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File: 1655906812619.mp4 (15.22 MB, 1280x766, Lenin is asleep.mp4)

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557 posts and 453 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


No wonder stalin picked his ass.


File: 1699942417490.webm (3.03 MB, 406x688, 1699892794356432.webm)


obsessed lolcow


The video was too long but based.




You can use urlebird to download tiktok videos without watermarks and ending segment.


File: 1700638877477-0.mp4 (6.81 MB, 854x480, nazi execution.mp4)


File: 1700639030350.webm (11.42 MB, 622x350, 1699149718651-0.webm)


File: 1700646682679.mp4 (17.71 MB, 640x480, Juba the Sniper.mp4)


If you guys have another Palestine epic video, please share it in this thread.


File: 1700718835054-0.mp4 (5.42 MB, 528x640, 7th October 2023.mp4)

File: 1700718835054-1.mp4 (7.28 MB, 720x1022, IOF fags seething.mp4)

Keep 'em coming, there will be more later.




The fags seething one is excellent. Any info on who this is?


File: 1701020104079.mp4 (5.46 MB, 720x1280, yhCL9Tmz-rxPQ3H9.mp4)


File: 1701189422665.mp4 (8.96 MB, 1280x720, Tito edit.mp4)



File: 1701300546167.webm (4.22 MB, 1920x1080, 1701243915079917.webm)




File: 1702371155968-0.png (106.28 KB, 308x363, ..png)

File: 1702371155968-1.png (100.8 KB, 276x372, eh.png)



>vid1 start
kids throwing rocks at a tank is even more powerful imagery than le tank man
doesn't need the faggy chromatic aberration faux-glitch fx, these 12 year olds are ticking me off!


I mean to elaborate conservatives refuse to read into any, and I mean any character writing beyond one dimensional hero stories that serve as propaganda.
If they can't at least trick themselves into reading it for surface level paneuropean aesthetics or overly masculine protagonists they don't want to see it.
This is why guys like Critical Drinker when given the chance to write a comic just make it the worst 80s b movie rip off ever with none of the social commentary that made stuff like Robocop work or Terminator or They Live work because it was removed from the politics and thus character and plot depth, whatever little there was.
Now mind you centrists can make a bad movie when given the chance, Red Letter Media's whatchumacallit, the Time Cop schlock was pretty bad, hollywood proves liberals at constant are just as capable at making awful movies all the time especially once they fall into the same snare trap conservatives have where now they just write out hero's circle propaganda but from a liberal POV, but conservatives more than ever will just falt out refuse to break away from 5th grade level writing regarding storytelling and rigid constructs that prevent any good stories from being made.
Humor wise I don't know, n word jokes are hit or miss, blatant racism in authenticity is just cringe, the word itself is malleable and even Marx knew this. Unless he means purely the retarded boomer types who share 2008 style memes unironically with Trump or cowboy faces on there.Or the fact that they can't help but run the same jokes into the ground over and over.


File: 1702407783747.jpg (73.75 KB, 600x681, merry smoking.jpg)

>including a graph of divorce rate spiking after no-fault divorce was introduced
Yeah dude women not being trapped with abusive husbands anymore is totally on par with climate change as far as humanitarian disasters go.





File: 1702941479531.mp4 (3.43 MB, 360x640, 1699190379516.mp4)

>literal bot shilling for China


>conservative not unfunny because punch down, conservative unfunny because stupid
but stupid shit is funny. no. conservative unfunny because unfunny.


File: 1703711474581.webm (449.15 KB, 720x480, NI.webm)

McGuirk continues to be based.




File: 1705017581489.png (89.98 KB, 410x728, images (2).png)



ew, haz is cringe and hitlerite. east germany was pro-LGBTQ+, this dude would hate the east german government if it still existed lmao.


Has Haz admitted to being a Strasserist yet?


File: 1705518939594.mp4 (46.94 MB, 1280x720, Stay With Me Sanrizuka.mp4)


Good video. Jin-Roh was anti-american, at last I realize.


bad video, this completely downplays others and the strategic thought of people that exist.


Anyone got the video where a Spanish fascist falangist admits that fascist tried to copy everything from communists. It was an old interview.


Oh, I know what you mean.
It's the BBC documentary on the Spanish Civil War where the Falangist says they adopted blue overalls and the word "comrade" to be more attractive to the working classes.


Yes, that's it!


Here it is comrades! >>589273


File: 1706674628227.mp4 (467.71 KB, 480x360, videoplayback (1).mp4)

From Joe on YT


Does anyone have the comrade trump AI edit?


File: 1707755209796.webm (5.08 MB, 640x1138, 1707389108238.webm)




File: 1708277351288.mp4 (10.77 MB, 1440x1080, K5N9JA5NFOA8.mp4)


File: 1708281191832.mp4 (10.13 MB, 1440x1080, T2LGDF8HB73.mp4)

Unique IPs: 37

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