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 [Last 50 Posts]

Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine


Developments of multipolarity timeline https://www.pacemaker.global/multipolar-transition-timeline

Live maps and updates
>Nb: LiveUaMap is not to be trusted
SouthFront: https://southfront.org/category/all-articles/world/europe/ukraine/
Defense Politics Asia: https://www.youtube.com/@DefensePoliticsAsia
Andrei Martyanov: https://www.youtube.com/user/smoothieX12

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Social media
https://nitter.net/GeromanAT (DDR Anon's fav news copypaste source)
<adding Slavyangrad, why not
< I mean why? Dude is literally schizophrenic. I dont hate him, indeed I feel fopr him cause his daughter didnt deserve to be killed for damn sure & Dugin has his based USSR boomer moments but…


Let's go easy with the breasts this time ok?


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How's the counteroffensive?


wtf is that the engineer


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>jewish-marxist eric andre and writer of 30 rock childish gambino says praise putler



This is gay softcore porn


who tweeted the tits derail?


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Never began but already paused


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>almost all of these retweet generic right wing shit
Lmaoo why the fuck has this general been coddled by mods on here for so long while the rest of the website slides into incel shit? Wtf is wrong with this website



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Can the leftypol twitter account retweet this it would be epic




Yes. Unfortunately, we don't much info, otherwise.


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Is there any chance this is that guy that posted here? Though I can't remember if he was a Russian lib living in Chile or a Chilean lib living in Russia.


That was a Russian lib living in Chile


>>1504709 nah I think Russians are just evil lol 💀


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being right-wing on the internet has got to be some basic bitch shit.


>waahh people don't like my internet pictures glorifying violence!!
have incels considered not whining and seething for once


It is pretty funny how they just blatantly copied the Belarusian fascist flag


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It was also one of the proposals for the Kherson People's Republic flag back in 2014 when it was a possibility lol


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Interesting they libified the concept. The narrative of taking out the red to removed the "violence" is particularly funny since red in national flags most of the time symbolizes the blood of the people who fell in service of creating, protecting, etc. that nation. So the Russian lib dream is just turning Russia into an anti-Russia, essentially creating a second Ukraine.


We should also remove all the violence from the flags of Japan, Switzerland, Canada, Austria and Latvia.


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>In 1867, Fyodor Tyutchev, a Russian poet, diplomat and member of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery, introduced the actual term of "russophobia" in a letter to his daughter Anna Aksakova on 20 September 1867, where he applied it to a number of pro-Western Russian liberals who, pretending that they were merely following their liberal principles, developed a negative attitude towards their own country and always stood on a pro-Western and anti-Russian position, regardless of any changes in the Russian society and having a blind eye on any violations of these principles in the West, "violations in the sphere of justice, morality, and even civilization". He put the emphasis on the irrationality of this sentiment. Tyutchev saw Western anti-Russian sentiment as the result of misunderstanding caused by civilizational differences between East and West.


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Totally not a superinflated amount to steal from the other 3 billion, believe me.


Budanov video in which he discusses the dam explosion, might have been mentioned in the last thread


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there was a western MSM article from last year i think that said ukraine planned to bomb the kakhovka dam
i can't find it, hope someone here has it :(


>>577621 (me)
found it: https://archive.ph/2022.12.29-062516/https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/12/29/ukraine-offensive-kharkiv-kherson-donetsk/
>Russia had to arm and feed its forces via three crossings: the Antonovsky Bridge, the Antonovsky railway bridge and the Nova Kakhovka dam, part of a hydroelectric facility with a road running on top of it.
>Kovalchuk considered flooding the river. The Ukrainians, he said, even conducted a test strike with a HIMARS launcher on one of the floodgates at the Nova Kakhovka dam, making three holes in the metal to see if the Dnieper’s water could be raised enough to stymie Russian crossings but not flood nearby villages.
>The test was a success, Kovalchuk said, but the step remained a last resort. He held off.
>Ukrainian forces in the area were trying to push southward to bisect the Russian-occupied territory west of the Dnieper and get within artillery range of the Nova Kakhovka dam.


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It's Russia's blue cross on white flag but in Belarusian fascist style


It keeps happening or is this the same story from like a couple months ago?

They just want to give Ukraine more weapons. It's not a grift, it's an actual problem of American economy being unable feed Ukraine's 30ish million people as well as maintain the war effort


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Its an update to the story from a couple months ago.


It is reaching Israel and Saudi levels of stupid how much U.S. bends over backwards for them.


Yeah bro trust it was definitely an error, we wouldn't want to give more money to Ukraine than our lip service parliament has agreed to.


Yeah well, wake me up when leftists pick up on it instead of hating themselves and throwing a fit over Russia
Geroman is an Austrian commie

The list needs an update for sure tho.


Yeah RWA doesn’t even give updates anymore really. Just posts tsartard delusions, but they were a decent follow in the early days. Probably not even worth keeping there. But seething about Patrick Lancaster and War Gonzo who are literally journalists on the frontlines is just dumb



> Belarusian fascist flag

Are you referring to some flag posted in a deviantart/reddit circle?



I think they just mean the white-red-white one which has been used most prominently by nazi collaborators


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1. The flag was first adopted in 1918 by the Belarusian People's Republic.

2. If it’s “fascist” just because Axis collaborators used it, then Russia’s tricolor is fascist too.


The most prominent symbol of the ROA was the cross (which also bares a striking resemblance to the Russian libtard flag) and the tricolor is the flag of the current Russian state (however negative that may be) whereas the Belarusian Nazi collaborator flag is still mostly used by fascists


More like Finland flag, tbh.


> If it’s “fascist” just because Axis collaborators used it, then Russia’s tricolor is fascist too.
now i understand that image of a guy that got killed by stalin for making a Russian flag with a hammer and sickle.


I'm pretty sure that guy was executed for being a corrupt retard and they made that story up after the fact


why make up a excuse for killing corrupt officials, they didn't do tthat in the past.


So for the record, the white-red-white flag is used by
1) german collaborationist anti-soviets
2) nazi collaborationist anti-soviets
3) nato collaborationist neoliberals


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Well, I also disagree with calling it a 100% fascist flag. I just think it is a cringe flag that represents fail and wannabe Lithuanian larping. BSSR flag is strictly superior.

(Also, I recall that the nazis discouraged the use of the Russian tricolor, ROA primarily used the St. Andrew's cross and RONA the coat of arms of Moscow)


Just can't stand the endless comparisons to pop culture movies anymore


its that or hitler.


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Too late now


What's the zigger version of this?
>Wow Zisters, Bakhmut is literally like when Korchagin killed those Germans


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This is pretty fucked up, but ziggers will defend it just because Baby Yoda was a fascist


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>like Voldemort attacking Hogwarts


Baby Yoda commited war crimes in Bakhmut he had it coming.


Apparently even Ireland now is moving towards dropping neutrality and even potentially joining NATO, are the Americans really that disturbed by the situation they wanted that neutrality can no longer be tolerated in Europe?




if they do I'll probably stop giving a fuck about northern ireland tbh


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imagine deciding this is the moment to tie the fate of your nation to the suicidal declining empire lmao



Apparently good citizens need to consider opinions against dropping neutrality as foreign disinformation


Well how would they functionally be any different from the UK if they join the international colonial consortium?


I thought that Finns were the last to jump onto the sinking ship, but apparently there's still a plenty of idiots out there


What's Ireland supposed to do? They're surrounded by British fleets and their Mickey Mouse Leprechaun economy is 80% dependent on Western megaporky using Dublin as tax haven


There's this really easy thing called not joining the fascist internationale


Idiots and a US that is looking more and more desperate for consolation prizes. When Ukraine inevitably fails in restoring their borders to their 1991 state, libs will be like
>Haha kekekekekek trading Crimea for
>Yeah I'll take that deal fucking lmao!
>Putin fell right into the trap! This was always the plan!
>Russia footing the bill for rebuilding Ukraine and all the damage they did? Great prize :^)


>um sweaty all these countries are only joining NATO because they're afraid of Russia


Wonder how they'll swing that one seeing as Austria's neutrality is constitutionally baked into the state formed in 1955 as a compromise to partitioning it into tiny versions of East and West Germany.


>Russia’s tricolor is fascist too.
Except it was adopted in the 17th century. Red, white and blue were agreed on as Slavic colours, that's why nearly every Slavic country's flag is made up of red, white and blue, often in stripes: Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia; but not always stripes like in the case of Czechia. Bulgaria is an exception, where instead of the blue, they have green. I guess cause they don't have any sea access. Then other exceptions are Ukraine, Belarus and Macedonia.

You can't make sweeping statements regarding colours. But the Belarus white, red, flag was pretty much used only by Nazi collaborators and today the fascists use it without modification.


Well if the US is putting the pressure on Austria to change it, who is going to stop them?


Am I retarded or is Bulgaria not on the Black Sea


I never understood this angle, Finland is joining because they're terrified of Russia, but at the same time their ascension to NATO is big and the Finnish are to be feared?


You're not, my zigga is retarded.


Black Sea isn't really a sea, anon, it's more of a lake.


Haven't you heard about the latest and most historically accurate Hearts of Iron 4 DLC where giving Finnish troops bottles of vodka provides them with more offensive bonuses than the most advanced infantry equipment technology? Finns are just terrified of having to kill too many Russians again, their bleeding hearts can't stand it. Better have NATO as deterrence.


they wouldn't? that's why I would stop giving a fuck.


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It's a big lake, with the Dardanelles and Bosporus canals. It could have been a fresh water lake in the past, then rising sea levels made the two straits going to the Black "sea". Just don't get too hung up on words, and you'll be alright.


The great irony behind this is the Irish military will never have the equipment required to be a NATO military, Irish Soldiers will just be attached to British Military units, British and Irish soldiers fighting side by side again how nice uwu


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The pentagon has *never* passed an audit, literally. Since the 20teens they have been making an effort tot what I assume is keeping a competent parallel accounting and even at that they have been failing miserably. It's probably such corrupt money blackhole that even cooking the books with the full authority of the security state steps on the toes of half the big Porkys.


>…we will also sustain all of our prior year positive opinions, which cover approximately 39 percent of our assets."

>The annual audit is a huge undertaking with independent accountants looking at a department with $3.5 trillion in assets.

So far spending ~$200 million a year for 5 years they have managed to justify about 40% of their publicized $3.5 trillion assets.


the first guy to get the Victoria's Cross was an irishman fighting the Russians


Congratulations, you've predicted what historical story will be brought up and circlejerked over by NAFOids on Twitter when Ireland joins NATO.


>No more brudermord GBR_FLAG IRL_FLAG


The people who earnestly hold this sort of worldview now. How will they end up when they eventually get disenchantment? Some part will "grow out of it" without looking back, but what about the rest.


Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra, when the walls fell. His eyes wide open.


They won't because there will always be something new to see the US/NATO as the good guys bravely standing up to evil they'll fall for.

I mean, if the US and many of the NATO nations can lie about WMDs in Iraq, bomb the shit out of it for 15 years and then arm ISIS that then ends up occupying parts of Iraq committing what liberals believe to be the worst crimes imaginable and people still can think the US is Luke fucking Skywalker then literally nothing will stop them.


See this is what will happen
>Americans will get bored of Ukraine and some other bad guy will rise
>Michael Moore will make a documentary where he smugly makes the shocking revelation that Ukrainians are Nazi sympathisers and the MIC made shit loads of money and Kiev, if it survived, is now in crippling debt
>Cue every lib thinking to themselves "wow I'm glad I didn't fall for the narrative in Ukraine, I knew Biden was up to no good there"
<"But thank goodness we're not doing that now, thank goodness DeSantis is a good guy for having the balls to stand up to China and their evil goals in the Pacific"


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>replacement cost rather than net book value
Oh, so instead telling the taxpayers the correct cost of replacing shit sent to Ukraine, you, in public, inform everybody that those rocket launchers sent to Ukraine have depreciated in value overtime. Because Ukraine fights with dollar bills, and you just gotta think of resale value of those MBRAPs. Honk honk.


Not even the 24/7 pro-ukrainian propaganda our media has been pumping out since 2022 has changed the general popularity of neutrality.


Accounting is a scam.


The joke is that it's not an accounting error at all. Ukraine don't give a shit about the dollar value of equipment, but American taxpayer should.


Yeah because accounting exists as a profession to obfuscate value and dodge tax. And so replacement cost, book value, and actual sale price can be completely disconnected with enough accounting thrown in.


They've already worked around that in Finland by simply just not asking for their population's opinion on NATO membership, Ireland is now suggesting they do the same thing concerning dropping neutrality, in both cases this is justified because "Russia will use disinformation and propaganda to ensure people don't vote to join NATO".

