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/ukraine/ thread #117 - Leopards To Moscow Special


>⚡️Raytheon has decided to increase the production of its Patriot air defense systems to 12 units per year and plans to deliver another 5 units to Ukraine by the end of next year.


US is not sending Abrams, after seeing whats happening with their relatives

UKR attacks are getting a little further into the defensive lines, but not deep enough to really worry

>Bluntly, this looks to me like the Ukrainians have advanced into a planned kill zone, probably the first of many on the long road south.


even westoids admit it's over

Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine


Developments of multipolarity timeline https://www.pacemaker.global/multipolar-transition-timeline

Live maps and updates
>Nb: LiveUaMap is not to be trusted
SouthFront: https://southfront.org/category/all-articles/world/europe/ukraine/
Defense Politics Asia: https://www.youtube.com/@DefensePoliticsAsia
Andrei Martyanov: https://www.youtube.com/user/smoothieX12

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<adding Slavyangrad, why not
< I mean why? Dude is literally schizophrenic. I dont hate him, indeed I feel fopr him cause his daughter didnt deserve to be killed for damn sure & Dugin has his based USSR boomer moments but…
605 posts and 159 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


ben norton got sissy hypno'd


Based ZOKA


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I messed up. There was a news about him turning 100 years old and in my head it turned into news of him dying.

"I'm against the current thing".
> My government is corrupt and oppressive, so its enemies (Ukraine and NATO) must be good guys.
It's lighter version of tankies simping to any anti-western dictator because they're not satisfied with 14$/hour wage. On the other hand, ebanoe.it is the only site where I've seen not psychotic Ukrainians.


I'll assume that's bait and you're not actually a patronizing shitlib.


Why don't you list the battles that won Kherson, Kiev, and Kharkhov?


>It's lighter version of tankies simping to any anti-western dictator
Labor aristocrats uphold a capitalist structure, tankies do not. Tankies falsify the logic of democracy wars, which pretend to be opposed to dictatorship but really are just opposed to independent non-Western nations.


still mad about Gaddafi, huh


If you aren't, you're not a communist.


kek, they can't claim the reward.


most recent map has Ukraine back in control + substantial gains near Levadnoye
oh, and they haven’t even committed most of their reserves yet
and Russian commentators agree that the current attacks, being limited, are thus still probing/combat reconnaissance

face it, it’s over


You don't send main battle tanks into probing attacks that is what light armor is for that are far cheaper (and faster) to produce thus more expendable. What we are seeing is failed penetrations where Ukraine attempted to breakthrough but didn't get far enough to breakout into Russia's rear.


no it makes sense to lose half your leopards proooobing


Libya and the assault on Arab nationalism in general proves tankies right, the problem is an ongoing colonial assault on backward nations because of the believe a dictatorship over them upholds liberal democracy
>Bradleys and Leopards in a probing attack


Yeah I am actually. Kill yourself lib chomo


Tbf it was like 15 vehicles from the spammed images. Not exactly a large attack if you send in a single armored company or two. Only NAFOids were surprised that Western kit isn't IRL cheat codes and only ziggers think the offensive has been defeated. The battle will continue and Russian units will fight tooth and nail for every meter of ground as Ukraine grinds forward.


you do need heavy armor because a probing attack is still an attack, you try to make a minor breakthrough everywhere, and eventually commit to a particular direction

Ukraine hasn’t committed yet, so it’s still probing


This is the Bakhmut is stalling guy btw


The Ukrops sent in some of their most well equipped units, which by all accounts were being trained specifically to spearhead this offensive. As a result they've gotten mauled pretty badly. If these were probing attacks they wouldn't be sending the cream of the AFU, they'd be sending conscripts with Soviet tanks.


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That is not how the Warsaw Pact thought of probing attacks, you have heavy recon or mechanized infantry skirmish the enemy line, when the enemy attacks your line farther back will pound them. Warsaw Pact exercises found MBTs far too cumbersome to race back to friendly lines to be used in such skirmish missions while APCs and IFVs were far more nimble while having sufficient firepower, better optics to see what is going on and more expendable.


