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 [Last 50 Posts]

The older I get, the more I realize how based Khrushchev was.
>Oversaw the peak of Soviet prosperity
>Oversaw the growth of the socialist camp to its greatest extent
>Put down counter-revolutionaries
>Brought humanity into space
>Made Kennedy shit himself
What's not to love? Has there ever been a Soviet premier as successful?


You gotta give it to him
Especially banging his shoe on the table and saying we will bury you
Pity he didn't read or write good


>Oversaw the peak of Soviet prosperity
Just riding the wave of Stallins successful policies
>Oversaw the growth of the socialist camp to its greatest extent
Just riding the wave of Stallins successful policies
>Put down counter-revolutionaries
He also put down revolutionaries so cancels out
>Brought humanity into space
Just riding the wave of Stallins successful policies
>Made Kennedy shit himself
weoooww so based

so yea good for nothing corn man.. more like con man lmao


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Yeah, the space program that begun two years after Stalin's death was totally his merit kek. Stalinoid delusion knows no bounds if they cannot comprehend linear time, and have to cope by crediting their mustache daddy with shit he didn't do. Khrushchev was objectively the best Soviet premier by all possible metrics, cry about it


>>Oversaw the peak of Soviet prosperity
Brezhnev period was the peak
>>Oversaw the growth of the socialist camp to its greatest extent
Stalin and Beria doing a gamer moment after ww2.
>>Put down counter-revolutionaries
Every soviet leader with the exception of Gorbachev did this, so it's up to standard.
>>Brought humanity into space
>>Made Kennedy shit himself
actual points to Krussy over here lmao.

>Yeah, the space program that begun two years after Stalin's death was totally his merit kek
the program that used ICBM rockets developed under Stalin ?, guess corn man just waved at corn a rocked just appeared.
you can say he had part in it, but giving all to Khruschev is delusional.


>Khrushchev loving tank poster is back

You forgot the part where he destroyed communist unity.


Stalin already did that


Was Khrushchev even that much of a revisionist? Didn't he oversee major achievements in the Soviet Union?


Stalin alienated a handful of Trots and leftcoms. Khruschev initiated a severe split in the remaining Soviet-aligned communist movement, which was the vast majority of it. What he did was far more damaging, especially since it came at a time of high morale for the movement after WW2 and in the wake of Soviet rebuilding.


Didn't happen.


I'm not speaking in favour of Khrushchev but Stalin completely destroyed international proletarian solidarity through the popular front policy alone. How eager do you think chicago steel workers were to join in with the CPUSA when moscow was telling the CPUSA to dedicate their resources to helping the democrats, the same democrats who were also gunning down those same workers.


Reminder Khrushchev gave Soviet military equipment to Pepsi co because he couldn't pay for it with vodka exports anymore


What's not to appreciate about the man who murdered Stalin, framed Beria, destroyed the unity of the Communist world, and enacted a genocidal plan to starve Russians out of petty racism due to being a hohol ultranationalist? At least he's not a heckin tankie am I right?


>I'm not speaking in favour of Khrushchev but Stalin completely destroyed international proletarian solidarity through the popular front policy alone
How exactly did that destroy international solidarity?
>How eager do you think chicago steel workers were to join in with the CPUSA when moscow was telling the CPUSA to dedicate their resources to helping the democrats,
CPUSA membership peaked during the popular front period though.


That was in the 80's


>How exactly did that destroy international solidarity?
It completely split communist parties between those who followed the comintern line and those who recognised how detrimental it is to labour organising. Read hammer and hoe to see how detached the comintern was to the working class, especially sharecroppers in the south who saw right through the cominterns bullshit. International solidarity was essentially destroyed for the sake of soviet realpolitik
>CPUSA membership peaked during the popular front period though.
And yet at the same time rank and file organising steadily declined when that policy was adopted.


Stalin didn't help Greek communists, fucked up twice in Poland (first in 1920 and second when the Warsaw uprising happened) creating a reactionary nation, gave up East Austria, gave up Soviet Japan, support the KMT over the CPC, disbanded the International and was high on Socialism in One Country. Had he had the balls, he would've went the Deng route and accepted that he must succumb to capitalism but no, he decided to rename things and we got socialist commodity production. For all the merits one can attribute to Stalin, both theoretical and practical, he had major drawbacks. In the final analysis, Stalin was 30% bad and 70% good.