If the US is cleaning up shop, no longer tolerating neutrality in Europe and insisting US allies are all part of its MIC now, the Austrian public simply won't be asked for permission to drop neutrality and join NATO unless they're sure their propaganda has worked and Austrians want to join anyway.

It's not very surprising considering generally people only get referendums on what the government already wants and is sure has good support. If it doesn't have popular support, no referendum, they just tell the population what the government wants is what is happening.


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>Michael Moore
<Michael "push-Hillary-left" Moore
I'm eager to see Michael as an amorphous bag of skin, on the Harkonnen levitation harness, promoting Futurama-jar-head Hillary Clinton because "women are less war-like" . In the middle of the cold war.


What does these people even mean when they talk about 'pushing someone left' like how would that even happen?


Yelling at them to do what you want, duh. Otherwise, you won't vote for them next time.


No, see it's easy, Hillary Clinton has an opinion and a world view you don't agree with, but if you vote for her and boost her numbers and win her an election on a campaign based on her pre-existing stances then she is going to revise and change her world view and stances because… Err…. She'll be so grateful for the left's support?


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What is the current level of /k/ope are we on?


check'd. trips of truth.
>They've already worked around that in Finland by simply just not asking for their population's opinion on NATO membership
After a year of their media blaring "RUSSIA'S IS ABOUT TO NUKE AND DESTROY YOU ANY DAY NOW!" at them non-stop. It's like me coming to your door and telling you that there's a wildfire spreading this way and your house is about to be engulfed, but join the firefighter alliance, pay your dues, and they will come extinguish the fire whenever it happens, which is soon! so you better do it now, while I'm here at your door, cause who knows when I'll be coming back round here again.

They are playing their people like a fiddle. Denmark changed their constitution (what is being asked of Ireland and Austria, too) to say they can join the EU military, defense and related foreign policy. Now it's another military alliance their taxpayers have to pay for (so they canceled a public holiday).

Austrians and Irish will be more resistant to joining NATO or changing their constitution. Finland and Sweden were already de-facto members of NATO, Erdogan did his little spectacle because he wanted a win with his conservative voters by bringing a "terrorist" to justice, and Denmark was already part of NATO, so joining the EU military is not that much of a change, not with that madman Putin wanting to conquer Europe!

I actually didn't think Finland and Sweden were dumb enough to actually join NATO and pay the dues. But I bet they were promised lots of defense contracts. Sweden makes a lot of weapons, and NATO is lacking weapons since they have demilitarised themselves.
>pic related


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>if Africans aren't with us, they should just starve


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>baby Yoda? these Ukrainians are so cryptic 🤫


Westoids are so amazingly good at driving developed countries into the arms of China.




fuck this gay earth


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>Yep, that's me. You might be wondering how I ended up in this situation…


reminds me of this banger


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Oh fucking hell, I didnt know it was from a offical account I thought it was just a random image…


sure we sent a few douzen 10 thousands into their certain dead but



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Speaking of, Bout was spotted with Prigozhin inspecting a military vehicle plant. Maybe he'll become Wagner's supply manager kek.


Bout is still undercover for the Shadow KGB working with Progozhin and Lukashenko to coup Putin and bring back the USSR.


>Yeah most soldiers we post have got SS symbols
>But look, baby Yoda! Aren't we cute!?
Sort of like that meme on /wsg/ with all the anime girls wearing Nazi uniforms and Sonnenrad tattoos


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Baby Yoda is the Sonnenrad of the 21st century..


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Just because the first part of the offensive failed miserably, doesn't automatically mean the main strike will not happen. They still have 24/7 NATO intelligence and tons of fresh Westoid weapons left and as long as there are no major mutinies it will just continue. If Cucktin and Shoigu (Shoicuck? Tardgu?) don't skimp on artillery again and don't leave major holes in their lines like last year they should hopefully be fine. How long are Wagner on vacation? Or is that experiment over now that they passed the new laws?


somebody post drawanon's "the good ending"


Yeah or perhaps the Russian Government doesn't want to pay someone to both fight their battles for them and call them pussies and unserious about the SMO


Wagner vacation shopping tour?!


>and call them pussies and unserious about the SMO
Have they considered not being pussies and being serious about the SMO, instead?


I get Nerd Crew vibes from this


Yeah probably, but still remembering how going balls out in Chechnya went for Yeltsin


>How long are Wagner on vacation?
Until August


was this the best meme from this war so far?


16:11 Baby Yoda


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The "Harm reduction" approach, which assumes capitalism's problems are rooted in human nature and individualist choices. No struggle is possible, the sin is already committed, but at least you can be virtuous about it. This is also how US foreign policy gets justified, by focusing on the laundered "intent" and not the actual results. And how everyone can be involved in bourgeois democracy "from the left" without going anywhere.

See this article from a veteran on the field, everything is fucked, the material conditions are intractable, let's wonk a policy around the harrowing result of human nature(capitalism):

A Smarter Way to Reduce Gun Deaths

You batter people around with propaganda and at the peak of FUD, you present something as less bad which they can redeem themselves through participating of it. The big bad side effect IMO, is that without occasional bribes or grounding things to the material consequences, the constant delusion makes the political theater a schizo only thing. Since one needs to be one to fit all the rationalizations together long term or, be really really psychotically invested in single issues.

And then to prevent disenchantment or desensitization, things need to keep escalating while also turning infantile for wider appeal, so the larger dragnet can replenished the burnt out schizos. Which keeps raising the schizo bar.


So "russophobia" was always a ruzzian psyop term. Good to know.


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>was this the best meme from this war so far?
Nah that's the stealth tank imo


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>The video of the aftermath


When Phil Greaves called Star Wars fascist, he spoke the truth


Replacement Value and Net Book Value is different because the chaos of the market means you often sold shit at a different valuation than its actual use value. Its not le scam.


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Russian military map-guy suspects that NATO might deploy troops to guard the Belarus-Ukraine border after noticing Ukraine leaving a massive gap in their lines after redeploying territorial defence brigades. Anyone think this is a legit possibility?


Sounds like a good way to escalate to nuclear exchange.


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Here, have all of them!


>executes poutine for being revisionist


200.000 square kilometers were mined


Going to need a "25 year old Russian miner" macro now.


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Protect the counteroffensiyv!


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>there was a mistake, I thought I got elite NATO training so I can take tacticool pictures in some village once the mobiks flood the Russian positions with their bodies
<get in the fucking Bradley and drive into the minefield


When the waffe wasn't that wunder


Germans did the same in 1941. Coldest winter in the history of Europe (right after Finns in 1939-1940 complanied about the same)! Deepest mud! Whole of July-August was one big rain season every day!


It was delicious seeing the surprise on /k/ at the first sight of knocked out and abandoned Leopard 2s, but imagine the surprise of being a fucking Neo-Nazi finally getting the superior Germanic tank, everyone has said it's now fucking over for Russia, you've decorated the interior with pictures of Hitler and Bandera, drawn the little iron cross on the outside and then getting immediately BTFO.


Kinda feel bad for them.
Just getting blown up for porky


Thing is, war is so awful that this was probably one of the better ways to go, they weren't scared or knew what was coming, just waving to the friendly tank and then nothingness.


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>A Smarter Way to Reduce Gun Deaths

>You batter people around with propaganda and at the peak of FUD, you present something as less bad which they can redeem themselves through participating of it. The big bad side effect IMO, is that without occasional bribes or grounding things to the material consequences, the constant delusion makes the political theater a schizo only thing. Since one needs to be one to fit all the rationalizations together long term or, be really really psychotically invested in single issues.

>And then to prevent disenchantment or desensitization, things need to keep escalating while also turning infantile for wider appeal, so the larger dragnet can replenished the burnt out schizos. Which keeps raising the schizo bar.

Hey this is great, thanks for the link.


Wait, we have stealthy modern fighters?


skynews every week is doubling down.
so 2 more weeks?
as if Europe has ever helped Africa. At all.
>The pentagon has *never* passed an audit, literally. Since the 20teens they have been making an effort tot what I assume is keeping a competent parallel accounting and even at that they have been failing miserably
do you know what's going to happen? mark my words: They will low the standards, and they will say it was impossible to apply high standards on this system… because reasons.
my sides, that's retarded.
2 more…


Jokes on you I don't need to work tomorrow, happy Dragon Boat Festival losers


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ursula sweetie you got 9/10ths of your union's economy staring down the barrel of a recession, where are you getting all this money from hun?


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EU imposes 11th round of sanctions against Russia.

>European Union ambassadors have agreed on the 11th package of sanctions against Russia, the Swedish Presidency of the EU Council said Wednesday.

>"The package includes measures aimed at countering sanctions circumvention and individual listings," it said on Twitter.
>The President of the EU Commission Ursula von der Leyen welcomed the sanctions package, saying "it will deal a further blow to Putin’s war machine with tightened export restrictions, targeting entities supporting the Kremlin."

>"Our anti-circumvention tool will prevent Russia from getting its hands on sanctioned goods," she tweeted.


Ironically this mess all started when Europe demanded Ukraine for cheap in 2013. If only they forked out the cash earlier, but I guess protecting le democracy by killing Russians is what this is about.


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ALL 3 of them.


Dima is from Belarus, not Russian Federation


Literally 3 UH-60 Black Hawk and 2 Mi-17


ah, it's south korea all over again.
top-notch flying technology. ukraine will win tomorrow with the modern sorties they are going to do.


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Pierogizhin is just completely schizoposting at this point. I'm starting to think he might actually be part of a psyop


at this point they just "sanction" because not doing more would be paramount to giving up and facing defeat, or worse admitting that they were wrong in the first place.


When it is time , they will just say that the sanctions didn't work because China or whatever other designated target.


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alternative POV


If Prigozhin comes out at the end of the war and makes a statement saying that actually things were under control the whole time and he was only saying defeatist shit to bait ukrops into traps, how well received do you think he would be?


that turned out to be a ukrop tank didn't it? how the fuck does this even happen honestly


The guys were territorial defence taking pics next to an abandoned Russian APC. Tank saw them and probably decided they are Russians. Friendly fire happens sometimes especially if your comms are shit


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<Ukraine war: Zelensky admits slow progress but says offensive is not a movie
>He said "quick steps" to be done immediately included finding places for people to live, rebuilding the destroyed Kakhovka dam and decentralising the energy network.
>"But on the larger scale we are speaking about the transformation of Ukraine," he explained. "This is Ukraine not only with its energy and agriculture and industrial complexes, but with its reforms we can see."

>He spoke of "the digitilisation of Ukraine" as well as judicial and anti-corruption reforms.

>When I asked him what the endgame of the war looked like at this stage, he made clear that "victories on the battlefield are necessary" and that Ukraine would never sit down, whoever was president in Moscow, if Russia remained on Ukraine's territory.

>"No matter how far we advance in our counter-offensive, we will not agree to a frozen conflict because that is war, that is a prospectless development for Ukraine."

So something has to give here if Porky wont let Ukraine surrender but they need an end to hostilities before they will begin investing. Also what does "decentralising" mean for power generation? Giving up NPPs? Buying power from abroad?


>"Putin has been dangerous for us since 2014 when he occupied the first of our territories," he said.

>"He will talk about the use of nuclear weapons, I don't think he is ready to do it because he is scared for his life, he loves it a lot. But there is no way I could say for sure, especially about a person with no ties to reality, who in the 21st Century, launched a full-scale war against their neighbour."
>I also asked for his reaction to President Putin telling an international conference in St Petersburg last week that he was a disgrace to the Jewish people. Mr Zelensky lost many of his relatives in the Holocaust, including his grandfather, and it was clear that he was taken by surprise by the question.

>He took a deep breath, put his head down and a few seconds later said he wasn't quite sure how to answer the question.

>"It's like he doesn't fully understand his words. Apologies, but it's like he is the second king of antisemitism after Hitler.
>"This is a president speaking. A civilised world cannot speak that way. But it was important for me to hear the reaction of the world and I am grateful for the support."

This last part is just so funny. I have no idea how they keep getting away with this "The enemy is always Hitler" schtick in this conflict.


>the digitilisation of Ukraine

Are they planning an Ukraine in exile? not just the government, but literally an entire country going into internet exile?


I mean the exile of the Ukrainian government isn't anticipated to be due to a Russian takeover, more like due to a corporate hostile takeover


Digitalization is keyword for firing civil servants and outsorcing jobs to techbros.


Ukraine doesn't have any money to continue the war. They have to cut their expenditures


They want to make schools distant only too, at least that's what some ukrop channels complain about.


