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It's that time of year again. Discuss the September 11th attacks and the war on terror that followed. Discuss conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11 and whodunnit. Discuss whether America deserved 9/11.

>It's not 9/11 yet

I just want a big fat megathread for the entire month



>done to death

who cares
239 posts and 140 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




There's a classic leftypol webm with freebird playing in the background. Can't remember if it's 9/11 related but I really want to find it. Anyone know what I'm talking about?


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nasty fart


>the most likely scenario is basically the official story
lol ok agent


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Bro they flew a whole ass 747 into the skyscraper. The impact alone did a huge amount of damage, followed by an explosion and subsequent jet fuel fires.
>At 1,100°F steel's tensile strength is halved, but that's still not enough to explain the total collapse of the structure and assumes the jetfuel was burning at maximum potential.
Compressive strength matters more here, but either way, the building was not engineered to hold itself up after the steel beams had been weakened by that much heat.
Why would you assume that the strength of the beams holding up huge skyscrapers would need to be halved before it would fail??? You pulled that out of your ass.
>This is ignoring the explosions that followed or the MELTED STEEL witnessed all over the site.
Combustion requires a mixture of fuel and oxygen in certain proportions. The entire quantity of jet fuel did not ignite immediately, and certain portions of it were in a poor mixture in different parts of the building, inhibiting combustion, but as the fire continued and especially as the building collapsed, the fumes became more exposed to open air (with oxygen) and more able to combust.
As for the melted steel, when a huge skyscraper collapses there is a tremendous amount of kinetic energy applied to the (already heated) steel beams, which through friction heats them even further. In fact, the propensity of friction to heat, deform, and melt metal is actually used in manufacturing, called friction welding.

All of you people making this kind of argument are fucking embarrassingly stupid and you should have the humility not to pull up numbers for things you don't understand at a basic level.


Ah yes, famously Concorde flew into the Twin Towers.


Holy fuck I need this RIGHT NOW


The WTC was built with the capacity to withstand many times its own weight. It's doubtful all the factors you named, even combined, would have been able to crumble the buildings at near freefall speeds into their own footprint.


>It's raining men video
Not funny, the original videos were union-made, 21 members of my union died and then our union helped reconstruct the new WTC One.


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>It's doubtful all the factors you named, even combined, would have been able to crumble the buildings at near freefall speeds into their own footprint.
"Freefall speeds" is literally just the speed things fall at.


*towers, not videos


Oh how the commercial real estate market has fallen…


https://www.corbettreport.com/911-a-conspiracy-theory/ Everything you ever wanted to know about the 9/11 conspiracy theory in under 5 minutes.



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>Literally named Sipher (Cypher)


based video, editing could be better. harry potter shit and music was annoying


so does that pistol use a 1911 style trigger and sear or something
how would that work


The Lone Gunmen | X-Files | HD | Episode 1 | The Complete Series | Pilot

While the Lone Gunmen are thwarted in their attempt to steal a computer chip by Yves Adele Harlow, Byers receives news of his father's death, and the trio soon find themselves unraveling a government conspiracy concerning an attempt to fly a commercial aircraft into the World Trade Center, with increased arms sales for the United States as an intended result.


Yes! tysm


Music is fine, otherwise this.
I mean, half the problem is I only recognize around 5 of the events.