>he would've went the Deng route and accepted that he must succumb to capitalism
Economic problems in the USSR is 100 pages of stalin dressing up capitalism with marxist prose


Stalin completely buried Marxism with the Response to Yaroshenko alone. I don't get how people can read that book and not turn more Bordigist than Bordiga


>30% bad and 70% good.
If you were to reverse those numbers I'd agree


Unironically based and leninpilled


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Right, whereas Stalin's opportunistic zig-zagging united the world proletariat. Cry about it


M8 the word tankie literally originated from something he did. He was the original tankie.


A Falangist and a Ukrop fascist, name a more iconic duo


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The Sino-Soviet split was Mao's fault, not this guy's


The decision to cut ties with the USSR was going way too far, but there were legitimate grievances the Chinese had with the Soviets.


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Literally none of the things you mentioned are real. The "genocidal plan to starve Russians out of petty racism" alone tells you where this dude is coming from
>At least he's not a heckin tankie am I right?
Tankie is a title of honor. None of you retards are worthy of it.


Cuckchev withdraw all Soviet scientist and technical/industrialization aid which led directly to the GLF and Cultural Revolution as China started to flounder trying to figure out how the hell they were supposed to industrialize and progress without Soviet scientific aid. I place at least 70% of the blame on the Soviet side for the split tbh. The socialist bloc would still be in existence if China hadn't been thrown to the curb like a used whore by the Soviets and then had to go begging the US to exploit their labor force so they could start developing.


The Communist movement was at its peak circa 1950.


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Alright you got me, I feel hook line and sinker for bait


>Tankie is a title of honor.
the reverse hoxhaist


Yes I'm sure the scheme to force farming collectives to grow corn in places where corn couldn't possibly grow due to soil issues and throwing out all of Lysenko's contributions in favor of reverting to bourgeois pseudoscience was totally harmless and imaginary…NOT. Literally the reason the Black Book of Communism people were able to conjure up so many deaths and attribute them to the "Holodomor" was due to the actual mass famine that happened under Khrushchev


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And who was behind Stalin at that time?


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I think it peaked circa 1953, personally


Beria was behind Stalin and was meant to be his successor


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>throwing out all of Lysenko's contributions in favor of reverting to bourgeois pseudoscience
pic related

The stalinoid once again shows his monarchist tendencies.


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Shit-talk corn one more time and I'll come to your house and behead you


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They're certainly both alike in sexing underage girls


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>The stalinoid once again shows his monarchist tendencies.
Every time


>Cuckchev withdraw all Soviet scientist and technical/industrialization aid
Of course that's bad, but it doesn't justify entirely dissolving the Sino-Soviet alliance, breaking off diplomatic relations, etc. Each escalation of the split was a mistake and unjustified, since it only further damaged relations and eliminated possibility of repairing them. Both China and the USSR did their fair share of escalations.


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"When Stalin was alive, everything was going well in the Soviet Union. But after Khrushchev came to power, things started to go wrong. Modern revisionism appeared in the Soviet Party and the Soviet people began to suffer from ideological diseases. He forgot the care his leader had taken in his upbringing: he vilified Stalin under the pretext of the cult of personality, expelled all senior revolutionaries loyal to Stalin from the Political Bureau of the Party and stripped them of their Party membership. Once, while visiting the Lenin Mausoleum, Rim Chun Chu met Molotov on Red Square in Moscow after his dismissal. Molotov advised him to faithfully carry forward the ideology and achievements of his leader without succumbing to revisionism, taking into account the precedent of the Soviet Party. At that time, Rim Chun Chu understood very well that if the question of succession was not properly resolved, both the revolution and the Party would perish. As the bitter lessons of history have taught us, the essential quality of a successor is loyalty and moral duty to the leader and his cause. Loyalty to the leader cannot be separated from moral obligation. Loyalty to the leader and moral duty are the first and most important qualities a successor must possess."