I would have just been happy with Odessa so there could be a proper investigation of the Odessa Trades Hall Incident but no Russia has to roll up to the polish border now
It is unacceptable for a former part of the soviet union to not have schools


>I have no idea how they keep getting away with this "The enemy is always Hitler" schtick in this conflict.
Because Zelensky is Jewish and there has also been a lot of resistance towards pro-Palestinian movements by claiming it's based in antisemitism, it has just recently become acceptable now for actual proper positions of power to shout
instead of just blue haired college activists.

Obviously in Ukraine it does also serve as a distraction from the endless Fascist iconography routinely posted on official Ukrainian social media accounts, but tbh, if they need to distract from that, why don't they just avoid posting it in the first place? Is it
>These images are primarily taken for a Ukrainian audience and the Ukrainian government understands their most important audience perfectly?
>Are the fascists in leadership positions for spreading propaganda and information getting a kick out of being this open with their opinions, laughing in the faces of every western liberal that claims to support Ukraine to oppose fascism?
>Is it literally a case they just can't find ANY soldiers to take photos of that do not have a Sonnenrad, Totenkopf or Wolfsangel? Or the insignia of an SS battalion?


>It is unacceptable for a former part of the soviet union to not have schools

Soil takes precedence over blood, huh


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LOL baby yoda! Ukranian commanders are so heckin wholesome (don't look at his arm)


>(don't look at his arm)
what does it mean? i can't keep up with all the esoteric reactionary symbols



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It's crossed ceremonial maces of a cossack hetman (not Dirlewanger's crossed grenades). Not technically a fascist symbol, although something could be said about how Ukraine likes to stylize their badges like SS insignia even if there is no inherent Nazi symbolism.


Are there any pro-NATO/pro-Ukraine Youtube military analysis channels worth watching? Ones that aren't totally delusional and have coherent ideas about how things might work out for Ukraine. I think there was that Austrian guy but I can't seem to find his latest videos.


>not immediately clear why
Because his nationalist victories, like his meme propaganda prop pieces, only exist in fantasy.


>something could be said about how Ukraine likes to stylize their badges like SS insignia even if there is no inherent Nazi symbolism.
That's what I was getting at. There's no way the similarity with the Nazi patch is an accident.


>everyone who disagrees with me is playing hearts of iron
what is the origin of this particular retardation?


Obviously it's not grenades but it's too similar to be a coincidence. Same patch shape, crossed, two cylindrical objects with protruding ends, with the upper end protruding more.


>offensive is not a movie
my offensive a movie fr


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Counteroffensiyv status?


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>Ireland gets the part unaffected by the war
☘️☘️☘️They☘️☘️☘️ arent even being subtle about it are ☘️☘️☘️They☘️☘️☘️….


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>switzerland gets odessa
now they have to go all the way to transnistria just for the big guy in the sky


Also, didn't French want the Odesa back during Civil War days? They negotiated with Wrangel for it, even


Just can't get over the fact that Britain and America have broken the MAD doctrine that stopped the last cold war from going hot, now they're going to operate on the presumption that no nuclear armed enemy is ever going to actually end the world over their conventional aggression.

I know "Cucking" but really what would he need to do to prove that directly, albeit conventionally, attacking Russia is a serious threat to the existence of all life on earth now? He'd have to actually nuke someone to prove the threat is real, but is nuking a proxy even going to demonstrate Britain and the United States that they themselves are under threat?


Nuclear sub(s) showing themselves up from the coast of US in clear visibility to American population, so that they start shooting videos. Also, putting nukes on Cuba


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It's somehow even cringier when someone makes an edgy shiba instead of a dumb shiba


You are a disgusting animal and it is for reasons like this nobody likes you psychopath z-fuckers.


I think those are dead Russians. Anyhow it deserves a ban.


Those are Russians, anon


>NAFO posts dead russians
>Blame Ziggers
You dumb.


Wowowowowowow, is that a le hecking dead body of soldiers i dont like? *eyes pop out* wrbrlblbrlblrblblblbl SO FUCKING AWESOME DAMN. I love the stink of dead decaying corpses and i love the idea of dead human beings because we need to chonking BATTLE. Billions must FIGHT and die because it looks real good on liveleak!!!!!


all of those photos are like an year+ old lol

much less gore nowadays since the war entered a positional phase, worst you'll get is ukrop videos of executing wounded russians via drones


Fair enough my mistake. Last two times i got real autistic about having gore pushed in my face it was the other way and all these people look the same to me.


Dude at least hundreds die every day, there is no shortage of bodies to take pictures of.


You're a cunt and I hope a car hits you.


there's less direct infantry contact or door to door urban fighting than in 2022, most casualties are to drones/artillery


Do you think that the Titanic sub coverage and specifically the attention given to it is a mediaop to mask that Ukraine offensiyv has failed.


Less doesn't mean none, there is plenty of trench assaults at the platoon level quite regularly.




NATO carving up Ukraine into zones of influence


Ukraine's PM Denis Shmyhal proposing a plan for which European country gets to give money to which Ukrainian region post-war


why ban the nafoid but keep the images up


Gore's fine as long as you spoiler it, apparently.


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So, do you think Ukraine has got anything planned for their favorite day of the year?


Everything but the dignity


bandera fair?


>at least hundreds die every day
Not Russians, lel. Otherwise that tacticool trench video wouldn't need to get posted.


This is /k/ shit from the start of the war, just delete this garbage.


Tank viewing systems are not and cannot feasibly be HD, they're driving "buttoned up" (all hatched closed) so they couldn't see the identifying markers on the Ukrainians very well, since both sides use them, the Russian BMP being there and the number of troops being similar to a BMP detachment, meant that the tank took them for enemy troops, though that still doesn't explain the fact that they drove up close before firing, especially since the troops clearly saw them at the same time as the tank and the point blank tank fire was just spite at the point.


Whoever made this has no soul, I'm not even a big SW fan even


Is the camera guy pissing on it at the end, lmao


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There is a shortage of graves thoughever.


this plus
>government is openly and actively running training camps for and coordinating fascistic terrorist attacks against you
Even by the letter of moronic "international law" Warszawa is a more legitimate nuke target than Kabul or Baghdad ever were for burger invasion
Just imagine if whatever country were this brazen about doing the same to burgerreich
NATO fringes are gangsters that act with impunity because the "defensive alliance" protects them under its umbrella, while the alliance core can also maintain plausible deniability re involvement in their schemes



Twitter rumour says that voenkor WarGonzo was killed, we shall see if there is truth to it


Just when you thought these NATO goons couldn't get anymore disgusting
>Ireland is contributing to this


Yep, just like like Zaluzhny and Budanov.
When will you morons learn.


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Lmao, somewhere there's a Ukrainian Oddball just chilling with a fake-busted tank.


File: 1687400767042.webm (3.05 MB, 480x320, T-90M.webm)

T-90M hit multiple land mines and gets ATGMed a few times and keeps going.


What’s the matter big guy? Not mad anymore because it was a an anarcho-fascist and not le evil z-gang posting gore? Fucking chomo


Just copped


you can post a more pixelated video? perhaps next one we can hide if it is a T90 or axm10.


pls scan and upload pdf
i beg you


Here is a Epub i found.


that video was so staged, lmao. nafoids wouldn't question it a bit.


I'd read this. Russell basically saw a new era start to unfold about a year or two after he got to Donbass. He saw a global crisis emerge from the perspective of a pivotal conflict that signaled a turning point along with Syria. Now he lives how finishing a war was deemed part of the solution to that crisis


Is that guy still in Donbass making YouTube videos?


His Youtube account was shut down by westoids after some Redditors found it and started seething around March 2022, but he still posts on his VK now and then.


you are so out of everything. his YT was deleted, and censored by the alphabet soup agency that controls your silicon valley "free muuuurket"
He now relies on https://t.me/TXDPR, and does some minor reports. he expected some big 1 million Russians march over the rada, so he's a doomerist.


daily reminder that svobodas party founder thought sacrificing ukraine in nuclear fire would start world war three which the aryans would win creating the thousand year riech while the ukrainians ascend to valhalla


>Just can't get over the fact that Britain and America have broken the MAD doctrine that stopped the last cold war from going hot, now they're going to operate on the presumption that no nuclear armed enemy is ever going to actually end the world over their conventional aggression.

Do you actually believe this? There is a reason the West won't let its weapons be used on Crimea, and it's because we fear provoking Russia into disregarding the possibility of negotiations and killing all Ukrainian leaders via strikes.

In the era of MAD the integrity of states is not going to be threatened. In this war the only state which will deal with that is Ukraine because it was used as a crude way to contain Russia so a shitty US presidency could claim a victory for democracy.


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>imagine believing the west isn't scared of Russia's nuclear capabilities.


File: 1687405613053.png (766.25 KB, 1080x1925, SECONDHITLER.png)

lol. at what point do these become too ridiculous even for libs?


Liberals live and breathe on contradictory rubbish. If they couldn't swallow whatever ridiculous slop gets tossed at them, they wouldn't be liberals.


Wonder how azovites feel whenever they see these Putler posters


Crimea. The bridge on Chongar has been blown up.

The bridge behind the Dzhankoy Chongar checkpoint was damaged. According to eyewitnesses, there was an arrival, but we are waiting for official statements. So far, we have 3 cars stuck there from different sides.

All cars are now directed through the Crimean bridge or Armyansk. It is not yet known how serious the damage is, let's hope it is minor and traffic will be restored in the near future.



Just got through the first couple chapters. Not gonna lie, was not impressed with the intro but when the part actually from Tejas started, it's pure kino


>channel created October 15, 2022
>no pics
yeah, no thank you. don't gonna fall for a nafobot honeypot.


Ok. She's in crimea. Russian media uses her as a source many times

> Volontery Kryma (World's Good - Crimean Volunteers),




File: 1687409104837.mp4 (2.06 MB, 720x1280, IMG_9521.mp4)

and the post didn't quote her telegram, either way.
>nothing sus the west hasn't suspended their IG account
I will wait for https://t.me/swodki or https://t.me/Slavyangrad more serious to report on it first.

found the t-64 having sex with the maxxpro :D



The interfax post quotes her full name. She's quoted often if you look up her name. If you want to make up some bullshit conspiracy that she isn't actually in crimea and this organization is fake feel free man

>Valeria Petrusevich, head of the non-commercial organization Dobro Mira - Volontery Kryma (World's Good - Crimean Volunteers), said on social media.


again, the tg isn't posted. I will wait for serious channels with pics.


A serious channel is a person who lives in crimea, is a reporter and the head of an organization there.

That is who is going to give information to bigger channels.


I have no fish memory, and remember how a "serious" channel on the ground posted some fake hohols dying crossing the Dnipro river, to only a few hours later ukrainians channels "found" the complete video where the dying hohols were alive right after laughing, so basically were hohols trying to pass it as weak Russian propaganda to discredit the fools serious Russian channel who fall for it.


This isn't a Ukraine channel. It's a Crimean reporter. She's pro Russia


do you have disabilities to read? I am saying the channel that posted the fake ass shit possed as a pro-Russian channel, posted an edited version, trying to pass the hohols as dying, and in a few hours the ukrainians channels after some real serious Russian channels repeated the post, the ukrainians ones posted the complete video and tried to pass it as Russians doing propaganda, but it was hohols doing a psyop.


You've tried multiple times to imply she or the organization isn't legit. You've mentioned that the Instagram isn't deleted then talked up Ukrainians who posted fake videos

She is neither, she lives in crimea. She runs an organization in crimea. She is not done Psy op for Ukraine. It is you who is disabled and can't think straight and need ghost behind everything. Hope you eat your words when you see this reported further and humble yourself



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I mean we know Putin's a reactionary, but where the fuck did this come from?


It is you who needs to humble yourself. I provided the initial on the ground source while you sat there implying the woman is a Ukraine Psy op or account ran by Ukrainians. Don't run around now acting like are in right when you now see people confirming story as i said.

Learn to be more humble. I showed you she is quoted across Russia media and what the organization is with a large VK account and their website.


me? humble myself? I am only dismissing weird ass accounts. you are going to be the next victim of an ukrainian psyop.


Yes you need to humbled. I showed you the organization, you can find videos of her in crimea many of them, i showed you her organization. You immediately implied her account is Ukrainian or ukraine Psy op. Then quickly run over to tell me to "stfu" when find post that confirm exactly what said.

You did all this without missing a step feeling you were correct the whole way. i have followed her account for a long time I'm aware of the legitness by looking into history of it and her connections. Meanwhile you wrote it in 2 seconds. It is you who doesn't investigate thoroughly


>*giggle* Armorsex.
Comforting we're on the same level of maturity.


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Western Media admits the counteroffensiyv has FAILED


So what. When are they gonna take Sloviansk and Kramatorsk.


russia won again, but AT WHAT COST?