The next Ukrainian presidential election shall be held, per the Constitution of Ukraine, on the last Sunday of March[1] of the fifth year of the incumbent President's term of office, in Spring 2024. However, if a president's term in office ends prematurely, the election of a new president must take place within ninety days of the previous president leaving office.[2][3] The first round is expected to take place on the last Sunday of March, which falls on 31 March 2024. If no candidate receives an absolute majority, the second round is then expected to take place 3 weeks after the first, on 21 April 2024. These are the same days as the previous presidential election held on 31 March and 21 April 2019.[4][5]


Zelenskyyyyyyy will def win. NATO can’t allow for the questions that would arise if he did not


bakhmut status?


What are you talking about? Are you making up fanfic so you can feel like you won an argument I'm not even a part of?


Bakhmut status?


I have no idea what you are talking about, why are you doing this? The actual troll who you were arguing with is probably laughing at us both. If you cant see posts by IP you probably shouldn't try and use your shoddy analytical skills.




nta, but..
…bakhmut status?


boils my blood to see what they did to Lybia.


Damn… for as great as Gaddafi was, he still didn't have the brains to understand that he shouldn't have opposed the only actual superpower on earth. Crazy. Ah well.


We laugh but this is what NATOcels actually believe


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And they're not wrong. The dude talked awfully tough for being within dronestrike range. I hope every world leader got to watch his final moments, crying and screaming while being sodomized with a bayonet.

At the very least, I know Kim Jong-Un watched it. And wouldn't you know it, right after he saw that video he ramped up nuclear weapons testing. Gaddafi may not have learned from his mistakes, but he proved to be a great example to others.


>he shouldn't have opposed the only actual superpower on earth. Crazy. Ah well.

his mistake was actually giving up his weapons and trying to cozy up with them. They struck when he made himself vulnerable for them.


lol the stirner fedposter dropped his flag because others started using it


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Two Ukrainian BMPs surrendering to Russians.


M777 entered service 2005 and Himars did in 2010. Not really ancient. Most of the drones Ukraine received are from the 2010s. Most military gear can be several decades old and not even in need of an upgrade to work well in combat situation. In Ukraine case most of the gear it has received has had some sort of upgrade. Like the Leopard variants.


If I were a Ukrainian conscript, that's the first thing I would do as soon as I reached the battlefield: grab a vehicle and surrender to the Russians. They are lucky they got to surrender before being blown to bits by artillery.


>M777 entered service 2005
damn it's crazy its so new because it really sucks


I'ts perfect for the wars US thought it was always going to wage for foreseeable future. Accurate and high range, but can't do sustained fire because the barrel can't take it and quickly needs replacing if it tries to do artillery battles with volume.
It's basically a heavy ballistic sniper rifle built for Iraq and Afghanistan to provide quick artillery support when brave US soldiers meet resistance from goat herders.


now's that what I'd call good praxis.


shit I'd offer to go on that bosnia war agitprop talking about Azov impregnating women with dog fetuses and shit and bluechew brigades


>bluechew brigades
Remember when people in these threads were praising chechen soldiers because they thought they would rape ukrainian women en masse
I remember


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ukrainian women or nazi women?


Yeah I remember this thing that didn’t happen


Even Ukrainian babies are dedicated neo-nazi banderites.


cucktin met with telegram schizos, are patriots in control?


Trust the plan
All will be known
The eyebrow is raising


Oh it happens, you just don't see it because thos e vids don't get shared often.


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A lot of retards trying to talk about why Russia is bad. You know what? I don't give a shit if Russia is bad, the US is still at least ten times fucking worse, they have controlled the global order up until now and gotten away with every crime and atrocity they have ever committed. I only care about seeing the American state get the death it deserves, only after that point will I be remotely willing to entertain the idea of criticising any non-western country.

Until the USA is dead and buried, there is no justice in this world.


Why has USA decided to send Ukrainians to suicide counterattacks? AFU have defense lines after Bakhmut, with which Russia would as well struggle for months while suffering serious casualties.

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