Krushchev was also a pedophile tho, he just killed and dissolved the kids into soup and threw in the sewer.
I am the source, and i am just as viridical as Krussy doing his spergout with no proof about Beria


There are no written records of such activity, which is to be expected in Stalin’s opacity-obsessed junta, but Beria’s pedophilia was something of an open secret in Russia.


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Nationalist anti-Marxist hating on a committed communist, a tale as old as time.


All of your bullshit wont change the fact that Beria and Stalin are in heaven and Khrushchev is burning in hell

A state needs a helmsman, dipshit. This is basic politics. Or do you think crude populism and elections should have decided the leader of the USSR?


Even Stakhanov's daughter confessed that her mom was almost raped by him, and Stalin told his daughters not to get close to him. Everyone knew he was a rapist, the only people who dispute it are sex pests themselves or avid fans of other sex pests like Finbol.


>A state needs a helmsman
A bourgeois state, yes.


Is this guy actually fucking defending beria


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>committed communist


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Stalinoid outright revealing his internalized religious outlook, never have I been less surprised.


At least he was not Brezhnev.


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I know this is a bait but saying shit about Khrushchev fire me up so gonna take the bait happily anyway lol


Cope harder, Stalin is regarded as a saint by most Russians and the proletariat at large is overwhelmingly religious. It's the financial bourgeoisie and PMC class that pushes atheist idealism as a way of normalizing bourgeois cultural hedonism, when you eliminate the existence of moral absolutes it means all the rape and pedophilia they do is okay because it's just "their culture"


>beria is in heaven


Not gonna lie, you had me in the first half. Good bait, but too long and loses the point. 5/10


What the actual fuck are you on about, is this a bit?


>you need pedophile priests to tell you whats right and wrong otherwise you will start raping and killing people


>one Stalinist is religious
>this is proof that every stalinist is religious yaaay
This is what supporting Khrushchev does to ur brain


It just sounds like a haz transcript


Those would be Catholics, not Orthodox Christianity

If pretending that views common to communists outside the Imperial Core is "bait" helps you sleep at night than go ahead

Dont compare me with that idiot, Haz is a grifter playing a character and openly supports American imperialism but cloaked in communist sloganeering


>If pretending that views common to communists outside the Imperial Core is "bait" helps you sleep at night than go ahead
What you said was genuinely schizophrenic


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Isn't it weird how the biggest Stalin fanatics are old conservative religious boomers?


You are an idealist, nonetheless


Being regarded as a saint in bourgeois Russia is an insult, not an honor
>It's the financial bourgeoisie and PMC class that pushes atheist idealism as a way of normalizing bourgeois cultural hedonism, when you eliminate the existence of moral absolutes it means all the rape and pedophilia they do is okay because it's just "their culture"
Weird Dostoyevsky quote


>If pretending that views common to communists outside the Imperial Core is "bait" helps you sleep at night than go ahead
It is imperative to recognize the potential misguidance in assuming that specific views are universally shared by communists beyond the confines of the Imperial Core. We must understand that within the broad spectrum of those who identify themselves as communists, there exists substantial divergence in political beliefs and ideological inclinations. We must refrain from making sweeping generalizations and grasp the fact that a multitude of perspectives thrive within any political ideology. The richness of thought and diversity within our ranks should be embraced and acknowledged.


You think there are no religious prols ?


They are lumpen


Most of the working class believes in religion, but that doesn't matter


Russia isn't "bourgeois" any more than China is you fucking pseud


They're both capitalist nations


Most of the working class is lumpen


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Sure there are, but it's not something Communists endorse. Communists know that "to call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions. The criticism of religion is, therefore, in embryo, the criticism of that vale of tears of which religion is the halo. "
Being regarded as saintly by a bourgeois institution, on the other hand, should be the absolute most horrifying thing to happen to a communist, and I'm sure Stalin himself would agree.


