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 No.585776[View All]

First they came for the cows, and I did not speak out - because I was not a cow
Then they came for the pitbulls, and I did not speak out - because I was not a pitbull
Then they came for the American Bully XLs, and I did not speak out - because I was not an American Bully XL
Then they came for the cats, and I did not speak out - because I was not a cat
Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak for me

Previous thread: >>1549803
558 posts and 106 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


God I hated that TV show so much. It gave great insight into the mind of an establishment liberal though.


>God I hated that TV show so much

I watched it with my boyfriend, it's probably the hardest I laughed all last year


I remember one scene where it was a news interview of schoolchildren in the ~future~ and they didn't know what paper was. I can't believe people actually get paid to write this shit lmao


There were so many banger moments in it, truly clown shit yet enjoyable (to me). It reminded me of the episode of Doctor Who where the UK turns into Nazism in an alternate timeline because the Doctor doesn't exist. Simultaneously earnest yet extremely silly


Russell is a silly man.
Very excited for when I no longer have to pay for the BBC is 100 years time.


I'm sure they think they're being very profound, which makes it so much worse.


Very silly indeed, but I guess I kinda enjoy it because I can kind of relate, I definitely have a strand of radlib in me and I probably would have found the show profound also, when I was 14 I mean.


I was one of the millions who only watched doctor who for the daleks.


I watched Dr Who for the sexy lady companions


Speaking of BBC productions with questionable politics did anyone else love Ashes to Ashes?


The only good political tv series has been a very british coup.


What absolute fucking navel-gazing. From her wikipedia:

>In 2014, Williams defended the social policy legacy of former Labour prime minister Tony Blair and denounced those calling him a war criminal

That byline is astonishing because it so openly vaunts her position to a degree to which she is not aware; reading this garbage is like watching puppets ramble on about the inanity of their own lives, all the while unaware that they have Adam Smith's invisible fist shoved up their arse. You end up with love letters like this:


in which they pontificate on large about the necessity for structural reform from a party that in the same breath has abdicated all political will to do so. The sheer irony of that title being about love and ambition, from an incumbent government that is in lock-step with the securtiy state regarding Britain's 21st century imperialist policy.

This idiot straddles contradictions such that she could walk on both sides of the Avon gorge.


Haha I was literally about to post this too. Incredible television.


>female guardian columnist
stop giving it attention


No. I almost like watching everything that could fuck up fuck up.


we need him


but do we deserve him?


I deserve him.


I'm probably voting labour but I won't enjoy it


I knew someone who moved to the US and then moved back. Said that while raw wages were higher, quality of life wasn't any better, health insurance ate up a lot of that increase in wages and there was other stuff that you'd get 'free' paid for with taxes over here. Working hours were longer and expectations higher and you'd get fuck all time off. Houses are piles of shit built with sticks, and renting is even worse than here. Although this was a good few years ago and a middle state, not one of the ones on the coast so I dunno.


Yes Minister is pretty well written tbh.


>I can only pray that hopefully by the end of all this the brtiish electorate will want something a bit more extreme.
You are only deluding yourself. The British electorate will blame everyone except themselves for their current plight.


they have no choice
there really is no choice in the next election


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Ken Griffin may as well have effectively announced as such with his speech >>586316

The entire apparatus has shifted and what prevails is a political dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. Social life has been completely reorganized upon the new basis of wealth, see pic.
As the same time as the electorate go to the polls in order to oust the Tories in an attempt to end a decade and a half of their own political repression, what they will essentially be voting in is the beginning of its new rule.



just saw an itv news report that people are spending shit tons of money just to be buried next to marx


There's a really fucking funny bit where she looks down the Camera and says "Blair was right to do triangulation" its so fucking bizarre


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Nkosi sikelel' iAfrika
Maluphakanyisw' uphondo lwayo
Yizwa imithandazo yethu
Nkosi sikelela, thina lusapho lwayo.
Morena boloka setjhaba sa heso,
O fedise dintwa le matshwenyeho,
O se boloke, O se boloke setjhaba sa heso,
Setjhaba sa, South Afrika, South Afrika.
Uit die blou van onse hemel,
Uit die diepte van ons see,
Oor ons ewige gebergtes
Waar die kranse antwoord gee.
Sounds the call to come together,
And united we shall stand.
Let us live and strive for freedom,
In South Africa, our land.


God help them. Knowing the fragility of international law the Israelis will have dirty tricks up their sleeves.


Not really accurate, unsurprisingly. Highgate Cemetery want to bury new people as that's about half their income, but the place is practically full so they got a grant to clear out old graves for new ones. Marx's area is relatively old so they're clearing our graves near him. It'd be more accurate to say people are spending shit tons of money just to be buried in Highgate Cemetery.


No love for The Thick of It?


Love it. Very funny. But I wouldn't call it a political thriller.


that's fucked


Well he only said 'political TV'.

Haha. Yeah. The series only achieved making normies like Gene Hunt (even though he's a twat).


I wonder what they do with the skeletons from the old graves. Do you think you can buy them?


Incinerated and dumped in a river I'm sure.


Such a waste :(


It's been fairly common throughout history up until urban cemeteries to reuse graves, back in the olden days they would put the bones in a charnel house or bury them deeper. It's common practice in Germany, my mum has to pay a gardener to upkeep all her relatives' graves otherwise after a relatively short period of time they'll get dug up and the graves reused. I don't really have a problem with it if no-one's around who knew or had a connection to the person, grave space isn't endless. In this cemetery's case they're doing burials over 75 years old and putting up notices and contacting relatives where possible to enable them to object.

They're digging them up, burying them deeper and doing new graves on top of them. So necromancy is still on the table.




Grant Shapps Decence Secretary has said:

"[We are] Moving from a post-war to a pre-war world … In five years’ time we could be looking at multiple theatres involving Russia, China, Iran and North Korea."

Shapps, is also using the above to justify increased defence spending.



why didn't she just turn off the headset


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TUC are organising a national rally in Cheltenham as the starting gun to fight against the Anti-strike bill. Your Local District Trades Council should be organising subsidised transport.



That's Australian anon


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>Emergency meeting in Whitehall right now
<"So that's our best idea, another potato famine?"


when will piers morgan die


Full thread
>it took 110 days lol


New thread

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