The cards
>Beg for F-16s
>Mobilise women
>Suicide bomb Moscow


They've already mobilized trans women
Predictably not a peep of outrage about this among the shitlibs sensu lato who the naive would think would be outraged about this



Why would liberals be outraged by that? Libs have no issue with the draft or the military and would probably see that as a plus for LGBT rights somehow.


Ukraine could literally 9/11 the Kremlin at this point and receive full and unanimous support.


I'm going to say one thing then I'm going to drop it
What does trans women being mobilized when cis women are not imply?


His role is probably to condition public opinion in some way. Can't have things going too well.


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just facutally untrue, women have fought on the ukraine side; trans women signed up to fight as volunteer PMCs, not the same thing as being mobilized


i read lately that when Napoleons war was goping to well and there was literally nothing to complain about
He created a fake crisis so people have something to talk about still


Ukraine could 9/11 German bundestag and would receive full and unanimous support, especially from the German government.


File: 1687435878615.jpg (82.14 KB, 512x512, hohol typing.jpg)

>trans women signed up to fight as volunteer PMCs, not the same thing as being mobilized
<Judis is a transgender woman whose birth certificate defines her as female.
<Legally, there is no reason why she should not be allowed to pass with the thousands of women who are crossing Ukrainian borders to safety every day.
<Yet, on 12 March at about 4am, after a long and humiliating search, border guards determined she was a man and prevented her passage into Poland.
sure thing hohol


Napoleon also routinely crushed multiple armies at once. Russians have to create new kinds of cope going "uhh ackshually we've done the same because this is the tenth iteration of the Ukrainian army!" as if Russians don't have their own history of reconstituting forces multiple times in a conflict.


<Russia “warns the US” not to send NATO troops to Ukraine — RIA citing Russian deputy Foreign Minister
I'm still predicting NATO boots on the ground by the end of 2024 because of Cucktin's softness. I've successfully predicted the tanks, the long-range missiles, and (apparently) the jets.


Are we talking frontline NATO troops or NATO just admitting they've sent officers and maintenance crews to Ukraine or pretending like that's a new development that has just started?


Cucktin didn't have to use nukes at all to maintain nuclear threat credibility. He just had to behave in a manner consistent with that of someone who's ruthless enough to use them. One of the original failures was not cutting off the gas and other resources to economic aggressors. He still ships gas to Germany, believe it or not. Is this the ruthlessness of someone willing to use nukes? No. Then there's taking ten months to start hitting power infrastructure, and even now he's still dicking around with substations and other pointless targets, not ready to go for the kill. These are just some examples of an overall pattern of failing to maintain nuclear threat credibility through the use of non-nuclear ruthlessness.


I doubt Russia would bother issuing a warning about the latter.


Western yuros and Americans won't send troops to die in Ukraine, so NATO troops on the ground means polacks and baltoids, seeing as the baltoid armies are already completely depleted and their countries in general could get solo'd by Wagner, this effectively just means a lot of dead polacks. I don't think its a big deal



>many fearing for their lives in the event that Russia’s transphobic regime takes over.
I bet the ukranian regime is killing trans right now.


war sucks and all but there is something nice about seeing the Soviets BTFO NATO from beyond the grave


it is, just a shame that its for Putins people.
At least not Yeltzin I guess


Followed by
>Leaked documents that totally exist before we publish them say that the totally trustworthy US MIC assesses the casualties 100000:1 in Ukraine's favor.
>Intercepted communications reveal Russian soldiers worry that superior western equipment could have sex with their mothers and blow cigarette smoke in their faces
>Proud Ukrainian mothers affirm "it was fine, it was worth it, we really showed em"

<In other news, Ukraine's recovery booms as the fund for democracy and human rights gather a record investment and progress in decommunization sees all social services digitized into the blockchain cloud decentralized techbroterm, sponsored by Google in collaboration with USAID.

<Locals sigh in relief as the last signs of soviet oppression are finally dealt with. *supermodel cosmopolitan with a Starbucks cup.jpg*


>the soviet union was so good even the retarded putinist russian federation is able to solo NATO by living off its corpse
how could we lose such a place


If only they made it out a couple more decades to see Chinese rise and Western decline


maxxpro is giving a nice rimjob. hopefully t64-chan is not going to fart.
don't be silly. ukraine is right now as we speak, and have been doing ths for the last two months, trying to pass every single accident as one of their successful terrorist operation inside Russia or the 4 territories incorporated.
a fire near a factory? it is in the factory and it was us
a large water distribution center suffers a large leak? it was us
a city has a 20 minute electrical outage? We hit a large power distribution center, and it was us
that's ukrainian media every single day.
if you want to fall for psyops, I am gonna call your bullshit.


File: 1687443620844.jpg (270.35 KB, 587x552, chadvlimir putin.jpg)

>of Cucktin's softness
>imagine believing this.


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It just amuses me to no end that there's at least two tankanons, one of whch is Putin's biggest fan and apologist and the other of which is a Cucktin poster.


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Cringe ass tsarist mascot


I think tankanon did an aboutface when he realized that no one in the thread likes Putin no matter how much he'd call everyone a bloodthirsty westerner


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Last week he publicly called Zelensky a fake Jew.


>Pic 1
I prefer the one from WW2, where it has the Russian knights, Russian troops from WW1 and then Soviet troops.


File: 1687445078533.png (591.36 KB, 788x1132, ClipboardImage.png)

I prefer this one


these are two different characters.
one acknowledges that Russia warned that the failure to implement the Minsk agreements would result in Russia intervening in ukraine and they fulfilled the threat. and as the Russians threatened and committed to the threat, they will commit to new threats: Attack airbases on the west that serves as a base for ukraine start sorties.
and attack their nato-boot on the ground with full punishment.
the other is an ultra, using the tank icon.


>>578442 (me)
>article is about how the transphobic kiev regime is drafting trans women as men


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A collection of books from a library in Lisichansk. Now Russian-controlled, you can see their praise for banderites, nazi collaborators, and war criminals.


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A tortured worker, who worked at the Vladimir Illych factory in Mariupol, narrates how the SBU tortured him for being in disagreement about the 2014 coup.


>Vladimir Illyich factory


Ushankanon, how does having to hold your nose and rub shoulders with the worst sort of Russian Tsar-worshipping reactoids in supporting this war make you feel? Not trying to gotcha I'm genuinely curious how Russian communists feel about this.


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the power of the mobilization.


File: 1687450339699.gif (327.96 KB, 449x498, rock-throwing-rock.gif)


Video of average Ukrainian male as he prepares to leave his house (he's terrified of being conscripted).


>he's terrified of being conscripted
Or maybe he just doesn't want to die for his shitty regime.


bet its felix. so funny how mad he becomes


File: 1687451406910.png (876.54 KB, 937x976, ClipboardImage.png)

I don't really think about it a lot. I just make fun of them same way I did before the war.
It was a bigger issue to consider in 2014 when Russian nationalists were more organized and you could actually see communists and monarchist cossack larpers in the same LPR unit. Fuck it one struggle.
Nowadays there isn't much of an overlap, I haven't met a single monarchist in real life and our reasons for supporting the SMO are tangential at best.



This sounds like satire, but he's fr lol



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god political cartoons are so LAZY. using the same tropes after 200 years.


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Counteroffensyiv must be going well, new wave of mobilization in Kiev.


>Cucktin's softness.
Reminder that "cucktin" was so soft that when west didn't respect Russian red lines regarding Ukraine and Donbass and kept pushing that he fucking invaded Ukraine and sent hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians to their graves despite everybody saying it would be suicide for Russia.

Does Putin have to approve nuclear vaporization of some Baltic capital as a warning shot before you bloodthirsty fuckers are satisfied that he gave enough deterrence to shut up natoids and neocons. Have you considered that actual material impotence regarding war readiness and production of western nations keeps all the western hardliners better in check than actual reality, deterrence or logic. It's a fucking political dick measuring contest about who shows they hate russians most, the same people will keep barking no matter what Russia does. If Russia shows restraint it's a show of weakness and west must escalate to win. If Russia hardens actions is a show of inhuman barbarity and west must escalate to show the mongol that they won't yield. The people you want to BTFO and shut up don't live in reality in the first place. You can't win, just shut your mind from these NAFOid retards and let their own collapsing house of cards eat them alive.


File: 1687453209069.mp4 (41.02 MB, 1280x720, 03_22.mp4)

Some more burning wundrwaffen.


>Does Putin have to approve nuclear vaporization of some Baltic capital
It would be nice


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Based, that's what I've been saying


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>c-cucktin stronk haha


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>sent hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians to their graves
>hundreds of thousands


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Let noble wrath boil over


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>Vladimir Ilyich factory


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Counteroffensyiv status?


Fun fact, it's officially Ilyich Factory. Used to be called such after Lenin, but during decommunization they reinterpreted it to stand for Zot Ilyich Nekrasov. Who is…also a Soviet metals researcher. For some reason, there must have been a shortage of non-Soviet ukrainian scientists or industrialists to name it after.


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Paused for two weeks


can anyone deboonk this?


what is this beaten up glove/sock thing? i always see ukraine/nato spamming it to meme about russians



what happened to the 700K that ukraine had mobilized before the invasion?


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>because of Cucktin's softness
it has nothing to do with that its the vietnam model first they start with military advisors then they send special forces(you are here) then boots


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Vatnik, a racist/classist meme making fun of Russians. It's an anthropomorphized version of a cheap winter coat stuffed with cotton wool that was common workwear in the USSR. Implication being that any Russian who doesn't buy Western narratives is poor, alcoholic, working class etc


>what half? those banderites? Russia is doing a good job erasing them, and soon all of you won't be here.
In Odessa.


cumming in piss :D


I think it's so funny how the left outside of China has struggle sessions about something they had no hand in, and will continue having no input in for the foreseeable future, lol.

There was no political force to be any challenge to US hegemony or western capitalism whatsoever before the Ukraine war broke out, or while China was developing the conditions that led to it. Still remains the case, and it matters *squat* what anyone without the material means endorses or condemns.


Odessa appears to be the least loyal Ukrainian city at this point. Their local telegrams are all fairly lukewarm or even oppositional, the videos of people resisting mobilization tend to be from there, there's just a vibe of them not giving a fuck and partying all day instead of glorifying Ukraine. It's too bad that Russia taking it is unlikely at this point.


that would require Odessians to rise up. I don't doubt they have a revolution brewing up, and I don't doubt the SBU is disappearing people there.


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>Norway is a literal faggot [fag•got (fag'• et) n. a bundle of sticks for fuel. (Fr. fagot, a bundle of sticks)]


>Putin's biggest fan and apologist
binary thinking is hazardous to your mental health


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Oh no lol, all that work to get them out


>It's too bad that Russia taking it is unlikely at this point.
You think so? I thought it and Kharkov were a foregone conclusion once there were no negotiations.


Kharkov is possible (there are theories that's where Wagner is going once they're back from vacay). Odessa, I'm not sure. It's in a very complex position and I doubt Russian leadership has the will to mount such an operation at this point.


Russia invaded through Belarus at the start. There's no reason it won't do so again. Forcing the river isn't necessary.


I don't think invading through Belarus would help taking Odessa, which is like 1,000 km away from the border


Why, is there a barrier preventing movement south?



Now that line is heavily mined, it would be a very bogged situation for whoever goes there. I don't know if kiev had the chance to mine everything through that border, but I am sure it's a deathtrap.


Nazis also heavily relied on minefields, so much so that it prompted a confused miscommunication where Zhukov advocating training infantry in demining operations was interpreted as something else. Did it work?


well, Russians have a lot of deminning equipment, that's for sure. unlike ukraine, which is relying on western leopards with an adapted hull to perform demining tasks.
The short answer, it didn't,
further answer it won't, if Russia is actually committed to.


The problem is that Ukraine doesn't have the artillery range or the airforce to silence the enemy artillery, so their deminers can work in peace. Russia does.


>ECB warns Brussels against windfall levy on frozen Russian assets
>Frankfurt fears tapping interest from trapped Russian assets could dent confidence in euro as global currency
>The European Union has assessed that it can't legally confiscate outright frozen Russian assets and instead is focusing on using those assets temporarily, according to a document obtained by Bloomberg
kek, Podolyak must be angry. Waiting for the next rant of the agent z advisor about how the west isn't shooting itself in the feet for the bandera state.


>gang of thieves conspiring on how much thievery they can get away with


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>The West realizing their shenanigans can have consequences


even the using those assets temporarily, the ECB is firmly against, scared of how that would erode the eur trust across the world.