China isn't


Agreed, they both are


No they're not, the lumpen is a minority usually criminals and the habitually unemployed
yes it is


no it's not, don't reply futher ultra


I'm defining lumpen as counter revolutionary proles. Most of the working class is lumpen


It's capitalist no matter how much you think it isn't


i said do not reply further, ultra


Most of the working class is also fiercely patriotic, and probably believes in some form of "rich people deserve their wealth because they work hard" too. But just like religion, they are mere illusions, the task of a communist is to dispel them, not to appeal to them.


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>defending beria
do slatinoids really?


China is a true proletariat state. The bourgeois relations of capitalism are being broken down worldwide by the Chinese this moment




I unironically think this. The main current contradiction is unequal exchange and imperialism. If the Third World gets industrialized, the West cannot exploit them anymore and capitalism fails. This is exactly the Confucianist-Leninist tactic the CPC follows.

Stalinoids and censorship, love to see it!


You should read the 18th Brumaire. Lumpen proletariat refers to propertyless wage labourers who are incapable of reaching class consciousness because they fundamentally don't get wages like the normal working class does. This primarily refers to the habitually unemployed and criminals which is why it's funny to see it applied to the girls in this post. They're useful to the state and the bourgeoisie since they can be used as hired thugs and fulfil roles like scabs and strikebreakers or members of paramilitaries, so it's really funny to see people call religious workers lumpen proletariat when the term is far more applicable to people like kkk members who are deputised so they can lynch organising black sharecroppers or foot soldiers of mafia families that union bust or unemployed soldiers who join paramilitary wings of groups like the blackshirts, brownshirts and the french gardes mobiles during the revolutions of 1848.
You can't "educate" anyone to have consciousness, class consciousness is not something you introduce from the outside into the class, but something it may or may not acquire in its own experience. You don't reason someone into becoming radical in pseudo-religious messianic ways, claiming to have some secret knowledge.

>Hence, nothing prevents us from making criticism of politics, participation in politics, and therefore real struggles, the starting point of our criticism, and from identifying our criticism with them. In that case we do not confront the world in a doctrinaire way with a new principle: Here is the truth, kneel down before it! We develop new principles for the world out of the world’s own principles. We do not say to the world: Cease your struggles, they are foolish; we will give you the true slogan of struggle. We merely show the world what it is really fighting for, and consciousness is something that it has to acquire, even if it does not want to.

Karl Marx, Letter to Ruge, 1843

>Both for the production on a mass scale of this communist consciousness, and for the success of the cause itself, the alteration of men on a mass scale is, necessary, an alteration which can only take place in a practical movement, a revolution; this revolution is necessary, therefore, not only because the ruling class cannot be overthrown in any other way, but also because the class overthrowing it can only in a revolution succeed in ridding itself of all the muck of ages and become fitted to found society anew.

Karl Marx/Friedrich Engels, The German Ideology, 1845

Class consciousness is something the proletariat has to acquire during it's struggle against capital by itself, it isn't something to be spread by an outside group of "educated ones".


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>The bourgeois relations of capitalism are being broken down worldwide by the Chinese this moment
True, in the sense they are bringing about their own gravediggers
>China is a true proletariat state.


>when you dont know what capitalism is


Can you show me how the chinese are abolishing private property and commodity production?


In the modern day, I don't see many hobos being paid by capitalists to break strikes or any of that in modern actually developed countries.

How exactly are the criminals and hobos pawns of the capitalists against the working class, in the modern day?


I know what it is, you don't if you think china is socialist


Study Xi Jinping Thought


image with no source, why not post the structure in 2023?


Maybe thats because china has turned farms into shitty urban centers for venture capitalists to speculate in


>communism is when no private property and no commodity production
I fucking hate ultras


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Janny NKVD won't save you now


I his first book and its just a collection is speeches talking about stocks and markets


What is communism then?


>I don't see many hobos being paid by capitalists to break strikes or any of that in modern actually developed countries.
Probably because the modern police apparatus of first world nations has developed to the point where this is not that needed.
>How exactly are the criminals and hobos pawns of the capitalists against the working class, in the modern day?
It's common in developing nations, see iran and how the state armed islamic fundamentalist gangs to go around to beat and kill workers.


