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 [Last 50 Posts]

/ukraine/ thread #117 - Leopards To Moscow Special


>⚡️Raytheon has decided to increase the production of its Patriot air defense systems to 12 units per year and plans to deliver another 5 units to Ukraine by the end of next year.


US is not sending Abrams, after seeing whats happening with their relatives

UKR attacks are getting a little further into the defensive lines, but not deep enough to really worry

>Bluntly, this looks to me like the Ukrainians have advanced into a planned kill zone, probably the first of many on the long road south.


even westoids admit it's over

Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine


Developments of multipolarity timeline https://www.pacemaker.global/multipolar-transition-timeline

Live maps and updates
>Nb: LiveUaMap is not to be trusted
SouthFront: https://southfront.org/category/all-articles/world/europe/ukraine/
Defense Politics Asia: https://www.youtube.com/@DefensePoliticsAsia
Andrei Martyanov: https://www.youtube.com/user/smoothieX12

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📺 News/events: https://tv.leftypol.org/r/HappeningsviaKlash
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Social media
https://nitter.net/GeromanAT (DDR Anon's fav news copypaste source)
<adding Slavyangrad, why not
< I mean why? Dude is literally schizophrenic. I dont hate him, indeed I feel fopr him cause his daughter didnt deserve to be killed for damn sure & Dugin has his based USSR boomer moments but…


What? What do you mean? I see artillery shell craters. How do you fail to create a demining device?


wtf new bread


Why not just cycle the thread?
Also man these political internet memes/zoomer political cartoons are really ugly. I pity the poor kids who'll have to study them in the future in school lmao.


new thread? what happened?


Because other things are happening, and the not terminally online are sad they miss stuff and posts. I doubt these will get archived.


This is a good thing. I might even touch some grass.


You should have seen the actual one the government of ukraine put out, cringe country, deserves to stop existing


Just post it, I want to die of cringe.


ill archive it allright. Now - rabota tho


Pic related with the tweet included, co simplicius



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Coming soon: a Challenger disappears!


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Image originally made for the winter spring summer counteroffensyiv, be very afraid of the snow leopards.. in summer..


Photo from our friends from the army special forces unit of Russia.

Destroyed equipment in the lens of a copter of the 22nd Guards. Order of Zhukov of the special forces brigade of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Leopard 2A6 tanks, BMP M2 Bradley, German ARV Bergenpanzer, several units of Leopard 2R HMBV demining vehicles, as well as MRAP International MaxxPro remained in the fields of Zaporozhye.

In just a day of active fixing work and adjustments, the guys from the RGSpN lost 4 DJI Mavic copters, but the result was undoubtedly worth it.


What is the situation on the frontlines? A finnoid I know is ecstatic because the ukranians allegedly took another village and created a saliant.


Can someone explain to a newf..riend, why do those threads need to be recreated? Aren't they endless (old posts automatically trimmed)?


When nothing is habbening! the threads are made permanent, but when there is something habbening! a new thread gets created.

Just to change the image in OP to remain relevant really.


As far as I know, ukronazis have not capured more than a couple frontline villages and held them for more than a day. Most /k/oper or NAFOid types literally believe that the Ukrainians are already in Melitopol but refuse to post about it because muh OPSEC


I'm seeing Storozheve, but thought the Ukrainians were already at Makarivka not long ago – the front line in the Vremievsky ledge region (between Velika Novosilka and Staromlynivka) seems to be rather dynamic right now. Think we'll have a better sense of whether the Ukrainians can hold it after the weather improves


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flood detected? post discarded? mods wtf are you doing




>"Our source in the OP said that Tarnavsky reported to Zelensky about the loss of 30% of Western equipment in the first stage of the counteroffensive. There are heavy positional battles, a quick breakthrough of the front did not work out and now the Armed Forces of Ukraine are forced to gnaw out every kilometer. Russian aviation, which dominates the sky, brings big problems to the Ukrainian army, and our air defense cannot yet advance to the front, as they are being destroyed by drones."



And to archive discussion
Did you accidentally try to post the same post after you submitted it? Or perhaps posting images too quickly? If you get problems again just let me know in the mod feedback thread stickied in meta and I will look into it with devs. Same for anyone.


Thanks for the update.
On a semi unrelated note, I've seen people claim that many of the vehicles that were abandonned have been recovered and repaired. Is there any truth to that claim, or is it another cope?


>attempting recovery under enemy's nose
Tell them to stop playing those silly tacticool vidya.


As with most things, it's likely a half troop, they may have been able to recover some lighter vehicles, the Leopard 2s everyone is overexcited about, officially, drove over mines and threw their tracks. That's really going to complicate getting the tracks repaired in the field since they've driven it into a minefield that's also being covered by the Russians, so it's unlikely they're going to manage it under fire while also avoiding mines.

Alternatively, they weren't damaged by mines but rather by a penetration by something, possible a HEAT missile, in which case it may not even be able to move under its own power without repair.

Basically, recovery is not a simple and easy task when you've not won the battle or while the battle is still on going and this was always considered a big concern when sending MBTs to Ukraine.


Because fuck NATO and fuck the US. May their looting of the world stop, and the crumbs of the loot you get disappear. The "nonwhites" are simply there to recover a tiny portion of what was stolen. Instead, they will receive everything, and they ought to receive more from you.


I think it might be that the body was empty and I only had a picture attached. Probably to avoid spam, it's no biggie anyhow.




Babe, it's 11 AM. Time for your Military Summary update.


Why is Russia littering Ukraine with landmines if they want to occupy the territory?


Mines aren't permanent anon. Unlike firing Depleted Uranium that will poison the soil for an extremely long time and the effects of which on public health are well known which makes sense when you're an imperialist nation like the UK that doesn't give two fucks about the health of the people they invade. But Ukraine has gladly accepted the DU shells to be used on what is ostensibly their own land and people.


Alternatively, perhaps you can explain why Ukraine dumped a load of petal mines over Lugansk and Donbass? They're harder to remove, they're scattered so there's no map showing where they are, those cities aren't part of the active frontzone and is purely civilian.

The mines on the frontzone are laid where the fighting is taking place, it's unlikely any civilians will be harmed or killed by them and the Russians know where they're planted and can easily remove them once fighting is complete.

Laying mines in territory you control is defensive, you're not surrendering the idea that the land is yours if you lay mines on it, if anything it's the opposite. Scattering petal mines over civilians in cities you do not control and cannot easily clean up is surrendering that territory and the result is just typical Kievian cruelty towards "traitorous" civilians.


>Mines aren't permanent
uygha just go to Bosnia or Cambodia if you want to discover just how permanent mines can be. Even today you have sheeps randomly blowing tf out after chewing out a half exposed ordnance


Well fortunately because of the dam breaching there aren't as much mines on field now


Yeah they're permanent when no one bothers to clean them up or never bothered to write down or even care where they were being laid, but if Russia does win, then they will clean them up.


Burgerreich has resorted to looting Israeli armory and forcing Japan to divert explosives to Ukraine. Forcing yuropoors to go full War Economy to pump out more Leopards isn't that unrealistic


Don't newer ones have built in "expiration date"?


I don't think the mines getting used here are cutting edge.


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hoholffensiyv status?


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>Zteiner's counterattack underway

🇷🇺⚔️🇺🇦Counterattack on the AFU couteroffensive

▪️127th division launched a powerful counterattack on the lost part of the Vremevsky salient

▪️Russian troops, with massive air support, are advancing on Neskuchnoye(Нескучное), knocking the AFU out of Makarovka(Макаровка).

▪️ Cannon and rocket artillery are actively working.

▪️This is reported by the soldiers from this sector of the front.

▪️The rumors that appeared on the Internet about the battles on the outskirts of Staromlinovka are a wild fake, AFU is far from this settlement.




can someone repost the one where the leopards are changing and get flattened thanks


>There are no Abrams in production
>There are no Challengers in production
>Only 50 Leopard 2s are produced every year
>Russia produced hundreds of T90Ms during first few months of this year alone
Lol lmao even


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Land of the knee




Girl from Mariupol talks about how Azovites were terrorizing Mariupol civilians


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Yeah i'm a totally legit 100% actual ukrainian girl from Mariupol trust me bro


that possibly also means mines scattered way far away from where they were placed.


this but unironically


redditbrain stirnertard at it again


Yeah sorry but I just can’t believe anything fucked up could happen in a city that was under martial law by the Azov Battalion


Yeah you know what else you shouldn't believe in? Random ass youtube video


You know what you shouldn't believe in? Random ass books written by retards who died 200 years ago who have nothing to contribute to today's analysis of the world. Like Stirner.


Yet you trust NATO unconditionally, curious


This is what happens when you get too emotionally invested in chauvinist propaganda (spooks) you start subscribing to random ass totally not FSB glowbot yt account.
Like i know Azovites are crazy ISIS-tier fashoids, but really?


Take meds, conspiracytard


>This is what happens when you get too emotionally invested


Wagnerites are scum and should be liquidated as soon as the SMO is over. All edgy Westoid teens who think Wagner is bringing communism to Donbass need to be immediately tortured and forced to choose which of their limbs to be amputated.


samefag stirnertard


>as soon as the SMO is over
Just two more weeks, anon.


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>No no comrade.
>You must vnderstand. A private company run by a war profiteer that routinely engages in SS tier atrocities and literally sell snuff films is quintessential for socialism. This is what Koba would've done


>routinely engages in SS tier atrocities



Two more years is fine with me. That's enough time to kill off more Ukrainian Nazoids and Russian mercs. I'm glad they're dying and I'll be as glad when /ukraine/ incels get conscripted into their own Westoid militaries to die in the Pacific. The last thing a Westoid zigger will see is PLAN anti ship missiles slamming into their troop transports.


can you please stop derailing the thread


nice reddit spacing, bro


>Posting unsubstantiated photo that even wikipedians don't claim is verified.


Stop replying to fed bait


Wow, I didn't know that. Makes you wonder which other images spread on social media are false.


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Mirotvorets updated, Slava Ukraini!


Reddit spacing is the meme equivalent of saying you started browsing /pol/ in 2016 and have never stopped. You're an eternal newfag whose entire idea of imageboards was shaped by /pol/ at its height of retardation. You are effectively a cancerous element that hopefully will be resolved IRL with a bullet to the head.


NAFO pics are mostly fake. Pro-Russian ones are mostly true.


By mostly true do you mean 50.0000000001% of the time


Redditor got found out and starts flailing. Classic.


More like 90%. NAFO reliability on the other hand is in the low single digit. Fact.


Rightoid on rightoid violence


You know Stirner was a rightoid right?


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Nah reddit spacing is post-GooberGate /pol/yps finding new ways to accuse each other of not being The Trve Racist just like you're using it now but for pro-Z fags. It's not a coincidence that a fedop like /pol/ would come up with the most amount of thought terminating shit like "reddit spacing" or the cope/seethe cycle.


Nice /k/ope, redditor


imho modern mines automatically explode/shut off after a fixed amount of time. Illegal mines dont


why would ziggers want to fight against china lmao this makes no sense
I know if I got conscripted I'd wait for the right moment to frag my co


Do you want me to be a redditor so badly? I'm so out of touch I only know the narwhal bacon shit, I can't be your strawman. But if you want I'll be here all day so keep it coming.