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good morning ziggas


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Ukrainian tiktok

>year 1941, offensive against Soviet Russia 😂😂😂


Now that the L'wowites are being mobilized, instead of just the Russian speaking people, not entirely inaccuate.


>/ukraine/ when a power poster says uyghur or faggot
<come on this is lefty /pol/ we don't care about no no words around here stop being such a sensitive liberal and go back to reddit
>/ukraine/ poster when someone says vatnik
<how dare you use this racist meme sir!!!!!


i guess NATO was the real tankies all along



I don't really care if you say the v-word, though it's incredibly cringy and larpy if you're a westoid.


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Equipment burning in Zapporizhie, and more pigs on the barbecue.


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honestly the vatnik thing looks like the hamburger helper after a few bad weeks


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i care because it's dehumanizing and dehumanization should always be opposed whenever it's being done to any group that constitutes a people (nation, religion, race, gender, sexual orientation, so forth). Dehumanization is always the first step towards genocide or similar forms of mass slaughter. If you can get a generation of young men to grow up thinking of Russians as "Vatniks" or "Orcs" and not as "people." then you have already done half the work of mass mobilizing a genocide. We saw this all through the 19th and 20th century with the late victorian genocides, manifest destiny, and then finally the Hitlerite holocaust against communists, slavs, jews, Romani, homosexuals, and disobedient proles in general.

(not the same anon)


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this dehumanization of the Russian people btw is increasingly common all across the west due to America's racist anti-russian propaganda


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this kind of thing is disgusting and could snowball into a full scale western attempt to destroy the Russian people, not just the Russian government


Nobody even said vatnik though chomo. I’m sure if someone asked what uyghur or faggot meant, the explaining post would also mention that it is racist/homophobic lol. I swear to god every /ukraine/hater is mentally ill


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i sincerely fear for Russian children who could get caught up in this hysteria before they're even old enough to decide for themselves how they feel about the present political arrangement


bro you don't need to post 100 screenshots we are aware of the orc thing and are perfectly capable of searching twitter for examples of hysterical westoids lol

this is the only decent thread on the topic of this war on the whole internet. And that's sad. It shouldn't be this easy to be the beset.


Wasn't it made up by Russian liberals to insult Russians nostalgic about the USSR that opposed liberal policies? i.e. it's inherently a classist slur?


>muh Asiatic hordes
It's amazing how long that shit has been living rent free in the Westoid brain. I would be pissed even if I was a Russian who opposed the war if I saw this kind of smut.


You mistake the cause with the effect, and demonstrate the failure of censorship - censoring hate speech doesn't solve the problem of the hate speaker. All you would do is make it harder for yourself to find the perpetrators.


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🤡🤡🤡🤡 oh gosh darn it whoopsie doodle looks like there was a $6.2bn spill at the money factory after someone slipped on a banana peel 🤡🤡🤡

aw jeez we did a widdle fucko boingo sorry we accidentally are giving some extra more money to the nazis we said we weren't gonna give more money to, oopsieeeee


Already discussed this and it's not what you think.



Bruh at this point I really wish the fucking Mongolian Empire just came back with mechanized Calvery and took over Europe again, and then we can talk about Asiatic Hordes again.


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> it's not what you think.
were the clown emojis and babytalk not sarcastic enough?


Any good documentary type compilations of war footage yet? Preferably with minimal gore. Just looking for something other than scattered phone videos


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one of the things that annoys me about this war is when someone finally goes to make a documentary of it, half of it will be floaty little telegram watermarks



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Finnish aid to African countries was probably a two-faced trojan horse for privatization and deregulation anyway


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it's retarded is what it is. george lucas was inspired by fascist pseuds like joseph campbell but also by the vietnamese resistance to amerikkka. lucas is a lib of course but his ideology is really eccentric, inconsistent, and all over the place when you look at individual issues. like most hollywood primadonnas


Welcome to /ukraine/ general, how anti-western are you? Do any of the following statements provoke suspicion or trust?

>In international cooperation, Finland values the promotion of stability, democracy, human rights and the development of the rule of law. Finland has first-hand experience of the importance of these factors in achieving peace and development.

>Fragile states receive 57 per cent of Finland’s countryspecific bilateral aid. Finland wholeheartedly endorses peace, justice, security and development as laid out in SDG 16 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

>People-centric sustainable development is underpinned by civic engagement, free civil society, inclusive decisionmaking and respect for the freedom of speech.


See >>578459. I reject the idea that Cucktin's only escalatory option has been USING nukes. He just lacks the Soviet grit required. Among other things, he could…
<turn off the gas once and for all to economic aggressors – the fact he's still shipping gas through Ukraine to economic aggressors that sanctioned his country is peak Cucktin
<cut some Internet cables in retaliation for NS instead of looking like the West's punching bag
<stop playing hanky-panky with the power grid or eliminate whatever cuck in the MoD chain of command is responsible for these half-hearted measures
<finish off the decision-making centers and the leadership – apparently even Budanov is still alive, so "finish off" is being generous
<start dumping kompromat to destabilize the Western info space, assuming his secret services haven't been sitting around twiddling their thumbs since the collapse of the SU
<give Iran a new nuke each week that Western arms flow into Ukraine
<open up a geopolitically and psychologically crushing front in Kiev instead of this attrition bullshit in Bumfuck, Ukraine
Quite frankly, if I were a Russian citizen, I wouldn't fight for Russia under Putin. He'd first have to show that he values my life more than the lives of my country's enemies.


i mean the statements provoke distrust, but really I don't even need to read that shit since we're talking about the country that did the winter war because they weren't willing to sell a corridor of land to the USSR for a fair price to help them prevent barbarossa


fled the country


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aren't cossacks reactionary gigakulaks anyway


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>NATO troops on the ground means polacks and baltoids, seeing as the baltoid armies are already completely depleted and their countries in general could get solo'd by Wagner, this effectively just means a lot of dead polacks. I don't think its a big deal
We're really going to Black Knight this all the way to the storming of Moscow, aren't we? ;-) I'd rather see Putin pull his finger out before we get to that.


>how do you do, fellow anti-NATO posters?
>don't you think Russia is not doing enough to stand up to the West?
>I think Cucktin should do what ten thousand sanctions couldn't and another thousand won't, and kill his country's economy.
>that would own the West so hard, don't you agree?


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If Russia is cut off from the west, it will be dependent on China. Trust the plan.


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Funding police force, supporting decentralisation, giving money to anti-government parties, high-quality "education" propaganda across fragile groups for the purpose of creating lib schizos, helping creating such a tax system that corporations can evade taxes



I'm gonna need China to be less passive for that.


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All these twitter screenshots are just cherry on the top when it comes to Russophobia in America, it has prevailed during the cold war and calmed down in the 90s-00s, nowadays it's made a return with mixtures of Goebbels and Cold War propaganda against Russians, and it's not just twitter posts, it's academia itself teaching blatant lies about Russian people and it's history, it's how in America they since birth subconsciously make you think of Russians as some form of barbaric backward religiously trad militaristic communists, what they say and teach about Russia/Russians in America would never get accepted if they started talking the same about Africans.


>hello, fellow /leftypol/ posters!
>we don't want Putin to go too hard on Ukraine, do we?
>unlike THOSE glowies


Behaving like America isn't working for anyone, even America. So Russia shouldn't.



China's "neutrality" shtick is indeed very disappointing. Even India is flirting with US defense deals after Modi's visit. What you probably don't grok is that these are the consequences of Cucktin's slow-AF grind war. It's not a good look when you're dicking around in places like Bakhmut for a year while Kiev remains largely unscathed. Of course Russia's friends are going to be queasy about showing full-throated support.


>China is raring to go to war, but Russia is too timid.
Bold claim. Anything to back that it up?


begone iron felix.


> dicking around in places like Bakhmut for a year while Kiev remains largely unscathed
someone post the grind meme


Depends on the time period. The Cossacks were known to have rebelled against slavery and serfdom imposed on them by the Russian Empire and the Ottomans and more or less had a democratic/egalitarian form of life- problem is, is that they were inevitably intergrated and co-opted by the Russian Empire and made to serve as agents of reaction, going as far to serve the white army in the Russian civil war.

Bit sid tbqph.



>>579039 was intended for >>579012


>Cucktin's slow-AF grind war

slow-AF grind war leads to lack of troops on Ukraine's side, leads to an eventual liberation blitzkrieg like in 1943-45



yes, yes, meds. now tell me on the scale of Stalin to cookteen do you want Russia to nuke ukraine.


If your contribution to this thread is just going to be attacking posters, then I'm going to see what the mods think of you.


xd, my /chug/ tankie poster screenshot folder grew 1 bigger this day


>China's "neutrality" shtick is indeed very disappointing.
But not surprising.

1. Why would China risk escalating the conflict when they've been repeatedly offering to negotiate peace between Ukraine and Russia

2. China is more willing to beat their rivals and enemies via economic power- and at this moment, they're winning. Why would China risk rocking the boat now?

3. As we have seen repeatedly, China cares more for its own interests as opposed to any internationalist movement which would progress us towards socialism. There's both internal and external factors as to why this is- but it's not surprising in the least that China has more or less not been willing to throw its all behind Putin's Russia.
especially since some of them probably know him to be a reactionary douchebag


lmao iron felix was banned for being exactly like you. started with cookteen, next you will masturbate to some Russian politician pictures, and then start to overlap on ukrainian propaganda.


I never actually posted on /chug/. I dunno where you're getting that from. Post folder, btw.


China's neutrality shtick is exactly the same as Soviet Union's in 1920s. China doesn't want war and proves it with action.


>China is more willing to beat their rivals and enemies via economic power
This is fine if China isn't going to suddenly find itself in a position in which it needs non-"neutral" military assists.


>I never actually posted on /chug/.
you literally said you posted on /pol/ with a communism flag
>I dunno where you're getting that from. Post folder, btw.
saving it for a banger webm


jesus, don't you see this is an ultra using a tank icon, as I said: >>578546


He's intent on reliving whatever drama he had with Felix, and facts be damned.


>you literally said you posted on /pol/ with a communism flag
Yeah, but that was years ago, like 2016 or 2017 was when I was posting last, since Trumptards made it completely unbearable.


I'm not surprised that you chinlet-posted, TankAnon. Only a stone throw's difference between making TrustThePlan excuses for Trump and making them for Cucktin. :-P


>China doesn't want war
None of America's bullying victims did.


>implying I stuck around for that retarded LARP that got out of hand
2016 election was absolute choice time of shitposting. You know nothing.


File: 1687497309578.jpg (510.31 KB, 1080x1583, prigozhin.jpg)

Sooo….has anyone discussed this yet?


> Even India is flirting with US defense deals after Modi's visit
as it does with Russia. they are building together ICBM, India is buying S-400.
>are the consequences of Cucktin's slow-AF grind war.
PFF, that's a large stretch. Illustrate the steps from Modi's visit to low-AF grind. Don't cheat using words like miracle, x random glowie site tolds us, etc.
>in places like Bakhmut
Artyomovsk was under a PMC, lmao. get your facts straight.
>Of course Russia's friends are going to be queasy about showing full-throated support.
I rely more on economic aspects, rather than some non-consequential garbage.


I unironically trust Cucktin more than Prigozhin. Something is very off about that guy.
<what, you don't trust a guy who criticizes cuckoldry?
It's the way he criticizes it. His criticisms are tactical, not strategic. He's perfectly fine with Cucktin's strategic errors but just wants more shells for it.


Subutai shouldn't have stopped in Hungary, gawddamn


>>579159 (me)
Though, tbf, he could just be a meathead.


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>It's the way he criticizes it. His criticisms are tactical, not strategic. He's perfectly fine with Cucktin's strategic errors but just wants more shells for it.

yep, this is iron felix's reasoning level.


Tbfh Prigozin wasn't a military man, so he prop thinks that his time would be better served in advertising his private army than trying to take control of the entire SMO


Yeah, possibly. I'm not convinced he has real political ambitions.


bald troll, who is disgraced now. before was constantly cited in Russian media, now barely is mentioned, except when is rebuked.


His army is not private, ffs. They refused to sign contracts with the military PRECISELY BECAUSE they are already have signed them from the very beginning. Remember how Wagner recruited prisoners? With pardons and all that? How's that fucking possible for a private military?


>PMC Wagner is still fake, and a massive shitpost by Russia
Wait, what? Source?


The issue I have with Prighozin is the same one I have with guys like Strelkov: they miss the forest for the trees and whine about inconsequential minutiae. If I'm intending to travel from A to Z and I'm going wildly off course, I want someone to tell me that, not to tell me that my map is a little faded and that my shoes could use a resole.


I could easily see Blackwater being allowed to draw from prison populations.