>government owns the means of production via the Party and the National Bourgeoisie on behalf of the working class, in line with Mao's writings

>Will it be possible for private property to be abolished at one stroke? No, no more than existing forces of production can at one stroke be multiplied to the extent necessary for the creation of a communal society.
Engels was calling out you left-anticommunists hundreds of years ago


Livestream your suicide


So people like the proud boys are the modern day lumpen


Whatever China is doing is Socialism.


You did not read the book


Communism isn't a set of criteria to be reached, but the means by which the present state of things is transformed into an optimized form, in this case being a state that serves the masses in return for the masses serving it as a unified organism


so true bestie


How is that coup of yours against the wishes of the party and people huh ? dictator cornman to the rescue


>Engels was calling out you left-anticommunists hundreds of years ago
You should read the rest of the text you quoted
> Will it be possible for this revolution to take place in one country alone?

>No. By creating the world market, big industry has already brought all the peoples of the Earth, and especially the civilized peoples, into such close relation with one another that none is independent of what happens to the others.

>Further, it has co-ordinated the social development of the civilized countries to such an extent that, in all of them, bourgeoisie and proletariat have become the decisive classes, and the struggle between them the great struggle of the day. It follows that the communist revolution will not merely be a national phenomenon but must take place simultaneously in all civilized countries – that is to say, at least in England, America, France, and Germany.

>It will develop in each of these countries more or less rapidly, according as one country or the other has a more developed industry, greater wealth, a more significant mass of productive forces. Hence, it will go slowest and will meet most obstacles in Germany, most rapidly and with the fewest difficulties in England. It will have a powerful impact on the other countries of the world, and will radically alter the course of development which they have followed up to now, while greatly stepping up its pace. It is a universal revolution and will, accordingly, have a universal range.



Overworking sweat shop slaves into building iphones because you depend on western commerce is socialism?
Why do people hate amazon if its the same basic structure? At least in the west they give you enough to live.


can you quote marx saying that communism is when the working class serves the needs of the state?


So paying taxes into public services is socialism?


>muh sweatshops
good god you're a liberal as well


>owns the means of production via the Party and the National Bourgeoisie on behalf of the working class, in line with Mao's writings
I have no clue how you could have typed this out without realizing how retarded it is or how much of a "communist" Mao was
>Engels quote
Nobody says to abolish anything at one stroke, he demolishes dengoids in Anti-Duhring if he and marks haven't already in the Gothakritik. China does not plan on doing away with anything at any stroke, what you see now is what you'll see in 2050.


And it didn't, there's this thing called "multipolarity" you might want to read about. Also Engels sadly underestimated the natural reactionary tendencies of Romano-Germanic peoples on account of his own upbringing, so it's not too surprising he'd make this oversight. Regardless, this observation has proven to be false, where as the text I quoted earlier has proven to be true. Dont be a dogmatist and actually do the research


The speech demonstrates Xi Jinping Praxis and outlines the Future of Socialism in China



>Overworking sweat shop slaves into building iphones because you depend on western commerce is socialism?
This is 2023. Those are not true anymore. Update urself


Why do I keep falling for bait fuck my life




I can quote him saying that Communism is not a set of criteria but rather the means by which we transform the current state of things. Ideology as with all things is not defined by the dusty books and pens of philosophers, but ultimately by action. Marx understood this and was setting the stage for those with the necessary willpower to act on the communist idea and turn it into a material force with a defined structure, which is what Lenin and Stalin did. Ideology in practice means infinitely more than whatever someone wrote.


>the more commodities we produce for the free market, the more socialister it is


Finbol is a sex pervert and literally nothing the proposes in that video is true. If you get your history from youtube, you have the intellectual capacity of a tadpole


How exactly should the Chinese communists be running their country?


yes? the supply increases, so the prices get lower, things are affordable and the proletariat can do gig works on the side and collect funkopops the rest of the time. quantity has a quality of its own.


>socialism is when no commodities and everyone lives in poverty


>Finbol is a sex pervert
I think you meant Beria.