Some ziggers are unironic Russian supremacists. Literally think that humanity begins in Siberia


They have as much a choice as Ukrainian or Russian workers do. Nobody here will be fragging anybody, and the ones that won't be sheltered white kids who live vicariously through the triumphs of actual anti-imperialists and then proceed to make said anti-imperialists look bad by attaching their own personal delusions onto it.


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It literally did though


I'm too old for a combat position so I'd be in the rear sabotaging and black marketeering.

Humanity began in the Caucasus mountains. Which is why Stalin was the most evolved human.


Man this thread is like an automated factory of the most batshit crazy schizocel Russians


If you don't support Russia you can't be counted on to support China


>hurr durr everyone i don't like is le russians


Outing yourself as a lib with Russian derangement syndrome. Classic.


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You can, that is one of the benefits about the coming era of multipolarity. Countries can pursue their own benefits and align when necessary. There's no reason China has to see to eye on Russia on everything, they just need to work together in the areas they can. Sometimes this will involve disagreements and disputes but the overarching principle should be the insistence on negotiations and respect instead of US-style moralizing and finger wagging while the debt trap goes into place.


Union of balding chinletcels


Lol they're both manletcels too


takes one to know one


You forgot to drop your flag samefag



Pyongyang, June 12 (KCNA) – Kim Jong Un, president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, sent a message of greeting to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, president of the Russian Federation, on Monday.

He in the message offered warm congratulations on behalf of the government of the DPRK and its people to the president and the government of the Russian Federation and the friendly Russian people on their national day.

The message appreciated that the strong and wise Russian people have made proud history and culture for a long time since they took their deep roots in their vast land, and covered a proud path of development, demonstrating the dignity and might of a powerful country.

It said that thanks to the correct decision and guidance of the Russian president, the struggle of the Russian people to foil the hostile forces' escalating threats and challenges to deprive Russia of its sovereignty, security and peaceful life has entered a new decisive phase.

Justice is sure to win and the Russian people will continue to add glory to the history of victory, the tradition peculiar to them, the message stressed.

It noted that the people of the DPRK are extending full support and solidarity to the Russian people in their all-out struggle for implementing the sacred cause to preserve the sovereign rights, development and interests of their country against the imperialists' high-handed and arbitrary practices and to realize the international justice.

The message said that the DPRK-Russia friendship, which has weathered all trials of history generation after generation and century after century, is a precious strategic asset common to the two countries and it is the fixed stand of the DPRK government to ceaselessly develop the good neighborly and cooperative relations, as required by the new era.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un in his message affirmed his willingness to strive for closer strategic cooperation between the DPRK and Russia, holding hands firmly with the Russian president, in conformity with the common desire of the peoples of the two countries to fulfill the grand goal of building a powerful country and reliably defend global peace and security.

The message sincerely wished the Russian president good health and bigger success in his responsible work, and the friendly Russian people constant prosperity, development and victory. -0-


Were the Dengists and Jucheists right all along


Juche is revisionist, prove me wrong (pro tip; you can't)


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Jucheists definitely were


Just on a base fundamental level, the US UK keeping their wundertanks out of the viral videos while insisting that leopards are front and center is just amazing. It's like the german government are actively trying to cuck europe.


According to Russian sources the mines they are using in combat over the last few days to mine retreat routes are, in fact, cutting edge. They are delivered by missile and can be remotely disabled.


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Kim Il Sung did nothing wrong.


This but unironically.


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Broke: The state supplying your gear
Woke: Crowdsourcing your gear
Jokes aside is nice to see regular russian people supporting the war effort.


A towering and influential figure. When he was in office maybe 40% of the male managerial boomers I told to turn it off and on had bunga in their password.


>implying I was being ironic


Abrams, Challengers and Leopards aren't being destroyed by the thousand per year thoughever


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revisionism is subjective murray



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This is like Kursk but better.


i hate the adjective "revisionist" because it says nothing. what is being revised? why has it been revised? who revised it? when did they revise it? what was their motivation? The confederate-slanted "Dunning School" of history dominated the American South after the civil war, but was revised in the mid 20th century. That revision was good. Not all revision is bad. Marxism is flexible wissenschaft. We correct past mistakes.


wasn't kursk like a 2000km wide front with over 2 million troops fighting?



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>it's a new angle from the same week old column, now compared to kursk


Revisionism is a precise concept in marxism which you would know the definition of if you weren't a pseud. Go read books


Technically "revisionism" in a Marxist context means ideas that claim to be upholding/advancing Marxism but are actually working against it, particularly if it consists of a right-deviation. In practice it's just used to refer to a self described Marxist trend that you dislike/disagree with. It's a buzzword at this point, except maybe in the most blatant of cases like Eurocommunism.


You've clearly lived a sheltered life anon. Learn a skill of value to people outside the global billion and take it on the road. See the world, meet some people. It'll require some humility.




Why would it be a "good" thing that regular russians support the war effort? Good for themselves or good for the narrative (which or whose narrative is up to you)?



The ABSOLUTE STATE of ukrainians. 🤦‍♂️😐


>Ukrainians can do whatever they want including dehumanization and war crimes because they were invaded, morals and laws don't apply to you if you were invaded, that's written somewhere
<omg nooo those evil Soviets were soooo mean to Germans 😢


Juche always has been right.
I don't know how many times I've had to say this on this stupid board: that isn't what Marxists mean when they say "revisionist." Imagine not knowing that, and then using words like wissenshaft to try and sound smart.


Brother Julian is now being told to remove ukraine flag by official account of Ukraine forces 🤣🤣🤣


And t90s are?


Only the Abrams exists in those kind of numbers of any single NATO military, and even then the US only uses them to curb stomp the third world or to park at military bases in friendly nations.


no since Russia is apparently too scared to deploy them to Ukraine


Curb stomp third world countries like Iraq who possessed one of the biggest armies in the world armed with soviet material.




Oh yes, the Iraq army was the third best in the world meme.


Iraq couldn't even beat Iran, with the whole world supporting them


Without the Warsaw Pact military theory and without the industrial base to support it. If the USA tried that with the Warsaw Pact their war games all came to the conclusion of Warsaw Pact tanks in Paris within the month as the Warsaw Pact combined its superior firepower into multiple breakthrough points then just punched massive holes right NATO lines to Paris.


Nice meme bruh


War games are by nature skewed toward the opponent and CBRN warfare is uncharted territory so it's very presumptuous to conclude the USSR would have so easily won a conflict. Also it depends heavily of which period of the cold war, because while the soviets had a crushing advantage in the beginning they already fell behind in many areas in the 80s. So there are just too many imponderables.


Even in the 80s NATO didn't see itself able to stop the USSR just make them bleed far more then in previous decades. The problem was due to politics NATO was deployed for forward defense along the GDR and Czechoslovakia boarder, this didn't give NATO much depth to ware down the superior numbers of Warsaw Pact forces that still packed more of a punch. Thus once the Warsaw Pact broke out (and they had the means to do so reliably) there was nothing NATO could do to recover other then lobbing tactical nukes at them.


Julian is one of the biggest retards of the war or actively cheers for imperial theft and is afraid of losing it


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Also wtf does egg measuring mean


Waiting for the moment he ends up on that Ukrainian kill list.


egg = balls
basically dick measuring contest



If this is true then damn, very bad omen for Ukraine and Europe


It seems people don't grasp the concept of elastic defence and defence in depth. Elastic defence means you fall back to avoid a committed battle, defence in depth means you have multiple lines of defense to ware the enemy down as it penetrates.


I remember when people said this during Kharkiv. Maybe you'll be right this time?


Who said this during Kharkov? Kharkov was barely manned, Zaporozhye actually has strong lines of defence


also, you’d have to be a truly deranged zigga to believe that the Russian army could stop a massive offensive without losing any ground


Welcome to /leftypol/ new friend.


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>Zaporozhye actually has strong lines of defence
They've been hunkered down for a year and their bunkers are made out of fucking logs lol. If this is the "strong lines of defence" then it's fucking over.


Temporary fortifications, they'll be useless when the front line moves. They only need to provide cover, the real defence would be dug in artillery, AA, ATGM and machine guns. Also they have to be elastic so they can fall back to the line of defence behind them for the doctrine to work.


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Funny, when this was happening to Russia it was due to incompetence and stupidity. I still get surprised by cognitive dissonance.


The vehicles are tools. What the people


real? I know rt uses soyjaks soo…


There's no way the skulls would still be in the helmets after so many years under water and with the force of all the water flooding out of the dam. I'm gonna put this down as a PR stunt by Russia as a kind of "it will soon happen to them" thing.


Telling the court that they have classic [my name] derangement syndrome when they indict me for vehicular homicide


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What should they be made of? You expected them to build concrete bunkers or picrelated? That trench doesn't look too terrible, the real measure of defence is how well machinegun/AGL, artillery, drone etc support is organized.


>I don't know how many times I've had to say this on this stupid board: that isn't what Marxists mean when they say "revisionist."
oh wow marxists always have a 2nd definition for various words that's different from how they're commonly used. And then you wonder why people are confused.
>then using words like wissenshaft to try and sound smart.
no i used it to avoid confusion with "science"


If their body is in the soft mud exposed by dropping water level up stream of the dam I can understand, similar happened when Lake Mead dropped to historic lows.



Nazi ghouls being revived by Azov black magicks


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Kill Cucktinites. Hang Cucktinites from the Kremlin walls. Roundhouse kick Cucktinites off their yachts into shark-infested waters.


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agent z is playing the long game, absorbing all of Europe's surplus military gear and getting it destroyed on the field, to make them nice and soft for when Putin goes beyond berlin



the wagnoids kicked the frogs out of burkina faso :)


Meds and BBWC now
Wagnerites are as brutal as the Franks. At this point however Burkinabes don't have much choices with IS staring down at them from Cabo Delgado


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>stands near the trashbins
Seems about right


I would think the bigger thing would be the scrap metal. Smelters can be kept busy melting these down.


>my dishawasher was a leopard, once


tf is wrong with logs?


Earthen pillboxes like that are normal, especially when you are planning a defense in depth. Concrete bunkers are the kind of shit you build when you're planning on occupying a line for years or indefinitely, like the Maginot Line or Atlantic Wall. Otherwise it's not worth the effort.


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>marxists always have a 2nd definition for various words that's different from how they're commonly used
This is hardly unique to Marxism. If you look around, you'll find that this is common to basically all arts, sciences, wissenshaften, or other fields of technical expertise. Part of engaging with Marxism, or any other knowledge domain, is learning the lingo.
Now, clearly you've studied enough to be familiar with the whole "is Marxism a science" debate. And yet, use apparently don't know what Marxists mean by "revisionist." Maybe you are ignorant, but this is usually a sophistical trick: by pointing out that it is okay to be a revisionist in the normal sense, you make it seem as though it is okay to be a revisionist in the Marxist sense (which it is not).


But it's a river rather than a lake, I just don't buy it that with moving water the helmet and skull would remain attached for 80 years.


That milk hasn't aged, it curdled and matured into cheese lmao


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>buh muh rusich

Also use yandex retard, there are like 2-3 actual Russian speakers here


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>Wagnerites are as brutal as the Franks


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Did I say something about there being tons of nazism in Russia? No. I just said that Rusich are ultra-nationalists fascists, denying such a fact is lying to yourself.
I really hate how in our leftist community Rusich has been whitewashed to be "the good kind of nazis…not like azov!".


