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Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine


Developments of multipolarity timeline https://www.pacemaker.global/multipolar-transition-timeline

Live maps and updates
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SouthFront: https://southfront.org/category/all-articles/world/europe/ukraine/
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<adding Slavyangrad, why not
< I mean why? Dude is literally schizophrenic. I dont hate him, indeed I feel fopr him cause his daughter didnt deserve to be killed for damn sure & Dugin has his based USSR boomer moments but…
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The East has fallen…


I guarantee there is a media strategy ready to sell it to the public and suppress negative reaction.




Long ago I came to the position that the idea that Nazism occurred because post WWI Germany was treated too harshly is just crypto-fascist apologism. Both post WWII Germany and Japan show that such nations respond best to the complete crushing of national spirit.


Nah, there's two intended routes for the impoverished in America, the military and prison labor, letting prisoners join the military would cannibalize prison profits.


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I buy it, look at Britain, our global humiliation with Brexit and just generally becoming a shithole within a single decade has us discussing sending people to Rwanda and keeping them on prison boats because we don't want "their sort" physically on our land, not to mention also generally driving escalations in Ukraine to prove something about our ability to shape global events.


The difference is that they were largely defeated militarily whereas the Imperial Germans had effectively won in the east and felt that they hadn't lost the West since their troops were still on French soil as they signed the ceasefire. The same thing applies here: Ukraine has to be defeated militarily for a lasting peace and no amount of war crimes can speed up the process unless you want another round pretty soon after.


Most of us Cucktin posters just think Putin should actually fight a war instead of the dumb SMO game with limited forces.

And of course to nuke London and Washington.


Western defeat in tihs war is a prerequisite for development thanks to the West. Unipolarity and globalization unleashed imperialism and the subsequent steady escalation since the 90s in order to become a guarantor of global security has meant tabling an international conflict with Russia and China once this global order enters crisis. It is crucial that both nations win this conflict and smash post-Cold War neocontainment policies. They are meant to reinforce the colonial division of the world and prevent this division from being undone by capitalism.


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>the complete crushing of national spirit.
Thats not what happened in the DDR, citizens were taught to be proud of Germany and its cultural accomplishments and that Fascism was an aberration.

<"Hitlers come and go, but the German people and the German state remain."

- Joseph Stalin


what is "Xi Jinping thought" btw? kind of late to ask this as a xipilled chinaboo. Is it a product of his faction or the party generally?


Good morning, I hate NATO


>Thats not what happened in the DDR, citizens were taught to be proud of Germany and its cultural accomplishments and that Fascism was an aberration.
That was the rebuilding after years of Allied occupation. Wessies aren't generally ashamed of Germany either.


Its just his particular brand of governance, it's not really any theory he has cooked up per se, but perhaps that's what the need for studying his governing style is, to develop a theory around it I guess for predicting China's motives, responses, plans, etc if not for actually trying to implement "Xi Jinping Thought" themselves.


>what is "Xi Jinping thought" btw?
tldr the freeze after the thaw timed with the inflection point of the rise of China and decline of the US. XJT formalizes a national model for development after China sort of took influences from all over the place and had a future up in question. For the West, Xi basically symbolizes that Chinese development will not be concluding with liberalization but the flowering of alternative developmental models altogether. It greatly antagonizes the West because it's already worried about how, under globalization, liberalization and capitalist development are no longer closely linked. Their divorce is at the heart of the global crisis and it's why globalization is bringing colonialism as the contradiction to a head.


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Basically just the CPC reiterating that their a Marxist-Leninist country & party with a Socialist economy and Communism is their highest ideal.

Ah okay no worries I thought meant in the mutiple decades following.


>Wessies aren't generally ashamed of Germany either
but they are. They have this "I am better than oyu cause I feel worse about myself" mindset, they even had it before parts of it became American spirit


>delicious B cup breasts
intbriganon mentions tits
>"oh no no no my dude you done it now" immediately from from 5 posters
>screencapped and posted by a mod on twitter "look at these retards on the forum where I am a moderator talking about tits. Come help me mod"
>they still talking about it
>they got nothing


>seen so many posts trying to tie Russian essentialist narratives to multipolarity
wat. seems like pure strawmanning, coz I certainly didnt see any of that shit, unless you take into account the shitpost waves during nafo raids

>Russian state itself is the harbinger and leader of such an order

it is a crucial part of it, both because of its resources and its military power. Unless you think preventing nato from completely fucking syria and iran is irrelevant to multipolarity, or that the sanctions giving finally the political push needed for actively killing petrodollars isnt relevant, or that offering security alternatives to neo colonized africans country isnt important.
The ukraine war itself is the biggest challenge to the us empire unipolar order it ever faced, and its cascading effects are what allowed multipolarity as a real development to take place, even if a lot of groundwork had been done and the position of china at this juncture was crucial as well.