>no commodities means everyone lives in poverty
Hello neoliberal


Ad hominem after Ad hominem. Never addresses the argument. Average Khruschevite be like


It seems to be something of a trend


>I can quote him saying that Communism is not a set of criteria but rather the means by which we transform the current state of things
And a "a state that serves the masses in return for the masses serving it as a unified organism" is not transforming the current state of things, that is just the present state of things. Private property and the state do not exist in socialism


You are just an armchair purist. One of the reasons west will never have a successful revolution anytime soon.


Also communism is not a ideology



There is no argument. All Finbol says is that Stalin's death was sussy SO OBVIOUSLY CORNMAN KILLED HIM!!!! Beria was accused of fucked up shit the moment he was no longer immune SO OBVIOUSLY CORNMAN FRAMED HIM!!!!!! It's deranged, and nothing but conjecture. The fact that Finbol is a piece of shit doesn't help make it more convincing, either.


So the ussr wasn't socialist


No it wasn't


redpill me on finbol being a pervert


it was social-democrat


You're all utopian cucks.


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Me when I find whoever turned this thread into a dengoid shitfest


>The fact that Finbol is a piece of shit doesn't help make it more convincing, either
I am convinced though
>All Finbol says is that Stalin's death was sussy
very sussy infact


He did gulag sex roleplay with an underage chick. Average Stalinoid


>I am convinced though
Because you are gullible as shit


You're a liberal


If corn man was so based why did he piss his pants at stalingrad?


It was me. Until all of reddit is dengist I shall not stop my mission.




Average Krushevite only betrays socialism and purges revolutionaries… am I right comrade ? 😘


nice word filter mods


The chinese working class should overthrow the state and seize the means of production


Google "Finbol gulag roleplay" and you can find out yourself. Shit was like 5 years ago or something


why would the chinese proletariat destroy the chinese dotp? dumb ultra

it's really weird you're this obsessed with a fringe yt personality


says a gulible cornman lover


They already did


Utopian neckbeard


No they didn't, a peasant bourgeoisie revolution occurred after which the working class was still oppressed and exploited


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If making shit up makes you feel better, you're free to do so. The reality is that Khrushchev USSR was peak USSR and none of your crying will change that




On New Democracy


>the ultra denounce AES in favor of left-com delusion
nothing new here


>it's really weird you're this obsessed with a fringe yt personality
Maybe people should stop bringing up his retarded bullshit video as fact then


Chinese history, you can also read maos theory and see that a big part of it was him bullshitting that the peasantry is a revolutionary class. Also they just freely admitted it.
>2. Protect the industrial, commercial, agricultural and livestock enterprises of the national bourgeoisie. All privately owned factories, shops, banks, warehouses, vessels, wharves, farms, livestock farms and other enterprises will without exception be protected against any encroachment. It is hoped that workers and employees in all occupations will maintain production as usual and that all shops will remain open as usual.


you should do the same with the alleged secret speech (which only exists due to polish 🤢 delegates)


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>he reality is that Khrushchev USSR was peak USSR
Yeah of course, thats bcuz after that USSR went downhill cuz of the bullshit reactionary ideas he spread and rectionaries he brought into positions of power


so you're saying that deng was correct?


I'm saying that china is capitalist and bourgeois


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The only people bringing up the Secret Speech are the Stalinoids upset that Khrushchev simply said what needed to be said


Elaborate on every single one of those claims


liar liar pants on fire


Remind yourselves of this basic fact.
Deng's China is marching to be the world's leading superpower.
Kruschev's Union could not even exist for 20th years until he got kicked for being a Cringe dictator in every level
One leader brought China to Superpower status and is subjugating the capitalist world order
The other is liked by sects in the corner of the nets that rival anarcho-primitivists, and is less remembered by the guy that replaced him in his nation.
Reject failures like Kruschevism.
Embrace success of Dengism.


God i love being a capitalist nationalist and still pretending to be a communist


China cannot overthrow the US with simple economic expansion



We know, Khrushchevite.