I've never seen anyone deny that Rusich are ultranationalist fascists, let alone leftists


Rusich had been spoken of highly on this general before, and various "leftists" in Russia love to talk about how they're not nazis and are must be supported because they have a common "enemy".


>I really hate how in our leftist community Rusich has been whitewashed to be "the good kind of nazis…not like azov!".
>Rusich had been spoken of highly on this general before, and various "leftists" in Russia love to talk about how they're not nazis and are must be supported because they have a common "enemy".

is making shit up a stage of cope


Look the thread has being going slow lately, need something))


>Rusich had been spoken of highly on this general before
No it hasn't, at best there are people saying it's not as bad as Azov because it's a few dozen volunteers somewhere and not a state-integrated paramilitary

>and various "leftists" in Russia love to talk about how they're not nazis and are must be supported because they have a common "enemy".

I don't know about that. I follow some strongly Z leaning Russian leftists and everyone uniformly distances themselves from Rusich. Everyone is just tired of this fairly irrelevant gang of retards being brought up as some thought terminating bothsidesist cliche


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Gotta say this about Rusich, picrel is a postmodernist masterpiece



the only relevants are Somalia and Sparta formations.


>Banderite pulling a rope and saying huh.jpg


Rusych are a stain on Russian military.


quit false flagging


There is nothing indicating that Somali and Sparta are fascists. That's just conjecture started by Westoid journos based on nothing, from before they found le scary Utkin picture to bothsides Russia with instead.


I never said they were fascists. chill out.


Sorry, I've seen people say they are before.

Rusich calls Azov "ukrobolsheviks" lmfao


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>Rusich calls Azov "ukrobolsheviks"


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>a Nazi calls enemy Nazis communists


>Agent Z
<A pacifist Jew who accidentally ended up in charge of a fascist state. His mission? To get his ultranationalist crazies to suicide charge against the Russian military until they're all dead and he can finally sign a damn surrender treaty.
>Agent P
<A liberal western sympathizer who just wishes that NATO and America could stop trying to balkanize Russia. His mission? Invade Ukraine in the slowest and friendliest way possible while giving every opportunity to allow NATO to escalate so that he can lose and retreat from Ukraine, after pretending to have done all he could, so that his porky friends can have their sanctions removed and go back to summer vacationing in Europe.

With both leaders fighting as hard as they can to lose, who will win? Find out next time on /leftypol/.


>Russian engineering has proven to be one of the stronger branches of the Russian military. Russian engineers have been constructing complex obstacles and field fortifications across the front. This includes concrete reinforced trenches and command bunkers, wire-entanglements, hedgehogs, anti-tank ditches, and complex minefields. Russian mine laying is extensive and mixes anti-tank and victim-initiated anti-personnel mines, the latter frequently being laid with multiple initiation mechanisms to complicate breaching. These defences pose a major tactical challenge to Ukrainian offensive operations.
>It is notable that Russian doctrine, with a heavy emphasis on direct and indirect fires, has long prescribed that formations should dig in as soon as possible when static. If no engineering support is available, they are to do so by hand, and are to continue to improve their positions for the duration that they occupy them. As a result, Russian positions often include an extensive range of well-prepared fighting positions. Once Russian troops have taken a position, it is reliably fortified within 12 hours through the digging of fox holes or blasting on less favourable ground. This is rapidly augmented in frontline positions with cut-down trees to create strongpoints for support weapons. Positions are reinforced with concrete where possible, although this is rarely the case in the first line. They also make limited use of decoy positions to obscure the layout of their actual defensive positions and fires plan, although the extent of this practice varies across units.
>PERHAPS ONE OF the least discussed elements of the Russian forces during the full-scale invasion of Ukraine has been its engineers. In contrast to much of the Russian forces, its engineers have performed well. The aforementioned speed with which Russian infantry dig, and the scale at which they improve their fighting positions, is noteworthy and is supplemented by combat engineers. Two engineer companies are assigned to each brigade, one focused on mining and the other on force protection engineering
>Russian force protection engineering has largely followed its doctrine, with little methodological change since the Cold War. Russian defensive positions generally comprise two to three lines, depending on the context. The first line, along the line of contact, comprises the fighting positions made by the infantry. The second constitutes properly made trenches – as compared with fox holes in the first – and concrete firing posts where possible. Several obstacle belts are laid in front of these positions, usually formed with a 4-m-deep and 6-m-wide anti-tank ditch, dragons’ teeth and wire track entanglements. 24 The trench positions are usually structured as company fighting positions in wood blocks and on ridge lines, placed to cover areas of open ground with fire, rather than as contiguously occupied front lines. The depth of the defence line is usually 5 km from the first, and each belt of physical defences tends to span between 700 m and a kilometre, so that the entire obstacle series is covered by fire. The third line usually comprises fall-back fighting positions and concealed areas for reserves, with positions dug for vehicles. Command posts (CPs), meanwhile, tend to be subterranean and fortified with concrete. The overall depth of defensive fortifications exceeds 30 km on some axes.

from a britain think thank based on interviews of ukraine military


Russian conscript were building dachas for their generals for more than 30 years. OF COURSE they are good at digging trenches and buidling forts


>If no engineering support is available, they are to do so by hand, and are to continue to improve their positions for the duration that they occupy them.
shovelbros, we stay winning


Rusich aren't a threat to anyone, Gayzov are armed, trained, organised, and promoted by the rulers of NATO/EU.


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Im tired of some american tourist on drugs getting arrested in St. Petersburg and this being major news headline in western media.


This is funny, because in 1912, the Ukraine was part of the Russian tsardom.


What did he expect from people of a totalitarian country in military psychosis?


> The russian word for "ukraine" is "okraina" which means "borderland" or "countryside".
It also could be from relative Polish word, also meaning "borderland". Ukraine was under Polish rule for a few centuries, and Ukrainian language is 90% polonized Russian and 10% village dialect.


> it is materially and historically a continuation of WW2 whether you like it or not.
Why stop on WW2? It was a continuation of WW1, which followed Napoleonic wars and Britain vs France struggle. We can trace history back to collapse of Roman Empire.

First Kissinger, then Berluskoni. Enemies of Ukraine are dying one after another.


>formations should dig in as soon as possible when static. If no engineering support is available, they are to do so by hand, and are to continue to improve their positions for the duration that they occupy them.
>Once Russian troops have taken a position, it is reliably fortified within 12 hours through the digging of fox holes or blasting on less favourable ground.
I though that this was standard for any professional military force since the Second World War. The implication that this is not the standard for Western militaries is crazy.


westoid infantry tactics nowadays is just COIN stuff after you've blown everything up from the air


>Kissinger dead



Leftists should double down on divides like this. What can Russia or more importantly China offer Arabs?


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Drone dogfight courtesy of Prizrak Brigade


>What can Russia or more importantly China offer Arabs?
Literally not-ruin. The west has the incentive to subordinate trade to military might through conflict, in order to be in advantage in the cold war, since they are the ones who already have the military presence to do it.

So all BRICS has to say is that, "you know, we don't care what sort of asshole you are, we just want trade and wont be actively seeking to bring ruin and war". Which seem pretty much China's position already.


Röpcke is such an obnoxious turbo retard, like every Springer pos


Globalization without the political baggage of the current global order. You don't have to expand this order whenever you develop international ties, which is a burden unfairly shared between the West and the rest of the world.


what's the song in the vid?


Hey everyone, fellow comrade here, just wondering if you considered Azov and Wagner le same? It seems overlooked


Last I heard, it's over. Is this true?


NATO (Turkey) bombing Russians in Tal Rifat. No words from cucktin.


womp womp
Right Sektor unit btw


>wonder what their name means
>google it
>find out there's a "legend" about how Ares gave his sword to the Zaporozhian Cossacks
>who were also ancient Aryans, and Ares = Arya = Svarog
>also a novel about how Attila the Hun was Ukrainian


Azov is a fascist paramilitary organisation, Wagner is a mercenary group (Or PMC to use modern lingo). The difference should be obvious.


>I think he was a Russian
That could have been literally anyone from Eastern Europe then lmao

It's quite funny they build these NAFO variant identities around some kind of obscure in-joke and it turns out to be as weak as "I shot someone I think was a Russian" and that's it, Titanic is based and NAFO is glad it happened because "probably a Russian" was shot for being a coward allegedly and also because it's something to compare the current conflict to in terms of dignity and bravery, and even then it's a comparison in the same way people are comparing the war to Harry Potter.

I'm sure all those people who died feel honoured that their deaths got to be a prop in some Twitter account's meme celebrating death of the correct kind of people.


Pretty sure it is ust a troll. The Titanic literally is the sinking ship after all.


>>574949 (me)
Now that I think about it, it's celebrating death of both Russians and Ukrainians. Russians because they deserve to die regardless of their individual relation to current events and Ukrainians because their death has the same dignity and bravery as those who died on the Titanic. Over-analysing I know, but that is pretty fucked up that glorious deaths are being used to justify both glorious and inglorious deaths now.


thank holy fuck for a wholesome drone vid. nice get


I mean even if it is, some numpty on Ukraine is going to take it seriously and think
>Yeah, Ukraine is based, just like the James Cameron movie
And that's also going to piss me off.


fascism is a death cult and so on and so on


What about drone on drone crime?


best money ever spent, on soviet parricide


>"Ukraine has tweaked the Patriot’s software to enable it to track and destroy hypersonic missiles flying twice as fast as it was designed for"
>"Raytheon [..] plans to deliver five more [Patriot systems] to Ukraine by the end of next year"
>-CEO, Raytheon


You think porky would do that? Just go on MSM and tell lies to save their shitty company by saying their garbage products aren't garbage?

Should've stuck to buying self-inserts in superhero comic books


>Ukraine has tweaked the Patriot’s software to enable it to track and destroy hypersonic missiles
top lel


you can get anything on stackoverflow now :^)


Reports that ZSU missile has killed a chief of staff of a RuZZian military division, major general Sergey Goryachev. His article on ciapedia, ru and en, was only just created with his death


if true, they need to nuke Lvov


also if not true


its true, Russians reported it before hohols
inb4 cucktin


nuking Lvov during the NATO muh air power show would be hilarious


I don't understand why Putin keeps cucking out on opportunities to demonstrate strength.


Russians have some weird cultural thing where they allow the game to be stacked against them in order for some sort of moral victory. Like following all of the rules of the United Nations and shit and just watching as NATO coups all your allies and smugly going, "heh, I guess this truly proves the west are the real hypocrites". I say it has to be a Russian attribute because it is consistent through the Empire, the Soviet Union and the Federation. Stalin was really the only one who knew how to play the game and he wasn't Russian


>Like following all of the rules of the United Nations and shit and just watching as NATO coups all your allies and smugly going, "heh, I guess this truly proves the west are the real hypocrites"
It appears they aren't immune to being martyrdom loving christtards either
>I say it has to be a Russian attribute because it is consistent through the Empire
Destroy Christianity, unironically


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>dropping a nuke
Don't you need to be 18+ to post here?