>Your Z bros are dragging multipolarity through the mud

what the fuck does that shit even mean. Dont you have any actual analysis to oppose ? Or is multipolarity bad because there are "reactionary" (by lib standard) states benefiting from it and working towards it ? Is that it ?

>and ends up as a terrible power anyways and forces other actual progressive movements to defeat it

and that should prevent us from supporting the current progressive movement, because in the future the contradictions will be different and they wont be on the "right" side of historical development anymore ?
aint that like seething about the capitalists replacing the feodalists while its happening ?

>ends up as a terrible power anyways and forces other actual progressive movements to defeat it

<implying anglo empire was the actual progressive movement
<missing this literally allowed PRC to be created


mentioning tits gets a fuckin twatter callout but im allowed to proudly proclaim my power bottom uberbussy status and it does not so much as raise an eyebrow


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>I proclaim my power bottom uberbussy status


im still surprised at the 'feedback' that post got. didnt think so many people would care


good, good. let podolyak become the next arestovich.
that was a mine.



100% grass fed organic feedback


>I don't think you'll have to worry about Russian unipolarity anytime soon
Never, under the current state:
>Addressing the World Online Conference on Multipolarity on Saturday, Lavrov said that “Washington’s and its satellites’ efforts to reverse history, to force the international community to live by the invented ‘rules-based order’” are proving to be a fiasco, citing the “total failure” of the West “to isolate Russia.”
>The world has entered a period of a fundamental, revolutionary transformation. New centres of power are emerging. They represent the majority – the majority! – of the international community. They are ready not only to declare their interests but also to protect them. They see in multipolarity an opportunity to strengthen their sovereignty, which means gaining genuine freedom, historical prospects, and the right to their own independent, creative and distinctive forms of development, to a harmonious process.

>The Chinese leader asserted that together with Russia, his nation is ready to “defend with resolve the UN-centric international system.” The two countries would endeavor to “abide by true multipolarity and foster a multipolar world with democratized international relations, to encourage the development of global affairs in a direction that would be more just and rational,” Xi added.


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>Love Hitler from Israel <3


Real polelcucks kneel to bandera, like polelol defense minister blaszczak.


Bandera hated jews too.


why do we even bother to respond to ultras in these threads? there is literally no point in engaging with them, they're either dumbfuck liberals or NAFOid trolls. Just post dead hohols without responding to their "arguments" and they eventually fuck off


Also keeping Russian forces stationed outside of Kiev means that the Ukrainians had to commit a certain number of their armed forces to defending Kiev, bearing in mind that this was happening when Azov nazis in Mariupol were being sent to Bandera


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Putler has just surrended, he just phoned me, it's over


If we don't they start replying to each other and shit up the thread


This. they get bold and plague the thread with their nonsensical liberalism.


based gif btw


lmao, Ukros unhappy with Obama saying that Crimeans wanted to join Russia in 2014. If the Ukros handle with their usual clumsiness, we could see the mother of all lib overnight 180s.


I am Zelensky and I confirm, I just received Russia's unconditional surrend.


Start taking screenshots and translating. Need to push this on the westoids


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Well, i hope you do end up doing this when the war with China happens anon. I want as many Americans as possible to suffer the Abu Ghraib treatment, particularly channers who 100% jerk off to footage of sand uyghurs being tortured by US soldiers. Karmic retribution and all that


>the mother of all lib overnight 180s
Obama is a Russian pupptet


Obama was always a dove on Syria and Ukraine. It's an echo of his mandate to deal with Bush era war fatigue. It's the people he worked with who were the problem.

Obama will pretty much go down in history as unwilling to escalate war as demanded by the stagnation of liberal democratic export after Iraq. Syria and Ukraine were the transition points to a new era of imperialism and unlike his successors he got cold feet on them.


Podolyak: We need to move past these [Obama's] excuses and admit our mistakes [wrt Crimea].

Podolyak: Our counteroffensive hasn't produced good results because the delay in Western supplies gave Russia time to build fortifications.


and just to be retaken next.
Meanwhile, ukarine is losing Kupyansk, each day, a bit more.


big oof for Ukraine.


I don't think they lose Kupyansk necessarily. It seems to be an operation to take Lyman back


new bread


Yeah well my dad works for thr FSB and says you're lying.

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