Guess he didn't anticipate americans could be so easily brainwashed tho -
Do you even read?
>(ii) You are the nation that permits Usury, which has been forbidden by all the religions. Yet you build your economy and investments on Usury. As a result of this, in all its different forms and guises, the Jews have taken control of your economy, through which they have then taken control of your media, and now control all aspects of your life making you their servants and achieving their aims at your expense; precisely what Benjamin Franklin warned you against.
>(x) Your law is the law of the rich and wealthy people, who hold sway in their political parties, and fund their election campaigns with their gifts. Behind them stand the Jews, who control your policies, media and economy.
You know that feeling of whenever a right-winger is so close to the truth but then they miss it entirely? That is the feeling I feel with you right now in that, the Jew was named, but you, and pretty much the entire thread fully missed it.
You know that Yellow Parenti video where he explains how despite no communication betwixt each other, all the capitalists somehow guide the economy with Mises' invisible hand through their own self-interest in order to control governments and such! The exact sane thing is happening but with the Jews of European descent in large part.
>democracy blurs the line between civilian and combatant.
>Allah, the Almighty, legislated the permission and the option to take revenge. Thus, if we are attacked, then we have the right to attack back. Whoever has destroyed our villages and towns, then we have the right to destroy their villages and towns. Whoever has stolen our wealth, then we have the right to destroy their economy. And whoever has killed our civilians, then we have the right to kill theirs.
But there is also the silver lining in hitting the world trade centres. As mentioned above, he names the Jew. New York is the city with the largest Ashkenazi Jewish population, more Jews combined than both Tel' Aviv and Jerusalem combined. Like the phrase "kill two birds with one stone", the fact that Jews are heavily overrepresented in the finance sector yet also the government as a result of historical materialism meant that was the perfect target, as he could hit the highest possible percent of the ruling enemy class as possible.
Wait, so he's telling burgers to use their freedoms to do what, exactly? Vote democrat?
He's saying Americans are controlled by both the Jews and the Bourgeoisie.
I fear you are the person in this thread most lacking reading skills.
>His conclusion is that America is not democratic or free.


Marathoning Blowback podcast. Now up to the part where Osama is making an interference.


Are you sure we should bring up jews? Because the moment we accept that Jews are organizing out of collective racial interests and that we can target them as an identity, then what stop us from extending the logic to Whites,Blacks,Arabs,etc? What is preventing another Asian American internment camp, so to speak? Because that is what identitarianism will inevitably lead us into


Honestly, even if that conspiracy theory did make sense upon inspection, I'd still prefer DA JOOS or DA PAJEETS to control finance as opposed to DA WHOITS, in a multipolar sense.
But of course, misinterpreting the nepotism of small in-groups as being characteristic of their entire nations/ethnicities is laughable and directing blame towards current powerful groups in a system as opposed to the system itself is not only dumb, but counterproductive!
Every nepotistic group under capitalism deserves the same fiery end, whether it be Protestants, Hindis, Anglos, people who grew up in the same neighbourhood, Jews, vegans, Italians, random booj who met each other at Harvard, Buddhists, Chinese, people who go to the Pitt St. Irish bar from 6:00 to 8:00, whatever. The commonality is arbitrary.


dumb argument, comrade. National chauvinism isn't combated by denying that that neopotism often runs along identity lines in current society and just not taking about it. A better approach is to understand why it's bullshit and that nazbolfag here has brainworms regardless of whether racists in the world are organized.


NTA, but holy shit you're a fucking retard, this is the exact thing the first posts at the beginning of the thread talked about, arrogant dumbasses like you who just spew paranoia without caring about evidence poisoning the well


>>His conclusion is that America is not democratic or free.
Wait, so Americans deserved it because they elected the politicians, but also their democracy is a sham? Which is it?




Bin Laden says he wasn't behind attacks

> In a statement issued to the Arabic satellite channel Al Jazeera, based in Qatar, bin Laden said, "The U.S. government has consistently blamed me for being behind every occasion its enemies attack it.

>"I would like to assure the world that I did not plan the recent attacks, which seems to have been planned by people for personal reasons," bin Laden's statement said.

>"I have been living in the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan and following its leaders' rules. The current leader does not allow me to exercise such operations," bin Laden said.


If Trump had really said that, how did he not loudly proclaim he predicted it until the day he died?


Who knows, I like that part of the quote:
>A few news cycles later it's on to a new enemy and a new crisis.