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looks like they're biting the hands that feed kek


Reaction is pathological, and hierarchical way of thinking is baked into the crust. The higher you imagine yourself on the hierarchy (you also imagined) the more entitled you are to support of others. And holy fuck are Ukronazis fucking entitled.


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Azov Something has disowned Jihadi Julian as well lol

When the war is settled there is gonna be a lot of sorting of the faithful and the heretics. And since it's never not going to be trendy to back Ukraine people like Julian are in for quite the struggle session if they want to keep a career out of sucking up to NATO.


Jihad Julian come to Z-gang


Zrada gang


In which way do you think it will be settled?


Lack of support will be proclaimed to be the reason why Ukraine has lost, and unfaithful will be burnt at the stakes for that


to be fair, “dropping a nuke” is easier than antagonizing every single corrupt motherfucker in the armed forces, creating complex mobilization plans, and trying to assassinate enemy leaders


It's going to be hysterical. Anything short of Ukrainian flags over Sevastopol will result in a purge among libs in the west. Anyone that ever wrote as much as a mild critique of Ukraine pre-war will be cancelled.
What will be even funnier is the idealist libshittery that will follow. Ukraine will continue to exist on lib world maps with borders unchanged. Libs will go out of their way to pretend Ukraine still exists even if every part were to be annexed tomorrow.

Anyone pointing out anything to the contrary will be accused of being a bot or on the payroll of the FSB


"Dropping a nuke" antagonizes every single motherfucker in the armed forces that doesn't want to see nukes dropped.


Why are Eastern Euro IT workers always reactionary, pro-NATO & pro-EU? it is a tendency that is difficult to miss.


No idea, I'd guess some sort of NATO intervention of a deal negotiated behind closed doors that doesn't ruin the PR for either side and has concessions outside this war. In favor of the RF , obviously, and like the other anon said putting some of the blame on the "lack of (timely) support" for Ukraine or something along those lines as a justification for the continuing hostilities, rearming and "never forgets" to transplant support for other conflicts.

>We did all we could but the villain is hiding behind nukes and that's why proxy wars are a good thing now and we need to get ready for more and be good at empowering freedom seeking allies.

I'm betting on not much land changing hands before the settlement, some token agreements on halting NATO-ification only for PR and slowly but surely the Kharkiv and other close by regions east of the Dnieper becoming de-facto Russian or Russian leaning with Ukraine/NATO influence progressively waning east of the river except contested for POIs like resources to extract or military stuff.


1 week of the great counteroffensyiv and the ukronazis can't hold frontline villages of 15 people for more than a day.


Addendum: And it matters not if the IT worker is from Ukraine or Russia, the tendency is identical.


Weirdo hustle and striver mentality


Also maybe I'm just not in the right telegrams but it looks like they are giving up on Melitopol entirely?


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I want Hungary to take that sliver of Ukraine with a Hungarian majority. That would be so funny


It's true


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If I had to guess "IT workers" tend to be someone relatively privileged, above the crop of poor people and the distance between them grows the poorer the place is. Picture all the gusano from south American countries who really, really want the US to "bring freedom" to their country and sanction them into starvation. We probably don't get the poorest people who benefit most form leftist policy screeching on social media. Or the one's who would get fucked by the consequences of those calls.

But in this case, this man is a bit more than just a "IT worker", he is the founder of one of those donation collecting "nonprofits" for the Ukraine military, so you can assume that he is at least somewhat connected, pretty fucking rich for Ukrainian standards and a grifter by career.



>ammunition shortage is still acute
The moment Commander Zapp Branigan is waiting for.


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I cast a spell on thee


I don't think people will think about Ukraine at all, lib or not. The real issue will be China soon enough.


>Ukraine says it has liberated seven settlements in the south and eastern regions of the country and made further advances in Bakhmut amid heavy fighting, as U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said.
>Washington was confident the counteroffensive would make progress and that it was maximizing its support to insure Kyiv’s "success on the battlefield."
>The national flag is flying over [the village of] Storozhove again, and this will be the case with every settlement until we liberate all Ukrainian land,


>radio free europe
pls try harder next time


the fact that it's RFE is making me think that strinerf(l)ag is bait


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RFE is a lot more reliable to understand the Western perspective of the war (compared to Ukr Pravda or other literally who azovite telegram channels)


Oh wow the stirnertard is still here


source: just trust me bro


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Is this supposed to make me hate them? I just can't.


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UK told Zelensky not to use Challengers 2 so they don't end up in the news lmao


You trying to normalize posting Radio Free Europe, buddy?


I wonder what the Ichkerian stance is. :^)


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What's the point of the Ukraine offensive here? Hohols are getting pummeled by artillery without anything to show for it.


It's not good to judge things this early on the offensyiv. Better to wait for a week or so to confirm actual ukro intention


>ukrainians losing
<"It's not good to judge things this early"
>russians losing
<"Wow russoids are losing HARD!"


I'm just reminding you mate, the last time ziggers held premature celebration they got hit by the Kherson offensive


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Because hohols totally don't do premature celebration


Reminder that "Bakhmut" is still defended on the Wikipedia front.


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It takes time to make breaktroughs even with sustained assaults, and then the attackers also have to deal with the reserves. Not all offensives work as well as the Kharkiv one, Kherson took two months. And maybe this one will fail.


>RFE is reliable
surprising take, it's not like Stirnerfags worked in '89 with westoid Soros glow, is it
some things never change




Says the supporter of a bourgeois dictatorship


I don't support Ukraine.


just dont support ukraine and critically support russia for self interest reasons
thats it


It's not enough that Ukraine loses
Russia must win


soZi slander


Me neither


thats the critical support


You do realize that Kharkov is a Russian speaking city right?


Better national than comprador
It's certainly a winning move on the media front


It is under defacto control of Ukraine right now, therefore we used the Ukrainian names. Same reason why we used Turkish name for Kurdish cities or Chinese name for Uyghur ones


Whatever, there are both ukrainian and russian speakers, both names are valid and it's just a name.


>utter "Kiev" on reddit
>get labeled a Nazi and immediately downvoted to -100


I'm glad reddit is dying from the API shit


>Better national than comprador
In this case both sides of the ukrainian bourgeoisie are comprador, either for Russia or for the US.


Where would all the libs go? It's the largest congregation of terminally online 20 to 30 yo libs. It's also the HQ of western Sinophobia.


>Reddit is dying
No way Reddit would be allowed to die any more than Twitter or Facebook


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Germany disowning Leopards


lol reddit isnt that big


god ukraine is the most cucked nation on earth to just die in droves for people constantly throwing them under the bus


honestly political reddit is so fucking astroturfed. most normies i talk to who use reddit in any capacity use it the same way you would use tiktok: to look at videos of people's kids being stupid, to look at videos of pets, to look at videos of people doing arts and crafts in a time lapse, to look at videos of epic fails in public.

the reactionary liberals who dogpile onto posts to talk about CCP gommulism no food vuvuzela uyghur genocide blah blah blah are a vocal minority or bots. most westoids just don't care until it's at their doorstep. And that's also reactionary in its own way, but not in the same way as the reddit sinophobe soyjak.


don't you mean Türkyish cities?


>vocal minority or bots
Of the top 50 most upvoted threads on Reddit like 20 are anti-China.


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yeah, that's how astroturf works. you have millions of sock puppet account voting state department propaganda to the top to give it the appearance of democratic support.

most burgers haven't thought about ukraine since like march of last year. the main sin of burgers is not being MSNBC watching turbonationalist libs, but being selfish narcissists who don't think the world exists outside of america.


>Says the supporter of a bourgeois dictatorship
Do people understand this is not a division of bourgeois states? That is what the world wars were, or maybe the cold war too of you swing that way. But with unipolarity and globalization this is a division of a capitalist order and a periphery bourgeois state. For that reason, it's really the division of a class system and a nationality. That's not really a battle between ruling classes of bourgeois states over one system, that's a colonial antagonism to expand that system


radiant gemrald


they'll figure it out on their death bed


Noted, American Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock.


No contradiction. Also direct manipulation of votes and visibility as well as both botting and modding away any challenges to the line they are pushing. Even on reddit a lot of people know the place is full of bots and manipulation for political and corporate interests.


Cope like this is even funnier outside of vidya. Now I want Abrams and Challengers to burn in Ukraine, too.


>made in


I would have thought the bitch would be overcome with joy that she could take credit for her nation's "help" for Ukraine.


Steve Jobs is American therefor iPhone "made" in America


Who built Thebes of the seven gates?
In the books you will find the names of kings.
Did the kings haul up the lumps of rock?
And Babylon, many times demolished
Who raised it up so many times? In what houses
of gold-glittering Lima did the builders live?
Where, the evening that the Wall of China was finished
Did the masons go? Great Rome
Is full of triumphal arches. Who erected them? Over whom
Did the Caesars triumph? Had Byzantium, much praised in song
Only palaces for its inhabitans? Even in fabled Atlantis
The night the ocean engulfed it
The drowning still bawled for their slaves.

The young Alexander conquered India.
Was he alone?
Caesar beat the Gauls.
Did he not have even a cook with him?

Philip of Spain wept when his armada
Went down. Was he the only one to weep?
Frederick the Second won the Seven Year's War. Who
Else won it?

Every page a victory.
Who cooked the feast for the victors?
Every ten years a great man?
Who paid the bill?

So many reports.
So many questions.


Sounds like revisionist cope. Actually I read Das Capital and the manifesto and it explains clearly all about communism and why true communists cant support bourgeoisie.


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About redditastroturf3. How old is that thread? I recalls seeing the same pic on 4chan back in 2016 ish or maybe my memory is lying to me. But the part that said they insta respond to links but seemingly give organic responses like "nice try bitch".
The pic of the thread seems to be very old, but the interesting part is what it really seems to describe, the insta clicking bots with organic replies seem like they are describing chatbots like GPT.
I always had my doubts this kind of AI language model tech was new and innovative. Just like the internet and WWW, these AI chatbots must have always been a fed black ops project they perfected back in the 2010s and were using to shill for liberalism on reddit. And now they release it to some corporations as a stripped, dumbed down version. But now my doubts are getting more and more heckin valid as I see threads like these, I wonder what kind of disturbing tech they have cooked up now that will be revealed as a product by 2030?


In the best case you Stirnerfags are retarded contrarian wreckers and because of that you sucked together with the church westoid/NATO cock in '88 - '89, in the worst case you are bourgeois shitlibs by design.




>I always had my doubts this kind of AI language model tech was new and innovative.
i mean it's known that neural networks have been around for decades, it's just that they are going through exponential growth in their capabilities currently. the theoretical foundation for neural networks, perceptrons and backpropagation, had already been worked out in the 1950s, it was just a matter of the hardware limitations catching up with theory.


>Just like the internet and WWW, these AI chatbots must have always been a fed black ops project they perfected back in the 2010s and were using to shill for liberalism on reddit. And now they release it to some corporations as a stripped, dumbed down version. But now my doubts are getting more and more heckin valid as I see threads like these, I wonder what kind of disturbing tech they have cooked up now that will be revealed as a product by 2030?


the dates of the IP stuff say mid 2017 so probably around then lol


There were companies openly marketing internet shilling software back in 2011 if I remember and they were marketing it to the military among others. It could be that the "troll farms" were using software to amplify human shills by automating the more menial tasks, or it could indeed be that the military or some private intelligence software contractor developed more advanced chatbots than were publically available at the time. One thing I remember is the political shilling that turned reddit into a fake democrat circlejerk began in 2016.