I'm not a Khrushchevite lmao


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Remind yourselves of this basic fact.
Wilhelm II's Germany is marching to be the world's leading superpower.
Paris Commune couldn't even last a couple months without completely failing
One party brought Socialism to mainstream success and is subjugating the capitalist world order
The other is liked by sects like that Ulyanov bloke and various anti-democratic terrorists
Reject failures like Marxism.
Embrace success of Lassallism-Kautskyism.


Death to Khrushchev and his revisionism


Holy fuck bro this is meant to convince me and not make me haul your britbong ass into the nearest dumpster?


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Numbers don't lie


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Ad hominem again
>youtube video says earth is not flat
>youtube video says India is a country
>"youtube says it so must be false haha"


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>youtube says it so must be false haha


>Numbers don't lie
They can be used to lie, exactly like Khruschev


conflating mediums with the message
this is exactly what you do when you hail khrushcow (the medium) when he said stail bad (the message)


Damn I should have thought of this. Sorry man


>Sorry man
Its okay mistakes do happen, what matters is you correct it


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Keep crying about it
>It’s a pity, of course, that your mother is dead, but maybe it’s lucky for her that she can’t see how her son is spending his time.


>Keep crying about it
Nope. I will keep exposing his lying ass instead


Stalin appreciation thread stopped getting new posts after antistalinists got BTFO in an argument there. Leftypol loves responding to bait and dumb posts


I am literally the last actual post in that thread


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>when you eliminate the existence of moral absolutes it means all the rape and pedophilia they do is okay because it's just "their culture"
Word for word something you'd find on PragerU. This is your brain on PatSoc.


Anus flag, is that you?


Didn't you copy this from the other kruschev thread that happened a while ago? With real manly hot-n-bulging cornposters?


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I am that very same cornposter, just thought I haven't popped in here to say hi in a while, might as well come remind people Cornman did nothing wrong


Other than not read enough


>atheist idealism



Hazites/Dugin fuckers are some of the dumbest people on earth. Motherfuckers don't even understand basic philosophy and get huffy and offended when you point out they don't even understand the shit they say.


>If pretending that views common to communists outside the Imperial Core is "bait" helps you sleep at night than go ahead

<If I project my beliefs onto the good demographic that makes me look like I'm right


>patsoc doesn't know what capitalism is


>I can quote him saying that Communism is not a set of criteria but rather the means by which we transform the current state of things.

Marx should have never said this, because it's become an excuse for every asshole to justify whatever dumb bullshit they want by going "trust the plan two more weeks" while handwaving away any deviation from generally agreed upon principles regarding what communism wants by going "uhhh well uhhhh fuck you it's not a state of affairs so you can't criticize me neener neener"


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Go ask your average prole outside the Imperial Core if he's religious or not, you might get a very surprising answer!

Atheism is idealist because by definition the lack of belief in a higher power necessitates either an infinite universe, which is impossible, or a universe that magicked itself into existence because it felt like it. Neither of these are scientific in the slightest. By contrast, recognition of a creator of the material world is an expression of materialism in its highest form and avoids the basic logical problems of atheism


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>the universe can't self-exist that's unscientific
>but god can


That's literally how God works, yes


what created god and why can't that property apply to the universe


>an infinite universe is impossible
Do you also deny the expansion of the universe and thus the big bang theory then?


>the space program that begun two years after Stalin's death
The Space program began during Stalin and rocket research began well before WW2. Tsiolkovsky ring a bell? The Soyuz rockets began as a project for the first ICBM and after that finished they decided that the USSR had the nuclear security to pursue more scientific space launches. Khruschev's contribution to this was minimal, it was possible at all because of the immense industrial and technological might of the USSR and the people having the education necessary to handle it. This came about as part of Stalin's policies of industrialization back in the 30s and the restorations of the late 40s.


>The Sheer STATE of tankie posters that an anarkat speaks in favor of Stalin.


>god is magic
<everything else is science
I hate this worldview


He pushed for corn.
Fuck corn. We have too much of it and it’s the reason why burgers are so fucking fat.


>>574690 (me)
I honestly prey that Vietnam prays our cornfields with agent orange. It will make my people lose weight.




That’s not what fucking idealism is. Holy shit.