Godbless Donald Trump. Realest president we've had since Kennedy maybe. Too bad he dropped the ball when he was president. He still had more truth bombs when he was pres, but he didn't push the position enough.


ahhh, the pied piper days


NTA but holy shit you're a fucking retard because you're exactly the kind of thoughtless brainlet that can't see glowies trying to muddy the water and make anyone questioning the validity of the official narrative appear "paranoid". I don't trust any official statements when everything from the flight data on the planes' path, to the rushed investigation itself and the selling of WTC steel to China screams cover-up to anyone that isn't a bootlicker. So e
>without caring about evidence
What fucking evidence you faggot? There's no evidence proving that everyone evacuated safely except the verbal statements of the FBI investigation that was questionable to begin with, especially since there is evidence of explosions and sabotage for WTC-7 that the FBI didn't touch on. So yeah, your statement is meaningless.


Yes, if dropped from a height. This doesn't apply to buildings, since they're already ON the ground and the upper structure is sitting on the base and supports. A building cannot fall in 'free-fall' unless you cut the supports, otherwise it'll topple or slowly collapse as it breaks through supports (if poorly designed, which the WTC towers were not).


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>The impact alone did a huge amount of damage
Which is fucking retarded and impossible, because a 747 is a fucking big-ass aluminum tube with plastic and other shit inside. A fucking bird-strike will shatter the nose-cone of a 747, but somehow the fucker plowed through reinforced concrete, massive I-beams and impact-resistant glass almost all the way through the tower without assistance? I call bullshit.
>Compressive strength matters more here
No it doesn't, the structure was massive and had redundancy after redundancy built in by design when it was constructed, meant to withstand several plane impacts. Moreover, tensile strength is what would need to remain high to provide better support, and compressive strength dropping wouldn't allow the towers to just fall that quickly.
>Why would you assume that the strength of the beams holding up huge skyscrapers would need to be halved before it would fail
Because the supports are designed to not only hold up the tower but much more than that. The Bottom section's support system was basically the same as the section at the very top, so the areas the plane had impacted and melted have an in-built carrying capacity far higher than what was there that day. Even with the weakening of the steel it wouldn't be enough to collapse like that.
>The entire quantity of jet fuel did not ignite immediately
Have you seen the same video as me? Also you clearly don't understand how quickly a high-octane jet-fuel ignites and burns. The majority of the 'fires' that should have remained after the initial impact and burn-out would be regular building fires as the carpeting, furniture, fixtures etc. lit up. None of that burns hot enough to MELT steel, and there is no doubt that molten steel was there.
>certain portions of it were in a poor mixture in different parts of the building, inhibiting combustion, but as the fire continued and especially as the building collapsed, the fumes became more exposed to open air (with oxygen) and more able to combust.
Absolute mental gymnastics, that's not how a fuel-air explosion works.
> when a huge skyscraper collapses there is a tremendous amount of kinetic energy applied to the (already heated) steel beams, which through friction heats them even further.
Ah yes, kinetic energy that somehow has them melting and pouring down the sides before the collapse! And also that's some bull-shit because you don't get melted holes in steel from kinetic force, you get mangled steel. The Kinetic energy of a collapsing building is not enough to create the heat needed to even make them red-hot, let alone reach melting point.
>he propensity of friction to heat, deform, and melt metal is actually used in manufacturing, called friction welding.
Friction welding operates in a controlled environment and relies on constant, very-high speed, heavy friction of metal on metal. When a building falls, supports aren't grinding in a fashion like that, they're going to either snap if they're brittle enough, or bend. They won't be grinding into one another unless they're already destabilized heavily and lacking supports. But the areas of explosions and melting steel were seen dozens of floors below the 'plane impacts', where the fuel and fires could not have feasibly reached and melted and where the support structure should have been completely fine.

Finally all structural elements of WTC had fireproof coating, so even if the direct impact area burned, areas that were not hit, should not have burned significantly enough to damage the steel.