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>🇫🇮🇷🇺🇺🇦 The largest Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat writes that the Armed Forces of Ukraine lost all three Leopard 2R BRMs transferred by Finland during the counteroffensive.


Kherson held against the suicide attacks for weeks, and was a planned withdrawal only because of the bridge.


Because that is the cream of the labour aristocracy and wages are much higher in the West than in the East.


Funny how even in their most cope maps, they still look pathetic


Zaporozhye has much better supply than right-bank Kherson


holy shit lmao. the west is so fucking stupid

I love that his name is cope, lol


>we used Turkish name
>he slanders the name of Türkiye


>Cope like this is even funnier outside of vidya
what does this mean


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someone post that mp4/webm that has a huge compilation of nazi ukrops, i think it has a music in the background too


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I feel like this article sums up the official narrative on Ukraine ,China and the cold war:

The Pentagon Is Freaking Out About a Potential War With China


>Yet critics on both sides of the aisle say the Biden administration has been slow to respond to what is minimally required to prevent an Indo-Pacific catastrophe, which is the need to rapidly build up a better deterrent — especially new stockpiles of munitions that would convince China it could be too costly to attack Taiwan.
Lol. Lmao. What magic munitions are they going to develop which will stop the dispersed Chinese rocket forces creating a no-go bubble within a thousand kilometre's of Taiwan?


<U.S. sending DU ammo to Ukraine
Kinda sick of my ideological cohort showing no boldness in action, tbh. Is that a concession? I don't know, don't care. Literally all China has to do is say "If NATO keeps provoking conflict in the region with its supplies, we will start our own supplies in our national interests." Or Russia could make it clear that it will be cooperating with Iran on its nuke program.


><U.S. sending DU ammo to Ukraine
a little more of america's soul dies every day


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Anyone have this? Idk how to use telegram


None, but they will fearmonger as an excuse to militarize in the containment of China, through proxy wars glowops in the third world.

And when they do the false flag, everyone will be so propagandized to expect China "pouncing by surprise/for no reason" that there will be no domestic unrest about brinksmanship or forcing their allies to decouple from China.


>Just like the internet and WWW, these AI chatbots must have always been a fed black ops project they perfected back in the 2010s and were using to shill for liberalism on reddit. And now they release it to some corporations as a stripped, dumbed down version.
Nah, otherwise retards on /g/ wouldn't have been able to make versions that are on par with ChatGPT within just a few months of some source code leaking. I know it's comforting to think that you've been talking to high quality chatbots for a decade, but it's more that people are terminally online and willing to defend their stupid opinions to the death.


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Just a glimpse into Ukrainian democracy: Verkhovna Rada deputy getting dumpstered after having paint and urine thrown on him by a group of youths, for calling the widow of dead Right Sector fascist Kotsyubailo a "whore of the oligarchs" (the widow is also a former Right Sector militant who allegedly used oligarch connections to seize Kotsyubailo's home from his parents when he died)




Why aren't these strong young men at the front?


They're needed on the internal front to fight saboteurs and enemies such as a 60 year old man who doesn't respect the heroes of Right Sector enough



I'm hearing that Russia has lost a few towns? Are the Ukranians actually succeeding with the offensive now?


they got mostly reconquered imho.
It looks bettert han it looked yesterday morning. Although there was also quite some cope


This isn't going to be settled for weeks. It looks like any of the attempts at deep penetration have failed, but the Ukrainians haven't run out of NATO tanks yet.

I would expect emergency shipments of AA units and possibly any NATO fighter that Ukrainian pilots can be cross trained in quickly. Along with more Leopard IIs and maybe even some surprise Abrams.


To be honest, the war is going to keep going at least another year if NATO doesn't drop Ukraine like a hot potato after losing a ton of their european equipment.


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whats the sign at 1:10 say?


best is when your face is broken?


* disintegrating after opening the Ark of the Covenant.



i can be ur angle
or ur nitemare


His party is at 18%, behind AfD, and his coalition is at 39%.


"Taras Chornovil (the deputy getting dumpstered) is a minion of Yanukovich"


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>Several obstacle belts are laid in front of these positions, usually formed with a 4-m-deep and 6-m-wide anti-tank ditch, dragons’ teeth and wire track entanglements.
>dragons' teeth
they sure are using dragons' teeth alright


Mykola it's your British masters writing that, listen and learn with due obedience


it's over


my British masters are allowed to overestimate the competency of Russian troops' ability to follow their own doctrine


That looks like a road checkpoint, not a defensive position.


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this weeks top secret counteroffensyiv plan just got leaked


I agree, it's embarrassing how bad of a job they did


>>Ukraine has tweaked the Patriot’s software to enable it to track and destroy hypersonic missiles
That's all it takes to convince US taxpayers to gib another 5B or whatever for 5 more systems.


it was quite hard to figureit out until somebody got it!
>interceptHypersonics = true


Some group of hohol Hax0rs single handedly analyzes the whole missile complex and write a software update that Pushes Nato air defence from dog tier to god tier and saved Raytheon engineers decade of work.

Or maybe Ukrainians are the real WH40k orcs who can change reality if they just really believe that something will happen


What's her exit strategy germanons, does she have deep national ties? I'm guessing she will run to an NGO sinecure in a gated US university town.


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they're now pushing the ukrops out of the villages they took. makarovka back under russians


>No air superiority
>Almost no CAS of any kind
>The mine clearing vehicles keep being blown up
>Ka-50s can pick off armored spearheads from 10km away
>Putting mechanized behind infantry results in heavy casualties from artillery
>MRAPs can't be used when it's raining because they get stuck in the mud
>Next to no AA because they will get blown up by drones if moved closer
How was this ever supposed to work?

>it may have the effect as well of actually causing [Russian President Vladimir] Putin to finally focus on negotiating an end to the war that he started," Blinken said
Shameless lying. There was an offer to return to pre-February borders in April last year, and it was rejected

The only significant settlement captured has been Lobkove, and it was behind a river and harder to defend. That leaves two villages above Makarivka (which itself has been retaken). The rest includes settlements the Russians never claimed lol
These are all on the contact line ("grey" area), not even reaching the first line of trenches.

The way they're going about doing these attacks is dumb and ensures they're not able to push beyond the line of contact and retrieve any vehicles that were damaged during the attack


YouTube legal team contacted invidious


>your favourite tank turns out shit
>in vidya:
>shit game, shit developer, Russian bias!


yt-dlp is next


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New Ukrainian Malorossian People's Republic flag dropped. Thoughts?


>Novorossiya knockoff


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the fuck is this


It's Mikhail don't mind him


>black for scorched earth
Ah yeah these guys seem like they're on the up and up


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Confessions of a Radioactive Mind Slavoj Žižek


satire on RDK


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What is the US's, Leopards are getting knocked out before spotting the Russians so what is the round going to do?


Somewhat impressive how he finds himself on the wrong side of both of his major issue. Anti-woke, pro NATO.



>Leopards are getting knocked out before spotting the Russians so what is the round going to do?
Provide justification for the nuclear false flag


Surely the DoD understands Mutual Assured Destruction is in effect so Washington DC would be nuked way before they could spin a nuclear attack in Ukraine.


NATO doesn't want Ukraine to win. If they did they'd be sending everything they have including volunteer army to Ukraine.


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>and then cucktin said a nuclear strike would be… a red line!


Is it possible for NATO and Russia to engage in direct warfare with each other without kicking off a nuclear exchange?


No not really. Well in theory there was some conflict between US and Russian forces in Syria but both sides just mutually seemed to agree to pretend it didn't happen.


Americans have been threatening Russia with conventional strikes on their forces if Russia uses nuclear weapons in Ukraine.


In Cold War games involving nuclear strike, OpFor never asked pretend Moscow for permission to strike back with nukes, they just launched to get their birds airborne so they were safe from NATO strike.


I mean yes, it's even possible they begin to use "tactical" nukes or biological warfare without doing massive strategical strikes, but it would be a permanent risk with diplomatic communication breakdown because the first to shoot will have the less losses in the end, and it would be a conflict that would need to end in a treaty signed by both parties or otherwise the looser may just trigger the apocalypse.


You guys do know nukes are fake right


You been smoking that copium again?


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no, probably alluding to the few weeks at the beginning of the escalation in 2022 where Western liberals were pretending that nuclear war is actually not a big deal at all.
>Just stay home for 3 days and everything will be fine
like >>575133 and picrel


/k/opers are wiki mods


t. 1980s defense contractor


>tfw you will never be a PLA soldier on horseback fighting the imperialists in the irradiated deserts of central asia
Cucktin will never press the button (his fingers are too fat from all the gloves that are not coming off). Will Xi react to actual red lines being crossed?


Feel like pure shit just want her back


give me Soviet flag babushka, hope she was fine after the fascist goons harassed her


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more red cavalry for you


Never found out what happened to her.



I don't want to derail the thread but Zizek makes a pretty batshit crazy comparison between trans people and bee soyciety. I think the SMO genuinely broke him


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>I don't want to derail the thread but
stopped reading


Zizek is just Freudian Bordiga


>Words words words how can you expect me to read all of them


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>the widow is also a former Right Sector militant who allegedly used oligarch connections to seize Kotsyubailo's home from his parents when he died
what the fuck are these fascists even fighting for anymore
their own women will gladly betray them for more money
there is no such thing as "racial brotherhood" "racial loyalty" "nationalist loyalty" etc. that's all been wiped out by capitalism and these dumb fucks still go on LARPing as if just because their partners look like them they'll always stay loyal.
this bitch literally stole the home from his parents without any hesitation hahahahaha how cucked do you have to be to be an unironic fascists in the Year of Lord 2023?


She's a strong and proud Aryan tigress who dun need no man


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>Crazy Zigger still think i'm a transhumanist because he wants to rape one


why the fuck was the tiananmen square thread deleted??


>Is it possible for NATO and Russia to engage in direct warfare with each other without kicking off a nuclear exchange?
With Cucktin at the helm, yes. In fact, I expect NATO boots by the end of 2024, and the voices saying that it's a NATO consideration are becoming less and less fringey. Given that Cucktin isn't go to stop being Cucktin, the only thing that would make them think twice is if they thought China would send boots to fight with Russia, but China is still doing its tone-deaf neutrality spiel.


Wasn't deleted but moved
but yeah, bad idea


You're crazy if you think NATO will put boots in the ground. Entering a ground war in Europe is going to nuke any Western leader's approval ratings. Remember that the US just got its ass handled in another ground war a few years ago (Afghanistan). Putin too won't escalate the war to the point of total mobilization because Russia at the end of the day is a bourg state that needs to consider the financial ramification of such a total war (many monopoly capitals in Russia still trade with Western porkies directly and indirectly) not to mention that China will probably pressure Putin not to do anything stupid.


China is deathly afraid of getting caught up in war before they're ready for it. They haven't even finished switching over their computer systems to a new OS to try to dodge windows and mac malware/backdoors exploited by the NSA. They won't be ready for at least another decade. All Russia has to do is win in Ukraine that's their only responsibility but the trouble they've had in obtaining a quick victory has only spooked the Chinese even more. Maybe if Cucktin won decisively within the first year they'd feel more confident about an attack on Taiwan. This is the problem with weak leaders like Cucktin. Weakness engenders weakness. The inability for Russia to quickly win has only made the Chinese more timid.