Most "religious" people dont really believe anyway - its just cultural baggage. How many "muslims" or african "christians" are waiting til marriage for sex, or not blaspheming.
"God" is just something you remember when you are in trouble and you pray to him, but to the illiterate masses, he has no theology, he is just the man in heaven who saves you from death.


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Don't blame burger misuse of corn on the actual crop you dumb fucking retard


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I thought this dude was baiting, you can't tell me people in the year of our lord 5783 propagate the "first cause" bullshit completely uncritically


Because the universe has a beginning. God properly defined cannot have a beginning because God is the greatest conceivable being. Some atheist philosophers circumvent this by essentially stating that the universe created itself via time-related shenangians.
Anyhow the question of whether we have a creator or not is irrelevant. Even if we do have one its clear that this God resembles a cosmic supercomputer detached from human lives more than the benign Sky-father


Beria was a shifty SOB. The Soviets never did "successors", that's not how the system of balance of power worked. Remember Malenkov came before Cornman. Malenkov, Kaganovich, and Molotov were all in high positions and were theorized at the time to be General Secretary after Uncle Joe.


>creator properly defined cannot have beginning
oh really ? did he tell that to you himself


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you can't define god into existence via wordplay


you remind me of that Trot anon who just completely made up some wack ass historical fan fiction to justify his Makhno hateboner


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>executes that rightist scum Beria
>rehabilitates honest Communists executed by the torturers Yagoda, Yezhov, and Beria
>allows the return of the Chechens, Kalmyks, Balkars, Karachays, singlehandedly undoing the brutal genocides committed by Beria and Co.
Easily my favorite Soviet leader. People whine about "Whaa his campaign to farm virgin lands was too expensive" but the reality is that all you can point to moan about Comrade K are mere blunders compared to the new heights reached by Soviet power and the atonement of past catastrophes caused by your heroes like Stalin.


Why did he only allow certain ethnic groups to return? Why did he continue to block Crimean Tatars and Meskhetian Turks?




yeah lie about Stalin to gain power, splitting the world communist movements into multiple factions and retain power through coup.. easily a peoples hero🫡


He already had power by 1956 lole
And if anyone was trying to coup, it would be Molotov and friends trying to kick him out without going through the proper democratic bodies. It was Comrade K who stopped their attempted coup, and the party supported him against the Anti-Party Group.


Molotov, Beria, Malenkov. Kaganovich, Bulganin, Voroshilov.


>>allows the return of the Chechens, Kalmyks, Balkars, Karachays, singlehandedly undoing the brutal genocides committed by Beria and Co

hecking based wholesome chungus cornman letting fascists worm their way back into society when they should've died in exile (you forgot the Baltoid fash too mate)


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a very corntastic day to all



Odd how the Krushchev thread has more repetitions of fake news about stalin done by the likes of robert conquest, Montefiore and solzhenitsyn, weird how kruschevites keep getting infolved with far right ideologues to own mustache man.


Should the Russians have been genocided because of Vlasov?


ROA fags were killed yeah


So when are you gonna make the Yeltsin appreciation thread?


Even if everything Khrushchev said about Stalin was true and all the purges were justified, I dont see how it possibly could have been a good idea to undertake an overt campaign of "de-Stalinization." Continuity and legitemacy are crucial, I personally do not agree with the Dengist direction for the PRC at all but in a purely strategic sense the way they maintained continuity while turning so decisively away from Mao was really effective.


You can't skip the brow


She lied about her age and he had no reason to believe that she was under 18. She was the one to initiate the interaction, which was in the nsfw chat section of the fbi.gov he ran where other people would RP like this. After he learned her age he expressed shame and made a public apology. You are merely slandering the guy. He made an honest mistake and owned up to it. 0 percent sexual abuser. Completely innoffensive and "normal" behaviour. If anything this is a lesson for underage kids to stop pretending to be adults and try and engage in innapropriate activities with them. People stop fucking slandering everyone you disagree with politically with the worst personal attacks and accusations you can muster. I would say lefty public political figures stop being horny in public, but I mean it's part of being a human and it is unreasonable to expect every prominent lefty to completely sanitize their lives and personality in public, which can be alienating in and of itself.

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