>All of you people making this kind of argument are fucking embarrassingly stupid

Says the guy literally just making excuses for blatant evidence pointing to controlled demolition.
>you should have the humility not to pull up numbers for things you don't understand at a basic level.
Unironically no u; imagine fucking bringing up friction welding in relation to a building collapse, that is the most ass-pulled attempt at an excuse I've seen yet, and I've seen people argue that the earth is flat because the horizon looks straight.


>understand how quickly a high-octane jet-fuel ignites and burns.
Jet fuel, akin to Diesel №1 (kerosene) and Diesel №2 (pump Diesel) has a very low octane rating.
Jet-A is commonly found to have an octane rating of 15.
The Diesel fuels have a low octane rating because it is necessary that they combust readily when compressed, as compared to gasoline, which must resist ignition during compression until a certain temperature is reached (usually a high-voltage discharge)


>Which is fucking retarded and impossible, because a 747 is a fucking big-ass aluminum tube with plastic and other shit inside. A fucking bird-strike will shatter the nose-cone of a 747, but somehow the fucker plowed through reinforced concrete, massive I-beams and impact-resistant glass almost all the way through the tower without assistance? I call bullshit.

If the 747 came out the other side fully intact then yeah I would call bullshit but it fucking disintegrated, all that energy went into the building, it's not that hard to understand

9/11 truthers are so fucking dumb. Even if you think Bush and the CIA did it then why would they not just actually use jet liners if they're going to go to the effort of hijacking them anyways


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>Jet fuel, akin to Diesel №1 (kerosene) and Diesel №2 (pump Diesel) has a very low octane rating.
Fair point, I was thinking of AVGAS. HOWEVER this doesn't change that jet fuel burns very quickly. Even the investigation concluded that the jet-fuel only burned for 10 minutes or so, with the rest being regular building fire ignited by the flames. The flames of a burning carpet or chair are certainly lower in temperature than a gas or kerosine fuel-based fire.

>If the 747 came out the other side fully intact
It shouldn't have gone through that far, regardless of disintegration. It's like a car at high speeds ramming into a reinforced concrete barrier, it's going to smash itself to pieces and barely penetrate through, yet the plane goes through the fucking thing like a cruise missile gif rel.
Moreover the 747 that hit the Pentagon not only couldn't have been flying the flight path the investigation claimed it did (as several witnesses confirm) but the maneuver it supposedly did to get low enough to hit it would have torn the wings off because it was exceeding the aircrafts limits enormously. Even if you handwave the towers, the Pentagon's outer walls were built to withstand bomb impacts and are meters thick reinforced concrete, yet the hole in its side is comparable to a bunker-buster munition… from an aircraft that (again) should have crumpled into itself on impact.
>9/11 truthers are so fucking dumb
Ok glowboy
>why would they not just actually use jet liners
Read my post you strawmanning faggot. There is no way the jets could have caused that much damage without assistance. Moron.


9/11 trutherism is just another way of denying the historico-material conditions that made 9/11 possible, thus also denying Capitalism. This might be true for all conspiracies. Just making a note for myself

Like it is not conspiratorial at all; from Bitter Lake to Operation Cyclone, to argue that 9/11 was the blowback from an attempt at defending the Bourgeois class from the socialist challenge. It's all there, a matter of public record, clear as crystal. The material conditions were put in place by the necessity of capital accumulation.

Focusing on the "conspiracy" of 9/11 is missing the forest for the trees.


youre right, but thats not mutually exclusive with CIA involvement. giving a shadowy agency the means & slack to set up vast networks of informants and operations with little accountability or chain of command, and encouraging them to make use of it in nefarious ways to maintain US hegemony, theres nothing out of line with the proper materialist understanding of the situation and then having a situation like, say, an insular group within the CIA that has various informant reports/suspicious activities regarding terroristic plots reported to them, and they can intentionally be a black hole where those reports go to die. meanwhile theyre continuing support for the pakistans ISI that they know is still training and funding al-qaeda and the taliban, and they know that some of those groups are present in the US and recieving lodging and funds from CIA/FBI informants. in this scenario all you need is a little malicious neglect and sooner or later the people behind Project For A New American Century are going to get their new pearl harbor