>Entering a ground war in Europe is going to nuke any Western leader's approval ratings.
You have a higher opinion of the public than I do.


Not to mention that I'm pretty sure literally every Western leader has below 50 or below 40 or even below %30 approval ratings but that doesn't stop them from doing stupid shit.


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She is also now a member of the Kiev city parliament from some wholesome smol bean pro-EU "anti-corruption and pro-democracy" centrist party.
With ukrainian wiki listing her great achievements such as demolishing a Moscow-Kiev friendship monument in 2021 or stonewalling a Babi Yar holocaust memorial project because there was Russian money involved.

"B-but Right Sector only had 1% of the vote!!" - only the most retarded fascist thugs vote for the "Evil Hitler Party", those who have half a braincell just integrate themselves into "respectable" political projects


Wtf she's not even hot.
I can't believe Kotsyubailo had such low standards that he died and had his family home stolen by this piece of trash.


NAFO is not a representation of the average westoid. NAFO and other frothing in the mouth warmongerers are drawn from the same class stock as the warmongerers a century ago; i.e petty bourgs, conservative bureaucrats and sons of shop owners. People who will join the Black Hundreds a century ago, and published screeches demanding billions of jewish deaths or something


>sorry sweatie, but the reality of tank warfare has russian bias


Name a war the USA won in the 21st century. If the USA gets involved it is just going to get ground down like the Ukraine army is now as all it knows how to do is commit atrocities against devloping nations and has no understanding of the science of war. How do you think it will play out with Americans if all they see on the news is Americans getting slaughtered in Ukraine?


What are you basing this analysis on?


Don't care about NAFO. The Western MSM literally propagandized most of the public into ignoring literal Nazis. Fighting the "evil Russians" on the ground will be a cakewalk by comparison.


>This is the problem with weak leaders like Cucktin. Weakness engenders weakness.


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hilarious if real


The punchline would be getting denied.


<Surely the DoD

>The Social-National Party of Ukraine (SNPU) was registered as a party on 16 October 1995; the constituent congress of the party took place on 13 October 1991, in Lviv. The party was established by the Soviet-Afghan War veterans organization, the youth organization "Spadshchyna" (Heritage, headed by Andriy Parubiy), the Lviv Student Fraternity (headed by Oleh Tyahnybok).The party adopted a party emblem associated with fascism and which is used by neo-Nazi organizations in Europe.

>The SNPU's official program defined itself as an "irreconcilable enemy of Communist ideology".

>With the ecclosion of the war in Donbas and the failures of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, many former Euromaidan activists and right-wing parties formed volunteer militias and paramilitary groups to fight the separatists, they are known as the Ukrainian volunteer battalions. In June 2014, Svoboda formed the "Sich" Battalion, with volunteers coming mostly from Kyiv. The Sich Battalion was placed under command of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and given official status of a "Special Tasks Patrol Police". The unit was deployed to the regions around the city of Donetsk, mostly provided internal security and participated of combat operations around Marinka and Avdiivka.

>Svoboda's ideological base emanates from Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists leader Yaroslav Stetsko's "Two Revolutions" doctrine (written in 1951).

>Stetsko, who *explicitly called for the United States to launch a surprise nuclear strike on Soviet Russia during the Cold War (believing World War 3 to be “inevitable” and necessary),* wrote an article that appeared in an OUN affiliated Canadian publication in 1939 in which he prided Ukrainians as “the first people in Europe to understand the corrupting work of Jewry.” Two years later, he endorsed “the expedience of bringing German methods of exterminating Jewry to Ukraine.”


KKE made a bretty good analysis of this.
>According to Xiang Lanxin, a Chinese professor of World History and Politics, “the Chinese military had overestimated the capabilities of the Russian army. In fact, they should know their Russian counterparts better than anyone else —we have taken part in many joint exercises, we have interacted and held dialogues at many different levels. We have come to believe that, despite its economic problems, Russia remains the world’s second power in the military field. But to be honest, China expected much more from Russian military capabilities. And this is a lesson being taken very seriously into account
China was caught unprepared by the SMO. Remember that Ukraine was part of the Belt And Road, and that China and the EU was on a verge of reaching a trade deal before the SMO happened. Their original strategy is to build a strategic partnership with European countries and if possible split down the Euro-Atlantic master-slave relationship. Russia's failure to capture Ukr cleanly has dashed this plan and polarized Euro political culture so sharply that even the fascist gov in Italy bend down to American demands. China is thrown headfirst to a total conflict against US+EU that it is not prepared for.


Sun Tzu. The Chinese will only strike if they feel confident that they are 100% ready and can win very quickly. Just look at the initial stage of their entry into the Korean War they almost outright won in like 3-4 months triggering MacArthur so much that he wanted to start using nuclear weapons indiscriminately because he thought it was all over.

Also I have chink friends and I understand their perfectionist mindset they hate committing to anything unless they're certain they can pull it off and do it well I can only imagine how autistic China's PLA high command can be.


>China is thrown headfirst to a total conflict against US+EU that it is not prepared for.

Have you told them "perfect" is the enemy of "good"?


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Tankanon during June 1941:
>Comrades! The USSR has been thrown headfirst into a total conflict against Nazi Germany that it is not prepared for!


Not hilarious and not surprising, Macron will end his last mandate after passing all the neolib reforms he wanted but he has a big ego so he wants to be remembered as a head of state who made France "go its own way" like De Gaulle. It's a little bit funny actually that his narcissism made him at least a little bit likeable.


Russia is not the USSR. It is a bourgeois state engaged in a fight for its survival. If everything goes perfectly according to plan, that leaves no room for socialists.


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fresh Putler interview


I was trying to point out that China being thrown into a war before it's ready and possibly losing outright and/or suffering millions of casualties isn't something to cheer for.
<that leaves no room for socialists
It opens room for at least Ukrainian socialists. Better to be occasionally lectured by retarded Russian monarchists than to be arrested or outright killed by Ukrainian fascists.


No, it's not "good" the original plan is to get Poles,Magyars,Italians and maybe the French to revolt against the Burgerreich and preventing Pentagon from consolidating power over Europe. That plan is gone now because P*tin keeps pussyfooting in Ukraine and his army keeps committing warcrime 24/7 which gives glowtards enough ammunition to basically turn the tide of popular opinion in Europe.
You need to realize just how unprecedented the situation in EU right now is. Even during the height of the cold war you have random uyghas in France like the DeGaullists opposing total war with Russia. That kind of opposition is nonexistent now. Literally the only thing preventing the US from deploying boots is Biden's fear that dragging the US to another war will result in Trump's reelection


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Ah, so the thread bitched at Russia for sidelining communists in Donbas, but for Ukraine, it would somehow be different?

>the original plan
Do you have the document of this plan?
>warcrime 24/7
More citations needed.


There's a huge difference between sidelining and outright murdering. Yes, they were removed from government positions, but it's not like they were imprisoned or shot afterwards. Between getting killed by an Azovite vs, being locked out of governing positions in parliament or whatever I'm pretty sure every socialist knows what's better for the working class.


Brothers, the situation today is precarious. Japan is remilitarizing, Polelols are going full ONR mode and even Turkiye is using the war as an excuse to bomb Russians in Syria. Russia and China are literally being encircled by the Reaction and all of this is made possible by Cucktin fucking up Ukraine. All of these crap are supposed to happen a few decades from now on but have been accelerated to such a degree because of the failed SMO


>implying NATO doesn't consider Ukrainians to be dirty slavs just like Russians

>implying congress didn't know Ukraine would lose before the war started
>implying mass slaughter wasn't an orchestrated plan from the beginning


There have been like 80 posts since I last checked this thread, did Putin cuck out again


>us socialists are special and irreplaceable


is the sky blue?


one of these days i'm gonna redraw this pic to be bolsheviks




>Cucktin fucking up Ukraine
kek no one even replied to leninhat's post yet because we all don't want to read the cringe.
look at this shit lmao
>the west is pumping ukraine with weapons and is proud of it, but violates international legal acts
I want to go back in time and shoot Putin's KGB handler for failing to teach him critical thinking skills. What sort of lame ass bullshit is this
<heh *smirks while pushing up glasses* *opens book of laws* looks like you…broke the law…bet you feel bad now don't you *smirks again*

holy cringe


good he died.
still "present"? lmao.
captured leopard and bardley, not bad. reverse engineering to see what they did.


Unironically yes.


I'm simply telling the truth. Just take a look at any Glownews like NYT and you will see shit like:
>Japan remilitarizing
>Biggest NATO wargame to be held in Poland
>Literally who SS collaborators: are they really that bad?
>Expert says: having a swastika patch isn't necessarily political
All these shit happened after le SMO


>All of these crap are supposed to happen a few decades from now on but have been accelerated to such a degree because of the failed SMO
Good. I tire of things going according to the bourgeoisie plan. I tire of nothingburgers. I tire of things happening too fast to matter. I tire of "leaders" waiting on a perfect moment that will never come. I tire of waiting while pollution slowly renders the planet uninhabitable.


Wow apparently Japan is the only country allowed to militarilize; other countries literally can't militarize.


Disappointing but expected


Gloves are coming off. He is strongly considering withdrawing from the grain deal.


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Prigozhin gave an interview about the time that Wagner got decimated by the US. It puts some of the friction between Wagner and the military proper into perspective. If what he says is true, it seems less like Russian troops are incompetent and more that both sides are continually backstabbing each other to gain Putin's favor.


>He is strongly considering withdrawing from the grain deal.
If only he would turn off the gas to economic aggressors instead of shipping it to them through Ukraine. It's the little things like this that make Westoids skeptical of his nuke credibility.


What is he supposed to pay soldiers with then?


> It's the little things like this that make Westoids skeptical of his nuke credibility.
Hit the nail on the head. Putin's threatened nukes once every couple of months for a decade, at some point you stop taking the little guy seriously.
t. Westoid that is skeptical of his nuke credibility


>Create two different military branches
>Both branches fight against each other
Why do capitalist dictators keep doing this shit


He can pay them with love of the motherland.
A man who isn't ready for a little economic hardship isn't ready to drop nukes on his enemies, which would create even more economic hardship.
That's the calculation.


>ironic idealist shitposting
You really should stop. We're already getting idiots asking these kinds of stupid questions sincerely.


Also happened after SMO:
>Chinese companies dominating Russian market
>China-Russia bilateral trade up 100%
>Russian grew more than Eurozone did in 2022
>Russian fossil fuel exports above pre-war level
>Yuan overtakes dollar in Chinese international trade
>Chinese export as share of global exports at all time high
>Chinese trade balance at all time high
>China overtook Germany in car exports in 2022, will over take Japan this year
>German deindustrialization
>Germany chemical industries permanently moving to China
>Renormalization of relationships between Syria and Arab world, Saudi Arabia and Iran, UAE and Iran
>Saudi-US split on various issues
>dedollarization due to US sanction overuse
>SEA, BRICS launching their own currency swap programs
>Global south refuse to side with Ukraine
>Progressive wave in South America
None of which would have happened if not for SMO


You mean CIA and Pentagon? Russian isn't a dictatorship. US is though.