>Wagner is le blackwater but russian
>putin is le bush but russian
>russia is le murica but russian

burger projection hours


It's not fake, Wagner was invented by some random nobody to describe Russian "we are not there" special forces. Then those special forces took the name with pride. Russian justice system seems to think this way - they've repressed a lib who was calling Prigozhin the head of Wagner (and libs had a meltdown over it, ala "b-but Prigozhin is literally wearing Wagner insignia and talks on their behalf!")

Wagnerites not taking a contract, I assume, is just a media stunt - Wagnerites don't need to take new contracts because they are already in one. Also, there were reports that Wagner was to be disbanded/cut to size and their veterans used to train proper military units some months ago.

Like, Wagner is just de facto not private, and their interactions with Russian MoD, not only about shells, are very telling. They are pretty independent, though



Christian conservatives are cringey af. They did the same thing in the US over Satan Shoes. Completely docile about everything except edgy stunts. Then it's game time!


I think he's just feeding disinfo to the Ukrainians at this point



let's take the most fucked up lumpen and make them PTSD-addled killers war heroes


Critical support to Iron Felix.



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Ukraine already let the Tornado battalion pedos out of prison.


>Belarus white, red, flag was pretty much used only by Nazi collaborators and today the fascists use it without modification.

False, a lot of people in the anti-Lukashenko opposition used it


Damn thats a based quote from Lenin, thanks for posting.


Sir you are repeating yourself.


look who leads the "goverment in exile"

In 1940, after the Soviet annexation of West Belarus, Uladzimier Šymaniec was arrested by the Soviets and sentenced to five years imprisonment in Gulag. She escaped due to the German attack on the USSR.[1]

In 1944 the family fled to the West through East Prussia with the thousands of other refugees and eventually reached Denmark where they lived in a refugee camp for several years. On the way Ivonka's younger sister died.[1]

In 1948 her family moved to France and settled in Paris. Survilla's family members were active participants in the life of the local Belarusian community. Ivonka Šymaniec has studied at École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts and then graduated from a humanities faculty of the Sorbonne.

In 1959 Ivonka Šymaniec married Janka Survilla, a Belarusian economist, activist and radio broadcaster. With him she moved to Madrid where they ran a Belarusian language radio program supported by Francoist Spain.[1]



Lmao, right? That's like saying the red and black flag in Ukraine isn't fascist because it was used by "opposition groups" in Ukraine 2014, or that Swastikas can be used by Nazis but also more recently by individuals concerned with protecting traditional values


Typical Dengoid misrepresentation of quotes. The USSR during Lenin and Stalin's time supported revolutionaries all over the globe.


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>Stalin and Lenin: We're not exporting revolution
>You: Reeeeee that's a dengist interpretation!!!
Anti-China freaks always pull the "bad interpretation" of very straightforward language cope out of their asses. I bet this is the anon who was like LENIN OR PLEKHANOV CHOOSE ONE


>>579269 (nta)
People like you would have been a Second Internationalist bitching about The Russian 'Dictatorship' of the proletariat if were we living back then.


You just can't help digging yourself further down in lies. First, in this quote Lenin does not say the USSR isn't exporting revolution, just that they never expected to defeat capital "with the forces of Russia alone". Secondly, while Stalin does say the USSR wasn't "exporting revolution", it is an objective fact that it provided material support to many revolutionaries including those in China. So Stalin very obviously did not include providing aid, shelter, and training to revolutionaries in "exporting revolution".

Dengoids are the SDP in that comparison.


>Dengoids are the SDP in that comparison.
Comparison doesn't work SDP never held power the way the CPC does


None of the Dengoids posting here are members of the CPC.


If you dont support current PRC you wouldnt have supported Lenin era USSR.



Where in any of this did I say I didn't (critically) support the PRC? What I objected to was a lying Dengoid trying to pretend the current policies of the PRC when it comes to supporting internationalism is the same as that of the USSR under Lenin and Stalin.


You got the timeline wrong, they had 700k in the summer of 2022


so ukraine/nato intends to blow up the ZNPP


They were fishing for an incident last year until the Russians got it all shut down.


There was a funny twittershot from the start of SMO (too lazy to look it up) where odessian banderite complains about being encircled by pro-russians and how "those bastards are fucking waiting"


Well then China is exporting revolution, it's just in terms of industry and infrastructure instead of Kalashnikovs and T-55s


Now I start to understand why all the russian zoomers younger than 20 years are patriotic as fuck "all of a sudden" (while 25-35s came out as perfect pro-western cattle and are catching spit with their faces in baltic countries/georgia atm)


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Lmao, Imagine being a Russian liberal…


>you WILL eviscerate yourself and your background to western shitlibs to prove you're un-sus on Ukraine, or it's over for you fucko, welcome to cancel city.
Reaping what was sowed.


Stalin not only kept telling the CPC to form a popular front with the KMT (which the KMT repeatedly betrayed) but in post-WW2 situation he sold out the greek workers and promised not to intervene in the civil war allowing the bourgeoisie to win. Tito actually outflanked Stalin from the left by providing support to greek socialists. Furthermore, Stalin's USSR pushed for the establishment of the state of Israel and even provided them the weapons necessary to fend off the Arab armies in the initial wars that resulted.

No one is pure and no one can possibly fit into your image of
>le based pure 100% correct socialist leader


China supports revolutionaries all over the globe. Hint: Western libs are not revolutionary


>he sold out the greek workers

Only in the same sense he sold out French, West German, Italian etc workers.


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he did


Lib newsparer Dozhd STRUGGLED for like 10 years under the oppressive putinist regime, but got kicked out from one baltic country in an instant after a single PRO-RUSSIAN THREAT TO DEMOCRACY and denied political asylum in another


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<Russia launches lab to study Xi Jinping ideology
>Russia has set up the first-ever program outside China to study the ideology of Chinese President Xi Jinping, the autocratic leader in Beijing who keeps a fierce grip on civil society and recently moved to become ruler for life.
>The Xi Jinping Thought Research Laboratory has been established at a major China studies institute in Moscow, with the goal of researching Xi’s ideas on economics, foreign and domestic policy, social policy, culture, art and ideology, according to the institute’s website.


Socdem recognise socdem


Fucks are going to talk about Mao's famine and Uyghur genocide 24/7. No way in hell those thinktanks are going to do anything useful


Moscow, June 21 /Xinhua/ – The first Laboratory in Russia to study the ideas of Chinese President Xi Jinping /Xi Jinping Thought Research Laboratory/ was recently established on the basis of the Institute of China and Modern Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences /ICSA RAS/. This is the first scientific center outside of China specializing in the study of the modern ideology of the People's Republic of China about socialism with Chinese specifics in the new era.

"We are well aware that today Xi Jinping's ideas determine China's policy in many areas. This includes domestic policy, foreign policy, economic policy, and even the policy of culture, science, etc. We also understand that this is a policy that will last not one year or two, but much longer. Accordingly, it will determine the activities of China for a long period of time," said Kirill Babayev, Director of the ISSA RAS, commenting on the goals of the laboratory's creation.

The laboratory includes not only the staff of the ISSA RAS, but also the best experts on the modern ideology of China from other Russian research centers, in particular from the Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Higher School of Economics. The research will focus on Xi Jinping's ideas in the fields of economics, foreign and domestic policy, as well as social policy, culture, art and ecology.

The laboratory is tasked with establishing contacts with Chinese research centers, holding several joint conferences and round tables. According to the results of the work, a large scientific monograph will be published in 2025, which will acquaint Russian readers, including representatives of the Russian authorities, with the ideas of Xi Jinping and their significance for the development of China and, of course, for Russian-Chinese relations, K. Babayev said.

"We need to know and analyze Xi Jinping's ideas very well, because China today is our main strategic partner, the main economic partner. Therefore, in order to build relationships most effectively, our government needs to understand well what is the ideological basis for the development of today's China," concluded the Director of the ICSA RAS.


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sweetie that station has literally zero people in it


I doubt it will just be Russia to study Xi Jinping Thought, it's pretty likely that most of the rising nations as part of multipolarity are going to study it as well, the future looks good.


>autocratic leader
a lie
>keeps a fierce grip on civil society
also a lie
>recently moved to become ruler for life
patently untrue
this level of literally made-up discourse only trends a society in one direction, and thats straight into the chaotic abyss, having all of its public consciousness and decision-making being based on not a single provable fact


Looks photoshopped they probably AI generated one of her poses over a stock background.


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>"The delay of Western partners in the supply of weapons to Ukraine gave Russian forces time to prepare a defense line," - Mykhailo Podolyak.

>“Because of this, the counteroffensive widely announced by Kiev did not produce the expected results,” stated the adviser to the head of the office of the President of Ukraine.


Hohols retreat into bmp just to get blown up.


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are they ok?


Stabbed in the back!

Bombs in EU capitals soon.


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Oh now I see why this war happened, BlackRock was seeing it's opportunity in Ukraine disappearing and this war was needed to make them vulnerable to capitalist interests


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>this level of literally made-up discourse only trends a society in one direction, and thats straight into the chaotic abyss, having all of its public consciousness and decision-making being based on not a single provable fact


Russia launched a similar initiative to study lgbt people. Does this mean putin is actually trying to use science to convince russians of certain viewpoints that they dont hold already? Do you think the scientific accuracy of these laboratories will remain uncorrupted by political grandstanding?


Sovietologists were a thing in the West, remember?


There was a weridly high amount of Jesuit Marxologists.


Yeah but they weren't allied with the Soviet Union, many emerging economies are either already in BRICS or want to join it, so it'd hardly be a case of knowing thy enemy


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Err yeah, probably more at peace than most these days


That's so stereotypically Jesuit in a way I can't quite put my finger on


If he goes over to the Russians it could happen.


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Whoever this "chomo"-using anon is, they are probably a /chug/ tourist who has gotten too comfortable. If chomoposter can read this: either kys or fuck outta here, or else I will inflict as many psychotic breakdowns upon you as I can.


The Lenin and Stalin quotes make it clear that they supported worker revolutions all around the world. What they didn't support was the communist analogue of the imperialist burger's "spreading democracy." I see no problems with those quotes.


This moment was such an utter embarrassment for the US. It spent months after the balloon incident trying to get China to meet, and they only did after the US emphasized its Taiwan stance

Xi Jinping has publicly called Biden a liar to his face on the issue, he says one thing and then does another

So what does Biden do? Just a day after Blinken visits he goes to donors and spills the beans, that China is basically an ideological enemy of the international order, Xi is a dictator. Since donor speeches are taken as the politician speaking his mind more openly, Biden destroyed his diplomatic meeting with China. What an idiot.


/ukraine/ has already proven that real communists just shout HOHOL all day and back Bonapartist regimes instead of workers revolutions. In fact most workers revolutions are instead a vehicle for color revolutions and various schemes of Western intrigue. Until Russia has the world's largest economy and military we can afford to have any worker's revolutions. Multipolarity will be achieved until Russia is the unipolar power but it won't be unipolarity because Russians have multipolar DNA/RNA strands that deterministically guide them.


cry bitch



>I want my revolution and creation of a moneyless, stateless society NOW!
>anything else is REVISIONISM
Every thread, every day.


I consider myself a real communist, an avid student of Lenin and Stalin, and a supporter of multipolarity. That's precisely why I'm not a fan of Cucktin's approach to the Ukrainian conflict. Suffice it to say, I don't think you'll have to worry about Russian unipolarity anytime soon. There's a good chance that Xi will be a lot smarter and less of a wimp than Cucktin, so China is where I'm placing my chips atm.


No I agree with you, until Russia becomes the world superpower we must crush all dissent no matter where it comes from including the left, after that we can finally begin to consider Marxist theory beyond a half baked application of world systems theory. I'm thinking 2050 is a good start, that gives Russia about 25 more years to accomplish its selfless goals. I have seen the light, and all Russian proles who refuse to fight should be more like the feisty denizens of /ukraine/ who support the war effort despite being so far from the front line. Your dedication is admirable and I hope you one day find your way to the front to showcase your superior political education and belief in the total victory.


<Russia has a progressive national antagonism with world imperialism as a semi colonial state
>You: /ukraine/ has already proven that real communists just shout HOHOL all day and back Bonapartist regimes instead of workers revolutions. In fact most workers revolutions are instead a vehicle for color revolutions and various schemes of Western intrigue. Until Russia has the world's largest economy and military we can afford to have any worker's revolutions. Multipolarity will be achieved until Russia is the unipolar power but it won't be unipolarity because Russians have multipolar DNA/RNA strands that deterministically guide them.

Where's that hopscotch vs mental gymnastics meme


Stopped reading after "superpower". You're debating with voices in your head, shizo.


