uhhh well uhhhh fuck you it's not a state of affairs so you can't criticize me neener neener"


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Go ask your average prole outside the Imperial Core if he's religious or not, you might get a very surprising answer!

Atheism is idealist because by definition the lack of belief in a higher power necessitates either an infinite universe, which is impossible, or a universe that magicked itself into existence because it felt like it. Neither of these are scientific in the slightest. By contrast, recognition of a creator of the material world is an expression of materialism in its highest form and avoids the basic logical problems of atheism


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>the universe can't self-exist that's unscientific
>but god can


That's literally how God works, yes


what created god and why can't that property apply to the universe


>an infinite universe is impossible
Do you also deny the expansion of the universe and thus the big bang theory then?


>the space program that begun two years after Stalin's death
The Space program began during Stalin and rocket research began well before WW2. Tsiolkovsky ring a bell? The Soyuz rockets began as a project for the first ICBM and after that finished they decided that the USSR had the nuclear security to pursue more scientific space launches. Khruschev's contribution to this was minimal, it was possible at all because of the immense industrial and technological might of the USSR and the people having the education necessary to handle it. This came about as part of Stalin's policies of industrialization back in the 30s and the restorations of the late 40s.


>The Sheer STATE of tankie posters that an anarkat speaks in favor of Stalin.


>god is magic
<everything else is science
I hate this worldview


He pushed for corn.
Fuck corn. We have too much of it and it’s the reason why burgers are so fucking fat.


>>574690 (me)
I honestly prey that Vietnam prays our cornfields with agent orange. It will make my people lose weight.




That’s not what fucking idealism is. Holy shit.


Most "religious" people dont really believe anyway - its just cultural baggage. How many "muslims" or african "christians" are waiting til marriage for sex, or not blaspheming.
"God" is just something you remember when you are in trouble and you pray to him, but to the illiterate masses, he has no theology, he is just the man in heaven who saves you from death.


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Don't blame burger misuse of corn on the actual crop you dumb fucking retard


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I thought this dude was baiting, you can't tell me people in the year of our lord 5783 propagate the "first cause" bullshit completely uncritically


Because the universe has a beginning. God properly defined cannot have a beginning because God is the greatest conceivable being. Some atheist philosophers circumvent this by essentially stating that the universe created itself via time-related shenangians.
Anyhow the question of whether we have a creator or not is irrelevant. Even if we do have one its clear that this God resembles a cosmic supercomputer detached from human lives more than the benign Sky-father


Beria was a shifty SOB. The Soviets never did "successors", that's not how the system of balance of power worked. Remember Malenkov came before Cornman. Malenkov, Kaganovich, and Molotov were all in high positions and were theorized at the time to be General Secretary after Uncle Joe.


>creator properly defined cannot have beginning
oh really ? did he tell that to you himself


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you can't define god into existence via wordplay


you remind me of that Trot anon who just completely made up some wack ass historical fan fiction to justify his Makhno hateboner


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>executes that rightist scum Beria
>rehabilitates honest Communists executed by the torturers Yagoda, Yezhov, and Beria
>allows the return of the Chechens, Kalmyks, Balkars, Karachays, singlehandedly undoing the brutal genocides committed by Beria and Co.
Easily my favorite Soviet leader. People whine about "Whaa his campaign to farm virgin lands was too expensive" but the reality is that all you can point to moan about Comrade K are mere blunders compared to the new heights reached by Soviet power and the atonement of past catastrophes caused by your heroes like Stalin.


Why did he only allow certain ethnic groups to return? Why did he continue to block Crimean Tatars and Meskhetian Turks?




yeah lie about Stalin to gain power, splitting the world communist movements into multiple factions and retain power through coup.. easily a peoples hero🫡


He already had power by 1956 lole
And if anyone was trying to coup, it would be Molotov and friends trying to kick him out without going through the proper democratic bodies. It was Comrade K who stopped their attempted coup, and the party supported him against the Anti-Party Group.


Molotov, Beria, Malenkov. Kaganovich, Bulganin, Voroshilov.


>>allows the return of the Chechens, Kalmyks, Balkars, Karachays, singlehandedly undoing the brutal genocides committed by Beria and Co

hecking based wholesome chungus cornman letting fascists worm their way back into society when they should've died in exile (you forgot the Baltoid fash too mate)


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a very corntastic day to all



Odd how the Krushchev thread has more repetitions of fake news about stalin done by the likes of robert conquest, Montefiore and solzhenitsyn, weird how kruschevites keep getting infolved with far right ideologues to own mustache man.


Should the Russians have been genocided because of Vlasov?


ROA fags were killed yeah


So when are you gonna make the Yeltsin appreciation thread?


Even if everything Khrushchev said about Stalin was true and all the purges were justified, I dont see how it possibly could have been a good idea to undertake an overt campaign of "de-Stalinization." Continuity and legitemacy are crucial, I personally do not agree with the Dengist direction for the PRC at all but in a purely strategic sense the way they maintained continuity while turning so decisively away from Mao was really effective.


You can't skip the brow


She lied about her age and he had no reason to believe that she was under 18. She was the one to initiate the interaction, which was in the nsfw chat section of the fbi.gov he ran where other people would RP like this. After he learned her age he expressed shame and made a public apology. You are merely slandering the guy. He made an honest mistake and owned up to it. 0 percent sexual abuser. Completely innoffensive and "normal" behaviour. If anything this is a lesson for underage kids to stop pretending to be adults and try and engage in innapropriate activities with them. People stop fucking slandering everyone you disagree with politically with the worst personal attacks and accusations you can muster. I would say lefty public political figures stop being horny in public, but I mean it's part of being a human and it is unreasonable to expect every prominent lefty to completely sanitize their lives and personality in public, which can be alienating in and of itself.

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