I think Putin sees it as "if they're fighting each other for my approval, they're not fighting me."
Who cares if that means that Wagner troops get vaporized by the US in Syria? Who cares if, in retaliation, Wagner sends Russian troops into the Bakhmut meatgrinder to die needlessly for months? Who cares if, in retaliation for that, Russian troops mysteriously withhold fire support from Wagner at critical moments and allow ukrops to break through the line? As long as they're not directly opposing Putin it's all good in his mind.


Who cares? Majority of Ukrainian grain go to Spain as pig feed and majority of Spanish pork export go to China.


Even so they don't need strong approval, only ardent support from the few and limp resistance from the many. That's not hard to imagine, and if they know how to do it in colour recipes they know how to do it at home
Pretty much this >>575159
As far as bourgeois support the bourgeoisie would be divided between those with favourable relations to the existing market and world configuration (less important as that configuration is undermined and eventually dismantled by economic restrictions) and those who stand to gain from the further plunder that a victory would enable. Successfully colonising Russia could give the Empire another few decades' lease on life

>dictatorship bad
Pretty sure the operative word in the other post was "capitalist", anon


Russia isn't capitalist


>Russia isn't capitalist


I hate this thread so much


Name a capitalist country without McDonald's. I'll wait.


No argument from the stirnertard yet again.


Actually existing socialism confirmed, China BTFO



The stirnertard isn't arguing in good faith. The moment he starts losing an argument he'll stop replying altogether. He's probably a fedposter here to demoralize.


Nice reddit spacing, bro.


There are literal soviet pensioners who fucking starved to death because Russian porkies just withdrew their pension money dude. Wtf is this ground breaking theory of capitalism=McDonalds


Stirnerfed aside. Disengaging from a "lost" conversation is healthy.


>other guy types whole paragraph to debunk his shitty point
>guy already had his mind made up so he doesn't even respond
No worthwhile arguing with such people only here to shit up the thread


By Russian porkies you mean Gorbachev and Yeltsin who are diametrically opposed to Putin.


Yeltsin literally chose Putin as his heir you fuck
I'm not responding because that anon successfully forced me to reconsider my position and i'm not a retard who would draw online arguments longer than necessary. Fine, i admit that maybe SMO brings more benefit than harm. My point that Cucktin and Ziggers are retard mouthbreather opportunists and possible wrekcers still stand


What benefit is there to be gained from demoralizing a site with like 50 regular users, none of whom are radicalized enough to actually go out and take direct action


Yeltsin chose Putin because he thought he was a liberal. US media shilled for Xi back in 2011 because they thought he was a liberal. Many such cases


Le demoralization is a poloid meme and 90% of the time they used it against "diverse phenotype porn" spammers (who are also fellow nazis)


They hire thousands of agents to demoralize different leftist communities. Reminder that US literally has a $500 million slush fund to smear China.





Maybe ease up on the samefagging glowniger


This should be ridiculed. Capitalist doesn't mean Americanised, retard.


US is the only dominant capitalist country.


Tell them brother crapitalism is when i eat HRT insect burger from McDonalds and nothing else


Without capitalism people wouldn't be choosing high protein but disgusting food like insect as food.


Stirnerposter is the fag who sometimes posts under an Australian flag, sometimes the alien flag, sometimes a sonic flag

t. knower


So an Australian libtard… classic


I saw two other people were being stirner so I'm formally joining the anti-spook squad


Which one of us?



It's over




The abrams is going to Ukraine then, since the DU ammunition of tanks in NATO isn't generally interchangeable.


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military industrial complex back at it again


Has France send any equipment to the Ukraine?


That's like one day of Ukrainian losses.


not even bradleys enough to replace the many fertilizing the potato fields.


They sent some AMX-10RC self propelled guns. A couple of them were destroyed in the counteroffensive already


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What's that? The heroes of Ukraine need more armaments? Looks like they need to be helped out again. For freedom and liberty, of course!


They sent a lot of weapons, notably Caesars and AMXs, and pledged to send more and continuously reinforce their support to Ukraine.


with whom? can't Putin at least accidentally hit some westoid leader who pays a surprise visit to Kyiv, using one of those famously imprecise Russian rockets

Also how much of the "brutal attacks" against Ukrainian cities are really westoid AD failing to completely neutralise targets and falling on civilian areas instead


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>investing in SPSIAD instead of DFEN
Shaking my head to be honest.


Year 9 of Ukraine's very special 48 hour "anti-terrorist-operation" (ATO) against "separatists" in Donbass and Crimea. Results so far:

>lost 20% of its territory

>lost 500,000 soldiers
>had half its population flee the country
>been de-industrialised
>its people traumatised
>Bakhmut lost
>fully owned by American capitalists
>Zaluzhny dead
>Incursion into Belgorod oblast completely BTFO
>Offensyiv completely BTFO, Leopards and Bradleys getting smoked by the dozen

Are we tired of winning yet, ukrosisters?


Nazilib revealing himself


>investing makes you a nazi
I'm sorry for not wanting to be poor


Participating in the market makes you an enemy of all leftists. Hope you get hit by a bus.


So true!


I didn't want to believe it at first but now I realize Putin is probably one of the most intelligent head of state of in the entire human history.


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I have, which will surprise you not a little, been speculating partly in American funds, but more especially in English stocks, which are springing up like mushrooms this year (in furtherance of every imaginable and unimaginable joint stock enterprise) are forced up to a quite unreasonable level and then, for most part, collapse. In this way, I have made over $400 now that the complexity of the political situation affords greater scope, I shall begin all over again. Its a type of operation that makes small demands on ones time, and its worth while running some risk in order to relieve the enemy of his money.


Yeah it's just like when North Korea was razed to the grounds and North Vietnam was relentlessly bombed with napalm and pesticide so they lost


stirnerflag, why are you responding to yourself?


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It's so weird that the only reason NATO supports Ukraine at all is economic. The US spends so much on defense in Europe because they thought Russia was a genuine threat, but the initial invasion showed that they can barely drive tanks in a straight line, let alone invade western europe. The west is effectively frontloading their defense expenditures for the next two or three decades by keeping the war going and further hollowing out the last remnants of the USSR.


> The US spends so much on defense in Europe because they thought Russia was a genuine threat
a threat to NATO expansion, but never a threat against NATO staying put. But they never wanted to stay put. So there you have it. NATO wishes to encircle and balkanize ex-Warsaw Pact nations, an aggressive act, sold as "containing Russian aggression."


Army with NATO equipment and training losing to people who can't drive tanks straight? More likely than you think.


Really bizarre interpretation, they've clearly been caught with their trousers down and a Russian invasion force comparable to the total allied invasion of Iraq is HODLing despite this being a peer war unlike Iraq.

Ukraine, despite the /k/opes, is working with NATO tactics, NATO intel, NATO weapons and NATO leadership with a military larger than any single European military. If NATO can't push out of Ukraine what they consider an invasion force worthy onlyof the Third World, then that really doesn't look good for them and likely this whole situation is shitting up the NATO HQ and everything they thought they knew about a potential war with Russia.


Right, but by sending gear and strategists they get to test out new toys and tactics while effectively containing Russia and lowering future defense spending.
Well, the US's defense spending won't go down overall, it'll just shift east.


The initial Russian invasion was before mobilization and goal was to get Ukraine to negotiating table that it did, then the USA told Ukraine it couldn't negotiate with Ukraine. What we see now is why Imperial Germany wanted to knock out France first in the WWI in fear of Russia could do once they mobilize and were actually competent.


Russia is spending less than 3% of it's GDP on Ukraine. If you actually have more than 80 autism score you wouldn't be calling it a hollowing out. Meanwhile Europe has already lost 3% of growth thanks to high energy cost.


>despite this being a peer war
>Russia is a peer to a country of drunken nazis given leftover Cold War trash


The slave frees himself when, of all the relations of private property, he abolishes only the relation of slavery and thereby becomes a proletarian; the proletarian can free himself only by abolishing private property in general.

The serf liberates himself in one of three ways: either he runs away to the city and there becomes a handicraftsman; or, instead of products and services, he gives money to his lord and thereby becomes a free tenant; or he overthrows his feudal lord and himself becomes a property owner. In short, by one route or another, he gets into the owning class and enters into competition. The proletarian liberates himself by abolishing competition, private property, and all class differences.

Fuck PMCs and wannabe petty bourg rats, they'll betray their class at the drop of a hat like the house uyghurs that they are.


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>The west is effectively frontloading their defense expenditures for the next two or three decades by keeping the war going and further hollowing out the last remnants of the USSR.

yeah, that's always been the plan. create a bunch of theaters to "contain" the "aggression" of countries seeking economic and political sovereignty from the imperial core. Forever war. Oceania versus Eurasia.


By testing you mean losing half of entire global stock of a technical equipment in a day?


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>Participating in the market makes you an enemy of all leftists.
who doesn't "participate in the market?"


i'm so confused, are there two stirnerflags?


No, I mean shit like switchblade drones. Everything else the west has been sending to Ukraine is ancient. I think the newest thing that's been sent has been the Bradley, and those are 40 years old.


Just don't buy stocks lmao it isn't that hard you retarded degen gambler


This but unironically.


Did you miss the part where they were basically a NATO nation for 8 years?


We're all Stirner on this blessed day.


Switchblade drones are only one of the many wunderwaffes we hear about once and then don't hear about anymore.


How about you stop the clutter and reply to them in 1 post thank you


wait i thought the imperialist wunderwaffe didn't work


I'm an egoist and I've bet my entire ego on Ukraine winning


Tell me it does work


Yeah, that's what I'm saying. The US gets a new sandbox to play around in and test out their new toys, get them used in an active combat zone, and then go home and tweak them to work out the kinks. Russia getting trapped in an eternal proxy war is the kind of shit the US MIC dreams of.




US lacks the ability to "tweak"
You don't really see US iterating on their weapons anymore. They just invent, build and then abandon. See LCS and Zumwalt main gun


Yet the USA still hasn't learned from WWII and far beyond land doctrine thus you have western leaders seriously believing pushing into the line of skirmish is a breakthrough when the term only means a breakout and being past the last line of defence in the line yet American ruling class is ignorant of the craft of war and thing one can just spend their way to victory.


On the other hand it forces Russia to trim the fat in their MIC, do crash projects, ramp up production lines and discharge them from their old stockpiles and the maintenance that goes with. The civilian economy and population will eventually pay harshly for it but Russia may very well be military stronger in a decade than they would have been otherwise.


They're not paying that harshly for it and ultimately the lesson for Russia is that the drone is the T-34 of modern combat


>Just don't buy stocks lmao
buying stocks isn't the only way you participate in the market
>it isn't that hard you retarded degen gambler
in a lot of imperial core countries, peoples' retirement plans have become tied to market outcomes. So a piece of your paycheck will get set aside in some retirement account, and whatever financial institution is responsible for maintaining that account will gamble with it on the market. Same with your commercial bank. The wall between commercial and investment banking has totally been eroded to the point that the average prole is having their meager savings gambled with by big banks.