>until Russia becomes the world superpower
CNN-tier thinking, forgive me but I didn't read beyond this.


It is a prerequisite for global communism you fucking shitlib.


it's just another round of eternal butthurt that he didn't get to turn kazakhstan into another ukraine. "real communists" are also supposed to be perpetually butthurt about it too, and therefore hate russia and support nato and nazi puppet states.
who could argue.


>Global communism is when one nation becomes a superpower
You're failing at being cute


Yes that's what I'm saying, Western liberalism has ceased to be progressive therefore only the Russian Federation that has synthesized Nicholas II and Stalin can carry forward the historic mission of raising up the periphery all by themselves. China and Iran don't even hold a candle to the brilliance of the Russian Federation's political class. Bakhmut has done more for multipolarity than the entirety of China's development since 1979. Step it up!


This but unironically.


>after that we can finally begin to consider Marxist theory
I get your dig if we assume that most denizens of /ukraine/ are just sitting around discussing the Ukraine conflict for months and months and putting all theory on the backburner, but I'm pretty confident that I recognize some of the /ukraine/ posting styles in theory threads.


Reminder that Bakhmut is still defended on the Wikipedia front.


I said it is a prerequisite. In fact it is moreso a prerequisite for multipolarity as that situation is just when Russia is the strongest power out of many powers who defer to Russian expertise and diplomacy. In Pax Rossiya, aka multipolarity (don't listen to shitlibs who think it means China and India and Africa and Latin America and MENA will be stronger too), communism will be reinstated as a religion that contains the souls of multipolar Russians who died in the Great Patriotic War. Other nationalities can get their own multipolar order if they want to honor their own dead.


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>I said it is a prerequisite
No it isn't, please just stop.


Crimea has been retaken on the Astral Plane.


dog what the fuck


The souls of fallen Red Army soldiers will be laid to rest in the Orthodox Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces and you will like it or else you'll get called a hohol.


He's being a facetious cunt but only succeeding in further proving what a theorylet he is


Sounds like you're seething pretty hard lmao, don't worry Intbriganon is here to tell us about how his future gf from Rostov (sorry bro I know it keeps on getting pushed easy) will have delicious B cup breasts


Absolutely obsessed mf
why are the anti-anti-imperialists always so insane?


I'm not the one going to an echo chamber I don't agree with and trying to argue with everyone there via sarcasm. Only someone with desperately hurt feelings would bother.


dog stfu


Sorry I was driven insane by ziggas, this is my only recourse just like Russia had no recourse other than the SMO. No choice but to slog on. This thread is my very own Bakhmut, I've fought just as hard as based Wagner PMC.


Hurt feelings.


Just walk away from the screen, like close your eyes uygha


No. There are times when history cannot be retracted, like after Dien Bien Phu or the Iranian Islamic revolution, or when I got banned for the first time ever because a zigga reported me for "spam" when I was clearly not spamming. You want total spam? You get total spam.


>why are the anti-anti-imperialists always so insane?
We have a solid claim in theory that isn't easily undone, and they're very anxious about the conclusion of colonialism as the contradiction reaching a head under globalization and flipping liberalism as the contradiction on its head - which implies semicolonized and colonized nationalism is expanding global capitalism at the expense of liberalism and its colonial foundations. The Western left over the 2010s has only moved in the opposite direction, liberalism is the contradiction and nationalism is the antagonist, in fact there's a global conspiracy of nationalists causing the crisis of liberal-imperialism.


>Hurt feelings
<No, I got offended and started spamming because I got reported for spam
Sort of like "I became a Nazi because people kept calling me a Nazi", it's either a lie or the result of incredibly hurt feelings and wanting to get revenge in the most petty and pathetic way


I just find it funny that the schizo who thinks that Russia and ziggas are out to oppress China and Iran somehow came out swinging right after a news about how Russia is officially showing interest in Xi Jinping Thought. One of the weirdest schizo narratives I've seen on this website


Jesus you're completely wrong, many leftists are with you on that, we just don't like the absolutely embarrassing level of fellating the Russian state and military. Get that through your thick fucking autistic skull. You are not dealing with NATO reps here like you fucking autistic retards think you are. The most you deal with a /k/oper or two whom you then project actual NATO and US leadership onto. It's fucking insane so don't call me fucking insane. For fucks sake.


>if you post Z on /ukraine/ it must follow that you're a theorylet who isn't doing any organizing
getting tired of these repeat episodes


>The most you deal with a /k/oper or two whom you then project actual NATO and US leadership onto.
Buddy, you are the autistic one.


You are insane, you're alone


It's moreso that ziggas are ready to call anyone who doesn't toe the RU MoD line 100% a traitor NATO supporter. You went so fucking hard on something that you can't even see your way out. At this point you think the only path to communism is through the SMO itself. It's such a depressing view.


Hey hey, I have my problems but nowhere as bad as most of you younger guys, as is evidently expressed ITT day in and day out. You call me whatever you want but it won't change your own lack of direction as young Westoid males with no future other than hoping Russia will win an Endsieg against NATO.


>It's moreso that ziggas are ready to call anyone who doesn't toe the RU MoD line 100% a traitor NATO supporter.
Lmao, half of us say Cucktin and the rest support Prigozhins rants about the MoD.

>I have my problems but nowhere as bad as most of you younger guys
Delusion. I'm in my 40s.

>You call me whatever you want but it won't change your own lack of direction as young Westoid males with no future other than hoping Russia will win an Endsieg against NATO.

You obviously don't actually read this thread much if you think that is the common line. No, the common line is Russia frustrating NATO and accelerating the crisis of liberalism means there is more room for progressive forces outside the West.


This is really schizo, where have I defended any Ru MoD line? The point always made on /ukraine/ is that NATO is an international consortium of colonialists and their victory in Ukraine or any victories they have at all, anything that strengthens them is not a working class victory. If you look into what the plans are for Ukraine after a NATO victory, you'd also realise this isn't just a loss for the global colonised and semi-colonised nations, but also a huge loss for the Ukrainian working class.

You're presumably just such a lib though that you're interpreting the resulting favouritism and critical support towards Russia as an example of the CNN narrative that Russia is a big scary authoritarian state where everyone is forced to toe the line of the Kremlin, not like the free thinking folks who support NATO.


Also if you haven't noticed, leftypol is dying a painfully slow death, and I will go as far to say that /ukraine/ is a large contributor to this decline. Your "we" really might turn into just the handful of ziggas alongside some /chug/ tourists. You're getting what you want but you're gonna hate it.


There's no need to be hysterical, there's a 164 unique IPs ITT alone, in terms of fringe imageboards this one is considerably more active than imageboards like Lainchan or SushiGirl. I appreciate you have hurt feelings, but you're throwing a tantrum right now, it's not a good look if you want to be considered sane.


>half of us say Cucktin
And we get called NATO glowies or /k/opers, to be fair. There's not a small contingent of posters who take Putin to be a perfectly calibrated machine with no margin of error, meaning any objections are shilling, concern trolling, or whatever.


Again with the cope, everyone aside from one or two anons is in full agreement about NATO. It doesn't change a thing about your own retardation in trying to understand the development of the war itself. In fact the "Cucktin" posters are even more retarded than posters like tankretard because at least tankretard understands that firebombing Kiev wouldn't change a thing and is most likely extremely counterproductive.

What the war has revealed about many leftists is that they are retarded and should not ever try to achieve power. The most ziggas can do is agitate and educate because just fucking imagine tankretard or a Cucktin posters trying to lead anything beyond their own dog or cat. It's impossible with this """caliber""" of individuals we have here.


Most alt-chans are dead and places like leftypol are drying up due to the collapse of the Bernie movement.


i just want the US government to collapse. it's not too much to ask.


>Jesus you're completely wrong, many leftists are with you on that, we just don't like the absolutely embarrassing level of fellating the Russian state and military.
If that was what this is about, you wouldn't have to make shit up and engage in hyperbole. You're salty that in the battle between Russia and NATO the former is identified as progressive period, especially since colonialism as the contradiction pushed Russia and China back together. We celebrate this ordering of the world as proof of how capitalism in its monopoly stage divides it, which is not in liberal ways, and you're stucking memeing something about Russia dominating the world to create multipolarity. You're not falsifying our theory if you're lying about it.


>Everyone's a retard because they won't both sides this conflict


>due to the collapse of the Bernie movement
Surely you jest?


You claimed you were being bullied for not toeing the Ru MoD line and when it was pointed out that was bullshit you just try to deflect with vague accusations.

You are nobody. You have no successes in leftist organising to browbeat other anons with.


>until Russia is the unipolar power
what pushes someone to spout such utterly retarded things, outing themselves as a brainlet completely lost in the modern geopolitical landscape, only able to repeat glowie talking points without an ounce of decent analysis, ultimately defending the status quo and NATO imperialism with all their energy ?


No, there was a big overflow of Bernie supporters into actually socialist/communist spaces. While those people had fun talking about guillotining landlords they had no interest in actual organisation.


>what pushes someone to spout such utterly retarded things
anti anti imperialists depend on the same level of farce as the anti-semites
if i remember right this is the guy who got upset when i said he was stuck in 2017


Ironic because when someone suggests that Putin does not unilaterally control western escalations, "cucktin" posters throw a fucking shitfit about how sailing nuclear subs into the Hudson River and recording themselves slicing Zelensky's head off with a bread knife would scare NATO into backing down


>It's impossible with this """caliber""" of individuals we have here.
What draws you to the /ukraine/ thread as opposed to any of the dozens of theory/organizing threads? It would seem to be needlessly masochistic for someone with your criticisms.


It's the guy who thinks Russia is le drumpf and wants to destroy China and Iran to usher in the thousand year white christian GOP reich, even as Iran launches MIR and builds drone factories in Russia while the latter studies Xi Jinping Thought and tries as hard as it can to stay in China's good graces lol


That's not bullshit, my first ban was for questioning if the Kiev failure was just a little feint, no biggie at all. That was the RU MoD line at the time and anons here were viciously defending it and any dissent was seen as NAFO trolling.

Your Z buddies constantly falsify the theory anyways in trying to support it, we've already seen so many posts trying to tie Russian essentialist narratives to multipolarity as if the Russian state itself is the harbinger and leader of such an order when multipolarity has been long in the making before the SMO or Maidan. Your Z bros are dragging multipolarity through the mud by specifically tying it to the Russian Federation's war in Ukraine.

There is little point to this war if it ends up like a Russo Japanese War moment where Russia is Japan and ends up as a terrible power anyways and forces other actual progressive movements to defeat it. That is one of the lessons East Asians had to deal with in the last century, the destruction of Pan-Asianism due to Imperial Japan opportunitistically abusing the concept for their own ends. Pan-Asianism was like a regional multipolarity that was supposed to act as a bloc against Western imperialism. A fantastic concept ruined by right wing imperialist wannabes.


Or changing their preconceived notions of NATO and US benevolence in the world, I'm pretty sure Agent Kochinski has hoovered up most of the Bernie bros because not that many Bernie Bros or Corbynistas really got exposed to actual socialism, just that kind of "socialism" where it's still social democracy but you make the Billionaires cry by taxing them more and investing it in artisanal businesses


>That's not bullshit, my first ban was for questioning if the Kiev failure was just a little feint, no biggie at all. That was the RU MoD line at the time and anons here were viciously defending it and any dissent was seen as NAFO trolling.
So you got banned once during a NAFO troll wave and are now lying that no dissent from the Ru MoD is allowed.

I've been banned multiple times for one liner jokes, lmao.

>There is little point to this war if it ends up like a Russo Japanese War moment where Russia is Japan and ends up as a terrible power anyways and forces other actual progressive movements to defeat it.

The Russo Japanese war progressed revolution in Russia you dumb fuck.


Maybe, though Agent Kochinski's audience seems younger than the Millennial Bernie bros.


I'm saying Russia is Japan in this scenario, trying to take on a dilapadating NATO. Japan's victory over Russia was hailed as a curtailing of European imperialism. But we all know how it went down in the next decades.


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The coming era is one of conflict and leftists should be ready for that. With that comes an appreciation for theory beyond political economy, especially warfare. Judging from the analysis here, we are totally fucked when some dumbasses think they can strongarm their way into anything, including nuking and firebombing civilian centers.


Right, which means progression of revolution in the West, which is still the dominant force in the world.

Do you think that revolution will come when conditions are good and nobody is dying in stupid wars?


>questioning if the Kiev failure was just a little feint
Feint or not, the withdrawal stupidly boosted Ukro morale tremendously to the point that it would outweigh any maneuvering-warfare advantages gained from such a feint. I've seen people come around - slowly - to that view.


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Give me one reason not to do this when the inevitable comes.