this is the scenario i think is most plausible, mostly bc it requires the least number of speculations built on speculations, and explains some of the stranger details, like why various reports of suspicious plans in the hijackers networks just disappeared, why the CIA was completely fine with their former assets and financial fronts being used by islamist terrorists even after the first world trade center bombing and the east africa bombings, why the hijackers were allowed to move freely and take flight classes despite their associations being known to the CIA & FBI, and why the hijackers were able to be identified so quickly after 9/11 with ridiculous stories like "finding their passports at the scene"

i dont really care too much about the particular details one way or the other so long as people understand it was a consequence of US imperialism using intelligence networks and fostering reactionary islam to be its bludgeon against communism. as long as that baseline is established, doesnt really make a difference to me whether someone believes the attack itself was just US incompetence or if they think there was controlled demolition (but i will say that perfect credulity towards the official story that disregards suspicions out of hand is very annoying, and schizoid shit like saying the planes were holograms is ridiculous schizoid shit)


>The thing I dont understand about the building 7 theories is like… why? why would they place explosives in the building to destroy it? I mean both of the towers had collapsed, thousands had died. What is the point of adding another building to this huge demolition conspiracy? It just makes no sense if you think about it.

building 7 had CIA and department of defense offices in it, make of that what you will

excellent posts anon, as i said in my above post i am not dismissive of the idea of more direct planning & involvement or the controlled demolition theory, but i dont know anything about engineering or architecture or physics so cant in good faith act like my layman research into these aspects of it would be worth anything


It's funny because trutherism is 2 levels of abstraction removed from the important point. What matters is that it's a product of US imperialism that was recuperated into further public support for imperialism. Whether or not the US directly orchestrated it or just let it happen is not important. Whether they flew planes into buildings or did a controlled demolition is even less important (and obvious bullshit) and is clearly the fixation of schizos who would rather spend hours poring over grainy footage than think for one second about geopolitics.


>Except that makes no fucking sense at all. The Saudis were not enemies with the USA and were in fact its closest allies in the Middle East after Israel.

You can be from a country that supports the US and commit terrorism against the US it's not a contradiction.


>youre right, but thats not mutually exclusive with CIA involvement.

Speaking of, did anyone mention yet they just admitted that the hijackers were CIA recruits?



funny, just a few years ago i was giving some people my mild take that amounted to basically this and they acted like i was a schizo for it


>You can be from a country that supports the US and commit terrorism against the US it's not a contradiction.
Read the reply-chain, dumbass.


>Whether or not the US directly orchestrated it or just let it happen is not important
Uh yes, it fucking is, because the fact that the US government did one of the biggest acts of terror against their own people, is something that can potentially shake the population to their core, a lot of known CIA crimes are old enough that there's a dissonance - it happened long ago, so it was just a bad part of the past. 9/11 is fairly fresh and could potential spark revolt should the truth be known.
>Whether they flew planes into buildings or did a controlled demolition is even less important
It is very important, and anyone that says otherwise is literally playing into the COINTEL PRO handbook.
>is clearly the fixation of schizos who would rather spend hours poring over grainy footage than think for one second about geopolitics.
Strawman fallacy and false dichotomy, one can analyze the details of the facts and have a good understanding of the bigger geopolitical picture, in fact that is part of the main motive for the movement - people apalled at the wars that followed and noticing that the cassus belli was manufactured.


>9/11 trutherism is just another way of denying the historico-material conditions
Ok glowie, just because you parrot common phrases and vague narratives people on leftypol use and share, doesn't make your blatantly fallacious argument any more correct, your consensus cracking denialism is reminiscent of radlibs that claim to be leftist, but immediately point fingers at communists and say that "they're going too far with their conclusions"


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Kek reminds me of pr0n pic rel (spoilers are there for a reason)

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