In any case, it literally doesn't matter if some prole buys stocks. Yes, it's gambling. Unless they're making most of their money from investment, they are still a prole, since they rely on selling their labor to a capitalist to make the money they're investing in the first place. But treating it as a moral issue or an individual moral failing to buy stocks is fundamentally stupid. You're just limiting your own choices to appear virtuous and to live up to some ascetic ideal of what a prole should be.


The lesson is that artillery is still king of the battlefield, drones are good at being forward observers and that defence in depth works.


>Leopard 2s get sent to Ukraine
>They get knocked out
>Germany acknowledges them being knocked out by insisting they not be referred to as "German" tanks, but rather Ukrainian tanks because that's who was using them
>Germany announces even more Leopard 2s to be sent out
I'm proven once again that weapon escalations do not come out of Putin cuckoldry but just out of Ukraine sucking regardless of what they receive and porky, as usual, thinking this is a problem burning money can solve


"Hegel remarks somewhere that all great world-historic facts and personages appear, so to speak, twice. He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce." -Marx

First we had the invasion by Nazi Germany now he have the farce that is the Ukraine Army backed by NATO.


People who think America is succeeding at any grand strategy are hilarious. US foreign policy has been completely retarded ever since they sidelined Kissinger and they had no super genius plan to trap Russia in a quagmire. They legitimately thought Russia would do nothing as they Operation Stormed across the Donbass and were caught with their pants down when Putin decided to not be a cuck for the first time in over a decade. When that happened they were literally crying and shitting themselves legitimately believing that Ukraine would be defeated instantly. They even didn’t start sending material until they realized Putin actually still was a cuck. And all of their aid has just been throwing shot at a wall hoping one thing will work. America is run by a bunch of legitimate retards. You can tell by the fact that they are still antagonizing China despite the fact that they cannot even handle Russia


It's more Putin's porky gang that's trying to frame this conflict at the great patriotic war 2 to get the proles behind, dude should call himself Stalin III at this point


I think the Nazis are the one making that comparison obvious


Oh you mean the slavs with a jewish president and transgenders in their army? I mean as nazis go they are on farcical league of their own.


Fascists are retarded, this is true


>a jewish president
That they openly don't respect
>Transgenders in their army?
Pluralising Transgender is an over-exaggeration


>First we had the invasion by Nazi Germany now he have the farce that is the Ukraine Army backed by NATO.
Yes, the people of the former USSR are only going from war of extermination to colonial division via decommunization


The bigger farce is while they worship Bandera and the Nazi Germany occupiers they failed to put much of a dent in the modern Russia army despite it being closer to France during WWII then the USSR. It is clear Stalin would have just broke through Ukraine's line and have a victory parade in Kiev by now due to how laughably weak NATO is compared to Nazi Germany in realities terms.


>Stirnerites in 2023
>Them being shitters
Damn, have we gone back to 2015?


Zelensky has like 90% approbation, they are the race the nazis wanted to exterminate/enslave, they don't seem to particularly care about jews, and they have openly nazi transgenders in the army, I can't find the tiktok of the medic transwoman with huge filled lips, I just remember it ends with .ss


>I'm proven once again that weapon escalations do not come out of Putin cuckoldry but just out of Ukraine sucking regardless of what they receive and porky, as usual, thinking this is a problem burning money can solve
on point. and since they don't care about money due to their currencies (US/EUR) having the exorbitant privilege, they think they can do it indefinitely.


War is a racket. You wouldn't believe the grift in the defense industry either. The purveyors know full well where the money is coming from, the taxes of US workers, and they know they have a single buyer. So they charge 10x for basic components. All these perfidious US politicians , dem and reb that beat the war drum are heavily invested in defense securities. Extreme corruption festers at every level of the system.


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Is Putin's cuckoldry more the fault of his actions, or his lack of actions?


Cope map


where's the lie
point it out my uyghy



I say keep the ideological liberals in control over burgerland. absolutely delusional, absolutely vile smears of human faecal matter. let there be nobody else around but themselves to blame when the illusion shatters
>We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality
really believe they can keep this going forever without consequence
what's the gesture of goodwill pointing to, snake island?


Probably something that only exists in /k/opers’ minds


hohols lost at least 50,000 soldiers at every colored area


the duality of the stirnerfag is that he is simultaneously based and cringe, probably one of the most dialectical posters itt


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Leovpardyiv prob status?


Status: leopards skinned and serving as carpets.


600th reply


so for the last several days the ukrainian counteroffensive has been a back and forth battle over who will control a small empty village about 10km north of russia's first defensive line.


What if the counteroffensyiv fails?


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yeah, it's called the grayzone for that reason.


Is this zoomerspeak? I feel old…


this thread in a nutshell



ben norton got sissy hypno'd


Based ZOKA


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I messed up. There was a news about him turning 100 years old and in my head it turned into news of him dying.

"I'm against the current thing".
> My government is corrupt and oppressive, so its enemies (Ukraine and NATO) must be good guys.
It's lighter version of tankies simping to any anti-western dictator because they're not satisfied with 14$/hour wage. On the other hand, ebanoe.it is the only site where I've seen not psychotic Ukrainians.


I'll assume that's bait and you're not actually a patronizing shitlib.


Why don't you list the battles that won Kherson, Kiev, and Kharkhov?


>It's lighter version of tankies simping to any anti-western dictator
Labor aristocrats uphold a capitalist structure, tankies do not. Tankies falsify the logic of democracy wars, which pretend to be opposed to dictatorship but really are just opposed to independent non-Western nations.


still mad about Gaddafi, huh


If you aren't, you're not a communist.


kek, they can't claim the reward.


most recent map has Ukraine back in control + substantial gains near Levadnoye
oh, and they haven’t even committed most of their reserves yet
and Russian commentators agree that the current attacks, being limited, are thus still probing/combat reconnaissance

face it, it’s over


You don't send main battle tanks into probing attacks that is what light armor is for that are far cheaper (and faster) to produce thus more expendable. What we are seeing is failed penetrations where Ukraine attempted to breakthrough but didn't get far enough to breakout into Russia's rear.


no it makes sense to lose half your leopards proooobing


Libya and the assault on Arab nationalism in general proves tankies right, the problem is an ongoing colonial assault on backward nations because of the believe a dictatorship over them upholds liberal democracy
>Bradleys and Leopards in a probing attack


Yeah I am actually. Kill yourself lib chomo


Tbf it was like 15 vehicles from the spammed images. Not exactly a large attack if you send in a single armored company or two. Only NAFOids were surprised that Western kit isn't IRL cheat codes and only ziggers think the offensive has been defeated. The battle will continue and Russian units will fight tooth and nail for every meter of ground as Ukraine grinds forward.


you do need heavy armor because a probing attack is still an attack, you try to make a minor breakthrough everywhere, and eventually commit to a particular direction

Ukraine hasn’t committed yet, so it’s still probing


This is the Bakhmut is stalling guy btw


The Ukrops sent in some of their most well equipped units, which by all accounts were being trained specifically to spearhead this offensive. As a result they've gotten mauled pretty badly. If these were probing attacks they wouldn't be sending the cream of the AFU, they'd be sending conscripts with Soviet tanks.


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That is not how the Warsaw Pact thought of probing attacks, you have heavy recon or mechanized infantry skirmish the enemy line, when the enemy attacks your line farther back will pound them. Warsaw Pact exercises found MBTs far too cumbersome to race back to friendly lines to be used in such skirmish missions while APCs and IFVs were far more nimble while having sufficient firepower, better optics to see what is going on and more expendable.


The next Ukrainian presidential election shall be held, per the Constitution of Ukraine, on the last Sunday of March[1] of the fifth year of the incumbent President's term of office, in Spring 2024. However, if a president's term in office ends prematurely, the election of a new president must take place within ninety days of the previous president leaving office.[2][3] The first round is expected to take place on the last Sunday of March, which falls on 31 March 2024. If no candidate receives an absolute majority, the second round is then expected to take place 3 weeks after the first, on 21 April 2024. These are the same days as the previous presidential election held on 31 March and 21 April 2019.[4][5]


Zelenskyyyyyyy will def win. NATO can’t allow for the questions that would arise if he did not


bakhmut status?


What are you talking about? Are you making up fanfic so you can feel like you won an argument I'm not even a part of?


Bakhmut status?


I have no idea what you are talking about, why are you doing this? The actual troll who you were arguing with is probably laughing at us both. If you cant see posts by IP you probably shouldn't try and use your shoddy analytical skills.




nta, but..
…bakhmut status?


boils my blood to see what they did to Lybia.


Damn… for as great as Gaddafi was, he still didn't have the brains to understand that he shouldn't have opposed the only actual superpower on earth. Crazy. Ah well.


We laugh but this is what NATOcels actually believe


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And they're not wrong. The dude talked awfully tough for being within dronestrike range. I hope every world leader got to watch his final moments, crying and screaming while being sodomized with a bayonet.

At the very least, I know Kim Jong-Un watched it. And wouldn't you know it, right after he saw that video he ramped up nuclear weapons testing. Gaddafi may not have learned from his mistakes, but he proved to be a great example to others.


>he shouldn't have opposed the only actual superpower on earth. Crazy. Ah well.

his mistake was actually giving up his weapons and trying to cozy up with them. They struck when he made himself vulnerable for them.


lol the stirner fedposter dropped his flag because others started using it


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Two Ukrainian BMPs surrendering to Russians.


M777 entered service 2005 and Himars did in 2010. Not really ancient. Most of the drones Ukraine received are from the 2010s. Most military gear can be several decades old and not even in need of an upgrade to work well in combat situation. In Ukraine case most of the gear it has received has had some sort of upgrade. Like the Leopard variants.


If I were a Ukrainian conscript, that's the first thing I would do as soon as I reached the battlefield: grab a vehicle and surrender to the Russians. They are lucky they got to surrender before being blown to bits by artillery.


>M777 entered service 2005
damn it's crazy its so new because it really sucks


I'ts perfect for the wars US thought it was always going to wage for foreseeable future. Accurate and high range, but can't do sustained fire because the barrel can't take it and quickly needs replacing if it tries to do artillery battles with volume.
It's basically a heavy ballistic sniper rifle built for Iraq and Afghanistan to provide quick artillery support when brave US soldiers meet resistance from goat herders.


now's that what I'd call good praxis.


shit I'd offer to go on that bosnia war agitprop talking about Azov impregnating women with dog fetuses and shit and bluechew brigades


>bluechew brigades
Remember when people in these threads were praising chechen soldiers because they thought they would rape ukrainian women en masse
I remember


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ukrainian women or nazi women?


Yeah I remember this thing that didn’t happen


Even Ukrainian babies are dedicated neo-nazi banderites.


cucktin met with telegram schizos, are patriots in control?


Trust the plan
All will be known
The eyebrow is raising


Oh it happens, you just don't see it because thos e vids don't get shared often.


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A lot of retards trying to talk about why Russia is bad. You know what? I don't give a shit if Russia is bad, the US is still at least ten times fucking worse, they have controlled the global order up until now and gotten away with every crime and atrocity they have ever committed. I only care about seeing the American state get the death it deserves, only after that point will I be remotely willing to entertain the idea of criticising any non-western country.

Until the USA is dead and buried, there is no justice in this world.


Why has USA decided to send Ukrainians to suicide counterattacks? AFU have defense lines after Bakhmut, with which Russia would as well struggle for months while suffering serious casualties.

Unique IPs: 156

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