>we are totally fucked when some dumbasses think they can strongarm their way into anything, including nuking and firebombing civilian centers.
It worked on the Nazis and Japs.


Would be the correct course of action tbh. Malcolm X got out of army service in WW2 by telling the doctor during his physical that he couldn't wait to get a gun and shoot white people.


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Hohols have captured Russian positions that were under occupation since 2014.
How is this possible? Wasn't Russia fortifying Donetsk for the past 9 years? What happened here?


It's merely a positive side effect, by that reasoning we should become Posadists because we so treasure that side effect. The US is on its way of destroying itself anyways. Plus be careful of what you wish for. If there were somehow a proletarian revolution in the West but not in Russia, then anons here would still back Russia against those dirty Westoids, or at least there'd be an even nastier split.


You're having a meltdown because not everyone is as anti-Russia as you are, especially when the direct comparison is with NATO, you can't even handle that amount of conflict but you're decrying the weakness of other leftists?

Suffice to say, the opinion that NATO is the worse of two evils is not an acceptable one in much of the world, but it's only out of principle do many leftists not get beaten into submission and either saying NATO is only merely as bad a Russia or celebrating their moral superiority. That's good.


thread reads like an instruction manual on glowops and disruption. tdlr on glow and mod activity over the last week please?


>Your Z buddies constantly falsify the theory anyways in trying to support it, we've already seen so many posts trying to tie Russian essentialist narratives to multipolarity as if the Russian state itself is the harbinger and leader of such an order when multipolarity has been long in the making before the SMO or Maidan.

Yes, we believe the confrontation over Ukraine accelerated the rise of multipolarity. How essentialist and Russian of us.

In reality it was predictable that the escalation of the war on terror and its rogue states to emergent semi-periphery ones, which clearly starts with Iran then moves on to China/Russia together, would mean a global battle over the global order created by the end of the cold war.

Pan-Asianism was always a myth because it completely failed to overcome the colonial division of the region, which Japan was a key part of. As a result it was merely the logic of retooling Versailles from one ally like Britain to another like Japan.


>mobile pic
Try again agent Morales


Not to encourage the misrepresentation that Cucktin posters call him a cuck because he won't noooooooooook, but it worked so well on the Japs, in fact, that they kiss America's ass nowadays even harder than some of the Euro vassal states do. Which is ironic given all the bloviating about nuclear aggressors becoming pariah states.


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Russians have been using a mobile defence where they abandon positions that are well sited for being counter-attacked from the "rear". That's why a whole bunch of positions have been flipping back and forth.


>It's merely a positive side effect
Yes, that's literally the only reason why anybody here apart from a few fringe retards likes Russia. It's a positive side effect that is resulting literally by accident, but it still requires Russian success, and it's vastly preferable to the alternative of continued American dominance. I understand your point with the Japan comparison, and we should always keep the limits of Russia's progressive potential in mind. However the great thing about Marxism is that it always analyzes things in their existing context. For a competent Marxist, support for Russia today does not translate into support for them tomorrow when conditions have changed. Just as Lenin viewed Japan's victory in 1905 as a positive, but regarded them as an imperialist co-belligerent by 1914.


>If there were somehow a proletarian revolution in the West but not in Russia, then anons here would still back Russia against those dirty Westoids
Delusion caused by your belief that any but the occasional schizo actually loves Russia.


Russia accepting the challenge of a global battle directly clashes with multipolarity. We need peace for development, not fucking war. Hoping that there will be some kind of comfortable peace after potentially a nuclear conflict is extremely optimistic. The goal should be avoiding the US traps of pushing on frozen conflicts as history returns. What you're doing is egging the fighting on since you already see the inevitability of it rather than the US' own delusions.


Well now that Putin has claimed, ostensibly with proof, that Ukraine did signal they were interested in peace, Russia pulled back so the agreement wasn't being signed at gunpoint, then Ukraine immediately went aggressive as soon as the tanks left Kiev, does ease people into the idea that it was a mistake.

I think it doesn't really matter, whether Russia was "tricked" or Kiev spat at the Russian negotiations and told them to go fuck themselves, the smart decision for Russia was to regroup in the east and the dumb decision for Ukraine was acting so fearlessly while clearly anticipating much more direct help in fighting.


500 square meters

It's over




The East has fallen…


I guarantee there is a media strategy ready to sell it to the public and suppress negative reaction.




Long ago I came to the position that the idea that Nazism occurred because post WWI Germany was treated too harshly is just crypto-fascist apologism. Both post WWII Germany and Japan show that such nations respond best to the complete crushing of national spirit.


Nah, there's two intended routes for the impoverished in America, the military and prison labor, letting prisoners join the military would cannibalize prison profits.


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I buy it, look at Britain, our global humiliation with Brexit and just generally becoming a shithole within a single decade has us discussing sending people to Rwanda and keeping them on prison boats because we don't want "their sort" physically on our land, not to mention also generally driving escalations in Ukraine to prove something about our ability to shape global events.


The difference is that they were largely defeated militarily whereas the Imperial Germans had effectively won in the east and felt that they hadn't lost the West since their troops were still on French soil as they signed the ceasefire. The same thing applies here: Ukraine has to be defeated militarily for a lasting peace and no amount of war crimes can speed up the process unless you want another round pretty soon after.


Most of us Cucktin posters just think Putin should actually fight a war instead of the dumb SMO game with limited forces.

And of course to nuke London and Washington.


Western defeat in tihs war is a prerequisite for development thanks to the West. Unipolarity and globalization unleashed imperialism and the subsequent steady escalation since the 90s in order to become a guarantor of global security has meant tabling an international conflict with Russia and China once this global order enters crisis. It is crucial that both nations win this conflict and smash post-Cold War neocontainment policies. They are meant to reinforce the colonial division of the world and prevent this division from being undone by capitalism.


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>the complete crushing of national spirit.
Thats not what happened in the DDR, citizens were taught to be proud of Germany and its cultural accomplishments and that Fascism was an aberration.

<"Hitlers come and go, but the German people and the German state remain."

- Joseph Stalin


what is "Xi Jinping thought" btw? kind of late to ask this as a xipilled chinaboo. Is it a product of his faction or the party generally?


Good morning, I hate NATO


>Thats not what happened in the DDR, citizens were taught to be proud of Germany and its cultural accomplishments and that Fascism was an aberration.
That was the rebuilding after years of Allied occupation. Wessies aren't generally ashamed of Germany either.


Its just his particular brand of governance, it's not really any theory he has cooked up per se, but perhaps that's what the need for studying his governing style is, to develop a theory around it I guess for predicting China's motives, responses, plans, etc if not for actually trying to implement "Xi Jinping Thought" themselves.


>what is "Xi Jinping thought" btw?
tldr the freeze after the thaw timed with the inflection point of the rise of China and decline of the US. XJT formalizes a national model for development after China sort of took influences from all over the place and had a future up in question. For the West, Xi basically symbolizes that Chinese development will not be concluding with liberalization but the flowering of alternative developmental models altogether. It greatly antagonizes the West because it's already worried about how, under globalization, liberalization and capitalist development are no longer closely linked. Their divorce is at the heart of the global crisis and it's why globalization is bringing colonialism as the contradiction to a head.


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Basically just the CPC reiterating that their a Marxist-Leninist country & party with a Socialist economy and Communism is their highest ideal.

Ah okay no worries I thought meant in the mutiple decades following.


>Wessies aren't generally ashamed of Germany either
but they are. They have this "I am better than oyu cause I feel worse about myself" mindset, they even had it before parts of it became American spirit


>delicious B cup breasts
intbriganon mentions tits
>"oh no no no my dude you done it now" immediately from from 5 posters
>screencapped and posted by a mod on twitter "look at these retards on the forum where I am a moderator talking about tits. Come help me mod"
>they still talking about it
>they got nothing


>seen so many posts trying to tie Russian essentialist narratives to multipolarity
wat. seems like pure strawmanning, coz I certainly didnt see any of that shit, unless you take into account the shitpost waves during nafo raids

>Russian state itself is the harbinger and leader of such an order

it is a crucial part of it, both because of its resources and its military power. Unless you think preventing nato from completely fucking syria and iran is irrelevant to multipolarity, or that the sanctions giving finally the political push needed for actively killing petrodollars isnt relevant, or that offering security alternatives to neo colonized africans country isnt important.
The ukraine war itself is the biggest challenge to the us empire unipolar order it ever faced, and its cascading effects are what allowed multipolarity as a real development to take place, even if a lot of groundwork had been done and the position of china at this juncture was crucial as well.

>Your Z bros are dragging multipolarity through the mud

what the fuck does that shit even mean. Dont you have any actual analysis to oppose ? Or is multipolarity bad because there are "reactionary" (by lib standard) states benefiting from it and working towards it ? Is that it ?

>and ends up as a terrible power anyways and forces other actual progressive movements to defeat it

and that should prevent us from supporting the current progressive movement, because in the future the contradictions will be different and they wont be on the "right" side of historical development anymore ?
aint that like seething about the capitalists replacing the feodalists while its happening ?

>ends up as a terrible power anyways and forces other actual progressive movements to defeat it

<implying anglo empire was the actual progressive movement
<missing this literally allowed PRC to be created


mentioning tits gets a fuckin twatter callout but im allowed to proudly proclaim my power bottom uberbussy status and it does not so much as raise an eyebrow


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>I proclaim my power bottom uberbussy status


im still surprised at the 'feedback' that post got. didnt think so many people would care


good, good. let podolyak become the next arestovich.
that was a mine.



100% grass fed organic feedback


>I don't think you'll have to worry about Russian unipolarity anytime soon
Never, under the current state:
>Addressing the World Online Conference on Multipolarity on Saturday, Lavrov said that “Washington’s and its satellites’ efforts to reverse history, to force the international community to live by the invented ‘rules-based order’” are proving to be a fiasco, citing the “total failure” of the West “to isolate Russia.”
>The world has entered a period of a fundamental, revolutionary transformation. New centres of power are emerging. They represent the majority – the majority! – of the international community. They are ready not only to declare their interests but also to protect them. They see in multipolarity an opportunity to strengthen their sovereignty, which means gaining genuine freedom, historical prospects, and the right to their own independent, creative and distinctive forms of development, to a harmonious process.

>The Chinese leader asserted that together with Russia, his nation is ready to “defend with resolve the UN-centric international system.” The two countries would endeavor to “abide by true multipolarity and foster a multipolar world with democratized international relations, to encourage the development of global affairs in a direction that would be more just and rational,” Xi added.


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>Love Hitler from Israel <3


Real polelcucks kneel to bandera, like polelol defense minister blaszczak.


Bandera hated jews too.


why do we even bother to respond to ultras in these threads? there is literally no point in engaging with them, they're either dumbfuck liberals or NAFOid trolls. Just post dead hohols without responding to their "arguments" and they eventually fuck off


Also keeping Russian forces stationed outside of Kiev means that the Ukrainians had to commit a certain number of their armed forces to defending Kiev, bearing in mind that this was happening when Azov nazis in Mariupol were being sent to Bandera


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Putler has just surrended, he just phoned me, it's over


If we don't they start replying to each other and shit up the thread


This. they get bold and plague the thread with their nonsensical liberalism.


based gif btw


lmao, Ukros unhappy with Obama saying that Crimeans wanted to join Russia in 2014. If the Ukros handle with their usual clumsiness, we could see the mother of all lib overnight 180s.


I am Zelensky and I confirm, I just received Russia's unconditional surrend.


Start taking screenshots and translating. Need to push this on the westoids


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Well, i hope you do end up doing this when the war with China happens anon. I want as many Americans as possible to suffer the Abu Ghraib treatment, particularly channers who 100% jerk off to footage of sand uyghurs being tortured by US soldiers. Karmic retribution and all that


>the mother of all lib overnight 180s
Obama is a Russian pupptet


Obama was always a dove on Syria and Ukraine. It's an echo of his mandate to deal with Bush era war fatigue. It's the people he worked with who were the problem.

Obama will pretty much go down in history as unwilling to escalate war as demanded by the stagnation of liberal democratic export after Iraq. Syria and Ukraine were the transition points to a new era of imperialism and unlike his successors he got cold feet on them.


Podolyak: We need to move past these [Obama's] excuses and admit our mistakes [wrt Crimea].

Podolyak: Our counteroffensive hasn't produced good results because the delay in Western supplies gave Russia time to build fortifications.


and just to be retaken next.
Meanwhile, ukarine is losing Kupyansk, each day, a bit more.


big oof for Ukraine.


I don't think they lose Kupyansk necessarily. It seems to be an operation to take Lyman back


new bread


Yeah well my dad works for thr FSB and says you're lying.

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